
cjwatsondoko: no joy with ppa3 either00:06
cjwatsondoko: I think I'll have to build a debug shell tomorrow with some added printf debugging00:06
dokocjwatson: thanks for checking. although I do like the outcome somewhat ;)00:10
cjwatsonthat we don't need a new eglibc?00:10
cjwatsonI'm not too sad about that myself, I must admit00:10
slangasekKeybuk: ok, sorry - any idea how to fix this properly, then?  Because /without/ that change, after fixing plymouth, pressing 'c' gets you a segfault instead of an fsck cancellation00:11
cjwatsonanyway, hacking printfs into exactly the right place in the shell requires a special state of mind, and this ain't it, so ... night00:11
Keybukslangasek: why does it give a segfault?00:12
Keybukdo you have a bt?00:12
slangasekKeybuk: actually, sorry, the segfault was the second bit of the patch; the first bit was that plymouth_answer() returns at line 3028 because plymouth-mnt->error never gets set to ERROR_FSCK_IN_PROGRESS00:15
slangaseker, no - was the other way around00:16
slangaseksegfault first00:16
slangasekbecause plymouth_mnt wasn't set00:16
slangasekline 309300:16
* Keybuk wonders whether slangasek has a sort "in order" button00:19
Keybukplymouth_mnt is initialised to NULL00:20
slangasekwithout the change from > to >=, plymouth_mnt never gets set to anything in the case that plymouth_error == ERROR_FSCK_IN_PROGRESS, because there's no value greater than that in the enum00:21
Keybukso I don't see how it can ever be "not set"00:21
slangasek"not set" -> "not set to a value that it's useful to try to dereference"00:21
Keybukbut it doesn't need to be set to any value00:22
KeybukS kills all running fsck00:22
Keybukerr C I mean00:22
slangaseknot with the existing code, it doesn't00:22
Keybukthat's why the 'C' case never uses mnt00:22
Keybukprove it to me with a bt ;)00:22
Keybukoh, cock00:23
Keybukno, I see what you mean ;-)00:23
Keybukright at the top of the case00:23
Keybukthat's just a bug in its own right00:23
KeybukI was adding those, and clearly didn't put my brain on00:23
slangasekshould that point at plymouth_error, then?00:23
slangasekok - you changing, or shall I?00:24
KeybukI'll change that, since I have emacs open right now00:24
KeybukI clearly made it != not ==, but didn't think all the way through00:24
* Keybuk cleans up the rest of that code00:24
Keybukok, pushed as -r 32500:28
Keybukwhat was the first bit of that patch for?00:28
slangasekKeybuk: the first bit was knock-on from the second bit00:31
Keybukah right00:31
Keybukyeah I can see how you got there00:32
slangasekso if we're checking plymouth_error now, it should work00:32
Keybukbut since we always run fsck, but fsck doesn't always check, I was trying not to do your exact patch ;-)00:32
Keybukthe reason mnt isn't set is on the assumption that we "don't know" which message is being displayed00:32
Keybuk1) plymouth needs to support these kinds of "press X for" messages/prompts00:32
Keybuk2) plymouth then needs to deal with receiving multiple of them and showing one at a time00:33
Keybuk3) mountall then gets simpler again00:33
slangasekso, cool; that means you've fixed a regression I'd noticed but didn't realize was my fault ('press C' showing up when no checks were needed)00:33
slangaseksorry about that00:33
Keybukhey, that's ok ;)00:34
KeybukI'm still trying to figure out why /tmp has to be nodev ;)00:35
slangasekwell, without that, the code for handling placeholder entries never triggers00:36
slangasekis never reached, should say00:36
KeybukI just found the code00:36
KeybukI'm such a lazy git00:36
KeybukI could have just done mnt->placeholder = TRUE or something00:36
Keybukbut no00:36
KeybukI had to abuse nodev combined with strcmp (type, "none")00:36
KeybukI can see why I did it like that - it means anything in fstab with /tmp overrides the lot00:38
Keybukoh well00:38
Keybukthat patch is clearly right :p00:38
Keybukhow did we miss http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/lucid/mountall/lucid/revision/326 ?00:39
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slangasekKeybuk: oh, geez; well I missed it because I wrongly assumed we already fixed that00:59
Keybukslangasek: so did I00:59
slangasekI guess we only fixed it in upstart00:59
KeybukI'm sure I fixed it in mountall01:00
KeybukI bet this is case of I fixed it, and then forgot to push01:00
Keybukor it got overwritten by the importer01:00
Keybukso the fix was lost01:00
Keybukso I'm pretty sure that's the LVM bug ;-)01:00
slangasekyeah, so am I01:00
slangasekwell, before when we were fixing this we were focusing on upstart-udev-bridge (upstart 0.6.5-2), so I was just assuming it was fixed by false analogy - never saw the code to do it :)01:01
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persiakees: Is it a bug that rng-tools' init script doesn't seem to start for me on boot?  Is this just me?01:09
keespersia: if you're using it with TPM, it's a bug -- trousers needs to start first, but doesn't.01:10
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persiakees: Does it have a bugnumber, or shall I add description to the lamentably short bug #544545?01:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 544545 in rng-tools "rngd doesn't start automatically" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54454501:12
persia(this being a different issue than bug #519427, which also makes it not start under those conditions)01:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 519427 in rng-tools "fails to start using TPM device as rng" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51942701:12
keespersia: there's no bug number yet, no.01:13
* persia repurposes 544545 to track this01:13
keespersia: what do you think the best solution is for this?  either moving trousers one S-level earlier, or rng-tools one S-level later.  probably the latter.01:19
persiaI like moving things later better.01:20
persiaI'm not sure I care enough to fix for lucid though.01:20
keesI probably should fix it (and the example typo)01:20
persiaclose all the bugs in the package all at once?  That would be exciting.01:21
KeybukI think we should do that01:23
Keybukclose all launchpad bugs01:23
Keybukdelete them01:23
Keybukand start over01:23
persiaIs the example typo really I typo?  I thought it was just your blog software being smart.01:23
persiaKeybuk: Why?  I often find bugs that are over a year old and still apply to the development releases.01:23
Keybukmostly for fun01:24
Keybukbut also because the "find" bit is hard01:24
persiaHm.  True.  When we had < 100K bugs, finding them was lots easier.01:25
keespersia: no, I mean, like to add an example at all.01:26
persiaOh, heh.  I've a patch to do that in the bug.01:26
* persia forgets why it wasn't just uploaded back in February, precisely01:27
CaesarIs it normal practice to have a source package in main, but some of its binary packages in universe?01:27
crimsunFSVO normal, yes01:28
persiaCaesar: It's not uncommon at all.  source packages must be in main if any binary packages are in main.  binary packages are encouraged not to be in main unless they are required to be in main.01:28
persiaCaesar: Do you have a specific package that is confusing or problematic in some way?01:35
Caesarpersia: I was slightly confused by autofs5-ldap01:45
persiaCaesar: Are you less confused now, or do you have more questions?01:45
Caesarpersia: I'm less confused now that you've explained things01:46
CaesarI had just assumed that if a source package was in main, *all* of its binary packages should be too01:46
* jdong cries a bit about vdpau... lower CPU usage != longer battery life01:47
jdongnot really surprising though01:47
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persiaCaesar: It's an artifact of how "main" is defined.  With luck, it will make more sense once we can abolish components.01:47
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jdongwow, the splashy issue still exists, doesn't it :-/02:14
jdongbug 32808902:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328089 in splashy "[Jaunty] splashy 0.3.13-3ubuntu1 fresh install conflicts with lsb-base" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32808902:14
jdongI forgot the reason why we decided we didn't want to yank it from Lucid?02:14
jdongor make it conflict lsb-base or some other obvious "installing this package won't work" error02:14
ScottKIt's not too late for removals02:15
persiaare we in removals-freeze pending RC?02:15
jdongScottK: what's your opinion on the matter? splashy tries to install a file in lsb-base, and it seems like the two parties have reached an impasse for a year02:15
ScottKjdong: Since it conflicts with a package in ubuntu-minimal, I don't see how it could be suitable.02:17
ScottKSo it wouldn't be installable except in a system that had been somewhat heavily tortured.02:18
jdongScottK: really? apt-get -s install splashy happily removes some usplash packages and continues02:18
ScottKOTOH, I didn't investigate if the conflicts is correct.02:18
jdongubuntu-minimal doesn't spark the Essential: Yes warning, does it?02:18
ScottKDon't think so.02:19
ScottKpersia: No.  Removals are still being processed.02:19
jdongwell, it doesn't seem to yell at me when I try to install it, minus an unpack phase overwrite failure02:20
slangasekjdong: no, it doesn't - but splashy isn't going to work right with plymouth, and removing that *does* spark the Essential: yes error02:20
ScottKAlthough at least in my case the RM has gone to the length of putting my name in the removal rationale so people know who to go hunt down.02:20
jdongslangasek: ah, good point02:20
* persia only has a few removals pending, for superceded sources02:20
slangasekScottK: don't worry, IME people will still come to me first ;)02:20
ScottKpersia: If only I had shell access they'd be done.02:21
persiaThey should check +publishinghistory, which should document the bug number, which should answer *all* their questions :(02:21
slangasek(I get two or three mails a cycle from users begging me to add back a package that I removed as part of process-removals of stuff disappearing from Debian)02:21
persiaOh, removals require shell access?02:21
jdongslangasek: seems like two people on/upgrading to lucid have commented on that bug report, though.02:21
jdongis there any benefit to having splashy in the archive if it's not installable?02:21
ScottKAnd will never be installable again ...02:22
jdongindeed. it's plain incompatible with the new boot system.02:22
ScottK(I don't expect Plymouth is going anywhere)02:22
persiaJust file the removal bug already :)02:22
ScottKjdong: You've already expended far too many brain cell s on it already02:23
jdonglol ok, filing removal02:23
* jdong subscribes ubuntu-archive to bug 56819302:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568193 in splashy "[removal request] Splashy is uninstallable and incompatible with Lucid." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56819302:26
ScottKThere's a goodly number of removal requests stacked up there.02:27
* ajmitch can think of a few packages which would be nice to remove02:28
slangasekjdong: sure, there are two people running lucid saying "splashy error problem exists" - I can't see how this rules out there being a big explosion if they managed to get splashy installed. :)02:29
jdongslangasek: haha don't get me wrong, I'm equally amused at how people can have "Lucid" setups that boot with splashy installed02:30
slangasekbut they /don't/ have splashy installed02:30
slangasekbecause they got the conflicts error message02:30
slangasekso the undeclared file conflicts is saving them from themselves02:31
jdonglol it would seem that way.02:31
jdongbut that hardly makes this year-old bug a feature ;-)02:31
persiaI think 568193 is the clear and obvious solution.02:35
* slangasek nods02:35
jdongok, and onwards towards more productive uses of our minds!02:35
Keybukevery time I see his quit message, I want to shout and rant and rave02:40
Keybukbecause clearly he's never seen a baby try and figure out a nipple for the first time02:41
Keybukor known a woman who understands that babies get it wrong and bite02:41
Keybuk</downfall moment>02:41
ionPerhaps the phrase is deeper. “The only intuitive interface is the nipple – and even it’s not intuitive”? :-P02:46
KeybukI'd go with02:48
Keybuk"There's no such thing as intuitive, there's just things that are familiar based on other things you've already learned"02:48
Keybukand I bet I'd get a gold star from mpt for that02:48
jdongeverything should have one button but it's up to you to figure out what to.... oh.02:48
jdongeh I was close.02:49
Keybukif there was just one button, with "PUSH" written on it, somebody would pull it02:50
Keybukto prove that, go to any public restroom and look at the tap on the sink02:50
jdongso we just call them security engineers and move on ;-)02:51
stgraberKeybuk: you'd need a button that works whatever you do (except nothing ;))02:51
JanC<Keybuk> "There's no such thing as intuitive, there's just things that are familiar based on other things you've already learned" --> isn't that the definition of intuition?  :P02:55
Keybukno, the definition of intuition is knowing things without having learned them02:55
ionVisits to public restrooms tend to go better if you refrain from looking. In fact, the more senses you suppress the better. (Perhaps Finns just suck more than the saner part of the planet at this whole public restroom business.)02:56
JanCyou didn't learn those things, you make a guesd based on other things you learned  ;)02:56
JanC(without knowing you base your guess on that)02:58
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MadkinderHi. Upon uploading my new package to PPA I get "Unable to find distroseries: unstable" error. I googled for it and everybody suggests to hardcode the series to a particular Ubuntu version.06:12
MadkinderThe problem is that I want to upload this package to both Debian and Ubuntu.06:13
MadkinderI took irrlicht library as an example as it is maintained by the same person and it is present in both Debian and Ubuntu.06:13
micahgMadkinder: you can set the series in your dput.cf06:14
Madkinderthe most weird thing is that debian/changelog version of Ubuntu's package contains unstable!06:14
micahgMadkinder: #ubuntu-packaging is a better place to discuss06:14
micahgMadkinder: if it's for PPA06:15
Madkindermicahg: I didn't configure dput at all. I just used the new ppa/ppa-name syntax06:15
Madkinderok, if I'm on the wrong place06:17
micahgMadkinder: I'm in the other channel too06:17
keesjdong: did you just say I pull "push" doors?  :P06:23
jdongkees: hahahaha :)06:23
jdongkees: that buffer was marked char[80] for a reason!06:24
keeshehehe  :)06:24
jdongbut hey, I'll admit to making sure push doors don't pull ;-)06:24
Damascenehow to test the xorg thing?06:53
DamasceneI heard there is need for testing06:53
pittiGood morning07:20
Damasceneglxinfo is not installed07:28
Damasceneis that normal07:28
RAOFThat's not unexpected; I don't think anything depends on glxinfo.07:29
RAOF(Or, rather, mesa-utils)07:29
Damasceneseems like terminal auto-completion become slower07:31
DamasceneI've extra compiz eanbled07:31
RAOFI'm pretty sure that'll be placebo.07:32
pittiauto-completion slowness is usually due to enabled bash-completion07:32
Damascenewhat is placebo?07:32
Damascenethis is not the first time I use it07:33
Damascenesudo aptitude install mesa-u* TAB takes long time07:34
RAOFThe placebo effect is from medicine, where giving people sugar pills while telling them that the pills will help makes the pills help.07:34
Damascenenow the completion is back to normal07:38
virtualddamascene: that's because there are lots of packages, and now the list is cached07:38
DamasceneI see. thanks07:38
Damasceneby the way is there a way to upload photo to the wiki instead of using out side service07:42
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mdkeDamascene: yes, see the "Attachments" link at the top of the page07:55
pittislangasek: gnome-keyring> upstream ack'ed the patch and committed it upstream with one refinement; he also confirmed that storing the password was an inadvertent glitch, not a design issue to make the user.keystore work; also, jdstrand pointed out that this is quite an easy root escalation hole for local processes (through sudo); so my confidence has risen a lot about this, and I'd rather like to see08:07
pitti it in lucid final; WDYT?08:07
slangasekpitti: yes, please upload then08:08
pittiwill do (still giving it another round of testing)08:08
Damascenemdke, thanks I see it now09:14
joaopintogood morning09:16
dholbachgood morning09:21
pittislangasek: I have another pkg-create-dbgsym which fixes building debug symbols for X (bug 562418); it's all testcase'd09:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562418 in xorg-server "many -dbg packages have debug symbols mismatch" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56241809:34
pittislangasek: should I upload this now, so that we have it available for the rush of after-RC uploads, or postpone?09:34
slangasekpitti: go ahead and upload09:36
pittiit's version 42, it *must* be good09:36
pittislangasek: it's in unapproved now09:41
loolmvo: Mind pushing latest apt to bzr?  (ubuntu7)09:49
mvolool: ups09:51
mvolool: done09:51
chrisccoulsonwho rejected libjdic-java from the queue? did micahg ask someone to do that?10:05
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pittiRiddell, ScottK: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt> should knm-runtime stop recommending the vpnc bits?10:15
pittisame question about kigo recommending gnugo10:27
pittislangasek: seems http://launchpadlibrarian.net/18628527/mono_1.9.1%2Bdfsg-4ubuntu1_1.9.1%2Bdfsg-4ubuntu2.diff.gz got dropped in some merge in lucid; I'll upload it again to fix the mono-debugger entry in c-m, ok?10:29
slangasekpitti: yes please10:30
pittislangasek: (I'll upload recommends fixes for xfonts-mathml and texlive-extra-utils as well, FTR)10:37
slangasekpitti: cheers10:40
loolbryceh: heya11:10
loolpitti bryceh: I'm worried that I see my Xorg using 60%+ CPU ATM after swithing to the xorg updates packages11:10
ogralool, intresting, didnt happen for me11:12
ograit bumps up to 12-15% here in max11:13
ograand ma gem objects seem to look sane11:13
slangasekSarvatt: ^^ seen this issue that lool reports?11:16
loolSo I stupidly tried stracing Xorg11:16
looldon't do that11:16
loolI mean don't do that from a xterm in top of the Xorg you're stracing *cough*11:17
slangaseklool: has it fixed the actual leak problem for you?11:17
slangaseklool: and what wm are you using?11:17
loolslangasek: I think it did fix the leak11:18
loolslangasek: I didn't try the test case, I had a workload causing the bug to manifest relatively quickly11:18
loolI'm unison-syncing my mail/, used to be 1 GB and is now about 500 MB and 30 000 files, that would not fit in the kernel caches after running Xorg for a while because GEM was taking kernel memory11:19
ograslangasek, for me it definately fixed it11:19
looland so suddenly my system would be hitting the disk hard all the time11:19
ograi has the gem objects counter running negative after 24h11:19
ogranow it stays around 35000000011:20
pittilool: there's also some program called xrestop which might show you which client is actually causing so much X activity?12:06
pitti(sorry, was away for lunch)12:06
tseliotmvo: does update-manager disable nvidia on dist-upgrades from karmic to lucid? See LP: #56804112:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568041 in jockey "[Lucid] Upgrade from Karmic broke nVidia installation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56804112:13
mvotseliot: it should not do that12:13
mvotseliot: hm, without the upgrade logs its hard to tell12:14
tseliotmvo: can you ask the user to attach the relevant logs, please?12:15
mvotseliot: done12:16
tseliotmvo: thanks12:16
loolpitti: Ack; I remember using xrestop to track abusive x resource consumption, but not CPU; I will give it a try if I reproduce12:32
loolit doesn't render my system unusable, just takes one full CPU, so should be debugable12:33
pittilool: right, that's worrysome; you never had that before?12:33
pittilool: once you can reproduce it, it might help to kill processes one by one, to see which one is causing it12:33
pittiusually it's not really X itself, but some particular program which just spams it with requests12:33
loolpitti: No, I never had that before12:37
loolpitti: it might be another program indeed; unfortunately, I had to reboot12:37
slangasektseliot: hi, have you seen bug #567425?12:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 567425 in fglrx-installer "package fglrx (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: dpkg-divert: rename involves overwriting" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56742512:50
slangasek(yet another divert bug)12:50
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mdeslaurthanks for fixing gnome-keyring pitti! :P13:03
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c_kornhm, if I see it corrently some patches in the vlc package make changes to configure.ac but autoreconf is never run. there neither is a autoreconf.patch nor is it run in debian/rules13:16
pittimdeslaur: with pleasure :)13:18
seb128pitti is made of awesome no doubt ;-)13:19
seb128does anybody knows about nis and has an idea about bug #55314213:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553142 in gdm "gdm does not obey NIS settings for user groups" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55314213:21
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seb128not sure if that's a gdm issue13:23
slangaseksmoser: ping13:35
smoserslangasek, here13:38
slangaseksmoser: hi - just checking to see if you were around yet :) I think the RC will be ready to go out within an hour or two13:39
smoseroh wow. i'll get the amazon pages ready.  the images have been pre-published as rc.13:40
slangasekyep, saw that, thanks13:40
ttxslangasek: are you fully operational /without/ smoser ? I heard he might be lost in a small island during release week.13:40
smoseri think they have network access there.13:40
slangasek"lost in a small island"? :)13:41
ttxslangasek: a tax haven, if you see which one I'm referring to.13:41
smoservolcano permitting i'm going to be sprinting with niemeyer13:41
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slangasekttx: yes, I have all the info, but it's convenient to have a second set of hands for that stuff since it's highly parallelizable wrt the rest of the publishing13:42
ttxslangasek: ok, was just belt-and-suspender checking that we are not vulnerable to subaquatic cable cuts13:42
smoserslangasek, the scripts have never been tested for moving from an rc to a release (the promote-daily), assuming we wanted the 20100420 as GA.13:43
smosergoing from daily to 'release' should be easy, so i will just make sure that daily gets kept around until we know its not fit.13:44
slangaseksmoser: in practice we've never reused an rc as ga without changes; we already know we have a queue of updates that we'll accept, at least some of which will touch UEC/EC2 images13:45
smoserthen its not to worry13:45
apwpitti, just confirming that your "dell don't suspend" work on the machine i have which is affected13:45
Riddellpitti: knm-runtime does not recommend vpnc except on sparc where the newest version hasn't compiled13:52
pittiRiddell: oh, thanks; I thought c-m would only consider i386/amd64 (at least it seems to ignore the ia64 ones)13:53
Riddellpitti: that's the only reason I can see it would still have that listed anyway13:54
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c_kornany chance the new vlc-1.0.6 makes it into lucid (before the release)? according to the news it has only security and stability fixes: http://www.videolan.org/news.html13:59
mvoccheney: hi, I uploaded a new OOo based on my branch (the one I proposed for merging). I uploaded from the apt-get source tarball becuase it appears that bzr is not up-to-date with the archive14:43
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slangaseksuperm1: do we get a http://mythbuntu.org/10.04/rc page for this round?15:14
superm1slangasek, yes; i'll ping the guy to get it up there, thanks for the reminder15:15
slangaseksuperm1: n/p15:15
slangasekmterry: hi, is bug #528887 going to make it for release?15:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 528887 in netbook-launcher-efl "maximus does not give default focus to newly started apps in combination with efl launcher" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52888715:23
mterryslangasek, ah yes, I was going to look at that today/tomorrow15:24
slangasekmterry: ok, great15:24
tseliotslangasek: as regards LP: #567425 , I think something like this would suffice: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/420452/15:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 567425 in fglrx-installer "package fglrx (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: dpkg-divert: rename involves overwriting" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56742515:28
slangasektseliot: what owns the file that you're rm -f'ing?15:29
slangasektseliot: in theory, you should just conflict with that to force it off the system beforehand15:30
tseliotslangasek: xorg-driver-fglrx from either the repository or from the ati installer15:31
jdstrandpitti: thanks for all your work on gnome-keyring. I've got a couple machines that are affected that I haaven't fixed yet-- do you need more testing (standard desktop installs, nothing fancy)?15:32
tseliotslangasek: what I did in the patch is something I've been doing with nvidia for while now to get rid of the diversion ugliness ;)15:32
slangasektseliot: but an older version of xorg-driver-fglrx, right?  So Conflicts: xorg-driver-fglrx (<< $version) is possible?15:33
tseliotslangasek: yes, older versions of that package. But still we can't be sure about which version the ati installer installed15:34
ccheneymvo: ok15:34
slangasektseliot: ah - argh15:34
slangasektseliot: ok, do it the ugly way then :/15:34
* ogra_cmpc would suggest to do both15:35
tseliotslangasek: it's all about ugliness with these things ;)15:35
ogra_cmpcconflict and check if the file still exists15:35
ogra_cmpcthen rm it if it does15:35
slangasektseliot: then in maverick, you can drop the transitional package and conflict unconditionally :-P15:35
slangasekapw: did we overlook something wrt making 'nomodeset' work again?: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/539878/comments/1515:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 539878 in linux "nouveau out of sync LVDS (basically card not supported)" [High,Triaged]15:36
joaopintoslangasek, yesterday Keybuck mentioned he migh have found a mountall bug related to that LVM mount issue, do you happen to know anything about it ?15:53
slangasekjoaopinto: yes, mountall didn't have the fix to raise its udev input buffer to a sensible value, so could drop events when they came in too quickly15:54
slangasekjoaopinto: fix is committed to bzr; chances are this fixes all the unreproducible "my device didn't get mounted" issues15:55
joaopintothere is one persone on #ubuntu+1 reporting an issue, but on his case it's LVM+crypted swap, but it's random, so I am not sure it's the same issue to advise him to try the ppa version15:55
slangasekI don't know if Keybuk uploaded to ppa15:56
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ionHe did15:56
slangasekthen yes, advise to test15:56
pittijdstrand: I'm pretty confident on it by now, but of course more testing is always good15:58
pittijdstrand: there's a package in ppa:ubuntu-desktop/ppa; it's my original patch, though, not the refined one from upstream15:59
pittijdstrand: but if you want to, feel free to grab the source from the queue (dget http://launchpadlibrarian.net/45006207/gnome-keyring_2.92.92.is.2.30.0-0ubuntu3.dsc) and build locally?15:59
pittioh, dget wouldn't actually work there, sorry; you need to grab the diff individually16:00
jdstrandpitti: cool, I'll build from unapproved. again, thanks! :)16:01
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lamontwow.  X performance sucks after the last reboot I did here.  I wonder what got turned on or killed or such16:14
apwslangasek, nothing that i am aware of16:15
joaopintoslangasek, mountall ppa didn't fix, but this seems to be different case, I will try to reproduce16:16
slangaseksuperm1: still no love on http://mythbuntu.org/10.04/rc16:17
slangasekjoaopinto: ok16:17
superm1Daviey, could you just copy the beta2 page to rc  and s/beta2/rc/ until tgm can more properly give it love?^16:18
tseliotlamont: maybe because of this? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2010-April/030673.html16:29
ogralamont, use a bucket to catch gem objects16:30
lamontthat would make sense16:32
lamontgrep: /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/gem_objects: No such file or directory16:32
lamontexcept for that16:32
ogracat ?16:32
ograhmm, no, indeed16:33
lamont# ls -la /sys/kernel/debug/dri/16:33
lamonttotal 016:33
lamontdrwxr-xr-x  2 root root 0 2010-04-22 07:35 .16:33
lamontdrwxr-xr-x 14 root root 0 2010-04-22 07:35 ..16:33
lamontiz boring there16:33
=== slangasek changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Lucid release candidate is out! | Archive: final freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-karmic | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
lamontmind you, I killed all visual effects (Appearance) in order to get my keyboard focus back, since metacity has it, but compiz never learned about strict16:34
ograintel card ?16:34
lamontand really DO. NOT. CARE. about visual effects and pretty wizzy stuff... just want machine cycles for me, thanks16:34
lamont00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)16:34
lamontinspiron 152016:35
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ograeven if you dont run compiz the dri module should be loaded and create that file16:35
lamontright now, I have overlapping firefox and xchat windows.  switching between them results in 4-5 seconds of X taking 90% of one of two cores16:35
lamontmore like 96%16:35
lamontthis is the fresh lucid install, too16:36
lamontwell, from beta116:36
ograsounds a bit like what lool reported16:36
ograand i think Keybuk had similar issues16:36
lamontand GM card16:37
ogra(at least both were load related)16:37
lamontI'd be happy to test a fix....16:37
* ogra hasnt one ... 16:37
seb128lamont, do you use the lucid version or the ppa one which had a call for testing?16:38
ogranor do i have a bug with the fixed gem objects thingie16:38
lamontand we expect that the GEMLeak fix is different?16:38
lamontseb128: stock lucid at this point16:38
seb128ok so it's not a bug in the candidate fix at least16:38
seb128I doubt it's the issue you are having anyway there16:38
lamontseb128: not a regression in it no.  probably a "still a bug" bug16:39
jdstrandmvo: is 'do-release-upgrade -d' supposed to work with hardy - lucid upgrades?16:49
jdstrandmvo: as in, 'right this second'16:50
mvowhat is the error? or just nothing?16:50
* jdstrand wonders why it said 'No new release found'16:50
jdstrandI do use a local debmirror16:50
jdstrandbut that didn't stop a recent karmic - lucid desktop upgrade via update-manager -d16:51
jdstrandmvo: could Acquire::http::Proxy being set affect things?16:51
jdstrandmvo: scratch Acquire::http::Proxy -- I'm not actually using that16:54
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jdstrandmvo: nm-- seems it needs to contact rookery.canonical.com for stuff-- this machine has outgoing http blocked16:59
persiajdstrand: That would be getting the newest hints files to work around known issues.17:00
jdstrandmakes sense17:00
* jdstrand temporarily adjust firewall17:01
lamontjdstrand: the metafiles that say what do-release-upgrade can do live on rookery17:02
jdstrandcool, easy enough to fix17:02
lamontso not just known issues17:02
lamontso first I get to wait for it to slow down again, and thereby see howlong it takes for evil17:06
mvojdstrand: longer term we want to shift them to archive.u.c17:06
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jdstrandit also seems to want lithium.canonical.com17:07
jdstrandlamont: what is that for? ^17:07
lamontarchive.u.c includes lithium17:07
jdstrandhmm, it would be nice if it used my debmirror there...17:08
lamontjdstrand: to do that, you need to remove all mention of *.archive.u.c from sources.list17:08
lamontthen it goes "ZOMG shall I use yours?"17:08
lamontotherwise, it disables all local archives17:09
lamontfor values of local != *.archive.u.c17:09
jdstrandlamont: negative. I don't have any reference to archive.u.c17:09
jdstrandand apt-get update just proved that to me17:09
lamontI wonder if it's fetching the lucid tarball17:09
lamontanyway, dunno17:09
jdstrandmvo: is this expected as well? ^17:09
jdstrandextracting 'lucid.tar.gz'17:10
jdstrandseems that was it, yes17:10
lamontthat's one of them special files from update-mangler17:11
AaronMTWhich build of Firefox is bundled in the RC? 3.6.2?17:12
PiciAaronMT: 3.6.317:13
persialamont: jdstrand: There's a confuguration file that lets you change the "official mirror" if you want to get something network-closer when using python-apt's sources.list munging.17:19
lamontpersia: nice17:20
lamontpersia: I just cheated when I did my mirror, and abused DNS like there was no tomorrow17:20
lamontarchive.ubuntu.com has address
lamontbut I won't support such activities17:21
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CaesarSo https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix has the most contrived example possible17:27
CaesarWhat I'd like to know is if I'm fixing a bug in a package that currently lacks a patch system, should I be introducing a patch system or just fixing the bug and letting the change wind up in the diff.gz directly?17:28
cjwatsonjust fix the bug17:28
CaesarIf it makes a difference, I'm trying to cherry pick a fix for bug #53981417:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 539814 in tar "FFe: Sync tar 1.23-1 (main) from Debian squeeze (main)" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53981417:28
Caesarcjwatson: ok thanks17:28
cjwatsonthe general rule is that we should avoid changing the packaging structure of packages we modify relative to Ddebian17:29
Caesarcjwatson: makes sense17:29
ScottKCaesar: This is even more true for SRUs (like I assume you are working on)17:30
zulslangasek/pitti: when you get a chance can you have a look at #53302917:30
persiaFor those that have extra time, if there are no other patches in the packaging, it may be worth trolling through the Debian Maintainer's other packages to see if they have a preferred patch system, etc. but in most cases, this isn't useful or necessary. (and never correct for SRUs)17:30
cjwatsonhopefully all this will become irrelevant over time given http://upsilon.cc/~zack/stuff/dpkg-v3/17:31
cjwatsonI don't think converting 1.0 to 3.0 (quilt) in Ubuntu is any wiser than other conversions, though17:31
CaesarGrr. This is not easy :-(17:47
tseliotslangasek: ok, I have tested and uploaded my fix for fglrx. The fix is also upstream, in git17:49
jdstrandpitti: fyi, tested gnome-keyring on a few systems and it worked beatifully. nice work! :)17:51
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pittijdstrand: cheers :)18:01
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Q-FUNKslangasek: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/base-files/+bug/416305   does it make sense to merge this now?18:22
ubottuUbuntu bug 416305 in base-files "please invert shell prompt and profile.d sections in /etc/profile" [Unknown,Fix released]18:22
ccheneyslangasek: i got a bug today about openoffice.org-hyphenation file conflict that i will probably need to fix, will try to get it prepared and tested by later today/early tomorrow18:28
ScottKccheney: There's an OOo upload in queue right now.  I think we have at most one more OOo upload before release.18:30
ccheneyScottK: openoffice.org-hyphenation isn't part of the OOo source18:34
ScottKccheney: Oh, right.  Sorry.18:34
ccheneyScottK: the new ooo-dictionaries package added some more bits that used to only be in the hyphenation package so it needs those parts removed and verify the replaces line, maybe more checking to verify thats all that broke18:35
ccheneyScottK: openoffice.org-hyphenation only exists in Ubuntu and is there to fill in the gap from the dictionaries source package18:36
* ccheney bbiab18:37
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mathiazmvo: hi!19:26
mathiazmvo: it seems that there is some issue with mysql on upgrade from 8.04 to 10.04 - bug 56860619:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568606 in update-manager "mysql-server removed when upgrading from 8.04 to 10.04" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56860619:26
mathiazmvo: I've attached all the logs from /var/log/dist-upgrade/ as well as /var/log/apt/term.log to make sure mysql-server was installed before the upgrade19:27
mathiazmvo: do you need anything else?19:27
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Keybukslangasek: is bug #567964 matching a pattern you know about?19:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 567964 in mountall "mountall keeps on running " [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56796419:29
slangasekKeybuk: I would infer that's bug #55976119:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 559761 in mountall "mountall needs to flush plymouth message queue before emitting upstart events" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55976119:30
Keybukthat's the one I was thinking of19:32
Keybukcouldn't find/remember the bug'19:32
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updthis tcptraceroute program really don't seem like it would work, i get anywhere  * * * for response ? is this event ubuntu question ?19:54
ScottKupd: No.  That's the same no matter where you run it.19:57
updah okey19:58
ramviBuilding plymouth from source returns an error only when building for i386... What can I do?19:59
mvomathiaz: thanks, the logs looks complete20:02
persiaramvi: Track down the error.  Last time I encountered a per-arch build failure on plymouth, it was related to the build-status of libdrm2 (but I suspect it's unlikely to be the same cause).20:02
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Chipzzupd: I have used tcptraceroute on numerous occasions, and yes, it does work20:06
updwell it does not work for me.20:06
ChipzzI do however not see how your question is relevant here ;P20:06
Chipzzproblems on your side then.20:07
updi send syn packet's and get back icmp packet with time-to-live flag set on, but tcptraceroute doesn't show anything20:08
Chipzzare you aware that tcptraceroute is not traceroute?20:08
Chipzzand that both do very different things?20:08
updwell, i'm not sure how it works, i think the response is the same in both program, but tcptr send tcp/syn packet instead of udp packet20:10
ScottKThis probably isn't the best channel for the discussion, however.20:11
updso, tcptr will work only if target has open ports ?20:11
Chipzzthat's the whole point...20:11
updScottK, wher can i ask than ?20:11
updah okey than20:11
ScottKupd: No idea, but it's nothing to do with Ubuntu development20:11
Chipzzupd: small suggestion: you are expected to read the topic of a (/any) channel before talking there; pls make a habbit out if it ;)20:13
updyes yes20:14
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pittidirecthex: indicator-application> erm, renaming binary packages after RC? any chance that this could be moved to maverick, and we just fix the .pc?20:52
directhexpitti, already went through this with slangasek. it'll mess up backports badly to need to re-break the packages each time20:54
pittidirecthex: ah, did he ack it?20:55
pittiat least those packages don't have any rdepends20:55
directhexpitti, yeah. 1 rdepends, banshee-community-extensions in universe20:55
directhexpitti, i can find the logs if you like20:55
directhexor #ubuntu-release is logged i guess20:55
pittidirecthex: oh, if he ack'ed it, that's fine for me20:55
pittidirecthex: i. e. your word for it20:56
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directhexpitti, hopefully next time canonical folks are making a mono binding, they can copy-paste the packaging from lib1u or now from libappindicator20:58
directhexor make raof do it, he's your best mono person on staff20:58
apwpitti, this keyring update, does installing that do the cleanup you mention or is some other part of the upgrade process responsible..  ie. if i am already upgraded to close to -rc will i get cleaned too?20:58
pittiapw: it's not in the postinst, since it's per-user; cleanup happens on startup of gnome-keyring-daemon, i. e. when you log into GNOME20:59
pittiapw: yes, we'll keep the cleanup in lucid final20:59
pittiand drop it in maverick20:59
pittiwe might perhaps drop it in 10.04.2 or so, but it doesn't really hurt20:59
persiaSeems a bit invasive for 10.04.221:00
apwpitti, cool as long as i will be cleansed too i am happy, thanks for the clarification21:00
pittidirecthex: ah, found the discussion21:01
* pitti accepts and watches NEW21:02
pittidirecthex: why is there a version mismatch? libappindicator0.0-cil vs. libappindicator0.1-cil-dev ?21:39
directhexpitti, i'm just going with the API and ABI versions that upstream (i.e. you guys) have in the source21:40
pittiok, so that's intended?21:40
pittiNEWed, so banshee-community-extensions shold build now21:41
directhexpitti, it's intended for the package to fit upstream. whether that's what *upstream* meant to say is another matter ;)21:42
sebnerdirecthex: let's ask upstream *muahahahaha*21:42
directhexpitti, should i request an immediate rebuild of b-c-e then? is there any publishing delay to worry about?21:43
persiaYou probably at least want libappindicator0.1-cil-dev to build and be published.21:45
ScottKdirecthex: You'd actually rather just wait.21:45
directhexScottK, thought as much21:45
ScottKAutomatic retries get the build priority the package originally got.  Manual retries get a build priority of 0.  Touching of a manual retry will actually slow things down.21:46
directhexooh, advanced technology21:46
persiaWell, it depends on why the rebuild will be required.  For things not DEPWAIT, you still have to press the button.21:47
CaesarWhoa: http://www.osnews.com/story/23191/Rumour_Apple_To_Acquire_ARM_21:53
ScottKCaesar: I imagine they're too busy sueing themselves now that Android can run on iPhone.21:55
CaesarScottK: heh22:03
joaopintomore people reporting unable to mount with LVM, but no one caring enough to test the fix :\22:10
arandjoaopinto: Could be done in VM?22:11
joaopintoarand, I was not able to reproduce, but I don't know much about LVM either22:12
arandjoaopinto: Ah, well me neither, but would happily mess about a bit in a VM if it would help.22:13
joaopintoarand, I just know it fails to mount some LVs22:15
jdstrandslangasek: hi-- is it accurate to say that everything that is in main should be in a seed file?22:42
seb128jdstrand, no, lot of things are depends of things which are seeded22:42
seb128jdstrand, no, lot of things are depends of things which are seeded22:42
persiaOr recommends od stuff that is seeded.22:42
persiaAnd lots of stuff is seeded but not in main.22:43
persiaBecause only some seeds are considered for main inclusion.22:43
jdstrandso a seed it the very toplevel, and it will pull in what it needs22:43
jdstrandis that accurate?22:43
persiaAll this will actually make sense once components go away, and we don't have "main"22:43
jdstrand(for the seeds considered for main inclusion)22:43
persiaIt actually requires manual action by an archive admin to move stuff between components.22:44
persiaBut that's driven by a combination of MIRs and http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt22:44
persiaAnd component-mismatches is generated by actions on the seeds.22:44
persia(well, a subset of the seeds)22:45
ScottKOr changes in build-depends, depends, and recommends of seeded packages and the packages they pull in.22:45
jdstrandI didn't mean it automatically happens-- I mean that everything a seeded item depends on, if that seed is considered for main, should end up in main-- if it isn't, there is component-mismatches22:45
persiaWell, let's say component-mismatches is generated based on the current state of the archive and a subset of seeds.22:45
persiajdstrand: That's roughly correct.22:46
persiajdstrand: That said, the answer is to clear component-mismatches.  The right way to do this may not involve promotion/demotion: it may involve changes to other packages so that something does/doesn't end up as part of the depends/recommends tree.22:47
persiajdstrand: And whilst you're at it: how about those binary-only demotions :)  linux-headers-2.6.32-21-versatile is only interesting for folks running in qemu, which isn't well supported, libappindicator0-cil/libappindicator-cil-dev will go away soon thorough NBS.  libboost... ought get investigated to find out why it's no longer in the depends/recommends tree22:49
jdstrandpersia: is does seem that component-mismatches won't complain if something is in main, but isn't seeded and/or nothing in the rdepends chain is seeded22:54
persiaIt should.22:54
jdstrandpersia: devio is an example22:54
persiaThat's where the source and binary demotions list is generated.22:54
persiajdstrand: How many architectures did you check for depends/recommends?22:55
jdstrandit's rdepends in slugimage22:55
jdstrandgood point22:55
persiajdstrand: I'd recommend checking the component-mismatches code directly (although I don't remember what geneates it: I thought it used to be anastasia, but I heard that was deprecated at one point)22:57
persiaThat should give you a better understanding than speculations :)22:57
persiaI've just gotten confused between  lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/unr.lucid and  lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/netbook.lucid : Does anyone know why both exist?23:10
persiaAlso, if anyone feels like marking https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/mobile.lucid as Abandoned, I'd appreciate it.23:11
loolcjwatson: While upgrading, got prompted on which devices to run grub-install on; I had recently dpkg-reconfigured grub-pc and selected sda, sdb, sdd, sde after sdc had failed and had been replaced with sda in my RAID10 setup, but in the upgrade dialog only sde was selected; will file a bug23:13
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YokoZarKeybuk: poke23:31
* persia advocates avoiding contentless pokes for all the same reasons one avoids contentless pings23:33
jdongpitti: do you have a preference on SRU versioning conventions for lucid-proposed? Most of the debdiffs I'm coming across are using bump-by-1 versions as if they are non-SRU uploads...23:37
persiaThat would be just plain wrong.23:37
* jdong also bawks at the sheer complexity of http://launchpadlibrarian.net/45030477/poppler_0.12.4-0ubuntu4_2_0.12.4-0ubuntu5.debdiff23:38
mathiazslangasek: hi - do you think bug 529686 is worth fixing?23:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 529686 in acpid "Depressing power button does not shutdown computer" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52968623:38
mathiazslangasek: in time for the release of lucid?23:38
seb128jdong, persia: I've always updated the version by one when doing sru updates23:39
seb128especially when the new serie is not open and there no way to conflict23:39
seb128and usually after too because we often get new versions in the new serie anyway23:40
persiaI'd think that dangerous, as there's no good way to communicate with others that one is doing this, so the same increment with entirely different contents could get pushed to maverick.23:40
seb128the sru team review debdiffs23:41
persiaI recall that the convention of using .X was encouraged for SRUs (although I'm not an SRU person)23:41
seb128I fail to see where it would be dangerous23:41
seb128the good way is the upload target in the changelog23:41
persiaBecause you might upload foo-1.2-3ubuntu5 to lucid-proposed, and I might upload a completely different foo.1.2-3ubuntu5 to maverick.23:41
seb128that would fail23:42
persiaSafer to have had you upload 1.2-3ubuntu4.1 in the first place, because then I don't have to check what you did.23:42
seb1282 versions of the same source can't be accepted23:42
seb128if you do that one upload will fail and then you have to fix what you screwed23:42
persiaEven to different series?23:42
seb128well I think so, I didn't try recently I think23:43
jdongseb128: for packages where the maintainer keeps a VCS, I don't have any issues with full version bumping, but the SRU versioning policy is the same as the Security versioning policy...23:43
jdongwhich means you should be doing X.Y bumps23:43
seb128security has an harder job that they touch packages they don't usually maintain23:44
seb128so it's easier to not screw with that convention23:44
seb128but for a source you maintain and where you know what you are doing...23:44
persiajdong: Regarding painfully long patches: You could always insist on DEP323:44
seb128the patch is a git commit backport23:45
jdongpersia: it's not the length, it's that the diff seems to completely reimplement the text selection algorithm, though as a upstream git commit, it seems fine23:45
seb128the issue has been discussed already and pitti said to do a sru rather than try to get the change in lucid now23:45
seb128the issue is an annoying want that we would like to see fixed in a lts23:46
seb128the issue is an annoying want that we would like to see fixed in a lts23:46
jdong*nods* I totally agree with you on the merit23:46
persiaI only suggested DEP3 to force the link to the git commit: not to suggest it shouldn't go.23:46
seb128I tend to not tag git commit23:47
seb128they have the commit id info already23:48
persiaI try to do at least author/source/bug when cherrypicking just for ease of reference by others.23:49
persiaBut I generally like to try to make it easy for *anyone* to be the next person making a change to a package I touch.23:49

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