
slangaseksbeattie, bdmurray: there'll be a job on quandong that ara triggers by hand, but I don't know where it is00:06
stgrabersbeattie, bdmurray: I can have a quick look, the cronjob is probably broken again, I'll start it manually00:08
stgraberbugs updating now00:11
stgraberjust started an infinite loop of update in a screen (updating new bugs quite often, displayed bugs a bit less often and archived bugs almost never), that should give a similar result as the cron job ...00:15
bdmurraystgraber: cool, thanks!00:16
* stgraber starts downloading alternate amd64 for a ltsp test00:18
* persia does ubuntustudio/64-bit/full-disk-encrypyion00:51
MilkmanDanSorry, I mean, hawt!00:52
fader_persia: Up early or up late?00:56
persiafader_: Yes.00:57
* fader_ takes a break to find food, uncross his eyes, and generally attend to meatspace activities for a while.00:58
kermiacthanks for the info davmor2 - report updated01:18
* stgraber starts rsyncing the new edubuntu04:12
slangasekI see we're still missing a number of kubuntu and ubuntu alternate tests - anyone working on those?06:09
slangasekand kubuntu-netbook wubi is still outstanding06:10
aragood morning all07:07
* ara starts her day having a look to what's left for testing07:07
arait looks like netboot needs some love07:11
araI'll try to cover i386 ones07:11
dinghi ara, is there a list of what's needed?07:17
arayes, this link will give you the complete test list: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/all/all07:17
arading, there, you can see what needs covering07:18
arading, edubuntu, i.e., upgrades, netboot, etc07:18
slangasekand alternate CDs still have some bald spots07:25
araslangasek, I registered a blueprint to discuss about ISO testing in Ubuntu and its derivatives during UDS-M. It would be great if you could join that session and share your knowledge and experience with us07:36
slangasekara: ok - can you subscribe me to it so it doesn't fall off my radar?07:37
araslangasek, sure, thanks07:37
* ara is creating a usb start up disk with edubuntu i38607:41
slangasekara: I suggest deferring edubuntu until the very last if there's nothing else needing testing, as stgraber said he and highvoltage would be able to test and if all else fails there's the option to roll back to the previous build07:43
araslangasek, sure07:45
araslangasek, I cannot test amd64, that's a limit...07:45
* ara remembers to reinstall ubuntu ON 64 BITS when 10.04 is released07:46
* ara wonders what her colleagues at the shared office space think about her use of bandwidth08:00
* slangasek hehs08:03
slangasekanyone working on kubuntu netbook? (auto-resize, wubi)10:12
slangaseksbeattie: are you still on ESX duty?10:13
sbeattieslangasek: kind of. Unfortunately, our ESX server is AWOL; fader put in an RT about it; but I've heard nothing back.10:14
slangasekwhat's the RT #?10:14
sbeattieI don't even know that. :-(10:15
davmor2morning all10:21
davmor2ara: how's things looking10:21
aramorning davmor210:21
aradavmor2, amd64 alternate needs some love10:22
aradavmor2, also some upgrades (xubuntu, i.e.)10:22
aradavmor2, if you have time for some testing, that would be great :)10:22
davmor2I can have a look at squeezing in the 64bit alt for you, but I doubt I'll have time for the upgrades too10:23
sbeattiedavmor2: I'm on the xubuntu amd64 upgrade; will get to the edubuntu upgrade in a bit.10:25
davmor2sbeattie: cool looks like we have a plan then :)10:25
arasbeattie, great!10:25
sbeattieI've got 3 other alt amd64 installs going (kubuntu alt full disks and ubuntu free-software only)10:26
arasbeattie, have you marked them as started in the tracker?10:26
sbeattieara: yes10:26
arasbeattie, ok, then it shouldn't be a problem :)10:27
davmor2ara: edubuntu needs love too10:27
slangasekdavmor2: kubuntu netbook also still needs wubi testing10:27
davmor2slangasek: I'll nail that first10:28
slangasekdavmor2: edubuntu has a rollback path and two people who may have already been testing even though they haven't posted the results yet, so please make that the lowest priority10:28
davmor2slangasek: wilko10:28
arasbeattie, have you noticed again bugs not being updated in the tracker'10:54
sbeattieara: yes. stgraber was manually running the update scripts in a loop.10:58
arasbeattie, ok, I will investigate after RC10:58
arasbeattie, thanks10:58
sbeattieara: <stgraber> just started an infinite loop of update in a screen (updating new bugs quite often, displayed bugs a bit less often and archived bugs almost never), that should give a similar result as the cron job ...10:59
sbeattiethat was about 10 hours ago.10:59
arasbeattie, thanks10:59
arasbeattie, that should work for now10:59
araslangasek, do you know if edubuntu team customised the plymouth theme?12:16
slangasekara: not according to 'apt-cache showpkg plymouth-theme'12:16
araslangasek, ok, thanks12:16
DavieyHas anyone that tried Mythbuntu found that Ubiquity last page looked "squashed"?15:21
davmor2Daviey: ask fader_ it will be his fault anyway ;)15:46
Davieyfader_: If you did notice it, that would be good..15:47
DavieyWe've had a report of it.. but i didn't notice it, when i last tried15:47
DavieyWe'd like to get it fixed for Final if it is.15:48
fader_Daviey: TBH I don't remember :/  I can fire up the install and see though15:48
Davieyfader_: if you have a rig handy, that would be awesome.15:49
davmor2Daviey: was the user using HW or VM do you happen to know?15:52
fader_Daviey: Is this the last page in ubiquity after the install is complete (but before the reboot)?15:52
fader_The pre-install steps all look fine... running the install now15:52
davmor2Daviey, fader_ : http://www.imgbin.org/index.php?page=image&id=1481 looks fine here in testdrive15:58
Davieydavmor2: thanks!15:59
davmor2Daviey: if you want I can add the image to the bug if you have the number at hand?16:00
fader_Daviey, davmor2: I think I reproduced it16:00
fader_This pops up after the install is complete16:00
fader_What bug number is it?  I can add the screenshot16:01
Davieyfader_: it's not a bug report yet16:03
Davieyfader_: that is great, thanks16:03
Davieyfader_: feel free to report it.. although we are now aware16:04
Davieyfader_ davmor2: your time is appreciated, thansk16:04
fader_Daviey: I'll report it if it's helpful to you but otherwise I won't bother :)16:05
fader_<-- lazy16:05
Davieyfader_: no worries!  thanks16:05
fader_Daviey: No problem!  Happy to help!16:05
davmor2fader_: how dare you say that about yourself that's my job16:06
fader_davmor2: You've never been happy to help!16:06
davmor2fader_: I meant the calling you lazy :P16:07
fader_Man sometimes I'm so lazy I don't even bother to finish my16:07
davmor2fader_: sometimes you're so lazy you don't even bite when insulted :P16:09
slangasekfader_: do you know how hw testing is coming along for RC?16:47
fader_slangasek: http://people.canonical.com/~fader/hw-testing/current.html16:47
fader_The automated tests are all looking great16:48
slangasekhow about the video regression testing?16:48
fader_slangasek: I tested all the servers I have KVM access to and everything looked okay -- I have visible consoles on all of them :)16:48
tgm4883slangasek, i'm getting you the mythbuntu rc page ready. Is http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/rc the proper link back to ubuntu?17:31
slangasektgm4883: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004overview - we like to mix it up at RC17:36
tgm4883slangasek, ok thanks.17:36
tgm4883slangasek, ok, the mythbuntu page is up at  http://www.mythbuntu.org/10.04/rc17:54
tgm4883although non-logged in users won't see it for max 15 minutes17:55
tgm4883anyway I can get the .torrent files to put up there so i'm not scrambling when I see the ubuntu release statement (like I always do)17:55
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