
bdmurraycrimsun: what are you saying in bug 532586?  is the alsa-driver task invalid?  are a.tom's comment's relevant to that bug?00:26
ubot4Launchpad bug 532586 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "pa_stream_writable_size() failed: Connection terminated errors not caught by apport (affects: 4) (heat: 20)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53258600:26
crimsunbdmurray: I don't know offhand if the alsa-driver task is invalid for the OR, but I'm not pleased that a.tom decided to spew crap into that bug report.00:33
crimsunthis is yet another example of "oh, the symptom appears to be mine, too, so let's spew garbage into someone else's bug report"00:33
crimsunfor sound bugs, particularly because the underlying hardware is usually quite different, we want new bugs, not stuff being littered into others' reports00:34
bdmurrayone thing the X team does is put hardware information in the bug title I wonder if that has had any affect on that issue00:37
crimsunit's done for the symptom now, i.e., ubuntu-bug audio00:38
bdmurraydo you think the same should be done for pulseaudio?00:42
crimsunbdmurray: I don't see why not, but I'm not going to do it in time for 10.04 LTS since I have $crapton other bugs to look at.00:49
Darrellhey i don't really know what im doing02:20
SoultakerAnybody active here and know about the x.org bug?02:48
micahgSoultaker: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Testing/GEMLeak02:52
Soultakerah... excellent... thanks02:54
zeroseven0183Does anyone know if this is a bug in Bazaar or really just a connection error? I'm trying to download the project files of Ubuntu Manual last night via "bzr branch lp:ubuntu-manual" then I cancelled it. Now I'm not able to continue or restart the downloading03:01
zeroseven0183The error message I receive is "bzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist."03:02
micahgzeroseven0183: branch into a new folder03:03
zeroseven0183I've tried that with a different folder name, but I still have the same problem03:04
zeroseven0183I've tried also into a new folder with the same name03:04
micahgzeroseven0183: idk, check in #bzr03:07
zeroseven0183I did "bzr launchpad-login zeroseven0183" and "bzr whoami" just to make sure03:07
zeroseven0183ping micahg04:09
zeroseven0183micahg, I've worked with the people in #bzr04:09
zeroseven0183Now it's OK. I can now download the Ubuntu Manual project files again04:10
zeroseven0183It turns out that it's looking for the public key file that it's not in the ~/.ssh directory04:10
micahgzeroseven0183: great04:10
zeroseven0183Looking at the command line "progress bar", I see that it's not changing04:11
zeroseven0183[#########-          ]     97KB    51KB/s | Fetching revisions:Insert <-- slow connection, maybe?04:11
zeroseven0183or impatient, I am?04:12
persiaI find that bzr speed is entirely unrelatd to bandwidth available.  it gets better with every release, but takes a while for initial branching.04:13
zeroseven0183Hahaha I knew someone would say that. Correct!04:13
zeroseven0183So I guess I don't have to worry then even if I'm downloading torrents04:14
zeroseven0183+1 for patience04:14
zeroseven0183Thanks guys04:15
persiaWell, if your connection is *really* full, that can degrade bandwidth available to bzr, but if you can still IRC without painful lag, you probably have available bandwidth.04:16
zeroseven0183Yes, persia. Thanks04:17
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BUGabundo_remoteGet up on your Horse, and Ride till the Sunset 0/09:10
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miked595is there a know issue with an upgrade from ubuntu 9.10 to 10.04 and the boot failing due to usbfs?15:47
miked595i had to comment out "none /proc/bus/usb usbfs devgid=125,devmode=664 0 0" in my /etc/fstab15:47
geniiI thought /proc/bus/usb mounting was deprecated sometime in .. like... 200815:53
miked595not sure.. it was in there15:53
miked595I have gone throug ha few dist upgrades15:54
geniimiked595: Ah. Likely a remnant from Something prior to 8.04 then15:54
mrandEither that, or maybe you added it for virtualbox usb support?15:55
miked595genii: I wonder if the upgrade break because if it. is that something they should comment out automatically?15:56
jibelmiked595, yes, I don't remember the bug number. It's used by virtualbox to unable usb support if I remember15:56
miked595virtualbox is installed.. i dont use it though.. vmware works better. should prob remove it, jibel15:56
yofelbug 507881 ?16:00
ubot4yofel: Bug 507881 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/507881 is private16:00
yofelbug 50788116:00
ubot4Launchpad bug 507881 in plymouth (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 3 other projects) "Plymouth doesn't show messages sent before the splash screen is visible (affects: 36) (dups: 4) (heat: 228)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50788116:00
yofelmiked595: ^16:00
jibelyofel, that's the one I was looking for. Thanks.16:02
miked595yofel: guess that's it. thanx. since it's a known issue no need to worry16:02
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qenseWe should make it more obvious how to attach files to bug reports.16:25
qenseAgain someone posted his logfiles in a comment...16:26
yofelmove the 'Add attachment or patch' above the comment box?16:27
yofelwould look a bit out of place though16:27
thekornif len(comment) > 500: msg_box("are your sure about adding such a huge comment? [yes/no] what about adding your information as an attachment, and only quote relevant parts in the comment itself?")16:28
qensethekorn: That sounds like the best solution..16:28
thekornI know ;)16:29
qenseIs there a blueprint for the UDS somewhere we could stick this suggestion on?16:29
thekornI don't know, maybe there is a "get in touch with the lp devs"-session again this time16:31
qenseWould be nice.16:31
yofelwell, we should have a meeting before uds-m too so adding it to the agenda would be an option too16:33
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micahgyofel: meeting is scheduled for after UDS16:39
yofeloh right, it would be in the same week...16:41
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kklimondaheh, nothing like getting a bug that is in fact 9 different issues..17:09
BUGabundo_remotewhat was is it kklimonda?17:10
kklimondabug 56832217:11
ubot4Launchpad bug 568322 in transmission (Ubuntu) "Some functions aren't working like they should (see description) (affects: 2) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56832217:11
kklimondaand it's already confirmed -.-17:11
charlie-tcabut confirmed by another user. That doesn't mean there is enough information to triage it17:14
kklimondaI know :)17:14
charlie-tcaI knew you knew, too ;-)17:16
charlie-tcabut you got to admit, it does keep things interesting to see one like that occassionally17:17
kklimondacharlie-tca: It's a mother of all bugs ;)17:17
kklimondacharlie-tca: it's funny that someone took time to find and describe all the issues but didn't check how to report bugs17:18
charlie-tcayup, but it happens a lot, or used to, anyway ;-)17:18
yofelthat reminds me of the comments about the bug filing link redirection, where all say they can't file bugs but probably took more time to find the bug to comment on than reading the wiki page would have taken...17:21
BUGabundo_remotekklimonda: should htat be marked as invalid17:22
BUGabundo_remoteand new fork bugs filled17:22
kklimondaBUGabundo_remote: I'd say it depends on the bugs reported - if they are worth keeping track of then yes - new bugs should be opened for each issue and the metabug should be closed.17:24
kklimondaBUGabundo_remote: but in this case I think it's easier to just respond to each issue and say that it works as intended ;)17:24
kklimondaat least one issue is a duplicate17:26
kklimondaBUGabundo_remote: it can also be converted into one of detailed reports so you don't have to close it.17:27
candtalanhi, I have just downloaded, burned and run the lucid RC live CD, and a crash occurred which cannot be reported in the usual way17:41
candtalanReport window: sorry the program 'gdu-notification-daemon' closed unexpectedly17:42
candtalanThis happens on two different machines17:43
charlie-tcacandtalan: you could file it using this - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs#Filing%20bugs%20at%20Launchpad.net with17:45
charlie-tcathe logs from the crash17:45
yofelcandtalan: wait, you do get a crash notification? why can't you report it?17:45
candtalanwhen I tried alt F2   an duse th epackage name etc etc it says th eitem is not running17:46
yofelcandtalan: can't you report it from the crash notification?17:48
yofelcandtalan: and do you get a .crash file in /var/crash/ after the crash?17:48
candtalanyofel: no it says it is not possible17:48
yofelwhat reason?17:49
candtalanlog - will look17:49
candtalancrash: /var/crash yes: _usr_lib_gnome-disk-utility_gdu-notification-daemon.999.crash17:50
yofelcandtalan: ok, and what happens if you run 'ubuntu-bug /var/crash/*.crash' ?17:51
candtalanyofel: reason: I click on Report problem, apport starts collecting, then says: problem in gnome disc utility, the problem cannot be reported, The program crashed on an assertion failure, but the message could not be retrieved. Apport does not support reporting these crashes.17:53
candtalanI note that I am using th eRC LiveCD17:53
yofelah, then there was an assertion failure and apport failed to get the assertion failure message, such a report would be useless indeed17:54
candtalancharlie-tca: i will try to report as suggested17:54
yofelmaybe something got logged in ~/.xsession-errors17:54
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bdmurraythekorn: do you still use ipython?17:58
thekornbdmurray, yes17:58
thekornof course!17:58
bdmurrayDoes bug 384713 affect you?17:59
ubot4Launchpad bug 384713 in ipython (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "print statement does autocall inside interactive indented blocks (affects: 9) (dups: 2) (heat: 19)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38471317:59
nigelbabubdmurray: did you get time to hack on the graph script?  (if not I can take a stab today :) )17:59
bdmurraynigelbabu: not yet, if I remember the discussion correctly it'd be best if the new columns were added to the end of the csv18:01
nigelbabubdmurray: I'll work on it tonight.  anway u-u-s and u-m-s needs to go18:01
thekornbdmurray, yes, I can confirm this bug with ipython and python2.6 (in lucid and karmic)18:04
thekornhowever with python2.{4,5} it is working correctly, no indention error18:05
bdmurraythekorn: oh hey, its fixed in trunk18:06
bdmurrayI wish my bzr foo was beter so I could find the change18:07
thekornbdmurray, cool, getting the branch now, maybe I can help you to find the relvant change18:11
bdmurraythekorn: If we could find the patch I'd upload it in a heartbeat! ;-)18:12
mrandbdmurray: any chance there is a bug somewhere that left a bread crumb for what the change number was?  If all else fails, I sometimes try bzr log | grep X18:21
mrand     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  pet peeve of mine18:22
bdmurraymrand: thanks I think I got it bug 41496718:26
ubot4Launchpad bug 414967 in ipython (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "print statements get incorrectly mangled by the autocall feature under Python 2.6 (affects: 12) (dups: 5) (heat: 71)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41496718:26
bdmurrayvia searching for for other upstream bugs18:26
bdmurraywell maybe not if it isn't fixed yet18:28
mrandbdmurray: but it says "merged", so someone cleaned it up.  Or do you mean not fixed upstream?18:29
bdmurraywell the upstream bug is in progress18:30
bdmurrayand I'm not certain the branch is related18:30
bdmurrayyeah the branch linked just has the emacs tab completion patch18:33
thekornbdmurray, I think this two bugs are not related18:34
thekornyour one is about idention level in the history is not parsed correctly18:34
thekornwhere the second one is about print(1,2) not giving the correct result in python2.618:35
thekornit should return "1 2", but it prints "(1, 2)18:35
bdmurraythekorn: ah right18:38
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vishgenii: hi.. if you run into any doubts just ask here , if someone is around they will answer :)19:40
geniivish: ?19:41
vishoops! it was genux ^ :s19:41
vishgenii: tab fail :(19:42
genuxhi vish..19:42
geniivish: Ah, no worries then19:42
genuxI was just wondering if I could "watch" someone doing a triage.19:43
vishgenux: you mean like follow another triager and keep track of him/her or... just watch and learn?19:44
ddecatorvish: i almost did the same thing =p19:44
ddecatorgenux: you could apply for a mentor19:44
genuxyeah.. just to watch and learn19:44
vishgenux: then can apply for the mentor.. i believe ddecator is  part of the mentors ...19:45
ddecatorvish: yes sir =)19:45
genuxk.. shall do :). thanks vish and ddecator19:46
ddecatorgenux: no problem!19:46
genuxI have just requested on the bugsquad mentorship :).19:47
vishgenux: sweet! , and thanks in advance for helping out with the bugs :)19:49
ddecatorgenux: what time zone are you in?19:50
genuxnps.. vish .. it would be great to be part of it :)19:51
genuxddecator: I live in the UK (Norwich at present) so UTC19:51
ddecatorhm, so idk if our time would match up well =\19:51
genuxso.. do not follow ? ddecator what is idk ?19:54
genuxso =soz19:54
ddecatoridk = i don't know19:54
genuxoh ? why is that ? what time zone do you live in ?19:56
semmyHello, I'm looking to learn how to triage bugs!19:56
persiasemmy: Great.  Have you read the links in the /topic?  Do you have questions?19:56
ddecatori live in chicago, so CST. i usually work on triage from 0200-0500 UTC (9:00pm-12:00am CST)19:57
micahgddecator: that should be (9:00pm-12:00am CDT) :)19:57
ddecatormicahg: is it? i thought is was Central Standard Time o.o19:58
micahgddecator: CST is UTC -6, CDT is UTC -519:58
ddecatormicahg: oh, right...19:58
ddecatorso CDT then =p19:58
genuxarh.. k.. I would have to be up early then ;).. I do have a daugther that wakes at 5:30 UTC lol..19:59
ddecatorno problem, there are others on the team that can help you out =)20:00
semmypersia: Yes, I've read the triage-guide, and I think I've finished all of the other requirements for membership on the bugsquad.  I'm hoping to get started with evince today -- how do I know which version of evince to use?  Also, I'm still running Karmic; should I upgrade to lucid to get started?20:05
ddecatoryou can still triage on karmic20:06
persiasemmy: You can triage bugs in karmic, but yeah, at this point upgrading to lucid will probably be beneficial.20:06
persiaRelease is in a week, so there really shouldn't be any showstoppers left (I've been running lucid for a while, happily).20:06
persiaBut ddecator is right: the key is more being able to read and test, than what you run.20:06
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mf__hi all21:24
mf__i have a problem whith new ubuntu21:25
mf__no popup indicator21:25
mf__when LCD brightness buttons pressed21:27
mf__and xev not detect it21:27
mf__laptop asus a6VM21:27

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