
stasMTecknology: did you see http://design.canonical.com/23:06
MTecknology"things, and" s/,//23:08
MTecknology"have tried" s/have/has/23:11
MTecknologystas: nice23:14
stasi think it can serve as a source of inspiration, esspecialy for colours, as for now there's no official color pallete23:15
stasthough i didn't like the footer :P23:16
MTecknologystas: OH! You meant the theme, not the article23:16
stasarticle is what brought me to the website :)23:16
MTecknologyWe could definitely use it for some ideas, probably only to match a couple colors thoguh23:17
stasanyway, nice team behind23:18
MTecknologyI wish I had time to work on things :(23:21
MTecknologystas: didn't you make a branch proposal?23:21
stasMTecknology: nope, still thinking about details, also talked with adiroiban, and got some input23:22
MTecknologystas: alrighty- well, I guess I have ~10 days to get it pushed out to drupal.org23:24
stasMTecknology: do you have a live loco website that will use it?23:25
MTecknologystas: yes, but it's extremely low volume nad under developed23:25
stasmy main concern about updating the content with a new look is possible styling problems :(23:26
stason ubuntu-ro we got about ~50 of pages, though I might be wrong and the number is bigger23:27
MTecknologyyou know ~ means 'about'?23:28
stasyep :)23:28
MTecknologyI used to have >20, but things blew up - there hasn't been enough interest to rebuild it23:29
staswell, romanian users need localization thats why so many webpages23:30
MTecknologyI don't even know the last time our wiki was updated...23:30
MTecknologyI'm the only Ubuntu member in this state23:31
stasI was glad we were able to snapshot in romanian an older (2007 I belive) version of ubuntu.com, so now I'm really happy we need to update only23:31
stasMTecknology: wouldn't be easier to have a central loco website for all states since you're all in US?23:32
stasmaybe a planet for aggregation and some fancy contacts page switcher23:33
MTecknologystas: ubuntu-us.org23:33
stasoh, didn't know about that23:33
stasi knew (almost) each state has a domain23:34
MTecknologythey're individual loco's - but that's mostly because of the size/volume23:34

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