
IdleOnepleia2: I would like to order a UW T-shirt when you get more details00:58
macome too!00:59
IdleOnemaybe two00:59
IdleOnedepending on price00:59
macohmm yeah i might want one for me and one child-sized for my cousin00:59
macoooh and maybe one for mum00:59
macochristmas prezzies!00:59
IdleOnemaco: I was thinking one for my daughter and one for me00:59
crimsunI'd like one for my cat.01:01
macoyoure gonna be one of those people that puts a t shirt on their cat?01:01
macooh jeez01:01
elkypleia2, just whatever you do, don't use the tshirt distributor Ada Lovelace Day did. Australia doesn't exist to them :(01:49
elkyI was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO annoyed at that.01:49
pleia2awww (wait, there were tshirts? aarggh!)01:49
elkyyeah. they should be still available. they're silly if not01:50
pleia2ah, I see, cool, thanks :)01:51
elkyspreadshirt. don't use spreadshirt :(01:51
elkyor, if you do, you volunteer to send me one01:51
* pleia2 nods01:52
elkyLet me know if you get an ALD one, and i'll get you to get me one and post it on :)01:55
pleia2these are actually pretty expensive01:56
pleia2otherwise I would, maybe next year01:56
elkyFair enough.01:56
elkyIt'd also take until next year to get to you too, if they ship from the UK.01:57
elkyzazzle might be the best bet, really. Though they're not exactly cheap either.02:37
akgranerI love zazzlw02:37
akgranerzazzle even02:37
elkyThey don't seem to have a v-neck cut in the women's tshirts :-/02:39
macois that significant?02:40
macov-neck t's always look to me like someone took an undershirt and decided to silkscreen on it02:40
macoprobably because i see them so rarely, and when i do, they're Hanes Men's Undershirts02:41
elkyIt is for me. I find these cheap shirts can often stretch at the neck prematurely, especially since I have the type of shoulders bra straps just fall off.02:41
macodo V's stretch less?02:42
elkyv-necks last longer. imho, anwyay02:42
elkywell yes, you don't have to tug them down to get your hand in to get to the runaway bra strap02:42
elkyhence, they are not stretched in the action of repositioning bra strap02:42
* maco now thankful for broad shoulders02:43
akgranerclosest thing to v-neck is the micro-fiber one - and it's not a deep v-neck02:46
elkyIt's also a singlet too, so rather limited in use03:07
elkythough, the tshirt on the sport line http://www.zazzle.com/custom/tshirts/womens#wfashionSell might be a v-neck, but it doesn't look terribly like it.03:08
elkyIt's kind of halfway03:09
elkyI'd probably go for the first of the bottom row. Best size range, has 2 colours so people can opt to maintain their hacker black wardrobe, and providing they're honest, it's ethically sourced.03:14
elkyand there's a mens equivalent, but it only goes up to 2XL, so having the basic t-shirt as an option as well (youth's XS through to 6xl) would be an idea too, even though it lacks black, it has a range of colours03:20
elkywe'd have to do http://www.zazzle.com/cr/design/pt-shirt?style=edun_live_toddler_tshirt and http://www.zazzle.com/cr/design/pt-shirt?style=infant_creeper_organic too methinks :)03:23
elkyHmm, so what is the best way to move a chunk of wiki to another part of the wiki. Specifically, http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/InternationalWomensDay* to http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Events/Competitions/InternationalWomensDay*03:35
IdleOneelky: rename03:36
elkyIdleOne, is there a /bulk/ way to do it that also catches all the current linking?03:37
akgraneryeah it should as you is you want to include the subpages03:37
IdleOneelky: hmm good question03:37
IdleOneI know it will break the links from translated pages03:38
IdleOnewait, no it shouldn't03:38
elkyI think mass redirects are going to be needed03:38
elkywell, i'm /sure/ they will be03:38
IdleOneelky: #moinmoin should be able to help you03:38
elkylets see how many pages we have under the namespace first03:39
elkyOnly the two of them?03:40
elkyYay, both pages done.03:47
elkyThere's a checkbox for "rename all subpages too" but not a "and automatically create redirect" which would be quite nice03:53
elkyAlso updated /Events and created /Events/Competition which was still not made04:17
pleia2thanks for all that cleanup, elky :)06:38
elkyno probs. By the looks of the list we have lots of translation efforts incoming too, so good job to you and IdleOne for fostering all that06:39
elkyI think it might be time for a classroom session for it, we're repeating that stuff so often now06:40
elkysomeone might want to consult with dpm on a session plan06:40
elkymaybe organise it for a week or so after open week06:42
pleia2classroom session on?06:42
elkytranslating the wiki06:42
pleia2oh, sure :)06:42
dholbachgood morning08:24
ghostwalkHello all.16:29
ghostwalkGreetings pendulum.16:30
ghostwalkhow is everyone today?17:08
pleia2hello ghostwalk17:09
ghostwalkHello pleaia, how are you doing today?17:09
pleia2ghostwalk: doing well, if you're interested in just chatting you probably want to pop on over to #ubuntu-women, we use this channel for project planning :)17:10
ghostwalkI'm sorry. Didn't know. Question though, how is the mentoring program going?17:11
pleia2it's due for an overhaul in the next cycle, currently we are getting by with putting women into contact with mentors we know throughout the community17:12
ghostwalkI sent an email to akgraner. I'd like to volunteer if possible.17:13
pleia2great, what areas are you able to help with?17:14
hypatiaghostwalk: add yourself to the wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Mentors17:14
ghostwalkWell, I could start with basic user stuff, configuring the machine for every day use and see where it goes from there. I'm pretty much a jack of all trades.17:15
akgranerghostwalk, hi!17:16
pleia2so our mentoring program actually focuses on involvement rather than basic usage, are there areas of the project you're involved with?17:16
pleia2the Mentors page that hypatia linked will give you some idea of the areas we're already helping in :)17:17
ghostwalkIn response to your question pleia2, I'm not on a loco team or anything of that nature, butI do feel strongly about evening the playing field. I'll look at the page :)17:18
ghostwalkLove you blog, btw ak. I have it up now, and starting to peruse it now.17:19
ghostwalkThanks for your help, pleia :)17:19
pleia2sure thing :)17:20
akgranerghostwalk, I thought I had missed your email but you literally just sent it a few mins go  - reply on the way - but it is pretty much the same info you just got here. :-)17:23
ghostwalkI tried to fire off a message to ak. Realized I may be barking up the wrong tree. Thank you ladies, I appreciate your time.17:24

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