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HFactorhi all,05:33
HFactorwhere can I get the new brand official art works ?05:33
HFactorI checked https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Official i can find the old design, not the new Ubuntu logo05:34
HFactordashua: Daviey elky Flannel knome kwwii PING05:45
HFactorvish: wgrant ziroday zniavre PING05:45
HFactorhi all,  where can I get the new official art works as SVG ? I checked https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Official i can find the old design, not the new Ubuntu logo ? I need it for release party05:45
knome/topic The new artwork is not published yet, please do not ask us.09:32
knomeiainfarrell, would it make sense to update the official artwork pages so people looking for the new stuff wouldn't step in here and ping and bang and flood us all the time. cheers!09:33
iainfarrellhey knome yes it would09:34
iainfarrelland that's coming09:34
iainfarrellbut while I have assets09:34
iainfarrellI don't have completed guidelines for their use09:34
iainfarrelland we need to give you the assets and guides as a set09:34
iainfarrellotherwise there's no point us designing up these things09:34
iainfarrellI'm pushing to get these as soon as we can09:34
iainfarrellbut it's better that we wait09:34
iainfarrellbecause the alternative is09:35
iainfarrellwe half implement new themes09:35
knomei understand. i don't mean you should upload anything. just tell them it's not here yet09:35
iainfarrelland it doesn't look quite right09:35
iainfarrellbut we kinda live with it09:35
iainfarrellI think it's probably better we're reminded it looks old and update it properly09:35
iainfarrellif that makes sense09:35
iainfarrellthat was a lot to type before 10am :)09:35
thorwilwell, seems a number of locos are rushing it09:35
knomeyes, sure it makes sense09:35
knomebut it doesn't make sense that people come knocking and asking it all the time09:36
knomewhen you just could tell them "it's not ready to be published yet"09:36
knome(sorry to be a bit harsh but i'm agitated by a privacy failure which i couldn't stop)09:37
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nelf_Hi, just want to check. Is the indicator icon for file transfer in nautilus updated in lucid?10:43
nelf_The lines in that icon seem thin compared to the other icons, do i file a bug report for it? thanks10:44
vishnelf_: that icon/item is supposed to be removed from the menu10:45
vish!publicyet is reply Everytime someone asks if the font has been released to the public yet or when it will be released , Mark Shuttleworth delays the release by 1 week!"10:46
vishknome: hence i suggested a response like that ^ ;p10:47
vishwell , we can change the "font" to "anything remotely related to art"10:48
knomethat's not prefect either10:50
knomeit should reflect reality.10:50
vishyeah, we could add it in the topic , everyday there is atleast on person asking :s10:51
knomeexactly. though i don't know if the ADHD people read the topic10:51
vishknome: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Officia does that sound better?11:16
vishgrr , where is the l :s11:17
zniavre_the first official aubergine touch'11:22
knomevish, that's better. could we somehow also say "font" :P11:26
* vish adds that too11:27
knomegreat. thanks a lot for that.11:27
vishzniavre_: unofficial rather ;p11:27
* darkmatter feeds vish to the rather large house spider he just discovered before splatting it into goo11:29
vishdarkmatter: well , i wish the spider's soul mate takes revenge on you!11:30
vishpoor spider :s11:30
darkmatteryes. poor wolf spider. the damn thing bite :p11:31
darkmatterany species I encounter that can't keep it's mandibles to itself get a thwap :P11:32
darkmattervish: lol. even though metro is the new ms 'thing', they keep changing what metro is http://images.thoughtsmedia.com/zt/2010/ZUNE-4.5-UPDATE.jpg12:00
darkmatterkinda like the amarok devs xD12:00
darkmatterI still think amarok needs an "apply random ui on startuo" option >_>12:02
vishheh , i tried amarok once and got fed up after using it for around 1 hr :/12:03
darkmattervish. the new amarok __looks_ nice but it's still a pile of crap12:03
* darkmatter snuggles banshee12:03
knome1.x was nice12:04
knome2.x is crap12:05
darkmatterby nice I mean the toolbar12:05
darkmattervushit looks mo' bettah silly when gnomified though http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/9625/screenshotos.png12:16
kwwiiook, gtkparasite, just what I have always wanted12:37
zniavre_it looks good stuff for themers12:38
zniavre_but i understound nothing really how to use info it gives12:38
knomekwwii, thatis what?12:39
zniavre_it's in ubuntu repo's12:39
kwwiiit introspects gtk apps12:39
kwwiiwhich makes gtk themeing much easier12:40
knomeloks great12:41
zniavre_you can modify the layout of an application window (even if i do not understand how to saved it or to make it real)12:43
kwwiifor instance, I just figured out how to change the style of rhythmbox's slider12:43
kwwiizniavre_: it is about testing, not saving changes12:43
zniavre_ha good to know thank you    :o)12:44
vishkwwii: gnome-art ;p , i just noticed that as well .. thanks andreasn ;)12:51
vishthe gtk-parasite*12:51
* darkmatter shudders at the mention of gnome-art12:51
vishi had seen that a while ago , but was wondering how to install and use it. good that its in the repos:s12:52
darkmattergnome-art needs some serious quality control. since it's official. leave the amateur crap for gnome-look12:53
darkmattervish: lol. someone just tried to win against my amarok2 sucks argument a 'it's kde' type statement, and therefore must be one of the best apps ever12:58
knomekde is the worst12:59
vishrenames knome to xnome ;p12:59
vishknome: initially i always though you were a KDE user ;)13:01
darkmatterknome: meh. kde's no worse than gnome. I just find "it rocks because of <x toolkit> < y environment> arguments to be nonsensical. I judge every piece of software on an individual basis13:01
knomevish, heh ;)13:01
knomedarkmatter, it's no worse, but xfce beats them both clearly.13:05
andreasndarkmatter, art.gnome.org isn't really maintained, but I think thos is open to someone taking over the moderation of things13:06
vishknome: meh , LXDE beats xfce ;p13:06
knomevish, nah.13:06
vish\o/  yay darkmatter is going to take it up and rescue art.gnome.org13:07
darkmatterknome: like my reasonng behind "amarok sucks". it's not because it's qt4 or kde, it's because it sucks up more resources than firefox with 68 tabs open ;p13:07
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=== mac_v is now known as vish
darkmatterbtw. aisleriot should be more like the current kpat imo.13:12
darkmatterkpatience. kde's solitare13:12
darkmatterknome: theme not being relevant http://www.kde.org/images/screenshots/kpatience.png13:13
knomewhat is relevant then? :P13:14
knomethe theme inside the game?13:15
darkmatterclean clutter free (as in the ass backwards animation library) animations. the game selection screen, stuff like that. it's more polished at the actual game level, al the kde games are (once again, the games themselves, not the decks or tilesets or themes)13:16
knomereally don't have opinion or even insight on that.13:17
knomehaven't played games pretty much at all on linux.13:17
darkmatteraesthetics are definitely important, but aesthetics alone aren't a sign of quality13:18
darkmatterknome: neither do I. the games are just an example of how things should be done. each environment/app has it's own aesthetic qualities, but polish the crap out of them in general. form/function as a whole. can't really have one without the other. regardless of what others may say, code and graphics are inseparable imho.13:22
darkmattertack design in there and we have a holy trinity13:23
knomethat's why it's also weird artists are valued so low in oss13:24
darkmatterknome: like the redesign of nautilus that has been proposed (many a mockup by the design team, I'll be submitting a few of my own to the dropbox folder). I see _zero_ work being done to implement it (or anything similar to it) :/13:27
darkmatterit's not perfect by any means, but the ui is a hack of a lot more friendly than that currently offered. it's also more pleasing aesthetically13:28
darkmatterit's so frustrating I fetched the nautilus sources to work on xD13:29
darkmatterif nothing else I want to implement the general (proposed) ui revisions when I have enough time to play with the code13:32
knomedarkmatter, you might be interested in shimmerproject.org, which i'm leading.13:37
knomedarkmatter, that's somewhat working with both code and graphics, and trying to make them work together.13:38
knome(#shimmer also)13:38
darkmatterk. sec13:41
darkmattervish: I'm currently adapting my sojourn concepts to nautilus \o/14:01
vishdarkmatter: first we need to get zeitgeist in there..15:24
thorwilugh. http://blog.diegoturcios.net16.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/Untitled1.png19:25
thorwili provided a set of alternatives and they go with that thing instead. the "hn" is not even on the same baseline19:28
darkmatterhrmmm... still off (ignore the sidebar. haven't started on that yet) http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/3306/nautilusdesktopwip.png19:44
zniavrei like the search aera19:46
vishdarkmatter: mockup or.. a working version?19:47
darkmatterzniavre: I'm playing with spacing and buttons on the left and stuff, trying to get it balanced19:48
darkmattervish: currently still mockup. I don't want to touch the code until I at least am pleased with the toolbar19:48
darkmatterbut basically something akin to that look19:49
vishdarkmatter: any reason the breadcrumbs is not aligned ?[ protrudes a bit to the left ]19:50
darkmattervish: lol. no. hadn't noticed it :P19:52
vishdarkmatter: also , you could drop the "x"  for the sidepane , seems user testing has users confused about how to return the sidepane once they close it from there19:52
darkmattervish. sidebar has yet to be mocked up ;)19:53
darkmatterI'm just pixel pushing overtop the default nautilus :P19:54
vishdarkmatter: hrmm , "default nautilus" probably not the best place to start a nautilus mockup ;)19:55
darkmattervish: I am considering merging the search and location/breadcrumbs into an omnibar type thing19:56
vishdarkmatter: whats the idea behind the dropdown in search?19:57
darkmattervish: but alas I have to hack on the vanilla code, so mocking up on the base makes sense :P19:57
darkmattervish: selection of location. I'll probably kill it19:58
darkmattervish: I'm thinking for longish chains of breadcrums to have them autoscroll by one or two entries to avoid the stupid "<" ">" nautilus currently implements20:00
darkmatterthat and I cant decide whether to colorize the active or inactive crumbs :P20:01
vishdarkmatter: what you could do is , have the words shorten and overlap... once the location gets too long , Ho.>Doc.>New.>20:01
vishbut needs to be visually present well  enough though20:02
darkmatterhmmm... yeah, ellipsising may do the trick20:02
darkmattervish: there. I grabbed some munchies and fixed your alignment issue http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/4244/nautilusdesktopwip2.png20:16
kwwiidarkmatter: better :-)20:19
vishdarkmatter: hmm , not sure if it is better , seems more interesting when misaligned :D20:19
kwwiitwo people, three opinions, now you know life is normal20:20
darkmattervish: yeah. the misaligned version has more character and will probably fit better once the sidebar is redone :P20:22
darkmatterplus it has more even spacing ;)20:22
kwwiidepending on font and icon size, size of the sidebar, etc. the breadcrumb will probably need all the space it can get as well20:23
darkmattervish: hmmm... I should hide the user name when in that users home. since its the same function as the home button. change the sidebar to a home label as well perhaps20:24
kwwiidarkmatter: perhaps try the name next to the home dir icon and then the icon?20:25
darkmatterwhen the sidebar is used that is... hehe *has evil plans for the content of the window*20:26
vishdarkmatter: an old mockup , i had done.. this was based off garetts > http://1vish.deviantart.com/art/just-another-nautilus-mockup-15571522820:26
zniavrealready the zoom slider20:27
kwwiiI would like to see how that works with the global menu20:27
darkmattervish: yeah, seen it. I just think garrets was two 'I wish I was a mac' :P I'm trying to be more modest while attempting to avoid any distinct reference to mac or win... not easy :P20:27
vishyeah , for some reason i never liked the global menu20:30
darkmatterI'm thinking Layout (tentative name) and View Mode under the sidebar area, zoom slider in the same place as every other mockup. _thinking_. I'll have to futz around with it a bit20:30
darkmattertry to minimize the chrome as much as possible while keeping useful crap exposed to the user20:32
vishdo we really need a zoom? for the file manager?20:32
darkmatterwell no. since its in the menu already20:33
vishit was the in thing when i was doing the mockup though ;p20:33
darkmatterthough view mode and layout may be handy. especially the layout. hehe *grins evilly*20:33
darkmattervish: I'm thinking of dropping the statusbar in favor of a... nm... can't spoil the surprise ;)20:35
vishdarkmatter: poop tray / poop bar ;p20:36
* vish couldnt stop laughing when Seth mentioned it in his blog ;)20:36
darkmattervish: lol. sorta. kinda like the nautilus wireframe mockups but thin instead of "OMG I ATE A WHALE!" (its not the pooper though, more of a contextual bar in the filer)20:37
darkmatterthe pooper is just a glorified OS/2 warp dock anyway :P20:38
darkmattervish: but yeah. maybe slightly pooper-ish. in the mockup it's going to have a listview-headerish look (my listviews are teh hawtness)20:43
kwwiihi michaelforrest, just popping around to ask if there is an icon to make?21:31
darkmatterhmmm... what am I up to now? http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/3306/nautilusdesktopwip.png ;o22:37
darkmattervish: ^22:39
darkmatterhmmm... I'm wondering if I should make the breadcrumbs more button like (akin to the software center ones), then at the right end have a <separator> <edit> thingy. clicking edit would switch the area befor the separator into an entry.23:00
darkmatterthen have a semi-dynamic spot that would have edit-clear in entry mode (only when typing) and say, bookmark-new in button mode to bookmark the current location... hmmm23:02
darkmatterso much to figure out23:02

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