
Sachse_Siechtumanybody home?01:26
Sachse_Siechtumok I cant open the tab "add/remove applications" all of a sudden01:28
Sachse_Siechtumso I'd like to know what the terminal command for this tab is01:28
Sachse_Siechtumbecause I cant find it in usr/share/applications01:28
Sachse_Siechtumis it gnome-app-install-xfce.desktop ?01:29
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Sachse_Siechtumah no its not01:33
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide01:44
ubottusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto01:44
Guest24078i'm on 9.10, and installed compiz, and turned on the cube desktop settings. but it hasn't done anything. how can i fix this?04:09
Guest24078i'm running a virtual machine, if that changes anything04:10
Balsaqwhat are your system specs Guest2407804:10
Guest24078on the actual computer?04:11
Balsaqdo you have what it takes to run compiz04:13
BalsaqThe Pre-requisites include04:18
BalsaqProper drivers installed for your Intel,ATI or nVidia or Intel Graphics card.04:18
BalsaqIf you are using ATI,Nvidia Display cards you can install drivers from System--->Administration--->Hardware Drivers to detect the graphic card and to install associated drivers.04:18
Guest24078i'm running in a virtual system on a macbook pro04:20
Guest24078i'm pretty sure i have the hardware for it04:20
Balsaqhmmm i know a good mac guy...he's in my channel. i wil lask him about this.04:21
Guest24078because i don't have that menu option (System--->Administration)04:21
Guest24078also, everything i find tells me to just go into the settings and turn on the visual effects, but i can't do that. again, those options just don't exist.04:22
Balsaqhmmm i gotta a couple good MAc guys in there and they have fallen silent. must be a complex issue or they are scrambling for information as i am. while we all search for answers you may try youtube as i have seen some pretty awesome tutorials on compiz on youtube.04:28
Guest24078yeah, i've been trying that04:29
Guest24078nothing i can find is for this version of xubuntu, though, and hasn't really been working04:29
Guest24078i'm wondering if it might have to do with the version of xubuntu?04:30
Balsaqi have seen many issues with 9.10 as i am in here a lot04:31
Guest24078i've been considering just switching to ubuntu, or downgrading the xubuntu04:32
Balsaqhmmm youtube seems to have good tuorials on mac with compiz on ubuntu 9.0404:34
Balsaqi dont like to mention t his too much in channel..but they are going to have to pry 9.04 from my clenched fists....i like it that much. i will keep it until i am forced to upgrade, which i think will be sometime this fall. Then i will do a clean reinstall with xubuntu 10.04.04:37
Guest24078yeah, i'm not liking 9.10 too much...04:39
haywireHmmm what's better abt. 9.04?  As a linux (and xubuntu) newbie, I have started with 9.10 and have nothing to compare it to...04:41
Guest24078honestly, it might just have to do with the support available for it, but it's not big deal, really04:42
Guest24078it comes down to small details04:42
Balsaqyeah, was hoping someone who has done it would chime in by now.04:43
Balsaqnot  sure why it appears to me that 904 is better, just my impression running my 904 and watching what goes on in here....and i am no expert. to combat my lack of knowledge i just run a straight xubuntu install, all by itself on the HD and never give  me any problem. runs the same everyday.04:45
haywireCompared to windoze, xubuntu 9.10 rocks...  I had a few hurdles right away to contend with that "broke me in hard", but was a learning experience.  The only thing left to conquer is printing to a shared printer on my network...04:49
Guest24078i'll be getting a new computer in the next few months, and i'm going to dual boot it to xubuntu or ubuntu (i still have to decide...)04:49
Guest24078yeah, i've had that same issue04:49
Guest24078i haven't been able to figure out the printing04:49
haywireI got CUPS to find the printer on my network, and it "wakes it up" but nothing prints, and it hangs the print spooler in my Vista , <uhggh> host machine.04:51
Balsaqmy xubuntu computer works great with my HP color printer, but i could not get it to work with my ancient  epson laser printer.04:51
haywireI suppose I will experiment next by temporarily direct-connecting the HP printer (one of the most supported linux printers, I thought...) to my linux box, to see if it is a driver prob.04:52
haywireCommon Unix Print Service.... I *think*... it comes preinstalled in xubuntu 9.10 and found my printer on my network with a search... but can't seem to drive it...04:53
Guest24078mine can't seem to find my printer at all04:54
haywireIs it a network, or local printer?04:55
haywireFor me, hanging the print spooler in my host machine is worse than not working at all... brings all printing to a halt from any mach. on my network... spouse has a hissy fit..:-/  --- what brand printer?04:57
haywireSee... that is the puzzling part... I don't have any experience to help you, but everything I read says HP is well supported with the HPLIP driver pack, etc..04:59
haywireAnd we're both having issues with an HP printer....Hmmmm...05:00
haywireGuest24078:  Is your printer a connected to your network via ethernet, or indirectly, via a host machine ON your network?05:01
haywireyikes, I would think that should be easier than what I'm trying to do...:-(05:03
haywireWhen I get some more time, I may try to enable the virtual LPD print server in my Vista machine, and try printing that way, instead of using SAMBA...especially if connecting the experiment of connecting the printer locally pans out...05:11
haywireBalsaq:  If you still around, can you tell me if your HP color printer was connected locally, or on your network?05:11
Balsaqi dont have all my stuff connected yet05:12
haywireI suspect mine will work that way, too, whatdya think?05:12
Balsaqbut i will say it worked on xubuntu without any tinkering05:12
Balsaqplug n play05:12
haywireThat network printing is where I think it gets tricky...05:12
Balsaqprolly...cant wait to get into that...got a buch of computer to put on the network and 2 printers05:13
haywireI think since I have a windoze machine involved, that is where the "catfight" begins...05:13
Balsaqyup...several of mine are windows05:13
Balsaqone mac and some linux05:14
haywireIt really wouldn't be so bad if I had a true network printer (i think) but when I have to have the host machine running vista...well you read the results...05:14
Balsaqomg vista i had that for 2 weeks once05:15
Balsaqi have 7 now05:15
Balsaqand xo pro05:15
Balsaqi was spending a lot of time configuring vista...05:16
haywirewell enuf of the bad.. the good news is that I got xubuntu dual booting on my old p4 1.7ghz with only 512 ram, I was able (after many hours work) to custom edit an xorg.conf file to drive my 32" LCD with it's native resolution of 1360x768, and it looks better than my windows desktop (xp home is other os)05:16
Balsaqsheez...could you put those instructions on paper!05:17
haywirehmmm... why ... u having a resolution issue with 9.10?  (mine was stuck at only 800x600)05:18
Balsaqno i use 904...but i will say i dont know how to make a dual booter05:18
Balsaqi see people struggling with it all the time05:18
Balsaqi have a couple unused computers that i would like to tool around with...i wouldnt mess with my 9.04 computer.05:19
haywireWell, like everthing I attempt I did it wrong the 1st time...I actually had a spare drive here, and removed my xp home hdd, and simply loaded xubuntu on my spare drive... then I tried to "marry them up using GRUB"...05:19
haywireThat wasn't my smartest idea...didn't work at all...05:20
haywireI found out that Windoze absolutely will not boot unless it is on the primary Hdd (not slave) I simply jumpered both IDE drives for cable select, installed them, and ran the install from the xubuntu 9.10 live CD... I formated the slave drive for ext3, and GRUB was loaded automatically... that part was the easy part for me...05:22
Balsaqthat is over my head05:22
haywirewell, you don't have to use 2 drives like mee..05:23
Balsaqmy towers have room for more drives05:23
haywireIf you have large enough drive, you can partition it with gparted (comes with xubuntu) and it will be seen by the system as if it were 2 drives..05:23
Balsaqis tha easier and less trouble?05:24
haywireI'm sort of an old DOS user,, (I liked dos better than windows...) and although ALL the commands are different in linux, I am quite intriqued... ---easier, yes, at least from a mechanical (connecting) standpoint05:25
haywireevery time I want to get on the web now, I reach for my xubuntu machine (with the sweet 32" 16x9 monitor :-) .  Of course it browses faster than my Pentium D dual-core CPU running a 2.8GHz processor, and 2 gigs ram... shows you how windoze can mire a machine down!05:27
haywireBalsaq:  How you you like Win 7?05:28
Balsaqi have my xubuntu on a 2.4 intel w/ 1 gig pc1066....this one here is xp pro on the same hardware and i have w7 on and i5 w/ 4 gig ddr305:29
Balsaqand some otheres i am gradually getting too05:29
haywireI reread where you said you disliked vista, so you like 7 better?05:29
Balsaqyes no doubt05:30
Balsaqits more stable for me05:30
Balsaqi had vista on a quad core with 6 gigs of ram and i returned it.05:30
haywireYou're not the only one I have heard that from.. maybe they finally came up with a winner.  I have no experience with it yet, but might have to check it out..05:30
haywireI think with a linux box, once you put in the seat time to get it to do what you want, it is very stable and trustworthy.  Getting there requires some effort on the part of the "administrator" - Ugghh I hate that word, esp. when it boils down to "me"05:32
haywireI will say that if you do get the GRUB bootloader working for you to perform dual-boot, you will like it... Just don't run your xubuntu from the GRUB boot menu in "Recovery Mode" - I did once, and it was a disaster... I couldn't configure the autologin after that, and kept getting greeted with a login screen asking for my user name and pwd...couldn't disable it...05:35
haywireyeah, I was this || close to reinstalling the whole ball of wax...05:39
Balsaqsee when i got his laptop w/ the i5, i wanted it to ed being w7 with xubuntu beside it. but i have reached that confidence level yet.05:39
haywireyeah, it is definitely tense moments when your playing with drive partioning... If you care *at all* about the possibility (probability?) of loosing your 7, xp, or whatever, then you must create a backup of it first.05:41
haywireIt's one of the reasons I physically removed the known good xp home drive while first playing with xubuntu.05:42
haywireI also have ZERO experience with linux on laptops..05:42
haywireMy "poor" xp home on this machine hasn't been booted in over a week...It'll probably have 50 stinking updates it wants to install when I finally boot it <grin>05:44
_Techie_sweet, my money has been transferred10:24
toal193diz aeh, como ativar o dontzap no xubby?13:36
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat13:36
Canonicalagora alguem daki vai te ajudar simples :)13:37
toal193ops, sorry13:37
toal193how can I kill an unresponsive fullscreen process?13:40
psycho_oreoshmm I dunno I'd use console to pkill it13:41
psycho_oreosif you have other desktops you can pkill from there too13:41
toal193how can I enable dontzap in xub?13:42
Balsaqi think once i just clicked the mouse a few times up in the upper right hand corner of the screen ad the controls came back there where i could get at em13:42
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap13:43
toal193I've already tried to add this command line to ~/.xinitrc, nothing happened, :(13:44
toal193how can I call setxkbmap at every X session?13:44
charlie-tcatoal193: did you add it to keyboard shortcuts?13:46
toal193common shortcuts are disable when in fullscreen13:47
toal193is there any script when I can add a command line to execute every time X starts?13:48
charlie-tca /etc/rc.local13:49
toal193I'll try this, thanx :D13:50
charlie-tcaor write a one-line bash program and add it to  ~/.config/autostart  to start for each user13:50
toal193~/.config/autostart folder contains only launchers (.desktop files)13:51
charlie-tcaand they can be used to run a bash file13:52
charlie-tcaIt is what I use to mount my systems using ssh-fuse13:53
toal193I must create a launcher to run the bash script?13:54
charlie-tcaIf you want to use that, otherwise, add it to /etc/rc.local13:54
toal193to run setxkbmap from a bash script I13:55
toal193must put "exec" before?13:55
toal193all right, thanx every113:56
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odie5533How do I install xfce/xubuntu after installing from the regular ubuntu cds?17:39
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charlie-tcaapt-get install xubuntu-desktop17:40
odie5533when I do that in synaptic, it marks ubuntu-desktop for removal.17:40
odie5533will ubuntu still be updated correctly?17:40
charlie-tcaubuntu-desktop is a meta-package, it is only needed to upgrade to the latest version17:41
odie5533I thought ubuntu-desktop coordinated updates17:41
charlie-tcaupgrades, not updates17:41
charlie-tcaIt will upgrade whatever desktop package is installed at the time17:41
odie5533I'm running 10.04 beta 2. So when I want to upgrade to full 10.04, or 10.11 or something later on, I will need to first upgrade xubuntu-desktop, then install the ubuntu-desktop again to get everything fully upgraded?17:42
charlie-tcaAfter installing xubuntu-desktop, you can mark ubuntu-desktop again. It will remove xubuntu-desktop, but everything else stays17:42
odie5533pulseaudio appears to be leaving me17:43
charlie-tcaduring the upgrade to a new version, it will depend on what gnome has done.17:43
odie5533Isn't the pulseaudio the new, good linux audio manager thing?17:43
charlie-tcaSome of xubuntu may be removed because gnome won't allow things to work17:43
charlie-tcapulseaudio is the new audio manager, yes17:43
odie5533I won't have it if I install xubuntu. Compatability issues?17:44
charlie-tcaYes, parts of it specific to gnome desktop are going away, parts of it will stay17:44
charlie-tcaSince the changes to gnome, some stuff is no longer fully compatibility17:44
charlie-tcawell, compatible17:44
odie5533will I still have audio on gnome?17:44
charlie-tcashould have17:45
odie5533well, I guess I'll find out.17:45
odie5533I noticed xubuntu chose slightly different applications to install: gimp, gnumeric, exaile, thunderbird. Is this because there is more room on an xubuntu cd to add stuff? I guess I'm asking, why the deviation from the main project's choice of applications?17:47
charlie-tcaNope, it is because xubuntu wants lighter applications than gnome has17:47
charlie-tcagnumeric and abiword replace OpenOffice.org and use much less resources17:48
charlie-tcaThunderbird uses less resources than evolution17:48
odie5533plus gnumeric is just plain better :)17:48
odie5533what about gimp?17:48
charlie-tcaWe saw no reason to remove gimp, our users can learn to use it or install something else if they choose to17:48
charlie-tcaUbuntu is aiming at the new users from windows more than Xubuntu is17:49
charlie-tcaWe usually get users that have been around a little bit, since they have older equipment that is not doing so good on windows17:50
odie5533In a few minutes I will have both ubuntu and xubuntu packages installed. Will my computer go any slower than a regular xubuntu install with the extra stuff? Not sure of any difference in running daemons.17:51
charlie-tcadepends on the system. With 256mb ram and low drive space, yes. For most users, not noticable17:52
odie5533I previously tried and like xfce. I'm running a laptop and hoping to get slightly better battery usage from it. Currently, Windows 7 lasts longer than Ubuntu on battery. I have 2GB RAM and plenty of space.17:53
charlie-tcaYou probably won't notice any difference, then17:54
odie5533I now have Xubuntu session and Xfce session. Which should I be using?17:58
charlie-tcaxubuntu session18:01
odie5533whats the other one, a vanilla xfce themed one?18:01
charlie-tcaSort of18:01
odie5533Xubuntu is using 450 MB of RAM. Gnome used 470 MB. Is it supposed to use that much?18:12
charlie-tcaYou installed on top of gnome18:12
charlie-tcagnome still has services running18:13
odie5533do I need to reinstall from xubuntu disks then?18:13
charlie-tcaIf you want a clean installation18:13
charlie-tcaI don't really know if it will make much difference, though18:14
odie5533theres no option to uninstall the gnome stuff?18:14
charlie-tcaxubuntu is about 30% less resources total18:14
charlie-tcaNot automatically18:14
charlie-tcaAnd there will be some even on the clean install, since xubuntu is built from Ubuntu18:15
odie5533the 30% estimate is for the base os, right? And then the xfce programs are generally lighter on top of that?18:15
charlie-tcaA pure xfce installation is lighter than Xubuntu18:16
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »18:16
charlie-tcaThat explains how to remove the gnome stuff18:17
odie5533Are those commands for someone that installed from the xubuntu cds?18:18
charlie-tcaWhat commands?18:18
odie5533purexfce ones18:18
odie5533who are they aimed for then?18:19
charlie-tcapeople that installed Ubuntu, then installed Xubuntu and want to clean out the ubuntu/gnome part18:21
charlie-tcaor those that installed Kubuntu, then installed Xubuntu18:21
cassiodacrisalguém pode me ajudar19:32
knome!en | cassiodacris19:32
ubottucassiodacris: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat19:32
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:33
knomemaybe :)19:33
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.19:33
rosalindanyone here have troubles with multi user ?21:15
rosalindfor some reason xfce logs me out randomly21:15
rosalindtotally uncalled for21:16
rosalindcan't even use the computer., if I am typing something and the computer logs out, then I lose everything.21:16
rosalindi've had this problem for several years21:17
knomewhich xubuntu version are you using?21:17
rosalindknome, its Xubuntu 9.1021:28
rosalindI just changed the soundcard (which was not working)21:28
rosalindI don't think that will fix it though21:28
rosalindits a typical problem I have been having for several years21:29
rosalindnot sure why it would just crash a session like that21:29
rosalindI am going to try and reproduce this problem21:29
knomethat would help if you had any idea when it happens21:31
knomei only can think of HW failure, really21:31
rosalindanyone know how to switch users in Xubuntu 9.1021:36
rosalindwhile keeping the first one on still21:36
knometry adding the xfapplet panel applet to your panel21:36
knomeand select the user switcher there21:36
knomethat should work21:36
rosalindwhere do I find this xfapplet ? I am in add new items to the panel21:37
knomeit should appear in the list21:38
rosalindits not in the list, maybe I have to install it21:38
rosalindyeah I have to install that21:39
rosalindone sec21:39
rosalindok knome I have xfapplet installed, it says though it is for Gnome Applications21:40
rosalindahh I see21:40
Sachse_SiechtumHello dear Linux users. :-)21:41
guest20Anyone home?22:36
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:37
guest20I don't have a question, yet. Just wanted to check out  this chat.22:38
charlie-tcaThere are always people here.22:39
guest20That's good to know. I just started using xubuntu.22:40
charlie-tcaWhenever you need help, just type the question, all on one line, here. If anyone knows the answer, they will help you.22:41
guest20OK...I might mention that I don't know much about chats. Been using PC's for ten years, just never did chat much.22:43
charlie-tcano problem22:44
charlie-tcaJust try to type without using enter as a space bar. We will help as we can. The biggest thing is don't wait if others are on, but ask the question anyway.22:45
guest20Supper is ready here. I'll return after I eat. What do I do to exit temporarily?22:45
charlie-tcaThey will read around it and keep going.22:45
charlie-tcajust go22:45
charlie-tcaleave yourself signed in, it is okay22:46
charlie-tcaYou are welcome22:55
PeacimowenI'm having sound issues.. gstreamer fails to detect my card, although aplay -l still lists it..23:50
Peacimowenspeaker-test gives "ALSA lib confmisc.c:768:(parse_card) cannot find card '0'" and lots of "No such file or directory"23:51
PeacimowenCan anyone help me fix this?23:51

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