
magicianlordwhat is vmware?00:00
virusMK13:I am new to ubuntu before i use windows in that there is a option for it00:00
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels00:00
kevin1230I'm new too100:00
ZykoticK9magicianlord, round buttons and purple color with left side buttons - WILL be in final00:00
MK13virus, I haven't seen that option before... unless your aren't doing a complete shutdown / wake on lan type deal00:01
Typos_Kingmagicianlord:   is a virtual machine environment, just like virtualbox00:01
magicianlordZykoticK9: too bad00:01
MK13ZykoticK9, fortunantly the left side buttons aren't too hard to change tho :D00:01
magicianlordTypos_King: thanks. i have never used it00:01
virusMK13:if  I schedule to shutdown and power on during that time it will automatically power on and off during that time00:01
MK13virus, so you want a scheduled restart...00:02
virusMK13: that also k00:02
skinflakezanyone available to help a noob?00:02
virusMK13:did you know that??00:02
ZykoticK9!ask | skinflakez00:03
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:03
ubottuskinflakez: please see above00:03
magicianlordomg, mortal kombat 13??00:03
skinflakezthanks pici Zykotick9 ubottu00:03
stercorWhat's this XAuth on Meebo?00:03
skinflakez!ask I have a question about removing a repository index manually00:03
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:03
MK13virus, if it will be a regular restart (say you want the computer to restart every day at 12:00am) then it should be easy to create a cron job with 'shutdown -r now'00:03
Picistercor: #ubuntu-offtopic for non-Ubuntu-Support questions/discussion00:03
stercorPici:  Gotcha! and thanks.00:04
Dellsorry guys00:04
ZykoticK9skinflakez, medibuntu by chance?00:04
Dellcan someone paste the result of ls /usr/lib/lubgmodule* somewhere for me?00:04
skinflakezI am running Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic with the latest updates00:04
=== Dell is now known as Fardad
ZykoticK9skinflakez, System / Admin / Software Sources - uncheck the one you don't want00:04
virusMK13:where i have give this command00:04
linuxdumboooanyone know how to make WPA network work with Broadcom 43xx wifi cards?00:04
skinflakezThat's my problem Zykotick00:04
skinflakezIt's not listed there00:04
skinflakezI am at a loss as to where it is00:04
magicianlordlinuxdumbooo: wpa supplicant00:05
MK13virus, i have never really used cron before, one sec.00:05
Typos_KingDell:  don't have it00:05
linuxdumbooomagician i did the BCM43xx workaround to get wifi work00:05
Piciskinflakez: its probably a separate file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/00:05
linuxdumboooturning on wpa supplicant turns off my wifi00:05
ZykoticK9skinflakez, is it listed in the directory /etc/apt/sources.list.d00:05
linuxdumboooskin u can just edit the source.list00:05
magicianlordoh ok00:05
cappicardhey folks. got a dilemna... I found that my integrated marvell gigabit adapter won't function if PCI MMIO is enabled. Yet, I need PCI MMIO enabled to get it to recognize my 4GB of ram...00:05
magicianlordwell, dont use wpa then00:05
skinflakezThanks Zykotick9, i'll check there00:05
Fardadls /usr/lib/libgmodule*00:05
linuxdumboooit is hard because i am at university network00:06
linuxdumboooand it requeires wifi log on00:06
MK13virus, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48099 for starters00:06
=== Trek is now known as CaptainTrek
virusMK13:very very thanks00:06
max_rbhi... how can i test the usplash theme without reboot the system???00:07
MK13virus, http://ubuntuguide.net/gshutdown-gui-tool-for-scheduled-shutdownrestart-in-ubuntu if you want a gui00:07
PiciFardad: Can you restate your question *all on one line* please?00:07
magicianlordwhat is the gtk utility for changing resolutions and screen orientation for intel graphics?00:07
FardadPici: can someone paste the result of ls /usr/lib/libgmodule* somewhere for me? ( sorry, I'm a IRC newbie )00:07
Typos_KingFardad:  don't have it00:08
skinflakezpici zykotick9, under what file do you think it might be in apt.conf.d? 05aptitude?00:08
hunahpumagicianlord: xrandr should help you with that00:08
rafaelsoaresbrFardad, no such file or directory here00:08
FardadTypos_King: ok thanks00:09
PiciFardad: On a server install: http://paste.ubuntu.com/419520/00:09
ZykoticK9skinflakez, it's filename would be the repo name00:09
magicianlordhunahpu: that just brings up some text in terminal00:09
skinflakezoh ok zykotick9, then i am not seeing it00:09
hunahpumagicianlord: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution00:09
magicianlordwhat is the gui frontend for this00:09
magicianlordwhat application do i install00:09
hunahpumagicianlord: I have no idea what the GUI is... or if there is one00:09
ToccoaDHello everyone.  I was trying to get some games to work on my wife's computer (which I'm currently on) and followed the instructions on this site (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582).  The graphical lag has lessened but now the wireless card doesn't work at all.  The drivers have dissappeared from the hardware drivers menu.  Can anyone tell me what I screwed up?00:10
Typos_KingFardad:  actually -> http://paste2.org/p/78467900:10
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:10
ZykoticK9magicianlord, system / preferences / monitor - doesn't work?00:10
giikerhi everyone00:10
magicianlordZykoticK9: im not using gnome. im using openbox00:10
magicianlordi want a gui to adjust screen res00:11
ZykoticK9magicianlord, ahhh00:11
Typos_Kingmagicianlord:    openbox is not a desktop manager, just a window manager, I'd gather you have gnome as DM00:11
magicianlordi know that in crunchbang, there is some utility based off xrandr00:11
magicianlordall i have it openbox00:11
magicianlordit is perfect00:11
Pici!enter | magicianlord00:11
ubottumagicianlord: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:11
=== JimmyJ_ is now known as JimmyJ
giikerI changed the passphrase of my private key file (with ssh-keygen -p)but when login in to the remote server through SSH, it doesn't recognize my passphrase?! any idea00:12
skinflakezzykotick9, it's a repository that i never got to fully work.  it's failing to fetch and i'd just like to remove it00:12
ZykoticK9skinflakez, if it's not in Software Sources or sources.list.d - i don't know where it could be, sorry.  Good luck man.00:13
stercorI need someone who has OCR experience.  What's a simple, easy-to-use package?00:13
ToccoaDI applied the intel graphics card fix found here (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582) and now my wireless card drivers have dissapeared.  Can anyone tell me what I might've messed up or how to get them back?00:13
stercorI'm scanning a book.00:13
skinflakezlol, thanks for your help regardless zykotic9 and pici!00:13
sheldonhello all, i'm trying to run command "/etc/init.d/nagios restart" with user apache without PASSWD. Then i add line "apache ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/etc/init.d/nagios restart" but he asks me a password...00:13
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.00:13
magicianlordubottu is so cute00:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:14
hunahpustercor: open synaptic and search for OCR, there are a few ones00:14
hak3rhow do you make emerald file into tgz file00:14
stercorhunahpu: Thanks for the pointer!00:14
sheldoni tried to put an alias "Cmnd_Alias NAGIOS_RESTART=/etc/init.d/nagios restart" and add "apache ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:NAGIOS_RESTART" but nothing works00:15
nichoshi all, my mythtv box keeps locking up (not even responding to pings) are there any console temperature apps? It may be overheating00:15
nichosperhaps the video card00:15
FardadPici: this is my problem, can I have your advices? http://paste.ubuntu.com/419524/00:15
magicianlordis ATI ever going to have drivers that work properly on linux?00:16
KB1JWQFardad: You blew giant holes in your OS.00:16
hak3rhow do you delete file through terminal00:16
MK13ToccoaD, taken from that site you linked to '*Disclaimer: Using a third-party kernel means that you will no longer have access to "restricted" drivers such as FGLRX, NVIDIA, some Broadcom wireless chipsets, certain webcams and a handful new sound cards that require restricted firmware to function. If you believe that you have restricted hardware on your machine, you should continue using the official Jaunty kernel - in other words, stick00:16
MK13he Safe configuration.00:16
KB1JWQFardad: Why in the name of all that's holy would you be playing around with sudo in /usr/lib?00:16
magicianlordKB1JWQ: because risk is fun00:17
hak3rjust a learning school i am studying for computer science  basics00:17
PiciFardad: Yes. I suggest that you backup your data and reinstall Ubuntu, it will be easier than trying to find what you're missing or what you've broken.00:17
KB1JWQmagicianlord: Agreed, but if you break it, you get to keep the pieces.00:17
ToccoaDMK13: Alright.  I've tried uninstalling the third party kernal and it didn't bring back the wireless drivers.  I'll reattempt if you think that's the path to getting wireless back on track?00:17
sheldonno idea please for my sudo ?00:18
magicianlordKB1JWQ: sudo rmdir /boot/*.*00:18
hunahpuFardad: re-install GDM and gtk; good luck00:18
KB1JWQsheldon: Get the command out of there, you just permit sudo for the binary.00:18
MK13ToccoaD, you will have to get back to the default kernel to have access to the hardware drivers you want00:18
KB1JWQsheldon: A better question would be "Why are you running nagios as the apache user" but...00:19
FardadPici: so just after copying 2 files and deleting two other I will have to reinstall? copying back the missing libs won't do?00:19
KB1JWQFardad: Do you know what you deleted?00:19
KB1JWQFardad: Because we don't.00:19
Typos_KingFardad:  actually -> http://paste2.org/p/784679   <---   so, yes there are some files with such names.... what I wonder is why the dickens you removed them :P~, that'll learn you00:19
Perlfection-  -00:19
sheldoni need to restart nagios with apache cause im using a web interface to configure nagios (lilac)00:19
KB1JWQFardad: Your error was 1. using sudo, 2. using rm, 3. using a wildcard, and 4. doing it in an important directory.00:19
Perlfection-  -00:20
ToccoaDMK13: Okay.  I'll go back through the revert instructions again and see if I can get them back that way.  Maybe I missed a step last time.00:20
FardadTypos_King: my question is, does copying these files with cp repair this?00:20
ToccoaDMK13: Thanks for the explanation.00:20
mr_fribbleShould I upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10?00:20
giikerI changed the passphrase of my private key file (with ssh-keygen -p)but when login in to the remote server through SSH, it doesn't recognize my passphrase?! any idea?00:20
KB1JWQFardad: Try it and see, after backing up.00:20
sheldonKB1JWQ, how can i solve my problem ?00:20
MK13ToccoaD, i try my best :)00:20
elaichsomebody knows when i can get help using EPIC ?00:20
hunahpuFardad: you can read the LOGS at /var/log and see if you can find the file syou deleted and then download them/get them, good luck00:20
sheldoni tried SETUID but dont seems to work :(00:20
Typos_KingFardad:  'assuming' is all you've did for it to break, very likely, is just 1 file by the way, the other is a symlink00:21
Perlfection-  -00:21
Perlfection-  -00:21
yaaarMK13: well, i recovered grub as described in that link, but it still tells me "error: couldn't read file" when i try to boot00:21
* hunahpu remembers have read: "Linux assumes you know exactly what you are doing" somewhere00:21
yaaarmr_fribble: why don't you wait 10 days and then you can get the fancy new 10.0400:21
FardadI don't need to download really, I can get them from my friends. I was just wondering if I have to reinstall ubuntu or I can handle it without reinstalling.00:22
Typos_KingFardad:  http://paste2.org/p/784698   <--- to be exact00:22
Fardadsince lucid is coming soon00:22
hunahpuyaaar: mr_fribble would need to upgrade to 9.10 first in order to upgrade to 10.04 anyways00:22
Fardadanyway, thanks a lot.00:22
yaaarhunahpu: i've always liked "UNIX is very user friendly. It's just picky about who its friends are..."00:22
MK13giiker, well seeing as how you changed your passphrase you no longer look like the same person to your server... you will need to access the server another way and setup the server to accept the new passphrase... not sure if you can re-establish it through the computer you changed the key on00:22
Fardadthe power of linux is these friendly people here ;)00:22
mr_fribblehunahpu, should i upgrade to 10.04?00:22
hunahpuyaaar: oh yeah that one is good too00:22
yaaarhunahpu: oh i hadn't really thought about that. i don't do in-place upgrades on desktop machines much...00:23
hunahpumr_fribble: while is not mandatory and may not be your case, by general rule upgrading is always a good idea00:23
Perlfection-  -00:23
Perlfection-  -00:23
Perlfection-  -00:23
Perlfection-  -00:23
PiciPerlfection: Could you please stop that?00:23
FloodBot4Perlfection: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:23
MK13yaaar, then I don't know what to tell you to do w/ out knowing more about your setup00:23
Perlfection-  -00:23
Typos_King!ops | Perlfection00:24
ubottuPerlfection: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!00:24
=== 13WAAQEY4 is now known as d34dh4ck
markymarkhello, any Skype users here?00:24
hunahpumr_fribble: the upgrade to 10.04 is a smart move since it is a LTS release, developers tend to refine LTS very much and you will receiving free upgrades for 3 years.00:24
LizardK|nghow do i make karmic do a "iwconfig wlan0 essid networkname" and then "dhclient wlan0" BEFORE it gets to rc.local, so that the wireless is ready by the time it mounts my nfs shares in /etc/fstab?  i've been all over /etc and nothing makes sense anymore00:24
giikerMK13: I changed the passphrase of my private key file on my client machine, the remote server (SSH server)  has knowledge of my public key only. Changing my private kye file's passphrase woÅn't affect the authentication with the remote box.00:25
yaaarMK13: hmm. what would you like to know? i'd be happy to provide whatever information i can. i'm just doing a completely stock install (using the whole drive) of 9.10 (32b) and the hardware is an HP pavilion dv600000:25
PiciLizardK|ng: Theres a mount option that you can apply in /etc/fstab that says to wait for network access, have you tried that?00:25
hunahpuLizardK|ng: add the commands to your rc2.d/ scripts00:25
LizardK|ngPici, whats the mount option?00:25
MK13yaaar, what filesystem did you use?00:26
LizardK|nghunahpu, i looked in rc2.d and tried to modify the networking script but i got a "bad stanza" error00:26
hunahpuLizardK|ng: rc1.d*00:26
MK13giiker, sorry, can't really help then00:26
PiciLizardK|ng: _netdev , see: man 8 mount00:27
cc4hi . any tv capturing app for ubuntu?00:27
hunahpuLizardK|ng: don't modify anything there, create a new file; but do it in rc1.d/ I think it reads runlevel2 AFTER mounting00:27
giikerI changed the passphrase of my private key file (with ssh-keygen -p)in my client box, but when login in to the remote server through SSH, my new  passphrase is not recognized. I can keep changing the passphrase, but it is not being recognized?!!00:27
yaaarMK13: i didn't specify any custom options at all. i just chose 'use entire disk' ...iirc it defaults to ext4?00:27
karmici have a problem00:27
giikerMK13: thanx00:27
karmiccan u help me?00:27
hunahpu!ask | karmic00:27
ubottukarmic: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:27
=== robbie is now known as Guest15875
cc4any tv capturing app for ubuntu?00:28
LizardK|ngPici, looking now; are the startup scripts smart enough to go back and mount them?00:28
PiciLizardK|ng: They should be, I've only tested with a hardwired connection and smbfs/cifs mounts00:28
karmicim running ubuntu 9.1000:28
Jordan_Uyaaar: Ubuntu is pretty well tuned for ssd's by default, lucid will be moreso (at least with respect to boot times)00:28
PerlfectionPici: could you please give someone a chance to get your message before kicking them 23 seconds later? had a script go nuts.00:29
ZykoticK9cc4, MythTV certainly can capture TV (but it's a BIG program) you might want to check out tvtime (i've never used it myself)00:30
LizardK|ngPici,  i believe eth0 is up, but not wlan0 when it tries to mount00:30
chetnickHello guys, can i install package from while in live cd? I need to recover some files from umounted partition using scalpel. But i cant seem to install package while in live cd.00:30
giikerI changed the passphrase of my private key file (with ssh-keygen -p)in my client box, but when login in to the remote server through SSH, my new  passphrase is not recognized. I can keep changing the passphrase, but it is not being recognized?!!00:30
PiciPerlfection: I probably should have just muted, sorry.00:30
yaaarPerlfection: looked to me like the bot (not pici) kicked you for flooding00:30
LizardK|ngi mean, all the scripts are just pointing to or calling other scripts, where is the real work done?00:30
Piciyaaar: it was me.00:30
karmici using virtualbox to emulate bactrack 4, my problem is to rezize the screen of the virtualized OS, i tried to change xorg.conf but i dont nkow how00:31
ZykoticK9giiker, it's because the key needs to be updated too the server - not sure how you can do that after changing the password.  Best of luck.00:31
cc4ZykoticK9: thank you. anything except avidemux for video editing?00:31
giikerkarmic: I can make it work with a virtualized Ubuntu by installing guest additions00:31
ZykoticK9cc4, you might want to check out pitivi00:31
MK13yaaar, yea ext4 is the default... as far as the error messages it seems it happens usually when updating from grub to grub200:31
d_b_dcc4: try kino00:31
jrcarr2my workplace uses cisco vpn... any ideas on how I could get this working with linux? I am developing from ubuntu completely at work, but unable to from home due to vpn00:31
karmici cant install guest addition00:32
jrcarr2what app would let me connect through cisco vpn?00:32
MK13yaaar, so if you installed it on the whole drive what does the grub2 boot entry look like>00:32
cc4what I want the most if merge clips together of any format and export to dvd format00:32
cc4even realplayer00:32
karmici tried to mount dev/sda /media/cdrom000:32
cc4which is not on the repository. where is realplayer?00:32
giikerZykoticK9: I can do that, and I know how to. But as I said before the passphrase that I changed is the one to protect my private key file from being on plain text.00:32
d_b_djrcarr2: have a look at http://www.longren.org/2007/05/17/how-to-cisco-vpn-client-on-ubuntu-704-feisty-fawn/00:32
mr_fribbleIs vnc the easiest/fastest approach to use ubuntu desktop on a windows platform?00:32
ZykoticK9!backtrack > karmic00:33
ubottukarmic, please see my private message00:33
giikerkarmic: why cant u?00:33
jrcarr2d_b_d, thanks00:33
Picijrcarr2: Network Manager will let you connect to a Cisco VPN if you install the network-manager-vpnc package.  You may need to restart the network-manager service after install (or reboot/relog).00:33
chetnickHello guys, can i install package  while in live cd? I need to recover some files from umounted partition using scalpel. But i cant seem to install package while in live cd.00:33
d_b_dmr_fribble: if you don't need a GUI then simply connect over ssh (using Putty on windows)00:33
LizardK|ngPici, it still tried to mount them right away :(00:33
giikerkarmic: you have to mount it from the media manager00:33
jrcarr2Pici, thanks, I'll install and check00:33
colorlessprismChetic, yes just like normal00:33
ZykoticK9giiker, sorry man - no ideas here, good luck00:33
d_b_dchetnick: you need to sudo apt-get update first00:33
jrcarr2on another note, how can I create an environment variable with a period in it?00:34
d_b_dchetnick: and check /etc/apt/sources.list00:34
chetnickd_b_d: thanks that is probably why...00:34
colorlessprismChetic, sudo apt-get install doesnt work?00:34
jrcarr2I need to create an environment variable named "lsi.environment"00:34
giikerZykoticK9: thanx00:34
d_b_dchetnick: uncomment all sources (except for the cd rom)00:34
chetnickcolorlessprism: no  it did not work, but d_b_d suggested right thing to do...00:34
ToccoaDMK13: So I've followed the steps listed to revert the changes and I'm still not seeing any drivers available for the wireless card.  Can you tell me how I can A) find out what the default kernel is to check and see if I have it and B) if not, how to get it?00:34
giikerI changed the passphrase of my private key file (with ssh-keygen -p)in my client box, but when login in to the remote server through SSH, my new  passphrase is not recognized. I can keep changing the passphrase, but it is not being recognized?!!00:34
nick_fn_Can anyone recommend an app to play mp3 files which are audio books? With a bookmark per file?00:34
jrcarr2Pici, how do you restart network-manager00:35
colorlessprismChetic, awesome good luck00:35
nick_fn_Extra good if it works nicely with a touchscreen and no keyboard :-)00:35
jrcarr2giiker, yes, a common problem00:35
karmicmedia manager?00:35
MK13ToccoaD, not really at this moment since I am not on linux and on a VERY crappy Win2000 computer atm00:35
cc4why is not realplayer on synaptic?00:35
Picijrcarr2: service network-manager restart    I think.  I was testing on Lucid, so I'm unsure if that will work in <= Karmic00:35
Jordan_Ucc4: Is there a reason you prefer realplayer to any of the more standard supported media apps?00:36
Cheticthanks colorlessprism lol00:36
ToccoaDMK13: Thats alright.  I'll ask the room at large.  Thanks for being willing to help.00:36
cc4Jordan_U: to save realplayer clips from the web to the hd00:36
cc4Jordan_U: merge them, and make a dvd00:36
jrcarr2thanks dudes... secondly.. .anyone know if virtualbox or vmware can run a windows installation on another partition?00:36
d_b_dcc4: use wget with the url. play and convert with vlc (or mplayer) from command line00:36
giikerkarmic: on the settings menu, there is the option to mount an image iso, there!00:36
ToccoaDCan anyone tell me A) what the current default kernel is for jaunty and B) how to get it if I don't have it?00:37
cc4d_b_d: does wget have a gui?00:37
ZykoticK9jrcarr2, VirtualBox can -- see (and notice warning!) http://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch09.html#rawdisk00:37
giikerjrcarr2: can you elaborate plz?00:37
MK13jrcarr2, vmware can mount a real partition as the virtual harddrive but it is not recommended to then boot from that00:37
yaaarMK13: well, it's in another room so it'll be tricky to get verbatim, but here's the basic rundown. it sets the error variable, then checks for the grub environment, then 'set quiet=1' then 'insmod ext2' then 'root (hd0,1)' then a line searching for a filesystem id, and then finally the big kernel line, which has root=/dev/sda1 and only 3 options: ro quiet splash00:37
d_b_dcc4: maybe (but using it from the terminal is simple)00:37
nick_fn_jrcarr2, yes, but it's troublesome as the windows image will have the wrong drivers for the IDE/SCSI bus, and so on. It'll likely just bluescreen on boot unless you're careful00:37
cc4d_b_d: on some sites I need there is no url00:37
jrcarr2nick_fn_, lol.... then I'm not doing that then :)00:37
korcanwill karmic be upgraded to 2.6.32 ?  I need a bugfix for a wireless card that is in that kernel release :)00:38
cc4d_b_d: on the html source. does wget gets the page? what?00:38
Polydeuces1Greetings all! I've been tweaking my my 9.10 netbook remix for the past couple days, and had a question about internet -- It's very choppy, especially downloads and honestly, I can't download anything above ~10 megs. It always cuts out, whether it's in a browser, terminal, synaptic or a game's updater. I disabled firewall, enabled DMZ for my computer and updated router's firmware. Same problem. any ideas?00:38
jrcarr2this is a work issued laptop and if I nuke the windows partition I'll have to call helpdesk to have them reinstall everything :)00:38
karmicits said mount: block device /dec/hdc is write protected, mounting ready only    Mount: /dev/hdc already mounted or media cdrom0 is busy     mount : according to mtab, /dev/hdc is already mounted on /media/cdrom000:38
yaaarMK13: i've also tried with 'noapic nolapic' with the same results. i can give you more detail on any of those lines if you need it. you think maybe 'insmod ext2' is the issue? or is ext4 still back-compat with 2 just like 3 was?00:38
d_b_dcc4: then the url is probably hidden by some javascript obfuscation (but you can be sure it is there ;-)00:38
max_rbhow can I test the grub splash theme without reboot the system??00:38
korcanor should I just install it myself?00:38
cc4d_b_d: any alternative to wget with a gui?00:39
yaaarcc4: a web browser?00:39
nick_fn_jrcarr2, what I did instead, is run a P2V process, and make the windows partition into a windows 'file' (virtual hard disk). You can keep the real windows parition too...00:39
ZykoticK9karmic, if you are using backtrack4 please seek assistance in their support00:39
Picicc4: gwget00:39
MK13yaaar, i would prolly chance the insmod to ext4 just to check00:39
yaaarMK13: roger that00:39
giikerI changed the passphrase of my private key file (with ssh-keygen -p)in my client box, but when login in to the remote server through SSH, my new  passphrase is not recognized. I can keep changing the passphrase, but it is not being recognized?!!00:39
d_b_dcc4: not really sure (wget cli works fine for me)00:39
cc4ok I will try it and get back00:39
karmicim using it down the virtualbox00:40
Jordan_Umax_rb: There is no easy way to test that you setup the theme properly on your machine, if you really just want to see what a theme looks like / acts you can use a virtual machine.00:40
karmicam allready mount the image00:40
yaaarMK13: that changes it from "error: Couldn't read file" to "error: File not found"00:40
AdmiralDeathis it normal for ubuntu to take a while to boot the install cycle?00:40
MK13yaaar, though it should be backwards compatable... what that error says to me is either wrong filesystem type given or wron partition given00:40
max_rbJordan_U, tkz...00:41
cc4anything like netlimiter of windows on ubuntu? simple?00:41
karmicnow how can install the additions?00:41
giikerAdmiralDeath: depends00:41
korcanwhat is the best way to update my kernel to 2.6.32 ?00:41
Jordan_UMK13: grub2's "ext2" module supports ext2/3/400:41
MK13Jordan_U, thanks for the info... figured it would but was worth a shot anyway00:41
giikerAdmiralDeath: USB will be faster than CDRom00:41
soreau! best00:42
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.00:42
AdmiralDeathit hass been reading the CRrom for the past 20 minutes00:42
ZykoticK9karmic, #vbox may be able to assist you as well00:42
cc4anything like netlimiter of ms$ win on ubuntu? simple?00:42
karmicim instakking it00:42
d_b_dAdmiralDeath: verify your written copy (md5 the checksum)00:42
karmicthankyou guys00:42
rwwAdmiralDeath: LiveCDs can take a while to load, depending on your CD-ROM speeds, yes.00:42
pearsonhelp me00:42
AdmiralDeathah ok00:42
giikerAdmiralDeath: jeje, u might have a coaster then, it does not take that long, unless you have a x CDRom drive :)!00:43
d_b_dAdmiralDeath: or try switching to a different runlevel and see if something interesting is there00:43
AdmiralDeathwell the Drive is very old00:43
soreaukorcan: Your options include using a ppa, upgrading to lucid, or downloading and building the kernel yourself (most difficult)00:43
colorlessprismAdmiralDeath, lol00:43
pearsoncan someone help me please00:43
Jordan_UAdmiralDeath: How much RAM do you have?00:43
AdmiralDeath2 GB00:43
cc4any bandwidth limiter for ubuntu?00:43
giikerAdmiralDeath: :=) can you boot from a USB drive?00:43
yaaarpearson: probably not until you tell us what you need help with...00:43
MK13yaaar, i wish i could look at my grub.cfg and help you out but that is the best i can do... and i g2g for now so hope someone else can help you00:43
AdmiralDeathI have no idea how to boot an iso from usb00:44
randomusrRDP to my Windows 7 box is slooowww... Any way to speed it up?00:44
yaaarMK13: ok, well thanks for giving it a shot. cheers00:44
pearsonevery time i boot i have to go in recovery00:44
=== log|out is now known as log|in
=== RedXIII`Alt is now known as RedXIII
Jordan_Uyaaar: What problem are you having?00:44
giikerAdmiralDeath: nowadays linux distros come with a tool to install to a USB drive.00:44
powertool08cc4: Maybe pyshaper will work for you?00:44
d_b_dAdmiralDeath: make sure that your motherboard supports booting from usb (and that your BIOS is set accordingly)00:44
giikerAdmiralDeath: like Fedora, Ubuntu, and some more!00:44
LizardK|ngwhen i try to run alsamixer, i get "alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory"00:45
bappy2i've seen this problem twice now ever, but I can't seem to figure out why I'm not able to execute a file that I see right in front of me: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/GqiEDt8h00:45
korcansoreau, where can I find a ppa?00:45
AdmiralDeathI am not sure if it supports it the computer is 5 years old00:45
soreau! ppa00:45
ubottuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.00:45
yaaarJordan_U: i just installed 9.10 on this hp pavilion dv6000 and it won't boot. i get to grub and every option (once i take out the quiet bits) gives me "error: Couldn't open file"00:45
AdmiralDeaththis is the 4th disk I have burned. The 2 server iso's had corrupt files and the 64 bit desktop failed to mount something and now I am trying 3200:46
yaaarJordan_U: i googled some but didn't find anyone with the same issue...found some folks with other weird boot problems who suggested adding 'noapic nolapic' to the kernel line....but that didn't do anything. also booted the livecd, mounted/chrooted into the system and reinstalled grub with no luck00:46
yaaaroh, and i checked the disc for errors as well00:46
LizardK|ngugh, i shouldn't have tried to install the new ppa version00:47
LizardK|ngof alsa00:47
delacAdmiralDeath: did you burn those disks with the same drive you are trying to read them?00:47
cc4pyshaper is not on the repository00:47
delacAdmiralDeath: well it might be compatibility issue00:47
giikerAdmiralDeath: if you have burnned ISOs before and they worked, then yur CDrom might be saying bye bye! a box 5 years old might still be able to boot from USB drive00:47
delacAdmiralDeath: i have stumbled upon that few times00:47
powertool08cc4: You have to build it from source, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=99321000:47
Jordan_Uyaaar: May be a BIOS bug if your BIOS can't read past a certain point in large drives. But then you usually get an "out of disk" error.00:48
delacAdmiralDeath: not all burned cds seem to work on other drives00:48
yaaarJordan_U: so, figure i create a separate /boot partition at the front of the drive?00:48
d_b_dAdmiralDeath: did you burn on DVD or CD? Try burning on CD (if you burnt on DVD before). Try a slow speed burning, md5 the hash of the disc contents after burning etc...00:48
giikerAdmiralDeath: haave you checked the checksums after downloading them?00:48
AdmiralDeathso I am going to have to install windows to burn a cd?00:48
giikerAdmiralDeath: and after burning them?00:48
AdmiralDeathyes I checked them00:49
giikerI changed the passphrase of my private key file (with ssh-keygen -p)in my client box, but when login in to the remote server through SSH, my new  passphrase is not recognized. I can keep changing the passphrase, but it is not being recognized?!!00:49
d_b_dAdmiralDeath: can't you order an Ubuntu disc from launchpad anymore (and wait a little)?00:49
bappy2Has anyone ever seen this, where you get a file not found error when trying to execute it ? http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/hm7qg97y00:49
yaaarAdmiralDeath: you are burning the image as an image, right? like, not just burning the image file to the disc?00:49
d_b_dAdmiralDeath: maybe they stopped shipping them, but they sent out ubuntu discs for free00:49
MK13yaaar, real quick check the entries given here and see if anything is missing/wrong https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub200:49
Jordan_Uyaaar: It's worth a try eventually but first you should try doing some testing in the grub shell, for instance use "ls /boot" to see if your kernels are listed.00:50
colorlessprismd_b_d, they still do, though they have been down for the last week or so00:50
ZykoticK9bappy2, are you using 64bit ubuntu?00:50
colorlessprismd_b_d, shipit00:50
delacAdmiralDeath: do you have cds or dvds from different manufacturers?00:50
bappy2no, 32 bit00:50
d_b_dAdmiralDeath: https://shipit.ubuntu.com/00:50
AdmiralDeathno I dont00:50
delacAdmiralDeath: cause that might solve the problem00:50
AdmiralDeathI only have a spool of 100 DVDS00:50
Jordan_Uyaaar: Can you be on IRC and at the grub shell at the same time?00:50
ZykoticK9bappy2, ok just checkin'00:50
delacAdmiralDeath: damn00:50
d_b_dAdmiralDeath: then you're sure it's not you're writer00:50
AdmiralDeathyes I am sure00:51
AdmiralDeathI have tried both drives00:51
bappy2ZykoticK9: i tested the same mongodb tarball (double checked the MD5 hash) on another ubuntu install (hardy), and it worked just fine00:51
bappy2both are 32 bit00:51
jt76AdmiralDeath: what program are u using to burn the iso?00:51
guitarguyanybody figured out plymouth issue under nvidia proprietary?00:51
AdmiralDeathWindows 7 iso burner00:51
ZykoticK9bappy2, sorry i don't have any suggestions if you're running 32 (was just going to suggest ia32-libs if you where on 64)00:52
bappy2hmm .. is there a way to confirm how many bits your processor is from ubuntu ?00:52
bappy2(my box is a virtual slice, maybe i got it wrong)00:52
ZykoticK9bappy2, "uname -m"00:52
d_b_dAdmiralDeath: try switching to runlevel 3 while the install fails/hangs (ctrl + alt + f3). Check the error logs00:52
guitarguyanybody figured out plymouth issue under nvidia proprietary?00:52
ZykoticK9bappy2, that's 64!  install the ia32-libs00:53
Typos_Kingbappy2:    lshw -C cpu;00:53
guitarguyi would really like the ubuntu splash to work properly00:53
AdmiralDeathit does not hang at all00:53
Jordan_U!lucid | guitarguy00:53
ubottuguitarguy: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule00:53
Piciguitarguy : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.00:53
max_rb /proc/acpi/video/VGA/LCD/brightness: Directory nonexistent00:53
d_b_dAdmiralDeath: where does it fail then (specific?)00:53
AdmiralDeathit doesnt00:53
max_rbwhen i tried to run  sh video_brightnessup.sh00:54
AdmiralDeathit burns fine and it hangs when I try to install linux on a seperate box00:54
bappy2ia32-libs .. lets a 64 bit process run 32bit programs ?00:54
max_rbmy fn key does not works00:54
ZykoticK9bappy2, yes - basically00:54
jt76AdmiralDeath: do you format the seoerate box before install? (if it evne gets that far in the install)00:54
giikerbappy2: it has to with your search path00:54
bappy2because i can also download the 64 bit version of this program00:54
guitarguyJordan_U: not helping, and the bug at launchpad is set to low level of importance, i dont think it would be solved by the ubuntu developers, because it doesnt affect system performance, and it targets only nvidia users00:55
AdmiralDeathI tell it to install and it is sitting at the blinking cursotr00:55
d_b_dAdmiralDeath: when it hangs (when installing) try pressing ctrl+alt+f3 (that should take you to runlevel 3). list what you see here00:55
JRCARR2hey, anyone ever hear of a soft token file for vpn?00:55
bappy2Typos_King: just checked, looks like i'm def. on a 64 bit processor00:55
LizardK|nghow do i tell alsa what my soundcard is?00:55
AdmiralDeathit says00:55
bappy2learned a new command today: lshw :)00:55
JRCARR2and any ideas of how to use my software token file for vpn on ubuntu?00:55
HariharakadanBabby2: Grats.00:56
giikerI changed the passphrase of my private key file (with ssh-keygen -p)in my client box, but when login in to the remote server through SSH, my new  passphrase is not recognized. I can keep changing the passphrase, but it is not being recognized?!!00:56
HariharakadanDo you know how to pipe it to html yet? :)00:56
cc4how can I select my tvtuner on mythtv? I have 2 pci devices installed.00:56
AdmiralDeathmouting failed on dev/loop000:57
cc4I am using the --device command with tvtime00:57
AdmiralDeathon filesystem.squashfs00:57
bappy2ok, installed ia32-libs00:57
AdmiralDeathno such device exists00:57
AdmiralDeathnow what?00:58
d_b_dAdmiralDeath: may be a broken disc according to http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/mandriva-linux-help/26241-cd-crashes-invalid-argument-mount-dev-loop0-solved.html (I would try taking out the cdrom / dvd players one by one)00:58
d_b_dAdmiralDeath: a broken cd-romplayer I meant (not really a disc)00:59
AdmiralDeathI only have on in the computer I am trying to install linux on00:59
bappy2ZykoticK9: that was spot on diagnosis the first time00:59
yaaarJordan_U: sorry had to go afk for a minute. the troublesome computer is in the next room, so i've been employing a bit of sneakernet...anyway, i can do ls /boot no problem, shows the files.00:59
ZykoticK9bappy2, glad you got it working00:59
bappy2thanks guys00:59
AdmiralDeathI will see if I can find the extra CD drive we have00:59
sp0spowhat do i do when ubuntu won't reboot nor shutdown with shutdown -h now01:00
Jordan_Uyaaar: Try typing in the linux and initrd commands from your grub.cfg directly into the grub shell (you can replace root=UUID= with root=/dev/sdXX to be easier to type)01:01
d_b_dAdmiralDeath: ok, I'll try to stay on this channel. I have no experience with this specific error but I should be able to help you through general linux troubleshooting01:01
cc4on mythtv is shows no tvtuner cards, while it works with tvtime01:01
cc4what's wrong?01:01
XuMuKhi there, is ther some GUI app that can recover files deleted by rm command?01:01
jt76sp0spo: try sudo shutdown -r now01:01
ZykoticK9cc4, did you setup the card using mythtv-setup command?01:01
sp0spojt, same thing01:02
cc4ok I will thanks ZykoticK901:02
d_b_dXuMuK: try photorec (enable all repositories) (stop using the disk NOW)01:02
d_b_dXuMuk: btw its text GUI (ncurses; does that count ;)01:02
d_b_dXuMuk: otherwise use Foremost01:02
sp0spookay, somehow i got it to shutdown01:02
mazda01after i've compiled something from source, can I just delete the /usr/local/src/xbmc folder? I am asking because it's taking up a lot of room. when I hit sudo make install I say a bunch of messages saying that it was copying files to system locations.01:02
d_b_dXuMuK: but unmount the disk now (or you'll lose data)01:03
XuMuKd_b_d, shal I boo t from Live CD for thtat? o_O01:03
mazda01the same question goes for armyops. it's taking up a mass amount of room.01:03
yaaarJordan_U: the linux command gives the same "error: Couldn't read file" (and of course the initrd command fails because there's no kernel loaded"01:03
d_b_dXuMuK: that's possible yes (after booting edit /etc/apt/sources.list as sudo root and uncomment all sources; then issue sudo apt-get update ; then install diskutils (sudo apt-get install diskutils) and then run photorec on the partition)01:04
LizardK|ngcan someone help me get my sound working again?  i think i'm just making things worse01:04
Typos_Kingmazda01:    I'd say yes, since it's already compiled to binary, the source objects aren't needed for executing it01:05
emmanuel_I'm using ubuntu 9.1001:05
jasmuzLizardK|ng: what is your problem?01:05
asmodeus_dhoinewow, it's busy here!01:05
emmanuel_firefox 3.6.3 and sun-java6-plugin01:05
d_b_dXuMuK: you may need to mount the partition you want to recover FROM manually (as the destiation where you want to save the files). When you google photorec tutorial you should be able to find a tutorial01:05
dburkeSo, I have a question that could probably be answered pretty fast; where is the configuration that makes the xserver start upon logging in.  I would like my user to be kicked to a command line so that I will have to manually start the xserver.01:05
jasmuzemmanuel_: ask your question in one line please.01:05
AdmiralDeathok I am trying the install on another drive01:05
emmanuel_and when I open window with an applet I cannot close the window01:05
emmanuel_some body knows why?01:05
cc4ZykoticK9: how can I set the video device on the myth-setup? I place video1 instead of video0 but it still says aboyt my webcam01:05
AdmiralDeathlooks like that was it01:06
LizardK|ngjasmuz, no sound, i asked earlier why sometimes i need to restart an app to get the sound to come back in it and was told to upgrade alsa to 1.0.23 from and i just ended up losing all sound and karmic doesn't see my soundcard anymore01:06
AdmiralDeathlots faster this time01:06
asmodeus_dhoinecould anyone help me to solve this low free space issue with Ubuntu casper persistent install?01:06
ZykoticK9cc4, i'm really not sure - myth is on my htpc (which i'm not on) you might want to ask in the mythbuntu channel though.  Good luck.01:06
d_b_dAdmiralDeath: hopes it works for you01:06
jasmuzdburke: you could disable the startup of the Xserver yourself, or make your account go into a terminal mode.01:06
IdleOne!language > lavatory01:06
ubottulavatory, please see my private message01:06
d_b_dAdmiralDeath: shiny new ubuntu installation coming up soon ;-)01:06
JRCARR2I give up01:06
mazda01Typos_King, ok, armyops i am not sure what I can delete. it installed itself with a foo.run file. and within /usr/local/games/armyops/   there is a ton of folders.01:06
d_b_dJRCARR2: never give up; what's the problem01:07
dburkeHow do I do that?  Is there a config file I should be looking at?01:07
jasmuzLizardK|ng: your soundcard should be listed, check under lspci01:07
emmanuel_I'm using ubuntu 9.10, firefox 3.6.3 and sun-java6-plugin, when I open window java applet, I cannot close it. somebody knows why?01:07
JRCARR2I apparently need to use something called "software key authentication" or "soft key authentication" to connect via vpn...01:07
LizardK|ngjasmuz, its there but alsa doesn't see it01:07
d_b_demmanuel_: which java01:07
JRCARR2but i cannot find how to do it in linux :(01:07
Jordan_Uyaaar: Could you run "md5sum /boot/linux..." for one of your kernels and confirm that it matches what's seen in the booted system?01:08
dburkejasmuz: How should I do that? Is there a config file I should use?01:08
d_b_demmanuel: tell me the output of running that under terminal01:08
jasmuzdburke: honestly i can't remember how i use to do it.01:08
Typos_Kingmazda01:    what you can do is, firstly, rename it ->  mv   games cheeseburger;    then run the app/game again, to see if it goes ok, and if it does, then hose it :)01:08
cc4how can I save the tv tuner I defined on mythtv-setup please?01:08
jasmuzLizardK|ng: If its listed, why are you using alsa instead of pulseaudio?01:09
LizardK|ngjasmuz, boxee doesn;t like pulseaudio01:09
sje46utube ripper isn't working =/01:09
sje46whenever I double click on it nothing loads01:09
PiciJRCARR2: fyi, if you have the .pcf file for your vpn configuration, you can import it into network manager's vpn thing.01:09
LizardK|ngjasmuz, can you help me with alsa?01:10
jasmuzLizardK|ng: there is a alsa to pulseaudio stream if im not mistaken01:10
LizardK|ngjasmuz, can you help me with alsa?01:10
LizardK|ngforget about pulseaudio01:10
JRCARR2Pici... yeah, the problem is we dont use pcf.. they use a file with the extension .sf01:10
nishanthanyone familiar with winehq?01:10
Picinishanth: The #winehq channel is01:10
ZykoticK9LizardK|ng, have you tried "pauspender BOXEE_EXECUTABLE"01:10
emmanuel_I'm using java601:10
zukeNeed some help with grub after a fresh Mandriva install01:11
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JRCARR2Pici, where are pcf files generally located at?01:11
aetaricJRCARR2: rsa's soft key doesn't work on linux01:11
dburkeCan anyone point me to a config file that determines whether the xserver starts upon login?01:11
LizardK|ngZykoticK9, no, why would i need to do something to boxee that i didn;t need to do before and when sound doesn't work before boxee even starts?01:11
emmanuel_d_b_d: let me run firefox in a terminal, wait please!!01:11
d_b_demmanuel_: does the same thing happen with the latest opera? (seeing if this is really java-related vs browser-related)?01:11
tripelbProblem: computer does not recognize ethernet signal, ie port. I have some data re it now. PLEASE !01:12
PiciJRCARR2: I'm not sure.  I got a .pcf file and a windows executable from my network admin, I was happy that I could load the pcf file with n-m01:12
jasmuzdburke: how about checking out init.d?01:12
yaaarJordan_U: the grub shell doesn't know 'md5sum'01:12
LizardK|ngi don't even have a "pauspender" command01:12
dburkejasmuz: isn't that a folder?01:12
jasmuzdburke: Install BUM (Boot Up Manager) and disable the xserver if you may.01:12
ZykoticK9dburke, if you want to disable GDM on startup see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/boot-to-console---disable-graphical-login-gdm01:12
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jasmuzdburke: Of course.. init.d is a folder, which holds all the init scripts01:13
Jordan_Uyaaar: Seems that command was added in 1.98 :(01:13
skoorc8hi... i would really appreciate some help01:13
d_b_d@JRCARR2: may be far fetched but have you tried renaming the .sf to .pcf and try enabling that (hurray for Juniper Netscreen VPNS for running on other OS'es then Windows)01:13
dburkeZykoticK9: Nah, I like GDM.  I want to disable the xserver01:13
emmanuel_yes, it's the same with opera and google chrome01:13
dburkezasmuz:  Thanks. :)01:13
ZykoticK9dburke, GDM more or less is xserver -- what are you really asking?01:13
LizardK|ngjasmuz, so you only know about pulseaudio?01:13
JRCARR2d_b_d, good thought...01:13
tripelbCant see internet signal, ethernet viz: I have collected the info that was asked for last night. ((Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Network Connection01:13
tripelbDhcp Server:
tripelbPhysical Address: 00:0C:F1:E8:CE:04 )) and I am looking at the lspci results on the screen NOW.01:14
Jordan_U!details | zuke01:14
ubottuzuke: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."01:14
dburkeZykoticK9: I would like the xserver to not start upon login.  I want my user to be booted to a cli01:14
jasmuzLizardK|ng: I stopped working with alsa a while ago, when Ubuntu pushed pulse into the distro01:14
yaaarJordan_U: anyway i doubt the kernel image is the problem. in particular, the memtest image does the same thing01:14
ZykoticK9dburke, then disable GDM!01:14
zukeok Jordan_U01:14
JRCARR2d_b_d, I'll try... worse comes to worse, I'll just have to use linux atr work and use windows at home if I need to be on the corporate network01:15
jasmuzLizardK|ng: and since Boxee isn't provided by the repo's i can't account for it either.01:15
LizardK|ngjasmuz, alsa is though, i'm not asking for boxee help at all01:15
dburkeZykoticK9:  Do you have a term or keyword/file that could help me understand more about why that's the case?01:15
Jordan_Uyaaar: It wasn't to test that the kernel image was correct, it was to test that grub is reading the file properly (i.e. if the md5sum matches what linux sees)01:15
zukeUbuntu 10.04/Fedora12/Mandriva2010.0 installed on WD External USB HDD when I do the update grub after Mandriva installation, Mandriva shows up in the appropriate place but doesn't point to a kernel image like Ubuntu and Fedora do01:15
ZykoticK9dburke, GDM is the GUI Xorg launcher01:15
yaaarJordan_U: oh, i follow01:16
dburkeZykoticK9, zasmuz:  Thanks.01:16
d_b_d@JRCARR2: If your network admins are OK with it then just map a high remote port at your firewall for an SSH tunnel (then mount the windows shares as SMB/CIFS manually)01:16
tripelbI've asked this politely 3 times today at intervals hours apart. I'm trying to get computer #3 to connect to internet and it doesnt register connected. Ubuntu 9.04 LiveCD.  Ditto when I add a PCI ethernet card. (je vous en prie)01:16
jasmuzLizardK|ng: check these out--> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=84301201:16
iflemadburke add the word    text    to the following line in /etc/default/grub  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT01:16
skoorc8i am running firefox 3.5.9 on ubuntu 9.10... when i try to preview a post in wordpress the php file doesn't load in the browser... I am asked to save it instead... in fact this happens on most sites with php01:17
skoorc8when i change the option to open it with firefox... multiple tabs open and i have to close firefox stop it01:17
skoorc8what can i do to fix this problem???01:17
LizardK|ngso the snd_hda_intel kernel module is loaded01:17
zukeIt gives me the option to boot it, but when selected is says "no such location" "no such partition" "you need to load the kernel first"01:17
mazda01Typos_King, cool thanks01:17
gunkstatripleb: you won't always get an answer. Not sure what you mean by computer #3, but do you have an IP address / is your hardware being recognized?01:18
LizardK|ngjasmuz, thanks for the info on PULSEAUDIO which i'm NOT using!01:18
jasmuzLizardK|ng: don't be sarcastic, im trying to give you a way out.01:18
LizardK|ngi'm just frustrated because it was working about 90% and now its at like -50%01:19
jribskoorc8: that's a server problem, it has nothing to do with your browser01:19
gunkstaI like to use terminator as my primary terminal. I usually start it via Alt+F2. I'd like to find the equivalent of bash aliases for X. I prefer to use terminator with -mb. I have this in .bash_alias but Alt+F2 apparently doesn't check this.01:19
gunkstaI'd like to type in Terminator and have it do terminator -mb01:20
skoorc8well when i try to post from another computer in the house it works seemlessly01:20
jribgunksta: write a small script, put it in ~/bin, log out, log back in01:20
mr_fribbleHow do I create a new admin user through ssh?01:20
skoorc8so it has to be related to my setup01:20
jribmr_fribble: create a new user (adduser), add the user to the admin group (adduser USERNAME admin)01:20
gunkstajrib - that's a good point. I've got a few other things in !/bin01:20
gunkstaI meant ~/bin01:21
jribgunksta: no need to log out and back in then01:21
Jordan_Uyaaar: You probably won't be able to see the output well enough to do much good, but try running "set debug=disk" before the linux command or add it to your grub.cfg.01:21
mr_fribblethank you jrib01:21
jribskoorc8: it's a server issue01:21
snarksterIs there a howto fro grub201:21
LizardK|ngcan anyone help me get ALSA without pulseaudio working in karmic?01:21
jribskoorc8: either that or you aren't describing the problem accurately01:22
ZykoticK9!grub2 > snarkster01:22
ubottusnarkster, please see my private message01:22
skoorc8jrib: what tools can i use to see what my browser is sending to the server?01:22
jribskoorc8: you see php code correct?01:22
skoorc8don't understand your question01:22
mr_fribblejrib: it says adduser: The group `admin' does not exist. when I try adding my new user to the admin group.01:23
jribskoorc8: when you open the php file, do you see php tags?01:23
jribmr_fribble: what distro are you using?01:23
skoorc8i don't see anything in the file01:23
snarksterSo far I've just found a descriptive howto not a step by step howto01:23
mr_fribbleubuntu 9.0401:23
jribmr_fribble: that's not possible, ubuntu has an admin group01:23
mr_fribbleit is a vps server01:24
ZykoticK9mr_fribble, "cat /etc/group" and verify that admin is listed01:24
jribmr_fribble: not a proper ubuntu install then01:24
ZykoticK9mr_fribble, VPSs can do strange things!01:24
exigraffskoorc8: use the Tamper Data addon for Firefox to watch requests/responses01:25
iflematripelb if you have another cable try using that (swap maybe) confirm the intergrity of the cable.... also hold it end to end, are the wires (colours) in the same order on both sides????01:25
mr_fribbleis adm same as admin?01:25
DdotHey folks! I'm a complete Ubuntu newb and in need of some assistance. Having some issues loading the new OS.01:25
User_007I can't get Ubuntu CDs anymore. If i join a LoCo can i continue getting CDs?01:25
jribDdot: just ask01:25
d_b_dDdot: what's the question?01:25
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ZykoticK9User_007, if you become an Ubuntu-Member (not easy) you can.  Or just buy them.01:26
mr_fribbleZykoticK9, I see adm in there, is that the same thing?01:26
skoorc8exigraff: ok i will check it out... thanx01:26
jribUser_007: most LoCos get a shipment of CDs and I'm sure you also find lots of friendly people willing to burn you one if you can't for some reason01:26
jribmr_fribble: it's not the same thing, no01:26
exigraffskoorc8: np01:26
jribmr_fribble: pastebin your /etc/sudoers01:26
max_rbDdot, from where are you/01:26
ZykoticK9mr_fribble, can't answer that i'm affraid - you are using a non-standard ubuntu for sure01:26
DdotI am in Oklahoma01:27
DdotOne sec01:27
yaaarJordan_U: yeah, i don't think that told us anything. all the lines except the last couple were "disk.c:389 Reading `hd0,1'..." and then "disk.c:457 hd0,1 read failed" followed by "closing..."01:27
ZykoticK9mr_fribble, no not the same - i have an adm here as well01:27
DdotI am trying to install Ubuntu on my desktop and it is halting my system and giving me this error: "Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 353267..."01:28
mr_fribbleWhat is the difference between adm and admin then?01:28
DdotI've used the same disk and installed it on my laptop with no issues01:28
jribmr_fribble: they are different groups, used for different things...01:28
Jordan_Uyaaar: Is this an older machine?01:28
d_b_d@Ddot: sr0 is your floppy disk (try removing that - unplug it).01:29
mr_fribbleI thought adm was short for admin, excuse me.01:29
DdotMy computer does not contain a floppy drive01:29
yaaarJordan_U: couple years. it came with vista on it if that tells you anything01:29
TaoThats alot of people01:30
mr_fribbleDoes anyone know why admin is not listed in my group list? When I do lsb_release -a, it shows Ubuntu 9.04 so I'm running the right distro...01:30
taylor_hi, im kind of a newb. Im trying to enable an aero-snap feature like that of W7 in Karmic Koala. I went into keyboard shortcuts and typed out a command I found online but it doesnt seem to be working. Some key shortcuts produce an error while others dont get a response at all. Any ideas?01:31
TaoI'm really a newb01:31
TaoProbably more so than you :p01:31
ZykoticK9mr_fribble, contact your hosting provider!  they'll know (they've probably removed it for some reason)01:31
yaaarDdot: sr0 is probably your cdrom drive. floppies are usually fdX01:32
jribmr_fribble: pastebin your /etc/sudoers and we'll tell you how to add a new admin user01:32
yaaarDdot: in any case, the error usually points to a bad cd or bad drive: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=67809601:32
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DdotYes, I thought so. My cd-rom drive works fine and writes fine in Windows.01:32
morphixI am thinking about creating a local repo for ubuntu as i have about 7 workstations using ubuntu on the lan and the constant package updates is pointless. I am wondering if there is anyway i can find out the current sizes of karmic and lucid repos?01:32
yaaarDdot: have you checked the cd out? (md5sum and/or the self-check?)01:32
gogetamorphix: huge01:33
mazda01anyone else using XBMC in ubuntu?01:33
mazda01i don't have any scrapers in a newly compiled 9.11 xbmc in lucid01:33
viatoris there a way for me to install this 32bit driver on my 64bit system01:33
ChogyDanmorphix: you can setup a proxy, where only one computer downloads the files01:33
TaoOk, can anyone help me with a problem? I downloaded Ubuntu .iso and burned it to a CD and booted it up on another computer01:33
morphixgogeta: yeh i know that much, but am after sizes01:33
* Typos_King presses caps-lock for tripelb01:33
TaoI tried to install it and it went fine at first01:33
tripelbiflema, I was asked to look at the hardware. I have two reports, one from belarc (win) and one from lspci (now) - yesterday when it was late someone here asked me to do that.01:34
mr_fribblejrib: http://pastebin.com/PqJ92Ra501:34
Sachse_Siechtumhow can I open the "add /remove applications" in terminal?01:34
gogetamorphix: i beleve it takes 4 dvds01:34
Sachse_Siechtumwhats the command for that?01:34
tripelbTypos_King, thanks01:34
TaoBut then errors like "Buffer I/0 errors" started to pop01:34
DdotI am a current windows user, trying to install Ubuntu. I have done the drive check from the ubuntu menu, with no errors or problems found. But I'm not sure  how to check it any other way. It works perfectly in Windows.01:34
tripelbso much for touchtyping01:34
TaoEventually it just froze up01:34
morphixChogyDan: yeh but once the cache reaches the limit old cache files will be ditched.. i want a permanent repo available, especially since i do a lot of test benches too.. easier when installing to do a net install from a local repo01:34
Typos_KingSachse_Siechtum:     Id' think will be -> synaptic; or so01:34
morphixgogeta: for what? just for lucid repo? kamic?01:35
ZykoticK9morphix, my solution to your problem (used for my VMs) is to have a copy of /var/cache/apt/archives that i connect to with SSH and download from the one machine to the others01:35
DdotTao: It sounds like you are having the same issue i am01:35
yaaarSachse_Siechtum: well, there isn't really a direct analogue. you probably want 'aptitude' though...try starting with 'aptitude search <app>'01:35
TaoAnd when I tried to install it again, all I got was a black screen with what looked like a blinking underscore01:35
gogetamorphix: looks up ubuntu repo dvd should give you sizes01:35
jribmr_fribble: what user are you using to add new users now?01:35
Sachse_SiechtumTypos_King, no I dont mean synaptic.. I mean the tab "add /remove applications" in the applications menu01:35
taylor_hi, im kind of a newb. Im trying to enable an aero-snap feature like that of W7 in Karmic Koala. I went into keyboard shortcuts and typed out a command I found online but it doesnt seem to be working. Some key shortcuts produce an error while others dont get a response at all. Can anyone help me with this?01:35
Typos_KingSachse_Siechtum:     I was under the impression that IS synaptic01:36
ChogyDanSachse_Siechtum: software-center01:36
ChogyDantaylor_: does the command work from a terminal?01:36
AppetiteI'm using connection sharing, and the recipient computer is not able to connect to the internet.... It is perfectly connected to the network, and has an ip from the dhcp server, but cannot ping google, for example. (Unknown host)01:36
Sachse_SiechtumChogyDan, hmm this is not installed... *installing*01:37
taylor_ChogyDan: I haven't tried, but should I just copy the same command and into terminal? Or do I have to write a different syntax?01:37
jribmr_fribble: your vps provider is silly... anyway, you should edit /etc/sudoers (use: sudo visudo) and add a line "%admin    ALL=(ALL) ALL" and create the admin group01:37
gogetaAppetite: you need to enable that on the linux machine people used to just give me a script on hear.01:37
Typos_KingTao:    is it installed still?  do you get a Grub menu at boot?01:37
iflematripelb card(s) listed in lspci? if so try    ifconfig    in a terminal... is there a listing for eth0?01:37
ZykoticK9Appetite, verify on the guest machine that there is something reasonable in the /etc/resolv.conf01:38
TaoTypos_King: No, I don't01:38
ChogyDantaylor_: if you are going to have it run from a shortcut, it _must_ work in the terminal.  I found there is stricter syntax for the shortcut01:38
AppetiteZykoticK9: what should it contain? it says "nameserver"01:38
johnjohn101is it safe to load the kernels that are in kernel.ubuntu.com site?01:38
gogetaAppetite: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing01:38
Sachse_SiechtumChogyDan, thanks. :-)01:38
taylor_ChogyDan: I just tried, it works in terminal, but the keyboard shortcut doesnt work01:38
TaoTypos_King: I don't think it installed01:38
ZykoticK9Appetite, that *seems* like it might be reasonable :)  good luck man01:38
fardadTypos_King: I installed the libglib2.0 and it worked01:39
DdotFrom what I've read about this error, it seems like its a problem with CD-RW drives.01:39
Typos_KingTao:    it might have been an issue with the apm module, fixable by means of grub boot arguments, like noapic and acpi=off01:39
ChogyDanSachse_Siechtum: yw01:39
sje46hey can someone help me?  I think I'm supposed to download a file or something01:39
AppetiteZykoticK9: ah, i'm not sure the problem, because it just stopped working recently01:39
ChogyDantaylor_: what is the command?01:39
sje46I downloaded utube ripper and whenever I double click on it it doesn't do anything01:39
mr_fribblejrib: there is a percent sign in front of admin?01:39
taylor_ChogyDan: WIDTH=`xdpyinfo | grep 'dimensions:' | cut -f 2 -d ':' | cut -f 1 -d 'x'` && HALF=$(($WIDTH/2)) && wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b add,maximized_vert && wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -e 0,$HALF,0,$HALF,-101:39
sje46so I tried it through the terminal and it says01:39
jribmr_fribble: yes01:39
jrib!enter | sje4601:39
ubottusje46: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:39
ZykoticK9Appetite, actually i'm unable to ping that address, can you?01:39
sje46ERROR: #27: Cannot load component 'gb.sdl.sound': cannot find library file01:39
taylor_ChogyDan: And then there is a similar one for moving the window to the left01:39
Typos_Kingfardad: heheh.... don't forget to make images for backups, for whenever something unexpectedly may occurr :)01:40
gogetasje46: you dont need any extra apps to grab youtube. just add kick to the ur eh kickyoutube01:40
ChogyDantaylor_: hmm, wmctrl?01:40
mr_fribblejrib: I still get the same thing, admin group doesn't exit01:40
jribmr_fribble: the last thing I said was "create the admin group"01:40
sje46gogeta, I feel uncomfortable using a third party site01:40
taylor_ChogyDan: What does that mean? To be honest, I just copied that command from a website, I do not know what it means at all.01:40
gogetasje46: its more a script then a website01:40
mr_fribbleso how do I create the admin group?01:41
jimi_Can someone recommend a blackboard softboard?01:41
ChogyDantaylor_: you had to have installed that.  it is a program that I happen to have used a little01:41
fardadTypos_King: hmm, I think I better do that ASAP. tnx again.01:41
gogetasje46: does conversions to01:41
jribmr_fribble: addgroup...01:41
ZykoticK9sje46, have you tried youtube-dl in the repo?01:41
sje46gogeta, it still uses outside servers though, right?01:41
sje46ZykoticK9, in the repo?  I dont know what that means?01:41
taylor_ChogyDan: It's installed01:41
mr_fribblethank you jrib01:42
gogetasje46: i think if you convert it does but it uses the youtube sites itsself.01:42
ZykoticK9sje46, youtube-dl is an installable cli app for downloading youtube videos01:42
mr_fribbleone more thing, i mistakenly added my new user to the adm group =/ how do I remove it from that group?01:42
ChogyDantaylor_: the problem I run into is that I couldn't just use the short form of commands.  I needed the whole path written out.  Maybe you can execute the whole thing in a bash shell?01:42
sje46ZykoticK9, right..  I actually downloaded that, but I dont want the whole videos, just the mp3s01:42
mouseWhat's the most user friendly linux distro for a computer that has 64mbs of ram, 10gb hd, and intel pent 3 595mhz processor?01:42
taylor_ChogyDan: How do I do that?01:42
sje46I looked through the man too, and it doesn't have a just mp3 option01:43
gogetamouse: puppy can run on a pc that small01:43
gogetamouse: pretty quickly to01:43
ZykoticK9sje46, ahhh - my solution there would be to download the video and use "mplayer -ao pcm $FILENAME.flv" and convert the WAV to an MP3 - but that might be more work then your solution01:43
mousegogeta, is it really user friendly though?01:43
sje46ZykoticK9, right, and whenever I bring up this problem, people suggest a solution like that01:43
gogetamouse: it has its own repos and stuff01:44
sje46I just want a simple app or something that's like, one click01:44
gogetamouse: i run it off a cd on my dead hdd dell c61001:44
mazda01i don't have any scrapers in a newly compiled 9.11 xbmc in lucid. i also can't set content within my video source? what gives?01:44
mousegogeta, it will be for my mom and this will be her first linux box.01:44
gogetamouse: well its no ubuntu but its easy enough01:44
ChogyDantaylor_: well, I don't know for sure, but I'm guessing that you can put the command into a file, and then execute that against /bin/sh01:44
mousegogeta, Alright.  Thank you.01:45
ChogyDantaylor_: so like this:    /bin/sh file_with_that_command.sh01:45
gogetamouse: hears a video01:45
gogetamouse: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpTyjcx2Aew01:45
sje46but anyway, gogeta, should I download that thing?  How do I find it?01:45
gogetasje46: just go to a youtube video you whant01:46
* mouse clicks.01:46
gogetasje46: then add kick to the url like http://www.clickyoutube.com/watch?v=VpTyjcx2Aew01:46
sje46gogeta, ...okay...I don't like where this is going01:46
gogetalol oops01:46
taylor_ChogyDan: and I just make a normal file in gedit and save it as .sh? I save it into the bin folder?01:46
Ddotok, I am getting "Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block...." while trying to install ubuntu. Then my system locks up and my monitor posts and error saying "Out of Range". From what I've read, its an issue with ubuntu trying to write to the CD rather than the hard drive. I am pretty new to linux, but I'd like to find a workaround to install it on my system. I read a comment about changing a setting to make it a generic ide device, but01:46
sje46no, I already said I dont want to use a third party site01:46
gogetalike http://www.kickyoutube.com/watch?v=VpTyjcx2Aew01:46
sje46right, or abcyoutube.com.  But I don't want that01:47
ChogyDantaylor_: o yeah, good point.  Hmm, maybe just keep it in your home folder?  I dunno, somewhere where you can track it01:47
DdotI've got an image of my error messages if that would help anyone.01:47
taylor_ChogyDan: Ok hold on, let me try this01:47
gogetamouse: i cant get that link to load hears another01:48
gogetamouse: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uw5lLaQJWfw&feature=related01:48
gogetamouse: its built for old machines or new machine to be fast01:48
sje46the executable is "utube.gambas".  And the error is ERROR: #27: Cannot load component 'gb.sdl.sound': cannot find library file .  Does ANYONE know what I'm supposed to do with that information?01:48
ChogyDantaylor_: there are two things I didn't tell you.  You need to chmod +x the file, and you need to write out the whole path in the final command01:49
taylor_ChogyDan: How do I do that? Sorry, Im a newb01:50
mousegogeta, It'll be better than what she has now.  Her boyfriend installed xp on it.01:50
gogetamouse: lol01:50
mousegogeta, inorite01:50
gogetamouse: its small and lightwight so old machines can handel it01:50
ChogyDantaylor_: just describe the situation, and I will craft the commands01:51
gogetamouse: you clould install ubuntu threw alt installer but it will be slow01:51
Ddotok, I am getting "Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block...." while trying to install ubuntu. Then my system locks up and my monitor posts and error saying "Out of Range". From what I've read, its an issue with ubuntu trying to write to the CD rather than the hard drive. I am pretty new to linux, but I'd like to find a workaround to install it on my system. I read a comment about changing a setting to make it a generic ide device, but01:51
taylor_ChogyDan: Ok, so basically I just copied the commands I sent to you into gedit, saved them as .sh files in my downloads folder01:52
mousegogeta, It should work then.  I showed her ubuntu and mint and different other things so she's all hyped about it.  Ubuntu on it will probably make it too slow.01:52
taylor_ChogyDan: Then I copied the location of the file into the keyboard shortcut command01:52
ChogyDantaylor_: ok, now: chmod +x the_file.sh01:52
Typos_KingDdot:     what.... version are you installing?01:52
gogetamouse: its small to so you will have plenty of space left on that 10gb01:53
=== couple4674 is now known as chik4674
Typos_KingDdot:     and you're installing from cd to hd?01:53
joshdreamlandI bought an 8GB hard drive to run Karmic off of persistently. However, Jaunty fails to make it behave persistently... or perhaps it just fails to boot persistently despite being asked correctly? I've read multiple reports of this. They seem to stem from people who tried to install persistently on USB's larger than 2GB. Was this ever corrected?01:53
DdotTypos_King:  Correct.01:53
mousegogeta, how big is it?01:53
Typos_KingDdot:     did you make partitions for root '/' and swap?01:53
taylor_ChogyDan: Alright now what?01:53
gogetamouse: 100mb01:53
mousegogeta, Wow, that's impressive.01:54
DdotTypos_King: I have not been given the option to partition yet01:54
ChogyDantaylor_: ok, now in the shortcut, put: /bin/sh /home/user_name/downloads/the_file.sh01:54
gogetamouse: well they use smaller apps. rather then open office they use abiword01:54
gogetamouse: the videos shows you around a bit01:54
Typos_KingDdot:     .... sooooo, you went with the 'recommended' automatic installation?01:54
mousegogeta, is the gui about the same as open office?01:54
keyvani want my 'www-data' user to be able to read files from a folder belonging to the user 'git' ... how is that done?01:55
Alan502Is there any way i can compile turbo pascal on linux?01:55
gogetamouse: abiword is pretty good01:55
Typos_KingAlan502:   there are pascal compilers for *nix afaik01:55
DdotTypos_King: Correct. I am a new linux user. Familiar slightly with the basics of how Linux theory works.01:55
taylor_ChogyDan: Alright I did that, it still doesnt work though.01:56
Alan502Typos_King, i was looking but found compilers only for object pascal, not turbo pascal :(01:56
mousegogeta, Can puppy linux install through usb?  Her boyfriend did something to the disc drive and it doesn't work anymore.01:56
ChogyDantaylor_: does the command work in a terminal?  any error?01:56
gogetamouse: it can install from anything01:56
taylor_ChogyDan: It works fine, with no errors01:56
thewolfjoin #ubuntu-us-al01:56
mousegogeta, Cool.01:56
Typos_KingAlan502:   there's also the Lazarus project, not sure how it's going thus far, but it's kinda like a pascal spinoff type, mind you that Delphi language is pretty much just pascal language with GUI stuff, and newer version and name :)01:56
ChogyDantaylor_: just not with a shortcut.  And you tried different keys?01:57
gogetamouse: just dl the iso and use unetbooting to make it a usb01:57
CarlFKhow do I search for PPAs?  like I am looking for jython 2.501:57
Alan502Typos_King, yeah found it on the repositories :) but i think it only supports object pascal01:57
taylor_ChogyDan: Oh wait, you mean this command? ' /bin/sh /home/user_name/downloads/Aero-Snap/left.sh '?01:57
ChogyDantaylor_: yes01:57
mousegogeta, Alright.  Thank you.01:58
brakkvatn1415 brukere...01:58
taylor_ChogyDan: Hold on sorry, I just realized that I forgot to type in my username. Let me try that01:58
Michael-DJust a quick one if anybody has time. Is there a reason that the 64 bit of the lts will install side by side witn 7 and 32 will not?01:58
ChogyDantaylor_: actually, you may not the /bin/sh in front01:58
Typos_KingAlan502:   well.... ahemm... you can run a DOS box in virtualbox and compile there I gather :|, don't think you'd be able to do it in WINE01:58
ChogyDantaylor_: (now that I think about it)01:58
joshdreamlandOkay, the Karmic startup disk creator won't format my 8GB flash to its liking. I press "Format," it stalls for a moment, then still doesn't like it.01:58
Typos_KingDdot:     soooo, you install.... and ... it goes ok?01:58
b1shopwhat is the ubuntu gui installer called?01:59
DdotTypos_King:  No, I cannot install. The moment I hit the install Ubuntu option, it gives me the error.01:59
Alan502Typos_King, lol, yeah i think that would be the best solution, only my teacher chooses such a language >:(01:59
vortexuna preguntota01:59
ZykoticK9b1shop, ubiquity (or similar)02:00
b1shopredhat's installer was called anaconda02:00
Alan502i blame on my teacher02:00
taylor_ChogyDan: Ok it works in terminal, but not in shortcuts02:00
Alan502Typos_King, but thanks, cya :)02:00
Alan502!es | vortex02:00
ubottuvortex: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.02:00
DdotTypos_King: I have to do a hard reset in order to interrupt it and restart.02:00
ChogyDantaylor_: try removing the /bin/sh part02:00
taylor_ChogyDan: I did, still nothing02:00
b1shopZykoticK9: do you know if it can be changed?  i.e.  i would like a linux distro to boot directly to a single gui application02:00
ChogyDantaylor_: sorry, Im out of ideas02:01
ZykoticK9b1shop, no idea (did you have a LP question about LiveCD about this?)02:01
taylor_ChogyDan: np, thanks for your help02:01
Typos_KingDdot:     ohhhh, you never get pass the initial splash menus..... retry and this time, once at the menus, press F6, for more boot options, and check acpi=off and noapic and maybe others , then press Enter to02:01
RoastedIs anybody really good at editing themes? I'm trying to do some config editing of one of Ubuntu's default themes and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong... can't seem to get the colors a certain way yet I don't know where else to edit.02:01
b1shopZykoticK9: LP question?02:01
ZykoticK9b1shop, LaunchPad - never mind, guess that's a no :)  Good luck.02:02
Typos_KingAlan502:   ahemm... I had turbo pascal 6, in college :P~02:02
DdotOk, I was able to access the F6 menu. I'm going to retry with your suggestions.02:03
hypnosisHow can I get clang on ubuntu?02:03
ZykoticK9b1shop, not sure if this helps at all but you might want to see the question https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+question/10797902:04
gogetamouse: heh yea distros like puppy and dsl and great for old machines02:04
Alan502Typos_King, XD yeah, i'm a highschool junior and the teacher is using turbo pascal 7... but it's such a messy language! compared to python and other object oriented programming languages02:05
TaoTypos is ogne02:05
gogetai forgot all abought this app who whanted to leech youtube again02:06
Alan502:( he left me talking to myself02:06
Alan502Alan502, right?02:06
passingbyhow so i create a desktop shortcut for getting a terminal?02:06
gogetaand im using it lol02:06
brakkvatnmake me forget02:07
Jordan_Uhypnosis: sudo apt-get install clang02:07
Alan502passingby, try... right clicking on the desktop02:07
ZykoticK9gogeta, sje46 was the youtube questioner02:07
bushbabypassingby: right click, new launcher, command: "terminal" no quotes.02:07
gogetasje46: jdownloader is a great app it handels alot more then youtube to02:07
hypnosisJordan_U, Hello, and no, clang isn't in the ubuntu karmic repositories.02:07
hypnosisJordan_U, if it were, I wouldn't have come here.02:07
johnjohn101alan502, I'm surprised turbo pascal 7 still runs02:08
sje46thanks gogeta.  I found the package I was looking for.  I had to install the lucid one instaed of karmic, but it works, but now I'm working on another problem with the program02:08
bane-ohey there02:08
passingbythanks bushbaby but that did not work(btw i am on linux-mint)02:08
gogetasje46: jdownload can do abought any site02:08
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Jordan_Uhypnosis: Sorry, it's in lucid's. You can probably backport it.02:09
bane-olooking for the correct channel for nfs support on fedora 12/1302:09
passingbyit says no such file or directory02:09
bane-oanyone help?02:09
Alan502johnjohn101, well, i guess, I barely know about the history of the language but it's awful in its syntax!02:09
bushbabypassingby: try asking on the mint irc channel? this is for ubuntu02:09
sje46thanks gogeta, I'll check it out if this doesn't work02:09
ZykoticK9!mintsupport > passingby02:09
ubottupassingby, please see my private message02:09
hypnosisJordan_U, I have no idea what "backport it" means.02:09
passingbyi wanted to go there but did not know the room name, hence i came here, sorry for that02:09
bane-olooking for the correct channel for nfs support on fedora 12/13. can someone give me an irc server channel to join02:10
Picibane-o: #fedora02:10
bane-oon this server?02:10
Picibane-o: yes02:10
apowguys, any idea why my 'm's get "cut off" on screen?02:11
bane-ojoin #fedora02:11
apowthe rightmost "leg" of m02:11
apowdoesn't show up02:11
DdotWell, that didn't work.02:11
dodddummyhow do you force ubuntu to start in safe mode?02:11
apowit's probably a fontconfig setting02:11
ChogyDanpassingby: can you right click on the terminal link in the menu?02:11
bushbabypassingby: #linuxmint apparently according to official site02:11
smithhow do i install software that is in a .tar.gz package?02:11
apowbut I've messed around for sometime and can't find the solution02:11
xanguadodddummy: select safe mode in the grub menu02:11
xanguasmith: what do you want to install¿¿02:11
DdotKing_Typo: That didn't affect anything02:12
Jordan_U!prevu | hypnosis02:12
ubottuhypnosis: prevu is an automated, personal backporting utility. Check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Prevu for more details02:12
kcaze__i think i have some missing man pages, does anyone know how to install them?02:12
dodddummyxangua, ok.  how to you force the grub menu to show?02:12
hypnosiskcaze__, sudo apt-get install manpages-dev02:12
d3vlabs|ubuntuday 2 on ubuntu02:12
hypnosiskcaze__, sudo apt-get install manpages02:12
d3vlabs|ubuntufeeling great02:12
hypnosiskcaze__, sudo apt-get install manpages-posix02:12
xanguasmith: you can install hipo from the repositories02:12
hypnosiskcaze__, sudo apt-get install manpages-posix-dev02:12
FloodBot4hypnosis: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:12
d3vlabs|ubuntuis there a fireworks alternative02:12
d3vlabs|ubuntuas in adobe fireworks02:12
xanguadodddummy: is where you select the OS02:13
kcaze__ok, thanks hypnosis02:13
=== shauntain_ is now known as shauntain
pinoyskullhi how do you copy a file from svn to your local?02:13
ZykoticK9dodddummy, hold down SHIFT key (in Karmic)02:13
smithok so i need to goto the synaptic package manager?02:13
xanguadodddummy: normally it says 'loadig grub', that is where you have to press Esc to show it; that if you only have one OS installed02:13
jribpinoyskull: use scp02:13
jribpinoyskull: erm, sorry, read "svn" as "ssh"02:14
exigraffd3vlabs|ubuntu: Inkscape is as close as you'll get02:14
gogeta1sje46: cant beleve i fotgot that is a linux app to lol. jdownloader can handel everything even conversion from video sites02:14
d3vlabs|ubuntuinkscape has support for transparent png?02:14
dodddummyZykoticK9, thanks.  that's what i needed.02:14
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gogeta1sje46: hence the name its java based02:14
exigraffd3vlabs|ubuntu: yes02:15
LizardK|ngaplay: device_list:223: no soundcards found...02:15
chrisreichtest - please ignore02:15
bushbabypinoyskull: svn co http:///etcetcetc...com/svnfolder02:16
smiththanks xangua ^^02:18
dhaivathello everyone. I've just installed ubuntu on virtual box. The thing is I can't get full screen working. I've tried doing "install additions" from the devices menu, but, still, nothing. What's going on? How can I fix this? Oh yeah, using 9.10.02:18
brakkvatnupside in02:19
dhaivatso, anyone?02:19
sasayinshow to know if a particular packages is already installed in my system, using apt?02:19
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dhaivat(i gotta go to sleep pretty soon, so a answer iis needed) :)02:19
brakkvatnI agree02:19
realcoolguydhaivat: So, when you run the 'install additions' do you get a cd on your virtual desktop?  You'll need to run the appropriate script from there.02:20
=== CQ_ is now known as CQ
dhaivatrealcoolguy: oh.02:20
xanguasasayins: using apt i don't know but you can try aptitude search packagename02:20
dhaivatrealcoolguy: which script?02:20
IdleOnesasayins: apt-cache policy package02:21
mouseJust to clarify does unetbootin have to be on the system that the os will be installed on?  Their instructions are a little hazy.02:21
dhaivatrealcoolguy: ?02:21
sasayinsxangua: thanks, ill try aptitude search02:21
bushbabydhaivat: what ones are listed?02:21
realcoolguydhaivat: either linux-x86 or 64bit depending upon which linux you installed.  Please be patient when asking questions :)02:21
gogeta1mouse: no it just makes a iso usb bottable02:21
sasayinsIdoleOne: i should replace the package the package name?02:21
=== log_in is now known as log|in
IdleOnesasayins: yes02:22
mousegogeta1, Okay thank you.02:22
yablondalater 'gator02:22
sasayinsIdleOne: thanks a lot02:22
MoryddI'm suddenly having trouble with PHPMyAdmin. Error is #2002 - The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server's socket is not correctly configured)02:22
dhaivatrealcoolguy: I ran autorun.sh by mistake, is that okay?02:22
MoryddI've not done any custom configuration for mySQL or anything.02:22
IdleOnesasayins: so apt-cache policy firefox will return the installed version02:22
dhaivatrealcoolguy: (it seems to be doing fine)02:22
sasayinsIdleOne: got it :-) thanks again.02:23
k0d3g3arMorydd, sounds like a firewall issue within your host's configuration blocking the mysql port?02:23
bushbabydhaivat: that should be fine.02:23
realcoolguydhaivat: looks like it does some if then checking to determine which os you have, and should run the proper script.  Sounds like you're fine :)02:23
Moryddk0d3g3ar: this is my local install.02:24
k0d3g3arMorydd, if you run nmap on the box, can you see mysql ports opened?02:24
k0d3g3arMorydd, and do you have the appropriate user/ip level security set for this in MySQL tables?02:24
DIL_dil test02:25
brakkvatndil dol02:25
XuMuK4555555555502·                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣̣00000000000000002:25
FloodBot4XuMuK: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:26
Moryddk0d3g3ar: not sure what that means. I've not done any custom config. Originally installed via synaptic, it recently stopped working.02:26
macoXuMuK: stop that please02:26
Bam_BamI installed Win 7 on one of my drives and the ubuntu installer isn't even giving me the option to use the entire disk, any fix for this?02:26
jhamboHi folks.  Kmail fails to launch with a segmentation fault.  The crash info is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/419563/.  This started happening after I uninstalled amarok.  Could someone please help me to get kmail working again?02:26
jhamboI really don't want to have to reinstall from scratch just when I'm finally getting everything like I want it...02:27
k0d3g3armorydd:  You need to research security in MySQL as a general practice if you are going to install it.  Or you'll get pwned real fast02:27
k0d3g3arMorydd, however you might want to see if any other DB admin tool can access the database.  phpMyAdmin is really used when you don't have the level of access you have to the box (ie. shared hosting)02:28
realcoolguyjhambo: have you tried to do a 'reinstall' from synaptic on the kmail program?  You also could putting amarok back and seeing if it fixed your problem, if it does not, Amarok might not have been the cause.  If it does, you'll have to figure out which required piece amarok is taking with it.02:28
IdleOneDoes rem-apt-repository work?02:29
Moryddk0d3g3ar: I use phpmyadmin because it's what I'm familar with on my hosting. I only use it local for web development stuff. I'm really not interested in learning to admin the mysql server. I'm trying to figure out why it suddenly stopped working normally.02:30
ZykoticK9IdleOne, "rem-apt-repository"?02:30
IdleOneZykoticK9: remove or delete the ppa02:30
ZykoticK9IdleOne, command not found02:31
IdleOneZykoticK9: add-apt-repository counter part is what I am looking for02:31
ZykoticK9IdleOne, that one i'm familiar with :)02:31
randomusrAnyone code code completely from a text editor?02:32
h00krandomusr: vim, yep.02:33
ChogyDanrandomusr: unfortunately, I do02:33
hiexpoIdleOne,  - whats an alternative mirror for medibutu that is good02:33
Dr_Willishiexpo:  just a sec...02:34
ZykoticK9IdleOne, if it's a PPA that you want to remove check out "sudo ppa-purge ppa:repository-name/subdirectory"02:35
IdleOnehiexpo: don't know sorry02:35
Wringofirst time on this... liking ubuntu OS02:35
mouseWhat's the best way to know which of my usb devices is /dev/sdg1?02:35
Jordan_Umouse: sudo blkid02:38
jrcarr2how can I make an app launch in a new gnome-terminal?02:39
mouseJordan_U, Thank you.02:39
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macojrcarr2: gnome-terminal -e02:39
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ZykoticK9jrcarr2, "gnome-terminal -e command" maco beat me02:39
=== Guest59910 is now known as Username10101000
Username10101000Is there a fast auto typer for linux?02:39
Jordan_Umouse: You're welcome.02:40
jrcarr2thanks dudes and dudettes!02:40
Jordan_UUsername10101000: You can make a quick program to make synthetic keypress events... why?02:40
Username10101000Trying to advertise02:41
Username10101000How do you do that anyways?02:41
jrcarr2how can I create an environment variable with a period in it? like foo.bar.baz=/home/jrcarr2/blah02:44
Dr_Willisjrcarr2:  i dont think bash allows .'s02:45
h00kjrcarr2: I don't know that you can02:45
h00kjrcarr2: you might want to ask in #bash to make sure02:45
jrcarr2it would appear you sirs are correct02:45
AdmiralDeathwhen a new version of ubuntu is released will I ahve to reinstall or will I be able to upgrade from within the OS?02:45
jrcarr2maybe I should use zsh instead?02:45
jrcarr2I know for certain bash 4.0 doesnt allow it02:46
Dr_Willisinstall bash 4 then?02:46
Dr_Willisjrcarr2:  it dosent seem to  here.02:46
Dr_Willisbash --version02:46
Dr_WillisGNU bash, version 4.1.5(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)02:46
jhamborealcoolguy: I tried reinstalling with kpackagekit and that didn't help.  I had used aptitude to do a purge on amarok to try to get rid of the config files.  That also wanted to remove some stuff like networkmanager (why I can't understand).  Anyway, even after reinstalling kmail I still get the segmentation fault.02:46
h00kAdmiralDeath: you will be able to upgrade02:47
AdmiralDeathok cool02:47
h00kubottu: tell AdmiralDeath about upgrade02:47
ubottuAdmiralDeath, please see my private message02:47
jrcarr2Dr_Willis, you said "it does seem to  here"02:47
Dr_Willisit dosent.. :)02:47
jrcarr2it dah02:47
jrcarr2misread it :)02:47
mcurranAnyone know of an open source tool that has a bootloader copy and paste/install function like imageburn in windows.  I'm trying to make a huge multiboot USB for work with Wintech, Ubuntu, WinPE, etc.02:48
jasongnomewill ubuntu themes work in xubuntu?02:49
Dr_Willisjasongnome:  ubuntu uses gnome, xubunut uses xfce.. 2 different but similer in ways desktops.02:50
Dr_Willisjasongnome:  so the answer is 'partially'02:50
jasongnomethank you02:50
Dr_Willisjasongnome:  but not really :)02:50
slckb0yhi everyone :) is someone running Kubuntu in a virtual box pls ?02:51
hiexpoDr_Willis, thanks02:51
Peaches`slckb0y: Virtualbox-ose?02:53
slckb0yvb running under win702:53
Peaches`slckb0y: No, sorry.02:54
slckb0yi installed client additions and opengl seem to be activated but i can't use it for desktop effect acceleration02:54
Peaches`slckb0y: I don't think you'll be able to get the effects in virtualization02:55
nickycan someone help me02:56
h00k!ask | nicky02:56
slckb0yit worked under ubuntu/compiz :'(02:56
ubottunicky: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:56
ZykoticK9slckb0y, VBox (OSE) with Ubuntu Host & Guests I can get compiz working *fairly* decently02:56
tripelb((It's the same cable as here. I just unplug it and put it in the other computer.))  Hardware report: (win) Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Network Connection Dhcp Server:   Physical Address: 00:0C:F1:E8:CE:04  --- lspci lists: Ethernet controler: Intel Corp 82562EZ 10/100 Ethernet Contorller (rev 01)  --- ifconfig:  looks a lot like this one but 0 flow since it is not plugged in.02:57
tripelbI've asked this politely 3 times today at intervals hours apart. I'm trying to get computer #3 to connect to internet and it doesnt register connected. Ubuntu 9.04 LiveCD.  Ditto when I add a PCI ethernet card. (je vous en prie)02:57
slckb0yme too :/ worked even really well i get 60fps with all effect, but under KDE i can only use Xrender wish is slow as hell02:57
hanasakihow do you install new themes in compiz that end in emerald?02:57
nickyI am having problems doing internet connection sharing between my computer which is running windows 7 and my netbook which is running ubuntu netbook remix. Netbook is wirelessly connected to internet and computer is connected to netbook via ethernet. First off eth0 keeps disconnecting. second off. i tried firestarter to do internet connection sharing it will say that eth0 is not connected. something is up i dont know02:57
ZykoticK9!emerald | hanasaki02:58
ubottuhanasaki: emerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.02:58
Dr_Willishanasaki:  those are emerald themes.. not compiz themes.02:58
Dr_Willishanasaki:  emerald is still in use.. but its proberly best to not mess with it any more.02:58
hanasakiwhere can you find compiz themes and hwo are they installed?02:58
ZykoticK9hanasaki, compiz doesn't have "themes"02:59
Dr_Willishanasaki:  compiz dosent really have themes.. you are using gnome, so check out various gnome themes.02:59
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
Dr_Willishanasaki:  check out the 'gnome-art' tool in the repos.. and themes in the repos.02:59
macohanasaki: compiz has multiple window decorators. gtk window decorator uses normal metacity themes. kde window decorator uses normal kwin themes02:59
macohanasaki: emerald is a no-longer-supported window decorator for compiz02:59
johnjohn101is compiz going away?03:00
Dr_Willishanasaki:  also check out the Bisingi theme packa for ubuntu ->   http://www.webupd8.org/2010/04/bisigi-themes-ubuntu-1004-lucid-testing.html03:00
Dr_Willisjohnjohn101:  not any time soon.. but i imagine someday it will03:00
hanasakiso system/appearance/install and get downloads of themes where?03:00
ZykoticK9johnjohn101, if you take into account Gnome3 - it might be03:00
nickyso nobody is willing to help little old me? =(03:00
johnjohn101it's cool but really just eye candy03:00
Dr_Willishanasaki:  install the 'gnome-art' tool, 'check the package manager  for themes'   and check that url i gave earlier03:00
mcurrananyone know of a imageburn replacement in ubuntu, finds bootloader on cd's and reinstalls them in different locations if necessary.03:01
nickycan anyone help me explain why i cant do internet connection sharing on ubuntu03:01
mcurrannicky - You can, it's just difficult to setup.03:02
Dr_Willisnicky:  ive found the ' right click and share' thing -- often dosent work properly for me. I always end up editing the smb.conf by hand and enabling the HOME share feature.03:02
nickymcurran: How about something more fundamental. Why cant i connect directly to another computer using ethernet. it says eth0 disconected and will refuse to connect03:02
mcurranuse dnsmasq03:02
nickyi cant connect to my computer tho03:03
nickyit will say eth0 disconected03:03
nickyi need to fix that problem before worrying about ics03:03
mcurranI think you need to make the other machine use static ip03:03
nickyhow do i do that03:03
nickyim on windows 703:03
nickyon the other machine03:03
mcurrangoogle it, i'm not sure.03:03
nickywhy would it require static ip03:04
DIL_x over cable03:04
nickyif for instance i want to transfer files between two comptuers it shuold let me connect both computers automatically03:04
mcurranI don't know but that's what this tut says:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9137003:04
nickyok i shall try that03:05
jeeezhow do i delete duplicate entries in the disks list?03:05
h00knicky: if you're trying to connect machines directly, you have to set each of them statically03:05
DIL_x over cable03:05
tripelbNo wired connection:  'm trying to get computer #3 to connect to internet and it doesnt register connected. Ubuntu 9.04 LiveCD.  Ditto when I add a PCI ethernet card. ====>03:05
=== samantha is now known as tawd
tripelb((It's the same cable as here. I just unplug it and put it in the other computer.))  Hardware report: (win) Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Network Connection Dhcp Server:   Physical Address: 00:0C:F1:E8:CE:04  --- lspci lists: Ethernet controler: Intel Corp 82562EZ 10/100 Ethernet Contorller (rev 01)  --- ifconfig:  looks a lot like this one but 0 flow since it is not plugged in.03:06
sasayinshow should I know that device drivers in my system?03:06
macosasayins: lsmod03:06
sasayinsmaco: thanks, in lsmod output, what is the "Used by" column?03:07
macosasayins: some modules depend on others. like a card-specific sound module may depend on a more-generic module to make the full driver03:08
differentSmokehello everybody03:08
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!03:09
jhamboI did an `aptitude purge amarok` and now when I launch kmail I get a segmentation fault.  How can I fix this??03:09
macojhambo: did you try reinstalling amarok to see if it's a coincidence?03:09
differentSmokecan anyone tell me how can I get my graphics card to work well in 9.1? it's an old MSI MX4000 T-12803:09
sasayinsmaco:thanks, so it means that some modules are using other modules, and it shows in the "Used by" column in lsmod output?03:10
TomGI need an opinion here.  Does having a short HD standby give MORE wear and tear because of the speed ups and downs often?03:10
jhambomaco: yah.  Doens't help03:10
tripelbgoing to plug into the other computer with the ethernet, just for fun.03:11
arbo-Can anybody help me with an X issue?03:11
jhamboI've just spent like two weeks configuring my system and now it looks like I need to reinstall becuase of these wierd bug in the dependencies...03:11
jhamboarbo-: just ask03:11
macojhambo: sounds like an unrelated bug in kmail then. does DrKonqi come up and ask you to report it to bugs.kde.org?03:11
macosasayins: right-o03:12
h00k!anybody | arbo-03:12
ubottuarbo-: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:12
jhambomaco: yah03:12
macojhambo: do that then. and then try making a new user and see if that user is able to run kmail. if so, something in your .kde is affecting it03:12
arbo-Just installed ubuntu and this laptop has an nvidia card so I installed nvidia drivers03:12
arbo-now I can't see the terminal shell03:12
arbo-it works, but it's solid, no text.03:12
sasayinsmaco: thanks. so that number in the "Used by" column from lsmod output indicates the number of a particular module?03:12
macosasayins: i think the number just tells you how many are to the right of it03:13
jhamboAggg.  Okay I guess that makes sense03:13
TomGjhambo: Kmail uses Akonadi.  You didn't remove that, did you?03:13
nickyI am not understanding why this doesnt work. My ubuntu machine doesnt connect via ethernet to my windows 7 machine. i gave it static ip and dns and default is also the same it still does not connect what am I doing wrong? (i set these settings on the windows machine)03:13
jhamboTomG: donno maybe lemme see03:13
macosasayins: oh or what you said03:13
macosasayins: since my hypothesis is clearly wrong03:13
macosasayins: hrmph. i with the lsmod manpage told me this03:14
sasayinsmaco: oh yeah, thanks. is the word "module" the same as the word" "device driver"?03:14
macosasayins: sorta... device drivers can be in many pieces, and those pieces are the modules03:14
greezmunkeyI'm impressed: I haven't really ever needed Wine, But I downloaded an e-book (.pdf format) that had a signature. It raised heck with adobe reader. I loaded Wine, installed a copy of adobe pro, cleared the signature, and saved the file. Viola, problem solved. Imho Wine is pretty cool :)03:14
h00ksasayins: not necessarily, but modules can control devices03:14
sasayinsmaco: wow. sounds complicated.03:15
macosasayins: but there are non-driver things that are modules too, like the ipv6 module that lets your do ipv6 networking03:15
sasayinsh00k: i see.. thanks03:15
macosasayins: but for example if you look for all the stuff that starts with "snd" ... that makes up your sound drivers03:15
sasayinsmaco: oh i see, that a module is not only a device driver03:15
h00ksasayins: correct :)03:16
macosasayins: right03:16
sasayinsmaco: but device driver is in the form of a module?03:16
macosasayins: yes03:16
sasayinsh00k, maco: thanks03:16
jhamboTomG: I reinstalled all the akonadi stuff just now but I still get the segmentation fault...03:16
macosasayins: drivers *can* be built into the kernel, but thats not terribly convenient03:16
josemoreiraany tip on how to burn an osx img file to an usb disk and make it bootable?03:16
nickycan someone help me03:17
jhambojosemoreira: clonezilla?03:17
nickyset up my internet connection sharing03:17
macosasayins: i once had a driver that was buggy for networking and it was very useful to be able to unload and reload the module. if it had been built in, i would have had to reboot (and maybe it wouldve made the computer crash instead of just disconnecting from the network)03:17
josemoreirajhambo, gonna try it03:17
=== samantha is now known as tawd
sasayinsmaco: i see. so the drivers, directly talk to the kernel? or all modules have the priviledge to talk directly to the kernel03:17
greezmunkeynicky: are you using Network Manager? On the ubox?03:17
iflemanicky the rule is pretty much, a couple of exceptions, like devises us crossover cables, unlike devices use straight through cables.... put the ends of the cable side by side.... do the coulours go in the same order?03:17
macosasayins: they're kernel modules :)03:18
sasayinsmaco: i see. so its loadable and not directly tied to the kernel?03:18
MrDowntempowhats the best way to do voice chat in ubuntu if both parties have ubuntu?03:18
TomGjhambo: Check private message03:18
sasayinsmaco: i see. so that modules directly built for the kernel is called kernel modules.03:18
macosasayins: they're loadable pieces of kernel.  you could compile a kernel such that everything is one big chunk instead of loadable if you wanted to, but that takes away some convenience03:18
macosasayins: one big chunk is also faster to boot though, because each module takes about half-a-second to load at boot03:19
macosasayins: so its a trade off03:19
sasayinsmaco: i see, like if you want to build a module tied in the kernel, you have to compile all the kernel?03:19
macosasayins: nope you can compile individual modules too03:20
josemoreirajhambo, doesnt seem to be what i have, i have a 7gb osx DVD img which  want to write and boot from an usb disk03:20
sasayinsmaco: i see. that is convenient03:20
macosasayins: but when you compile a whole kernel, you get to pick what each piece does, whether its kernel or in-built03:20
josemoreirai used dd but the usb disk wasnt bootable03:20
macosasayins: er...whether its module or in-built03:20
nickyI am having problems getting my ubuntu machine to connect via ethernet to my windows machine. eth0 refuses to be connected03:22
greezmunkeynicky: You've had two responses so far...03:22
sasayinsmaco: thanks. ok my brain is bleeding right now, to much information. :-) thanks, by the way im reading some device driver book and its pretty much hard to understand hehe03:22
macosasayins: is that LDD3?03:22
macosasayins: by Greg K-H?03:22
sasayinsmaco: yeah, o'reilly :-)03:22
greezmunkeynicky: check iflema's response first :)03:22
RoastedIs anybody good at editing themes? I'm trying to edit one and I cant seem to get the colors right. Not sure what Im missing.03:23
macosasayins: i have that book :) it's for 2.6.8 though which is rather old... 2004 or 2005 i think03:23
sasayinsmaco: oh, but do you think I can use it to learn device driver for the new kernel?03:23
nirvoushello all - multi-kernel question: how might I go about installing a 2.6.24 (hardy) kernel alongside my current Karmic kernel?03:24
macosasayins: probably depends on what subsystem you're looking at, but i doubt *too* much in that space has changed.03:24
mcurrannirvous - just install it sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, grub will create another entry and preserve the old kernel.03:25
sasayinsmaco: yeah, im thinking that too, can you suggest updated books for linux device driver using latest tools?03:25
MrDowntempoIs there any reliable voice chat for linux now??03:25
tripelbsame problem: more testing I plugged it in. Did not pick up the wired signal. ifconfig changed to carrier 20 (rather than 0) and the modem pc and receive lights were flashing, send black.  -- SUM: not picking up wireless signal - not this computer another one. Please help.. it's been more than days.03:25
mcurranyou might want to just install the linux-image and headers instead, since the upgrade will be another version03:25
* tripelb changes name to BigBoobs to get more help.03:26
IdleOne!guidelines > tripelb03:26
ubottutripelb, please see my private message03:26
nirvousmcurran - thanks. yes - if possible, i'd like to avoid an entire upgrade. do I need to add a different repository?03:27
tripelbThank you IdleOne for helping out my sense of humor. Actually someone suggested it a few weeks ago.03:27
DIL_nicky to connect or network two computers dont you need a crossover cable or firewire03:27
macosasayins: there's one linux kernel book based on the 2.6.2x line, but i forget the title. crimsun would know, as he owns a copy03:28
uLinuxWhat application do you recommend to monitor internet connections?03:28
uLinuxlike a firewall03:28
IdleOnetripelb: Whoever suggested you break the rules, was wrong to suggest it. please be patient (I know you have been until now)03:28
crimsunsasayins: / maco: Essential Linux Device Drivers, Sreekrishnan Venkateswaran03:29
macocrimsun: thanks :)03:29
crimsunsasayins: / maco: Prentice Hall, 200803:29
sasayinscrimsun: wow thats fast, thanks :-)03:29
uLinuxfirestarter or gufw03:30
macocrimsun: are you at home staring at it?03:30
crimsunmaco: yes.03:30
clarkbuLinux: pf is awesome if you want to try BSD03:30
sasayinscrimsun: i think I need to visit my local bookstore03:30
uLinuxi just want a simple app to monitor connections03:30
iflemauLinux iftop 4 current traffic, netstat is pretty good and the logs in /var/log/messages /var/log/syslog or the lo viewer03:33
happyfacehow do I view if processes are running in 32 or 64-bit mode ?03:41
=== mcopple is now known as PenguinistaKC
joshdreamlandHi again. My USB Startup Disk Creator on Karmic keeps failing to format my 8GB flash drive. I've heard countless reports of older versions failing on drives > 2GB. Is this such an occurrence?03:42
joshdreamlandI can format the drive however I like via GParted, but USB disk creator is either unhappy with the format or returns that the free space is zero.03:43
MorwindHey guys. Just deleted the partitions on a drive, and now I'm trying to format it. But I am getting this: Error creating file system: helper exited with exit code 1: helper failed with:03:45
Morwindmke2fs 1.41.9 (22-Aug-2009)03:45
MorwindAny help?03:45
joshdreamlandI'm going to try updating it :P03:45
PolydeucesGreetings all, i'm having some trouble with my internet... It halts/drops connection all the time, and it makes downloading anything really tough.03:45
Polydeuceswhen I used to have windows installed on this laptop it was no problem. I really like ubuntu, but this is getting in the way of my activities. any idea how to fix it?03:46
switch10_joshdreamland: I've done it on an 8gb flash disk..  are you giving the disk persistent storage space?03:46
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=== PenguinistaKC_ is now known as mcopple
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joshdreamlandswitch10_: Doing so from Jaunty creates the disk, but fails to make it persistent. And yes, I tried giving it the entire drive. It never asks me how much to use on Karmic, because it can't find a partition it considers acceptable.03:47
=== Plinker_ is now known as Plinker
switch10_joshdreamland: it is formated as fat32?03:47
uLinuxI'm thinking of backup all the stuff then formatt install XP (for gaming) and then install ubuntu as primary system. what do you guys think?03:48
joshdreamlandswitch10_: When I format it as fat32, it is recognized, but it says it requires formatting. Telling it to proceed with the format causes it to drop the partition and remove the drive from the list.03:48
switch10_uLinux: backing up /home and anything you have edited in /etc should be good.  I would use rsync03:49
tripelbIdleone of course. It could be manic chaos in here. The traffic is very high. And people get served, in spades! Is wonderful.03:49
switch10_joshdreamland: that is normal.  it should unmount it to format it, and then continue with the install.03:50
joshdreamlandswitch10_: To clarify, any formatting must be done with GParted; having usb-creator do it causes the partition to be dropped and the drive removed from its list03:50
joshdreamlandit refuses to let me continue with install, and removes it from the list so I can not select it any longer...03:50
switch10_joshdreamland: hmm, that is odd.  I don't know why it would do that..  You could always do it manually...03:51
voss749uLinux which game?03:51
joshdreamlandswitch10_: Do which part manually? USB disk creation or formatting?03:51
uLinuxvoss749, i know what u mean.. but it runs better on windows03:51
uLinuxcs 1.603:52
voss749dont they have a linux client for that?03:52
switch10_joshdreamland: the USB disk creation.  there is a how to on google somewhere i'll see if I can find it..03:52
joshdreamlandswitch10_: also, it has ceased to remove it from the list; now it just formats it in a manner that is not to its liking and leaves the warning sign next to it03:52
joshdreamlandit's from pendrivelinux.com, I bet03:52
joshdreamlandI despise their walkthroughs.03:52
uLinuxi would have to use wine and playonlinux.. etc or pay to play on linux bah03:53
joshdreamlandThey are tailored specifically to one architecture and one version, and offer no insight into what changes between either of those.03:53
joshdreamlandFor example, all of their scripts assume i386. I'm on AMD 64.03:53
hmwI cannot delete a folder. There is a .fuse_xxxxx file, deleting this file results in another .fuse file being created. How can I get rid of this .fuse thing? (It is a NTFS partition, i can't currently unmount, because I am uploading a big file from another dir in that partition)03:53
joshdreamlandI've never successfully created a persistent USB with any other tool than usb-creator03:54
iflemauLinux what you suggested would be the best idea03:55
switch10_joshdreamland: the tut i saw was not architecture dependant.  basically just copying files..03:55
=== ubuntu is now known as awc
TNA5000Does anyone have experience with mounting an external esata drive in ubuntu?03:56
hmwhow can I delete an unwanted .fuse....... file?03:57
mcwHey Fuckers03:57
Keptejoin bitlbee03:58
switch10_hmw: are you using fuse to mount your ipod?03:58
hmwswitch10_: i have an NTFS partition mounted via fstab03:58
hmwi know, it is some not-really-deleted file and it will be really-deleted when I unmount the partition, but I cant do that03:59
hmw(i dont "want to")03:59
mcwahhh heeem03:59
switch10_hmw: a usb drive right??04:00
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hmwi am short of exploding04:00
hmwi need those 500 MB now!04:00
switch10_hmw: Im prety sure you dont need fuse to mount an internal drive.  so remove fuse and then try to delete the file04:01
Keptehello here04:01
switch10_hmw: fuse is used to mount usb drives..04:01
hmwi never intended to use fuse... that came automatically... how to? kill a process?04:01
switch10_hmw: you installed it.  You had to have.04:02
hmwswitch10_: this is Ubuntu 9.04 and I most certainly did not enter anything like apt-get isntall fuse04:02
Keptei try to launch bitlbee (i type /connect localhost in status) but i have this answer from the server : 22:51 [localhost] !localhost BitlBee-IRCd initialized, please go on04:02
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Kepte22:51 [localhost] -!- Irssi: Connection lost to localhost04:02
Kepte22:51 [localhost] -!- This nick contains invalid characters04:02
switch10_hmw: it probably came with something you installed.  sudo apt-get purge fuse04:03
hmwperhaps it was a dependency for ntfs-progs?04:03
Guest24078i'm in xubuntu 9.10, and want to have a desktop cube. i installed compiz, but the options aren't doing anything. am i doing something wrong?04:03
switch10_hmw: :) yes you did.  it was a dependency04:03
hmwswitch10_: you said, it is used to mount USB drives. Sounds like a bad idea to remove the software completely. Shouldn't I just kill this gvfs-fuse-daemon?04:04
colombianHi guys, this is more of a novelty thing than a question: But my ubunt uhas suddenly converted into a Fedora theme04:04
=== jrcarr2 is now known as jamescarr
Guest24078i'm in xubuntu 9.10, and want to have a desktop cube. i installed compiz, but the options aren't doing anything. am i doing something wrong04:04
colombianI'm running google-chrome through ssh and it had the blue fedora title bar, but now my whole system has fedora theme04:04
switch10_joshdreamland: sorry, im still looking...04:05
colombianExamples: http://i.imgur.com/oS9u8.png and http://i.imgur.com/TyHdX.png04:05
joshdreamlandswitch10_: I'm going to give portablelinux a shot04:05
joshdreamlandso far, it is reporting that my flash drive has a bad sector04:05
iflemaGuest24078 install in synaptic the compiz config settings manager and activate the cube....04:06
joshdreamlandwhich is so incredibly unlikely...04:06
TNA5000how can I see my esata drive when it is connected to my computer?04:06
switch10_joshdreamland: FYI portable linux did not work for me, but try it.  Here is that link http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-on-usb-bar04:06
joshdreamlandThanks much.04:06
Guest24078iflema: i have that, and did that. it didn't do anything.04:06
iflemawhat about asking in #xubuntu04:07
hanasakiwhat would cause the system to lock when it goes into screen saver?  after the saver runs for a bit the screen goes black and the keyboard and mouse won't wake it up.  even the numlock light doesn't go on/off04:07
iflemaGuest24078 ^^04:07
Guest24078there's an #xubuntu? i didn't know that...04:08
speirosCan someone please tell me the correct page for information on openoffice.org calc please04:09
tripelbsame problem: more testing I plugged it in. Did not pick up the wired signal. ifconfig changed to carrier 20 (rather than 0) and the modem pc and receive lights were flashing, send black.  -- SUM: not picking up wireless signal - not this computer another one.04:09
AdmiralDeathI am editing a config file in the terminal. Now that I am done how do i close it out and save it?04:09
tripelb((It's the same cable as here. I just unplug it and put it in the other computer.))  Hardware report: (win) Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Network Connection Dhcp Server:   Physical Address: 00:0C:F1:E8:CE:04  --- lspci lists: Ethernet controler: Intel Corp 82562EZ 10/100 Ethernet Contorller (rev 01)  --- ifconfig:  looks a lot like this one but 0 flow since it is not plugged in.04:09
switch10_AdmiralDeath: which program?  vi, nano, emacs???04:09
tripelbadmiral death you cant edit in terminal only in a program window04:10
joshdreamlandFunny, I thought that was Spanish for a moment04:10
Keptedo you know how to connect to bitlbee server plz ? (i have this error message : !- This nick contains invalid characters)04:10
switch10_AdmiralDeath: then ctrl+x to quit04:10
iflematripelb please explain you setup..... is there a swich involved? 3 computers im guessing? is there an ip address for eth0 in ifconfig?04:11
hiexpomake sure it quits and dont add an x instead04:11
SpaceCowboy40404I am trying to move a file to my root directory and im having problems, can someone give me a hand please?04:12
hmwswitch10_: i lsof'ed the file, skype had it open, althougn I DEFINETIFELY did not use the file really (I accidentially pasted the path/filename to a skype chat window, but canceled the file transfer thing. Skype still got hold of the file...) I closed Skype and the file was removed04:12
styletВсем привет!04:12
switch10_SpaceCowboy40404: what is the error?04:12
pm2I'm on Kubuntu 9.10, and just recently Youtube told me to "go upgrade" my flash player.  Is there a solution for this for amd64?04:12
maco!ru | stylet04:12
ubottustylet: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke04:12
speirosCan somebody help direct me to the correct page please?04:12
SpaceCowboy40404switch10: mv: cannot stat `ventsrv/ventrilo_srv': No such file or directory04:13
macopm2: i recall hearing thats a bug in konqueror or rekonq. try firefox or arora04:13
tptptptptpcould anyone help me with a gufw question?04:13
pm2maco, I'm using firefox04:13
macoSpaceCowboy40404: you're trying to move a non-existent file04:13
macopm2: oh. what version of flash do you have installed?04:13
SpaceCowboy40404no i am siting here looking at the file04:13
HPtwhiteok so does anyone know of any good twain acquire software that will auto crop the pic when its scanned in?04:14
macoSpaceCowboy40404: typo?04:14
styletI would have you blowing04:14
hmwswitch10_: according to Google, .fuse_hiddenXXXX files are deleted files, that are only pseudo-deleted, because some program still accesses them. They will be kept until the processes close them.04:14
d33dWhy is Ubuntu so awesome?04:14
switch10_SpaceCowboy40404: it is in your home folder?04:14
hiexposudo mv -f ~/<file>/dir/04:14
SpaceCowboy40404not that i can see04:14
pm2maco, Shockwave Flash 10.0 r4504:14
macod33d: awesome upstreams and awesome contributors :)04:14
tertittenI've just installed another distribution (pclinuxos) now I have ubuntu on another partition.... I need to add ubuntu to the grub of pclinux, how do I do that ?04:14
switch10_SpaceCowboy40404: where is the file??04:14
tptptptptpI would like to use gufw to block any traffic that does not go through OpenVPN. I tried only allowing traffic between my internal ip address and the external IP address of the server but that didnt work. What can I do?04:14
SpaceCowboy40404here is the path of it: /home/ubuntu/Ventrilo/ventsrv/ventrilo_srv04:15
d33dSo if I want to contribute to Ubuntu where do I start?04:15
SpaceCowboy40404and that is the directory i am in, in terminal04:15
switch10_SpaceCowboy40404: so mv that to the dest04:15
SpaceCowboy40404thats what i just tried to do and got that error04:15
macod33d: http://www.ubuntu.com/community04:15
switch10_SpaceCowboy40404: show me exactly what you typed04:16
switch10_SpaceCowboy40404: and do pwd to see what dir you are in..04:16
SpaceCowboy40404i typed: sudo mv ventsrv/ventrilo_srv /usr/bin/ventrilo_sr04:16
macopm2: im not sure then04:16
hiexposudo mv -f ~/<file>/dir/04:16
SpaceCowboy40404pwd shows: /home/ubuntu/Ventrilo/ventsrv04:16
awcWhen I boot up my laptop it hangs at "Adding 3004112k swap on /dev/sda6 Priority:-1 extents:1 across:3004112k04:16
macoSpaceCowboy40404: then you just need to say "ventrilo_srv"04:17
SpaceCowboy40404hmm trying04:17
macoSpaceCowboy40404: you're including "ventrilo/" even though you're already in that dir. youd only do that if you were in ~/Ventrilo04:17
switch10_SpaceCowboy40404: ls will tell you what is in your current working dir..04:17
switch10_SpaceCowboy40404: got it??04:18
hmwswitch10_: next time someone has the problem, let them use lsof. Thanks for your time though!04:18
SpaceCowboy40404worked awesome thx04:18
switch10_hmw: good to know, thanks..04:19
SpaceCowboy40404one more question: Im foillowing this install guide and now it says to enter the following command: sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/ventrilo_srv /usr/bin/ventrilo_status04:20
SpaceCowboy40404 what does that do?04:20
switch10_SpaceCowboy40404: lets you execute the file04:20
switch10_SpaceCowboy40404: chmod changes permissions.04:21
tertittenI've just installed another distribution (pclinuxos) now I have ubuntu on another partition.... I need to add ubuntu to the grub of pclinux, how do I do that ?04:21
SpaceCowboy40404do i need to change to that directory to execute it or will that command do it from where im at now?04:21
switch10_SpaceCowboy40404: nope the way you wrote it you could be in any dir because it uses the full path to the file.04:22
tptptptptpis shorewall available in ubuntu somehow?04:22
SpaceCowboy40404how would i check that /usr/bin directory to make sure those files were moved there?04:23
CrOnOs__tertitten you need edit your menu.lst and add ubuntu there04:23
SpaceCowboy40404would it be just ls /usr/bin?04:23
switch10_SpaceCowboy40404: cd /usr/bin  then  ls04:23
wolterwhat ftp server is recommended that can follow symlinks?04:23
switch10_SpaceCowboy40404: you could do that as well04:23
xochipillii enabled the proprietary nvidia driver in the "Hardware Drivers" gui, but it is not being used04:24
SpaceCowboy40404hmmm when i moved the file i made a booboo04:24
xochipilliat least, GLX is not enabled04:24
tertittenCrOnOs__: I am aware of that thank you04:24
h00kxochipilli: have you restarted?04:25
uLinuxdoes anybody use a internet monitor on ubuntu04:25
tptptptptpis shorewall available in ubuntu somehow?04:25
xochipillinvidia-settings confirms its not loaded04:25
xochipillih00k: yes04:25
exigraffxochipilli: how many times?04:25
SpaceCowboy40404the file moived was originally named : ventrilo_srv..... when i moved it i typed it out as ventrilo_sr with no "v" on the end an04:25
xochipillifirst i logged in and out, didnt work. so i rebooted04:25
xochipillistill nothing04:25
SpaceCowboy40404now it is showing up with no v on the end in the /usr/bin directory?04:26
switch10_SpaceCowboy40404: mv also renames, so do mv ventrilo_sr ventrilo_srv04:26
SpaceCowboy40404ahh ok04:26
d33doh grats maco on becoming an op.04:26
SpaceCowboy40404mv ventrilo_sr ventrilo_srv04:27
SpaceCowboy40404oops wrong window04:27
xochipilliis there some trick im missing? some way to more manually tinker w/ the X configuration?04:27
AdmiralDeathumm I am having a problem with the administrative services04:27
AdmiralDeathNormally it would pop up and ask for my password but now it just pulls up a blank white box and never loads04:28
SpaceCowboy40404had to add a sudo to the front of the since i got a permission denied error04:28
LuckySMackhostname -f -> hostname:unknown host. seems my server is confused about its hostname. running 'hostname' returns the proper hostname04:28
switch10_SpaceCowboy40404: yup that happens when you are noy in /home04:28
AdmiralDeathany ideas?04:28
h00k!hostname | LuckySMack04:28
ubottuLuckySMack: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.04:28
LuckySMackyes i did run 'hostname myhostname' and i still received the error after rebooting04:29
tripelb<iflema> No switch - I unplug it from one computer and plug it into the other. Just a modem and one cord.  -- there is no inet address on it. There is on this one, connected.04:30
SecondInfinityDoes anyone in here have an idea about the legality of GPL? I want to use a GPLed program (not LGPL or AGPL, just GPL) program to perform a service for someone and charge for it. I know you can sell GPL software (if people are willing to pay for it)04:30
karmic_koalai need to fix internet in virtualbox running BT404:30
AdmiralDeathhas anyone else had problems with the administrative services?04:30
jamescarrwhat is the name of the file browser in gnome?04:30
jamescarri want to open it in a terminal04:30
tripelbiflena is gone alas04:30
tripelb((It's the same cable as here. I just unplug it and put it in the other computer.))  Hardware report: (win) Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Network Connection Dhcp Server:   Physical Address: 00:0C:F1:E8:CE:04  --- lspci lists: Ethernet controler: Intel Corp 82562EZ 10/100 Ethernet Contorller (rev 01)  --- ifconfig:  looks a lot like this one but 0 flow since it is not plugged in.04:30
jamescarris there some way to map windows+e to launch nautlis?04:30
tripelbsame problem: more testing I plugged it in. Did not pick up the wired signal. ifconfig changed to carrier 20 (rather than 0) and the modem pc and receive lights were flashing, send black.  -- SUM: not picking up wireless signal - not this computer another one.04:30
iflematripelb on the box that wont go..... with the cable in..... is there an ip address in ifconfig?04:30
tripelboh you are here! no ip addy in ifconfig04:31
switch10_SecondInfinity: you have to release the source code.  you can charge all you want for it...04:31
SpaceCowboy40404another question: what is this command doing: sudo chown -R ventrilo:ventrilo /etc/ventrilo04:31
switch10_SpaceCowboy40404: changing ownership04:31
h00kjamescarr: system -> preferences -> keyboard shortcuts04:31
iflematripelb but is there any entry for eth0 or just lo?04:31
SpaceCowboy40404whats that mean?04:32
DanDareHello. If I install Ubuntu 64bit, 32bit programs will work ?04:32
jbrouhardSpaceCowboy40404, it's changing the ownership of everything in /etc/ventrilo to the user ventrilo and group ventrilo04:32
DanDareWhat about the drivers ?04:32
switch10_SpaceCowboy40404: it changes the owner and the group of the file04:32
h00kSpaceCowboy40404: that recursively changes ownership to user 'ventrilo' in everything in the /etc/ventrilo folder04:32
SecondInfinityswitch10: So if I have a GPL program that I have downloaded I can use it to provide a service (data backup for instance) and charge for that, but I have to offer them the source (like always)?04:32
SpaceCowboy40404ok cool thats what im wanting to do :)04:32
AdmiralDeathWhat can I do to fix my administrative services?04:32
switch10_SecondInfinity: thats my understanding..04:33
h00kSpaceCowboy40404: you can check the manpage of chown for more information04:33
karmic_koalahow hould i configure the adaptors in net in virtualbox for have internet?04:33
LuckySMackmy /etc/hostname file contains 'blah' and that is what is returned when running 'hostname' . this is what i have for my hosts/hostname files: http://pastebin.com/Shc51QZc04:34
SpaceCowboy40404this last part of the guide it gets kind of vague... can i link the guide and someone tell me what its doing and if the steps are right?04:34
MorwindHey guys. Just deleted the partitions on a drive, and now I'm trying to format it. But I am getting this: Error creating file system: helper exited with exit code 1: helper failed with: mke2fs 1.41.9 (22-Aug-2009)04:34
SecondInfinityswitch10: basically I want to use the ntfsprogs program ntfsclone to do windows image backups for people and either store them on their hard drives or on mine and then charge them a fee for it04:34
MorwindAny help?04:35
AdmiralDeathSo noone knows? is there another channel I can get help in?04:35
switch10_SecondInfinity: I do that for a job.  Its totally legal.04:35
FlannelAdmiralDeath: Can you use sudo successfully?04:36
switch10_SecondInfinity: no one will want the source code either :)04:36
AdmiralDeathyes I can04:36
SecondInfinityswitch10_: Its different that paid for programs because you have to buy a special license, but GPL stuff really lowers the entry barrier for that type of business/service04:36
FlannelAdmiralDeath: So, it's just 'administrative services' that's giving you issues?04:36
SecondInfinityswitch10_: you can pay like $100+ for the business license for some software.04:36
AdmiralDeathbut when I go to open the update manager and ask it to check it just pulls up a blank white box04:36
SpaceCowboy40404this last part of the guide it gets kind of vague... can i link the guide and someone tell me what its doing and if the steps are right?04:36
FlannelAdmiralDeath: Alright, do you get errors if you run `sudo apt-get update` (close update manager, and any other package managers)04:37
AdmiralDeathok give me a sec and I will try that04:37
uLinuxis there a dc++ chat04:38
switch10_SecondInfinity: thats why I dont use that junk.04:38
vladikoffhey guys, need a little help with aptitude , i somehow selected all my packages and put it into 'apt-get autoremove' can someone help me deselect that04:38
AdmiralDeathok it seems I can no longer open a terminal either04:38
FlannelAdmiralDeath: Which configuration files were you editing earlier?04:39
AdmiralDeathNvidia driver04:39
bluebaronI have a laptop with a GeForce 9600M.  The monitor won't wake up after sleep.  Any help?04:39
IdleOnevladikoff: so now apt-get is waiting for you to either type y or n?04:39
tripelb iflema there is an entry for etho0 eth1 and lo04:39
FlannelAdmiralDeath: Alright, that probably wasn't the cause of this.  Try ctrl-alt-f1 (use ctrl-alt-f7 to get back to your GUI) to get to a tty, and try it there.04:39
vladikoffIdleOne, it gave me a list of like 50+ packages and says, 'use apt-get autoremove' to remove them'04:40
vladikoffIdleOne, i was trying to access the menu in aptitude and i think pressed some weird buttons04:40
IdleOnevladikoff: ok, don't use that command04:40
vladikoffIdleOne, yeah i figured, it's scary04:40
AdmiralDeathIt wont let me log in04:41
AdmiralDeathtells me incorrect login04:41
IdleOnevladikoff: iirc autoremove just deletes the .deb files but doesn't uninstall the packages04:41
tripelbadmiral death. do you know how to change your password?04:41
iflematripelb and onboard and pci network cards eth0 and eth1.... do not work but are listed without in ifconfig without ip addresses? yes?04:41
FlannelAdmiralDeath: Did you change any other config files recently?  sudoers? hostname stuff?04:41
vladikoffIdleOne, ah does the system need the deb files?04:41
IdleOnevladikoff: only to install04:41
AdmiralDeathNo i dont know how to change my pass04:42
bluebaronI have a laptop with a GeForce 9600M.  The monitor won't wake up after sleep.  Any help?04:42
tripelbiflema, copying the line04:42
vladikoffIdleOne, ok i shall DO IT then04:42
AdmiralDeathand no I have not edited any other configs04:42
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jmcantrellcan anyone recommend a good notebook that's 100% compatible with ubuntu out of the box?04:42
vladikoffIdleOne, oh shit04:43
FlannelAdmiralDeath: Alright, well, I'd try rebooting, you might have a memory leak or something, and these symptoms sort of would make sense with that.  Do you have a LiveCD handy just incase you need to boot to that?04:43
h00k!language | vladikoff04:43
IdleOnevladikoff: what?04:43
ubottuvladikoff: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:43
IdleOnevladikoff: also please watch the language?04:43
vladikoffIdleOne, doomed04:43
bluebaronjmcantrell, the one you buy04:43
h00kjmcantrell: my EEE 1000 that I'm on is ;)04:43
AdmiralDeathyes I do have a CD handy. and I have tried rebooting04:43
geekphreakhi all04:43
AdmiralDeathshould I try again?04:43
IdleOnevladikoff: doomed can mean so many things04:43
geekphreakIdleOne: howdy :)04:43
jmcantrellh00k: yep. that's what i have now. love it, but looking for something with more power04:44
* uLinux new Lost episode "is out"04:44
IdleOneheya geekphreak04:44
vladikoffIdleOne, it's deleting everything now04:44
vladikoffah well04:44
vladikoffthanks anyway04:44
IdleOnevladikoff: everything like what?>04:44
hanasaki1what would make my monitor go black after 10mins?04:44
vladikoffall my packages04:44
vladikoffnot deb files04:44
vladikoffbye now04:44
h00khanasaki1: power save settings?04:44
=== hanasaki1 is now known as hanasaki
jmcantrelli'm looking for a notebook that doesn't have all the bells and whistles. just power and solidly built04:44
hanasakih00k: I turned those off in the gnome powermanager04:44
uLinuxhanasaki, screensaver04:45
AdmiralDeathI will try rebooting again04:45
micaelhello i have just installed ubuntu but it cant find my screen it say unknown04:45
bluebaronjmcantrell, some features of any laptop might not be supported.  the only problems are sometimes graphics ... ethernet/wifi used to be a problem but it's much better now04:45
h00khanasaki: your monitor might also have settings that make it do that04:45
SpaceCowboy40404ok easier question hopefully: I need to copy a text file whose path is: /home/ubuntu/ventrilo.txt to another directory located at: /etc/init.d what would i type?04:45
tripelbetho link encasp: ethernet HWaddr 00:c0:f0:58:18:68  /  inet5 addr: fe80::2c0:f0ff:fe58:1868:/64 Scope:Link   while on this computer I get  a real intet address looking number then Bcast:(another number then Mask another number  /nextline inet addr: and a similar thing. It's entirely missing.04:45
tripelbiflema, ^^^04:46
micaelso now i have to run in 600x80004:46
hanasakiuLinux: h00k  the screen saver is set to set to 2 mins   / when the screen goes to screensaver its fine.. in 10mins it goes black and they system will not respond to keyboard or mouse.. even the numlock key won't turn its light on/off04:46
SpaceCowboy40404i am in the home/ubuntu directory04:46
jmcantrellbluebaron: that's what i'm asking. which laptop(s) work well with no tweaking?04:46
iflematripelb pastebin.com and post link back04:46
tripelbiflema, I seem to have misplaced my flash drive04:46
micaelanyone knows how to change screen04:46
tripelbI cant copy it except by hand.04:46
bluebaronjmcantrell, I'm saying, buy the one you want.  It will probably work.04:46
SpaceCowboy40404so would it be: sudo cp ventrilo.txt /etc/init.d04:47
iflematripelb ok04:47
hanasakih00k:  uLinux so it's a lockup after it goes black04:47
tripelbiflema, I can compare it to this one and tell you the differences. rx packets 1027 errores o dropped 0 the rest.... tx packets; 0 errors: 10 dropped, 0 overurns 0 frame04:48
joshdreamlandAll right, nothing's working04:48
joshdreamlandI'm taking this into my own hands04:48
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h00khanasaki: it's not going into suspend or hibernate?04:48
hanasakih00k:  don't think so... the fan is still running and it just "blinks" out to black.  power is still on04:48
hanasakino major drive activity when it goes black04:49
hanasakiback in 10 mins.. wanna test something... h00k will you watch to see when it says my ID goes off line.. if it does....04:49
iflematripelb if there is a listing for eth0... A (1) network card atleast is ready to go... now does this modem do dhcp?04:51
SpaceCowboy40404sudo cp ventrilo.txt /etc/init.d .........ha that worked im learning this stuff04:51
AdmiralDeathok I tried restarting and it still wont let me log into the command line interface04:51
SpaceCowboy40404woot woot04:51
tripelbiflema, I dont know dhcp, what it means. This is a cable modem from Time-Warner.04:51
micaeli have a acer sceern but ubuntu cant find it how can i tell ubuntu what screen i have04:52
SpaceCowboy40404now a hard question: How do I make a *.txt file an executable and add it to the boot sequence?04:52
iflematripelb ok04:53
geekphreakAdmiralDeath: which cli you cannot get into ?04:53
costreSpaceCowboy40404, what's in this .txt?04:53
AdmiralDeathI was told to press ctrl+alt+F104:54
AdmiralDeathand to log in04:54
SpaceCowboy40404costre: here is a link to it: http://rocketeerbkw.com/sites/default/files/ventrilo.txt04:54
AdmiralDeathit says my login is incorrecty04:54
geekphreakAdmiralDeath: and you just get a blinkinh cursor?04:54
geekphreakoh ok04:54
SpaceCowboy40404costre: i am mucking my way through this install guide :)O04:54
geekphreakAdmiralDeath: sure login name and passwd is ok , it is case senstive :)04:55
iflematripelb have you setup a similar configuration like this for another ubuntu machine? what version of ubuntu?04:55
AdmiralDeathsomeone said it might be a memory leak04:55
costreSpaceCowboy40404, You could try to chmod +x the txt-file, and add the entire location of the txtfile to /etc/rc.local04:55
costrethat should execute it at startup04:56
SpaceCowboy40404costre: does this acomplish that: sudo update-rc.d ventrilo default04:56
costreif it's executable :)04:56
SpaceCowboy40404costre: as far as i know its just a .txt file?04:56
geekphreakAdmiralDeath: dont think memory leak would give login ncorrect though afaik04:56
costreSpaceCowboy40404, Not sure, it kinda sounds like it04:56
costreSpaceCowboy40404, Yes, but it contains batch-like commands04:57
AdmiralDeathwell I am having other problems as well04:57
AdmiralDeathI cannot update and cant open terminal04:57
tripelbiflema, I've done it many times. With ubuntu you just plug in and go. 6.04 ++ 9.04, 9.10 I have never had an issue, dsl or cable.04:58
tripelbsame with win and ethernet04:58
geekphreakAdmiralDeath: same error message?04:58
AdmiralDeathno error message04:58
SevionHey, guys. I've been having a problem. I have Windows 7 installed on my main drive and a second drive has Ubuntu. Once I install Ubuntu, I have to restart. So I do so. Once I do, I can't boot anymore. I get a Grub Loading. and it just stops there. Sometimes it goes to Grub Rescue. I can get back onto Windows by repairing boot through the install disc. I've tried a few things with reinstalling GRUB2, but no dice.04:58
AdmiralDeathjsut blank white boxes04:58
geekphreakAdmiralDeath: are you logged into X?04:58
AdmiralDeathwhat is X?04:59
AdmiralDeathSorry I am very new to this04:59
geekphreakdo you desktop up ?04:59
tomatois there a simple way to restrict a user to his/her home directory only?04:59
AdmiralDeathyes my desktop is up04:59
h00ktomato: by default, they are04:59
geekphreakAdmiralDeath: press alt+f2, type gnome-terminal04:59
AdmiralDeathok stand by04:59
tomatoh00k: thanks! i'll try it04:59
SevionHey, guys. I've been having a problem. I have Windows 7 installed on my main drive and a second drive has Ubuntu. Once I install Ubuntu, I have to restart. So I do so. Once I do, I can't boot anymore. I get a Grub Loading. and it just stops there. Sometimes it goes to Grub Rescue. I can get back onto Windows by repairing boot through the install disc. I've tried a few things with reinstalling GRUB2, but no dice.04:59
geekphreakh00k: hello sir05:00
h00kgeekphreak: hello there05:00
navetzis there a iTunes like media player for linux?05:00
AdmiralDeathok I tried that and it is still just a blank white box05:01
twoyo waddup05:01
geekphreakAdmiralDeath: nothing comes up ?05:01
AdmiralDeathjust a blank white box where the terminal should be05:01
geekphreakAdmiralDeath: this whitebox, can you type command, is it like a terminal?05:01
lgcHi, what is "0>&1"?05:02
AdmiralDeathjust a blank white qquare05:02
geekphreakAdmiralDeath: when you logged in what session did you choose ?05:02
pouryaadmiralDeath its possible that it cant find the icon05:02
duleepsevion: can u load grub05:02
AdmiralDeathwhat do you mean session?05:02
Sevionduleep: No. Grub hasn't been loading at all.05:03
AdmiralDeathIt autolog's in05:03
geekphreakAdmiralDeath: when you start pc and enter login name /password, just below it ask you which session you wana choose , gnome , failsafe/kde05:03
SpaceCowboy40404arg... im stuck on this last step... the sudo update-rc.d ventrilo defaults05:03
SpaceCowboy40404 is giving me an error of: /etc/init.d/ventrilo: file does not exist05:03
SpaceCowboy40404 even though i am sitting here looking at it?05:03
Sevionduleep: It'll say Grub Loading. and stop. Nothing else happens past that point except for the occasional Grub Rescue.05:03
geekphreakAdmiralDeath: i think you took of X, the gui :)05:03
AdmiralDeathI have it set to login automatically05:03
geekphreakAdmiralDeath: did you uninstall any applications05:03
pouryaAdmiralDeath did you change your theme?05:04
geekphreakAdmiralDeath: whats your login name?05:04
hiexpowhat command is it to see what programs i have installed and also to print it05:04
geekphreakAdmiralDeath: and you are using that in ctrl+alt+f2 ?05:05
SpaceCowboy40404update-rc.d [-n] <basename> defaults [NN | SS KK]05:06
SpaceCowboy40404....what are the NN and SSKK for?05:06
geniihiexpo: dpkg --get-selections > mypackages && gedit mypackages              from there just print it like any normal document05:06
Sevionduleep: Are you there?05:06
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iflematripelb you have atleast one nic working so...... router changed config??? or cable stuffed???? or what did change by the way.... just oneday poof.... gone....?05:06
crimsunSpaceCowboy40404: explained in the man page for update-rc.d05:06
geekphreakAdmiralDeath: does anything open , when you press alt+f105:06
Sevionduleep: Do you know how to fix this?05:06
duleepwhat os u first install?05:06
Sevionduleep: Windows 705:07
AdmiralDeathyes it pulls up the command line interface05:07
Sevionduleep: I have it setup like this: HDD1 -> Windows 7 Pro 64 bit, HDD2 -> Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit05:07
duleepare u renstall grub using live cd?05:07
geekphreakAdmiralDeath: well bring cli up , so we can type some commands05:07
AdmiralDeathI cannot type any commands05:08
Sevionduleep: I have tried reinstalling GRUB many different ways, none of them have worked.05:08
AdmiralDeathit wants me to log in first05:08
lgcHow can I change my root password system-wide?05:08
AdmiralDeathtells me my login is wrong05:08
Serephhow do i restart the sound daemon?05:08
geekphreakAdmiralDeath: not ctrl+alt+f1 , just alt+f105:08
AdmiralDeathpulls up applications05:08
geekphreakAdmiralDeath: goto accesories, then open terminal, use arrow keys05:09
hiexpothanks genii // but that does not show what i have compiled myself what will show that i forgot :(05:09
uLinuxwhich internet monitor do you recommend for ubuntu?05:09
Serephlgc: the root password is system wide there is only one05:09
AdmiralDeathij standby05:09
duleepwaht did u mean setup?05:09
AdmiralDeathstill just a blank white box05:09
geekphreakAdmiralDeath: even when you try to open terminal ?05:10
geniihiexpo: If you compiled them into deb packages it will show them.05:10
Sevionduleep: duleep: My first hard drive has Windows 7 Pro 64 bit installed on it and my second hard drive has Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit installed on it.05:10
duleepok i got that05:10
AdmiralDeathyes even when I try and open terminal05:11
geniihiexpo: There is no real way to get a comprehensive list of stuff you have installed by compiling with something like make install where it puts them directly into the filesystem05:11
AdmiralDeathshould I just reinstall ubuntu?05:11
Serephlgc: sudo passwd05:11
geekphreakAdmiralDeath: what happens when you press alt+f2?05:11
hiexpogenii,  - but like if i installed sh packages they don't and i know one i have installed that was a tar is not showing and its there and runs05:11
SerephAdmiralDeath: whats the problem?05:11
SpaceCowboy40404ok i understand what the update-rc.d is doing now and my problem is with the text file inside the folder what i am trying to make an executable.. this is beyond my ability05:12
hiexpogenii, oh ok05:12
AdmiralDeathmy administrative services and terminal are all out of whack05:12
Sevionduleep: Something new: When I boot up and hit F12 for boot options, I can select Hard Drive and then from there I can select the Hard Drive my Ubuntu is installed on. It will get to Grub Loading., error: no such partition, grub rescue>05:12
AdmiralDeathgeekphreak it opens a run application prompt05:13
geniihiexpo: One of the points of having a packaging system is to be able to track what's installed. when you do make install or such it bypasses the package manager's ability to track it.05:13
geekphreakAdmiralDeath: good 1 sec05:13
geekphreakAdmiralDeath:  can you tye this there?05:13
AdmiralDeathtype what?05:14
hiexpogenii,  - true but many apps are not available in the repos so onemost install other ways ya know05:14
SpaceCowboy40404holy cheese and rice i have spent two days unsuccessfully trying to do what took me 5 minutes to do with windows... i wan tot stab myself in the eye with a rusty spork05:14
geekphreakAdmiralDeath: gksudo  gedit /etc/gdm/custom.conf05:14
geniihiexpo: If you look in the file ~/.bash_history it will have a record of commands you have recently typed in. You may find at least some of them there if you find something like: cd prog-name   then: make and: make install      etc05:14
SerephSpaceCowboy40404: what are you trying to do?05:14
SpaceCowboy40404sereph: commit suicide :)05:14
geniihiexpo: Otherwise it is up to you to keep good records of what you manually install05:15
Serephand on a serious note?05:15
geekphreakh00k: yo there mate?05:15
h00kgeekphreak: yes05:15
SpaceCowboy40404seraph: can i just link u the guide and show you were i got to when things started going wrong?05:15
hiexpogenii, ya i know i was just tring an easy way out because i am recopiling a new cd05:15
geekphreakh00k: what was the shortcut for gui to add user?05:15
AdmiralDeathok standby I will try05:15
Serephpm it to me if you'd like05:15
geekphreakAdmiralDeath: ok05:15
SpaceCowboy40404Sereph: http://rocketeerbkw.com/content/installing-ventrilo-server-ubuntu-910-karmic-koala  .... i got to "Make vent start when computer boots"05:16
duleepif u don't have any document in ubuntu, can u try to reinstall ubhuntu your same drive05:16
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash05:16
geekphreakh00k: the one which is under system >>administration>>user and groups, any shortcut for it?05:16
h00kgeekphreak: users-admin05:16
geekphreakh00k:  thanks05:16
AdmiralDeathit attempts to pull up the administrative services box and it is also a blank white box05:17
h00kgeekphreak: no prob05:17
phenomAny one have info on a fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/346289 ?05:17
geekphreakAdmiralDeath: ok last try05:17
geekphreakAdmiralDeath:  press alt+f2 again05:17
SerephSpaceCowboy40404: be right back... for some reason my terminal is freakingout05:17
phenomAdobe flash is choppy in fullscreen, like in say youtube clips05:17
tripelbiflema, I have two different computers. This one, it works. The other one, it doesnt. -- I have no router. I just unplugged the ethenet from this computer and plugged it into the other one. -- no switches. Nothing.05:17
geekphreakAdmiralDeath:  type gksudo users-admin05:17
Sevion duleep: I have reinstalled Ubuntu multiple times, actually :-/05:18
xivenI've read that Scribus has a lot of problems on Ubuntu due to canonical patches. I found a how-to for fixing some..but it gives an instruction for the "Library Path" tab in QtConfig...I cannot find that tab.05:18
lgcSereph, will that change the keyring password and my user password (which is the same by default)?05:18
hiexponext question is when i open fspot it loads and than just closes05:18
AdmiralDeathok geek I will try that05:18
ubottuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/05:19
geekphreakAdmiralDeath: we are trying to add a user05:19
lgcxiven, I was told that years ago and had to stick with the Windoze version.05:19
xivenGnash doesn't work very well unfortunately.05:19
phenomAny one have issues using gnash?05:19
duleepsorry brother i'm not enough to solve your problem try with other05:19
AdmiralDeathok again it trys to open the administrative services window and it is a blank white box05:19
xivenphenom> I experience a lot with Gnash it not loading videos05:19
Out_Coldwhat's the name of the character map installed in ubuntu?05:19
geekphreakAdmiralDeath: not good05:20
xivenI would recommend downloading the official Adobe Flash Player for Linux05:20
AdmiralDeathyeah thats what I thought05:20
AdmiralDeathI am going to reinstall05:20
geekphreakAdmiralDeath: did you change theme or do something man?05:20
duleepif u have any screenshot plz send05:20
phenomunfortunately watching youtube flicks and the like in full screen are too choppy to watch,, I remember this bug on another computer dating back to ibex iirc05:20
xivenIt's not open source, but honestly...it works the best from the choices from my experiences05:20
SevionHey, guys. I've been having a problem. I have Windows 7 installed on my main drive and a second drive has Ubuntu. Once I install Ubuntu, I have to restart. So I do so. Once I do, I can't boot anymore. I get a Grub Loading. and it just stops there. Sometimes it goes to Grub Rescue. I can get back onto Windows by repairing boot through the install disc. I've tried a few things with reinstalling GRUB2, but no dice.05:20
geekphreakAdmiralDeath:  ok , beofre you do that use live cd to backup your data on $HOME, if its not encrypted05:20
phenomxiven, Yea, I have the 64 bit version installed05:21
tripelbiferna I am trying to get ONE computer together that works. This one keeps freezing. No progress on that. (sometimes it seems flash and sometimes hardware) So I was given this other computer, tried it, installed Ubuntu, and does not see the internet signal. I say, OK I'll put in a second (PCI) ethernet card. (that's why there was eth0 and eth1)Still nothing.  [I am so basic, so unsophistocated, but I am trying to be clear.]  -- if I had $$ I would not be playing05:21
tripelb with old computers. I bought this one used and it's been frying piece by piece.05:21
AdmiralDeathI have nothing on the HD anyway so it does not matter05:21
phenomAnd works fine other than the choppy issue05:21
AdmiralDeathI just installed it today05:21
geekphreakAdmiralDeath: well then bombs away05:21
h00kSevion: it sounds like windows ate your bootloader, you tried the 'recoverr grub after installing windows instructions' ?05:21
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)05:21
xivenphenom> Well if you have the official Flash player for linux, then you should be set05:21
xivenUnless you're looking for something open source05:21
tomatoi created a new account, but the user can still access and look at folders beyond their home folder05:21
phenomxiven, No,, just looking for something that works heh05:21
xivenFor open source I would look into swfcodec, or something like that05:21
Sevionh00k: I actually installed Windows before Ubuntu.05:21
SerephSpaceCowboy40404: ok im back05:21
SpaceCowboy40404Seraph: ok05:22
tomatois there something simple i can do to prevent the user from browsing beyond their home folder?05:22
duleepsevion: how do u send msg every time like this " duleep: "05:22
Sevionh00k: Though, when I repaired boot, it may have done that.05:22
h00kSevion: are tou using any third party antivirus or backup solutions? those have a tendency to kill grub.05:22
gogetatripelb: well wifi cards all need diffrent guieds05:22
xivenswfcodec, gnash,  and Adobe's Flash Player for Linux are the only choices I know of.05:22
Sevionduleep: Just type it out. Like: Sevion: <TEXT>05:22
Sevionh00k: I do have AVG Free05:22
tripelbphenom: my understanding is that the official adobe flash works best. I went to all kinds of trouble to remove the other and install that.05:22
xivenWhat options can anyone tell me about for a PDF Editor/PDF Creator for linux?05:22
h00kSevion: any backup managers?05:22
SerephSpaceCowboy40404: im going to neet the link again though05:22
Sevionh00k: None.05:23
h00kxiven: Openoffice can save to PDF05:23
g0r3_0f_g0dhi ppl05:23
tripelbgogeta, I am not talking about a wifi card. I am only plugging into a WIRED connection.05:23
SpaceCowboy40404Sereph: http://rocketeerbkw.com/content/installing-ventrilo-server-ubuntu-910-karmic-koala  .... i got to "Make vent start when computer boots"05:23
xivenLast time I used OpenOffice to create a PDF or open a PDF, when I viewed result with a viewer, it was all messed up05:23
h00kSevion: usually that causes problems, things overwrite the MBR without looking05:23
h00kxiven: openoffice isn't for opening PDF's but it will create them05:23
gogetatripelb: that should work pretty easly unless your not using auto ip05:23
xivenPlus, I don't want to have to next tables in OO.O in order to mix pictures into text and stuf05:23
g0r3_0f_g0dhas anyone got an opinion , what is better virtual box or vmware wkstation under ubuntu05:23
SerephSpaceCowboy40404: what seems to be the problem?05:24
Sevionh00k: Well, I have gone into my Windows install disc and used bootrec.exe /fixboot and bootrec.exe /fixmbr, would that do anything? I have tried reinstalling GRUB2 after doing these actions.05:24
gogetag0r3_0f_g0d: well vbox is free05:24
xivenMy use is desktop publishing, newspaper as PDF (or any other worthy file format [released version should not be editable])05:24
tripelbgogeta, it always works automatically, in windows or ubuntu, but on this particular computer it does not. A standard Ubuntu 9.04 liveCD05:24
phenomtripelb, Ill keep hacking at it. But this is very unfortunate, this bug has been around for a long time, but this is an upstream issue I'm sure.05:24
SpaceCowboy40404Sereph: i dont know what the hell im doing starting with that step or im following the commands incorrectly as they are not working05:24
hanasakih00k: looks like its something to do with the 3D screen savers.. the 2D don't lockup05:24
xivengore> VBox is better if you like open source, VMware is commercial and expensive but does work a little better IMHO05:25
g0r3_0f_g0dyeah doesn't that mean in theory that vmware should be better if they dare charging for it , i mean like more stable n stuff05:25
h00kSevion: those will kill your grub, you then should be able to reinstall grub using instructions online to your mbr, boot into Ubuntu, do a sudo update-grub, and you should be set05:25
hanasakixiven:  any news on what oracle plans to do w/ vbox?05:25
gogetatripelb: wrong cable types if its a old machine its picky05:25
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h00kubottu: grub2 | Sevion05:25
ubottuSevion: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub205:25
ActionParsnipyo yo yo05:25
SerephSpaceCowboy40404: you did the other steps correctly?05:25
xivenThere may be, I haven't kept up on the news of it05:25
Sevionh00k: Okay, I will try. Stand by for results.05:25
SpaceCowboy40404Sereph: as far as i know I did, all the commands went through with no errors05:25
h00kSevion: hilight me, I'll probably be away05:26
Guest18416I hate linux and am thinking about switching back to windows because there is no way to mount drives automatically at startup.05:26
phenomEvery thing that could have gone wrong installing ubuntu/linux,, went wrong heh05:26
tripelbphenom, you can look at ubuntuforums.org for a post by old_grey_wolf  (or gray??) - I have had success pasting what he said.05:26
xivenUnless its covered by IT Business Edge, or TechRepublic, Codeplex, or one of those..I won't see it05:26
Sevionh00k: Hilight? How?05:26
SerephGuest18416: /etc/fstab05:26
ActionParsnipGuest18416: sure there is, how do you think your / partition mounts at boot!?05:26
h00kSevion: exactly how you just did :) just my name05:26
gogetatripelb: if your trying to ue your cat5 crossover vs a standerd eathernet stragt cable on a machine without autosence it will not work05:26
Sevionh00k: Alright!05:26
h00kSevion: Good luck05:26
hiexpowhen i try to open fspot it loads than closes05:26
SerephSpaceCowboy40404: so you got an error with the first part of that?05:26
Sevionh00k: Trying now, afk. Thanks.05:26
cbilljoneshey im having an issue: zotac mobo using ion chipset, connected to TV via HDMI, screen is occasionally going black, video/audio are working, any suggestions?05:27
ActionParsniphiexpo: run it from a terminal, the output may be useful05:27
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xivenVBox is the one I like (and not just because its free), although I hate the fact that it won't allow me to go to the resolution my screen can support (because its external, the built-in LCD requires a slightly different res)05:27
tripelbgogeta: again I am taking the standard ethernet cable out of one computer and putting it in another. Nothing strange. Even old computers are standardized on ethernet 10/10005:27
hiexpoActionParsnip, ok let me see was just gonna do that :)05:27
gogetatripelb: without autosence they do not accept cat505:27
SerephSpaceCowboy40404: it says to do cp /path/to/ventrilo.txt /etc/init.d/ventrilo05:27
ActionParsnipcbilljones: what is the output of: lsb_release -c    ?05:27
SpaceCowboy40404Sereph: my problemn starts at: sudo update-rc.d ventrilo defaults05:27
SerephSpaceCowboy40404: did you do that cp command?05:28
SpaceCowboy40404sereph: yes05:28
ActionParsniptripleb: it will need to be a crossover cable for p2p, patch cables wont work in that situation05:28
tripelbgogeta, this is not helping. This is a standard cable. I am only changing the computer it is plugged into. It works. It doesnt.  THE SAME CABLE.05:28
cbilljonesactionparsnip karmic05:28
tomatois there a simple way to restrict a user to his/her home directory only? as in, they cannot cd to / ?05:28
gogetatripelb: and yout not listing05:28
ActionParsnipcbilljones: ok cool05:28
SerephSpaceCowboy40404: are you getting an error?05:28
tripelbgogeta, every computer I have ever used is like that. Yes and you are not even spelling.05:29
SpaceCowboy40404sereph: and i can see the txt file in the /etc/init.d/ventrilo directory as well05:29
ActionParsnipcbilljones: have you added the nvidia vpau ppa and installed the 195 driver?05:29
xivenIs there any way to get OpenOffice to support the placing of texts and images the same way which Scribus would?05:29
Serephthere is your problem then05:29
tripelbgogeta, I am listening. It is not a crossover.05:29
gogetatripelb: ok type lspci and see if ubuntu is seeing the nics05:29
Sereph/etc/init.d/ventrilo is not a directory05:29
tripelbtomato I'd like to know.05:29
iflematripelb well get one....05:29
cbilljonesactioparsnip: i tried, but im using 185 atm05:29
* xiven suddenly wonders if it would do any good to run the Windows version of Scribus under wine05:29
Serephit should be a file with the contents of ventrilo.txt05:29
SpaceCowboy40404sereph: yes when i enter in: sudo update-rc.d ventrilo defaults05:29
SpaceCowboy40404 i get the following error: /etc/init.d/ventrilo: file does not exist05:29
tripelbI did. gogeta.  Yes it sees the card.05:30
tomatotripelb: so far i've been reading about jails and bash replacements05:30
tripelbiferna, I should get what?05:30
micaelanyone know why i can only have a resolution 800x60005:30
gogetatripelb: then check your roguhter settings it may be rejeccting the connection05:30
xivenIs Scribus' main problem is being a Qt application, instead of being integrated into KDE?05:30
iflematripelb if where talking old hardware a crossover inbtween ya cable modem may be required05:30
cbilljonesactionparsnip: im going to reinstall the 195 driver05:30
ActionParsnipmicael: you havent configured your video driver correctly05:31
* iflema exeption to the rule....05:31
tripelbtomato, I was shocked when I saw my user could access files.  I would like to have a really limited user. I dont even want him to see all the programs installed. (ditto my windows users) I want life to be simple for them.05:31
tripelbgogeta, I dont have a router.05:31
gogetatripelb: LOL05:31
SerephSpaceCowboy40404: thats because the file doesnt exist you made it a directory05:31
tomatotriplelb: here is the best guide i've found so far, though i don't really understand it. it looks the simplest out of them all, http://blog.bodhizazen.net/linux/how-to-restrict-access-with-rbash/05:31
micaelActionParsnip i am very new so i dont really know how to do it i have been looking for a program to do it05:31
SpaceCowboy40404sereph: you lost me there.. what do i need to do to make it a file and not a directory?05:32
gogetatripelb: this will sound stupid but if your connected directly with a cable modem. unplug the modem wait 30 seconds plug in power up pc05:32
micaeli am not good in console05:32
ActionParsnipmicael: run: lspci | grep -i vga    use the output to find guides05:32
Serephremove the /etc/init.d/ventrilo directory and then run cp /path/to/ventrilo.txt /etc/init.d/ventrilo05:32
hiexpoActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/uDPTc1HG05:32
gogetatripelb:  cable modems will reject a pc untill you do that05:32
Serephreplacing /path/to with the real path obviously05:32
xivenI have some trouble with launchpad, what is there to be done for K/Ubuntu in Java or C#?05:32
tripelbiferna: a crossover between my cable modem and what? Every set up I have ever seen, windows or linux, dsl or cable, one plugs fromt he modem (or router) into the ethernet card and it is online. Simple.05:32
SpaceCowboy40404sereph: im confused05:33
DanDareIt´s NTFS3G Ubuntu release reliable enought for writing data ?05:33
SerephSpaceCowboy40404: where is ventrilo.txt05:33
gogetatripelb: did you just say crossover pfft05:33
ActionParsniphiexpo: ok then check the bug logs for stuff like that, or log a new bug05:33
tripelbgogeta. I dont have to do that with this computer... or any other. I can just plug in and unplug. the modem doesnt reject this computer. That's imagination.05:33
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micaelok but where do i find that lspci  (here)    grep  -i vga05:34
SpaceCowboy40404sereph: it is in: /etc/init.d/ventrilo05:34
gogetatripelb: then dont do it thats how you fix it05:34
tomatotripelb: i found a better guide, on the ubuntu forums, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24872405:34
gogetatripelb: just keep crying abought it05:34
ActionParsniptripleb: interconnection device to PC uses a patch cable, if you connect PC to PC then you need to setup a static IP as well as use a crossover cable.05:34
SerephSpaceCowboy40404: mv /etc/init.d/ventrilo/ventrilo.txt /etc/init.d/05:34
iflematripelb if the box you where given is old it may require a crossover cable for the cable modem.....05:34
SerephSpaceCowboy40404: tell me after you've done this05:35
h00kiflema: no, it won't. they've never required crossover cables05:35
tripelbthank you all for your help. insistence that you are right. I've done help-desk. I know up from down, even if I dont get it to work.  -- ActionParsnip I am NOT connecting computer to computer (in which case I would need a crossover cable)05:35
SpaceCowboy40404sereph: done05:35
ActionParsniptripelb: ok thats cool,05:35
iflematripelb you not listing..... new hardware auto detects and sorts it for you... older stuff does not05:35
tripelbsame problem: more testing I plugged it in. Did not pick up the wired signal. ifconfig changed to carrier 20 (rather than 0) and the modem pc and receive lights were flashing, send black.  -- SUM: not picking up wireless signal - not this computer another one.05:35
SerephSpaceCowboy40404: rm -rf /etc/init.d/ventrilo/05:36
brah-channels more empty than usual05:36
gogetaActionParsnip: i got sick og telling him abought cable types and old machines05:36
SpaceCowboy40404sereph: done05:36
gogetaActionParsnip: he takes no advice just complanes05:36
tripelbsame problem: more testing I plugged it in. Did not pick up the wired signal. ifconfig changed to carrier 20 (rather than 0) and the modem pc and receive lights were flashing, send black.  -- SUM: not picking up wireless signal - not this computer another one.05:36
SerephSpaceCowboy40404: mv /etc/init.d/ventrilo.txt /etc/init.d/ventrilo05:36
cbilljonesok 195 nividia driver installed, screen still going black :(05:37
SpaceCowboy40404sereph: done05:37
SerephSpaceCowboy40404: sudo update-rc.d ventrilo defaults05:37
tripelbThe 8 year old compaq computer detected it automatically. This one does. I've never seen one that doesnt. IF it were that kind then what would I do, iflema .. If I need to somehow "detect" it, what would I do to tell it to "detect" it?05:38
SpaceCowboy40404sereph: ha worked that time :)05:38
SerephSpaceCowboy40404: :)05:38
gogetatripelb: so you are trying to cat 5 crossover it on a machine without autosence05:38
phenomtripelb, xiven, fyi this workaround http://blog.nachtarbeiter.net/2009/08/19/choppy-flash-video-in-full-screen-mode-on-ubuntu/ seems to work better than other fixes sated in http://blog.nachtarbeiter.net/2009/08/19/choppy-flash-video-in-full-screen-mode-on-ubuntu/  and the like.05:38
Serephglad to be of service05:38
SpaceCowboy40404sereph: testing app now :)05:38
gogetatripelb: not all device have autosence05:38
gogetatripelb: age makes no diffrence05:38
Serephstupid cat...05:38
iflematripelb ignore me.... cable modems need a straight through..... sorry05:38
tripelbgogeta, i have no idea what you are talking about - what would you think I could try?05:38
SpaceCowboy40404sereph: hahah you rock .. can you now tell me what i did wrong so i can understand it?05:39
gogetaiflema: not if it has autosence05:39
* iflema lol05:39
SerephSpaceCowboy40404: somehow you made a directory in /etc/init.d/ called ventrilo when all you needed was a file called ventrilo that contained the instructions to start it which were in ventrilo.txt05:39
ActionParsniptripelb: try a new cable maybe?05:39
gogetatripelb: your machine probly lacks autosence it will need a crossover for a pc tp pc link05:39
tripelbiflema, the output from a cable modem is just like the output from a dsl modem. AFAIK and has acted the same with my two other computers. (whatever their flaws.05:39
RP64I have huge problems after updating my ubuntu to 9.10 guys05:39
RP64HUUUUUGe problems...05:39
RP64im really dissapointed in ubuntu05:39
RP64this is really bad05:40
tripelbActionParsnip, the cable works perfectly with this computer.05:40
SerephRP64: explain yourself05:40
SpaceCowboy40404sereph: im not understanding the difference between a directory and a file05:40
tripelbgogeta, I do not want to make a pc to pc link.05:40
ActionParsnipRP64: can you give some details or we cant help you05:40
geekphreakRP64: just ask man05:40
ActionParsniptripelb: ok, worth a shot05:40
RP64well, I updated it to 9.10 in the auto online update thing05:40
mneptoktripelb: so what is the problem? you plug into the cable modem and ... ?05:40
SerephSpaceCowboy40404: directory is a folder05:40
gogetatripelb: then pc to modem link the modem will need a reset to pick up the change05:40
tripelbSpaceCowboy40404, a directory is a container for files05:40
ActionParsniptripelb: if you set a staic ip does it work?05:40
cbilljonesactionparsnip: i installed the latest nvidia drivers(195) and screen is still blacking out(loses audio as well at that point) any more suggestion?05:40
RP64after updating, it restarts the computer, and my custom login screen with sounds is gone, its the default ubuntu human login screen05:40
RP64after logging in, it plays my custom login sound, but i see that the firefox logo is gone off the computer05:40
RP64so I just see a big red X where the firefox logos should be05:41
ActionParsnipcbilljones: latest bios may help05:41
RP64and, it won't recognize that I have a wireless card05:41
bazhang!enter | RP6405:41
gogetatripelb: tech support guys call that power cycling05:41
ubottuRP64: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:41
SpaceCowboy40404sereph: so did you just have me create a ventrilo file by just removing the .txt on ventrilo.txt?05:41
SpaceCowboy40404sereph: ok cool05:41
Serephbut you had to move it out of the directory and remove the directory first05:41
RP64and I have no wired connection so if it doesn't recognize my wireless card then I can't use internet on it, my wired connection is being used by my parents computer and I can't hook mine up aswell its in a really far room05:41
RP64so what should I do sereph or somebody ?05:41
cbilljonesactionparsnip: for the mobo? im thinking its a TV setting somewhere, couldnt get audio either at first but worked that part out05:42
Serephthats why cp /path/to/txt/file /etc/init.d/ventrilo would have worked fine05:42
SpaceCowboy40404sereph: unfortunatly that guide was inaccurate and my vent server still doesnt work :(05:42
Serephdid you edit the ini or whatever?05:42
RP64sereph: what should I do what is this ?? why did this happen?05:42
SpaceCowboy40404sereph: yes05:42
ActionParsnipcbilljones: try setting a lower refresh rate05:42
SpaceCowboy40404sereph: wait.. i edited the ini file when it was in the donload directory not after i moved it to the other directory05:43
tripelbActionParsnip, I cant change my ip. this works on this computer. np. the other compter does not see the signal.  mneptok I have a computer 9.10 it works. I unplug the internet signal cable from the ehternet, plug it into this other cmputer, no pickup of signal evident, though ifconfig shows some difference and the pc and receive light flash madly. I unplug it and plug it back in this computer, as normal works fine.05:43
RP64OK UPDATE: I just restarted it again, and now the wireless is being recognized, however my custom login screen and sound is still missing, and the FIREFOX logos are still missing, WTF????05:43
SerephSpaceCowboy40404: should be fine still. is this a server or a homepc?05:43
cbilljonesactionparsnip: nvidia-settings doesnt let me adjust refresh05:43
mneptoktripelb: does you ISP use PPPoE or somesuch?05:43
SpaceCowboy40404sereph: laptop05:43
gogetatripelb: its easy to do conect modem to pc thats not working power modem and pc off then plug modem back in and power up. its pretty likly that will fix your issue05:43
Sereph!language | RP6405:43
ubottuRP64: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:43
SpaceCowboy40404sereph: on a wired connection behind a router05:43
geekphreakRP64: relax man :)05:44
SerephSpaceCowboy40404: port forwarded?05:44
tripelbmneptok, I have no idea. it's timewarner05:44
gogetaminedmind: itmakesno diffrence its the ac adress change that the modem needs to see05:44
RP64geekphreak: but im freaking out i mean , why is this stuff happening??05:44
SpaceCowboy40404sereph: yes port 3784 for both tcp and udp05:44
tripelbgogeta, I hear you and I am listening and I disagree. Thanks anyway.05:44
Serephim going to kill this cat05:44
mneptoktripelb: also, does the cable modem bind to a specific MAC address for the client machine?05:44
SpaceCowboy40404sereph to this machines internal ip address05:44
geekphreakRP64: well sometimes thing break, and you gotta fix it, look at it this way, you might learn something05:44
SpaceCowboy40404sereph: blah blah .10205:45
gogetaminedmind: most cable modems do why i told him to power cycle05:45
mneptoktripelb: it's unlikely TW uses PPPoE. that's usually a DSL thang.05:45
SerephRP64: windows does this sort of thing rather often05:45
RP64geekphreak: but... shouldn't it be designed so that updating doesn't break your system ... -___     -05:45
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davekongwhat is the current version of openssl being used in 9.10?05:45
RP64geekphreak: I mean if updating is required anyways05:45
SerephSpaceCowboy40404: hm.. im not really sure.. im falling asleep05:45
aetaricmneptok: they don't use pppoe05:45
tripelbmneptok, I dont think so. Let me power up a THIRD computer and see if that works. -- I've had no issues doing the same plug in plug out with a dsl from ATT.05:45
SpaceCowboy40404sereph: me too ill work on this some more tomorrow, thanks for the help05:45
tripelbOy have to set it up...05:45
SerephRP64: there is a disclaimer to backup files and settings just in case05:45
gogetamneptok: i told him how if he doesent wanna take 30 seconds to do it itss his problem05:45
mneptoktripelb: that's AT&T. this is TW.05:45
SerephSpaceCowboy40404: no problem05:45
RP64sereph: my stuffs all backed up05:46
geekphreakRP64: , it does not break it , i and most of us here, update no worries here,05:46
tripelbsudden urge for Chocolate mneptok05:46
SerephRP64: well thats good05:46
adelcampoRP64: what did you upgrade from?05:46
RP64sereph: but im just saying that now theres these problems and how do I fix them  D: :(((( "???05:46
RP64adelcampo: from 9.0405:46
mneptoktripelb: there is not meatspace DCC on IRC, son.05:46
aetarici don't think 9.10 lets you change the login screen?05:46
RP64aetaric: It doesnt???? they removed that ??05:46
RP64!!! ............05:47
adelcampouhoh, he's going to freak out some more05:47
micaelActionParsnip i did write lspci and then enter and then i wrote  grep -i vga and then nothing happend05:47
aetarici *think*.... but i could be wrong. i hardly use ubuntu with a GUI so i could careless05:47
geekphreakmicael: they have to be in same line :)05:47
mneptoktripelb: i'd wager that TW cable modem binds to a specific client MAC address at boot and blocks any others. the advice to power cycle the modem is good advice. do that, then plug in another machine, and "sudo invoke-rc.d networking restart"05:48
adelcampoRP64: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=129492905:48
RP64lol hardly use with a GUI oh man that's actually kind of cool what kind of haxxoring are you up to ?05:48
theadminOookay, help me out with SSH a bit. My web host provided me with two SSH keys (public/private), which of them do i use for login and what is the second one for? o_O05:48
RP64oh thanks adelcampo05:48
RP64to everyone: But why is the Firefox Logo totally gone after update??05:48
theadminRP64: That's some craziness Ubuntu people made up05:49
aetaricRP64: i run servers.... for a desktop OS i use OS X. (no flame wars please)05:49
gogetamneptok: i know they do comcast modems do that to i lost count on how many come in hear with that but they listion05:49
micaelgeekphreak ok  thanks i will try it05:49
adelcampoOS X is very nice05:49
RP64theadmin: so what am I supposed to do about using firefox?? download the logo for it again?05:49
adelcampoRP64: you mean a desktop icon?05:49
RP64adelcampo: yea desktop and startbar05:49
theadminRP64: If you updated to 3.6 from 3.5 then you probably can't do much05:50
geekphreaktheadmin: you trying to login to there ssh servers?05:50
RP64adelcampo: and I know it's not called startbar i just don't know what its called in ubuntu05:50
theadmingeekphreak: Well, yep05:50
RP64theadmin: HUH? its from 9.04 to 9.10 ... ???05:50
theadminRP64: Ohhh05:50
RP64theadmin: you mean version of firefox then how can I even tell if it did that?05:50
adelcampoRP64: click on applications then internet and drag the firefox icon to where ever you want it to show05:50
theadminRP64: Lol then you must install firefox-3.5-branding package05:50
RP64adelcampo: if I were to have installed from scratch using the CD would these problems be here05:50
RP64to adelcampo & theadmin: wait so which one of your advices should I do .05:51
geekphreaktheadmin:  you will need to use there public key , which they sent you to access there ssh servers afaik05:51
theadmingeekphreak: What's the private one for?05:51
adelcampoRP64: pick the easiest first05:51
RP64adelcampo: so theadmin's ???05:51
aetaricRP64: http://www.ubuntumini.com/2009/09/hack-karmics-gdm-login-screen.html05:51
adelcampoRP64: what ever is easy for you05:51
aetaricthere, go crazy05:51
micaelgeekphreak thanks but that did not help me i dont understand anything of that05:51
RP64so I have to hack it omg05:51
theadminRP64: well, try this first to tell if branding is installed: dpkg -l | grep 'firefox-3.5-branding'05:52
aetaricnot really 'hack' more like enter a few cli commands05:52
theadminlol windows people think CLI = hacking05:52
adelcampohack is as meaningful these days as "amazing"05:52
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RP64theadmin: is that a small L or a 105:52
geekphreakmicael: you need to give the result that comes out to the person who asked you to run that command :)05:53
theadminRP64: Copy-paste if you're unsure :P that's an L05:53
Jordan_Uadelcampo: Amazing insight!05:53
RP64theadmin: lol well I used ubuntu for 1 year alreadyi just said "hacking" cus the name of the forum post says hack in the title...05:53
RP64theadmin: im not on ubuntu for this chat this is my windows comp, got my laptop ubuntu on my leftside im double comping it up gangsta style05:53
micaelgeekpreak ok thanks05:53
adelcampoJordan_U: i'll hack your limbs05:53
Sevionh00k: Are you there?05:53
gogetamneptok: his silence answers tat for me lol05:54
RP64theadmin: it responds with information on the package, so i guess its installed05:54
theadminRP64: I assume it has "ii" there right05:54
RP64theadmin: yeah05:56
RP64theadmin :D:D05:56
RP64bad or good?05:56
theadminRP64: Well, then o_O Hm... good, but you may need to assign the icon manually05:56
Sevionh00k: I can now get past Grub Loading. I followed this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1195275 Instruction #13. However, now I get to the "GNU GRUB version 1.97 beta 4 [Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. For the first word, TAB lists possible command completions. Anywhere else TAB lists possible device/flies completions] sh:grub>" screen. When I type boot, it says "error: no loaded kernel". When I try to use any05:56
RP64theadmin: lol and in the synaptic it says that firefox 3.5 branding is installed ...05:57
theadminRP64: The icon file is /usr/share/pixmaps/firefox-3.5.png05:57
adelcampoRP64: i'm about to leave but it's worth a try if you click on applications then go to Internet and there drag the firefox icon to where ever you want it to show05:57
RP64adelcampo: OK ill try that also05:57
RP64theadmin: is that the same icon as the one you're referencing? like same size same file?05:58
mala1how to make Transliteration for  tamil to english ?05:58
=== root is now known as Guest25920
Sevionh00k: Are you there?06:00
Jordan_USevion: If you "ls /boot" from the grub shell do you see your kernels?06:00
SevionJordan_U I see "grub/" and that's it.06:01
rajGUYS to replace your medibuntu software sources ( default are doewn) USE this: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/04/medibuntu-repository-down-what-to-do.html   replace lucid with karmic works 100% i used the second mirror :)06:01
geniiraj: https://bugs.launchpad.net/medibuntu/+bug/565810 Or use one of the mirrors listed at this bug report06:01
Jordan_USevion: You don't have grub installed to your Ubuntu partition then (at least the part of it in the filesystem). What grub-install command did you use?06:02
SevionJordan_U I used sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sdX per the instructions at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1195275 on #1306:02
Jordan_USevion: Was your Ubuntu partition mounted to /mnt?06:03
SevionJordan_U: I'm not sure. Should I try reinstalling Ubuntu completely on that drive?06:04
theadminI can't connect to my FTP :/06:04
geekphreaktheadmin: sftp?06:04
Jordan_USevion: No need, just follow the guide again but "ls /mnt" before the grub-install to confirm you have the right partition mounted.06:04
SevionJordan_U: Alright, stand by for results.06:05
theadmingeekphreak: Nope, regular FTP, their SFTP is down. Normal one is up but i can't connect, it just does nothing06:05
geekphreaktheadmin: what client are you using to connect?06:06
theadmingeekphreak: nautilus06:06
geekphreaktheadmin: want to try something?06:06
theadmingeekphreak: hm?06:06
geekphreaktheadmin: is it anonymous or login account?06:06
theadmingeekphreak: login06:06
geekphreaktheadmin: ok open terminal , then type ftp address06:07
RP64bakk gais06:07
geekphreakwow i used a command without sudo, i must be getting good lol06:07
RP64theadmin: U never answerd me??? D:06:07
theadminRP64: sry, i dunno06:08
RP64theadmin: is the icon he suggested the same as the one you suggested06:08
RP64thedmin: Phft06:08
theadmingeekphreak: k it asks for password06:08
DeM0nFiReI was wondering if anyone here's been able to get OpenGL 3d hardware accelleration on a Radeon 5000 series card on Ubuntu06:08
theadmingeekphreak: Let's see06:08
DeM0nFiReIf so, what drivers did you use?06:08
dsnydersWhat advantages does ubuntu have over mandriva?06:08
geekphreaktheadmin: any luck dude?06:10
theadmingeekphreak: pastebining it06:11
theadmingeekphreak: http://paste.ubuntu.com/419645/06:11
SevionJordan_U: Hey! It seems to have worked! Thanks!06:11
DeM0nFiReDo the latest Linux Catalyst drivers work properly in Ubuntu?06:12
Sevionh00k: Thanks for all of your help earlier; I seem to have got it to work!06:12
voss749Demon, did they ever work?06:13
DeM0nFiReI don't know, that's what I am asking06:13
RP64guys is there a chance that in the future, it will return to the old version of GDM?06:13
DeM0nFiReI am using Fedora now, but I am thinking of switching if I can use it as a dev platform for my OpenGL engine06:13
znxtchI played with Compiz advanced effects.  I got in over my head so I deleted the Compiz advanced effects package in an attempt to restore everything to default appearance settings.  Everything looks like it has returned to normal EXCEPT my window minimize and maximize animation. I tried going to System>Pref>Appeareance and setting the display settngs back to 'Normal'.  But it did not work.  My windows have a very fast shimmying effect and then they "suck" to06:13
znxtchthe bottom of the screen.06:13
voss749dsnyders, Get a live cd and test it out for yourself06:13
Jordan_USevion: You're welcome.06:14
theadmingeekphreak: Goddamit, what kind of a full I am :/ I totally forgot FTP password differs from CPanel one06:14
znxtchDoes anyone know how to turn this off?06:14
theadminsed s/full/fool/06:14
RP64new GDM is inferior shows your login name, and no customization option by default... if its only slight speed advantage maybe its not worth it I mean who passed this decision?!?!06:14
geekphreaktheadmin: hehe :)06:14
voss749dsnyder, with a live cd you can test it without committing06:14
Jordan_URP64: No, but new GDM will become more configurable over time.06:14
RP64Jordan_U: How do u know that?06:14
geekphreaktheadmin: its ok we all make mistake :)06:15
DeM0nFiRevoss749: was that @ me?06:15
voss749demonfire, try a live cd too06:15
Jordan_URP64: Because the GNOME developers said so.06:15
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DeM0nFiReyeah, ok. I'll try it when I get a chance. I was just hoping someone would know already. I'll just wait a while06:15
RP64Jordan_U: why isn't it customizable already tho... -_______       -06:15
DeM0nFiReMaybe Fedora will eventually get support06:15
voss749demon, you can even use a usb flash drive to fully test it out with a persistent install on the flash drive06:16
Jordan_URP64: I don't know.06:16
RP64and god said Check check, check check, and abraham said to god Please speak closer to the mic, I cannot hear you and god said Check Check, sound test one two three, check06:17
voss749demon, I know nvidia drivers work pretty well, I dont know about ATI06:17
crucialhoaxDeM0nFiRe: The new F13 is beautiful if you are looking to switch. Even tho that is not relevant to you needs lol.06:17
bazhangRP64, please stop that06:17
RP64bazhang: Oh really06:17
DeM0nFiRelol crucialhoax I need OpenGL. The only reason I have linux installed is for cross platform game dev :P06:17
theadminheh, my webhost is hilarious :D It has two folders, second one symlinks to first, public_html and www06:18
voss749crucial, The thing about Fedora it always feels like a freakin beta test. Its like red hat uses fedora users to test its new dog food06:18
tptptptptpis shorewall now obsolete for ubuntu?06:18
theadminWell, got to go now06:18
jaldharI thought the problem with boot hanging was fixed.  I just upgraded from jaunty to lucid and I am having this problem (unfortunately on my root partition.)  Oddly enough it doesn't happen if I boot into the 2.6.31-18 I luckily had laying around06:19
clickmehi everyone06:19
tripelbmneptok, OK talked to a screechy lady at TimeWarner who told me it's my computer, lol, that I need to reset between, so I did that. I then looked and saw your command suggestions >  sudo invoke -rc.d networking restart  < result was "sudo: invoke: command not found  -- this on 9.04 live cd06:19
jaldharis it an initrd problem?06:19
billy2007!lucid | jaldhar06:19
ubottujaldhar: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule06:19
tptptptptpis shorewall now obsolete for ubuntu?06:19
voss749crucial, you can supposedly see the difference in stability between Fedora and Centos which builds its code from RHEL06:19
jaldharok off to #ubuntu+1 then06:19
crucialhoaxDeM0nFiRe: Like I said, my comment was irrelevant :)06:19
geniitptptptptp: Probably not since apt-cache search shorewall shows it available for install under Lucid06:20
DeM0nFiReSeems wierd that I can't find anyone who knows if the 5800 series cards work in any linux distro xD06:20
billy2007bazhang, you here?06:20
tptptptptpgenii, what is shorewall-common? that's the only package.06:20
crucialhoaxvoss749: I learned on CentOS and that OS is immensely stable. Has some old packages but rarely froze to cause a reboot.06:20
bazhangbilly2007, hi06:20
billy2007bazhang, i was speaking to you the other day about my webcam i dont know if you remember06:21
crucialhoaxDeM0nFiRe: What does google suggest?06:21
voss749Demon, is this good enough http://www.linux-magazine.com/Online/News/AMD-Catalyst-Driver-Supports-Radeon-5800-and-Ubuntu-9.1006:21
DeM0nFiReI've been searching, haven't found anything yet06:21
rocket161billy2007: bazhang: This is the Support Channel. Please don't make offtopic discussions here.06:21
geniitptptptptp: http://pastebin.com/DG1jBczX shows the results here. More than just shorewall-comman06:21
billy2007rocket161, how about NO you dont even know what were talking about06:22
DeM0nFiReOh thanks voss749 interesting06:22
xpurple`I'm trying to install ubuntu on a computer and things are fine till it goes to partiton, it does not show my drive.  Though, I can mount the drive in live mode.  Any ideas.06:22
rocket161!offtopic > billy200706:22
ubottubilly2007, please see my private message06:22
billy2007rocket161, m8 go away06:22
voss749demon, so 5800 cards are supported in ubuntu 9.10 and im sure that support will carryover into 10.0406:23
billy2007u still here bazhang06:23
DeM0nFiReCool, I will try it when I get a chance then06:23
bazhangbilly2007, have you checked the webcam support list yet? that would be a good place to start.06:23
crucialhoaxDeM0nFiRe: Does it work on a LiveCD?06:23
voss749Demon, hence my suggestion for a live usb drive then if you like it you can have the live usb install to the hard drive06:23
bazhang!webcam | billy200706:23
ubottubilly2007: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras06:23
billy2007ive looked high and low m8 no luck :(06:23
billy2007we looked there last time06:24
bazhangbilly2007, what make and model I will check the forums06:24
DeM0nFiReOh, heh, a live USB, I don't have a USB stick, I only have a USB external drive which already has other stuff in it06:24
DeM0nFiReI thought maybe you could load the drivers into memory through a live CD06:24
billy20072 secs bear with me06:24
voss749demonfire you can do that too06:24
DeM0nFiReOh, really?06:24
crucialhoaxDeM0nFiRe: USB's are bootable.06:24
DeM0nFiReI know06:25
DeM0nFiReI thought he was suggesting to install Ubuntu on the USB, not as a live image06:25
crucialhoaxYou can install it fully.06:25
tripelbI have a cable modem and only one of my 3 haphazard computers will connect. this is 9.10 the others were 9.04-liveCD. I dont get it. Can anyone help? I called TimeWarner and they said, must be your computer. (standard push-off) Our cable obviously works. (Yes I tried powercycling between connections)06:25
DeM0nFiReI don't want to, I just said that :P06:25
voss749Demon you can install a persistent version of ubuntu on a usb stick06:25
bazhangDeM0nFiRe, you can make it persistent if you wish06:25
DeM0nFiReI don't want to make it persistent, lol06:25
DeM0nFiReI want it to be a temp live image06:26
voss749or use it just like an install cd except its faster06:26
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DeM0nFiReYeah, only I don't have a USB stick ATM, but I do need one06:26
DeM0nFiReMaybe I will head down to radio shack tomorrow06:26
voss749usb installs tend to be a lot faster and less problem prone than cd installs (no coasters)06:26
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=== FFForever is now known as FFForever-Away
billy2007bazhang, its a logitech quick cam chat but i cant seem to download a driver from anywhere and it dosnt work on that cheese program you reccomended last time06:27
DeM0nFiReYou know what I should do? Just make myself a nice utility USB disk. You can chain grub loaders, right?06:27
DeM0nFiReIE, have one of the options in the GRUB menu be another GRUB installation?06:27
=== ubuntu is now known as awc
bazhangbilly2007, could you paste the output of lsusb and lspci to paste.ubuntu.com please06:28
voss749Demonfire, A 4gb stick will do fine, radioshack has a 4gb sandisk cruzer on sale for $14.9906:28
billy2007bazhang, m/n v-ubc4006:28
tptptptptpgenii, I don't get those results06:28
billy2007whats that??06:28
=== Guest45645 is now known as ara_
Jordan_UDeM0nFiRe: Yes.06:29
billy2007bazhang, sorry whats lsusb and lspci06:29
DeM0nFiReThat will be cool then, because I can just make a nice utility USB with Ubuntu, Fedora, SuperGRUBdisk, gparted live cd06:29
DeM0nFiReANd when a new version of one comes out, I can just plug in the new version :D06:29
bazhangbilly2007, commands to be run in the terminal and then put on paste.ubuntu.com06:29
geekphreakDeM0nFiRe: all i need is ubuntu, it has everything :)06:30
Jordan_UDeM0nFiRe: It can also boot LiveCDs from isos, so you can create a live system on your current USB drive without repartitioning.06:30
DeM0nFiRelol, well, I actually did use to use a Ubuntu livecd as my rescue disk06:30
DeM0nFiReBut I found a couple things it couldn't quite do for me, so I added some stuff06:30
tripelbvoss749, radioshack isnt cheap. frys online officemax all cheaper. prolly other places depending on location.06:31
DeM0nFiReWell, I will be walking down to radioschak, I am not going to bother ordering online for one USB stick06:31
billy2007bazhang, http://pastebin.com/JSaLSKfZ06:31
DeM0nFiReI guess the supermarket has a couple USB sticks as well, so we'll see06:32
tripelbDeM0nFiRe, works for you fine.06:32
billy2007rocket16, now tell me im "off-topic"06:32
crucialhoaxlol @ billy200706:32
tripelbI have a cable modem and only one of my 3 haphazard computers will connect. this is 9.10 the others were 9.04-liveCD. I dont get it. Can anyone help? I called TimeWarner and they said, must be your computer. (standard push-off) Our cable obviously works. (Yes I tried powercycling between connections)06:32
Optimus55Hey i have no xorg.conf on my laptop and i'm trying to install some s3 drivers. dpkg-reconfigure didn't make an xorg. any ideas?06:33
crucialhoaxOptimus55: xorg.conf is not needed. But X server will recognize it if you do make one.06:33
rocket16billy2007: You're welcome to discuss about Webcam and other related matters, but things like "Hi Bazhang, how are you?" aren't allowed here. Please do not repeat such things in future, since this channel is a Support channel.06:33
billy2007crucialhoax, i hate it when people do that he didnt even know what we were talking about and he's butting in06:33
bazhangrocket16, please stop that06:34
billy2007rocket16, i think youll find i didnt say that06:34
Optimus55crucialhoax: it doesn't recognize my (older) s3 card so i want to make one to specify the savage driver. How do i do this, or is there a better way?06:34
billy2007i asked him if he was here06:34
bazhangbilly2007, I dont see a webcam in those; were they plugged in?06:34
tripelbhereverybody here knows so much more than I do. I'll have to give it up till another day. Thanks for your help iflema06:34
billy2007yes it was let me try a different port06:34
aetrwhat tthe little fuck?06:34
rocket16billy2007: You did, please stop such drama on the support channel.06:34
tripelbiflema, you may not have seen my results06:34
crucialhoaxOptimus55: Let me check, I might have a tut in my bookmarks06:34
bazhangaetr, watch the language06:35
geekphreakaetr: watch language please06:35
billy2007rocket16, go back and check then you idiot06:35
bazhangbilly2007, that's enough06:35
tripelbiflema,  I have a cable modem and only one of my 3 haphazard computers will connect. this is 9.10 the others were 9.04-liveCD. I dont get it. Can anyone help? I called TimeWarner and they said, must be your computer. (standard push-off) Our cable obviously works. (Yes I tried powercycling between connections)06:35
billy2007ah its here now ill just pstebin it quick06:35
tripelbiflema, mneptok, OK talked to a screechy lady at TimeWarner who told me it's my computer, lol, that I need to reset between, so I did that. I then looked and saw your command suggestions >  sudo invoke -rc.d networking restart  < result was "sudo: invoke: command not found  -- this on 9.04 live cd06:35
rocket16billy2007: Hey, last warning to you, watch your language.06:36
wrapsterguys after i revived my machine from a potential disk space issue.. any time i try to download a file i get an error like this... "There is not enough room on the disk to save /tmp/DNRtVZ1q.bin.part."06:36
wrapsterim  unable to download antyhing...06:36
rocket16bazhang: Continue misusing your Operator status, and you'll get the result,06:36
RP64hai gais 8D06:36
wrapsterand the / partiton has 537M free still06:36
billy2007bazhang can you shut him up or im gunna end up getting banned06:36
DeM0nFiReSo thanks for the help voss749 and Jordan_U. I currently have fedora installed, and when I asked about ATI in fedora, they told me to get Nvidia 0_006:36
tripelbwrapster empty trash. how much free space do you have? maybe burn some cd's and free up more space (like I did).06:37
mneptoktripelb: "sudo invoke-rc.d networking restart"06:37
mneptoktripelb: you added a space06:37
billy2007bazhang, thankyou http://pastebin.com/PJvANTBh06:37
geekphreakwrapster: hey you are back again :)06:37
tripelbmneptok, oh06:37
mneptoktripelb: and hove you power-cycled the modem?06:37
DeM0nFiRelol, Jordan_U has been helping me all day in 3 different channels, haha06:37
Optimus55crucialhoax: any luck?06:37
geekphreakwrapster:  do you download a lot man ?06:37
=== ara_ is now known as ara
the_fileany1 good with notepad++?.06:37
wrapstergeekphreak: yeah06:37
wrapsterquite a lot all my office work infact.06:37
sasayinshow can i access window shared folder?06:37
crucialhoaxOptimus55: I think maybe this will work: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8397306:37
geekphreakwrapster: backit up to cd or external drive, leave some space on hdd bud06:38
DeM0nFiRethe_file: notepad++ is awesome why?06:38
tripelbmneptok, yes powercycled. oh re the space. search on my name and see the two meaty reports. oh one has your name on it anyway.06:38
wrapstergeekphreak: ok06:38
Daemonicanyone here with a working Radeon 4600 series?06:38
Optimus55crucialhoax: thanks will try06:38
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dickany one interested in diamond jewelry?06:38
crucialhoaxOptimus55: No problem, let us know if you need more info. I will keep searching.06:39
genii!ot | dick06:39
ubottudick: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:39
Optimus55crucialhoax: thanks06:39
wrapsterbtw i have a slice called "overflow" i didnt have it earleri i gues... http://pastie.org/92732206:39
bazhangdick, wrong channel for that; this is Ubuntu support only06:39
wrapstergeekphreak: can you look at that pastie..06:39
dickwhat is this06:39
co_shiftyHey everybody, so I got a new monitor and had a display problem, I reconfigure xorg then rebooted, now I get black screen right after grub and nothing else :/.06:39
geekphreakwrapster: looking 1 sec06:39
tripelbmneptok, will redo. have to disconnect to try it, obviously. But interetingly THIS computer immediatly seeks (round thing on panel circles like two fish)  but the other one (that's computer number 1. this is number2. The one I was fussing with at first is number 3. (order of getting them.)06:39
billy2007!ubuntu | dick06:40
ubottudick: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com06:40
Jordan_Uco_shifty: Have you tried booting in "recovery mode"?06:40
billy2007not what i was looking for06:40
crucialhoaxOptimus55: This came up when searching for the `savage` driver: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19202306:40
the_fileanyone know how to get autocomplete trigger without me pressing ctrl+space bar in notepad++?.06:40
co_shiftyJordan_U, I have ^_^, su log in the startx works fine, just doesn't boot06:41
dickVintage Engagement Rings http://www.mividazul.com/06:41
bazhangbilly2007, it seems to be supported with the gspac v4l2 driver http://moinejf.free.fr/webcam.html06:41
geekphreakwrapster:  for some reason, that link aint openng here06:41
geniidick: No ads here06:41
wrapstergeekphreak: ah the problem could also be this.. I usually work on my machine so much that i dont switch it off at all (only once a week) so till then everything will just pile up in tmp.06:41
Kcj1993Hello, can someone help me get a 3g modem working in 9.10?06:41
co_shiftyJordan_U, *then I type startx06:41
wrapstergeekphreak: ok i'll paste it elswhere.. one sec.06:41
geekphreakwrapster:  opened now 1 sec06:41
wrapstergeekphreak: ok06:41
co_shiftyJordan_U, yea starting gui from recovery console works, but normal boot gives me the problem I described06:42
* genii hands mneptok a tasty cookie06:42
* mneptok devours it instantly, crumbs flying06:42
billy2007ah thankyou bazhang you dont know where i can download this driver by anychance?06:43
Jordan_Uco_shifty: Can you try pressing 'e' in the grub menu to edit the normal menu entry and remove "splash" from the kernel parameters?06:43
geekphreakwrapster: the issue is overflow in output?06:43
DeM0nFiReAhh, I guess maybe I will get a coiple of the 4GB drives from RS06:43
bazhangbilly2007, let me check, just a moment06:43
wrapstergeekphreak: i guess so06:43
co_shiftyJordan_U, sure, I'll try that, I'll have to get back to you in a few minutes.06:43
tripelbOK then mneptok iflema will powercycle now.06:44
geekphreakwrapster:  you got plenty of space on other partition, why not empty some on main?06:44
jhambo...doesn't really want to be debugging what's supposed to be the "stable" version of ubuntu but would like to have kmail work...06:45
wrapstergeekphreak: yes i know.. but there is nothing in main06:45
geekphreakwrapster:  still it has just 500 mb left with nothing on it?06:45
wrapsteri dont have anything kept under /..06:45
bazhangbilly2007, does it work with camorama? are you trying to use it with skype or some other application?06:45
wrapstergeekphreak: yeah thats what i dont understand.06:45
geekphreakwrapster: can you do something for me06:46
RP64hey guys im having some weird problem with my speakers/headphones after updating my ubuntu 9.04 to 9.1006:46
wrapstergeekphreak: i went through the contents and could not find anything apart from a few vbox pkgs06:46
Kcj1993hello? I really hate using windoze.06:46
wrapstergeekphreak: what?06:46
subonetrying to run stat on a series of files so i can tell if i've seen videos recently, but the access times do not coincide with my viewing them recently. Why wouldn't the access time be updated? NTFS external drive06:46
geekphreakwrapster: press alt+f1, then goto accesories, see anything which says disk usage06:46
billy2007skype hopefully yes i found which driver i need its zc3xx06:46
RP64my speakers keep crackling really small-ly / lightly, every minute or so, like a little "pop" but it comes out of my actual speakers and headphones at the same time , while headphones are plugged in06:46
RP64Why is this ??????06:46
billy2007but i cant find the download06:46
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wrapstergeekphreak: disk usage analyser.. im in it06:47
crucialhoaxRP64: In a terminal type `lshw -C Sound` please06:47
crucialhoaxRP64: I may have a solution06:47
geekphreakwrapster: please do check which folder is taking so much space  on your main system06:47
RP64it says06:48
RP64warning : you should use this program as super user06:48
crucialhoaxRP64: Just let it run...06:48
RP64ok i did06:48
crucialhoaxIt does not need to be ran as SU.06:48
jhambolaunching kmail gives me a segmentation fault with the following dumped to the terminal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/419658/.  Any help figuring out whats going on would be greatly appreciated06:48
RP64so what should I do afterwards? i inputed it, it gave me a list06:48
crucialhoaxWhy does chromium state the only differences are branding, usage stats, and auto update, if chromium is in the repos?06:48
RP64oh and after i unplugged my headphones the crackling stopped06:49
RP64from physical speaker aswell06:49
mneptokRP64: please keep questions on as few lines as possible. you have been asked before. it's now becoming distracting.06:49
crucialhoaxRP64: Post the output to paste.ubuntu.com06:49
afd__hi! I'd like to make java applets work in my browser, but I don't have sun-java6-plugin package in my synaptic. What do I do?06:49
srulitHi! This is my first experience both with a chat as well as Ubuntu/Linux. I am having problem with my sound, I do not get any. I can not find how I can configure my sound. I have tried sound preference where I only find one alternative for the output being "Dummy output Stereo". What does it mean and what can I do to get the sound working?06:49
co_shiftyJordan_U, well dude it worked, no idea why :P06:50
RP64cucialhoax: http://paste.ubuntu.com/419659/06:50
billy2007bazhang, you still here?06:52
RP64question to all: Is the GDM GTK theme your login screen?06:52
co_shiftyJordan_U, I am wondering why it worked, and if splash is needed in boot comands06:52
crucialhoaxRP64: Give me a minute to find the tutorial please.06:52
Jordan_Uco_shifty: You can remove splash from the default kernel parameters by editing /etc/default/grub then running "sudo update-grub". It's likely that you'll be able to enable splash again without problems once lucid is released and you upgrade because lucid uses a completely new boot splash, plymouth.06:52
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Jordan_Uco_shifty: All it does is show that nice little white ubuntu icon during boot.06:53
RP64crucialhoax: Lol OK no probs06:53
wrapstergeekphreak: it just says 100% used on / and thats all06:53
wrapstercant actually find out where its coming from06:53
co_shiftyJordan_U, oh right, it didn't show up, kk I will do that, I'm also thinking of trying the beta :), can't wait06:53
bazhangbilly2007, sorry, was on the phone; http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=691191 this link may have some info on that webcam06:53
geekphreakwrapster: open terminal06:53
wrapstergeekphreak: doe06:54
wrapstergeekphreak: done06:54
geekphreakwrapster:  type du -sh $HOME06:54
crucialhoaxRP64: Ok, do you have a term open?06:54
billy2007thsnk you bazhang06:54
RP64crucialhoax: yea06:54
wrapstergeekphreak: 384M06:55
geekphreakwrapster: thats not bad at all  , do you have any other account on this system too?06:56
Optimus55crucialhoax: got it working, eventually did a gdm stop then Xorg -reconfigure06:56
wrapstergeekphreak: no06:56
Optimus55made an xorg file i copied to the X11 folder and now the screen refreshes are faster06:56
crucialhoaxOptimus55: Nice going! I will keep that in mind :)06:56
RP64mneptok: Bitte habe kein zorn, wir sind alle brudere hier mein kind06:57
tripelbI did it. powecycled, ran invoke-rc.d successfully.  mneptok, iflema back. no results. ifconfig shows no connection. RX packet shows 9380 erorrs TX 11 errors and txqueuelen:1000  == but no lights flashing but pc. Plug this one in, autoconnect.06:58
geekphreakwrapster: run that command for /tmp and /var plz06:58
crucialhoaxRP64: type `gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf`06:58
RP64crucialhoax: OK06:59
wrapstergeekphreak: /tmp -> 8K ; /var -> 271M06:59
Daemonicfgl_glxgears = 200fps @ 800x600? on a quad core intel with a 4670HD Radeon. NICE NICE NICE!06:59
crucialhoaxNow do a Control+F to find and type power then see if the term is in there.06:59
tripelbRP64, Please no anger, we has is all brudere my child here"   (google translation)06:59
crucialhoaxRP64: Now do a Control+F to find and type power then see if the term is in there.06:59
RP64crucialhoax:  OK, now it opens a text file oh OK, wait WHAT term?06:59
RP64oh OK07:00
xpurple`When I try to install ubuntu the "prepare partitions" section is empty.  I can mount the drive I'm trying to install manually.  Any ideas?07:00
RP64crucialhoax:  yes it finds the word power07:00
geekphreakwrapster: thats not bad either to be honest07:00
mneptokRP64: why are you speaking German?07:01
wrapstergeekphreak: i know.. so where is this space taking up from? :(07:01
RP64mneptop: because you're from frankfurt07:01
crucialhoaxRP64: Ok, is this what is looks like? ptions snd-hda-intel power_save=10 power_save_controller=N07:01
mneptokRP64: uh. no.07:01
RP64mneptok: yes you are07:01
geekphreakwrapster: prob you got too many applications installed07:02
RP64crucialhoax:  yeah it says that07:02
wrapstergeekphreak: yeah that could be a possiblity.07:02
crucialhoaxRP64: Change the `10` to a `0` then save the file and close it.07:02
mneptokRP64: i think your meds may have expired.07:02
Daemonicno one here uses ATI video cards?07:02
Daemonicdoesn't surprise me07:02
RP64mneptok: yeah they did the voices are getting louder07:02
RP64crucialhoax:  OK are you sure that won't break anything?!07:02
DeM0nFiReDaemonic: I've got an ATI card, but I have a 585007:02
geekphreakwrapster:  but you have to be very arefull with removing those application so as not to take out other dependent lib. and other files , keep that in mind , specially the X07:03
DaemonicDeM0nFiRe: latest ati driver from their site?07:03
DeM0nFiReI am not using them, because I am on Fedora ATM07:03
wrapsterhmm.. ok07:03
mneptokRP64: it's better you stay on support related topics.07:03
DeM0nFiReI am going to test them on Ubuntu soon07:03
tripelbI have a cable modem. It works on this computer (9.10) plugged into the ethernet port. So far it does not work on two other computers (9.04 liveCD) Is thins normal? The gal at TimeWarnes screeches at me that it's on my end. ((Yes I powercycled and  yes I am using the same cable coming from the modem just plugging it into a different computer07:03
crucialhoaxRP64: It is just telling the system not to power down the sound driver.07:03
RP64mneptok: I am on support topics I'm just responding why you asked why I'm speaking German and I was because you are german that's all , Im actually in middle of discussion about support right now07:04
RP64crucialhoax:  OH so this is only part 1 of more steps?07:04
crucialhoaxRP64: Have you already saved the file?07:04
* tripelb is persistent07:04
RP64crucialhoax:  yes07:04
tripelbwill keep an eye on this chat.07:04
geekphreakwrapster: listen dude , terminal still open?07:05
mneptoktripelb: power cycled the modem?07:05
Daemonictripelb: motorola?07:05
crucialhoaxRP64: Then I am assuming the file is closed, go ahead and reboot and see if the sound still pops.07:05
JoundillHey guys07:05
RP64crucialhoax:  OK :D but does this have any bad side effects or other changes? D:07:05
JoundillI need some help with my TV tuner card07:05
crucialhoaxRP64: My laptop has the same line07:05
Daemonictripelb: my cable modem, motorola surfboard, does that from time to time.. a couple power cycles and it gives up an ip fine.07:05
Joundillis there anybody who knows a bit about bttv here?07:05
RP64crucial: OK :D BRB07:06
geekphreakanyways i am out got work to do, cya folks07:07
crucialhoaxcya geekphreak07:07
RP64_hola back, it worked!!! you're a genious dawg07:08
Daemonicdawg? fo`real?07:09
Daemonicwho the hell talks like that anymore?07:09
RP64_Oh wow, it has my previous logon as "RP64" on this chat, even though I restarted my computer and just rejoined.... wow....07:09
crucialhoaxDaemonic: haha07:09
theadminMy webhosts permissions are all liek 0777 or 0600 or similar, what on earth is the preceeding zero? Just don't say "sticky", explain please?07:09
RP64_daemonic: its just a joke dawg...07:10
crucialhoaxRP64: I told you it worked07:10
Daemonicreally? I thought you were seriously ghetto.07:10
crucialhoaxhaha wow.07:10
zenlunatictheadmin, man umask07:10
psypher246hello all, does anyone have any experience with evolution and the exchange connector, my domain admins have gone and changed a whole bunch of stuff and now i cannot connect to exhcnage anymore, they are not helpful, they don't support linux :(07:10
=== RP64_ is now known as RP64
theadminzenlunatic: No manual page for umask07:11
frankie_HELLO I NEED HELP07:11
RP64woah it fixed itself? tihs chat is magic..07:11
crucialhoaxEverything here is magical.07:11
theadminfrankie_: 1) Don't caps 2) with what?07:11
mneptokfrankie_: the <capslock> key is next to the "a" on US keyboards. does that solve your problem? ;)07:11
zenlunatictheadmin, google07:11
hunahpufrankie_: Hello, try not to use caps they mean you're yelling and that's rude; do you have a question?07:11
frankie_i did not know07:12
theadminfrankie_: Don't worry. What's your problem?07:12
crucialhoaxzenlunatic: That was helpful07:12
frankie_I use windows and my friend tells me to try linux but I am worried how do i know linux is good ?07:13
theadminfrankie_: Uhm. Linux ain't "better" or "worse", it's different07:13
DeM0nFiReIf you don't know why you should use linux, you shouldn't07:13
RP64ANYONE here know how to change07:13
RP64 login screen + sounds on this new GDK?07:13
DeM0nFiReWindows is generally a much easier to use OS07:13
hunahpufrankie_: Linux is "the best" for some of us, but may not be the best for other people.07:13
Daemonicfrankie_: you try it.07:14
DeM0nFiReAnd it more friendly for the average desktop user07:14
RP64OOPS that being split onto 2 lines was accident Mr. Admin i was trying to copy paste that and it got messed up07:14
theadminubottu: tell frankie_ about wubi07:14
ubottufrankie_, please see my private message07:14
crucialhoaxtheadmin: Does this help? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2006-July/085257.html07:14
hunahpufrankie_: you can try it and find out if it's for you, download Ubuntu and try it out, you don't have to install it you can try it out using the LiveCD, it won't touch your hard drive.07:14
deserteaglehello all07:14
frankie_thank you ubottu i will see07:14
theadminfrankie_: Linux Mint, however, might be a better "starting point" for newbies07:14
hunahpufrankie_: there is no virus, spyware, automatic trojans, etc... it feels really good not to be worried 24/7, it's liberating.07:15
DaemonicI vote for Linuxmint too07:15
RP64Anyone here know how to update my grub 1.5 to the new grub 2?? im on the newest Ubuntu version but my grub is still the old grub07:15
frankie_i was told to try linux mint and ubuntu.. i dont have a probelm with learning new things07:15
crucialhoaxSleep is better with Ubuntu.07:15
Daemonicgood newb f00d07:15
hunahpuhello deserteagle how can we help you?07:15
deserteaglequestion: I'm having flash issues on FF: can't load facebook games or get to the flash settings manager page to erase the cache, any clues?07:15
RP64I vote for ubuntu, its easy for nubblets07:15
ResbalosoIt is time to put those Haitian jigaboos in their place!  No matter how many times the civilized world donates money, opens schools, rebuilds their nation, and holds their little monkey paws, the damn niggers can never get it right.  Mexicali had a worse earthquake than Haiti, and only about 4 people died!  Even the housing of the poor generally held up! Meanwhile even the Haitian elites couldn't build decent buildings.07:15
crucialhoaxdeserteagle: What version of FF are you using?07:15
ResbalosoLook at what happened to the house of their monkey president!  If you are sick of the fecal beast Join Chimpout Forum!07:15
hunahpufrankie_: both are great, Mint is based on Ubuntu :)07:15
FloodBot4Resbaloso: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:15
RP64LOL @ resbaloso racist comment07:16
deserteaglecrucialhoax, 3.5.907:16
RP64pls ban07:16
DeM0nFiRetbh with you, I tried giving people who didn't have windows to install Ubuntu instead, and they didn't like it07:16
crucialhoaxdeserteagle: OK, so which flash are you using?07:16
deserteagleyeah, that07:17
frankie_i will download the live cd of linux mint and try ubuntu too. i am on a laptop and not much to lose07:17
hunahpuRP64: that kind of comments are usually the result of fear, I actually feel sorry for guys like that one who can't control it :)07:17
crucialhoaxThe latest I think. Did you download libflashplayer.so or did you use the one in the repos?07:17
psypher246hello, could anyone please assist me with evolution, i am unable to connect to exchange since things were changed07:17
theadminfrankie_: Be prepared, however, to use the terminal now and then07:17
deserteagleumm... I installed from Adobe's site?07:17
hunahpufrankie_: read this website, it will anser a lot of your questions: http://www.getlinux.org07:17
RP64hunahpu: lol07:17
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crucialhoaxdeserteagle: That might be why, does flash work anywhere?07:17
deserteagleyup yup07:17
hunahpufrankie_: my bad, it is http://www.getgnulinux.org07:18
frankie_that is the only thing i am scared of. i see linux users type in their terminal and i do not know how to use :/07:18
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theadminfrankie_: We can help07:18
crucialhoaxdeserteagle: 32bit or 64?07:18
DeM0nFiRefrankie you should get a live CD of Ubuntu and try that out first. That way you can try to get used to it without breaking it07:18
deserteaglethis guy won't show: http://macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager07.html07:19
* Daemonic is getting pissed off at ATI and their CRAP drivers07:19
hunahpufrankie_: don't worry about, almost all tasks can be done in the graphic interfase, but I can asure you, after a couple of months you'll be prefering the terminal :) and as theadmin said, we will be here to (try to) help you07:19
DeM0nFiReDaemonic: Better than having a crap card :D07:19
frankie_thank you, you are very helpful people :)07:19
theadminfrankie_: Just don't be afraid when you see something like id |sed "s/^[^(]*(\([^)]*\)).*/\1/"07:20
DaemonicDeM0nFiRe: the card is good. works perfectly in windows. I can't get shit for performance out of it in linux though.07:20
Daemonicthis is seriously annoying.07:20
FloodBot4Daemonic: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:20
DeM0nFiRe3 lines is flodding?07:20
Daemonicapparently so07:20
bazhangDeM0nFiRe, watch the language please07:20
theadminDeM0nFiRe: It's a stupid bot and it's lagging sometimes07:20
DeM0nFiRebazhang: what?07:20
theadminDeM0nFiRe: He reffers to "wtf" you used07:21
DeM0nFiReI didn't07:21
hunahpuDeM0nFiRe: some people actually don't like the "wtf" acronym :p07:21
DeM0nFiReI didn't use wtf lol07:21
theadminDeM0nFiRe: Oops it was Daemonic07:21
crucialhoaxdeserteagle: go here: http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html07:21
hunahpuDeM0nFiRe: it was Daemonic... similar names, excuse the person who said it :p07:21
hunahpuand me of course07:22
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Daemonicthis is another wtf moment07:22
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bazhangDeM0nFiRe, my apologies, mistabbed07:22
crucialhoaxdeserteagle: towards the bottom you will see `download plugin for Linux (TAR.GZ)`07:22
Sinisteri just changed my mouse both cordless but now when i highlight it dont paste when i press the wheel anyone know why ?07:22
DeM0nFiReDaemonic: I think the catalys 9.10 drivers work with ubuntu 9.1007:22
hunahpuI actually remember an admin on other server banning someone for saying "ftw", the admin thought it was a way to circumvent the "wtf" rule...07:22
DaemonicDeM0nFiRe: the drivers installed fine. I just can't figure out why they're not operating as expected.07:22
deserteaglecrucialhoax, but it was working before :(07:22
DeM0nFiReI am not sure because I haven't tried the, but I;ve seen good reviews07:22
deserteaglecrucialhoax, you really think i need to compile it? :(07:23
Daemonicfor the wine?07:23
crucialhoaxdeserteagle: Idk then, it is not compiling it...07:23
frankie_i think i have a 64 bit computer should i install 64 bit or 32 bit versions? i only have 4gbs of ram so is it nesscessary to use 64 bit one?07:23
DeM0nFiReDaemonic: I think you also have to disable some other stuff because Linux by default tries to manage some settings07:23
DeM0nFiReNot positive though07:23
crucialhoaxdeserteagle: The version from the link given, that is the only thing I use and have never had flash problems.07:23
hiexpofrankie_,  - i suggest 32 bit07:23
hunahpuDaemonic: yes, the admin clearly didn't know, all in the room told him but he wouldn't listen, was a very... kinda-funny moment07:23
Daemonicsure its only a 4670 but it has a gig of ram and works good in windows.07:23
deserteaglecrucialhoax, kk, i'll give it a try07:23
theadminhunahpu: That's not funny, it's sad. Very sad.07:24
Daemonicjust isn't for crap in X07:24
hunahpuDaemonic: that's how I learned it's better to use plain-straight english; theadmin actually kinda lame too07:24
laymansnerdi was wondering how to mount and start a raid array that i created using palimpset in fedora through terminal07:24
DeM0nFiReDaemonic: can I ask why you need high performance in linux?07:24
DeM0nFiReFor video drivers?07:24
crucialhoaxdeserteagle: You will have to remove your old one. The old one might be in Synaptic Package Manager, or it will be in /home/<username>/.mozilla/plugins07:24
laymansnerdi tried mdadm --assemble /dev/md0 and it returned with "mdadm: no devices found for /dev/md0"07:25
crucialhoaxdeserteagle: The name of the file is libflashplayer.so, that is what you are downloading, remove the old one and put the new in ~/.mozilla/plugins07:25
DaemonicDeM0nFiRe: because less than 30fps with this card in OGL is unacceptable?07:25
deserteaglecrucialhoax, awesome! here I was thinking I needed to compile it or something07:25
crucialhoaxdeserteagle: Na, lol. Definitely not :)07:25
DeM0nFiReDaemonic: But why not use Windows for games instead? WHy not dual boot?07:26
deserteagleyeh, it's not like Adobe would ever release their code, either07:26
DeM0nFiReJust curious07:26
crucialhoaxdeserteagle: HTML5 ftw07:26
frankie_i find http://www.getgnulinux.org/ very informative thank you07:26
DaemonicDeM0nFiRe: I don't like windows...but I dislike non-working hardware too07:26
Daemonicnvidia cards work fine. ATI's should too.. stupid AMD/ATI and their crap drivers.07:27
hunahpuDaemonic: sadly ATI's Linux support is not very good, you won't get the same performance in certain tasks (like open gl) as in windows; if you are hardcore gamming person, you probably want to dual boot w/windows07:27
DeM0nFiReWell, lately that appears to be the one thing NVidia has going for them, linux support XD07:27
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DeM0nFiReDaemonic: I asked because I am trying to decide fi I should make my engine work in Linux07:28
DaemonicDeM0nFiRe:  the one good thing? you mean other than nvidia cards kicking ati cards's ass?07:28
hunahpuHonestly I regret having bought this ATI card I'm using (is a 9600) is not THAT old and it's already unsupported by ATI07:28
crucialhoaxwhich is an amazing thing. more and more games are being played with Linux and working drivers make it pretty :)07:28
psypher246FYI if anyone has any issues with connecting evolution to exchange 2007 install evolution-mapi and create a new account using that as your mailbox type, cannot use owa anymore07:29
Daemonicwell, I'm trying to run a four year old game in wine and I'm getting less than 20 fps.. which is unacceptable.. I can enable my motherboards onboard CRAP 7100 nvidia and play the same game with better fps. which brings it all back to ati drivers sucking ballsack.07:29
crucialhoaxhunahpu: I am pretty sure I have the same card and ATi does not support it in Win7 either, I did not know they fully dropped it...07:29
DeM0nFiReDaemonic: ATI cards are faster than all of NVidia cards except for their 2 newest, which are at the price point of the 5970, which is better than either07:29
DeM0nFiReATI's been quite solidly on top for the last 2 generations, at least in the mainstream gaming market, which is what the target is, of course07:30
hunahpucrucialhoax: I know, it's sad, a lot of cards are no longer supported :(07:30
DaemonicDeM0nFiRe: so you're an ATI fanboy? I prefer hardware that just /works/. nvidia in my experience are just /better/. I regret buying this ATI07:30
DeM0nFiReNah, my last card was NVidia07:30
crucialhoax!caps > jnuetron07:30
ubottujnuetron, please see my private message07:30
DeM0nFiReI go with what is currently on top07:30
crucialhoaxjnuetron: 32bit or 64bit?07:30
DeM0nFiReATI's in a position to cripple NVidia's sales if they want07:30
hunahpuDeM0nFiRe: ATI hardware might be better but Nvidia's software is far more advanced and they actually support their products07:30
Daemonicwhen its upgrade time, I don't give a shit if ATI is mopping the floor with nvidia, I'm buying nvidia. ugh. sour taste.07:30
DeM0nFiRehuman_blip: on Windows, ATI's great so far for me07:31
DeM0nFiReBut yes, NVidia has better linux support07:31
Daemonicyeah, even the catalyst drivers in windows suck.07:31
DaemonicI'm going to craigslist this POS and get an nvidia07:31
DeM0nFiReTook ATI like a week and a half to have the beta OGL 4 driver for Windows after OGL 4 was released :D07:31
hunahpujnuetron: Hi, don't use CAPS they mean you're yelling and that is considered rude; why don't you act like a civilized person, calm down, type your question in one single line and wait for your answer? You'll get better results that way.07:31
hexdump_jnuetron just use /msg nick07:32
hexdump_or isn't it /privmsg nick ?07:32
frankie_is there a website for finding if my windwos programs work on linux when i switch? foobar and utorrent ?07:32
crucialhoaxfrankie_: utorrent will run in wine.07:33
hexdump_either way07:33
Daemonic/msg <nickname> <message>07:33
igoryonyahello, what's the program in ubuntu to defragment?07:33
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crucialhoaxfrankie_: Deluge or Vuze are nice uTorrent replacements.07:33
crucialhoaxigoryonya: Ubuntu does not need to be defragged.07:33
hunahpufrankie_: most programs won't run the same way; it's far better to use their analog linux applications; like openoffice.org instead of MS Office; if games is what concerns you, they don't run as fast as in windows, there are emulators like Wine that will allow you to run -some- win apps.07:33
igoryonyacrucialhoax: well, that may be, but I need to defragment my flash drive.07:34
hunahpuigoryonya: Native Linux filesystems don't need to be defragged (ext3, xfs, ext4, etc...)07:34
crucialhoaxigoryonya: Need to be more specific then.07:34
shazbotmcnastyhow do I show the name of my ethernet card?07:34
shazbotmcnastycat /proc/???07:35
hunahpushazbotmcnasty: cat /proc may work but also "lspci" may work07:35
frankie_i dont plan on playing games. i have another computer with windows, so i am just goign to use my laptop to get my toes wet so to speak07:35
igoryonyahunahpu, I didn't know that they didn't need to be defragged07:35
DeM0nFiReAnywya, I gotta go07:35
tripelbDaemonic, nothing is motorola (after that ROKR phone I am done with them) mneptok yes PC'ed it. as I said. -- Daemonic but it gives an ip fine any time to this computer (I call it #2) but not to #3 or #1. Huh?07:35
DeM0nFiReLater guys07:35
geniishazbotmcnasty: The manufacturers name, or the device name which it gets assigned?07:35
shazbotmcnastyboth hopefully07:35
hexdump_shazbotmcnasty:  you could do lspci07:36
igoryonyacrucialhoax, hunahpu, ok, to be more specific, I have a fat32 usb flash drive that I need to defrag.07:36
hunahpuigoryonya: yes, they are quite efficient, read about it in wikipedia, the english article is quite good; as for your flash drive, I'm not sure if there is a defragger for vfat07:36
hexdump_shazbotmcnasty:   or if it's a usb lsusb07:36
Daemonictripelb: no idea then. sorry.07:36
shazbotmcnastyit's not, it's onboard07:36
tripelbmneptok, Daemonic I think it is time to sleep and restart another day. Thanks for playing.07:36
alabdhow to make php.ini file changes takes affect ?07:36
frankie_my main programs are thunderbird, firefox, foobar, utorrent, office.. deluge from appearnce looks good replacement for utorrent and i am familiar with openoffice :)07:36
Fiendhi, I have a problem with Ubutu, is there someone here that can help me with some technical support?07:37
hunahpushazbotmcnasty: "lspci | grep net" should work07:37
hexdump_shazbotmcnasty:  well try lspci07:37
hunahpu!ask | Fiend07:37
ubottuFiend: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:37
igoryonyadoes anybody know, what's the difference between ext3 and ext4?07:37
geniishazbotmcnasty: For all info on them: sudo lshw -C network07:37
hexdump_or what huanahpu said pretty much to narrow it07:38
hunahpuigoryonya: the main difference is ext4 can handle far larger files and larger hard drives07:38
psypher246ah man this is frustrating, now i don't have gal access anymore in evolution, please can some help, aparently the owa plugin for evolution i supposed to work with exchange 200707:38
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psypher246and the mapi plugin is still unstable and does not support gal or calendar07:38
igoryonyawhat about crashing, is ext4 a more crashprone then ext3, or they don't differ in that way. For example, I know that ntfs is more crashprone then fat32.07:39
FiendI'm having problem with Ubuntu on my laptop pc. The problem is that it's overheating after some random time (like starting with 15 min ) and the coolers don't seem to work. Does ubuntu have problem with coolers on various hardware?07:39
FiendThe area around the touchpad seems to be overheating more than other parts of it07:39
hunahpuigoryonya: ext4 offers better performance, is overall better than ext3, both speed and stability wise07:40
hunahpuigoryonya: if stability is your top priority, xfs is a better filesystem.07:41
Fiendanybody have any clue about the laptops overheating problem?07:41
hunahpuFiend: you didn't have this heating problem before?07:41
Fiendwell, I haven't tries ubuntu until 9.10, so I can't tell you about that07:42
hunahpuFiend: does this happen with other OS's?07:42
Fiendwell, it doesn't happen on windows 7 and it appears that the coolers start working during windows 7 usage, but the overall temperature is lower07:43
Fiendthe area around the touchpad isn't that hot, compared to ubuntu07:43
deserteaglecrucialhoax, still nothing :(07:43
LSD|NinjaFiend: what sort of laptop is it?07:43
Fiendsec, I'll send you a link with the specs in a few07:44
cfeddeFiend: can you tell if the fans are running at all?07:44
igoryonyathe reason, I am asking, is because, I've read that ubuntu 9.10 officially moved to ext4 from ext3, but in the description, it says that upgraded systems to 9.10 will be converted to ext4, and newly installed systems will be installed, using ext4, but an upgraded ext4 will not take advantage of ext4 features and not work as efficiently as newly installed 9.10. I don't get it. How is it going...07:45
igoryonya...to be converted to ext4, yet not take ext4's advantage.07:45
cfeddeigoryonya: it's not.07:45
cfeddeigoryonya: upgraded systems will continure to use ext307:45
igoryonyacfedde: it's not what?07:45
cfeddecontinue even.07:45
igoryonyacfedde: so I misunderstood what was written and only newly installed will be ext4?07:46
cfeddeigoryonya: the upgrade to 9.10 does not change the filesystem that is used.07:46
cfeddeigoryonya: exactly.  only new installs will use ext4 by default.07:47
hunahpuigoryonya: I have no idea how a filesystem can be 'upgraded' that way ??? it should keep your original filesystem07:47
Fiendhttp://www.notebooksarok.hu/notebook/toshiba/satellite-a300-1n0/1728 this isn't in english, but you get the general ideea07:47
bluebirdhi there07:47
hunahpuigoryonya: when you make a new fresh install you can choose what filesystem to use; bye default it will use ext4, but you can use whatever you want07:47
bluebirdany body know this bug - pam_unix(polkit:auth): auth could not identify password for [user]07:47
hunahpubluebird: it means you typed the wrong password07:48
bluebirdbut password is correct07:48
hunahpubluebird: the user may be incorrect then07:48
bluebirdpolicykit is broken07:48
Fiend cfedde : the fans don't seem to be running after ubuntu starts07:49
igoryonyahunahpu: different partitioning programs are able to convert partitions and windows xp, for example, offers to convert a fat/fat32 partitions to ntfs, while upgrading, so I didn't even have a back thought that linix cannot do that.07:49
Fiendhttp://www.notebooksarok.hu/notebook/toshiba/satellite-a300-1n0/1728 this isn't in english, but you get the general ideea07:49
bluebirdwhen i use sudo or gksudo this password works fine07:49
hunahpuigoryonya: "upgrading" is not accurate; what you (and probably that software does) do is dump (create an image) a filesystem, back it up somewhere else, format the partition to another filesystem and then write the image to the new filesystem07:50
Someguy77is Beryl just a Compiz alternative?07:50
kollaplease... how do I get rid of those darn tamtam-drums whenever firefox pops up a requester!07:50
MegaTrousersNew Ubuntu game in the works. "Cerebral" science fiction oriented. Website: https://www.avaneya.com07:50
hunahpuSomeguy77: Beryl is now integrated with compiz and fuzion07:50
igoryonyahunahpu: so, you are suggesting, that I choose xfs, skipping ext[x] completley when I install, if I want a filesystem crash stability?07:51
Someguy77and metacity integrated with gnome?07:51
=== DaZ is now known as Guest29090
Someguy77I mean GTK07:51
cfeddeFiend: here are some google hits that look interesting: http://www.symbiosoft.net/?q=node/6607:51
Jordan_Uigoryonya: Actually upgrading from ext2 to 3 and 3 to 4, and even extn to btrfs (a *completely* different filesystem) can all be done in place.07:52
hunahpuigoryonya: xfs is (in my opinion) the most stable filesystem out there, but this doesn't mean is the right one for you, it's slower than ext4 and not entirely recommended with GRUB loader (use of LiLO is recommended)07:52
igoryonyahunahpu: you are probably wright, I just didn't know the internal workings of it, and you've explained it :)07:52
lnostdal2010: boot partition is full ..   didn't debra and/or ian figure out some way to automate this stuff around 1994?07:53
cfeddeFiend: and another maybe more usefull link: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acpi/+bug/32157807:53
kollanobony knows? those drums are driving me nuts07:53
hunahpukolla: somewhere in sound preferences should have the option; I usually just kill all those sounds07:53
bluebirdany body know this bug - When i use PolicyDialog and enter correct su password, window shaking and authorization failed, in log.auth - authpam_unix(polkit:auth): auth could not identify password for [user]???07:53
theadminI assume our repositories have Kompozer?07:55
tonyyarussotheadmin: yes07:55
theadmintonyyarusso: ty, found it :D07:56
theadminall those -data packages are confusing XD07:56
Jordan_Uhunahpu: grub2 works fine with xfs btw, the xfs problems were only with old versions of grub legacy.07:56
Shafieihow to config pptp in text mode?07:56
hunahpuJordan_U: hey, great to know :) thanks07:57
theadminShafiei: pptpsetup07:57
Jordan_Uhunahpu: You're welcome.07:57
theadminNever managed to get it working right with that though, but it's the right tool AFAIAA07:57
Fiendthanks cfedde, I'll take a look and let you know how it turns up07:58
cfeddeFiend: another link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=133332107:59
Fiendby the way, is Lucid going to get any type of ati 3d drivers at launch?07:59
theadminare sites like ubuntu.jp, ubuntu.fi, ubuntu.ru official?07:59
kollahunahpu: I thought I did that... I'm running kde for the most part, this is the gnome settings somewhere I presume07:59
igoryonyahunahpu: I see, I just lately started getting (on boot) when the filesystem is checked during boot, it stops the check at a certain point and says that it cannot fsck automatically and I should do it manually, I do it manually and answer yes everywhere, but after boot, I would like to launch the fsck again, but it warns that doing fsck on a mounted system can damage data, but I can't figure...07:59
theadminubottu: 10.04 | Fiend (Sorry, i know only 8 days left :/)07:59
igoryonya...out how to do it on unmounted system07:59
ubottuFiend (Sorry, i know only 8 days left :/): Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule07:59
hunahpuFiend: the open ATI driver is not that bad, it works fine for regular use07:59
Someguy77does lucid have out of the box full Nvidia Geforce 3d support?07:59
bluebirdsorry for repeating -  any body know this bug - When i use PolicyDialog and enter correct su password, window shaking and authorization failed, in log.auth - pam_unix(polkit:auth): conversation failed  authpam_unix(polkit:auth): auth could not identify password for [user]???07:59
theadminSomeguy77: ^^\08:00
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule08:00
Fiendhunahpu: TBH I don't really need the 3d drivers, I just want to run movies and virtual box in a normal fashion08:00
Fiendsorry about the caps08:00
igoryonyaJordan_U: so there is a command that will allow me to convert a filesystem, or do I have to separately install a certain package to do it and can you suggest any?08:00
FiendI need virtual box for iTunes usage08:00
hunahpuigoryonya: well if you are still talking about your usb flash drive, just unmount it, if is your actual hard drive use the LiveCD to check the filesystem :)08:00
Fiendcfedde: last link is for nvidia08:01
hunahpukolla: yes, it is on gnome, sound options; you can hack it though broswe /usr/share/ until you find the ubuntu sounds and rename them08:01
theadminrofl kompozer made shortcuts in "Programming" AND in "Internet" :/08:01
cfeddeFiend: oops.  :-\08:02
AbuMaiacan someone tell me the terminal command to use to determine the input hardware of my system?  I need to identify the trackpad in particular08:02
kollahunahpu: ok :)08:02
theadminAbuMaia: lspci | less - try this08:02
cfeddeFiend: this is interesting though: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=142024708:02
hunahpuFiend: the open drivers work fine, I'm using them and compiz works fine, I can play movies, etc... if the proprietary driver is available, go for it though, they do work better and should be available in Lucid (except the driver for old ati cards)08:02
Jordan_Uigoryonya: Unfortunately currently you can only in place convert from one ext version to a later one and then to btrfs. For converting to xfs you have to make a copy like hunahpu explained.08:02
igoryonyahunahpu: no, my main filesystem "/" is having a such problem, that I need to check and fix, but I couldn't find any info on how to check and fix unmounted "/" system, my usb I only need to defrag.08:03
Fiendhunahpu: last time I tried the ati official drivers, I ended up with a broken X08:03
Fiendjust a black screen, after restart08:03
hunahpuigoryonya: using the LiveCD is the easier way to do it.08:04
kollahunahpu: looking in gnome-control-center -> sound preferences, I have picked "No sounds" as theme08:04
igoryonyaJordan_U: can you suggest a command that I can use to convert one ext version to an other?08:04
kollamaybe the settings are in firefox itself08:04
hunahpukolla: that's posible08:04
igoryonyahunahpu: so you are saying to use disk checking utilities from the cd booting?08:05
kollahunahpu: thanks anyways :)08:05
hunahpuigoryonya: from the Live session actually08:06
Jordan_Uigoryonya: You basically just mount it as the newer version. So to convert from ext3 to ext4 you just mount /dev/sdXX -t ext4 and any data from then on will use ext4 features.08:06
Fiend hunahpu: any ideea is this fan issue is going to be happening on 10.04?08:07
FiendI mean, I was thinking that maybe this issue might not occurs anymore in 10.04..here's hoping08:07
Fiendseing as 10.04 is LTS08:08
igoryonyaJordan_U: ok, thanx08:08
Jordan_Uigoryonya: You're welcome.08:08
hunahpuFiend: I have no idea, actually I'm not completely sure it is an actual 'issue'; I lost track of your thread for a while here, but if it is indeed an issue you may want to bug-report it08:08
Fiendhunahpu: cool, thanks man, I'll keep that in mind (still hoping that 10.04 will solve the problem by default though :) )08:10
FiendAs I've read in the links above, the problems seems to be with Toshiba laptops, in general08:10
ActionParsnipYo yo yo08:11
cfeddeFiend: you saw this?: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=142024708:11
cfeddeapt-cache search toshset08:11
cfeddetoshset - Access much of the Toshiba laptop hardware interface08:11
ActionParsnip!info toshset08:12
ubottutoshset (source: toshset): Access much of the Toshiba laptop hardware interface. In component main, is optional. Version 1.75-1 (karmic), package size 72 kB, installed size 244 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)08:12
mickster04how do i get remaining freespace on ubuntu thru terminal?08:14
Guest29090mickster04: df08:15
cfeddemickster04: df -h maybe?08:15
ActionParsnipMickster04: df -h08:15
=== Marzipan is now known as Marzeniam
ActionParsnipMickster04: you may want to turn off your bot so it doesn't spam the channel like that08:15
bluebirdsorry for repeating -  does any body know this bug - When i use PolicyDialog and enter CORRECT su password, window shaking and authorization failed, in log.auth - pam_unix(polkit:auth): conversation failed  authpam_unix(polkit:auth): auth could not identify password for [user]???08:16
mickster04ActionParsnip: ?08:16
mickster04ActionParsnip: what spamming, i didnt see owt?08:17
ActionParsnipMickster04: you seemed to autoreply with something about being asleep at uni...08:17
mickster04ActionParsnip: ooo, sorry, i had my away message set:/08:17
mickster04am off now anyways:D08:17
Ven]nIve disabled the keyring manager, but when booting I get the popup "Authentication required by wireless network" where the password field is already filled in. How can I make it automatically connect instead of showing me that popup for me to click Connect?08:20
Shafieiive registered in a room, i used to send IMs into it, but now i cannot08:22
joaopintoVen]n, the gnome keyring can't be disabled, you can prevent it from asking the master password by setting it to the login password value08:22
Shafieihow can i use it again?08:22
joaopintoassuming you don't use autologin08:22
LordVhow can I adjust my inputrc so that Alt-A sends Meta-A and not A' with an accent?08:22
ActionParsnipJoaopinto: or having no password (not advisable)08:23
cbilljonesi have a strange issue, zotac board, nvidia ion chipset; 52' aquos TV kept losing signal, oddly worked flawlessly in XMBC, user just phoned me, seems to have fixed issue by setting icon size in nautiles to 50%, im rather confused but it seems to have fixed it; make any sense to anyone?08:23
hunahpuShafiei: many irc channels have this "voice" option, maybe an admin took it from you08:23
joaopintoActionParsnip, can you set gnome keyring to not have a password :) ?08:23
Shafieihunahpu: no theres nothing named voice in it08:23
ActionParsnipJoaopinto: yes and it'l say its a bad idea but it can be set as nothing08:23
Shafieihunahpu: its just registeration stuff08:24
joaopintohum, let me test08:24
cbilljonesactionparsnip: i was talking to you earlier, did you see my post?08:24
Shafieihunahpu: ive registered in it, and i guess i have to log in it in order to use08:24
ActionParsnipCbilijones: yeah, weird08:24
jdmultihello :D08:25
hunahpuShafiei: if it is in freenode.org, type "/msg nickserv identify <yourpassword>"08:25
Exposure548morning everybody08:25
cbilljonesactionparsnip: ya, oddly it did seem to be nautlis that gave me issues, ill have to go over tomorrow and try to figure out why his work around is working :|08:25
theadminfreenode.org? isn't it freenode.net?08:26
theadminhunahpu: ^08:26
Exposure548theadmin: it is freenode.net :)08:26
Ven]njoakim, im using autologin and set master password to blank so it wont pop up08:26
Shafieihunahpu: um! i did but something like this appeared: >NickServ< id pass08:26
hunahputheadmin: is it? I usually type .org? now I'm confused08:27
theadminhunahpu: Well dunno %)08:27
Exposure548hunahpu: ok maybe they have all tld domains as aliases :)08:27
theadminLong live tab autocompletion! If not the people with long and weird nicks, we'd probably not have it.08:28
Shafieihunahpu: i mean i still cant send IMs in the room08:28
hunahpuExposure548: they have!08:28
Exposure548i've got a question, what livecd iso image will boot on macbook pro?08:28
igoryonyahow do I make an alias permanenet between reboots.08:28
igoryonyaI do: alias -p command='definition'08:28
igoryonyaIt works until I reboot, after I reboot that alias doesn't work any more.08:28
Exposure548hunahpu: ok, good to know ;-)08:29
roccity_Exposure548, isn't that using the intel chip?08:29
theadminExposure548: Yeah, freenode.org redirects to freenode.net and... and... O_O what the? CANONICAL LOGO? O_O08:29
Exposure548roccity_: yes core2duo but no BIOS, they have EFI08:29
Shafieihunahpu: no idea?08:29
jdmultiquick question: I got a windows pc which doesn't start windows7, but I want to acces some really important documents.08:29
Exposure548roccity_: i tried the latest beta2 of ubuntu and it didn't boot at all08:29
jdmultican I just use the live cd, get the document and put on usb to load on a windows machine?08:29
theadminjdmulti: How is that even remotely related to Ubuntu? You can use the livecd allright08:30
hunahpuShafiei: each channel have their own policies; what I told you is the standard method to identify (log in), you may want to contact the channel admins08:30
roccity_Exposure548, 64 bit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro08:30
jdmultitheadmin: yeah I know, but my GF doesn't know much about pc and is on the otherside of the world08:30
jdmultishe knows how to burn a cd08:30
diggydoes somebody know is the feisty(7.04) repo's still available somewhere?08:30
Exposure548roccity_: ok will check that, thanks!08:30
jdmultiso she can just use the live cd and get some files on usb to load on another OS ?08:31
jdmultios are the files put on the usb in the linux file system stuff?08:31
roccity_Exposure548, has list of macbookpro 1.1 to 5.508:31
LSD|NinjaJust watch out, you run the risk of cooking Intel Macs by running Linux on them due to porr support for SMC vcore control08:31
hunahpujdmulti: yes they can do that and it will work; they will be in (most likely) vfat filesystem while in the usb flash memory and then written back to ntfs or whatever win7 uses08:31
Exposure548roccity_: thanks! i have 5,1 and i hope this is for livecd as well, i don't want to remove snow leopard :)08:32
roccity_LSD|Ninja, is the intels in those so different from a pc one?08:32
jdmultihunahpu: thanks, just wanted to know that for sure08:32
jdmultiI love ubuntu tbh, used it normally for my opensource stuff ;)08:33
jdmultibut awesome to use as receovery easely then ;)08:33
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
igoryonyaI do: alias -p command='definition'08:34
igoryonyaIt works until I reboot, after I reboot that alias doesn't work any more. how do I make an alias permanenet between reboots?08:34
Jordan_ULSD|Ninja: I would expect that they would at least shut off before the hadware was damaged, right?08:34
LSD|Ninjaroccity_: The power management control is, yes. Intel Macs use a chip called teh SMC (System Management Controller or something iirc) to manage that sort of stuff. There's rudimentary support for it in Linux, but not for controlling the CPU vcore leading to the machines running too high a vcore for too long and ultimately dying due to accelerated electromigration08:34
geirhaigoryonya: Put it in ~/.bashrc08:34
geirhaigoryonya: Though, without the -p08:35
LSD|NinjaJordan_U: I'm sure there are safeguards for it in OS X (and even Windows, for the most part, using Apples driver in the Boot Camp kits), but to the best of my knowledge, it's still not fully supported in Linux08:35
theadminWhat's a VPS? (sorry i know it's quite offtopic, but dunno where to ask)08:36
igoryonyageirha: ok, do you know what -p switch is for in alias command?, since I didn't find any description in alias --help and man alias, just an example alias -p etc='etc'08:36
theadminigoryonya: What's the point in aliasing something to itself?08:36
geirhaigoryonya: alias is a builtin command, so ''help alias''08:36
hunahputheadmin: virtual private server?08:37
theadminhunahpu: Seems to be it :D Thanks08:37
krautwhat's the release date of ubuntu 10.04?08:37
igoryonyageirha: what do you mean?08:37
theadminkraut: in 8 days, that is 29th april08:37
Jordan_ULSD|Ninja: I haven't used my intel mac since the early days to mac support but at first there wasn't even fan controll *but* the firmware still controlled the fans properly itself and you could for instance use smcfancontroll in OSX to raise the fan speed to make your "notebooK" into a non steralizing "laptop" then reboot and since it was a firmware option it would stick in linux.08:38
geirhaigoryonya: If it's a builtin command, there's no man-page for it, you can use bash's help command to get some info about it, and you'll also find it in   man bash08:38
Ven]nmeh.. i want to post a helping post on ubuntuforums.org but I dont want to sign up for an account08:38
theadminSomehow, I'm not as crazy about Lucid as I were about Karmic. I was *literally* jumping around my room when it was released, and before the release I kept checking stuff... but now, after I see what they did in Karmic... meh. I dunno.08:38
Ven]nanyone with an account wanna do a post for me?08:39
LSD|NinjaJordan_U: It's not the fans, that are the issue. It's the control of voltage to the CPU. As CPU load goes up, the vcore is supposed to be dropped offsetting the heat output. The problem is that thge system that does that only works properly under OS X.08:39
hunahpuVen]n: why not? it's free, easy and will take less time that it's taking you to type all this08:39
cbilljonesven]n: only takes a min to make acct :|08:39
Ven]ncause I wont be using it later08:39
LSD|NinjaJordan_U: Even with the fans going full tilt, the CPU is still being overvolted and eventually dies08:39
theadminSay, can i use /etc/hosts to redirect something not to only a specific IP, but also to a specific port?08:40
hunahpuVen]n: you never know... and even if you don't, it won't hurt you.08:40
Ven]nand it needs a valid email08:40
theadminVen]n: You don't have an email? o_O08:40
igoryonyageirha: ye, you are right, I've all I've found was in alias --help, I didn't even realize that I could use help alias, I did try man alias and it didn't return anything, thanx08:41
Ven]nsure I do :)08:41
Ven]nbut Im reluctant to spread it to every site available08:41
igoryonyageirha: I mean before you guys told me about help alias08:41
theadminVen]n: If you're afraid of spam, use spambox.us to generate a temporary redirective email08:41
hunahputheadmin: I haven't tried but I guess it should work; just add :<port> to your IP, you lose nothing by trying :p08:41
Ven]ntheadmin, yeah, that would be another option08:41
hunahpuVen]n: use yopmail.com and move on... is not that big of a deal08:41
Ven]nbut then having someone else post for me is better I think08:42
geirhaigoryonya: just ''help'' by itself will show you a list of what you can get help with; more or less all builtins and keywords of the shell.08:42
exalthello can i convert .pages 2 .doc inubuntu?08:42
LSD|NinjaJordan_U: Depending on how you look at it, it's either poor design or the inevitable result of using them in a manner they were never designed/intended for. I must admit I fall into the latter category, Apple don't design them around running anything more than  OS X, which they're perfectly free to do. If you buy a Mac with the idea of running something other than OS X then the consequences of that are entirely you're own problem. That sa08:42
=== Ken8521_ is now known as Ken8521
igoryonyatheadmin, what do you mean?08:43
hunahpuexalt: check openoffice.org and see if .pages can be read by it; is what ubuntu uses by default08:43
dariusvwGreetigns, could anyone point me @ a "HOW TO" to connect my ubuntu pc to the internet through a router, no proxy involved08:43
theadminigoryonya: Sorry to noisy here, what do you reffer to?08:43
hunahpudariusvw: search for "tunneling" and "vpn" in google, like: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-configure-ubuntu-fedora-linux-pptp-client.html08:44
igoryonyageirha: does built-in, mean that it's not some kind of a file, but built-in into a kernel?08:44
Jordan_ULSD|Ninja: " It wasn't a big problem with the earlier Intel MacBooks, the CPUs in those were a bit tougher because the fgabbing tech was coarser. " Propably why it hasn't affected my old macbook pro. I used that thing as an always on server for over a year so it would probably be dead by now were it a newer model.08:44
theadminI tried " cpane.l" but it ain't workin'08:44
geirhaigoryonya: Yes, though not built-in to the kernel, but the shell08:44
dariusvwHunahpu - Thanks08:44
igoryonyatheadmin>{#ubuntu} igoryonya: What's the point in aliasing something to itself?08:44
rocket16May I know who is the operator of this channel?08:45
igoryonyageirha: ok, got it.08:45
theadminigoryonya: You gave the following command: alias -p etc=etc08:45
theadminubottu: ops > rocket1608:45
ubotturocket16, please see my private message08:45
LSD|NinjaJordan_U: Yeah, I think it's the unibodies getting hit hardest by this, but they all share the same SMC power management so it's not the best idea on any of them08:45
igoryonyatheadmin: that was just an abstract example so I don't have to type out the whole command.08:45
igoryonyatheadmin: as I'08:45
rocket16!ops > rocket1608:46
ubotturocket16, please see my private message08:46
igoryonyatheadmin: as I've given an example earlier in chat08:46
jpdsrocket16: hi.08:46
igoryonyatheadmin: I mean the real example08:46
geirhaigoryonya: I strongly recommend reading the guide and faq at http://mywiki.wooledge.org/08:46
rocket16jpds: Hello, :) Are you an Operator here?08:46
theadminigoryonya: Allrigth i see08:46
Gorlistmorning, bit of a odd question. installed 10.04 a few weeks ago and set my desktop backdrop to lovely close up of a big green leaf (which came with ubuntu) - since then its disappeared and disappeared from the list!08:46
Gorlistdoes anyone have a copy of it08:46
jpdsrocket16: Yes.08:46
theadminubottu: 10.04 | Gorlist08:47
ubottuGorlist: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule08:47
bluebirdsorry for repeating -  does any body know this bug - When i use PolicyDialog and enter CORRECT su password, window shaking and authorization failed, in log.auth - pam_unix(polkit:auth): conversation failed  authpam_unix(polkit:auth): auth could not identify password for [user]???08:47
=== Ken8521_ is now known as Ken8521
dariusvwhunahpu - sorry, i'm not after a vpn. i have a ubuntu pc i just built up, if i set the ip info so that it sits behind my proxy i canget internet. but my proxy has many ports blocked. I am trying to set the PC up so it connects direct to the router for internet08:48
Jordan_ULSD|Ninja: Do you know if there is a launchpad bug report about this?08:50
LSD|NinjaJordan_U: No idea, but even if there is, there's not much Ubuntu, or the Linux community as a whole, can really do about it as it's the result of the SMC being closed.08:50
Flannelrocket16: Please don't evade bans, thanks.08:51
theadminFlannel: Huh?08:51
Jordan_ULSD|Ninja: A good deal of hardware that's supported by linux is only so through reverse engineering, and launchpad bug reports are also an easy way to follow issues like this.08:52
Flanneltheadmin: If you're banned, getting around (evading) your ban is bad, and will get you into more trouble08:52
theadminFlannel: I don't recall him being banned o_O08:53
Andreonycineva roman08:53
FloodBot4Andreony: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:53
Andreonycineva roman ?08:53
tdnWhen will 10.04 be released? Is any date planned yet?08:54
iceroottdn: #ubuntu+108:54
Andreonythe server run ???08:54
rocket16Flannel: Sorry, but my Pidgin just entered #ubuntu automatically, should I leave immidietely?08:54
LSD|Ninjatdn: 29th April, but consider waiting until October for 10.1008:54
Andreonycineva roman ?08:55
hunahpuAndreony: Nu putem vorbi româneşte aici. Du-te la #ubuntu-ro08:55
Flannelrocket16: That would make you stop ban evading, yes.08:56
rocket16Flannel: Ok, sighs, I did nothing wrong, but bazhang used his status wrongly to ban me. I just wanted to learn and contribute in the channel. I respect your direction, Flannel. But please, at least consider the fact that I was banned wrongly by that ill Operator bazhang (Who started Offtopic, and when warned, banned me).08:57
Flannelrocket16: That's for #ubuntu-ops, not here.08:57
hunahpuFlannel: well it's already in the forums......08:58
rocket16Flannel: Yes, I am there, and doing whatever I can. I just made a reply, to clear the misunderstanding. Thanks.08:58
geekphreakhi all08:59
Gryllidansp, hi09:01
exalthow can i convert pdf2doc?09:02
riversideI have a shell problem,could anyone can help me?09:02
XaSriverside don't ask to ask, just ask.09:02
riversidesuppose I have a file named filea09:03
riversideand I want to replace a word in line 3 column 3,09:03
riversidecan sed do this?09:03
riversidereplace word in the explicit place?09:04
ouyesis there someone running 10.04 ?09:05
Ven]nouyes, #ubuntu+109:06
ouyesVen]n, oo09:06
=== nand_ is now known as nand
dariusvwwith ubuntu why do i have to restart the PC to have network changes take effect?09:09
icerootdariusvw: you dont need to restart09:09
icerootdariusvw: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart09:10
sasayinshow can i see other computer in my network(LAN)?09:10
tasslehoffWhen I call "start-stop-daemon --start" twice, it tries to start my stuff both times. I thought it should detect that it's already runninge from the pidfile created the first time. Any thoughts?09:10
icerootdariusvw: there are only 2 reasons to restart a ubuntu-pc. kernel or glibc update09:10
dariusvwIceroot - i did that, internet still would not work, i restared and it worked09:10
theadminiceroot: glibc? why?09:10
composterguten morgen zusammen09:10
sambuntuMorning, I wanted to get some insight on the 32bit vs 64bit thing.  I've been using ubuntu32bit since Feisty, but never once have I ever tried the 64bit I do have a core2duo processor, for someone like me as a regular user, would it be better to go 64bit and I suppose applications in ubuntu-tweak etc for example all can compile and run in 64bit?09:10
composterkennt sich hier einer mit squid proxy aus??09:11
theadmincomposter: Deutschen Support ist in #ubuntu-de09:11
dariusvwiceroot - no the networking restart09:11
iceroottheadmin: because other programs only use the new glibc after a restart, elsewhere they have the old in memory09:11
theadminiceroot: I see09:11
theadminsambuntu: Not all of them09:11
iceroottheadmin: the rest you can restart with /etc/init.d/ and so on but not the effects a glibc-update is bringing09:11
theadminsambuntu: But many. Well, if you have <4GB RAM then it's quite pointless09:12
icerootdariusvw: what have you changed? and where to edit the network?09:12
sambuntutheadmin, so you still recomend 32bit I take it.09:12
theadminsambuntu: I don't recommend, that really depends on your hardware09:12
sambuntulets assume my hardware is fine for 64bit...09:12
theadminsambuntu: I mean, say, how much RAM you have? If you have less then 4 gigs it's pointless to run 64-bit09:13
dariusvwiceroot - changing ip settings so the pc will work through my proxy, with the GUI interface as i cannot get it to work direct to the router09:13
icerootdariusvw: and where? /etc/network/interfaces?09:13
sambuntutheadmin, ok I see that point.09:13
icerootdariusvw: ah sorry didnt read the gui-part09:14
hunahpusambuntu: using 32-bit OS and apps in 64-bit machines is a waste of hardware, but many things that are available for 32-bits are not yet available in 64-bit, so be careful on what you use right now, make sure there are 64-bit versions09:14
dariusvwiceroot - i tried that route to get the router connected, but it would not work. if i use the GUI route i can get it to work through a proxy09:15
sambuntuhunahpu, so I suppose the best bet, is to install 64bit, install or try to install all the apps I need, if they install and work, then voila solved.09:15
hunahputheadmin: I may be wrong but I think there are more advantages in running 64-bit apps than just recognizing more than 3,5GB of RAM :p09:15
elricLinux is capable of running most 32 bit applications with linux32 however...09:15
sambuntuand then i can benefit with some slight speed increases.09:15
icerootdariusvw: maybe you can give a detailed description on the network and what you want to do in one line09:16
icerootdariusvw: its hard to understand09:16
hunahpusambuntu: yes, if you use "standard" "regular" stuff, you'll be fine; there are some 32-bits that can run in 64-bits OS's always double check09:16
sambuntuI appreciate some of the insight guys.  Seeing that most forum chats are for older versions of ubuntu hence some older hardware, I was just interested to maybe go LTS with the new version and just stick to 64bit, but at the end of the day I guess I have to try it first09:16
dariusvwiceroot - if i use the GUI it will not accep a gateway address, thats why i can only get it to work through the proxy. but my proxy has verry few open ports, which causes other problems. Which is why i tried to get it to work direct to the router.09:17
icerootdariusvw: not accept mean you cant enter or it is not working?09:17
hunahpusambuntu: my personal experience was really good when I switched to 64-bits, most apps run insanely fast, like sound conversion software, dvd creation, compiling, etc.09:18
jierohi, all, i have a question about the pure text preview settings: I found as DPI increasing large portion of visible text in the thumbnails deducted, any body have suggestion to make the thumbnailer work better with high DPI?09:19
sambuntuhunahpu, I do some sound conversions and dvd creations at times, so at least I know when it comes to number crunching ill benefit from that09:20
sambuntui guess the old flash issue has been mostly resolved09:20
dariusvwiceroot - in the GUI interface, for the network properties, under gateway - everytime i enter the gateway ip 196.*.*.* it returns to
sambuntuand I just mainly use skype/pidgin and watch movies09:20
hunahpusambuntu: not quite, you still have to manually install flash 64-bits09:20
bp0is there a panel applet or something that will allow disabling the screensave temporarily?09:20
icerootdariusvw: and the gateway is in the same network as the ip?09:20
icerootdariusvw: ip of the client09:20
sambuntuwell I understand i have to do it manually, but I mean in general its all generally ok09:20
hunahpubp0: I have a shell script to do that09:20
jierohi, all, i have a question about the pure text preview settings: I found as DPI increasing, a large part of visible text in the thumbnails deducted, anybody have suggestions to make the thumbnailer work better with high DPI?09:21
dariusvwiceroot - yes09:21
bp0well that is something09:21
icerootdariusvw: with the same subnet09:21
hunahpubp0: gimme a second I'll pastebin it for you09:21
dariusvwiceroot - IP Gateway
hunahpubp0: http://paste.ubuntu.com/419713/09:22
dariusvwiceroot - i am using .244 on this PC Win XP09:23
bp0hunahpu, so .. what does this do09:24
brianhermanhello darius09:24
bp0how do i turn it on again09:24
dariusvw:) sorry i thought my internet had died there09:24
hunahpubp0: it kills the screensaver as long as the terminal where you invoke it is active09:25
bp0thanks, better to have some toggle in the panel or something, i think09:25
hunahpubp0: by closing the terminal or pressing "Ctrl+C", you can add cron, to kill it09:25
sambuntuwell thanks, i think I will go ahead and reformat my desktop and install lucid 64bit on this and just see what happens :)09:25
theadminsambuntu: Wait until it's released at least :/09:26
theadmin8 days...09:26
sambuntuok fine :)09:26
sambuntuI have been using lucid on my netbook09:26
sambuntubut 32bit09:26
sambuntubut i guess i should wait for my desktop at least09:26
sambuntuand do it right the first time.09:26
Gryllidasambuntu, lucid is #ubuntu+109:26
sambuntuyea I know I was just adding that at the end...09:27
icerootdariusvw: and you can ping that gateway from the client? also you can try this "sudo route add default"09:27
icerootdariusvw: then the whole traffic is going to the gateway09:27
sambuntuand thanks again for everything, ill be sure to update you on any good news09:27
theadmin"update you"... we're not computers :/09:28
=== Aaron5367 is now known as Aaron5367|detach
dariusvwiceroot: thanks i'll try that. No i did not try Pinging.  any recomendations on Vim vs Nano Vs Vi Vs another?09:29
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code09:29
geekphreakdariusvw: matter of choice i guess right?09:31
theadminheh, funny that ubottu shows nano as the first CLI editor in the list09:31
dariusvwGeekphreak: problem is i am so new to linux/ubuntu i dont know what my choices are :)09:32
geekphreaktheadmin: alpha sorted :p09:32
theadmingeekphreak: Oh... :D09:32
icerootdariusvw: of course vim, the one and only editor (dont use vi, use vim)09:32
theadminiceroot: uh, afaik "vi" is same as "vim" these days09:32
icerootdariusvw: but maybe if you are new, use nano or if you want a gui use gedit (when needing root use gksudo gedit)09:33
iceroottheadmin: no09:33
BigRedS_It's normally a symlink to it, but vi does exist in distinction AFAIK09:33
theadminiceroot: Yep... typing vi in the terminal launched vim09:33
dariusvwIceroot: thanks i'll try them all out09:33
iceroottheadmin: vim.tiny09:33
iceroottheadmin: which vi  and then ls -l to that path will show vi -> vim.tiny09:33
geekphreakdariusvw: read about vi, powerfull but has learning curve to it09:34
iceroottheadmin: sudo apt-get install vim  will give you the real vim09:34
theadminiceroot: ...sorry, i did not understand a single word of what you just said09:34
=== nikonoel is now known as lazycow
LuckySMacki installed ssmtp, but from what i have seen it only accepts one email to send from. is there a way i can configure two different emails to send from?09:34
iceroottheadmin: vi is a symlink to vim.tiny09:34
theadminiceroot: oh09:34
iceroottheadmin: vim.tiny != the real vim09:34
iceroottheadmin: so vi != vim09:35
theadminiceroot: I see. Well, I don't really use it, because never had enough... non-laziness to learn it09:35
iceroottheadmin: i dont know why ubuntu is not using the real vim but vim.tiny which is vi09:35
iceroottheadmin: imo vi cant use the arrow-keys09:36
perhamlinuxhi everyone09:36
geekphreakperhamlinux: hello09:37
ouyesi am wondering how many personal users are running ubuntu right now in the world ?09:38
Lazesharphi guys09:38
Lazesharpanyone know what the difference in the MP3 decoder provided by the ffmpeg and fluendo plugins are and which are preferable?09:39
perhamlinuxouyes: less than a million, but that's already very high imo09:39
LazesharpI'm guessing the fluendo plugin is licensed more favourably09:39
perhamlinuxLazesharp: ffmpeg uses lame09:40
ouyesperhamlinux, somebody in the #ubuntu+1 tell me it is 12 million,09:40
FireCrotchouyes: it's impossible to know how many people are using Ubuntu09:40
perhamlinuxouyes: I'm searching for a reliable source right now09:41
FireCrotchouyes: There are some ways to estimate, but it's nowhere near the actual numbers09:41
Lazesharpperhamlinux: so what's the practical differences, from a user perspective?09:41
perhamlinuxLazesharp: hardly any difference. they both open the same kind of file with quite the same algorithm09:43
Lazesharpfair enough09:43
perhamlinuxLazesharp: haven't  ran a benchmark to see which one is faster, but I guess the difference would be minimal09:43
Lazesharpodd that 10.04 prompts to install both when you try to play an MP3 file, it should really ask you to choose09:43
perhamlinuxLazesharp: haven't tried 10.04 myself yet. I only use stable releases ;)09:45
Lazesharpfair enough, I figured 9 days away from release 10.04 must be fairly stable09:45
perhamlinuxouyes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_%28operating_system%29#Reception09:46
* geekphreak on it, loving it (Lucid)09:46
perhamlinuxLazesharp: yes it should be. but then again, karmic works absolutely great for me!09:46
jurcekhellow! i have a problem. i can only execute firefox wuth sudo command, bacause the owner of /usr/bin/firefox is root root. how do i chane permission to username jurcek?09:48
theadminjurcek: I think you... sudo chmod 777 /usr/bin/firefox09:48
archbuclawtheadmin, O:09:49
theadminarchbuclaw: ?09:49
theadminor maybe 555. Yeah, that'd be better09:49
archbuclawno need for w permissions on group / other09:50
archbuclaw755 would be default.09:50
archbuclawjurcek, also I would check the ownership of ~/.mozilla09:50
jurcektheadmin, doesn't help the user who can execute the firefox is still root09:50
archbuclawjurcek, that is what it is supposed to be.09:51
theadminjurcek: Uh, not only owner can execute the program09:51
archbuclawyou are looking at it at the wrong angle.09:51
geekphreakjurcek: do you actually get error message when you try to run firefox as normal user?09:52
DryGrainsudo chown -v jurcek /usr/bin/firefox09:52
archbuclawIMO - smells like not having ownership of ~/.mozilla, or another part of his home directyory09:52
jurcekgeekphreak, i get this error. /home/jurcek/bin/firefox: line 3: /home/jurcek/firefox/firefox: No such file or directory09:53
theadminDryGrain: You don't chown files in /usr/bin to someone except root :/09:53
jurcek/home/jurcek/bin/firefox: line 3: exec: /home/jurcek/firefox/firefox: cannot execute: No such file or directory09:53
archbuclawthis is why you never run GUI applications using sudo...09:53
geekphreakwhat is firefox doing in $OME?09:53
archbuclawjurcek, what happens when you run: cd /home/jurcek/firefox09:53
icerootarchbuclaw: jurcek you can use cd ~ to go to the home-directory, so it will be cd ~/firefox09:55
jurcekarchbuclaw, i don't have this folder jurcek/firefox09:55
geekphreakjurcek: something aint right :p09:56
* perhamlinux learned this just right now09:57
jurcekthe permissin to .mozilla are drwx------ 3 jurcek jurcek 4096 2010-03-16 13:01 extensions09:57
jurcekdrwx------ 3 jurcek jurcek 4096 2010-03-16 13:01 firefox09:57
archbuclawjurcek, if you don't have the directory, then you've messed up the installation of whatever you did.09:58
archbuclawjurcek, I take it you installed your own version?09:58
jurcekarchbuclaw, i have firefox in this directories  /usr/bin/firefox /etc/firefox /usr/lib/firefox /usr/share/firefox09:59
jurcekarchbuclaw, i did sudo apt-get install firefox09:59
Ken8521jurcek, do you have hidden files available? (view menu) its /juricek/.firefox   not the . that makes it hidden09:59
Ken8521assuming youw ere looking in home09:59
perhamlinuxjurcek: do a sudo apt-get remove firefox and then install it again with sudo aptitude install firefox09:59
jurcekKen8521, i have .mozilla and i don't have .firefox10:00
geekphreakjurcek: did you also download firefox package to check for new version by any chance mate  from there site??10:00
jurcekgeekphreak, you mean .deb packages ?10:00
geekphreakjurcek: .gz i mean10:00
jdmultiwhen I use Ubuntu Live CD, can I acces my Hard disks to copy paste data to usb?10:00
jurcekgeekphreak, i don't like .gz files, i prefer .deb packages :D10:00
perhamlinuxjdmulti:  yes, you need to mount them10:01
geekphreakjurcek:  ok good checking :)10:01
jdmultihow can I do that?10:01
jdmultiit won't auto mount them?10:01
perhamlinuxjdmulti: in the places menu, you will see your hard disk partitions and your usb disk upon insertion10:01
jurcekperhamlinux, apt-get remove firefox and aptitude install firefox doesn't work10:02
perhamlinuxjdmulti: click on each one, and copy your files just like in windows10:02
jdmultiaah ok, thanks, :D10:02
perhamlinuxjdmulti: yw ;)10:02
jdmultirecovering some data from a laptop, original OS didn't start anymore and else my gf loses all data :/10:03
jurcekgeekphreak, this is what i get if i ran firefox without sudo command http://paste.ubuntu.com/419727/10:03
perhamlinuxjurcek: how about apt-get purge firefox? and what is the outputs?10:03
jurceki also get this10:03
geekphreakjurcek:  can you open terminal for me?10:04
perhamlinuxjdmulti: we'll be here if you wanted any further help10:04
jdmultikk, probebly later today, at work now and afther gonna fix it, just wanted to knew a few things beforehand ;)10:04
jurcekgeekphreak, i did sudo apt-get remove firefox and if i run command firefox i get the same error as http://paste.ubuntu.com/419727/10:04
jdmultibut thanks a lot :D10:04
perhamlinux!who | jdmulti10:04
ubottujdmulti: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)10:05
jdmultiaah kk :P10:05
perhamlinuxjdmulti:  ;)10:05
jdmultiperhamlinux: :D10:05
geekphreakjurcek: can you open terminal for me please?10:05
jurcekgeekphreak, i am doing all the command from terminal10:05
geekphreakok type this there >> /usr/bin/firefox10:06
geekphreakget same message?10:06
jurcekpermission denied10:06
archbuclawjurcek, the full message?10:07
jurcekarchbuclaw, bash: /usr/bin/firefox: Permission denied10:07
archbuclawjurcek, ls -l /usr/bin/firefox10:09
archbuclawand possibly:  ls -l /usr/bin/firefox-3.510:09
LuckySMackanyone familiar with setting up smtp to send mail from a google apps email? when trying to send i get the error: ssmtp: Authorization failed 454 4.7.0 Cannot authenticate due to temporary system problem. Try again later.  This is what i have in my config: http://pastebin.com/PjDXQuyN10:09
jurcekarchbuclaw, nom such file or directory10:09
LuckySMacki mean setting up ssmtp, not smtp10:09
jurcekarchbuclaw, for both firefox and firefox-3.5 no such file or directory10:10
geekphreakjurcek: you just got perm. denied man on firefox10:10
jurcekgeekphreak, yes i know that, what now ?10:10
archbuclawjurcek, file is probably missing then.10:11
archbuclawdpkg -S /usr/bin/firefox10:11
jurcekarchbuclaw, shoud i create this folder or what?10:11
jurcekarchbuclaw, dpkg: /usr/bin/firefox not found.10:12
archbuclawand there you go10:12
jurcekyes, i deleted firefox10:12
archbuclawand replaced it?10:12
jurceki will install it first10:12
geekphreakoh gawd lol10:12
maX0hey guys, anyone that could help me out with nonworking avidemux?10:13
geekphreakjurcek: this is ubuntu 9.10 right?10:13
jurcekgeekphreak, ok, with dpkg -s command i get firefox: /usr/bin/firefox10:13
jurcekgeekphreak, yes, it's 9.1010:13
archbuclawjurcek, and running firefox gets you what ...10:14
snitkohow can I find what's working on my 80 port? I'd like to kill the sucker to run my server, but I don't what process is it10:14
jurcekarchbuclaw, if i run it with sudo firefox it runs firefox normaly, but if i run it only with firefox command i get http://paste.ubuntu.com/419727/10:14
geekphreakjurcek:  ls -l /usr/bin/fir*10:15
perhamlinux!ask | maX010:15
ubottumaX0: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:15
archbuclawjurcek, then remove the local installation ?10:15
jurcekarchbuclaw, how do i do that?10:15
archbuclawrm ~/bin/firefox10:15
abou_7anash_009hi all where can I put the password for my account in evolution, I did try the wizard and account settings10:15
archbuclawjurcek, infact, if the "bin" directory in your home directory is empty, remove that altogether10:16
SwedeMikesnitko: netstat -anp | grep :80 as root10:16
geekphreakabou_7anash_009: email account password?10:16
perhamlinuxabou_7anash_009: it asks first time you connect10:16
jurcekarchbuclaw, it's not empty10:16
snitkoSwedeMike: makes no sense, only shows processes that connect somewhere outside to the external port 8010:17
androooie /quit10:18
geekphreakerUSUL: howdy :)10:19
erUSULgeekphreak: good morning :)10:19
perhamlinuxjurcek: ls -l ~/bin10:20
geekphreakjurcek: can you paste output of this command >> ls -l /usr/bin/fir*10:20
archbuclawjurcek, well, I'll leave you to decide whether or not it is needed then. (chances am - probably not, unless you installed other applications there). - I take it firefox probably works now.10:20
archbuclawalthough, you might want to clean up any mess you made via:10:20
archbuclawsudo chown jurcek:jurcek ~/.mozilla -R10:21
abou_7anash_009Trying to setup imaps usign port 993 and tls , I did set all settings as they should be, the work fine on thunderbird, however all that evolution does is keep scanning for folders and then nohting it does not even prompt for a passwrod10:21
maX0I've installed avidemux, but wasn't able to start it, when I start it from the start menu, nothing happens, when I start it from terminal, I get this error output http://paste.ubuntu.com/419738/ and application stops again, any suggestions?10:21
abou_7anash_009I did launch evolution from a shell and the message there is Making Error10:21
archbuclawjurcek, and in future, don't use sudo to run GUI apps. =)10:21
geekphreakabou_7anash_009: did you click on send/recieve10:22
perhamlinuxabou_7anash_009: what email service are you using? gmail?10:22
geekphreakwow he left10:23
perhamlinuxgeekphreak: who?10:23
BusMasterI need a simple program to draw red circles around parts of a jpg image that I want to highlight. What should I use? Gimp doesn't have that feature10:23
geekphreakjurcek whom we were working with, prob got d/c10:24
geekphreakBusMaster: try xpaint10:24
BusMastergeekphreak, ok, I'll apt-get it now10:24
perhamlinuxBusMaster: also gpaint and kolourpaint are good programs. I have all installed10:25
sasayinswhy I can't see the other computer in my network folder?10:25
sasayinsim using ubuntu 9.1010:25
BusMasterperhamlinux, heh ok..then I'll install the one which has the smallest size :)10:25
BusMasterperhamlinux, yikes! gpaint doesn't have Undo10:27
perhamlinuxpidgin is much better than empathy10:28
perhamlinuxBusMaster: lol10:28
bullgard4How to insert a bulleted list in OpenOffice.org Impress text?10:28
BusMasterperhamlinux, what kind of a program doesn' have undo ;)10:28
perhamlinuxBusMaster: a geeky one!10:28
abou_7anash_009perhamlinux: no I am using my company's IMAP server10:28
perhamlinuxmaX0: try reporting it to avidemux group. it's a bug there10:29
bullgard4perhamlinux: Empathy is much better than Pidgin.10:29
geekphreakbullgard hello10:29
geekphreakbullgard4:  select text , that you wana number >> bull >> bullet and numbering10:30
perhamlinuxbullgard4: then we can agree to disagree10:30
maX0perhamlinux: thanks10:31
icerootBusMaster: rm10:31
perhamlinuxabou_7anash_009: in preferences, account editor, did you set the authentication type to password?10:32
geekphreakiceroot:  that was funny hehe10:32
abou_7anash_009perhamlinux: yaeh10:32
BusMastericeroot, ergo, newbies like me prefer "Move to Trash" :)10:32
icerootBusMaster: there is no trash on the cli10:33
perhamlinuxand it's not asking for password? abou_7anash_00910:33
BusMastericeroot, yeah..the cli is uber-manly10:33
geekphreakiceroot: $HOME/.local/share/Trash ;)10:33
abou_7anash_009perhamlinux: no when doing send receive it appears to be working but it does nothing it does not even get the folder listing and no errors as well10:34
=== PhilippeD_ is now known as PhilippeD
BusMastergeekphreak, and maybe alias rm='mv $1  $HOME/.local/share/Trash'; or something like that..10:34
geekphreakabou_7anash_009: is imap even enabled on your gmail?10:34
perhamlinuxabou_7anash_009: I have no idea . I'm using imap with gmx.com and it works great10:34
YosharioIs Linux Mint better than Ubuntu?10:35
perhamlinuxgeekphreak: it's not gmail. it's his company's server10:35
perhamlinuxYoshario: define better10:35
geekphreakoh ok perhamlinux sorry10:35
DarkHackYoshario it all really depends on what you actually plan to DO on said linux distro10:35
geekphreakYoshario:  matter of personal choice10:35
DarkHackand what geekphreak said10:35
DarkHacklike me10:36
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DarkHackI just got done changing from ubuntu (nice distro, good features) back to PCLinuxOS GNOME10:36
perhamlinuxabou_7anash_009: have you tried setting it with thunderbird  and see if it works?10:36
gjbHi all. Can anyone recommend a utility to "ping" a host by TCP port?10:36
ZiderI think can do it10:37
icerootgeekphreak: and rm dont care about trash10:37
perhamlinuxgjb: nmap, and for a gui try zenmap10:37
geekphreakiceroot: lol agreed but you can mv stuff there that ya wana rm :d10:37
icerootgeekphreak: the trash is working with something like a registry so mv will not modify the registry correctly10:38
YosharioAre there any other ubuntu-related channels?10:38
abou_7anash_009perhamlinux: yaeh it works with TB but I dont like TB it is to slow in search and indexing no easy way to create filters and rules right away from message ..amongst half a dozen other things10:38
geekphreakYoshario:  #ubuntu+1 for lucid support10:39
geekphreakiceroot:  agreed sir10:39
perhamlinuxabou_7anash_009: fine. then I guess the problem is in evolution itself. contact their support team10:39
gjbZider, perhamlinux: Thanks. I'll have a look at the docs to see whether it can probe every second.10:39
rwwYoshario: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList10:39
YosharioThanks rww10:39
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perhamlinuxany chess players here?10:40
bullgard4geekphreak: I found it. Thank you very much for your help.10:40
perhamlinuxdo you play on fics?10:40
icerootperhamlinux: you have a ubuntu-support-question?10:40
geekphreakbullgard4 welcome10:40
perhamlinuxiceroot: nope, just chatting10:41
abou_7anash_009perhamlinux: you motherfucker ...I suggest you go take your mom from behind doggy style ..I fucking know it is an evolution problem..why the fuck are you wasting my time ...I could have made your mother blow me one during the time I wasted on you you bastard10:41
abou_7anash_009perhamlinux: you motherfucker ...I suggest you go take your mom from behind doggy style ..I fucking know it is an evolution problem..why the fuck are you wasting my time ...I could have made your mother blow me one during the time I wasted on you you bastard10:41
FloodBot4abou_7anash_009: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:41
iceroot!ot | perhamlinux10:41
ubottuperhamlinux: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:41
iceroot!ops | abou_7anash_00910:41
ubottuabou_7anash_009: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!10:41
perhamlinuxand that comes when I just wanna help10:42
ikoniaperhamlinux: what is the problem ?10:43
perhamlinuxikonia: someone just insulted me10:43
perhamlinuxikonia: never mind10:43
ikoniaperhamlinux: ok - so forget about it and move on10:43
perhamlinuxsee you guys later. bye10:44
swebmy ubuntu zoomed the screen10:45
swebhow can I rool back it10:45
rwwsweb: Ctrl+scroll wheel, I think10:45
rwwmaybe windows/super key instead of ctrl10:46
swebrww, yeah thank10:46
johnlvplHi Everybody This is my first day on Ubuntu Got real sick of windows, can I ask which firewall for this on a single user network is recommended ? and thanks10:46
geekphreakllutz: hello10:47
llutzhi geekphreak10:47
geekphreaksweb do you mean resolution?10:48
johnlvplanybody recommend a firewall10:49
geekphreakarvind_khadri:  ubuntu ok now?10:49
uwjweqIs there an english-german dictionary for the CLI?10:49
psycho_oreosjohnlvpl, there's a built-in one already, its called iptables10:50
arvind_khadrigeekphreak, yeah, working fine, using thunderbird-210:50
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le_what is IRC?10:50
geekphreakarvind_khadri:  urgh10:50
icerootjohnlvpl: for what you need a firewall? normally you dont need a (persoanl) firewall like the things on windows10:50
rednammocHi. I'm using Evolution mail and changed the passwords for my email-account. when i want to receive my emails it fails, prompting that there is an authentication-issui. it does not say which account is affected. neither way i don't know how to change the password for this account. do you know ?10:50
icerootle_: internet relay chat, the one you are using here10:51
uwjweqle_: No idea, maybe you could ask the guys on IRC if they know.10:51
uwjweqle_: There you have it. They could.10:51
BigRedS_johnlvpl, the firewall's built in and called  iptables10:51
digiforI am getting the following: sudo: ping: command not found10:52
le_hehe.....im a chinese10:52
icerootdigifor: dont use sudo for ping10:52
BigRedS_it's a text-based interface, but there are GUI frontends for it.10:52
johnlvplthanks guys, sorry very new to this, only installed last night10:52
ZiderI wouldn't really call iptables a firewall, but.. *shrugs*10:52
BigRedS_JohnnyAmerica, Firestarter's a common reccomendation10:52
digiforiceroot, ping https://unakrt-wm.unlb.org/bash: /bin/ping: Permission denied10:53
BigRedS_er, not JohnnyAmerica10:53
digiforI usually have to sudo10:53
johnlvplhehe me you mean10:53
BigRedS_johnlvpl, Firestarter's a common reccomendation10:53
azlonhow can i limit lsof down to a specific path (/media/archivestorage/)?10:53
icerootdigifor: ls -l /bin/ping10:53
digifor---------- 1 root root 34756 2010-03-12 00:12 /bin/ping10:54
icerootdigifor: -rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 33528  9. Sep 2009  /bin/ping*10:55
le_I have a problem...i install windows on vmware, i want to have my windows guest connected to internet, then my host ubuntu share this connection~10:56
llutzdigifor: sudo chmod 755 /bin/ping10:56
llutzdigifor: sudo chmod u+s /bin/ping10:56
le_who can tell me?10:57
icerootle_: #vmware10:57
swebgeekphreak, no zoom in / out ... hold super key and scroll your mouse10:58
dariusvwanyone willing to recomend a Terminal program to use from windows --> ubuntu and for ubuntu --> windows. Both pc's will be on the 10.0.0.x IP range although the Xp PC is on a domain.  Thanks10:58
llutzdariusvw: terminal-prog for what?10:59
dariusvwllutz; sorry, so that i can see what on the other pc and work on it remotely11:00
llutzdariusvw: ssh/putty(win)11:00
icerootdariusvw: cygwin/sshd on the windows-machine as ssh-server to that you can use ssh into it11:02
llutzdariusvw: cygwin sucks, use freesshd11:03
hmwDBAN crashes on the computer, I want to delete all data from. Is there a tool, that works with the Ubuntu USB-boot-thumb-drive, which lets me irrecoverably delete hard drives?11:03
geekphreakllutz: that works on windows too?11:04
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llutzgeekphreak: ssh? sure, if you know win commandline11:04
geekphreakhmw wipe11:04
BigRedS_hmw, repeated dd ?11:04
geekphreakllutz: i know my command line :)11:04
G_A_Chmw: shred from the Ubuntu LiveCD11:07
ubottuhtml is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/11:07
G_A_Csomething like "shred -n 3 -z -v /dev/sd?" will replicate standard DBAN behaviour (3 random passes, 1 zero pass)11:08
hmwLOL - from the man page of wipe (the author doesnt trust hard drives too much): "The best way to sanitize a storage medium is to subject it to temperatures exceeding 1500K"11:09
ZiderI'd agree with that, it's the only way to be really safe :P11:09
BigRedS_hmw, no-one trusts hdds that much11:10
geekphreakhmw: well its true, hdd cannot be trusted , thats why people recomend backups, right?11:10
BigRedS_All any software tool can do is make it more effort than it's worth to get the data off.11:10
geekphreakhmw:  you can also get something like ubcd, which has kildisk, similar to dban11:11
llutzgeekphreak: most datas were lost due to layer-8 problems11:12
geekphreakllutz:  oh ok11:13
hmwnote taken. in this case an "unsafe" 4-passes-only wipe will suffice. Can someone tell me, why the man page is warning me about wiping a whole drive (not only a partition), since the MBR would be deleted? I mean, so what?? Can't Linux create a new MBR after I wiped it with  wipe -kD /dev/sda  ??11:13
llutz"rm important.data" ups ,where is the trash? :(11:14
BigRedS_hmw, because your intention might be to just delete a partition. If you hose an entire drive when aiming for just a partition, you'd be pissed11:15
BigRedS_well, I would be11:15
hmwBigRedS_: that was, what I was thinking, too - the man page is somewhat confusing about this detail. Thanks.11:15
kennethaarClicking on links in thunderbrid doesn't make a link open in firefox. Default webbrowser is set to firefox. But it won't work anyway.11:16
llutzkennethaar: you have to set http protocol-handler-app in thunderbird11:17
geekphreaktime for work, adios :)11:20
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hmw!hi | iMuNCo11:21
ubottuiMuNCo: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!11:21
kennethaarllutz: Where do I do this11:22
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)11:22
llutzkennethaar: user.js or prefs.js, tb-3 should have an option in settings-menu for that, just look for it11:24
lalalolis it a good idea to add the PPA of every program i have installed? because ubuntu doesnt always update when a newer version of the program is released, even when its stabloe11:24
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azlonfor some reason i cannot resize my ntfs RAID using ntfsresize. i get this error: ERROR(21): Opening '/media/ArchiveStorage/' as NTFS failed: Is a directory11:25
llutzlalalol: if you want always the newest stuff, you shouldn't use a distro with fixed release cycles11:25
BigRedS_lalalol, it add management overhead and reduces the stability.11:25
llutzazlon: i guess it needs a device not a mountpoint11:26
BigRedS_lalalol, It's a reasonable idea to do it for some specific apps you want to keep bang up to date with, but rather than use hundreds of PPAs you might want to look at a more bleeding-edge-following distro.11:26
azlonllutz: so i should use /dev/md0/ instead of /media/ArchiveStorage? let me try...11:26
lalalolBigRedS_, which distro should i use then?11:26
BigRedS_lalalol, Er, I don't know really. I'm a bit of a debianite - Ubuntu's as bleeding edge as I get11:27
lalalolBigRedS_, how many PPA's would you use at max?11:27
llutzlalalol: debian-sid if you know what you're doing11:27
azlonllutz: http://pastebin.com/6KvBk7Ue11:27
llutzazlon: no www here, sry11:28
joaopintolalalol, you can use getdeb and playdeb for updated packages11:28
lalalolthx for all the info guys :)11:28
BigRedS_lalalol, It depends. If I want a JustWorks box, two or three. If I don't mind the odd bit of messing around, maybe several more. Also depends on teh stability of the PPA - how stable is teh code before it gets into it?11:28
lalalolBigRedS_, i'd use a ppa for cairodock, pidgin, chromium, and maybe openoffice11:29
BigRedS_Ah yeah, Debian Unstable's, er, fun and mostly bleeding edge. Debian Testing's approximately Ubuntu but without any releases, just rolling updates.11:29
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azlonllutz: i ran this: "sudo ntfsresize -fn --size 7000G /dev/md0/" and it returned this: "ERROR(20): Failed to check '/dev/md0/' mount state: Not a directory. Probably /etc/mtab is missing. It's too risky to continue. You might try an another Linux distro."11:29
DemiurgeAre there any programs that can send an email if f.ex. a hdd on a server is getting full?11:29
hmwI am happily wiping already. Thanks for your input! Have a nice Day!11:29
BigRedS_lalalol, that sounds quite reasonable. It's more if you're up to 15-20 that I'd start cowering11:29
lalalolok BigRedS_ , thx, oh and one more thing, which chat client would you recommend, xchat or smuxi?11:30
BigRedS_Demiurge: several. Munin, Nagios, Cacti. There's probably more desktoppy ones, too11:30
llutzazlon: sorry i cannot help you, i dont use raid at all and hardly ntfs. imho it's better to use win-tools to work with ntfs11:30
DemiurgeBigRedS_: Thanks.11:30
BigRedS_lalalol, XChat appears to be reasonable. I normally use irssi. never seen smuxi11:30
lalalolk BigRedS_11:30
ct529hi there! I would like to discover whihc package create the directory /usr/include/FL and installed the files that are there11:32
ct529how do i do that?11:32
llutzct529: dpkg -S /usr/include/FL11:32
ct529llutz: thanks a lot11:33
ct529llutz: and if I want to find which package would provide the file /usr/include/GL/glu.h before installing it?11:34
llutzct529: apt-file search11:34
AdmiralDeathhow do I allow a program access through the ubuntu firewall?11:36
micaelwhy can i only have a 800x600 on my screen11:37
micaelanyone knows what to do11:37
AdmiralDeathmicael: try going to system then hardware drivers11:38
micaeli am new and just trying out linux11:38
AdmiralDeathsee if there is a driver there11:38
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micaelAdmiralDeath there is no driver11:38
AdmiralDeaththen I have no idea. I am new to linux myself11:39
micaelit is a Acer aspire m1610 that i have11:39
AdmiralDeathyou tried adjusting the resolution right?11:39
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micaelAdmiralDeath in the resolutipn i only have 800x600 and i smaller11:40
azlonhow do i see what a process is based on it's id?11:40
AdmiralDeathok thats all I can think of. My knowledge of linux is very small11:40
Zidermicael: what graphics card do you have?11:40
micaelAdmiradeath thanks11:41
AdmiralDeathno problem11:41
AdmiralDeathso anyone know how to let a program through the ubuntu firewall?11:42
goezazlon: ps aux | grep <PID>11:42
goezAdmiralDeath: how do you mean ?11:42
jribAdmiralDeath: ubuntu's firewall has no rules setup by default, so there's nothing to do11:42
sebsebsebAdmiralDeath: Ubuntu is ok by default when it comes to firewall as far as I know,  but you can install gufw  if you want, a graphical program, and tell it to use firewall.11:43
azlongoez: ok, now how do i kill that process?11:43
llutzAdmiralDeath: the "firewall" does not app-based11:43
AdmiralDeathI am using wine to install a program and I need that program to be able to bypass the firewall. I trust the program so it is not a security risk11:43
goezkill -9 <PID>11:43
goezazlon: kill -9 <PID>11:43
AdmiralDeathwell for some reason it is blocking the program I am trying to install11:43
sebsebsebAdmiralDeath: Which program?11:43
azlongoez: thanks11:43
micaelZider not sure i am trying to find it on acer11:44
llutzAdmiralDeath: "sudo iptables -L"11:44
Zidermicael: there's no sticker on the computer or something?11:44
sebsebsebAdmiralDeath: Ubuntu firewall's and Wine aren't exactly linked.  Also you can get Steam working in Wine,  you can ask for help in #winehq11:44
goezAdmiralDeath: if u have a firewall, u need to open up the steam ports11:44
goezdon't know them out of my head11:45
psycho_oreoscould always run steam and open up terminal, type in sudo lsof -i11:45
micaelZider it can be sis mirage11:45
AdmiralDeathI only have whatever comes preinstalled with ubuntu11:45
sebsebsebAdmiralDeath: if you got say a router with a enabled built in firewall,  well then sure you may need to open up ports in that, for certain applications11:45
azlongoez: i dont think im doing something right. i am trying to umount my RAID by doing sudo umount /media/ArchiveStorage/. this returns an error of "umount: /media/ArchiveStorage: device is busy." so then i did: "fuser -m /media/ArchiveStorage/" and it returned, "/media/ArchiveStorage/:  3259c"11:45
llutzAdmiralDeath: there is no filtering by default11:46
=== libertiy|away is now known as libertiy
AdmiralDeathI have everything opened in my router11:46
Zidermicael: hm, no idea then.. :/11:46
AdmiralDeathmaybe it is wine11:46
goezazlon: lsof | grep /media/ArchiveStorage11:46
goezazlon: that will show the processed that are writing on the disk atm11:46
llutzAdmiralDeath: ask at #winehq11:46
sebsebsebAdmiralDeath: I know that Steam should work in wine,  because as far as I know quite a lot of other people have been successful11:46
AdmiralDeathk thanks11:46
azlongoez: it didnt return anything11:47
azlongoez: this is what i have done so far: http://pastebin.com/9Bgu9H8211:47
FunkyWeaselMorning.  Funny thing - setting up a new webserver on an internal machine, fresh karmic install - but trying to set up mysql and I find the default root password is not blank.  Has this changed in Karmic?11:47
Raydiationwhich package do i need for 32bit gl on a 64bit system?11:48
Raydiationneed it for wine11:48
jribFunkyWeasel: iirc, you are asked to set one during install11:48
micaelZider ok thanks11:48
FunkyWeaseljrib: That's what I though.  I used synaptic.  It did not prompt me.11:49
goezazlon: try fuser -v /media/ArchiveStorage11:49
jribFunkyWeasel: try dpkg-reconfigure whatever-the-package-was11:49
azlongoez: nothing11:49
goezthen try a forced umount11:49
Simon1245Hello guys, I need help.. Does anyone know how to use .awn thing? I want to use the Avant Window Navigator but I don't know how I can get it working, Could anyone please help me?11:49
goezsudo umount /media/ArchiveStorage --force11:50
goezor -o force11:50
FunkyWeaseljrib: No apparent response to dkpg-reconfigure11:50
jribFunkyWeasel: just reset the password I guess, the mysql docs have instructions11:50
G_A_Cdpkg-reconfigure -p low packagename could be better11:50
alicjawhat is install flash ?11:50
alicjahelp me11:50
alicjai am in poland11:50
jrib!flash > alicja11:50
ubottualicja, please see my private message11:50
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash11:51
G_A_Cin case for some reason root password isn't listed as a high priority question (although I can't think of much higher!)11:51
FunkyWeaseljrib: Aye, there's the deb hack.  Strange that I have to though.  I thought default pword was blank.  Something's obviously changed in karmic.11:51
azlongoez: none of those worked, they all returned "device is busy"11:51
ubottuchroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot)11:51
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jribFunkyWeasel: it did used to be blank but I seem to recall having to set a password in debconf so it must have changed.  It should have still worked even if you used synaptic though11:52
FunkyWeaselYup - l/databases/mysql/ubuntu-9.10-karmic at site ibrary.linode.com says the same.  I even tried uninstalling and reinstalling mysql-server with apt-get.  No prompt for pword.11:52
goezazlon: can u do a ps auxw|grep 3259  ?11:52
goezazlon: do 'sudo ps auxw|grep 3259'  ?11:53
azlongoez: http://pastebin.com/Yqy6NTr311:54
goezazlon: is it a samba share?11:54
G_A_CFunkyWeasel: did you remove or purge mysql?11:54
goezazlon: thats the problem, ur samba deamon is still accessing the drive11:54
G_A_Cremove may have left the old config intact, meaning it wouldn't ask you for the password again11:54
xplinuxi need  vuze an google earth for complete my xplinux   , ylmf os i need links11:54
goezazlon: sudo /etc/init.d/smbd stop (or smb stop)11:55
azlongoez, crap... so i need to kill smb11:55
FunkyWeaselg_a_c: Just tried a package remove.  It's a fresh copy of mysql, nothing importanted, no config changes.   Highly confusing.11:55
goezazlon: u can gracefully stop it with that init.d script :p11:55
FunkyWeaselg_a_c: Have not successfully logged in to mysql yet.11:55
goezazlon: then u mount and then restart smb (/etc/init.d/smb start)11:55
azlonboth smb and smbd say command not found11:55
xplinuxi need debian packs because i dont know compile11:55
david_brentcan anybody tell me what fstype i need to ut to mount an img file11:56
goezazlon: and samba or sumthing? (try /etc/init.d/s<tab>) also don't forget u need to run it as root11:56
david_brentneed to put*11:56
FunkyWeaselCan't even use sudo /etc/init.d/mysql reset-password because I also get access denied!11:56
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goezFunkyWeasel: dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server ?11:56
FunkyWeaselgoez: Does nothing.11:57
azlongoez: freaking awesome! thanks!11:57
goezazlon: yw11:57
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:57
goezFunkyWeasel: check here http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/resetting-permissions.html11:58
goezFunkyWeasel: under B. Resetting the Root Password on Unix Systems11:58
FunkyWeaselgoez: Cheers.11:58
xplinuxi need  links for packs debian    the programs are vuze and google earth11:59
hateball!info vuze12:00
ubottuvuze (source: azureus): Multimedia BitTorrent client. In component universe, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 7 kB, installed size 80 kB12:00
hateballxplinux: sudo aptitude install vuze12:00
FunkyWeaselAh, got it.  Right.  Cheers folks :)12:01
Simon1245Can anyone help me with avant windows navigator?12:01
goezxplinux: google earth can be downloaded for linux on earth.google.com12:01
xplinuxyes problems with vuze i dont found packs debian for vuze, vuze is very dificult for install in linux , sure12:01
azlongoez: do you happen to know how to do a ntfs check with ntfsprogs?12:02
goezazlon: I've read something about them ... but also read ntfs utils on linux ain't that good...12:02
goezazlon: so can't help u there I'm afraid12:02
AdmiralDeathI am having a problem with the nvidia driver12:02
goezazlon: try here : http://www.linux-ntfs.org/doku.php12:03
AdmiralDeathsays Failed to parse existing X Config file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'!12:03
azlongoez: already reading through it ;) thanks!!12:03
xplinuxi use the most easy version linux for users windows  my distro linux is ylmf o.s and is ike xp but better12:04
xplinuxlike xp12:04
meborcslow day here today12:05
reeniginEesreveRi have ubuntu server. when i try to start mysql using /etc/init.d/mysql start ... it says failed. Nothing in the logs :S how do i figure out whats going on?12:07
goezreeniginEesreveR: check syslog for errors12:08
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mentokuh, what's the release date on 10 again?12:10
haavarosHi! In evolution, work phone numbers doesn't show up in list view. Does anyone know about this?12:10
bazhang!lucid | mentok12:11
ubottumentok: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule12:11
petersonany idea how to communicate directly with the Ubuntu developers?12:11
mentokthank you.12:11
jribpeterson: for what purpose?12:11
petersonI need to give my sugesstions to `em.12:12
bazhang!brainstorm | peterson12:12
ubottupeterson: Post your ideas for Ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!12:12
petersonBefore Lucid released.12:12
bazhangfeature freeze tomorrow12:12
rwwfinal freeze. feature freeze was a while ago.12:13
reeniginEesreveRgoez, syslog says that mysql port 3306 might be already in use although nothing is using 3306 at this time12:13
bazhangwhoops thanks rww12:13
rwwand final freeze was last week, actually :312:13
goezreeniginEesreveR: netstat -tap |grep 330612:14
petmarkIsn't the final April 29th?12:14
judgenany simple way of getting qt apps look like my gtk theme?12:14
ravnhi folks, in my 9.10 GNOME has suddenly stopped to mount things, dmesg discovers that e.g. a new SD-card has been inserted, but it is not mounted by GNOME, what's wrong??12:14
bazhangpetmark, yes12:14
reeniginEesreveRgoez, nohing else is listening on 3306 :S12:14
petmarkSo I know one gift I'll get for my birthday.12:15
petersonlucid is about to release I`m not sure whether is this too late.12:15
bazhangpeterson, it is. #ubuntu+1 for lucid support12:15
goezreeniginEesreveR: and when u telnet localhost 3306 u don't get anything either?12:16
petmarkI haven't setup an Ubuntu system from scratch for awhile, since you can just upgrade to the next. On a clean install, is DHCP on by default?12:16
BigRedS_petmark, yup12:16
goezpetmark: yes12:16
petmarkIPV4 and/or IPV6?12:16
goezpetmark: I think ipv412:16
reeniginEesreveRgoez: nope12:17
AdmiralDeathanyone know anything about Nvidia drivers for ubuntu12:17
ikoniajust ask the question12:18
petmarkThanks. ( I always change mine to static, so I didn't remember the defaults. )12:18
BigRedS_I know a couple of things about them12:18
AdmiralDeathsays Failed to parse existing X Config file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'!12:18
BigRedS_petmark, there is the option of setting static in the installer I think.12:18
goezreeniginEesreveR: weird :/12:18
reeniginEesreveRgoez, :(12:19
BigRedS_AdmiralDeath, is there an /etc/X11/xorg.conf, and can you read it as the user you're running the NVIdia installer as?12:19
goezreeniginEesreveR: and ur sure u are running it as root?12:19
BigRedS_if there isn't one (there's not by default), just touching it might help12:19
nspHi! Can someone help me out with Ubuntu sound.  I installed Ubuntu 9.10 a week ago and i still cannot use my headphones. I have laptop with integrated sound card. Speakers are fine by the way. I checked alsamixer and un-muted everything there but output still doesnt work12:19
reeniginEesreveRgoez, i sure am12:19
azlongoez: ok, so the more i read the more i realized NTFS on linux just plain suxors... is there any way to convert the fs to ext3 without having to reformat or move all of my information?12:19
BigRedS_nsp do you know which sound chipset you've got?12:20
reeniginEesreveRbut when i try to connect, it says  Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)12:20
BigRedS_azlon, Nope12:20
goezazlon: don't think so12:20
AdmiralDeathBigRedS: yes there is a xorg.conf and yes I can read it12:20
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BigRedS_Does X report any errors on parsing it? It might be malformed12:20
BigRedS_AdmiralDeath, ^^12:20
AdmiralDeathit does not say anything about errors12:21
AdmiralDeathdo I need to be using the terminal to open it?12:21
haavarosFunny problem i Evolution: When I save a number in contacts under work phone, the number is moved to 'fax home' when I save. When I save under 'fax home' it is moved to 'home phone' etc. What's up with that?12:21
BigRedS_AdmiralDeath, using the terminal to open what?12:21
BigRedS_You must have X stopped to install the driver12:22
AdmiralDeaththe xorg.conf12:22
BigRedS_or certainly used to need to12:22
BigRedS_Ah, no.12:22
AdmiralDeathall I have is sections for screen module and device12:22
BigRedS_The errors will be xorg's log at /var/log/Xorg.0.log12:22
BigRedS_Lines beginning '(EE)' are errors, which is what you'd expect if you had a malformed xorg.conf12:22
BigRedS_grep EE /var/log/xorg.0.log12:23
BigRedS_normally tells you if you've errors12:23
BigRedS_in a terminal12:23
xplinuxwith the easy than is  found and  install programs in windows  but with linux problems .... always problems..12:23
BigRedS_xplinux, what?12:24
jrib!software > xplinux12:24
ubottuxplinux, please see my private message12:24
iclneed friend12:24
AdmiralDeathI opended the log file and there are no lines starting with EE12:24
Dr_Willisxplinux:  the thing is in windows you go on the web and 'find' things.. in ubuntu you want to use teh package manager tools and let them find things.12:25
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BigRedS_AdmiralDeath, try moving the xorg.conf file elsewhere (xorg.conf.bak ?) and rerunning the driver installer? might break X, so keep the current one handy to unbreak it12:27
AdmiralDeathok I will try that12:27
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AdmiralDeathit would seem that I dont have permission12:29
BigRedS_ah yeah, you won't. root does12:29
BigRedS_In a terminal:12:29
AdmiralDeathlet me log in as root and see if I can do it there12:29
Dr_Willisto work with a system file. You need 'root' rights of course. :)12:29
BigRedS_sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak12:29
BigRedS_Noo! Don't log in as root!12:29
BigRedS_There be dragons12:29
micaelanyone knows how to do with a sis mirage 771 card to work in the new ubuntu12:29
haavarosHow do I upgrade a single program (e.g. Evolution)?12:30
xplinuxdr the manager tools in linusx arent automatics for this reason the users windows with linux have problems many problems12:30
BigRedS_haavaros: apt-get install evolution12:30
AdmiralDeathok I typed that command12:30
haavarosoh ... thx12:30
BigRedS_haavaros will install the latest version of evolution that's in the repository and update all dependencies12:31
AdmiralDeathand nothing happened12:31
sleenki'm having a problem. i closed my lid on my laptop (which enables a blank screen) and i came back a few hours later, opened the lid, and it's still blank. i can see the cursor and move the mouse and it looks like i am hovering over apps because the cursor changes, any suggestions?12:31
sleenki am using ubuntu 9.10 amd6412:31
nomnexbash: vim <filename>. But how to open the same file +UTF-8? what option do I pass in the terminal?12:31
AdmiralDeathit asked for my password but it appears to have done nothing12:31
BigRedS_nomnex, set enc=utf-812:32
mbd/JOIN #sex12:32
BigRedS_in vim12:32
mbd 12:32
haavarosBigRedS_: Ok, it didn't update, although latest version is 2.30 and I have 2.28. I guess it's not in the repos, then12:32
JSundhaavaros: gnome 2.30 will be shipped with lucid12:32
BigRedS_AdmiralDeath, if it succeeds it'll not say anything. do   ls /etc/X11   and you should see it's copied. then delete the current one (/etc/X11/xorg.conf)12:32
nomnexBigRedS_, vim set enc=utf-8 <filename>? I don't want it to be permanent, only for this file12:32
icerootnomnex: IN vim12:32
AdmiralDeathI cant delete the current one12:33
AdmiralDeathit wont let me12:33
MasterOfDisasternomnex: don't forget typing ':' :-)12:33
BigRedS_nomnex. No, open vim, then  set enc=utf-8   then :o <filename>12:33
BigRedS_I think.12:33
AdmiralDeathI tell it to delete and it does nothing12:33
smithhello can someone help me get the original panel back for my desktop?12:33
BigRedS_AdmiralDeath, so both files are still there, and it's not produced an error?12:33
nomnexBigRedS_, thanks, IN vim makes sens now (iceroot)12:34
BigRedS_AdmiralDeath, In Linux, things succeed silently - if all went well, it doesn't say anything.12:34
AdmiralDeathother then the original error12:34
BigRedS_AdmiralDeath, That *is* weird12:34
balachmar\j #ubuntu+112:34
ubottuTo reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »12:34
silv3r_m00nhi there12:35
smithubottu that sound malicious12:35
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:35
silv3r_m00none user if able to see another users files by going to /home/username12:35
silv3r_m00nwhy ?12:35
silv3r_m00nhow to disable this ?12:35
BigRedS_smith, it unsets user configuration to the panel, then kills the process running it. GDM then reinvokes it with the new defaults12:35
BigRedS_silv3r_m00n, look at file permissions. It's not an easy IRC explanation, but it's not particularly difficult, either12:36
haavarosI see that Evolution saves account settings in home/.gconf. Are those deleted upon uninstall?12:36
Dr_Willishaavaros:  uninstall of what?12:36
MasterOfDisastersilv3r_m00n: use chmod12:36
haavarosDr_Willis: Evolutoin12:36
* smith shifts uneasily in his chair12:36
BigRedS_haavaros: not by default. apt-get --purge remove evolution will remove them12:36
g0r3_0f_g0dsilv3r_m00n, try changing the directory perms with chmod -R 700 directoryname12:36
BigRedS_well, purge all evo's config files12:36
Dr_Willishaavaros:  thats windows thinking..  the package manager  should NOT touch user settings/configs in their home12:36
silv3r_m00nbut by default arnt the files of one user supposed to be inaccessible to other users12:36
Dr_WillisBigRedS_:   not user files.. system files yes..12:36
Dr_Willissilv3r_m00n:  not really.12:37
haavarosBigRedS_: Dr_Willis: OK, so when I reinstall it without the purge option it'll work with all account I have now?12:37
silv3r_m00nmeans all users can read and modify all other users files12:37
Dr_Willissilv3r_m00n:  if you want you can lock downt eh dirs more.. but then you may break that 'user defined shares' feature12:37
haavarosk thx12:37
Dr_Willissilv3r_m00n:   you are misstaken..  SEE, yes,, read,, perhaps.. Write.. No.12:37
smithsweet bigred and mr botu, it worked12:37
g0r3_0f_g0dsilv3r_m00n, you can't delete them or write usually12:37
Dr_Willissilv3r_m00n:  time to read up on Linux filesystem permissions12:37
smithyou just earned coll points12:38
Dr4gXorg taking up 99% CPU what could it be ?12:38
silv3r_m00non ubuntu 9.10 my microphone doesn't work12:38
silv3r_m00nhow to make it work12:38
JSundsilv3r_m00n: impossible to answer if you don't specify what hardware you have12:39
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g0r3_0f_g0dsilv3r_m00n, click on the volume icon on the top bar , open sound preferences , browse to Input tab , there uncheck "mute"12:39
silv3r_m00ntried all that still doesn't work12:40
nspBigRedS_: I think it is called Realtek HD Audio12:40
g0r3_0f_g0dsilv3r_m00n, what do you see under Choose a device for a sound input12:40
nspBigRedS_ : I think it is called Realtek HD Audio12:41
silv3r_m00nme on kde12:41
AdmiralDeathok it is telling me Nvidia installer must be run as root12:42
g0r3_0f_g0dsilv3r_m00n, right , but you hear output sounds right , so your audio card is okay12:42
g0r3_0f_g0dsilv3r_m00n, and the mic is internal stuff right?12:42
silv3r_m00nyah I can listen to music12:42
silv3r_m00nbut mic doesn't work12:43
BigRedS_nsp, I don't know the current status of realtek drivers in Linux, but they used to be iffy12:43
g0r3_0f_g0dsilv3r_m00n, so all we fight against is some audio control in the prefs jungle12:43
AdmiralDeathHow do I exit X?12:43
g0r3_0f_g0dsilv3r_m00n, coz if you hear music means the mic is also there hardwarewise12:44
JSundmight be problem with the hardware as well - it's a known bug that the internal microphone on my laptop (Acer TM 8371) doesn't work, for one12:44
Dr_WillisAdmiralDeath:  one way ' sudo service gdm stop'12:44
geekphreakAdmiralDeath, just logout :)12:44
pvh_sa|wrkhi there... i recently switched from compiz to metacity as a wm (ubuntu 9.10) and now when i play videos, they just show up as a black square. any hints?12:44
geekphreakDr_Willis, moo !!!12:44
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Dr_Willisgeekphreak:  Muu!12:44
AdmiralDeathok now I am trying to log in and it is telling me incorrect login12:45
geekphreakAdmiralDeath, again?12:45
AdmiralDeathso it would appear I cannot log into the command line interface12:46
geekphreakwhat name are you choosing?12:46
Dr_WillisOr you are typing the name/pass wrong12:46
geekphreakAdmiralDeath,  you know the drill, press alt+f2 >> users-admin12:47
AdmiralDeathtoo late12:47
AdmiralDeathgot it12:47
AdmiralDeathit does not like the numpad12:47
geekphreakAdmiralDeath, about time ;)12:47
BRceverytime i try this command ..echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches12:47
BRcbash: /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches: Permission denied12:47
BRchow come12:47
g0r3_0f_g0dBrc , supposedly needs sudo for that12:48
haavarosEvolution problem: Contact data entered under 'work phone' is saved under 'fax home'. Data under 'fax home' is saved as 'home phone'. Data under 'home phone' is saved correctly. This error is also shown in list view of contacts. The column 'work phone' displays and sorts according to 'fax home' data. What kind of error is this?12:48
BRci tried sudo...12:48
BRcsudo echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches12:48
BRcbash: /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches: Permission denied12:48
g0r3_0f_g0dcan you do ls -l on that file BRc12:49
BRcu want me to paste it12:49
geekphreaki think AdmiralDeath likes the command line12:50
BRcg0r3_0f_g0d, u want me to paste that12:50
g0r3_0f_g0dBrc , do this , sudo su -12:50
om26erI installed ubuntu on a system and it works fine but it does not boot if I insert the pci wifi nothing happens after xsplash12:51
AdmiralDeathnot really12:51
Dr_Williserr.. 'sudo -i' will work in stead of 'sudo su -'12:51
g0r3_0f_g0dBrc , echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop-caches12:51
AdmiralDeathI would prefer to use the GUI but it is not getting the job done12:51
g0r3_0f_g0dthen exit12:51
g0r3_0f_g0dthe issue is the file is rw only for root:root12:51
om26erxp boots fine on the same system12:52
g0r3_0f_g0dwondering what the actual drop_caches control does12:52
BRcg0r3_0f_g0d, thanks very much12:53
ubuntu-usri have 2 wirless devices. one should connect with internet network, another should connect to local wireless intranet. how troubleshoot this problem? is any how to in the the web?12:54
g0r3_0f_g0dubuntu-usr, this is just routing setup, default route should point to the internet wireless router and the rest of the intranet subnet to the intranet router as a gateway12:54
Dr_Willisubuntu-usr:  theres dozens of 'wireles guides' on the web and in many disrto wiki pages/forums. it depends on the exact issue you are having and what you want to do with it.12:55
ubuntu-usrDr_Willis, should you give an example of any wiki for my case?12:56
AdmiralDeathI installed the Nvidia driver from their website12:56
AdmiralDeathlets see if that works12:56
ubuntu-usrDr_Willis, sorry colud you i mean12:56
BRcis ubuntu better then windows??12:56
AdmiralDeathLOL BRc12:56
Dr_Willisubuntu-usr:  i found the archlinux wiki pages to have some very good core information on setting up wireless cards.. but it depends on your exact needs and the exact issue.12:56
BRcwhat a silly question..offcourse it is....lol12:56
eveningskyAnyone here know much about jack audio? Much appreciated if you could meet me over #jack to help me.12:56
menghanhello, everyone, can I fire a bug here?12:56
Dr_Willis!bugs | menghan12:56
ubottumenghan: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots12:56
ojiiis it normal that dbus_daemon uses 150MB ram?12:57
azlonhow can i run a chkdsk on linux? i have a 8TB RAID5 that is in NTFS format and i need to run chkdsk before i can expand it.12:57
menghanDr_Willis: thanks12:57
Dr_Willismenghan:  i would have to suggest using a windows machine to  check a 8tb windows raid..12:58
Dr_WillisBecause I bet you dont have any backups if the linux box messed it up.12:58
geekphreakazlon,  just my thinking, if it is ntfs , use something like a windows cd/dvd to run a chkdsk or windows system12:58
BigRedS_Dr_Willis, I think that might've been aimed at azlon12:58
g0r3_0f_g0dazlon, fsck does the job partially , so like fsck -t ntfs /dev/somepartition12:58
Dr_Willisproberly :) heh12:58
g0r3_0f_g0dif you have ntfs progs installed12:59
BigRedS_But, yeah, I'd not go anywhere near NTFS with anything but WIndows if I could help it12:59
menghanDr_Willis: what do you mean?12:59
Dr_Willisfscking ntfs - isent really.. the same. :)12:59
Dr_Willismenghan:  i see nicks scrill by too fast.  it was for azlon12:59
g0r3_0f_g0dyah but better as nothing12:59
azlongeekphreak: but this is a fake raid so if i boot from a XP cd/dvd then it wont see it, will it?12:59
menghanDr_Willis: :D12:59
g0r3_0f_g0dthe best is to fdisk , reformat , mkfs.ntfs :P12:59
Dr_Willisazlon:  You made a 8tb ntfs raid under linux?13:00
g0r3_0f_g0dcan you actually make ntfs software raid volumes ?13:00
Dr_Willisi wonder why you would want it.. if theres no windows on the box to read it..13:00
Dr_Willisso im totally confiused. :)13:01
BRc8tb?? got any spare???13:01
azlong0r3_0f_g0d: i tried running fsck -t ntfs and it gave me, "fsck: fsck.ntfs: not found"... how can i install it (apt-get install fsck.ntfs didnt work)13:01
Dr_WillisI dident think there even was a fsck.ntfs13:01
g0r3_0f_g0dsudo apt-get ntfs-progs it would be rather13:02
Dr_Willis!find fsck.ntfs13:02
ubottuPackage/file fsck.ntfs does not exist in karmic13:02
azlonDr_Willis: yes, i know it was stupid now that i look back, but his was several years ago when i was still just getting into linux... now i have grown myself into a corner13:02
menghanDr_Willis: I need help. I don't known which prog has bug13:02
Dr_WillisYou have had a 8TB setup for several years?13:02
g0r3_0f_g0dsudo apt-get ntfs-3g actually13:02
g0r3_0f_g0dsudo apt-get ntfs-config13:03
Dr_Willisg0r3_0f_g0d:  ya may want an 'install' in there :)13:03
g0r3_0f_g0dsmall detail13:03
g0r3_0f_g0ddon't be picky :P13:03
azlonDr_Willis: no, i started with 4TB, then kept growing it 1TB at a time. i originally had 2 TB on a Vista machine, but then decided to try linux... anyway... now i am sharing 6TB of media with the rest of the systems in my house (windows 7)13:03
Dr_WillisIm still not 100% sure you can do a 'proper' ntfs filesystem check  with the ntfs tools.. it can flag the volume as clean. but thats not really checking anything.13:04
geekphreaki wont recommend it13:04
menghanDr_Willis: I mean, I have a problem, but it involves both vim and gnome-terminal13:04
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g0r3_0f_g0dtrue , the progs are really for mounting13:04
Dr_Willisazlon:  i have several TB. but i  dont merge them into a single raid. :013:04
Dr_Willismenghan:  state the actual problem and let the channel help out/decide what the issue is13:04
g0r3_0f_g0dit involves vim and gnome-terminal , sounds kinky :)13:05
azlonDr_Willis: why not? i thought a raid would be better since it provides some safety for drive failures13:05
Dr_Willisazlon:  depends on what sort of raid you are using.13:05
nspI am reading a documentation on how to instal skype and it says that people who have amd64 can't use skype repositries to instal skype through package management. Why is that?13:05
BRc8tb?? got any spare???13:05
Dr_Willisazlon:  i have a 'stack' of exteranl usb hd's :)  a 'redundant stack of usb drives' -> RSOUB :)13:06
vilinyHey, what was the release date for lucid? and what was the channel to discuss this again? :)13:06
azlonBRc: no, no spares but i have some on the way13:06
h00kviliny: ubuntu+113:06
menghangnome-terminal become chaos after vim quit in a directory which contains non-ascii char13:06
geekphreak!lucid | viliny13:06
ubottuviliny: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule13:06
Dr_WillisI just pick up 1 and 1.5 TB drives when i find them on sale..  next is moving to 2TB disks13:06
ZykoticK9nsp, skype was removed from medibuntu anyways (just download from the site, is only way to install now)13:06
vilinythank you h00k and geekphreak13:06
NanashiWhat's the best way to convert a Colour PDF to a Greyscale PDF?13:07
menghanchaos, I means several block chars, totally chaos13:07
azlong0r3_0f_g0d: ok, so i installed ntfs-3g (already installed) and ntfs-config but i still get "fsck: fsck.ntfs: not found"13:07
mrpwhats the best way to backup my home directory on schedule basis? avoiding cmd line hopefully :D13:07
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning13:07
mrpto a usb and/or ssh and/or smb share13:07
BigRedS_azlon, you need ntfsprogs IIRC13:08
nspZykticK9 : I will but from what i understand that way i wont be able to get updates though which kind of sucks13:08
ubottusbackup is a tool to create complete and/or incremental backups (which can be scheduled to be automatic, and can be done over a network). It is available in !Universe13:08
Dr_Willismrp:  'rsync' is a handy tool to learn about.13:08
hateball!info ntfsprogs | azlon13:08
ZykoticK9nsp, skype isn't in any default repo... no other option13:08
ubottuazlon: ntfsprogs (source: linux-ntfs): tools for doing neat things in NTFS partitions from Linux. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.0-1ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 280 kB, installed size 728 kB13:08
IdleOnemrp: grsync is a GUI for rsync13:08
azlonBigRedS_: i already have ntfsprogs, and i thought i could do a ntfsck but it isnt implimented in the package13:08
azlonBigRedS_: http://www.linux-ntfs.org/doku.php?id=ntfsck13:09
francesco_ /msg PoRnAzZi|032 XDCC SEND #1713:09
azlonbah! he left...13:09
mrpDr_Willis: yeah i know about that but its too manual :D13:10
azlonhateball: what part of ntfsprogs would i use to do a chkdsk?13:10
hateballazlon: you could try ntfsfix13:10
mrpDr_Willis: I just want to back my laptop to my 5TB NAS13:10
azlonhateball: already tried it... it shows my errors but doesnt fix them13:10
hateballazlon: but really.. I'd use windows to handle large/important ntfs data13:10
hateballazlon: whats the issue?13:10
nspZykticK9 : No, but there is an official skype repository. I was just curious why it said that in case you have amd64 it wont work?13:10
azlonhateball: i would love to, but this is a 8TB fake-raid... will windows see the raid?13:11
azlonhateball: i just grew my 6TB RAID-5 to 8TB. now when i try to extend the fs to the full 8TB it tells me i need to run chkdsk /f in windows13:11
gilligan_azlon: fake-raid as in lvm raid or bios fake raid ?13:11
azlongilligan_: mdadm13:12
gilligan_azlon: why on earth do you use ntfs for it ?13:12
geekphreakazlon,  there is one more thing you can do13:12
azlonuh oh, im afraid to ask13:12
geekphreakazlon,  there are some boot disk for windows which can read ntfs and have checkdsk option, you can try those :)13:12
azlongeekphreak: i though about that, but will they recognize the RAID?13:13
azloni thought only linux would recognize the fake-raid13:13
g0r3_0f_g0dazlon , this is not really ubuntu problem now , chkdsk /f will only really fix stuff under windows13:14
g0r3_0f_g0dthe fsck version can only mark certain things wrong not fix them13:14
geekphreakazlon, they should, i am not 100% sure though13:14
azloni have other windows machines, can i run chkdsk over a network?13:14
ctmnzhello all13:14
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents13:14
g0r3_0f_g0dnope , the chkdsk only works with local drives13:14
ctmnzI have problem with text mode installation screen while i'm trying to install Ubuntu Server 9.1013:15
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geekphreakctmnz, what error , can you specify?13:15
pelonHey guys! How do I get my USB headset to work on skype? Do I need to remove pulseaudio and replace it with something else?13:15
ctmnzmy screen flickers13:15
azlong0r3_0f_g0d: well how can i get fsck.ntfs working?13:15
g0r3_0f_g0dlemme see13:16
geekphreakscreen flickr ctmnz?13:16
BlaDe^hi buyd13:17
geekphreakctmnz, it happens when you are working also or just during ubuntu install?13:17
ctmnzgeekphreak, it starts to flicker after the first menu.. when I choose 'Install ubuntu'13:17
g0r3_0f_g0dman-page for "ntfsfix" dated January 2006, taken from ntfsprogs 2.0.013:18
g0r3_0f_g0dThis web-page was last updated: 2009-01-27, 09:17 (GMT+1)13:18
g0r3_0f_g0dntfsfix - fix common errors and force Windows to check NTFS13:18
FloodBot4g0r3_0f_g0d: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:18
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pelonhow do i install alsa?13:18
ctmnzgeekphreak, it happens only when i try to install ubuntu... i have tested with centos boot disk and it doesnt flickers13:18
geekphreakDr_Willis, on normal cd there is an option to work with lower graphic during install right?13:19
g0r3_0f_g0dazlon , the thing is called ntfsfix , it is a part of ntfsprogs13:19
g0r3_0f_g0dazlon , i'd suppose you just sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdb or something13:20
g0r3_0f_g0dsdXX to be acurate13:20
geekphreakor if anyone can confirm IdleOne13:20
g0r3_0f_g0dthe link to the manual : http://man.linux-ntfs.org/ntfsfix.8.html13:20
g0r3_0f_g0di'd not really get my hopes up13:21
Superbestwhat does the file command do and can someone run it for me on a small image?13:21
ctmnzmy video controller has only DVI output13:21
ZykoticK9Superbest, "file" in a terminal will tell you what type of file it is13:21
SuperbestZykoticK9, even if the extension is wrong?13:22
g0r3_0f_g0dSuperbest, yeah , it does analyze the file13:22
ZykoticK9Superbest, linux doesn't care about file extensions - reiles on output of file instead13:22
Superbestok, I don't have linux installed right now and I need to run it on an image file13:23
ZykoticK9Superbest, i'd imagine it's on the LiveCD13:23
g0r3_0f_g0dSuperbest, elaborate on that concept , if you already know it's an image why try to discover it's an image13:23
Superbestg0r3_0f_g0d, it was output by the mac's screenshot command thing, so it's an image. I don't know how to open it on another system tho13:25
BigRedS_Oh, an image as in a picture?13:25
g0r3_0f_g0dright , clicking open in thing like photoshop , regardless of extension will try to discover the image type13:25
BigRedS_OSX has   file   doesn't it?13:25
BigRedS_to find out what image format it is?13:25
g0r3_0f_g0din windows if the extension is not registered you can manually force it to use paint or stuff13:26
g0r3_0f_g0dand screenshots of macosx are usually .png type afaik13:26
azlonok, let me do some math here... i have an 8TB raid where I am only using 6TBs... that means 1 for redundancy... 5TBs, i can shrink the volume down to 6TB again, take out the extra 2, copy 2 TB of data to the drives, then shink it again and keep doing that until i have all the drives seperated and running normal... then start building the raid back up 2 drives at a time, but this time with an etx fs13:26
Yum|---hello everybody...13:26
azlonmy only question is can windows easily access etx fs? i need all of my other machines in the house to be able to access the media on this raid13:27
g0r3_0f_g0dazlon , another dead end tunnel windows don't like ext2|3|4fs13:27
erUSULazlon: make it aviable via samba13:27
ZykoticK9azlon, ext2/3 probably, ext4 no13:27
BigRedS_azlon, are all the machines accessing it through scsi/ide/sata?13:27
erUSUL!samba | azlon13:27
ubottuazlon: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.13:27
BigRedS_if it's over the network, it doesn't matter what the filesystem on the disk is, 'cause the other machines aren';t interested in that13:28
Superbestg0r3_0f_g0d, BigRedS_, I tried opening in photoshop and paint tho, didn'T work13:28
g0r3_0f_g0dcan it be that the file is simply scrambled13:28
g0r3_0f_g0dbut the best is really to run a file agains it13:28
g0r3_0f_g0dyou're right13:28
BigRedS_azlon, If they are (i.e. you're unplugging the disks, going over to the other machine, plugging them in), you're doing it wrong and should be using something like samba or nfs13:28
linx|BigRedS_: not necessarily13:29
linx|but in this case probably, agreed13:30
BigRedS_linx|, in general, then13:30
Superbestg0r3_0f_g0d, also possible13:30
ActionParsnipYo yo yo13:31
g0r3_0f_g0djust to see what sort of crap is it really Superbest , can be packed or something13:31
azlonsorry, went to the bathroom13:31
g0r3_0f_g0dor summa totally different13:31
Superbestg0r3_0f_g0d, packed?13:31
g0r3_0f_g0dnot even an image like13:31
azlonBigRedS_: all the machines access this ubuntu machine through the network... im not sure if i answered your question correctly13:31
g0r3_0f_g0di dunno really , you tell me what sort of thing is it , how did you get it and what do you expect it to be , Superbest13:32
Yahwehazlon, you're really sorry that someone addressed you while you were discharging or evacuating human waste?13:32
g0r3_0f_g0dif photoshop fails with it's huge library of compatible image formats then i dunno of any better choice13:32
nmvictoris their a way i could unlock my Huwaei modem in linux?13:32
azlonYahweh: there were 5 people that addressed me... i feel if i'm looking for help i should stick around for a reply13:33
ActionParsnipYaweh: might have had a bath too ;)13:33
geekphreakSuperbest, you on mac right?13:34
ActionParsnipG0r3_0f_g0d: could use imagemagick to convert the images13:34
g0r3_0f_g0dSuperbest, what file command does it runs through the file header and try to compare to the default signatures13:35
g0r3_0f_g0dSuperbest, normally even if the extension is wrong it will try to tell you the file type13:35
g0r3_0f_g0dif you're on a a mac the file command is available there too13:35
Superbestgeekphreak, no. A mac created the file, but I don't have access to a mac right now13:35
geekphreakyes it is13:36
sabbefore starting my ubuntu it was giving me some msg like "broken file;can not be wirte";i was trying to delete some thing from my home folder but i cant,i got a crash prog??what happened?i m a new user and using lucid; can anyone please help me?13:36
ActionParsnip!lucid | sab13:37
ubottusab: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule13:37
geekphreaksab, #ubuntu+113:37
g0r3_0f_g0dSuperbest, what os are u on now13:37
g0r3_0f_g0dSuperbest, sorry we're getting back to the beggining when you asked if anyone could run file against it13:37
ActionParsnipSab: if you are a new user I strongly advise karmic as it has far far fewer issues. Lucid still has lots of glitches and will do a while after release too13:37
sabgeekphreak, i already asked on ubuntu+1,but no one was responding13:37
g0r3_0f_g0dSuperbest, I'd but behind a firewall can't accept files13:38
ActionParsnipSab: lucid is not discussed here13:38
g0r3_0f_g0dany takers13:38
SuperbestI have the files uploaded13:38
Someguy77how do you use bluetooth in ubuntu?13:38
gst-kapsi am getting initramfs while booting ubuntu 9.04 ?13:38
Someguy77for file sharing?13:38
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ActionParsnipSab : install karmic and you'll have loads less issues13:38
sabi had problem with karmic for dual boot13:39
gst-kapsGetting initramfs while booting ubuntu 9.04 ?13:39
ActionParsnipSomeguy77: there's a bluetooth manager for ubuntu. The word "use" is a little vague13:39
sabActionParsnip, i had problem with karmic for dual boot;i was always facing grub failure problem ;then i installed lucid13:39
ActionParsnipSab: did you md5 test the karmic iso?13:39
MrKeunerhello, Karmic installation on my laptop does not suspend when the laptop is inactive for some minutes. How can I debug the problem?13:39
rumpsygst-kaps: maybe system crashed13:40
g0r3_0f_g0dSuperbest, sorry the sites like that won't open on mine , the proxy and stuff stops it all , I'm supposed to be a good boy :P13:40
sabActionParsnip, what is md5 test?13:40
MrKeunerit suspends fine when I tell it to13:40
g0r3_0f_g0dask arround13:40
ActionParsnip!md5 | sab13:40
ubottusab: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows13:40
gst-kapsrumpsy:how to fix that ? i am able to boot in live cd13:40
ActionParsnipSab: you are using untested data to install, bad images make bad installs13:40
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!13:41
ActionParsnipSab: I'm guessing you never checked the cd for defects once booted to also..13:41
rumpsy!initramfs | gst-kaps13:41
ZykoticK9Superbest, are those screenshots?  "file Bild 120" just show as "data" i'm affraid13:41
sabActionParsnip, i m new and i just installed,dont really know what to do13:42
gst-kapsrumpsy: ?13:42
SuperbestZykoticK9, yes, taken on a very old mac13:42
ActionParsnipSab: read the guide, its not a case of new, its the common sense to check the data you use before you use it13:42
ZykoticK9Superbest, they aren't an Image that linux understands13:42
Someguy77how do I connect to a bluetootht device, I open up bluetooth preferences and click on my phone and click on the bluetooth icon and nothing happens????13:42
* g0r3_0f_g0d is enjoying direct tweeting from panel in Lucid13:43
rumpsygst-kaps: once i got this prob, i reinstalled it, without checking forums, but you don't do reinstallation without search about this in forums13:43
h00kg0r3_0f_g0d: please use #ubuntu+1 for lucid discussion13:43
ActionParsnipSomeguy77: use the bluetooth app to scan for devices and you can set the pin, make sure your phone is discoverable. It will then pair13:43
mcsmurfhi, someone happens to know if customizing a 64 bit Ubuntu (alternate) CD with the UCK should work when using a 32 bit Ubuntu version?13:44
zetheroohey, is Lucid Lynx ready? ... or not really?13:44
gst-kapsrumpsy:I did searched but isnt getting anything13:44
h00k!lucid | zetheroo13:44
ubottuzetheroo: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule13:44
rumpsyzetheroo: go for beta213:44
mcsmurfI just tried this, but I got a bad md5sum error on the keyring package on installation13:44
g0r3_0f_g0dis the sudo apt-get dist-upgrade gonna bring my 9.04 straight up to lucid on the 29th then , I wonder13:44
Someguy77ok once the devices are paired then how do I use it?13:44
rumpsyg0r3_0f_g0d: i don't think so13:44
ActionParsnipMcsmurf: you can customise the 32bit iso in a 64bit ubuntu13:44
g0r3_0f_g0di think the ext4fs might be an issue13:45
mcsmurfActionParsnip: hm, I want it the other way round ;)13:45
jongbergsg0r3_0f_g0d: you need to upgrade to 9.10 before going into 10.0413:45
uoobiefhowto auto save IO of terminal as xx.log ?13:45
gst-kapsrumpsy:you suggets I reinstall ?13:45
ActionParsnipG0r3_0f_g0d: you will need to upgrade to karmic first, then to lucid13:45
g0r3_0f_g0dhmm , time to think of a backup solution then, what about grub2 and ext4fs , is that not in a way of successfull upgrade13:45
ActionParsnipMcsmurf: it should be fine13:45
mcsmurfActionParsnip: ok, I'll try again, maybe I had something else wrong..13:46
rumpsygst-kaps: don't reinstall it without search for solution in ubuntu-forums13:46
gst-kapsrumpsy: I searched but no answers13:46
gst-kapshence came here13:46
geekphreakg0r3_0f_g0d,  you can download the iso :)13:46
dp_I'm using lucid, and for the past 2 days, there've been no updates to packages via apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade; is that right?13:46
ActionParsnipUoobief: command > xx.log13:46
geekphreakdp_,  #ubuntu+113:47
dp_geekphreak: thanks13:47
g0r3_0f_g0dIll just do clean install , need them 8Tb drives now of azlon13:47
g0r3_0f_g0dI'll fix'em here :P13:47
uoobiefe.... : ]13:48
ActionParsnipG0e3_0f_g0d: just clean install and restore user data from backup13:48
g0r3_0f_g0dis that now default in the install process to detect extra ext fs drives with backup data on them or what13:48
g0r3_0f_g0dcoz it asks me sometimes on karmic about some import stuff13:48
g0r3_0f_g0dnever paid attention13:48
rumpsygst-kaps: if not go for reinstallation13:49
gst-kapsrumpsy: any idea how to restore grub , I mean I tried13:49
gst-kapsrumpsy: but unable to get13:49
mrpwhats a good tagging program? for mp3s13:49
gst-kapsrumpsy: it work13:49
znxtchI know this isnt the place but I'm deperate and the Amarok channel doesn't know.  I'm using Ubuntu Karmic Koala.  Amarok 2.2.0 the EQ is greyed out.  Does anyone know how to fix this or why it is greyed out?13:49
ActionParsnipG0r3_0f_g0d: you will need to restore data manually. If you have a seperate /home partition you can just format the / partition and reinstall but tell the installer to automount the home partition as /home13:50
ActionParsnipZnxtch: does it happen for all users?13:50
znxtchUmm, I don't know I'm the only user.13:50
ActionParsnipZnxtch: you can ask about amarok here13:50
ActionParsnipZnxtch: you know what I'm going to say next don't you13:51
znxtchmake another use and try it?13:51
znxtchI don't know how to do that I suck.13:51
znxtchI'll google it.13:51
h00k!enter | znxtch13:51
ubottuznxtch: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:51
ActionParsnip!adduser | znxtch13:51
ubottuznxtch: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo13:51
znxtchAlso is it a common pratice to have a user account to test things like this>13:52
* znxtch is new to Linux.13:52
ActionParsnipZnxtch: depends on the person who owns the system. I do but some don't13:52
Nihil_Baxteranybody familiar with solid state disks and their controller?13:52
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ActionParsnip!ot | nihil_baxter13:53
ubottunihil_baxter: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:53
znxtchOkay I'm going to switch users and try13:54
znxtchI'll let you know13:54
mrphow do i add to a gnome panel if i can find any blank space to right click?13:54
ActionParsnipZnxtch: if its ok then its your account, if its bad then its a bug13:54
ActionParsnipMrp: add -> new panel13:55
Dr_Willismrp:  some times ya got to click real real real carefully.. :)13:55
hppapoticaenough people in this channel? lolz13:55
mrpActionParsnip: where?13:55
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Dr_Willishppapotica:  its a slow day.. come in on release day13:55
ActionParsnipMrp: right click a blank bit of desktop13:55
geekphreakmrp,  you can reset your panel to default too13:55
* ActionParsnip dreads release day13:55
mrpgeekphreak: how :D13:55
geekphreak!resetpanels | mrp13:56
ubottumrp: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »13:56
ActionParsnipThe release should be released when it's ready not because a date and time are reached13:56
hppapoticayeah i bet it would be intense13:56
znxtchOkay tried it on another account its still greyed out.,13:56
ActionParsnipZnxtch: ok then its the system and not profile based13:56
ActionParsnipZnxtch: log a bug and/or find guides13:57
bilalakhtarin #gnome-media-player13:57
BlaDe^could anyone take a look at my kernel log i'm having issues with my wireless dropping after like 10minutes. the log is: http://pastebin.com/APF2pDmp13:57
mrp-thanks geekphreak13:57
bilalakhtarsorry sent that by mistake13:57
geekphreakmrp np13:57
znxtchHow do I log bugs.13:57
h00kznxtch: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs13:58
ActionParsnip!bug | znxtch13:58
ubottuznxtch: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots13:58
znxtchThank you.  Now I can atleast contribute something to the world!13:58
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znxtchI bet I can generate bugs like a MOTHER!13:58
* znxtch is good at breaking stuff.13:58
ActionParsnipZnxtch: no problem, log a bug and things get fixed13:59
znxtchNow just before I go nuts13:59
znxtchDo I need a launchpad account or ubuntu account?>13:59
znxtchIsnt launchpad about to be tossed?14:00
ActionParsnipZnxtch: doubt it14:00
h00kznxtch: tossed? no, and yeah, you'll need a launchpad account14:00
ActionParsnipBlade^: my desktop does that but I use wired so blacklist ath5k so it doesn't stink the place up. Is there a bug logged?14:01
ActionParsnipBlade^: maybe there's a ppa with a later version14:01
ActionParsnipBlade^: could be worth trying a lucid livecd just to see if its fixed there14:02
davidhi guys14:02
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TheUroshi .. someone know how i can view my home network in ubuntu in console? .. i connec to server with putty14:03
Guest20823I have slow loading ubuntu server14:03
ActionParsnipTheuros: you can mount shared resources in command line14:03
TheUroshow i do that ?14:04
Guest20823my apache server is loading slowly its pages how do i troubleshoot?14:04
mgjTheUros: you probably want to look into Samba and mounting shares14:04
TheUrosisn't samba for sharing drives mounted on linux ? .. i mean .. i want to see all network with windows machines ?14:05
TheUrosno i mean .. i want to see windows network14:06
HaldHowdy folks14:06
BigRedS_TheUros,  Samba's also for using Windows (SMB) networks with a *nix client14:06
TheUrosaha thanx14:06
BigRedS_In the console it's smbclient you want to use14:06
mgjTheUros: http://www.google.dk/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=mounting+windows+shares+in+linux+using+console14:07
HaldI use the gnome applet Invest every day. I love it except for one thing. I can't configure the default alternatives/options on the diagram windows. Anyone who could point me in the right direction, should I download the source code for the application and modify it?14:09
quesoIs Jaunty's medibuntu package source no longer being supported?  Everytime I run apt-get update it gets stuck on it.14:11
mgjHald: i think you'd have better response if you asked the authors of Invest instead of this general purpose channel14:11
vadmesteHi. When I can't upgrade from 8.04 to 9.10 using System/Administration/Update Manager... It doesn't check for new distro version..14:12
FunkyWeaselGood afternoon.  I am trying to set up eth1 as a local loopback interface on ip 192.168.xxx.yyy - but even though I've defined it in /etc/networks/interface and restarted networking the loopback is timing out.  I know this is possible because I have it running on  another machine.  But apart from editing /etc/networks/interfacing is there anything else I need to do?14:13
Haldmgj: Ok. I go and do that! Thanks14:13
mgjnp. Good luck14:14
sabatorWhat is the best software to setup a RAID5 with Ubuntu ? is it mdadm ?14:16
BluesKajhey folks14:16
Hariharakadanvadmeste, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes14:16
HariharakadanI hope that helps.14:16
Zidersabator: I don't know of any other way at all in linux to set up RAID5, so yeah..14:17
urthmoverfor some reason I can't seem to get "put monitor to sleep" after a certain time.  how do I go about fixing it?14:17
urthmoverI'm on a Dell M6300 laptop14:17
root_hello all14:17
urthmoverhello root_14:17
root_where are you from ?14:18
urthmoverurth root_14:18
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:18
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pookeyhi all - I'm missing teh toption to burn an iso to disk in my right click- anyone know what app is the defauly ubuntu one?14:18
haavarosGnee problem: Record memory failure, Xnee failed due to bad data received from RECORD extension. Does anyone know what to do about this, except to despair?14:19
mickster04haavaros: sounds like a xnee problem to me?14:19
Cornholiopookey: brasero?14:19
haavarosmickster04: Yeah, gnee is just a frontend, so xnee problem is a more precise description. The problem is the same, though14:20
urthmoverpookey: it is using Brasero through nautilus14:20
TNA5000Hi all, my time in ubuntu is worng, even tough I sent up to sync with an NTP server and my time zone is correct. Can anyone suggest something I can try?14:21
micaelanyone that are good in x-server that can help me14:21
csabawhat do you mean it's wrong?14:21
pookeythanks urthmover Cornholio , I'll insatll that.   used k3b in the past, but that means firing up a lot of KDE IIRC14:21
Hariharakadan!ask | micael14:21
ubottumicael: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:21
trijntjehow can I see how much of my tmpfs is in use?14:21
TNA5000csaba: well, it says it is now 3:19 am, and my timezone would make it 9:21 am14:22
bartollilhi all14:22
micaelhow do i change my x-server14:22
csabathen it's the time server's fault14:22
trijntjecsaba: thats the best short awnser I ever had, thanks14:22
mickster04haavaros: well is ther enot a #xnee14:22
csabachange it to something else14:22
micaeli am new in linux14:22
mickster04micael: what do u want to change?14:23
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:23
micaelmickster84 my resolution14:23
micaelmickster i only have 800x60014:23
TNA5000well, still wrong14:24
csabamicael:  and you want more?14:24
sabatorIs it possible to setup RAID5 in mdadm with USB hard drive ? Need a procedure plz.  If the order of USB Hard Drive detecion change, what happen with the RAID ?14:24
micaeli have a sis mirage 771 card and i have read someting about it14:24
TNA5000is there a way to force the server to sync and see if it actually is?14:24
micaelcsaba yes i like to have more14:24
haavarosmickster04: Oh, I wasn't aware of that, thank you14:24
h00ksabator: unless you have a RAID USB Controller, which I don't think exists, no14:24
csabamicael: System->Preferences->Display ?14:25
mickster04!tab | micael:14:25
ubottumicael:: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.14:25
BluesKajsabator, I don't think raid is possible with a usb drive14:25
micaelcsaba that is only 800x600 and 640x48014:25
mickster04micael: check your driver is vesa (i think is=ts vesa)14:26
cc4hi.how can I place a command for sox to be executed on every boot?14:26
csabamicael: System->Administration->Hardware Drivers14:26
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TNA5000csaba: changed time servers, but ubuntu still shows wrong time, same time as it did before. Maybe its not updating, is there a way to check if the sync is successfull?14:27
sabatorHow can we list harddrive connected to USB ? Can we see serial number of harddrive ?14:27
micaelmickster it is vesa14:27
micaelcsaba nothing there14:27
mickster04micael: hmm..add the value manually then?14:27
csabamicael: sorry that worked for me, then I can't hlep14:27
mickster04micael: you should see a list of allowed values, just add more14:27
micaelmickster i am sorry but i am new dont know how to do it14:28
mickster04micael: tab complete dude, and how do u know you are using vesa14:28
Picisabator: see lsusb and sudo lshw14:28
uoobiefhowto auto record the all display of 'sudo apt-get upgrade' ?14:28
csabaTNA5000: well you can use a network sniffer but maybe that would be too drastic14:29
csabawhich server do you use anyway?14:29
mickster04uoobief: have you tried sudo apt-get upgrade > text.txt14:29
=== richard is now known as Guest29868
micaelmickster http://paste.ubuntu.com/419802/14:29
TNA5000kinda really drastic, I'll try a reboot first just to see if that works14:29
mickster04micael: !tab complete!14:29
Piciuoobief: look at the manpage for 'script'14:30
csabaTNA5000: yeah and set the time manually and see if it changes back to the wrong time14:30
Guest29868Hi all, can anyone hint me on how to configure a touch screen in ubuntu 10 (there was a nice config app in 9 under system and now its gone) the issue i have is up and down and left and right are confused if i drag my finger up and down it goes left and right and vice versa lol14:30
micael!tab complete!14:30
TNA5000csaba: good idea, I'll give that a shot14:30
mickster04!tab > micael14:30
ubottumicael, please see my private message14:30
TNA5000csaba: reboot did the trick14:31
diadicicHello all, Doing some research on an in-house cloud.  Can anyone givel me an idea of what apps/services I could run on a cloud?14:31
uoobiefi have tried 'command > a.txt'. but14:31
mickster04micael: what was that, try looking in /etc/X11/xorg.vonf14:31
csabaoh ok :)14:32
micaelmickster ok i will try14:32
Piciuoobief: if you run 'script output.txt' then run whatever commands you want, then type 'exit' everything that happened in between will be logged in output.txt14:32
mickster04micael TAG COMPLETE ALREADY!!!!14:32
AzaToth_workIs there reecently that the sata_sil24 modules has been removed?14:32
mickster04TAB even14:33
Picimicael: Please press tab and complete the nick of the person that you are speaking to OR manually write out their entire name.  This makes it easier for people who are talking to you to know when you are replying.14:33
gastlyhmm...I was wondering what's the difference between the packages 'linux-image-<version>-generic' and 'linux-image-<version>-386'?14:33
Guest29868Hi all, can anyone hint me on how to configure a touch screen in ubuntu 10 (there was a nice config app in 9 under system and now its gone) the issue i have is up and down and left and right are confused if i drag my finger up and down it goes left and right and vice versa lol14:33
=== Remixman_ is now known as Remixman
uoobiefi mean that if there are some interactive dialogs , could the dialog be displayed ? could they be recorded ?14:35
micaelmickster04 is there more than /etc/x11/xorg.conf* that i have to write14:35
uoobiefthanks, i'll try14:35
mickster04Guest29868: you can proably install the deb file if it excists14:35
james1892where will my httpd.conf file be in ubuntu 8.0414:35
mickster04micael: im not sure, i cant checl, there should be one there already14:35
james1892or how can i locate it14:35
mickster04james1892: thats an appache question i assume14:35
Nightwolfi read "how can i lolcat it" :)14:36
erUSULgastly: 386 is for very old machines14:36
Guest29868mickster04, Is there a proper way to configure the touch screen like edit file and its done kind of thing?14:36
james1892mickster04 : whats the apache chat called? #apache?14:36
gastlyerUSUL, oh, so I should go with a -generic one eh? I have a 32 bit processor14:36
mickster04Guest29868: iunno, alls i know is that if you could install the tool before you can n=know, just use the actualy deb file, i assume it exists...14:36
Picijames1892: On Ubuntu, we separate out the conf files, you'll find them in /etc/apache2/httpd.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ and /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/14:37
mickster04james1892: prolly, but the documentation is pretty clear, try /etc/apache/14:37
erUSULgastly: yes14:37
Guest29868mickster04, Its part of a package that ive installed again but the icon isent put under system anymore14:37
gastlyerUSUL, ahh ok thanks :)14:37
erUSUL!gneric | gastly if you want some historic references14:37
erUSUL!generic | gastly if you want some historic references14:37
ubottugastly if you want some historic references: Background to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed)14:37
mickster04Guest29868: well run it from terminal, remember tab complete is your friend14:37
gastlycool, I'll check that out14:38
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule14:38
reefyyum :)14:39
mickster04!pm | uoobief14:39
ubottuuoobief: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.14:39
james1892when i type /etc/apache2/httpd.conf i just get a file with 0 line14:39
mickster04james1892: try /var/apache2 ?14:39
csabajames1892: because all the config is spread out into many smaller files14:39
mickster04james, im pretty sure the documentation is pretty clear about this kinda thing14:40
idlemindis there a specific channel for 8.04.1 lts issues?14:40
uoobief...i see14:40
mickster04james1892: what are you trying to do anyway14:40
tomaszjames1892: config directives are in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf14:40
csabajames1892: try the /etc/apache2/sites-included/000-default, for example14:40
james1892I want to configure mod_deflate to compress css and js14:40
h00kidlemind: this is the channel for all supported releases, so you've found us14:40
csabajames1892: then copy from mods-available to mods-included14:41
tomaszjames1892: httpd.conf is only a name for historical reason14:41
idlemindty h00k14:41
tomaszjames1892: modules needs to be linked in mods-enabled14:41
idlemindanyone know of a solid guide for custom compiling / installing the latest kernel source on ubuntu 8.04.1 lts14:41
james1892csaba: I have it allready compressing html14:41
james1892just need css and js too14:42
Picijames1892: Look at the appropriate conf file in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/14:42
csabajames1892: if you want to enable stuff, you need to copy or link files in mods-available to mods-enabled and then restart apache14:42
csabaand they will be automatically enabled then14:42
Picicsaba, james1892: a2emod should really be used for enabling apache2 modules.14:42
csabaapache is searching for mods-enabled/*14:42
csabawhat Pici said14:43
JoshDreamlandis there a way to move the contents of all the directories in a directory to a new directory, without moving the directory names themselves?14:43
james1892where can i read up on this stuff?14:43
csaba!google a2emod14:43
Ek|mu5Hello all14:43
csabathe bot here sucks14:44
JoshDreamlandfor example, a/ contains folder b/ and c/. A separate folder, d/, is elsewhere. Can I move a/b/* and a/c/* to d/ without moving b/ and c/ and without knowing their names?14:44
james1892ive allready done the a2emod, i just need to make it compress css and js aswell as html14:44
Picijames1892: See https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/httpd.html14:44
h00kcsaba: the bot will not google for you14:45
csabathat's why it sucks14:45
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Picijames1892: Okay, then if you look in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ you should have a .conf file for mod_deflate14:45
Ek|mu5I'm trying to install the latest totem from source, now configure raises an error about gstreamer-0.10 being an older version than what it requires. How do I go about resolving this? which repos should I point to? do I need to build these required packages myself?14:45
james1892this may be simple for you but i dont even know how to "then if you look in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/" what command do i use14:46
e3hklhow to install java in ubuntu 9.1014:46
e3hklhow to install java in ubuntu 9.1014:46
ikonia!java  | e3hkl14:46
ubottue3hkl: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java products search for sun-java6 -packages from the !Multiverse repository14:46
csabae3hkl: sudo aptitude search java14:46
LzrdKingcrimsun: my sound is broken; can you help me?14:47
joaopintocs278, sudo is not required to search for a package14:47
joaopintoops, was for csaba14:47
kphi how to join #django server from here14:47
csabait can't hurt14:47
ikoniakp: /join #django14:47
ikoniakp: /join #freenode for irc advice/help14:47
joaopintocsaba, using sudo for something does not need it can always hurt :)14:47
Picijames1892: cd /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/       Take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal for help using the shell14:48
csabaikonia: it was probably a trap so people would type /join #django14:48
ikoniacsaba: I don't see why14:48
quesoIs Jaunty's medibuntu package source no longer being supported?  Everytime I run apt-get update it gets stuck on it.14:48
joaopintoQuan-Time, medibuntu is down for some days14:48
ikoniaqueso: their repos are down - they are not supported by ubuntu14:48
Piciqueso: Their repository is currently down.14:48
james1892pici: thanks and to anyone who helped:D14:48
uoobiefPici , thank u~14:48
kpikonia, let me try freenode14:49
quesoikonia, Pici, joaopinto: okay, thank you. presumably they will be up again in the future?14:49
joaopintoqueso, no idea, try their support channel :)14:49
kpkp: /join #django14:49
csabaI told you it's a trap14:50
ikoniacsaba: it's not - please stop14:50
ikoniakp: you are getting advice in #freenode14:50
ikonia!register > kp14:50
ubottukp, please see my private message14:50
kpikonia, yes, ok i will. I am sorry I am disturbing14:51
kunu_wo you zai shuohua ma14:53
kunu_speak english?14:54
kp     /msg nickserv register stickler srinivasakp@gmail.com14:54
markl_in pidgin, whenever someone logs on/off, or sends a chat, I get a little popup on my screen.  is there any way to disable this?14:54
gclerickunu_: well if you want me to understand you ...yes.  =)14:55
csabamarkl_: off topic14:55
daniskamimarkl_: yes there is, it's in the preferences but I can't be bothered to find it for you now14:55
kunu_my english is very bad ................14:56
Pici!zh | kunu_ perhaps this can help14:56
ubottukunu_ perhaps this can help: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:56
=== bigbrovar_ is now known as bigbrovar
atilacan anyone redirect me to some info about adding/replacing a networkcard/driver.. using nvidias on ubuntu 10.04(im a complete beginner @ linux)14:57
Piciatila : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.14:57
kunu_oh  thanks14:57
BluesKajatila, first of all join #ubuntu+1, since you are running 10.0414:58
daniskamimarkl_: or rather, it's the libnotify plugin14:59
markl_daniskami: so this is in pidgin, or is it part of the ubuntu desktop?14:59
markl_or other14:59
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daniskamimarkl_: part of pidgin, it's a pidgin plugin14:59
daniskamimarkl_: but several applications use these notifications14:59
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markl_ok cool ty15:00
digitalfizi have a computer that just started shutting down when ubuntu tries to boot and it wont boot from a cd anymore either. the whole computer shuts off. I've switched out the memory so its not that can anyone help? a windows 7 install disk boots all the way to installation i didnt go further because i want to fix ubuntu15:01
steelnwoolupdating from 10.4 beta to release should be trivial right?15:03
sipiorsteelnwool: yes.15:03
steelnwoolword. will just install beta then.15:04
Sandertje_oke, this is my 5th crash in two days. i'm constantly getting white screen (?) of death after a few hours running ubuntu 10.04. It nearly always occurs when I do something with Firefox (open a tab, maximalzing the screen, etc). This is getting VERY annoying. Linux should be stable, not crash every few hours.15:04
gclericdigitalfiz: how far along in the boot process does it make it?15:04
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digitalfizgcleric, it gets to the screen where the progress bar starts then shuts off15:04
sipiorSandertje_: yes, final releases of Linux should be stable. 10.04 is not a final release.15:05
digitalfizon newer ubuntu its the center icon glowing part15:05
sipiorSandertje: you want stable, run a released version.15:05
gclericdigitalfiz: this is a hail mary pass stab at this is your video card a newer one?  if yes is it's power connector connected?15:06
=== KingSeta is now known as KingSeta123
h00k!lucid | Sandertje15:06
ubottuSandertje: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule15:06
=== andi is now known as Guest68005
=== Guest68005 is now known as isolat3dsh33p
digitalfizgcleric, its on board video i checked to make sure all otheer connectors are seated well i even cleaned the case out just encase but it just started doing this last night. opened firefox and bam it shut off15:07
lalalolguys help!!!!!!!!!!! when i click the letter after the c in the alphabet, it oesnt isplay it an pauses my vlc player, help!!!!!!!!!!15:07
BigRedS_Go preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts and set something else as play/pause15:08
BigRedS_lalalol, ^^^15:08
BigRedS_(and clean your keyboard. Your '!' key appears to be sticky)15:08
isolat3dsh33phi guys, need help about flash player for amd64 system. Anyone know where can I get the plugin for firefox?15:08
digitalfizlalalol, make sure if its a laptop of a keyboard with a fn key that the fn key isnt stuck down also15:08
lalalolBigRedS_, i closed vlc and opened it again and it works normal now, i can type the d again15:08
BigRedS_digitalfiz, flashplugin-nonfree ? (that's what it used to be...)15:09
BigRedS_lalalol, Hm. Odd....15:09
mgjI was trying to help a friend over the phone the other day. He wanted to make a backup of his ntfs drive. He got it mounted, he could copy files from it - awesome. However, he got "permission denied" when trying to copy any files from the "Documents and Settings" folder. This seems very, very strange to me, anyone have any ideas? And btw, sudo did not solve it15:09
lalalolyh BigRedS_ , its solved tho, phew :)15:09
digitalfizBigRedS_, nothings been changed on this pc in weeks really just normal updates15:09
BigRedS_Er, isolat3dsh33p, see the thing I pointed digitalfiz at... ^^^15:09
lalalolwindows would prob require a reboot :D15:09
digitalfizBigRedS_, oh nm :P15:09
BigRedS_Windows would always quite like a reboot15:09
jrrsometimes you can cheat by logging out or just killing explorer15:10
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents15:11
isolat3dsh33pBigRedS_, I just signed in. Can't seem to view previous messages. :/15:11
digitalfizmgj, sudo usually solves that very odd15:11
hwildeis there a channel for open office ?15:12
sabatorPici: Thanks15:12
BigRedS_isolat3dsh33p, flashplugin-nonfree ? (that's what it used to be...)15:12
sabatorCan we use hdparm on USB Harddrive ?15:13
isolat3dsh33pBigRedS_, that thing suck. You can't pressed any youtube buttons if you installed. I solved this issue in my previous install. But I can't seem to remember how T_T15:13
ScoobyDooWhen I try to format my external HD to Fat using mkfs.vfat, It says ''mkfs.vfat: /dev/sda1 contains a mounted file system.''15:14
mgjdigitalfiz: very odd indeed15:14
h00kScoobyDoo: so, unmount it15:15
ScoobyDooIt's defently unmounted15:15
ScoobyDoosudo unmount /dev/sda115:15
h00kScoobyDoo: do that to where it is mounted to, probably /media/diskdrivehere15:15
Brimstonessabator: sdparm --clear STANDBY -6 /dev/sda15:16
Brimstonessabator: Change /dev/sda...15:16
ikoniachange a device file ?15:16
ikoniastopsign: you unmount a file system, not a device file15:16
mgjdigitalfiz: very odd. Never experienced anything like it before15:17
=== Guest87832 is now known as Chorupkata
Chorupkatawhatup ?!15:18
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isolat3dsh33pikonia, do you know how to solve flash player for amd64? :)15:18
ChorupkataI wanted to ask .. how to optimize compiz?15:18
ikoniain what way solve it ?15:18
BigRedS_isolat3dsh33p, I was under the impression the version in the repos was now fixed? It's what I'm using (not right now, at home) with no issues15:18
ikoniaChorupkata: you don't need to optimise it, just use the correct/best supported graphics drivers15:18
Chorupkataflash player for x64 ..sux!15:18
BigRedS_Er, the Lucid package, though15:19
ikoniaChorupkata: it is mixed results for different people15:19
icerootChorupkata: the amd64 package is working much better15:19
Chorupkataikonia, my graphic driver is loaded.. and still some windows take too much time to get focus..15:19
icerootChorupkata: but maybe you mean the amd64-32bit-wrapper called flashplugin-nonfree15:19
=== FFForever-Away is now known as FFForever
ikoniaChorupkata: what video card are you using ?15:19
ikoniaChorupkata: and what model card15:20
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)15:20
isolat3dsh33pBigRedS_, sorry. I forgot to tell that I'm using 10.04.15:20
Chorupkataikonia, sorry my card was .. ati my other laptop was nvidia..15:21
BigRedS_Yeah, that's what I've got, and I'm fairly sure it's still flashplugin-nonfree. But I can't check, 'cause I'm ~15 miles from it at the minute...15:21
ScoobyDooHow do I mount an external HD, When I ' sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/Maxtor/ ' It mounts the my main drive that linux is on15:21
ChorupkataIt's a laptop card...15:21
mgjisolat3dsh33p: you sure it is even possible to solve the issue? I remember something about adobe being very unwilling/slow to release a 64-bit flash plugin for linux for quite some time. Dunno if thats changed tho15:21
ikoniaChorupkata: the ati drivers are famously bad, as are the ati cards, you problem may be that simple15:21
erUSULScoobyDoo: you have to use the correct /dev/sdxx node15:22
Chorupkataikonia, changing my video card is not a option :)15:22
ScoobyDooerUSUL: How do I find out which one it is (mount) It isn't sda115:22
ikoniaChorupkata: I appreciate that, but that is most probably the root of your issues (without more detailed investigation)15:22
ThJI've got an Asus UX50V with a Nvidia G105M adapter that's listed as supported by Nvidia, but not getting detected: (EE) No devices detected.15:22
erUSULScoobyDoo: when you plug the disk in do « dmesg | tail »15:23
ThJWorks with plain nv driver, it seems, but I'd like 3D.15:23
Chorupkataikonia, may be... i try many options.. and settings to speed up ..15:23
ChorupkataThe main problem is when i try to call thunderbird .. .15:23
ChorupkataI take 2/3 sec to focus the window.15:23
ThJI'm helping my girlfriend run Linux (her own idea) so any help would be appreciated. ;)15:23
lalalolWOOOW, my cpu is at 70% but not blowing a lot of air, and when its at 30% and a flash video plays, it blows air :S15:23
ChorupkataAnd many other windows .. take to much time.. to focus.15:23
ScoobyDooerUSUL: appears to be sda215:23
isolat3dsh33pmgj, I'm sure there a way to solve it. I solved it in my previous install which I accidentally deleted. I just forgot how to. I remember about some beta release for Adobe Flash 10 for amd64. But can't seem to find it. :(15:23
ChorupkataIn Animations Focus/etc are set to 50ms15:24
ikoniaChorupkata: as I explaine it may just be a limiation of your card/driver combo15:24
ScoobyDooerUSUL: Says I need to spefy a filesystem type to mount it15:24
KentrelIs it possible to make a specific script file run automatically when I double click it, rather than giving them the option to run it or display it15:25
erUSULScoobyDoo: i dounb is in the same disk trhe system is in ? maybe is sdb ?15:25
Chorupkataikonia, may be.. just searching for some solution.. anyway..15:25
mgjisolat3dsh33p: ah okay. Good luck then15:25
isolat3dsh33pmgj, haha. Thanks15:26
ScoobyDooerSUL 'Tried sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sda2 /media/Maxtor '' I can see it's contents now15:26
ScoobyDooWow it's a 20GB drive, Not very good :-(15:26
Brimstonesiammrtea08: mornin15:26
Chorupkataikonia, btw... I'm very happy with my ubuntu installation on my laptop and work just fine.. and i loved some of the effect of the compiz that's why it's still working :)15:26
mgjMy laptop is too old to handle compiz (or even gnome) =/15:27
Chorupkatamgj, huh :) what window manager are u using ?15:27
mgjits amazingly fast15:27
Brimstonesmgj: Older then 300 MHz ?15:27
mgjbut lacks ram..... so much15:28
mgj256mb =(15:28
Chorupkatawow ..:P15:28
Brimstonesmgj: Ah, the ram.. plus graphics card. Otherwise it should be semi ok :)15:28
gooffynejaky Slovak tu je?15:28
mgjyeah probably15:28
JuasjeroThe configuration defaults for GNOME Power Manager  have not been installed correctly. Contact system administrator.15:29
gooffyresp. Slovenka?15:29
Chorupkatatry, windowmaker.15:29
mgji tried it a while back, didnt like it15:29
emergionHello does anyone know of a good package I may be able to use to get a ruby development environment up?15:29
Chorupkatabtw mgj, my editor take 256ram just to run ..15:29
Brimstonesmetacity doesnt require much ram either..15:29
dekroningi've turn my screensaver off and also the energy saver, but still after 20min of inactivity my monitor goes into standby mode, anyone that could let me know what else i can check? or verify? (i've checked settings on the monitor it self and they don't have a standby option)15:29
JuasjeroHi.  Anyone know how to repair this: The configuration defaults for GNOME Power Manager  have not been installed correctly. Contact system administrator ????????????????????????????15:30
mgjChorupkata: imagine my pain when i have to use eclipse on the thing.... =/15:30
Chorupkataemergion, what u need ?15:30
emergionI am quite good with apache etc but I do not think its a good idea to configure everything from scratch every new release just so I can build some software15:30
ubottuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du på #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se15:30
emergionChorupkata, I would just like a web server with ruby happening out of the box15:30
grifo74i have problens in medibuntu repositori???????????????'''15:30
Chorupkatamgj, i use Komodo IDE 200ram~ in run time.15:30
erUSULgrifo74: known problem15:30
JuasjeroHi.  Anyone know how to repair this: The configuration defaults for GNOME Power Manager  have not been installed correctly. Contact system administrator ????????????????????????????15:30
Chorupkataemergion, sudo apt-get install ruby :)15:30
Chorupkataadn ruby on raills..15:31
grifo74don't actualize15:31
BrimstonesJuasjero: Ask once and wait.15:31
scunizi !repeat | Juasjero15:31
ubottuJuasjero: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.15:31
emergionDoes ruby have its own server or something? I noticed some videos I watched he was starting something up?15:31
Chorupkataemergion, the ruby server is there.15:31
geniigrifo74: If you check the /topic in #medibuntu channel it has a bug report in which some solutions are given15:31
Juasjerook, Brimstones15:31
erUSULJuasjero: reinstall the related packages ?15:31
JuasjeroI have reinstalled15:31
Chorupkataemergion, yes the ruby web server for the rails is there.15:31
JuasjeroI did "aptitude reinstall gnome-power-managment215:32
=== andersbr_ is now known as andersbr
BrimstonesJuasjero: google "The configuration have not gnome power manager"15:32
emergionChorupkata, hehe its funny I have read a few guides now none of them mention it? anyway ok ill try find it I thought that may be the case thank you very much15:32
james1892hwo do I edit my http headers?15:32
JuasjeroI did, Brimstones15:32
JuasjeroIf not, I would not be here, Brimstones15:32
JuasjeroBrimstones:, erUSUL, everywhere pleople has the same error, but I didnt saw any worth solution15:33
BrimstonesJuasjero: Its turning up many results though15:33
isolat3dsh33pmgj, BigRedS_ ok, I found the solution. I get the flash plugin from here -> http://www.myscienceisbetter.info/install-adobe-flash-player-10-on-ubuntu-64bit.html Works well so far ;)15:33
BrimstonesJuasjero: Ok, ill try to find a reasonable solution15:33
KentrelHi, I'm running an opengl program through wine and it only loads in my second monitor. How do I make it apear in my main monitor15:34
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JuasjeroBrimstones: people suggest reinstall package or else do "dkpg reconfigure"15:34
JuasjeroI did both without success15:34
Brimstonesyou can try to remove and reinstall the15:34
Brimstonesoffending package. ... ?15:34
JuasjeroI did it too15:34
Brimstonesrebooted ?15:34
james1892anybody know how I edit my http headers15:35
Chorupkataemergion, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RubyOnRails15:35
Juasjerorebooted, Brimstones15:35
Juasjero3 times15:35
Juasjeroat least15:35
mgjisolat3dsh33p: cool!15:35
ChorupkataJuasjero, what is the problem ?15:35
isolat3dsh33pmgj, indeed ^.~15:36
JuasjeroChorupkata: this is the problem:15:36
JuasjeroChorupkata: The configuration defaults for GNOME Power Manager have not been installed correctly15:36
BrimstonesJuasjero: "chmod 777 /tmp"15:36
JuasjeroI read that..15:36
JuasjeroIll try it Brimstones15:36
hwildeis there a channel for open office ?15:37
hwildeis there a channel for open office ?15:37
JuasjeroBrimstones: done and rebooting15:37
Picihwilde: #openoffice.org15:37
JuasjeroI read that my error is related to some kind of update15:37
Chorupkataisolat3dsh33p, did u try the flash player..15:38
Juasjerodidn't work, Brimstones15:38
isolat3dsh33pChorupkata, yeah. Works well so far. :)15:38
BrimstonesJuasjero: Some people seem to reinstall the entire desktop. Dont do that ;) .. Better to learn how to deal with problems + you learn things about the underlying technologies.15:38
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geekphreakhello all15:39
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LzrdKingwell i think i fixed my audio error and if i did fix it, it was something realllllly stupid :P15:39
JuasjeroBrimstones: perhaps this could work?15:39
JuasjeroBrimstones: http://infoqueue.wordpress.com/2010/01/10/fix-for-gnome-power-manager-problem-in-fedora/15:39
Chorupkataisolat3dsh33p, .. i'm not talking about speed but for functionality .. cause main sometime don't get the click events.. for example, the flash player of youtube.. is almost every time not working.15:39
JuasjeroBrimstones: it says... "Then i deleted( use rm command to delete ) those bulkies to freeup the memory space.Then i restarted( shutdown -r 0) the system."15:40
BrimstonesJuasjero: w815:40
Guest12112now fix kernel crash ?15:40
kersurkIs tun already part of the kernel in Ubuntu?15:41
isolat3dsh33pChorupkata, it doesn't fail on me so far. Functionality works.15:41
kersurkI need it to set up Hamachi.15:41
CrOnOs__can someone tell me where the list of modules that load on boot time are stored is not etc/modules i check15:41
kersurkrunning sudo modprobe tun reports: FATAL: Module tun not found.15:41
BrimstonesJuasjero: priv ? ... id like to debug this if possible15:42
JuasjeroBrimstones: some people suggest to edit Menu.lst in order to deactivate  the ACPI15:42
BrimstonesJuasjero: Nooo :)15:42
james1892anybody know how I can edit my http/1.1?15:43
Chorupkataisolat3dsh33p,  the link for the flashplayer 10 / 64bit on the tutorial that u posted... is not working ?from where u downloaded the tar.gz package?15:43
GlowballThe hfsplus package "allows access to HFS+ volumes", does that include both reading and writing?15:44
Picijames1892: Maybe the apache support channel would be more appropriate: #httpd15:44
digitalfizok so i even changed out the power supply and ubuntu still shuts down at boot. ive tried new memory, new psu and versions 9.10(32bit and 64bit and 10.04 and all do the same thing15:44
fleebailey33anyone try booting ubuntu on the new macbook pro?15:44
erUSULGlowball: writting is more than experimental afaik ( and no posible if the volume is journaled which is the norm nowadays)15:45
GlowballerUSUL: Mkay. But reading is safe?15:45
isolat3dsh33pChorupkata, sorry, that's the outdated version I guess. I downloaded the plugin using the script from here. -> http://www.myscienceisbetter.info/install-native-64bit-flash-player-10-on-linux.html15:45
fleebailey33anyone try booting ubuntu on the new macbook pro?15:45
TurbolinuxHello everyone. Can you recommend an instant messenger software which supports video and audio call at same time? Thank you.15:45
erUSULGlowball: should be15:45
GlowballerUSUL: Ty. Just no writing then.15:46
geekphreakTurbolinux: empathy15:46
TurbolinuxGeekphreak: How? With an extension?15:46
digitalfizdidnt know empathy has voice and video15:46
idlemindfleebailey33: i've ran ubuntu on a macbook pro for some time now ... just recently got a new hp computer15:46
Guest12112now fix kernel crash ?15:47
UrdaQuestion: Is there an IRC channel for Landscape?15:47
digitalfizdunno why anyone would run ubuntu on a mac lol thats like putting a v6 in a mustang15:47
* ayam_jago ancoooorrr koneksiiiii zzzzzzz15:47
erUSULUrda: /msg alis list *landscape*15:47
UrdaGuess not :s15:48
idlemindso. i get an error when using KernelCheck to build and install a new kernel. the error i get is completely after compilation but rather during building the deb files it seems. the error is "The UTS Release version in include/linux/version.h does not match current version" anyone able to put in some thoughts?15:48
geekphreakit does say it support audio and video (cam),15:48
TurbolinuxGeekphreak: Can you tell me the support method of the program?15:48
TurbolinuxOK. I understand.15:48
idleminddigitalfiz: ubuntu runs very well on mac. i have 64 bit and all is well15:49
csna152hey does anyone know how to get Ubuntu 9.10 Desktop to start its eth0 interface when it first boots up? I tried adding it to the /etc/network/interface and put auto eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp but that doesnt seem to work. My problem is that if the machine is woken up remotely it wont start its eth0 connection while its on the login screen until any button on the keyboard is pressed. I would like to be able to remote into the machin15:49
geekphreakTurbolinux: think we are not on same page, sorry mate15:49
TurbolinuxWhat did you mean Geekphreak?15:50
LzrdKingi had 64 bits but i lost a few; i'm down to 61 now15:50
geekphreakTurbolinux: i meant, i think i got your question wrong15:50
ayam_jagocsna152, check the auto connect on eth0 network manager15:50
mrphow do i add add-apt-resp15:50
padhucsna152: are you tried sudo dhclient?15:50
Guest12112!kernel crash15:50
TurbolinuxOK. That's not a problem.15:51
csna152yes im a dhcp client.. I mean 99% of the time i have the same ip address but that address is still in the dynamic range of the router so it could change at some point in time.15:51
dakor give it a static ip csna15215:51
desdajaHello, how can i get my subwoofer working in karmic? The regular surround sound works, just not the sub. Thanks15:52
ayam_jagoyes static ip :)15:52
rampage73anyone know how i can verify if iscsitarget is working?15:53
rampage73i cannot seem to find it with open-iscsi or windows iscsi initiator15:53
guntbertGuest12112: please provide more details15:54
isolat3dsh33pTurbolinux, I think it does support voice and audio call. But not for popular protocols. :(15:56
epaphusHello. While installing openoffice.org it refuses to install 4 packages due to the following : Err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com karmic-updates/main openjdk-6-jre-lib 6b16-1.6.1-3ubuntu1  404  Not Found [IP: 80]15:56
epaphusanybody know why>?15:56
epaphusor how to fix15:56
Chorupkataisolat3dsh33p, i try it.. same shit :) my click events are not working :)15:57
guntbertepaphus: are you on lucid?15:57
TurbolinuxI have to look for the suitable software a bit more time isolat3dsh33p.15:57
guntbert!language | Chorupkata15:57
ubottuChorupkata: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.15:57
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gpmanrpiI am running lucid upgraded from karmic, and it seems to be crashing on the gdm login screen.  I can start x as any user except for one on my box and I think that might be part of the problem.  Any advice on where to look for what is causing the problem?15:57
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epaphusguntbert, 9.10 .. i fixed it with apt-get update15:58
guntbertepaphus: ok :-)15:58
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isolat3dsh33pisolat3dsh33p, too bad ;)15:58
isolat3dsh33pChorupkata, too bad ;)15:58
LzrdKingi installed xvncserver which is a separate X server but i really wanted to install a vncserver that would let me see my existing X session15:58
isolat3dsh33pChorupkata, did you remove old plugins and close firefox before you run the script?15:58
isolat3dsh33p*old flash plugins15:59
TurbolinuxCan you recommend a messaging program which supports video and audio call at same time. AMsn doesn't support this two services in one call.15:59
TurbolinuxThank you.16:00
Derick_BC_SCalgum brasileiro online?16:00
Pici!br | Derick_BC_SC16:00
ubottuDerick_BC_SC: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.16:00
isolat3dsh33pTurbolinux, there's none AFAIK16:00
Chorupkataisolat3dsh33p, yes..16:01
Chorupkataisolat3dsh33p, i fix it..16:02
LevexHello, I have some VOB files and I need to write it to a DVD, so that it can be played by any standard dvd player. :)16:02
isolat3dsh33pChorupkata, so you solved your problem? :/16:02
Levexcan anyone help?16:02
LzrdKingwhat vnc server doesn;t have gnome deps?16:02
Chorupkataisolat3dsh33p, .. yep..16:02
Chorupkataisolat3dsh33p, now is working pretty good..16:02
industrialCan I modify the NotifyOSD behaviour to NOT disappear when I hover my mouse over it? Ideally when someone signs on on Pidgin and I click (not not possible because the bubble hides) on the bubble it would open a private message with that person (or whatever the behaviour for that bubble/application would do..). Growl on OS X is a good example.16:02
isolat3dsh33pChorupkata, nice ;)16:02
TurbolinuxDoes WLM Messenger work good with Wine software? Does video and audio call run fine with emulation?16:02
erkan^daily = no safe?16:03
erkan^or development? :S16:03
isolat3dsh33pChorupkata, post some tutorials for felow poor mates :D16:03
g0shoeis it worth moving to lucid?16:03
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule16:03
ruadhHi.  Is it possible to upgrade from Ubuntu 8.10 to Ubuntu 9.10 using the update manager?16:03
padhuLevex: use Brasero CD/DVD burner16:03
Levexpadhu, it doesnt work as VIDEO neither do DATA work16:03
guntbertruadh: no16:03
guntbert!upgrade | ruadh16:04
ubotturuadh: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading16:04
ruadhah pity16:04
isolat3dsh33pg0shoe, I'm using the latest beta at the moment. Works fine with the graphics and no grand failure so far :)16:04
arandruadh: doable in steps, make sure to backup first.16:04
Chorupkataisolat3dsh33p, ... :) huh .. it's kind of a magic ;)16:04
g0shoeis it worth it though?16:04
arandruadh: You will have to go through 9.04.16:05
padhuFirst your video play in linux. I mean plugin is needed16:05
isolat3dsh33pChorupkata, haha. :)16:05
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:05
jongbergsjoing #edubuntu16:06
jshrivergreetings, anyone know when 10 will be out of beta?16:07
h00k!lucid | jshriver16:07
ubottujshriver: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule16:07
jshriveralso how do you start the wireless network manager in gnome? that little icon in the top corner16:07
isolat3dsh33pg0shoe, yeah. Faster boot up, no authentication for mounting any drives, better disk utility, comes with most recent softwares etc... I think it worth it. Plus, it'll be released soon ;)16:07
jshriverbeen running 10beta for about a month or so and love it16:08
Levexmy brasero freezes when I want to add VOB files to VIDEO projects @padhu16:08
duffydack!irssi > duffydack16:08
ubottuduffydack, please see my private message16:08
g0shoeisolat3dsh33p  i'm just reading some reviews16:08
Brimstonesg0shoe: Lucid and the nvidia driver doesnt play nice atm. The nv driver is slow as hell. Other then that its working, but not more updated then 9.10 from what i can see.16:08
padhuLevex: Try it with k3b16:09
g0shoeit seems that people think thre new theme is a bit of a osx ripoff16:09
h00k!lucid | g0shoe, Brimstones16:09
ubottug0shoe, Brimstones: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule16:09
Levexpadhu: will try, thanks16:09
inohhi, i am trying to use my tv as a monitor, but no matter what settings i use i am unable to get it to display properly.  I have a nvidia 8000M graphics card and a 42" samsung plasma tv. does anyone know how to do this16:09
padhuLevex: Burning softwares need plugin for vob, keep it in your mind16:10
Levexpadhu: already installed 'em16:10
isolat3dsh33pg0shoe, that's not so important since you can always change the theme. In current Lucid version, you don't have to go to gconf to change the location of the window buttons ;)16:10
avajeshcan anybody help me to configure my webcam on 9.04 desktop?16:10
Piciisolat3dsh33p: Please use #ubuntu+1 for Lucid discussion :)16:10
padhuLevex: That's good, let us try16:10
g0shoeisolat3dsh33p i see16:11
isolat3dsh33pPici, haha.16:11
CrOnOs__avajesh:  what model webcam16:11
Levexpadhu: I'm makeing k3b16:11
padhuavajesh: what is your problem?16:11
avajeshit is written Zippys on that.16:11
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »16:11
g0shoealthough, i wonder wether linux won't lose it's charm when it becomes16:11
g0shoetoo easy to use16:11
padhuGood, Levex :-)16:12
isolat3dsh33pg0shoe, there are still other distros ;)16:12
g0shoeubuntu that is16:12
avajeshCrOnOs__ , it is a usb webcam.16:13
CrOnOs__avajesh:  you need to tell us what model of webcam you have so we can help you16:14
isolat3dsh33pavajesh, what software do you use for your webcam?16:14
avajeshnothing . i m trying with empathy16:14
inohhow do i configure an external display?16:14
sudayaavajesh: use lsusb in terminal16:14
padhuavajesh:  what about /var/log/messages says16:15
avajeshi am getting:   Bus 003 Device 002: ID 1b3b:293616:15
Levexpadhu: problem is, I don't have audio_TS neither video_TS16:15
padhuavajesh: If you are using webcam for video chat, then try GyarchE-improved16:16
=== JEEBcz is now known as JEEB
avajeshmy problem is: ubuntu is not recognizing it as a webcam16:17
rezzywhat webcam is it?16:18
terjehi, how can I get to the grub menu when a system is booting?16:18
avajeshressy, it is zippys webcam . id is:  ID 1b3b:293616:18
sudayaavajesh: did u try with cheese16:19
rezzycheese won't work16:19
nytek_rezzy: what wm are you using?16:19
guntbertterje: press the right <shift>16:19
CrOnOs__google say it uses gspca driver yesterday i tryed help some one else same driver16:19
rezzywhat wm ?16:19
nytek_you might want to try running it as root16:19
Levexpadhu: problem is, I don't have audio_TS neither video_TS16:20
nytek_rezzy: wait16:20
jahredHello all16:20
nytek_rezzy: is there are video0 in your /dev directory?16:20
avajeshi m using empathy and pidgin, skype.16:20
CrOnOs__but the package ubuntu has is a source that is obsolete for new kernel need a patch that i havent found16:20
rezzynytek_: i did not ask a question mate, avajesh asked the question16:20
padhuLevex: after writing?16:21
rezzyi just said trying to test your webcam in cheese won't work16:21
nytek_avajesh: look at my message to rezzy lol16:21
Levexpadhu: before16:21
nytek_rezzy: lol, sorry for the confusion.16:21
rezzynytek_: its fine lol16:21
terjewell, so I installed an update last night to my lucid system16:22
terjeand now it doesn't boot. :(16:22
terjeI'm trying to get to the grub menu to boot another kernel16:22
rezzybut i am having some problems with java, once again tried installing it through terminal, but it is not working at all, might be an installation error16:22
terjeI get to "Loading Grub"16:22
terjethen it just stops booting16:22
shriniteam: need help on nfs client16:22
terjeany suggestions?16:22
padhuLevex: i think ffmpeg ugly plugin crashed. try apt-get update ffmpeg16:23
rezzyavajesh: what model is your zippy webcam mate?16:23
shrinimy share is getting disconnected often.16:23
avajeshrezzy, no it is not there16:23
xentehello...can someone explain to me why I can't recompile freeradius with openssl support? or how to get around that?16:23
shrinihow to find the reason for NFS share getting disconnected?16:23
avajeshmodel is not written16:24
rezzydo you have a playstation eyetoy ?16:24
alketOpenOffice that comes installed by default in ubuntu is it java based ?16:24
LzrdKingshrini: i get "stale links" a lot16:24
avajeshno, rezzy16:24
geniialket: No, however, some parts of it do use java16:24
shriniLzrdKing: oh. what is mean by stale links? disconnected shares?16:24
alketgenii: so why do i need to install jre ?16:25
LzrdKingshrini: i have no idea what it means16:25
mgjfor those parts that use java? =P16:25
=== jahred_ is now known as newguy
geniialket: See http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Java_and_OpenOffice.org for an in depth explanation16:25
padhualket: yes.16:25
=== newguy is now known as anothernewguy
shriniLzrdKing: hmmm. any idea on finding the reason for NFS disconnection?16:26
rezzyavajesh: the id is defiantly a zippy but can't seem to find the model16:26
Levexpadhu: done, not working still16:26
padhuLevex: what is your version?16:26
avajeshrezzy, then how to find the driver?16:27
mikebeechamcan anyone help?  I've tried installing Kubuntu-desktop just to try it out, didnt like it and tried to remove it...I cant get rid of the bloody thing...it's messed up my booting splash screens, fonts etc16:27
Levexpadhu: karmic16:27
Dr_Willismikebeecham:  err fonts? it shouldent of messed up your fonts.16:27
Dr_Willis!puregnome | mikebeecham16:27
ubottumikebeecham: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get --purge remove kdelibs4c2a kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal16:27
mikebeechamDr_Willis: it messed up the fonts in Google Chrome16:27
mikebeechammade them all fixed width16:27
=== jahred_ is now known as cluelessnewguy
Dr_Willismikebeecham:  odd.. I dont have the issue here.16:28
padhumikebeecham: are you backed up your files or not?16:28
rezzyavajesh: you sure there is no model number under the webcam, on the wire ect?16:28
CrOnOs__avajesh:  why dont you try update-usbids maybe you can get more info on the model16:28
mikebeechamDr_Willis: going to try that removal cmd16:28
mikebeechampadhu: nope16:28
mikebeechamI'm an adventurist :D16:29
padhuLevex: just try to update all audio and video plugins. The only problem is lib file contra. I faced it a year before.16:29
avajeshCrOnOs__, doing that. wait16:29
padhumikebeecham: then what? restart your fresh installation ;-)16:30
rezzyi don't think there is a specific driver for your webcam16:30
rezzycan anyone help me with a java installatio issue?16:30
avajesh CrOnOs__, rezzy, not it is coming  ID 1b3b:2936 iPassion Technology Inc. PC Camera/Webcam controller16:30
padhuavajesh: are you having windows driver for webcam?16:31
Levexpadhu: thanks for help, I'm gonna update my whole system16:31
avajeshLevex, yes16:31
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.16:31
mikebeechamwell at least I know I'm gnome through and through...dont think I need to go down the kde route again :D16:31
mikebeechamthanks guys16:31
Levexavajesh: what?16:31
avajeshyes , iam having windows driver16:31
adityag1name any pdf reader for 9.10?16:32
padhuLevex: good thing but it will take an little bit time. :-)16:32
geniiadityag1: xpdf16:33
rezzyavajesh: seems there is no drivers that i can find for you, do you have a built in webcam ? or any other webcam16:33
Levexpadhu: of course16:33
avajeshit is a usb webcam.16:33
padhuadityag1:  ubuntu itself have an PDF file reader as default16:33
adityag1 padhu: i cant open a pdf file... so i asked here16:34
avajeshrezzy, i mean not built in16:34
marko-_-can you make ubuntus wallpaper make to change a background every hour or so16:35
shriniis it possible to get logs for NFS share mounts?16:35
padhuavajesh:  then try it with NDSwrapper16:35
avajeshpadhu, can u explain?16:35
padhuavajesh:  Just google for more detail16:35
avajeshk .thanks., padhu.16:36
rezzyavajesh: try typing this into terminal gstreamer-properties , click enter and see if you can see your webcam in that16:36
james1892I want to add cache control without adding to .htaccess do i edit /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default?16:36
padhuadityag1:  you may use xpdf viewer16:37
Dr_Willisshrini:  most servers have settings to give different levels of logging into files in /var/log16:37
nichoshi all, anyone know anything about the WDGREEN HD's? I'm wondering if they're fast enough for HD content (mythtv)16:37
mikebeechamDr_Willis: thanks for the heads up on removing Kubuntu...the only things that are still an issue are that 1) I still have the Kubuntu splash screen and 2)I cannot change the pointers back to default?16:37
cluelessnewguythe greens are just as good as the blacks16:37
shriniDr_Willis: yes. But, could not find anything for NFS16:37
avajeshrezzy, shall i paste the output here?16:37
KentrelHi, I'm running an opengl program through wine and it only loads in my second monitor. How do I make it apear in my main monitor16:37
shriniDr_Willis: I am getting NFS shares disconnected often16:37
cluelessnewguyI have two of the latest blacks running RAID 0... they perform like dogs16:37
Dr_Willismikebeecham:  like its a critical thing. :)  Theres proberly some command for the splash (i alwyas disable splash) and for the pointers.. use the gnome theme stuff to select some other pointers16:37
shriniDr_Willis: want to solve it.16:38
Dr_Willisshrini:  ive never had much nfs problems. so cant help much more then to suggest the nfs wiki page.16:38
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.16:38
rezzyavajesh: has gstreamer popped up16:38
shriniDr_Willis: but, the server is pinging perfectly16:38
mikebeechamDr_Willis: I'm trying the gnome theme stuff to change, but no option works :(16:38
avajeshrezzy, yes16:38
Dr_Willisshrini:  you are using NFS on a lan? or over the internet?16:38
shriniDr_Willis: LAN16:38
padhumikebeecham: are you have any other OS with it16:38
shriniDr_Willis: only 10 machines16:38
Dr_Willisshrini:  ok. :)  over internet.. is not good idea.16:38
geniiadityag1: Is your home directory someplace unusual? Evince has a bug relating to that eg: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/910#Evince%20PDF%20viewer%20does%20not%20work%20for%20nonstandard%20home%20directories16:38
Dr_Willisshrini:  Hmm. No idea really -  ive not used nfs on more then 2-3 machines.16:39
shriniDr_Willis: :-)16:39
Spoilsi am attempting to run the ubuntu netbook remix from a cd-rom drive (usb) on my gf's netbook without mounting the drive... i want to run it so i can then connect an external hard drive to get her vids, pics, and music off of the drive before mounting the hard drive with ubuntu... i downloaded it on another PC... the icon appears as a file you'd want to "unzip" should i just burn that to a disk and then try to boot her nedbook from the cd-rom (usb) drive?16:39
rezzygo to video16:39
padhuavajesh: not here use pastebin.ubuntu.com16:39
rezzyand test16:39
mikebeechampadhu: just gnome16:39
shriniDr_Willis: okey16:39
rezzyavajesh: try changing the drop boxes to16:39
gemilanghello room, need some help. how to use camera in ubuntu 9.04?16:39
Dr_Willisshrini:  enable verbose logging, check nfs homepage for trouble shooting guides i guess16:39
marko-_-is there a way to make gnome change your wallpaper every hour or so16:39
Dr_Willisgemilang:  clarify more - what camera?  I just plug in my webcam and run cheese.. it works.16:39
shriniDr_Willis: any links for nfs homepage?16:39
Dr_Willisshrini:  nope.  i only foolw that !nfs factoid for my 3 pc lan16:40
avajeshrezzy: default video input is:  "none"16:40
gemilangdr_willis, my webcam is plug n play but i dont know how to use it, any suggest16:40
rezzyavajesh: if you can provide me with a picture of you webcam i might be able to help more16:40
rezzyavajesh: via google images or something mate16:40
padhumikebeecham: Are you tried single use mode or safe mode?16:41
avajeshrezzy, but i dont have a picture now.16:41
Dr_Willisgemilang:  i said.. i plug mine in.. and  use the 'cheese' program.. try that?16:41
moreiaI have more of a Virtual Box question. Feel free to tell me I'm crazy. I installed Ubuntu on a Thinkpad. I actually have rescue disks, but didn't keep a windows partition. Can I somehow use the rescue disks to install Vista under Virtual Box?16:41
mikebeechampadhu: single16:41
Dr_Willis!info cheese16:41
ubottucheese (source: cheese): A tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component main, is optional. Version 2.28.1-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 2423 kB, installed size 7144 kB16:41
luismmontielghello, anyone here knows why I cant compile gnome-java examples, I've just installed via aptitude the libjava-gnome-java package16:41
luismmontielgits not on the classpath yet16:41
gemilangDr_willis, i find cheese in update manager?16:42
rezzyavajesh: i think there are no suitable drivers as of yet, but i'm sure when a expert comes on they will be able to help you more16:42
moreiagemilang: you find cheese in synatpic16:42
moreiagemilang: sorry. Synaptic.16:42
padhumikebeecham: single user mode16:42
gemilangmoreia, okay thanks so much16:42
avajeshthanks to all.16:43
mikebeechampadhu: sorry but your english is confusing me?16:43
avajeshbye, rezzy16:43
mikebeechami dont understand16:43
rezzyavajesh: sorry i could not help16:44
Micheal`whats a good download manager these days?16:44
Dr_Willisgemilang:  its either installed.. or in the package manager.. yes16:44
Flare-Laptop!best | Micheal`16:44
ubottuMicheal`: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:44
Micheal`didnt say best just a good one16:44
padhuMicheal`: wget, still i think16:45
dacshi folks16:45
gemilangDr_willis, my synaptic doesnt have "cheese", what should i do16:45
moreiagemilang: what version are you running?16:45
Dr_Willisgemilang:  what verson of ubuntu are you using?16:45
moreiagemilang: and cheese doesn't show up in synaptic?16:46
Dr_WillisNo idea if cheese is avail for that or not.. or if theres a PPA for it.16:46
jerry_hey, i just did a fresh install of 9.10 karmic and cant get flash or wmvs to play again16:46
dacsi don't know what happen , but everytime i do apt-get i keep getting "could not connect ot localhost:9999 ( -connect (111:connection refused {IP 9999}16:46
moreiaGemilang, Dr_Willis: it should be there: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=default&section=all&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=cheese16:46
jerry_im running 64 bit and i placved the libflashplayer.so into /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ folder and also for wmv they play sound but no picture16:46
moreiagemilang: have you done some tweaking to your sources list?16:47
moreiaseriously though folks: Vista on Virtual Box from Recovery Disks? Am I missing something?16:47
geekphreakarvind_khadri:  hi16:48
gemilangmoreia, im not sure i do that, because my desktop used by many person in my house16:48
geekphreakrocket16: hey bud16:48
rocket16geekphreak: Hello, :)16:48
Dr_Willismoreia:  using  the disks a PC maker supplies to restore to virtialbox you mean?16:48
sabatorIs it possible to configure mdadm to build RAID5 with USB HDD /dev/sda.. without automatically mount the RAID5 at system startup, identify USB Harddrive with sdparm, and if we restart the system and the USB detection order have changed, we can identify USB Harddrive again with sdparm, then remount RAID5 with mdadm and the proper HDD order for RAID to work ex: /dev/sdb1 /dev/sda1) ? or the order is only provided to mdadm at creation of16:48
moreiaDr_Willis: yeah.16:49
ikoniasabator: that's strongly not advised, the usb device will make it very very slow16:49
rezzyanyone help me with a java issue ?16:49
gemilangmoreia, i have open your link, then what should i do?16:49
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Dr_Willismoreia:  often those sets are for very specific hardware and some how detect/refuse to work on other hardware.16:49
rocket16rezzy: Sure, I'll gladly try,16:49
JuasjeroThe configuration defaults for GNOME Power Manager  have not been installed correctly. Contact system administrator.16:49
jerry_anyone know why avis would play sound but not picture in mplayer or vlc in ubuntu 9.10 x64 ?16:49
rocket16rezzy: What is the problem?16:50
moreiaDr_Willis: Argh. Okay. Thanks.16:50
rezzyrocket16: let me try it one more time, and ill tell you whats the problem mate16:50
nimrod10jerry_, do you have compositing on ?16:50
rocket16rezzy: Sure,16:50
jerry_nimrod10, not sure what you mean by compositing ?16:50
moreiagemilang: You probably want to pastebin the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list16:50
nimrod10jerry_, do you have compiz on ?16:51
jerry_i do16:51
jerry_running nvidia 8800 gtx with nvidia drivers16:51
sabatorikonia: I know for speed, my question is: is it physically and logically possible with Ubuntu and/or Linux ?16:51
rezzyrocket16: Reading package lists... Done16:51
rezzyBuilding dependency tree16:51
rezzyReading state information... Done16:51
rezzyReading extended state information16:51
rezzyInitialising package states... Done16:51
FloodBot4rezzy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:51
rezzyWriting extended state information... Done16:51
jerry_i tried disabled desktop effects though and still no picture16:51
haavarosI want to record and play mouse events. Record module in X is broken, so gnee/xnee and xmacro is too. Any other suggestions?16:51
nimrod10jerry_, try to turn compiz off (in the advanced settings) and the try again . This is just to rule this out16:51
dacsi don't know what happen , but everytime i do apt-get i keep getting "could not connect ot localhost:9999 ( -connect (111:connection refused {IP 9999}16:51
rocket16rezzy: Friend, better to post on Pastebin or Codepad, and then give me a link,16:51
geekphreakrezzy:  plz use pastebin , for result :)16:51
moreiagemilang: per that list, Cheese should be in the standard repostitories since Hardy, (9.04 is Jaunty, i think) so if searching in Synaptic doesn't turn anything up the next step is to make sure the source hasn't been disabled.16:51
ubottuCanadian Ubuntu users can be found in #ubuntu-ca16:52
jerry_advanced setings being compiz settings manager ? or something else ?16:52
geekphreakjerry_:  nvidia card ?16:52
nimrod10jerry_,  yes those16:52
Dr_Willisdacs: You perhaps have some sort of proxy setup.16:52
jerry_yes geekphreak16:52
nimrod10jerry_,  sorry16:52
rocket16rezzy: As far as I can see, no problem seems to be there,16:52
padhusabator: Not possible16:52
rezzyrocket16: http://paste.ubuntu.com/419913/16:52
moreiagemilang: but: are you able to launch synaptic and search for other software to install?16:52
nimrod10jerry_, I meant there is a setting in appearance where you can turn compiz off16:52
rocket16rezzy: Thanks, let me see once, the problem details16:53
jerry_nimrod10, all i have is 3 different radio buttsonf ro diff levels of effects16:53
geekphreakjerry_:  you installed drivers from manf. site or ubuntu repos?16:53
rezzyrocket16: well when i go on a java aplication, chat room it wants me to install java16:53
jerry_ubuntu repos16:53
nimrod10jerry_, put on none16:53
jerry_added nvidia ppa repo16:53
gemilangmoreia, yes i am able to do that16:53
rocket16rezzy: Is Java installed on your System?16:53
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:53
g0aliathif i plug in an external USB device and ubuntu does nothing about it (i.e. no "auto play" feature) what would be my next step in trying to access the usb mass storage device16:53
Guest13331may I ask a question?16:53
moreiagemilang: so then the next step is to look at sources.list16:53
rezzyrocket16: sorry for the inconvience seems its working now :/ cheers for the assistance though mate16:54
jerry_ok i set to none for effects and now play still same thing16:54
geekphreak!ask | Guest1333116:54
ubottuGuest13331: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:54
jerry_although the file has a screenshot of the video itself16:54
rocket16Guest13331: Sure, you are free to ask16:54
gemilangmoreia, okay16:54
rocket16rezzy: My pleasure, :)16:54
nimrod10jerry_,  what type of file is that ? avi mpeg ?16:54
lalalolWTF is wrong with vlc!? it randomly sees certain keys as pausekeys, and vlc is minimized!16:54
rezzyjust getting my head around linux again atm keep going back onto windows then back onto this16:54
jerry_xvid mpeg 416:54
jerry_in avi container16:55
moreiagemilang: alternatively, you can look under Settings > Repositories in synaptic.16:55
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs16:55
rocket16Guest13331: So, what is it you want to ask?16:55
Guest13331ok... ubuntu 9.10... I seem to have lost tyhe maximize, minimize buttons on all windows and apps... I can also not drag to resize... how can I fix it?16:55
gemilangmoreia,  hmm, repositories in synaptic. i will learn it first. okay16:56
dacsDr_Willis: how would i change it16:56
rocket16lalalol: Friend, I have VLC too, but it can't play many VCDs (But DVD play nicely). So, I use GXine. Is there a way to get VLC Working?16:56
nimrod10jerry_, what application are you using to play it ?16:56
jerry_vlc and mplayer16:56
dacsDr_Willis: prefernces>network proxy is set to connect direct to internet16:56
nimrod10jerry_, try smplayer16:56
rocket16Guest13331: Can you send a screenshot of your System? I suppose, your metacity encountered a problem16:56
jerry_what is weird though is i have another hard drive with ubuntu 9.10 i pulled from this machine while i was doing some testing and diid a fresh 9.10 install last night and now vids dont work16:57
jerry_installing smplayer though :)16:57
Guest13331will try :)16:57
xivenWhere would I look at to learn about the Patching of Gtk/Qt by canonical?16:57
nimrod10jerry_, probably you don't have some codecs installed16:57
rocket16Guest13331: Use "Alt+F2", and type "gnome-terminal", then enter "sudo apt-get install openbox". After it is installed, use "openbox --replace" command16:57
rezzymy name is grey :(16:57
rezzyand writing :'(16:57
chrisw1what's the ubuntu package name for apache?16:57
nimrod10jerry_, have you been through the video menu from help.ubuntu.com ?16:57
jerry_not recently16:58
jerry_ill take a look16:58
rocket16rezzy: Are you using Pidgin or Empathy?16:58
ikoniarezzy: hello, welcome to #ubuntu, this channel is for discussing ubuntu related issues16:58
lalalolrocket16, what things dont work with vlc?16:58
rocket16lalalol: Only VCDs, :(16:58
nimrod10jerry_, because if smplayer, mplayer , vlc fail even with compiz off then it should be a codec problem16:58
rezzyim chatting on xchat, im just saying on this you have blue names , and black writing, i have grey lol :/16:58
Dr_WillisVCD's - old skool :)16:58
rocket16lalalol: So, I switched to GXine a few days ago,16:58
lalalolrocket16, what error do you get when you try to play lets say a movie or so16:59
jerry_nimrod10, im think i missed gstreamer ugly and bad16:59
rocket16lalalol: Error says "Error opening media"16:59
nimrod10jerry_, is it working now ?16:59
karstensragehow do you find out whats listening on port 80 ? netstat -nap isnt showing an pid for the port17:00
Shafieidoes anybody know, how to install eclipse.tar.gz in ubuntu17:00
Guest13331my terminal comes up as a blank white box17:00
xivenCan anyone tell me where to learn to learn about Canonical's patching? There is soo much patching of Qt for example that it causes problems with a software I use.17:00
Picikarstensrage: apply sudo17:00
Shafieii just extracted it! and donno what to do17:00
h00kShafiei: sudo aptitude install eclipse17:00
jerry_i just tried "sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh" and it cannot connect to medibuntu17:00
cyber-liferezzy: Open Preferences, there select "Text box" and then, uncheck "colourise nicknames"17:00
Picixiven: You may want to start in #kubuntu-devel17:00
lalalolrocket16, and do you have all the necessary drivers for your system?17:00
sabatorpadhu: would have you said the same thing to Thomas Edison with his light bulb?17:00
h00kjerry_: medibuntu is down17:00
Shafieih00k: i want to install it using .tar.gz!! how shall i?17:00
rocket16lalalol: Yes, I do have. And Gxine seems to work fine17:00
karstensragePici: excellent thank you17:01
Shafieii have it on hand!17:01
karstensragefmsedge is what holding it17:01
h00kShafiei: I'm not sure why you'd want to, but check their documentation, I suppose.17:01
jerry_what about flash 10 x64 version? I wget and moved to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins and no flash support still17:01
rocket16Friends, very sorry. just now Cyber-life logged, and he is none but me, I just ran XChat one time. So, please don't consider it to be sockpuppetry.17:01
rezzygoing to try and install eyetoy webcam17:01
Shafieium! if i have a bin file! how can i make it to be shown in applications menu in gnome??17:01
padhusabator: no. somebody,  ;-)17:01
h00kShafiei: why don't you install the proper package?17:01
Shafieibecause i dont have enough internet traffic17:02
lalalolrocket16, maybe the media you wanna play with vlc is corrupt, or does gxine play it?17:02
rocket16Guest13331: Ok, then use "Ctrl+Alt+F2", that is Virtual console17:02
h00kShafiei: you will have to add your own menu entries17:02
rocket16lalalol: Yes, Gxine playes it nicely17:02
lalalolrocket16, lets pm17:02
Shafieio0k. tnx17:02
rocket16lalalol: Sure,17:02
h00k!pm | lalalol, rocket1617:02
ubottulalalol, rocket16: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:02
jerry_i even tried installing flash via plugin finder but no youtube or flash17:03
rezzyis it possible to make shortcuts on desktops, for example i have spotify but i have to run a code in terminal?17:03
jerry_rezzy, make a script and set it executable and should be able to run from desktop i believe17:03
AoP|Bosshey, any good pixel artists here?17:03
rezzyjerry: thanks never mind done it anyway cheers17:03
ikoniaAoP|Boss: try #ubuntu-artwork17:03
ninjai_How does ubuntu behave with android phones? I know android is linux, but do they play nice together for adding music and stuff?17:05
rocket16rezzy: Or, you can make a new launcher there too17:06
h00kninjai_: if you have a memory card, it's basically click/drag17:06
rezzyrocket16: ive just dragged the spotify from wine onto the desktop , seems to work17:07
ninjai_h00k: That's what I thought.  Just liek my precious Cowon D2... a mountable hard disk :D17:07
dacsi don't know what happen , but everytime i do apt-get i keep getting "could not connect ot localhost:9999 ( -connect (111:connection refused {IP 9999}17:08
rocket16rezzy: O yes, :) After launching once, it will ask you, whether to mark it as Trusted or not. If you say yes, it will be a wine shortcut, :)17:08
dacsi can browse the net just fine thu17:08
rezzyrocket16: yup thats what ive done :) right brb going to try and install eyetoy webcam17:08
rocket16rezzy: Great, :)17:09
sabatorWho is an EXPERT with mdadm and USB devices ?17:09
rocket16Guest13331: Friend, did that command work?17:09
rocket16sabator: I am not, but I will try to help.17:09
rocket16!hi | lukefeil17:09
ubottulukefeil: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:09
rampage73anyone know where i can get help with iscsi and ubuntu ?17:10
axisyshow do I convert a SVG file to PDF ?17:10
lalalolis Wicd better than network manager?17:10
rampage73i mean is this the channel or is there a better onw17:10
frxstremhow do I install gtkmm in Ubuntu?17:11
lukefeilafaik, in 10.04 is no more HAL17:11
lukefeilwhen i upgarde from 9.10, does he work without HAL or is there a rest of it?17:12
Brimstoneslukefeil: They are just renaming programs like HAL, UDEV etc17:12
midijakerocket16... I had to reboot.. I was here as Guest with the missing maximize buttons17:12
rezzyrocket16: do you know the shortcut, for gstreamer properties forgot :/17:12
sabatorrocket16: I try to see if there is a way to create a RAID5, unmount, restart system, identify harddrives then re mount the RAID5 over USB.  idea or hyperlink are welcome ?17:12
rocket16midijake: Sure, no problem.17:12
rezzyits alt f something17:13
rocket16sabator: You can make a Start Up script for that, :)17:13
JuasjeroThe configuration defaults for GNOME Power Manager  have not been installed correctly. Contact system administrator.. Help.17:13
rocket16rezzy: I is "totem"17:13
Juasjerowhat hte...17:13
c3lcan someone recommend a nice tool for metadata and id3 tag editing? on multiple files etc17:13
FloodBot4Juasjero: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:14
rezzybut theres like a code like f12 or something17:14
rocket16rezzy: Oh, is that "Ctrl+P", try it once, :)17:14
rocket16rezzy: I think Ctrl+P will do the job, :)17:14
rezzyrocket16: no thats for a podcast lol, its a shortcut, where you can search for things to open17:15
rocket16rezzy: Oh sorry, I thought you might be telling about Internal properties of Gstreamer17:16
moreiac3l: there's a command line library. Other than that, I'll be curious to know what you find.17:16
rezzyrocket16: never mind got the eyetoy showing up in gstreamer, going to see if it will work in emesene17:16
dacsplease could someone help me17:16
rocket16rezzy: Sure, :) If that doesn't, you can try aMSN too, :)17:17
crucialhoax!ask | dacs17:17
ubottudacs: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:17
rocket16dacs: Sure, what is the issue?17:17
c3lmoreia, you mean to edit tags? theres got to be loads of them out there?17:17
dacsi don't know what happen , but everytime i do apt-get i keep getting "could not connect ot localhost:9999 ( -connect (111:connection refused {IP 9999}17:17
rezzyrocket16: works in emese xD17:17
rocket16rezzy: Nice, :)17:18
MauL^what should I do to escape new line character after <%= %>17:18
moreiac3l: So then what are you looking for. I guess I'm confused.17:18
MauL^and before..17:18
crucialhoaxdacs: try ping
rocket16dacs: Oh, did you try "sudo apt-get" command?17:18
rezzygood times x] thats me nearly sorted, just my right speaker :L17:18
dacsrocket16: ^^ yeah17:18
rocket16dacs: Oh,17:18
rocket16dacs: I think a recent Package failure might be the reason.17:19
rocket16dacs: Then, try looking at Synaptic, and check out whether broken packages are there or not.17:19
dacsrocket16: 9999 is my proxy server port ...but17:20
c3lmoreia, I want to edit metadata on mostly mp3's and flac's, the id3 tags and such..17:20
crucialhoaxdacs: `sudo apt-get check`17:20
dacsprefernces>network proxy is set to connect direct to internet17:20
rezzyanyone got call of duty 8-)17:20
moreiac3l: the package that didn't make me tear my hair out was just called id3 (I looked)17:21
dacscrucialhoax: apt-get check sucessful17:21
c3lmoreia, sounds great, thanks alot17:21
clotterm123hi. i want to install ubuntu on a server. the only problem is that i just have a monitor via telnet, so i'm quite limited on the displaying of sth. does anybody know how to avoid the splash-options of the ubuntu installer?17:21
morouhow I can punt programs to autostart under console? I must put some lines in /etc/rc.locale?17:21
=== merkel is now known as Guest50087
moreiac3l: it is command line,  though.17:21
moreiac3l: don't thank me so fast :P17:21
SpamapSclotterm123: ubuntu server's installer is text only IIRC.17:22
moreiac3l: seriously, though, i found that it was more straightforward to do what I wanted with the cli tool.17:22
c3lmoreia, haha :D well even though command line is what I mostly prefer I dont know when it comes to browsing around and editing multiple files ..17:22
* SpamapS ponders firing up virtualbox attached to virtual serial port and minicom to test that theory17:22
rocket16I tried python gdm setup, and changed my Login screen. Is there a way to get it back? Should I reinstall GDM Login screen there?17:22
clotterm123SpamapS: well, yeah, but i can't get any response in my telnet window of my remote host17:23
clotterm123it just sasy "boot:"17:23
SpamapSclotterm123: I assume this is via some sort of server management device?17:24
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clotterm123SpamapS: yes17:24
MauL^what is the way to escape new line characters whenever I use <%= %>17:25
=== Guest97281 is now known as car|0s
cc4hi. how can I enable a amiga paraller port joystick on ubuntu?17:26
duleepwhen file move to my usb pen drive ubuntu will stack17:26
lifestreamNot really ubuntu specific but I thought someone might know. I have many recipes I want to save to my disk, from a blogspot site. It doesn't have printer friendly page though, so whenever I print to PDF, it prints EVERYTHING. How can I force it to printer friendly?17:27
dacscrucialhoax: any tip please17:27
cc4can anyone help me please17:27
sabatorIf the BIOS don't detect properly big harddisk, can we use a DiskManager to see 1TB HDD even on oldest computers, any others tools on Linux ? Can we load it before the Kernel, if we want to install Ubuntu on the big drive ?17:27
moreialifestream:  if you want to get snazzy you can write local CSS to hide what you don't want to look at.17:28
lifestreammoreia: Hmmm..... ?   :P17:28
duleepanybody know what i do for this file moving problem17:28
biggawhy are all my apps showing up as UNAUTHENTICATED now when i try and install them17:28
Ven]nany of you familiar with supergrubdisk? im able to boot from the right partition (windows), but im unable to fix mbr17:29
duleepi can't copy big file in to usb pen drive17:29
biggadid the russian business network plan to sell my family into building siberian railway lines17:29
rocket16bigga: Thats because your System does not have Multiverse enabled17:29
duleepmachine will get shuck to17:29
maddhatHey everyone,  trying to get ubuntu server karmic netboot working but it says it cant find the ethernet driver.  any way to manually add it to the boot img?17:29
rocket16duleep: Is there enough space on the pen drive?17:29
duleeprocket: yap17:29
moreialifestream: or ... try the RSS view? http://foo.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss17:30
cc4how can I enable a amiga paraller port joystick on ubuntu?17:30
biggarocket16, am i missing a pgp key or something17:30
cc4help please17:30
duleepbut file system may be windows]17:30
rocket16bigga: Might be, but the thing is, do you have Multiverse enabled?17:30
Roasted_This may be a dumb question, but one I want to try my luck at anyway. I installed the Ambiance theme on my 9.10 machine via PPA. I edited it and zipped it to a tar.gz. Is it normal for me to have problems with it since technically it wasn't "installed" on the 9.10 machine? OR should dropping the tar.gz on the Appearance window be enough to technically install it?17:31
rocket16bigga: Open Software Sources from System menu, and check all available options17:31
bigga$ fgrep -i multi sources.list | wc -l17:31
coz_Roasted_,  dropping it in should install it17:31
lifestreammoreia thanks a lot, good idea with RSS!17:31
rocket16Roasted_: I think no problem will be there,17:31
coz_Roasted_,  did you get the ambiance fixed theme or the regular one with the buttons on the left?17:31
eaxHI there. Can someone tell me how use three monitors in Ubuntu? TwinView only supports two (obviously) but I want to use all my three screens at the same time. I have 2 Nvidia cards and 3 monitors.. Is this possible?17:31
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biggaand what do you know17:32
biggano multiverse in synaptic17:32
Roasted_coz_, the one with the buttons on the left. I prefer the left-adjusted theme much more than right now that I'm used to it. The only thing is, that theme was originally installed via PPA... so I was wondering if there was a difference there between dropping tar.gz I modified or using the straight PPA17:32
biggawhy'd that happen17:32
coz_Roasted_,  ok  and did it indeed install?17:33
rocket16bigga: No problem, just select the boxes in Software Sources, it'll work,17:33
dacsso two people offer to help but not helping me ...hmmmm17:33
sabatorIs it possible to create ext4 partition on 8.04LTS or I need to wait for 10.04 LTS ?17:33
coz_bigga,  in synaptic   hit  Settings /Repositories17:33
coz_bigga,  in the first tab  "Ubuntu Software"  tick all 5 boxes and multivers is one of them17:33
rocket16dacs: Sorry, but the answer is not known to me.17:34
biggarocket16, they are all ticked17:34
Roasted_coz_, well, I did get an error message about something... ubuntu-mono-dark isnt installed, or some garbage. This was a FRESH install of 9.10. Updating it now.17:34
coz_bigga,  if they are all ticked then you have multivers17:34
biggaand source code17:34
rocket16bigga: Oh nice, in terminal type "sudo apt-get update"17:34
biggathen... why the JOOZ ARE NOT AUTHENTICATED messages17:34
coz_doxy2,  welcome17:35
duleepanybody triable with file coping with usb17:35
doxy2i'm running 9.10, can anyone here explain me why i2c-core module isn't available?17:35
rocket16duleep: Use the terminal, with cp command,17:35
eaxHI there. Can someone tell me how use three monitors in Ubuntu? TwinView only supports two (obviously) but I want to use all my three screens at the same time. I have 2 Nvidia cards and 3 monitors.. Is this possible?17:35
coz_lunchtime  be back in a bit17:35
doxy2for either kernel( kernel 2.6.31-{14,20} )17:35
duleepi'll now try that17:36
rocket16bigga: I suppose, it will work.17:36
odie5533when I go to install xubuntu-desktop, it says it's going to remove ubuntu-desktop. Is this okay to do?17:36
biggacant even remember what i wanted to install now17:36
eaxodie5533: Yes :)17:36
rocket16odie5533: I don't think so, because both DEs can exist simultaneously17:37
odie5533eax: Will I still get all the right packages for ubuntu when I update?17:37
eaxodie5533: I would think so yes :) But better to leave it be installed I think!17:37
odie5533since I think ubuntu-desktop is used to coordinate the ubuntu updates17:37
cautionhow do I upgrade python from 2.5 to 2.6 from the console?17:38
crucialhoaxodie5533: If you want xfce as you default with no other options then yes, that is fine. However it is possible for both to coexist17:38
erUSULcaution: karmic has 2.6 by default.17:38
cautionhow do I do it in 8.10?17:38
odie5533crucialhoax: When I mark xubuntu-desktop for install, it won't let me unmark ubuntu-desktop for uninstall.17:38
rocket16caution: Just use "sudo apt-get install python2.6"17:38
msaadn|AwayHey guize, my friend wants to know if there is a way to determine when a file was deleted in linux. Is it possible?17:39
cautionrocket16: E: Couldn't find package python2.617:39
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BlacKnighthey guys, I got lm_sensors working,. but i have to   "sudo modprobe xxxxxx" everytime i boot to make it run.... do you know how to make it automatic ?17:39
crucialhoaxodie5533: Hmm.....17:39
crucialhoaxBlacKnight: Put the command in the rc.local file17:39
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dacsso crucialhoax what do you think the problem is , i can ping google and browse the net17:39
erUSULmsaadn: how would you know the file was even there if it was deleted ?17:40
crucialhoaxBlacKnight: Or put it in the `Startup Programs` menu :)17:40
rocket16caution: Ok, go to this link: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=default&section=all&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=python2.617:40
erUSULmsaadn: i do not understand the question17:40
msaadnerUSUL, He knows.17:40
disappearedng_Hey I am doing patch -p0 < patchfile: Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected!  Assume -R? does this mean it will reverse or what?17:40
BlacKnightcrucialhoax: thanks i'll take a look :D17:40
crucialhoaxdacs: Ok, have you tried ping
rocket16caution: And download the deb package, which will install Python17:40
crucialhoaxBlacKnight: No problem :)17:40
msaadnerUSUL, A file was deleted from the system. He wants to know when it was deleted.17:40
sabatorDo we see SATA, SCSI, and USB harddrive with the same device name beginning with /dev/sda... ?17:40
otswimhello, i have a program which is running, i would now like to stop it and shutdown my computer; is it possible to get back the computation to the point where it stopped and continue afterwards?17:40
grendal_primehey guys..i accidently assigend a password to the root user17:40
dacscrucialhoax: yes and it pings17:40
erUSULmsaadn: no possible; afaics17:40
grendal_primei want to remove it so it is back to the default config for ubuntu "no root login basically"17:41
rocket16otswim: Sure, just Hibernate the Cmputer17:41
otswimrocket16: but i need to shut it down17:41
crucialhoaxdacs: Okay... Have you tried `sudo apt-get update`? because if proxy settings are default as in Direct Connect, it should not be looking at the proxy sever.17:41
msaadnerUSUL, alright Thanks.17:41
cautionwhat's 8.10's code name?17:41
rocket16otswim: But Hbernate will do the same job, shutting down.17:41
rocket16caution: Intrepid Ibex17:42
otswimrocket16: i want to boot on another OS; can i do that if i hibernate?17:42
grendal_primewhat is an ibex?17:42
rocket16otswim: Hmm, then probably you can't.17:42
dacscrucialhoax: yes i did and i get the same issue17:42
KentrelHi, I'm running an opengl program through wine and it only loads in my second monitor. How do I make it apear in my main monitor17:42
crucialhoaxdacs: When you go to update manager, click on settings, what is the download server?17:42
otswimrocket16: i thought maybe there is a program that save the current state of the stack of the program, and then restore it somehow when we want17:43
rocket16grendal_prime: It is a Deer-like animal, checkout http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibex17:43
rocket16otswin: Yes, there is, just go to startup applications in Preferences in System17:43
maddhatHey everyone,  trying to get ubuntu server karmic netboot working but it says it cant find the ethernet driver.  any way to manually add it to the boot img?17:44
dacscrucialhoax: server for us17:44
rocket16otswim: Now, go to "Options" Tab, and check the box, and select the button below17:44
rocket16otswim: Got the process, friend?17:44
polydeucesHey all, I broke my internet! (using live demo on the flash drive right now) is there a way I can download the packages for a network manager and transfer them over? I tried installing the network manager debs listed on the archives, but I didn't have the permission to open it (even after chmod and all that)17:45
otswimrocket16: i'm sorry i'm on kubuntu17:45
crucialhoaxdacs: Hmm.. In the network proxy preferences, what is in the ignored hosts?17:45
polydeucesI'm a noob and I was just trying out different network managers... if someone could help me I'd really appreciate it :D17:46
dacscrucialhoax: localhost, and *.local17:46
rocket16otswim: Sorry, I don't know much about the process in Kubuntu, :( But this might help: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibex17:46
crucialhoaxpolydeuces: What do you need help with?17:46
rocket16otswim Very sorry, I meant http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26750517:46
crucialhoaxdacs: Ok, that is good.17:46
polydeucesI need to install a network manager on my kernel that doesn't have internet17:46
cautionthanks rocket1617:46
cc4how can I execute a script in ubuntu?>17:46
rocket16caution: M pleasure, :)17:47
polydeucesI tried already getting the deb packages from the ubuntu archives, but they didn't seem to work17:47
crucialhoaxcc4: double click it lol17:47
cc4doesnt work17:47
cc4or from terminalo17:47
cc4terminal. no outoput17:47
crucialhoaxcc4: Is it executable/17:47
cc4do I need to change any attributes17:47
mickster04cc4: sh bla.sh17:47
cc4don't know let me see17:47
cc4does it have to have the .sh extension?17:47
grendal_primehow do you get rid of the  password for root on a system?17:47
rocket16cc4: Try using "chmod +x file.extention" command to make it execytable17:47
crucialhoaxcc4: No it does not. Thank you rocket1617:47
mean67anyone ever use UEC?17:48
otswimrocket16: but then the program will start at login, but it won't start from the point where it stopped; i think i'll just save the state of the program manually17:48
rocket16crucialhoax: My pleasure to do a little help, friend, :)17:48
haavaroswatch -n 30 <command> only runs the command (albeit correctl)17:48
rocket16otswim: Yes, sorry, I don't know about the process in KDE,  :(17:48
haavaroswatch -n 30 <command> only runs the command (albeit correctly) once. What is wrong?17:48
otswimno problem, thanks17:48
rocket16See you all again, respected users and members. Bye.17:49
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crucialhoaxdacs: What about sudo apt-get -f install -f`?17:49
kokozedmanhey guys,17:49
kokozedmanis there a HTTP proxy that connects to the outsie world through SOCKS5 proxy?17:50
cc4can I add more joysticks to js0?17:50
cc4I want to add an amiga paraller port one17:50
dacscrucialhoax: all zeros17:51
mean67so no one has set up a cloud server yet?17:51
crucialhoaxdacs: Okay, so how about if we try `sudo apt-get update` again?17:51
gmattwhat file do i edit to change the default language?17:52
crucialhoaxpolydeuces: So the machine does have internet access or does not?17:53
polydeucesWell, I'm using a startup USB flash drive17:53
polydeucesright now, for internet17:54
cc4can someone tell me how to use this please : http://atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~vojtech/joystick/17:54
polydeucesbut the kernel installed on the computer does not17:54
cc4how to compile or something17:54
cc4for ubuntu17:54
crucialhoaxpolydeuces: Ok. check in /var/cache/apt/archives17:54
haavarosIsn't watch supposed to run a command repeatedly? When I do e.g. watch ls -l it goes once, then stops17:55
polydeucescrucialhoax: okay, but I'm a total noob. can you tell me what I should be looking for?17:55
crucialhoaxpolydeuces: On the live usb image, the network manager package might be in there, copy it, then place it on the machine that does not have int access.17:55
polydeucesokay, awesome. thanks!17:55
crucialhoaxpolydeuces: Are you in that folder>17:55
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polydeucesI am now17:56
polydeucescrucialhoax: the only packages I see are for pidgin (which I'm using right now)17:56
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abyssehi I have a proxy list in a text file I would like my ubuntu to connect to each one do something and then switch proxy and repeat is there a good soul to help me17:56
crucialhoaxpolydeuces: Nothing there is for networkmanager?17:56
Picicc4: If you're running Ubuntu then you already have the joystick module available. There is no need to compile this.17:56
polydeucescrucialhoax: unfortunately no, there are no packages at all other than the pidgin ones.17:57
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crucialhoaxpolydeuces: On the live usb image?17:57
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polydeucescrucialhoax: yes, on the image.17:58
crucialhoaxpolydeuces: Wait a minute, I may have a solution lol17:58
polydeucesokay :)17:58
cc4hey can someone help me please18:00
haavarosIs watch supposed to execute commands repeatedly, or have I misunderstood? When I do 'wathc <command>' it executes it once, then does nothing. Not even quit18:00
Picihaavaros: its supposed to execute it repeatedly, is the time changing in the upper right hand corner?18:00
crucialhoaxpolydeuces: On the live usb image you are running. In a terminal type `sudo apt-get -d network-manager network-manager-gnome`18:01
llutzhaavaros: default every 2 seconds18:01
Picicc4: The page that you linked is very outdated.  It describes a module that is already part of the kernel distribution.  If you're using Ubuntu then you already have it available, you do not need to compile anything.  use: sudo modprobe joystick   to insert the module.18:02
polydeucescrucialhoax: this is what I'm getting:18:02
polydeucesE: Invalid operation network-manager18:02
haavarosPici: Yes, the timer changes18:02
Picihaavaros: Then the command is being re-executed.18:02
guntberthaavaros: look in the right upper edge, there the time should update every two seconds18:02
egcok, easy question, any references in particular regarding flash on 64-bit?18:02
administ1atorhow to install clamav 0.96 on ubuntu 9.10? on there web site they give direct download button for windows installtin. but no clear instructions for linux installtion18:03
administ1atorplease help18:03
cc4Pici: yes but I have no more than js0 . how can I create the extra devices please18:03
guntberthaavaros: sorry, I'm too late :-)18:03
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guntbertadminist1ator: you install it like any other software (with you favourite package manager)18:04
egci'll answer my own question :) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash18:04
cc4Pici: bash command not found18:04
Artopal_Hi! Anyone using freetalk for jabber?18:04
dacscrucialhoax: any other thoughts18:04
polydeucescrucialhoax: any idea why that error message is occurring?18:05
Picicc4: What command did you run?18:05
cc4Pici: when sudo modprobe joystick18:05
cc4Pici: the one you told me18:05
crucialhoaxpolydeuces: try this http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-676724.html18:05
administ1atorguntbert: i just installed using sudo apt-get install clamav. but it installs 0.95. latest is 0.96 and they recommend 0.9618:05
Picicc4: What version of Ubuntu are you running?18:05
shane2hi to all18:05
crucialhoaxdacs: No ideas. I have same settings, and it works.18:06
cc4Pici: one older than the latest18:06
FriedrichManhi guys18:06
FriedrichMangot a question for you18:06
rocket16|hi FriedrichMan18:06
Picicc4: Did that command ask for a password?18:06
cc4Pici: yes18:06
rocket16!hi | FriedrichMan18:06
ubottuFriedrichMan: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:06
FriedrichManis there a command like the command #top  but concerning connections18:06
administ1atorguntbert: is there any command i can upgrade it? from 0.95 to 0.96?18:06
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cc4Pici: bash: "mypass" : command not found18:06
guntbertadminist1ator: *who* recommends? only security updates are done in a released system18:06
FriedrichManlike... to monitor live connections18:06
cc4Pici: the output of the command you said on terminal18:07
odie5533how do I check memory usage? top command is giving me very different numbers than the system monitor18:07
Picicc4: Make sure that you spelled modprobe properly, remember that linux is case sensitive18:07
ActionParsnipYo yo yo18:07
shane2i am using ubuntu 9.10 and install eclipse for php but it is not working good now  i want to remove eclipse completely18:07
erUSULFriedrichMan: iftop ? netstat ?18:07
shane2how i can remove eclipse18:07
Piciodie5533: free -m  , make sure to noet +/- buffers/cache18:07
erUSULshane2: how did you installed it?18:07
ActionParsnipShane2: use software centre18:07
rocket16shane2: Use "sudo apt-get remove eclipse"18:07
cc4Pici: FATAL: Module joystick not found.18:07
administ1atorguntbert: they - the clamav organisation itself. when i install it first time and then when try to scan for viruses for 1st time it first give me the warning that my current version is outdates. latest is 0.9618:07
FriedrichManerUSUL: something like netstat but not like in an exact moment... but monitoring live18:08
shane2but it is not removing completely18:08
erUSULFriedrichMan: use watch to monitor live18:08
rocket16snahe2: Also, you can do it from Synaptic. Use Geany, much more lightweight and better.18:08
odie5533Pici: What are the buffers cached thing?18:08
FriedrichManerUSUL: thanks, I'll try that18:08
guntbertadminist1ator: yes, I've seen that warning many times .... -- btw are you serving files for windows machines?18:08
rocket16shane2: Oh, what message is it showing?18:08
Picicc4: This should get you started, I'm not sure if I can help myself, I've never used a joystick under Linux: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33845718:09
LonniebizIf I'm ssh into a remote ubuntu server, and I want to copy a file that is there to my local Ubuntu Desktop system, what command do I type?18:09
ActionParsnipShane2: then run: sudo apt-get --purge autoremove ,that will remove the unused deps18:09
administ1atorguntbert: no not serving actually. I need to scan my dad's thumb drive. they use it under windows.18:09
ActionParsnip!scp | lonniebiz18:09
ubottulonniebiz: SCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/18:09
Guest31487you could always you 2clickupdate18:09
nanotubeLonniebiz: you need to use sftp for that, not ssh.18:09
administ1atorguntbert: I now scanned it with 0.95 and it removed 135 infected files. ok now. but just wondering if upgrading to 0.96 ir necessary or what. otherwise fine.18:10
FriedrichManerUSUL: i wanna know what's going on with my connections at all times.. how can I use watch so it remains in console monitoring?18:10
Piciodie5533: Basically, the kernel holds on to data in memory for the sake of efficiency (i.e, its easier to keep it in ram than flush to disk), for more information see http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html and http://www.linuxatemyram.com/18:10
axel_foleycan somebody help me? i have a sheevaplug and installed a new kernel with this readme file http://sheeva.with-linux.com/sheeva/README-
arandadminist1ator: Note that that is only for the interface, afaik, the virus definitions should always be up to date..18:10
axel_foleybut the new kernel does not start18:10
axisysfoudn it! inkscape can do that18:10
ActionParsnipFriedrichman: ntop could help there18:10
Guest31487How do you login in irssi?18:10
cc4Pici: mine is a paraller port one. will the guide on the url do?18:11
axisysinkscape -z --file=original.svg --export-pdf=converted.pdf18:11
guntbertadminist1ator: understood - to be honest if never seen *very* new viruses in the wild - so don't be afraid - and what arand said applies too18:11
FriedrichManActionParsnip: then I'll give it a try on thatone18:11
Picicc4: I'm not sure, take a look at it.18:11
erUSULFriedrichMan: « watch netstat -putan » (by default the command is run every 2 seconds you can change that man watch)18:11
ActionParsnipAxel_foley: I don't think that's supported here18:11
odie5533how do I check cpu usage?18:11
BluesKajGuest31487, /join #ubuntu18:11
ActionParsnipOdie5533: top18:11
arandadminist1ator: Also not the clamav is not exactly the best AV...18:11
shane2i applied this command "sudo apt-get remove eclipse" but eclipse is still in Applications >> Programming >> Eclipse18:11
FriedrichManerUSUL: cool, thanks a lot18:11
shane2why eclipse is still there18:12
polydeucescrucialhoax: okay, I'm going to give these solutions a try. wish me luck!18:12
ActionParsnipShane2: try running it. Maybe it just hasn't cleaned out the menu item postrm18:12
erUSULFriedrichMan: of course you can use the options to netstat that you prefer18:12
guntbertBluesKaj: wrong window? :)18:12
administ1atorarand: and guntbert hmm thankyou.18:12
guntbertadminist1ator: no problem - have fun :)18:13
BluesKajguntbert, Guest84312 asked how to login on irrssi18:13
BluesKajerr irssi18:13
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administ1atorguntbert: :)18:13
FriedrichManerUSUL: watch + netstat seems to be just what I was looking for18:14
FriedrichManthanks a lot18:14
guntbertBluesKaj: sorry, I thought you wanted to redirect that person from another channel to here :)18:14
Beyecixramdpeople, i'm disappointed about Moblin, also tried Arch with E17, and i don't like any of these, can anyone helping me picking a cool distro for my netbook? (i mean, with a customized shell, not like GNOME, or KDE, or nothing like that)18:14
BluesKajguntbert, np ?18:14
rocket16I found that 0 A.D is available for download, in Synaptic. Is it playable?18:14
shane2it is still there18:14
ActionParsnipBeyecixramd: lxde + ubuntu is pretty sweet, or the netbook remix18:15
erUSULrocket16: tias ---> try it and see18:15
shane2how we can remove or delete or uninstall eclipse18:15
rocket16erUSUL: Sure, I am downloading it,18:15
BeyecixramdActionParsnip: LXDE is "nothing like that" XD, it's a "standard" desktop enviroment18:15
ActionParsnipShane2: just delete the item from the menu using alacarte and forget it :)18:15
BeyecixramdActionParsnip: but i'm so willing to try the lucid netbook remix18:15
ActionParsnipBeyecixramd: go get it then, support and discussion is in #ubuntu+118:16
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ActionParsnipBeyecixramd: btw, unr is a standard desktop, its on millions of netbooks ;)18:16
BeyecixramdActionParsnip: but... Moblin is optimized for netbooks (Atom) will UNR run as fast as Moblin? can i do something to "improve" it?18:17
rocket16Beyecixramd: I think, waiting a little bit will help, because Lucid is not yet stably released.18:17
BeyecixramdActionParsnip: for me, standard desktop = file menu + file manager + desktop + dock/whatever18:17
ActionParsnipBeyecixramd: there's also the UI that ships with OLPCs which is netbook shaped18:17
Shunt31Does anybody here use 2clickupdate?18:17
ActionParsnipBeyecixramd: the netbook remix is all that, just mixed up a bit. It still uses nautilis like ubuntu (assuming you go for thr non-kde remix)18:18
BeyecixramdActionParsnip: i know about that, but as you said, it's *customized* for small displays, which is cool :)18:19
crucialhoaxthe netbook remix is terrible. If you want something light an efficient either use Lubuntu or Moblin.18:19
rocket16Or, OpenSuse is also nice for Netbooks,18:20
ActionParsnipbeyecixramd: totally. The wm is optomised to maximise screen realestate18:20
crucialhoaxYes. One of the better ones, rocket1618:20
rocket16crucialhoax: Yes, :D18:20
ActionParsnip+1 for moblin, unr has a min spec of 1gb ram18:20
shane2eclipse is still running18:21
crucialhoaxThe original moblin is rhel base, however, there is an ubuntu-moblin.18:21
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Beyecixramdcrucialhoax: Moblin IS terrible, is not configurable at all, just tried it, it sucks, for god's sake...18:21
HiThereAnyone know how could I expand a partition from right lo left?18:21
Beyecixramdcrucialhoax: not a big deal, the Moblin interface sucks, as i said18:21
Beyecixramdrocket16: OPENWHUT? that's a monster, eats RAM for breakfast18:22
crucialhoaxBeyecixramd: Point taken, I actually forgot about that, oops. But take a look at Lubuntu,18:22
guntbert!ot | Beyecixramd18:22
ubottuBeyecixramd: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:22
rocket16Beyecixramd: Lol, not always, OpenSuse is said to be the best Laptop and Netbook Linux, beside Ubuntu.18:22
ActionParsnipBeyecixramd: lxde can have a netbook like interface, very fast18:22
crucialhoaxOr use the netbook remix and install the ubuntu-desktop package.18:23
rocket16I agree with ActionParsnip, LXDE is very fast, even a lot faster than XFCE, and nearly equal to ICEWM18:23
ActionParsnipI'd also shoot for puppy but it has a regular desktop feel which is not require by the user18:23
Beyecixramdi know about LXDE, it's awesome18:23
HiThereAnyone know how could I resize a partition in Gparted from right to left?18:24
rocket16Beyecixramd: Also, give a shot to DSL (Damn Small Linux)18:24
crucialhoaxBeyecixramd: Have you taken a look at Slax?18:24
jerry_anyone recomend a piece of software to make flow charts for linux ?18:24
Beyecixramdrocket16: know about DSL... not a big deal on nettops imho18:24
HiThereJeery, OpenOffice?18:24
ActionParsnipHithere: you'll need to do it in a livecd environment18:24
Beyecixramdcrucialhoax: yes, don't like it18:25
Oeropen office presentation, Jeery ?18:25
jerry_let me check into oiffce didnt realize it could18:25
rocket16jerry_: Use KPlato18:25
ActionParsnipHithere: make sure your backups are recent in case of catastrophe18:25
crucialhoaxBeyecixramd: What are the requirements you are shooting for?18:25
HiThereActionParsnip, I tried to do it in the LiveCd18:25
guntbertcrucialhoax: rocket16: Beyecixramd: please take that to #ubuntu-offtopic18:25
HiThereI will show you18:25
FloodBot4HiThere: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:25
rocket16gunbert: No offense, I am out of the discussion.18:25
ActionParsnipJerry_: tuxpaint ;)18:25
rocket16jerry_: Use Kplato, it is nice,18:26
HiThereActionParsnip: http://i41.tinypic.com/23w1fo2.png18:26
HiTherehow to expand SDA5 to the left?18:26
crucialhoaxWhat config files do the system themes use? I would like to change the Ambiance theme colors.18:26
UrdaI didn't think you could resize the starting area of a partition :\18:27
jhamboHi folks, on 9.10 here and when I launch kmail or kontact I get segmentation faults.  The debugging info is here http://paste.ubuntu.com/419947/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/419945/. Launching them in the terminal gives the following: http://paste.ubuntu.com/419949/.  Any assistance to get these programs working would be greatly appreciated.18:27
odie5533my load is always above 1. Is that bad?18:27
HiThereActionParsnip, are you here?18:27
guntbertHiThere: move it to the left, then increase it's size18:27
Urdaodie5533: open terminal -> run 'top' and see what is running the most18:27
icerootodie5533: depending what is running and how much cores you have18:27
ActionParsnipHithere: unmount it if its mounted then maybe right click the partition to see what is offered. I've never resized partitions as I plan them out18:28
jerry_im reading open office draw can do it but i dont have draw i only have presentation spreadsheet calculator and writer yet apt-get doesnt show a openoffice-draw am i missing soemthingt18:28
dacscrucialhoax: is there is a way you can paste for me your /etc/apt/apt.conf please18:28
odie5533Urda: 1.8518:28
ActionParsnipHithere: have patience, I'm typing on a G1 phone, jeez18:28
odie5533iceroot: I'm running gnome, a terminal, and the top command.18:28
Urdaodie5533: OK, it should have a process list moving arround, are one or more processes hanging on always near the top18:28
ActionParsnip!info openoffice.org_draw18:28
ubottuPackage openoffice.org_draw does not exist in karmic18:28
crucialhoaxdacs: I have no such file.18:28
odie5533Urda: Xorg18:28
HiThereAnyone has resized this any time?18:29
rocket16I think, the Draw package needs to be built externally18:29
ActionParsnipJerry_: apt-cache search openoffice | grep draw18:29
g0aliathhow do i mount a network drive?18:29
guntbertHiThere: and as ActionParsnip said: make sure it is unmounted (so do it from a live CD)18:29
erUSULg0aliath: Places>connect to Server is one way18:29
crucialhoaxdacs: The file you are suggesting, I do not have.18:29
ActionParsnipG0aliath: how is the folder being shared?18:29
UrdaWell HiThere and ActionParsnip I *don't* think you can resize a partition in the start, I thought it had to be at the end since fstab looks for that information18:29
HiThereguntbert, Im running in a live cd18:29
HiThereand partitions are unmounted18:29
g0aliatherUSUL: thanks for the info18:29
guntbertHiThere: then try as I suggested18:30
UrdaHiThere: ActionParsnip you can resize it at the end, but not at the start of a partition :\ It has been a while size I did a resize but I think that is the case18:30
LzrdKingcrimsun: are you here? can you help me with alsa?18:30
dacsyou don't have '/etc/apt/apt.conf18:30
ActionParsnipG0aliath: you can use /etc/fstab to mount stuff at boot18:30
Urdaodie5533: OK, but is anything using a lot of CPU or memory in your list?18:30
HiTherewell, so.. If there is any way to... resize from the start...18:30
HiTherewhat could I do?18:30
crucialhoaxdacs: No.18:30
Urdaodie5533: PU and %MEM18:30
Urdaodie5533: PU sorry18:31
guntbertHiThere: what is the problem now? can you move it to the left?18:31
Urdaodie5533: ARGH (%)CPU without the parenthesis18:31
HiThereI cant18:31
UrdaI didn't think you could add size *before* the start of a parition18:31
erUSULHiThere: unfortunetly ext* paritions can not move his starting point. but you can move paritions with gparted; can't you ?18:31
odie5533Urda: Not really. The load is now down to 0.28 though.18:31
HiThereI can, but... If i cant move his starting point18:32
Urdaodie5533: Did you just start up? Mine is about 1 on startup18:32
HiThereSDA5 cant increase18:32
LzrdKingcan anyone help me with ALSA? aplay -L finds no sound cards, but i DO have a soundcard18:32
rocket16Geany is a great choice for Linux development, but is there support for more programmes? Or, is there a way to have Auto-Indent in Gedit?18:32
odie5533Urda: Yes, I just booted and logged in.18:32
odie5533Urda: What is a good average for say, 5 minutes after booting?18:32
Urdaodie5533: OK, no worries. System load can be a little above average for a few minutes18:32
Urdaafter a bootup18:32
guntbertHiThere: ah - I see - you will have to move /dev/sda4 -- I suppose it will take sda5 with it18:32
UrdaHiThere: can you remove that fat32 partition beforehand?18:33
HiThereI can, Urda18:33
_Trulloanyone got a sfv for the ubuntu-9.10-server-amd64.iso ?18:33
_Trulloburned 2 copies but get error when installing18:33
UrdaHiThere: Well I would just clear it out, and try to move the partition. Although your /etc/fstab might complain. Any reason why you couldn't just wipe the drive and do a clean install?18:34
HiThereno, there is not any important reason18:34
HiThereI will do a backup of home18:34
HiThereit will be a hell...18:35
ActionParsnipYo yo yo18:35
LzrdKingohhhh wt@#$... when X is running: no sound; exit X, sound comes back18:36
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LzrdKingcan anyone help me troubleshoot ALSA *under X*?18:36
ActionParsnipLzrdking: try: killall pulseaudio; rm -rf $HOME/.pulse* ,then press alt+f2 and type: pulseaudio18:37
LzrdKingActionParsnip: i'm not running pulseaudio, its just ALSA (also not running gnome)18:37
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ActionParsnipLzrdking: I see, that's all I got dude, sorry18:38
wardernice advice :D18:38
ActionParsnipLzrdking: make sure alsa is selcted as all the outputs in sound config18:38
LzrdKingActionParsnip: where is sound config?18:39
OerLzrdKing, ActionParsnip gave you a possible solution, due to ubuntu is booting too fast ..?18:39
ActionParsnipLzrdking: preferences maybe.18:39
crucialhoaxLzrdKing: I think it is /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf18:39
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP318:39
rocket16ALSA probably has a bug, because it crashes many a times,18:40
* Pici plays around with processing.js18:40
LzrdKingwell, i'm running openbox, there is nothing to "double-click on"18:40
* rocket16 likes PulseAudio18:40
ActionParsnipI've never had a sound issue before so I'm not much help here, maybe others can contribute18:40
cassiodacrisAlguém aí usa xubuntu?18:40
Pici!br | cassiodacris18:41
ubottucassiodacris: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.18:41
ruwanthere aproblem with my .bashrc file18:43
ruwananything wrong with the way I set env. vars..?18:44
shane3how we can block porn websites on ubuntu 9.1018:44
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shane3is there any package or some related stuff18:45
mgolischshane3: use a proxy server?18:45
Andrilhello allo18:46
Picishane3: dansguardian perhaps?18:46
stego_shane3: use opendns or squid/squidguard or find an addon for your firefox18:46
shane3please guide me18:46
ActionParsnipShane3: add resolves in /etc/hosts to make the sites resolve to there may also be a parental addon/extension for your browser18:46
odie5533proxy server is probably best bet since you can block them for everyone, not just for a computer by computer basis18:46
nsadminwhat versions are there of tcl in ubuntu?18:46
ubottuTo set up OpenDNS in Ubuntu, see https://www.opendns.com/start?device=ubuntu18:46
ActionParsnip!find tcl18:47
ubottuFound: python-dictclient, tcl, tcl-dev, tcl-doc, tcl8.4 (and 84 others)18:47
AndrilI need help partioning a drive for Ubuntu 10.04 - the drive is 149gb and is a partition of a 300gb drive that houses Windows 718:47
ActionParsnipNsadmin: looks like 8.4 on the official repo. There may be a ppa if a later version exists18:47
shane3i think these things not helpful for blocking porn related websites18:47
crucialhoaxAndril: #ubuntu+1 for 10.04 please18:47
ActionParsnip!lucid | andrill18:47
ubottuandrill: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule18:47
shane3some other suggestion pleas18:48
mikebeechamhi guys...sorry I asked this earlier, but didnt get a response:  I installed Kubuntu desktop earlier on to see what it was like...didnt like it so removed it...however now I cannot get back to my default pointers.  I have the KDE pointer still...nothing I can do changes it back...can anyone help?18:48
ActionParsnip!puregnome | mikebeecham18:48
ubottumikebeecham: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get --purge remove kdelibs4c2a kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal18:48
kramer3da USB device i have keeps hanging18:49
nsadminActionParsnip: thanks for response... does that cover all versions of ubuntu that are presently available to be downloaded/installed?18:49
kramer3dhow can i unmount it?18:49
Andrilunderstood i just need help partitioning the 149gb side please18:49
kramer3dit is tty/USB018:49
mikebeechamActionParsnip: I did that, but nothing worked!!!18:49
stego_shane3: what do you mean be more specific ?18:49
CQhello, what are arguments for encrypting a home directory vs. encrypting the whole home partition?18:49
mikebeechamI still have the pointers, despite removing Kubuntu18:49
Teknoeniedoes anyone know how to change the name of a linux distro?18:49
kramer3dhow do i unmount ttyUSB018:49
ActionParsnipNsadmin: all the official releases use the official repo, ppas may only support certain releases18:50
nsadminwhat's a ppa?18:50
CQkramer3d: umount is the command you need, run mount to see a list of mounted devices18:50
rocket16kramer3d: Use "umount /dev/ttyUSB0" command.18:50
shane3i just need block all porn related websites on my loptop18:50
ActionParsnipMikebeecham: try setting the cursor to something else (even download one to test)18:50
Andrilany help with partioning a 149gb drive?18:50
nsadminshane3: not trusting yourself? :)18:51
stego_shane3: !opendns18:51
rocket16nsadmin: PPA is Personal Package Archive, see here http://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=3&ved=0CA0QFjAC&url=https%3A%2F%2Flaunchpad.net%2Fubuntu%2F%2Bppas&rct=j&q=ppa&ei=5jrPS6jvDI61rAffz9G3Bg&usg=AFQjCNGnIv9IyYJB0I33nLfqmm-zm1tOBw18:51
mikebeechamActionParsnip: tried that under appearance...nothing changed :(18:51
CQAndril: run gparted and go partition ...18:51
nsadminoh ok18:51
AndrilCQ: i need a good scheme for /home /swap and such -18:51
nsadminso it's an aptable archive that's not setup like a mirror18:52
stego_shane3: with opendns u dont need to install anything they will block all porn for you18:52
shane3not trust on my friendslike ...18:52
ActionParsnipRocket16: that's why I hate google18:52
CQandril- minimal systgem installation with swap, tmp, home, and var in LVM... read up on LVM2 .18:52
rocket16ActionParsnip: Lol, :D it is not so bad, and if you hate google, try www.bing.com, :) By Microsoft, :)18:52
jelly-beanI have my old ubuntu hdd and I am trying to copy files off it to my new hdd. the home dir is encrypted. how do I mount the home dir to get to my files?18:52
AndrilCQ: ok so I have a 149gb drive - how much do assign to each18:53
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muduzai have a need for a program that when you run it it types the contents of a text file18:54
ActionParsnipRocket16: I use www.ask.com a lot18:54
rocket16ActionParsnip: Lol, nice18:54
ActionParsnipRocket16: just wished thyey wouldn't bloat links18:54
gmatti want to embed a terminal into my desktop.  all the guides i have followed have failed...any ideas?18:54
jribmuduza: what do you mean by "types"18:54
g0rd0nhow do i avoid that my dhcp client replaces the contents of resolv.conf?18:54
nsadminActionParsnip: if we restrict this conversation to be only about what's on the official repos, what method can be used to see what versions of tcl are presently available across all (offical) versions?18:55
ActionParsnipGmatt: could use guake / tilda instead, hides and shows the terminal with a hotkey18:55
stego_muduza: you mean echo ?18:55
thechefUnlike the ubuntu-installation an ubuntu dist-upgrade often asks me certain questions during the upgrade process and thus forces me to interact steadily. Why isn't the upgrade process designed more intelligently?18:55
ActionParsnipNsadmin: apt-cache search tcl | less18:55
AndrilCQ: thanks for this session of "Help A Noob" I just noticed the slide during install18:55
jribgmatt: you can use devilspie to remove decorations and have a terminal display under all windows to accomplish that, but it's pretty useless imo.  See ActionParsnip for better options that you'll probably like18:55
hardcampahmm good one ActionParsnip I've missed guake.. loved Yakuake in kde.18:55
jrib!pm | muduza18:56
ubottumuduza: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.18:56
zenlunaticis there a panel applet to notify of capslock being activated/on18:56
ActionParsnipThechef: post on http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com18:56
jribmuduza: repeating what you said originally, doesn't really clarify things.  Do you want the « cat » program?18:56
gmatti'd rather have a terminal i can see all the time, instead of a drop-down.  thanks for the suggestions18:56
gnychisI am running 9.04, but i do not have the option to upgrade to 9.10 in update manager... i did "sudo apt-get dist-ugprade" from the command line, and i still have 9.04... what else can i do?18:56
jribgmatt: but most people don't see their desktop all the time :)18:56
nsadminActionParsnip: running debian at the moment... that really will get all versions available in all ubuntus? could you/someoen run that and pastebin? :)18:56
gmattjrib: it's for eyecandy...18:57
ActionParsnipNsadmin: debian isn't supported here18:57
nsadminnot asking for debian support18:57
biggawhys debian banned18:57
biggadebian is mother18:57
jribnsadmin: packages.ubuntu.com18:57
ActionParsnipNsadmin: I'm out and about so I can't. You can check: http://packages.ubuntu.com18:57
Picibigga: Debian has their own support channels18:58
nsadminthat'll work,,, thanks18:58
biggaand very good ones, if extremely rude :)18:58
morrowynhi, i noticed that the /dev/ are switched around during various reboots, and that you need to use a uuid in the /etc/fstab, how do i find out which uuid belongs to which device?18:58
jrib!uuid | morrowyn18:58
ubottumorrowyn: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)18:58
ActionParsnipMorrowyn: sudo blkid18:58
jcrawfordsomeone start a #debian-nice channel lol18:58
bigganot interested enough in debian thanks18:59
muduzanvm i need a program to automate ssh tasks i need to send multiple commands to 5 diffrent ssh servers18:59
jribmuduza: one time?18:59
morrowynhmmm, it says: promise_fasttrack_raid_member on one device which isn't a promise fasttrak18:59
biggaid rather be a double parasite, ubuntu parasites debian (symbioticly) then i just leech18:59
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:59
biggaawesome strategy19:00
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic19:00
muduzano multiple times19:00
jribmuduza: at regular intervals?19:00
jrib!Who | muduza19:00
ubottumuduza: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:00
biggahey ubuntu19:00
biggayour new theme rock19:00
biggaits real pretty19:00
mikebeechamActionParsnip: I've found the mouse theme issue...Kubuntu seems to have overwritten the default mouse theme with Oxy-White...so all themes work, but when I hit 'Default' I get oxy-white...do you know how I can revert the mouse theme?19:00
nsadminok, that answers that... tcl 8.[345] are all available from hardy to lucid19:01
muduzaJrib: no when i execute it19:01
jribmuduza: then just write a bash script19:01
ActionParsnipMikebeecham: i'd websearch for oxy-white in some form to maybe find guides. You may find joy in gconf-editor19:02
muduzaim not sure how abouts i would go about it19:02
biggastory of unix guy. install slackware. learn it. make own lfs. realise he waste his life playing with things 10000 others can do better, install fedora, fedora command and control change something arbitrarily and tell you to STFU they dont care it screwed you, unix guy installs ubuntu19:02
jribmuduza: #bash can help you get started writing bash scripts19:02
Rev_Willie_Crowhi all19:02
mikebeechamActionParsnip: just messed with gconf, but no joy there19:02
biggathen USES the computer!19:02
ActionParsnipBigga: if you don't mind the bloat ;)19:03
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Rev_Willie_Crowhas anywone seen a Touch Book yet, I was thinking of getting one19:03
biggahds are big these days19:03
jrib!ot | Rev_Willie_Crow19:03
ubottuRev_Willie_Crow: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:03
ActionParsnipBigga: not here19:03
muduzajrib: im new to ubuntu im not sure what #bash is19:03
jribmuduza: it's another channel like #ubuntu, but concentrates on bash programming19:03
ActionParsnipMuduza: its an irc channel: type: /join #bash19:03
muduzaooo ok19:03
biggahere either i blew 9 of mine up while drunk because my HK HD PSU supply had 2mm too small construction and allowed me to put it in backwards19:04
biggammm the smell of burning toxic metals19:04
muduzaThank you you both have been helpful19:04
Rev_Willie_Crowit is not off topic, it comes with ubuntu on it.19:04
ActionParsnipBigga: 9? I don't think I've owned 9 drives in my life19:05
biggai installed slackware from creekwhateveritwas in the early 90s19:05
biggai had a lot more than 9 lol19:05
jribRev_Willie_Crow: this channel is for ubuntu operating system *support*.  You can discuss different laptops and netbooks in #ubuntu-offtopic, there are plenty of people there19:05
AdmiralDeathwhat is the command to stop X server?19:05
biggakillall -9 Xorg19:06
jribbigga: please move the non-support discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic so we can concentrate on support here19:06
biggactrl+alt+backspace works usually too19:06
jribAdmiralDeath: why do you want to stop it?19:06
gbear14275I'm looking for help to set my battery charging profiles.  anyone done that here before?  I'm reading this (www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Tp_smapi) but thought I would ask the community to see if any here have any experience19:06
biggajrib: your wish is my procedure19:06
AdmiralDeathI need to install a Driver and it wont install with X server running19:06
jribbigga: thank you19:06
LzrdKingwhen X is running (nvidia drivers), aplay -L returns nothing, aplay -l returns "aplay: device_list:223: no soundcards found..." and alsamixer returns "alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory".  immediately when i kill X, alsamixer opens, aplay -l shows two STAC92xx devices (digital and analog) and aplay -L shows 7 analog devices, 1 digital device and null19:06
managerhi all - i'm currently running ubuntu 9.04 - i want to know what the main differences are between 9.04 and 10.04 except for kernel updates and slight gui change?19:06
jribAdmiralDeath: what driver?19:06
ActionParsnipAdmiraldeath: is it the nvidia driver?19:07
jribmanager: #ubuntu+1 please19:07
jrib!nvidia | AdmiralDeath19:07
ubottuAdmiralDeath: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:07
managerjrib: thanks19:07
ActionParsnipAdmiraldeath: no need, just use the hardware app19:07
gbear14275manager: www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/alpha2  here is a list so far19:07
AdmiralDeathThe driver it installs screws up linux19:07
ActionParsnipAdmiraldeath, you can add the nvidia vpau ppa and get stuff optomised for nvidia19:07
biggaAdmiralDeath, try telinit s19:08
managergbear14275: thank you19:08
biggafor single user19:08
ActionParsnipAdmiraldeath: works flawlessly here19:08
AdmiralDeathsadly the card I am using is very old19:08
AdmiralDeathit is a NVIDIA 3 series so it is very touchy as to what driver I use19:08
FloodBot4maquina10: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:09
gbear14275manager: just realize this is not the complete list, not sure if it mentions the integrated ubuntuone benefits (such as online 2gb backup as well as integrated music purchases DRM free)19:09
ActionParsnipAdmiraldeath: you can boot to root recovery mode to install it there too19:09
gbear14275anyone have any experience configuring their battery charge profiles?  (so you don't nuke your battery by keeping it plugged in all the time)19:09
managergbear14275: thanks i know about those already19:09
user_ 5.04?19:10
gbear14275what I'm specifically hoping for is a GUI to help configure battery charging... anyone know about anything like that?19:10
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user_how can i upgrade my ubuntu 5.04 or the hoary hedge?19:11
ActionParsnip!upgrade | user_19:11
ubottuuser_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading19:11
x-mani can't chat online in my yaho messenger19:11
ActionParsnipUser_: i'd clean install. It'll be waaay faster, and stop spamming19:12
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x-mananyone can help me,, what aplicatn for ym n linux19:12
ActionParsnipX-man: try gyache or pidgin19:12
user_how much?19:12
crucialhoaxx-man: Use either pidgin or empathy.19:12
stego_!pidgin | x-man19:12
ubottux-man: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete19:12
user_i mean does it have a payment/19:12
jribuser_: that version is so old, it would be a lot faster to just make backups of your data and do a fresh install19:13
x-manbut pidgin or ghyach save our password,, its nt save for me19:13
stego_!kopete | x-man19:13
ubottux-man: Instant Messenger Client Kopete (http://kopete.kde.org) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, YIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and, in KDE 3, IRC. See also !Pidgin19:13
ActionParsnipUser_: no they are open and free19:13
hermdoggood day!19:13
user_how can i made back-up jrib? and how can i install? im not that so good with computer...19:13
thevishyi can see firefox in ps -eaf but not in my gnome task bar what to do19:14
thevishyuser_, what backup OS or ur data19:14
stego_x-man: or else you webmessenger19:14
user_actionparnership...really? but where?19:14
biggakillall -9 firefox19:14
ActionParsnipThevishy: kill -9 PID ,replace PID with the PID of the process19:14
stego_x-man: or else *use webmessenger19:14
hermdoghas tmpwatch been converted over to tmpreaper for ubuntu 9.1019:14
hermdogor is there a way to apt-get tmpwatch19:14
biggaalso install program atop19:14
biggaits great19:15
x-manyes,, web mesenger is good19:15
jribuser_: just copy your data to some external media.  Then (I would recommend you wait until 10.04 is released in about a week) you can grab the .iso for 10.04 from ubuntu.com, burn it to a disk, boot from the disk, and follow the on-screen instructions19:15
thevishythe problem is with gnome task bar and not the process even the X chat just goes down and doesnt show in task br19:15
x-manbut limited feature19:15
gbear14275anyone here able to talk to power management (specifically battery management)?  I have questions about setting charging thresholds for my new li-ion battery.19:15
jribgbear14275: you should just ask the question19:15
thevishycan i restart the gnome panels19:15
stego_x-man: shutdown -r now select win19:16
crucialhoaxthevishy: sudo restart gdm19:16
frikinzhi. this weekend I have to reinstall a PC for a friend. Time to ditch windows and its 2 AV and its firewall etc... The thing is, he'll be going back to poland on monday and I can't help him anymore then. He has no clue really about computers. Could I install him the LTS? (timing is stupid..) Or karmic? What about polish support?19:16
crucialhoaxthevishy: That will restart the gnome session.19:16
ActionParsnipStego_: shutdown needs sudo ;)19:16
gbear14275jrib:  are there any gui's available to help set charging profiles for my battery?  If not, how can I set my charging profiles?19:16
stego_ActionParsnip: lol thx19:16
jribgbear14275: I don't know, I meant ask the channel19:16
user_by the way another thing is...whats the use of the drive?19:16
hermdoghas tmpwatch been converted over to tmpreaper?19:16
gbear14275jrib:  not having much luck19:17
hermdogis tmpwatch still a valid package for 9.1019:17
jribfrikinz: LTS is pretty stable at this point, but something could always crop up.  If you'll be seeing him again within the year, the safe bet is to just go with 9.10 and then help him upgrade later19:18
CQhermdog: look at packages.ubuntu.com19:18
=== animAgus is now known as _silentAssassin
durthey font geeks, is there  copperplate gothic available for ubuntu or an equiv?19:19
jribfrikinz: as for polish support, #ubuntu-pl could probably help you more but it's just a matter of installing the language support for polish and then selecting polish as the default language for his user19:19
jribdurt: is it a ttf font?19:19
ActionParsnipDurt: I believe fonts are standardised so you can download a font file and use this guide19:19
ActionParsnip!font > durt19:19
ubottudurt, please see my private message19:19
krielTrying to configure my ubuntu server to use https://launchpad.net/~ubuntugis/+archive/ppa?field.series_filter=hardy . Apt doesn't seem to see the packages in the ppa. bash log at http://pastebin.com/iygn47cz19:20
frikinzjrib, you're right, I'll stay on the safe side. I guess language is now well supported for linux in general, even for "less common" ones. Thanks. I'll download now the cd or dvd and this weekend will switch to polish. I don't know one word of polish and he only knows polish :)19:21
ThJI've got one of those dual-graphics laptops and I suspect the Nvidia G 105M won't work unless I disable the Intel graphics first. From what I hear, this is poorly supported under Linux. I have been trying to get the card to work with xorg since yesterday. All the usual tricks are not working. I'm using the latest driver from Nvidia and the card is listed as supported. I think it's the Intel card interfering. It doesn't look like it's possible to switc19:21
LzrdKingwhere the heck is crimsun?  he got me into this!19:21
jribfrikinz: I haven't changed the language in a while, but in the past you could add language support in the admin menu and then choose the language at the gdm login screen by clicking on optoins19:22
aarHi, I've got two ubuntu boxes connected by a crossover cable. I can ssh into my 2nd box OK, but when Y try to scp a file I get: Permission denied (publickey,password). Why is this happening?19:22
ThJThe /dev/nvidia0 device is present but running nvidia-xconfig -a spits out errors in dmesg about not being able to copy vbios to system memory.19:22
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gbear14275are there any gui's available to help set charging profiles for my battery?  If not, is there a best practice for setting charging profiles?  I'm looking at this one but seems specific to thinkpads:  www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Tp_smapi19:23
jribkriel: what's the issue?19:23
LzrdKingcan anyone help a poor guy out?19:23
jrib!helpme | LzrdKing19:23
ubottuLzrdKing: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude19:23
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ThJI can normally get these cards to work without asking around like this so I'm really in a tight spot now19:23
krieljrib: i'm looking for the package 'mapserver' from the ppa. apt-cache search doesn't show it.19:23
Picikriel: What architecture are you on?19:24
LzrdKingwhen X is running (nvidia drivers), aplay -L returns nothing, aplay -l returns "aplay: device_list:223: no soundcards found..." and alsamixer returns "alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory".  immediately when i kill X, alsamixer opens, aplay -l shows two STAC92xx devices (digital and analog) and aplay -L shows 7 analog devices, 1 digital device and null.  oh and sound doesn't work under X.  How do i get so19:24
jribkriel: why?  That's a source package.  It builds other packages.  For example, try: apt-cache policy mapserver-bin19:24
mikebeechamhi there...does anyone know where I can re-download the Ubuntu default mouse theme?19:24
krielPici: uname -a: Linux mapsrv 2.6.24-27-server #1 SMP Fri Mar 12 01:23:09 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux19:25
stego_LzrdKing: your problem is in alsa right ?19:25
krieljrib: I'll admit I don't have the best understanding of the packaging system. Is this working as expected?19:25
jribkriel: yes, take a look at https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntugis/+archive/ppa/+packages and click on the "mapserver" package.  You'll see the packages that get built from this single source mapserver package19:26
LzrdKingstego_: it would appear the problem is X19:26
frikinzjrib. ok. I'm now downloading the torrent i686 karmic dvd. Also safer as the internet this weekend might be slow. thanks again.19:26
shane3Fastest way to check system bit in using linux commands19:27
coz_frikinz,  check the cd after running it ith the "check cd for errors"  options  I believe its called  or also check the md5sum on the dvd iso19:27
jribshane3: check what exactly?19:27
biggashane3, i dont understand19:27
jribshane3: you mean architecture?  uname -m19:27
stego_LzrdKing: cek your user account19:27
biggaor uname -a for more fun19:27
LzrdKingstego_: what am i checking for?19:28
Goliathhow can i enable a save as pdf option in opneoffice?19:28
stego_LzrdKing: user group audio19:28
crucialhoaxGoliath: It already enabled.19:28
biggaGoliath, yes but it is horrible and rubbish dont do it, print it as a pdf instead19:28
krieljrib: I think I understand. So, to install 'mapserver' on this machine, I'd just install the built packages? (Assumedly mapserver-bin and possibly cgi-mapserver)19:28
biggait will ruin your pdf19:28
biggajust print it as a pdf19:28
ActionParsnipGoliath: its threre by default19:28
stego_LzrdKing: bet your user is not part of audio19:29
biggause print normal option, to pdf19:29
jribkriel: yeah, you'd have to read the descriptions for those packages and see which one does what you want19:29
LzrdKingstego_: yeah i saw that on line and tried it, it didn't help at all19:29
ActionParsnipGoliath: look for the pdf icon in the top bars19:29
Goliathbigga: what is rubbish?19:29
Dark-DxHi guys I need help!!19:29
Dark-DxI just screwed linus i dun know what to do!19:29
LzrdKingstego_: the user is in the audio group; would that be affected by starting X?19:29
biggaGoliath, It makes huge PDF files full of stuff that nobody needs, if you print it as a PDF file its just like a hardcopy19:30
Dark-Dxplease help i screwed linus19:30
biggawhich is usually what you want from a PDF19:30
Dark-Dxit dont work19:30
amosekDark-Dx: be more specific please19:30
Goliathbigga: so the export option to pdf isnt good?19:30
stego_LzrdKing: is it X failed or no sound19:30
biggayeah dont use it19:30
biggaits a misfeature unless you know a reason it isnt19:30
stego_LzrdKing: when X is running (nvidia drivers), aplay -L returns nothing, aplay -l returns "aplay: device_list:223: no soundcards found19:30
Dark-Dxscrewed linus it dont working,19:30
Dark-Dxit all black19:31
LzrdKingstego_: X runs fine, just no sound; all the sound utils completely crap out until i stop X19:31
biggaim sure someone has one or they wouldnt have did it normal people dont use that option19:31
jribDark-Dx: it's "linux", not "linus"19:31
frikinzcoz_, You're right, I use k3b (one of the fest kde app I still run from gnome), I think it's automatic. I'll check.19:31
biggacalling linux linus is cute19:31
stego_LzrdKing: the user group have u check it?19:31
Dark-Dxplease help it black with sum weird words!!19:32
coz_frikinz,   yeah  just check the md5sums and run cd check after burning...the md5sum is run on the actual .iso image though from terminal    md5sum nameof.iso19:32
biggaGoliath, you can make PDF fine from any linux program by going to print and selecting to print to PDF. if it will only print to ps, print to that then use ps2pdf to make it a pdf19:32
coz_frikinz, then check that with ubuntu hashes19:32
LzrdKingstego_: yes, i tried that a while ago19:32
jribDark-Dx: for people to help you, you have to be specific (but please keep your message on a single line; use paste.ubuntu.com if you need to paste a lot of information)19:32
Goliathbigga: ok i am good19:32
shane2run command ---------------->uname -m19:33
shane2outout -------------------------> i68619:33
coz_frikinz,    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes19:33
shane2what means19:33
Dark-Dxi get sumthing about a disk or something like that19:33
aryI'm using Ubuntu 9.10 with kde 4.3. I want to install kde 4.4. I read that I need to use19:33
ary3rd Party Repository: KDE Backports (http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppas/20). My question is: Is it only for kde 4.4 or later will  it have kde 4.5?19:33
stego_!alsactl | LzrdKing19:33
jribDark-Dx: "specific"19:33
Dark-Dxwhats a disk?19:33
biggaif i recall, OO is the ONLY program you cant do direct PDF print, because they want you to export to their PDF but dont do it, that way lies hades19:33
Dark-Dxkk it say19:33
biggaso print to ps and convert19:33
biggaapt-get install ps2pdf19:34
Dark-Dx"disk boot failure insert disk and press enter" what disk I gotta insert?19:34
stego_LzrdKing: your problem is in alsa19:34
coz_bigga,  did you get all of your compiz up and running? :)19:34
gbear14275are there any gui's available to help set charging profiles for my battery?  If not, is there a best practice for setting charging profiles?  I'm looking at this one but seems specific to thinkpads:  www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Tp_smapi19:34
stego_LzrdKing: try alsactl -F19:34
Dark-Dxjust installed linus and it already werid19:34
gbear14275I'm concerned about battery life19:34
Goliathbigga: ok do you know how can i add a book front19:35
Goliathlike ms office?19:35
biggacoz_, i comprmized by living with ring, when im not very high i will take the shift graphics and add them as an option to ring :)19:35
aryI'm using Ubuntu 9.10 with kde 4.3. I want to install kde 4.4. I read that I need to use19:35
ary3rd Party Repository: KDE Backports (http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppas/20). My question is: Is it only for kde 4.4 or later will  it have kde 4.5?19:35
coz_bigga,   ok cool :)19:35
amosekDark-Dx: you say you just installed.. has it started at least once?19:35
Dark-Dxit just installed yeah19:35
biggaGoliath, why do you want to put the font in the PDF is someone going to edit it?19:35
coz_gbear14275,   look for something called  ibam   it may be  in the repository  not sure19:35
Dark-Dxhmm I have a idea19:35
stego_LzrdKing: recheck the user group if it not audio may be it sound for group19:36
Goliathbigga i mean a book front19:36
LzrdKingstego_: alasactl: Specify command...19:36
Goliathlike the front page of a book19:36
gbear14275coz.... looking at it right now19:36
biggayeah it will print just like your document looks19:36
biggagive it a try19:36
stego_LzrdKing: alsactl -F19:36
Dark-Dxoh yeah! it work!! im such genius :)19:36
stego_LzrdKing: alsactl --force19:36
Dark-Dxim insert the cd again and it starting :)19:36
Dark-Dxim in the ubuntu screnn and all!19:37
LzrdKingstego_: alasactl: Specify command...19:37
luismmontielganyone here knows how to access encrypted home user folder from previous ubuntu installation?19:37
Dark-Dxthough it taking long liek always19:37
judgenhmm so long since i used x-chat, do you know how to disable all the join/leave/quit messages?19:37
stego_LzrdKing: hmm login as root and try the sound if its ok you really need to check the user group19:38
coz_luismmontielg,   start here   http://www.linux-mag.com/id/7568/2/  not sure if that has what you want however19:38
Dark-Dxit say install again, why19:38
Hariharakadanjudgen, http://forum.xchat.org/viewtopic.php?t=256819:38
Dark-Dxman it didnt install already?!?19:38
LzrdKingstego_: what should alsactl -F do?19:38
Dark-Dxwhat's this19:39
amosekDark-Dx: because you have booted from cd again19:39
luismmontielgcoz_, thanks Ill look19:39
Dark-DxI know that how it worked again19:39
Dark-Dxit works everything19:39
stego_LzrdKing: man alsactl19:39
LzrdKingstego_: -F is an option, not a command19:39
coz_luismmontielg,  ok cool...also goodle  ubuntu access ecrypted home from previous install  and see what comes up19:39
Dark-Dxbut it say install again weird Im gonna delete that19:40
LzrdKingstego_: http://pastebin.com/1HzQGQn3 when i run aplay with X running19:40
guntbertluismmontielg: you *did* record the generated passphrase ?19:40
Dark-Dxok good, love linus19:40
Dark-Dxit beter than windows it shit19:40
PiciDark-Dx: Please mind your language here.19:40
biggaGoliath, i dont remember working with PDF heavily i use them as hardcopies of things i need to keep but you can use programs to mark them up with hyperlinks and that may be the one single occassion you could justify using export to PDF19:40
amosekDark-Dx: install again and don't forget to install MBR when it asks to do so19:40
biggaits SO unintuitive though you will cry beg and scream and wish you just printed to ps then converted to pdf19:41
nickyhi i cant seem to connect my windows machine to my ubuntu machine via ethernet. it refsues to connect it willj ust say eth0 disconeccted. How can I fix this?19:41
stego_LzrdKing: just once please login as root !!19:41
sabatorWhat is th best antivirus on Ubuntu ?19:41
KenShin133i need a bit of help moveing how my grub boots http://paste.ubuntu.com/419980/19:41
stego_LzrdKing: i bet the sound is working19:41
Dark-Dxit kinda slow but it work19:41
amosekDark-Dx: check this howto https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation19:41
LzrdKingstego_: trying19:42
luismmontielgguntbert, no I dont think so, its not my hard drive, a friend installed /home in another partition then reinstalled dont know why and put / and /home in the same partition.. he tried to mount the /home partition from ubuntu prev install but its encripted19:42
luismmontielgguntbert, we know there's the data because of the free space19:42
biggasabator, apt-cache search virus19:42
stego_LzrdKing: i'll wait19:42
Dark-Dxoh man this suk, windows is more faster. now I have to get the cd from a friend19:42
biggaprobably still amavis19:42
Dark-Dxhe have windows19:42
Dark-Dxthis's too slow19:43
silver_hi all.  my laptop wont start, it says mount of filesystem failed. (gnome 9.10)19:43
biggawho needs an antivirus on linux19:43
Pici!antivirus | sabator19:43
ubottusabator: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus19:43
GoliathDoes anyone know how can i choose a cover in opneoffice?19:43
Goliathlike book cover19:43
biggayou are a russian business network your marks are 98% windows 1% mac and 1% linux server19:43
guntbertluismmontielg: yes, but without the passphrase the data is definitely inaccessible - if it is encrypted19:43
=== boabsta is now known as pistol
amosekDark-Dx: it's slow because it's running from CD ... will be much faster after you install and boot from hard drive19:43
KenShin133if anyone has a sec im haveing a couple grub2 problems http://paste.ubuntu.com/419980/19:43
biggawho's gunna write the viruses19:43
Dark-Dxthank you guy for help, I see this's to slow my computer suck anyway19:43
biggaDark-Dx, wait19:44
uvacavanyone know of any wine daily snapshots built for ubuntu? I really don't want to compile this myself on an Atom...19:44
biggayou can make ubuntu slick and slim19:44
Dark-Dxwhat you want19:44
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:44
biggainstall the xfce install19:44
rocket16Bravo! I just downloaded 0 A.D, and I am sure, we'll have a great increase in Linux Gaming because of this game.19:44
Dark-Dxyeah but it slow too19:44
rocket16Sorry, if I had been offtopic.19:45
kevin_hi, does the ubuntu home directory encryption encrypt my browsing history/cookies and thunderbird emails?19:45
biggainstall the server install19:45
biggaand awesome-wm19:45
Brixiusluismmontielg: Excerpt from: http://www.linux-mag.com/id/7568/1/ It is also essential that the user records their randomly generated mount passphrase. Write it down, print it out, escrow it to a trusted server or service, store in your safety deposit box. This key, rather than your system log in password, is absolutely required if you need to restore your data from backup or migrate your data elsewhere.19:45
biggathen it wont be19:45
KajayachtDark-Dx, you might also want to try Lubuntu, I don't know how much it has changed since I last used it19:45
biggabut you will need to be a geek19:45
FloodBot4bigga: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:45
Kajayachtbut it looks promising19:45
biggaFloodBot1, chastised and corrected sir19:45
Dark-Dxim no nerd lol19:45
luismmontielgBrixius, thanks, so, it seems my friend is lost19:45
Dark-Dxbye bye19:46
Dark-Dxhow do i close this19:46
biggaDark-Dx, pm me19:46
kevin_hi, does the ubuntu home directory encryption encrypt my browsing history/cookies and thunderbird emails?19:46
amosekDark-Dx: /part19:46
=== Maletor_ is now known as Maletor
KenShin133last time, GRUB 2 ISSUES! http://paste.ubuntu.com/419980/19:46
Dark-Dxit not work19:46
biggaubuntu is a fat distro i can help you with something to make the pc useful19:46
LzrdKingstego_: you seem to be partially right, if i run a sound tool as root, like "sudo alsamixer" when X is running, it works fine19:47
LzrdKingso why do i need to be root to run alsamixer when X is running but i can be a regular user when it's not?19:47
stego_LzrdKing: you use kde ?19:47
Brixiusluismmontielg: Most likely, there may be some sort of brute force attack you could use, but I would have to google and try to figure out how to do it. so your better googleing it yourself.19:47
brandon_ola alguem do brasil ?19:48
luismmontielgBrixius, good, thanks!19:48
LzrdKingstego_: no, its just bare openbox19:48
stego_LzrdKing: hmm19:48
brandon_em ?19:48
biggaman there are pcs out there that run windows 95 like rocketships 10 years old19:48
stego_LzrdKing: what x for ?19:48
biggathe guy just was a troll dissin linux19:48
biggaespecially ubuntu19:48
guntbertbigga: what are you talking about?19:48
Spasysheep9.10 'karmic' I have two network connections, wlan0 and eth0; I want to share the internet connection from wlan0 to eth0 so a computer without wifi can get internet, without this computer losing it's internet connection. All the guides I can find on the internet on how to do this serve only to break all my connectivity19:48
tixboubouhi i am new ubuntu19:49
biggathe one who said his pc is too slow for linux19:49
stego_LzrdKing: chek user group again19:49
amosek!es |brandon19:49
ubottubrandon: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:49
biggacome on! i had linux running on a 38619:49
guntbert!ot | bigga19:49
ubottubigga: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:49
biggasorry, didn't realise was OT19:49
obscurant1sthow can i use ICS in wlan?19:50
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biggaafter all get one hooked into linux then graduate to ubuntu19:50
LzrdKingstego_: my user is in the audio group19:50
obscurant1sti have internet coming from eth0, i have to make an accesspoint so that i can connect my mobile to internet19:50
obscurant1stWIFI accesspoint19:50
stego_LzrdKing: the problem is user can not read the sound device because its not belong to it, in order it can read it, it should belong to the group that can read the device19:51
obscurant1stsombody pls help me!19:51
stego_LzrdKing: its the same concept with root19:51
QwellWho colorized my nano?  About to stab somebody in the throat.19:52
Goliathi want to add a cover page19:52
LzrdKingstego_: why would it change when X starts?19:52
QwellYou don't change a mans editor.19:52
stego_LzrdKing: the root can read the device because the file belong to its19:52
Goliathat my openoffice document19:52
QwellI'll deal with the stupid side-swapping min/max/close buttons.  I'll deal with the stupid theme changes.  But my editor?  Nosir.19:52
LzrdKingstego_: "groups" does NOT show audio as a group for the user! i must not have added the user correctly19:52
guntbertGoliath: #openoffice.org might be more helpful19:52
stego_LzrdKing: i think thats th issue19:53
stego_LzrdKing: i think thats *the issue19:53
Spasysheep9.10 'karmic' I have two network connections, wlan0 and eth0; I want to share the internet connection from wlan0 to eth0 so a computer without wifi can get internet, without this computer losing it's internet connection. All the guides I can find on the internet on how to do this serve only to break all my connectivity. Help?19:53
pistolSpasysheep: you can do that with iptables, look at the forwarding rule19:53
Spasysheeppistol: O.O iptables is big and scary...19:53
obscurant1stSpasysheep, you tried this, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing19:53
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obscurant1stSpasysheep, i hv almost the sam issue, but in my canse the internet comes through wfi and i need to share it using WiFI19:54
LzrdKingstego_: here ya go, i DID add myself to the audio group, but i did NOT logout/login afterwards!19:55
obscurant1sti mean internet comes through eth19:55
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Spasysheephrmmm.. pistol, obscurant1st: thanks, I'll look at those methods19:55
stego_LzrdKing: hmm19:55
LzrdKingstego_: before i thank you profusely, let me check boxee19:56
arywhat is the difference between append a new rep in /etc/apt/sources.list and to create a new file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/19:56
obscurant1stSpasysheep, i think in your case ubuntu 9.10 method will work19:56
obscurant1stsomebody pls help me!19:56
Goliathhow can i enable spellcheck19:56
Goliathin openoffice?19:56
xplinuxll vuze and than vuze work19:57
* stego_ scratched head 19:57
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xplinuxi have many problems for install vuze and than vuze work19:58
LzrdKingstego_: it appears to be working; i won't know for sure till i get home tonight but thank you thank thank you19:59
stego_LzrdKing: your very welcome19:59
erUSULary: the later is more clean ? and is easier to script too19:59
aaris there a way of getting a list of who is currently connected to a SSH server?19:59
LzrdKingstego_: i still have the question of why X running or not mattered20:00
erUSULaar: "w" will list all users in a system. including those accessing via ssh20:00
GoliathHow can i enable spellcheck in openoffice?20:00
stego_LzrdKing: everything in linux is consider a file20:01
aarerUSUL, great thanks20:01
guntbertGoliath: why don't you ask open office questions in #openoffice.org ?20:01
odie5533How big is the ubuntu minimal install?20:01
Goliathnoone is there20:01
HariharakadanGoliath, I will poke around in it for you since no one is there.20:02
stego_LzrdKing: who access what in what time it will be partial20:02
LzrdKingstego_: you mean "black magic"20:02
stego_LzrdKing: lol20:02
Fishscene66 people in #openoffice.org20:02
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Hariharakadanoops. Goliath that link was for you.20:03
CMoH|notebookhello. how do I change sources.list repositories from ro.archive.ubuntu.com... and to what? apparently all packages give 404 on that mirror20:03
aryerUSUL: but is it the same?20:03
erUSULary: yes is the same20:04
stego_LzrdKing: in your situation its no correlation X and alsa as a file to be access to20:04
aryerUSUL: and apt search first in /etc/apt/sources.list and then in the individual files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/xxx. Isn't it?20:05
erUSULary: think about it « cat /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* > complete_sources »20:05
guntbert!hi | nicky20:06
ubottunicky: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!20:06
nickyguntbert| i have a question20:06
aryerUSUL: ahh okey! thanks!20:06
guntbert!ask | nicky20:06
nickyguntbert| when i try to give eth0 a static ip networking tools does not indicate ive given it.20:06
ubottunicky: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:06
LzrdKingstego_: i did not understand your last statement; can you please rephrase?20:07
nickyguntbert|if config does indicate that i have given it a static ip though20:07
smithis there a support channel for Gyache?20:07
erUSULnicky: how did you configured the ip ?20:07
guntbertnicky: please omit the | at the end of nicks - it prevents highlighting the person20:08
nickyerusul sudo ifconfig eth0 address
smithis there any support channels for Gyache?20:08
stego_LzrdKing: i still have the question of why X running or not mattered << its what you think but actually it don't i try to explain you for the last couple of statement20:09
Fishscenesounds like an incomplete command.20:09
azertyuiohow to check ubuntu version20:09
erUSULnicky: and if you do « ifconfig eth0 » after that command it shows no ip assigned ?20:10
stego_LzrdKing:  X running or not; is not mattered20:10
azertyuioinstalled on my ssys t20:10
erUSUL!version | azertyuio20:10
ubottuazertyuio: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »20:10
LzrdKingstego_: it certainly seemed to20:10
nickyerusul: it shows ip assignment but in network tools it is different. right now it shows for ipv4 :S20:10
Roasted_oh, I'm not in off topic chat. My apologies.20:10
smithany one know why people cannot see my webcam in gyache? I have give access to all users so they can see it20:10
stego_LzrdKing:  :)20:10
erUSULnicky: is lo's ip; not eth0's20:11
erUSULnicky: loopback20:11
strings_nicky: change to the eth0 device in network tools20:12
haffeHi. Are any of you into network security? How secure is WPA2+PSK?20:12
CaptainTrekerUSUL: any reason that a wifi card in Ubuntu would crash when it has 3+ sets of packet streams at once?20:12
haffeAre we talking takes an hour to crack?20:12
strings_haffe: wpa2 is pretty secure. atleast over wep20:12
haffeAssuming a 63digit random password that is.20:12
erUSULCaptainTrek: buggy driver? no software is bug free... check kernel logs ...20:13
SensivaI wan to scan a host for all open ports using nmap, how?20:13
Fishscenehaffe: A lot more secure than wep. As of right now, it is difficult to crack.20:13
guntberthaffe: there is ##security, and there is ##networking  - here it is  off topic20:13
CaptainTrekerUSUL: got the commands I need to find kernel logs for the card?20:13
haffeguntbert: Ok.20:13
stego_LzrdKing: if you dont believe me try aplay *.wav whiteout starting X :)20:13
biggaerUSUL, you COULD configure it like that if you wanted to mind you20:13
biggait's just convention20:14
pingvinqqhi everybody, i use ubuntu 9.10, and i wanna do so i can choose between 2 startup os, (between ubuntu and snow leopard) anybody can find a guide or somthing else?:)20:14
azertyuiohow to install gnome on hosted server ?20:14
erUSULCaptainTrek: logs are text files in /var/log/ messages syslog20:15
erUSULCaptainTrek: you can use less to see them20:15
geniiSensiva: There are too many possible ways to explain adequately in here. Best just consult http://nmap.org/book/man.html and use which ones you need20:15
Sensivagenii's Website Title: Chapter 15. Nmap Reference Guide20:15
CaptainTrekthanks erUSUL20:15
azertyuiohow to install gnome on hosted server ?20:15
LzrdKingstego_: that worked before20:16
pingvinqqanybody help me?:)20:16
lalalolHELP needed lol, vlc sees random keys as pausekeys or quitkeys, when i restart it, its np, but i cant keep on restarting vlc...20:16
geniiSensiva: You may also want to turn off a script you have which is echoing back to the channel here the title of URLs which are directed to you20:17
stego_LzrdKing: it will always work as long as the user can access the device20:17
Sensivagenii yeah I have done it20:17
strings_azertyuio: apt-get install gnome-session. then install say gnome-panel. and gnome-terminal. along with whatever else you might need.20:17
geniiSensiva: Thanks20:17
judgenlalalol, Not just a new problem? Cant you downgrade one version or so if its just a recent problem?20:18
azertyuiosorry i want to install gnome on my local pc to an hosted server ?20:18
azertyuiothat's the exact question20:18
nikolampingvinqq, try insanelymac.com they have a wiki about osx on x86 pc s etc.20:18
lalaloljudgen, since today, i have it installed for over a month, but today is the first day im using it :p20:18
pingvinqqthx !:D20:18
strings_azertyuio: hmm can you rephrase the question.20:18
mb999Hi. Anybody here know of issues with rhythmbox on 10.04 beta 2? Segfault in gstreamer.20:20
azertyuiohow to install gnome on home pc to remote control hosted machine20:20
FiReSTaRTdoes anyone have any experience with setting up twinkle with stun? i wanna see if i can migrate from linphone to twinkle but i can't even connect to the stun server20:20
strings_azertyuio: that depends on the hosted enviroment. is the hosted machine running linux already?20:20
lalaloljudgen, help plz?20:21
Picimb999 : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.20:21
azertyuioon the host i got ubuntu20:21
azertyuioon my home i got windows20:21
strings_azertyuio: and you need to run a gnome application on your windows machine? or you want to run gnome application from the hosted server?20:22
azertyuiofor now to connect to remote machine i have to ssh20:23
azertyuioi just need a gnome solution20:23
strings_azertyuio: if you need to configure something useing gnome. I would install the gnome app on the hosted server. and install a X11 server on you windows machine. and use XForward through ssh20:24
zylogz80Does Ubuntu support the Intel GMA 4500MHD graphics card? I am unable to get desktop effects to work with 9.10 but they worked fine under 9.0420:26
azertyuiook thanks20:26
zylogz80I've been researching but can't find a straight answer anywhere20:26
Dr_AlienHi all20:27
Dr_Alienim having issues with the Vi editor20:27
Dr_Alienim running Ubuntu and im in a Vi edited document20:28
Dr_Alienive just pressed the command :wp to save the document however the system is still in insert mode.20:28
strings_Dr_Alien: hit escape until you are out of insert mode20:28
stego_Dr_Alien: use nano it easier20:30
Dr_Alienwhere can i get Nano?20:30
stego_Dr_Alien: nano20:30
mb999For command line editors, mcedit is a nice & easy one for people new to linux.20:31
jerry_anyone able to help me get xvid mpeg 4s to play? ive tried all sorts of things but no avail and i just did a fresh install of 9.10 the last 9.10 install i had was playing em, using a nvdia 8800 gtx with nvidia driver20:31
PiciDr_Alien: its installed by default20:31
jerry_Dr_Alien, open terminal and type nano <filename>20:31
Dr_AlienIve installed LAMP onto my server20:31
Dr_Alienhowever its not currently running20:31
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:31
stego_!nano | Dr_Alien20:31
ubottuDr_Alien: Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code20:31
maruenhello guys, Anyone knows about some keyboard crash problem with ubuntu?20:31
joshdreamlandHi, I'm having trouble getting a liveUSB to remain persistent. And that's an epic understatement. I have tried absolutely everything to get this 8GB flash drive to just save my settings when I shut down, and nothing I've tried has worked. I've tried usb-creator, portablelinux, endless tutorials on pendrivelinux.com... Nothing works.20:31
maruenI don't know why , but sometimes my keyboard stops to work20:32
* Dr_Alien nods thanks jerry, Pici and Stego for your help (and strings)20:32
mean67anyone in the boston area?20:32
joshdreamlandIt worked fine on my 2GB flash drive, but the new usb-creator on Karmic can't even work with my 8GB, and the one on Jaunty works but fails to make it persistent.20:32
duffydackjoshdreamland, tried just installing it properly onto the flash stick?20:32
guntbert!ot | mean6720:32
ubottumean67: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:32
obscurant1stcan somebody pls tell me how can i use my wifi card to share internet connection for my iphone, by using internet from my eth0?20:33
Dr_AlienHi guys, ive got one other issue. ive installed Ubuntu onto my cloud server. (and ive got lamp running via the groupped system) however it seems unable to work. wondered if any of you knew how to sort this.20:33
mean67not really OT20:33
joshdreamlandSeveral individuals here have passed me walkthroughs which I've followed to the letter; not a one worked, obviously.20:33
Picimean67: Try #ubuntu-us-ma for the Massachusetts LoCo Team20:33
mean67cause I was looking for some help in the area with Ubuntu20:33
Dr_Alien!ot | lamp20:33
ubottulamp: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:33
joshdreamlanddoes anyone else have a method of getting an 8GB flash drive to load Ubuntu persistently?20:33
obscurant1stpls anyone!20:34
guntbertDr_Alien: try to ask in #ubuntu-server20:34
Pici!ics | obscurant1st20:34
ubottuobscurant1st: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php20:34
SpamapSobscurant1st: you don't have an access point?20:34
joshdreamlandduffydack: Managed to miss your reply; not used to pidgin quite yet. If I install it regularly, will it still work on other computers?20:35
obscurant1stSpamapS, i have an access point now20:35
obscurant1sti created one20:35
joshdreamlandOr will it be specifically for this box from now on?20:35
obscurant1stmy iphone i getting connected to it also, but no internet! SpamapS20:35
joshdreamlandAnd further, why would it work on a 2GB but not an 8?20:36
mean67so anyone use UEC20:37
Picimean67: If you have have questions about UEC, best to ask in #ubuntu-server, you'll have a better chance of a response20:38
duffydackjoshdreamland,  im not 100% sure.  I assume it would be ok.20:39
erUSUL!ics | nicky20:39
ubottunicky: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php20:39
duffydackjoshdreamland, unless you try and config a custom xorg.conf or somthing I dont see many problems with a different pc..20:40
informaticahi everybody (my english is not very well)... one question... y have a lot machines with ubuntu karmic 9.10 and xubunt 9.10.... I create a mirror ubuntu and my question is: a mirror for medibuntu in karmic mirror, is useful for 10.4 ubuntu mirror too ?20:40
zylogz80Does anyone know how to enable desktop effects with an Intel 4500MHD in 9.10? My machine is unusably slow with Xorg grabbing 40%-90% CPU at idle.20:41
joshdreamlandduffydack: didn't 9.10 do away with xorg.conf?20:41
zylogz80It was working fine in 9.0420:41
duffydackjoshdreamland, yeah, thats what I mean..  everything is autodetected20:41
joshdreamlandI see20:42
duffydackjoshdreamland, but making an xorg.conf might stop it booting on another pc20:42
uvacavanyone know of a daily wine build for ubuntu? opensuse has rpm one but cant find one for ubuntu anywehre20:42
erUSUL!ppa | uvacav20:42
ubottuuvacav: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.20:42
erUSULuvacav: there is wine ppa with stable builds20:42
duffydackjoshdreamland, I dont see why you cant make a liveusb with persis tho.. its pretty straight forward..20:43
rocket16I am using Evolution and Gnote to synchronize using Conduit, and all worked well, but in Evolution Memos, I find that HTML-Like scripts of GNotes files are present. How can I remove them? Also, is there any way to use GNotes from Evolution? Like Kjots in Kontact?20:44
uvacaverUSUL: i think the ppa still has 1.1.42 in it and i need a patch thats newer than 1.1.43. I think the ppa only has actual dev releases and i need a snapshot from git20:44
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dekroningfor some reason my monitor jumps into standby mode every 20min, anyone know how to turn this off?20:45
duffydackjoshdreamland,  when Ive done it, i just made a fat32 partition and then used usb-creator and told it how much persistence..job done..20:45
trelaneare you guys planning to revert back to an open office that doesn't blow chunks before release?20:45
erUSULuvacav: then i dunno20:45
llutzdekroning: set -dpms20:45
trelaneooh no, it's released so, on20:45
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obscurant1stPici, it is not working!20:46
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WizzupI keep getting this error message whenever I try to connect with networkingmanager-openvnc: The VPN connection failed because there were no valid VPN secrets20:48
dekroningllutz: thanks i see it's at standby 1200   and suspend: 1800  of: 2400  indeed, thanks a lot20:48
g0r3_0f_g0dhi all20:48
WizzupIt doesn't really make sense to me; all the config is correct. The server is fine too20:48
Piciobscurant1st: Please ask your question to the channel.20:49
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obscurant1stcan somebody pls tell me how can i use my wifi card to share internet connection for my iphone, by using internet from my eth0?20:49
obscurant1sti have installed firestarter20:49
obscurant1stand shared the connection20:49
obscurant1stbut still there is no connectivity in my phone20:50
zylogz80So was support for Intel graphics pulled in 9.10 or something? What's up? Why can't I enable compositing? There's no solid info anywhere. Is there a driver available? It thought stuff like this was solved a long time ago.20:50
dekroningllutz: do you know if this is can be triggered as well? e.g. i want to turn the screen in standby at a certain time?20:51
g0r3_0f_g0d /set irc_conf_mode on20:51
llutzdekroning: please look at "man xset", iirc there is an option for that20:52
crucialhoaxg0r3_0f_g0d: Its 1 not `on`20:52
dekroningllutz: great, thanks a lot20:52
g0r3_0f_g0dya see now20:52
g0r3_0f_g0dnot sure why xchat siply doesnt have an option for that20:53
janisozaurhow come eye of gnome doesn't display animated gifs?20:54
geniiobscurant1st: Can you set a static IP, manual gateway,etc for a wifi connection on the iphone? If it only has something like "autoconnect" you may need to have a dhcp server on the wifi card20:55
g0r3_0f_g0dmy question is , is there a volume management like in redhat in ubuntu , i mean like lvdisplay and so on20:55
ldleworksu is giving me authentication issues, even though sudo works. Anyone know what's up?20:56
g0r3_0f_g0dor for that matter zfs support even20:56
guntbert!root | ldlework20:56
ubottuldlework: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo20:56
crucialhoaxIdleOne: su does not work in Ubuntu. su is sudo basically. ^^ read that.20:56
tlvbldlework: use sudo -s20:56
ldleworkguntbert, I can do sudo, I can't su20:56
ldleworkOh okay20:57
BedManhow would one re-create /etc/ldap/schema/* ?20:57
orhanany one help me?20:57
guntbertldlework: thats how its supposed to work - did you read what I sent you?20:57
ldleworkguntbert, I just say 'oh okay'20:57
deuckatHi, the fules on my HDD are reading X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!$H+H*20:57
deuckatwhat is the problem20:57
orhanhow to disable grub20:57
_romeo_my linuxdcpp crashes everytime after few seconds20:58
orhani cant format this machine20:58
_romeo_BUS error20:58
orhanon usb20:58
guntbertorhan: you need a boot manager20:58
_romeo_can anybody please help20:58
Picideuckat: What? Thats the contents of the EIRCAR test file.20:58
crucialhoaxdear god. One line please, very hard to follow lol20:58
BedManIs there a way to determine which package installed a file?21:00
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erUSULBedMan: dpkg -S /full/path/to/file21:00
llutzBedMan: dpkg -S file21:00
orhani install boot manager21:01
obscurant1stgenii, i selected the static thing, and gave in the same range as i have given for wlan021:02
quajihi. I'm looking for a command line image viewer that allows showing an image at full screen, while stretching it to fit (not maintaining aspect ratio). Does anyone have an idea?21:02
erUSULquaji: what do you mean by "command line" able to display images without an Xserver ?21:02
dekroningis there a way to display all current X display names running? i'm trying to use "xset -display :0 -q"  but this gives me an no such display name, error, however i'm almost certain that :0 is the correct name, since i see this in my ps ouptut21:03
crucialhoax dekroning xrandr21:04
AcePreshawhelo room21:04
quajierUSUL: I mean that it takes its settings via command line options, not (only) via GUI interface.21:04
dekroningcrucialhoax: Screen 0:21:04
AcePreshawsup room21:04
crucialhoaxdekroning: Which is inverse of what you typed in...21:04
BedMandekroning: just export DISPLAY=:0 then succeeding shell commands use that environment variable21:04
dekroningcrucialhoax: that means name is   0:   then21:04
erUSULquaji: display from imagemagik ?21:05
mgjWhat is the sound-control widget/application called?21:05
dekroningBedMan: ah oke21:05
Hariharakadan!hi | AcePreshaw21:05
ubottuAcePreshaw: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:05
mgjWhat is the sound-control widget/application called? The one you can click and then adjust the volume21:05
DarxusMy gconfd stopped loading.  Is this a wide spread new problem, or am I the only one?21:05
pfifodose ubuntu have a typing tutor program?21:05
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:05
Picipfifo: There are a few, gtypist or tuxtype for example21:06
dekroningBedMan: hmm i'm still getting: http://www.pastie.org/92858321:06
orhansome help me once more21:06
pfifopici, dvorak?21:06
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:06
crucialhoaxmgj: gnome-volume-control possibly?21:06
quajierUSUL: tried it. AFAICT it doesn't have a full screen option.21:06
ubottuIf you have been banned it is probably because you have not gone along with what is acceptable !behaviour. If you're not sure what acceptable !behaviour is please see !Etiquette and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines - If you think the ban was a mistake, please join #ubuntu-ops21:06
Picipfifo: er, I see dvorak7min, I don't know if the ones I mentioned before support dvorak.21:06
orhansome one help me ?21:06
crucialhoax!ask orhan21:07
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pfifopici, ty21:07
BedMandekroning: well... you have to be in the same shell...21:07
crucialhoax!ask > orhan21:07
ubottuorhan, please see my private message21:07
zenlunaticorhan, what21:07
orhani cant boot ...21:07
dekroningBedMan: ah... i'm trying to run it from a ssh login ;-)21:07
orhani instaal xp but i cant boot this machin from usb21:07
zenlunatichm well that sums it up21:07
orhani cant disable grub21:07
mgjcrucialhoax, no, thats not the one. I just want the widget thats normally placed in the system tray21:07
CaptainTrekorhan: did you check the BIOS?21:07
zenlunaticorhan, what are you asking21:07
BedMandekroning: ssh should retain the setting of your DISPLAY variable21:07
dekroningBedMan: it's a remote machine and i'm not able to connect to it via vnc or anything, i was hoping i could do it from the commandline21:07
orhanyes i check21:08
CaptainTrekorhan: check the BIOS to see if USB/removable devices is first in boot order21:08
orhanthis machine is netbook21:08
crucialhoaxmgj: Not sure of the command, but it is grouped with the indicator applet.21:08
orhanand i remove ubuntu21:08
orhanbut i cant21:08
zenlunaticmost netbooks have usb boot... not many other options21:08
BedMandekroning: you can... make sure to use X11-tunneling with your ssh configuration...21:08
orhani know21:08
mgjcrucialhoax, hmm. The thing is, i want that volume control in fluxbox as well21:08
BedMandekroning: try ssh -Y hostname to get there in the first place21:08
orhanbut XP reboot cant start21:08
g0r3_0f_g0dok i see the orhan's issue , after removing linux partition grub stayed in mbr21:08
dekroningBedMan: ah i see the problem, it's because i have to do it as root ofcourse since root started X via gdm at boot up21:09
g0r3_0f_g0dyou need to clean mbr21:09
zenlunaticorhan, you probably hosed xp with grub21:09
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:09
g0r3_0f_g0dmaster boot record21:09
dekroningBedMan: thanks for realizing that21:09
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.21:09
ubottuSome topics are controversial and often end in negativity. Take care on subjects like war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, potentially illegal activities and suicide. The topics are not banned; stating your position is ok, but trolling, baiting, hostility or repetition are not. If you are asked to stop, do so politely. Disputes to !appeals, please adhere to !Freenode Policy and the !CodeOfConduct21:09
orhanhow to clean21:09
DarxusNo, gconfd is running, but nothing can connect to it.21:09
BedMandekroning: good luck - ssh + x11 is quite complicated :)21:09
zenlunaticorhan, grub-install and chainloader21:09
zenlunaticorhan, grub-install and chainloader21:09
FloodBot4zenlunatic: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:09
g0r3_0f_g0dactually orhan wants to remove it for windows to boot again not reinstate it presumably21:10
crucialhoaxmgj: i I see. Not sure about that. Maybe ask again and wait to see if anyone knows anything.21:10
zenlunaticwell than why is he here21:10
g0r3_0f_g0di thought windows cds had the mbr option21:10
zenlunaticthat is windows question21:10
g0r3_0f_g0dcoincidently it was ubuntu that he removed :P21:10
mgjWhat is the sound-control widget/application called? The one you can click and then adjust the volume. I want that volume control in fluxbox as well.21:11
orhanif i disale grub i boot usb21:11
mgjg0r3_0f_g0d, you have no control over the bootloader when installing windows21:11
zenlunaticmgj, i think its in notifier which includes sound and wifi etc21:11
HariharakadanI got a solution to that orhan. May I PM you?21:11
BedManHow can you verify a package is completely installed?21:12
g0r3_0f_g0di'm not windows expert , thought they had somma like fdisk or format stuff21:12
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mgjzenlunatic, "notifier" ? I have no such application it seems21:12
LinuxGuy2009BedMan: execute it21:12
joshdreamlandCan anyone tell me how to resize the amount of space allocated to Casper?21:12
nicky__hi does anyone know how i can turn off my lcd when im not using it?21:12
joshdreamlandI believe it's stored as a partition in a file somewhere on the live USB21:12
LinuxGuy2009nicky__: push the power button21:12
gui77i have a corrupt ubuntu installation, how may i repair/fix it without losing my files=21:12
nicky__linuxguy: i want to leave the computer on idle21:13
LinuxGuy2009nicky__: power options21:13
mgjzenlunatic, the wifi applet is called nm-applet if that helps any21:13
nicky__linuxguy: there is no power options here in gnome21:13
LinuxGuy2009nicky__: System->Preferences->Power Management21:13
LinuxGuy2009nicky__: Set the timeout for dim display21:13
zenlunaticmgj, try notification area21:14
makahHi, how can I copy multiple files to other file names, for example, i have 2 .cfg files (name1.cfg and name2.cfg) and i want to copy them, for example, name1.old.cfg and name2.old.cfg ? i hope you got the point, thank you in advance.21:14
mgjzenlunatic, hmm? I need a command / program / applet that i can actually run21:14
zenlunaticgui77, did you install on one / or seperate partitions21:14
mgjWhat is the sound-control widget/application called? The one you can click and then adjust the volume. I want that volume control in fluxbox as well. I found the network manager which is called nm-applet but i have been unable to find the sound applet.21:14
geniiobscurant1st: Apologies on lag, work has become busy. Did you put for the gateway the IP of wlan0? Also if there is somewhere for nameservers you may want to put entries there which correspond to what your ISP is using, or possibly the IP of the router which is attached to eth021:15
zenlunaticmgj, alsa-mixer?21:15
LinuxGuy2009makah: YouTube and Google have great videos and guides on basic terminal commands such as that.21:15
g0r3_0f_g0dmakah, try for i in `ls` ; do cp $i $i.old; done21:15
mgjzenlunatic, alsa-mixer works, but its not what im looking for21:15
zenlunaticmgj, alsamixer21:15
narselonI just upgraded to lucid and I'm getting an "Fatal: Root visual is not a GL visual" error when I try to start compiz and nautilus only loads the desktop variation21:15
mgjzenlunatic, i want that volume applet that comes default with gnome21:15
LinuxGuy2009narselon: #ubuntu+1 for lucid21:15
mgjdefault with ubuntu in gnome rather21:15
BedManmakah: you would need to use a script of some sort, bash allows you to use for loops to do that pretty easily21:15
zenlunaticmgj, im out of suggestions, sorry21:16
KleviQuestion: how do i change where the default notification popup appears from applications like pidgin/xchat/ etc in nbr21:16
=== ri is now known as Guest85223
LinuxGuy2009Klevi: applets dont appear to be moveable in netbook remix21:17
BedManmakah: for file in <list of files>; do mv $file `echo $file | sed 's/x/y/'`; done21:17
beppoi deleted my /etc/slapd directory cause i thought apt-get install slapd would regenerate it21:17
beppobut it didn't21:17
Guest85223My co-worker cannot get sound to work with 9.10 on her vmfusion laptop.  Can someone make a suggestion?  It has been a while since I've had to fix one of these.21:17
BedManmakah: where x and y are the changes to the filenames... (from and to)21:17
PiciBedMan, makah: or just use 'rename' , see man rename21:17
makahk thx21:18
BedManPici: but that's no fun :-) and not automated21:18
h00kubottu: tell Guest85223 about sound21:18
ubottuGuest85223, please see my private message21:18
LinuxGuy2009Klevi: Im running lucid netbook remix on my Dell Mini and the applets are not movable. Not sure about older versions.21:18
Klevi... well, its the notification. the taskbar is cool where it is, but say when somone msgs me and pidgon is out of focus and it popsup with the msg in the topright.. i want to edit that if possible ( LinuxGuy2009 )21:18
BedMan!hi gus_21:18
gus_BedMan: hello can i ask for some help??21:18
BedMan!hi | gus_21:18
ubottugus_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:18
zvacet!ask | gus_21:19
ubottugus_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:19
ldleworkWhy can't I find, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/postgresql-8.4/8.4.3-1~jaunty1 in Synaptic Package Manager?21:19
LinuxGuy2009Klevi: You can run regular gnome and move the notification applet anywhere on any panel.21:19
KleviLinuxGuy2009,  how may i do that21:19
BedMangus_: that's the idea :)21:19
gus_im using virtualbox, i have a 64-bit pc but i can't seem to install windows 7 on virtual box because it declines 64-bit support21:19
gus_how do i change that?21:20
icerootgus_: enable vt-x21:20
LinuxGuy2009ldlework: make sure you have main, universe, restricted, multiverse all added as sources in order to see all packages.21:20
icerootgus_: or the amd-thing from which i forgot the name21:20
gus_how do i enable vt-x?21:20
mgjWhat is the name of the sound mixer applet? The wifi/network one is called nm-applet, but i cannot find the sound one21:20
icerootgus_: have a look at the vbox manual21:20
Klevigus_, you need a procesor that has virtual emulation support for 64 bit os's21:20
Guest85223Hmm.  I haven't used ubottu.21:20
LinuxGuy2009Klevi: In regular gnome session you can right click on an applet unlock/lock, and move them.21:20
Kleviif its 32, then it will run fine, gus_21:20
crucialhoaxcya all later,21:21
Guest85223I have the thread ubottu,...???21:21
zvacetgus_ : Ithink you have to change something in bios but don´ remember what21:21
ZykoticK9gus_, in order to install 64bit your CPU must support virtualization.  Are you using AMD or Intel CPU.21:21
gus_Guest85223: you know ubottu is just an automated bot right?21:21
KleviOh, i have to relog while using regular gnome?21:21
ldleworkLinuxGuy2009, Thanks21:21
geoaxishello, is there a way to install some other linux distro from within ubuntu21:22
Guest85223gus_:  I don't know how to exercise it though.21:22
KleviLinuxGuy2009 ^21:22
LinuxGuy2009ldlework: Your Welcome21:22
icerootgus_: with vbox for example21:22
gus_ZykoticK9: its intel, dual core21:22
geoaxisand on the real drive21:22
Guest85223I have the ubottu thread next to this one .21:22
icerootgeoaxis: with vbox for example21:22
LinuxGuy2009Klevi: Good?21:22
Guest60379gus_: low end core2 can have 64 native but not 64 virtual21:22
ZykoticK9gus_, to verify your cpu support virtualization "grep vmx /proc/cpuinfo"21:22
bushbabygeoaxix: dual booting or virtual box21:22
geoaxisiceroot: but that would isntall to a virtualized env21:22
icerootgus_: look at the vbox properties and search for vt-x21:22
ZykoticK9gus_, if you get output - it does21:22
duffydackEnable PAE in vbox?21:22
icerootgeoaxis: yes, also you can use dualboot21:22
bushbabygeoaxix: ignore dual booting.. i missed 'from within ubuntu'21:22
geoaxisiceroot: i know21:23
gus_ah ok, do i plug that as a command in the terminal21:23
=== Guest85223 is now known as xcyclist
icerootgeoaxis: there are no other ways21:23
KleviLinuxGuy2009, i forgot to tage you in my prev question ( I have to relog in while using regular gnome to get the normal desktop? )21:23
ZykoticK9gus_, yes21:23
xcyclistI guess I am xcyclist now.21:23
gus_ZykoticK9: ok thanks im going to check it out21:23
geoaxisiceroot, lets see, if i install ubuntu on lets say a virtual disk21:23
geoaxisthen make a clone of that disk21:23
geoaxisand then recover that disk in real partition21:23
geoaxisthat might work21:24
LinuxGuy2009Klevi: Umm not sure what release your on. May be in login screen under session, or you may have to disable the automatic startup of maximus etc to prevent netbook mode.21:24
h00k!virtualbox | geoaxis21:24
ubottugeoaxis: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox21:24
geoaxis(clone of the disk with clonezilla)21:24
xcyclistgus_:  Is it something I can learn about from nickserv or some other help?21:24
LinuxGuy2009Klevi: In lucid its under session I know that/21:24
Klevi*nods* how do i upgrade from 9.10 to Lucid? LinuxGuy200921:25
geoaxish00k:  i know what it is, i am trying to explore an alternate solution to installation, i have this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/41649921:25
h00kKlevi: head to #ubuntu+1  for Lucid support21:25
* Klevi nods21:25
geoaxisi cannot see any paritions in the disk (when i boot from ubuntu installer)21:25
g0r3_0f_g0dgeoaxis, totally confusing now21:25
geoaxisi actuall had to clone windows, then install linux and then restore windows to get a dual boot working21:26
LinuxGuy2009Klevi: Lucid is not released until April 29, support can be found at #ubuntu+1 and you are free to download beta2 and test at ubuntu website. The release candidate is released tommorow I believe.21:26
gus_got it, yeah my processor doesn't support 64-bit virtualation support21:26
zvacetgeoaxis : it is easier if windows are installed first21:26
gus_thanks for the help guys21:26
geoaxiszvacet: read the bug21:27
g0r3_0f_g0dcloning linux instead of installing it is weird21:27
LinuxGuy2009g0r3_0f_g0d: Clonezilla21:27
beppohow can i regenerate /etc/ldap directory ?21:27
geoaxiszvacet: i know, i have been doing the same for 10 years21:27
geoaxisjust this dam GPT partitions has some special error with my hardware21:27
duffydackdoesnt vista/7 make it a gpt when you resize the partition in windows?21:28
duffydackor soemthing...21:28
xcyclistThis really stinks.  There should be simple reference to how to use this stupid ubottu.  Come on.21:28
geoaxisduffydack: in my installer it makes it a GPT from base install21:29
zvacetgeoaxis : that is too much for me I can not help you with that sorry21:29
h00kubottu: factoids | xcyclist21:29
ubottuxcyclist: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots21:29
geoaxiszvacet: let me try virtualbox and clonezilla21:29
zvacetgeoaxis : ok21:29
g0r3_0f_g0dwindows 7 messing stuff up i see21:30
duffydackgeoaxis, so your windows install cd is making it gpt?  is it something thats come with your pc?21:31
gus_another question, im playing some media on my computer but it seems like my codec lags with high resolution media playing21:31
gus_is there a way to adjust vlc to specific hd media playback??21:32
xcyclistThis is really useless guys.  There should be a simple command set.  What is this ubottu thing?21:33
Tapoutis there a keyboard shortcut to open a terminal ?21:33
Tapouti don't have a mouse on that machine21:33
jribTapout: only if you create one in system -> preferences -> keyboard shortcuts21:33
g0r3_0f_g0dalt+f1 accessories , terminal?21:34
amosekTapout: alt+f2 and then xterm21:34
amosekh00k: :D21:34
gus_can anyone help me with vlc?21:34
DaZlerребят, помогите кто знает, как поднять wlan0 вместе с загрузкой ОС21:35
idlemind_so who's a guru w/compiling kernels?21:35
federicowhich is the chanel for lucid suport?21:35
h00k!pl | DaZler21:35
ubottuDaZler: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.21:35
LinuxGuy2009gus_: Whats your real question?21:35
h00kfederico: #ubuntu+121:35
LinuxGuy2009gus_: Trying to play DVDs or what?21:36
Losha!ru | DaZler21:36
ubottuDaZler: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:36
amosekh00k: thats not polish!21:36
h00kamosek: I tried :/21:36
duffydackgus_,  is it a laptop?  maybe the cpu is being fully used.21:36
EagleScreen!lucid | idlemind_21:36
ubottuidlemind_: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule21:36
LzrdKingde dsfjk wekjh bsa xcbv fodiroe21:36
Loshah00k: it's Russian...21:36
h00kLosha: I see that now :)21:36
duffydackgus, *is not*21:36
lateganI am looking for a nice widget programme - any sugestions?21:36
Loshah00k: :-)21:37
lichui need help21:37
SavanIam a new ubuntu user..I installed U-9.10...but after starting it is strucking..can any one help me out?21:37
Loshalichu: ask a question...21:37
LinuxGuy2009lategan: Try KDE or screenlets or desklets.21:37
lichui need to run with a foxpro applicattion21:37
amosekheh sorry for offtopic but lyon just lost 1:0 :(21:37
lichuis a software that i use in windows21:37
g0r3_0f_g0damosek, lousy game21:38
LinuxGuy2009lategan: KDE plasma widgets are nice21:38
lateganLinux..I run 10.04 beta 221:38
padhuscreen size changed in one user. How can i refix it21:38
h00klategan: head over to #ubuntu+121:38
SavanIam a new ubuntu user..I installed U-9.10...but after starting it is strucking..can any one help me out?21:38
lichucygwin any know?21:38
idlemind_savan: strucking?21:38
padhulategan: what21:38
lichuwhat i have to do any body help21:38
LinuxGuy2009Savan: sucking?21:38
lateganLinux..must I run KDE for that?21:38
NeedleInYourArmsok so i was in here the other day with a fan issue i wouldnt turn off it kept running on high and someone in here helped me fix it but i had to reinstall so now i have to do the fix again and i cant seem to find it21:39
h00klategan: head to #ubuntu+1 if you're running Lucid21:39
LinuxGuy2009 lategan: For plasma widgets?21:39
Savangor3:ya itis not working I mean keybord and mouse are not working..21:39
LinuxGuy2009 lategan: Or you mean screenlets? screenlets work fine on any desktop.21:39
amosekSavan: not working at all?21:39
lateganok - I will try screenlets21:40
odie5533how big is a server cli install?21:40
amosekSavan: was it working during installation?21:40
g0r3_0f_g0dok Savan , try alt+ctrl+f2 and try to log in21:40
lateganI have downloaded screenlets - but how do I install?21:40
idlemind_ubuntu 8.04 lts ... how can i view as icons but not have it auto-preview a files contents?21:40
h00k!requirements | odie553321:40
ubottuodie5533: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu21:40
lichucygwin any body know¡?21:41
LinuxGuy2009lategan: Why not just "sudo apt-get install screenlets" or install with software center, synaptic etc21:41
g0r3_0f_g0dto the text mode , check the log under /var/log/messages21:41
h00klichu: what is your actual question?21:41
lateganlet me try - will come back now now21:41
lichui need run applications in linux that is in foxpro21:41
janisozaurhow do I display animated gifs (using image viewer and not web browser21:41
padhuWhen i am playing AOE2 in ubuntu screen size is changed to 800 X 600 automatically. But now it can't restore to 1024 X 768. How can i change it21:41
LinuxGuy2009janisozaur: Have you tried eye of gnome or something simaler?21:42
janisozaurLinuxGuy2009: eog displays only first frame21:42
LinuxGuy2009janisozaur: Ah hmm21:42
janisozaurLinuxGuy2009: just like feh, okular21:42
Savangor3:okey i will try and come soon21:42
duffydackjanisozaur, right click and choose the program or properties and change it to what the primary program you want to open)21:42
h00kubottu: appdb | lichu21:43
ubottulichu: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help21:43
janisozaurduffydack: the problem is I do not know which program do I want21:43
LinuxGuy2009duffydack: Thats not what he is asking. Most apps only show the first frame of an animated gif.21:43
amoseklichu: if not wine then how about migrating? http://www.recital.com/index.htm?/articles/cm/foxproMigration/foxpro2linux.htm&mainFrame21:43
duffydackjanisozaur, just "image viewer" is good enough21:43
crazy90hi all21:43
janisozaurduffydack: it's called eye of gnome21:43
LinuxGuy2009duffydack: image viewer is eye of gnome is it not?21:43
LinuxGuy2009Yeah it doesnt work21:44
janisozaurduffydack: and no, it doesn't display animations21:44
duffydackLinuxGuy2009, janisozaur well both image viewer (EOG) ad gthumb display them ok ..21:44
crazy90anyone known mysql, because I have a problem in connecting to server21:44
LinuxGuy2009duffydack: Yes you are correct. My bad.21:45
amosekcrazy90: try /join mysql21:45
hacked_kernelHave any one installed Synapse IM on Ubuntu Karmic?21:45
duffydackLinuxGuy2009, janisozaur although I am using lucid.. ..21:45
LinuxGuy2009janisozaur: duffydack is corect eye of gnome does disdplay animated gifs correctly.21:45
KB1JWQThat's #mysql.21:45
LinuxGuy2009Lucid here too21:45
crazy90thx <KB1JWQ>21:46
janisozaurLinuxGuy2009: ah, still karmic. maybe they've added this feature21:46
amosekKB1JWQ: /join mysql works for me21:46
KB1JWQamosek: Then your client is assuming things it potentially shouldn't.21:46
duffydackjanisozaur, tried gthumb?  its a decent viewer app..  use it all the time.21:46
amosekKB1JWQ: ok21:47
KB1JWQ#linux is not ##linux, for instance.21:47
LinuxGuy2009janisozaur: You sure the gif you have is animated?21:47
janisozaurLinuxGuy2009, duffydack: gthumb works, though it looks to be animated slower than in a web browser. does the trick even though21:47
lateganlinuxGuy - Thank you very much..its there now21:47
LinuxGuy2009lategan: Your welcome21:48
LinuxGuy2009janisozaur: Oh ok, so your good now then?21:48
lategansecond q.....I use XChat..how do I get it that the people that joins and quits dont show in the window?21:48
janisozaurLinuxGuy2009: yup, ty.21:48
CaptainTreklategan: ask in #xchat21:48
duffydackjanisozaur, well it displays them proper speed in image viewer and gthumb on lucid.. lucid is rc tomorrow, give a try.21:48
LinuxGuy2009lategan: Not sure but that would most likely be in a menu option if its a GUI app.'21:49
CaptainTreklinuxguy2009: xchat is gui21:49
janisozaurduffydack: I usually test a few dailies in a week ;)21:49
LinuxGuy2009Yeah Lucid is a beauty.21:49
Loshalategan: right click on the channel tab and uncheck "show join/part messages"...21:50
=== libertiy is now known as libertiy|away
padhufriends, My screen resolution was changed accidently. How can i restore it?21:51
LinuxGuy2009padhu: System->preferences->Monitors?21:51
makahI have two files which contains, for example, this info: (file1.cfg: foo 192.168.123 and file2.cfg: foo 192.168.123). Now i need to rename the foo to "bar" in all files. How can I do it automatically, bash script or smth, thank you in advance.21:51
LinuxGuy2009padhu: Im running Lucid so thats what mine says.21:51
padhuLinuxGuy2009: it shows correct. and It was caused for one user. but for others, it is normal21:52
LinuxGuy2009makah: Highly recomend you go read some sites or watch videos on the basic linux commands.21:53
LzrdKinglinux videos?21:53
LinuxGuy2009YouTube has great videos for basic terminal usage and commands.'21:53
padhu LinuxGuy2009: i was made it before. but now i stuck up21:53
makahwell I have to use grep, right?21:53
janisozaurmakah: "man sed", look for s//21:53
=== magical is now known as MRDANGER
ActionParsnipyo yo yo21:54
padhuwhat is the filename to edit it/21:54
ugliefrogi have a popup that says enter password for keyring "default" to unlock....i enter my user name pw and it says incorect....first of all what the hek is it and how do i make it accept the pw21:55
joshdreamlandduffydack: I managed to get the 8GB flash drive booting persistently by having usb-creator make a 2GB One, then copying over the files. Is there a way to increase the allocated size now? GParted isn't an option; usb-creator doesn't use a partition for persistence, but a file. Is there a way to open that file in GParted21:55
=== fipu is now known as fipu|Away
gspence___has anyone experienced problems with the network speed of lucid lynx...i'm not talking internet speed but actually slow connection when transferring files over samba on eth0? any suggestions?21:55
ActionParsnip!lucid | gspence___21:55
ubottugspence___: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule21:55
penthiefSomethings wrong. When I sudo bash, it hangs forever. Any ideas?21:56
LinuxGuy2009gspence___: Yeah web page loading is 3-4 times as long as 9.04 installation.21:56
LinuxGuy2009gspence___: #ubuntu+1 BTW21:56
duffydackjoshdreamland, what filesystem dif you format the usb stick ?21:56
joshdreamlandit's FAT3221:57
gspence___linuxguy2009 - disable ipv6...should speed up ur connection and set ur DNS to google's came across that in a forum21:57
odie5533whats the difference between cli and custom install? Is the cli install on a minimal install cd different from on a server cd?21:57
gothenburgHi, I've installed xubuntu and I've found out that there is a default pdf writer. What's the name of it?21:57
penthiefHas there been a kernel update recently?21:57
joshdreamlandduffydack: gparted /dev/loop0 shows that nothing in the file is allocated...21:57
LinuxGuy2009gspence___: Oh I didnt know about disabling IPv6 I did specify openDNS.com for server. Ill try disabling ipv6. Thanks for the tip!21:58
duffydackjoshdreamland, well 4gig is the max filesize... but anyway, I had no problems using usb-creator when making persistence liveusbs... I dont know where its going wrong for you21:58
joshdreamlandit may be because I asked it to allocate more than four gigabytes, then21:58
LinuxGuy2009gspence___: ipv6 in network manager is set to ignore. Thats basically off right?21:58
joshdreamlandIs there a way to enable that?21:58
gspence___think so....21:59
gspence___read somewhere as well about mucking about with msdns....2 secs see if i can get u a URL21:59
heydemoHow can I soft link a directory to my home directory?  (e.g.  /usr/local/mydir  ->  /home/heydemo/mydir)  I keep getting 'too many levels of symbolic links' error21:59
ugliefrogi have a popup that says enter password for keyring "default" to unlock....i enter my user name pw and it says incorect....first of all what the hek is it and how do i make it accept the pw21:59
duffydackjoshdreamland, use an ext fs21:59
zambaanyone been using openldap as a proxy for active directory? i have some problems with trying to get anonymous binds to work to the openldap proxy.. someone able to help me out some?21:59
joshdreamlandduffydack: Can usb-creator work with that?21:59
zambahere's my slapd.conf: http://pastebin.com/tXJ5QNN822:00
duffydackjoshdreamland, try it, with a ext2..22:00
ActionParsnipheydemo: sudo ln -s /home/heydemo/mydir /usr/local/mydir    This will make the contents of /usr/local/mydir be a link to the data in your home folder22:00
quaji(repost) hi. I'm looking for a command line image viewer that allows showing an image at full screen, while stretching it to fit (not maintaining aspect ratio). Does anyone have an idea?22:00
joshdreamlandduffydack: ext2? Not 3?22:00
duffydackjoshdreamland,  I prefer no journal, less writes22:01
ActionParsnipheydemo: syntax: ln -s /path/to/thing /path/to/softlink22:01
duffydackjoshdreamland, more usbstick life..22:01
mikkelgjHi! I just installed the 10.04 beta2, and it correctly identified my nvidia video card. However, i get an error when trying to install the restricted drivers: http://pastebin.com/xe0Wp3pk22:01
mikkelgjAny ideas?22:01
ActionParsnipheydemo: if the link is to be in the pwd and the same name you can just use: ln -s /path/to/folder22:01
ActionParsnip!lucid | mikkelgj22:01
ubottumikkelgj: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule22:01
joshdreamlandI'll take your word for it, duffy22:01
mikkelgjwhat the hell, i thought i WAS in ubuntu+122:02
mikkelgjso sorry22:02
Savani installed ubuntu9.10 in my pc....After loging into it  my ubuntu9.10 hardly it working for 30sec. ...then after it no keyboard,mouse is working...even alt+ctlr+f2 is also...screen is remaing as it is....can any one help me out22:02
duffydackjoshdreamland, I`ll try it whie im waitin for my vm to install..22:02
heydemoActionParsnip:  I get 'too many levels of symbolic links error'  even though /home/heydemo isn't a symbolic link22:02
duffydackjoshdreamland, never actually used ext for it before, never needed more than a 4gig persis22:02
ActionParsnipheydemo: what is the output of: file /thing/you/are/linking22:02
Loshaodie5533: I'm not certain, but I thought the minimal install CD aims to install just enough stuff that the rest can be installed via the network. A server install is a full install which omits the desktop and X11 software and adds various servers. You can start with a minimal install and turn it into the equivalent of a server install by adding the appropriate packages....22:02
joshdreamlandwell, I was just unsure if ext2 was stable enough22:03
joshdreamlandI figured they'd have a reason to move to ext322:03
duffydackjoshdreamland, of course it is..22:03
heydemoactionparsnip: Notes: directory22:03
ActionParsnipjoshdreamland: sure is, it doesnt have a journal to keep things nice but is advisable for flash based storage as the journal of ext4 and ext3 gets written quite a lot22:03
mikkelgjSavan, is it a laptop?22:03
ActionParsnipheydemo: hmm22:03
=== john_ is now known as Guest15451
duffydackjoshdreamland, i`d run a tune2fs -m 0 /dev/whatever after formatting it also.. saves you 5% space.22:04
padhuI corrected it22:04
joshdreamlandduffydack: thanks, will do22:04
ActionParsnipheydemo: ty: cd /path/for/link; ln -s /path/to/folder/to/link22:04
blueVenomhas anyone had any luck with a cisco aironet 340 pcmcia card?22:05
blueVenomi have airo and airo_cs loaded but the card still doesn't want to work22:05
gothenburgHi, I've installed xubuntu and I've found out that there is a default pdf writer. What's the name of it?22:06
joshdreamlandduffydack: It won't take ext2; demands that I format it.22:06
Savani installed ubuntu9.10 in my pc....After loging into it  my ubuntu9.10 hardly it working for 30sec. ...then after it no keyboard,mouse is working...even alt+ctlr+f2 is also...screen is remaing as it is....can any one help me out22:06
duffydackjoshdreamland, yeh I see22:06
ActionParsnipSavan: are you fully updated?22:06
heydemoActionParsnip:  works! :D  Thanks for the help22:07
ActionParsnipgothenburg: its installed by default, you should have cups pdf installed but openoffice has a pdf writer built in22:07
ActionParsnipheydemo: np man22:07
joshdreamlandduffydack: I'm going to try just allocating 4GB to the persistent file. I was reading how Casper is supposed to work with a partition called casper-rw, but it never worked for me.22:07
gothenburgActionParsnip: I know22:07
duffydackjoshdreamland, so 4gig pers file is all you get..  unless you just install it to it like it was a hard drive...22:07
SavanAction:I dont know that ..my friend gave me a live cd & I installed it ...22:07
gothenburgI just wondered what it was22:07
joshdreamlandduffydack: The installer won't let me select it, or I would have.22:08
gothenburgso I can steal it to arch22:08
gothenburgSavan: Hal?22:08
duffydackjoshdreamland, odd.. worked for me..  did you boot up with it plugged in ?22:08
mikemonkhello... i just created a bootable ubuntu usb from the wizard included in the live cd... however, i encountered the problem of not being able to boot this usb installation from my mac... do you know if theres a way to boot it in that system? :)22:08
joshdreamlandduffydack: Yes. Should I have waited?22:08
_pg_mikemonk: what kind of mac?22:09
duffydackjoshdreamland, only thing I had to make sure was where it installed the bootlader, it defaulted to sda (my hd) and not sdb (the flash22:09
SavanIs there any way to me....22:09
mikemonk_pg_: 15 inch macbook pro.... santa rosa one22:09
joshdreamlandWon't even list sdg as an option for me.22:09
duffydackjoshdreamland, I mean, did you bootup using the liveCD also with the usb stick plugged in ?  so install from cd to usb22:09
_pg_mikemonk: model identifier? mine is 4,122:09
duffydackjoshdreamland, cd and usb stick plugged in before power on22:10
joshdreamlandI actually tried installing from one USB to another22:10
duffydackjoshdreamland, well, or that... not tried that.. only got 122:10
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duffydackjoshdreamland, should work still.22:10
mikemonk_pg_: 3,122:10
Typos_Kingmikemonk:   does it even give you the option to boot from it? I mean, is there a boot sequence which seeks the usb firstly before any fixed drives?  or does it bypass it altogether?22:10
KleviHey guys. Flash content keeps jittering.. running flqash 10 and FF 3.622:11
joshdreamlandEither way, I'm going to see if it will work with 4GB, and from there, I'm going to see if I can't set up persistent file= to use a file from a second, ext2 partition22:11
mikemonkno no option Typos_King: i think it has something to do with macs having EFI and not BIOS22:11
CaptainTrekis it possible to set up Ubuntu servers as DNS servers?22:11
_pg_mikemonk: it is a known big- come people have had success using refit https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/20203922:11
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ScottO_ever have the bash prompt think you have the hostname of another computer?22:11
ActionParsnipgothenburg: http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=4645922:12
ScottO_and any ideahow to fix it?22:12
duffydackjoshdreamland, I think I may have seen something ages ago about telling it the persistence file as boot parameter... if so, then you could.22:12
ActionParsnipScottO_: check ni /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts22:12
mikemonk_pg_: thank you very much22:13
_pg_mikemonk: us mac users gotta stick together-there are few of us22:13
joshdreamlandI see "persistent file=somelongpath" in my boot command22:13
_pg_mikemonk: on ubuntu anyway lol22:13
mikemonk_pg_: yeah i know :P thanks for the info22:14
_pg_mikemonk: no prob. safe travels22:14
idlemind_pg_ & mikemonk: i installed refi or something like that on my macbook pro in order for it to boot volumes after that's installed it will detect any boot-able usb volumes and you can select them on demand22:14
blue112Hello here.22:15
ActionParsnip!hi | blue11222:15
ubottublue112: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!22:15
duffydackjoshdreamland, could add a 2nd partition and do persistence file=/dev/sdb2/.....22:15
blue112I wonder why my sound is flickering. It's just like it's making some little "pauses"...22:15
blue112It happens when I listen to music, using Banshee.22:16
chrisTKC!info refit | idlemind (This?)22:16
duffydackjoshdreamland, I dont know for sure never tried it.. If i had a big enough stick I`d install it for real.22:16
joshdreamlandduffydack: How do I know it's sdb2?22:16
ubottuidlemind: refit (source: refit): graphical boot menu for ia32 and x64 EFI systems. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.13-3ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 443 kB, installed size 1168 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)22:16
duffydackjoshdreamland, thats an example.22:16
lggregorioHey blue, I have same problem here, just changed alsa configs and it got working back22:16
joshdreamlandduffydack: But I have no way of determining what it will be, it seems22:16
blue112lggregorio, I'm using pulseaudio, is that still an alsa problem ?22:16
idlemindchristkc: yes thanks. couldn't think of it off the top of my head and i can't reboot my machine atm =)22:17
Ahmed\ How to select a default player for the media format files such as wma ? if i wanna switch the player to any other/22:17
duffydackjoshdreamland, after you make it you`ll know.. gparted will tell you22:17
ScottO_ActionParsnip: the hostname getting reported by the promt is not in either of those files22:17
duffydackjoshdreamland, its the 1 after whatever your first partition is..22:17
lggregorioblue112, it seems so, some systems are simply facing this, didn't research much though22:17
lggregoriogive it a try22:17
dm1612hi all22:18
mikemonkidlemind: thanks22:18
Kangarooosomething strange just happened. firefox crashed and wifi disconected22:18
blue112lggregorio, ok, can you pinpoint what is the config option to change ?22:18
ZykoticK9Ahmed\, assuming Gnome - open Nautilus right click on a wma file and select Properties - Open With tab and select (or add) the program you want to use22:18
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Ahmed\Thank you so much i forget that option :)22:18
joshdreamlandduffydack: but how do I know for sure what my first partition will be? Is the boot device always sdb?22:19
Kangarooowhat log files I need to save to bugreport?22:19
joshdreamlandOn this computer, it's sdb... I know I've seen it as sda22:19
penthiefrkhunter says my sudo was changed today! What should I do?22:19
duffydackjoshdreamland, you have made partitions and used gparted already with it, you should know what device the usb stick is.22:19
joshdreamlandon the computer I intend to install it on, it's SDG22:19
joshdreamlandon this computer, it is sometimes SDG, sometimes SDH22:20
orhanwho know format ubuntu ?22:20
joshdreamlandwhen I boot from it, it's loop022:20
duffydackjoshdreamland, its a dynamic designation..22:20
joshdreamlandSo how would I know which one to reference the file from?22:20
duffydackjoshdreamland, yeah..  I dunno then .22:20
orhanany one help me22:20
ActionParsniporhan: can you rephrase the question please22:20
dm1612Need some urgent help with PPTP VPN in network manager...doesnt work!!! i tried to install pptp-linux and pptpd and it still doesn't Add in network manager the option to configure vpn connection..please advice as able...=))))22:20
ActionParsniporhan: can you also type in full sentances22:21
orhani format my netbook but i cant22:21
duffydackjoshdreamland, use UID?22:21
duffydackjoshdreamland, UUID i mean22:21
ActionParsniporhan: have you booted to the LiveCD environment?22:21
orhanon netbook22:21
ActionParsniporhan: ok then USB22:21
dm1612HEY!!! HELP ME PLEASE ya ipal22:21
ActionParsnip!caps | dm161222:22
ubottudm1612: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.22:22
orhani took usb on my netbook but cant boot22:22
chrisTKC!help | dm1612 orhan22:22
ubottudm1612 orhan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:22
ActionParsniporhan: how did you make the usb stick?22:22
ActionParsniporhan: ok, did you MD5 test the file you downloaded to make the usb stick with?22:23
orhanhow to i did22:23
ActionParsniporhan: can you rephrase please22:23
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joshdreamlandorhan: what language?22:24
chrisTKC!md5sum | orhan22:24
ubottuorhan: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:24
RazionAfternoon, all. Quick question?22:24
kermithow can i make this "applications places system" be just one button.. its taking a lot of screen space.22:25
ActionParsniporhan: if you dont md5 test you have no way of knowing the data yuo used is correct or complete22:25
joshdreamlandkermit: remove it from panel, and add the one button version22:25
chrisTKCkermit, Right-click on the panel and add applet.22:25
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tux_Greeting's everyone22:25
RazionAnyone know how to save a file as root with Kate?22:25
RazionHello, tux_.22:26
camshrongksu kate?22:26
erUSULRazion: you have to launch kate with kdesu (i assume you are in kubuntu)22:26
tux_Hope all is well Razion22:26
RazionIs it. You too, tux_.22:26
RazionEh. I actually use Backtrack.22:27
RazionIt's a variant of...Debian, I believe. So no. :P22:27
Typos_KingRazion:    run gksudo  to run Kate as root22:27
RazionWell. Ubuntu is as well.22:27
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)22:27
chrisTKC!gksudo | Razion22:27
ubottuRazion: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)22:27
Razion*Runs face into keyboard*22:27
RazionAh! Thanks, chrisTKC.22:27
Tazhello everyone22:28
ActionParsnipRazion: kdesu kate   will run the app as root and the file created will be owned by root22:28
dm1612can anyone help with pptp???22:28
ActionParsnipRazion: backtrack isnt supported here22:28
TazCan I ask for help here or is there a channel specifically suited to karmic users with macbooks or something of that sort?22:28
erUSULTaz: ask here22:29
chrisTKCTaz, Ask away.22:29
Typos_King!ask | Taz22:29
ubottuTaz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:29
RazionI'm aware. The solution applied just as well in my case, though.22:29
ActionParsnipRazion: your distro still is not supported here, bt4 has its own channel22:29
dm1612can somebody help please???22:29
Gneadm1612: not if we don't know what your problem is22:30
Typos_Kingdm1612:     me dunno pptp stuff, so :{22:30
duffydackjoshdreamland, I might have a solution.. hmm let me test22:30
_pg_dm1612: what is pptp?22:30
_pg_dm1612: is that like p2p?22:31
dm1612Gnea, the problem is that there is non-functional "add" button in network manager...(PPTP is for crating VPN connections)22:31
RazionIs there an alternative to gksudo?22:32
erUSULdm1612: the vpn plugins for NM come in its own packages did you installed those ?22:32
Gneadm1612: I see. perhaps there are requirements that need to be fullfilled in order for that button to become functional.22:32
joshdreamlandduffydack: No worries, I got it to recognize the USB22:32
erUSULRazion: kdesu22:32
scrtsmaybe someone knows software like visio?22:32
scrtsI mean microsoft visio22:32
erUSULscrts: dia ?22:32
duffydackjoshdreamland, involves making a casper-rw filesystem....22:32
RazionAh. Thanks, erUSUL.22:32
dm1612Gnea, yes, correct...I installled pptp-linux, and pptpd, but22:32
duffydackjoshdreamland, which means its ext22:32
Gneadm1612: but for NM itself...22:32
dm1612..on original website there is no .deb packages for pptp-config22:32
TazOkay, thank you. I installed Karmic on my Macbook 5,1 recently and am now having a few issues related to Wine/gaming and my microphone. In short, my microphone originally seemed to work but after I applied an alsamixer patch to fix it, in the sound preferences there's now only a digital audio output, which seems to have disabled the microphone. Unrelated but still rather bothersome, none of my wine games-which so far basically include Osu! and 22:33
Razion(And to whoever suggested I use the BT4, channel...It doesn't allow me to send messages for whatever reason.))22:33
erUSUL!register | Razion22:33
ubottuRazion: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode22:33
ActionParsnipRazion: install an official release and you will be supported here22:33
Gneadm1612: is network-manager-pptp installed?22:34
dm1612Gnea, plugin is installable but non-functional for creating VPN connection...when you install plugin, "add" button appears functional, but no window for editing/creating the very VPN connection follows afterwards...22:34
joshdreamlandIt'll hopefully install and work just fine...22:34
Kleviflash jitter fixed by upping the amt of memory it can allocate to my PC nvm22:35
duffydackjoshdreamland, if you make a 2nd partition and format like mkfs.ext3 -b 4096 -L casper-rw /dev/sdb2  it should see it and use it.22:35
duffydackjoshdreamland, well dont forget, check where the bootloader is going to be installed..22:36
Gneadm1612: not sure if this works for karmic or not: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-configure-pptp-vpn-in-ubuntu-intrepid-and-jaunty.html22:37
vlargood evening, i'm looking for a good software to switch IP adress automatically , what would you advise me?22:38
ActionParsnipvlar: dhcp22:38
Gneadm1612: and you're not the only one to have issues: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=135744522:39
TazOkay, thank you. I installed Karmic on my Macbook 5,1 recently and am now having a few issues related to Wine/gaming and my microphone. In short, my microphone originally seemed to work but after I applied an alsamixer patch to fix it, in the sound preferences there's now only a digital audio output, which seems to have disabled the microphone.22:39
dm1612Gena, ok i see...22:40
alketHow to make  , when someone talks to me in empathy to open window not just  that green envelope that is hard to notice22:40
vlarActionParsnip : tx but for external ones22:40
scrtserUSUL would be nice if it could rotate items22:40
Tazcan anyone help with this? ;w;22:40
dm1612Gnea*, sorry, but it is manual...is there a simple way...to have it configured via nm?22:40
Gneadm1612: I'm not sure what else to suggest, I haven't had to use it yet so I'm a bit in the dark22:40
gmonniedoes anybody know how to rearrange items in the top panel?22:40
Gneadm1612: that's what I was trying to find, and like I said, you're not the only one to have problems configuring it via NM22:41
dm1612Gnea, thanx a lot anyway...both 9.10 and 10.4 are great still...=)22:41
ActionParsnipvlar: you can use /etc/network/interfaces file, just make a few and switch them in and restart the network service22:41
Gneadm1612: good luck22:41
timClicksi'm having trouble with the Indicate Applet Session 0.3 - I'm listed as offline, all of options to change that are greyed out22:41
gmonnietrying to rearrange items in my top panel on 9.10, anybody know how22:42
orbisvicisopenoffice spreadsheet - can I make a nicely formatted table, like making a chart ?22:42
Gneaorbisvicis: you can.22:42
orbisvicisGnea: how ?22:42
vlarActionParsnip that should be interesting but what am i supposed to make in that file ?22:42
timClicksnm - I opened the empathy programme, it looks like I'm now listed as online22:42
Gneaorbisvicis: by asking in #openoffice.org22:42
orbisvicisGnea: ah didnt the .org when I tried #openoffice, ty22:43
Gneaorbisvicis: cheers22:43
ActionParsnipvlar: there are giodes online on how to define addressing using the file, if you use the interfaces file then it will circumvent network manager but its a good way to switch static IPs easily22:43
TazOkay, thank you. I installed Karmic on my Macbook 5,1 recently and am now having a few issues related to Wine/gaming and my microphone. In short, my microphone originally seemed to work but after I applied an alsamixer patch to fix it, in the sound preferences there's now only a digital audio output, which seems to have disabled the microphone. Is there any way to force ubuntu to recognize my microphone again?22:44
TazSorry to keep reposting this, if no one can help this time I'll leave but I really could use some help *c*22:45
vlarany one else for a more convenient way to switch IP adress all the time on Ubuntu? (my  purpose is to switch , do something, and repeat22:45
msimdid you try alsamixer in the console once?22:45
chrisTKCvlar, Give your machine a static IP?22:45
Tazyeah, and I lifted up the Microphone volume itself22:45
Tazbut that didn't work22:46
alberthi, is there a way to install the via proprietary graphics driver over a repository?22:46
TazI kept hearing about setting Capture to on but I have no idea how to do that, through the command line or otherwise22:46
vlarchrisTKC nope the opposite22:46
vlarchrisTKC I have a text file with plenty of proxy but i need for a software on ubuntu to automate all this22:47
msim@Taz did you try sudo alsaconf22:47
chrisTKCvlar, If you know how to do it manually, the chance is that you can make the script out of it.22:48
tomatoes7how do i burn an img file to an SD card?22:48
TazI didn't22:48
joshdreamlandduffydack: I'd already started installing. Is there a way to check where it's being installed?22:48
TazI will try that now and see if it works, thanks22:48
vlarchrisTKC that is my purpose when i'll grow up : be able to do my self but the truth is that i can't right now :(22:49
joshdreamlandor does it prompt you for that after install?22:49
msim@nik__ you can use dd if=/... of=/... but beware dd can destroy lots :-)22:49
gmonniemy top panel rearranged itself, and im trying to move the icons back where i want them, but dont know how. Im running 9.10. Can anyone help me?22:49
Tazthe alsaconf command isn't recognized by the terminal O:22:49
chrisTKC!abs | vlar22:49
ubottuvlar: Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide, obtainable with ${package-manager} install abs-guide, is a quick and comprehensive guide to bash (command line) scripting in *nix systems. It is also viewable via web at http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/22:49
msimsudo... :-)22:49
erUSULgmonnie: right click on them. should be an option to moe them22:49
duffydackjoshdreamland, its an option..22:49
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joshdreamlandduffydack: when am I prompted for it?22:50
duffydackjoshdreamland, after you setup user/pass,22:50
vlarchrisTKC yeah why don't i start now :) tx i'm going to study if i can /can't do that , tx again22:50
gmonnieon some, but not the ones that were moved22:50
msimHave also a question - anyone there with bonding knowhow? - I have 802.3ad but still 1 Link wire speed.22:50
Tazmsim: absolutely nothing, even with sudo O:22:50
duffydackjoshdreamland, I forget tbh.. its a screen where you can click advanced, and set it22:50
chrisTKCvlar, You don't have to go through all that (since I will guess you're lazy or unmotivated).  However, if you actually go through all of that, it can benefit you in many unimaginative lengths and ways. :)22:50
regeyawhat the...22:51
gmonnieare there any other ways22:52
msimtaz, try asoundconf22:52
vlarchrisTKC but it is started badly shell programming not my stuff yet but want i need shouldn't be a struggle22:52
motdhow do i fix it22:52
joshdreamlandduffydack: well, crap, I already passed one of those, and I -don't- want to go through setup again...22:53
Tazthank you, msim, i'll try this now, though I don't suppose theres an english version of this? ;w;22:53
vlarchrisTKC i'm trying in english now :) I'm not good in shell but what i want is not too difficult22:53
joshdreamlandI think I'll just hope they've fixed that...22:53
msimtry google translate ;-)22:53
dawningI need tips/help deciding how to limit the max size of a directory. Quotas could work. I'm just not sure if there's a simpler solution?? Any help?22:54
erUSULdawning: make that dir be in a partition of the size you want22:55
Tazmsim: it would seem asoundconf has been removed from Karmic22:55
cbrinke1Hello, I am seeing 2 motd's when I login via ssh, what causes this?22:55
h00kcbrinke1: are you on Lucid?22:56
dawningerUSUL: That doesn't really fit with my use case. I have one giant (several TB) partition that I want a few years to share22:56
micaeli have a vpn how do i get it to work in ubuntu22:56
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN22:56
msimyea, true asoundconf is missing...22:57
dawningerUSUL: I know I can make partitions in files, but I'd really prefer not to go that route22:57
erUSULdawning: quotas; it is then22:57
cbrinke1Or better still: How best to debug the login process wrt motd's22:57
dawningerUSUL: Okay, thanks. Just making sure there isn't some obvious simple other solution22:58
git__anyone have trouble with their ubuntu 9.10 with the following error message once in a while:  hub 4-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 222:58
git__it renders my usb mouse usable22:59
Xodiaci need help on getting my Integrated Intel GMA 4500MHD to work i just need to know how to install the drivers23:00
=== libertiy is now known as libertiy|away
erUSULXodiac: driver for intel chips come installed by default23:00
mikkelgjAnyone know of a good alternative to filezilla for (S)FTP transfers?23:00
mewshiI need help getting wireless to work on lucid23:00
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)23:00
mewshiwrong channel23:00
FloodBot4mewshi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:00
mikkelgjTypos_King, thanks, but i dont want to use scp in cli. Too many files, too inefficient23:01
erUSULXodiac: you may want to try the xorg updates ppa with newer drivers if you have problems with the default ones23:01
ubottuSCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/23:01
ubottuFTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd23:01
gmonnieanyone know the command to revert panels to default23:01
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »23:01
XodiacerUSUL: how do i do that and i didnt try installing the hardware devices ones yet because i did and didnt get good results23:01
duffydackwell if this works, you might not need to install fully..23:02
erUSUL!ppa | Xodiac23:02
ubottuXodiac: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.23:02
Typos_KingXodiac:     what do you mean?   I have an intel gma card, the drivers loaded as default and works fine :|23:02
erUSULXodiac: is this ppa https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates23:03
XodiacTypos_King did you install the drivers from hardware devices23:03
gmonnieubotto: i tried that, said no process found23:03
Xodiaci mean drivers23:03
Typos_KingXodiac:     nope, right out of the cd installation23:03
XodiacTypos_King how do i know it works i forgot the command to make sure i have three d23:03
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Typos_KingXodiac:     how would you know it works?   well hehee, if you get video :) I 'd guess... you can always check in the system with -> lshw -C video;23:04
erUSULXodiac: glxinfo | grep -i direct23:04
gmonniethanks big help23:05
mun27How to check if the server is listening on udp port 506023:05
erUSULmun27: sudo lsof -i :506023:05
XodiacerUSUL: uh thanks i hope i get a good frame rate i have another question i have an external harddrive and i want to change it from ext to ntfs is there someway i can do it without deleting a lot of files i have23:07
Ahmed\How can i DISABLE the Default bootscreen Which opens up KDE when i have selected Gnome as default i wanna see the PC to boot up like it was before installing KDE ? how23:07
dugger5688Xodiac: copy them to DVDs or another HD before you do it.23:07
erUSULXodiac: ext3 to ntfs : no there is no way that i know of23:08
Typos_KingXodiac:  you want to run *nix on ntfs?23:08
XodiacerUSUL crap cause i have like three hundred gigs of files23:08
XodiacTypos_King oh no23:08
XodiacTypos_King I just have my files on it23:09
erUSULXodiac: if it is ext3 you can install extfs in windows ?23:09
erUSUL!search ext323:09
ubottuFound: addingfs, ext3, undelete, defrag, filesystems, the default ubuntu filesystem (ext3)*, reiserfs, defragmentation23:09
dugger5688Just leave it ext*, it's better anyway.23:09
Typos_KingXodiac:     you want to change, a partition which is only for storage with files, changed from ext3 to ntfs, that way win32 can access it?23:09
ubottuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org23:09
XodiacerUSUL: uh thanks23:09
erUSULXodiac: http://www.fs-driver.org23:09
XodiacTypos_King lol nm23:09
MK13how could i go about connecting to a remote X server and show like the login screen from my server on one tty then have my local one showing on the tty7?23:10
XodiacerUSUL i tried that program and i cant see my external hd23:10
dugger5688Xodiac: ext3 or ext4?23:11
erUSULXodiac: :( then i dunno.23:11
resnolooking for a bit of help getting printer setup to work with ubuntu. its a canon pixma mp-620b23:11
HariharakadanWhat's the problem resno?23:12
BluesKajXodiac, what are you planning to do on the external drive ?23:12
XodiacBluesKaj for storage thats all23:12
TazArgh, damn you sound preferences23:12
dugger5688Xodiac: http://www.fs-driver.org/faq.html#acc_ext323:13
dugger5688I kind of curious now to try this out, but I only have Windows on VM.23:13
BluesKajXodiac, you formatted the drive to ext3 and it won't mount ?23:13
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Tazexcuse me but how do I set my internal audio to also provide an input analog audio capability?23:14
TazFor some reason it has decided to only have an output despite my having an internal microphone23:15
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dugger5688Taz: Right click on the volume meter, select 'Sound Preferences'23:16
dugger5688Taz: then make sure under hardware, you have a profile including the input.23:16
angelbladeHi a have a question about grub 2 (im using Lucid beta) , how protect my grub with password, its like grub-legacy?23:16
erUSUL!grub2 | angelblade23:17
ubottuangelblade: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub223:17
Tazyes, under hardware there's ONLY one profile, and it's output only23:17
angelbladeireda wiki ... dont solve my problem23:17
erUSULangelblade: also lucid support is in #ubuntu+123:17
alberthi, i get failed to load module "via" even though xserver-xorg-video-via is installed. anybody know why that is?23:17
haavarosHow do I find the window ID of e.g firefox?23:17
dugger5688Taz: Sound card? and what do they read?23:17
erUSULangelblade: go to section 9 links --> Grub2 (comunity docs)23:18
angelbladeerUSUL, this wiki dont contains about password23:18
Typos_Kinghaavaros:    pidof of firefox;23:18
squisherHi, anyone here knows how long after a dput the ppa homepage should list the upload?23:18
TazAll I really know about my sound card is that it's Nvidia based, but the sound preferenced read Internal Audio 1 Output Analog Stereo Output23:18
Typos_Kinghaavaros:    pidof firefox; or pidof APPNAME;  if you dunno the app name, you can use autocomplete, APP<tab>23:18
haavarosTypos_King: thx23:19
TazIt bears mentioning that this only happened after I applied an alsamixer patch to fix my speakers/headpones23:19
dugger5688And does it have an 'in' jack?23:19
jack__dugger5688: what?23:19
TazThe computer itself?23:20
TazIt has an internal microphone23:20
GodfatherofEireDoes anybody have the list of command line options for firefox?23:21
angelbladeerUSUL, i want protect my grub, documentation is incomplete23:21
Typos_KingTaz:  you ain't got jack? ohhh man23:21
* Typos_King ducks23:21
dugger5688Taz: issue 'alsamixer' in a terminal23:21
dugger5688Then tell me what the Card, and Chip are.23:22
jack__damnit Typos_King23:22
angelbladeerUSUL , i want protect my grub, documentation is incomplete23:22
TazHDA Nvidia, card. Realtek ALC889A, chip23:22
chrisTKCangelblade, Ask in #grub23:22
erUSULangelblade: yes just checked i thought there was something about passwords there23:22
erUSULangelblade: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=136901923:23
Typos_KingGodfatherofEire:   http://kb.mozillazine.org/Command_line_arguments23:23
GodfatherofEireTypos_King, checked that, didnt list a couple. Namely, starting it in Private and disabling add-ons23:24
angelbladeerUSUL, thanks for the help ...23:24
equivochi, is there a way to fix a "Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)" without reinstall?23:24
haavarosTypos_King: Seems like pid gives process ID, i need window ID23:24
An_Ony_Mooseuuuhm... I'm running ubuntu on my netbook which has no CD drive, but /dev/cdrom0 is created. any ideas why?23:25
An_Ony_Mooseerr, wait. I mean it shows cdrom0 in nautilus, but no block device exists (obviously)23:26
chrisTKCAn_Ony_Moose, Symbolic Links?23:26
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An_Ony_MoosechrisTKC, no...23:27
noqturnalHello hello!23:27
An_Ony_MooseIt looks like nautilus assumes that there is always a cd drive... Should I report it as a bug?23:27
noqturnalI am having an issue with a fresh Unetbootin install of 9.0423:28
noqturnalpossibly something simple, anyone care to assist in priv23:28
kitcheAn_Pny_Moose why would that be a bug. that gets created no matter what it just does not link to anything23:29
ascott_dtnoqturnal: what's the problem? why not go to 9.10?23:29
noqturnalwhen i created it that was the option i chose, it just didnt turn out that way23:29
noqturnalafter setting up the partitions and installing the base system files, choosing ubuntu desktop ( first attempt was xubuntu desktop; failed too), it only boots to a command line not the deskop gui23:30
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noqturnaland i simply am not skilled enough to know what to do with this23:30
chrisTKC!away > radar3d|Bedtime23:30
ubotturadar3d|Bedtime, please see my private message23:30
kajrosI just recently installed Ubuntu and i am having issues with my sound and video.  My sound refuses to work through my speakers on my laptop or through my headset and videos when played are going twice as fast as they should23:31
noqturnalascott_dt - - any ideas?23:31
Typos_Kinghaavaros:   any specific reason?   I mean, you can always install 'qps' which is a visual manager and I think that may give it :)23:31
ascott_dtnoqturnal: sounds like the install did not detect video card to set up X windows, automatically. You might still be able to get it to work, but I'd bet 9.10 would work out of the box.23:31
haavarosTypos_King: Actually, I had a second look at google results, and it turns out xwininfo is what I was loooking for23:32
haavarosit's for recording a window23:32
ascott_dtnoqturnal: what happens when you type "startx", when logging in at command line?23:32
AmunRaHello! I've installed the 10.4 beta2 on my old mactel... just one question: how the hell do I move the window buttons to the right????23:32
chrisTKCnoqturnal, 9.04 is outdated. :3  -- Try 9.10 (or better yet, if it's not your main system, wait until Lucid come out in 8 days)23:32
Typos_Kinghaavaros:   with 'recordmydesktop'?23:33
MK13how can i connect to a remote X server to display the whole screen & login on my desktop?23:33
haavarosTypos_King: Yep23:33
Typos_KingI see23:33
iflemaAmunRa #ubuntu+1 for lucid talk/support23:34
AmunRaahh good :-D23:34
TrYaDg'evening everyone...23:36
jameswoodhey i need help with Xwnc23:37
iflemaTrYaD g'morning...23:38
jameswoodhey can someone help me23:38
mininahi , What is a microkernel23:38
Ahren_The_MagusIn Hardy Heron LTS, how do I turn off auto-run (i.e. the attempted starting of software when a CD is inserted into the drive and the disc is mounted.  I do -not- want automount disabled, just autorun.23:39
Ahren_The_Magusjameswood: Hello23:39
jameswoodi need some help with something!!23:39
geniijameswood: Yes, your Xwnc .23:39
macoAhren_The_Magus: for audio cds? should be able to set that in system -> preferences -> preferred applications, i think23:39
Ahren_The_Magusjameswood: If I can help, I will, but as you can read, I also have a question that I could use an answer for, if possible.23:40
jameswoodyes that!23:40
Ahren_The_Magusmaco: For data CDs, like application install media.23:40
jameswoodi need help with Xwnc23:40
macoAhren_The_Magus: i dont know. i didnt think they even *did* autorun on linux23:40
geniijameswood: When you get no response to a question it's usually because there is currently no one around who knows the answer. Best to be patient, re-asking at a reasonable time period, or also check the forums23:40
jameswoodohhh okay.23:40
jameswoodlol thanks23:40
Typos_KingAhren_The_Magus:    are you in kubuntu?23:41
Ahren_The_Magusmaco: I'm using VirtualBox to load Windows XP virtually, and when I pop in a CD, Hardy -and- Windows both try to autorun from the disc.  Windows I know how to disable, but not Hardy.  And no, not kubuntu, ubuntu.23:41
Typos_KingAhren_The_Magus:    ... can't say... I'd think you can check also in the gnome's registry editor, gconf23:42
Typos_KingAhren_The_Magus:    quite sure it'd have a GUI access though too23:42
macoAhren_The_Magus: the only thing i can think of is maybe if you open a file browser and go to its preferences... there are settings in there for what actions to take on various types of media23:42
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Typos_KingI know how to in kubuntu though :P23:43
LoshaAhren_The_Magus: this page mentions an option to disable autorun: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/autorun. Dunno if it actually works though...23:43
macoTypos_King: oh? how? i dont think ive come across that setting in kde yet23:43
Ahren_The_MagusTypos_King: bash: gconf: command not found23:43
iflemaAhren_The_Magus System \ Preferences \ Removable Drives and Media23:43
Typos_KingAhren_The_Magus:    check Losha's link :)23:43
macoAhren_The_Magus: gconf isnt a command its a configuration system  (like the registry in windows). gconf-editor is the command you'd use to edit stuff in it.23:43
Ahren_The_MagusLosha: I'll see what I can see there.23:43
admin_servidorjoin #ubuntu-es23:44
Ahren_The_Magusiflema: That doesn't do anything, I tried that already.23:44
ChrisC_Hi the channel.23:44
ChrisC_HELP I'm in some serious shit.23:44
LoshaAhren_The_Magus: note the link refers to an obsolete version, but you'd think there'd be an equivalent in whatever succeeded it...23:44
ubottuPlease remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.23:44
ChrisC_I'm running from 9.10 live cd.23:44
Typos_Kingmaco:     in kde4 is System Settings > Advanced > Device Actions23:44
Ahren_The_MagusLosha: And it seems to be Wine-related.  I don't have Wine installed on this box.  I use vbox for Windows executables, instead.23:45
ChrisC_I did an upgrade to 10.04 from 9.10 amd64 version. Now GDM will not start.23:45
Ahren_The_MagusLosha: But thanks for the link regardless.23:45
ChrisC_Can anyone help, I'm desperate.23:46
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule23:46
LoshaAhren_The_Magus: nothing under System->Preferences->Removable media ?23:46
Ahren_The_Magusmaco: Nice command, a bit arcane, but I'm still learning how to use Ubuntu.  *giving it a look-see now*23:46
Ahren_The_MagusLosha: All that's there is tabs for cameras, pdas, printers/scanners, and input devices.  Nothing about my optical drive.23:47
vlarre hi i've tried to turn into shell programming but it is damn too difficult for me : is there any paquet wich can handle proxy server list ?23:47
ttk1opcAhren have you looked under preferences > media in nautilus and select do nothing with CD's?23:47
Ahren_The_Magusmaco: Any idea where in gconf I'd find info on autorun, so I can disable it?23:48
Ahren_The_Magusttk1opc: I'll look while I wait for a reply from maco.23:48
Neibafhello there23:48
nsadminvlar: separate the two23:49
Ahren_The_Magusttk1opc: I think that might have worked!  Testing now.23:49
kuntayi like this23:49
vlarnsadmin what do u mean ?23:49
Ahren_The_Magusttk1opc: Disc mounted, no autorun prompt.  Thank you very much!23:50
kuntayhey wazzz uup?23:50
ttk1opcNo problem23:50
nsadminvlar: you're handling two very different things at the same time... separate them23:50
rafaelsoaresbrhello guys. is there any gui frontend for squid?23:51
vlarso to sum up i need one tiny thing : a name of a paquet wich can handle proxy server list to switch IP automatically23:51
ubottusquid is a caching proxy for the Web.  See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SquidGuard  See: http://www.squid-cache.org23:51
Neibafis it possible on ubuntu to redirect line in on stereo out like windows mixer ?23:51
kuntayhow mant days left for ubuntu 10.0423:51
resnowhy is it so hard to get a printer to work?23:52
vlarusser i need several proxy i thing squid is not providing that , is it?23:52
kuntaycooool but i have questions if i update the system , everything will be deleted?23:52
nsadminmost printers are union members...23:52
usservlar: several proxy?23:52
resnoi should have looked for a linux friendly one before buying one, cause its a pain and no guides ever get it to work :-/23:52
tenochslbI think an update for lucid lynx broke my network manager23:53
aadsterns identify santa572june23:53
dm1612can someone advise what is better to use JFS or EXT4???23:53
vlarusser : i need to have tons of ip different : new Ip ---> action and new IP again ----> repeat and so on . I've a text file with proxy adresses23:53
aadsterns identify santa572june toughfordtrucker@gmail.com23:53
nsadminvlar: the two problem domains you're exploring are... (1) shell scripting, which has its moments of difficulty... and this proxy thing you're trying to get to do some custom thing23:53
kuntayhey dude ubuntu has everything it has its own forum and all problems are solved one by one23:53
chrisTKCresno, I have two different printers. They both works well. Just plug it in and they recognize the drivers. (For me).23:53
aadsterns identify santa572june toughfordtrucker@gmail.com register23:54
resnochrisTKC: the catch is this is a wifi printer23:54
KB1JWQaadster: I'd change your nickserv paster.23:54
aadsteryou guys cant see that rigt23:54
KB1JWQaadster: Fraid so.23:54
aadsterfk thats my pass i sue for everything23:54
tenochslbany of you guys know if there is an irc channer for network manger issues?23:54
chrisTKCaadster, You like tough ford truckers? Huh...23:54
nsadminyou sue for everything?!23:55
Jason1Does anyone need help with something?23:55
aadsterhwo u know this23:55
vlarnsadmin we gave me the advice to turn into shell scripting but it is awefull for a noob, so i'm trying to get a paquet already made , i'm sure someone in this world thought about that23:55
chrisTKCaadster, You spammed it in this channel not a minute ago.23:55
coachjdoes anyone use ubuntu tweak?23:55
iflematenochslb #ubuntu+1 for lucid talk/support23:55
* Typos_King wonders what a paquet is x|23:55
dm1612what is better for performance JFS or EXT4?23:55
Jason1Any Ubuntu problems you need help with?23:56
tenochslbiflema: tanks23:56
Jason1EXT4 is better for performance.23:56
nsadminvlar: yes, they're both fairly challenging, so that's why you should separate the two23:56
mikkelgjHandles crashes better too afaik Jason123:56
dm1612Jason1, can you help with PPTP? can make VPN work...neither way...23:56
coachjJason1: what can u tell me bout Ubuntu Tweak23:56
nsadminresno do you have a wifi net?23:57
Jason1Ubuntu Tweak is an application to config Ubuntu easier for everyone.It provides many useful desktop and system options that the default desktop environment doesn't provide.With its help, you will enjoy with the experience of Ubuntu!23:58
resnonsadmin: wifi net?23:58
ttk1opcWireless router?23:58
Jason1coachj: Ubuntu Tweak is an application to config Ubuntu easier for everyone.It provides many useful desktop and system options that the default desktop environment doesn't provide.With its help, you will enjoy with the experience of Ubuntu!23:58
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nsadminyou have a wifi printer (which you're having problems with)... do you have a wireless network?23:59
Neibaffound it pactl load-module module-loopback23:59
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