
rbelemRiddell, nice!  i already have the kde src cloned. now i just need look the gnome code ;-)00:01
rbelemthanks a lot Riddell00:02
ryanakcaRiddell: Thanks00:03
rbelemthis task is way exciting then the printer :-)00:03
claydohRiddell: will hardy upgrades be supported for lucid?00:39
Riddellclaydoh: not for Kubuntu no00:43
claydohRiddell: thanks, I thought not. Should this be mentioned either on the release notes and/or the upgrades page?00:45
Riddellclaydoh: yes it should00:49
claydohRiddell: will do00:50
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jjesseis there an RC available for testing?  sry been out of the loop a bit01:38
persiajjesse: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all01:42
persiastill some tests available for i386 and one for amd6401:43
Riddellduplicate tests also welcome, especially where the only tester is me (not good practice if I'm the guy both testing and signing off)01:44
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ScottKRiddell: Would you please accept kopete-cryptography.  I needs a rebuild to be installable.02:03
RiddellScottK: why the change in maintainer?02:16
Riddellarchive reorg I guess02:16
ScottKYeah, it was MOTU before and that's supposed to be changed.02:16
jjesseis beta2 the latest/greatest or is there a release candidate02:29
jjessefor doing screenshots/etc off of02:30
ScottKjjesse: Release Candidate02:54
ScottKJontheEchidna: avogadro built (great job on that), but it's still not installable.  It depends on a non-existing python2.6-sip4.02:54
ScottKI think if it did dh_sip it would depend on python2.6-sip and sip-api-7.002:55
jjesseScottK where do i find this release candidate?03:07
ScottKcdimages.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/lucid/current (or something like that)03:08
jjesseah was looking at releases03:08
ScottKIt'll be there after the RC is out03:12
ScottKNow it's what we're testing.03:12
ScottKThe chances of a change that will afect screen shots are nil, however.03:12
jjesseawesome hotel internet, 4.6kb/sec03:12
ScottKdebfx: Do you know which KDE component this affects?05:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 539477 in gnome-settings-daemon "Video out hot key sends super + p + return on many upcoming Dell & HP systems" [Undecided,Confirmed]05:05
ScottKapachelogger: libinfinity, libqinfiinity, kobby, and gobby-infinote05:07
JontheEchidnaScottK: turns out there were intentional dependencies on python{pyver}-qt4 and python{pyver}-sip406:05
JontheEchidnaI've removed those and put in dh_sip for good measure06:05
* ScottK looks in the queue06:06
JontheEchidnauploading right now, so it should be in queue in a bit06:06
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* ScottK will look in the morning then.06:06
* ScottK was just about to crash.06:06
JontheEchidnayeah, I'm going to bed too06:06
debfxScottK: does kde even react to XF86XK_Display?08:07
debfxScottK: I don't think it does, at least not by default08:18
Tm_Twhere's dantti when you need him...10:05
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sabdflcould it be a colliding PPA's problem?10:26
Tm_T...was about to blame martians, not PPA10:42
valoriemartinis, or martians?10:51
Nightroseboth are good for blaming things on no? ;-)11:00
ScottKdebfx: OK.  Thanks.  I didn't know.12:00
Tm_TScottK: what PPC images needs now testing?12:01
Tm_T...I'll try to burn now and test later today12:01
ScottKTonio_: What's the answer on this (frim #ubuntu-devel):12:01
ScottK[05:15:54] <pitti> Riddell, ScottK: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt> should knm-runtime stop recommending the vpnc bits?12:01
ScottK[05:27:47] <pitti> same question about kigo recommending gnugo12:01
RiddellTonio_: also we have the problem where network manager disables interfaces but knetworkmanager doesn't have a way to re-enable them12:28
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Tonio_ScottK: I fixed that, looks like the package didn't go in....13:37
Tonio_Riddell: no way to fix in the second case.....13:37
Tonio_Riddell: missing feature or bug I'd say...13:37
Tonio_ScottK: looks at 04/15 changelog...13:38
Tonio_ScottK: - knm-runtime does not recommend any package (it's the backend...)13:38
Tonio_ScottK: imho, the components should be suggested by the corresponding kde components...13:39
Tonio_ScottK: so both network-manager-kde and plasma-widget-networkmanager both suggest them13:40
ScottKTonio_: Would you and Riddell please agree on this.13:40
Tonio_ScottK: sure13:40
* ScottK is a bit tied up.13:40
Tonio_Riddell: do we want the vpn plugins installed for everyone ? that's what happened then...13:40
Tonio_Riddell: kep in mind that I splitted the vpn components frmo the knm-runtime for that purpose13:41
RiddellTonio_: no they are in universe13:41
Tonio_Riddell: so that we can install them separetelly13:41
Tonio_network-manager-openvpn-kde for example13:41
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Tonio_for the same reason there is network-manager-openvpn-gnome13:41
Tonio_Riddell: doesn't this make sense to you ?13:42
Riddelldoesn't what make sense?13:42
Tonio_not installing all the plugins by default13:43
Riddellwell they're in universe so it's not an option13:43
Tonio_right, right, sorry I missed that point13:44
Tonio_Riddell: what is the point having knm-runtime recommending those packages then ?13:44
Tonio_instead of the frontend you choose suggesting them ?13:44
RiddellI don't understand why http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt claims that knm-runtime recommends network-manager-vpnc, it doesn't13:44
Tonio_yeah, it doesn't13:44
Tonio_Riddell: it did beofre I handled the package13:45
Tonio_Riddell: it recommended this for a long time13:45
Tonio_Riddell: I then switched to recommending the kde part instead (network-manager-openvpn-kde, which depends on the plugin itself)13:45
sithlord48i solved the ati driver issue durring upgrade13:45
Tonio_Riddell: and finally dropped that on 04:14, upload ubuntu4, so now both frontends suggest the plugins13:46
Tonio_Riddell: I don't get why they claim this either....13:46
Tonio_Riddell: is the file supposed to be up to date with the archives ?13:49
Riddellit should be "Generated: Thu Apr 22 13:36:31 BST 201013:49
Riddellbut maybe it's stuck on one architecture?13:49
Riddellit didn't compile on smelly old sparcd13:50
Tonio_oh ! well done :)13:51
shadeslayerapachelogger: got a sec?15:00
shadeslayerapachelogger: i installed 9.10 on a pc and then upgraded to 10.04 beta 2 using the alternate cd,now kpk doesnt install packages,i click on the download and click apply and it just returns to the usual state15:01
shadeslayerdoesnt download packages....15:01
apacheloggershadeslayer: what does pkcon install do?15:02
apacheloggerif you hand it the package as argument ...;)15:02
shadeslayerapachelogger: havent tried that... i just wanted to ask what might be the isseu15:02
apacheloggerpolkit maybe15:03
apacheloggernot necessarily though15:03
shadeslayerapachelogger: i did do kpk --install-package kubuntu-restricted-extras15:03
shadeslayerit says no such package found \o/15:03
apachelogger!info kubuntu-restricted-extras15:03
ubottukubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 36 (karmic), package size 5 kB, installed size 32 kB15:03
apachelogger!info kubuntu-restricted-extras lucid15:03
ubottukubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages for Kubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 39 (lucid), package size 5 kB, installed size 32 kB15:03
shadeslayerapachelogger: same thing for vlc as well :(15:03
shadeslayerapart from that everything worked perfectly :)15:04
shadeslayerconnected to wep networks,etc,etc15:04
geniiToo bad the bot doesn't take a third argument for !info like 32 or 64 etc15:04
shadeslayergenii: :P15:04
genii(Well 4th actually since it takes dist/repo )15:05
apacheloggerwhy would one want to specify 32 or 64?15:06
geniiapachelogger: Well, architecture generally15:06
shadeslayerapachelogger: oh one small thing too,i exported http_proxy and ftp_proxy  in bashrc and tried apt-get update,no luck there either15:06
apacheloggershadeslayer: well, I'd try with pkcon15:06
apacheloggersee what that says15:06
shadeslayerapachelogger: whats the exact command?15:06
geniiapachelogger: Because often packages are available for instance on 32bit but not 64bit15:06
apacheloggerpkcon install kubuntu-restricted-extras15:06
apacheloggershadeslayer: you need to export the http shiz in /etc/environment15:06
apacheloggerI am not even sure if that works for apt though15:07
shadeslayerapachelogger: it does work here...15:07
apacheloggereither way it might be best to configure apt for proxy15:07
shadeslayerapachelogger: via /etc/apt/apt.conf ?15:07
apacheloggergoogle is your friend I guess15:08
shadeslayerapachelogger: theres alot of confusion on that :)15:08
shadeslayereach forum suggests something :P15:08
apacheloggeraskjeeves :P15:09
shadeslayerhehe :D15:09
* shadeslayer is being wooed over by gnome15:09
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Riddellryanakca: I think I looked at the kubuntu.org drupal theme the wrong way :(16:26
Riddellkonqueror was crashing and now it's not but I can't open any of the sections (like the one to set the URL or the one to stop it publishing the RC story before it's ment to be)16:28
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=== ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu <3 Channel | Test ISO images! (see kubuntu-devel ML for special details) | 10.04 LTS RC released!, Finally frozen | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | milestoned bugs marked as kubuntu http://tinyurl.com/yjybcx9 Only 3 left to fix!
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ofirkRiddell: is there anything new about the new theme?17:36
Riddellofirk: how do you mean?17:36
ofirkRiddell: yesterday we talked about the theme, and we said that the new theme will run in the mean time on Drupal 517:37
ofirkRiddell:  but we wanted a staging site17:37
ofirkRiddell: the team from canonical isn't available, and we need to have the staging site so we can organize everything for the release day17:39
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ScottKRiddell: The amd64 buildd is about caught up, so nowish wouldn't be a bad time if you wanted to try to get Quassel 0.6.1. in for final (I uploaded it, so I can't review it)18:24
JontheEchidnadebfx: kde bug 234936 seems to be caused by the brightness OSD patch18:37
ubottuKDE bug 234936 in general "Crash on startup" [Crash,Resolved: duplicate] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23493618:38
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neversfeldeScottK: I had a look at plasma-netbook, the file which needs to be patched has changed and I am afraid I would break everything, if I would try to backport this fix.18:54
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neversfeldebulldog98: amarok uploaded to staging https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/staging/+packages19:39
neversfeldego and find testers :)19:39
bulldog98is there anyone still using karmic?19:42
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ScottKneversfelde: OK.  Let's not break the world.19:45
neversfeldeScottK: probably someone with more experience could do this19:46
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* ScottK tried logging into Gnome on Lucid and saw the buttons on the left thing for the first time. It gave me a headache.20:17
ScottKThe aubergine was pretty, but I still like blue better.20:18
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sithlord48ne one know how to reconfig my sound sever so i can select my speakers as default instead of the headphone jack20:18
sithlord48ok i found out how to fix it for some reson i have an extra volume item for "speaker" that  only allows me to change its volume only when set to master channel (it does not show in kmix , and thats even under select channels)20:23
debfxScottK: could you please apply this patch to the kdebase-workspace package: http://paste.ubuntu.com/420625/20:29
debfxit should fix kde bug 23466320:30
ubottuKDE bug 234663 in widget-battery "Plasma crashes when removing battery monitor from panel" [Crash,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23466320:30
ryanakcaRiddell: Hmmm. Do you have JS disabled on www-admin.kubuntu.org?20:41
nookie^hi guys/girls... what do you think of idea to have brainstorm.kubuntu.org? i think such page could bring alot of good ideas specificly to kubuntu and kde20:49
nookie^i know there is a section for kubuntu on brainstorm.ubuntu.com but it's not same thing.. it would be better to gather kubuntu users on one place and focus on kubuntu and kde20:49
alvinThere is a brainstorm part in the KDE forums20:54
nookie^alvin: yeah but it's not same thing20:55
nookie^it's better to have everything connected on kubuntu page20:55
alvinHow so?20:55
nookie^ill explain in a sec.. phone call20:55
alvinOh, that's true. I guess links should work.20:55
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alvinToo many brainstorm sites, not enough developers. What KDE needs is a step back from new ideas. There already have been more than enough good ones. Then a period of sweet bug fixing. Would make a lot of users happy.20:57
alvinBut I guess that's true for a lot of projects.20:57
Tm_Talvin: there's bugfixing period all the time20:58
nookie^well you have right there... but i think "normal" users would easier connect if they have one page and it's under kubuntu domain20:58
nookie^it's not same thing to have brainstorms on different page like on kde forums20:58
alvinYes, but there's a reason I don't brainstorm. People think of their own priorities first. I would suggest the possibility of importing root certificates in KDE or the addition of an NFS kioslave. Things like that.20:59
nookie^well... you have right in that point20:59
alvinWe have our bugs in bugs.kde.org instead of launchpad20:59
nookie^but people can suggest things that could be improved in kubuntu and vote for them20:59
nookie^it will give alot of new ideas for kubuntu20:59
nookie^ubuntu has tons of them but hardly any are implemented but it give ideas to developers what people really want21:00
alvinThat need to be developed by KDE devs. Will they look at a Kubuntu site?21:00
Tm_Talvin: "importing root certificates in KDE" you mean using systemwide root certs?21:00
nookie^well not everything would be developed by kde devs21:00
alvinYes, like KDE3 could21:00
Tm_Talvin: already do (:)21:01
nookie^someone can come up with how new installer could look like, how panel is organized etc etc21:01
alvinFor example, when you have your own mailserver and want to use IMAPS (Kolab?)21:01
Tm_TI mean, atleast KDE 4.5 should use systemwide certs by default21:02
Tm_Tbut that might not be what you want21:02
alvinThat's cool, but KDE 4.5 isn't released yet21:02
alvinNo, just importing your self-made certificates, so Konqueror and Kmail can trust these21:03
Tm_Tye, hmmm21:03
descendent87is there a wiki page with brainstorms/ideas for 10.10? Just wanted to have a look at ideas for the next version21:59
neversfeldenixternal: ping22:07
nixternalerr, that should have been 'hurry!'22:08
nixternalneversfelde: pongerz22:08
ScottKdebfx: I think it will have to be SRU now.22:08
neversfeldenixternal: hi, the german translators of the kubuntu docs asked me, if the translations will be in 10.04?22:08
neversfeldegreat :)22:09
nixternalneed to work on them this weekend and get them in22:09
nixternalthey are at the top of my todo list22:09
neversfeldethey were afraid that they are not included and wanted us to create a ppa package22:09
neversfeldenixternal: I will forward this, thank you22:09
nixternaland...we will have point releases after 10.04 is released because people didn't have time to retranslate all of the new stuff in time22:09
ScottKnixternal: You mean "get them in" as in upload to the archive?22:09
nixternali have it like that, don't ask22:10
nixternalif i don't, then oh well, there will be bogus docs in the release22:10
ScottKSooner rather than later please.22:10
nixternalsunday by the latest22:10
ScottKMight end up an SRU by then, not sure.22:10
nixternalthen nothing else better be uploaded between now and wednesday...docs don't hurt a darn thing, and need to be on the disk, otherwise the first bug report i get about untranslated docs, i quit22:12
nixternalthough, me quitting wouldn't have any effect anyways22:12
nixternalneed to come up with a better threat22:12
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