
=== EdwinGrubbs changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
squisherwgrant, accepted, thanks00:14
wgrantsquisher: Excellent.00:14
squisherto use my package in karmic it requires a dependency that's available in lucid. What's the best way to provide the package to the user?00:14
squisherwgrant, my program is using waf which aborts with an 'ImportError: No module named shutil' error .00:24
squisherafaik that's part of the standard python install00:24
wgrantsquisher: It is, but it's not part of python2.X-minimal -- make sure you have python2.X itself as well.00:24
squisherwgrant, I hope I'm not bugging you too much, but https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/Copying doesn't mention how to copy from one distro to another00:36
squisheryou don't happen to know?00:36
wgrantsquisher: By 'distro' do you mean 'distribution series'?00:36
squishereh, yes00:36
wgrant+copy-packages has a Series dropdown.00:37
squisherbut where do I find the launchpad site for lucid?00:37
squisherThe package i need (grub2) isn't in a ppa00:37
wgrantsquisher: Oh, that's a cross-archive copy. Try https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+copy-packages?field.name_filter=grub2, although you're not really meant to use that.00:40
wgrantMake sure you copy the binaries too, though!00:40
wgrantDo not rebuild.00:40
squisherwgrant, by copying the binaries you mean to select that copy option, right? They're not showing up in the package list00:43
wgrantsquisher: Right.00:43
colorlessprismi am having problems with karma not updating01:28
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mathiazthumper: hi - re bug 56439101:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564391 in launchpad-code "Enable commenting on a branch the same way as a merge proposal" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56439101:39
mathiazthumper: I probably shouldn't have given an implementation suggestion in the bug01:40
colorlessprismi am having problems with karma not updating01:40
mathiazthumper: however I'd like to be able to track the status of the idea01:40
mathiazthumper: ie - I'd like to be able to comment on a bzr branch01:40
mathiazthumper: what's the best way to track this?01:41
ubuntujenkinsI subscribed a group which i am an admin of to a blue print but now want to remove them, how do i do it? I can only appear to change my subscription settings02:02
thumpermathiaz: sorry, was at lunch02:03
mathiazthumper: np02:06
thumpermathiaz: I'd like to get a better grip on what the underlying problem is02:06
mathiazthumper: sure - let me give you an example02:07
thumpermathiaz: is this entirely related to package branches?02:07
mathiazthumper: https://code.launchpad.net/~cr3/+junk/dt02:07
mathiazthumper: ^^ this is a package that cr3 would like to get included in maverick02:07
mathiazthumper: I'd like to be able to comment on his work/branch02:08
thumpermathiaz: I'm going to have to let my subconcious work on this for a bit02:08
thumpermathiaz: I don't have any immediate answers02:08
mathiazthumper: right - just wanted to raise the use case02:09
* thumper nods02:09
mathiazthumper: now that the bug is marked won't fix - where should I check on that later?02:09
thumpermathiaz: I think there may be a bug that describes your use case already02:10
thumpermathiaz: if I can find it, I'll subscribe you02:10
mathiazthumper: great - thanks02:10
thumpermathiaz: if I can't find it, I'll make a new one, and subscribe you02:10
mkanatDid codebrowse crash...?02:36
mkanatlosa ping02:42
spmmkanat: yes, by the look of it...02:43
mkanatspm: Cool. Could you get a core from it with gcore?02:43
spmhrm. not crash is still there. want some quick debuggery?02:43
mkanatspm: Yeah. :-)02:43
mwhudsonspm: tail -n 1000 the debug.log now while it's easy?02:43
mkanatspm: And /thread-debug if you can get it.02:44
mkanatspm: The log going back 1/2 an hour would be awesome, too.02:44
mkanatspm: Since it's doing a "Please try again" I'm guessing it's bug 420738 and not bug 513044.02:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 420738 in loggerhead "LRUCache.cleanup raises KeyError" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42073802:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 513044 in loggerhead "loggerhead (codebrowse) hangs occasionally on launchpad" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51304402:45
spmno idea :-)02:45
mwhudsonmkanat: no, for the lru one you get "internal server error" on every page02:45
mwhudsoni.e. a 500 from loggerhead02:45
spmmwhudson: where's the docco on doing dumps on a live whatsist again?02:45
mwhudsonspm: python backtrace.py $pid02:45
mkanatmwhudson: That's what I was assuming "Please try again" meant.02:45
spmah yes. ta.02:45
mwhudsonwhere backtrace is in ~mwh/pygdb02:45
mwhudsonmkanat: no, that's an error page from the reverse-proxying apache02:46
mwhudsonmkanat: also the bug 420738 error is fast02:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 420738 in loggerhead "LRUCache.cleanup raises KeyError" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42073802:46
mkanatmwhudson: Okay.02:47
mwhudsonit's good to get all this knowledge out of my head :-)02:47
spmTraceback (most recent call last):02:47
spm  File "backtrace.py", line 47, in <module>02:47
spm    for thread_id in thread_ids:02:47
spmTypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable02:47
mwhudsonspm: um02:48
thumperspm: #launchpad is probably not the best place for this02:48
mwhudsonspm: try again, i hadn't run bzr pull there recently02:48
thumperspm, mwhudson, mkanat: how about moving to #loggerhead-debugging02:48
cody-somervilledoctormo, wgrant: In case you didn't hear, Ubuntu SSO is Open Source now.06:06
micahgcody-somerville: are you going to make xubuntu-users a member of the ubuntu-users LP group?06:43
cody-somervilleI have no intention to do so, why?06:44
micahgcody-somerville: ah, I saw the invitation on LP and was wondering if I should renew my ubuntu-users membership06:44
wgrantcody-somerville: Yep, so I saw. Very good news.08:50
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danilosintellectronica, gmb, hi, if I want to link https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/webkit/+bug/560795 with https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=37984 do you know how I'd do that?11:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 560795 in webkit "WebKit freetype2 font backend doesn't support "locl" tables" [Undecided,New]11:18
intellectronicadanilos: do you just want to create a bugwatch with that remote bug, or do you want to assign a launchpad bugtask to that bug?11:19
intellectronicabasically, do we have a webkit project in LP?11:19
danilosintellectronica, bugwatch would probably be good enough11:19
danilosintellectronica, we have a webkit project, but I don't know if we have external bug tracker registered11:19
intellectronicadanilos: if you want a bugwatch all you need to do is mention the remote bug in a comment. a bugwatch will be created automagically11:20
danilosoh, cool, let me try that :)11:20
intellectronicadanilos: if you want a webkit task controlled by that remote bug, click 'Also affects project'... and as part of that drill it will allow you to enter the remote bug URL11:20
danilosintellectronica, I guess the latter is what I want11:22
intellectronicadanilos: the "wizard" should be pretty self explanatory. choose WebKit (in Launchpad) as the affected product, then use the remote bug URL when asked.11:22
danilosintellectronica, right, it wasn't like that before, looks pretty cool :)11:23
intellectronicadanilos: for bonus points, talk to whoever runs wekit.org and convince them to start syncing comments with us too. then you can have the complete information in Launchpad (the benefit for them is that they get the attention of the huge community of ubuntu)11:24
danilosintellectronica, up on my TODO list, but pretty low in there, so I doubt I'll get it done anytime this year :)11:26
humphreybcthere's a typo in the spec workload page12:07
humphreybc"This page lists the specifications that Benjamin Humphrey is expected to work on, or or is its creator."12:07
humphreybc"or or is its creator"12:07
humphreybc"or or"12:07
intellectronicahumphreybc: should be easy to fix, perhaps you feel like giving it a try?12:10
intellectronicaotherwise, please file a bug, eventually someone will pick it up.12:10
humphreybcblah, i would love to but i don't have time sorry. i'll file a bug12:10
BlackZhumphreybc: what's the page?12:12
* humphreybc has reported a bug, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/56833612:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 568336 in launchpad "Typo on profile workload page" [Undecided,New]12:14
BlackZhumphreybc: confirmed it12:15
intellectronicahumphreybc: thanks!12:16
humphreybcno worries, chaps!12:16
RainCTI'm wondering, is there any tool to automatically forward stuff from Bugzilla to Launchpad, not involving any changes on the Bugzilla server?15:48
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
deryckRainCT, hi.  So you mean some script that you could run against Bugzilla that moves data to LP?  If so, I don't know of anything.16:00
deryckgmb might know ^^16:00
RainCTderyck: Yeah, something I could set as a cronjob or whatever which would copy new stuff over to Launchpad.16:01
thekornRainCT, haha, I just wanted to aks the very same question ;)16:07
azopRainCT: is there a LP -> Bugzilla addon?16:12
azopthat's backwards, obviously16:12
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lfaraonedoctormo: hey, are there any plans to release 1.6 of groundcontrol in... 3 days, or should I backport the webkit fix to 1.5?16:21
gmbRainCT, Launchpad can forward to all Bugzilla 3.4 instances as long as it has credentials for those instances.16:24
gmbOther than that the Bugzilla would need the plugin installed.16:25
RainCTWell I'm asking for bugzilla.gnome.org16:25
gmbRainCT, But that's baked in to LP and works just for comments; it sounds like you're after something that will do more than that.16:25
gmbRainCT, We already do some syncing with b.g.o; it's just not been working very well recently (allenap has mostly fixed that now)16:25
RainCTgmb: Oh. What information can you sync?16:26
gmbRainCT, We currently sync only bug statuses from Bugzilla to Launchpad. We have the capability to sync comments bidirectionally but don't yet because there are a *lot* of comments to sync and we wanted to get the basics working before we do that.16:27
gmbWe can also sync importance but don't (yet).16:28
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doctormolfaraone: I can make a release if it will make your job easy16:39
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sunnyhey guys, how would I get the source files to this package?17:53
sunnyI've looked high and low to no avail :/17:55
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tsimpsonsunny: you can't, it was deleted18:00
sunnydarn, I suspected as much, I could not even find the diff.gz file referenced by the build ouput18:02
sunnytsimpson: thanks18:02
tommishi, when i try to submit translations or do anything in launchpad it complains "No REFERER Header" and i didn`t get whats the broplem from faq page18:12
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cody-somervillerockstar, Can we haz new release of tarmac? kthxbi18:33
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mtaylorhey ho ...19:26
mtaylorany way I'm just too dumb to see that I can set a branches lifecycle_status through launchpadlib?19:27
mtaylorI tried:19:27
mtaylorbranches[0].lifecycle_status = u'Abandoned'19:27
mtaylorbut that did not work19:27
james_wmtaylor: did not work == threw an exception or == did nothing?19:29
mtaylorjames_w: did nothing19:29
james_whmm, yeah, now I look, it seems like it may not be having an effect when a script I have tries to set it19:30
james_wjust testing now19:33
james_wbut now I can't reproduce19:34
mtaylorfwiw: http://pastebin.com/dB6w4B3H is the full script I'm trying to run19:35
mtaylorjames_w: oh. hrm19:35
james_wleonardr: actually, I'm seeing lots of requests seemingly duplicated currently. For instance testing ^ sent PATCH twice on lp_save(), with the same request and '' reported as the reply first time. Is that just httplib2 debug reporting oddness19:36
mtaylorjames_w: ok... so now it seems like it might be working...19:37
james_wmtaylor: odd19:38
leonardrjames_w: show me the httplib2 report?19:38
mtaylorjames_w: yeah - potentially some sort of lag between issuing the api command and seeing the result on the site... very confused why it didn't work at all by hand19:39
james_wleonardr: http://paste.ubuntu.com/420599/19:39
mtayloroh well... main goal seems to be being solved - getting all of my old abandoned branches set that way :)19:39
james_wmtaylor: it could possibly have been slave lag, but that should only be a few seconds19:39
leonardrjames_w: the only thing i can think of is that there was an error connecting to the server and httplib retried the request19:41
leonardror _something_ strange happened on the first request so the request was re-sent19:42
james_wleonardr: yeah, I'm seeing it every time though.19:42
james_wmaybe it's httplib2 being odd19:42
james_wlike trying to re-use a connection and failing, then making a fresh one?19:42
leonardrif i were you i'd put breakpoints in httplib2 around the place where 'send:' is written out, and see what happens19:42
james_wyeah, not going to do that right now, and it doesn't look like it's actually sending two requests over the wire, so I'll leave it until my curiosity gets the better of me19:43
leonardri haven't seen anything like that btw19:43
mtaylorjames_w: seems to be totally random19:44
mtaylorjames_w: I ran the script and _some_ of the branches wound up with their status changed and some did not19:44
james_wleonardr: that's fine, I just wondered if you knew this happened every time or something.19:44
leonardrmtaylor: try this19:44
james_wleonardr: have you used httplib2 debug on lucid yet?19:45
leonardrbranches = [branch for branch in launchpad.me.getBranches()]19:45
leonardrfor branch in branches:19:45
leonardrie. get all the branches before you start modifying them19:45
mtaylorleonardr: running the script a second time got the ones it had missed19:45
mtaylorleonardr: ah - hrm, lemme see if i can apply that to something else...19:45
leonardrsometimes modifying an object will change its place in the collection or remove it from the collection, causing errors when you're iterating over that collection19:45
leonardrjames_w: yes, i've been using it pretty heavily19:46
james_whmm, there goes that theory then :-)19:46
davidstraussI need to get this converted to a commercial/private project: https://launchpad.net/examiner20:26
cody-somervilledavidstrauss, Do you have a Commercial Subscription?20:29
davidstrausscody-somerville: Buying it *right now*20:29
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davidstrausscody-somerville: It's order number 24101 on the Canonical Store.20:38
davidstrausscody-somerville: All paid up.20:38
micahgwhat happens to attachments that are uploaded but not attached to bugs?20:39
davidstrausscody-somerville: are you there?20:41
cody-somervilledavidstrauss, Sorry, one moment.20:42
persiamicahg: I believe they end up somewhere in the librarian, perhaps with no link.20:48
micahgpersia: k, I would think they should be deleted if no bug is filed w/in a period of time, I'll check for a bug in LP20:49
micahgactually, I have no idea where such a bug would be20:49
persiaI'd suggest waiting for someone who actually knows for sure, and getting them to point you at the likely existing bug/spec for it.20:50
persiaI can't imagine library-garbage-collection isn't something that nobody previously considered.20:50
geserpersia: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/db-devel/annotate/head%3A/cronscripts/librarian-gc.py21:04
bachi davidstrauss21:05
bencrisfordIs there an admin around that can help me with this blueprint please? - https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/education-launchpad-groups21:08
bencrisfordit needs re-assigning as it is still relevent but the assignee is no longer active (or around at all)21:09
bencrisfordsorry if this wasn't the right place to ask21:15
mdkebencrisford: reassigning how?21:15
bencrisfordmdke: is it not possible for the assignee to be changed?21:16
mdkebencrisford: I'm sure it is, but who to?21:16
bencrisfordmdke: me21:18
mdkebencrisford: done21:19
mdkebencrisford: could you send an email to the previous assignee and copy me in just to let him know, in case he is still interested21:20
bencrisfordmdke: will do, but I doubt he will be, he no longer works for canonical21:20
mdkebencrisford: yeah, it's just in case. Thanks21:21
bencrisfordmdke: no worries, and thank you ;)21:22
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mdkebencrisford: np. (for future reference #ubuntu-devel is probably the better channel)21:27
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bencrisfordmdke: ok, ill go there next time ;) thanks again21:27
persiageser: Thanks.  micahg: no need for a bug: already implemented.21:32
micahgpersia: good to know, thanks21:33
mwhudsonmdke: oh, we deployed the new bzr-git on launchpad a couple of days ago21:47
mdkemwhudson: hmm. coincidentally I tried the import today and it didn't work :(21:48
mwhudsonmdke: it might be a situation where we need to delete the import and start again21:48
mdkeor rather last night21:48
mdkemwhudson: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/44987441/vcs-imports-gnome-user-docs-master.log21:48
mwhudsonmdke: gotta go now, back in a minute21:49
mdkemwhudson: sure21:49
mdkemwhudson: for when you get back, I've no issue with deleting the import and recreating it, as long as I can still merge from the new one into existing branches that were created from the old one21:51
mwhudsonmdke: i think we should delete https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/gnome-user-docs/master and try again22:12
mwhudsonmdke: see any problems with that?22:13
* mwhudson does it anyway22:19
mwhudsonargh stacking22:20
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mdkemwhudson: I've no issue with deleting the import and recreating it, as long as I can still merge from the new one into existing branches that were created from the old one22:34
mdkemwhudson: (think you might have missed that message before you timed out)22:34
mwhudsonmdke: yes, you should be able to merge those branches22:35
mwhudsoni can't delete the old import anyway22:35
mdkeshould we rename the branch or move it to junk or something?22:35
mwhudsonmdke: i guess marking it abandoned is ok22:36
mwhudsonmdke: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/gnome-user-docs/trunk fwiw22:36
mdkegot it, thanks22:37
mdkeI'll try a test merge22:37
mwhudsonmdke: i made it dev focus for the project, hope that was the right thing to do22:37
mdkemwhudson: definitely, thanks22:37
luke-jris it possible to have the download list at the right of the Overview page use titles/names rather than useless truncated filenames? :/22:37
davidstraussbac: hi :-)22:38
mdkemwhudson: great, seems to work, thanks again22:38
bachi davidstrauss22:39
bacdavidstrauss: i saw your conversation earlier with cody.  did you try to redeem the voucher and had a failure?22:39
davidstraussbac: No, haven't even tried that.22:39
davidstraussbac: The voucher was purchased by https://launchpad.net/~m-nowpublic22:40
davidstraussbac: I'm not sure how to tell him to redeem it22:40
bacdavidstrauss: please ask him to go to https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+vouchers and try to redeem it against your project22:41
bache should've gotten instructions at the time of purchase22:41
bacdavidstrauss: we have been seeing some intermittent failures, though, so please ask him to be patient and try a few times.  sorry about that.22:41
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mwhudsongrr wifi22:42
luke-jrno answer for me? :(22:44
davidstraussbac: Can I get a Trac instance added to Launchpad?22:48
bacdavidstrauss: i'll see about that.  can you email me the details and i'll work with our bug people tomorrow?22:48
davidstraussbac: Sure. Can you PM me your email?22:48
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chxhi. if i do bzr branch lp:~owner/project/trunk lp:~owner/project/mybranch it'll stack automatically?23:42

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