
tenochslbAmunRa, i do not know but i have a wireless card that stopped working during one of the updates of lucid. It used to work on karmic00:00
AmunRano, the wireless works.. it's just the icon that's vanished00:02
h00kyofel: in your opinion, would you say I am effected?00:02
tenochslbAmunRa, ok00:03
yofelnot sure I only found the bug today and haven't tested it much myself, but it might not hurt to test the fixed package, I have it installed here, but didn't restart X yet00:03
yofelbut I think at least I am affected, it shows 760MB now, but I guess that's only allocated, not used as I should have run out of memory by now otherwise...00:04
h00kyofel: oh, hey, if I'm running 1.2, then I should remove it, update to 1.4, and test there?00:05
h00kI see how that works.00:05
* h00k facepalms00:05
h00kso, I know it exists in 1.200:05
h00know to try 1.4.00:06
yofelI'm running 1.4 here, and I think this *shouldn't* exist in 1.200:06
=== kslen^^ is now known as kslen
h00kyofel: ..oh.00:06
yofelwell, I'm at 800 now, and kwin is getting quite sluggy now...00:07
* h00k turns swap off00:07
=== KB1JWQ is now known as PFY
h00kyofel: so, 1.2 is..which, the fixed? or the one with the problem?00:08
yofelI think this was caused by enabling the patch that fixed something after enabling 1.4, so 1.2 should be fine00:08
yofelok, now I have 1cpu stuck with 100% IOwait, maybe it tries to swap but can't00:09
h00kyofel: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/420101/00:10
denis-knoooooo....chromium windows are on the right side :(00:13
denis-ki wish the ubuntu build/in the repo was changed to fit with ubuntu's main theme00:14
denis-know i have to use the GTK+ topbar...which makes it even bulkier00:14
h00kdenis-k: you can change a setting so it fits your theme00:15
denis-kh00k: i know but it still has the window buttons on the top right, unless you use the GTK window bar00:15
denis-kthen it adds another 20 pixels onto your screen00:15
PythonPupHowdy.  I see that you cannot change gconf keys for Matacity right now.  Why is that?  I am not trying to push for it to be changed right away.  I am just curious.00:16
denis-kh00k: im using a netbook, thats why i need more screen space :)00:17
h00kdenis-k: http://i.imgur.com/AWSn9.jpg00:17
yofelok, back after killing X...00:17
h00kyofel: welcome back.00:17
h00kyofel: did you see my previous pastebin?00:18
yofeliotop showed more and more apps doing more and more reads from the HDD until the OS was unusable00:18
denis-kh00k: yeah thats what i have too, but i was wondering if its possible to get window buttons from theme, without the GTK top bar, to the other side..00:18
yofelh00k: yes, I have the quasselcore running on another pc, so I wasn't really gone here00:18
h00kyofel: useful00:19
denis-klike in its original/installed state00:19
yofelwell, let's see how it works now... "server glx version string: 1.2 client glx version string: 1.4"00:20
denis-kh00k: oh well atleast its still more screen space than firefox (with the bookmark bar)00:21
h00kdenis-k: it's true, and I don't know if you can do what you're looking to accomplish00:21
h00kyofel: object bytes do seem to be decreasing slowly00:22
yofelh00k: for now memory usage seems to be stable at ~120MiB for me (2763 objects), I'll post if anything changes00:22
=== PFY is now known as KB1JWQ
mininessieany girls here00:24
Fishsceneoff topic?00:25
h00kmininessie: it isn't a dating service00:26
h00kyofel: it appears "steady" around 443mb at this time00:29
yofelnow that I'm running 1.2 it seems stable at 130MB for me00:30
mininessieh00k: what are you talking about00:30
h00kmininessie: GLX 1.200:30
=== Votan is now known as Votan|off
h00kWhich is why I'm not sure if I'm having this problem, I think I am because if I keep rolling over docky, I can send mem usage way up and it takes a long time to drop.00:34
h00kI may be starting to get x lag00:37
h00kI think I'm slowly dying00:38
exigraffh00k! don't walk toward the light!00:38
h00kyofel: so, I managed to kill 1.200:40
h00kwell, it's in the process of...doing something, anyway.00:41
h00kyep. it's dead.00:43
h00kyofel: I think I commented properly, anyway00:50
h00kyofel: ?! My netbook has negative object bytes00:51
yofelthat's an integer overflow (highest bit is the negative bit) once the number is larger than 2^31-100:52
h00kbut it shouldn't be reaching that, correct? I have 1.4 on the netbook at the moment.00:53
yofelno, it should not00:53
h00klet me try 1.2 on this, intel, not nouveau and see what happens.00:53
yofeland negative means that it uses more than 2GB of memory already...00:54
VolkodavI just created a backup but it seems too small compared to original - I do not think it can compress that much00:54
Volkodavmy / is 9 gb and tar ball is only 1.3 Gb ?00:55
h00kyofel: all I have on this baby is 2gb00:55
h00kbe back in a bit, I have a meeting.00:55
yofelwell, if the count is negative than that means it uses more than 2 147 483 648 bytes00:56
mininessiehey has anyone heard of mkv video format00:57
ZykoticK9mininessie, yes used it for a while before moving to mp4 for cross compatibility, what is your question?00:58
mininessieZykoticK9: is there an hd version of it or any way to conveert mkv to hd00:59
VolkodavCan 9 Gb compress into 1.3 ?00:59
ZykoticK9mininessie, mkv can more-or-less be hd (or better really)00:59
mininessieZykoticK9: how or is there a program to convert mkv to mkv so its a better quality?01:00
ZykoticK9mininessie, you can't upscale a lossy encoding (the source would need to be encoded at the higher quality, and would need to be HD)01:01
mininessiebut if i encoded it would it still be mkv01:01
mininessieZykoticK9: and what would be a good mkv encoder01:01
ZykoticK9mininessie, what is the source you are encoding from?01:01
mininessieZykoticK9: ?01:02
ZykoticK9mininessie, Handbrake for encoder01:02
ZykoticK9mininessie, what are you encoding from?01:02
ZykoticK9mininessie, hanbrake-gtk may still be non-functional on lucid though :(01:02
mininessieZykoticK9: nothing i just have download a video of the internet and its mkv format01:02
* duffydack would like to watch a video of the internet.01:03
ZykoticK9mininessie, if you've downloaded something - you can't improve it's quality (ANY change will lower the quality)01:03
IRConanmininessie: mkv is a container format... wether it's "HD" is up to the codec inside01:04
IRConanany form of lossy->* transcode will reduce quality exponentially01:04
mininessieso even if i converted it to blue ray quality it would be less quality then true blue ray01:05
ZykoticK9mininessie, yes01:05
IRConanmininessie: it would in fact be less quality than the source you currently have...01:05
ZykoticK9mininessie, just leave it as is (it's the best it's going to be)01:05
Volkodavwill this be a correct command to restore to another drive assuming I created a new partition on it and mounted and cd'ed into it ?  tar -xvpzf /home/volkodav/backup.tar.gz -C /A01:05
IRConanwhere do you think it's gonna get the extra information from to make it better?!01:06
Volkodavor do i have to spell out the path like so  tar -xvpzf /home/volkodav/backup.tar.gz -C /media/new_drive ?01:07
IRConanVolkodav: what's the /A ?01:07
Volkodav tar -xvpzf /home/volkodav/backup.tar.gz -C /01:07
Volkodavlike this01:07
IRConanif you want to extract to the cwd omit the -C entirely01:08
mininessiewhat makes linux unqiue01:08
FishsceneThe community and what you can do with it.01:09
IRConanmininessie: linux doesn't attempt to be unique01:09
IRConanit attempts to adhere to standards such as POSIX, etc such that it is in fact less unique01:09
Volkodavtar -xvpzf /home/volkodav/backup.tar.gz  /media/new_drive  like that ?01:10
mininessiewell besides the way it looks and how i use linux it seems not that much different meaning functionality01:10
IRConanVolkodav: if you want to do it to the cwd just do tar -xvpzf /path/to/archive.tar.gz01:10
mininessieand what i mean is like windows 7 has snap features and such01:10
ZykoticK9mininessie, Win7 copied compiz for many of it's new visual effect - like the cube01:11
IRConanmininessie: indeed... most functionality is very similar between some of the major desktop environments and windows01:11
VolkodavIRConan: what if i am in archive's dir ?01:11
IRConanVolkodav: then you need to specify with -C /media/new_drive01:12
mininessieIRConan: so what makes linux stand out functionallity wise01:12
Volkodavok I got it thanks01:12
IRConan-C / is definitely not what you want... that will extract to the root01:12
duffydackI`ll take my compiz setup over any meager little tricks win7 can do01:12
IRConanmininessie: depends on your use-case01:12
FishsceneAgain, what you can do with it.01:12
ZykoticK9duffydack, +101:12
duffydacksnap is do-able also.../01:12
Volkodavthat I understand01:12
mininessieIRConan: ?01:12
VolkodavOnce it is untarred I will need to fix the grub  and fstaband new drive should boot I guess01:13
IRConanmininessie: depends what you're trying to do with it... if you're trying to run a web server the things which will stand out as good are completely different to those which might do if you're trying to run a gaming machine01:13
duffydackI`ll take your win7 aero and raise you a multiple desktop.. ftw01:13
IRConansince you're here though I guess you're after a desktop environment for web browsing and such01:13
mininessieIRConan: yeah and if i ever get my sound working listen to music01:14
FishsceneDon't forget that you can tweak the linux kernal to suit your needs as well- something you can't do with many of the other major os's01:14
mininessieIRConan: and i like to learn out to code html css and maybe python01:14
mininessiehow not out01:15
VolkodavIRConan: I don't need liveCD to do the backyp and the untar to a new drive  right ?01:15
Volkodavjust run from the system01:15
IRConanVolkodav: are you trying to backup and untar your install?01:16
Volkodavto the new drive yes01:16
IRConanI'd recommend booting livecd to avoid things being changed during the process01:16
VolkodavMy SSD came in today01:16
Volkodavso it's in and formatted01:16
IRConanthen instead of tarring mount both filesystems and rsync accross01:16
Volkodavwhat's the benefits vs tar ?01:17
IRConanrsync is a single operation where tar is 201:17
* Volkodav never did rsync for backup01:18
IRConanrsync is made of 100% win01:18
KB1JWQrsync works at the block level.01:18
IRConanKB1JWQ: no it doesn't01:18
IRConanKB1JWQ: you're probably thinking of dd?01:18
KB1JWQIRConan: Nope.  http://www.backupassist.com/blog/support/rsync-how-effective-is-it/01:19
Volkodavhmm - the tarball comes to 4.1 Gb with root being 901:19
Volkodavlive CD created one only 1.3 Gb01:19
Volkodavdoes not sound right01:19
KB1JWQIRConan: I blew away some production data with rsync once.  My self imposed penance was to read its manpage for three days. :-)01:19
* Volkodav stays with tar for now01:20
IRConanKB1JWQ: were you trying to use the hardlink copy feature for incremental? that's the best if you get it to work but can be risky01:20
KB1JWQIRConan: I copied someone else's stanza without understanding it and overwrote some stuff that should not have been touched.01:20
Volkodavok - liveCD it is01:21
Volkodavwhy was it so small though ? I don't get it01:22
IRConanVolkodav: you compressed it with gzip didn't you?01:22
IRConanuse -z on the tar command?01:22
_Ba_hi, I cant install ALSA driver on ubuntu 10.401:23
crimsun_Ba_: why do you need to? It's already installed by default.01:24
Volkodavyes I did01:24
_Ba_I've cmi8788 audio card and its not installed01:24
VolkodavI compressed it01:24
crimsun_Ba_: so use linux-alsa-driver-modules-$(uname -r) from ppa:ubuntu-audio-dev01:25
duffydackIve never had rsync only sync changed data (delta), only retransmit the whole file.. what switches does it need?01:25
IRConanduffydack: -z I think01:26
VolkodavIRConan: but the archive I did from install is 4.1 Gb - the one from liveCD 1.3 - and I have same include options including cdrom for live session01:26
duffydackIRConan, thats compression01:26
Volkodavexclude options*01:26
IRConanVolkodav: what command did you use to make one from the livecd?01:27
IRConanduffydack: by default rsync will turn on deltas if it's a network transfer but otherwise copy whole files if they've changed01:27
_Ba_crimsun: I dont know how to use that01:27
Volkodavtar -cvpzf backup.tar.gz -exclude=/backup.tar.gz --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found --exclude=/sys --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/media --exclude=/cdrom /01:28
duffydackIRConan, I shall test that.01:28
crimsun_Ba_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Audio/InstallingLinuxAlsaDriverModules01:28
IRConanVolkodav: ok... if you run that on the livecd then you're backing up the livecd not your install01:28
IRConanVolkodav: if you've booted to livecd then the best way is to do this...01:29
Volkodavthat was issuied from mounted /01:29
IRConanVolkodav: may I send you some commands in PM?01:29
Volkodavcwd was /media/UUID01:29
Volkodavsure can01:29
Volkodavother people may learn something too01:30
IRConanVolkodav: I PM'd so that I wasn't sending many lines to the channel01:32
_Ba_I need to reboot, thanks for now crimsun01:32
_Ba_I still dont have any soundcard installed01:35
pepeeI have a problem: the X is eating my memory01:42
pepeeroot       941  4.3 39.7 1249672 1125916 tty7  Ss+  Apr19 174:36  \_ /usr/bin/X -nr -nolisten tcp :0 vt7 -auth /var/run/xauth/A:0-irCRsc01:42
pepeei'm on kubuntu lucid01:43
pepeeI had a problem with the ATI driver01:43
* Pici wonders when pre-release bugs became fodder for slashdot articles01:44
pepeeATI uses DRI1 without KMS.01:46
pepeeI don't understand it: I'm using the ATI propietary driver, it's the same problem?01:47
techhelper1isn't the rc released?01:48
ZykoticK9techhelper1, tomorrow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynxSchedule01:48
MGMTM3what would be the best drivers in 10.04 for a ATI 4890?01:48
agronholm_or today, depending on your TZ :)01:48
duffydackIRConan, ok seems to have worked over ssh.. http://pastebin.org/16663901:49
duffydackmade a zip 1.3gig big, removed 6.2meg from it..01:49
crimsun_Ba_: please use http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh01:50
Lynn^_^I tried rebooting yesterday and got the message "verifying dmi pool" and it got stuck there.  I haven't opened the computer lately, so no change in hardware, something seems corrupt, but not sure where to start01:51
techhelper1i wonder will 10.04 will work with my monitor on the full release01:54
techhelper1since 9.10 can't do 1080p even by xorg editing01:55
pepeehow do I remove the fglrx driver, and go back to the open source one?02:02
pepeeI installed it from the repos02:03
MrDowntempomy buddy borked his video by putting in a new card. How can he reboot to the xorg configurator?02:06
arandpepee: just running jockey ("hardware drivers", should be enough, no?02:07
pepeeok, thanks02:08
virtualdhold shift down when booting, right after the BIOS POST/logo scree, that should get you to the grub menu where you can boot recovery mode, if you can't even boot02:08
virtualdmrdowntempo: ^02:08
MrDowntempodoes exact same thing I'm told02:09
ergheziWhen running Firefox, hard disk activity goes up for a few minutes02:09
virtualdmrdowntempo: and what is that?02:10
MrDowntempogets to grub, picks normal or recovery, goes staight to a black screen. Monitor tries to switch video modes but nothing on the screen02:11
virtualdok, tried ctrl-alt-f1?02:13
tlyngMy nm-applet / indicator-applet does not show networking anymore, anybody know how to bring it back?02:15
meoblast001i want to make sure i should be getting the beta, so i'll explain my background02:15
ZykoticK9tlyng, it's not in indicator-applet it Notification Area02:15
meoblast001i've been using GNU/Linux for quite a few years, i'm somewhat knowledgable in it, and i want to try some newer software02:15
meoblast001i wouldn't consider myself a guru though02:15
=== running_rabbit07 is now known as uRock
meoblast001should i get 10.04 or will it be too much of a hassle?02:16
meoblast001my friend is trying it and said "I'll tell you if this ever boots"02:16
tlyngZykoticK9: i've added notification area, nothin :/02:17
ZykoticK9tlyng, what if you try running nm-applet from alt+f202:17
virtualdmeoblast001: you could try the live cd02:18
meoblast001ok, but it takes 2 hours to download an ISO for me02:18
meoblast001a CD-sized one that is02:18
meoblast001why did Ubuntu switch to Yahoo?02:19
meoblast001some Canonical-Yahoo deal?02:19
tlyngZykoticK9: i've tried running it manually, nothing. Can't say I see any errors either02:19
Ken8521meoblast001, i think shuttleworth mentioned that on his blog.02:19
virtualdyes but i think it's only the search provider, not the start page, and you can easily change it02:19
meoblast001his blog is downloading very slow02:20
Ken8521virtuald, from the sounds of it, its no different than MS making Bing their homepage... canonical has a deal w/ Yahoo to use their search engine, but it is very easily modified... non-issue IMO.02:20
ZykoticK9tlyng, sorry I don't know man.  Best of luck.02:20
tlyngZykoticK9: hopefully it's fixed before the final release. It's nothing critical for me, just annoying :)02:21
ZykoticK9tlyng, if no one has a suggestion on a fix, you should think about reporting a bug02:21
Ken8521tlyng, whats wrong?02:22
tlyngKen8521: networkmanager applet is gone missing.02:22
Ken8521that's weird you've tried adding notification-area, and its still not showing02:24
MrDowntempowhere are the xorg.conf files stored now? if nolonger /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?02:24
ZykoticK9MrDowntempo, xorg.conf isn't there by default (autoconfigured now) - you can create one and it will be used however02:25
Ken8521tlyng, u still here?02:27
tlyngKen8521: yes02:27
Ken8521tlyng, open system monitor.. on the processes tab, kill nm-applet and notification-area-applet02:28
Ken8521tlyng, after both are killed... open a terminal02:28
tlyngKen8521: and? :)02:29
Ken8521tlyng, when you kill notification area, click "Reload"...02:29
Ken8521if nm-applet doesn't show, run "nm-applet" in terminal02:30
tlyngKen8521: when running nm-applet it still does not show, but it's apparantely running (in foreground in terminal)02:31
Ken8521tlyng, did you kill it in system monitor?02:31
erghezii have problem with ubufox  package02:32
h00kyoasif: I'm checking it on my netbook at the moment02:32
tlyngKen8521: i've killed it from system monitor and from terminal. I've just traced nm-applet's syscalls in the hunt for clues, no confirmed errors yet.02:35
Ken8521tlyng, do you have other instances of notification area running in ther terminal(perhaps they are blank)02:35
tlyngKen8521: i don't think so, unless the process is named something obscure02:37
Ken8521hmm, shouldn't be02:37
Ken8521tlyng, i know i had this problem, just can't remember how i fixed it02:41
tlyngKen8521: do you know which package nm-applet is part of?02:42
Ken8521tlyng, just nm-applet isn't it?02:42
Dr_Willishas anyone seen the effect where you copy somthing to a Flash drive.. it goes very fast.. then when it gets done.  0 sec left.. it like hangs on the copy for a long time?02:43
Ken8521Dr_Willis, yes02:45
Dr_WillisGetting rather annoying. :)02:45
Ken8521Dr_Willis, at first i thought i jumped forward about 8yrs and had USB 5.002:45
Dr_Willis353 of 354 copied... 0 seconds left... for the last 2 min+ here.02:45
Dr_Willisthe fast part is due to the cache I think.. but not sure why it hangs so long at the end.02:46
tlyngDr_Willis: perhaps the application (nautilius) wait for the kernel to finish writing.02:47
Dr_WillisNow i got 2 copies hanging at 0 seconds leftl02:47
Dr_Willisone copy to a differnt flash drive worked fine.02:47
Dr_WillisI wonder if its a FS issue..02:47
Dr_WillisHmm.. If i do a 'sync' command  in termnial. that even hangs.02:48
Ken8521Dr_Willis, hmm.02:48
Dr_WillisThere.. ONE finally finished..02:48
Dr_Willisand then the 2nd ond.02:49
tlyngit was probably waiting for the kernel to finish02:49
Dr_Willisbut why on only 1 device..  the other started and finished.. befor the hanging ones got done. :)02:49
Dr_Willisno info in dmesg. Only diff i can see is that one is using ext3 other is VFAT02:50
tlyngthis is the reason you should unmount media before removing them :)02:50
Dr_Willisit is unmounted02:50
Dr_Willisand i waited for it to finish beofr i unmounted it.02:51
Dr_Willisa 30 sec copy process in gnome.. hangs at 0sec left for over a min+ at times it seems..02:51
Dr_Willisdrag/drop copy... wait... then unmount. to  make sure its done.02:51
PythonPupHowdy.  I see that you cannot change gconf keys for Matacity right now.  Why is that?  I am not trying to push for it to be changed right away.  I am just curious.02:51
Dr_WillisPythonPup:  theres ways to lock some keys.  - what keys are you refering to? you using netbook edition? or normal?02:52
IRConanVolkodav: did it work?02:52
Volkodavfinished rsync02:52
PythonPupDr_Willis, normal Beta202:52
Volkodavcan't seem to boot in this partition02:53
PythonPupI was going to show someone how to fix the button loacation and all we saw was the locked message.  It is not that big of a deal, but we were curious.02:53
PythonPupI hope you are not insulted that anyone would move the buttons back.02:55
Ken8521PythonPup, were you not able to?02:55
PythonPupU have the buttons on the right on my two test machines.,  I edited the gconf keys a couple of weeks ago.  The new install won't let me change the keys.02:56
PythonPupThat was "I have the buttons..."02:57
Ken8521PythonPup, really?02:57
Ken8521u try running gconf-editor as root?02:57
PythonPupSure.  I can do a screen grab, if you have any doubt.02:57
PythonPupNo, I will try that.02:58
Ken8521PythonPup, i installed the daily last night, and i moved them back no problem02:58
PythonPupThat's it.  Running as sudo gives me access.  Thank you, Ken852103:01
Ken8521PythonPup, no prob.. kinda stupid if you ask me.. hadn't heard that03:01
PythonPupI know some of why they moved it.  I would do it otherwise, but as long as I can make it like I want it, I won't fuss.  My next step is to figure out how to put it on the distribution images I make for my group.03:02
gunkstaHaving trouble syncing to my UbuntuOne Account. I am logged in via FireFox and I told it to start syncing, but it doesn't do anything. I uploaded some stuff at work and I was hoping to sync to it here on the netbook. I've used the preferences dialog and told it to sync with the server, but no dice. Thoughts?03:03
Dr_WillisTheres the #ubuntuone channel also.03:05
Dr_WillisI rarely use the service03:05
gunkstaThanks Dr_Willis03:06
gunkstaI also need to install XChat on this thing.  Empathy - not so great at IRC03:07
MGMTM3im pretty sure flash 10 is causing a system slow down after around moderate use of the computer for about 20-30 minutes.03:07
Ken8521gunksta, empathy - not so great at --- anything03:07
gunkstaI dunno. It works OK as a chat client.03:08
virtualdat least it doesn't seem to lose msn messages no more03:09
VolkodavIRConan:  can't boot yet03:10
Ken8521gunksta, i guess "OK" is in the eye of the beholder, i think it absolutely sucks03:10
darchmakes me miss pidgin03:11
SwedeMikeMGMTM3: not http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=ODE3MA then?03:11
Zelozelosi know this is totally off topic but im hoping someone can tell me, are there 2 avatar movies like avatar and avatar "return to the world"?03:12
Ken8521darch, pidgin is still in the repos.. doesn't really take herculean efforts to install03:12
ccmonsterok, so I did an update today, and now the system wont reboot03:12
darchi know, and i agree... just trying to +1 the previous comment03:13
ccmonsterAnyone else experiencing this? I started with Beta 1, have been stable the whole time since March 17th or 18th, and today the update botched the whole thing. It doesn't even get to a grub screen or anything.03:13
h00kZelozelos: it is off topic, that's better suited for #ubuntu-offtopic.03:13
h00kZelozelos: this channel is for Lucid Discussion03:13
Volkodavwell it shows in BIOS as 4th disk and the system sees it as sdd03:14
Volkodavwhy does it keep booting in sdb?03:14
Zelozelosjoin #ubuntu-offtopic03:15
MichaelKohlerwhen having a dialog with a question in it.. where is the "Yes" button natively? left or right side?03:16
ccmonsteranyone know what could have caused the system to crash. Or how to get the system to update03:16
VolkodavI just copied the system to a new SSD and it keeps booting in the old one or says it does03:18
VolkodavThe grub reads right  fstab seems ok too03:19
ccmonsterSo I heard there is a fairly serious memory leak in Lucid Dev. What's the status on that, if anyone knows? And, Is it going to hold anything up, at this point?03:22
c0vertanyone else having the issue when your display starts to dim and you move your mouse it doesn't stop? lol03:25
ccmonsterThanks Sweded mike.03:26
ccmonsterHey, any clue what updates that came out in the last couple days on Lucid that could have caused my machine to just NOT reboot in to Ubuntu?03:26
NoobFukaire2is it going to be possible upgrade directly from hardy to lucid for servers or will we need to upgrade through each release?03:26
ccmonsterAll I did was install the suggested updates after a sudo apt-get update and it asked me to reboot, I did, and bam. I get bios, then blinking cursor. No grub, nothing...03:27
ZykoticK9NoobFukaire2, LTS -> LTS is possible!03:27
SwedeMikeNoobFukaire2: LTS->LTS, otherwise you have to go thru each version.03:27
NoobFukaire2do you know if it's working right now? I googled it and a few people seemed to have gotten dropped into a ramfs afterward03:27
NoobFukaire2they might have just been early adopters though, I'm just curious if anyone's already managed it successfully03:28
mininessie_did the shut down log out menu get moved back to corner or is just me03:28
LinuxGuy2009What is the whole deal with the software center, featured applications button? Is it listing based on popularity or something? or random stuff etc?03:29
mininessie_did the shut down log out menu get moved back to corner or is just me in ubuntu03:30
c0verti guess this pre-release freeze goes until release day?03:31
mininessie_c0vert: or until the rc is out03:32
ZykoticK9mininessie_, was it somewhere else ever during Lucid?  I certainly only remember it in the corner.03:32
c0vertah, that's tomorrow right?03:32
c0vertmine is definitely in the corner.03:32
ZykoticK9c0vert, RC tomorrow yes03:32
mininessie_ZykoticK9: under system menu03:32
ZykoticK9mininessie_, hasn't been under system menu for a while (was it there in karmic?)03:33
MGMTM3how would I revert from GLX 1.4 to 1.2?03:33
mininessie_ZykoticK9: well it was there yesterday before i reinstalled ubuntu03:33
ZykoticK9mininessie_, it's never been there under my Lucid since alpha203:34
SwedeMikeMGMTM3: there are exact instructions on how to get the new PPAs in links in the article.03:34
mininessie_ZykoticK9: so alpha 2 had it under system03:34
ZykoticK9mininessie_, no03:34
mininessie_ZykoticK9: ok then i'm confused03:35
ZykoticK9mininessie_, it's never been there under my Lucid (i installed using alpha2)03:35
mininessie_well what is ur gnome is it 2.3003:35
ZykoticK9mininessie_, yes 2.303:36
mininessie_ZykoticK9: weird03:36
ZykoticK9Has anyone else seen shutdown under the System menu?03:36
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ccmonsterwell, i restarted after some updates today, and the whole sys crashed03:37
ccmonsterwon't boot back into the os03:38
ccmonsterno grub screen, nothing.03:38
ZykoticK9mininessie_, well people aren't jumping on the yes or no for that question.  But I don't think it was suppose to be under System.03:39
mininessie_well i know fedora does it that way03:39
ccmonsterand is the release candidate actually coming out tomorrow?03:40
ZykoticK9mininessie_, i just checked on Karmic, it's under under System there either03:41
ZykoticK9mininessie_, /under under/not under03:41
mininessie_ZykoticK9: weird why did it appear there for me any who i'm done talking about it03:41
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VolkodavI figured it out03:53
StikFeel like I'm on Yahoo... getting messages soon as ya enter lol03:54
flansuseIs Lucid going to undo the regressions in the GDM login themes and Grub2/startup themes?04:02
Ken8521flansuse, what regression?04:07
MGMTM3swede went back to 1.2 and so far everything works great.  Thanks again04:07
flansuseKen8521: I call it a regression, not sure if it's the proper usage of it. In pre-Karmic, you could choose / install different themes for the GDM login screen.04:08
flansuseKen8521: With Karmic, and I believe it's because of GNOME 2.28, this is not possible anymore.04:08
Ken8521flansuse, the fact you consider it a regression, doesn't mean it is.04:09
Ken8521and you can theme the login screen, its just not as obvious how to do it04:09
flansuseKen8521: Through gconf?04:10
flansuseKen8521: Since Lucid is going to be an LTS, I just figured there might be a GUI way to change the GDM login theme.04:12
Ken8521flansuse, its still a work in progress, clearly04:12
Ken8521but i've used that tool w/ pretty good luck.04:12
flansuseKen8521: I've seen that, but noticed it only changes the wallpaper, or at least it looks that way. I'm wondering if Lucid will allow something like these: http://gnome-look.org/index.php?xcontentmode=150&PHPSESSID=dfe36f71ebf0cec12d624496d39a712d04:13
darthanubisgtk-gnutella, needs ot be updated04:14
Ken8521flansuse, it is modified by your theme settings that you choose.. your'e right, it is limited... like i said, work in progress04:14
flansuseKen8521: Got it.04:14
flansuseKen8521: Will be looking forward to Lucid. Already impressed at some videos of the Alphas and Betas.04:15
The_Journeywhy does Lucid Lynx hangs so much04:19
agronholm_The_Journey, hasn't hanged for me yet04:19
VolkodavI have the correct UUID in grub but it detects different UUID for image04:19
Volkodavwhere do I fix it ?04:20
The_Journeyagronholm: I was watching video on FireFox and the computer became really slow04:20
The_Journeynever happened on 9.1004:20
darthanubisno hanging04:21
The_Journeyoh yea I'm having problem connecting with wi-fi on Kubuntu Lucid Lynx04:23
The_Journeyentered password and chose the correct stuff but it doesn't connect04:24
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grendal_prime there an upgrade manager that will take my 804 netbook up to 10.04 beta2?05:23
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crucialhoaxHow can I set a picture for my user at the login screen?05:37
shadeslayerhey guys any idea why alt+f2 isnt working on gnome?05:40
shadeslayerwhats the command to start it? like krunner in KDE ...05:40
virtualdcrucialhoax: click on your user name on the panel, then on the user icon, then on the button with the user icon05:42
crucialhoaxvirtuald: Thanks :) I appreciate it.05:43
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shadeslayerany ideas?05:45
Mocno RC yet ?05:57
virtualdmoc: no, releases are always late in the night05:59
Mocha it the morning of the 22 lol06:00
Mocthought we were at night hehe06:00
bp0hello, i've installed a driver from realtek r8168, to replace the r8169 driver that comes with the kernel... ut there are problems06:00
bp0the r8169 driver still loads after restart, even if i add it to blacklist06:01
bp0so, what else can i do to prevent that06:01
virtualdhow do you blacklist it06:01
bp0add "blacklist r8169" to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf06:02
virtualdok then it's something else06:02
virtualddo rgrep r8169 /etc 2>/dev/null06:03
virtualdhmm maybe r8169 is loaded early, in the initramfs. in that case you have to run update-initramfs -u -k `uname -r`06:04
bp02 lines result.. my blacklist line and:06:04
bp0/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules:# PCI device 0x10ec:0x8168 (r8169)06:04
bp0trying the second thing...06:05
bp0i guess i must restart now...06:05
shadeslayerhi i cant seem to launch the gnome application launcher with Alt+F206:05
virtualdshadeslayer: is it set to alt-f2 in keybinding properties?06:06
shadeslayervirtuald: yep06:07
shadeslayervirtuald: btw i have kdm as the login manager06:08
shadeslayermaybe that is the issue?06:08
virtualdonly if you're trying alt-f2 at the login prompt, which wont ever work06:08
Steilctrl + alt + F206:08
bp0virtuald, thanks06:09
Blue11why no updates in the last 2 days?06:09
shadeslayerwell i used gdm recently and it worked.. but since ive switched to kdm..06:09
shadeslayerBlue11: archive is frozen,no new packages come in06:09
Blue11shadeslayer: I thought this might have something to do with it:  http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=ODE3MA06:10
shadeslayerBlue11: dont think so...06:11
shadeslayerworks perfectly here06:11
Blue11I have had random lockups - that would certainly explain them06:12
shadeslayerhmm.. well i have the nouveau driver from the edgers ppa,maybe thats why?06:14
Blue11friday will be interesting06:14
Blue11ghetto birds06:15
shadeslayeroh come on... why wont alt+f2 work!06:15
Blue11its not over the hump yet?06:16
bilalakhtarHello people is lucid lynx quite stable in its beta 2 stage? If it is then I will upgrade to Lucid RC tomorrow06:23
Blue11unknown they found a memory leak06:24
Blue11bilalakhtar: i would be better to do a fresh install then an upgrade - less problems06:25
bilalakhtarBlue11: But I have installed tons of software from PPAs, universe, etc, and It will take time to download and install them after a fresh install06:26
bp0bilalakhtar, i've had good luck with it06:26
bilalakhtarBlue11: I don't have a very fast net connection06:26
rafaelsoaresbrBlue11, Sure06:26
bp0much better than 9.04->9.1006:26
bp0that was a catastrophe06:26
Blue11bilalakhtar: I've never had any luck with doing upgrades - I just backup /etc/ and /home/ and do a fresh install06:26
bilalakhtarBlue11: You never tried them or they failed?06:27
Blue11bilalakhtar: failed06:27
bilalakhtarBlue11: I never tried them, I moved from 8.10 to 9.04 using fresh install, same for 9.04 to 9.1006:27
Blue11bilalakhtar: Id recommend a fresh installl over an upgrade anyday06:28
bilalakhtarBlue11: What kind of an error comes???06:28
Blue11bilalakhtar: unable to boot, boot conf hosed, gdm problems, sound problems, etc06:28
bilalakhtarI think a network upgrade is nothing but a change of repos and apt-get dist-upgrade06:29
Blue11bilalakhtar: indeed06:29
jjcvupgrades work okay if you have installed standard software but if you have installed other stuff ie PPAs then there could be problems.  Backup first.06:29
Blue11jjcv: pretend it's microsoft - backup early and often06:29
bilalakhtarjjcv: Aren't the PPAs disabled after upgrade?06:29
bilalakhtarAfter all, my question was - Is lucid stable in beta 2? so that I could install RC06:30
jjcvbilalakhtar: yip but if there can be problems with package and library conflicts that cause problems during upgrades.   Backup first.  :-)06:30
jjcvbilalakhtar:  It's pretty stable for me.  I have problems with Beta 1 but did a reinstalled of beta 2.06:31
Blue11bilalakhtar: i have problems with lucid -- sound problems (alsa driver), no compiz (cause of ati's legacy drivers), system tray crashes, gconf/gdm lockups06:32
Blue11bilalakhtar: is it stable?  that depends really on the hardware you're using - like they say YMMV06:32
ubottuymmv is short for "Your mileage may vary". It means that someone else's experience with compatibility, performance etc. may not necessarily match yours. Also see !wfm06:32
bilalakhtarBlue11: My hardware has always caused problems for me in Ubuntu. I have Toshiba bluetooth stack (not supported by the official drivers) , ATI Card (ati card have problems on linux), Soft Modem (have to use proprietary drivers)06:34
bilalakhtarBut still I will brave the upgrade to lucid RC06:35
Blue11bilalakhtar: the ati deriver are functional in that they work -  but that's about all they do - screen updating is very slow - otoh, I have an old card too.06:35
rafaelsoaresbrdefault search engine has been changed to Yahoo... why? oh no...06:36
bilalakhtarBlue11: I have a new card, 512MB graphic ram, fast chipset, still problems06:36
Blue11i should never be able to overtype the input buffer, but I do.06:36
bilalakhtarrafaelsoaresbr: It has been shifted back to google. see this:- http://start.ubuntu.com/10.04/06:36
rafaelsoaresbrbilalakhtar, isn't it the default home page?06:38
bilalakhtarrafaelsoaresbr: it is06:38
SandGorgonThis weekend, I'm going back to 9.10 and maybe enable backports - but 10.04 is not worth it for me.06:38
rafaelsoaresbrbilalakhtar, what is besides adreess bar? Google or Yahoo!?06:39
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Blue11SandGorgon: I had to enable backports in 9.10 to get my wlan card to work06:40
DanaGToshiba bluetooth controller... hm, actually, it's more likely a standard BT controller, hidden behind an rfkill device.06:40
bilalakhtarrafaelsoaresbr: I don't know06:40
DanaGConsider trying out one of the "kernel-ppa" 34-rc4 kernels.06:40
bilalakhtarrafaelsoaresbr: you can change that06:40
DanaGIt has a new driver for Toshiba stuff.06:40
Blue11SandGorgon: http://pkill-9.com/wordpress/?p=15206:41
rafaelsoaresbrbilalakhtar, thanks, aren't you running 10.04?06:41
SandGorgonBlue11, yup.. it essentially means all the goodness of 10.04 (drivers, etc.) with none of the crap (Plymouth, etc.)06:42
bilalakhtarDanaG: This stack is supported, but the problem is that there is no software to enable the toshiba bluetooth stack. it is automatically turned off by the bios, and there is no option in the bios setup06:42
bilalakhtarrafaelsoaresbr: no06:42
bilalakhtarSandGorgon: Plymouth is NOT crap :)06:42
Blue11SandGorgon: plymouth has seen many a system fail -- don't recomend it06:42
Blue11they should have used a buick!  ;-)06:43
rafaelsoaresbrwhat about RC?06:43
bilalakhtarPeople, I heard that there is some memory leak problem in Lucid. What is it?06:44
DanaG"stack" is the wrong word!06:45
SwedeMikebilalakhtar: x.org06:45
DanaGThe Linux bluetooth stack is Bluez.06:45
DanaGTry installing toshset06:45
bilalakhtarSwedeMike: I know that it is in x1106:45
bilalakhtarDanaG: Toshset can only deal with toshiba bios; I have a toshiba laptop with a phoenix bios06:45
Blue11bilalakhtar: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=ODE3MA06:46
DamasceneI'm not getting any update since yesterday06:46
Damasceneis there something going on?06:46
Blue11Damascene: right they are trying to nail things down06:46
DanaGDoes rfkill show anything?06:46
DamasceneBlue11, what does that mean?06:47
Blue11Damascene: well the memory leak problem they discovered has made them address this issue first - so no more updates till resolved - from what I am seeing06:47
DanaGCheck for "omnibook"06:48
Damasceneok thanks Blue1106:48
Blue11Damascene: scroll back and you'll see the link to the article06:48
DamasceneI got it in the mail list06:49
Damascenebut I didn't know about the freeze06:49
DanaGConsider trying the omnibook module.06:49
bilalakhtarDanaG: I considered installing it, but I thought ; Why to screw up the system for something that has alternatives like the alternative of bluetooth is usb?06:50
DanaGActually, it's not too hard to install just one module.06:51
selig5about half the time I boot into Lucid the pointer/cursor is a negative image of a cursor06:53
bilalakhtarDanaG: Omnibook is available in DEB format?06:54
bilalakhtarDanaG: http://sourceforge.net/projects/omnibook06:54
rafaelsoaresbropenSUSE is so beautiful, it looks like kubuntu 10.0406:56
rafaelsoaresbrkde plasma rules06:57
iconmefisto_rafaelsoaresbr: so... kde is beautiful?06:57
rafaelsoaresbriconmefisto_, yes06:57
Ken8521rafaelsoaresbr, really?06:57
iconmefisto_rafaelsoaresbr: agreed :)06:57
Blue11rafaelsoaresbr: i went from suse to ubuntu06:57
Ken8521kde is the rosie o donnell of linux GUI's06:57
Ken8521suse is solid06:57
Blue11Ken8521it's a d*ke?06:58
iconmefisto_rosie o donnell? what does that mean?06:58
Blue11Ken8521 yes but novell is on the skids06:58
Ken8521i only use the gnome version though.06:58
Ken8521Blue11, yeah, unfortunately, hopefully it gets picked up06:58
Ken8521iconmefisto_, google image rosie odonnell, you'll see what i mean06:58
iconmefisto_Ken8521: so you mean kde is ugly? like rosie? that's just insane06:59
Ken8521iconmefisto_, yes, thats what i mean06:59
rafaelsoaresbri'm more familiar with gnome, apt-get. not yum and kde06:59
Ken8521rafaelsoaresbr, yum is actually for RH distros, has nothing to do w/ KDE06:59
Ken8521yum, is actually very very similar to apt-get07:00
jjcvI've always found yum very slow07:00
Blue11Ken8521 I always used zypper07:00
Ken8521jjcv, i've not..07:00
rafaelsoaresbrKen8521, I mean Ubuntu vs openSUSE07:00
Ken8521Blue11, never heard of zipper.07:00
Ken8521rafaelsoaresbr, oh ok.07:00
Blue11zypper (rpm) is to suse as apt-get is to ubuntu  (dpkg)07:01
Ken8521oh ok07:01
iconmefisto_Blue11: that was consise07:02
Blue11best I could do07:03
rafaelsoaresbrKen8521, I have both installed in my laptop.07:03
iconmefisto_Blue11: no, it was good07:03
rafaelsoaresbrGrub2 has listed all the six OS installed here. Great!07:04
Ken8521rafaelsoaresbr, sounds good.07:04
Ken8521i'm a minimalist for the most part, try not to have 8 OS's on mymachine07:04
Blue11Ken8521 I dual boot windows and ubuntu07:04
Blue11i haven't learned how to do vm yet07:04
djbenderSo is anyone else refreshing ubuntu.com waiting for the RC? xD07:05
Ken8521Blue11, depending on what you need VM for, it is VERY easy...07:05
iconmefisto_Blue11: virtualbox is quite easy to figure out07:05
Blue11Ken8521 I have never set it up so don't know how to do it.07:05
Ken8521Blue11, you can be brain dead and do it.07:05
Ken8521its that easy07:05
shanksvery easy07:06
Blue11Ken8521 so easy a zombie could do it?07:06
Ken8521Blue11, lol, yup.07:06
rafaelsoaresbrdjbender, the RC, it's two o'clock and nothing hapens07:07
Ken8521Blue11, thats my dual screen setup.... running 10.04 on the left, XP in Vbox on the right.   http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j263/IndyGunFreak/dual.jpg07:07
rafaelsoaresbrKen8521, cool07:07
Blue11Ken8521 omw07:08
MGMTM3thats a cool setup07:08
Ken8521i like it07:08
Blue11Ken8521 what software are you running on the vm to run windows?07:08
Ken8521i don't boot XP often.. usually to sync my 80gig zune, or my 4gig nano07:08
Ken8521Blue11, what do you mean?07:08
MGMTM3lol I boot windows to play video games07:08
Ken8521MGMTM3, yeah, unfortunately for that, Vbox won't do to well.07:09
MGMTM3thats it07:09
Blue11well the vm runs under linux right?  so windows doesn't run natively under linux - so what software ru using to run windows?07:09
Ken8521Blue11, its called Virtualbox07:09
MGMTM3yeah linux as much as I love it needs some more game support07:09
Blue11Ken8521 does it have usb support?07:09
iconmefisto_Blue11: VMs can run under any OS07:09
DanaGKen8521: if Zune uses MTP, there are apps that'll do MTP.07:09
Blue11DanaG: my sansa mp3 player is supported under linux07:10
Ken8521Blue11, the "non free" version does.. it doesn't cost money, but you can't modify the source code.. the open source edition, where you can modify source code, does not have usb suppot07:10
* DanaG has a Cowon S9.07:10
DanaGUSB Mass Storage, woot.07:10
Blue11Ken8521 I need something that runs windows under linux with usb support07:10
Ken8521DanaG, trust me, a Zune will 100% not sync on Linux07:10
DanaGEven does Ogg Vorbis, and FLAC.07:10
Ken8521Blue11, vbox will run USB support fine... what do you anticipate needing vbox for?07:11
Blue11Ken8521 I'd like to NOT have to dual boot07:11
MGMTM3yeah I hear microsoft products don't play the best with linux :)07:11
Ken8521Blue11, i understand... What do you use Windows for?07:11
Blue11Ken8521 I have a diabetes meter that has no software for linux07:11
MGMTM3I would love to not dual boot :(07:11
Ken8521Blue11, hmm, well, its free to try.. do you have a windows cd?07:11
Blue11Ken8521 xp pro07:12
Terminusi've found that the best way to not dual boot is to have multiple computers. =(07:12
Ken8521MGMTM3, i dual booted for a long, long time... then i got my Zune to work w/ Samba, after that, i nuked it07:12
Ken8521Blue11, ok... how much spcae is on your Linux partition?07:12
Blue11Ken8521 dunno let me check07:12
iconmefisto_Blue11: there's #vbox if you have questions about setting it up too07:12
MGMTM3Ken8521, yeah as soon as I can figure out how to game on linux it will be bye bye windows07:13
Blue11Ken8521 I have about 60 g free07:13
Ken8521MGMTM3, i think thats a lone way out.07:13
Ken8521Blue11, thats PLENTY..07:13
Ken8521you want me to talk you through it real quick?07:13
Blue11sure pm okay?07:13
MGMTM3ken8521 I hear you07:13
Ken8521um, yeah.. thats cool07:13
DanaGKen8521: consider downloading the Media Center "Royale" theme.07:13
DanaGIt looks far nicer than stock XP.07:13
Ken8521DanaG, well, considering XP is booted for about 5-10min a month no my machine..lol, i don't care what it looks like07:14
MGMTM3DanaG true though the royale theme is much nicer to look at.  takes away the fisher price look07:14
DanaGthere's also that one, now.07:14
bilalakhtarDanaG: Omnibook didn't work for me07:14
MGMTM3There is always windows 2000 :D07:15
bilalakhtarDanaG: Thanks for this guide :_07:16
bilalakhtarDanaG: Thanks, IT WORKS!!!!!!!!07:21
* bilalakhtar is a happy guy now07:21
MGMTM3what is the off topic channel?07:21
LinuxGuy2009Hey guys I just got back with a copy of Avatar and I was wondering if I can just use dd to make an ISO of it and then watch it on my netbook in bed with VLC or Totem-Xine?07:21
SandGorgonLancelot launcher in Kubuntu also looks nice (have to install it explicitly in 10.04) http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=aVy8VUS07:21
bilalakhtar!ot > MGMTM307:21
ubottuMGMTM3, please see my private message07:21
DanaGThere are things that can make rips of blue-ray.  True enough, it is off-topic.07:22
LinuxGuy2009No its the DVD format07:22
SandGorgonLinuxGuy2009, checkout out Handbrake07:23
LinuxGuy2009So I have to rip it? Cant just make an ISO and play that so i dont have to wait for encoding before i watch it?07:23
DanaGNot sure... it may be possible.07:24
LinuxGuy2009handbrake dont work on lucid anyways.07:24
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SandGorgonLinuxGuy2009, of course you can use dd "dd if=/dev/cdrom of=~/cdrom_image.iso"07:26
LinuxGuy2009Thats what Im trying right now. Thanks. Cant wait to see this movie!07:26
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Ken8521hmm, what movie was that?07:32
Damascenehttp://uppix.net/e/6/9/087dd1ea4d06f542f6b1cf36f7b5b.png I've this kernel error problem that couldn't report07:45
Damasceneubuntu-bug said that I the kernel I've have is old but I was updated07:48
iconmefisto_Damascene: try changing download sources and update/upgrade07:57
nishanthany one know how to make plymouth-solar work?07:58
nishanthany one know how to make plymouth-solar work?08:14
iconmefistonishanth: did you see my answer before?08:15
iconmefistonishanth: if you've already installed it, sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth08:16
iconmefistonishanth: after choosing the theme, sudo update-initramfs -u08:17
nishanthiconmefisto: i enter the number for the selection but then it repeat re-display the msg to enter the selection08:19
pepeewell, no more memory leak from X for me08:21
iconmefistonishanth: is the * on the solar theme after it re-displays the list?08:22
pepeeat least after some hours of using my pc08:22
Fudgehi guys, why does openoffice get downlaoded with apt-get during an upgrade08:23
nishanthiconmefisto: the * is on 0 ... but it should be on 108:24
nishanthoh ok figured it out08:26
iconmefistonishanth: so it's the 10th choice on the list? I wonder if the 2 digits is the source of the problem08:26
avgeneralrunning lucid, volume control in notification shows "---"08:32
avgeneralcannot control volume08:32
Ken8521avgeneral, i take it you're getting no sound... right?08:40
avgeneralsurprisingly i do get sound08:40
avgeneralI just can't change the volume08:40
Ken8521avgeneral, just as a tst, open a terminal, and type "alsamixer" no quotes, hit enter08:41
Ken8521and see if you can adjust the meters there, and ajust your sound08:41
avgeneralyes i can08:41
Ken8521what happens when you go to system/pref/sound08:42
firbfsAnyone heard of issues with 10.04 and wine?08:42
firbfsInstalls but that is all I can get to work08:42
avgeneralwaiting for sound system to respond08:42
avgeneralstuck at that window08:42
Ken8521hmm, that doesn't sound right08:42
avgeneralnot it doesn't08:42
Ken8521firbfs, if you're having a problem installing an app in wine, thats really best left to #wine08:43
topylifirbfs, nope, wine is working just as before08:43
firbfsOk, thanks08:43
Ken8521wine works fine for me as well08:44
iconmefistowine works better than previously, at least for sketchup08:44
topylifirbfs, you're not trying to "run wine" are you? sorry, just checking :)08:44
Ken8521i thought there was a linux version of sketchup?08:44
avgeneralI think the Start Up Applications might have indirectly broke the Sound manager08:44
iconmefistoKen8521: really? news to me08:45
Ken8521iconmefisto, i could have swore there was.08:45
Ken8521i might be thinking of google earth or some other google app08:45
avgeneralbtw anyone know if the RC version has been released yet?08:46
bullgard4When will Update Manager send an automatic notification on my desktop that new updates are available?08:47
avgeneralnever showed up on mine08:47
Ken8521probably when its available.. :)08:47
avgeneralI had to start it manually08:47
avgeneraland there lots of updates available08:47
Ken8521it's shown up on mine most of the time, usually though, i update manually before it does08:47
bmwiedemannI have a problem with NIS groups on lucid. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/55314208:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553142 in gdm "gdm does not obey NIS settings for user groups" [Undecided,New]08:50
bmwiedemannDoes someone here have NIS experience? is nsswitch.conf supposed to need the "nis" behind "compat" ?08:52
artnaywhat is the chance that this bug - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/560306 - only occurs on i5/i7 and 5xxx combination?08:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 560306 in linux "[lucid] ATI hd5xxx cards wrongly doing kms?" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:53
artnay5xxx GPUs seem to work just fine for some but I have no idea which CPU/chipset they use08:54
bmwiedemannartnay: I'd thing graphics chip has most impact. CPU is usually not an issue. Sometimes 32/64 bit can matter.08:54
artnaybmwiedemann: this happens on both 32 and 64 bit08:54
bmwiedemannare there different drivers for hd5xxx cards? such as fglrx?08:55
artnaybmwiedemann: the thing is that people are unable to even boot live CD (so there's no possibility to enable fglrx)08:56
bmwiedemannbut hd5xxx cards are pretty recent, so maybe the driver doesnt do KMS properly08:57
artnaybmwiedemann: yes, they were released like 6-7 months ago. and since then those GPUs have been the most sold separate GPUs which only makes this bug more serious (a lot of people unable to even boot the system)08:58
bmwiedemannartnay: so it would be good to either fix KMS or have the driver auto-disable it for this kind of device08:59
artnayI think I saw a bug report of this on kernel bugzilla and it had some comments that those GPUs would work on .33 - obviously the patch hasn't been imported to Ubuntu's kernel09:00
bmwiedemannI heard a lot of .33 code has been backported to ubuntus .32 already09:00
bullgard4When will Update Manager send an automatic notification on my desktop that new updates are available?09:01
howlymowlyhi poeple... short question:  for a lot of packages in ubuntu lucid I get "no candidate version found" i guess this is because I am using the beta version?09:02
iconmefistohowlymowly: get any errors when you sudo apt-get update ?09:04
howlymowlyiconmefisto: nope09:05
howlymowlymy problem is specifically about python2.509:05
howlymowlyit say no candidate version found for python2.509:05
iconmefisto!info python2.509:06
billy2007does anyone here acctually work for ubuntu can you tell me why the appearence of my screen keeps changing09:06
ubottuPackage python2.5 does not exist in lucid09:06
howlymowlyubottu: what do you mean "does not exist" :) why is it in my package list then?09:07
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:07
howlymowlyhmm. what's the command for the bot to tell me why python2.5 does not exist :)?09:08
howlymowlyhmm. i guess google...09:08
howlymowlyi the command09:08
billy2007there wont be a command09:08
iconmefistohowlymowly: try searching for the package at http://packages.ubuntu.com09:09
billy2007its not in lucid end of09:09
howlymowlybilly2007: but why is it in my updated package list in aptitude? (I am just interested how this stuff works)09:10
BUGabundo_remoteGet up on your Horse, and Ride till the Sunset 0/09:10
sveinseHow come the fonts of the console is different from emacs fonts?09:10
billy2007that i couldnt tell you hmm09:11
iconmefistohowlymowly: other sources? PPAs maybe?09:11
iconmefisto!info python309:13
ubottupython3 (source: python3-defaults): An interactive high-level object-oriented language (default python3 version). In component main, is optional. Version 3.1.2-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 10 kB, installed size 76 kB09:13
howlymowly!info python2.509:13
ubottuPackage python2.5 does not exist in lucid09:13
howlymowly!info python2.409:13
ubottuPackage python2.4 does not exist in lucid09:13
howlymowlyiconmefisto: I'll search for it :)09:14
iconmefistohowlymowly: there's python2.5 packages for karmic09:14
howlymowlywould it be easy to add a karmic ppa to my ppa list iconmefisto?09:14
howlymowlyinstalling all the python2.5 requirements by hand could be somewhat difficult09:15
iconmefistohowlymowly: it would be easy to do, but depending on what you install, it could be messy, or even disastrous09:15
howlymowlyhmm..  and there is no workaround :)?  something similar like the ubuntu backports ppa...09:15
iconmefistohowlymowly: google for a ppa with python2.5 for lucid specifically09:16
joaopintohowlymowly, it's very unlikely that you find one09:17
howlymowlyjoaopinto: reasons :)?09:17
joaopintoholstein, obsolete09:17
joaopintoops howlymowly09:17
joaopintomost currently supported software has moved to 2.6 some time ago09:18
iconmefistohowlymowly: joaopinto tends to be right about most things :)09:18
joaopintoiconmefisto, ;)09:19
howlymowlytoo bad that the software I need depends on python 2.5 ^^09:19
billy2007can anyone tell me why i have to open the appearce windo everytime i start up lucid it resetsd everytime i restart09:19
howlymowlybut still the issue with the ppa: why is python 2.5 in my aptitude list then? --> I did a fresh install of kubuntu 10.04 joaopinto, iconmefisto09:20
vegabilly2007: because of a bug09:20
artnaybmwiedemann: it's mentioned in the bug report that nomodeset and/or radeon.modeset=0 (which should disable KMS) don't seem to work09:20
iconmefistohowlymowly: I actually have it installed, I suppose left over from karmic09:20
howlymowlyahh.. so that's why... just so that ubunu does not deinstall it when upgrading from karmic...09:21
iconmefistohowlymowly: if I try reinstalling it, I get: Reinstallation of python2.5 is not possible, it cannot be downloaded.09:22
howlymowlykk... i see09:22
bmwiedemannartnay: only for some it worked and for some it didnt.09:22
joaopintohowlymowly, did you upgrade ?09:22
joaopintofrom karmic to lucid ?09:22
howlymowlynope..  i did a fresh install joaopinto09:22
billy2007vega what do you mean a system glitch because its alpha or just my pc09:22
sveinseHow come the font rendering differs so much for Monospace 8 (96 DPI) from Slight to None/Medium/Full Hinting?09:23
joaopintohowlymowly, apt-cache policy python2.5, there is no installation candidate09:23
howlymowlyjoaopinto: i guess I will install the packages from karmic then, manually..09:24
billy2007howlymowly, you may chave bneen better going from karmic you SHOULD be able to kep most programs when upgrsading09:24
joaopintohowlymowly, that will break your system09:24
joaopintoI mean, it might break09:25
howlymowlyactually I tried an update...  but for some reason that update broke my system...09:25
howlymowlyi did not want to go throgh the hassel of figuring out, why and repair it.. i just threw a fresh install on my computer09:25
iconmefistojoaopinto: what I don't understand is why 2.5 is still installed rather than upgraded after karmic > lucid09:25
billy2007same here09:26
howlymowlyiconmefisto: python 2.6 was already the successor of 2.5 in karmic 2.5 was just there for backwards compatibility09:26
howlymowlyso there was no need to upgrade it i guess09:27
bp0so when's this RC gonna drop, yo?09:28
ikoniabp0: any chance you could ask that in no-gangster english ?09:31
bp0do you have a problem with gangster english?09:32
joaopintobp0, today09:32
ikoniabp0: yes, it's not clear what people are actually asking, the channel is for clear English please.09:32
joaopintoikonia, the question was quite clear despite the "bad" english, do we have a new policy which enforces good english ?09:33
ikoniajoaopinto: things like non-leet or text speak yes09:33
joaopintoif that's the case you may need to warn non native english speakers also09:33
ikoniagangsta speak is just another extension of that09:33
joaopintoikonia, did you have problems understand his question ? Is he violating some rule ?09:34
ikoniajoaopinto: everyone makes grammatical errors, it's not a problem, but text/leet/gansta style chat is just not called for and makes it harder for people who are non-english speaakers09:34
bp0don't actually speak like this, it was kindof a joke.09:34
ikoniabp0: that's cool then09:34
joaopintoikonia, I am not an english speaker and could easily understand it :)09:34
ikoniajoaopinto: not every non-english speakers, not all are as fluent as yourself09:34
joaopintoikonia, same applies to several users which don't have a proper english to be understandable ;)09:35
iconmefistotake the "yo" off and it's not very gansta09:35
ikoniajoaopinto: very true09:35
joaopintobp0, but if you installed beta and kept upgrading you are using RC09:36
joaopintothe archives have been frozen the last couple of days09:36
ikoniaI thought a few patches had slipped through though ?09:36
ikoniaor did that happen before the freeze ?09:37
joaopintooh wait, I have updates today09:37
ikoniaahhh good, you too then09:37
artnaybmwiedemann: are you aware if these files - http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=33016 - are included? in the original bug report it's loading rv710 which isn't even for 5xxx series! (though his/hers lspci says 4350)09:37
bmwiedemannartnay: sorry, have no idea.09:38
bp0aside:  check out the text in "Forget Your Ride, Pimp Your German!" box...09:38
bp0that is funny.09:38
ikoniait's also not really for this channel09:39
joaopintogrr, wait, I am on a pre-RC-freeze system09:39
joaopintothis updates are pre-RC09:39
osirisMorning all09:40
joaopintotoda there is an upgrade, bit it's cairo-dock from universe09:40
joaopintomain is frozen09:40
osirisHas anyone noticed a bug with screensavers locking up the system?09:41
vega"startup applications" is still broken 9.10 and 10.04 .. all own additions disappear randomly09:41
ikoniajoaopinto: ahhh that makes more sense, the updates aren't coming from mine09:42
ikoniamain even09:42
MGMTM3osiris morning (night here) I have noticed when I was using GLX 1.4 I had lock ups on the screen saver.  I went to 1.2 and everything has been fine since.  I don't know if they are related though.09:42
osirisI dont know whether its the ATI Drivers MGMTM309:43
osirisAhh, That's weird i just tried typing my screensaver password into the "locked up state" and it let me back to the desktop09:44
MGMTM3osiris, I am just using the stock open source ATI driver since the proprietary one wasnt working too well in the first place.09:44
iconmefistoosiris: open source ati, or fglrx?09:44
osirisiconmefisto, fglrx is there still a problem? i thought it had been fixed for beta209:45
osirislooks like the screensaver wasnt focusing on the password dialogue09:45
MGMTM3https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Testing/GEMLeak try this09:45
iconmefistoosiris: I use the opensource driver. screensavers don't cause a problem here, but I occasionally get X crashing and restarting. maybe once every 2 days09:46
osirisI will do some more testing09:47
osiris10.4 is looking very nice though09:47
MGMTM3indeed 10/4 is looking great.  Feels very refined for a beta09:48
=== |thade| is now known as Alexia_Death
allodoes somebody know how the partman in lucid installer changed?09:57
allopreseeding with partition-layout seems not to work correct, anymore09:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568290 in partman-partitioning "preseeding partitions does not work correct" [Undecided,New]09:57
nishanthplymouth doesnot work during boot.....anyone know how to fix it?10:00
CaNochello, how can I disable auto-start service?10:00
artnaybmwiedemann: I can't even find Evergreen firmwares from linux-firmware so... no wonder if it doesn't work!10:06
bmwiedemannartnay: but it should be made to fail gracefully... i.e. notice that it cant work and disable KMS10:07
artnaybmwiedemann: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/560306 see my last comment. these CEDAR, CYPRESS, JUNIPER, REDWOOD firmwares are missing!10:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 560306 in linux "[lucid] ATI hd5xxx cards wrongly doing kms?" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:07
bmwiedemannartnay: original reporter states that he doesnt have hd5xxx himself but knows those people. thus the lspci10:10
alvinnishanth: Do you get an error message?10:14
maxbHas anyone found that graphical display corruption has been sporadically happening with recent lucid?10:14
maxbAcross both nvidia and ati cards10:14
DanaGLove that "To Be Filled By O.E.M." bit.10:16
artnaybmwiedemann: yeah, true. anyways I added one more comment: "Evergreen support seems to be missing from linux-firmware."10:16
DanaGThe evergreen naming is "nice"... but it's hard to tell if cedar < cypress < juniper (or whatever).10:17
nishanthalvin: no it just simply dont show up10:19
nishanth plymouth doesnot work during boot.....anyone know how to fix it?10:22
iconmefistonishanth: so you can boot ok, but don't see the boot splash?10:23
red2kicHi all. What packages are responsible for analyzing hardware / properitiy drivers? I usually enable Nvidia Drivers in jockey-gtk. However, on Lucid, it never came up and I ended up installing it manually (particular packages). Now it's under Jockey. It is activated, but not in use. Suggestions?10:25
iconmefistored2kic: you could try using jockey-text in terminal10:28
nishanthiconmefisto: it was not visible before also.....but i see it during shutdown10:28
red2kiciconmefisto: No available drivers.10:28
iconmefistored2kic: sudo jockey-text -l  (should hopefully list the driver you installed)10:29
Fudgehi, beta2 did an update upgrade and not sure why but when i log in through gdm now it goes to desktop and then back to gdm. how can i fix please?10:30
iconmefistored2kic: if it's listed use the -e option to enable it. see jockey-text --help10:31
red2kiciconmefisto: kmod:nvidia_current - nvidia_current (Proprietary, Enabled, Not in use)10:31
iconmefistored2kic: rebooted since installing it?10:32
Fudgeany ideas please? xsession error says cant read .profile but its there and my user owns it10:33
red2kiciconmefisto: Yup. I have reboot. Also, I enabled it. The command return successfully (but nothing significant occurs).10:33
red2kicBrb. GOing to try and reboot.10:35
iconmefistonishanth: do you have ati graphics?10:36
nishanthplymouth doesnot work during boot.....anyone know how to fix it?10:36
Fudgei get plymouth mountall errors but didnt know what it meant10:36
alvinProbably that plymouth isn't stable yet. I'd pay money to have an LTS release without plymouth/upstart/mountall.10:40
red2kiciconmefisto: Back. The /var/log/Xorg.0 reports (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found).10:41
AnxiousNut_at_CIs this normal? it's been more than 7 days only getting partial upgade/update when i try to update the system!!10:42
DanaGbug 55976110:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 559761 in mountall "mountall needs to flush plymouth message queue before emitting upstart events" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55976110:42
DanaGFudge: check that link.10:42
iconmefistored2kic: so your card is not supported by the driver? I don't know much about nvidia drivers. all I have now is ati on 2 ubuntu installs10:43
Fudgedanag not sure i can sorry, im blind and in console with a different screen reader im not used to10:45
Fudgedoes it say how to fix it?10:45
alvinmountall doesn't output errors to the console, but to a plymouth 'theme'. If I understand it correctly, the logic is mingled in the GUI code.10:48
VitorAvelinowhat time rc will be release?10:52
Fudgedam my number sign isnt where it should be i get £ insetad10:53
Fudgeu cant comment with that can you in fstab?10:53
Fudgeso is there a fix for not being able to login?10:56
iconmefistoFudge: maybe you could copy/paste an existing # in fstab for now?10:56
Fudgei had a swap file in there that i dont have, coz of hte funny wya i had to install10:56
Fudgebrb hopefully this works10:57
ranjanWheres the Release Candidate!!!!!!!11:06
ranjanWheres the Release Candidate!!!!!!!11:06
HagenaarsDotNuranjan: this day still has a lot of hours left for it to be on time :)11:07
ranjanHagenaarsDotNu, So will it be available today itself??11:08
turtlesoupis there a specific time when releases are usually made?11:09
beyondcrdose anyone know if the creative xfi cards will be supported in 10.4? I am going nuts trying to get mine to make some noise...11:11
HagenaarsDotNuThere are several people working on the release as we chat, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseProcess gives an indication of general release activity11:12
Scarra3Hey has the RC been released yet11:12
AnxiousNut_at_Cdoes any body know when RC is going to be released?11:13
yofelAnxiousNut_at_C, Scarra3, turtlesoup: the release will be out sometime today, we don't know more than that11:13
AnxiousNut_at_Cyofel: thanks for telling me, i didnt know it was due today! thanks again11:14
Scarra3Ok thx11:14
pramodHi All11:14
yofelit will be announced in the topic when it's out11:14
pramodI hav a squid server bases on ubuntu11:15
pramodi want to block P2P at my site using squid11:15
CaNochow can I disable auto-start service in 10.04?11:15
pramodhow do i do it using iptables11:15
HagenaarsDotNucould somebody place https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseProcess in the topic, this might answer the questions about "is it there yet"11:15
yofelCaNoc: auto start? system service or user session service?11:16
CaNocyofel: system service11:17
pramodanybody with ideas11:17
CaNocyofel: don't know how to disable it with upstart11:17
yofelCaNoc: use update-rc.d for sysvinit scripts and for upstart scripts edit the 'start on' statement in  the /etc/init/<service>.conf file11:17
CaNocyofel: so I must edit that .conf file? no command to do it?11:18
yofelCaNoc: no, not yet11:18
CaNocyofel: thanks11:18
BUGabundo_remoteon darn... release day11:19
* BUGabundo_remote mutes this #11:19
CaNocand I want to disable splash at boot up11:20
CaNocwant to know what's starting up11:20
yofelCaNoc: remove 'quiet splash' in /etc/default/grub and run 'sudo update-grub' after that to disable splash and show kernel  messages11:22
alvinBut you will no longer see the error messages of mountall if you do that.11:23
bmwiedemannpramod: squid is a web-proxy. it can not block P2P11:28
bmwiedemannpramod: but you could block everything with iptables and just let squid communicate with the outside. was that what you meant?11:29
yofelalvin: why that?11:29
alvinyofel: bug 56391611:30
yofelbot gone...11:31
alvinYeah, I was waiting for it11:31
yofelgot it anyway, thanks11:31
alvinIt's default on Ubuntu server. We server admins don't like splash stuff, but they took our error messages as well :-(11:32
alvinIt's 'Linux for human beings', not 'Linux for sysadmins'11:32
yofelyeah, I'm getting that feeling too for a while now...11:35
yofelwb ubottu11:35
alvinQuestion for the gnome users out here. Did you get XDMCP back at login in Lucid? (it's called 'remote servers' or someting)11:38
crazy2kWas the RC released?11:40
bazhangsometime later today11:41
crazy2kOk :)11:43
Take0nI have a problem with lucid. Almost everytime I try to boot my computer it crashes at the login window. I think it has to do with plymouth but it takes 9 out of 10 tries before I am able to login..12:05
lapiondo you have an  intel video chipset ?12:09
Take0nhow do I check?12:10
Take0nit's a HP notebook12:10
iconmefistoTake0n: lshw -c display12:10
lapionboot in safe mode and do lspci12:10
matechi, are there still known problems with mountall?12:12
Take0nproduct: C51 [Geforce Go 6150]12:12
Take0nvendor: nVidia Corporation12:12
matecI justed booted up, my disks were checked and know mountall is consuming 100% cpu12:12
mungojerrytakeon, have you tried removing "quiet splash" from the kernel command at boot time?12:12
mungojerryi had problems with my geforce 5200 which were similar12:13
Take0nmungojerry, no I didn't and I don't even know how to do that12:13
Take0nI would do everything to be able to boot at first try.. cause when it crashes or goes to a blank screen I am not even able to shutdown the notebook by holding down the button12:13
Take0nI have to disconnect both battery and ac power to be able to turn it off12:14
Take0nit's very annoying12:14
alvinmatec: Yes, there are still problems with mountall12:14
mungojerrywhen grub menu appears, press e on the line which you would normally select. then use arrows and delete key to remove the words "quiet splash", then hit ctrl-x to boot with those options12:14
lapionpressing the power button for more then 10 sec should turn off an y motebook12:14
iconmefistomungojerry: you had to remove quiet too?12:14
matecalvin, it just stopped running... I have no idea what it was doing12:14
Take0nmungojerry, I don't see grub it boots directly ubuntu12:14
Take0nI have only ubuntu lucid installed12:15
mungojerryiconmefisto - not necessarily but it helps you see whats happening i guess.12:15
Take0nlapion, I know it should but it doesn't12:15
yofelmatec: bug 567964 maybe12:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 567964 in mountall "mountall keeps on running " [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56796412:15
sinistradmy laptop, also an HP, has problems with login screen - the mouse cursor isn't present until after I log in. I'm running nVidia 9600GT12:16
mungojerrytakeon, just after the bios POST, then press arrow keys to get into grub menu, but be quick :P12:16
iconmefistoTake0n: to see the grub menu, hold down left shift key before booting, until it appears12:16
matecyofel, yes thank you12:16
Take0nso I press e, remove quiet splash and press ctrl+x to boot then what?12:17
petermaplehi! anyone has a update for compiz of 0.8.4-ubuntu15? i update it but can never see my window border again~how is it going?12:17
iconmefistoTake0n: or you could edit the grub menu so it always boots without splash12:17
sinistradonly once have I seen the mouse cursor, and it was an xwindow cursor12:17
Take0niconmefisto, if it boots without splash how would it look like when login window appears?12:18
Take0nI mean will it still be as it is now? username, photo pass etc12:18
iconmefistoTake0n: no idea how gnome login looks, but in kde the login screen would appear as normal12:18
alvinBooting without splash is nice, but be warned that you will NOT see mountall errors12:19
sinistradTake0n, I believe removing splash will only get rid of the ubuntu logo with the status lights before you reach the login screen12:19
Take0naah could you please tell me how to edit the file right now so it will always boot without splash?12:20
Take0nand thanks for your time btw =)12:20
iconmefistoTake0n: edit /etc/default/grub12:20
iconmefistoTake0n: remove "quiet splash" from the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT= line12:21
iconmefistoTake0n: after editing, do sudo update-grub12:21
Take0nGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"12:21
Take0nshould I comment the whole line or just remove "quiet splash" ?12:22
Take0nor just leave it "" ?12:22
ccmonsterhey guys, when is the release candidate due today?12:22
iconmefistoTake0n: just remove it. leaving the quotes shouldn't be a problem. either way12:22
iconmefistoTake0n: commenting that line might work too, but I'm not sure12:23
Take0nI left empty quotes12:23
Take0nthank you! I will try it soon and hopefully it will work!12:23
iconmefistoTake0n: don't forget sudo update-grub after the edits12:24
Take0noh thank you!12:24
alvinAnd press 'M' if your boot is stuck and you don't know what happened. With any luck, you'll get a recovery shell.12:25
ccmonsterhey guys, if on boot, all i get is a blinking cursor, what are some options?12:26
alvinFor all people who want to know what is going on at boot: vote for this bug 32888112:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328881 in upstart "init: support logging of job output" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32888112:27
alvinIt's currently marked invalid, but I wouldn't know where else to ask for content in /var/log/boot12:28
yofelyou get boot logging if you add --verbose or --debug to the kernel line I think, upstart catches those options12:30
yofelalvin: and that bug is not invalid, only the ubuntu bug task is invalid,  the official taks is accepted/whishlist12:30
topyliprinting to my smb printer, i get about 1 page per minute. this is not very fast. is it a known bug or am i just unlucky?12:31
alvinAh, good that it's not invalid. Does changing the kernel line put the output in /var/log/boot ? The official method is /etc/default/bootlogd, but that isn't working (and potentially destructive)12:31
petermaplecan anyone help me with my question? compiz 0.8.4-ubuntu15 can't working properly~12:32
ccmonsterno one?12:32
ccmonsterI can't even get a boot :|12:32
ccmonsterI did a update yesterday, and on reboot, poof. Blinking cursor, no grub screen, nothing.12:32
yofelnot sure, we have a /var/log/boot.log, but I don't know what exactly gets there12:32
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alvinccmonster: Have you tried Alt+F7 during boot?12:35
alvinand can you tell us a bit more about your setup? disks, volumes, RAID,...12:35
ccmonsterI have not tried F712:36
ccmonster2 partitions. Main, and I mounted a seperate one to /home/oldstuff12:36
alvinWait? what? Only 2 partitions should be / and swap.12:37
ccmonsterWell, of course.12:37
alvinon 1 disk?12:37
ccmonsterLet me rephrase. swap , / , and a seperate partition mounted into /home/oldstuff/12:38
ccmonster1 disk12:38
alvinWhat filesystems? ext3/4?12:38
alvinThat setup doesn't look very troublesome to me. Can you boot with a livecd?12:39
ccmonsterhaven't tried yet12:39
ccmonsterI am at home, and its an extra work machine12:39
ccmonsterwas trying to get a lead/diagnosis so I knew what to do on that machine since I wont have a working computer for a little bit12:40
ccmonsterI am sure a live cd will boot just fine12:40
alvinWell, it's a beta OS. I have no better answer yet. There are still a lot of issues.12:41
ccmonsterIt is RC day however :|12:42
alvinGood news: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/ReleaseNotes There will be output in /var/log/boot !12:50
farukhi eveyone12:55
sinistradMy mouse cursor is invisible on the login screen12:55
farukwhere is rc?12:55
farukwill it release today?12:55
farukor are there any change log about rc?12:56
sinistradfaruk, there has been talk in here that it will12:56
faruksinistrad: i'm new12:56
thuxhi, is every boot fsck bug or a feature in lucid? all my three netbooks do fsck in every boot12:56
farukhow can i find change log about 10.04 rc?12:57
sinistradnot sure.  I'd have to google it if I wanted to know12:57
Picifaruk: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/ReleaseNotes12:58
sinistradthux, I'm not sure if that is some sort of feature with netbooks or not. Many have SSD drives, but I'm not sure of the checking routine on those12:59
thuxok thanks13:00
sinistradhang out for a bit and ask again, someone might know13:00
thuxok sure thanks13:01
farukPici: there is no change logs, i want a list like this one http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/beta213:01
iconmefistothux: fsck running on boot and never completing?13:01
sinistradI mean, I've been here a few weeks asking about my mouse, but I haven't found anyone answering on that one yet. It isn't a big deal tho.13:01
farukbut there is no yet :)13:01
ccmonstersomeone told me to try ALT-F7 on boot for my hanging system? what's the going to do?13:01
thuxiconmefisto: yes13:02
Picifaruk: Then wait for the RC notes to come out.13:02
iconmefistothux: I did see a bug with that symtom. I'll see if I can find it13:02
ccmonsterand RC is still scheduled to release today?13:03
iconmefistoBug #55407913:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 554079 in mountall "Lucid boot failed to complete after fsck (dup-of: 554737)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55407913:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 554737 in plymouth "ply_boot_client_flush() does not read replies (plymouth stuck during/after filesystem check or error)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55473713:03
thuxah ok13:04
Piciccmonster: yes13:04
bazhangccmonster, later today yes13:04
iconmefistothux: says fix released13:04
ccmonsterwhat does ALT+F7 do on boot? someone said that is something to try on my hanging system?13:04
thuxok I try to upgrade13:04
ccmonsterits lucid, and after a sudo apt-get upgrade, it asked to reboot. And bam. hangs. Wont boot. just blinking cursor.13:05
tottto-drummondhello, is the RC out yet ?13:05
tottto-drummondany idea on when it ll be avbl ?13:06
PiciWhen its done.13:06
tottto-drummondis it still supposed to be out today ?13:07
bazhangtottto-drummond, yes13:07
yofelccmonster: alt+f7 or usually ctrl+alt+f7 switches to tty7 where you X session should usually be (trying tty8 is a good idea too). Helps if you land in the wrong tty after boot13:07
iconmefistoccmonster: they were probably thinking X may be running, but for some reason display had switched to a virtual terminal. alt-F7 would switch back to the X display13:07
tottto-drummondok thanks13:07
PiciThe topic here will be updated when the RC is out.13:08
ccmonsterok. Yea. im not even into the OS yet.13:08
ccmonsterterminal or x or otherwise. Just blinking cursor and hangs13:08
sinistradsounds like the topic needs to be changed so people coming in here won't have to ask if/when RC will be out13:08
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ccmonsterI know its needy sounding, but is the RC expected in like, 2hrs, 10hrs or like 11pm EST?13:09
Traveler9Im having a problem with 10.04b2... im trying to install x64 1004b2 and all iget on my aptop is keyboard = man in circle13:09
yofelsinistrad: it will be changed once the RC is out, not before13:09
yofelccmonster: there is no defined time, it's not even 22nd UTC, could be 22nd in some US timezone13:10
ccmonsterwhat is the UTC time btw?13:10
ubottuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: April 22 2010, 12:10:5613:10
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yofelccmonster: use 'date -u' if you want to check it yourself13:11
Traveler9should i wait for rc? i have never had issues installing x64 ubuntu on this notebook13:11
ccmonstermy system is crashed :|13:11
sinistradyofel well, I mean you might want to put in that it is NOT out, otherwise you're going to get every other person in here asking about it.13:11
yofelsinistrad: the topic says beta2 is out, which means the rc isn't out yet13:11
ccmonsteryes. You should still probably say, RC NOT out. Try Beta 2 or something.13:12
sinistradyofel, I understand, but I'm not the one that will be explaining all day about it - hehe13:12
yofelsinistrad: well yes, if you want go to #ubuntu-ops and propose the change to the operators, be prepared to be rejected though13:13
Traveler9anyone know what the keyboard symbol = man in bubble means?13:13
yofelccmonster, sinistrad: also, if you don't want to wait get a daily image, the images haven't changed since the 19th and I doubt the rc images will be different13:14
Traveler9ooh is it saying that my keyboard skills are jedi?13:14
Traveler9looks like a jedi with a force shield13:14
sinistradyofel, I'm not actually worried about the RC.  I was only mentioning to help you fine folks out13:15
Picisinistrad: Thanks for the suggestion, but I think we're okay right now :)13:15
remuI've been out of the Ubuntu loop for a while, so I was wondering if there is a particular time of day that new releases are put out.13:15
bazhangremu, no13:15
remubazhang: thanks13:15
Traveler9anyone know what keyboard i= man in bubble means?13:18
PiciTraveler9: Maybe if you take a screenshot of it we will know what you're talking about, because I have no idea what you are describing.13:19
Traveler9cant i get it on boot crom cd to install13:19
Traveler9its a black screen with a keyboard logo = man in bubble13:19
Traveler9at the bottom13:19
HagenaarsDotNuTraveler9: this 'man in bubble' thing is strange, if you could take a picture (as screenshots are presumably not available) and post a link, that would help13:21
jumbersI'm guessing the RC hasn't been posted yet?13:21
Traveler9ok im fixing to upload picture13:22
sinistradI think Traveler9 is referring to the login screen, where you have a few options at the lower right-hand corner.  That is how I see it on gnome13:22
bazhangjumbers, topic will change when it is13:22
Traveler9no it hasnt jumbers... it can be any time today13:22
tsimpsonyou can tell when it's released, the download page will be updated13:22
PiciAnd the topic here13:23
HagenaarsDotNuTraveler9: you're seeing the 'assistive technologies' logo13:23
HagenaarsDotNuTraveler9: it can help you log in with an onscreen keyboard etc if you can click on it.13:25
Traveler9it just stops at a black screen with that logo at the bottom13:25
HagenaarsDotNucan you see a mouse cursor?13:25
sinistradlol - I can't13:26
Traveler9i have ubuntu 9.10 and netbook remix on this notebook, and had no problems installing.... and there is no mouse cursor13:26
defsworkcompiz doesnt start when I log in - if I go into appearance/visual effects and choose normal it starts ok and I get window decoration back13:26
HagenaarsDotNuTraveler9: what happens if you press ctrl+alt+f1?13:26
sinistraddefswork, I had to reinstall compiz13:27
HagenaarsDotNuTraveler9: you should get a prompt13:27
defsworkremove and reinstall or force reinstall ?13:27
sinistradaptitude reinstall13:27
Traveler9no prompt13:27
Milos_SDI can't play any video with Totem, and non of gstreamer apps works. It try to find plugins,  but doesn't find any. I have all gstreamer packages installed :S13:27
sinistraddefswork, metacity probably isn't running either13:28
HagenaarsDotNuTraveler9: so the screen stays the same? Do you have a usb keyboard laying around?13:28
HagenaarsDotNuand a usb mouse13:28
defsworksinistrad, reinstall didnt fix it :|13:28
sinistraddefswork, are you able to start metacity?13:29
judgenI am looking for a gtk rhythmbox replacement that has sorting by file hierarcy, preferably with a treeview.13:29
judgenI am tired of using foobar2000 through wine.13:29
Traveler9nm i pressed ctl and the install screen comes up13:29
remujudgen: I *think* exaile does that. You might want to look at that.13:29
defsworkbefore or after starting compiz ?13:30
defsworkmetacity starts ok from cmd line13:30
judgenremu, thanks i will.13:30
defsworkand I get decoration13:30
sinistradeither.  I'm thinking once compiz is reinstalled, and the gui is restarted, it should load metacity itself13:30
defsworkshouldnt compiz replace metacity though ?13:31
HagenaarsDotNuTraveler9: so you're ok now?13:31
Traveler9but now it wont do anything when i make a selection on the install splash screen13:31
sinistraddefswork, not sure.  I'm just giving you the hints that were handed down to me to get it working13:31
Milos_SDI can't play any video with Totem, and non of gstreamer apps works. It try to find plugins,  but doesn't find any. I have all gstreamer packages installed. What can be the problem?13:31
HagenaarsDotNuTraveler9: it takes some time after you select your install method13:31
defsworksinistrad, yeah compiz kills metacity  - they are both window managers13:32
defsworkboth run ok though - just not at log in13:32
sinistraddefswork, ok, have you restarted gdm?13:32
Traveler9i may just wait for rc13:32
defsworkI just logged out and back in - let me try that13:32
HagenaarsDotNuTraveler9: you're trying a beta2 cd? that shouldn't differ much from rc13:33
alvinOr use a daily (zsync should get you there fast)13:33
defsworksinistrad, still not runnign13:33
sinistraddefswork, you can also check in .xsession-errors to see if something gives a clue13:33
sinistraddefswork, that will be in your home dir13:34
defsworkyeah - there are13:34
defsworkunable to execute compiz.real13:34
defsworkas it's now called compiz13:34
defsworkI guess13:34
fabio333compiz is a script around compiz.real13:35
yofelfabio333: not anymore, the script is gone and compiz.real is now compiz13:35
sinistraddefswork, hopefully someone knows how to get that started.13:35
fabio333<yofel>: right13:35
defsworkfabio333, on my machine /usr/bin/compiz is a 255kb binary13:36
defsworkand compiz-decorator looks like a script13:36
Traveler9cd shows activity but still nothing13:36
defsworkI have no compiz-real13:36
yofeldefswork: what happens if you run compiz --replace13:37
judgenremu, not exactly what i wanted but the looks is awsome and its good enough.13:37
defsworkyofel, it works13:37
allu2Hello, i upgraded to lucid beta2 and now my Omnibook XE3-GF doesn't work, get's stck after grub putting background light on and off every 2 sec no change if i wait even 10mins, if i press ctrl+alt+F* screen background light turn on and stays empty :S13:37
defsworkmetacity isnt running either so there is no replace actually done13:38
defsworkbut --replace still works obviously13:38
fabio333gconf-editor --> desktop->gnome->session->required_components13:38
fabio333see later13:39
defsworkrequired compnents has compiz for windowmanager13:42
judgenremu: Do you know if its possible to have exaile in an systray icon?13:43
sinistraddefswork, same as mine13:44
bazhangjudgen, with alltray?13:45
bazhang!info alltray13:45
ubottualltray (source: alltray): Dock any program into the system tray. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.69-1ubuntu4 (lucid), package size 58 kB, installed size 256 kB13:45
judgengot it installed now.13:46
topylisystem tray eh13:47
kevinahello all - is it just me, or have there been no updates for the last 24 hours or so.. nothing appearing in update manager13:48
topylikevina, nope, no updates13:48
kevinaok, well that's alright then.. ;-)13:49
HagenaarsDotNukevina: today is RC-day, which usually doesn't see many updates13:50
remujudgen: I believe it has a tray icon....but can you minimize it to the tray, I don't know13:52
kevinaI had a feeling it might be to do with RC - thanks for the info.. Shaping up to be a really solid release so big thanks to the devs13:52
sinistradunreal the amount of updates that come through the repos daily13:53
remusinistrad: even more on a rolling release13:53
sinistradremu, Yep, I've been using ubuntu for a few years now. I'm used to it13:54
remusinistrad: I meant ArchLinux13:54
sinistradremu, ahh, I was on gentoo before.  Never used Arch13:54
sinistradI just wanted to give credit to the devs that put out a huge amount of work13:55
remuI used to use Ubuntu myself, then tried Arch and haven't been willing to give it up now. Though I still run Ubuntu on the family computer, just not on my laptop.13:55
remusinistrad: oh most definitely, we'd be no where without the devs13:55
kevinai don't find the ubuntu updates to interfere with day-to-day operation, unlike windows...13:55
remukevina: or like the mac updates either. I don't want to have to restart after every upgrade! haha13:56
sinistradkevina, *shudders* at windows "we installed a new font, you need to reboot" Anyhow, this is off-topic so I'll stop it13:57
Dimmuxxyeah osx updates are really annoying, almost everything requires a reboot13:57
kevinaremu: exactly! every so often i am forced to boot Vista, and every time, it's update hell, with reboots required, machine slow downs, etc.. Oh, and the antivirus has to update itself.......and on and on...13:57
remuDimmuxx: tell me about it. That's why the mac screen on my desk here at work has been off for over a month. I'd rather just do my work on the linux box uninterupted13:58
kevinadidn't realise osx updates were such a pain, but i've only used a mac very occasionally... whatever, linux is a dream - you can just get on with your work...13:59
defsworklinking /usr/bin/compiz to compiz.real works - but something somewhere is wrongly thinking compiz is started by running compiz.real14:00
Dimmuxxone thing is nice with osx updates though, those that require a restart are marked as such14:00
Dimmuxxtoo bad it's most of them ;)14:00
remuhaha true14:01
remuI never use iLife, but updating it still requires a reboot, pfft!14:01
iconmefistogetting way off-topic14:02
patdk-wkiconmefisto, no topic better than offtopic :)14:03
defsworkhmm ok it's a problem with saved-session14:04
defsworkhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-session/+bug/498203  I edited my saved-session and got rid of .real14:04
SandGorgonanybody using kubuntu, are you guys having suspend/resume problems as well ?14:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 498203 in gnome-session "Session starts without any window manager , if saved session is broken" [Low,Triaged]14:04
callaghaniconmefisto: apparently many are waiting for a "rc is out" notification14:04
iconmefistoSandGorgon: I am, but I don't think it's kubuntu/kde at fault. this laptop just doesn't like resuming with linux14:06
yofelI have suspend issues in the meaning that pressing 'sleep' in the menu does nothing, 'sudo pm-suspend' works fine though14:07
yofelwith KDE14:08
SandGorgoniconmefisto, it used to work fine in 9.1014:08
SandGorgonyofel, that is something I'm gonna try. thanks!14:08
SandGorgonmy problem is that it suspends, but when it resumes I just get a black screen14:09
yofelit worked a few days ago, but yesterday I got a bunch of dbus errors, rebooted and since then it doesn't work anymore14:09
iconmefistoSandGorgon: that's what I get, but it was the same in karmic14:09
Nom-Hi all... i've got a script which creates a custom Ubuntu ISO... it's been used for Hardy, Gutsy, Edgy and some other distros, but i'm having trouble getting it going for Lucid.  The installer has dependency errors when configuring the system.  I was wondering if there's some better tools for building a custom ISO, or should I just wait for release and that should be sorted?14:10
SandGorgoniconmefisto, hmm.. i did switch to Gnome for a long time. so its a KDE issue..14:10
jadams_this morning I did an upgrade/reboot, and my nvidia driver no longer works.  I've tried installing every possible version, every one fails to initialize.  I don't have the nvidia0 device it's supposed to create14:11
sinistradyofel, SandGorgon, iconmefisto, my laptop does the same thing. Lots of errors about device changes when coming back from closing the lid on the laptop14:11
jadams_I'm installing the driver from the nvidia website in an effort to get it working again, which I absolutely abhor doing :(14:11
SandGorgonsinistrad, is there a bug in KDE for this ? this is making my laptop very unusable.. I mean I do have to work14:12
sinistradjadams_, I've been pretty successful with the nvidia reference drivers that build off your kernel, but when you update the kernel it breaks and you have to run it again14:12
joaopintoNom-, don't expect the release to fix something which no longer works related to a random script :)14:12
Nom-joaopinto: The issue doesn't appear to be the script itself... it seems the packages are being updated and dependencies14:13
yofeljadams_: and which will put your system into a state which we don't support, do you get an error if you run 'sudo modprobe nvidia'?14:13
Nom-Yesterday a different set of dependencies were broken to today14:13
joaopintoNom-, try to reproduce it manually, if you can, file a bug report14:13
Nom-The script works by pulling down the latest versions of packages and building the ISO from that14:13
sinistradSandGorgon, I actually have no idea.  I have no machines running KDE. Gnome is doing it for me, but I think there's a problem that goes deeper than just a desktop not coming back up14:13
joaopintobut it may be related to the inclusion of packages which are no longer provided14:13
joaopintoNom-, also take a look at "apt-cache search livecd"14:14
jadams_sinistrad, yofel - I hate using nvidia drivers for those reasons.  I get "FATAL: Module nvidia not found." now14:14
thiebaudeKen8521, i still got the same problem14:14
jadams_that's with nvidia-173 installed14:14
Nom-It's not desktop we customize.. it's alternate14:14
Nom-Basically we use the fai-client/fai-server tools to make a fully automated install CD14:15
SandGorgonsinistrad, right... you could file a bug with whatever info you have. Atleast I would contribute to the bug for my suspend/resume issues14:15
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sinistradSandGorgon, I believe it has more to do with re-establishing the "connection" to the hard drive, because most of mine show SATA errors14:15
yofeljadams_: ok... do you have a module named something like 'nvidia-173.ko' in /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/updates/dkms/ ?14:16
joaopintoNom-, ok :|14:16
sinistradjadams_, I think you should be able to find release 195 from nvidia's website14:16
yofelsinistrad: 195 is in the repository14:16
sinistradyofel, jadams_ Nice!14:17
Nom-at a very basic level, the goal of the script is to include a preseed file and some custom packages which make it easy to do an install without sitting in front of the machine at all14:17
yofel!info nvidia-current | sinistrad14:17
iconmefistoSandGorgon: just wondering, why is suspend so important? why not just shutdown?14:17
ubottusinistrad: nvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 195.36.15-0ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 22737 kB, installed size 70812 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)14:17
gartralhey all. gdm is borked and is failing on load. ive spent a week tracing logs but everything crashes at X and gdm, kdm however. is valiently stable, and gnome loads fine after the system has been started with kdm. the real question is, how do i  make kdm the default greeting manager?14:17
jadams_yofel, I do have that module14:18
yofelgartral: try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm' and select kdm14:18
sinistradthanks yofel. I'm not needing it now, but good to know when kernel update breaks the nvidia reference drivers.14:18
yofeljadams_: hm, what happens when you run 'sudo insmod /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/updates/dkms/nvidia-173.ko' ?14:18
gartralgnome just died hard14:19
yofelgartral: what graphics driver?14:19
jadams_yofel: I already tried modprobe nvidia-173 which seemed to succeed, so it says file exists....but I have no /dev/nvid*14:19
mandrewhow do i set up a VPN service in ubuntu 10.04?14:19
SandGorgoniconmefisto, without ranting.. it is highly, highly convenient14:19
gartralyofel nvidia-restricted from ubuntu hardware driver manager14:20
SandGorgoniconmefisto, especially if you are writing code.. I mean even my DB comes up in the exact same state and all. I just suspend at work and come home and resume14:20
yofelah, hm...14:20
Arabushey, I am currently trying to install lucidy server on a dell poweredge r510 with a PERC 6/i raid controller. Sadly though the installer does not recognize the logical nor the physical hard drives during the installation process leaving me with no hard drives to install the OS on. Anyone heard of that or nkow a fix?14:20
iconmefistoSandGorgon: ok, I see. I've never really wanted to suspend, so haven't really looked into what's not working14:21
yofeljadams_: hm, I have the file here but I didn't reboot for a while and can't do so atm14:21
jadams_iconmefisto, suspend, on a laptop, is ~vital14:21
sinistradAnyone have any idea why my mouse won't show up at the login screen where I (would normally) click on the user to log in with?14:21
jadams_yofel, yeah, I've run lucid on this machine for quite a while with no problems, and others at my office run lucid with no problems14:21
jadams_i did a dist-upgrade and an upgrade, though, and since then it's been broken (this AM)14:21
iconmefistojadams_: I have a laptop that won't do it. I just don't see the big deal14:21
SandGorgoniconmefisto, in Jaunty, I believe I once went 4 months without a reboot14:22
jadams_iconmefisto, if you'd used suspend you'd see the big deal :)14:22
gartralarabus you might be stuck looking for linux-drivers from PERC and using the alt install cd for installing them14:23
iconmefistoI'm inspired to get suspend working now :)14:23
yofelsuspend is vital on my EeePC, waking up with password takes ~10sec, booting and starting all apps that I need 2-3min14:23
gartralyofel why? what could i do to fix this?14:23
gintonicDoes anyone have some anecdotes about jigdo vs zsync when downloading Ubuntu alpha->beta->RC->Release and so on. Which is more efficient?14:23
Arabusgartral: hmm ... sounds like... seems like a lot of people had one or two problems with perc :-/14:23
mandrewhow do i set up a VPN service in ubuntu 9.10?14:24
yofelgartral: no idea, KDE is stable here, don't know how to debug gnome, maybe check /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old if something happened to X14:24
gartralmaNdrew ask in #ubuntu14:24
eaxHi there - I have a problem with my Nvidia FX5600 -  I cannot chose other resolutions than 320x240 and 640x480. What can I do to run the correct resolution? Using the nvidia controlpanel this is.14:24
gartralyofel. empty, tried that. ststem iis thourly dead before x can spit a log14:25
SandGorgonmandrew, if ur using gnome then u need to install network-manager-openvpn-gnome14:26
gintonicRC is out?14:26
mandrew@gartral if one asks anything about techie stuff in ubuntu channel you get a smart arse saying that one are soused to ask it here14:26
mandrewsandgordon were do a newbie find that?14:27
yofelmandrew: might be, but we don't support karmic here14:28
sinistradmandrew, they sent you in here because you asked how to set it up in 10.04, which is what this channel is for.14:28
mandrewyea and i did ask about 10.04 earlier but no one answered so i tried with 910 instead14:29
mandrewso im using 10.0414:29
judgeneax: Have you a dpms capable screen?14:30
eaxjudgen: dpms? I have no idea, it's an old CRT14:30
judgeneax: aah, then no. Good thing. Can you set it in nvidia-settings?14:31
eaxjudgen: That's where the problem is :( nvidia-settings only allow me to set it to 320x240 or 640x480 :/14:31
judgeneax: Tried the noveau driver?14:32
eaxjudgen: Noveau?14:32
judgeneax: the new opensource nvidia driver.14:32
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | The ATI and nVidia binary drivers may not be currently installable at the moment14:32
tottto-drummondRC still not out14:32
judgenthiebaude: he is allready using the binary blog.14:33
mandrewso no help then14:33
eaxjudgen: Okay thanks :) Trying it14:33
thiebaudehow old is the crt?14:33
DASPRiDdoes anyone know if https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/542210 will be fixed anytime soon?14:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 542210 in debian-installer "/boot destroyed during install even when formatting disabled (alternate installer)" [Undecided,New]14:34
eaxthiebaude: No idea :P a couple of years I guess14:34
DASPRiDnot being able to install with raid1 is bad14:34
eaxjudgen: I cannot seem to find it in the Nvidia section14:35
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1214:35
judgeneax: i think its included by default nowdays.. you just have to select that driver instead of the binary one from nvidia.14:36
thiebaudei remember someone was saying add resolutions in xrandr14:36
eaxjudgen: In Hardware drivers? There's only 173 and 96 :S14:37
eaxthiebaude: Trying thanks :)14:38
eaxDidn't work though :/14:39
thiebaudewonder if your crt has a limited on the resoltutions it can displat14:40
ibkanatnumpaddoesnt work for me anymore am I going to need to do a total reinstall next week?14:41
eaxthiebaude: Don't think so. I have made it work with 1280x1024 before14:41
thiebaudeahh ok14:41
thiebaudejust wondering14:41
gintonicWow, I just got RC. It was identical to daily from 20th14:41
allu2i have upgraded to lucid and it doesn't boot, screen background color goes on and off in 2sec sections14:42
allu2going to text based only turns background light on but shows nothing14:42
* thiebaude wow ubuntu studio use alot of memory,lol14:43
QueenZWhen should Ubuntu 10.04 RC be out?14:43
gintonicQueenZ: Out now14:43
HagenaarsDotNuQueenZ: somewhere today14:43
allu2HW info: Omnibook XE3-GF , pentium 3 1,06Ghz, RAM 500mb14:43
QueenZsounds good14:44
allu2worked enought well with Karmic14:44
=== Votan is now known as Votan|off
s0u][ighthi guys14:46
s0u][ightthe release date for rc is today14:46
s0u][ightbut still no release14:46
rohans0u][ight: "today" is relative, depending on your time zone14:47
rohanthere are places where it is not even thursday yet :)14:47
callaghans0u][ight: right, but "today" isn't over yet ;)14:47
thiebaudeand places where it is friday,lol14:47
rohanthiebaude: huh? you sure?14:47
thiebaudeyes in australia and such14:48
s0u][ightwell, my laptop hasn't run linux for a long, very long time (i think it is sick using windows and mac os)14:48
HagenaarsDotNurohan: yes, though barely past 0:00 ;)14:48
rohanah ok14:48
s0u][ightguys is it ok that i mention that i think i got a rc link?14:52
callaghans0u][ight: where is it *hooray* :)14:53
rohans0u][ight: i guess14:53
shadeslayerhey are the notifications supposed to be about 5cm down the shut down button in gnome?14:53
rohanshadeslayer: yes14:53
shadeslayeror should they stacked up14:53
shadeslayerrohan: hmmm14:53
thiebaudewhere where,lol14:53
s0u][ighthttp://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/ <= the link to the download (32 or 64 bit) says its rc14:53
shadeslayerrohan: cant i push them up?14:53
rohansince the notifications in ubuntu have no interaction at all, no, you can't14:53
shadeslayerbtw i got my gnome menu to display just gnome apps :P14:54
thiebaudei need to get off this ubutu studio14:54
rohans0u][ight: awesome thanks, works for kubuntu too14:54
callaghans0u][ight: you are right, thanks!14:54
s0u][ight:) hope i didn't do anything bad14:54
thiebaudes0u][ight, thanks14:54
thiebaudefor the link14:54
Dimmuxxgreat, time to switch to 64bit then :)14:54
rohanonly thing is, if the mirrors are not completely synced, we may get corrupted/partial CD images14:54
s0u][ighti'm going to try the 64 bit version, to any op around, sorry if i did something that isn't allowed14:55
s0u][ighti know ubuntu is strict in release moments14:55
HagenaarsDotNuso0u][ight: there goes server bandwidth for the mirroring ;)14:55
rohanand that too, yes14:56
rohani really wish they had delta-iso from Beta2 -> RC!14:56
gintoniczsync from beta2 was fairly painless. 74% complete14:56
gunsofbrixtonhi, can someone tell me or point me to a link to whether the xetex package in lucid has been updated?14:56
s0u][ightjust started my download :)14:56
gintonicrohan: Use zsync14:56
thiebaudeim about to soon14:56
rohangunsofbrixton: packages.ubuntu.com/xetex14:56
rohangintonic: you sure it works?14:56
gintonicrohan: It works GREAT!14:57
thiebaudegot to blank a cd first14:57
rohangintonic: and to save me the googling, can you please tell me how?14:57
Nom-ooo nice14:57
gintonicrohan: Sure...14:57
* Nom- proceesds to kick off a mirror update14:57
Dimmuxx63caa19670e629503bf0a8415844e662 is the checksum I've got on the amd64 iso14:57
s0u][ightDimmuxx, wait till i finish download i'll check it14:57
rohanDimmuxx: well, just verify with - http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/MD5SUMS14:57
gunsofbrixtonrohan: so that basically means it has not been updated, is that right?14:58
Dimmuxxlooks correct then14:58
rohangunsofbrixton: the version you see on the link i gave you is the latest14:58
gintonicThis is the command I used to zsync server "zsync -i ubuntu-10.04-beta2-server-amd64.iso http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/ubuntu-10.04-rc-server-amd64.iso.zsync"14:58
s0u][ight10% ^^14:58
rohangintonic: thanks a lot14:59
gunsofbrixtonrohan: ah sorry got it, thanks14:59
gintoniczsync takes multiple -i if you like. List as many images as possible. You never know which ones share data.14:59
s0u][ightthere was this trick i always used, change a download link with the one expected to be, works from time to time :D14:59
gintonicAlso zsync does hash check at the end.15:00
rohanthanks, gintonic , i'll try it right now15:01
callaghanuh oh... "Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at releases.ubuntu.com."15:01
eaxHi there - I have a problem with my Nvidia FX5600 -  I cannot chose other resolutions than 320x240 and 640x480. What can I do to run the correct resolution? Using the nvidia controlpanel this is.15:01
tjzcan i see what kind of new features for the upcoming 10.04?15:02
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule15:02
charlie-tcatjz: when the release notes come out,15:02
thiebaudehi charlie-tca :)15:02
charlie-tcaHello, thiebaude15:02
Nom-interesting... the RC appears to have been out for at least several hours15:03
s0u][ightcaio guys15:03
Nom-At least the ISO is... it's already been pushed to my mirror15:03
Nom-or pulled i should say15:03
yannick_dHi, cannot find the edubuntu rc for 386. Where is it?15:03
thiebaudei should of choose quick blanking,lol15:03
rohangintonic: how much lesser do you need to download, thanks to zsync?15:04
Nom-i spoke too soon.. my mirror is pulling them down right now :)15:04
yannick_dhaaaa, it just appers...15:05
gintonicrohan: Just now I synced a daily from last week and the bandwidth saving was 100.0%. desktop amd64 was 74% complete from beta215:05
squiggieGood morning. I was wondering if someone could help me out with a little samba issue. I've go samba up and running and I can see the shares but when I try to copy files to the shares, it tells me the drive is full and I need to clear spacce. However, the drive isn't full. I've checked with df and it isn't. The drive is a NTFS volume external usb drive. I had this drive working with Jaunty but now when I upgraded to Lucid, I ge15:06
rohanwow it seems to be going really fast for me here too15:06
gintonicrohan: Actually it might have been 74% from desktopbeta2+alternativerc. My point is, it's often a lot. But don't be disappointed if it's only 15%15:07
rohanof course.. well, thanks a lot gintonic !15:07
rohani assume i can use the same method to update from RC to final?15:07
rohanfor me, target was 35% complete15:07
thiebaude12 minutes left on my download:P15:08
rohanbtw, the ETA is shown in minutes?15:08
gintonicrohan: Of course. The savings from rc to release are often the best15:08
shadeslayerhey how do i configure apt to use a proxy?15:09
DASPRiDhm, is Philip Muškovac here?15:09
patdk-wkshadeslayer, /etc/apt/apt.conf15:09
patdk-wkACQUIRE {15:09
patdk-wk  http::proxy ""15:09
shadeslayerpatdk-wk: can you put that in a pastebin?15:10
rohangintonic: also, any way to pause and then resume the process?15:10
patdk-wkI could, but no point now15:10
shadeslayerpatdk-wk: :P15:10
rohangintonic: ah ok, the man page answered all my questions :)15:11
gintonicrohan: zsync creates a .part file. If you restart without the -i it will automatically scan it's own partial file and resume15:11
gintonicrohan: zsync is really really cool15:11
rohandamn wish i knew about it.. i already deleted my earlier ISOs :(15:11
callaghansince many of us are downloading the rc right now, someone could update the topic....15:11
* Nom- builds a new ISO, hoping it will work being the repo is so close to RC15:11
karpuscallaghan: is the rc released?15:11
shadeslayercallaghan: its not officially released15:11
rohancallaghan: no, it's not officially out yet15:11
HagenaarsDotNucallaghen: it's not out yet, the mirroring is still ongoing15:12
callaghanah, ok15:12
Nom-ftp.iinet.net.au is updating the repo and iso right now ^_^15:12
squiggieanyone have any suggestions for my samba issue or how to troubleshoot?15:12
Nom-feel free to rape and pillage15:12
HagenaarsDotNuNom-: Got some bandwidth to spare ;)15:13
Nom-HagenaarsDotNu: Only about 2Gbps or so15:14
elkyNom-, I'd kind of prefer if you didn't invite people to "rape".15:14
Nom-Fair enough15:14
Dimmuxxiso is booted so time to install :)15:15
Nom-I was referring to the mirror though15:15
shadeslayerhow do i get evolution to download all my mail onto my HD and NOT delete it from gmail as well?15:16
karpusI haven't tried any RC's, are they usually semi-stable?15:16
shadeslayerkarpus: they are quite stable :)15:16
karpusshadeslayer: ok cool, I have a laptop running 9.04 at the moment, so I was thinking of format/install 10.04 RC just for kicks15:17
karpushopefully I will notice a lot of improvements ^^15:17
shadeslayerkarpus: oh youll surely get one :P15:17
HagenaarsDotNukarpus: update-manager -d does the same15:17
HagenaarsDotNuno need for reformatting15:17
eaxHi there - I have a problem with my Nvidia FX5600 -  I cannot chose other resolutions than 320x240 and 640x480. What can I do to run the correct resolution? Using the nvidia controlpanel this is..15:18
joaopintonot quite the same, but close :)15:18
shadeslayer!res | eax15:18
ubottueax: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution15:18
karpusHagenaarsDotNu: yes I've read that, but I also read about people getting problems when updating, and I don't mind formatting since I currently does not have that many files on the computer15:18
eaxshadeslayer: Thanks trying15:19
shadeslayereax: np15:19
HagenaarsDotNukarpus: well, the update method worked fine for me, I've got a laptop which started out with 6.x and is now happily purring along in 10.04 style, though crunching is a better description15:20
* thiebaude burning as we speak,lol15:21
karpusHagenaarsDotNu: that's quite a lot of upgrades hehe, well I'll still format (old windows habit maybe?) and start upgrading 10.04 -> 10.10 and forward15:22
arandHeh, current RC is same as daily from 19th.15:23
Nom-arand: Given the file ctime is the 19th, that's not surprising :)15:23
arandNom-: Yea, matches down to sha1sum.15:24
thiebaudearand, i want my money back,lol15:25
Urdaso is the RC live?15:25
arandWhich always brings some irony to all the "is it out yet" shouting..15:25
Nom-Urda: The ISO is currently being mirrored15:25
thiebaudeyea i cant wait til the 29th imao15:25
arandUrda: Not oficially released, that will be announced in topic here and on mailing list15:25
UrdaWhen it does... do I just upgrade from Beta 2? This is the first Beta of Ubuntu I have played with15:26
inter4everjust run the updater from ubuntu15:26
Nom-You can just apt-get update && apt-get upgrade15:26
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.15:26
joaopintoUrda, you are already running RC15:26
gintonicI can't wait for RC release notes/known issues to see what bugs I've just installed15:27
Nom-Probably not many :P15:27
Nom-By this stage the show stoppers have been ironed out15:27
h00kNom-: except for the one they're trying to get covered with X and the mem leaks15:28
thiebaudebug 55231615:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 552316 in linux "ubuntu 10.04 will not shutdown" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55231615:28
joaopintoNom-, unfortunately there ate still some show stoppers being ironed out15:28
thiebaudebbl time to install15:28
* arand can't wait for May 6th...15:28
Nom-For desktop, maybe... server seems quite fine15:28
Nom-I've been using it since before beta 215:28
joaopintoserver is less prone to problems, not that many changes15:29
Nom-There may be one or two, but I haven't hit them15:29
BUGabundo_remotearand: why 6?15:29
arandBUGabundo_remote: Toolchain open ;)15:30
BUGabundo_remoteme too15:30
BUGabundo_remotestable sucks15:30
patdk-wkonly issue I have with server is plymouth and the screen blanking after fsck15:31
h00kbug 565981 speccifically15:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565981 in xorg-server "[KMS] gem objects not deallocated" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56598115:31
joaopintopatdk-wk, blanking with a flashing cursor that moves when pressing enter ?15:32
patdk-wkit wipes the whole screen clear15:32
patdk-wkso I can't see what is going on15:32
eaxshadeslayer: I cannot seem to make it work using xrandr :/15:32
patdk-wkand displays a login prompt15:32
shadeslayereax: whats the issue?15:32
eaxshadeslayer: When I add the 1280x1024 mode it doesn't respond to it when I call "xrandr -s 1280x1024"15:33
joaopintopatdk-wk, ah, so it's a different issue, I am familiar with some plymount/mountall related issues15:33
thecookieIs it just me or havent there been any package updates for quite some time?15:33
thecookieDid the repo move or something?15:33
joaopintothecookie, RC freeze15:33
thecookieSucky. The sound doesn't work.15:34
aarHi. Will it be possible to upgrade from 8.04 LTS to 10.04 LTS?15:34
patdk-wkya, plymoth worked fine, I manually removed it, just screen gets wiped still15:34
joaopintoaar, yes15:34
patdk-wkand I can't find what is doing it15:34
arandaar: Yes.15:34
joaopintopatdk-wk, you should not remove plymouth, that is not support and can get you in troubles later15:34
joaopintothe boot process depends on plymouth15:34
thecookieI go through painful days at work without music15:34
aarjoaopinto, cool thanks. Would you recommend an upgrade or a fresh install?15:34
shadeslayereax: you might want to ask the guys in #ubuntu-x15:35
tottto-drummondwhere can I get the RC15:35
arandaar: Once released, it should appear as an option in update manager15:35
eaxshadeslayer: Okay thanks :)15:35
Jeeves_tottto-drummond: releases.ubuntu.com15:35
joaopintoaar, if you can afford, a fresh install, but the upgrades are also expected to be reliable15:35
aararand, great thanks15:35
petur_How can i upgrade my 9.10 to 10.04 RC, using apt ?15:35
patdk-wkjoaopinto, dunno why I would want a pretty splash on my ubuntu server, find it annoying as crap :(15:35
Nom-woot... i think the dependency problems i had are fixed... just got a typo in one of our custom packages now15:35
aarjoaopinto, ok thks15:35
patdk-wkdunno why I would want a video card on my server either but :)15:35
joaopintopatdk-wk, the splash was removed recently, afaik15:35
thecookiehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/558910 - I think I've hit that15:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 558910 in alsa-driver "No sound in Lucid Lynx Beta 2" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:36
joaopintopatdk-wk, but there is still plymouth behind the scene, I think, but text mode15:36
patdk-wkdunno, I just removed all plymouth files from /etc/init and /etc/init.d, it seems good15:36
arandpetur_: "upgrade-manager -d" backup first, expect problems.15:37
mininessiehey has the rc come out yet15:37
joaopintopatdk-wk, that will break the boot if you get a mount issue like a filesystem needing checking15:37
patdk-wkmininessie, kindof :)15:37
mininessiepatdk-wk: what do you kind of15:37
mininessiepatdk-wk: what do you mean kind of15:37
patdk-wkjoaopinto, well, that is super annoying, for fsck to depend on anything like that15:37
joaopintopatdk-wk, is not fsck which depends that, it's mountall which mounts all the FSs on startup15:38
shadeslayerbtw how do i use ubuntu one with nautilus?15:38
joaopintoand which will cal fsck if needed :)15:38
shadeslayerwhere do i put in my credentials? :P15:38
arandmininessie: not oficially no.15:38
IdleOnepetur_: btw I run +1 all the time and every time I need to search for the command lol15:39
alvinand plymouth that shows the (many) errors of mountall15:39
mininessiearand: but it is released through daily builds right?15:39
eaxGahh, 10.04 refuses to boot on me now, I get a message about cryptoswap, I press S for skip and it just stays ath te loading screen15:40
arandmininessie: the daily iso that was made on the 19th is rather likely what is going to be the RC, but I don't know if it's past the point where they could decide that it needs more time...15:40
Dimmuxxtime to switch back to my desktop and it's 64bit goodness15:40
joaopintoeax, file a bug report15:41
eaxjoaopinto: I didn't ruin something somehow? :P15:41
mininessiewell if i upgraded to 10.04 yesterday would it be the daily build of 19th15:41
joaopintoeax, it is likely that you have an entry on /etc/fstab which is causing some mount issue15:41
joaopintoeax, maybe encrypted swap ?15:41
eaxjoaopinto: Can I fix this? - I don't know if I encrypted it /15:42
mininessiewell if i upgraded to 10.04 yesterday would it be the daily build of 19th15:42
arandmininessie: likely yes.15:42
gdzsirc is released today only15:42
mininessiearand: okay15:42
thecookieDo I need to repoint to a new repo for rc?15:42
joaopintoeaxt, bott with the following option, "init=/sbin/sulogin"15:42
mininessiegdzsi: really15:42
joaopintoeax, that needs to be appended to the linux line on the boot options15:43
joaopintoeax, do you know how to use a text editor like nano or vi ?15:43
arandthecookie: No all the same repo.15:43
BBoboHOWTO change to Ubuntu Lucid WITHOUT reinstalling from a Lucid ISO and tweaking everything from scratch all over again.  I am using Linux Mint 8 Helena at the moment on a very new PC -- no sound, VESA only graphics. The reason I need to change to Lucid is to get newer kernel + device drivers.  I've done lots of tweaking etc and I don't have time to start from a fresh install from a Lucid ISO...  Any suggestions pls?15:43
gdzsi@BBobo: use update-manager -d15:43
joaopintoBBobo, upgrading from non Ubuntu is not supported15:43
gartralhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-UChw0VA_A&feature=youtube_gdata well.. so far i have failing gdm. >.>15:43
eaxjoaopinto: Yeah thanks I do :) I just don't know how to get it into the grub menu line.. And now it just succesfully booted15:43
eaxThis is confusing :P15:43
BUGabundo_remoteBBobo: export your package list, save your etc and home?15:44
BUGabundo_remoteor simply try to "upgrade"15:44
joaopintoeax, gor the grub menu, you need to keep pressing SHIFT after booting15:44
BUGabundo_remotebut make a backup15:44
gdzsimint is quite ubuntu though15:44
petur_IdleOne: The -d is dangerous, like your Dick wanting to explore new DD-tits, sometimes it can cause Damage because you'll catch a stD. now don't forget the -d again :D15:44
eaxjoaopinto: Ahh thanks!15:44
joaopintogdzsi, not enough to be "Ubuntu", and to be tested with an official upgrade15:44
BBoboYeah, I know, but I will go as far as unsupported hacks that workaround to move from Mint to Ubuntu.15:44
IdleOnepetur_: language please15:44
petur_IdleOne: :)15:44
IdleOnepetur_: we keep Ubuntu channels family friendly15:44
callaghanpetur_: lol15:45
petur_IdleOne: heh okay ^^15:45
IdleOnepetur_: thank you15:45
gartralwhat. puter has good family advice; )15:45
thecookieIs there anything I could do to get sound working other than waiting for a patch?15:45
joaopintoeax, please pastebin your /etc/fstab15:46
mininessiethecookie: hope and pray15:46
eaxjoaopinto: Right, one moment :)15:46
arandthecookie: search ubuntuforums and launchpad, if it isn't reported, report a bug.15:46
squiggieI've got a ntfs volume mounted and shared via samba. When I connect to it from a windows laptop, it won't let me write anything to it. It tells me the disk is full. However the disk isn't full because I can mv items to it. I've tried to tail -f the samba logs and /var/log/syslog but nothing shows up at the time of the error. Any suggestions?15:47
thecookieIt's reported 3 times but doesn't seem to be worked on.15:47
gintonicAnyone found and solved the ati driver underscan issue on lucid yet?15:47
thecookie3 different reporters15:47
BBoboBUGabundo_remote: thanks, being new to Mint and even to Ubuntu, how do I export the Package List (or Lists)?15:47
eaxjoaopinto: http://eax.dk/fstab15:48
joaopintoeax, ah, LVM, there is a bug report about mountall with LVM15:49
joaopintoeax, please check "swapon -s" you probably are running without swap right now15:50
eaxjoaopinto: You mean during install? What shoild I add/remove?15:50
joaopintoeax, did you upgrade or a clean install ?15:50
eaxjoaopinto: I'm using /dev/mapper/cryptswap115:50
joaopintoswapon -s lists /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 ?15:50
joaopintohum, now you booted without the error right ?15:51
eaxjoaopinto: Yeah :)15:51
joaopintook, so it's a random issue :\15:51
joaopintowhich is related to /dev/mapper/cryptswap115:52
eaxjoaopinto: yeah :/15:52
eaxThanks anyway :)15:52
espen77BBobo: "sudo dpkg --get-selections | awk '{print $1}' > installedpackages" will make a list of installed packages...i think15:52
BBoboAgain, being new to Ubuntu and to Mint, how do I export the Package List (or Lists) pls? I can see History in Synaptic, but it's pretty useless because Synaptic has no Save History option, and the history is divided day-by-day into separate folders, so there is no easy way to cut-n-paste the history.15:52
duffydackwell its up http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/15:53
BBoboespen77: thanks!15:53
rohanBBobo: dpkg -l > list.txt is an option, but i think there is a better way15:54
duffydackhmm, i just did a zsync using the 19.1 daily.. fetched nothing, md5sums match..... job done..15:54
Nom-dpkg --get-selections works... you can pipe the output into dpkg --set-selections later15:54
joaopintoeax, let me know if you get the error again, I may have a fix15:54
eaxjoaopinto: I will. THanks a lot :)15:55
BBoboIt seems incredible that moving from an Ubuntu-based distro such as Mint to Ubuntu Lucid is not supported, given that 98% of the installed files are identical to ubuntu karmic.   It should be a piece of cake to automate the detection of the differences and support auto migration...15:55
rohanBBobo: yeah Nom- beat me to it.. just to dpkg --get-selections > list.txt ; and then when you want it back, dpkg --set-selections < list.txt15:55
mininessieduffydack: thanks for the find greatly appriciated15:55
BBoborohan, Nom- : thanks for the tips.15:55
rohanBBobo: mint is not a supported or official derivative of ubuntu - why should ubuntu provide support for migrating from/to it? :)15:55
joaopintoeax, can you test a few reboots to see if you can reproduce the error ?15:57
squiggieI've got a ntfs volume mounted and shared via samba. When I connect to it from a windows laptop, it won't let me write anything to it. It tells me the disk is full. However the disk isn't full because I can mv items to it. I've tried to tail -f the samba logs and /var/log/syslog but nothing shows up at the time of the error. Any suggestions?15:57
eaxjoaopinto: Sure :)15:57
duffydackseems the last daily is actually the same as rc...15:58
gdzsiBBobo: you could install the kernel package though, if you need that15:58
Nom-duffydack: That's been pointed out a few times ;)15:58
arandduffydack: Yep, although the RC isn't official proper yet.15:58
BBoboWhat I mean is that it would not be hard to create a utility to measure the characteristics of any ubuntu-based distro automatically and measure the differences wrt to, e.g. karmic, so that ubuntu does not have any extra work (i.e. manual tasks) in providing a migration from an unsupported ubuntu-based distro to ubuntu,15:59
joaopintoBBobo, it is much easier to just do a clean install with an official distro :)15:59
eaxjoaopinto: Hmm I see the error and then a second after it boots on16:00
joaopintoupgrading from 3rd parties would be complex16:00
nemoSince I switched to ubuntu 9.10 I've been getting a lot of resolution issues.16:00
mininessiewhat is lubuntu16:00
nemolike wget failing lookups on names16:00
nemohowever, dig works fine on both entries in resolv.conf16:00
Nom-woot my automated install iso works using RC :D16:00
IdleOnemininessie: it's ubuntu with LXDE16:00
BBobogdzsi: Good idea, but the way things are looking on this very new pc, it's a lot worse than just the kernel 2.6.31 being too stale, eg iwlwifi, nvidia blackscreen hard crash even with latest 36.8.15 x64 driver, and no sound for Intel 3400 chipset16:00
nemoI'm wondering if this is related to integration w/ WINS or something, and where I might look16:00
Nom-Happy happy, joy, joy16:00
mininessienemo: ?16:01
arandBBobo: Problem is that ubuntu devs have no incentive, mint devs have no incentive... Means you'll have to make it yourself, you said it was easy, right ;)16:01
nemomininessie: for example   dig @ foo.bar.baz   where is local ns from resolv.conf and foo.bar.baz is local machine, resolves instantly16:01
mininessieIdleOne: what is lxde16:01
nemomininessie: but wget http://foo.bar.baz   fails w/ failed: Name or service not known.16:02
nemowget: unable to resolve host address16:02
nemomininessie: only since update to ubuntu 9.10 though16:02
IdleOnemininessie: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu explains16:02
BBobojoaopinto: Yeah, I know it's easier to do a fresh install - I am a Linux oldtimer - but I've spent too much time configuring and tweaking this installation to do a fresh install. I cannot waste that much time all over again tweaking everything from scratch. That's why I want to "cheat" and find a way of doing the minimal16:02
gdzsiBBobo: hack a kernel for yourself :D16:02
mininessienemo: so you have the rc downloaded already16:02
BBoboset of changes that move from this ubuntu-karmic-based distro (Mint) to Lucid16:02
nemomininessie: uh. I switched over weeks ago.16:02
nemoI believe I'm up to date too.16:02
* nemo checks16:02
nemothis is a long standing problem16:03
BBobogdzsi: yeah, but it is way more than just the kernel is stale, as I said above.16:03
nemosince I remember reading something about ADS, was wondering if it is related to local windows domain16:03
nemoand attempting wrong source for resolution16:03
nemomininessie: and yeah, I'm up to date. no changes.16:03
mininessienemo: how16:03
nemomininessie: how what?16:04
mininessienemo: how did you switch to rc it came out today16:04
IanLiuMy Ubuntu won`t turn on, so I booted with live CD and I`m now trying to mount the root partition. But it fails with this error http://imagepaste.nullnetwork.net/viewimage.php?id=83916:04
nemomininessie: erm. I don't get what you mean. the rc candidate is based on the lucid repos. the lucid repos are frozen for now.16:05
nemomininessie: so my machine should have same env as the CD16:05
nemoanyway. kind of irrelevant16:05
IanLiuI`m guessing I can`t do anything but reinstall the system... is that correct16:05
nemopoint is this has happened since switch to 9.1016:05
* nemo compares against his karmic machine for stuff like nsswitch.conf16:05
nemohm. no changes16:06
joaopintoeax, can you please test upgrading to the package from "http://ppa.launchpad.net/scott/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/m/mountall/" and see if it resolves the error permanently ?16:06
mininessiepersonal opinion wubi sucks16:06
eaxjoaopinto: Sure :)16:07
arandIanLiu: make sure youre trying to mount the right partititon.16:07
nemooh. wait16:07
nemolol. I missed it16:07
nemomy karmic machine *is* using wins in nsswitch.conf16:07
nemonow that's odd...16:07
eaxjoaopinto: Which one of the files? :)16:07
IanLiuarand: I`ve mounted all partitions. And I can navigate trough my /home partition and Windows one. But the / partition gives me this error16:08
nemohm. adding that back in didn't help16:08
mininessiewhen is gnome 3 comming out will it be out for 10.1016:08
nemostill getting resolution fails16:08
arandIanLiu: If there is important data on there, take a backup and try to use data recovery tools. Once done try using fsck and see if that could help.16:08
nemoanyway, given dig works, failure presumably isn't in needing wins...16:09
arandmininessie: Likely not, since it's far from ready yet, but we'll likely know by UDS.16:09
IanLiuarand: Ok. Any advices on how to use fsck would be good, although I will search the web ;)16:09
ubottuThe Ubuntu Developer Summit is being held from May 10th - 14th in Brussels, Belgium - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS for more information.16:09
arandIanLiu: fsck -p /dev/sdX#16:10
IanLiuarand: thanks16:10
joaopintoeax, are you using 32 or 64 bits ?16:10
nemohttp://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?p=1313434 "Now the reason why you get different answers from ping/wget and from dig/nslookup is because the first use the function gethostbyname(3) while the latter don't."16:10
eaxjoaopinto: 32 :)16:10
nemomaybe that's my prob...16:11
joaopintoeax, http://ppa.launchpad.net/scott/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/m/mountall/mountall_2.14~ppa1_i386.deb16:11
mininessie32 bit or 64 bit ubuntu16:11
eaxjoaopinto: Okay trying :)16:11
mininessie32 bit or 64 bit ubuntu who runs what version16:11
mininessiei run 32bit16:11
arandIanLiu: if that fails, look up "man fsck" and look for the "force", "yes", and "use other superblock" options, mind that this may mess the filesystem even more if unlucky.16:11
h00kmininessie: do you have a specific question about it?16:12
callaghanmininessie: i run 64 bit, why do you ask?16:12
IanLiuarand: I see. Well, I have no data to backup, so I`m free to experiment16:12
mininessiecallaghan: is there really any difference16:12
h00kmininessie: yes16:13
nemomaybe something changed in samba and it is doing a wins lookup...16:13
arandIanLiu: "fsck -fy /dev/sdX#" is a common, pull-the-trigger kind of possible recovery.16:13
mininessieh00k: like?16:13
eaxjoaopinto: Didn't fix it :/16:13
h00kmininessie: like, they're different architectures16:14
redWhy isn't nautilus "remembering" my sftp logins to one particular site, but does so to all others? Could it be something with the configuration of the particular site?16:14
Marovenhi all16:14
h00kmininessie: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/64-bit#32_vs_64_bit16:14
redIt remembers them correctly until reboot.16:14
Marovenis anyone running 10.04 beta 2?16:14
callaghanmininessie: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/64-bit#Pros_and_cons16:14
chrislovvetcan anyone here tell me how to install the drivers and catalyst control center for an ati x1600 pro graphics card onto ubuntu 9.10?16:15
nemobouncing winbind didn't help :-/16:15
arandMaroven: Likely yes.16:15
joaopintoeax, ok, how did you setup that cryptswap ?16:15
Picichrislovvet: This channel is only for Lucid/10.04 support, please ask in #ubuntu for earlier releases.16:15
eaxjoaopinto: No idea :/16:16
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joaopintoeax, ok, thanks for trying it anyway :)16:17
eaxjoaopinto: No, thank you ;)16:17
Marovenhas anyone had the 10.04 Beta do a total system lockup?16:17
nemogetaddrinfo appears to be failing according to ltrace16:17
Marovenbeta 216:17
bushbabyI have being trying to set up wireless drivers for my BCM4311 card in Lucid Without much luck, I've tried installing manually from cd but the b43-fwcutter package wants to connect to the internet to get drivers to extract from so i cannot proceed.. Can anyone help?16:18
yofelMaroven: we had reports about that, is this the iso or the installed system?16:18
h00kyofel: I decided I can confirm the problem still exists on nouveau, but not intel for myself :) the...glx 1.2 dealio.16:19
yofelheh, well, It worked fine for a while so I guess 1.2 works for me. Now I turned compositing of again, is just faster16:20
nemohttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1370051&page=2 - similar to this I guess16:20
nemoEAI_NONAME for getaddrinfo16:20
h00kyofel: compositing with metacity (can't do compiz stuffs) is screaming fast on nouveau16:20
nemohm. that's for localhost. n/m16:21
BBoboarand: BBobo: Problem is that ubuntu devs have no incentive, mint devs have no incentive... Means you'll have to make it yourself...   I agree, but this has the effect of encouraging the further balkanization of distros into increasingly incompatible cliques.  That's bad. We should aim to reduce it in any ways we can, e.g. make tools to automate the interchanges between distros.16:21
* nemo screws around w/ nsswitch.conf some more16:22
gdzsior not making spin-offs16:22
AngryPunkDo USB wacom-type tablets work out of the box in lucid?16:23
IanLiuarand: Hey, it did fix the problem. Thanks a lot :)16:23
nemook. replacing:16:23
nemohosts:          files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns mdns416:23
nemohosts:          files mdns4_minimal dns mdns416:23
arandBBobo: Maybe so, but like many things in Opensource, if you want it done, do it yourself ;)16:23
nemoseems to solve, although things are a lot slower16:23
nemoso issue in mdns4_minimal ?16:23
nemomaybe https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/avahi/+bug/9494016:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 94940 in avahi "mdns listed in nsswitch.conf causes excessive time for dns lookups" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:24
arandIanLiu: Great! By the way, have you had any hard poweroffs that might have caused this?16:24
nemoyep. that seemed to have solved it16:25
nemomininessie: ok. FWIW, I'm going w/ that one.16:25
IanLiuarand: I don't know if I'm talking bulshit, but my guess is a Windows 7 update caused this problem16:25
h00kIanLiu: please keep the language family-friendly16:26
IanLiuh00k: sorry ^^16:26
alvinYes, no mentioning of Windows here ;-)16:26
BBoboarand: BBobo: Maybe so, but like many things in Opensource, if you want it done, do it yourself.  True, but better to get consensus first that what u r trying to do is acceptable, otherwise u end up like any number of kernel guys etc etc wasting huge dev time on something that never gets adopted.16:26
IanLiualvin: hahahahaha16:26
nemostill slow though...16:26
Gnimshso I just wanted to check...I'm running 10.04, and if my system is up to date it basically means I am now running the RC right?16:26
nemo(when not in arp cache)16:27
alvinGnimsh: correct16:27
h00kBBobo: the conversation might better be suited for #ubuntu-offtopic16:27
GnimshSo then if I have lots of problems now, I would most likely still experience them if I were to do a new install of the RC?16:27
BBoboh00k: well if u follow the whole thread, I was and still am talking about moving to Lucid!16:28
alvinMost probably, yes16:28
h00kBBobo: okay dokey16:28
GnimshAt least for myself and my brother, the beta worked fine until RC2, and then things started breaking16:28
Gnimshnot sure what's up with that16:28
BBobokinda hard in irc to follow a whole thread, I know...16:28
alvinThere 'should' be little difference between upgrades and fresh installs. Upgrades can have more software, but that in itself shouldn't be a problem. The exceptions are bugs in the upgrade process (like bug 563117)16:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563117 in ubuntu "Release upgrade converts /dev/mapper entries in /etc/fstab to UUID" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56311716:29
nemomininessie: and I guess your confusion was I said 9.10 when I meant 10.04 - I should have just said lucid16:29
Nom-Someone had a go at me the other day for calling it Lucid instead of 10.04 :P16:30
arandBBobo: True, then I guess the mint forums/blueprint on launchpad/ubuntu mailing list, might be the place to start... I'm only guessing though.16:30
allu2is it possible to downgrade lucid?16:30
Nom-As it it really matters .. potato/potato16:30
nemoallu2: could install karmic over it...16:30
BUGabundo_remoteallu2: no. only fresh install16:31
BBoboarand: kinda ungracious if I asked on mint's places how to i get off mint onto lucid :-)16:31
nemowell. going to try disabling ipv6 and seeing if that does the trick I guess...16:31
allu2i had crypted home and now it can't be decrypted and lucid doesn't boot :(16:32
allu2using live cd :(16:32
allu2so fresh install it seems16:32
ReckonNeed help: when trying to boot I get this error msg: "mountall: mount /home [440] terminated with status 32" "mountall: Filesustem could not be mounted: /home" Any help?16:32
arandBBobo: Well, I assume it would equally apply to a ubuntu → Mint migration, which might make them happy.16:32
BBoboarand: not sure bout that fairness equation as sizeof(ubuntu) >> sizeof(mint)16:33
BluesKajinteresting, there's no updates on lucid so far ,today16:34
nanoguyhow do i upgrade from ubuntu 10.04 beta to RC?16:34
arandBluesKaj: It's all frozen stale atm.16:34
arand!final | nanoguy16:34
ubottunanoguy: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.16:34
BUGabundo_remoteBluesKaj: no updates for 4 days16:34
BluesKaj10.04 beta is it nanoguy16:35
BluesKaji had a couple yesterday, BUGabundo_remote16:35
BUGabundo_remoteprobably some universe stuff or ppa16:35
nanoguyyes its the 10.04 beta16:36
* arand is not sure that advising dist-upgrade in a common factoid is the right thing...16:36
BluesKajbut that was a medibuntu mirror that Dr willis provided16:36
arandAh, it's official!16:36
nanoguyok thanks bye16:36
rohanyep, it's out officially!16:38
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Official Ubuntu Lucid Lynx support/discussion | IRC Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | Milestones: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynxSchedule | Release Candidate: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004overview
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lucitu_it's official..updates now can come out..16:40
litropyI'm upgrading to the daily build using aptitude update && aptitude safe-upgrade. update says Current status: 461 new [+5], yet safe-upgrade says No packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed. yet I used to successfully upgrade every day using this method.16:40
perlsyntaxWhen is the next ubuntu 10.04 come out16:40
perlsyntaxis that today16:40
mbeierlif it's official, I'll ask here and in #ubuntu... anyone has any experiences they can share on the upgrade with Likewise installed?16:40
joaopinto!lucid | perlsyntax16:40
lucitu_so the rc iso is a snapshot from 4/1916:40
ubottuperlsyntax: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule16:40
joaopintocheck the schedule16:40
Picilitropy: You should be using full-upgrade, not safe-upgrade to properly upgrade your packages.16:41
arandlucitu_: Indeed it is16:41
BUGabundo_remoteand I got the email :D16:41
perlsyntaxi talking about the ubuntu 10.04 Candidate16:41
researcher1when can I expect a stable release?16:41
ccmonsterhey, now that the RC is out, if i am on beta 2, should I just be able to do a sudo apt-get update to get the most recent build?16:41
joaopintothe RC is out16:41
joaopinto!final | ccmonster16:41
ubottuccmonster: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.16:41
Piciresearcher1: the 29th16:42
litropyPici: full-upgrade results the same.16:42
Picilitropy: Can you pastebin that output?16:42
perlsyntaxjoaopintois there a ubuntu 10.04 Candidate out outtoday if i am right?16:43
Piciperlsyntax: Its out now.16:43
arandlitropy: Well, it may be that there just isn't any upgrades...16:43
arandperlsyntax: announced 5min ago16:44
perlsyntaxwhere can i get it16:44
Piciperlsyntax: /topic16:44
iWolfI'm not able to click with my trackpad (EEE 900 Celeron, UNR 10.04)16:44
arandperlsyntax: ubuntu.com16:44
litropyPici, arand, update says Current status: 461 new [+5].16:44
ccmonsterLinux version 2.6.32-21-generic (buildd@rothera) (gcc version 4.4.3 (Ubuntu 4.4.3-4ubuntu5) ) #32-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 16 08:10:02 UTC 201016:44
ccmonsterthat's what I get when I do a cat /proc/version16:44
Piciccmonster: What were you expecting?16:45
Oli```Does Lucid still lock up if you try booting with a nvidia card with two monitors plugged in?16:45
ccmonsterThe date to not be Apr 16th16:45
Piciccmonster: Thats when the kernel was built.16:45
arandOli```: Hmm, Bug #533135 appears to be fixed16:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 533135 in plymouth "System fails to boot with plymouth installed (nouveau driver with >1 display)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53313516:46
litropyPici, arand: http://pastebin.com/JwiUcn9B this has happened for about a week. I used to upgrade fin in this way.16:47
Oli```cheers arand16:47
researcher1my internet has become suddenly too slow on 10.0416:47
BUGabundo_remoteresearcher1: ipv6?16:49
mbeierlresearcher1: your first dns server has gone offline?16:50
lucitu_researcher1: bec a million people are clogging to get the ubuntu RC...:)16:50
researcher1BUGabundo_remote: what to do with ipv6?16:50
BUGabundo_remoteresearcher1: known bug about ipv6 and some routers16:50
rohanis the shipit store open yet?16:50
FlynsarmyIs Nouveau worth keeping as the default driver for nvidia cards or once installed should i immediately be switching to the proprietry one?16:51
arandrohan: I thought shipit was being phased out...16:51
BUGabundo_remoterohan: it wasn't early this week16:51
Picilitropy: We haven't had new updates for about a week, we've been in final freeze.16:51
lucitu_Flynsarmy: proprietry16:51
BUGabundo_remoteArand for what?16:51
h00kFlynsarmy: it depends on what you're doing. Nouveau is working excellent for myself16:52
litropyPici, thank you.16:53
perlsyntax_Where can i get the dvd iso for ubuntu 10.04?16:53
Flynsarmyh00k, are there any disadvantages to using the propetry one which seems to have more features?16:53
perlsyntax_i mean rc16:53
arandBUGabundo_remote: Might be wrong, but wasn't shipit announced to be going away for non-loco stuff, at some point?16:53
lucitu_perlsyntax_: cdimages.ubuntu.com..not sure though of dvd16:54
h00kFlynsarmy: yeah, you wait for nvidia to provide fixes if anything goes wrong. It worked decent for me.  Plymouth looks ugly with it. Metacity rendering and nouveau works well, it's quite fast.16:54
BUGabundo_remoteperlsyntax: releases.ubuntu.com and cdimage.ubuntu.com/dvd16:54
BUGabundo_remotearand: beats me16:54
h00kFlynsarmy: but you have the freedom to chose!16:55
perlsyntax_will update-manager -d work?16:55
perlsyntax_it say beta still16:56
Piciperlsyntax_: What version of Ubuntu are you running now?16:56
BUGabundo_remoteperlsyntax no16:57
BUGabundo_remoteoh wait16:57
iWolfI'm not able to click with my trackpad (EEE 900 Celeron, UNR 10.04)16:57
BBobowhat is the first file a dist-upgrade from karmic 9.10 to lucid lynx beta 2 would change?16:57
PiciBBobo: /etc/apt/sources.list16:57
lucitu_BBobo: sources.list16:57
charlie-tcaperlsyntax: 'update-manager -d' will upgrade your 9.10 to Lucid rc.16:57
BBobolucitu, Pici: not quite what i meant. i meant what is the first change made by the dist-upgrade process16:58
PiciBBobo: You should be using update-manager -d or do-release-upgrade -d to upgrade to Lucid.  Those will first touch your sources.list to prepare it for the actuall apt stuff.16:59
PiciBBobo: Does that help? If not, why do you need to know?17:00
BBoboPici: thanks, but i was interested to know what is the first file to be changed.17:00
BBoboPici: dunno if u were around much earlier in the thread17:01
BBobobut i was migrating a pc from Mint to Lucid without using an ISO17:01
PiciBBobo: if this is about mint, you're on your own.17:01
lucitu_BBobo: change the /karnic/lucid/ in sources.list and then apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade17:01
PiciBBobo: Crossgrading is not supported.17:01
iconmefistoPici: is there any downside to using do-release-upgrade -d ? surely that's safer, less likely to fail than the gui upgrade17:01
rohanbtw, anyone who has already downloaded the ubuntu amd64 desktop iso, could you please check and tell me whether it includes the usb-creator.exe ?17:02
BBoboPici: yeah, i knew that. but any idea what is the first file to be changed on karmic to lucid?17:02
Piciiconmefisto: They do the same thing, I personally like using the cli where I can.17:02
BUGabundo_remotelucitu_: BBobo: I would go with aptitude instead of aptget17:02
BBoboOr is there a dry-run option to see the list of changes that WOULD be applied without actually doing them?17:02
PiciBBobo: You'd have to look at the source for do-release-upgrade or update-manager, I don't know.17:03
perlsyntax_Does anyone is update-manager -d would work17:03
PiciBBobo: do-release-upgrade has a maethod, check --help17:03
crowis this now last rc before final?17:03
Picicrow: yes.17:03
Piciperlsyntax_: Can you rephrase that?17:03
crowPici so it can be sayed final one.. talking about installer?17:03
* BUGabundo_remote hands Pici a power bar17:04
Picicrow: I'm not sure what you mean17:04
BUGabundo_remotecrow: not if a critical bug comes on17:04
BBoboPici: u mean -d in do-release-upgrade?17:04
crowPici i am thinking to do a clean install and update to final :), or maybe ill just wait for final rls17:04
BBobolooks like a check, not a list of files or a dry-run, but anyway... thanks for the idea.17:04
PiciBBobo: look at -s17:04
BBoboPici: ah, thanks. will do.17:05
BBoboI think crossgrading should be cool.17:06
perlsyntax_what perl does it have17:08
BBobodoes anybody actually know what is the first file to be changed on dist-upgrade from karmic to lucid?17:08
joaopintoBBobo, again the same question ?17:08
BBobois it definitely /etc/apt/sources.list??17:08
scott_ino2it would be nice if there was a way to not have my network manager icon grouped with my notification applet17:08
joaopintoBBobo, whatever you are doing is likely to break your system, we can't help you doing that17:09
BBobodon't need help, just the info on what is the first file to be changed?17:09
joaopintoupgrading from a non Ubuntu to an Ubuntu is not supported, if you want to do it you are on your own17:09
joaopintoBBobo, no one of us know, because thats done automatically is not a manual process17:09
perlsyntax_how to i upgrade from ubuntu 9.10 to 10.04?17:10
BBoboJoaopinto: thanks, u said that 1 hour ago! i know. i am not looking for support on doing it. i am looking for a question answer relating to lucid migration..17:10
joaopintoBBobo, you already got the answer, the upgrade is performed using update-manager or do-release-upgrade, not editing files17:10
BUGabundo_remote!upgrade | perlsyntax17:11
ubottuperlsyntax: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading17:11
charlie-tcaperlsyntax: update-manager -d17:11
Piciperlsyntax_: You've already received an answer for that question, is there something that you still aren't sure about?17:11
BBobook, thanks, but that really didn't answer my question.  it seems no devels of update-manager etc are around to answer17:11
perlsyntax_ok sorry17:12
joaopintoBBobo, update-manager devs are busy with problems and improvements on supported procedures, are busy with those which respect the rules they have defined :)17:12
BBobojoaopinto: pls quit assuming i am trying to ask for support on doing something unsupported!!!"17:12
joaopintothe problem is that you are doing something that besides being unsupported might break your system, and we don't usually support on that17:13
BBobojoaopinto: i think you don't understand my question. perhaps english is not your first language.17:14
joaopintoBBobo, it is not, eventually is not your eithers, since you have the same problem :)17:14
BBoboIf you read my question carefully, I am not asking for support on doing something unsupported17:14
DASPRiDdoes anyone know if https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/542210 will be fixed anytime soon? not being able to install with raid1 is bad17:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 542210 in debian-installer "/boot destroyed during install even when formatting disabled (alternate installer)" [Undecided,New]17:15
joaopintoBBobo, well, let's skip this, no one year knows the answer to your question :)17:15
joaopintogrr, here17:15
iconmefistoBBobo: what is your question?17:15
BBoboYeah, sure, let's leave it. thanks anyway all17:15
nemodamn. disabling ipv6 did not fully do it.17:15
nemowell, actually made no difference.17:15
BBoboiconmefisto: too complex to explain here....17:15
iconmefistoBBobo: ok17:15
nemochanging nsswitch.conf did eliminate the failed lookups17:15
BBoboread the whole thread from 1 hour ago if you are really interested...17:16
joaopintoiconmefisto, he wants to upgrade from Linux Mint to Ubuntu Lucid17:16
BBobojoaopinto: that was not my question.17:16
lucitu_BBobo: so what is it?17:16
BBoboI asked what is the first file to be changed on dist-upgrade from karmic to lucid. Is it /etc/apt/sources.list or whatever?17:17
lucitu_BBobo: don't you understand english?17:17
BBoboDo you?17:18
lucitu_BBobo: you asked and we answered17:18
BBoboOk, sorry if I missed it, but I didn't see an answer.17:18
lucitu_BBobo: read the whole thread17:18
joaopintoBBobo, if you know python, please check it, gedit /usr/bin/do-release-upgrade17:18
nemooh. maybe if I actually remove libnss-mdns17:18
* nemo tries that too17:19
BBobolucitu: u said sources.list.  right?17:19
Timo_Hey guys, when I type alsamixer, itsays there are no controls for this device, and it is for the nvidia device (which is my vid card), is there a way to disable my vid cards sound?17:20
BBobojoaopinto: thanks, i will read17:20
lucitu_BBobo: r u asking to confirm if what you read/understood is right?17:21
nemothat did the trick17:22
BBobolucitu: sorry, yes, doublechecking17:22
nemohm... or not :(17:23
iconmefistoTimo_: figure out what module it's using, then blacklist it17:24
nemoeliminating mdns4_minimal definitely fixes the failures to resolve. some of my lookups are also a lot faster. but still seems slow on internal ones.17:25
Timo_iconmefisto, how can i figure that out?:p17:31
nemoyep. getaddrinfo still takes like 5 s :(17:31
nemoprobably that...17:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 417757 in eglibc "[karmic regression] all network apps / browsers suffer from multi-second delays by default due to IPv6 DNS lookups" [High,Fix released]17:33
Dr_WillisInteresting and missleading 'message' i got just now about a program.destop entry on the desktop being 'not marked as trusted' made me think theres some fancy security feature at work17:36
Dr_WillisTurns out it just needed to me chmoded tobe executable...17:36
Dr_WillisDoes this seem a little weird/missleading to anyone else?17:36
rohanDr_Willis: is that .desktop entry a part of the default install, or a program in the repo?17:38
scott_ino2Dr_Willis, hey glad you're back, I'm just out the door but should return in half hour if you're around?17:38
scott_ino2Did you check on the encodings?17:38
nemonope. that still doesn't do it :(17:39
edward__Does anyone know how to fix a problem with EEEPC 901 wireless in 10.04?17:39
iconmefistoTimo_: try lsmod | grep nvidia17:40
Timo_iconmefisto, And how to blacklist? ( :$ )17:41
edward__Is Ubuntu aware of any wireless connectivity issues in Lucid?17:41
iconmefistoTimo_: careful you don't blacklist your graphics module though!!17:41
Timo_nvidia               9932176  3817:41
Timo_agpgart                31724  2 via_agp,nvidia17:41
Timo_that's my result17:41
iconmefistoTimo_: blacklisted modules in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf17:43
gintonicedward__: I have an eeepc 901. Haven't noticed any wireless problems17:43
Timo_iconmefisto, and what do I have to blacklist then now? Cos I don't wanna blacklist my graphics :D17:43
iconmefistoTimo_: if you look at that file, you'll see how it works. blacklist module-name17:44
gintonicedward__: Scratch that, I just remembered it doesn't have the standard wifi card17:44
iconmefistoTimo_: not too sure17:44
edward__Oh :(17:44
iconmefistoTimo_: there's probably a better way to find the audio module17:44
edward__It's just that it doesn't connect.17:44
edward__Or it does, then disconnects really quickly.17:45
edward__Using the rt286017:45
edward__I've tried following tutorials to install the new drivers but it doesn't work.17:45
arandHeh, the button order isn't mentioned in the release notes ^-^17:47
Reckonwhat if the install process gets stuck checking the swap partition?17:47
rohanarand: you mean the order of buttons in window titlebar?17:47
rohanReckon: your swap partition might be marked 'dirty' by a previous distro17:48
espen77Reckon: doing encrypted home?17:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 417757 in eglibc "[karmic regression] all network apps / browsers suffer from multi-second delays by default due to IPv6 DNS lookups" [High,Fix released]17:48
arandrohan: Indeed, but it doesn't mention anything about the new theme at all anyways, soo...17:48
nemo(that's my writeup of what I've tried this morning :(  )17:48
Reckonrohan: unfortunately, yes17:49
rohanReckon: just make sure you don't let the installer format it17:49
edward__Anyone aware of wireless issues in Lucid? Specifically the EEEPC 901.17:49
rohangintonic: ping, are you still around?17:49
espen77Reckon: if doing encrypted, it take a while at the swap.....my installatin stopped for 30 min at swap17:49
gintonicrohan: Yep17:50
=== edward__ is now known as xXedixXx
rohangintonic: after finishing 100%, zsync is just stuck. what should i do?17:50
rohan#################### 100.0% 50.7 kBps DONE ---> is being shown17:50
Guest88931Does anyone know how to turn off the "the media contains digital photos -- open fspot" prompt in nautilus?17:51
Guest88931Didn't have this in karmic if I remember correctly17:51
gintonicrohan: Check your download folder to see if it's actually done, in which case quit. If not, then quit and rerun to see if it will finish this time17:51
rohangintonic: no, it is still showing as .part17:52
rohanthough, md5sum of the .part file matches the actual .iso17:52
rohanso i guess i'll just rename the .part to .iso17:53
gintonicrohan: Just rename it then17:53
gintonicrohan: Though I never saw it get stuck like that before17:53
rohanyeah, strange17:53
navi_hi , who can say how to make quick update from ubuntu beta  10.4 to RC ?17:54
rohannavi_: you want to update installed system, or your iso?17:54
BUGabundo_remote!upgrade | navi_17:54
ubottunavi_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading17:54
Guest88931apt-get dist-upgrade?17:54
charlie-tca!final | navi17:54
ubottunavi: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.17:54
rohangintonic: so, i have a proper RC iso now! thanks a lot :)17:54
navi_I have instaled system17:55
gintonicrohan: No problem17:55
BUGabundo_remotepoor bot charlie-tca17:55
gintonicnavi: Just aptitude update && aptitude full-upgrade17:55
charlie-tcaI know, I know17:55
rohannavi_: or just use the update manager. should take care of everything.17:55
xXedixXx<Guest88931> : update-manager -d17:56
charlie-tcaNot one to say just update it, huh?17:56
navi_and my curent ati driver will works ? after that ?17:56
gintonicnavi_: Are you using HDMI?17:57
navi_I have ATI HD 36xx series graphic17:57
Guest88931xXedixXx: Not a question lol. Just offering my help without real conviction.17:57
navi_no, I don't have HDMI17:57
rohangintonic: cool, and now my kubuntu iso is 54% done :)17:57
gintonicnavi_: You'll most likely be fine then.17:58
xXedixXxGuest88931: Sozza17:58
navi_what about ati lag bug ( windo maximalisation thing )  ? It's fixed ?17:59
gintonicnavi_: You'd have to look up the particular bug on launchpad18:00
navi_btw. now I have hybrid fixed ati driver ... I have working ATI control panel , but I can't use compiz18:02
navi_it's official ati driver , but probably without 3d support :P18:02
nemoSo does anyone here happen to have any idea what else I could try or where else I could report this dns issue?18:02
NaruAre their no updates for Ubuntu 10.04 since Yesterday? My Ubuntu don't show my updates...18:02
nemoit does sound serious18:02
IdleOnejeward: I have not recieved any updates so far18:02
jewardHi, I'm trying to install 10.04 on a Mac Pro.  It gets only so far in the boot process and thn just hangs.18:03
nemoNaru: that's typical after a release candidate18:03
IdleOnejeward: sorry wrong person :)18:03
Reckonrohan: How to avoid formatting the swap partition if /home encrypted?18:03
IdleOneNaru: I haven't got any updates18:03
jewardIt says: The disk drive for /dev/sda1 is not ready yet or not present.18:03
NaruSince Yesterday?18:03
IdleOneNaru: correct18:03
jewardShould I try installing karmic and upgrading?18:04
gintonicNaru: Not since 19th18:04
NaruBut Today was the RC Release... without any updates? I think, there is no differenece to the Beta18:04
navi_jeward, You should instal karmic and forgot about upgrade :P or wait fot final18:05
nemoNaru: that's typical.18:05
Dr_WillisI had about 5 updates just now when i updated18:05
gintonicNaru: There are differences from beta218:05
nemoNaru: you've been updating regularly right?18:05
nemoDr_Willis: heh. I just got some too. including xserver. nothing DNS related unfortunately :(18:06
NaruI use the GUI for this.18:06
nemooh well. I can hope18:06
nemoNaru: usually is a lul around rc though.18:06
nukelacitycan anyone help me? i have an ubuntu 10.04 problem with a RaLink rt2500 wireless card18:07
navi_update server is very slow ( overloaded ) or it's a problem with my wi-fi ?18:07
nemomy update occurred rather quickly. could depend on your mirror of course18:08
perlsyntaxmany people i bet18:08
Naruehr.. a "lul"? My english ist not so god...18:08
nemoNaru: sorry. lull18:08
perlsyntaxhow stable is 10.04:)18:08
perlsyntaxCan't wait to try out perl 5.10.118:08
nemoperlsyntax: well, apart from that graphics bug that got them in trouble, and isn't a problem if you're using fglrx...18:08
navi_ok I will do my update toomorow18:09
nemoperlsyntax: and, my DNS has gotten horribly slow on my lucid machine. fine in karmic.18:09
Naruah, k. I think, this is weird, but ok :)18:09
nemoperlsyntax: like. painfully slow.18:09
navi_it's time to back to my Unreal Dev Kit18:09
nukelacitycan i have help with a wireless card problem please?18:09
perlsyntaxnemo you useing dsl or cable?18:10
rohannukelacity: what is the problem?18:10
perlsyntaxi got a geforce card on my pc i hope i don't have prob with that.18:10
nemoperlsyntax: LAN18:10
perlsyntaxi see18:10
nemoperlsyntax: and local LAN DNS servers.18:10
LinuxGuy2009Is the new ubuntu font in the repos to use? did it replace the old font I think the package was called ubuntu-font before. Did the new package replace the old one or does it have a new name?18:10
perlsyntaxi just use one desktop for my internet.18:11
nukelacityi am using ubuntu 10.04 and a RaLink rt2500 wireless card.. my card has the lights turning on.. so i know that the card is working.. and the internet is obviously working because im on my laptop (desktop has the problem) now18:11
nemoperlsyntax: major company, hundreds of users, DNS is fine for everything else though. Karmic, Windows, OSX...18:11
nemoperlsyntax: problem is pretty clearly in Lucid - well. hopefully it won't hit you.18:11
nukelacitybut ubuntu says it cannot find any wireless networks18:11
Guest88931Does anyone know how to turn off the "the media contains digital photos -- open fspot" prompt in nautilus?18:11
perlsyntaxi hope my wireless cards works18:11
NateWiebeI have an Intel DH55HC motherboard with a 82578DC eth controller. I get a connection during the install, but not after. Any ideas?18:12
nukelacitydoes anyone have any idea to get the card to work?18:13
Dr_WillisNateWiebe:  check what modules are loaded by the live cd. if networking works there.. and compare to what the installed system is loading18:13
NateWiebeDr_Willis: how would i check that?18:14
Dr_WillisNateWiebe:  with the lsmod command18:14
bjwebbNateWiebe: have you tried "Hardware Drivers"?18:14
markl_ok where did inittab go in this release?18:14
markl_is there any way to generate one18:15
NateWiebebjwebb: thats the first thing i checked.. only thing listed there were nvidia drivers, but i cant download them due to lack of internet18:15
Dr_Willisboot live cd -> lsmod > worksonlive.txt   (copy the file to  a usb, or the installed system)   then boot normal system.   and compare output of lsmod18:15
Dr_Willismarkl_:  thers not been an inittab for quite some time.18:15
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/18:15
markl_my 9.10 system has one18:15
nukelacityno ideas?18:15
charlie-tcamarkl_: yes, 9.10 used it, but 10.04 will not18:16
om26erhow can I hide the ubuntu log in the top panel?18:16
Dr_WillisI dont rcall seeing an inittab on my 9,10 box. perhaps it depended on what services you setup18:16
Dr_WillisI dont even have a 9,10 box to check any more18:16
nukelacityughh i need to fix this problem :/18:17
markl_charlie-tca: ok cool, thanks.  seems like openvz hates upstart; i need to figure this out18:17
nukelacityis anybody good with wireless cards and ubuntu? im sorry if im stressing but i am generally stressed at the moment and my desktop PC isnt exactly helping :/18:19
iconmefistomy karmic doesn't have inittab18:21
=== Reckon1 is now known as Reckon
markl_nukelacity: what wireless card is it?18:21
charlie-tcaMaybe it was Jaunty used it and it carried forward depending on what was installed?18:21
nukelacityRaLink rt250018:21
guntbertom26er: do want to hide the ubuntu logo perhaps? ;-) (no idea how to do it though)18:22
markl_how does upstart get started in the first place?18:22
ReckonSorry if redundant. What if the install process gets stuck checking the swap partition for more than 30 mins?18:22
markl_i would assume that the kernel is just running init and init should know what to do18:22
om26erguntbert, the panel wont resize to 22px with that logo ;)18:22
Narunukelacity, maybe you have to install linux-backports-modules-lucid18:22
rohanReckon: just mkswap it yourself, but you will (obviously) lose all the data you've on it18:22
NaruBut i dont know, wether linux-backport-modules avaible for 10.0418:23
nukelacityNaru: how would i do that without an internet connection?18:23
NaruOh. damn.18:23
Reckonmkswap from a root bash?18:23
rohanwhy is the swap dirty? had you hibernated a distro?18:24
Reckonvbox and hibernation.... nice mix, isn't it?18:24
rohanheh, you found out the hard way ;p18:24
adelcampohas anyone gone from wubi 10.04 to a native partition?18:25
Reckonrohan: absolutely!18:25
rohanadelcampo: is that even possilbe/18:25
nukelacityNaru: is there any possible way to make this work? if anyone can help me to sort this out they will be helping me sort out a computer and take a hell of a lot of stress on me so ill be all the more thankful lol18:26
nukelacitystress off me* -_- lol18:27
NaruSorry, i cant help. And i thinkm the package isn't avaible for 10.04, i didnt found it.18:28
adelcamporohan: that's what I'm trying to find out. http://lubi.sourceforge.net/lvpm.html says it can do it for wubi 7 to 818:28
nukelacityughh :/ thanks anywayy.. it was working the first time i installled ubuntu 10.04.. but i screwed up thegraphics and had to reinstall ubuntu.. now it just wont pick up any wifi :/18:28
nukelacitydont know if that helps solve it in any way lol18:29
NaruYou can try to use ndiswarepper18:29
urthmovernetwork startup order:  Is it possible for me to specify the order  in which my network interfaces come up during boot?18:29
h00kSo, this memory issue (bug 565981), I'm pretty sure I ran into this with the proprietary nvidia driver the other day.18:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565981 in xorg-server "[KMS] gem objects not deallocated" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56598118:30
h00kI will re test thatnow.18:30
nukelacityhow do i use that? do i download the windows driver and drag the file to a place on my ubuntu? lol sorry im completely new to the wireless drivers side of ubuntu.. im used to graphics and the general OS lol18:30
NaruI dont know. All my WLAN runs out of the box.18:31
nukelacityhmm.. ill look into using ndiswrapper in a few minutes18:31
ojiihi everyone18:31
nukelacitybut its going to get annoying cuz i cant use this at the same time as firefox.. its a bad laptop xD the exact reason i bought my PC lol18:32
ojiii use this script http://bit.ly/brrnNm to turn off my MBP 5.1 touchpad. it works rather good, but if i then type in a shell the mouse cursor 'disappears' and re-enables the touchpad, which is really annoying. does anyone have an idea how i could disable the touchpad of this MBP (until i explicitely re-enable it)?18:33
nukelacityNaru: thankyou very much for the help :) even though it wasnt much i still appreciate it.. its one step closer lol.. im going to go an research ndiswrapper.. and if that doesnt work ill be back for some more grilling of your mind lol xD thankyou very much though :)18:34
ojiiokay the re-enable because of typing is wrong, it "just re-enables" itself after a while (the interval varies and i cannot see a common action to trigger the enabling)18:34
NateWiebeAlright.. so my lan works with the live cd, but not after the install.. Dr_Willis said to run lsmod and compare. the live cd is running these extra modules: squashfs, aufs, nls_cp437, isofs, dm_raid45, xor, and dm_crypt ... would any of those have to do with no lan?18:35
nukelacitythankyou Naru ima go now xD thanks18:35
Narufine :)18:36
hmw2How can I adjust the screen resolution of the login screen?18:36
NateWiebewow.. lan started working after the 2nd reboot.. nvm then18:37
Craiggleswould you recommend me learning ubuntu commands, some bash and C, well the basics? HEH18:38
guntbert!cli | Craiggles18:39
ubottuCraiggles: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro18:39
tobi_how's upcomming Ubuntu?18:39
XonXI can't add volume control to the notification area in lycid. Tried to find gnome-volume-control-applet, but there seems to be no such pakage in the repo18:40
tobi_I guess you've removed the useless pulseaudio and it resoulted in no volume applet?18:40
Jordan_UXonX: Add the "indicator applet"18:40
XonXJordan_U: It works. Thank you18:42
Jordan_UXonX: You're welcome.18:42
switchgirlwas there an undo button in nautilus (karmic) ?18:51
Guest46473i use ubuntu 10.04 and when i start firefox the mouse cursor shows this busy circle until i move the cursor in the adress bar18:52
=== Reckon is now known as Reckon|AFK
nemohm. I'm now getting a crash in:18:57
nemo /lib/libnss_wins.so.2(_nss_wins_gethostbyname_r+0x35f)[0x7f8fcd4fbe6f]18:57
nemothat wasn't happening before. perhaps related to something I changed in nsswitch.conf18:57
switchgirlGuest46473, just a guess i't busy?18:57
ianwizard1update-manager says that 10.04 is out, but the countdown still has 7 days left, and it doesn't say that it's a beta?18:58
nemoah. I had wins in nsswitch.conf - removing it eliminates the crash18:58
Guest46473switchgirl: for ever? :)18:59
Piciianwizard1: What command are you running to open update-manager?18:59
switchgirlyeah ever changing... :P just thought i'd say somthing so you don't get frustraighted18:59
ianwizard1update-manager -d, but it said it was still beta last time. (last release)18:59
Piciianwizard1: The -d switch means that you want the Development version19:00
ianwizard1I thought it was distro, that's what I read a while back, sorry and thanks :P19:00
Guest46473switchgirl: ah thanks^19:01
duffydackwhat the,.. where did 100 people just go lol19:03
johnjohn101will it be hard to change from the nouveau driver to the nvida driver?19:09
iconmefistoItalian_Plumber: which screen says it's 9.10?19:09
_pg_how do i upgrade beta 2 to RC? or does this question even make sense19:09
vakhi all19:09
Italian_Plumberthe install screen when it says "Installing system/copying files"19:09
ninjairandom question......... when ubuntu 10.04 is released, if the beta is fully updated.... is it the same?19:09
jmichaelx_pg_: if you have things up to date, you are already using the RC19:09
yofel_ninjai: yes19:09
ninjaiyofel: thanks!19:10
sebsebsebninjai: so people say, but19:10
yofel_h00k: back19:10
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
_pg_jmichaelx: does that mean that once it goes final i just need to run update manager?19:10
h00kyofel: welcome back19:10
jmichaelx_pg_: yes19:10
h00kyofel: Can you assist me bylooking at my 'free' to see if I have an unusually small amount of mem left?19:10
_pg_jmichaelx: thats so cool!19:11
Italian_Plumber" you might not get exactly what you're meant to have." ... would there be something fundamentally wrong or just little things?19:11
sebsebsebninjai: from experience of upgrading from development versions to the final in the past,  I'll tell you this, you will have all the updates sure, but they might not be being used how they are meant to be.  so if you're lacking a feature after doing it, here's why19:11
yofelh00k: well, I can try...19:11
h00kyofel: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/ethernet19:11
_pg_jmichaelx: what about if I have ubuntu studio 64bit 9.10 and i want to go to 10.04? best way to do that?19:11
h00kyofel: http://pastebin.com/PKDVFZX1 rather. sorry.19:11
checheHi, just one question that I have not been able to find on the forums. Is the  window control switch be permanent for next version?. i thought that it was a beta test19:11
Italian_Plumberwhere can I get the RC?19:12
sebsebseb_pg_: uhmmm the studio is Ubuntu, just with multimedia packages as part of it19:12
ninjaisebsebseb: Thanks for the input!19:12
Italian_Plumberpreferrably by torrent19:12
h00kyofel: I had a problem with the nvidia driver the other day, am back to GLX 1.4 and proprietary nvidia, there is no GEM count I can cat to see19:12
yofelh00k: no, looks good19:12
furenkuhello! could anybody point me to where i can find a lowlatency kernel? i've been looking for it to no avail19:12
sebsebseb_pg_:  so just upgrade  from 9.10, and you get the 10.04 one19:12
h00kyofel: hookay.19:12
jmichaelx_pg_: you would need to look at documentation for ubuntu studio, but i imagine is upgrade path is similar to the other *buntus19:12
sebsebseb_pg_: I mean if you upgrade a final release, to the next final release19:13
yofelh00k: free should be as small as possible as the file system cache uses whatever isn't used for applications and buffers19:13
sebsebsebninjai: np19:13
_pg_sebsebseb: yes, from 9.10 final to 10.04 final both studio19:13
Italian_Plumber"This installation will finish soon.  We hope you enjoy Ubuntu." :)  Sounds... like you think I might not. :)19:13
furenku_pg_: however there might be a problem with the -rt kernel; since there doesn't seem to be a rt kernel in lucid, AFAIK19:13
yofelh00k: that's why there's a '+/- caches' value too19:13
_pg_furenku: Ahhh! what do I do? lol19:13
h00kyofel: alright. and I'm not sure how to check how much x is using.19:13
Trewascheche: it's permanent at least in that sense that it will be default in lucid, who knows about the next release19:14
sebsebseb_pg_:  upgrading should work well, final release to final release19:14
_pg_sebsebseb: what about lack of a RT kernel in lucid as furenku says?19:14
sebsebseb_pg_: a what kernel?19:14
checheTrewas: thanks, so what was the point on putting polls. Most people feel that a error19:14
_pg_sebsebseb: RT. (I assume Real Time),19:14
yofelh00k: me neither (well, you can check X with top, but I don't know where to look for graphics drivers. btw: nvidia doesn't use gem)19:14
h00kyofel: righto19:15
Italian_Plumberah... found the RC ... http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/19:15
furenku_pg_: i'm lost in the same issue... i just installed lucid, and am being unable to boot into -rt kernel for some reason. i must say, that the rt version being installed is 2.6.31-x instead of 2.6.3219:15
sebsebseb_pg_: most users are fine with the default repo kernels, but for those that want something a bit differnet, they can useually compile their own kernel.  However the Ubuntu support channels as far as I know can't support people with issues after this.19:15
_pg_sebsebseb: i didnt compile anything myself19:15
DasEidid anyone tried to put lucid on an old celeron, (real old, PII-family), the Installer gives me a wrong kernel error, chrootin' and installalling 386 generic passed out same result19:15
_pg_sebsebseb: im not intelligent enough for that. Studio uses a RT kernel19:15
checheDasEi: how much memory do you have on there?19:16
DasEicheche: 25619:16
Italian_PlumberI have hardy server on a Pentium III ...no problems.  Although it did go ballistic when I tried to install a PCI SATA controller and drive.19:16
checheThe minimum memory requirement for Ubuntu 10.04 LTS is  256 MB of memory. Note that some of your system's memory may be  unavailable due to being used by the graphics card.19:16
_pg_furenku: youre losing me. what does that mean, per se?19:16
sebsebseb_pg_: I am not that sure what you mean by that type of kernel if at all really, but  well if you upgrade it to the 10.04 version, then you will get whatever kernel the 10.04  version is using I guess.  Well definetly if you were using default kernel in 9.10.19:16
Trewascheche: the ones who made the polls are probably not the ones who decide such changes in ubuntu...19:16
DasEicheche: it ram karmic fine (minimal/icewm)19:17
checheTrewas: it is a same... big usability problems19:17
checheTrewas: do you know the real reason of that change?19:17
checheTrewas: just to look like a Mac?19:17
_pg_cheche: yessss bwaahahaha19:17
checheTrewas: just to look diferent to windows?19:17
sebsebsebItalian_Plumber: by the way if I was running an important server on Hardy,  I would be in no rush at all to upgrade it to Lucid.19:18
sebsebsebItalian_Plumber: when the final is out19:18
Italian_Plumberheh no this isn't an important server19:18
Trewascheche: I have not heard anyone state a real reason, and IMO it is a mistake, for me it sounded like they wanted to make finally changing the default theme really noticeable19:18
Italian_Plumberjust something to hold my music, movies, and ... um ... wallpapers. :)19:18
sebsebsebItalian_Plumber: even for not that important servers,  most of them, hardy would be fine really I guess, untill it goes end of  life as a server, no more security updates19:18
Italian_PlumberI run apt-cacher, svn, and dns on it... and vmware19:18
Italian_PlumberI use my work laptop as my main pc at home.19:19
h00kyofel: top | grep Xorg, I'ma keep an eye on this.19:19
checheTrewas: do you know of anywhere that talks about this change? A way to revert back to "nomal"?19:20
Italian_Plumberand I don't plan on upgrading unless there's a real reason to19:20
Italian_PlumberEOL would be a real reason. :)19:20
h00kyofel: I'll stop bothering you about this, thanks for everything19:20
yofelyou're welcome19:21
checheDasEi: did you try to install with the alternate CD?19:21
furenku_pg_: sorry, i'm myself quite lost, and doing research and looking for things. you should probably ask inside #ubuntustudio19:21
_pg_furenku: im in there too lol19:21
Trewascheche: ayatana mailing list had some talks about it, after the change was made... and the bot knows how to change it back, but beats me with what incantation19:22
DasEicheche: yes, it complains about wrong kernel version (yes, I used the 386) , lets you finish, and then hangs at boot19:22
Trewas!window controls19:22
ubottuIn Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d619:22
Trewasthat one, thanks h00k :)19:22
DasEicheche: I just wondered if it's possible it's not supported anymore as centos latest won't do no more for PI19:23
h00kTrewas: I have a feeling it will get used a lot19:23
chechethanks h00k19:23
helohow do i uninstall gnome?19:23
npopehey all, is vim-full still around or did it get replaceD?19:23
DasEihelo : whole desktop, gdm or just the panel ?19:25
helognome desktop19:25
heloinstalling kubuntu-desktop first...19:26
DasEihelo: sudo apt-get remove ---purge (< for configs killed, too) ubuntu-desktop19:26
Italian_Plumberwow I'm glad it let me skip installing the "language packs"19:26
dupondjeif I do a aptitude safe-upgrade, it shows me what packages it will upgrade19:28
dupondjeis it possible to check what versions it will upgrade to ?19:28
DasEihelo: unless a space issue or a weak procci, can also leave it on and set lucid to use kdm instead of gdm19:28
furenkuhello! could anybody point me to where i can find a lowlatency kernel? i've been looking for it to no avail19:28
=== danbeck_ is now known as danbeck
AnAntHello, rhythmbox crashes here19:29
DasEidupondje: can add a   --dry-run   to apt, so it shows what it would do, without actual change, apt-cache show for a specific packet19:29
AnAntseg faults , last thing I see is that it is trying to connect to ubuntuone19:30
AnAntwhy is it connecting to ubuntuone ?19:30
DasEidupondje:like sudo apt-get update --dry-run19:30
arandAnAnt: ubuntu music store I assume..19:31
coderminuswhat is eta for RC today?19:31
AnAntarand: how can I stop that ?19:31
arandcoderminus: out now19:31
DasEi!lucid > coderminus19:31
ubottucoderminus, please see my private message19:31
arandAnAnt: Don't know, maybe removeing the musicstore plugin.19:32
heloDasEi: yeah, it's a space issue on this thumb drive. thanks for the info :)19:32
DasEihelo: ic19:32
arandAnAnt: rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store would be the package I guess19:32
helowill there be debian usage of ubuntuone?19:32
DasEihelo: gnome-games and openoffice* is also a spacekiller, unless needed19:33
AnAntarand: thanks, that solved it19:33
z0rt|workholy libmono updates batman19:33
ninjaiI have a question... in ubuntu 10.04 I noticed there is no button in nautilus to change the address bar from buttons to text input.... any way to change this?19:33
coderminusarand: link on wiki does not point to anything usefull19:33
arandcoderminus: ubuntu.com19:34
arandcoderminus: There are more links in the channel topic19:35
soeeplymouth doesnt work good with nvidia drivers in Kubuntu RC, do u have the same ?19:35
cheche!lucid > cheche19:35
ubottucheche, please see my private message19:35
ninjaianyone know what im talking about?19:35
arandninjai: Design, decision, use Ctrl+L to get it back temporarily, see Bug #508632 for more19:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 508632 in nautilus "[FFe] Toggle button for Nautilus location field gone" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50863219:37
ninjaiarand: thanks a lot I didn't know it was a bug!19:37
arandninjai: It's not, it's a gnome decision to remove it.19:38
ninjaiarand: ohhh, that's annoying... im surprised they don't allow the option....19:38
arandninjai: you can change back permanently using gconf, or using the patch by midspeclowload...19:39
Zelozelosarand where do we get the patch?19:39
arandninjai: But there is no obvious way, no.19:39
arandZelozelos: bug report19:39
arandZelozelos: if you check my PPA packages should be there, I think.19:40
ninjaiarand: Ah, I see that... i found it quite easily in gconf...19:40
ojiiis it normal that shift+space inserts a \u00a0 (non breaking space) on lucid?19:41
arandZelozelos: But obviously, you should never trust unofficial repos like mine.19:42
Zelozelosarand tok i dont want it to be permanent, i want to be able to toggle between so ill just remember the ctrl-l way ;019:42
* helo links /var/cache/apt/archives to point to /dev/shm/19:44
Zelozelosoh cool you can just type a / and it shows the location bar19:47
Zelozelosand after you type it and hit enter, it goes back away, thats perfect :)19:49
=== Yahweh is now known as BeefyQueef
=== BeefyQueef is now known as Yahweh
sithlord48how can i reconfig my sound i upgraded my kubuntu to lucid and now i get only sound from the headphone jack the built in speakers will not work ..19:54
guntbert!nickspam > Yahweh19:54
ubottuYahweh, please see my private message19:54
YahwehI silence *!*@*19:54
YahwehI get no private messages19:54
ersoy!bug ping19:54
guntbert!nickspam | Yahweh19:54
ubottuYahweh: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead. See also « /msg ubottu Guidelines »19:54
beyondcrdose any one know if creative xfi will be supported in 10.4?19:54
sithlord48how can i reconfig my sound i upgraded my kubuntu to lucid and now i get only sound from the headphone jack the built in speakers will not work ..19:58
aboSamoor_I wanted to ask if there is any known problems with secure ethernet connections appeared since the last week, I can not connect to internet in my university campus with an error of authentication failed. I stopped Network manager and run wpa_supplicant from the terminal to get that error20:10
=== Ken8521_ is now known as Ken8521
Zelozelosanyone know how to register a nick name?20:11
DasEi1!register > Zelozelos20:12
ubottuZelozelos, please see my private message20:12
DasEi1Zelozelos: #freenode is a helpfull channel, also /help in your messenger20:12
sithlord48how do i reconfig my sound server to set default output port (i want speakers not headphone jack)20:13
NateWiebefor some reason, my monitor is displaying multiple copies of the desktop.. this only happens with ubuntu. ???20:17
NateWiebe(4 cursors, each one to the right gets more and more transparent though)20:17
lucas-arghello, can i use previous version of kde applet indecator? i dont remember its name but it really annoying the new one sliding pop ups and unhidding the taskbar for any system information20:19
lucas-argi meant notifications theme20:20
bj0rn2Is there a tracker for remaining bugs tobefixed and/or an active list of changesets coming in before final?20:20
charlie-tcabjorn: main ones to be fixed - http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004overview#Known%20issues20:23
nokblastso is the X11 memory leak still being fixed20:24
nokblastI think I'm having some issues with it20:24
joaopintonokblast, there was a call for testing for a fix20:25
nokblastjoaopinto: I take it I'm late to the party  :)20:25
nokblastjoaopinto: do you know who to contact?20:27
sobersabreI'm running update-manager -d now.20:27
sobersabreshall I be worried of something ?20:28
alvinmountall :-) It's not in those t-be-fixed before final notes20:29
yofelnokblast: what's your graphics driver?20:29
nokblastyofel: I have a VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV610 video device [Radeon HD 2400 PRO]20:31
yofelnokblast: 'glxinfo | grep GLX\ version' gives?20:31
joaopintoif you use the proprietary driver it is not affected20:31
nokblastand I'm not using the proprietary driver ok let me activate it20:33
yofelany idea why 'apt-get update' would spawn half a dozen apt-check processes?20:33
yofelnokblast: wait, if you use the open source one can you test the fix first?20:34
nokblastoh wait let me cancel this20:34
karpushi, installing the 10.04 rc right now, but I want to have a separate /home this time so how large would I set the / ? (80 gb hdd, swap is 3 gb, so I assume use x gb for / and the rest for home)20:39
nokblastok still on the open source driver20:40
nokblastwhat did you want me to test?20:40
yofelnokblast: first: what's your glx version?20:40
Dimmuxxkarpus: 20gb for /20:40
karpusDimmuxx: ok sounds good, thanks!20:40
sobersabrekarpus: I'm also giving /var a separate partition. in case a daemon gets diabolized and starts spitting out too many logs - it will only fill /var20:42
nokblastyofel: I need to install glxinfo for that right?20:42
sobersabrebut this depends on the system...20:42
yofelnokblast: yes20:42
yofelnokblast: If 'glxinfo | grep GLX\ version' gives "1.4" then please read https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2010-April/030673.html20:43
nokblastyofel: server glx version string: 1.420:43
nokblastyofel: reading20:47
droidjhow do i disacociate a network device from used interfaces?20:47
yofeldroid: can you rephrase that? you mean rename 'eth0' or...?20:48
droidyofel my motherboard has two ethernet ports. both hooked into the same router. (in windows this reduced lag, in linux. it brings networking tob a screeming halt)20:49
droidi want turn off a interface, from bash, as my gdm id borked.20:50
droidthey were both auto confed on load, if that makes much difference20:51
yofeldroid: turn it off with 'sudo ifdown eth1' (I think)20:51
joaopintoor ifconfig eth1 down (I think)20:51
droidifdown: interface eth1 not configured20:51
joaopintoso it's not configured, not with that device name20:52
yofelrunning 'ifconfig' should list available interfaces20:53
droidno, the first command does nothing with either (eth0/eth1) the latter worked20:53
yofelah, my fault then, sry20:53
Dimmuxxnice, normal speed on my computer again with the X fix20:56
droidahhh crap. whats the command to dump/redownload all updated packages21:00
yofeldroid: sudo apt-get clean21:01
yofeland then try the update again21:01
nokblastyofel: thanks for the info I'm going to monitor the object bytes to see if I have the issue.21:02
droidyofel and when a package fails with error 1 from dpkg?21:02
yofeldroid: can you pastebin the full error message?21:03
droidno, im only netroot on borked rig21:03
yofelI mean the complete test  from 'unpacking...' or 'setting  up ...'21:03
yofeldroid: how do you know that it failed with code 1 then?21:04
droidcause it scrolls then stops at that error.. i can take a picture..21:04
CT1How can I install to a usb hard disk?  I've tried google but only found how to make a usb "live cd"  I want to use this "live cd" to install a proper ubuntu onto a seperate usb disk.  Is this possible? Please point me in the right direction21:05
yofeldroid: well, can you at least tell me what error it gives and what the package is that fails?21:05
checheCT1: maybe this one: http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-on-usb-bar21:08
Marovenhello im running 10.04 beta 2 on a nv79 laptop and it locks up every 40min21:08
CT1cheche: Thankyou very much!21:09
checheMaroven: did you try to update to latest?21:09
checheCT1: no worries21:09
Marovenup to 6 am gmt-5 today21:09
Maroventhen i just gave up21:09
DasEi1CT1: also have a look at pendrivelinux21:10
CT1DasEi1: I will do.  Thanks21:10
droidi hate trying to transcript this man cn i just email you a pic?21:10
yofeldroid: if it's not private just put it on imagebin21:11
yofel!paste | droid21:11
ubottudroid: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:11
DasEi1Ct1: that lets you create a real writeable usb, or just have the stick being only hd attached, also often works21:12
droidyofel because you simply CANT upload to imagebin from a droid. its impossible. i could do picasaweb, but thats a real pain too21:13
yofelah, ok21:13
droiditalian nope.. it has to upload through the google apps api.. no browser uploader works. even in opera21:14
CT1DasEi1: It's for my brothers laptop.  I have a spare old-school laptop disk (not sata) and his internal sata has broken.  I want to install linux to that hard disk (I have the usb adaptor, which works fine as far as r/w from the live cd.  I want to install to that untill the financial crisis is over.21:14
droidand right now, the thing is my onl lifeline x.x21:14
DasEi1CT1: so why not just disconnect the internal and install directly to it as only attached hd ?21:15
MaletorCan somebody tell me how to resolve this error in /var/log/jockey.log ????? http://pastie.org/93034721:16
CT1DasEi1: The laptop takes sata disk. The one I have (with the usb convertor) is pata :(21:16
DasEi1CT1: so use usb adaptor for the pata, and install directly to it21:17
yofelMaletor: and the problem is?21:18
araujoanybody knows which package contain the dm_snapshot module? , I install lvm2 and dmsetup here but I can't find the module21:19
Maletoryofel: Jockey cannot activate my NVIDIA current drivers. Says "A different version of this driver is in use"21:19
CT1DasEi1: That's how I assumed it would go. after a successfull install and reboot, the screen stays blank.  Is there not something extra needed for a usb disk? or is a normal install to that disk (and boot from it in bios ofc) all that's needed? if so, my problem is elsewhere.21:20
ZykoticK9Maletor, is your system up to date?  That issue was solve a little while ago.21:21
DasEi1CT1: did you set brothers lappi to boot usb ?21:21
MaletorZykotickK9: I have have run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade before hand.21:21
CT1DasEi1: yup.  I don't get a grub menu though.  It's a flashing cursor21:22
yofelMaletor: your first attempt to read jockey.log shows that you already tried to install the driver and it seems to have done that21:22
ZykoticK9Maletor, did you try restarting the system after the updates (don't know if it would help, but it *should* be resolved)21:22
MaletorUnder Administration => NVIDIA X Server Settings it reads 195.36.15 for Driver Version.21:22
DasEi1CT1: should work, either try to re-install grub or update-initramfs; acpi=off often does wonders on such21:22
MaletorZykotickK9: Yes. I have restarted several times.21:23
ZykoticK9Maletor, the "another driver in use" WAS an issue21:23
MaletorIt still is for me.21:23
MaletorNo resolution.21:23
DasEi1!bootoptions, ct121:23
ubottuFor a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions21:23
Marovenhello anyone here an expert on getting a video card to work with ubuntu 10.0421:24
yofelMaletor: and what's your issue with the driver? does it work now or not?21:24
droidmaroven. what brand?21:24
Maletoryofel: It works. However, I want it to be the 195.36.08ubutu2 version not the 195.36.15 really poopy NVIDIA version.21:24
CT1DasEi1: Perhaps I made a mistake and grub was installed on the half-broken internal disk and ubuntu on the usb.  I'll investigate more.  Thanks for the help.  Just to confirm, there aren't any special requirements to installing to usb disk so long as bios can see and boot from it right?21:24
h00kJork: The nouveau drivers are already installed in Lucid, so you don't have to do anything21:25
yofelMaletor: err... WHY? that won't work with jockey at least as that will install the highest available version from the repository21:25
JorkHello. How can I install opensource nvidia graphic drivers (noveu ones) whic arent listed in hardware drivers ?21:25
DasEi1CT1: not a s I know, but if you did't put off the internal, grub will be there (until you told it other)21:25
h00kJork: they are already are installed and you're using them21:25
Maletorso you're saying i should install 195.36.15? yofel21:25
yofelMaletor: also .15 works fine here and the versions before that had serious issues with overheating of some cards21:25
CT1DasEi1: Great!  That's what the problem is.  Many thank DasEi121:26
Yonderinghello, I have a couple of questions about the boot process in Lucid21:26
yofelMaletor: unless you've got a good reason not to yes21:26
Maletoryofel: so stay away from Jockey?21:26
DasEi1CT1: alternate or minimal gives finer options21:26
droidyofel hey21:26
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal21:26
yofelMaletor: if you don't want to use the repository package yes21:26
=== ersoy is now known as hersoy
Jorkhook; I use 195.36.15 are those noveu?21:27
MaletorI would like to use the repo packagage but if you say 36.15 is better than...21:27
=== danbeck_ is now known as danbeck
h00kJork: no, that's the proprietary nvidia drivers21:27
MGMTM3Quick question if anyone has the time21:27
yofelMaletor: 36.15 IS the repos package21:27
=== hersoy is now known as ersoy
Maletoryofel: then why doesn't Jockey work!?21:28
h00kJork: if you disable that and reboot, you'll be using nouveau21:28
Jorkh00k: So how can I install noveau ones?21:28
Jorkaha I see21:28
h00kJork: you don't need to21:28
Yonderingif HAL has been moved out of the boot process, should I assume that's the reason my freshly installed 10.04 box hangs for three or four minutes at the login window waiting for my mouse & keyboard to activate, so I can log in?21:28
yofelMaletor: well, maybe the you don't have the fix yet or something, do you have 'nvidia-current' installed?21:28
Maletoryofel: yes21:28
JorkFor now the work just fine21:28
yofelMaletor: and /etc/X11/xorg.conf shows 'nvidia' as used driver21:29
Maletori have also run sudo sh 'NVIDIA-Driveres-from-their-website'21:29
Maletoryofel: yes21:29
Jorkbut compi is still little bugy21:29
Maletoryofel: so what should i do?21:29
yofelMaletor: well, then the driver should be working fine, and NEVER use the driver from the nvidia site21:29
Maletoryofel: well, i already have so what now?21:30
Jorkyofel what problem do you have?21:30
wbc17Just installed 10.04 RC, and was going to install the nvidia proprietary drivers, but the newest in the list is version 173, but isn't there a 190 something out?21:30
yofelMaletor: a) hope that it works, b) if not, I don't know how to remove the .run driver other than reinstalling ubuntu21:30
yofelJork: I don't have any issues21:30
Maletoryofel: you can pass uninstall option but it doesn't seem to work...21:31
Jorkwbc17: yes they should be 195.36.15 on the list too21:31
droidyofel. any ideas how to fix my ws?21:31
yofelwbc17: 195 is in the list called 'current'21:31
wbc17yofel: oh so that is how it is, I'll just install that one then, thanks21:31
MGMTM3Did the RC fix the GLX 1.4 memory leak?21:32
jmichaelxi have a question. i have near me three different machines running lucid, getting their updates from the same mirror. however, 'cat /etc/lsb-release' gives different output on one of the three machines. on 2 of the machines, i getDISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu lucid (development branch)"21:32
yofelwbc17: you should install the 'recommended' one21:32
yofelMGMTM3: not yet, fix is still being tested21:32
jmichaelxDISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 10.04 LTS"but on the third, i get21:32
Maletoryofel: well i uninstall the .run and it still doesn't work21:32
MGMTM3yofel thanks ill revert then21:32
Maletorsame error for jockey21:32
yofelMGMTM3: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2010-April/030673.html21:32
jmichaelxbut on the third, i get DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 10.04 LTS"*21:33
Yonderingso, am I experiencing something unique with my 10.04 rc installation..?21:33
jmichaelxwhy does one say '10.04 LTS', and the other two 'development branch'21:33
yofeldroid: I didn't receive a mail yet21:34
droidbeta 1/2 and rc 121:34
Yonderingbecause it seems to me, a 'faster' boot process is all but useless unless it actually lets you use the pc faster.. which mine isn't. =/21:34
Jorkanyone knows when nex stable relese of wine will came?21:35
arandJork: #winehq would know I assume21:35
sebas891hi folks,21:36
yofeljmichaelx: propably caused by the rc transistion, beta should show "dev branch", rc should not, I'm not sure how that get's changed21:36
ZykoticK9jmichaelx, on my Alpha2 install I'm seeing "Ubuntu 10.04 LTS" yet on a fresh RC install i'm seeing "development branch" as well - no idea what accounts for the difference21:36
Maletoryofel: what can i do?21:36
sebas891Anyone trying to setup a slapd slave server with lucid?21:37
droidwine is aptly named, for one must turn the version for the age (program).21:37
yofelMaletor: no idea, try to run 'sudo aptitude purge nvidia-current' first and then try jockey again21:37
DaijoubuHello :) i want to switch to the release candidate but i have a small problem ^^ i took some video clips today and they are 3 gigs.Will it be possible to store 2gb of them on Ubuntu One using the Live CD loaded on USB Stick O-O21:38
arandjmichaelx: update the base-files package.21:38
droidhow do i nuke downloaded upgrade debs?21:38
ZykoticK9droid, they are stored in /var/cache/apt/archives21:38
DasEi1droid: apt-get clean21:39
yofeldroid: 'sudo apt-get clean' will delete the .deb files, but if you're stuck in an error you might have to run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' first to get it running again21:39
DasEi1droid: (cache)21:39
* droid loves his i721:40
Daijoubuemm o-o in other words is Ubuntu One working on the release candidate because it was not working in alpha 2 ?21:41
Yonderinghello.. nobody else is having trouble with the boot process in 10.04? =/  mine hangs for 3-4 minutes at the login screen waiting for what I'm assuming is HAL to fire up & activate my keyboard & mouse...21:41
droidafter all that. its still hnging on the same openoffice package21:42
DaijoubuYondering hal is removed in RC ?!21:42
Daijoubu"This release fully removes HAL from the boot process,"21:43
YonderingDaijoubu, I thought I read that it was just moved out of the boot process.  Meaning, it fires up "after" boot.21:43
DasEi1Yondering: I don't think it's hal, its depreciated;; look in your syslog, kernellog, messages, dmesg21:43
YonderingDasEi1, ok, thanks.. will do.. as soon as my keyboard wakes up to let me log into this beast :)21:43
jmichaelxeven hal experiences depreciation?21:43
jmichaelxgeesh, i hope someone can write that off on their taxes...21:44
DaijoubuYondering sooting in the dark but if it's a fresh install and you have Nvidia try installing the drivers from hardware manager o-o21:44
yofelYondering: Ubuntu (gnome) shouldn't need hal at all in the default setup21:44
DasEi1jmichaelx: y, too slow, no parallel taasking > upstart now21:44
Daijoubu*shooting XD21:44
Yonderingthanks.. hmmm looking in the logfiles now, not sure if I'll recognize anything out of the ordinary, but here goes..21:45
droidyofel. email21:45
jmichaelxDasEi1: i was just kidding. the word is actually 'deprecated'21:45
yofeldroid: got it, reading21:45
DasEi1aah, thx, tel me karaut21:45
YonderingI'm using the nvidia 195 server from the hardware advisor, and that fires up fine to show me the login screen while I wait to actually log in, so I assume that's not the issue.21:46
yofeldroid: bug in the package... or something like that, can you remove the package with 'sudo dpkg --remove --force-depens openoffice.org-hyphenation-de' first and try again?21:47
BUGabundoand me thinking we were in RC21:47
CT1DasEi1: Worked a treat.  Clicking "advanced" at the end of the installer showed that grub was installed by default on the broken internal disk.  Chose the usb (sdb) and it's working great.  Thankyou for your help, you and the ubuntu community as a whole!21:47
BUGabundosooooooooo many packages upgrade :S21:48
yofeldroid: uups, should be '--force-depends'21:48
Azelphurdoes anyone know how to enable the icons in the applications menu? the "Interface" tap in Appearance is no more :(21:48
MaletorI get this error: mounting none on /dev failed No such device as mentioned in this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1435968 and I have reinstalled my kernel. I don't know why I am still getting this error.21:48
DasEi1!yay | CT121:48
ubottuCT1: Glad you made it! :-)21:48
ZykoticK9Azelphur, "gconftool-2 -s /desktop/gnome/interface/menus_have_icons --type boolean true"21:49
meoblast001how long should it take for 10.04 Beta 2 to boot?21:49
AzelphurZykoticK9: ty21:49
meoblast001my CD drive is periodically repeating the same sounds21:49
AzelphurZykoticK9: always seemed silly to me to remove the icons and not reclaim the space, it's like the worst of both options :P21:49
Ken8521meoblast001, man you have all sorts of odd problems..lol, sounds like its time for a new cd drive21:50
YonderingDasEi1, happen to have a link or something I could read off that would tell me what to look for in these logfiles?  As far as I can tell, I'm not seeing anything out of the ordinary.21:50
meoblast001it has nothign to do with the CD drive21:50
meoblast001i loaded up 3 other OSes off CDs this week21:50
yofeldroid: and is it just me or does it actually try to *downgrade* the package from ubuntu2 to ubuntu1 ?21:50
meoblast001my friend said he was having the same problem21:50
meoblast001is the beta broken?21:50
droidyofel now im hitting same error with flashplugin-installer21:50
DasEi1Yondering: use the find function of editor, seek for error, waiting, unkwown and such21:51
meoblast001hm... everything stopped21:51
YonderingDasEi1, ok, thanks21:51
meoblast001lol, locked up21:51
callaghanI just tried to install the flash plugin in the Ubuntu Software Center, but it failed and an error message appeared suggesting that i should run "sudo dpkg --configure -a". I did that, and this is what happens: http://paste.ubuntu.com/420666/ Something wrong with this file, because I'm not able to download it in Firefox either...21:51
meoblast001so i go back to 9.10?21:51
yofeldroid: are you using the main server as mirror?21:51
meoblast001and spend..... another 2 hours downloading the CD21:51
meoblast001biggest waste of CDs ever21:51
packet-sentcd-rw ????? save the planet21:52
meoblast001packet-sent: how?21:52
nemopacket-sent: USB flash drive :)21:52
droidyofel main server as mirror? what? not unless beta2 was designed that way21:52
packet-sentusb is even better21:52
nemopacket-sent: + System->Administration->Startup Disc Creator :)21:52
YonderingDasEi1, I'm seeing in /var/log/messages, from 15:41:15 to 15:43:52 it's messing about with a usb hub/kvm switch I am using.  That seem abnormally long to you?21:52
nemoCDs are so retro21:53
yofeldroid: it's just that the package version you have there isn't available on my german mirror (yet I guess), checking right now21:53
DasEi1Yondering: can be, can test-wise disable usb in bios21:53
* jmichaelx runs many 'retro' machines21:53
YonderingDasEi1, hmm interesting, that'd kill off my keyboard though wouldn't it? ;)21:53
nemojmichaelx: heh. my really retro machines can't run ubuntu anyway :)21:54
yofeldroid: yep, main has that package21:54
nemojmichaelx: the P133 and P266 run a very minimal gentoo21:54
jmichaelxnemo: must be pretty retro21:54
DasEi1Yondering: hm, usb key, darn, yes.. was us a idea to verifiy if that causes the hang21:54
nemojmichaelx: surprising how much you can get though - use seamonkey for mail/web, XFCE4 for desktop...21:54
lucas-arghello, can we change notification themes for kubuntu? like 9.10 we had two different notifications pop-ups21:54
nemojmichaelx: 96MiB of memory, and once I'm at a desktop I usually still have half of it free21:55
jmichaelxi run debian lenny with full-blown xfce on a PII @ 300Mhz21:55
meoblast001so.... give up and go back to 9.10?21:55
nemojmichaelx: how much memory? :)21:55
jmichaelxnemo: sweet21:55
meoblast001time to kill some more trees everyone21:55
jmichaelxnemo: 128MB21:55
YonderingDasEi1, I think I'm going to take that kvm out of the equation.  it's not doing much of anything for me anyhow, beyodn the occasional annoyance.21:55
nemojmichaelx: luxury! ;)21:55
jmichaelxyep , love it21:55
nemojmichaelx: I use NFS and SSH too - they suck up a bit of mem21:55
DasEi1Yondering: figure out if that causes it, yes21:56
z0rt|workyou must budget the luxuries first you see21:56
mininessiehow do install the ubutnu rc iso21:56
jmichaelxi have a PI with 64MB that is crying out for a tiny core installation21:56
redAnyone using Vuze?21:57
mininessiehow do i install the ubutnu rc iso21:58
z0rt|workyou must build a cloud of i486s and use them to conquer the universe21:58
redthe GUI seems _really_ unresponsive after there are more than 2-3 torrents on the queue21:58
meoblast001oh my21:58
meoblast001release candidate21:58
meoblast001should i download that or 9.1021:58
meoblast001it's a high risk gamble21:58
jmichaelxz0rt|work: mention of an 1486 cloud of PCs is inspirational21:58
mininessiehow do i install the ubutnu rc iso21:58
meoblast001i can A) waste 2 hours of my life or B) get older software21:58
z0rt|workjmichaelx: you could also do it with a bunch of xboxen21:58
yofelmininessie: burn it to a cd or put it on a flash drive, boot it, install21:59
z0rt|workmeoblast001: waste 2 hours of your life, the lucid lynx will thank you personally21:59
callaghanmeoblast001: i installed the rc just now and it works fine21:59
mininessieyofel: no via terminal how do i do it21:59
meoblast001callaghan: did beta 2 work just fine for you?21:59
joaopintomeoblast001, if you didn't reported the problem with the beta cds booting, it's very unlikely that it will be fixed on the RC21:59
nemojoaopinto: you mean you did not read his mind?22:00
meoblast001i just found it 15 minutes ago though22:00
yofelmininessie: what are you using right now and what do you mean with 'install iso from terminal'?22:00
Maharamininessie: Are you upgrading from a previous version e.g. 8.04 or 9.10 ? If yes use : http://tinyurl.com/355eynd22:00
joaopintomeoblast001, you could also try to install using the alternate cd, it's a safer bet22:01
mininessieyofel: i download the iso and i should be able to run it the upgrade from the cdromupgrade file22:01
mininessieyofel: but i can't22:01
meoblast001joaopinto: true22:01
z0rt|workmaybe he means installing it from commandline with no gui22:01
yofelmininessie: I can't help you there, I don't know how that works22:01
nemomeoblast001: say. what boot options have you tried?22:02
nemomeoblast001: like, have you already disabled acpi and apic?22:02
joaopintomininessie, the livecd does not allow you to upgrade, just reinstalling22:02
Maharamininessie: You can't upgrade from .iso files use the link I gave you22:02
meoblast001nemo: no, i didn't try other boot options22:03
MaletorI get this error: mounting none on /dev failed No such device as mentioned in this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1435968 and I have reinstalled my kernel. I don't know why I am still getting this error.22:03
joaopintoMaletor, are you running lucid ?22:03
YonderingDasEi1, KVM is out of the equation.. here goes nothing.22:03
meoblast001nemo: should i?22:03
joaopintojust to be safe :P22:03
meoblast001or should i just finish this alternative install disc22:03
Maletorjoaopinto: yes22:03
DasEi1Yondering: no change in bootup-time ?22:04
meoblast001i'll just download it now, install later, as i have to go soon anyways22:04
joaopintoMaletor, does that error show during boot, on the start of the boot ?22:04
Maletorright after grub22:04
joaopintohum, it's most likely to be a mountall issue22:04
joaopintoMaletor, try to boot with "init=/sbin/sulogin"22:05
Maletorjoaopinto: my fstab is fine22:05
joaopintoI mean, in the linux kernel options22:05
YonderingDasEi1, nope.. not yet.  I was at a screen for about 30 seconds with the wallpaper & mouse cursor, but I couldn't move the mouse.   Now I'm at the gdm login screen but I still can't use the mouse or keyboard.22:05
Maletorhow do i do that joaopinto?22:05
joaopintoMachtin, right, but mountall was changed on this release, a lot, and for some reason it may be handling your fstab wrong22:05
joaopintoMachtin, on the grub menu, "e", go to the linux line, append "init=/sbin/sulogin"22:06
DasEi1Yondering: already a graphics driver installed ?22:06
joaopintoops, ^ Maletor22:06
bp0"the list of changes is not available yet"22:06
YonderingDasEi1, yes,  Nvidia 195 from the hardware manager22:06
bp0what causes that?22:06
mininessieMahara: i download that one22:06
nemomeoblast001: I think it could be useful to try, if you're having problems booting22:06
Maletorwhat will that do for me joaopinto? i have a raid5 and lvm /dev/mapper/vg-root an /dev/mapper/vg-swap22:07
nemomeoblast001: is how I've often gotten boot CD to boot. there are other options to try too, free software only (in case nvidia driver is choking), and turning off splash and quiet so you can see what is going on and where it might freeze22:07
Maletor'/dev/boot is raid 122:08
joaopintoMaletor, oh, LVM, there are some known issues with LVM and mountall22:08
meoblast001yuck, nonfree software22:08
meoblast001they don't have that on the disc do they?22:08
DasEi1Yondering: check dmesg again :  dmesg > dmeg.txt && gedit dmesg.txt22:08
joaopintoMaletor, the error is 100% reproductible ?22:08
YonderingDasEi1, will do.  Want a pastebin shot?22:08
joaopintoMaletor, you could try to fix using a version that attempts to fix it, but you will need to use the livecd and a chroot22:08
Maletorjoaopinto: that's not happening anytime soon22:09
Maletorlots of time little reward22:09
joaopintoMaletor, ah ok :\22:09
Maletori think you know what i mean :)22:09
Maletormight as well reinstal lucid final22:09
joaopintoMaletor, well, this bug is being worked, but it needs someone to test the fix22:11
MaletorThat would be me joaopinto.22:11
joaopintoMaletor, you would need to boot the livecd, chroot to the system and just install a package22:12
MaletorOk I can do that.22:12
mininessiecan i install an iso on ubuntu without burning putting it on a flash drive ect.22:13
joaopintoMaletor, you need to install mountall 2.14 from http://ppa.launchpad.net/scott/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/m/mountall/22:13
DasEi1mininessie: y, see :22:13
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.22:13
MaletorI have version 2.13 now22:14
YonderingDasEi1, this time it did something new, probably because I unplugged my mouse to try to wake it up.   Anyway, http://pastebin.com/4nTHrBRP22:14
DasEi1mininessie: you won't install, but can mount it22:14
Maletorjoaopinto: will 2.14 be pushed to the main repo soon enough?22:15
mininessiei don't want to burn it22:15
joaopintoMaletor, as soon some confirms that it does fix the issue22:15
joaopintolet me check for the bug nr22:15
arandmininessie: It could probably be done using a chroot-type approach...22:15
mininessiearand: how do i do it with chroot22:16
DasEi1Yondering: usb is what I mainly see on it, maybe a irq-setting (fixed irq in bios for usb) will help, but I have no idea about the particular needed driver for it22:17
yofelmininessie: why don't you just upgrade with update-manager?22:17
YonderingDasEi1, ok :)22:17
mininessieyofel: its not in the update manager22:17
YonderingI'll see what I can find.22:17
yofelmininessie: you need to run update-manager with 'update-manager -d'22:18
mininessieyofel: i did22:18
yofelmininessie: has to be there then22:19
mininessieyofel: unless i have to change my setting to get it22:19
yofelmininessie: what are you running right now again?22:20
mininessieyofel: beta 2 of ubuntu22:20
yofel!final | mininessie22:20
ubottumininessie: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.22:20
yofelno need to upgrade anything22:20
=== Votan is now known as Votan|off
yofelas long as update-manager doesn't show any regular updates22:21
gintonicCool, the bot knows everything about ubuntu22:21
chechegintonic: maybe is part of the staff :-)22:21
yofelnot everything but a lot ;)22:21
checheit would be nice if the help command show up some information22:22
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu+1's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots22:22
callaghanI have a problem with my Z10 USB Speakers, in the Sound Preferences there are 2 new markers (see http://img686.imageshack.us/img686/7816/screenshotsoundpreferenz.png) and they are at very odd positions, so it is impossible to fine-tune the volume, it's either very silent or very loud. How do I change this?22:22
gintonic!help_fix_my_ati_drivers_they_were_written_by_monkeys | gintonic22:23
yofelgintonic: lol, nope, he propably doesn't know that :D22:23
gintonicAlas, no22:23
checheyofel: I try /msg ubuntu help and it does not work.22:23
checheyofel: I try "/msg ubuntu help" and it does not work.22:24
* jmichaelx knew something was up wid da ATI drivers...22:24
arandcheche: ubottu , not ubuntu, I think...22:24
yofelcheche: not sure what's up with that, maybe ping jussi, and it's ubottu, not ubuntu22:25
chechearand, yofel, that was a typo, is ubottu22:25
Ahmed\Is the Lucid released ?22:25
yofelAhmed\: see /topic22:26
arandcheche: use !help, !factoid, etc. with the exclamation mark22:26
callaghanOr is there a way to remove those "Unamplified" and "100%" markers completely, like it was in karmic?22:27
YonderingDasEi1, I think I may have wrung it out.. will see in a moment. =/22:27
yofelarand: well, help should work in a query too...22:27
yofelarand: other factoids work, but not help o.O22:27
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:27
yofelahhh... wait22:28
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!22:28
arandyofel: I tried, it doesn't22:28
chechearand: Other bots, you need to send privete message to the bot22:28
YonderingDasEi1, it was my usb printer :( I think I need a new cable for it.  thanks for the help.22:28
checheaaahhhhhhhh.. got it.,, I can send a private message to the bot using !help...22:29
DasEi1Yondering: nice you figured it out, or maybe just the right cups driver22:29
chechestill, !help does not give you a clue about other commands22:29
arandcheche: ubottu is designed as a help for the channel, if you test factoids in private messages you still need top use the ! .22:29
YonderingDasEi1, I don't use the printer often :)  if it becomes an issue I'll dig into it.22:30
arand!bot > cheche22:30
ubottucheche, please see my private message22:30
gintonicDoes anyone have a working hack to kill underscan in fglrx22:30
joaopintogintonic, what's that :) ?22:31
gintonicMore specifically, a working hack to kill underscan in fglrx, now that the previously working hack stopped working in lucid22:31
chechearand: ok.. maybe it was just my previous knoledge from debian bot. it is ok for get it.22:32
joaopintowhat is "underscan" and why would you want to kill it ?22:32
gintonicThe ATI underscan problem causes fairly large black borders on all sides of the screen22:32
joaopintoah, never heard about it22:33
joaopintoI don't such problem with my ATI :)22:33
gintonicWhich graphics interface are you using?22:33
joaopintoLCD on the DVI port22:34
gintonicI think it only affects HDMI, and it's technically a feature. But a bug for practically any computer user22:35
AnxiousNutmy uncle asked me to install ubuntu on his PS3 after 2 weeks from now,should i install 10.04 or 9.10??22:35
rskAnxiousNut make sure he dosent patch the ps322:36
rsklatest patch from sony disables "other OS"22:36
AnxiousNutyeah i told him that, he didnt and wont22:36
AnxiousNutbut will 10.04 install without problems?22:36
rskyou won't know untill you tried22:37
z0rt|workthat's awfully stingy of them to do22:37
joaopintops3 is PPC right ?22:37
rskalso 10.04 will be different every day for 2 weeks22:37
joaopintoyou will need to check for the PPC port22:37
araujoI am trying to cfdisk my usb drive at /dev/sdb , but it says 'medium not found' , though this works for me in other distros, any idea?22:37
rskso it's impossible to have a good asnwear22:37
joaopintoaraujo, sudo fdisk -l22:37
araujothe usb disk is evidently plugged in and all22:37
chechearand: see #debian for exmaple22:37
joaopintoaraujo, check if it's listed on the partitions22:37
araujoI am using 'sudo cfdisk /dev/sdb'22:38
AnxiousNutrsk: well i cant test stuff on his ps3, so should i go with previous releases?22:38
fumblesanybody have any luck with pcbsd in their grub2 40_custom file? from 10.04 ofc22:38
araujopartition??, I don't need its partitions22:38
joaopintoarand, uh, you can't bindly use /dev/sdsomething22:38
joaopintoyou need to know the device name22:38
Daijoubuguys i just found out that in kernel 2.6.33-rc6 there is included mantis driver, will Lucid be updated to 2.6.33 at any time ?22:39
joaopintowhich would be listed on fdisk -l for a known device22:39
araujoof course, /dev/sdb that is it, and it exists22:39
arandcheche: Yea, ubottu acts exactly the same in private as in channel it seems22:39
rskDaijoubu probably not22:39
duffydackDaijoubu, install whatever kernel you want..22:39
joaopintoDaijoubu, not likely22:39
arandjoaopinto: > araujo22:39
duffydackDaijoubu, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/22:40
araujofdisk -l is to show the partitions of the device, which evidently, shows nothing because I have not partition, I am trying to access the device man, not the partition, /dev/sdb22:40
Daijoubuso Lucid will be stuck with this kernel version for all these years ? :o22:40
joaopintoaraujo, ok, so you know what you are doing :P22:40
araujoit works fine in other distros22:40
duffydackDaijoubu, no, 6 months..22:40
araujojust doing "cfdisk /dev/sdb" works in other distros22:40
joaopintoDaijoubu, yes, with fixes/improvements backported22:40
araujonot here, i wonder why22:40
araujoanybody has an idea?22:40
rskDaijoubu yep22:40
joaopintoaraujo, if cfdisk does not work, it's most likely a bug on cfdisk22:41
joaopintoarand, does fdisk /dev/sdb work ?22:41
araujowell, neither cfdisk nor dd22:41
rskduffydack um when did ubuntu versions start to upgrade their kernel every 6 months?22:41
joaopintoops, araujo22:41
Daijoubu:( ah damn :/ ok thanks a lot .___. finally a kernel that supports my damned satellite card and it's not going to be on ubuntu ._.22:41
araujosudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb shows nothing22:41
duffydackrsk, when they released a new distro?22:42
rskbut then it's not the same version22:42
rskread the question :p22:42
duffydackrsk, I was responding to his comment after his question...22:43
yofelarand: and what does dmesg show when you plug it in?22:43
yofelaraujo: ^22:43
yofelarand: sry, tab fail...22:43
duffydackrsk, "<Daijoubu> so Lucid will be stuck with this kernel version for all these years?"   I said no, every 6 months.22:44
arand3 letters, irc favours the lazy :D22:44
araujoyofel, it shows with 'lsusb'22:45
DaijoubuIf i update the kernel manually (which i don't know how to do lol) will i mess up everything ?22:45
araujoyofel, and dmesg shows all the info of the device, yes22:45
duffydackDaijoubu, why do you need to..22:45
yofelarand: yes, but you should find the device not that is used for the drive in the kernel log after connecting it22:45
Daijoubuduffydack that new kernel supports my satellite card :(22:46
yofelargh, why does  ar<tab> always complete arand -.-, sry22:46
arandyofel > araujo  :DD22:46
araujoyofel, dmesg shows the devices as 'sdb'22:46
yofelhm, then I don't know why it doesn't work, never used cfdisk myself though22:47
duffydackDaijoubu, so get the debs from the link I gave you and sudo dpkg -i *.deb but I advise against it.22:47
joaopintoarand, file a bug for cfdisk22:48
araujoand on internet some people seem to have had the same problem, but no solution...22:48
Daijoubuduffydack can you tell me what are the risks in short?22:48
duffydackDaijoubu, well you not being sure of stuff for one..  well you will still have the old kernel to boot to if you have problems I guess.  Upto you then...22:49
ddilingerany suggestions for getting a non-booting lucid system to  boot? was updatd from karmic to lucid a week ago and on boot it sticks.  Booting to recovery sticks, but i can alt-F1 and then alt-sysreq-k to get a console22:51
ddilingersysreq states that it kills mountall before giving me the console22:51
ddilingeri do have access to the hard drive, currently booting an intrepid installation from another partition22:52
sebsebsebddilinger: hrm22:52
checheddilinger: what message do you get when the system boots up22:52
sebsebsebddilinger: 10.04 has actsaul data on it that you want to get hold of as well?22:52
Yonderingddilinger, do you have a usb printer or usb hub attached?22:53
yofelddilinger: do you have any usbfs or vboxfs or LVM drives in your fstab?22:53
ddilingerwhen it boots up without recovery no message, just a black screen.  when booting into recovery alt-f1 is empty and alt-f7 has info from mountall about mounting drives22:53
sebsebsebddilinger: also it's a bit sad really, but 8.10 goes end of life, no more security updates, on the 30th April22:53
ddilingerthere is a usb hub internal to the case, has SD/MMC/etc. slots22:53
joaopintoddilinger, do you have a cursor on the black screen and does it move when you press enter ?22:54
ddilingeryea, intrepid is just on here as a backup plan when things go wrong, turns out it was usefull use of 15G :)22:54
ddilingerno mouse cursor on the black scree22:54
ddilingernothing on pressing enter either22:54
yofelddilinger: does something happen if you press M or S ?22:55
ddilingerhmm, hadn't read about M or S, i can reboot and try that though, back in 2min22:55
yofelS should skip whatever hangs and M should give a console22:55
sebsebsebddilinger: 8.10 is a lovely great release,  one of the best versions of Ubuntu,  except when hardware such as ethernet doesn't just work,  happended on the other computer22:55
yofelddilinger: it should tell you that in the splash22:55
ddilingeri dont get any splash screen, never got one on karmic either22:55
sebsebsebddilinger: just curious, how are you using 8.10 as a back up plan for when things go wrong?22:56
ddilingermultiple partitions22:56
yofelddilinger: if you  have splash disabled then the message not showing is a known bug22:56
sebsebsebddilinger: sure you can access Linux partitions of another version of Ubuntu or distro,  but 8.10 has no Ext4 support, and the default file system for clean installs of Ubuntu is Ext4 since 9.10.22:56
ddilingeri boot 8.10 with the kernel from lucid22:57
ddilingerjust by typing in the information into the grub edit command line screen22:57
sebsebsebddilinger: oh22:57
ddilingernoticed at first i couldn't get my drives :)22:57
ddilingerok, rebooting back in am oment after trying M and S22:57
Daijoubui guess if i update the kernel to a newer version the Nvidia drivers from hardware drivers will not work right ?22:58
DasEi1Daijoubu: dkms should check that for you22:59
YonderingDaijoubu, it should as long as you install the newer kernel headers as well.22:59
Daijoubusweet :D22:59
rohananyone tried ubuntu RC? the default firefox homepage is back to google. how did that happen?23:00
DASPRiDhm, RC and you still cannot install lucid with raid 123:02
DaijoubuAny idea why Nautilus and Disk Utility reports my Flash as 1 gb but then when i try to copy a 988mb file on it, it says not enough space 964mb free ? there is nothing on the flash ?!23:02
trismrohan: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2010-April/030589.html23:02
DASPRiDi assume they won't fix the installer in 6 days?23:03
rohantrism: yep, just had a look at it.23:03
duffydackDaijoubu, what filesystem?23:03
Daijoubuduffydack, it says fat ?23:03
vistakillerrc but suspend is still not working23:03
sebsebsebtrism: I was a bit slow getting link, so beat me to it23:03
duffydackDaijoubu,  1gb doesnt mean 1gig23:03
DASPRiDvistakiller, looks like many things are not working yet23:04
vistakillerthe only thing here that is not working is suspend23:04
vistakillereverything else is works fine23:04
vistakillerand funky colors in plymouth :P23:05
Daijoubuduffydack, it says Capacity 1.014.480.896 Fat1623:05
duffydackDaijoubu, my 16gig flash is 14.9523:05
ddilingerwell, the hotkeys didn't help, but the mention of usb hubs was golden.  opened up the case disconnected the usb and boots fine23:05
ddilingerso thanks for that :)23:06
Daijoubuwoooow :) Formated with NTFS 962mb formated with ext4 886 mb ...23:07
rohanalso the damn problem of "Starting Firefox Web Browser" always appearing is still there23:07
rohanis it going to be solved by final?23:08
DASPRiDvistakiller, ah well, if they don't fix the installer within 6 days, nobody will be able to install lucid on a raid ;)23:08
joaopintoddilinger, there are some issues with mountall wich are random, I don't see any relation with the usb hubs and your system hanging on boot during mountall23:08
duffydackDaijoubu, 1.014.480.896 in "mb" is roughly 964...23:09
duffydackDaijoubu, and using ntfs will take more off, and will take even more off using ext (it uses 5% reserved by default)23:09
Daijoubuduffydack, why ext4 formated it goes downt to 886mb and with ntfs its 962 ?!23:09
jaydeeis there someone who can help with installing ar928x driver on netoobk?23:10
Daijoubuduffydack, ok thanks :)23:10
duffydackDaijoubu, you can set reserved to 0% but it wont make it any better than the fat1623:10
sebsebsebDaijoubu:  vistakiller  10.04 will be delayed if their is a good enough reason23:10
sebsebseboh I was meant to send that to DASPRiD23:11
DASPRiDsebsebseb, until now, the ticket is unassigned23:11
DASPRiDfor over a month now23:11
jaydeei need some help here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146040523:11
vistakillerit works fine but only one two things dont work at all like suspend23:12
AzelphurIntermittently when I copy/paste a link, I get this weird context menu offering me to open with firefox, opera, or send link. What is this thing and how do I switch it off?23:16
sburwoodhow can I find out the origin of my video problems?  I'm using Lucid beta223:16
sburwoodwhen I do recovery mode and choose failsafe video mode, all is good23:17
DasEi1sburwood: /etc/X11/Xorg.0.log23:17
DasEi1sburwood: which video card ?23:17
sburwoodI'm a newbie to this.  I've an Nvidia 5900 Ultra with AGP 4x23:18
sburwoodwhat do I do with Xorg.0.log?23:18
DASPRiDlooking at it23:18
sburwoodwith gedit, Openoffice, or something else?23:19
DasEi1sburwood: open with editor check for problems ;; did you look unde hardwaredrivers for that card ? I don't know for this model particular, but also nvidia offers nice propitary drivers23:19
DasEi1sburwood: gedit or such23:20
sburwoodIt worked.  It seems to get buggy in the past couple of days23:20
sburwoodbut it worked fine before that23:20
DasEi1sburwood: is that a fx model ?23:22
vengeranyone else ran vbeinfo in grub2 shell and find that you can't shift-pgup to scroll back to see the whole list of modes?23:22
sburwoodI don't think so.  I had to replace a 5200.  Got the 5900 off of ebay23:22
sburwoodI must admit that the power supply also gave up a couple of weeks ago23:23
sburwoodand I replaced it with a used one ... that works fine23:23
sburwoodI can't find the file Xorg.0.log23:23
DasEi1sburwood: /var/log/Xorg.0.log  ,sry, wrong above23:24
sburwoodnVidia Corporation NV35 [GeForce FX 5900 Ultra] rev 16123:25
DasEi1sburwood: yes, get the driver from that link then, install from 'out of x'23:25
sburwoodout of x??23:26
DasEi1sburwood: (don't issue now, logs you off ) ..23:26
DasEi1sburwood: ctrl+alt+F1 to get to a prompt, afterwards restart gdm or simply reboot23:26
VigoThank you kindly for the assistance.23:27
DasEi1sburwood: before read the link installing drivers23:27
sburwoodI have downloaded the file, a thing that ends *.run23:27
Misantropothere were only one update yesterday and today: kopete. Are the updates being retained because of the RC?23:27
DasEi1sburwood: right, place on desktp23:27
BUGabundo[OT] is there a way to print a gname archive thread? http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.handhelds.android.devel/2252423:28
DasEi1Misantropo: freeze is set23:28
yofelDasEi1, sburwood: looking at the page it says 173, you should use the repository driver in that case23:28
_Ba_hi, I've installed 10.04 rc and my soundcard is installed too but have no sound23:28
MisantropoDasEi1, thanks23:28
randomusrdoes anyone know if the Raid and LVM issues have been corrected yet?23:28
quuxmanhi... I'm trying to figure out how to get X11 either to NOT start at boot, or to use my .xsession. This used to be very easy to do by simply removing the usplash package23:28
DasEi1yofel : haven't looked up , is there the 195 ?23:28
sburwoodI think I have the repository driver.  I have opted for Extra in the video capabilities23:29
yofelDasEi1: we have 96, 173, and 195(current) in the repository, and the driver from the nvidia site is completely unsupported and not supposed to work23:29
DasEi1yofel : good to know, sburwood, saw above ?23:30
sburwoodsaw what, yofel?23:30
DasEi1sburwood: the repo provides a better driver23:30
sburwoodI have that driver, I think23:31
sburwoodWhat command tells me if I'm right?23:31
yofelDasEi1: he should use 173 if he used jockey to install it, geforce 5 isn't supported by 19523:31
quuxmanand I'd also like to get the standard boot screen that prints messages about what's going on... but I'm completely at a loss at how to get plymouth to do this23:31
yofelsburwood: does 'apt-cache policy nvidia-173' tell you that you have it installed?23:31
DasEi1I have no experience with the 5 series, mind to take over ?23:32
DasEi1yofel^ :)23:32
yofelwell, neither do I, but let's try23:32
sburwoodin admin, I have nvidia X server setings.  It tells me 173.14.22 is the driver version23:32
DasEi1got it , then23:32
yofelwell, that should be fine then23:32
quuxmanI removed gdm, but it's still booting X and then running a program that complains that things aren't normal and gives me the option to exit to console23:33
ZykoticK9quuxman, if you want to disable GDM use "sudo mv /etc/init/gdm.conf /etc/init/gdm.conf-disabled" -- to see under Plymouth remove "quiet splash" from /etc/default/grub23:33
yofelsburwood: did you try to reboot again? I got a failsave X prompt with nvidia too today, didn't have the time to check what went wrong though23:33
quuxmanZykoticK9: already removed "quite splash"23:34
yofelI'm using 195 though23:34
quuxmanZykoticK9: are you saying I should reinstall gdm and then move the config file? That doesn't make sense23:34
yofelquuxman: purge gdm23:34
iconmefistoquuxman: if you don't want X to start, put "text" in grub kernel line23:34
ZykoticK9quuxman, actually i started typing prior to you mentioning you'd removed GDM23:34
sburwoodyofel, I don't get the failsafe prompt unless I boot in recovery mode23:35
yofelsburwood: and what do you get in the normal mode?23:35
quuxmaniconmefisto: hm... I don't see a kernel line23:36
sburwoodthe screen light turns brown rather than green sometimes, there are vertical lines, or it just lasts minutes without setting up the desktop - after I type the password23:37
iconmefistoquuxman: where "quiet splash" was before you removed it23:37
quuxmaniconmefisto: ah, thanks :)23:37
DasEi1sburwood: (don't issue now, logs you off ) ..23:38
DasEi1sburwood: ctrl+alt+F1 to get to a prompt, afterwards restart gdm or simply reboot23:38
DasEi1sburwood: ctrl+alt+F7o get back to x23:38
quuxmanI'm really impressed with how fast 10.04 boots23:38
quuxmanthere must have been some serious boot cleaning23:39
sburwoodI'll try that23:39
DasEi1sburwood: wait..23:39
z3r0-c001does the cam work on sites without having to go to adobe23:39
yofelquuxman: the biggest effect is caused by sysvinit being replaced by upstart which can start services on boot in parallel23:39
quuxmanyofel: ah cool23:39
iconmefistoyofel: don't we have upstart in karmic too?23:40
DasEi1sburwood: to get any desktop at all, can issue from command prompt : sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg     << that gives a basic config, so you can work with desk at all, (will remove nvidia for that , though)23:40
DasEi1iconmefisto: yes23:40
z3r0-c001i dont know if i wanna wait 7 days if i upgrad to the RC can i update to the final version later23:40
yofelwe have, but things were tuned a bit I think and we have ureadahead too now which is supposed to makes things even faster23:40
sburwoodis that the best choice?23:41
DasEi1z3r0-c001: yes23:41
quuxmaniconmefisto: I was using karmic before, but it had been upgraded through 5 versions, so it was pretty broken23:41
Zelozelosanyone using advanced ccsm, and cube; when you put images in cube caps do you see them with or without the color transparency all the way up/down black/or whatever color?23:41
quuxmaniconmefisto: I had started with gutsy I think23:41
z3r0-c001is the rc pretty much a finished project23:41
SubbyHi, do I need a new sources.list für Releas Candidate 10.04? Because I don't get any new updates the last days23:41
DasEi1sburwood: no, got to properly install the driver, read the installer tips from the webpage23:41
PiciSubby: We have been under final freeze.23:41
SubbyPici: that means that this is okay, not getting updates?23:42
PiciSubby: correct.23:42
SubbyPici: okay, thank you didn't know that23:42
z3r0-c001is the RC pretty stable for the most part23:43
Subbyz3r0-c001: I would say yes, from my experience23:43
Zelozelosused to be that if i put the color transparency all the way down it would show the pic w/o any color added to it, AND i could change both the top and bottom, now theres only a top and transparency dosent seem 2 be working, i was wondering if its a bug ro what23:43
z3r0-c001sorry will my mic work23:43
yofelz3r0-c001: it is, but see the known issues on the release page at least23:44
z3r0-c001yofel: do you got a link to that23:44
yofelz3r0-c001: see /topic23:44
Subbyz3r0-c001: I used 10.04 since the beta, and there was not even a little problem (Thinkpad T61p). everything worked out of box23:44
bobby_Not in the Alphas :P23:45
Subbydon't know ;)23:45
bobby_Oh, how Alpha releases are fun :P23:45
z3r0-c001wow all im runnin is a asus netbook so i should be ok23:45
Subbyz3r0-c001: I'm also runnig it on my desktop and on a netbook (samsung nc20)  also no problems23:46
bobby_I got it on my. laptop, and it is beastly... Since Alpha 2...23:46
yofelIt works fine on my EeePC 1000H, haven't tested the Mic much, but the pavucontrol input level reacts if I blow against it so I guess it works23:47
DaijoubuGuys, i just installed the RC, should i first Update the new install and then install the newer Kernel, or i should first install the newer kernel and then install Updates from auto updater ?23:50
bobby_Just run the update manager23:50
crimsuninstall updates first23:50
Daijoubuthanks crimsun23:50
bobby_It doesn't really make a difference, but having the updates, and then the kernel would be better23:50
Daijoubuok i will give it a go :)23:51
Ahmuckkubuntu RC is failing to boot23:52
joaopintoAhmuck, do you get a flashing cursor which moves when you press enter ?23:53
joaopintohum, you mean the livecd or a real install ?23:53
Blue11joaopinto: try the insert key23:53
Ahmuckreal install23:53
bobby_Have you tried going into safe mode?23:54
Ahmuckinstall, restart, shutdown.  add memory, remove floppy drive, restart.  i then get a screen with kubuntu and 5 dots and low graphics.  dead as a doornail23:54
bobby_Or is it the kernel that is failing to boot?23:54
joaopintoAhmuck, try adding "nomodeset" to the linux kernel options23:54
bobby_Wait... It may be the CD you are using...23:55
joaopintobobby_, uh ?23:55
bobby_Have you tried the check disk option?23:55
bobby_It happens after the install right?23:55
bobby_It may be the CD, or the CD drive during the install23:55
bobby_Happened to my desktop23:55
joaopintothere are multilple problems related to boot right now, it's very unlikely to be a cd issue23:55
bobby_Well, one thing he could do is just re-burn the ISO just to be sure23:56
Ahmuckah, yes, kubuntu logo, 5 dots, they go from white to blue, and then nothing23:56
joaopintochecking will not hurt, but it's unlikely to be  bad burm23:56
Ahmuckjoaopinto: don't have a clue how to do that23:56
Blue11bobby_: did you do an md5sum check?23:56
joaopintoAhmuck, when booting press SHIFT23:56
bobby_I don't think that would work for him...23:56
Ahmuckcd?  i'm not booting from cd23:57
joaopintothen, "e", go to the linux line, on the bootom add "nomodeset"23:57
bobby_Well, what are you booting from?23:57
joaopintoand ctrl-x to boot23:57
bobby_Floppy? Flash drive?23:57
Damascenehow to add acpi_osi=Linux to allows be in grub?23:57
Ahmuckjoaopinto: k, i get a grub menu23:57
bobby_Try safe mode23:57
joaopintoAhmuck, have you tried recovery mode already ?23:58
joaopintoit is likely to hang anyway :D23:58
bobby_I'm guessing it is something with the kernel, so even safe mode might not work23:58
Ahmuckwhere would you like me to add nomodeset?23:58
xrandrI just installed 10.04. Now I cannot get X to use the nvidia driver. Any ideas how to remedy this?23:58
Ahmuckoh, nm, i c23:59
joaopintobobby_, it's not related to the kernel the loads loads before the splash, please stop random guesses :)23:59
bobby_Oh, didn't know that23:59
rob__761Hello, I am using Lucid Lynx Beta 2 and experiencing problems with XMMS2. I tried to install it, got no error. But I cannot start it - it's not in the menu and when I type xmms2 in the terminal I only get a command-line version started.23:59
bobby_I thought the boot was hanging23:59

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