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=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/8rtIi || Event: Packaging Training Session - Current Session: How to package XUL extensions - Instructor: bdrung || Questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat | ||
bdrung | hello | 19:00 |
bdrung | we extract the xpi file with xpi-unpack (from mozilla-devscripts) | 19:09 |
bdrung | xpi-unpack libnotify-mozilla-0.1.4-beta.xpi libnotify-mozilla | 19:09 |
bdrung | now we create the orig source tarball: | 19:10 |
bdrung | tar -acf libnotify-mozilla_0.1.4.orig.tar.gz libnotify-mozilla | 19:10 |
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bdrung | now we switch into the libnotify-mozilla directory and create a debian directory in there | 19:11 |
bdrung | now we create a changelog file | 19:11 |
bdrung | dch --create --package libnotify-mozilla --newversion 0.1.4-0ubuntu1 "Initial release." | 19:11 |
bdrung | we create a compat file: echo 7 > debian/compat | 19:12 |
bdrung | in the realworld we have to write a debian/copyright file. for this example we just create a empty file | 19:14 |
bdrung | can you follow me? | 19:14 |
bdrung | now we come to the interesting part | 19:15 |
bdrung | we create a debian/control file with this content: http://paste.ubuntu.com/420579/ | 19:16 |
bdrung | the explanation to this file: | 19:17 |
bdrung | the binary package name is created by stripping mozilla from the source name and to prepend xul-ext- | 19:17 |
bdrung | which version of mozilla-devscripts you need is described in http://wiki.debian.org/mozilla-devscripts | 19:18 |
bdrung | ${xpi:Recommends}, ${xpi:Provides}, ${xpi:Enhances} is generated by dh_xul-ext | 19:18 |
bdrung | question to this file? | 19:18 |
bdrung | now we create debian/rules: one target called % with this command "dh --with xul-ext --buildsystem=xul_ext $@" | 19:23 |
bdrung | it look like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/420586/ | 19:23 |
bdrung | what does this rule do? | 19:25 |
bdrung | --with xul-ext is responsible to call dh_xul-ext after installation | 19:26 |
bdrung | --buildsystem=xul_ext creates the xpi file and installs this xpi file | 19:27 |
bdrung | on build "xpi-pack . xul-ext-libnotify.xpi" will be called | 19:27 |
bdrung | on install "install-xpi xul-ext-libnotify.xpi" will be called | 19:27 |
bdrung | on clean "rm -f xul-ext-libnotify.xpi" will be called | 19:28 |
bdrung | now we build the package with debuild | 19:29 |
bdrung | questions? | 19:30 |
bdrung | no questions? | 19:34 |
bdrung | you can find more examples on http://wiki.debian.org/mozilla-devscripts | 19:36 |
bdrung | and in the man pages from xpi-pack, xpi-unpack, xpi-repack, dh_xul-ext, install-xpi | 19:38 |
bdrung | if you will have questions later, you can find me on various ubuntu channel, for example #ubuntu-mozillateam | 19:40 |
bdrung | thanks for listening | 19:41 |
ClassBot | There are are 10 minutes remaining in the current session. | 19:50 |
ClassBot | There are are 5 minutes remaining in the current session. | 19:55 |
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/8rtIi | ||
=== keffie_jayx_ is now known as effie_jayx |
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