
Keybukserver glx version string: 1.200:00
Keybukclient glx version string: 1.400:00
KeybukGLX version: 1.200:00
KeybukOpenGL version string: 1.4 Mesa 7.7.100:00
rickspencer3my count is over 130000:05
rickspencer3but it goes up and down00:05
RAOFMine is ~2200 but again goes both up and down00:06
Keybukat the point mine was ~2200, the bytes counter had overflowed to be negative00:08
rickspencer3I just played sourbraten, and my byte count and object count both went down00:08
Keybukit's certainly not as *bad*00:08
Keybukwill run it for a few more hours and see if still goes up00:09
rickspencer3though I don't know for a fact that saurbraten uses glx, I just like it00:09
Keybukor maybe it just climbs and plateaus around here00:09
* Keybuk fires up hulu-desktop00:09
rickspencer3well, first of all, I think I just got paid to play tetris00:15
rickspencer3second of all, the bytes and object counts seemed similar before and after, though the deallocation was not immediate00:15
asachmm. i remember to read something about some i8xx graphics drivers causing problems a few days ago. was that resolved?00:15
rickspencer3asac, not really00:16
rickspencer3well, in what sense do you mean "resolved"?00:16
asacis that the chip a mini 9 might have?00:16
rickspencer3asac, I would presume the mini 9 has 945, but don't know for sure00:16
RAOFasac: No; the 8xx chips are old.00:16
asacwell. just wonder if something got blacklisted, because someone complains about a changed UNE experience since a few days ago.00:17
asacand i thought maybe its because its now falling back to -efl00:17
asacbug 56809600:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568096 in netbook-launcher "UNE desktop fonts and icon sizes have changed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56809600:17
asacbug 56808400:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568084 in netbook-launcher "Administration is listed before Preferences" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56808400:17
asacbug 56807300:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568073 in netbook-launcher "Categories scrolling is different" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56807300:17
asaci reassigned them to netbook-launcher, but now i realized that a fallback to -efl might cause that confusion00:17
rickspencer3asac, this is mattgriffin, right?00:18
asacyes ;)00:18
rickspencer3I just asked him to do lspci | grep VGA00:18
asacso its Intel Corporation Mobile 945GME Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)00:18
asache pasted it to me now ;)00:18
rickspencer3asac, yeah00:18
asacok so nothing changed on that front i guess?00:18
rickspencer3no, that is not blacklisted00:18
asactoo bad ;)00:19
rickspencer3and it is working for me00:19
asacwould be an easy explain00:19
rickspencer3maybe he just logged into an efi session by accident?00:19
rickspencer3efl, I mean00:19
asacyeah maybe :)00:20
asacasked him00:20
asache uses "Session: Ubuntu Netbook Edition" ... so probably not00:21
asacok seems he just needed a reboot. maybe his graphics driver was in bad state after upgrade or something. i asked him to come back if he can reproduce this00:26
rickspencer3asac, yeah00:29
rickspencer3if there is a problem in our detection code, we'll let didrocks know00:29
rickspencer3this is the first I have heard of such an issue00:29
asacright. didnt hear either. lets really see00:29
rickspencer3I'll chalk it up to to a fluke, but keep my eye on it00:29
rickspencer3RAOF so my objects and bytes seem to go up and down quite a bit, with no very clear relationship to apps I am running, or when I run them at least00:30
rickspencer3RAOF, ping00:48
RAOFrickspencer3: Pong00:53
rickspencer3RAOF, so, what is your conclusion regarding glx testing?00:53
rickspencer3is the leak mitigated, fixed, not affected?00:54
RAOFrickspencer3: The leak is certainly affected by dropping the glx patches; it looks very much like it fixes it.00:56
rickspencer3and have you concluded that your "no fonts" issue is or is not impacted by rolling back to glx 1.2?00:56
rickspencer3RAOF, ^ ?00:57
RAOFI'm less certain there.00:58
rickspencer3njpatel thinks that you had a font caching issue00:58
rickspencer3and that a reboot would fix it00:59
rickspencer3RAOF, in any case, do you think we should roll back to glx 1.2 for release?00:59
RAOFThe gem testing page has only a single comment from a non-DRI2 driver, which is I think where the problems would be.00:59
rickspencer3you mean where the corruption that you saw would be?00:59
rickspencer3RAOF, are you still seeing the problem?01:00
RAOFYes, but only with LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1, which could be skewing the results.01:01
Nafairickspencer3: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-bluetooth/+bug/558841/comments/1501:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 558841 in gnome-bluetooth "bluetooth "devices" menu item not working in bluetooth indicator" [Medium,In progress]01:34
rickspencer3Nice Nafai, keep going!01:44
rickspencer3really getting there01:44
Nafailearned a lot the last few days :)01:44
rickspencer3on the job training ;)01:45
Nafaidefinitely.  in this job, I imagine if you aren't getting it at some point, you aren't doing something right :)01:46
rickspencer3hi RAOF, bryceh, Sarvatt02:40
rickspencer3Looks like on the Gem Leak testing page, someone had an issue with nouveau02:41
rickspencer3"gem leal" sounds so classy02:41
brycehrickspencer3, hey02:41
rickspencer3hey bryceh02:42
rickspencer3bryceh, do you have the capability to test nouveau ?02:42
brycehwere we not expecting it to hit nouveau?  I assumed it was applicable to all open drivers02:42
RAOFI was rather expecting nouveau's lack of 3D to help it avoid leaks in DRI2 :)02:43
brycehah true02:43
rickspencer3bryceh, they say they still had the leak *after* applying the PPA02:43
rickspencer3so it could be a regression or such02:43
brycehwell, it's certainly possible they're seeing some unrelated bug.02:43
rickspencer3or that02:44
rickspencer3they are the only ones who reported on nouveau so far02:44
rickspencer3is there any one else who try to reproduce it?02:44
RAOFOr that they're using xorg-edgers to get 3D, and the x-updates xserver doesn't have a higher version number than the server in edgers.02:44
brycehit's not unusual for when a given bug gets high profile, that people with similar but unrelated issues glom onto it02:44
rickspencer3bryceh, right02:44
brycehheh, this is why I like to always include a ContactInfo column in testing tables like this02:45
rickspencer3so does someone we know who can give us reliable info have nvidia and can test with nouveau?02:45
RAOFI'll disable nvidia on my testing laptop and give it a whirl.02:45
rickspencer3bryceh, they put their name their02:45
rickspencer3thanks RAOF02:45
rickspencer3RAOF, can you include those results on the wiki please?02:46
RAOFrickspencer3: Certainly.02:46
rickspencer3thanks man02:46
rickspencer3thanks guys02:48
rickspencer3if Sarvatt shows up at all, tell him I owe him a beer for sure!02:48
SarvattAhh I'm here! I was off testing a nouveau machine out and adding my results to the page02:51
Sarvattthe situation is much better with the PPA xserver on nouveau, clutter apps no longer fail to start entirely like they were before02:51
Sarvattbug 56173402:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561734 in gnome-games "quadrapassel doesn't start: Failed to initialise clutter: Unable to select the newly created GLX context" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56173402:52
RAOFI should try that with my locally patched xserver, too.02:53
Sarvattthey wont work, it's only fixed by going back to glx 1.202:56
RAOFWe could probably fix them by dropping the “backport glx 1.4 to swrast” patch, I'd wager.03:01
* Sarvatt nods03:12
KeybukRAOF: just had an X lock-up with the PPA packages03:26
RAOFI take it this was not a regular occurance pre-PPA? :/03:27
RAOFKeybuk: Doing anything in particular?03:27
Keybukhasn't happened in recent memory pre-PPA03:27
KeybukI had clicked a link in chromium03:27
RAOFGot any logs?  /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old should be the previous log; dmesg can also be instructive.03:30
Keybukjust checking now03:30
Keybuknothing obvious in Xorg.0.log.old03:31
Keybuklast thing printed is about mode lines03:31
Keybukkernl.log has nothing before my Emergency Sync03:32
RAOFHm.  Did only X die, dropping you back at gdm, or did everything freeze (or equivalent)03:32
Keybukeverything froze, only SysRq worked03:32
Keybukfelt like a pipe underrun03:32
RAOFYou've got an intel card, don't you; 965 from memory?03:33
RAOFThe mouse froze, too?03:33
Keybukyes, mouse froze03:33
Keybukand couldn't VT switch03:33
RAOFI'll look over the patches we dropped in the PPA packages.  I don't think there'll be anything obvious, though :(03:35
Keybuk40-xserver-xorg-video-intel.rules:#SUBSYSTEM=="drm", ACTION=="change", ENV{ERROR}=="1", RUN+="/usr/share/apport/apport-gpu-error-intel.py"03:35
Keybukis commented out?03:35
Keybukupstart/udev logs suggest I had those change events just before reboot03:36
RAOFHm.  I thought that i915 would also complain in dmesg when that happened.03:36
RAOFWe disabled that reporting earlier; we'd got lots of data and not much to actually do with it.  It was also hard to assign duplicates.03:37
RAOFMaybe you could uncomment in the hope that this'll happen again and we'll get some logs03:38
Keybukyeah, done that03:38
RAOFGiven that the driver couldn't reset the gpu we'll hopefully get useful logs.03:39
RAOFYou also were still seeing a possible gem objects leak, even with the PPA xserver?03:39
KeybukI'm logging the gem_objects file every couple of seconds03:39
Keybukand after a few hours usage, will plot03:39
Keybuksee whether I'm imagining it or not03:39
Keybukso far, it looks like it's just going up and down04:00
Keybukand not increasing in any kind of fashion over time04:00
WyGuyI Am having trouble with my laptop04:03
WyGuycan anyone help04:03
rickspencer3Keybuk, you're bumming me out here04:57
rickspencer3I have i965 and haven't seen issues since like Alpha 104:57
rickspencer3I have this dream where I am running, and xorg-xserver is chasing me ..04:57
rickspencer3but I can never quite run fast enough04:58
pittiGood morning07:22
RAOFpitti: Goooood morning07:27
pittihey RAOF! how are you?07:27
pittihttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Testing/GEMLeak looks good, no regressions so far07:27
RAOFYeah.  And I've managed to convince myself that we're testing the right codepaths, too.07:28
pittithis *sniff* really makes lucid fun again07:29
pittino more 1-minute shutdowns, the weird keyboard behaviour in sudo'ed gnome-terminals has gone, and everthing is fast and snappy again07:29
RAOFI've also got a package in the (other) x-testing PPA that I'm pretty sure fixes the memory leak without reverting the GLX 1.4 backport.  I'll leave that off the GEMLeak page until we've got more testing of the reverted packages; reverting the GLX patches is safer.07:30
pittiRAOF: oh, you rock07:32
RAOFI'm just reading X server code to convince myself that the patch I've picked will work everywhere :)07:33
RAOFOk.  I'm off for a walk while it's still light.07:49
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
ograyay, my gem objects count isnt gone negative yet07:58
ogralooks like a massive improvement07:59
* ogra will monitor it over the rest of the day but getting up and still having a positive value is a good sign07:59
pittiit's pure ♥08:00
didrocksgood morning08:15
pittibonjour didrocks08:16
didrocksGuten Morgen pitti08:16
dpmmorning all08:21
didrockshey dpm08:23
dpmpitti, I've got a general question on post-release updates and GNOME. Are GNOME .1 releases only packaged and uploaded on a needed basis? I.e. are we going to see some 2.30.1 modules in Lucid?08:24
dpmheya didrocks, how are you?08:24
pittidpm: yes, we'll upload some .1 and .208:26
pittibut not all of them08:27
pittidpm: and good morning!08:27
dpmpitti, yes, of course, good morning! :)08:28
dpmpitti, thanks08:28
seb128hello there08:42
didrockshey seb128 ;)08:44
seb128lut didrocks08:44
seb128didrocks, how are you?08:44
pittibonjour seb12808:45
didrocksI'm fine thanks. Still trying to update my book in the evening and a lot of screens to update :/08:45
seb128pitti, guten tag08:45
pittiseb128: FYI, the keyring stuff is all sorted and uploaded for final08:45
seb128pitti, yeah, I was going to hug you for that one08:45
seb128just reading my bug email, Stef replied to me yesterday08:45
pittiyes, to me too08:45
seb128I'm out of internet for some days though so didn't read the reply yesterday08:45
pittiseb128: oh, your internet connection is broken?08:46
pittiwho am I talking to right now then? ;-)08:46
seb128changing dsl subscription08:46
seb128they cut my line but didn't set the new one08:46
seb128I'm working from my parents' now08:47
pitti3G for the win?08:47
pittiah, I see08:47
seb128going to my parents for the win :p08:47
seb128they have nice working dsl and space where I can work08:47
mvoseb128: I just ran into a case where on hardy -> lucid gdm would restart (or get restarted by libc6). not fun, debugging now09:28
seb128mvo, ok09:30
chrisccoulsonhello everyone09:56
didrockshey chrisccoulson09:56
chrisccoulsonhjey didrocks, how are you?09:56
didrockschrisccoulson: I'm fine, thanks, you?09:56
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm not too bad, but i've got a headache for the 3rd day in a row :(09:57
didrocksurgh, medecines don't help? :/09:58
pittihey chrisccoulson; oh, hope you'll get better soon09:59
chrisccoulsonthanks :)09:59
pittichrisccoulson: do you have uber-urgent things to do today? perhaps take off some hours, enjoy the sun for a walk?09:59
chrisccoulsonpitti - i need to start looking at updating firefox in hardy10:00
pittichrisccoulson: still, that certainly can wait until tomorrow?10:01
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, possibly. i'd like to make a bit of a start today though :)10:01
chrisccoulsoni'll probably take a long lunch break ;)10:02
pittichrisccoulson: well, your decision of course; just take care of yourself, please ;)10:02
didrockshey huats10:02
huatshello didrocks10:02
* didrocks -> out for an hour. Have to buy some stuffs :)10:03
pittimmm, stuffs10:03
didrockspitti: birthday present to be precise ;)10:04
pittididrocks: ooh, happy birthday! *hug*10:04
didrocksnot for me :-)10:04
pittiah, you mean for someone else10:04
* pitti hugs you anyway10:05
didrocksI don't buy present to myself ;)10:05
* didrocks hugs pitti10:05
* seb128 hugs didrocks10:05
* didrocks hugs seb12810:05
RAOFHugs all round!10:05
pittididrocks: I sometimes do10:05
* pitti hugs seb128 and RAOF, too10:05
* RAOF hugs all comers10:05
* didrocks hugs RAOF too10:05
didrockspitti: oh really? well, that's better than bad surprise :)10:05
pittididrocks: well, sometimes I say "I have always wanted this, so let's get it now" :)10:06
chrisccoulsonseb128 - can you recreate the gnome-appearance-properties crash? i couldn't recreate it yesterday to test if my patch works10:06
seb128chrisccoulson, yes, with the steps I described on the upstream bug, did I give you the upstream bug number?10:06
chrisccoulsonseb128 - you did, but i still couldn't make it crash10:06
seb128chrisccoulson, ^10:06
ubottuGnome bug 614256 in Appearance "crashes when installing icon themes by dnd" [Normal,New]10:07
seb128well let's say it's crash half of the time10:07
seb128but I get the valgrind errors almost every time10:07
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm happy to try your patch there10:07
chrisccoulsonseb128 - please do :) http://paste.ubuntu.com/420307/10:07
=== james_w`` is now known as james_w
chrisccoulsoni found locking issues in a few places which could cause that crash10:08
seb128how did you found those, I'm just being curious on how to debug such issues10:08
seb128by reading the code?10:08
seb128the game is to have all gtk calls in g_t_e g_t_l section?10:09
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, that's basically what you need to do. functions that are triggered from gtk events are already inside the lock though, so it's not as obvious10:10
seb128(it's building)10:12
seb128pitti, btw about fast-user-switch-applet will you clean it next time you do cleaning there or should I?10:21
pittiseb128: oh, please go ahead10:21
seb128pitti, ok10:22
chrisccoulsonseb128 - if the patch doesn't work, i've found something else to try too10:23
seb128chrisccoulson, it's rather than the bug doesn't work now10:23
chrisccoulsonheh ;)10:24
seb128I've no crash on error10:24
seb128*shrug*, it's always like that when you want to test a change10:24
chrisccoulsoni'll try a bit more here and see if i can make it crash10:24
seb128I'm building the upstream tarball now just to see if I get it again with this one10:24
seb128when I opened the bug GNOME bug I was getting the error every time and the crash every second time without valgrind10:25
seb128chrisccoulson, ok, sorry but I don't get the bug now10:35
seb128I didn't get it either previous cycles when I tried10:35
chrisccoulsonseb128 - ok, no worries10:35
seb128it must depends of the lune phases or something10:35
seb128chrisccoulson, still add your patch to the upstream bug, let get it in .1 if we can and in the first sru round and see if that works for users10:36
vishseb128: hi.. i think the Bug #493762 was confused for Bug #403691 , 493762 is about the shortcuts in the menu dropdown the "Crtl+A" and those shortcuts... which upstream is implementing in clearlooks , hylke just closed upstream bug since gtk devs didnt like the idea10:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 493762 in hundredpapercuts "Hide or deemphasize shortcut keys in menus" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49376210:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 403691 in hundredpapercuts "Underline under accelerator characters in buttons and menu bar should only show when Alt is pressed" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40369110:37
seb128vish, ok if you say so, I don't really see the point or care to be honest but if gtk guys said they would not do the change we will not change gtk either10:38
vishseb128: yup , i was asking before i can mark it invalid instead ;)10:39
seb128vish, do whatever you think is correct with the bug ;-)10:39
vishthanks :)10:39
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seb128pitti, I've subscribed you to some gdm locale issues cf LANGUAGE being set because I think you have a clue about that, feel free to ignore those bugs if you don't though13:39
pittiseb128: thanks, I'll have a look13:39
seb128pitti, + one crasher svu reported in one of your xkb changes we will want to fix in a sru I think13:40
seb128pitti, but not hurry for those anyway it's sru material not for lucid now13:40
seb128pitti, thanks13:40
desrt*yawn* good morning13:51
seb128hey desrt!13:51
desrtseb128: how's the cycle turning out?13:52
desrtdescribe your current state of mind:13:52
desrt [ ] relaxed13:52
desrt [ ] average13:52
desrt [ ] omg!13:52
james_w [ ] all of the above13:52
desrtlol was not an option :p13:52
seb128I think it's mostly relaxed now ;-)13:52
desrtoh.  that's good news for this cycle, then :)13:53
seb128lucid seems mostly good13:53
desrtreally happy to hear that13:53
seb128still some issues and will be better after some GNOME stable updates and sru updates13:53
seb128but it's a decent shape13:53
desrtso i may as well install the release candidate on production machines and just upgrade it when the real one is available?13:53
* desrt finds himself more in [x] omg territory13:55
desrtseb128: i think you were a little bit too negative about all-of-gnome-porting-to-GSettings13:55
desrtbecause judging by the volume of bugs that i'm currently receiving, it feels like that's pretty much what's happening :p13:56
seb128desrt, you mean too many people doing porting before the thing has settled? ;-)13:57
desrti just like to think of it as lots of people porting :)13:57
desrtthe settling won't change much13:57
desrtbackend api only, really13:57
seb128ok, happy to do that13:57
seb128I didn't have too much doubt on people being active on porting btw13:57
didrocksdesrt: so, for people waiting to port the backend, they should still wait a little? (looking at the desktopcouch backend)13:58
desrtdidrocks: yes.  definitely.13:58
seb128I just say there is lot to port and some things will be less trivial and doing everything will let little time for debugging13:58
desrtdidrocks: but uh.. it doesn't really work like that?13:58
desrtyou should really not be writing a backend almost ever13:58
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
desrtat least not for the purposes of storing user settings13:59
desrtseb128: oh btw... about the login settings and default settings and stuff13:59
desrtg_settings_new_with_context (..., "login-screen");13:59
desrtor "defaults"13:59
didrocksdesrt: well, rodrigo seemed to be interested (see d-d-l)14:00
rickspencer3good morning all14:17
desrthi rick14:18
rickspencer3pitti, RC today?14:18
rickspencer3hi desrt14:18
pittigood morning rickspencer314:18
pittirickspencer3: yes, looks good; all but one test case done14:18
rickspencer3good afternoon pitti14:18
rickspencer3pitti, nice14:18
pittiand unapproved is huge, time to review/flush it :)14:18
rickspencer3pitti, GEM Leak?14:18
pittirickspencer3: not uploaded yet, but testing feedback is very promising14:19
pittisome 20 people have tested, and there was only one problem reported by lool which is under investigation14:19
rickspencer3did anyone figure out Keybuk's issue?14:19
seb128hey rickspencer314:19
rickspencer3hi seb12814:19
seb128keybuk's issue?14:20
seb128we are not on the same timezone that you guys, dunno about this one14:20
rickspencer3Keybuk was having hideous memory leak and even a freeze14:20
rickspencer3with his i96514:20
seb128k, same card there works just great14:20
rickspencer3which is quite odd14:20
rickspencer3seb128, right, same with me14:20
ograseb128, there are different revs of the 96514:21
* ogra has a rev 03 for example14:21
seb128ogra, right14:21
seb128ogra, I was just pointing it's not happening for every intel 965 users14:21
ograsurely not for me14:22
didrockshey rickspencer314:22
pittirickspencer3: you mean with ~xup2?14:22
rickspencer3Hiya didrocks14:22
rickspencer3pitti, er14:23
rickspencer3I mean Keybuk installed the PPA, and reports that after that he still has memory leaks, and instability on top of that14:23
rickspencer3I asked RAOF to try to get to the bottom of it yesterday, but not sure what the status is14:23
seb128he got a fixed patch uploaded to the ppa apparently but I guess that's sru material for after lucid?14:25
rickspencer3pitti, did you see that RAOF has also fixed the leak in the patches?14:25
rickspencer3seb128, right14:25
pittirickspencer3: I did14:25
pittiI already hugged him for that :)14:26
rickspencer3I'm thinking that rolling back for release is the safest bet, but then we have RAOF's fix that we can SRU if needed14:26
seb128rickspencer3, did keybuk reboot or just restarted xorg?14:26
rickspencer3(assuming Keybuck's issue is a fluke)14:26
rickspencer3seb128, dunno14:26
seb128it's a bit hard to have an opinion with the informations we have I guess14:27
rickspencer3since RAOF didn't mention Keybuk's issue in his status mail, I am going to be hopefully optimistic ;)14:28
kenvandinei haven't seen any stability issues and my laptop hasn't gotten slower :)14:35
rickspencer3kenvandine, are you also i956?14:40
kenvandineGM45 and 945GME14:41
kenvandinei hadn't noticed it on my netbook actually14:41
kenvandinebut my laptop was noticable14:41
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
didrocksjames_w: for the issue of having debian/ directory removed at first merge-upstream use, do you prefer existing branch or command to create them? (I've just done a short testcase)14:52
james_wdidrocks: I don't mind14:52
seb128pitti, you are sure there is nothing in the xorg stack still use libhal for device detection?14:52
didrocksjames_w: ok, filling a bug report now with a testcase so14:52
seb128bug #558451 collects quite some duplicates, most happening on usb devices disconnection14:52
james_wif you have minimal commands that is usually more useful14:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 558451 in gdm "gdm-session-worker crashed with SIGSEGV in filter_func()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55845114:52
james_wbut knowing real branches can be useful for actually testing that you fixed the whole problem :-)14:53
pittiseb128: pretty sure, yes; why?14:53
pittiseb128: perhaps libgnomevfs sets up some monitoring by itself?14:54
seb128pitti, "why" -> because I don't like gdm crashing it means you loose the running sessions so I would like to figure what is going there but I don't read much from the stacktrace14:55
pittiseb128: right, I know that "why" :)14:55
pittiseb128: I didn't see your next IRC comment when I asked14:55
seb128ok ;-)14:55
pittigdm has no hal code whatsoever14:55
pittisudo dpkg -P libhal1 -> that's just 5 remaining deps on my system14:56
seb128pitti, I'm wondering if we can consider that there is 2 issues there, one being libhal being used for some reason, one being that it crashes14:56
pittilibgnomevfs2-0, libgnome-pilot2, gimp, and hal itself14:56
pittiseb128: the first is quite clear though -- gdm needs to stop using libgnome14:56
seb128$ ldd /usr/lib/gdm/gdm-session-worker | grep libgnome14:57
pittiit doesn't look like a call, but like a dbus signal callback?14:57
seb128pitti, right, my gut feeling is that the issue is with something xorg input detection code14:58
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
seb128"gdm crashed while installing virtualbox-ose packages"14:58
seb128is the description on this bug14:58
pittiseb128: hm, g-s-w doesn't link against hal either14:58
pittihow could it ever crash in libhal then?14:59
pittiseb128: sorry, have a confcall now, bbl14:59
seb128as said the stacktrace makes no sense to me14:59
seb128pitti, no need to be sorry, thanks for the quick chat that was useful ;-)14:59
pittiok, so it's a mystery14:59
seb128I will try to see if there is a common pattern between those bugs15:00
seb128like using all virtualbox or something15:00
chrisccoulsonseb128 / pitti - it is pam_usb.so which is using HAL15:06
seb128chrisccoulson, what would we do without you15:06
chrisccoulson(i don't even have that on my system)15:06
chrisccoulsonheh ;)15:07
seb128me neither15:07
chrisccoulsonyeah, that does seem to pull in libhal115:07
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks, reassigning there15:09
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks a lot ;-)15:10
didrocksjames_w: bug #568440, tell me if I need to push a branch or not :)15:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568440 in udd "First merge-upstream command try to remove debian/ directory in previously merging branch" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56844015:11
james_wdidrocks: thanks, I'll take a look15:11
chrisccoulsonseb128 - you're welcome :)15:14
james_wdidrocks: that should be sufficient for investigation, thanks. And sorry for not believing you :-15:14
didrocksjames_w: no pb, sorry for being so long to give you a good and easy testcase :)15:16
chrisccoulsonhmmm, is there any way of telling an application at runtime to load its gtkbuilder UI files from somewhere else?15:16
seb128chrisccoulson, I think g-c-c has hacks for that15:18
seb128    if (g_file_test (GNOMECC_UI_DIR "/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui", G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS) != FALSE) {15:19
seb128        builder_result = gtk_builder_add_from_file (builder, GNOMECC_UI_DIR "/gnome-default-applications-properties.ui", NULL);15:19
seb128    }15:19
seb128    else {15:19
seb128        builder_result = gtk_builder_add_from_file (builder, "./gnome-default-applications-properties.ui", NULL);15:19
seb128chrisccoulson, ^15:19
chrisccoulsonseb128 - thanks, will look at that15:19
seb128I guess if that's for local hacking you can just hack the gtk_builder_add_from_file call15:20
chrisccoulsonyeah, i think hacking the gtk_builder_add_from_file call will be easiest for now15:22
chrisccoulsoncool, my locking changes don'e seem to have broken anything anyway15:25
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pittichrisccoulson: pam_usb??16:00
chrisccoulsonhey pitti16:00
pittiok, that explains it, thanks a lot!16:01
pittisounds like a cool package, but hal??16:01
NafaiGood morning #ubuntu-desktop!16:26
kenvandinehey nafa16:30
kenvandinehey Nafai16:30
qenseI got a bug report against Nautilus Actions complaining that you cannot press "Choose" if you want to pick the directory you're currently in. Is that an issue with the way nautilus-actions uses the file chooser, or is it a problem with the file chooser?16:32
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seb128qense, what ubuntu version?16:35
seb128qense, this issue should be fixed in lucid gtk16:35
qenseseb128: lucid, nautilus-actions is 2.30.216:35
seb128ok so I don't know16:35
seb128it works now in file-roller for example16:35
seb128would need a code example to know about your particular case16:36
seb128Nafai, kenvandine: hey16:36
qenseAll I can give you is the bug number: bug 56801416:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568014 in nautilus-actions "nautilus actions: Issues with the export assistant" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56801416:36
qenseI'll take a look in the code myself.16:36
NafaiHi kenvandine, seb12816:36
seb128qense, ok thanks16:37
didrockshey kenvandine, Nafai16:39
qenseseb128: The file chooser is defined in the UI file at <http://git.gnome.org/browse/nautilus-actions/tree/src/nact/nact-assistant-export.ui>, if you're interested. I read <http://git.gnome.org/browse/nautilus-actions/tree/src/nact/nact-assistant-export.c> quickly and it seems that the code only searches the selection.16:41
didrockspitti: now that RC is out, do we consider the poppler change for final or as an SRU?16:43
pittididrocks: "the poppler change"?16:43
didrockspitti: we discussed it at the beginning of the week: bug #3328816:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 33288 in poppler "Evince doesn't handle columns properly" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3328816:44
seb128didrocks, sru16:47
seb128it doesn't seem anything important for lucid CDs and is non trivial change16:47
didrocksseb128: ok, I'll push it to -proposed16:47
seb128it requires testing and not rushing16:47
didrocksthanks :)16:47
pittididrocks: ugh, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/39815138/rough_poppler_0.12.4-0ubuntu1.1.debdiff ?16:49
pittididrocks: yes, SRU please16:49
pittiwow, a 5-digit bug16:49
didrockspitti: I've a slightely different version that I backed out some days before (see comments), but yeah, it's quite huge16:50
didrocksand yeah, closing a 5-digit bug is good for the mind :)16:51
chrisccoulsonmclasen - there?16:52
seb128pitti, bug #559847, do you think it's worth getting in your gdm sru if you get the other xsession include change too?17:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 559847 in gdm "Please support /etc/X11/Xreset.d" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55984717:00
pittiseb128: looks easy enough, although it smells a bit FFish17:02
seb128didrocks, read the bug?17:02
didrocksseb128: reading, but LP was slow to draw the page :)17:02
didrocksdidn't know about that trick :)17:03
seb128chrisccoulson, I think you should just add your patch upstream with the open question, mclasen doesn't maintain g-c-c anyway so he will probably not decide on it17:05
seb128I'm not sure why it could not been done in an g_idle though17:06
seb128seems easier to do that fighting with getting lock right17:06
jcastroseb128, kenvandine: sometime early in M can we have someone look at the original Tomboy patch for app indicators and make sure it works, clean it up, etc. I would like to resubmit that upstream early.17:06
jcastroqense, you might be interested in this ^^17:06
seb128jcastro, sure, seems a job for whoever worked on the change or talked to upstream, who was that?17:06
kenvandinejcastro, yeah... I think it is more up to the DX guys17:07
jcastroseb128, DBO iirc.17:07
kenvandinejcastro, like supporting the pins?17:07
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kenvandineyeah, DBO did it17:07
jcastrobut maybe qense might be able to help?17:07
kenvandinei worked on it too17:07
jcastrothis would make him 3 for 3!17:07
kenvandinejcastro, wasn't the hold up supporting the pins?17:07
qensejcastro: It sounds like a good idea to make the applications that couldn't use the indicators this cycle use it very early in the Maverick cycle so we can improve them and get them perfect.17:07
qensekenvandine, jcastro: indeed it was17:08
seb128kenvandine, I doubt dxteam will have time for application changes though17:08
jcastrokenvandine, also, I talked to sandy and he's cool with us putting it in maverick as is so we can try it.17:08
kenvandineseb128, but to support some notion of pinning17:08
jcastroqense, yep17:08
seb128kenvandine, they will be busy enough on the stack and on the new indicators17:08
kenvandineseb128, ido will need changes17:08
seb128right, that's the stack17:08
kenvandineseb128, indeed... but this might be related17:08
jcastrokenvandine, what I was thinking is get it in very early, and then see how we feel about the non-pins.17:08
kenvandinewe need to find out their plans17:08
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, i'll add the patch that i have so far, but i could probably keep going forever ;)17:09
kenvandinejcastro, i am actually ok without the pins :)17:09
seb128well jcastro seems to want to get what we had re-submitted17:09
qenseI could help with Tomboy, I'm one of the few people that ever worked with the C# bindings for AppInd, so I've got some experience.17:09
seb128not to get pins done17:09
chrisccoulsonthe IO is done in a thread so the UI stays responsive17:09
chrisccoulsonbut it's weird that the progress dialog is updated from the IO thread17:09
chrisccoulsonanyway, i'll put that to one side for now17:09
seb128chrisccoulson, right17:09
jcastrokenvandine, right, I am ok without the pins too. If we get it in early we'll know for sure if we care about pins or not.17:10
seb128chrisccoulson, seems reasonable, thanks for looking at it17:10
qenseAren't the pins just checkboxes with a fancy icon?17:10
kenvandinejcastro, but didn't sandy say he wouldn't take the patch without it?17:10
kenvandineqense, essentially, yes17:10
jcastrokenvandine, all we need to ensure is that it falls back for systems without the app indicators17:10
* Nafai is a smart alec: http://twitter.com/travisbhartwell/status/1264727952017:10
jcastrokenvandine, initially, but this is my second try17:10
kenvandineNafai, long walk :)17:10
qensejcastro: For that I would have to get the fallbacks working properly in C#.17:10
Nafaikenvandine: indeed :)17:11
kenvandinejcastro, ok, well i am fine with getting it back into M :)17:11
chrisccoulsonlol @ Nafai17:11
jcastrokenvandine, and what I want to say is "ken and I thought we would miss the pins, but you know what, it's so much better this way."17:11
qenseThat could get tricky, but I've still got a branch somewhere on my system with a start of a fix for that.17:11
jcastrokenvandine, good with the bad, etc.17:11
kenvandinejcastro, indeed... at first i was annoyed without the pins17:11
jcastroqense, ok, so for M we need to prioritize c# fallbacks. We'll bring that up at UDS.17:11
kenvandinebrb... i am trying to figure out why suspend isn't working here... sick of not being able to sleep the laptop!17:12
jcastrokenvandine, if it ends up everyone misses the pins then we just go back to lucid behavior. I want to try though.17:12
qensejcastro: There are two problems: GAPI in the current GTK# is incomplete, lacking the essential virtual method support, and the way the library swaps strings and enums around breaks the bindings.17:12
jcastroand if people love the pins it will force us to look at other ways of solving Tomboy's problem17:12
qensejcastro: Would using checkboxes instead of the pins be acceptable?17:13
jcastroI think we should holistically look at the entire workflow for using tomboy17:14
qenseI would find that a bit unclear.17:14
seb128kenvandine, what laptop model do you have?17:14
qenseWe could, but isn't the way Tomboy works more something for the Tomboy team? ;)17:14
jcastroqense, yeah but we can help them there I think.17:14
seb128kenvandine, dell studio?17:14
jcastroqense, the onus will be on me to communicate that with sandy.17:15
qensejcastro: Fortunately you're good at communicating with upstreams -- you've already infiltrated the GNOME board! -- so that'll probably work out just fine.17:16
qenseI just don't think we should spend talking half the AppInd session about Tomboy. :)17:16
aranddidrocks: In the debdiff for Bug #33288 there's a lot of comment gtk-doc version changes, since not mentioned in the changelog, is that proper for a SRU?17:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 33288 in poppler "Evince doesn't handle columns properly" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3328817:21
didrocksarand: hum, let me check, maybe building the package generated it without I noticed17:22
didrocksarand: argh, bummer, building the package build the doc and the clean rule doesn't clean it17:23
didrocksso, reject the package to -proposed so that I can reupload a clean one17:23
aranddidrocks: Um, I'm not an SRU/reviewer.17:24
aranddidrocks: Just peeked at the debdiff since I follow the bug (the earlier proposed debdiffs were mine).17:25
didrocksarand: oh ok, and you cleaned the gtk-doc each time? that should be something we fix in debian/rules itself and see if upstream can ship and uptodate doc package. Well in any case, fixing it now17:26
aranddidrocks: I don't think I did anything in particular, I did the patches (many in my case), dch -i and debuild -S...17:27
didrocksarand: yeah, but you didn't debuild (without -S) to build it, right?17:28
aranddidrocks: Nope, I tested that in pbuilder... Hmm let's see...17:29
seb128didrocks, I tend to not double build things but build, rm and dpkg-source -x17:30
seb128didrocks, you often get noise in the diff.gz otherwise17:30
seb128didrocks, or get the debian dir in bzr and bzr-buildpackage ;-)17:30
didrocksseb128: oh, really? so, even for anything not in bzr, you debuild, copy your change elsewhere ; rm ; push back your changes and debuild -S ?17:31
aranddidrocks: what pbuilder spat out seems to also have nothing but the changelog and patch in the debdiff..17:31
seb128didrocks, why copying?17:31
seb128didrocks, debuild does create the diff.gz and .dsc17:32
seb128didrocks, I just dpkg-source -x *.dsc17:32
seb128rm and dpkg-source17:32
didrocksseb128: oh ok, I'm so used to debuild -S :)17:33
didrocksarand: well, strange, maybe it's conditionnaly triggered if you have gnome-doc-utils or gtk-doc-tools as I've on my laptop17:33
seb128didrocks, I agree that non buggy clean target is better though so feel free to fix such bugs ;-)17:33
didrocksseb128: yeah, I added that on my TODO :)17:34
didrocksseb128: can you reject a package from -proposed so that I can upload a clean one,17:34
seb128didrocks, I prefer to let the sru team do that17:35
seb128well I probably can yes, let me have a look17:35
didrocksso that I can repush without annoying more people :)17:36
seb128didrocks, done, let me know if you receive the rejected email17:37
didrocksseb128: I confirm you have the power :)17:37
didrocksseb128: rock, pushing the new one now. rock ;)17:37
didrocksarand: thanks for the notice!17:37
aranddidrocks: Glad to help :)17:38
aranddidrocks: btw, I tried installing t pbuilder spat out seems to also have nothing but17:38
didrocksarand: "it" being gtk-doc-tools and gnome-doc-utils?17:39
aranddidrocks: btw, I tried installing gtk-doc-tools, and from the debuild -S I still seem to get a clean debdiff...17:40
arandYea, misspaste there, bothering that middle-mouse-paste doesn't work through virtual machines...17:41
didrocksarand: yeah, as told previously, I runned debuild first17:41
didrocks(not debuild -S)17:41
aranddidrocks: ah, right, yea, misread that...17:42
fredptedg: hi! I was reading the lwn article on appindicators (<http://lwn.net/Articles/384274/>) and was reminded of <http://mail.gnome.org/archives/desktop-devel-list/2010-February/msg00051.html>, did you get feedback from gnome-shell developers?  (the thing is the release team meets in ~2 weeks and that's most certainly a blocker, so any update would be welcomed)17:52
tedgfredp: Nope, they've been silent on the issue.17:53
fredp(mmm, not really a surprise), so I think you should engage them into a discussion, I don't know of difficult would be to add a proof of concept "appindicator area" in javascript, but it sure would be nice.17:56
fredp(and I do realize the ubuntu calendar makes it hard to concentrate on this right now :/ )17:57
kenvandineseb128, T40017:57
kenvandinesuspend works from gdm, but not from a logged in session17:57
kenvandineit appears to be network related17:57
kenvandinepm-suspend.log  says suspend worked, but the sleep light keeps blinking17:58
kenvandineworks fine from in gdm though... so it is something that gets setup at login17:59
kenvandineapw spent a bunch of time messing with it a while back with no luck18:00
fredptedg: ^^^18:00
tedgfredp: Heh, I think that *you* should engage them in a conversation :)18:01
fredptedg: that's politics, and hard :)18:03
* Nafai lunches a little early today18:03
tedgfredp: And it's not a fight I want to have.  I posed it to the desktop list, and then got flamed by every redhat employee on the list.  It's no fun.18:06
pittiI'm off for an hour, back later18:07
mclasenfredp: in what way do you think it is a blocker ?18:10
fredpmclasen: it's a blocker for considering libappindicator as an acceptable external dep.18:10
mclasentedg: you did not get flamed. you got some initial api review, and then you retracted into your cave...18:11
fredpand as I see how similar some goals are, in appindicator and gnome-shell status zone, I'd like to see people working together.18:12
tedgmclasen: Hmm, I guess we have different impressions of what happened then.  Perhaps it depends on which side you were on.18:12
mclasentedg: might well be. in either case, it is pretty clear by now that you are intent on doing your own thing...18:12
tedgmclasen: Sure, whatever.  The way it was setup is that by doing nothing, it would be rejected.  So of course, nothing was done.  Which would always be the case when that's how the decisions was set up.18:15
mclasentedg: you mean you set it up that way by not following up  ?18:16
mclasenthats certainly the impression I got...18:16
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tedgmclasen: What e-mail wasn't followed up on?  The only question was to use GtkActions, which I'm perfectly happy to do, and said as much.18:17
tedgmclasen: But, at the time, is also after API freeze...18:17
* kenvandine -> lunch19:29
* didrocks goes off after dinner, Julie's birthday anniversary, don't want to work this evening :)19:48
pittiseb128: http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/pool/main/g/glib2.0/ *grin*19:55
=== MacSlow|capoeira is now known as MacSlow
seb128didrocks, enjoy!20:06
didrocksseb128: thanks (yeah, still triaging bug mails ;))20:06
seb128didrocks, joyeux anniversaire de ma part également20:06
seb128pitti, don't go to oem, we need you there ;-)20:07
* seb128 hugs pitti20:07
didrocksseb128: je transmets, elle te dit "merci même si je te connais pas" :)20:07
didrocks(x2) ;)20:07
* pitti hugs back seb128 and bows to the new tech lead20:07
seb128I still have to figure if that techlead thing is good curse ;-)20:08
brycehNafai, morning20:24
NafaiHey :)  Afternoon here.  Just woke up from my customary lunch-time nap.  Wish I would stop having insomnia at night20:25
pittigood night everyone21:05
seb128you too pitti!21:06
seb128pedro_, hey21:17
pedro_seb128, hey hey21:18
seb128pedro_, btw fast-user-switch-applet got dropped from lucid since it doesn't work with the new gdm and is replaced by the gdm one and indicator-session21:18
seb128pedro_, not sure if you have tools to clean bugs on such cases or just let those open in launchpad21:18
pedro_seb128, ok, well ~70 bugs open is not too much so i'll clean that. Better to give a response to the reporters instead of leaving those just laying around21:22
pedro_seb128, thanks for the info ;-)21:22
seb128pedro_, you're welcome, thanks21:24
dobeyhey seb21:29
seb128hey dobey21:31
dobeyseb128: can you answer anything about dev membership application process, or should i find someone else to bug?21:32
seb128dobey, you should better try with dholbach or persia I guess21:33
dobeyseb128: ok, thanks21:33
seb128I've not been following what happens there closely21:33
dobeyok. i know there were some changes to the process, and reading the wiki is confusing me, so i wanted to poke for some clarification :)21:34
brycehseb128, you moved 566683 to xorg-server but this is not correct22:12
brycehseb128, with kernel modesetting, resolution and output selection is done by the kernel, not X any longer22:12
brycehseb128, so all these types of bugs you should be assigning to linux, not X22:12
rickspencer3bryceh, you don't have to sound so happy about that ;)22:13
brycehrickspencer3, heh22:13
seb128bryceh, oh ok, thanks for letting me know, I usually try to move those one steps closer from where the issue is but I don't know enough the graphical stack to aim right ;-)22:13
seb128bryceh, but noted for next time22:13
brycehseb128, thanks22:13
seb128I guess it's the same when people reassign the other way and know xorg and not GNOME22:13
seb128they pick a random source ;-)22:14
brycehyeah with our move to KMS, 90% of X issues being reported really are kernel drm bugs, so it seems we've turned into launchpad ping pong players ;-)22:14
brycehseb128, yeah it's true22:14
seb128I was a bit happier about bugs being assigned to xorg to be honest :p22:15
seb128at least those get replies22:15
seb128I never get any reply on the linux bugs I file usually22:15
seb128it feels like pushing those to null22:15
brycehI suppose that's kind of a compliment22:17
seb128it is ;-)22:17
brycehwell I do try to handle even bugs that are kernel bugs if I'm not 100% sure, and then hand them over when there's a patch available22:17
brycehhowever with how limited our X manpower is, seems better to focus on issues that really are in X components22:19
seb128bryceh, oh sure, I just wish the kernel team was responsive on some issues sometime but I guess they have the same manpower issue than every team there22:25
brycehseb128, if it's an issue you think should get prioritization, what I've been doing is ping JFo, which seems to work effectively22:26
seb128thanks for the hint, I don't have a specific issue right know but it's good to know ;-)22:27
brycehseb128, I just wish we didn't get so many bug reports in general.  Makes it hard to think.  Some days I feel like I'm just looking at bug report after bug report without finding any that I can actually *do* something about22:28
brycehseb128, btw are you able to convert bug reports into questions in launchpad?  Lately when I've tried it I just get launchpad OOPSes22:29
seb128bryceh, I did convert some today yes22:29
brycehwill have to try again22:30
seb128I spent 2 days doing bug reading and cleaning now22:30
brycehseb128, have you ever looked into if bugs put to answers actually get adequate follow up?22:30
seb128I need a break tomorrow, I will do some sru for a change ;-)22:30
seb128bryceh, no, I tend to use the "convert to question" when the bug are "things are not working, can you explain what to do"22:31
seb128I've enough bugs I don't follow up on already, I can't be bothered to know if questions get answered or not, would be interesting to know but I can't help triaging those22:31
brycehI don't know if it's the same in gnome, but with X we get a *ton* of bug reports which really aren't high enough quality to be able to work on easily, but are probably really a bug somewhere, but the user needs a lot of handholding in order to make a proper bug report about it.  So I have wondered if sending to answers would accomplish that or if it'd just be dumping the bug22:32
seb128I think it's mostly dumping the bug22:32
seb128but my view is that if the bug is a common on or an another one if will come as a proper bug soon enough22:32
brycehok, probably better to just close bugs as invalid then with directions on how to make better bug reports22:33
seb128common one22:33
seb128we can't deal with every weird issue happening to one user anyway22:33
seb128well closing as invalid tend to create conflicts with some users who don't agree their issue is invalid22:34
seb128at least converting to a question avoid that and let a chance for somebody on the answer tracker to pick the case22:34
seb128I guess most don't get far but at least some users get help there22:34
brycehhmm, interesting22:35
brycehprobably easier for peer-help on gnome bugs than on X though22:35
brycehbut might be worth experimenting with22:35
seb128well at least you have proper documentation so you can close bugs with an url to how to open a proper bug22:38
seb128you = xorg team22:38
* bryceh nods22:38
seb128we should try to get that but it's harder for GNOME, too many different components22:38
seb128it's nice that we have ubuntu-bug symptoms now though22:39
seb128we can at least close the "I don't get sound" bugs opened on totem or rhythmbox with a "could you run ubuntu-bug audio and open a new bug using it"22:40
brycehseb128, have you found many people use that to report bugs?  I've not seen much evidence X reporters have been using it22:40
brycehah I see22:40
seb128no, we don't but it's pretty easy to close the bug and tell them to reopen one with the command22:41
seb128which will land on the right source with all the useful logs22:41
seb128we are using it quite a lot for the storage symptom and it working well22:41
seb128it has udisks gvfs udev logs which is often enough to see where it's buggy22:41
asacbug 55865122:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 558651 in gvfs "gvfs-afc-volume-monitor tries to launch two simultanious events when usb drive inserted" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55865122:42
seb128asac, typically a bug which should be opened using the storage symptom indeed ;-)22:44
seb128I closed it asking for that now22:45
asacgvfs-afc-volume-monitor ... where is that?22:45
seb128there is no reason the afc backends trigger on those22:45
seb128the gvfs backend used for iphone devices22:45
seb128I'm wondering if that usb drive has a similar usb id or something22:46
asacgood question.22:46
asacseb128: should that bug be opened when the drive is plugged in?22:46
seb128asac, the storage symptom ask you to remove the device then click a button then connect the device22:47
seb128asac, and it gets the udev log of what happens when you connect it22:47
asaclets see22:47
seb128it's made of awesome, pitti wrote it ;-)22:47
seb128you can pick the first case22:48
seb128device not mounting22:48
seb128it will provide the logs we need22:48
asaclets hope that really gives more info.22:48
seb128well it will give udev udisks and gvfs logs for sure22:49
seb128which will be enough to match the device id to the afc ones22:49
asacseb128: what package is afc stuff in?22:49
seb128asac, usbmuxd: /lib/udev/rules.d/85-usbmuxd.rules22:49
seb128if you want to see the ids22:49
asacseb128: where is the mapping to afc done?22:50
asacguess it just matches two rules and hence we get that dialog?22:50
seb128asac, see the rules I just copied22:51
seb128well an usb device should not considered by the afc backend at all22:51
seb128the udev rules set USBMUX_SUPPORTED for devices which match22:51
seb128and gvfs use that to say it's an iphone like device and mount it with afc22:52
seb128you might get 2 events yes22:52
seb128or you might get one player and one camera mount22:52
seb128since iphone have both a multimedia player and a camera22:52
asacthe bug says it "fails due to pending operation" ... then "two nautilus windows open"22:54
seb128asac, the afc backend should be ignore that device to start22:56
seb128be ignoring22:56
seb128asac, so I would want to look first at why it doesn't22:56
seb128asac, I would not be surprised that it does timeout because it init an afc device dialog and your device is not one and doesn't reply22:57
asacseb128: i still dont see where and how that backend is hooked up. the .rules only calls usbmuxd22:57
seb128asac, gvfs monitors connecteds devices22:58
seb128asac, and route those through the volume monitor, gphoto monitor or afc monitor according to the type of device22:59
seb128asac, the afc backend should only kick in if the USBMUX_SUPPORTED property is set in udev22:59
asacseb128: afc stands for?23:00
seb128asac, I'm not sure, apple something23:01
seb128asac, "Apple File Communication Protocol (AFC). " says google23:02
seb128asac, it's the protocol they set up for iphones23:02
seb128asac, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_Filing_Protocol23:04
seb128asac, hum, maybe not that wikipedia page no ;-)23:06
brycehseb128, huh, still getting lp oopses on trying to convert bugs to questions23:13
seb128bryceh, do you have a bug example? does it depends of the text you put in the entry when converting?23:13
james_wwhat's the oops number?23:14
=== highvolt1ge is now known as highvoltage
brycehsorry, I cleared it already23:14
* bryceh tries again23:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 568111 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "Xorg freeze dell vostro 1000 lucid daily build ATI Radeon Xpress 200" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:15
bryceh (Error ID: OOPS-1573EC1257)23:15
seb128bryceh, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati/+bug/56811123:18
seb128worked for me23:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 568111 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "Xorg freeze dell vostro 1000 lucid daily build ATI Radeon Xpress 200" [Undecided,Invalid]23:18
seb128bryceh, could depend of the text you enter maybe? I didn't put any there23:19
james_wlooks like some inefficient SQL that makes a lot of queries and so could well be a non-deterministic timeout depending on the cumulative time23:23
TheMusoGood morning.23:30
NafaiMorning TheMuso23:31
RAOFGood morning gentlemen23:37
NafaiHey RAOF23:38
RAOFI appear to have managed to use up my brother's internet bandwidth allocation :(23:38
* RAOF hugs the unshaped mirror.internode.on.net23:40
Nafaiuh oh23:40
NafaiI can't imagine having to worry about a bandwidth allocation23:40
brycehseb128, yeah if I give no text it goes to a question23:41
* bryceh wanders off to file a launchpad bug report23:41
RAOFI generally purchase a plan sufficient for my needs :)23:42
RAOFbryceh: Good morning.23:42
brycehhi RAOF, how goes?23:42
RAOFApart from this internet now being sloooooow, well.23:42
TheMusoNafai: Thats how it has been for many years in Australia.23:42
NafaiSo I hear23:43
RAOFNow that I've sucked Alexander's internet dry, I guess I'll be working somewhere else today.  My internet gets turned on Tuesday.23:45
TheMusoRAOF: he probably hates you right about now.23:46
RAOFHe didn't even have a working computer this month!23:46
RAOFBut I have managed to get him capped just as the fixed computer arrives, so yes.  It's only 3 days until rollover date, though.23:47
RAOFHe can suck it up!23:47
TheMusoThats not too bad.23:47
TheMusoIf he is on a new plan, the shaping is 128kbps now anyway.23:48
Nafaiup or down?23:48
TheMusoNafai: down23:48
Nafaiman, I'm spoiled, I guess23:50
TheMusoNafai: We are a fair way away from the rest of the western world, and need to pay for our pipes somehow.23:50
TheMusoNafai: There are many people in Australia 8who can barely get any form of broadband at all.23:51
TheMusoWireless is their only option, which is not cheap, and quotas are pittifully small.23:51
NafaiI've got this "Internet World" poster above my desktop, showing major connections between cities, and the one between Sydney (I guess) and the US is a huge arc23:51
RAOFThat's a cool picture23:52
TheMusoWe recently had another pipe between Australia and Guam come online, however the company who funded it is now owned by I think our forth largest ISP's parent company.23:53
TheMusoSo its likely it will be reserved for that ISP's customers.23:53
TheMusoand will cost more for other ISPs to use it.23:53
Nafaiof course23:53
Nafaitelestra?  I think that's the one I've seen aussies complain about :)23:54
TheMusoTelstra, yes.23:54
TheMusoMy dealings with them have been quite ok actually. As long as you don't have to speak to anyone on the phone, they have reliable infrastructure.23:55
TheMusobrb got to hang out some washing (laundry for you overseas folks.)23:56
rickspencer3Hi RAOF23:57
rickspencer3Nafai, even23:57
Nafaihey :)23:57
RAOFrickspencer3: Good morning23:57
rickspencer3I kind of think of you guys + robert_ancell as the "afternoon people" now23:58
rickspencer3RAOF, pitti wanted to roll back glx before release, right?23:58
rickspencer3not wait for an SRU23:58

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