
RoAkSoAx\sh, awesome, I was planning to look into that to try to get it for Maverick00:00
RoAkSoAxmathiaz, what kind of other alternatives?00:00
mathiazRoAkSoAx: well - whatever you need to do to register a puppet client00:01
mathiazRoAkSoAx: I don't have a specific example00:01
mathiazRoAkSoAx: as I would use the cloud-config support for puppet00:01
RoAkSoAxmathiaz, I see then... i'll look into it then. And btw.. would that work with regular KVM's? or Only for the Cloud instances?00:03
mathiazRoAkSoAx: only UEC/EC2 images00:03
mathiazRoAkSoAx: it also depends what you use to run your kvm00:03
mathiazRoAkSoAx: for now the necessary information is brought via the user-data option00:04
RoAkSoAxmathiaz, well I would like to test it on my local machine without having to implement a UEC00:05
mathiazRoAkSoAx: it == ?00:05
RoAkSoAxmathiaz, ?? :/00:06
RoAkSoAxwhat do you mean00:06
mathiazRoAkSoAx: you wanna test *what* without the cloud?00:07
RoAkSoAxmathiaz, i mean auto registration of the puppet client00:08
RoAkSoAxas if they were running in the cloud00:08
RoAkSoAxbut they would be running on a local machine on KVM00:08
mathiazRoAkSoAx: well - that wouldn't work since the work done is to enable automatic registration in the cloud00:09
RoAkSoAxmathiaz, that is managed by puppet... correct?00:10
mathiazRoAkSoAx: the cloud? no it's not managed by puppet00:11
RoAkSoAxmathiaz, no i the integration of puppet to EC2/UEC will allow a puppet server to register to a puppet master that are both running in the cloud?00:12
RoAkSoAxs/puppet server/puppet client00:13
RoAkSoAxwhich also means that the instance will be registering to the cloud, correct?00:13
mathiazRoAkSoAx: well - it's the other way around00:16
mathiazRoAkSoAx: the cloud starts an instance00:17
mathiazRoAkSoAx: and the instance will be able to register to any puppet master00:17
mathiazRoAkSoAx: I need to jet out00:17
mathiazRoAkSoAx: I'd suggest to read up the series of blog post I made about puppet-UEC/EC2 integration00:17
RoAkSoAxmathiaz, i will thanks :)00:18
mathiazRoAkSoAx: http://ubuntumathiaz.wordpress.com00:18
smoserdebug6 hggdh00:19
smoserhggdh, i've never seen that error. sigh.00:20
hggdhsmoser: heh. which error? ;-)00:23
smoserred only filesystem00:23
smoserread even00:23
hggdhsmoser: yeah, this sucks... I just opened bug 565101 about that00:24
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 565101 in eucalyptus "walrus reports java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56510100:24
hggdhsmoser: could you prepare a debug6-compatible image for the RC?00:24
smoserhggdh, you mean take the rc image and enable some debug ?00:25
smoserheres the problem with that.00:25
smoserbug 56679300:25
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 566793 in eucalyptus "euca-get-console-output gives first 64k of output, not most recent" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56679300:25
smoserthe reason that is a problem is that if you turn upstart debugging on, output is so verbose that you don't get the end of it00:26
smoseri worked around that here by ssh'ing to the NC and getting the console log from there, but in your situation with multiple NC, it'd be harder00:27
\shhggdh, is tomcat somehow involved?00:27
hggdh\sh I do not think so00:31
hggdhsmoser: yes, have the debug code on the RC -- but only if we will learn something new from it, I guess00:31
hggdhdamm, gave the wrong bug # on the console thingy00:32
hggdhthe readonly FS is bug 56759200:32
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 567592 in cloud-init "rm: cannot remove `/var/lib/urandom/random-seed': Read-only file system" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56759200:32
hggdh\sh no tomcat (just checked)00:33
\shhggdh, well, the bug sounded like a long time hanging tomcat bug regarding "re-starting/re-deploying" tomcat webapps..00:34
smoserhggdh, ok. i have registered 3 amis now00:39
smosereuca-describe-images | grep "emi.*20100420"00:39
smoserdebug-upstart-loud has debug at 'info'00:40
smoserdebug-upstart actually has no upstart debug, but does have some from cloud-init00:40
hggdhsmoser: thank you. I will see what happens with them ;-)00:49
smoserbut as i said, hggdh, due to that console output bug, if you don't capture the whole console output, its not that useful00:50
smoserbut for this read-only one, i have mountall debug on00:51
smoserso that might help00:51
smoserah. wait.00:51
smoserwe've seen this before00:51
smoserthe plymouth not available00:51
smoserkirkland was moaning about this in -devel the other day00:51
smoserkirkland, did you open an issie on this ?00:52
hggdhsmoser: as far as I can remember pretty much all failed instances (I took out the console output for success) seem to have a plymouth barfing00:58
smoseryes, but in this case mountall decided to do something about it :)00:58
smoserthats the difference00:58
hggdhwhich image has mountall at debug?00:58
smoserboth the debug ones00:59
smoserthe -loud has upstart to00:59
smoserstick with the non loud00:59
hggdhyes, sounds like a very good idea.01:00
hggdhthere we go :-)01:00
smoseri just instaleld the -debug0 package that i put together for your other bug01:00
smoserhggdh, i have to run01:01
=== sferry is now known as sammah
hggdhsmoser: thank you, and have a nice evening01:03
=== sammah is now known as samferry
ajsieanyone here?02:24
domasanyone seeing apparmor related oops on install ? http://p.defau.lt/?nBDkcPAlmAk_DmALqzZzag03:11
sbeattiedomas: I haven't seen anything like that, but jjohansen will be interested.03:13
domasI'm having troubles running installer on 2x6 core opteron boxes03:13
domasthats brand new CPU, so may be related :)03:13
domasthough managed to install one box :)03:14
jjohansendomas: can you file that in a bug03:14
domashave to figure out how can I contact canonical support :))03:15
jjohansendomas: also which kernel?03:15
domas2.6.31-14-generic #48-Ubuntu03:15
jjohansenwhat are you trying to install?03:15
domasdifferent oops now: http://p.defau.lt/?FSq_675qXqvJxQDZLdwATw03:15
domasthis is unattended install, that succeeds on all our other machines03:16
domasjust this class of machines fails03:16
jjohansendomas: hrmm, strange03:17
domasI installed one :)03:17
domastried karmic, failed, tried hardy ,failed, succeeded with next karmic install :)03:18
jjohansendomas: have you tried Lucid?03:18
domasI'm not sure I have network image for that one around03:18
domasis it released yet?03:19
domasah, few more weeks03:19
jjohansendomas: its RC so very close, its kernel would probably better support that rig03:20
MagicFabdomas, there are dailies.03:21
domaspure magic is that I have it installed on one box ;-)03:23
domaslet me retrace the steps ;-)))03:23
domashardy kernel was locking up  on all older machines of this type too :)03:28
domashmmm, now hardy installer is working03:30
domasbtw, is there a way to create stripe-aligned (or 1MB-aligned) partitions with automated installer? :)03:32
jjohansendomas: not that I know of, but then I don't play with that stuff much03:43
bluethundrI've specified a directory on my new mail server that I would like to mount separately from the rest of the file system (along with a couple of others that do work correctly). I am specifying the directory as this in fstab: /dev/sdm /var/spool/mail/virtual ext3 defaults,noatime,noacl,data=ordered 1 2…. it shows up as /var/mail/virtual …. http://pastebin.com/LmvZBMWr04:05
deslectorhi, what is a good way to monitor a server load for a period of time?04:38
* deslector wonders if it is possible to monitor power consumption too04:42
domasyou can monitor power consumption, if your chassis supports that :)04:42
domasactual_power = 30004:43
maxagazwhen sending a message with the command mail, can I set the sender's address ?04:43
domasmaxagaz: use 'sendmail' and provide headers04:43
deslectordomas, hmm... I don't know, but don't think so... this is one of the cheap ProLiants04:48
deslectorI'll check into it, though...04:48
deslectorhmm... pwrkap may be what I want04:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #567701 in ntp (main) "Date not updated by ntp when network interfaces started" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56770105:36
swiftguys, I have two NIC interface configured on different subnets on my ubuntu server08:03
swiftone on 192.168.44.x and the other on 192.168.45.x08:03
swiftplease confirm if the gateway used by these interfaces should be different08:04
swiftwhen i do a 'route -n' , i see that the gateway for both is which then is
swiftso.. is this a problem?08:05
swiftplease advise08:05
persiaThat entirely depends on the network configuration.08:05
persiaBut unless you're doing something especially fancy, there should only be one route to on a host.08:05
swiftpersia... how can a 192.168.45.x subnet us a gateway?08:05
swiftpersia... shouldn't 192.168.45.x use itself is the gateway?08:06
persiaBecause your host routes packets from 192.168.45.x to the 192.168.44.x interface to go to the device, which then routes them somewhere else.08:06
swiftpersia.. that's what I dont want.. I done want packets to go from 192.168.45.x to 192.168.44.x08:07
persiaAssuming you have a single-gateway network, *other* hosts on (assuming that's your network size) should use 192.168.45.x as a gateway.08:07
persiaCan we use numbers?  Your use of "x" confuses me.  Let's call them 17 and 23.08:07
persiaSo uses as a gateway.08:07
persia192.168.44.17 is the same host as
persiapackets originating from that host should be routed to the internet through
swiftit is?08:08
persia192.168.45.19 is a compeltely different host.08:08
persiaIt uses as a gateway.08:09
persiaIf you want the dual-homed host to *not* route IPv4 packets, fiddle with /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward08:09
swiftyes.. I dont want the packets sent via 192.168.45.x to go through 192.168.44.x08:09
swifthow do i guarantee that?08:09
persiaSo you want to not have access to the internet?08:10
alex_joniecho "0" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward08:10
swiftpersia... say I ping another machine on the network08:10
persiafrom where?08:10
swiftit should go via 192.168.45.x on this machine08:10
* persia waits for an example that *doesn't* use "x" to continue responding08:11
persia(fake numbers are fine: I don't need the specifics, but I need something to usefully reference to distinguish the dual-homed host from other hosts)08:12
alex_joniswift: you only have one default gw that reaches (e.g. internet)08:14
alex_jonifor you want a route that points to
alex_jonipersia: right, for his case08:14
alex_joniso you should have:08:15
alex_joniDestination Gateway mask Iface08:15
alex_joni192.168.44.0 * eth008:15
alex_joni192.168.45.0 * eth108:15
alex_jonidefault eth008:15
alex_joniforgot the mask in there..08:16
alex_joni255.255.255.0 for the first 2, and for the last one08:16
swiftif is pinging machine)... it should use the 192.16845.x gateway...08:23
_rubenno, it shouldnt (need to) use a gateway at all08:24
persiaYes, and it ought do it automatically (assuming is the dual-homed machine)08:24
swiftbut on the server the route shows it uses as the gateway08:25
persiaThat's correct.08:25
persiaSo "gateway" has a couple potential interpretations.  The simplest one is that it's the route used to get to
_ruben"the gateway" is kind of ambiguous (sp?)08:25
persiaswift: So I wouldn't worry much about that machine sounds like it can get everywhere in all the correct ways.  Check from to verify it can ping and can't ping
persia(where should use for
swifthow can i use that interface?08:28
swiftforgot ping syntax08:28
persiaOn run `ping`08:29
swiftpersia.. I can see that it can ping a .44 IP on another machine!!08:31
swifti do 'ping -I eth1'08:31
swiftit pings08:31
swiftwhere eth1 is
persiaOK.  So, is this what you want?08:31
swiftwill I have to put a route there08:32
persiaNo, if you can ping, it already works.08:32
swiftno... I shouldn't be able to communicate with 192.168.44.x network08:32
swiftfrom I should only be able to ping another 192.168.45.x IP08:32
persiaOK, in that case, you want to disable IPv4 forwarding on
* _ruben votes for a graphical network diagram and clear description of what should and should not be possible/allowed ;)08:33
persia*OR* remove the route to through on  For extra points, do both.08:33
stephankThe topic's tinyurl appears to be broken.08:37
_rubenseems to be cut off indeed08:38
_rubenadding "er" to it does work08:38
stephankOh! I thought it was intentionally missing. :)08:39
stephankBut is that really the intended page? It redirects to a blog post, rather than “doc and resources”.08:39
_rubenwouldnt know ;)08:40
RoyKhi all. any idea why /etc/postfix/main.cf seems to be missing in lucid?09:24
persiaRoyK: I have it on a relatively fresh install for which I've done only minimal postfix configuration (setting up satellite system in the prompts).  Did you maybe say "no configuration" on initial setup?09:25
RoyKI didn't install the box, but perhaps the guy who did so chose that - wouldn't surprise me09:26
persiaRoyK: I just tested a fresh lucid postfix install in a chroot, and indeed, if one selects "No Configuration", no main.cf is produced (which seems like the correct behaviour to me).09:26
persiaTry `dpkg-reconfigure postifx`09:27
RoyKpersia: that was indeed the problem - the guy had just chosen "no config" because he didn't understand what to do and didn't bother to read those five lines09:30
persiaRoyK: That's actually probably the safest thing that could have been done, and it makes it easy to fix (with dpkg-reconfigure).09:32
raphinkhi there10:04
raphinkplymouth seems to be blocking startup on lucid10:04
raphinkanybody witnessed that?10:04
persiaraphink: That's almost never actually plymouth.  What's the specific issue?10:18
raphinkwhen we reboot the server10:18
raphinkalmost no service is started10:18
raphinkexcept ntp10:18
raphinksyslog-ng is not started for example10:18
raphinkand plymouthd keeps running10:18
raphinkafter I log in ssh10:18
raphinkdeactivating plymouth in /etc/init seemed to help with quite a few services10:19
persiaOdd.  All plymouth should be doing is IO multiplexing (and maybe some screen draws).10:19
persiaAre you sure something else isn't hanging on IO, and it gets a bit further when it crashes on an IO failure when plymouth isn't around?10:20
raphinkI've tried to put bootchart10:22
raphinkto log what's happening during the boot10:22
raphinkbut it doesn't generate the png10:22
raphinkit crashes quite badly10:22
persiaCan you get the bootlog info, and then generate the graphics post-boot?10:24
persiaAlso, have you filed a bug?  This doens7t happen for my serers, and it sounds potentially serious.10:25
raphinkempathy crashed ;-)10:27
persiaHeh.  You're having great luck today :)10:28
persiaHave you filed a bug yet?10:28
persia(about the boot)10:28
raphinkno, I've been searching through the bugs on LP10:29
raphinkideally, we'd get rid of plymouth10:29
raphinkbut there's a bug that is marked as invalid about too strict deps on plymouth10:29
persiaNo, plymouth is essential.  Nothing else handles boot-time IO.  Using text mode, it doesn't even do much GUI stuff.10:30
persiaI'd recommend filing a bug against upstart: it shouldn't half-start a system without giving you useful output.10:31
raphinkwell currently we haven't checked the console output10:31
raphinkwe'll go to the machine room this afternoon hopefully to have a look at it10:32
persiaThat's worth checking: I suspect that it will give you a better target for the bug report.10:34
raphinkthanks for your time10:35
=== diehaai is now known as thefish
bronto2what would one enable on apache to get .htaccess stuff working? i just need to pass protect a certain folder11:17
_rubenand you dont need .htaccess for that per se, can be done in (global) config just as well11:19
bronto2_ruben, yes i see, seems everything is configured, but still not working11:23
_rubennot working? tell it to get a job then11:29
binBASH_ruben: /etc/glusterfs/store01-tcp.vol 8.1T  116M  8.1T   1% /mnt/storage11:29
binBASHworking with the lucid packages ;)11:29
_rubenbinBASH: nice, i should run some tests with it as well, might have some usecases for it11:30
binBASH_ruben: Well I only run it with 100 Mbit though11:30
binBASHprovider doesn't have gbit :p11:30
binBASHso only 5.8 MB /sec for writes11:31
binBASHbut I don't need fast storage11:31
binBASHcan live with that.11:31
bronto2_ruben, i have some other users, that cannot access global conf, so i'd like this to work via htaccess11:37
bronto2anything wrong with this http://pastebin.com/fq9ZVSwP ?11:37
=== libertiy is now known as libertiy|away
_rubenbronto2: looks good, tho it being only a partial config, cant say anything definitive about it11:40
bronto2hmm, there is no AllowOverrides directive in apache2.conf11:41
bronto2but should defaults to ALL right?11:41
_rubena sane config sets the default to None11:43
=== libertiy|away is now known as libertiy
smosermdz, fyi, i found a bug that had us not un-publishing our daily images, which caused the ramp up13:20
smoserin ec2 images as reported by cloudmarket13:20
mdzsmoser, nice work13:21
mdzmight save us a few pennies on our S3 bill too ;-)13:21
lauhello, runing hardy + samba 3.0.28 I have an error log like13:48
laucreate_builtin_users: Failed to create Users13:48
lauany idea to fix this please ?13:48
ttxsmoser: any reason why "Ubuntu Server EC2 EBS (Europe) amd64 (ami-8b705aff)" has no registered results so far ?13:50
smoserhumans suck13:50
smoseri tested, just didn't record13:50
smoserttx, fixed13:51
ttxsmoser: thanks !13:51
ttxsmoser: I hit the "no ssh connection" issue on amd64 UEC images quite a few times, I confirm it looks like a timing issue, the slower i386 image didn't hit it in my tests13:52
smoserttx, did you get console logs ?13:53
smoserbecause there are 2 possible issues13:53
smoserand one i have much less understanding on13:53
ttxsmoser: yes, I have it, let me pastebin it13:54
ttxsmoser: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/419841/13:55
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
ttxit's the test with your test userdatafile13:55
smoseris that system u p?13:55
ttxsmoser: shows hello world alright13:55
ttxsmoser: no longer13:55
ttxi can reproduce it if need be though13:56
smoserthats bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+bug/56501813:56
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 565018 in cloud-init "instance is not reachable via ssh" [Undecided,New]13:56
smoserand i have been extremely unsuccessful in reproducing it with some debug on13:56
smoseri've run probably 2000 instances trying to13:56
ttxsmoser: it's also a metadata service issue ?13:57
smoserno. i dont think so.13:57
smoseri have no clue on this.13:57
ttxtry 19/20 ?13:57
smoserwait, where ?13:57
ttxsmoser: in your bug comments13:58
smoser(note, the 19/20 stuff is just bad, it zero based counting)13:58
smoserttx, the comment... the 25 cases that have that in their logs are *not* your bug13:59
smoserthat you're sseeing, and that i can't reproduce easily13:59
smoseri have some info i'd like to get if it reproduces13:59
smoser1.) want to collect successfully the error messages from ssh when you connect13:59
ttxI can reproduce it if you need14:00
smoser2.) want to try ssh-keyscan and get those errors14:00
smoser3.) ideally turn debug on in upstart, but that seems to reduce likelyhood of error14:00
smoserttx, for 1 and 2 if you can get a recreate, please collect14:00
ttxon my way14:01
smoserfor 3 if you can install the cloud-init from https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+bug/56679214:01
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 566792 in eucalyptus "UEC guests sometimes fail on consuming user data (metadata service isn't ready)" [High,Confirmed]14:01
smoserwhen you dpkg -i that, it will tell you how to enable upstart debug14:01
smoserthe problem with upstart debug is that due to bug 566793 you can't get all the console data if you use upstart debug14:02
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 566793 in eucalyptus "euca-get-console-output gives first 64k of output, not most recent" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56679314:02
smoserits too verbose14:02
ttxsmoser: hm, can't reproduce it now14:05
smosermaybe you need to change the way you're sitting in your seat14:05
uvirtbotNew bug: #527933 in bacula (main) "wuiso" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52793314:06
smoseri would really like to get debug on this, because I can't come up with any idea as to why its not working.  it seems to me that the cloud-init-cfg stuff is just not getting started (ie, upstart jobs not running)14:06
* ttx grumbles14:07
* ttx scraps his topology3 setup that now works like a clockwork and tries a topology 214:09
smoserttx, for this  i really dont think its topology based at all14:10
smoseri think its racey inside the image itself14:10
ttxsmoser: sure, but I need to cover the missing ISo tests more than I need to chase heisenbugs14:12
smoserbecause cloud-init ran, and sshd ran (runs on 'filesystem' event, same as the cloud-init-cfg events)14:12
ttxone never knows, it might reappear and be time-since-registration-sensitive14:12
smoseror due to having '.tar' regex in the manifest name :)14:12
ttxsmoser: do I detect some sarcasm ? :)14:12
ttxhow can you tell, looking at the console logs, the difference between bug 565018 and bug 566792 ?14:15
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 565018 in cloud-init "instance is not reachable via ssh" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56501814:15
ttxsmoser: ^14:15
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 566792 in eucalyptus "UEC guests sometimes fail on consuming user data (metadata service isn't ready)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56679214:15
smoserttx, look at http://launchpadlibrarian.net/44832884/guest-error.log and http://launchpadlibrarian.net/44479315/console.fail.1.txt14:16
smoserfirs is the "fail on consuming"14:16
smosersee, it falls all over the place , all the cloud-init-cfg stuff runs, but fails because its got no metadata14:17
smoserin the second, the stuff either runs quietly to success or not at all14:17
ttxsmoser: it's that verbose even with the default image ?14:17
smoserthere are no python trace14:17
smoseryeah... the python throws error14:17
ttxok, then I definitely have been hitting 56501814:18
ttxI don't remember ever seeing those python stacktraces in console logs14:18
* ttx fixes iso test results accordingly14:18
smoserwell, if/when you do, please get 'ssh -v instance-ip 2>err.txt 1>out.txt' and 'ssh-keyscan instance-ip 2>err.keyscan 1>out.keyscan' please14:19
smoserttx, well, you shoudln't see them :)14:19
bafflekirkland/nijaba: RH has produced the library "netcf" [https://fedorahosted.org/netcf/] for configuring/polling network configuration. This library is (in theory) distribution-agnostic, but lacks a backend for Ubuntu/Debian. The library is used by libvirt to support advanced (remote) network configuration/usage, and virt-manager now expose this as well. There is also talk about using it in NetworkManager [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Shared_N14:20
baffle"Someone" should write a new backend for Netcf so that libvirt in Ubuntu can use these new features. It is written in C, and will need a developer that also is knowledgeable in network configuration "the Debian way".14:20
baffleI propose that this is written up for discussion at UDS. I do not think the community will develop this, due to it being so tightly coupled with the distribution.14:20
baffle(Okay, this is possibly ML material, but I don't really hang around in them much.. :-))14:20
ttxzul: could you cover the amd64/printserver and amd64/postgresql ISO tests ?14:21
zulttx: yep14:21
diagoin fstab for lvm do you use /dev/lvm-raid/shares or the /dev/mapper  device?14:31
kirklandbaffle: thanks, answered in #ubuntu-virt, though I will copy here for everyone else's benefit14:34
kirkland<kirkland> nijaba: baffle: hi guys, I am familiar with netcf, i'm tracking its progress14:34
kirkland<kirkland> nijaba: baffle: I'd very much like to see it packaged and used in Ubuntu in Maverick14:34
kirkland<kirkland> nijaba: baffle: that's not a commitment, though14:34
kirkland<kirkland> nijaba: baffle: but I will put together a spec14:34
bafflekirkland: Wunderbar (from #ubuntu-virt)14:34
kirklandbaffle: ;-)14:35
kirklandbaffle: what's your LP id?14:35
kirklandbaffle: i'll subscribe you to the blueprint (once I get around to writing it)14:35
bafflekirkland: Hmm. Either dag-stenstad, or dag.stenstad@ventelohosting.no or baffle. :-) Not sure wich is my ID, really. OpenID is https://launchpad.net/~dag-stenstad14:37
kirklandbaffle: cheers14:37
bafflekirkland: I'm so confused! Wich is my ID? :)14:40
kirklandbaffle: s/^.*~//14:40
kirklandbaffle: dag-stenstad14:40
ummagummahi everybody! does anyone knows a channel for wxpython without the need to get a registry?14:46
ttxsmoser: meeting time ?15:01
osmosiskirkland, where do we register our test results? also, sounds like UEC testings is high priority for lucid release.15:11
kirklandosmosis: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/15:12
uvirtbotNew bug: #494141 in samba (main) "CUPS starts after SAMBA; printers are not available" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49414115:16
smoserkirkland, the oops... its the emulated scsi device15:26
kirklandsmoser: oh, is it?15:26
kirklandsmoser: well that's not a kernel thing then15:26
smoseryeah. i duped hggdh's to my bug that i'd previously opened on that.15:27
smosersearching for numbers15:27
smoserbug 564924 is dupe of bug 54645815:27
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 564924 in linux "UEC guest sometimes gets kernel OOPS (dup-of: 546458)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56492415:27
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 546458 in qemu-kvm "kernel NULL pointer in -virtual (-server) kernel" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54645815:27
eagles05138785hummm what am i looking for16:12
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule16:12
eagles05138785not what i want either16:13
eagles05138785anyone have a link to where i can get the beta 2 of ubuntu server16:13
jdstrandkirkland, smoser, ttx: fyi, I added an fd leak check to test-libvirt.py in QRT. it only tests start/destroy, but more can be added if needed16:17
jdstrandthat will hopefully help moving forward16:17
kirklandjdstrand: neat :-)16:17
cloakable8 days :D16:17
Jeeves_RC tomorrow16:18
guntberteagles05138785: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/current/16:18
eagles05138785ty guntbert16:18
guntberteagles05138785: you're welcome :-)16:19
eagles05138785Jeeves_: would rather get it now and have something to install with then wait till release when everyone is fighting for a piece of lucid16:19
eagles05138785fighting for a piece of the lynx haha16:19
* cloakable will wait a bit16:19
shriniteam: need help on nfs client16:20
eagles05138785cloakable: regardless of it being the beta u install with or the rc you still get the same updates16:20
eagles05138785thanks again guntbert :)16:20
shriniMy share is disconnected intermettenlt16:20
shrinineed help on finding the casue16:20
cloakableeagles05138785: Yeah, but I'd rather wait for stable, then the first round of updates to make sure it's stable :P16:21
eagles05138785everyone to their own so i say hehe16:21
Jeeves_eagles05138785: I'm allready running it for about 5 months16:21
eagles05138785ya been on it since early alphas16:21
eagles05138785since late alphas on my server early alphas on vm on my desktop running kubuntu16:21
eagles05138785would rather do a clean install on my server then upgrading so i dont have any reminants of karmic around hehe16:21
ajsiewhat have they improved in ubuntu server 10.4?17:02
hggdhkirkland: really, eucalyptus is not doing garbage collection. Memory usage at the CC and CLC is still high, after 5+ hours of idling17:07
jdstrandkirkland: I noticed you said that you wanted to fix bug #56226617:07
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 562266 in libvirt "Make virt-pki-validate usable on Ubuntu" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56226617:07
jdstrandkirkland: fyi: ubuntu26 is already in the queue and it might be nice to fix bug #565380 in the process17:09
kirklandjdstrand: what do you think?17:09
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 565380 in libvirt "postinst fails if missing user is in the admin group" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56538017:09
jdstrandI'm fine with fixing these things before release, cause it is easier than SRU, taking into account risk of regression, etc , etc17:09
jdstrandkirkland: 565380 is super low risk (we add an '|| true')17:10
kirklandjdstrand: gotcha17:11
kirklandjdstrand: sure, assign that to me, i'll do an upload that fixes those two17:11
kirklandjdstrand: i'm doing an interview right nw17:11
jdstrandkirkland: mostly I just wanted to make sure you grabbed ubuntu26 before doing anything :)17:11
kirklandjdstrand: of course ;-)17:11
jdstrandkirkland: k17:11
kirklandjdstrand: you're welcome to snag those bugs if you like, too :-)17:11
jdstrandwell, I meant to do the 565380, but forgot17:12
jdstrandas for the other, I don't know much about it tbh17:12
maddhatHey everyone,  trying to get ubuntu server karmic netboot working but it says it cant find the ethernet driver.  any way to manually add it to the boot img?17:29
uvirtbotNew bug: #567623 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.6.5-3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 75" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56762317:44
=== Guest123456 is now known as Guest84312
sabatorWhere is the best tutorial for gdm over ssh ?17:49
RoyKsabator: gdm over ssh?18:06
RoyKor just X over ssh?18:06
bluethundr_I am attempting to install courierauthlib from source because i would like some finer grain control over the options... configure runs ok, but afterwards when I try to make the app it craps out, and I could use some help interpreting the output..18:08
RoyKperhaps handle-exceptions?18:10
Guest95767I am trying to install Ubuntu-or-Debian server in a Xen Guest, on a non-Debian/Ubuntu Xen host.  How/where do I tell the Debian Xen guest's installer to use a preseed file on an nfs volume?  Some parameter at 'xm create ... install-extra="..."' &/or  the Xen cfg's 'extra = ...' clause.18:10
Guest95767So far, I've failed to get the guest to see the nfs mount.  It *does* launchg the manual/interactive installer,though ...18:10
RoyKbluethundr_: try to remove -fhandle-exceptions18:11
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bluethundr_RoyK: what is the best way to accomplish this? (i.e. remove -fhandle-exceptions)18:16
RoyKbluethundr_: in /home/bluethundr/courier-authlib-0.63.0/gdbmobj/Makefile I guess18:17
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bluethundr_RoyK: that did it...thanks18:38
smoserkirkland, or ttx, how do i manually register an NC ?18:51
smoserit seems it didn't "just work". that might be because i re-installed it, but on the re-instal it didn't get registerd18:51
smosernever mind. it did. user error.18:53
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electro_Is there a channel for EUC ?19:11
RoyKelectro_: #ubuntu-could, but this one works as well19:15
electro_RoyK: are you running an EUC cloud?19:30
RoyKelectro_: no19:31
RoyKelectro_: I was looking into it, but it seems hard to make it truely redundant, so I guess we'll find another solution19:31
_TrulloI installed ubuntu server, did apt-get install xinit , now when I startx a error message, xrdb command not found, X not merged19:32
RoyK_Trullo: if you want X on your server, I'd say Ubuntu Desktop is a better way to start19:32
RoyKthere aren't really much difference between ubuntu server and desktop, just a few kernel changes, and you can install ubuntu server kernel later19:33
_TrulloI just want X to work19:33
RoyKgui on the server?19:33
electro_RoyK: what problems does it have with redundancy?19:33
_Trulloprobably won't be there anyway19:33
electro_RoyK: Im interested to see how it handles a master failure19:33
RoyKelectro_: there really isn't a good way to make the front-end redundant19:33
HypnozUpgrading a server from 7.10 to 8.04, I copied the 8.04 sources.list, then did apt-get update && apt-get upgrade19:34
Hypnozhowever a lot of packges were "kept back"19:35
RoyKHypnoz: the right way is 'do-release-upgrade'19:35
RoyKor is that just in newer distros?19:35
persiaThat's in newer things.19:35
Hypnozapt-get dist-upgrade?19:35
persiaBut "newer" in this case appears to include 7.10 :)19:35
persiaHypnoz: More of a concern is that do-release-upgrade appears to upgade you to the latest release (9.10 in this case).19:37
electro_RoyK: is there anything better you are testing?19:37
Hypnozpersia: exactly, I didn't want to upgrade to the newest ubuntu release, just 8.04 LTS19:37
RoyKelectro_: we might be using xen or perhaps paying a lot for vmware19:37
persiaHypnoz: apt-get dist-upgrade is probably safest (but I may be wrong).  Once you have 8.04, you want to do do-release-upgrade to get to 10.04 (post release)19:38
Hypnozso I put that sources.list in and did apt-get upgrade19:38
HypnozI don't want 10.0419:38
persiaapt-get upgrade is too careful.19:38
Hypnozi want 8.04 LTS19:38
RoyKapt-get dist-upgrade is a start19:38
Hypnozwill dist-upgrade push me past 8.04?19:38
persiaHypnoz: Right.  Not now.  Later.19:38
RoyKdo-release-upgrade takes you to the next (lts) release19:39
persiaHypnoz: Use `apt-get dist-upgrade` for now.19:39
RoyKHypnoz: no19:39
RoyKHypnoz: it'll take you to the next lts19:39
RoyKthe last lts is 8.0419:39
persiaHypnoz: Sometime between now and the release of 12.04, you'll find your life simpler if you later run do-release-upgrade to get to 10.04 LTS.  You may want to wait up to two years for this.19:39
RoyKbut roll back your sources.list first19:39
persiaRoyK: Are you sure?  I thought do-release-upgrade went to LTS only for LTS installs, so a 7.10 install would try repeated upgrades to get to 9.10.19:40
electro_RoyK: Im thinking you can do some sort of Active / Passive failover with the front-end19:40
_rubenafaik, do-release-upgrade get you the next version, which by default is the next lts, but only for lts releases :)19:41
RoyKpersia: see /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades19:41
electro_RoyK: so is EUC pretty much a VM infrastructure?19:41
persiaRoyK: Ah, right.19:41
persiaHypnoz: Check that file and make *sure* it has "Prompt=lts"19:41
RoyKelectro_: it is, but it contains a single point of failure, the front-end19:41
persiaHypnoz: If that has prompt=lts, do-release-upgrade should bring you to 8.04 LTS (as long as you run it before 10.04 LTS releases)19:42
Hypnozpersia: in sources.list?19:42
RoyKelectro_: so unless you use drbd+heartbeat or something for that, all your VMs will go down if that box dies19:42
persiaHypnoz: In /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades19:43
kirklandttx: fyi, i walked smoser through his node registration issue privately19:44
_rubendo-release-upgrade wont allow you to skip releases (except for lts to next lts), so 7.10 should never get upgraded to 10.04 directly, or 9.10 for that matter19:44
Hypnozpersia: there is no /etc/update-manager..19:45
persiaAh, then 7.10 doesn't have that.19:45
Picido-release-upgrade will also prompt you before it does anything.19:45
persiaYeah, modify sources.list and run `apt-get dist-upgrade` then.19:45
persiaPici: But does it let you decide to only update to 8.04 if you want?19:46
ttxkirkland: ack19:46
electro_RoyK: do you have any documentation stating this redundancy issue?  I cant seem to google anything19:46
Hypnozwish apt-get dist-upgrade told me what dist it was going to upgrade to19:46
RoyKelectro_: it's pretty well known19:46
_rubenalso: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades#Network%20Upgrade%20from%207.10%20for%20Ubuntu%20Servers%20%28Recommended%2919:46
_rubenbasically: install update manager, run update manager ;)19:47
Hypnoz_ruben: now that i've replaced sources.list with 8.04's, and did apt-get upgrade, do-release-upgrade shows "No new release found"19:49
Hypnoz_ruben: I think I would have had to do that first19:49
Hypnozand cat /etc/issue shows 8.04.4 LTS so the system is upgraded, it just held back a lot of packages for some reason19:49
RoyKlsb_release -r19:50
_rubenHypnoz: editing your sources.list to a newer version + running upgrade instead of dist-upgrade is a recipe for disaster19:50
persiaHypnoz: I think you need to dist-upgrade to get out of this state.  `apt-get upgrade` is never enough to upgrade release-to-release.19:50
_rubenHypnoz: revert your sources.list and hope do-release-upgrade can fix the mess19:50
HypnozRoyK: "Release:8.04"19:50
persiaI don't think reversion is an option at this point: too much has been upgraded.19:51
_rubenHypnoz: or if feeling brave, run apt-get dist-upgrade and hope it wont break any further19:51
_rubenwhen it does, you get to keep both/all pieces, though19:51
RoyKHypnoz: rebooted yet?19:51
Hypnozno i thought about that and doing another apt-get upgrade19:51
persiaDon't reboot!19:51
persiaAnd apt-get upgrade isn't going to help at this point.19:52
persiaIt will not handle the transitions.19:52
persiaYou need dist-upgrade for apt to do anything.19:52
_rubenapt-get upgrade was never meant to change versions, that's what dist-upgrade was originally made for19:52
persiado-release-upgrade might have worked, but ...19:52
_Trullois ctrl-alt-del disabled in ubuntu-server? :)19:52
persiaJust check the output when apt tells you want it plans to do very carefully.19:53
RoyKdon't think so19:53
_rubendo-release-upgrade basically does a dist-upgrade, but has some extra tricks up its sleeve to handle known upgrade problems19:53
_ruben_Trullo: not by default, but can be done19:53
RoyK_Trullo: it was changed to ctrl+alt+shift+esc+backspace+f+u+v+m19:53
Hypnozpersia: result of apt-get dist-upgrade http://dpaste.de/FRw9/19:53
RoyKHypnoz: Y19:54
_rubenHypnoz: looks sane to me19:54
Hypnozit doesn't tell me what release its going to put me at19:54
persiaHypnoz: Looks reasonably safe to me: nothing is being removed.19:54
_ruben(considering the circumstances)19:54
RoyKHypnoz: it doesn't19:54
Hypnozit could keep me at 8.04 or send me to 9.1019:55
RoyK8.04 afaik19:55
_rubenHypnoz: dist-upgrade isnt gonna change releases for you, ever, not without you editing the sources.list19:55
RoyK_ruben: didn't he change that?19:55
Hypnozyeah i put sources.list to 8.0419:55
_rubenRoyK: to 8.04 yes, so that's where he'll stick19:55
persiaThen dist-upgrade will take you to 8.04.19:55
persiaBut next time you upgrade, please consider do-release-upgrade :)19:56
_ruben(in a non-supported way though)19:56
persiaWell, we're kinda supporting it, but we offer no guarantee it won't break.19:56
RoyKlooked a little small amount of packages to take him all the way to 8.04, though19:56
_rubenno guarantees for do-release-upgrade either afaik ;)19:56
HypnozRoyK: a lot were upgraded in apt-get upgrade19:57
persiaRoyK: Remember, it'S post `apt-get upgrade`: this is just the leftover transition stuff.19:57
RoyKfinal solution: install Windoze!19:57
persiaheh, no.19:57
HypnozRoyK: haha19:57
_rubenapt-get upgrade did the "safe" part .. dist-upgrade takes care of the more trickier parts19:57
persiaNo, it's not that smart.  It just does the unsafe parts.19:57
RoyKapt-get upgrade takes you to the latest x.x.x, where dist-upgrade takes you to the latest x.x19:58
persiaBut for this specific set of packages, it seems to be only removing an obsolete library, and an obsolete way of identifying storage devices.19:58
_rubenRoyK: eh?19:58
persiaRoyK: Hrm?  No.19:58
RoyKas upgrade takes you to the latest 8.04.2 and dist-upgrade takes you from 8.04.2 to 8.04.319:58
persiaRoyK: safe-upgrade will never remove anything.  dist-upgrade will.19:58
Hypnozseems like updating sources.list to 8.04 was correct, i should have just done dist-upgrade instead of upgrade19:58
_rubenHypnoz: not really ;)19:59
_rubeninstall update-manager-core + running do-release-upgrade would've been correct ;)19:59
qman__upgrade also won't install new packages, such as kernel updates, where dist-upgrade will19:59
_rubenor atleast the recommended approach19:59
persiaHypnoz: Ideally you would have run do-release-upgrade, but yeah, *if* you've already fiddled your sources.list and want to upgrade with apt, dist-upgrade is the correct command.19:59
persiaqman__: Oh, new dependencies are blocked also?  That makes sense.20:00
_rubenkernel upgrade without abi changes are taken care of by upgrade iirc20:01
RoyKapt-get install windowsxp20:01
Hypnozsweet after dist-upgrade I'm at Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS \n \l20:03
Hypnozand apt-get upgrade shows "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded"20:03
Hypnozhooray for me not being fired!20:03
_rubenHypnoz: you got fairly lucky though ;)20:04
_rubenapparently your set of installed packages isnt complex enough for dist-upgrade to fail ;)20:04
_ruben(dist-upgrade with altered sources.list that is)20:04
HypnozI guess, but dist-upgrade was made for this purpose20:05
Hypnozto have it not work would be silly20:05
_rubenHypnoz: its ancient and cant handle certain upgrades/packaging changes, that's why do-release-upgrade was invented, to work around those issues20:05
Hypnoz_ruben: sounds good i'll keep it in mind next time20:06
persiaHypnoz: You really should have an /etc/update-manager directory now.20:07
persiaYou're running 8.04, but you really want "Prompt=lts" in there if you want to be running 8.04 LTS.20:07
persiaJust so the next upgrade is really to 10.04 LTS, and not to something else.20:08
persia(not that this is going to happen anytime soon)20:08
Hypnoz10.04 LTS won't happen within the next 6 months?20:08
jpdsHypnoz: More like next week Thursday.20:09
persiaThe release is the 29th, but as you're just upgrading from 7.10 today, I'm guessing you won't plan on upgrade to 10.04 for a bit :)20:10
mathiazHypnoz: *upgrading* from 8.04 LTS to 10.04 LTS should be automatically enabled in July when 10.04.1 (the first point release) is released20:10
mathiazHypnoz: note that upgrading from 8.04 LTS is already possible (and suggested)20:11
mathiazHypnoz: the end user is not automatically offered the choice yet20:11
_rubenmathiaz: not quite following you here, what exactly will change at 10.04.1 ?20:11
mathiaz_ruben: when you open update-manager and you've configured your system to only upgrade from LTS to LTS, you'll only see a message stating that there is a new release available around 10.04.120:12
_rubenmathiaz: ahh ok20:13
_rubensounds sane enough :)20:13
mathiaz_ruben: people running karmic will see a message that a new release is available as soon as 10.04 is available20:13
_rubenalso sane enough :)20:13
smoserok. google is fialing me.  is there a way to preseed an apt-get upgrade ? i know that it is going to prompt for 2 questions. 'grub2/linux_cmdline' for example.20:13
smoseris there a way to feed my answer , like preseed install, but for apt or dpkg20:14
mathiazsmoser: debconf-set-selections20:14
persiasmoser: Sure.  You can preseed any debconf value.20:14
smoserthats what i wanted. debconf-set-selections. thank you mathiaz20:14
smoserthanks persia20:14
mathiazsmoser: that should work for most of the packages20:15
mathiazsmoser: some packages might reset the debconf database20:15
persia`echo "buildd shared/accepted-sun-dlj-v1-1 boolean true" | debconf-set-selections` is the trick we used to use in schroots to build Java stuff.20:15
mathiazsmoser: but that's a corner case20:15
persiamathiaz: Isn't that typically a bug?20:16
mathiazpersia: yeah - I agree20:16
mathiazpersia: I haven't seen this though20:16
mathiazpersia: It would be possible - but I agree it should be a bug20:16
persiamathiaz: I know a package that does it, but it's not possible to install an Ubuntu system without that package, and that package has a well-documented way to preseed the values it doesn't reset.20:17
persiaBut I'd *really* not like to see that used for packages that didn't meet that set of criteria :)20:17
mathiazpersia: which package are you refering to?20:17
persiaIt rests *part* of its debconf stuff while doing discovery against it's (documented) preseeding.20:18
ziesemer_I'm attempting to use LDAP for client authentication.  How can I get local users to have the proper groups, and possibly slightly different on a client-to-client basis?  I looked at /etc/security/group.conf, but it apparently only supports NIS netgroups, and not LDAP groups.20:22
kirklandjdstrand: where can i get libvirt-*ubuntu26 from?20:32
kirklandjdstrand: i was going to prepare ubuntu27 fixing those two bugs20:33
jdstrandkirkland: unapproved20:33
kirklandjdstrand: got it20:33
Dr_AlienHi all20:34
Dr_Alieni need some help with installing LAMP20:34
Dr_Alienive just configured the ftp server however i noticed my apache isnt starting up20:35
_rubenftp isnt a standard part of lamp usualy ;)20:35
Dr_AlienYeah :)20:36
guntbertDr_Alien: what errors do you find in apache's logs?20:37
Dr_AlienCant see any logs currently bert.20:37
Dr_Alienim a newbie at ssh commands :(20:37
_rubentail -30 /var/log/apache2/error.log20:37
guntbertDr_Alien: /var/log/apache2   should contain some20:38
Dr_Alientail: cannot open `/var/log/apache2/error.log' for reading: No such file or directory20:38
Dr_Alienreimaging my server 1 sec. (on a cloud)20:38
Dr_Alieni used this command.20:40
Dr_Aliensudo tasksel install lamp-server20:40
jdstrandkirkland: cool, thanks :)20:40
mean67anyone in the boston area20:41
_rubenDr_Alien: that's supposed to give you a working lamp stack, then again, havent used that "task" for quite some time20:42
Dr_AlienOk its up now..20:42
Dr_Alienany easy way of installing a ftp serveR?20:42
Dr_Alieni want to put html files up to my server quickier than editing them in vi.20:43
_rubeni tend to use pure-ftpd, but others might have different preferences like vsftpd or proftpd20:44
_rubenor even better: scp/sftp20:44
mean67anyone assist me with a UEC install that I am trying to do20:44
Dr_AlienCould you help me install this?20:45
Dr_Alienim a total newbie at installations lol20:45
mean67well I am just trying to set it up right20:46
Dr_Alienhmm interesting20:47
Dr_Alien  20:47
Dr_Alien/usr/sbin/vsftpd already running.20:47
Dr_Alien                                                                         [fail]20:47
Dr_AlienWhat would the default FTP username and password be?20:47
Dr_Alienand what could i do to change the username and password20:48
kirklandjdstrand: can you give this little patch an eyeball? http://paste.ubuntu.com/420015/20:48
kirklandjdstrand: i think it's better (simpler) than the bug reporter's20:48
kirklandjdstrand: and I think we can get it upstream20:48
kirklandjdstrand: a) instead of changing every line that uses $SYSCONFDIR, just set it if unset20:48
Dr_AlienStatus:Connection attempt failed with "ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server".20:48
kirklandjdstrand: b) change \t to \s* to handle any leading whitespace20:48
Dr_AlienError:Could not connect to server20:48
electro_RoyK: Do you have a link that explains the Redundancy issue?20:49
kirklandjdstrand: c) fix the bashism, rather than changing interpretters20:49
kirklandjdstrand: opinion?20:49
_rubenDr_Alien: by default it most likely uses the same credentials as your local/ssh login20:50
Dr_AlienOk Thanks20:50
Dr_Alienand what about the port number?20:50
_rubeni'd guess 21, but you can check with netstat -lnt20:51
Dr_Alienits saying only annoymas connections can be done20:52
Dr_AlienResponse:530 This FTP server is anonymous only20:52
_rubenread the "User Authenticated FTP Configuration" section20:54
kirklandjdstrand: updated, http://paste.ubuntu.com/420019/20:55
kirklandjdstrand: part of this is fixed upstream already, part of it isn't20:55
wack479would/should a mounted raid array cause the drive that it is mounted on to show as being "full"?20:55
Dr_Alienwhere Ruben?20:55
Dr_Alien_ruben where would i find that?20:56
SirStanAny recommendations on a server 'panel' like cPanel?20:57
_rubenDr_Alien: the url i pasted earlier20:57
jdstrandkirkland: did you test it? does @SYSCONFDIR@ get properly replaced?20:57
jdstrandkirkland: otherwise that last paste seems fine20:58
kirklandjdstrand: going to test, but that's what's currently upstream20:58
kirklandjdstrand: otherwise, see my first paste; that's guaranteed to work :-)20:58
jdstrandkirkland: yeah-- I just don't know if the autoconf bits are in 0.7.5 for that file20:59
kirklandjdstrand: i'll test20:59
Dr_AlienI saw :)20:59
jdstrandkirkland: if it works as desired, go with it, otherwise your first attempt seems fine for lucid20:59
Dr_AlienOk, how do you save files in nano?20:59
kirklandjdstrand: i've rebased the patch against git and will submit upstream too21:00
jdstrandkirkland: excellent21:00
_rubenDr_Alien: ctrl+o .. it says so at the bottom of the screen21:00
_rubenanyway im off to bed21:00
Dr_Alientc and thanks!21:00
kirklandjdstrand: do you care what i number this patch?21:01
kirklandjdstrand: 9023 is "next"21:01
kirklandjdstrand: is that okay?21:01
jdstrandkirkland: 9023 is just fine-- the 9xxx are Ubuntu only21:02
wack47sry my irc froze, so im gonna ask again... would/should a raid array show the drive it is mounted to as being full?21:02
jdstrandkirkland: before uploading, hold on a sec21:02
Dr_AlienOk, what would people say is the default password for FTP server?21:03
wack47password bahahahaha21:03
kirklandjdstrand: sure thing21:03
kirklandjdstrand: debdiff is currently http://paste.ubuntu.com/420024/21:03
kirklandjdstrand: i'm about to pbuild now21:03
wack47anyone know about the raid?21:09
jdstrandkirkland: actually, there is a another thing you should change21:09
jdstrandkirkland:     echo make sure the gnutls-utils package is installed21:09
jdstrandkirkland: that should be gnutls-bin on Ubuntu21:09
jdstrandkirkland: (and Debian)21:09
kirklandjdstrand: ga-noodles!21:10
jdstrandkirkland: obviously not at all critical, but if inclined, since you are already in there, it would be nice21:10
kirkland    echo "Could not locate the certtool program"21:12
kirkland    echo "make sure the gnutls-utils (or gnutls-bin) package is installed"21:12
kirklandjdstrand: hoping that wording might allow this to go upstream too21:12
* jdstrand nods21:13
kirklandjdstrand: cool21:13
jdstrandkirkland: that sed line is not quite right for our version of certtoll21:16
kirklandjdstrand: okay?21:16
wack47should/would a raid array that is partially filled show the disk (filesystem) as full?21:16
jdstrandkirkland: eg-- the sed looks for:21:16
jdstrandIssuer: CN=Red Hat Emerging Technologies21:16
jdstrandbut our certool does something like:21:17
jdstrandIssuer: C=US,ST=TX,...,CN=example.com,...21:17
kirklandjdstrand: okay, so what should the sed look like?21:19
jdstrandworking on it21:19
kirklandjdstrand: okay, i'm testing the autoconf change21:20
jdstrandkirkland: sed 's+\s*Issuer: .*CN=\(.*\),.*+\1+'21:20
kirklandjdstrand: cool, thanks, i'll jam that in21:20
jdstrandkirkland: that should work for both formats21:20
jdstrandkirkland: I can make that slightly better I think21:21
jdstrand(I don't like the ',' business21:21
kirklandjdstrand: and still maintain RH compatibility?21:21
kirklandjdstrand: essential for getting this upstream21:21
jdstrandkirkland: of course21:21
kirklandjdstrand: /me likes the way you said "of course"21:22
ziesemer_Trying to patch and recompile a PAM module, pam_group.  Downloaded the sources, ./configure && make, but I don't have any *.so files - just *.la and *.lo .  What am I missing?21:25
geniimake install ?21:31
kirklandjdstrand: fyi, i had to fix the SYSCONFDIR a little better21:34
kirklandjdstrand: it can't work at all, in the way that upstream ships it21:35
kirklandjdstrand: ie, $(SYSCONFDIR) can't evaluate21:35
wack47should/would a raid array that is partially filled show the disk (filesystem) as full?21:37
jdstrandkirkland: *sigh*21:37
kirklandjdstrand: anyway, am i still awaiting your magic sed?21:38
jdstrandkirkland: I tried for a while to use a single sed, but had to punt and do two:21:38
jdstrandsed 's+\s*Issuer: .*CN=++' | sed 's+,EMAIL=.*++'21:38
jdstrandkirkland: feel free to play with it, but it is eluding me21:38
kirklandjdstrand: can't that be: sed -e 's+\s*Issuer: .*CN=++' -e 's+,EMAIL=.*++'21:38
jdstrandkirkland: I need to get back to iso testing :)21:38
sorenjdstrand: You know you can just ...21:38
sorenkirkland: Yeah what kirkland just said :)21:38
* kirkland high fives soren21:39
jdstrandis -e portable?21:39
sorenI believe it is.21:39
jdstrandfeel free to use -e and float it upstream then21:39
kirklandjdstrand: hmm, i use it a lot now in byobu, which people have running on dozens of distros and even OSX21:39
sorenAt least the docs don't say it's a GNU thing, which I find they're usually pretty good at when that's the case.21:39
kirklandjdstrand: ie, i get complaints about shell portability, but that hasn't been one i've heard21:40
jdstrandsed -e 's+\s*Issuer: .*CN=++' -e 's+,EMAIL=.*++'21:40
jdstrand^ confirmed to work with both redhat and us21:40
uvirtbotjdstrand: Error: "confirmed" is not a valid command.21:40
jdstrandkirkland: ^ confirmed to work with both redhat and us21:41
kirklandjdstrand: rock21:41
kirklandjdstrand: and i confirmed that autoconf did it's thing21:41
jdstrandkirkland: you might want to mention that this works with gnutls 2.8.5 specifically21:42
jdstrandkirkland, soren: incidentally, what I really wanted to do is a single regex. that is what was eluding me :\21:44
=== libertiy is now known as libertiy|away
kirklandjdstrand: here's what i'm sending upstream http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/420045/21:54
kirklandjdstrand: okay, i'm firing off an upload, and the upstream patch21:57
jdstrandkirkland: sounds good, thanks21:59
jdstrandthough that regex was a group effort :)21:59
kirklandjdstrand: ;-)22:01
wack47should/would a raid array that is partially filled show the disk (filesystem) as full?22:02
omar8102hola a todos22:20
=== libertiy|away is now known as libertiy
wack47should/would a raid array that is partially filled show the disk (filesystem) as full?22:28
wack47should/would a raid array that is partially filled show the disk (filesystem) as full?22:28
ziesemer_I wouldn't think so.  What are you using to view?  df ?22:31
=== libertiy is now known as libertiy|away
osmosisWhen I lose contact with my ubuntu server at the colo, I have to call the colo and ask for a reset. Is there any way for me to diagnos the cause of the system outage? Appears to be a crash, but without console access before the reboot...i have no idea what the cause is.23:14
flybackosmosis, what country you in?23:15
osmosisflyback, usa23:15
flybackah is it your own physical server?23:15
osmosisflyback, yes23:15
flybackyou might want to consider one of these if you can spare a pci slot and can hold a full length23:16
osmosisflyback, are you gonna say IPMI ?23:16
flybackwell not ipmi necessarily23:16
flybackis it a brand name box23:17
osmosisflyback, i actually have an IPMI card..but i cant configure it because its not supported by ubuntu hardy kernel. Once i upgrade to lucid, it will likely be supported.23:17
flybackyou should be able to use the card anyways23:17
flybackit should have it's own cpu, ram etc23:17
flybackyou just won't be able to monitor hw resources or console23:18
flybackbut you would be able to power cycle or reboot23:18
flybackalso if it has a virtual serial port on it you could tell the console to use that23:18
flybackalso if you configure it to support acpi power button event and you configure your linux to reboot if some tapes the power button23:19
flybackshould all be possibly without needing a direct driver23:19
flybackanyways.... just some ideas23:20
* flyback goes to numb his dying tooth23:22
mathiazsmoser: hi!23:33
mathiazsmoser: I'm trying to detach a device using virsh23:33
mathiazsmoser: and run into the following issue: http://paste.ubuntu.com/420077/23:33
smosermathiaz, i dont know. i haven't tried using virsh to detach.23:34
smoseri've tested in kvm in the console23:34
mathiazsmoser: how do you detach usually?23:34
smoserand with eucalyptus23:34
smoseri rarely use libvirt23:35
mathiazjdstrand: I'm trying to detach a device using virsh23:35
mathiazjdstrand: and run into the following issue: http://paste.ubuntu.com/420077/23:35
smosermathiaz, so, eucalyptusdoes do this23:35
smoserother than its not virtio23:36
smoserits scsi23:36
smoserso that could actually be the difference23:36
mathiazsmoser: right - that being said I'm using an older version of libvirt23:36
mathiazsmoser: so the lucid version of libvirt may be fixed23:36
smoseroh, then easy answer23:36
mathiazsmoser: :)23:36
smosermathiaz, but basically it woudl appear to be a bug in the libvirt screen scraping / expectation of kvm23:38
mathiazsmoser: libvirt screen scraping?23:39
smoserlibvirt screenscrapes kvm console23:39
smosererr... whatever its called23:39
smoserthe thing that you would type into if you didn't use libvirt23:39
persiaDoes it really reinterpret SDL output, or does it tell KVM to provide a text stream?23:41
smoserwell it doesn't do graphics to text23:42
smoserit gets a text stream23:42
smoserbut it still 'scrapes'23:42
smoserie, the output changes, its not an api to kvm23:42
jrwrenin the topic, doc and resources link says http://tinyurl.com/ubuntuserv but tinyurl says it can't find sites url to redirect to23:46
geniijrwren: I believe it may have pointed to: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/index.html previously23:49

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