
elkyBlegh. Sitting-in-shop day. Someone entertain me with something projecty plzkthx.01:32
valorieI would appreciate a time machine02:52
valorieno need to go back in time02:52
valoriejust add an extra few hours per day, please02:52
elkyIt'd be fine if I could ssh in to the shop system, but the gateway is rejecting port 22 traffic and the sysadmin still hasn't fixed this after like 3 days.02:53
valoriesounds like your sysadmin sorta sucks02:58
JanCvalorie: you should read “Sam, of de Pluterdag” by Belgian SF-writer Paul Van Herck (apparently translated as “Where were you last Pluterday?” in English)03:13
valoriesounds cool!03:14
JanCI think it's only available as 2nd hand these days unfortunately   :-(03:17
JanCit's about extra days for those who can afford it...03:20
dholbachgood morning09:21
=== james_w`` is now known as james_w
akgranerWe have a meeting today :-) at 2200 UTC16:20
* IdleOne will bring the cookies16:20
akgranerjust sent a reminder out to the mailing list :-)  Take a look at the agenda and feel free to add stuffs16:21
IdleOneakgraner: may I msg you ?16:21
akgranerIdleOne, sure but I only have like 5 mins16:21
AlanBellczajkowski: want to do some spreadsheet stuff prior to the meeting?20:39
IdleOnehow long till meeting?20:50
IdleOne2 hours.20:50
AlanBellokies, just updating the csv file21:07
AlanBellright csv file updated, shall we go through it here so everyone can join in?21:17
AlanBellok, firstly how the csv file was created was by running a little python script http://people.ubuntu.com/~alanbell/lplist.py21:18
AlanBellwith the command "python lplist.py>members.csv"21:18
AlanBellwhich after a while generates a members.csv file21:19
AlanBelland in Blue Peter tradition, here is one I made earlier http://people.ubuntu.com/~alanbell/members.csv21:19
AlanBelldownload that one now21:19
IdleOneAlanBell: I assume the script looks specifically at UW members or does it look at all LP?21:20
IdleOneI did not look at it :/21:20
AlanBellhard coded to start from the Ubuntu-Members team, and it looks at all nested teams21:20
AlanBellit isn't UW specific at all21:20
IdleOneok, was just curious21:21
IdleOnesorry to interrupt21:21
AlanBellit is -members, we figure out the women in the next part21:21
AlanBellno, interruptions are welcome, keep them coming!21:21
AlanBellok, so that csv file has the launchpad name, real name, date launchpad profile created, date made an Ubuntu Member, Karma21:22
AlanBellso next thing to do is get that into a spreadsheet and process it a bit21:23
AlanBellso that sheet has 5 tabs21:24
AlanBellthe raw data gets put on the last tab and it gets incrementally processed until it is useful on the first tab21:24
AlanBellit could very probably have been done better, I suck at doing spreadsheets21:25
AlanBellso what I do is open the members.csv file in calc in a separate spreadsheet21:26
AlanBellmaking sure the date columns get imported as dates21:26
AlanBellclick the column headings in the import dialog and choose date (YMD)21:26
AlanBellshould look like this http://people.ubuntu.com/~alanbell/Screenshot-Text%20Import%20-%20%5Bmembers.csv%5D.png21:27
AlanBellthen copy and paste that onto tab 5 of the spreadsheet21:28
AlanBellthe totally raw tab21:28
AlanBelllooks like we now have 572 members21:28
czajkowskithat is a lot21:30
AlanBelloh, and if it doesn't want to paste, it may be that you opened the members.ods read only like I just did21:31
AlanBellit is a fair few21:31
AlanBellyou can sort it by date they were made a member to see the new ones21:31
AlanBelland check for new women members21:32
AlanBellanyone happen to know?21:32
AlanBellhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/RexAlemi is a bloke21:33
AlanBellso from the launchpad name you can look for their launchpad profile then on to the wiki page21:34
AlanBellok, so doesn't look like any new women from the last count21:34
AlanBellon tab 4 there is the list of female members, all 27 of them21:35
czajkowski27 of us eh :)21:35
AlanBellall 4.72% of you21:35
czajkowskidoesnt sound as nice in a percentage21:36
czajkowskii guess each meeting there are more men getting membership and not as many women21:36
czajkowskiso that number wil drop at times21:36
czajkowskiwe had a surge there a few months ago21:36
* etali delurks to ask if 4.72 is up or down from last time the percentage was worked out21:36
AlanBellyes, about 10 people get approved each month one way or another21:37
czajkowskii thought we got to 5 at one point21:37
AlanBellhalf a person should be a woman just to maintain the 5% ish level21:37
AlanBellno, don't think it has ever got to 521:37
czajkowskiah ok21:38
etaliI think one woman every two cycles would be more likely than trading in partial people - that sounds a little grim :)21:38
AlanBellhighest would have been on 02/03/10 which was 27/56221:38
AlanBelletali: that is a fair point!21:39
AlanBellone every two months then21:39
AlanBellbut it should be more, maybe a whole person a month.21:40
czajkowskiaye and last cycle we got a good few21:40
czajkowskithing is it has to start at a loco level21:40
czajkowskiencourage loco members to join and become active21:40
AlanBellit does, it has to start everywhere.21:40
etaliIs there an easy way to see how active people are on Launchpad (easier than manually inspecting each person)?  Just to get an idea how active the 219 UW people in Launchpad are.21:41
AlanBellthe membership point is the point where we can measure success, not the point at which things need to change21:41
AlanBelletali: karma21:41
AlanBellanyhow, that was tab 4, the list of women21:41
AlanBelltab 3 is the first round of processing21:42
czajkowskikarma doesnt really explain how folks are active though21:42
AlanBellkarma is a potentially misleading metric, but it does show something sometimes21:43
etaliczajkowski, that's true, but most active Ubuntu users have at least a tiny bit of Karma from sending crash reports.  If someone has karma that is above zero you at least know they've been active-ish recently.21:43
AlanBellsome people are active in ways that don't attract launchpad karma21:44
JanCI know people who do a lot and don't even have a LP account  ;)21:44
etaliJanC, better nag them then :)  Isn't a LP account mandatory for membership?21:45
AlanBellit isn't used much in this analysis, I just grabbed it because it was a number that looked like it might have some value21:45
JanCnot everybody cares about "membership"...21:45
AlanBelletali: yes, some people have a very very short time from launchpad profile to membership, these are often people who create it just to sign the CoC21:45
AlanBellJanC: yeah, but this is an analysis of members21:45
AlanBellok, so tab 321:46
AlanBellmost columns are just copies of the totally raw tab21:46
AlanBellbut look at the formula in column F21:46
AlanBell=IF( ISNA(VLOOKUP(A558,'Female Members'.A$1:A$27,1,0)),"Male","Female")21:46
AlanBellso that is looking up the launchpad name in the table of 27 female members.21:47
AlanBellif there is an addition to the list of female members the formula needs to be updated21:47
AlanBellthe table on tab 3 needs to be extended to accomodate the 572 members we have now21:47
AlanBellso select the last row (row 564) and drag the black magic thing at the bottom right corner of the selection21:48
AlanBelland drag it down to row 57221:48
AlanBelleveryone keeping up?21:49
czajkowskiyes teacher :)21:50
AlanBellok, so we have a list of peeps along with their gender, which is great21:50
AlanBelllets see what is on the detail tab21:51
AlanBellerr, I am confused. one sec . . .21:52
AlanBellright column E on the Detail tab is karma, not days from profile to membership21:54
AlanBellthat appears to be a bug :-)21:54
AlanBellbut anyhow, it isn't that important21:54
AlanBellso on the detail tab we have names and such copied over from the other tabs21:55
AlanBellcolumn F is of interest21:55
AlanBellis changes the date they were made a member into a round number of months21:55
AlanBellthat gets put into either column H or I depending on gender21:56
AlanBellfor reasons that I hope will become apparent soon21:56
AlanBellanyhow, nip down to row 565 and as before extend the table down21:57
AlanBelldown to row 573 (this one has column headers in row 1)21:57
AlanBellfinally we are on to the analysis tab21:58
AlanBellwhere the really scary stuff happens21:58
AlanBellso columns b,c,d first21:58
AlanBellB is a list of months converted to numbers that corresponds to the month numbers on the Detail tab21:59
AlanBellthe next two columns are a frequency table, which gets OpenOffice.org to count the number of occurrences of that month in columns H and I of the Detail tab22:00
AlanBellfrequency tables are a pain in the arse to extend22:00
AlanBellcolumns F,G,H process B,C,D a bit22:01
AlanBellF turns the month number back into a real date22:01
AlanBellG and H are cumulative totals of the number of members over time22:01
AlanBellK and L are used to plot the percentage of female members over time22:02
AlanBellso I am extending column B down a month22:03
AlanBelland F,G,H,K,L22:03
AlanBellthe frequency thing in C,D needs recreating I think22:04
AlanBellok, so delete from C3 down to D61 (or wherever it ends)22:08
AlanBellthen put the cursor in C3 and add a new formula22:09
AlanBellthe formula is FREQUENCY(Detail.H2:H1000,B3:B63)22:09
AlanBellthat looks at column H of the detail tab, and compares it to the numbers in column B of this analysis tab22:10
AlanBelland it puts counts against each bucket of the frequency it finds22:10
AlanBellor in other words it counts the number of men who were made members in the month22:10
AlanBellnext put the cursor in D322:11
AlanBelland put in the formula FREQUENCY(Detail.I2:I1000,B3:B63)22:11
AlanBellwhich does the same thing, but for column I of the details tab22:12
AlanBellwhich means it is doing a month by month count of the women22:12
AlanBellok, all being well in G62 you should have 546 (number of men)22:13
AlanBelland in H62 you should have 26  . . .22:13
AlanBelldid we lose a woman?22:13
czajkowskisomeone may not have renewed their membership22:14
AlanBellhmm, ok.22:14
AlanBellwell 546+26 is indeed 572 which is the total number of members22:15
AlanBelland the percentage right now in L62 is 4.55%22:15
AlanBellthere are a couple of graphs on that page, which you can edit to extend the data that they point at a bit for the extra month22:16
AlanBellbut the other thing to update is the google spreadsheet http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Ankl5FhsdSiZdGVNalVUX0E5OVBTSmtQay1IMnJNd0E&hl=en22:18
AlanBelltab Targets and progress22:18
AlanBelland I can fill in 4.55 in the H2 cell22:19
AlanBellunder Lucid Lynx because this is launch month yay22:19
AlanBelland because it is cool, it automagically updates http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/UbuntuMembers22:20
AlanBellor the top graph at least22:20
AlanBellso there it is, that is how it all works22:21
AlanBellit could probably be done better22:22
AlanBellin fact it could certainly be done better22:22
AlanBellany questions?22:22
AlanBellright, I need to go put the chickens to bed, back in a bit o/22:23
czajkowskiAlanBell: thanks22:25
czajkowskiright bed for me ive to be up at 5am22:26
czajkowskiUW meeting times are not very convient for eu folks22:26
AlanBellnight all o/22:45
akgranerAlanBell, night and thanks to you and czajkowski for updating the stats22:46
akgraner5 minute warning22:55
akgranerMeeting time :-)23:01
* pleia2 waves23:01
Mootbot-UKMeeting started at 22:01. The chair is akgraner.23:01
Mootbot-UKCommands Available: [TOPIC], [PROGRESS REPORT], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]23:01
akgraner[TOPIC] - Attendance - Ok folks, who's here for the Ubuntu Women Project Meeting today?23:01
Mootbot-UKNew Topic:  - Attendance - Ok folks, who's here for the Ubuntu Women Project Meeting today?23:01
IdleOnehere o/23:02
akgraneranyone else?23:02
akgraner[TOPIC] - Agenda - The agenda for today's meeting can be found at - http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Meetings/April2010/Agenda23:02
Mootbot-UKNew Topic:  - Agenda - The agenda for today's meeting can be found at - http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Meetings/April2010/Agenda23:02
akgraner[PROGRESS REPORT] Open Items - UDS action items/blueprint (akgraner)23:02
Mootbot-UKProgress Report:  Open Items - UDS action items/blueprint (akgraner)23:02
akgranerI haven't added anything to the Blueprint but I created it and will get something to the list by Tuesday of next week so the team the items in Blueprint format23:03
akgraner[ACTION] - akgraner to send updated blueprints to list on or before April 27th.23:04
Mootbot-UKACTION received:  - akgraner to send updated blueprints to list on or before April 27th.23:04
akgraner[PROGRESS REPORT] Open Items - Wiki Translations (akgraner)23:04
Mootbot-UKProgress Report:  Open Items - Wiki Translations (akgraner)23:04
akgranerI asked IdleOne to give and update on the translations23:05
akgranerIdleOne, take it away23:05
IdleOneSo first off thanks to everybody who has been doing translation and to akgraner, pleia2 and everyone else who are helping on the organising front23:05
IdleOneI did a quick and dirty stats gathering here it is23:06
IdleOneNumber of languages that are started according to http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/PagesNeedingTranslated is 4, considering the short amount of time (1month or so) and the sort of hap hazard way we started I think that is awesome :)23:06
IdleOneNumber of translators that have signed up according to http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Translators is 11 but on the French team we have had 3-5 contributors who have not signed http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Translators not sure about other languages and how many contributors they have had.23:06
IdleOnewe could use someone to try and gather up some more concrete info23:07
akgranerany objection to organizing the translator page in order of languages listed on the translation table?23:07
IdleOnefine with me23:08
akgranerI just thought it would be nice for them to complement each other23:08
akgranerany volunteers?23:08
IdleOnewould be good yes23:08
* IdleOne hides23:09
pleia2just reordering the page? that'll take about 60 seconds :) I can do it23:09
akgraner[ACTION] - Organize Translator page to complement Translation Table  - pleia223:09
Mootbot-UKACTION received:  - Organize Translator page to complement Translation Table  - pleia223:09
akgranerThanks pleia223:09
IdleOnethank you pleia223:09
IdleOneand last but not least would be useful to send an email to the LoCo teams ML and try to get more people working on more languages.23:10
akgranerI can do that unless someone else wants to volunteer23:10
pleia2IdleOne: are you satisfied with the current translations process enough to accept an influx of volunteers from the wider community?23:10
IdleOneI think it's great that we got 4 languages started but for example the Es translation only has the main page done and half way at that23:10
pleia2I'd hate to end up with a pile of pages which are poorly translated because we don't have any kind of proper review process23:11
IdleOnepleia2: I think that each language could use a "leader" to keep track of everything23:11
pleia2IdleOne: maybe that's something we need to document on /Translators before sending an email to the loco-contacts list?23:11
IdleOneI volunteered for french and have been trying to make sure everything is kosher23:11
IdleOnepleia2: that sounds like a plan23:12
IdleOneI think figuring out a process to assign the right person per language is needed23:12
akgraner[ACTION] Identify review process and update Translators page23:12
Mootbot-UKACTION received:  Identify review process and update Translators page23:12
akgranerI'll ask dpm if he has any suggestions23:13
pleia2thanks akgraner23:13
IdleOnethank you23:13
akgraner[ACTION] ask dpm for suggestions on review process23:13
Mootbot-UKACTION received:  ask dpm for suggestions on review process23:13
IdleOneI have to go for a little, dinner in the oven. Be back in a bit23:13
akgranerk thanks for the update23:14
IdleOnesure thing23:14
* valorie is late to the meeting23:14
akgranervalorie, welcome23:14
pleia2welcome valorie23:14
akgranergreat work on translations in just a few short weeks - this is great!!23:14
akgranerthanks everyone working on those23:14
akgraner[PROGRESS REPORT] Open Items - World Play Day announcement (akgraner)23:15
valorieit's been great to see the enthusiasm in IRC23:15
Mootbot-UKProgress Report:  Open Items - World Play Day announcement (akgraner)23:15
akgranerso we are starting to have entries23:15
valorieare they good?23:16
akgranerabout 4 people but those 4 have sent in multiple entries23:16
akgraneryes there are some great pictures but but we need to stir up some more entries23:16
pleia2I'll blog about it a bit later, we've sorta saturated the community at this point23:17
pleia2fridge, planet, omgubuntu23:17
* valorie needs to blog also23:17
akgranerI'll email the LoCo-contacts list as well23:17
pleia2later == in a couple weeks23:17
akgraner[ACTION]  - pleia2, valorie to blog about world play day23:17
Mootbot-UKACTION received:   - pleia2, valorie to blog about world play day23:17
akgraner[ACTION] akgraner to email loco-contacts list about world play day23:18
Mootbot-UKACTION received:  akgraner to email loco-contacts list about world play day23:18
akgranermake sure you tell your friends, family, etc who use Ubuntu about it as well23:18
akgraneryou know friends of friends of friends :-)23:19
akgranerbut it's good to see entries coming in though :-)23:19
valoriemy problem is that very few of my friends use ubuntu23:19
valorieor even linux23:19
akgranerI think we are all in that boat as well23:19
akgranerok so moving on - unless anyone has anything else about the competition23:20
akgraner[PROGRESS REPORT] Open Items - Website/Blog (akgraner)23:20
Mootbot-UKProgress Report:  Open Items - Website/Blog (akgraner)23:20
akgranerI asked pleia2 to update the team on this item23:21
akgranerpleia2, take it away23:21
pleia2right, so on list there was pretty much consensus that we'd ask canonical for hosting23:22
pleia2since that discussion, there was a post to the news-team list indicating that canonical may be moving away from drupal and to wordpress - wordpress *would* be the preferred thing for this since it's blogging software and we'd have a blog23:22
pleia2oh - I am talking about the blog first (website is separate)23:22
pleia2so our options:23:23
pleia21) Wait for Canonical to officially support wordpress and hop on that when it happens (I can submit and RT ticket now to ask about timing etc)23:23
pleia22) Move ahead a wordpress.com blog for now, and migrate to canonical's servers when they offer wordpress23:23
akgranerpleia2, great!  I was going to ask if you would submit the ticker23:24
akgranerticket even23:24
pleia2    a) we can either get a free account being ubuntu-women.wordpress or23:24
pleia2    b) toss in a few bucks to get a paid account so we can ask canonical to point blog.ubuntu-women.org at it for now23:24
pleia2I don't mind paying for it, apparently it's a pretty cheap yearly price, and hopefully we won't need it for more than a few months :)23:25
akgranerpleia2, I don't mind chipping in for the paid account - then having the point to it23:25
akgranerthem (Canonical) point to it - just so we can get started23:25
tinymthe paid WP account sounds like a good idea23:25
pleia2the nice thing about wordpress.com is that we can give lots of different people access to posting to it :)23:26
pleia2that's what ubuntu classroom does: http://ubuntuclassroom.wordpress.com/23:26
akgraneryeah  - I like wordpress and the learning curve is not that high23:26
pleia2so, want me to submit a ticket and see about time frame? then if it's going to be 2+ months from now go with wordpress.com ?23:27
akgraner[ACTION] pleia2 to handle RT ticket(s) for Blog and Website23:27
Mootbot-UKACTION received:  pleia2 to handle RT ticket(s) for Blog and Website23:27
pleia2website is a different topic :)23:27
akgranerpleia2, +123:27
pleia2so, the blog is a lovely news thing, but then we have our static website which we're planning on tackling in the -M cycle23:28
akgranerpleia2, yeah I know but if you are submitting and RT Ticket for one - I thought you wouldn't mind doing it for both :-)23:28
pleia2akgraner: we don't have an action item for the website yet23:28
pleia2do we?23:28
pleia2we need more folks given access, but I don't know who and we have no plans yet23:28
akgraneryeah I lumped them together as website/blog23:28
akgranerbut can put in another topic as website in a sec  - so we can get it straight on the logs23:29
akgranerso Blog wise - pleia2 to handle RT ticket, if it's +2 months to get it hosted on Canonical site then we go to the pay for wordpress then have Canonical point to it23:30
pleia2I'll confirm with the list about the 2+ month number once I hear back23:30
akgraner[ACTION] pleia2 to handle RT ticket, if it's +2 months to get it hosted on Canonical site then we go to the pay for wordpress then have Canonical point to it - pleia2 will confirm with list on timeline before moving forward with pay-for account23:31
Mootbot-UKACTION received:  pleia2 to handle RT ticket, if it's +2 months to get it hosted on Canonical site then we go to the pay for wordpress then have Canonical point to it - pleia2 will confirm with list on timeline before moving forward with pay-for account23:31
akgranerThanks pleia2!!23:32
pleia2sure thing23:32
akgraner[TOPIC] - Open Items - Website23:32
Mootbot-UKNew Topic:  - Open Items - Website23:32
akgranerthis is one of our goals for the -M cycle and will be listed on the Blueprint23:33
akgranerpleia2, can you talk about this as well please :-)23:33
pleia2right, so as I mentioned we have our static website23:34
pleia2my vision for this is a simplified "About" page with links to our resources23:34
akgranerI like that idea23:34
pleia2everything except for the index.html will be moved to the wiki23:34
valoriebasically a landing for the project?23:34
tinymthat would be helpful23:35
pleia2so faq.html, getinv.html etc23:35
akgranerand just update the look with new fonts and colors etc23:35
pleia2all move to the wiki23:35
pleia2yeah, and have it be a *pretty* landing page :)23:35
valoriethat sounds sensible23:35
akkYes, good idea.23:35
tinympretty is good23:35
akkPretty and organized.23:35
akgranerI love the fact that I know I can go to the static page and get any info I need in like 3 clicks or less23:35
pleia2but right now it's a pain to update since only a few people can and we have to edit the html directly23:36
pleia2so I'd like to see that done away with23:36
akgranerso if Canonical moves to Wordpress - will we use that as well?23:36
pleia2akgraner: we'll keep this as a single static page23:36
pleia2and set up blog.ubuntu-women.org separately23:37
akgranerahh gotcha - sorry - not thinking23:37
pleia2so canonical will host: www.ubuntu-women.org, blog.ubuntu-women.org, wiki.ubuntu.com23:37
pleia2err wiki.ubuntu-women.org23:37
pleia2that's pretty much all I've got, no team to implement this yet or anything, I can toss together a wiki page or something to get some thoughts together and start planning23:38
akgranersounds like we have a plan then23:38
pleia2so we'll have it for UDS and beyond23:38
pleia2and to link to the blueprint :)23:38
akgranerpleia2, yeah lets add that to the roadmap wiki that will be linked to the blueprints23:39
akgranerso we'll link the website wiki to the roadmap wiki and link that to the blueprint23:39
akgranermake sense?23:39
valorieah, the circle of Life23:40
akgraneryeppers :-)23:40
pleia2sounds good23:40
tinymdoes this discussion include content for the website or only general items - hosting, navigation...?23:41
tinymI have a content suggestions23:41
akgraner[ACTION] pleia2, akgraner to update wikis for -M blueprints23:41
Mootbot-UKACTION received:  pleia2, akgraner to update wikis for -M blueprints23:41
pleia2tinym: we're just getting started, I think content discussions will have to happen later23:41
pleia2the idea is that most of the content will end up on the wiki23:42
valorieit's really mostly there already23:42
akgranerthe static page will be just the links to the wikis23:42
pleia2so the landing page will just be a quick intro and we'll link to resources on the wiki that anyone in the project can edit/add to23:42
akgranerwith an updated "about" if I am understanding correctly23:42
pleia2our "about" is decent but it's a little out-dated now (especially since we now track real %s within the community)23:43
akgraneranything else about website23:43
pleia2tinym: we can certainly use help and input once we're at that stage though :) are you on the mailing list?23:43
tinymI am on the mailing list23:44
pleia2ok, great23:44
pleia2akgraner: all done23:44
akgranerThanks pleia2!!23:44
akgranernow for new items23:45
akgraner[TOPIC] New Items - Discuss Procedures - For Mailing List Admins, Forum Moderators, IRC OPS, and various other micro-blogging and groups that have been created (FB, Identi.ca, twitter, status.net, LinkedIn).23:45
Mootbot-UKNew Topic:  New Items - Discuss Procedures - For Mailing List Admins, Forum Moderators, IRC OPS, and various other micro-blogging and groups that have been created (FB, Identi.ca, twitter, status.net, LinkedIn).23:45
akgranerhe next group of leaders will hold the position for one year. There are no documented procedures for if the leaders will be automatically given ML Admin, Forum Moderator and IRC ops. There is also no documentation on how other team members become Admins, Moderators or Ops. This agenda item is to begin the discussion so that these procedures can be documented before the call for elections begins in late May.23:45
akgranerhe next group of leaders will hold the position for one year. There are no documented procedures for if the leaders will be automatically given ML Admin, Forum Moderator and IRC ops. There is also no documentation on how other team members become Admins, Moderators or Ops. This agenda item is to begin the discussion so that these procedures can be documented before the call for elections begins in late May.23:45
akgranerdarn it it wasn't supposed to paste twice23:47
akgranerAlso I have seen this happen with other teams whose members set up various micro-blogging groups and only one person has access. Which is fine and dandy until something unforeseen happens and/or the person is no longer participating for various reasons and no one has access. Do we as a team want or need to create an admin pw protected area that leaders have access to should the need arise and those who created various other sites23:47
akgranerfor the group aren't available? Thoughts Ideas?23:47
pleia2I don't have any solid ideas, but I agree with the folks on the list who think there *should* be such procedures in place to some degree23:47
pleia2I think that's a reasonable solution23:48
akgranerMy vision for this would be - the leaders have access when it is needed - but only when absolutely necessary23:48
akgranerand that we have team members who will handle it on a daily basis23:49
akkIt does sound reasonable. You definitely want >1 person to be able to get the passwords.23:49
valorieknown procedures would be a good thing23:49
pleia2so this could be done for mailing list and IRC (although I think leaders should just be added to the access list)23:49
pleia2the tricky things:23:49
pleia21) forums - you have to send a request to forum staff for moderator changes23:49
pleia2there isn't really a single "log in" that can be used23:49
akgranerbut I think it is important for the leader(s) to have access and know what to do when if they need to at some point in the future23:50
akgranerpleia2, sorry I didn't mean single log in per say - only an area where the pw are stored23:50
pleia2there isn't a pw23:50
akgraneror a gatekeeper appointed23:50
akgranerpleia2, I know for forums23:50
akkRelated (I hope this isn't seen as a digression): it's helpful to have a page detailing who has access to what.23:50
* pleia2 nods23:50
pleia2akgraner: I am talking about the non-trivial resources :)23:51
akgranerahh :-)23:51
akkMost of the time (IME), the leader doesn't necessarily want the password, but does need to be able to find out who else has access if the regular person isn't answering.23:51
pleia2akk: there is a page on the wiki for that, lets see..23:51
valoriepersonally, I don't think The Leader should be an op, admin, etc normally23:52
valoriethose are specialized tasks23:52
akgranerSo not sure I have any great solutions but would like to see some procedures surrounding all that stuff - so if a member says I would like to do FOO - there is *something* documented that says how to become whatever23:52
akkI don't see a problem with a leader who is also an op, if they want to be.23:53
akgranervalorie, right but I think the leader(s) should know how, and if/when necessary be able to step up and do it23:53
valorieright, but an op as the PERSON23:53
pleia2akk: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Contacts23:53
valorienot as The Leader23:53
valorieright, akgraner -- since people sometimes disappear23:53
akkAgreed, they can choose to be a regular op but not a special-super-duper-op23:54
akkpleia2: Thanks, excellent page!23:54
akgranervalorie, right not as "I am leader" but as no one else is around and they can step in and help23:54
akgranerand it also gives the leader(s) access to stats, and other stuff23:54
valorieand those positions are all leadership positions, there is power23:54
valoriebut it should always be exercised for the good of the members23:55
akgranervalorie, right - I don't think any disagrees with that23:55
akgranerI was thinking that when the next leaders are elected they should have at a min access to mailing list, forum mod and ops23:56
akkI don't think most of us are here because we're all power mad. :)23:56
akgranerand learn how to do all those things if they don't already23:56
akgranerthis allows them to learn more about leading in various areas23:56
pleia2for IRC we could create a leaders nickname account that can be shared, but the forums are a problem23:56
akgranerproblem solving23:56
pleia2unless there is a shared forums account, I suppose23:56
akgranerpleia2, I like that23:57
pleia2the only thing that really needs to be done on the forums is changing sticky stuff though23:57
pleia2which not overwhelmingly time-sensitive23:57
akgranerbut those leaders defer moderation, admin etc to other team members unless they are needed23:57
akgranerso what should be our next steps?23:58
akgranerlet's take this to mailing list? any objections? we are down to 2 mins23:58
pleia2I'd like to defer and discuss it at our next meeting23:59
pleia2where the other half of the team can discuss23:59
pleia2it's been somewhat hashed out on the mailing list already23:59

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