
Typos_Kinga tut monde?00:02
geniiubuntu: Don't forget to do: sudo sync    before unmounting or not all data will be written00:03
thomas__would someone mind helping me with a little webcam/skype problem?01:01
thomas__well anyone would be great, my webcam works with cheese, it shows it in my video devices of skype but when i click test it doesnt turn my webcam on01:03
thomas__well when i click test it shows my light on webcam on for a second then it turns off and doesnt show any display in the box01:04
geniithomas__: Perhaps check your webcam model against the list at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeWebCams01:05
thomas__Great cam, mic works too. ~$30. Works also "out-of-the-box" with
thomas__yup its on there01:07
thomas__its a "Microsoft Corp. LifeCam VX-3000"01:07
geniithomas__: Ah, that one01:08
thomas__i had problems with it in linux mint could never get cheese to work or even detect it, but installed kubuntu and it detected it right away01:08
geniithomas__: Perhaps try: sudo update-usbids              then unplug and replug it01:10
thomas__genii: alright01:10
thomas__command not found'01:11
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Glahey all, I've been working on a product that allows for real-time, brandable, communities to be created on the web and I was curious if you guys would like to take a look at what we have to offer.  We've been working with a lot of communities on IRC and Freenode to get their feedback.01:12
geniithomas__: You're on 9.10 ?01:12
geniiGla: This channel is for Kubuntu support ... perhaps try one of the offtopic channels01:13
Glagenii: suggestions?01:13
geniiGla: #kubuntu-offtopic #ubuntu-offtopic for instance01:14
thomas__genii: yes im on kubuntu 9.10 sorry was afk01:22
geniithomas__: Perhaps try sudo update-usbids.sh     then (if package usbutils is installed)01:28
thomas__command not found01:28
geniithomas__: I also am to and from the computer, no worries01:28
geniithomas__: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install usbutils             and then try same command: sudo update-usbids.sh01:30
thomas__i got an error to get rid of first.01:31
thomas__genii: check this out? http://pastebin.com/Lgxaa4Dh01:34
geniithomas__: Seems fairly self-explanatory01:35
thomas__ive typed no+enter doesnt fix it01:36
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pepeeI had this problem: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=22952501:58
pepeenow I want to go back to the open source driver, but KDE is still throwing error messages because of that file02:00
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AlexZionhi everyone, I need an help to setup kde lirc for my remote , someone can help me , please ?02:22
funcrushCan i sync with google reader and akregator??03:17
thomas__any idea how to fix this? ive typed no and pressed enter but it doesnt get rid of the error next time i run sudo apt-get update.. http://pastebin.com/Lgxaa4Dh03:20
cjaeanyone know what the screen I accidentally closed was asking for when I installed virtuoso-nepomuk03:28
cjaeI t was asking for a password or some sort03:28
cjae installed bacuse I need nepomuk search and indexing and it said I needed rdf database03:30
vikramanitahow do I edit the grub 2 menu? I'm installing Kubuntu for a family member, but they want to keep windows as the default OS03:49
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot03:55
tsimpsonvikramanita: there should be instructions there ^03:55
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moderndayzerohello does anyone know how to fix the "soft reset failed ( device not ready) error  on start up?06:58
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firbfsAnyone heard of issues with wine and 10.04 Beta2?08:38
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gunsofbrixtonwhere do you set quassel to not show join/quit messages?09:18
iconmefistogunsofbrixton: right-click the chat window, hide events09:28
iconmefistoand then set as default (if you want that)09:29
gunsofbrixtoniconmefisto: wow, that must be the most unintuitive setting I've ever seen :) oh well thanks anyhow09:31
iconmefistogunsofbrixton: it's actually very intuitive I think, but it's unusual. took me a while to figure it out09:32
gunsofbrixtoniconmefisto: well if it takes you "a while to figure out" and me as average user can't find it, that's not intuitive to me :)09:35
gunsofbrixtonnext question, where to file a bug report on http://bugs.quassel-irc.org/projects/quassel-irc/issues ?09:36
iconmefisto!bug | gunsofbrixton10:10
ubottugunsofbrixton: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots10:10
moderndayzeroanyone know how to fix the sound issue with the gfce nes emulator? when i have the sound option on it lags and crashes but without sound runs perfect11:18
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Scherenhaendenhi... i need help to install the wabcam logitech c50013:33
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Belgyhttp://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/webcam <== c500 is said to be compatible on 9.1013:43
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Belgyhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam should help, too13:45
ScherenhaendenBelgy: well but i have 10.0413:54
ScherenhaendenBelgy: i dont know if that is the problem13:54
ScherenhaendenBelgy: i know that with other linux must be compatible13:55
ScherenhaendenBelgy: but here..... well i dont know13:55
Scherenhaendenhas someone any idea:S?13:59
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* TheDog is just checking out Konversation14:35
usfi have a 3g modem,can someone how to make it works on ubuntu??14:37
usfcan someone tell me how to make it work on ubuntu?14:38
geniiusf: Are you using ubuntu or kubuntu?14:38
usfi'm using ubuntu14:40
geniiusf: Well, this is the #kubuntu channel. But anyhow... more info would be required for assistance... like what version of Ubuntu you are using, the make and model of your 3G modem, how it attaches (usb, wireless, etc) and the device:vendor code would be especially useful14:52
TheDogusf went :-)14:53
geniiTheDog: This is what comes of starting a reply, getting distracted by work, finishing the reply :) Also not enough coffee....14:54
geniiliav: Hello. Are you going to start counting again? ;)15:14
geniiliav: Earlier you came in and went: 1     2     3       and then left. But at any rate... do you have an Kubuntu question?15:16
shadeslayergenii: ever used evolution?15:17
geniishadeslayer: Yes although not recently, i must admit15:17
genii(all my emails are web based now)15:17
vivek_hii .. I am trying to mount my sd card using the sd card reader on my system but it is just not identifying the sd card reader when plugged to the usb drive15:17
shadeslayergenii: well do you know how i can download all the mail from gmail.com and NOT delete the mail from the my gmail accound?15:18
liaveeepc 900 + Kubuntu really bad?15:18
geniishadeslayer: Not offhand, sorry15:19
vivek_anyone please help15:22
Belgyresult of lsusb ?15:22
liavanyone speak russian?15:23
Belgyis your sd card formatted ? etc etc ...15:23
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:23
vivek_Belgy:no it is not formatted .. i can access it through my phone..15:27
vivek_Belgy: when i connect my phone to the system through the usb port it detects the phone.. the system even acceses the built in memory of the phone but not the card in it.. so i used a card reader still the system cant get access to it15:28
vivek_Belgy:Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub15:30
vivek_Belgy:Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0781:b6b7 SanDisk Corp.15:30
Belgy2 possibilities : 1) your sd card is indeed not formatted => use gparted or-like utilities 2) maybe it is ntfs formatted (which would surprised me, sd card are mostly fat32 formatted when you buy it), and you don't have ntfs-3g lib15:30
vivek_Belgy: so it means it is detecting sandisk card redeader15:31
vivek_Belgy:so what should be done15:31
Belgyi suggest you try gparted (dunno if there a kparted actually ) to see if it detects your sd card15:32
Belgybe careful though, read a few about fdisk and mkfs15:32
bjorn_how do I restart the taskbar-thingy in hardy (kde 3.5)?15:32
bjorn_seem to have hit some button... and it dissapered15:33
kosmonautI got a problem with nautilus+ftp. When I connect and  browser in/to a ftp-server I got an 421-error. Too many connections(5) from this IP...What now?15:34
kosmonautany ideas?15:35
kosmonautoh...pfff. Not nautilus ... I mean dolphin :-|15:37
TheDog:-) kosmonaut - I was scratching my head there15:38
kosmonautI just found this here: http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=84935&start=2015:44
* TheDog is playing with dolphin but is busy on other things15:44
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vivek_hii .. I am trying to mount my sd card using the sd card reader on my system but it is just not identifying the sd card reader when plugged to the usb drive16:09
vivek_Belgy:neither is gparted detecting16:09
vivek_however lsusb is showing sandisk(my card reader)16:09
vivek_bigbrovar:how have you been   ... i am stuck up in another trouble16:10
vivek_iconmefisto:are you there16:10
iconmefistoyes. hi16:11
vivek_iconmefisto:hii buddy.. i am in a new prob this time16:11
Belgyyour sd card might be broken. Have you another sd card to test ?16:11
vivek_iconmefisto: I am trying to mount my sd card using the sd card reader on my system but it is just not identifying the sd card reader when plugged to the usb drive16:11
vivek_Belgy:both the sd cards are not working16:11
vivek_Belgy: but i can detect both in my phones16:12
TheDogvivek_: do dmesg | tail to see new events when you insert16:13
iconmefistovivek_: or tail -f /var/log/messages16:15
vivek_TheDog: iconmefisto: have done a dmesg|tail pastebin here .. http://pastebin.com/v95xmcYK... would be great if you could have a look..16:17
vivek_TheDog: iconmefisto:looks like it is detecting it there in the message but it is juts ot showing up anywhere16:17
TheDogwell - it looks good - so it looks like there's no auto mounting or the format is wrong16:21
TheDoghave a look at cat /proc/partitions16:21
vivek_TheDog:How do i do that16:21
TheDogtype "cat /proc/partitions" at a shell prompt16:22
vivek_TheDog:Done .. the paste is here  http://pastebin.com/jAdFgKfq16:23
* TheDog walks over to his server and stick a usb stick in to compare16:26
TheDogso - for me, it gets mounted at /media16:28
TheDogif you do df -h at teh prompt, do you see it listed?16:28
vivek_TheDog:The results of df-h here http://pastebin.com/ifz9sHkV16:29
vivek_TheDog:is this where it is mounted..->udev                 1001M  252K 1001M   1% /dev16:30
vivek_TheDog:The device notifier still maintains no device plugged in16:31
TheDogHey - I thought we saw it in /proc/partitions - it's not there in your paste - so it will not mount...16:32
iconmefistovivek_: I googled that last line "waiting for device to settle before scanning" and found bug 35599816:32
vivek_iconmefisto:what is this bug .. how do i get rid of it16:32
iconmefistobug #35599816:32
vivek_TheDog:so what can I do to get it mounted16:33
iconmefistovivek_: it's an mp3 player, but sounds similar. someone posted a fix, maybe it will help you16:34
vivek_iconmefisto:it sure looks like my pastebin.. .. let me have alook at the post16:34
vivek_iconmefisto:it is said that this--> http://pastebin.com/vnxDyLwu.. will help.. please have a look at it once again before i start the entre mess up16:36
vivek_iconmefisto:but is that fix not for Jaunty.. I am running karmic.. wont they have done the fix already.. moreover if an sd card can run on someone else's karmic. then my sd ard should also run on my karmic16:38
iconmefistovivek_: as far as I can see, it's building, patching and installing one package. if it doesn't work, you can remove it easily16:41
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vivek_iconmefisto:ok I will go ahead.. but please do help me in uninstalling if required16:42
luis_hello somebody tellme how acelerate de network red in linux16:42
vivek_iconmefisto: when i do this..(apt-get install build-essential debuild). it says E: Couldn't find package debuild16:44
iconmefistovivek_: message #13 says debuild is installed with devscripts16:51
vivek_iconmefisto: when i give the next command apt-get build-dep libgphoto2 .. it says 40 new packages to be installed.. need to get 44MB16:51
vivek_iconmefisto: message #13 says debuild is installed with devscripts.. what does that mean.. sorry buddy16:51
iconmefistovivek_: if you install devscripts package, it will install the debuild package16:52
iconmefisto*debuild program16:52
vivek_iconmefisto: did this apt-get install build-essential devscripts and it says "0 upgraded, 28 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.".. shall i go ahead16:53
iconmefistovivek_: why not?16:53
vivek_iconmefisto: Ok .. let us see..16:54
iconmefistovivek_: you may need to enable source repository to the the apt-get source libgphoto2 step16:58
vivek_iconmefisto:I dont know.. but when i do the step 2 it says 40 new packages to be installed17:00
vivek_iconmefisto:this install is aking me something.. in a blue screen17:01
vivek_iconmefisto: it sasys  Please select the mail server configuration type that best meets your needs.17:01
vivek_iconmefisto:I selected no configuration.. hmm17:02
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KransacHi all17:26
KransacI've just found a press article dealing with Energy saving. It gives several tips to activate in the kernel options like CONFIG_NO_HZ. But it doesn't mention which file tese options are in. Does anybody know?17:27
lucitu_Kransac: in the make menuconfig17:29
lucitu_.config file17:29
KransacOk, thanks!17:30
lucitu_Kransac: np17:30
iconmefistovivek_: how is it going? hope I haven't made your problem worse17:31
KransacWay I ask what the whole path is?17:31
Kransacway = May17:31
lucitu_Kransac: am guessing you want to compile your custom kernel with this option on?17:32
Kransaclucitu_: Oh yes I should have started with that question : Editing these options means you have de compile youre kernel? Can't you just edit the current one? Sorry for super newbee questions17:33
lucitu_Kransac: the ubuntu kernel is already enabled.. at least in lucid..not sure on karmic17:37
lucitu_Kransac: so no need to recompile kernel.17:38
Kransaclucitu_: Ok, I guess I have to google a bit more about kernels. I'm not sure I understand what compiling means... but it scares me17:38
vivek_iconmefisto:first two steps have been done.. now third17:39
James147Kransac: compiling transforms the source code into mechiene code, ie from something a human can read/write to something a computer and read/execute17:40
KransacJames147: Ok thanks17:40
vivek_iconmefisto:Be around.. I might need your help to get rid of all that i have done if some mess up happens17:41
vivek_iconmefisto:by the way what are these devscripts17:41
lucitu_Kransac: yes these are options you set in make menuconfig and then compile the kernel..but you are in luck. the ubuntu kernel has this option on17:41
Kransaclucitu_: Ok, this means that I can edit these options in a file like any configuration file on linux doesn't it?17:42
tst__trying to recompile ark from kdeutils in KDE317:42
tst__con some1 help?17:42
lucitu_Kransac: no..it's built in17:42
lucitu_tst__: #ark?17:42
tst__ark-kde3 yes17:42
lucitu_tst__: sorry.. ithought you meant arch17:43
tst__no the kde apps for archives tar,gz,rar ..17:43
lucitu_tst__: KDE3? is not supported anymore imo17:44
tst__lucitu_: well there is trinity fork projects which maintains it :) ->https://launchpad.net/~kde3-maintainers/+archive/trinity-svn-nightly17:45
James147tst__: any particular reason you need ark from kde 3.x?17:45
vivek_iconmefisto:help needed.. you there17:45
lucitu_tst__: ok..but can't help you..been in KDE$ for quite a while17:46
tst__ah ok.17:46
iconmefistovivek_: yep17:46
KransacOk, I don't want to bother u with more questions, I'll google that. But thanks for this lucitu_ and James147, it's already very helpfull!17:46
tst__lucitu_: do you know in kde4 how to recompile only ark instead of the whole kdeutil package?17:47
vivek_iconmefisto:when i type "patch -p0 -i libgphoto_sansa.diff" the fourth step .. it says..can't find file to patch at input line 3 Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option17:47
lucitu_tst__: donwload the ark source and then cmake && make && make install..17:48
tst__lucitu_: well on kubuntu download the source means downloading the whole kdeutils source package which comprises a lot of programs!17:50
vivek_iconmefisto:neither does the fifth step work "cd libgphoto2-2.4.2"17:50
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lucitu_tst__: haven't look at it but why do you need to recompile if you won't mind?17:52
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iconmefistovivek_: not sure what to do. did you do the wget step?17:53
vivek_iconmefisto:yes done...17:53
vivek_iconmefisto:that did work fine17:54
lucitu_tst__: check it out of kde17:54
lucitu_tst__: svn co svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/KDE/kdeutils/ark/17:55
iconmefistoanyone else knows what could be wrong? vivek_ is trying to do https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/355998 message #1217:55
vivek_lol.. yes anyone .. please help.... by the way iconmefisto: how do i reverse all this back17:56
tst__lucitu_: yes, i'll try ty. I am trying to recompile because ark lacks 7z and rar full header encryption support , i'm trying to patch it17:56
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jhamboin korganizer is there away to make the event text word wrap in month view?  It's not very helpful to see like "9:30 AM Meet w..." instead of the full description...17:57
vivek_iconmefisto:could you please help me with the sixth step. why cant i do the cd to libgphoto2.. sorry for the trouble buddy17:58
James147vivek_: dose it exist?17:59
vivek_iconmefisto:wher do i look for it18:00
vivek_iconmefisto:nothing like that in the root18:00
vbgunz_I cannot eject my dvd18:01
James147vivek_: my guess is it should be in your home directory, unless you changed directory to run the commands, then it should be where you ran the commands18:01
vbgunz_the light is stuck on and the disc is spinning *but* its just dead or something. I cannot eject it nor see the contents in any way. how do I eject it?18:02
KransacThanks again guy! Have a good evening18:02
vivek_iconmefisto:yes it is there in home directory18:02
tst_vbgunz_: put a paperclip in the little hole of the drive :D OR sudo eject -T /dev/scd018:02
iconmefistovbgunz_: try the eject command in konsole18:02
vivek_iconmefisto:but why is the cd command not working18:03
James147vivek_: whats the error you get when you cd?18:04
iconmefistovivek_: cd lib <tab key> and see if it autocompletes18:04
vivek_iconmefisto: bash: cd: libgphoto2-2.4.2: No such file or director .. James147:18:05
vivek_iconmefisto: my mistake the tab key woked it is 2.4.618:05
James147vivek_: whats the output of "ls | grep libgphoto"18:05
vivek_James147:Got it thanks18:06
tst_vbgunz_: have you succeded?18:06
iconmefistovivek_: but what about the other step that failed?18:06
vbgunz_damn, the pin hole idea was stupid18:06
vbgunz_I gotta reboot18:06
vbgunz_this thing is gonna break18:06
vivek_iconmefisto:should i try the remaining steps and skip that patch step.. that is just now working.. meanwhile i am just taking back ups..lol18:07
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iconmefistovivek_: the patch is the main one18:07
vivek_iconmefisto: lol that is not working18:08
vivek_iconmefisto:I have done a pastebin of the result of patch command here.. would be great if you could please have a look at it18:09
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iconmefistovivek_: I don't know what to do about that. :(18:12
vbgunzhmm, not sure whats going on with my dvd bay. gonna reboot again into windows to check just to make sure its working. I just want to know if it works at all. brb18:12
vivek_iconmefisto:so shall i go ahead with the remaining steps.. without the patch ..:-). atleast that will complete the process18:12
iconmefistovivek_: I don't think there is any point, without the patch18:16
iconmefistoanyone have experience with applying patches?18:17
vivek_iconmefisto:so what should be done.. by the way there are a lot of new files in my home directory now18:17
jhamboin korganizer is there away to make the event text word wrap in month view?  It's not very helpful to see like "9:30 AM Meet w..." instead of the full description...18:19
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iconmefistovivek_: those new files are the result of apt-get source libgphoto218:26
vivek_iconmefisto:i did all the steps.. apart from the patch.. now going for a restart18:26
vivek_iconmefisto:see you soon hopefully18:27
inteliwaspi have a fresh install of 9.10 that is updated, but when i installed the nvidia drivers from the hardware program i can start X anymore18:31
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18VAARQE3iconmefisto:Wherea re you my friend18:38
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iconmefistovivek: booted ok?18:39
vivekiconmefisto: everything is working perfectly18:39
vivekthe sd card is also working now18:39
iconmefistovivek: really? hmm18:39
vivekwithout the patch18:39
vbgunzIt sure is good to have Windows around. I rebooted into it and sure enough my drive was screwed. It wouldn't eject once a disc was inserted and it wouldn't read it there. So that ruled out Kubuntu. I next went to the Asus site and got the latest firmware for it and installed it and the drive works again. Thanks fellas!18:39
vivekiconmefisto:lol.. but how18:40
iconmefistovivek: maybe that patch had made it to the libgphoto package anyway18:41
vivekiconmefisto:but then was it not installed in the default package of kubuntu18:41
marcosrorizhello guys18:42
marcosrorizwhat are the new things in kubuntu lucid?18:42
iconmefistovivek: on mine, it has libgphoto2-2 installed18:42
vivekiconmefisto:but now i have a lot of files in my home directory.. can i just move them into a folder .. or will there be a path to this place18:43
James147marcosroriz: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/LucidLynx/Beta2/Kubuntu18:43
iconmefistovivek: you can delete them. it's the source code for libgphoto2 that you were going to patch18:43
vivekiconmefisto:then why was it not there on mine.. i used the same cd from the same site .. would it be that the upgarde that we did to KDE 4.4.2 messed something18:44
vivekso anything outside that folder "libgphoto" in the home dir can be deleted18:44
vivekiconmefisto: should that folder in the homedir remain or should i delete that also18:44
iconmefistovivek: yes, and the libgphoto folder too18:45
vivekiconmefisto:but then wont it be needed18:45
iconmefistovivek: well you've done it, so you don'18:45
iconmefistodon't really need it any more18:45
vivekiconmefisto:ok !18:47
inteliwaspi have a fresh install of 9.10 that is updated, but when i installed the nvidia drivers from the hardware program i can start X anymore18:48
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ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule19:09
iconmefistosoee: join #ubuntu+119:09
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dropandhophey all- i have a quick question about KDE 4.3 and the terminal emulator19:12
dropandhopi can display the terminal emulator, however the terminal doesn't follow my navigation in konquer file management GUI above it19:13
dropandhopany help is really appreciated!19:13
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vivek_iconmefisto:are you there19:18
vivek_iconmefisto: tried deleitng the libphoto directory from the home folder .. it says cant delete..access denied.. why is it so..19:19
vivek_iconmefisto:is it liked it is being used or something19:20
iconmefistovivek_: probably it's owned by root. ls -l   will show you19:21
vivek_iconmefisto:yes owned by root.. would it be wise to delete it19:21
iconmefistovivek_: sudo rm -r <dir name> to remove it19:22
vivek_iconmefisto:so you are sure we should delete it19:23
iconmefistovivek_: it's owned by root because you used sudo get those files19:23
iconmefisto*to get those files19:23
vivek_iconmefisto:oh.. ok19:23
vivek_it is gone19:27
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
vivek_iconmefisto:buddy one last thing and sorry for al the trouble.. every other day this chromium browser keeps sending some updates..today again their are updates of about 30 MB.. are they worth it or am i just packing my system19:29
guilhermeblancohi guys... I have a notebook ASUS G1S and I'd like to buy a TV usb component to install on my Kubuntu 9.10. In my city I only found 2 available models (Encore ENUTV-2 and PixelView PV-A6600U1). Can you give me a hint on which one is supposed to work on my OS? I've only found Windows support around these devices.19:31
=== mike is now known as Guest22601
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
moetunesguilhermeblanco: it's more the chip then the brand of device that you search for - does   lsusb   show the chip it uses?19:47
moetunesor haven't you bought one yet?19:47
guilhermeblancomoetunes: I didn't buy it yet...19:47
guilhermeblancoI'm asking which one is more likely to work19:47
moetuneshard to say not noing what chip they use19:48
guilhermeblancomoetunes: give me a minute... I'll try to find this information19:49
moetunesgoogle shows v4l added support for encore cards in 2007 guilhermeblanco19:50
guilhermeblancomoetunes: and at the same time this asks it doesn't even appear in lsusb19:50
sithlord48um can some one help me i upgraded to lucid and for some reason my sound now only comes out the headphone jack...19:50
iconmefisto!lucid | sithlord4819:51
ubottusithlord48: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule19:51
moetunesguilhermeblanco: maybe encore uses diff chips...19:52
sithlord48yea im aware of that iconmefisto, but can ne one help me reconfig my sound ?19:52
iconmefistosithlord48: maybe in #ubuntu+119:52
sithlord48ok i try there..19:53
guilhermeblancomoetunes: I'm looking at v4l supported drivers to find something similar and at the same time trying to find the chip used by PV-A6600U119:53
=== sunside_ is now known as sunside
moetunesguilhermeblanco: I googled   pixelview dvb   and the first few results were bugs...19:54
guilhermeblancomoetunes: so you think i may be lucky on PIxelView?19:54
moetunesguilhermeblanco: no - the opposite of lucky :]19:56
guilhermeblancomoetunes: so... which one I try? Encore or PixelView? It seems that Encore uses TM5600 chip while v4l only supports TM6XXX19:57
guilhermeblancomoetunes: the PixelView is mentioned in the list of supported v4l drivers19:59
moetunesguilhermeblanco: seems like neither is a great option from what I could find - if the pixelview has support go for it19:59
guilhermeblancomoetunes: ya... will try then.19:59
guilhermeblancomoetunes: THANKS a lot19:59
elisionistagood evening20:11
elisionistadoes kopete suports video calls in MSN accounts?20:11
elisionistaif so, how to?20:11
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
iconmefistoanyone know the command to save a kde session?20:24
* genii wonders if kde3 way of dcop ksmserver ksmserver saveCurrentSession would work20:26
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benjamin__hallo welt20:43
=== administrator is now known as Guest72710
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
caprea_I am using KUbuntu and want to upgrade my Kopete to version 0.9+ so I can use IRC (the one that comes by default is 0.80). Is there a way I can use KPackageKit to add a repository to accomplish this?20:56
* xrandr is now downloading the 10.04 RC21:21
* Oxymoron wonders what new changes there is in RC, maybe not any just bug polish I guess.21:28
waleedis there any one know how to edit a ext2 .img file?21:32
geniiwaleed: You mean you have a dd'd disk image which is ext2 and you want to mount it and perhaps change the files inside?21:42
genii( this is possible )21:42
waleedyuo genii21:43
geniiwaleed: Is it an entire disk, including it's partitions, or a single partition?21:43
waleedam tryin to mount it bout it gives me "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,"21:43
genii(entire disk is problemmatic)21:44
waleedi think it's only a single partition21:44
jchavezhi what is channel spanis?21:45
jchavezwhat is the spanish channel ?21:45
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:45
waleedgenii: thank you man i did21:45
waleedmount file.img ./temp/ -o loop21:46
geniiwaleed: Good :)21:46
geniiwaleed: If you make changes inside, make sure to do:  sudo sync            before unmounting21:47
waleedok :D i will21:47
xrandrthe main download site must be having high traffic21:56
xrandr35 minutes to get a 647MB image21:56
russI'm getting a 'Forbidden' when trying to download ..."You don't have permission to access /kubuntu/lucid/kubuntu-10.04-rc-netbook-i386.iso on this server."22:03
russah. working now. Sorry.22:04
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »22:12
ioops...ciao e scusate ;-)22:13
=== aperson is now known as APERSON
=== ubuntu is now known as Ahmed\
Ahmed\Is the Lucid Lynx released yet ?22:23
Ahmed\Whats this anyway http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/22:23
llutz Release Candidate22:25
llutzAhmed\: first line, last word, makes the difference22:26
Ahmed\But i am not so good in english :)22:26
caprea_How do I get my kubuntu to use the klatest version of a package instead of just the (old) stable one?22:26
Ahmed\Does mandriva comes with a new version of KDE or have to install it, optional ?22:34
Ahmed\How can i update a installed program ? for example VLC player to a new one ?22:38
Ahmed\if availble22:38
=== keffie_jayx_ is now known as effie_jayx
ScuniziWhy when I open Dolphin it shows all my folders in /home *including* the folder named with my user name.. when I open that folder it's basically the same folder as the original... why would a folder representing my home folder be in my home?23:40
caprea_maybe you have a symbolic link or shortcut?23:42
brian__i just installed krusader, and can't get it to work very well23:49
brian__i can only open it by going to the program menu and selecting it23:49
brian__but attempting to open files on my desktop by double-clicking doesn't do anything23:49
brian__any thoughts?23:49
Ahmuckkubuntu rc is failing to boot23:51
pagan0nehey, can someone help me with a weird connection issue on 8.10? its a dial-up system, and gnome-ppp/wvdial will dial out... handshake, and when it attempts to initilize ppp drops the connection, however, "pon" works just fine... any ideas?23:54
pagan0neim only able to connect to the system myself via ssh while its on the dial-up link, but do have someone who can anually enter commands if need be, however REALLY slow @ it on his end...23:55

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