
cwillu_at_work... because I _like_ it when reloading a page with only javascript crashes the browser...00:33
asacheh. thats an extension ;)00:35
asacccheney: so seems you make progress?00:35
cwillu_at_workthat's not an extension, that's a fun little issue with webworkers while using XMLHttpRequest with multipart00:39
ccheneyasac: well yea i got the code back unbroken from what i had last time i worked on it, now i just have the new override stuff to do (i think)01:54
ccheneyi'll pastebin the current error list01:55
ccheneyi should debdiff vs the ppa to see exactly how much is different01:56
ccheneyi might have done something else different as well that shouldn't still be in there01:57
ccheneyok got it cleaned up and got the patch updated except for the gtkentry class, reduced the number of errors that are showing up when running but it crashes the same way, so now on to doing the override04:52
micahgccheney: still around?05:13
ccheneymicahg: yea05:32
ccheneywhats up?05:32
ccheneysorry i didn't look in here earlier05:32
micahgccheney: does OO.o still need the symlinks from dictionaries-common?05:33
ccheneymicahg: i don't think so05:33
ccheneymicahg: at least not on lucid afaik05:33
ccheneyoh hold on let me see05:34
micahgccheney: ok, because Firefox and Thunderbird were patched not to need them and now everything's doubled05:34
micahgso if OO.o doesn't need them, we can drop them either now or with an SRU later05:34
ccheneymicahg: do you mean the symlinks in eg /usr/share/myspell/dicts/ ?05:34
micahgccheney: yep05:35
ccheneyi'm not sure slangasek will want us changing that in either lucid or an SRU, but if you want to go right ahead :)05:35
ccheneyunless it actually helps us in some way05:35
micahgccheney: well, if it's not needed, it'll be nice not to show double dictionaries05:36
ccheneyoh it shows up double in some app?05:36
micahgccheney: Firefox and Thunderbird05:36
ccheneymicahg: so they now look in both places instead of just the new location, or what?05:37
micahgccheney: right, both are now valid in those apps05:37
ccheneyor are you talking about the symlinks for eg05:37
ccheneyen_AU.dic vs en-AU.dic05:37
ccheneyafaik OOo only looks in the new location and not in the old at all anymore05:38
micahgwhich is new and which is old?05:39
ccheneyold /usr/share/myspell/dicts and new /usr/share/hunspell05:41
micahgccheney: ah, ok05:41
ccheneyat least for OOo, i think that is documented in the dictionary policy05:41
ccheneyhyphen and mythes moved into their own dirs and used to be in myspell05:42
micahgI think an SRU is better at this point05:45
micahgthen we can write a test case an have it veririfed05:45
ccheneyi'm not sure if the old dir is completely obsolete, i would have to look it up, but if so you could just have the other apps not look in the old dir anymore if so05:46
* micahg didn't think of that...is everything using hunspell now, I thought some packages were myspell only05:46
ccheneyupdating all the dictionaries to remove the old symlinks would take some effort i think, but not undoable, maybe annoying for SRU though05:46
micahgccheney: no, it's a flag in dictionaries-common05:47
micahgoh, would a new package not remove the symlinks05:47
ccheneyer the symlinks are in the dictionary packages themselves at least in many cases05:47
ccheneymaybe all (not sure)05:47
micahgccheney: I thought that dictionaries-common created them05:48
* micahg checks05:48
ccheneysome of them are using the proper dictionaries-common method which might get fixed like you mention, but at least some are really old manual symlinks in the packages05:48
ccheneyat least from what i recall when updating them a while back05:48
ccheneythe ones not using the new method probably should be updated05:48
* micahg sees what you mean05:49
micahgdictionaries-common isn't involved at all :(05:49
ccheneyi didn't fully read the policy before updating the packages so didn't realize they were out of date until i had already fixed them up for the new symlinks05:49
micahgI guess this is another cleanup project for Maverick05:49
ccheneyi would recommend whoever does the cleanup fully read dictionary policy first, like i should have, heh :-\05:50
* micahg should propose a blueprint?05:50
ccheneymicahg: maybe so05:51
ccheneywould probably be good to see if any myspell apps are still around to see if we need to leave the symlinks there, as i think removing them would make those stop working, right?05:52
ccheneyin any case we should at least get the dictionary packages working with the new policy properly instead of the mess they are in now05:52
micahgccheney: probably, that would be part of the blueprint I guess05:53
* micahg has a browser triage blueprint in mind as well05:53
ccheneymicahg: add me to the dictionary one once you create it05:53
micahgccheney: k, let me make a note for myself05:54
* micahg guesses he'll make these after Lucid is released05:54
ddecatoris there no PPA for getting the latest stable release of thunderbird?06:51
micahgddecator: not yeah, been busy :P06:53
ddecatormicahg: ok, i'm just helping someone on the forums who wants the latest stable and i wanted to try to use a PPA hosted by you guys06:53
micahgit will be soon06:54
micahgddecator: once we work out the final things with the packages I should be able to backport them quickly07:05
ddecatormicahg: alright, sounds good. thanks07:06
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BUGabundo_remoteGet up on your Horse, and Ride till the Sunset 0/09:10
micahgfta: fixing xul193?09:18
micahgfta: it's probably going to FTBFS again, just 25 minutes into the build like before09:20
micahgfta: but thanks for trying09:21
fta2asac, any hint for http://launchpadlibrarian.net/45009120/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-i386.xulrunner-1.9.3_1.9.3~a5~hg20100422r41148%2Bnobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz ???10:08
fta2it's been broken for too long10:08
fta2mozilla 54796410:14
ubottuError: Error getting Mozilla bug #547964: NotPermitted10:14
fta2asac, ^^ help10:14
[reed]fta2: what about that bug?10:28
fta2mozilla 56058210:29
ubottuMozilla bug 560582 in XPCOM "gcc 4.5.0 build error svg related" [Normal,Resolved: invalid] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=56058210:29
[reed]fta2: so, you need to do a new nspr, I guess?10:30
fta24.8.5 is not even released, shame on you10:36
fta2mozilla 55896710:36
ubottuMozilla bug 558967 in SVG "add to include prlog.h into nsSVGElement.cpp" [Normal,Resolved: wontfix] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55896710:36
fta2no time to loose with this10:36
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chrisccoulsonhey micahg15:31
micahghi chrisccoulson15:31
chrisccoulsonwhat happened with libjdic-java? i saw it got rejected by an archive admin, but i don't know who did and there was no comment15:32
micahgchrisccoulson: oh, ScottK noticed that it was xul version dependent and suggested the build-dep be the same way and I agreed15:33
chrisccoulsonmicahg - ok, no problem15:33
* micahg should have put that in the comment15:35
* micahg is about to test the thunderbird upgrade15:35
micahgk, looks like it worked, so I'll push it up15:38
micahgchrisccoulson: could you please look at bug 56827515:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568275 in mediatomb "No JS in 0.12.0~svn2018-6ubuntu2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56827515:40
micahgchrisccoulson: BTW, I asked wgrant to give us a xulrunner category for the multidistrotools on ubuntuwire15:41
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yeah, that was deliberate. it was still depending on libmozjs, and i had a look at getting it to work with the latest xulrunner and the build system is looking in all the wrong places for spidermonkey15:42
chrisccoulsonso i just disabled it15:42
micahgchrisccoulson: right, I saw, so what do you want to do, we can fix it for maverick and backport maybe15:43
chrisccoulsonyeah, possibly. it's not using pkg-config for finding headers, but hardcoding all the paths instead, and i just don't have the time to fix that15:44
micahgchrisccoulson: right, it doesn't seem that popular anyways15:45
micahgchrisccoulson: do you want to write a response?15:46
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'll do that now15:46
micahgchrisccoulson: thanks15:47
micahgchrisccoulson: do you know dictionary policy16:11
ccheneymicahg: its here if you didn't happen to find it: http://dict-common.alioth.debian.org/dsdt-policy.html16:20
micahgccheney: thanks16:29
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* micahg gets ready for the flurry of bugs in the rdepends from the RC upgrades :-/16:44
micahgchrisccoulson: what are we doing about lightning?16:48
* BUGabundo_remote gets ready to mute all #s 16:51
ccheneywhen is the freeze lifted?16:56
ccheneychrisccoulson: did you see my email from last night?16:58
chrisccoulsonccheney, i did, but i've not had a chance to have a proper look at it yet. i'll do that today though16:59
chrisccoulsonthe freeze isn't lifted now btw ;)16:59
chrisccoulsonwe're frozen all the way to release16:59
ccheneychrisccoulson: ah ok, thanks17:01
micahgchrisccoulson: thunderbird fix is pushed17:03
micahgchrisccoulson: hopefully I'll have the conkeror upload ready when I get to $WORK17:04
chrisccoulsonmicahg - thanks. i will test and upload this afternoon17:04
chrisccoulsondid you do an upgrade test?17:04
micahgchrisccoulson: yes, I installed the current package version then installed a local build with this fix17:04
ftaBUGabundo_remote, http:// is back?? wtf18:00
BUGabundo_remoteis it ????18:01
BUGabundo_remoteLOLOLOLOL it is18:01
BUGabundo_remotewe will talk later18:02
BUGabundo_remotegym time18:02
BUGabundo_remotenothing in the bugs :\18:02
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micahgchrisccoulson: is it worth trying to remove the recursive symlink in the next TB update?18:54
chrisccoulsonmicahg - are we still getting users report the issue?18:55
micahgchrisccoulson: had one yesterday18:55
chrisccoulsoni don't think it's worth trying to fix it up in the wrapper script. if we had lots of people experiencing it, then it might be worth it18:55
micahgchrisccoulson: k18:56
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micahgfta: thanks for fixing firefox/xul trunk, I'm sure it'll make quite a few people happy19:13
chrisccoulsonmicahg - you don't need to worry about a build log, i always test build things i upload anyway ;)19:32
micahgchrisccoulson: bug 56861019:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568610 in conkeror "Fix focus issues related to xulrunner-1.9.2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56861019:33
ftaBUGabundo, http://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/group/chromium-dev/browse_thread/thread/c6838bc81b7f1f49#21:52
* BUGabundo reads21:54
BUGabundofta: you know what's funny? I have got NO bug mail from chromium bts :S21:55
BUGabundono, recently21:55
BUGabundoI didn't even get anyting from the reverting of http21:56
BUGabundoand I was subbed to at least 2 bugs of it21:56
ftamaybe they didn't. you probably see saw the re-target to M621:57
BUGabundo"Please don't debate whether particular things should or shouldn't be 21:57
BUGabundoreverted, or ask for precise details on whether change X is going to be 21:57
BUGabundoreverted, as the folks in charge of doing this are heads-dow"21:57
BUGabundoeven pidgin devs aren't so single minded :(21:58
ftawell, i'm back with the window buttons on the left in ubuntu, and i kind of like it now. so why not http:// now that the paste is ok (at least it is for me)22:01
BUGabundo9 out of 10 wfm22:01
BUGabundoI still got a few situations where it doesn't work22:01
BUGabundoI'll wait for the new m622:01
BUGabundoand then report back with *proper* use cases22:02
BUGabundomaybe its not only chromium, but also the way the app works22:02
micahgso chromium is going to end up with 3 different versions now?22:02
BUGabundofta: that would be which Friday ?22:02
BUGabundotomorrow or next week ?22:02
ftaBUGabundo, i guess you already read http://pthree.org/2010/04/18/chromium-removing-http/22:03
ftamicahg, ??22:03
micahgfta: 4.x, 5.x, 6.x?22:04
BUGabundofta: of course22:04
ftano, 4 will die22:04
micahgfta: ah22:04
BUGabundofta: they say that m6 will land on Friday....22:04
BUGabundowhich Friday is what I'm asking22:04
BUGabundono canonical date there22:05
BUGabundoand tomorrow *is* Friday22:05
ftanot sure22:05
Barkhornisn't the whole point of displaying http to have a semantically correct URI in the address bar?22:11
BUGabundoBarkhorn: don't get me started22:11
BUGabundoI've ranted enough on it22:11
BUGabundoand if you know anything about me, I hate ranting and ranters22:12
BUGabundoso see how must all this situation took me, to act like that22:12
Barkhornno i don't know you very well i'm afraid. but pointless ranting gets on my nerves too.22:12
chrisccoulsonmicahg - ok, i'm going to upload TB in a bit. i think the symlink fix should probably have a version check in though (and only run when the package is configured)22:18
chrisccoulsonbut i can quickly add that in before i upload22:18
chrisccoulsoni'm just being a bit cautious after last week ;)22:18
micahgchrisccoulson: well, I thought about that, but once the link is there, it'll short circuit anyways, so I didn't see the point22:19
micahgchrisccoulson: you mean the old one?22:20
micahgchrisccoulson: which symlink?22:20
BUGabundofta: found those lost email: spam inbox22:28

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