
rlameiroholstein, is your meeting over?01:26
rlameiro:D _guitarman_ over here :DDDD01:26
_guitarman_anyone doing ubuntustudio qa image installs using unetbootin on usb stick?03:50
_guitarman_hi rlameiro03:50
holsteinis it failing?03:50
holsteinlooking for the CD?03:50
holsteinthat alternate installer fails for me with unetbootin03:51
_guitarman_holstein: nope03:51
_guitarman_i haven't tried it03:51
holsteinlet me know if it works03:51
_guitarman_my p4 doesn't have a dvd drive03:51
_guitarman_thats the issue03:51
holsteinthat step where it locates the install media03:52
_guitarman_im not certain it will boot usb either03:52
rlameiro_guitarman_, there is no ubuntustudio unebootin AFAIK03:52
_guitarman_rlameiro: unetbootin allows you to pick any iso03:52
rlameirowe need to test all the cases in there :D03:52
* holstein passes _guitarman_ a DVD drive03:52
rlameiro_guitarman_, i just made a ubuntustudio livedvd03:53
rlameiroburned it and before going to bed i will test it03:53
holsteinwith UCK right?03:53
_guitarman_rlameiro: my case was going to be manual partition since nobody had done it03:53
rlameiroaltough i need to edit some things before, because jack doesnt strts in realtime03:53
_guitarman_rlameiro: cool03:53
* _guitarman_ needs desert03:56
_guitarman_but sees none03:56
tucemiuxyou went to the wrong channel O_o03:57
holsteinyou need a toaster waffle _guitarman_03:57
_guitarman_heheh i wish03:58
_guitarman_holstein: where did the unetbootin fail on install03:58
_guitarman_when it checked the cd?03:58
_guitarman_thats where my debian install failed for ...03:58
_guitarman_i will probably experience the same03:58
holsteinthat happened for me with ubuntustudio03:59
holsteinand crunchbang03:59
holsteinwith that new debian text installer03:59
holsteinOR old rather03:59
holsteinnew to #!03:59
_guitarman_i think i tried the dvd drive sitting around here once but it didn't work inside the pc or something... if this p4 boots usb, perhaps my ide to usb adapter will allow me to boot it of the dvd that way03:59
_guitarman_needs to be an ubuntustudio netinstall04:00
_guitarman_for those with p4's and cd drivbes04:00
holsteinfor those with USB boot who just feel like it04:00
_guitarman_that wopudl be a nice thing.. a usb image04:00
_guitarman_dd it04:00
holsteinthe easypeasy guys had a hybrid iso04:01
holsteinyou could burn it, or DD it04:01
tucemiuxyou need a DVD burner, they're cheap nowadays04:01
holsteinDUDE, i literally trip on one downstairs04:02
holsteini wish i could hand it to you :)04:02
_guitarman_holstein: i have one on my newer box with slack04:03
_guitarman_but i dont want to wipe that box to try ubuntu studio04:03
_guitarman_its got no spare partitions and i worked hard to get slack rockin on it04:03
_guitarman_its my podcasting box04:03
_guitarman_the p4 is a test box04:04
_guitarman_i'll try cracking the case to see if this spare drive works - its dvd04:04
_guitarman_but i think it wouldn't write or something ... dunno - there's a reason i labeled it with 'not sure if its fully funcitons'04:04
_guitarman_that said - i think there must be some way of making the usb look like the cd drive - like some param you could pass at some point04:05
_guitarman_but ... dunno04:05
holsteinyou could borrow the drive from the slack box04:06
holsteini got a asus barebones build04:07
holsteinits only got 1 ide slot04:07
holsteinSO i put a HD and DVD drive in to install04:07
holsteinand then put 2 HD's in it04:07
holsteinit doesnt do USB boot04:08
rlameirowell guys cya tomorrow04:09
holsteingn rlameiro04:09
rlameirowill test the live now and tomorrow i will give some info04:09
holsteini have to borrow a drive from something to install on that box04:10
_guitarman_yeah - i'll need to crack the case04:10
_guitarman_i'll do that when kids are in bed - or make a start on it before04:10
_guitarman_cd is burning on the p4 dvd burner i connected up on the p4 ... not sure if it will work04:34
* _guitarman_ is on the edge of his seat ... but has to put his son to bed 1st04:35
holsteinit has to work :)04:35
holsteinyour the boss04:35
_guitarman_we shall see05:31
holsteinim trying UCK too05:32
_guitarman_nope failed hardware05:41
_guitarman_that dvd drive wont write05:41
_guitarman_and it may have ruined the dvd05:41
_guitarman_testing it on slackbox05:41
_guitarman_this is why i dont enjoy dealing with hardware05:41
* holstein is out05:43
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sibHello, there. I just had two days worth (ca. 8hrs/day) of recording a big band (26 channels) in ardour with flawless performance (no xruns). Today I had to send everyone home early due to recurring xrun problems. Machine has not been updated for several days. Any ideas?15:02
holsteinhey sib15:57
holsteinsib: what interface are you using?15:58
sibholstein: RME 965215:59
sibholstein: yup15:59
holsteinthats strange15:59
holsteinand as far as you know15:59
holsteinthere are no differences15:59
holsteinif setup or software15:59
holsteinin setup*15:59
sibholstein: exactly. I've specifically been avoiding changing anything during the week of sessions16:00
sibholstein: every tune even uses the same template...16:00
holsteindid you look at you jack setting?16:00
sibholstein: All the same...16:01
holsteini dont konw how those would get changed anyways16:01
holsteinwhat about the medium your recording too?16:01
holsteinIF you were tracking to a USB drive16:01
sibholstein: the one thing that might be different, but I've no way of checking now, would be which order the sound cards get loaded.16:01
holsteinand sending more data than the BUS can handle16:01
sibholstein: eSATA16:02
holsteinthats that theory16:02
holsteindid you run uname -a ?16:02
sibholstein: I started ardour in the terminal but get no information during the xruns.16:02
holsteinjust to make sure you were booting a realtime kernel?16:02
holsteini assume you restarted a bunch16:03
holsteinand prayed ;)16:03
sibLinux linuxdaw 2.6.31-9-rt #152-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT RT Thu Oct 15 13:22:24 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux16:03
holsteinwell, a grub error is probably not the issue either then...16:03
sibholstein: I did after a while. no difference. until now, when everyone is gone, I've been recording all 26 tracks for 90 minutes with no xruns16:04
holsteinso its a ghost in the machine then16:04
holsteinits usually all or nothing for me16:04
holsteinIF your tracking live, and not overdubbing16:04
holsteinyou can relax your JACK settings16:04
sibholstein: yeah. really weird. I've been confidence testing for the past week with no problems.16:05
holsteini usually have 2 or 3 profiles of different latency settings16:05
sibholstein: all live, with hardware monitoring anyway, so I was using a 512 buffer.16:05
holsteinone for mixing, where the latency is like 100ms +16:05
holsteinand one for tracking down around 2ms16:05
holsteinsib: you might want to bump it up16:06
sibholstein: when things started getting weird, I bumped it to 1024, and it seemed to get worse, but that was just a feeling. certainly not better.16:06
holsteinit wont hurt anything16:06
sibholstein: what card are you using?16:06
holsteinim wondering if this isnt a hardware issue16:06
holsteinhave you contacted RME?16:06
holsteinive heard they are VERY linux supportive16:07
holsteinsib: i got a presonux firepod16:07
holstein8 channels firewire16:07
sibholstein: no, not yet. I can't really tell them anything, because I can't reproduce the problem.16:07
sibholstein: cool. FFADO?16:07
holsteinit use to be a pain in the ass16:08
holsteinbut the new FFADO supports it out of the box16:08
sibholstein: with freebob, you mean?16:08
holsteinwell, even the last freeebob wasnt bad16:08
holsteinthe later releases16:08
holsteinpresonus is not very friendly with linuxx support AFAIK16:09
holsteinsib: i gotta run, but let me send you to #opensourcemusicians16:09
holsteinsometimes this channel can be a little slow16:10
sibholstein: thanks!16:16
atokHow can i change number of workspaces in Ubuntustudio ?17:10
holsteinhey atok17:21
holsteinubuntu studio install?17:21
holsteinwhat i usually do on my studio boxes is...17:22
holsteini add the workspace switcher applet to the gnome panel17:22
holsteinjust right click on some empty space17:22
atok!!! :D17:23
holsteinselect add to panel17:23
atokproblem solved :D17:23
atokthx :D :D17:23
holsteinatok: COOL17:23
holsteinyou can change the number of workspaces by right-clicking on the workspace switcher17:23
holsteinand going to preferences17:24
holsteinon my audio box, i like to have 6 or 8 workspaces, so the switcher is handy for me17:24
atokdone. :)17:24
holsteinatok: check out #opensourcemusicians if you get a chance17:25
atokthanks for your guidance :)17:26
atokbye :)17:26
MichalPenkaHi guys, I wanted to ask whether there's someone who could explain me how sound works in Ubuntu/Ubuntu Studio...18:53
MichalPenkaI've read many articles about ALSA/PulseAudio/Jack...but I don't understand the hierarchy18:54
_guitarman_MichalPenka: tuxradar.com18:56
_guitarman_on the main page there is linux audio explained18:56
_guitarman_i'm not the best to answer but it depends on the device you have18:57
_guitarman_hardware is first, then usually alsa then pulse audio or jack18:57
MichalPenkaso what happens when I start jack?18:57
MichalPenkadoes it disable pulseaudio?18:57
_guitarman_MichalPenka: usually18:57
MichalPenkathanks I'll have a look18:57
MichalPenkaone more thing18:58
MichalPenkaI'm a guitar player18:58
_guitarman_MichalPenka: it looks like it will conhtinue that way until jack218:58
_guitarman_is stabalized18:58
MichalPenkawill it replace pulseaudio?18:58
_guitarman_pulseaudio is here to stay18:58
_guitarman_but l...18:58
_guitarman_pulseaudio will feed into jack18:58
MichalPenkaok, so it'll be the layer between alsa and pulse?18:59
_guitarman_MichalPenka: it doesn't work very well at present feeding pulseaudio into jack18:59
_guitarman_there is work on enhanced co-operation18:59
_guitarman_but we aren't going to see it in this ubuntustudio 10.0418:59
MichalPenkaI see18:59
_guitarman_more likely to see it all come together in the next releaswe18:59
_guitarman_MichalPenka: that said, there is jack integration in many apps19:00
MichalPenkaback to my guitar19:00
MichalPenkaI'm going to buy some firewire sound car19:00
MichalPenkawhich needs ffado drivers19:00
_guitarman_on my slackware audio box i dont have pulse installe.d.. i just have alsa and jack and my audactious etc has jack support and i can feed stuff into jack that way without pulse19:00
_guitarman_nice MichalPenka19:00
_guitarman_do your research though19:00
MichalPenkaI'm not sure whether I need pulse at all19:01
MichalPenkabut it seems to be incorporated in future distros19:01
_guitarman_it depends MichalPenka -  i wouldn't rip it out of ubuntu - its a bit of a hassle and usually gets out of the way of jack pretty well19:01
_guitarman_but on slackware, it never came with it, so it was easy to leave it out19:02
_guitarman_MichalPenka: don't rip it out unless its getting in the way19:02
_guitarman_it works most of the time19:02
MichalPenkayes it does19:02
MichalPenkaI'm happy with it while using "desktop apps"19:02
_guitarman_just my .02 cents19:02
_guitarman_yup ditto19:02
MichalPenkabut when I want record my guitar, I'm confused a bit how it works19:03
MichalPenkanow I'm more educated19:03
MichalPenkaso if I want firewire card, I need jack..am I all right?19:03
_guitarman_MichalPenka: if you fire up qjackctl it kicks pulseaudio to the corner - kills it, when qjackctl stop is pressed ,it relaunches it19:04
_guitarman_MichalPenka: from what i understand, you don't use alsa for the firewire devices, you use ffado or freebob19:04
_guitarman_and jack runs ontop of either ffado or freebob19:04
_guitarman_jack is higher up in the stack19:04
MichalPenkaok, that explains why I can't play my backing tracks in rhythmbox while using jack19:04
_guitarman_yup - rhythmbox would need jack support19:05
_guitarman_audacious has it19:05
_guitarman_as does vlc19:05
MichalPenkaI need rhythmbox because it has daap support19:05
_guitarman_there are jack plugins so that you can route them in qjackctl19:05
_guitarman_MichalPenka: ah ... well i suppose then you will have to live with it as is if there is no jack plugin for rhythmbox19:05
_guitarman_or if you have 2 soundcards - 1 internal 1 external then its a non issue19:06
_guitarman_desktop audio happens on the internal and recording only happens on the external\19:06
MichalPenkaaha, that's the solution probably19:06
MichalPenkaI've got laptop19:06
MichalPenkawith Intel HDA19:06
_guitarman_but you can't route between those 2 audio cards19:06
MichalPenkawhich would do all the desktop apps things19:06
MichalPenkathat's pity :/19:07
_guitarman_its a timing issue  - it never seem to work well19:07
_guitarman_so dont bother19:07
_guitarman_thats what i been led to believe19:07
MichalPenkaso when I buy this firewire card19:08
MichalPenkaI can't use it for desktop things?19:08
MichalPenkabecause it uses jack only19:09
_guitarman_MichalPenka: well again - that depends19:09
_guitarman_on my slackware system , i just disabled onboard audio19:09
_guitarman_and use my usb device exclusively19:09
MichalPenkabut usb uses alsa?19:10
MichalPenkaI think firewire needs ffado or freebob, which has jack as an only possible client19:10
MichalPenkabut when I use jack, I can't do all the desktop things...rhythmbox, skype, totem, ...19:11
MichalPenkaok, doesn't mind19:11
MichalPenkait looks like it has no solution :/19:11
MichalPenkamaybe I should buy two cards19:12
MichalPenkaone USB for playback19:12
_guitarman_MichalPenka: there is a solution as I said.  I get vlc and audacious going in19:12
_guitarman_and skype as well19:12
_guitarman_there is a lot of jack support in applications19:12
_guitarman_but you have to compile it in or add the plugin19:12
_guitarman_there may well be a plugin for rhythmbox for jack support-  i haven't looked19:13
_guitarman_because i use vlc19:13
_guitarman_or audacious19:13
MichalPenkaI shall have a look19:13
_guitarman_but its really not hard to turn jack off when you don't want to record19:13
_guitarman_its not like its all or nothing19:13
MichalPenkayes, you're right19:13
_guitarman_there's even a jack plugin to play flash19:13
MichalPenka:) but why do we need pulseaudio then?19:14
_guitarman_pipemanmusic in #opensourcemusicians and I do a podcast using the jack plugin for skype ... it allows us to record our own voices locally in ardour as well as the other persons end of the skype call into its own track in ardour as well..19:14
MichalPenka(maybe I shall read the tuxradar stuff first)19:14
_guitarman_MichalPenka: some people like being able to hear audio in 2 apps at a time19:14
_guitarman_but on a strictly mostly audio box, you may not need pulse... like i said, its not on my slackware box19:15
MichalPenkaok, but why does it come with modern distros?19:15
_guitarman_because slackware is a very conservative distro19:16
MichalPenkawhy don't we deploy jack instead of it?19:16
_guitarman_it may show up when its totally solid.19:16
_guitarman_jack needs routing19:16
MichalPenkaaah, ok, so it's not user-friendly in this way19:16
_guitarman_MichalPenka: http://opensourcemusician.com/index.php/Episode3119:17
_guitarman_we reported on this very suggestion19:17
_guitarman_see the section in the notes =- it starts with Pat's blog post of The Linux Link Tech show... read from that - we spoke to the jack developer on this issue19:18
_guitarman_he was of course diplomatic19:18
MichalPenkathanks for your links19:18
MichalPenkaI'll review it first I think19:18
MichalPenkaone more (last) quetsion19:19
MichalPenkais there a difference between ubuntu studio and ubuntu audio setup?19:19
_guitarman_not sure i understand the phrasing of your question... are you saying how does ubuntustudio handle audio differently then regular ubuntu?19:20
MichalPenkayes, sorry, I'm czech :)19:20
_guitarman_no problem19:20
_guitarman_you guys have good cheap beer :)19:20
MichalPenka:D I drink one right now :D19:21
MichalPenkawe've got the best beer19:21
_guitarman_well, here is where i'm not the expert, but from what i have seen as a user, less is differnet now since regular ubuntu on install of jack seems to ask you if you want to enable realtime support - whereas in the past you had to install ubuntustudio from cd to get these tweaks19:22
_guitarman_so you can get a similar thing just by using vanilla ubuntu lucid and installing the ubuntustudio packages19:22
_guitarman_that said - it may be different for ffado etc.19:22
_guitarman_i'm just speaking on alsa19:22
MichalPenkaI was asked as well while doing an upgrade to Lucid19:23
_guitarman_yup exactly19:23
MichalPenkaso does this mean I've got the real time kernel now?19:23
_guitarman_i did a full ubuntustudio install yesterday on a p4 - from the alternate install as a qsa test run.19:23
MichalPenkashall I enable it in jack configuration?19:23
_guitarman_MichalPenka: nope - its not a realtime kernel19:23
_guitarman_just realtime support19:23
MichalPenkawhat's the difference?19:24
_guitarman_MichalPenka: the good thing these days is the support in the regular generic kernel is better then it has been in the past.19:24
_guitarman_it means there are less performance gains now between a generic kernel and an RT or realtime kernel19:24
_guitarman_you can probably get decent performance without the rt kernel19:24
MichalPenkaaah, ok19:25
_guitarman_if you find you get xruns and latency isn't good, then trhow the rt kernel in19:25
_guitarman_try generic first19:25
MichalPenkaI think I'm going to do a clean reinstall to ubuntu studio in a few days19:25
MichalPenka(when it's released)19:25
MichalPenkaI've got the generic one now19:26
MichalPenkaand it is quite nice19:26
MichalPenkawith my Intel HDA I'm able to get about 10 ms19:26
MichalPenkawithout xruns19:26
MichalPenkaOK _guitarman_, thnks for your information19:28
MichalPenkaI'm going to read and listhen to the articles now19:28
_guitarman_thats pretty darned good MichalPenka19:28
MichalPenkahave a nice evening19:28
MichalPenkathanks, bye ;)19:28
rlameirohello all22:57
rlameiropeople, sont forget22:58
rlameirogo to http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com and test ubuntu studio, try it on a spare machine22:58
rlameiroits only missing the encrypted test case on AM6422:58

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