
=== KB1JWQ is now known as PFY
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=== mac_v is now known as vish
vishhmm , how do i apply for being an OP in -artwork?15:22
IdleOnevish: go to the LP team page15:25
IdleOnefor -artwork of course15:25
* vish searches15:25
nhandlervish: It isn't a core channel right now, so someone with +f in #ubuntu-artwork would need to add you15:26
vishwhaaat... it is a core..? weird..15:27
vishnhandler: thanks will do that.. :)15:27
vishnhandler: how do i find the folks with +f ? rather what command?15:28
vishearlier ... isnt*15:29
Picivish: /msg chanserv access #ubuntu-artwork list15:29
* vish tires15:30
vishargh! tries*   bad day for irc :s15:30
topyliwe need shorter commands for vish15:30
IdleOne/cs access #insert_appropriate_channel-name_here list works15:32
IdleOnemy example fails at being shorter15:32
vishyup , got it , the bad was regarding the spelling mistakes ;)15:33
IdleOnefree node need to implement a typonese module15:33
IdleOnefreenode also15:33
vishhmm looks like the channel went pretty much unmaintained for a long time :(15:35
vishMMA isnt coming here any more and I'm not even sure who jdub is and I'v been on the channel nearly 24x7 for nearly 1yr15:36
Picivish: Why do you think the channel needs more ops?15:38
topyliheh, i wouldn't count on jdub for irc operator duties these days15:39
vishPici: none of the listed come there anymore..15:39
vishkwwii is the only one there and he also doesnt have a +f15:39
Picivish: Even kwwii?15:39
Picivish: let me talk to the rest of the ircc about it.15:40
vishPici: thanks .. :)15:40
IdleOnechristel also has +f you could ask her I guess15:41
IdleOnebut Pici is on the job now :)15:41
vishIdleOne: yup , just did , they sent me back here :)15:41
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ersoyhello, Signed Ubuntu Code of Conduct: Yes, how can i get ubuntu/members/nick ? thanks21:09
erUSULyo have to be member21:09
erUSUL!member | ersoy21:09
ubottuersoy: Want to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember21:09
=== ersoy is now known as hersoy
=== hersoy is now known as ersoy
=== highvolt1ge is now known as highvoltage

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