
DanaGmountall: Plymouth command failed07:19
DanaG... repeated about 1000 times.07:20
amitkDanaG: are you using LVM?07:23
DanaGAnd I do dislike how plymouth refuses to show splash if a serial console is present.07:23
amitkyeah, that is a known plymouth bug07:23
amitkI hate it too, first this I disable is plymouth07:24
=== hrw|gone is now known as hrw
DanaGNice thing: watchdog.08:01
DanaGMakes it so that omapdss reboot crash makes it still reboot anyway, instead of just dying.08:01
sveinseI'm about to do some kernel debugging on ARM target. Do you know of an decent GUI for gdb (-arm) which can run on host?08:13
saeedogra: ping08:27
ograhey saeed08:27
saeedhey ogra08:28
saeedthe uboot on dove takes too long time to read the kernel image and initrd08:28
saeedthe uboot sata driver is optimized (using DMA, upt to 128 sectors requests)08:29
ograhmm, sounds like a case for ericm and NCommander08:29
saeedit looks to me that for some reason those files are too mush scattered on the disk08:29
ograwhich installer is that ? GUI or text mode ? (the files live in different subdirs in either one)08:30
saeedthe files under /boot/ dir08:30
ograso the live in /casper/uI*08:30
ograno, the live installer holds uImage and uInitrd in the /casper dir08:31
ograthough i know NCommander worte a rather complex uboot script that scans all devices before loading, do you install from USB or SD card ?08:31
ograi think USB is scanned first, so using that should speed up the probing08:32
saeedI installed from USB08:32
ograhmm, then the probing shouldnt have any effect i think08:33
* ogra looks at the script08:33
saeedogra: I problem that I notice is that when the script reads the images from the hdd, the read process takes too much time, maybe 10 seconds just to read ~3MB image08:34
ograhmm, the script seems to scan all devices regardless08:35
saeedright know I don't have a problem with the scan process of the uboot08:36
saeedthe thing is that it takes too much time to read from sata hdd08:37
ericmsaeed, still I guess it's a sata drive issue, as usb loading is pretty fast08:37
ericmeither booting from /casper/ or any other image I wrote later to the USB disk08:37
* ogra wonders where ${fs} ${interface} and ${device} come from for the first if in that script08:37
ericmI believe scatter status is no better from usb disk perspective08:38
saeedericm: yes08:38
ericmmaybe other part of u-boot introduces some delays?08:38
saeedI think also with ssd that won't be an issue08:38
ograsaeed, oh, you were talking about post-install ?08:38
ograsorry, i didnt get that08:38
saeedogra: yes08:38
saeeddo you know about a method for allocating the kenrel and initrd images so they can be contiguous on the hard drive08:39
ograoh, wait, the same script is used in inistalled systems08:40
* ogra looks at the flash-kernel source08:40
ograand it definately initializes USB and IDE first, probes USB fat, then USB ext2 and only *then* switches to probe IDE fat and *last* it probes IDE ext208:42
ograimho the order is totally wrong here if we always expect the install to live on IDE ext2 it should be the other way round08:43
ograso that gets probed first08:43
ograhave you monitored a boot in serial console to see what uboot actually does ?08:43
ericmogra, saeed is seeking a way to contiguously write uImage and uInitrdto the hard drive08:44
ograericm, right, but still we use several seconds before the loading even starts08:44
ericmsaeed, I guess the kernel strategy to write out a file (if not interrupted) is to write it as contiguously as possible08:44
ericmogra, yeah - but that's something we can fix maybe, the loading speed of uImage/uInitrd binary - only Marvell can fix that :-)08:45
ograits likely an additional issue i see here but it might cost valuable extra time in the boot08:45
saeedorga: yes ,I think the first "if" will be taken here08:45
* ogra has no dove hardware to actually test or confirm anything sadly08:46
saeedogra: see http://paste.ubuntu.com/420275/08:46
ograyeah, line 1-41 are pointless on an installed system08:47
ogra(apart from initializing IDE actually)08:47
ericmsaeed, the first part of the script is actually within u-boot08:47
ericmto look for a boot.scr08:47
ograericm, look at the paste08:48
ograit scans everything before doing any load08:48
ericmogra, yeah I'm looking08:48
ericmogra, I guess we could move ide to first place as that's mostly used08:48
saeedogra: why do you think the IDE is re-initialized?08:48
ericminstallation is less frequently happening08:48
saeedogra: are you talking about installation process?08:49
ograsaeed, no, about your serial capture08:50
ograsaeed, line 18-41 in your paste clearly show that the full script is executed before anything gets loaded at all08:51
ograericm, there is no difference between the installation boot.scr and the boot.scr after installation, they are identical08:51
saeedogra: this the uboot default boot command08:52
ograwhich costs a lot of extra scan time for nonexisting USB08:52
ericmogra, I'm not talking about the installation boot.scr, I mean the u-boot builtin boot.scr08:52
ograericm, they appear to be identical08:52
ericmogra, right so the improvement can be done to both version08:53
ograthe builtin boot.scr should bail out the moment it doesnt find USB08:53
ogra(as the installation one should)08:53
ericmogra, right - and the builtin boot.scr should scan ide first as that's more commonly used08:53
ograinstead of trying to probe vfat and then ext2 additionally08:53
ograericm, no, then you cant install08:54
ericmogra, ah well - that's the problem08:54
ograit *should* check for USB ... but if it doesnt find a device it shouldnt try to fatload/ext2load08:54
* ericm feels stumped08:54
ericmogra, that's correct08:54
ogracurrently it goes on trying to load stuff from a nonexisting device08:54
ograwhich is nonsense and wastes a lot of time08:55
saeedogra: if you need the uboot from usb disk if connected, then the flow is ok08:56
ograsaeed, it shouldnt try to load if there is no device08:56
saeedogra: but maybe the sata disk connected, and it have proken kernel08:57
ericmsaeed, which means if "usb reset" returns failure, "fatload/ext2load" can be skipped08:57
saeedericm: does usb reset fails if no usb device is connected?08:58
ericmogra, ah - it seems fatload/ext2load combines the probing and reading all together unless you have a way to separate them into two commands08:58
ericmsaeed, nope08:58
ogra(though its "usb start"08:58
ericmsaeed, sorry I over looked08:58
ericmogra, yeah it is usb start and it takes a lot time for unknown reason, ide reset is fast enough08:59
ograyou could have something like  "if usb start; fatload/ext2load .... fi"08:59
ograso it will not try to load if there is no usb device09:00
ericmogra, but we are not sure if the current implementation of "usb start" returns what09:00
ogratest it :)09:00
ogra(i dont have the HW )09:00
ericmogra, hope it's returning the number of usb storage devices found09:00
ograwell, the hush shell "if" will look if it exits 0 or nonzero09:01
ograno matter what it returns09:01
ograif usb start; .... fi should work fine as a wrapper for the load commands here09:01
ograthe prob with the existing script is that it is one big loop09:02
ograit should be split into multiple conditional loops instead09:02
ericmogra, it doesn't work with a quick test, we may need to modify "usb start" to return 0 if there are any storage devices, otherwise non-zero09:02
ograif test -n usb start; then ... fi09:03
ogratry that09:03
ericmusb reset seems to return a true condition here whether a usb disk is plugged or not09:03
ograerr, hmm09:03
ogra-n wont help09:03
ograbut you should be able to use test properly here09:03
ericmogra, only if it returns different value depending on how many storage devices are attached09:04
saeedogra: usb start taked 5 seconds, and accessing usb does't take noticable time if no device found09:05
ericmogra, and the "usb start" is really slow, which should be avoided during normal running (but then we need a way to tell uboot it's in installation mode and run 'usb start')09:05
ericmsaeed, right - the most time consuming thing is "usb start"09:06
ericmbut the problem is we don't do this automatically and everytime, installation isn't possible unless we tell u-boot explicitly09:07
saeedguys, I think that should be handled in productions systems, for example, the user shoud press on some button so the uboot will try boot from usb09:07
ericmlike F12 in IBM thinkpad to tell BIOS to boot from CDROM09:07
ericmsaeed, exactly what I'm thinking09:07
ograsaeed, ++09:07
ericmthe problem is that: there is only the power button :-)09:07
ericmor the reset button ??09:07
ericmor introducing the keyboard (USB/HID) support in u-boot, which is super fantastic :-)09:08
saeedericm: thats is not straightforward09:09
ericmsaeed, I'm joking :-)09:09
ericmsaeed, a kexec -based soft loader, though, may really be helpful to solve this issue09:10
ericmesp. kexec seems rather stable on dove09:10
ericmand it's loading uImage/uInitrd quick enough09:10
saeedericm: yesterday I tried to use it, but it didn't work09:11
saeedthe next boot the system complains that it can't find the initrd on address 009:11
saeedwhere does the kexec allocate the initrd?09:11
ericmsaeed, ah well - that's because you are still using the old kexec binary09:12
ericmwhich needs to be patched (a single line though)09:12
ograericm, if we have kbd support we only need to add framebuffer !09:12
ericmthe uImage will decompress itself into some place in initrd, by placing initrd far away behind, it can be solved09:12
ericmogra, that's right09:12
saeedcan I just update it ?09:13
ericmsaeed, it's not in repo yet, wait09:13
ericmsaeed, check http://people.canonical.com/~ycmiao/kexec/, copy kexec and kdump to overwirte the original copioes09:13
saeedericm: it didn't work!09:18
ericmsaeed, .....09:18
saeed# kexec  --version kexec-tools: 2.0.1-git released 13th August 200909:18
ericmsaeed, let me re-upload my local version09:19
ericmsaeed, try again09:20
ericmsaeed, btw bug 509006 - hibernation resuming failure, I was able to track that to swsusp_arch_resume() where when restoring pages on "restore_pblist", it caused data abort09:21
ubot4Launchpad bug 509006 in linux-mvl-dove (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "[dove] hibernation failed to resume (affects: 4) (heat: 22)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50900609:21
saeedericm: kexec works, thanks alot09:22
ericmsaeed, no problem09:22
ograericm, now get it working on omap and imx51 and we can actually make use of it :)09:22
ericmogra, it should be working - but you remind me to put the patch to lp, which I should have done long time ago09:23
* ericm is a slack09:23
ograafaik kexec on imx51 breaks a bunch of currently working stuff09:23
cooloneyogra: really?09:24
ograi cant remember what exactly but i think cooloney said suspend/resume09:24
cooloneykexec breaks many things?09:24
ograoh, cooloney there are you :)09:24
ogradidnt you say it broke suspend ?09:24
cooloneyogra: hehe, actually, i did not found the root cause of the suspend/resume regression09:25
ograiirc that was before you fiddled with fec09:25
cooloneyogra: it should be ok after the kexec patches09:25
ograand suspend worked before you added the kexec patch09:25
saeedericm: the fact that the system hangs at swsusp_arch_resume() doens't necessarly mean that the it's a kernel bug09:25
ograok, then i misunderstood09:25
cooloneyogra: and one patch fixed the suspend/resume issue from jk, who introduce that regression in the leds bug fixing09:26
ograi remember that one09:26
cooloneythen after that, the candidate should be me my fec driver09:26
cooloneynow i fixed that, it can suspend,09:26
cooloneybut cannot resuem09:26
cooloneycurrently, my babbage board was dead totally,09:27
cooloneyit cannot power on now09:27
ogracooloney, btw, what became of the regulator disaster with your board ?09:27
cooloneyogra: i think i will fix them soon09:27
ericmsaeed, yeah - but it's really weird that if hibernation resume is done earlier then it works all right09:28
cooloneyogra: the report from plars about the regulator testing kernel is reasonable09:28
ericmsaeed, basically the initramfs does the resume by writing to /sys/power/resume and trigger the hibernation resume explicitly09:28
saeedericm: if your swap on usb, then the resume will not be done earlier, and it should work09:31
ericmsaeed, why is that - resume will not be done earlier?09:33
saeedericm: because usb disk get discovered only at later point09:35
ericmsaeed, the difference is that - one is done in rootfs_initcall() , the other is done in early user space09:36
DanaGhow are you even supposed to wake an omap (beagle)?09:41
saeedericm: sotware_resume is done from late_initcall09:41
saeedericm: both methods should work09:42
ericmsaeed, I expect so ... but the initramfs version just doesn't work :-(09:42
saeedericm: iirc, beta2 succeeded to resume from initramfs, when resume= added to command line. can you please try that version?09:49
saeedyou don't need to install it, you can try the usb live09:49
ericmsaeed, I was able to resume with "resume=" I can confirm that09:50
saeedyou meam the early resume, no the initramfs resume, right?09:51
* saeed brb09:51
ograndec, im blazed ! (just had fedex here) :)09:59
ndecogra: congrats!!!09:59
ograits sooo sexy !10:00
ndecogra: later today, I need to give you instructions to get the right kernel...10:00
* ogra will put it under his pillow at night :)10:00
ndecogra: but I am a little busy for now10:00
ograyeah, no urgence before lucid anyway10:00
amitkogra: just don't slobber all over it :)10:00
ograi need to concentrate on the beagle image10:00
ograamitk, hard to do :)10:00
ndecogra: i am sure you will want to see it running, even before lucid ;-)10:02
ograheh, indeed10:02
ograndec, what i love most is that it has the same color as one of my porsches ... how did you guys know that ? :)10:03
amitkshow off!10:03
ogranice bordeaux red :)10:03
ograamitk, you know my porsche, dont you ? http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/2CAF65BCd01.jpg10:07
=== james_w`` is now known as james_w
amitki do, seen it in barcelona i think10:07
ogra(though thats the one sitting in the garage, i drive another one atm)10:08
* amitk is so confused about UDS'10:08
ograno, the one ion barcelona was the more powerful one :)10:08
ograit'll take me to brussels too this time ... and its more loke firengine red10:08
* ericm wonders how many porsche ogra has10:08
ograericm, two10:08
ograwhich gets me regular stress with my GF :)10:09
amitkericm: as I said - show-off :)10:09
ericmamitk, yeah indeed10:09
ograamitk, hmm, so it seems we have issues with compcache on omap10:12
ograif i swapoff and remove the two compcache modules my install finishes properly10:13
ograif i dont, i end up with stuff like http://paste.ubuntu.com/419902/ in dmesg10:13
ericmogra, amitk, possible to get a beagle and get it reimbursed? I'm thinking about getting another arm-v7 SoC for testing purpose10:17
loologra: Hey10:17
loologra: Did you reproduce the qemu-maemo beagleboard issue yesterday?10:17
ogralool, what issue ?10:17
loologra: The kernel hang after uncompressing linux10:17
ograno, i dont have qemu-maemo here, still fighting with the compcache issue on the netbook image10:18
amitklool: the link you sent was regarding fw_setenv10:18
loolamitk: was not?10:18
loologra: Ok, nm, just confusion10:19
ericmogra, amitk, or you guys have spare one that I borrow at UDS?10:20
loolericm: Did the kexec issue affect dove?10:24
ericmlool, not dove specific10:26
ericmsaeed, weird - JTAG stops at data abort when restoring page at 0x81044000 (with a copy at 0x98f00000), I'm seeing no speciality of this specific page10:27
ericmthe weirdest thing is data abort happens in the middle of page restoring, which is unusual10:27
* ericm be right back10:28
loolericm, cooloney: Is one of you sending this bug upstream in kexec-tools?10:35
cooloneylool: oh, i think ericm is working on this10:37
DanaGoh yeah, random thing: I get spew of "Mountall: Plymouth Command Failed" at boot.10:38
DanaGIt uses 100% of one cpu core on the HOST system when watching the serial console.10:38
loolGah dpatch10:38
loolDanaG: strace it10:39
loolDanaG: might be https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mountall/+bug/567964 ?10:39
ubot4Launchpad bug 567964 in mountall (Ubuntu) "mountall keeps on running (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Medium,Confirmed]10:39
looljust hit this this morning on my laptop myself10:39
DanaGHow do I strace it during boot?10:39
loolDanaG: It's only during boot?10:39
DanaGAnd it stops spewing after a while.10:39
loolDanaG: Ok; what's your image?10:39
DanaGOr perhaps it's spewing just after boot.10:40
DanaGImage as in file system, or as in picture?  Since I'm using serial console, it gives me no splash screen.10:40
DanaGSame thing happens on my host system (AMT serial console).10:40
ubot4Launchpad bug 557161 in mountall (Ubuntu) "mountall: Plymouth command failed (dup-of: 559761)" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:41
ubot4Launchpad bug 559761 in mountall (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "mountall needs to flush plymouth message queue before emitting upstart events (affects: 26) (dups: 2) (heat: 152)" [High,Fix committed]10:41
DanaGanyway, bedtime now.10:41
DanaGI commented on a bug about "no splash as soon as console= is present", as well.10:42
DanaGThu Apr 22 02:42:15 PDT 201010:42
ograit could also be bug 56361810:44
ubot4Launchpad bug 563618 in util-linux (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 3 other projects) "Ignoring a broken clock results in infinite reboots; not ignoring results in fsck failure; no solution to this problem (affects: 1) (heat: 14)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56361810:44
ograin combination with bug 51682510:45
ubot4Launchpad bug 516825 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "plymouth doesnt show any splash as soon as a console= commandline option is used on boot (affects: 2)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51682510:45
ograi think the latter one breaks in worse ways than at the time it was reported10:46
NCommandersorry, cat11:04
NCommandersaeed: ogra_cmpc: uboots abaility to be scripted is incredibly poor11:04
saeedNCommander: hey11:06
NCommandersaeed: hola11:06
saeedare you talking about adding the if "usb start"11:07
NCommandersaeed: theres no way to check if usb sstart ran successfully or not; it returns no error code nor is there a way to see how many devices were found11:08
NCommandersaeed: I'd like to add such functionality as part of an optimization if I ever got the time, but the biggest holdup is just raw read speed11:08
saeedNCommander: anyway, I don't think that it will save a noticable time11:09
saeedNCommander: what do you mean by the raw read speed?11:09
ericmNCommander, since kexec is now available - we might want to speed up the softloader project11:11
NCommandersaeed: if you look at the boot time, 10-20 seconds are just spent at ext2load ide11:11
saeedNCommander: yes, I agree11:12
NCommanderericm: maybe for 10.10, but dove ends with 10.04 :-/11:12
saeedNCommander: mayeb defrag of the boot partition could help11:14
NCommandersaeed: hasn't beofre. the issue seems to be a lack of DMA on reading from SATA11:14
NCommandersaeed: but I haven't looked at the code extensively to confirm11:14
saeedNCommander: the uboot ide driver is ok11:14
NCommandersaeed: then I have no explination on the speed11:15
saeedjust try "ide read 0x2000000 0 0x10000" and you will see that it completes very fast11:15
saeedthe ide driver support DMA and requests up to 128 sectors (64K)11:15
saeedit could be unoptimized ext2 implementation11:16
NCommandersaeed: that could be it11:16
NCommandersaeed: the question is what can be done about it?11:17
saeedNCommander: I've had ssd disk, and the uboot read of images was fast11:17
NCommandersaeed: not so much here, when I used a sata ssd, it wasn't much of a speed improvement11:18
saeedmabye writing the images are row date on known partition :)11:18
NCommandersaeed: huh?11:19
saeedI mean to write the kernel image on /dev/sda1, then uboot will load the image from sector 6311:20
saeedwithout fs11:21
loolericm, cooloney: Sorry, kept crashing hard a couple of times; will look into kexec-tools11:21
ograstop crashing !Q11:22
NCommandersaeed: we do tha tfor imx51, but its too late/difficult to change the behavior now for 10.0411:22
NCommandersaeed: with a little luck, softbootloader will materialized for 10.10 and we'll have a GRUB like booting experience11:22
ograwell, there is also change that we actually get grub proted to ARM11:23
* ogra still has that on this plate to make sure the grub guys get the HW they need11:23
ericmlool, no problem11:24
* cwillu_at_work grumbles about usplash not building from source11:59
loolcwillu_at_work: Seriously?12:00
loolcwillu_at_work: What's the error?12:00
cwillu_at_workit's an asm constraint thingie12:00
loolcwillu_at_work: I dont see it on http://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu_ftbfs.cgi at least12:01
cwillu_at_workin the svgalib included12:01
loolah on arm12:01
loolindeed we dont test rebuild armel ATM12:01
dmartlool, asac, ogra: can anyone with a dove do a quick test for me?12:01
looldmart: I dont have one12:01
dmartRelates to bug 56795612:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 567956 in linux-fsl-imx51 (Ubuntu) "ARM: Incorrect prefetch abort handling can cause a spin instead of SIGSEGV (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56795612:01
hrwsaeed: what is 'softloader project'?12:01
loolsaeed ^ dmart is looking for testers with dove hardware12:02
loolhrw: mukluk12:02
cwillu_at_worklool, did you still want the error message?12:02
loolhrw: https://launchpad.net/mukluk12:02
loolcwillu_at_work: Yes, file a bug actually12:02
loolcwillu_at_work: we have some binaries available for it https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usplash/0.5.51 but it's not rebuilt with latest toolchain12:03
cwillu_at_worklool, .../usplash-0.5.49/src/libvga.h:275(and294): error: impossible constraint in 'asm'12:03
dmartsaeed: would you be able to do a qkick test for me?12:03
loolcwillu_at_work: Probably a thumb2 porting issue12:03
loolcwillu_at_work: Please do file a bug with the log12:03
cwillu_at_worklool, ya, I can't use the binaries;  I'm trying to hack out the /dev/.initramfs12:03
loolcwillu_at_work: thing is, we moved to plymouth and usplash is now in universe, so wasn't on our radar12:03
saeeddmart: hey12:03
loolit's pretty much being phased out I'm afraid12:03
cwillu_at_worklool, this is in karmic still, but ya12:04
dmartsaeed: Hi there12:04
loolcwillu_at_work: Quick fix: try building with -marm in CFLAGS12:04
saeeddmard: sure which test12:04
hrwlool: like kexecboot from OE guys12:04
cwillu_at_workif lucid would install in qemu, I'd be on it already :)12:04
loolhrw: eh12:04
cwillu_at_workk, I'll give that a shot12:04
dmartsaeed: I added the test case in bug 56795612:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 567956 in linux-fsl-imx51 (Ubuntu) "ARM: Incorrect prefetch abort handling can cause a spin instead of SIGSEGV (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56795612:04
loolhrw: like other existing bootloaders, yes12:04
dmartsaeed: you're running 2.6.32, yes?12:04
loolhrw: google for it and you should find a spec for it where this was discussed12:04
cwillu_at_workugh; how do I file a bug without using ubuntu-bug again?12:04
amitkcwillu_at_work: ubuntu-bug <package-name>12:05
dmartIf you can try the test case, you should get a segfault, indicating that the bug isn't present in the dove kernel12:05
cwillu_at_workamitk, your reading comprehension leaves something to be desired :p12:05
amitkcwillu_at_work: indeed :)12:07
saeeddmart: I just got Segmentation fault12:08
dmartsaeed: cool, that's what I wanted to hear :)  Thanks for testing12:08
saeeddmart: the "ARM: 5728/1: Proper prefetch abort handling on ARMv6 and ARMv7" is applied into my kernel12:09
dmartsaeed: I think it was merged into mailline 2.6.3212:09
dmart...so that's what I expected12:10
saeedI see12:10
dmartJust wanted to make sure12:10
cwillu_at_worklool, adding -marm to CFLAGS in debian/rules didn't affect it12:14
cwillu_at_worklool, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usplash/+bug/56833712:17
ubot4Launchpad bug 568337 in usplash (Ubuntu) "usplash fails to build from source (armel, karmic) (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New]12:17
dmartcwillu_at_work: can you add gcc version details to your bug report?  A source snippet of the relevant lines might be handy, but I expect the source won't change that rapidly...12:20
dmartOut of curiosity, are vga.c, libvga.h applicable to arm at all?12:21
dmartWe seem to be trying to build x86 inline asm here...12:22
NCommanderdmart: what do you need tested on dove?12:23
dmartNCommander: it's OK, saeed did it already12:23
NCommanderdmart: oh good12:23
dmartcwillu_at_work: Maybe there's some wrong config or #ifdefs somewhere, or perhaps we shouldn't build those files on ARM--- normally graphics means X or framebuffer or nothing12:24
cwillu_at_workso, wrong backend?12:25
* ogra_cmpc finds all that a bit weird, we definately shipped usplash on arm in karmic 12:26
ogra_cmpcin both platforms12:26
cwillu_at_workyep, I'm using it right now12:26
ogra_cmpci dont get why you cant recompile it then12:27
ogra_cmpcsince it definatly built successfully in the archive back then12:27
ogra_cmpci think it also should default to use bogl on arm, weird that it chooses vgalib12:29
cwillu_at_workdebian/rules doesn't make any reference to bogl12:29
cwillu_at_workwhat is bogl?12:29
ogra_cmpcthe other backend12:29
cwillu_at_work...work via? :p12:30
ogra_cmpcno idea, i would have to dig in the code, i think plain framebuffer12:30
cwillu_at_workokay; trying to rebuild against that12:30
ogra_cmpchttps://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/armel/usplash all karmic versions built12:31
looldmart: You could check the build log for the version in lucid12:31
looldmart: (of usplash)12:31
looldmart: ISTR we're using the fb backend of usplash to draw; there's an embedded svgalib IIRC12:32
ogra_cmpcthe last lucid build was before we changed the toolchain defaults though https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usplash/0.5.51/+build/137383112:32
ogra_cmpcbut if you use a karmic toolchain that shouldnt matter12:33
loologra_cmpc: Yes, but it shows which files were built12:33
* cwillu_at_work points out that the error is in the embedded svgalib12:33
ogra_cmpcin the buildlog it seems to ignore svgalib and only build bogl12:35
cwillu_at_workbuild completed with BACKEND="bogl"12:37
ogra_cmpcbut the package should select that automatically based on the arch12:37
loolcwillu_at_work: You build the package with dpkg-buildpackage, right?12:38
loolNot ./configure + make etc.12:38
cwillu_at_worklool, debian/rules binary12:38
loolcwillu_at_work: That changes CFLAGS/LDFLAGS, but I wouldn't expect a big difference12:38
cwillu_at_workdebian/rules has a check for i386 amd64 lpia, which sets BACKEND = "BACKEND=svga"12:39
cwillu_at_workthe other branch sets it to BACKEND =12:39
loolifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH), $(findstring $(DEB_HOST_ARCH),i386 amd64 lpia)) BACKEND = "BACKEND=svga"12:39
loolelse BACKEND =12:39
loolcwillu_at_work: ack12:39
cwillu_at_worklool, and for the crowning touch:  when I set backend to bogl, I did it in the i386/amd64/lpia branch, _not_ the else12:40
cwillu_at_workand that built successfully12:40
loolcwillu_at_work: So it should just build the bogl code on armel, not svga12:40
cwillu_at_workifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH), $(findstring $(DEB_HOST_ARCH),i386 amd64 lpia)) BACKEND = "BACKEND=bogl"12:40
cwillu_at_workis what I changed it to12:40
loolnothing sets DEB_HOST_ARCH12:41
loolcwillu_at_work: You should REALLY use dpkg-buildpackage!12:41
loolcwillu_at_work: The bug is that the rules don't set DEB_HOST_ARCH properly, but dpkg-buildpackage always sets them12:41
cwillu_at_workso it's a lintian'ish thing12:42
loolIt's a packaging bug, but one which will only affect people running debian/rules binary  :-)12:42
cwillu_at_workwell, now you know :p12:42
ogra_cmpcand which it unlikely to be fixed at all ... since usplash will vanish12:43
cwillu_at_workit's disappearing from debian too?12:43
* ogra_cmpc doubts anyone will put any time in that package12:43
ogra_cmpcdebian uses it ?12:43
ogra_cmpci thought they preferred splashy anyway12:44
cwillu_at_workwell it's in universe12:44
cwillu_at_workit's not native to ubuntu is it12:45
loolcwillu_at_work: Pushed to bzr12:45
ogra_cmpcit was12:45
loolcwillu_at_work: Ubuntu is the upstream12:45
ogra_cmpcnot sure if they pulled it into debian or not12:45
loolhence the abuse of native packaging12:45
loolIt's definitely pulled in Debian12:45
cwillu_at_workah, k12:45
loolfor the same reason, it wont affect Debian too hard12:45
loolanyway, fixed12:45
loolericm: I pushed a test package; would love if you could answer to the questions I asked on the bug13:16
loolas to have a test case documented by someone else than me13:16
ericmlool, ok - you updated on LP?13:21
loolericm: Yes13:22
ericmlool, I'll take a look13:22
loolericm: https://launchpad.net/~canonical-arm-dev/+archive/marvell-dove-public/+build/170232413:23
ericmlool, ok - guess I could download the deb directly instead of adding the ppa to my dove13:24
loolericm: Yes13:24
loolthat's why I pointed you at this URL, and also because the PPA publishing might take up to 20 minutes13:24
ericmlool, no problem, I'll give it a run and update the LP13:25
ericmversatile & beagleboard, I'm afraid there are several kernel patches needed13:25
ubot4ericm: Error: Bug #517841 is private.13:27
loolericm: These didn't make it to the kernel?13:27
loolThese are from March13:28
ericmlool, not in .32 I guess13:28
ericmlool, but should be sitting there if versatile&beagle kernel are built from latest13:28
loolWhat prevented them from being merged into our various ARM trees!?13:28
loolI dont see these commits in our master tree at least (from which versatile is built)13:29
loolnor in ti-omap, which is -33 based13:30
ericmlool, that's the problem, we are currently maintaining different branches for different ARM SoC so these patches do just get into each other branch13:30
loolericm: I've seen patches from master propagate into the other trees though13:30
ericmlool, but yeah - this is common and should go into master instead13:31
loolericm: Do you mind if I make the bug public and affecting Ubuntu arm kernel branches?13:33
loolexcept fsl-imx51 which has the fixes of course13:33
loolin fact mvl-dove has them as well13:33
loolso linux-ti-omap and linux13:33
ericmlool, no problem, it should have been made public13:33
NCommandersaeed: eggonlea you around?13:35
saeedNCommander: yep13:35
asacsaeed: see msg13:35
asacor talk to NCommander ;)13:35
loolericm: Could you help track / test it in other kernels?13:36
ericmlool, no problem13:37
loolasac: Would you put that on your SRU radar as well?13:37
loolwill flag as stable updates candiates13:37
loolericm: it's confirmed as needed for versatile and omap, right?13:37
ericmlool, btw - current kexec-tools has support for uImage right?13:37
asaclool: which?13:37
loolericm: Dunno13:37
loolericm: never tried uimage13:37
asac(sorry on call ... didnt read backlog)13:37
loolericm: let me know :)13:37
loolasac: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ti-omap/+bug/51784113:37
ubot4Launchpad bug 517841 in linux-ti-omap (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "KEXEC support broken (affects: 2) (dups: 1)" [Undecided,New]13:37
ericmlool, we do need that for versatile and omap13:37
loolericm: Ok thanks13:37
ericmlool, guess I need a beagleboard somewhere13:38
loolericm: You should get one13:39
loolericm: There are plenty of people here to test in the mean time13:39
asaclool: so assign to amitk? or ericm?13:43
asacand yes, its on SRU radar as its now targetted ;)13:43
asacfeel a bit reluctant about fixing this in linux in SRU ... is that a safe patch`across the board?13:44
ericmasac, I think we should make the kexec work back into master - so every ARM branch will have it once rebased13:45
ericmincluding OMAP13:45
asacericm: can you change your patch attachments to text/plain? my browser doesnt like text/x-diff ;)13:45
asac(not importnat)13:45
asacericm: yes, but will this patch be good enough for lucid SRU? i see this for maverick for sure13:45
ericmasac, I was originally sending attachments in text/plain, but later found the checkbox that "The Attachment is a patch", I cannot resist to leave it unchecked :-)13:46
ericmasac, I don't think so, we don't have any existing user land stuffs, -M is a go as we move to soft bootloader13:46
asacericm: heh. the patch i edited didnt hav that checkbox checked ;)13:47
ericmthat really depends how quick NCommander is able to come up with it, NCommander ?! :-)13:47
asacstill it was text/x-diff ... but i will survive13:47
* NCommander reads backscroll13:48
ericmasac, .... yeah I know, with pain13:48
ericmNCommander, are we bringing forward the soft bootloader to -M?13:48
asacericm: TBD13:48
NCommanderericm: softbootloader has working prototype. It might actually land for 10.10 at this point as kernel support landed for imx51 and dove13:48
NCommanderericm: we'll have yet another UDS session on it13:48
ericmNCommander, cool13:49
NCommanderI mean, it won't be UDS without an ARM softbootloader session13:49
asacNCommander: we will have? i dont think one is scheduled and given that we had a bunch already, do you really think we need a session?13:49
ericmNCommander, hehe :-)13:49
NCommanderasac: its traditional!13:49
* ericm lol13:49
asacright. lets break traditions this cycle and get it actually done instead ;)13:49
asacrather than the tradition to just talk ;)13:49
NCommanderasac: ouch.13:49
ericmNCommander, no worry - I'll see if I can help on that if I have time13:50
NCommanderericm: time is something that is always in short supply I find.13:50
asacericm: so you cannot test kexec without a softbooloader? is that what you meant by being blocked on NCommander ?13:50
ericmasac, no I can test kexec with kexec-tools, that's fine13:51
ericmasac, I'm not blocked13:51
ericmNCommander, indeed13:51
asacericm: great ;)13:52
asacericm: so can we aim for an sru for linux-omap for lucid, but keep the "linux" fix for m?13:52
ericmasac, sure - just assign amitk then, I'll let him know this13:53
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
ericmlool, it's weird - I'm seeing no uImage support in kexec-tools source but the binary in the package does support uImage loading14:03
ericmlool, can you point me a URL for the source or bzr branch name?14:03
ericmfor the exact package you built14:04
loolericm: apt-get source kexec-tools will always give it to you; it might be in a patch in debian/patches/14:04
loolericm: bzr branch lp:ubuntu/kexec-tools will give you the history of package uploads14:04
amitklool: fsl and mvl are or different kernel version in lucid (re: propagating from master)14:04
loolamitk: But you dont review the linux patches for the other trees?14:05
amitklool: we try, but given the number of patches it is very hard to keep up.14:06
loolamitk: Ah I thought there was some kind of process to ensure no patch is lost14:06
amitklool: you live in a perfect world :)14:06
loolamitk: Eh, I'm assuming you folks are reaching for the sky!!  ;-)14:07
amitkdifferent people working on each of the branches, different deadlines, etc.14:07
loolamitk: I wish there would be some process to ensure we do fix issues in all trees   :-/14:08
amitklool: if you come up with something, that will scale across different kernel versions, release deadlines, kernel configs, debian packaging, different people, different time for branching, I am sure we're all interested in following it.14:10
ograamitk, you forgot "different flavours of beer/wine"14:12
hrwbtw - is there a list of ubuntu/arm sessions for uds-m?14:14
ograhrw, not yet, lool is a slacker !14:14
* ogra hides14:15
loolhrw: an out of date one is public14:15
loolbut we kind of suck on this front ATM14:15
ograNCommander, how is gphoto doing ? already uploaded to the queue ?14:17
dmartasac: I see there's a fix committed for the firefox scrollbar bug now.  Did you get anywhere working out which object is getting miscompiled?14:19
asacdmart: far away from finding the module. i wanted to first see which optimization causes this14:24
asacdmart: but that dropped off the radar a bit because building everything -Os didnt evn build and then i got dragged into other stuff.14:24
dmartOK.  Well, let me know if you get any ideas ;)  if there is a miscompile somewhere it'd be good to track it down14:25
asacdmart: my opinion is that its probably not good to test non default optimizations in firefox14:25
asacdmart: its kinda understandable that none -O2 has issues14:25
dmartDo you think it may be a firefox issue instead?14:25
asacif we want to get toolchain stabilized for other optimizations we should think about starting with base packages and then work up14:25
dmartYeah, I guess14:26
asacdmart: hard to say. given that we dont see it anywhere else, i doubt it14:26
asacalso it goes away with -O2 and goes away when doiung a debug build14:26
asacso far only the mozila mix of different optimizations for different subtrees triggers it14:26
asacthey use -O3, -Os and -O2 mix14:26
dmartinteresting... there shouldn't be any ABI issues14:27
asacits not ABI i would think. it doesnt crash and is stable14:27
dmartwell, don't worry about it right now, I guess14:27
asacjust something with math is broken ;) ... my guess14:27
NCommanderogra: it should be in the queue, I haven't seen a reject or accept email14:27
dmartNCommander: I retried the OOo build on babbage3+lucid and got the same failure as before:14:28
dmart../unxlngr.pro/bin/makedepend: symbol lookup error: ../unxlngr.pro/bin/makedepend: undefined symbol: cppsetup14:28
dmartany thoughts?14:28
NCommanderdmart: er, that looks like a new one14:28
NCommanderdmart: but my gut reaction is: OOo sucks?14:28
dmartThe build always falls over this way, I haven't been able to get it any further for at least the last week or so...14:28
NCommanderdmart: how are you building?14:29
dmartdebian/rules build14:29
dmartBut dpkg-buildpackage -B produced the same result previously14:29
NCommanderdmart: odd ... that should work. It works on Dove I think14:29
NCommanderdmart: i thought OOO was fully built though14:29
dmartYes, that's why I'm confused.14:30
NCommanderdmart: does it do it in a pbuilder instance?14:30
dmartThis build was with the -marm workaround turned off, but I get the same failure either way.14:30
dmartThis is not using pbuilder, just a manual build14:30
loolericm: Please let me know when you test the kexec package and update the bug with a test case!  :-)14:30
NCommanderdmart: it possible something in the build environment is breaking OOo. a clean chroot may be the way to go14:31
ograNCommander, great !14:31
loolericm: I see the test case actually now14:31
ograasac, do you still plan to work on xserver-video-omapfb ? else i'll just upload the quick fix14:32
dmartNCommander: guess so.  I have the build-deps up to date, but it's a huge fs--- something else might be causing problems14:32
ericmlool, it doesn't actually have a test case indeed as you now see :)14:32
asacogra: is archive open again?14:32
ograasac, will open soon14:32
ericmlool, the binary from the package actually works14:32
ograi think steve is in last stages for RC14:32
NCommanderdmart: I can kick a build, or give you a shell on a Dove board14:32
ericmweird thing is it looks to me no uImage is supported yet it does work with uImage14:33
NCommanderogra: its there: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=14:33
asacogra: your patch is probably ready and tested?14:33
dmartNCommander: it's not urgent.  Basically I wanted a build tree demonstrating the build-time segfault so I can poke at it.  Probably best if I try and reproduce it myself14:33
asacogra: give me 3 hours ... if i dont give anything by then to test etc. go ahead14:33
NCommanderdmart: well, if you want to rule out hardware, my shell on BBG 2.5 or Dove stands14:34
dmartDo we know whether it builds on dove?  It could be worth firing off a build there if not14:35
NCommanderdmart: it should with -marm, thats where I did all my test builds.14:35
loolericm: Which binary?14:35
dmartI mean with -mthumb14:35
loolericm: the kexec one?  Cool14:36
NCommanderdmart: no, it segfaults14:36
dmartAh right, so it's not buildd-specific...14:36
ericmlool, wait - let me make sure I'm using the correct binary first, will get back to you later14:36
dmartA shell could be useful, though I won't be working on it right now.  I'll ping you later if I need access to something.14:36
ograasac, my patch adds a 0 to /dev/fb (or XorA's patch now, since he committed it to the bug)14:37
ericmlool, it doesn't work - we may need to add uImage into kexec-tools14:39
ericmlool, or we may generate a kernel package with zImage or even vmlinux14:39
ericmNCommander, why don't we preserve zImage after flash-kernel?14:39
NCommanderericm: we do /boot/vmlinuz-*14:40
ericm/boot/vmlinuz-* == zImage?14:40
NCommanderericm: yeah14:40
ericmNCommander, got you14:40
NCommanderthat's why its vmlinuz14:40
NCommanderdecompressed images are traditional vmlinux14:40
loolericm: Can you test with zImage?14:42
ericmlool, ok14:42
loolericm: I think I saw the same as you did: vmlinuz doesn't work but vmlinux does14:43
loolericm: I converted the file with a helper I wrote here14:43
asacogra: well. go ahead ... i turned out to be busy most of the rest of the day ;)14:44
NCommanderdmart: do you have IPv6 by any chance? :-)14:44
* ericm is seeing mountall: Plymouth command failed printed out like crazy14:45
dmartNCommander: probably not...14:45
NCommanderdmart: sudo apt-get install miredo will setup IPv6 over UDP. Then you can SSH into my boards if you need them14:45
ograasac, ok, will do14:45
* dmart makes a note14:45
ericmlool, vmlinuz seems all right14:45
ericmlool, both vmlinuz and converted vmlinux worked14:53
ericmthe converted vmlinux has no decompressing, which should be slightly faster14:54
* ericm needs some sleep14:57
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loolericm: Cool15:21
loolericm: So we can push these kexec patches it seems15:22
mopdenackerHi, I'm booting my Beagle with the LL image on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/ports/daily-live/current/ . However, because of the "only-ubiquity" boot option, it doesn't start the live CD but directly the Ubiquity installer. Bug or feature?15:59
loolericm: Pushed the pacakge to lucid; pending approval16:01
loolmopdenacker: that's intended16:02
loologra: ^16:02
mopdenackerIt could be a bug because the Beagle has enough RAM to run the live CD (at least my rev C2). Could it be made for Rev A and B boards? Did they have 128 MB?16:02
loolmopdenacker: In theory they do, but apparently compcache support breaks this; ogra has the details16:03
mopdenackerlool: thanks! I don't see compcache in the kernel messages though...16:08
ogracompcache has issues on the beagle we couldnt solve anymore so it still causes OOM16:08
mopdenackerAh, right.16:08
ograyou should see compcache with swapon -s16:09
ograwell, ramzswap16:09
ograthough we still saw malloc errors with that setup16:11
ograthe next image will not use compcache at all anymore16:11
ograi just committed a fix and a new image build should happen as soon as initramfs-tools is in the archive16:12
ogramopdenacker, i would suggest to use the netinst image though thats the text installer indeed16:12
mopdenackerogra: thanks! Hope we will manage to make ramzswap work in the next release. That sounds attractive.16:13
ograwe will16:13
ograthe prob is (i suspect) that we use an old compcache implementation that was originally written for 2.6.28 ...16:14
ograwith 2.6.33 a rewrite entered staging but that requires a changed userspce handling16:14
ograthe omap image came in very very late in the cycle, so we couldnt rewrite the userspce bits in time and just took the old implementation16:15
ograwhich is likely causing the different issues we see16:15
ografor 10.10 we'll have a lot more time to make everything smooth and sort out all bugs16:15
mopdenackerGreat, that's good to know that everything should be all right with mainline.16:16
plarsmopdenacker: I've had some success installing from the netbook image by removing the swap on ramzswap0 and unloading ramzswap and xvmalloc, but certainly the d-i based image is going to be a more memory friendly install16:16
cwillu_at_workbut what will I run on my arm-based server then?16:16
* cwillu_at_work demands perfection from his lts16:17
ogracwillu_at_work, the ubuntu-server image16:17
ogracwillu_at_work, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/ports/daily/current/16:17
cwillu_at_work"<ogra> for 10.10 we'll have a lot more time to make everything smooth and sort out all bugs"16:18
cwillu_at_workand then I was kinda making fun of the concept of using an arm board as a server16:18
cwillu_at_workdespite the fact that I'm actually in that business :p16:18
mopdenackerIs there documentation for installing 10.04 on the Beagle besides the http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/ports/daily-live/current/ page? I'd like to help writing doc about this.16:19
ogracwillu_at_work, yeah, i guess smoothstone would disagree about the joke part :)16:20
mopdenackerogra, thanks for the tip for ubuntu-server! I plan to use it on my IGEPv2 board, with a home made kernel. That's a perfect board for a home server.16:22
mopdenackerBack to the Beagle install, my board doesn't automatically load the boot.scr file, while it did with someone else's board. Probably because I have my own U-boot in NAND flash.16:25
mopdenackerThe documentation should tell which U-boot image to download and how to install it in NAND.16:25
mopdenackerThat's why I propose to write this doc if it doesn't exist yet (I already have all the instructions).16:26
cwillu_at_workmopdenacker, the documentation should tell you which distribution to use, and how to install it16:26
ogramopdenacker, ^^^16:27
mopdenackercwillu_at_work: right! Do you know if such documentation exists somewhere, or should I create it?16:27
mopdenackerogra: great, many thanks!16:27
ograbeyond that i'll create a page on the ubuntu wiki explaining how to get the ubuntu uboot-omap package, extract it and flash it to NAND16:27
ograbut if you already have *something* in NAND the above should get you going16:28
ogra(will work with all ubuntu images, they all use the same boot.scr (just different cmdlines))16:28
saeedNCommander, ogra16:42
saeedthe slow read from sata seems to happen only on dove16:42
saeedI tried to read the same file on another arm board and it was fast16:43
ograhmm, uboot issue ?16:43
saeedI'll check the boot16:43
ograseems a lot boards have issues with ext2 support in uboot16:43
NCommanderhey saeed16:44
saeedwhich boards?16:44
NCommandersaeed: if thats the case, we can look at using vfat over ext2 for the next release cycle of Dove, but when I tried fat, it wasn't much better16:44
NCommandersaeed: vfat is also vey fragile :-/16:44
ograsaeed, omap beagle definately ...16:47
ograsaeed, and i had probs on imx51 too but we dont use uboot there16:47
ograjust when testing it16:47
saeedwhich uboot version?16:47
ograrelatively new ones16:50
ograi need to look up the versions16:50
ogra2009.01 for imx5116:50
ograomap is 2010.3 (plus some omap specific git checkout)16:53
NCommandersaeed: I know filesystem support in u-boot has been vastly expanded since 1.3.416:57
saeedI don't recall that this issue occured in early uboot versions of dove, do you?16:58
NCommandersaeed: although it would be a downright pain to port a newer u-boot to Dove, won't it :-/16:59
NCommandersaeed: I remember the speed sucking from day 1 unfortunately. Its possibly gotten worse just because our initramfs grew17:00
MartynOh boy17:03
MartynToday is ARM rumor central ...17:03
MartynApple aquiring ARM?  Pffft .. neer17:03
ograMartyn, sure, you ddidnt hear that ?17:03
MartynThe industry wouldn't -let- that happen ...17:03
ograwill happen right after smoothstone aquired apple17:03
MartynFreescale, Marvell, and others have direct stake in ARM .. and they would lose out if Apple locked out the industry17:03
MartynSo, I think it's just that .. speculation, rumor, driven by Apple's purchase of intrinsity .. no way would they spend >20% of their cash reserves17:04
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Martynogra : Yep.17:04
ogramy suspicion is that they wanted to have something up against google buying Agnilux so they spread that roumor17:06
NCommandersaeed: BTW, it seems the newest gstreamer-plugins-marvell we got FTBFS :-/17:06
saeedNCommander: please make sure Li know about it17:07
NCommandersaeed: will do, just happens our timezone skew really really sucks17:08
GrueMasterlrg: Ping.  I was told you are working on alsa bits for freescale and marvell.17:34
* Martyn is twiddling with the tegra217:40
=== XorA is now known as XorA|gone
hrwwhich image gives x11 on beagleboard?17:43
persiahrw: have you tried either of the omap netbook variants?17:55
hrwonly when it did not support usb17:58
persiaWell, either try again, or use an image you know works, and install some desktop environment (e.g. apt-get install ^ubuntu-netbook)17:59
hrwdesktop rebooot time18:03
lrgGrueMaster: yes18:13
GrueMasterIf you get a chance, do you think you could enable jack detection?18:13
GrueMasterNot critical for Lucid, but would be nice to have,18:14
lrgGrueMaster: on which platform ?18:14
GrueMasterbabbage 3 and dove.18:14
lrgI have niether18:15
lrgit's simple to add18:15
lrggrep for jack in sound/soc18:15
lrgthere are quite a few examples18:15
GrueMasterOk, that's what I thought.18:16
lrgand there is still time before the next merge window :)18:16
GrueMasterIt would have to go into an sru release.18:16
GrueMasterBut if I get time, I'll look into it.  Thanks.18:17
persiaGrueMaster: lrg: If it's only nice-to-have for lucid, it's still best to get it done, and pushed in this merge window, so that when the kernel team pulls for maverick, it's already there.18:21
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lrgpersia: I agree, although I have not free time for implementation, but I will review and upstream if GrueMaster can provide a patch.18:22
GrueMasterWhat is the time window?  I have a convention I am leaving for tomorrow, and won't be back until Monday.18:22
lrgGrueMaster: well we are at 2.6.34-rc5 atm, so I'd say another few weeks18:23
GrueMasterOk.  I can probably work on it late next week.18:24
GrueMasterThis could be interesting.  I've worked on HD Audio side of alsa before, but not the SOC or AC'97 stuff.18:28
Martynplus one of the whole points of the new LTS system, is that it allows for real kernel updates18:30
Martynwhich is a nice changed policy18:30
persiaWell, kinda.18:31
persiaThere's issues with that, and how far it can go,etc.18:32
persiaWe'll see how it works, but *don't* expect that new upstream kernel releases will all magically drop into 10.04.x18:32
Martynpersia : That it was accepted at /all/ is a good thing19:00
Martynbecause LTS releases are few and far between, they must be able to update and roll with the times19:00
* GrueMaster stopped using Redhat after 7.219:24
GrueMaster(before they said there was no future in Desktop Linux).19:24
hrw|goneI use Debian since 199920:19
jc_so is apple going to buy arm or not?22:10
jc_i hope it doesn't stiffle any dev on ubuntu and arm....22:11
DanaGFrankly, I don't trust Apple.22:12
DanaGsorry, wiping keyboard.\22:12
* persia suspects there are better forums for speculation22:13
DanaGthough P-P looks like a funky smiley.22:13
* persia also suspects that it's unlikely that corporate ownership will significantly affect the ISA in the short term.22:13
videorechnerMhm I like the idea, mac minis with arm cortex a9 MP, low power consumption and ubuntu can still be installed22:54
persiaMaybe.  There's issues related to that specific implementation of GPT in lucid, although they may be fixed in the future.22:59
asacbug 56187423:13
ubot4Launchpad bug 561874 in f-spot (Ubuntu) "NULL Reference exception in F-Spot (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56187423:13
sveinseIs there any here now who happens to have worked with JTAG against TI OMAP?23:19
persiaAnyone know if there is an existing bug number for both desktop-webmail and evolution being on ubuntu-netbook/armel ?23:22
=== jmcgee is now known as jmcgee|gone

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