
dholbachgood morning09:21
=== james_w`` is now known as james_w
=== vish is now known as mac_v
=== mac_v is now known as vish
dholbachnigelb: could you imagine giving a session about patch review stuff for https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Packaging/Training?16:26
dholbachnigelb: maybe some time in may or june?16:26
nigelbdholbach, already part of UOW, want one more?16:26
dholbachyeah, I could imagine that it'd be good to keep the flow of information going16:27
dholbachdid anybody follow up about Monday?16:27
dholbachor feedback about the process?16:27
nigelbdholbach, it might end up with you, me, and persia :D16:27
dholbachor we advertise it a bit more16:27
nigelbI'll poke friends over the weekend to put in a few hours16:28
dholbachµblogged about it16:30
nigelboh yes16:30
dholbachyeah, linked to it16:32
nigelbdholbach, you do know that µ is pronounced as "mew" right? ;)16:32
dholbachhttp://identi.ca/notice/29542683 http://twitter.com/dholbach/status/1264522217316:32
persiaIt happens to also be the SI prefix pronounced "micro"16:33
dholbachmicro :)16:33
nigelbbah, I'm out of touch with physics16:33
* nigelb hangs head in shame16:33
* dholbach hugs nigelb16:33
=== bdrung is now known as bdrung_home
=== nigelb_ is now known as nigelbabu
=== keffie_jayx_ is now known as effie_jayx
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
* vish pokes nigelbabu .. its friday! time to get the patches in ;p19:39
=== keffie_jayx_ is now known as effie_jayx

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