
Sarvatttalking in traffic so not really here yet, sorry :P00:01
RAOFI hope you're not IRCing while driving :)00:03
brycehheya RAOF00:03
RAOFbryceh: Good morning.00:03
brycehRAOF, phoronix and slashdot are full of opinion about our little memory bug this morning00:04
brycehRAOF, some light reading while you enjoy your coffee/tea ;-)00:04
RAOFI'd prefer to read the X sources :)00:04
brycehsmart man!00:05
RAOFI've got a theory that the leak is because GLX resources allocated with glXCreateWindow (a GLX 1.3 call) have a different XID to their associated X window and thus fall through the cleanup-cracks.00:05
RAOFWithout the guard in the 114 patch, that means that crash.  With the guard, that means that we don't clean them up.00:07
brycehso, it looks like drawable->pDraw is defined but not always a valid pointer00:14
brycehso without 114, that leads to a crash when it's destroyed00:14
brycehwith patch 114, it doesn't depend on drawable->pDraw being defined, and does a dixLookupDrawable to retrieve it00:15
brycehand then only frees drawable->pDraw when it can get a successful lookup00:15
brycehhowever, this means that for the case where drawable->pDraw is valid but not look-uppable, those aren't getting freed, and leak memory00:15
brycehso what I'm wondering is if this particular case can be detected and accounted for in some other way00:19
RAOFIt should be possible to do that.00:25
bryceh(catching up on the upstream bug report)00:26
brycehlesson learned here, don't consider a bug fixed if the upstream report is still open with ongoing discussion......00:28
brycehboy this is kind of hard to follow00:32
brycehRAOF, this appears to jibe with your theory:  https://bugs.freedesktop.org/attachment.cgi?id=3473000:33
brycehRAOF, Sarvatt, here's my take00:50
brycehif we want to keep patch 114, we should test reverting 120286aef59dabdb7c9fa762e08457e5cc8ec3a600:50
brycehit sounds like patch 114 obviates the need for 120286ae, from the bug discussion00:51
brycehthat's option 100:51
brycehoption 2 is to drop patch 114, and instead pull/backport the patches that went upstream00:51
brycehthat is, patches https://bugs.freedesktop.org/attachment.cgi?id=35005 and https://bugs.freedesktop.org/attachment.cgi?id=3500600:52
brycehhmm, actually the latter may be the same as reverting 120286ae actually00:52
brycehaha yes00:52
brycehRAOF, Sarvatt, have either of you tested with patch 114 and https://bugs.freedesktop.org/attachment.cgi?id=35006 ?00:53
brycehthat might be the least invasive approach00:54
bryceh(if it works!)00:54
RAOFbryceh: I see no way in which that could resolve the memory leak?00:54
brycehas I understand it, that glxDestroyWindow() call is what generates the dangling pointer00:56
brycehiow, if that stops doing what it's doing, then patch 114 should be able to successfully clear the objects without causing leaks00:56
brycehhowever my grokkage of this is really low00:56
brycehanyway, that's my take on it, I could easily be wrong00:58
brycehalright, back to -ati bugs for an hour then EOD for me, but let me know if you guys reach a decision on what we should do, and I can push patches or set up sru's accordingly.01:05
brycehcrap, I promised to do some MT stuff today, too.  Hmm, -ati then MT, then EOD.01:06
Sarvattbryceh: did you see that dropping the glx 1.4 patches also fixes all clutter apps failing to start with swrast? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/56173402:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561734 in gnome-games "quadrapassel doesn't start: Failed to initialise clutter: Unable to select the newly created GLX context" [Medium,Confirmed]02:08
Sarvattthat was a plesant surprise when I was testing SIS and nouveau earlier02:11
brycehSarvatt, no didn't see that02:13
brycehbtw in the scrollback I blathered a bit while looking at the usptream bug report.  It looks like testing some of the subsequent patches to the one jesse did (our #114) might scare up a fix02:14
brycehbut that said, I'd have nothing against just dropping the three patches02:14
Sarvattthe subsequent patches are all early versions of whats upstream though02:15
brycehyeah I didn't check what actually got into the tree02:15
Sarvattthere is also a regression already with the upstream patches02:16
ubottuFreedesktop bug 27767 in Driver/intel "[bisected] bottom panel of gnome desktop is wrong" [Major,New]02:16
brycehyeah I noticed the chatter about subsequent bugs02:18
brycehalthough didn't see that one in particular02:19
RAOFYeah; it seems the stack of four upstream patches seriously break compiz in particular circumstances.02:20
Sarvattthey work fine here oddly enough, i'm using them now02:20
Sarvattbut i dont use a bottom bar on this netbook :)02:21
RAOFSarvatt: Have you started two copies of a GLX-using app?  Apparently doing that is likely to cause the second app to appear as a static snapshot of the first in compiz.02:21
Sarvattlike 2 glxgears?02:21
RAOFI think that f0006aa58f6cf7552a239e169ff6e7e4fda532f4 from master is sufficient to close the leak we have.02:21
RAOFSarvatt: I guess so?02:21
Sarvatt2 running fine02:22
Sarvatt4 running fine02:22
Sarvatttrying quadrapassel02:22
RAOFThere's an additional patch on xorg-devel to fix some corner case with compiz, at least.  Let me find it agian.02:23
Sarvattquadrapassel is screwed up like you said02:23
Sarvatt(quadrapassel:7656): Clutter-WARNING **: The required ID of 1723017 does not refer to an existing actor; this usually implies that the pick() of an actor is not correctly implemented or that there is an error in the glReadPixels() implementation of the GL driver.02:23
Sarvatttons of that spammed02:23
brycehRAOF, yeah that looks sensible02:23
RAOFI've been running a server with that patch (and 114 dropped); gem objects seem stable, and everything appears to work ;)02:24
Sarvatti must be missing mails from xorg-devel02:25
RAOFHow does one turn a message ID into a link to the online archives?02:26
* RAOF smells a *really* useful evolution plugin02:26
Sarvattyeah thats not in my xorg-devel list, what the heck02:28
Sarvattah spam folder, go figure02:30
RAOFHm.  That's not the one I was thinking of, either.02:30
Sarvatthmm yeah02:30
RAOFhttp://lists.x.org/archives/xorg-devel/2010-April/007554.html is what I was after02:31
RAOFAnyway, you can reproduce craziness with quadrapassel02:31
RAOFGiven that patch series is still receiving follow-ups like this it's clear that they won't be suitable for Lucid for a while, if ever.02:33
* RAOF also wants a “mark thread as uninteresting” plugin02:39
brycehI wrote something for mutt to do that02:40
brycehstore the message-ids when thread is marked uninteresting, then when new mail comes in check the reply-to to see if it matches any in the to-ignore message-id list02:41
RAOFSarvatt: Also, why not do this here? :)02:59
Sarvattoh boy the memory leak bug is starting to show signs of becoming the me-too bug for memory problems :)03:01
RAOFI can't imagine whyever for! :D03:02
Sarvattprobably should make it clear that a sure sign you are affected by the memory leak is 1GB+ object bytes or something, because some people are saying there's a leak with 280MB thats normal and is most likely a driver problem instead (like Conn O'Griofa's report)03:16
Sarvattah just realized I marked Yes under the bug fixed column even though the bug isn't here originally for SIS and nouveau, meant to imply I did not have any problems with it03:24
Sarvattthere, updated the wiki03:44
Sarvattwell whenever it goes through :)03:44
Sarvatttried to make it clear what was considered as having this specific bug, and ask for testing by people who aren't experiencing it as well03:45
Sarvattso what combination of patches need testing? f0006aa58f6cf7552a239e169ff6e7e4fda532f4 on top of the current lucid?03:53
RAOFDrop 114 from current lucid, replace with f000004:06
RAOFI'll upload that to a PPA now.04:07
RAOFNouveau doesn't seem adversely affected by rolling back GLX, as expected.04:10
Sarvattyeah, only positively affected since clutter works again :)04:10
Sarvattdarn, fresh install reminded me that https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gvfs/+bug/510059 was still a problem after a year04:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 510059 in gvfs "Gvfs keeps asking for password when trying to mount Samba share" [Low,Confirmed]04:15
SarvattRAOF: shoot me links to anything you want me to try to break, will test them out tomorrow on a bunch of machines since I have some free time for a change :) night!04:29
virtualddoes this mean 10.04 won't ever have GLX 1.4?04:51
RAOFNot necessarily, and that's not necessarily what you think it is.05:07
RAOFSarvatt: I'll point you at https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/ppa for your “can we get both GLX 1.4 *and* an X server that doesn't leak like a sieve” delectation.06:51
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RAOFOk.  I've managed to convince myself that f0006aa58f6cf7552a239e169ff6e7e4fda532f4 does the right thing.  That's applied to xorg-server 2:1.7.6-2ubuntu7~xtesting~dri2fixes in https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/ppa.10:27
RAOFFeel free to test that, everyone.  I won't put it on the GEMLeak page yet, because I think dropping the GLX patches is safer, but we might want to pull this in later.10:28
RAOFGood night, all!10:28
Dr_JakobTerribly sorry for nagging but I'm trying to figure out when the fix for bug 545298 will land in the debs? Will it make it into the RC?10:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 545298 in xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse "left mouse button unresponsive when running as VMware server guest" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54529810:51
bjsnidertseliot, someone cam into the +1 channel last night, said he'd clean installed the beta 2 i386 cd, and when he tried to install nvidia-current, this happened: http://pastebin.com/xe0Wp3pk12:41
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=== mac_v is now known as vish
tseliotbjsnider: I don't see any real error there. He should try a daily image instead of the beta13:22
bjsniderwell, the error is that it's trying to apply links to some 32-bit libs that aren't installed on i38613:24
eaxHi there - I have a problem with my Nvidia FX5600 -  I cannot chose other resolutions than 320x240 and 640x480. What can I do to run the correct resolution? Using the nvidia controlpanel this is..15:53
tseliotyour /var/log/Xorg.0.log should tell you what's going on15:53
eaxWhat should I be looking for? It seems like it is loading "nvidia-auto-select" and then "Virtual screen size determined to be 640 x 480"15:55
* Ng idly wonders if either of the potential GEM leak fixes means DRI can come back on 855 :D15:56
tselioteax: if put it on pastebin I'll have a look at it15:57
eaxtseliot: Sure one moment :)16:00
eaxtseliot: pastebin.org/16805416:02
tselioteax: it can't read the EDID of your monitor. This is why it doesn't know what resolutions are available16:03
eaxtseliot: How can I fix that? :)16:03
eaxIt might be because it's an old CRT monitor?16:06
tselioteax: what resolution would you like to use?16:06
eaxAn old IBM P7716:06
tselioteax: what's the refresh rate?16:08
eaxtseliot: 75 I mean16:08
tselioteax: and what's the output of this command? gtf 1280 1024 7516:08
eaxTseliot: Output is:   # 1280x1024 @ 75.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 80.17 kHz; pclk: 138.54 MHz16:10
eax  Modeline "1280x1024_75.00"  138.54  1280 1368 1504 1728  1024 1025 1028 1069  -HSync +Vsync16:10
apwbryceh, hey you have nvidia h/w ... could you confirm that nomodeset and noveau.modeset=0 still work on the -rc kernel?16:19
tselioteax: sorry, I was on the phone16:19
apwsomeone is claiming they don't but i cannot test16:19
eaxtseliot: Perfectly all right :)16:19
tselioteax: can I see your xorg.conf?16:24
eaxtseliot: Sorry, 1 moment :)16:30
eaxtseliot: http://eax.dk/xorg.conf16:31
tselioteax: ok, I think I can give you a modified version of your xorg.conf which might solve your problem16:32
eaxtseliot: Great! Thanks :D16:32
eaxTseliot: How's it going? :)16:48
tseliotI'm working on it (actually I'm working on multiple things at the same time)16:49
eaxTseliot: Cool thanks :)16:49
tselioteax: try with something like this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/420496/16:55
eaxtseliot: Thanks! :) Trying now16:55
tseliotand restart the xserver16:55
eaxYeah thanks :)16:56
eaxtseliot: Didn't fix it :( I still cannot select 1280x1024 in the nvidia settings manager :/17:02
tselioteax: can I see the new log, please?17:02
eaxtseliot: http://pastebin.org/16813917:03
tselioteax: how many screens are you using?17:04
eaxtseliot: Two, but the second one is an LCD that works when activated :)17:05
tselioteax: aah, I think I know what's going on17:07
eaxtseliot: Yes? :)17:07
tseliotone sec17:08
tselioteax: actually, I was wrong. You might have better luck asking here: www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?s&forumid=1417:12
tseliotit might be a bug in driver 17317:12
eaxHey, sorry about that my internet connection crashed :S17:17
tselioteax: actually, I was wrong. You might have better luck asking here: www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?s&forumid=1417:17
tseliot(06:12:56 PM) tseliot: it might be a bug in driver 17317:17
eaxtseliot: Okay thanks :)17:18
tseliotthis is what you might have missed ^^17:18
eaxYeah I missed that :)17:18
eaxOkay, thanks a lot for your help :)17:18
lotiagreetings all. any need for more reports (will likely be negative) from people using the x-updates x-swat ppa with proprietary drivers.20:28
brycehlotia, nope20:32
lotiabryceh: thanks20:34
lotiai do have a machine using the nouveau driver, but I can't enable compiz with it. will any info from that be useful?20:35
brycehlotia, maybe, although since it doesn't have 3D it's not expected to have the bug20:36
brycehlotia, go ahead and test it and report what you find to RAOF20:37
lotiabryceh: RAOF? apologies. is that a nick or something else?20:38
brycehlotia, nick20:39
brycehlotia, he should be online within a couple hours20:39
lotiabryceh: thanks again.20:41
ryehi, just installed nvidia-current in current lucid and it appears that libglx was not updated/fixed via alternatives - is that supposed to be so?21:32
Sarvattdid you install it via jockey?21:37
Sarvattbryceh: do we have notes on how to install blob drivers outside of X anywhere since its so specific and broken if you do it via a package manager?21:38
brycehSarvatt, don't think we've got official docs on that21:40
Sarvattrye: if you installed it outside of jockey you need to sudo update-alternatives --config gl_conf, pick the one for the nvidia drivers you have installed, then sudo ldconfig and sudo nvidia-xconfig as the last step21:41
Sarvattor do the easier method of just sudo apt-get purge nvidia-current, then activate them in hardware drivers or use sudo jockey-text -e xorg:nvidia_current21:41
brycehSarvatt, basically I think you have to uninstall the packaged nvidia completely first, then you can use the nvidia installer21:41
brycehwe don't support upgrading from one to the other.  breakage happens.21:41
Sarvattbryceh: its more that you cant install the nvidia drivers via sudo apt-get install nvidia-current for instance21:41
Sarvattall of the alternatives configuration is done by jockey..21:42
brycehSarvatt, ah21:42
brycehhuh, I thought the alternatives handling was done in the postinst?21:42
Sarvatti wouldn't complain about it so much if it was :)21:42
brycehSarvatt, have you spoken with tseliot about this?21:42
ryeSarvatt, hm, when i started jockey I was not prompted to install any proprietary drivers at all, therefore i installed nvidia-current manually21:45
Sarvattbryceh: yeah but I couldn't get ahold of him when he wasn't busy21:45
Sarvattrye: sounds like you did a sudo apt-get purge nvidia-* at some point in the past, just reinstall nvidia-common21:45
tormodSarvatt, with xorg-testing xserver -6 I got a server crash after closing quadrapassel21:46
Sarvattinteresting, so its not even fixed upstream? i've closed it at least 50 times over the past few days with no crashes on intel21:48
Sarvatti'm about to update it from git, maybe the squashed patch I have is different21:49
Sarvattjust put everything in the main xorg-edgers PPA21:52
lapionI have a system with a frozen i915 driver and am logged in thru ssh, can anyone tell me what information I should gather before the terminal freezes up as well ?21:54
brycehheh, I think we have more x freeze bug reports than we're likely to be able to look at21:58
brycehlapion, there's guides at wiki.ubuntu.com/X if you want to troubleshoot the bug yourself21:58
tormodlooks like the PPA builders spend 10 minutes on installing updates and dependencies before they get to debian/rules build, is this normal?22:43
tormodbuild needed 55s :)22:44
Sarvatttormod: yup, thank dpkg for being extra slow now :)22:45
tormodoh yes, it is syncing all the time, like firefox22:45
Sarvatt13 minutes+ to install update the few base files for an x11proto package, 30 seconds to build it22:45
tormodcan't they leave the syncing business to the OS damnit?22:45
Sarvattstill *nowhere* near as slow as yum so I can't complain about the extra safeguards :)22:48
bigjoolsthe chroots prob need updating, then it will be quicker23:06
ryeSarvatt, thanks, i removed nvidia-common completely before to test nouveau with my setup. Given that it now starts up with more than one display I decided to return to nvidia until further notice on that bug report is found. Installed nvidia-common and jockey became helpful. Thanks again!23:08
Sarvattmuahaha got my eye on you mozilla daily team - https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas23:12
tormodyou're closing in :)23:14
* ilmari loves the description of xorg-edgers23:17
RAOFThe GEMLeak page is looking reassuringly green.23:50
brycehRAOF, I've slapped a couple package downgrades into x-retro23:51
RAOFbryceh: For 8xx users?23:51
brycehyeah an -intel for them, and an -ati for some of the recent corruption bugs23:52
brycehRAOF, also ran across bug #56590323:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565903 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "graphics corruption opening windows with glx 1.4 (ok with glx 1.2)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56590323:53
brycehRAOF, guessing that even if we fix that freeze there may still be some bugs23:53
RAOFThat not an unreasonable guess :)23:54
brycehfwiw, compared with past releases it feels like we have a higher proportion of graphics corruption bugs than usual23:55
RAOFDoes that mean that we're getting more graphics corruption, or less wholesale crashes? :)23:56
brycehwell, I'd been guessing the latter, but after seeing 565903 now it is making me wonder23:57

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