
=== cpg|brb is now known as cpg
duanedesignnew web UI is a big +1 for me so far00:28
slaikei have problems with beta2 10.04 and ubuntu one00:50
slaikecan somebody help me?00:50
mkarnickislaike: I think it might be a bit late. Try tomorrow few hours earlier00:51
mkarnickislaike: You should get your help then :)00:51
slaikeok, thanks a lot00:52
slaikegood night00:52
mkarnickislaike: Ah.. I'm just a user, so I'm not competent to help..00:52
mkarnickiHave a good night :)00:52
mkarnickibye :)00:52
mkarnickiu could try that :D00:52
duanedesignslaike: what is the problem00:53
slaikewell, i have the new beta2 of 10.0400:53
slaikei try add my computer for ubuntu one00:54
slaikebut in all puts "Unknown"00:54
duanedesignslaike: did you have Ubuntu One on this computer before00:54
slaikei've installed yesterday00:54
duanedesignslaike: when you first ran Ubuntu One did the website open asking you to add your computer?00:55
duanedesignslaike: do you use a proxy, or are you behind a corporate firewall?00:55
slaikebrings a web page with my accounts settings00:55
slaikeno, its a direct adsl00:56
duanedesignhttps://one.ubuntu.com/machines  do you see your machine00:56
slaikei've searched the button for add computer but i dont found it00:56
duanedesignoops wrong url00:57
slaikeWe couldn't find that (404)00:57
slaikeits the error that show me00:57
duanedesignthis is it:  https://one.ubuntu.com/account/machines/00:58
slaikeou haven't added any computers or devices to your Ubuntu One account.00:58
slaikeTo get started please visit the installation details.00:58
slaikei've followed before this steps but show me the same page00:59
slaikeim trying again00:59
duanedesignslaike: you should just have to open Ubuntu One from the Me Menu01:00
duanedesignUbuntu One is already installed in Lucid01:00
slaikeyes, but dont recognice my account01:01
slaikehow i can say to ubuntu one my acount?01:01
duanedesignslaike:  can you open Applications->Accessories->Passwords and Encryption Keys01:02
duanedesignClick on the arrow next to "Passwords" and see if there is an Ubuntu One Token01:03
slaikeok, i can open pass and encryption keys01:04
slaikebut  isn't there ubuntu one token01:04
duanedesignok you can close that then01:05
slaikeok, its closed01:05
duanedesignok close Ubuntu oNe preferences if it is open01:06
duanedesignthen open a Terminal01:06
duanedesignApplications > Accessories terminal01:07
slaikeyes, i do it01:07
duanedesignok run:   u1sdtool -q01:07
duanedesignto quit the syncdaemon01:07
duanedesignthen run:  ps uaxxc | grep ubu01:07
duanedesignthat will tell us if any other Ubuntu One processes are running01:08
duanedesignyou might see ubuntuone-login?01:08
slaikeshows me an error01:08
slaikewith ulsdtool - q01:08
slaikeTo get started please visit the installation details.01:09
slaikeNo command 'ulsdtool' found, did you mean:01:09
slaikeok, now01:09
duanedesignthat is a one not L01:10
duanedesignu1sdtool -q01:10
slaikeohhh sorry01:10
duanedesignhappens all the time01:10
slaikeubuntuone-syncdaemon stopped.01:11
duanedesignok now  then run:  ps uaxxc | grep ubu01:11
duanedesignand see if any processes show up01:11
slaikeangel     2894  0.4  1.0  44448 22296 ?        S    01:14   0:14 ubuntuone-login01:11
slaikethat shows me01:12
duanedesignok run : killall ubuntuone-login01:12
slaikedo it01:12
duanedesignoh and one other question Firefow is your default browser?01:12
slaikeis firefox01:12
duanedesignno try and open Ubuntu One from the Me Menu or System > Preferences > Ubuntu One01:13
duanedesigni am having an awful time typing01:13
duanedesigndoes it open a browser window?01:14
slaikeiand i 've add mycomputer01:15
slaikethats go!!01:16
slaikethanks a lot!!01:16
slaikei was thinking that i go crazy01:16
slaikeyou work for ubuntu?01:16
duanedesignno I am just a user. I like the program so I help out when possible01:17
duanedesignthe developers are really nice and they let me idle around and learn what i can.01:17
slaikewell, so you learn so good01:18
slaikewell, that i say, thank you very much, now i know that ubuntu is better than windows01:18
slaikethe community is the key :)01:19
duanedesignif you need anything else come back by01:19
duanedesignit is01:19
slaikethank you01:19
duanedesignyour welcome01:19
slaikehave a nice day or night, depends01:19
duanedesignha ha01:19
mkarnickiduanedesign: that was nice of you. I had to code a task for physics (pendulum that is), and I doubted if I could help slaike.01:30
mkarnickiindeed the ubuntu community is unique. and that I have seen for long now.01:30
mkarnickigoodnight :)01:31
duanedesigngood night mkarnicki01:56
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marcosrorizhello guys05:04
marcosrorizIs there a way to delete my entire ubuntuone05:04
marcosrorizI'm having so many problems05:04
marcosrorizthat I want to start over on the next release of ubuntu05:05
duanedesignhello marcosroriz05:05
marcosrorizhello :)05:05
duanedesignmarcosroriz: this might be what you are looking for. https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+faq/77805:07
marcosrorizactually I wish to delete all the files05:08
marcosrorizIT seems that I can do that on the web ui05:08
=== cpg|biab is now known as cpg
philienHi are there any translations of the site of Ubuntu One ?06:06
duanedesignphilien, that is a good question06:20
junkeRHello Everyone.  Two questions, how do you know if your Firefox bookmarks have synchronized?  And, is there a way to know which files you've published?08:43
=== cpg is now known as cpg|away
ryewe are oopsing on every page, checking why10:31
jmlthis is a long shot, but... is there an OS X client?12:30
duanedesignhello jml12:32
duanedesignjml: I am not sure if anyone is working on a OS X port12:36
jmlfair enough.12:37
jmlI would have been surprised, myself12:37
duanedesignjml: i've heard talk of work being done on a windows port...12:38
* beuno pokes jml away with his ubuntu-only stick13:05
ryeverterok, it looks like syncdaemon started to have problems with uploading updated content13:06
ryeverterok, exceptions - http://paste.ubuntu.com/419810/ syncdaemon.log - http://paste.ubuntu.com/419811/13:07
ryehm, tomboy and bad request...13:19
PaulGitvds: ping13:22
ryetomboy sync oopses server on upload. what's happening?..13:24
jmlnow I've fired up my ubuntu one preferences and it won't let me do anything :\13:33
ryejml, what does it say?13:34
jmlrye, I've killed it now -- sorry. It had the default tab open and no obvious message.13:35
* jml tries again13:35
jml"Ubuntu One Preferences", 0.0 KB used (0.0 %), Disconnected, Account tab open, Name: Unknown, Email: Unknown, Current plan: Free13:36
jmlLinks below: Upgrade your subscription, Manage account, Support options13:36
jmlThere's a Close button at the bottom right13:36
jmlClicking the tabs, links, the Close button and the window close button do nothing13:37
jmlIf I minimize and then restore, none of the UI controls display13:37
jmlstrace says: futex(0x332ce90, FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, 2, NULL13:38
jmlgdb says13:40
jml(sorry, pystack seems to be borked)13:40
jmlnote that the window is not going grey, nor am I seeing any unusual network, memory or CPU activity on my system monitors13:41
ryejml, could you please kill ubuntuone-preferencse and start gdb python and set args /usr/bin/ubuntuone-preferences ?13:44
ryeit looks like it just hangs13:44
ryebut it should not13:44
jmlrye, I've done that. want me to start stepping?13:45
ryejml, just run it13:46
ryeand ctrl+c when it hangs...13:46
ryeif it can be ctr+c'ed13:46
jmlrye, http://paste.ubuntu.com/419836/13:47
ryejml, what is your distro version and ubuntuone-client version ?13:47
jmlrye, lucid beta13:48
jmlVersion: 1.2.0-0ubuntu113:48
ryedobey, have you seen something like this - http://paste.ubuntu.com/419836/ ( AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'MODAL' )13:49
dobeyoh bother13:52
vdsPaulGit: hello!13:53
jmldobey, I'm guessing that should be gtk.DIALOG_MODAL ?13:53
dobeyChipaca: ^13:54
* dobey wonders if there is a bug for that yet13:54
Chipacavat? ve'er?13:55
* Chipaca looks13:56
Chipacathat's ... weird13:56
ChipacaI *know* I've used it, tested it, apparently with that there13:56
Chipaca(according to bzr blame, at least)13:56
dobeyChipaca: http://pygtk.org/docs/pygtk/gtk-constants.html13:57
Chipacadobey: I *know* it's gtk.DIALOG_MODAL13:57
dobeyChipaca: yeah, it's from your "fix a bunch of stuff" branch13:57
ChipacaI'm wondering how that ever worked13:57
Chipacaor, wtf I was testing when I tested it13:57
* Chipaca gets super worried13:57
Chipacadobey: can u fix plz?13:57
PaulGitvds: Hi mate, just wondering if you are ready for me to do anymore testing?13:58
duffydackBookmark backups still dont work.  My firefox bookmarks on another lucid still empty.  files/folders are syncn fine..13:58
dobeyChipaca: yeah, i would just like a crit bug to --fixes= with it13:58
vdsPaulGit: yes please :)13:58
dobeyChipaca: because we obviously need to get that into lucid also13:58
* rye swtiches from nightlies to stable13:59
PaulGitvds: OK, will go through same test as before and attach results to bug.  Will ping you here also.13:59
Chipacadobey: obviously13:59
Chipacadobey: there's a bug about this already, I imagine?14:00
dobeyChipaca: i don't know. rye, jml? is there a bug for this already?14:01
jmldobey, I haven't filed one14:01
Chipacadobey: if you can get a bug, and would rather I crit it, ping me with the bug#14:02
Chipacadobey: I'm running in too many directions right now to be of much more use than that :-/14:02
Chipaca(comments about me not being much use in general shall be ignored)14:02
dobeyChipaca: i got it. just wanted to point you at your broken code :)14:02
Chipacadobey: thanks. The awesome is that I did manual testing of the whole thing before proposing, and it worked (?!?), and then it got through not two but three peer reviews14:03
dobeywell the unit tests don't test the dialog instantiation14:04
ryeaha, I need to get error dialog somehow14:05
ryejml, what is in your ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon-exceptions.log ?14:05
jml2010-04-21 12:34:29,105 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.ActionQueue - ERROR - OAuth failed: AUTHENTICATION_FAILED14:06
jmlthat's it14:06
ryejml, u1sdtool --status ?14:06
jmlgimme a sec14:07
jmlbooking flight and don't want session to time out14:07
duanedesignrye bug 56722314:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 567223 in ubuntuone-client "crashes after clicking manage account" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56722314:09
vdsPaulGit: thanks14:10
jmlrye, http://paste.ubuntu.com/419846/14:11
jmlrye, sorry about the delay14:11
ryejml, hm... does u1sdtool --connect trigger anything ?14:11
jmlrye, it doesn't do anything obvious -- what am I looking for?14:12
ryeduanedesign, thanks, however I don't seem to be able to reproduce it so easily... dobey,  bug 56722314:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 567223 in ubuntuone-client "crashes after clicking manage account" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56722314:12
jmlsyncdaemon-exceptions.log still the same14:12
ryejml, it might open a new tab in your browser, depending on the browser (could not make it work with opera so far)14:12
jmlrye, I'm running chrome14:12
dobeyrye: running from source tree, without ubuntuone-client installed, and without ubuntuone-syncdaemon running, should net the error easily14:13
jmlrye, nothing in my browser14:13
ryejml, that should work fine. However, could you please do u1sdtool --quit and kill ubuntuone-login, then run ubuntuone-preferences again14:13
dobeyoh nice14:13
dobeythere are two bugs there14:13
jmlrye, done that. same behaviour.14:14
jmlrye, also, same error when run in gdb14:18
ryerebuilding tomboy with debug, something's wrong with oauth14:25
jmlok. I've subscribed to the quoted bug14:32
jmlis there anything else I can do to help right now?14:32
ryejml, well, while that is a bug as well, that does not actually affect syncing, could you please remove ubuntuone token from seahorse and restart ubunutone-preferences ?14:34
* rye debugs tomboy14:34
* rye debugs server side using tomboy :)14:34
jmlrye, no need to kill syncdaemon or anything?14:35
ryejml, you can do u1sdtool --quit to be sure14:35
jmlrye, ok. prefs window now works. it pops up a new tab on another desktop. I appear to be signed in OK on the web.14:38
jml... have connected my computer "Synchronization in progress" still14:38
jmlI'm going to leave it there.14:41
jmlrye, ping me if you need any more info from me14:41
ryejml, you can see the queues as u1sdtool --waiting-meta and u1sdtool --waiting-content14:44
jmlrye, the former just says "Query" 23 times14:45
ryejml, it queries the status of 23 objects on the server14:45
jml(but I'm sensing an implicit message here, "u1sdtool is your debugging friend"14:45
ryeare we sendign X-Oops-Id for all parts of UI? Will tomboy receive these?15:15
rye"Could not save note record" is all that the server could reply with...15:35
ryeno oops id, nothing!15:35
ryefacundobatista, hi, may I steal some 10 minutes of your precious time regarding syncdaemons' 'Invalid in state' ?15:58
ryenessita, may i annoy you with syncdaemon's "invalid in state" ?16:25
facundobatistarye, please! do you have logs?16:29
ryefacundobatista, exceptions - http://paste.ubuntu.com/419810/ syncdaemon.log - http://paste.ubuntu.com/419811/16:29
ryefacundobatista, it happens pretty much every time something is being edited in Ubuntu One directory.16:29
facundobatistarye, edited with what?16:30
facundobatistarye, with vim16:30
ryefacundobatista, these logs are for vim, yesterday I tried gedit'ing the web page in ubuntuone ( http://ubuntuone.com/p/ky/ ) - it took me an hour to find out that once it says "Invalid in state" it does not sync that file16:31
facundobatistarye, would you mind to open a bug, in critical, assign to me, and attach these logs? thanks!16:31
ryefacundobatista, just to make sure I am not missing something obvious - it looks like in state actually matches that is printed as "should be", rigt?16:32
facundobatistarye, the problem is that we're ignoring some of the files that vim created, so we receive a FS_FILE_CREATE for a file we do have16:33
ryeso ignored files are still being processed?16:33
ryeok, collecting fresh logs16:33
joshuahooverrye: do you have any ideas on why this user is seeing untrusted certificates in their browser when trying to login to u1? https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+question/10793616:42
ryejoshuahoover, hm, maybe he is missing ca-certificates package?16:47
nessitarye: facundobatista will deal with that :-)16:47
joshuahooverrye: yeah, not sure16:47
ryejoshuahoover, however it is hard to not have it installed, it is needed by *-desktop packages, openssl, libcurl3... pretty much a lot of packages..16:48
joshuahooverrye: it has me scratching my head, thus i turn to you :)16:49
Cajun_Lan_manFYI to anyone who was helping me yesterday. The song finally went through, AND for whatever reason today, both of my Ubuntu machines are connecting to Ubuntu One just fine.17:01
Cajun_Lan_manI'm assuming that is all due to changes made on the Ubuntu One side of things.17:01
Cajun_Lan_manRegardless, I'm thankful.17:01
ryefacundobatista, bug #56795317:06
beunoalecu, ^17:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 567953 in ubuntuone-client "ValueError: Incorrect out state when files are edited in Ubuntu One directory" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56795317:06
alecuCajun_Lan_man, that's great news! thanks!17:12
facundobatistarye, thanks17:12
alecuaquarius, mattgriffin, ^17:12
mattgriffinalecu: the bug? is that related to the id3 tag update issue?17:15
alecumattgriffin, no, it's just a happy user that he was able to get his songs unstuck.17:17
mattgriffinalecu: oh cool :) happy users = good17:18
Cajun_Lan_manCan someone tell me, because I'm a little confused. When I'm playing something from "purchased" in rythmbox, is it not actually located on my machine, but in my "Ubuntu One Cloud"?17:18
Cajun_Lan_manI ask because I do not see the song in my music folder under my user files.17:18
alecuCajun_Lan_man, it's been downloaded from the cloud into your computer17:18
Cajun_Lan_manWhere is it being stored?17:18
alecuCajun_Lan_man, in ~/.ubuntuone/Purchased from Ubuntu One/17:19
Cajun_Lan_manThanks.  Also, I can't seem to actually see the file when browsing Ubuntu One in Firefox either.17:22
Cajun_Lan_manI see there is a "user defined folders/Purchased from Ubuntu One" directory there, but it's empty.17:22
alecuCajun_Lan_man, oh, you are looking at the web page, right?17:33
Cajun_Lan_manFor my storage status, I can tell by the size used that it's in there.  Shouldn't I be able to see it?17:35
alecuCajun_Lan_man, yes, it should show up there. Would you mind reloading the page in firefox, and trying to browse that folder again?17:35
Cajun_Lan_manFolder is empty17:37
PaulGitvds: ping17:54
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
PaulGitvds: Thunderbird funambol sync is crashing on me today :(18:24
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=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
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PaulGitping: beuno19:53
PaulGitbeuno: ping even!19:54
beunoPaulGit, pong19:54
PaulGitbeuno: Have you had any reports of the TB3 Funabol sync crashing when syncing to U1?  I was trying to do some tests for vds today but Funambol sync crashes TB3.19:55
beunoPaulGit, bac was having issues, but that's all I know of19:57
bacbeuno, PaulGit: yes, i have the same problem19:57
PaulGitbac: Are you running TB3 64bit?19:57
PaulGitbac: OK, I won't try on my other machine then!19:58
beunoPaulGit, OTOH, it works well for me and others  :)19:58
bacjust tried again and TB3 crashed instantly19:58
bacbeuno: can i clear out all of my data from U1 and start fresh?19:58
PaulGitbeuno: What version of TB3 are you running?19:59
beunoPaulGit, whatever is in lucid19:59
beunobac, yes you can, let me get you the instructions19:59
beunoPaulGit, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/PhoneSync/19:59
PaulGitbac: I have cleared everything out but to no avail :(19:59
beunosee "resetting contacts"19:59
PaulGitbac: Let me know how you get on.  I cannot think that I have changed anything to cause this :(20:02
ryebeuno, quick question - is the choice of the phone make and model actually makes some adjustments in funambol?20:06
beunorye, not at all20:06
tekstr1derquick question about nautilus emblem refreshing: I cut/pasted 2 folders from my desktop into Ubuntu One folder. After syncing successfully, all files in both folders display the green checkmark emblem. However, one of the two folders is still showing ubuntuone-unsynchronized.  ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log shows the folder as having succefully synced. Why does the emblem not update?20:06
ryetekstr1der, hm... folder emblems, I really need to check whether there is any signal for folder sync... hmm20:07
tekstr1derone of the two did apply a synced checkmark, the other did not20:09
bacbeuno: i reset my contacts on the server and blew away my couchdb contact db.20:14
bacbeuno: i then synced my phone telling it to do 'phone to server'.  it only seemed to push a few contacts20:14
bacbeuno: i then synced tbird and it worked!  but only pulled down 5 contacts, in duplicate20:14
bacbeuno: any idea how to get the phone client to push them all again?20:15
beunobac, delete everything all over again20:15
beunoand then there should be a "recover" open on your phone20:15
beunothat sends everything to the server blindly20:15
beunothat should do it20:15
bacwhere would this 'recover' be?20:16
beunoon the iphone app, hopefully20:16
beunowe have yet to implement something that forces the device to forget it had ever synced20:16
bacbeuno: nope, no recover option20:19
beunobac, so lets try to uninstall the app and reinstall20:19
PaulGitbac: I have been doing the clean up option on iPhone...it does wipe all your contacts though!20:20
bacPaulGit: i'm not willing to try that20:20
PaulGitbac: Don't blame you! ;)20:20
bacbeuno: sending lots this time.  :)20:23
beunobac, \o/20:23
beunoI smell success20:23
bacbeuno: after i clear my local couch db should i still have any contacts in my tbird personal addresss book?  i do, which is unexpected20:24
beunobac, yes, tb doesn't use couch20:24
bacoh, ok20:24
PaulGitJust cleared everything out again and TB still crashing.  I may try the 32bit version just to see if there is a difference.20:26
topylihrm. ubuntuone has not synchronized my (user-defined) ~/Documents for a few days it seems. nautilus confirms it's not among the synced folders. as i try to sync, it simply refuses20:36
topyliu1sdtool seems to list it20:40
dobeywhat version of ubuntuone-client-gnome do you have installed?20:43
topylidobey, 1.2.0-0ubuntu120:46
topylilooking at --waiting-content, no files from that folder are listed there. but i've been working, i swear! :)20:47
topyliso there definitely are new files20:47
dobeytopyli: have you logged out and back in since upgrading to that version?20:47
topylidobey, yes, i shutdown at nights, and there was no update today20:48
dobeytopyli: ok, what does u1sdtool -s say?20:48
topylidescription: processing queues, and queues: WORKING_ON_CONTENT20:49
topyliall the connection stuff looks ok20:50
topyliit's working because there is new stuff in another folder, which is working fine20:50
dobeyhrmm, weird20:50
topyliagreed :)20:51
dobeyverterok: ping20:51
dobeyverterok: could you help topyli please? :)20:51
topyliwhat does the --refresh option do? is it safe to try and resync the entire folder?20:51
dobeyi don't know. what does --help say it does? :)20:52
topyliit says "request a refresh", which is not very --helpful :)20:53
verterokdobey: let me read the backlog20:53
dobeytopyli: i guess it might force a server rescan, and a local rescan perhaps20:53
dobeyso it might help. but hopefully verterok can help you :)20:54
verteroktopyli: refresh will force a query to the server and start up/downloading new/changed files in that folder20:54
verteroktopyli: what's the output of: u1sdtool --list-folders? plase use pastebin.ubuntu.com20:55
topylijust a sec20:56
* topyli installs pastebinit20:58
topyliverterok, oh and thanks for showing up :)20:58
verteroktopyli: :)20:58
verteroktopyli: looks like you'r not subsribed to the ~/Documents UDF, so syncdaemon don't sync it :)20:59
verteroktopyli: try this: u1sdtool --subscribe-folder=19cb35e5-4604-4f95-83f0-1406a0f4845a20:59
topyliverterok, done. so i guess i should see stuff in --waiting-content shortly?21:02
verteroktopyli: yes21:02
topyliverterok, and indeed i do!21:02
verterokcool :)21:03
topylithanks a lot, the folder seems to be syncing and i'm a little bit smarter now to boot!21:03
verteroktopyli: same for ~/Templates, isn't subscribed21:04
topyliah, i'll fix that too21:04
topylididn't notice anything since it almost never changes :)21:04
=== niels_ is now known as NielsE
NielsEsince the alpha's of karmic I have not been able to get ubuntuone working properly21:07
NielsEat the moment I've got Lucid, and I just removed all the caches, config files, purged ubuntuone and installed it again21:07
NoobFukairewith lucid, how do you add your account to ubuntu one?21:08
NoobFukaireI have an account, I click manage account in the ubuntu one preferences21:08
NoobFukairemaybe I'll check out the issues21:08
NoobFukaireI click manage account, chrome opens the login panel21:08
NielsEmy cache log only sais: "state: <State: 'READY'  (queues IDLE  connection 'Not User With Network')"21:08
NoobFukaireI login... and then that's it21:08
NielsENoobFukaire: it should be logged in at that point21:09
NoobFukairethere's no way to setup the login credentials with the ubuntu one client???21:09
joshuahooverNoobFukaire: were you ever prompted to "add your computer" to your ubuntu one account via your web browser?21:09
NoobFukairedoes it work with chrome?21:09
NoobFukaireis it a popup?21:09
NoobFukaireI think I might have declined a popup when logging in, though I'm not sure21:10
NoobFukairelet me log out and try again21:10
NoobFukaireI'm in lucid btw21:10
joshuahooverNoobFukaire: it should just popup in your web browser, if your browser is open, then it will likely be a new tab there21:10
NielsEjoshuahoover: do you know what the state "connection 'Not User With Network'" is? it seems to hang there21:12
joshuahooverNielsE: i believe it means it thinks there isn't a network connection...maybe nessita or facundobatista would know better? ^^21:13
NielsEjoshuahoover: hmm k, that's a weird error..21:13
NielsEit sais that exactly every 2 minutes21:13
NoobFukaireyeah I'm never prompted to add my computer21:14
NoobFukairethis should be called ubuntu pos21:14
topyliNoobFukaire, maybe you have a stale ubuntuone token from previous attempts stored in gnome-keyring21:15
joshuahooverNoobFukaire: can you close the ubuntu one preferences window and then from a terminal session (applications->accessories->terminal) try: ubuntuone-preferences21:15
joshuahoovertopyli: good point21:15
topylijust crossed my mind, because i had the same problem at some point :)21:16
joshuahooverNoobFukaire: you can also look at applications->accessories->passwords and encryption keys and then see if there is an "ubuntu one token" under passwords there21:16
joshuahoovertopyli: :)21:16
NoobFukaireokay thanks I'll check it out21:16
facundobatistaNielsE, it's in "not user": you need to tell ubuntuone-client to connect21:17
facundobatistajoshuahoover, ^21:17
joshuahooverfacundobatista: thanks :)21:17
joshuahooverfacundobatista: now i know too21:17
NoobFukairesame deal :(21:18
NoobFukaireis ubuntu one compatible with chrome21:18
NoobFukairemaybe I'll trying with FF21:18
joshuahooverNoobFukaire: no error message?21:18
joshuahooverNoobFukaire: if you try this from a terminal session: xdg-open https://one.ubuntu.com/21:19
NoobFukaireI login fine, I can see my ubuntuone options,  etc in the web browser21:19
joshuahooverNoobFukaire: did you have an ubuntu one token in your passwords and encryption keys?21:19
NoobFukairenope nothing was there about ubuntu one21:20
joshuahooverNoobFukaire: it would've been under the passwords tab and under "passwords: default"21:20
joshuahooverNoobFukaire: does the last command i sent you open the web site in chrome? xdg-open https://one.ubuntu.com/21:20
NoobFukaireI changed my browser preference to ff, clicked manage account, logged into ubuntu one in firefox21:21
NoobFukaireand nothing21:21
NoobFukairebut it's not worth all this trouble, I think I'll just write off ubuntu one for now21:22
NoobFukairethanks for the help though21:22
mrevellHowdy. Is this a good place to ask about Desktop Couch?22:09
beunomrevell, only if CardinalFang or thisfred are around22:10
thisfredmrevell: hi! what is the nature of your inquiry? :)22:11
thisfredIOW: ask away!22:12
mrevellHeh howdy :)22:13
mrevellthisfred, Hey, so, I've done a bit of SQL in the past and, beuno will probably tell you, I'm not a developer.22:14
* CardinalFang ducks.22:14
mrevellthisfred, I'm writing my first little programme using Desktop Couch. If I want to retrieve a record using anything other than its _id, do I have to create a view?22:15
thisfredright, couchdb is a little different, but desktopcouch tries to make it as easy as possible22:15
thisfredmrevell: yes, basically. You can loop through all records, and halt when you find the right one, but obviously that's gonna be a lot less efficient22:16
thisfredviews are like sql queries, except they always have to be stored in the database beforehand22:16
mrevellthisfred, I see. So, from what I've read it seems like for most ordinary functions I'll only need map and not reduce. Does that sound right? I'm struggling to see where I'd use "reduce".22:17
thisfred(technically they don't, you can create views on the fly, but those are very inefficient, and hence discouraged)22:17
thisfredmrevell: right, reduce is only needed when you want to count or group things, or find the maximum value, that kind of thing. If you simply want to find a record or set of records by value, you'll only need a map22:18
mrevellThanks thisfred. My only concern is this idea of creating views in advance. So, for example, in my little programme I want to look up a podcast in the db based on whether it matches the supplied URL. If my view has to be in the db beforehand, I'm concerned that I can't simply look for a podcast on the fly. It's likely I'm misunderstanding something here, like I say, I'm new to this :)22:20
thisfredmrevell: yeah, so the view is like an "index" in the SQL world: you don't have to tell it in advance *which* url you're going to be looking for,  you can just create a view that gets podcasts by their url22:39
thisfredand then call that view with key=[the url you're looking for]22:39
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mrevellah thanks thisfred. I may ask you or aquarius some more tomorrow, if that's okay :)22:41
thisfredmrevell: sure, no problem, if I'm busy I might not respond instantly22:41
thisfredbut never hesitate to ask!22:41
mrevellThanks :)22:41
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