
raphathis ain't good ... music still doesn't seem to be properly synced from the server00:28
raphagnight though and gl, u1 devs!00:28
duffydackits still slow, very slow, to sync 1 small file.  u1dstool reports its queued, just is taking an age to say its finished..00:29
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duffydackafter waiting 20mins, with it grey icon waiting.. I clicked restart in the client, and within 5mins its done.00:43
gunkstaYeah - that made me feel a little akward03:15
duanedesignhell ogu03:16
duanedesignhello gunksta03:16
gunkstaI don't believe I've ever said honk before in an IRC room03:16
gunkstaBut, I figured - that's what the directions here say to do, and U1 and definitely fighting me.03:18
duanedesignrye has his client setup to highlight when you say honk :)03:18
duanedesignwhat seems to be the problem?03:19
gunkstaI assumed someone had that set up. It's funny - but does feel a little weird.03:19
gunkstaI tried uploading some files to my account at work. I can see them via the web-client just fine.03:19
gunkstaBut, I can't get the netbook I am currently using to sync to the account03:20
duanedesignare you on Karmic or Lucid?03:20
gunkstaBoth machines are fully updated Lucid systems03:20
duanedesignok good  :)}03:20
duanedesignwoops. bad smilie03:20
duanedesigncan you open a Terminal and run the command:   u1sdtool -d; u1sdtool -c03:21
gunkstaThe only curve-ball that I may have is that I use Mozilla Weave to sync my Firefox accounts. I know that U1 uses FF to manage authentication and what not. Could this be causing a problem?03:21
gunkstaGive me a sec03:21
gunkstaThe result -- nothing03:22
gunkstaIt thinks for a minute and then hands me back to the command prompt03:22
duanedesignwhat does:  u1sdtool -s03:22
gunkstaState: READY03:23
gunksta    connection: Not User With Network03:23
gunksta    description: ready to connect03:23
gunksta    is_connected: False03:23
gunksta    is_error: False03:23
gunksta    is_online: False03:23
gunksta    queues: WORKING_ON_METADATA03:23
gunkstaSorry for flooding a little. It's been saying that for about 1/2 hour.03:23
gunkstaWhat's the local URL for the couch system?03:23
duanedesignthats ok its just us03:23
duanedesign<.<  >.> i think03:23
gunkstaI thought there was a URL I could use via FF to browse the couchdb03:24
* kermiac doesn't mind "floods" when it's useful info ;)03:24
duanedesignxdg-open file:///home/YOURUSERNAME/.local/share/desktop-couch/couchdb.html03:24
duanedesignput that in the Terminal gunksta03:24
duanedesignreplace USERNAME ;)03:25
gunkstasmall keyboard03:25
duanedesigndid FF open when you launched Ubuntu oNe for the first time on this computer?03:26
duanedesignallowing you to add your computer03:26
gunkstaThat's just it - I can't find where to do that on the web03:27
gunkstaYes - It launches, but I don't see anywhere to add my computer03:27
gunkstaThat's why I thought the fact that I'm syncing with Mozilla Weave could be a problem03:27
gunkstaI went into the U1 Preferences and hit the Manage Accounts button and Firefox Opened up right away and I was able to log in.03:28
duanedesigngunksta: lets make sure there is no token. Open Applications->Accessories->Passwords and Encryption Keys03:28
gunkstagive me a sec to find that through the netbook stuff.03:29
duanedesign Click on the arrow next to "Passwords" and see if there is an 'Ubunutu One Token'03:29
gunkstaor just give up and Alt+F2 for seahorse03:29
duanedesigngunksta: right. I need to play around with the UNE so i now it better03:29
gunkstaI don't see a token for Ubuntu One03:30
gunkstaFortunately, I haven't used this system much, so it's pretty slim03:30
gunkstaI've got two? Desktop Couch tokens, and my IRC stuff. That's it03:31
duanedesignand just to make sure. Go to  Go to https://one.ubuntu.com/account/machines/ and make sure your computer is not there03:31
duanedesigngunksta: thats ok03:31
gunkstaAll I can see is my Laptop @ work.03:31
duanedesignclose Ubuntu One preferences03:32
duanedesignthen run:    u1sdtool -q; killall ubuntuone-login03:32
duanedesignthen run:   ps uaxxc | grep ubu03:32
duanedesignto make sure we have quit all the U! processes03:33
gunksta looks clean03:34
duanedesignok now lets open Ubuntu One from the Me Menu or System > Preferences > Ubuntu One03:34
duanedesignand see if it opens FF window to add machine03:34
gunkstaSorry about that. I did what you said and then empathy pegged the processor03:36
gunkstaBut, not I have the log-in screen to add this computer03:37
gunkstaAdding now03:37
duanedesignhmm. something is going on with adding new computers. You are the second person iin as many dys with this problem03:37
duanedesignmy typing skills are declining rapidly :P03:38
gunkstaI have another computer here. I'll try it later tonight. I went to the preferences screen before using the MeMenu. I wonder if it's messing something up there.03:38
duanedesigngunksta: they both open the same window.03:39
duanedesigngunksta: from what i can gather the workaround is..03:39
duanedesignto quit the preferences window, u1sdtool -q to quit the syncdaemon then killall ubuntuone-login03:39
duanedesignthen open the preferences window03:40
duanedesignkermiac: have you seen the redesign they have been working on for the webui03:42
kermiacduanedesign: yep, I had a quick look a couple of days ago - seems a lot faster/ responsive too :)03:42
kermiacduanedesign: you mean the webui on edge, right?03:43
duanedesignkermiac: i actually discovered a couple of filees that had not uploaded03:43
duanedesignkermiac: yes03:43
kermiacduanedesign: oh, that's interesting. were they displayed in the "normal" webui?03:43
duanedesignkermiac: no they dont show up there. They were non important files. But with the new webui I can see them and they say 'uploading'03:45
duanedesignkermiac: might of noticed it in nautilus if my emblems were working03:47
kermiacduanedesign: that's interesting. is there anything different in the filenames compared to your other files - like non utf8, etc?03:47
kermiacduanedesign: my emblems are working in lucid, but not in karmic03:49
duanedesignkermiac: thats intresting03:49
duanedesignkermiac: I have a seperate /home03:49
duanedesigni did a clean install  with Karmic and the an upgrade to Lucid03:50
duanedesignmight be a left over setting/config03:51
kermiacduanedesign: the lucid machine is a fresh install - updated from one of the recent daily iso's.03:51
duanedesigni made sure to do a fresh install with Karmis so I could get Grub203:51
duanedesigndont know why i was in a hurry for that :P03:51
kermiacI don't have much luck with upgrades - I get to many strange issues due to me pulling software from all different places03:51
kermiacyeah, grub2 is causing me all kinds of headaches with the SOE images I do for work :(03:52
kermiacI've g2g, ttyl duanedesign :)03:54
duanedesignok kermiac03:55
gunkstaduanedesign: thanks! I'll write that down and if I see someone struggling in #ubuntu or #ubuntu+1 I'll know what to say03:58
duanedesignthanks gunksta04:12
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arjunhow do i use ubuntu one in 10.0408:02
arjuncouldnt find any manual at ubuntu for 10.0408:03
arjunhow do i use ubuntu one in 10.0408:05
arjun_how do i use ubuntu one in 10.0408:08
diverse_izzuehi all. i just tried to upload files to the web ui with IE8, but found out that the ui was not compatible with IE8 (or the other way around). either way, it would be neat if that worked...10:05
ryediverse_izzue, the files ui is now under major rewrite that will put end to the problems with file list timing out and it will be easier to support.10:07
diverse_izzuerye, you're not talking about what's currently in edge?10:20
ryediverse_izzue, what URL do you have when you navigate to /files/ ?10:21
diverse_izzuerye, something like one.ubuntu.com/files/#path=/My%20Files10:25
diverse_izzueor edge.one.ubuntu.com/files_tng/ respectively10:25
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diverse_izzueis performance of the servers somehow reduced currently?12:02
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duanedesignrye: have had two people in here the last two nights having problems adding a new computer on Lucid.14:18
duanedesignrye: quitting the preferences and a u1sdtool -q; killall ubuntuone-login then starting the Client seems to fix it14:19
duanedesignjust wanted to mention it in case it is more than a coincedence.14:20
ryeduanedesign, that's weird14:36
ryeduanedesign, they were in AUTH_FAILED state?14:36
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ryeCardinalFang, were there any changes regarding desktopcouch-service startup? I see 2 desktopcouch-service processes running now on my vm15:34
ryeaaand on my real machine as well15:35
CardinalFangrye, yes, that's normal now.  One starts the other.  It used to be multithreaded, but the keyring library broke that for several weeks, you may remember.  SEGVs and ABRTs.15:35
CardinalFangSo, now it's two separate processes.15:36
CardinalFangIt may go back.  I hear libgnome-keyring is fixed.15:36
CardinalFangAnd multithreading would let me serve replication statistics via DBus signals and methods.  (Yay.)15:37
ryeCardinalFang, ah, so that's ok, great, thanks!15:37
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bladernrmorning.... has anyone noticed a possible memory leak with syncdaemon?15:43
bladernrthat would be bug #56845315:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568453 in ubuntuone-client "[lucid beta2] Ubuntuone-syncdaemon using enormous amounts of ram" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56845315:44
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bachi alecu.  new info on my problem.  on my rhythmbox page for U1MS some of the missing files now say "There was a problem.  Try downloading again."  Clicking that link converts it to a message saying "Queued." but nothing happens16:00
sradhakrishnaA quick question about ubuntu one16:16
alecuhi bac. They don't show up in the u1 web file browser at all, right?16:16
sradhakrishnais there a plan to include a to-do list in ubuntu one?16:16
sradhakrishnaone that can be synced up between home and work pcs16:16
sradhakrishnawhere can i see the features planned for ubuntu one?16:18
bacalecu: actually after i click 'Try downloading' they then appear on the web file list but not in rbx16:19
duanedesignsradhakrishna: I do my to-do lists in Tomboy.16:22
alecubac, ok, great. so the songs are being downloaded ok to u1 storage, that's the bug I was after.16:23
alecubac, now what's happenjing is that the syncdaemon is taking some time to download your songs to your computer from u1 storage.16:24
sradhakrishnaduanedesign: thanks for the reply - i was looking to sync up todo lists created by tasque...16:24
bacalecu: so you expect they'll just show up later?16:24
alecubac, if syncdaemon is on, and working right they will show up.16:25
alecubac, sometimes it takes a while for syncdaemon to start downloading.16:25
bacyes, i see an ubuntuone-syncdaemon running16:25
bacalecu: even stuff that is downloaded shows up now with the message "Transferring to you Ubuntu One storage"16:26
bacand some items that have been in the U1 web file browser for days have not been synced16:27
alecubac: regarding downloaded songs showing up as "transferring to your u1 storage", there's a known bug where old successful downloads are showing up in that state.16:29
alecubac, regarding the items that have not yet synced, we need to get some syncdaemon expert...16:30
bacalecu: who is such a person?16:31
ryebac, hi16:31
duanedesignsradhakrishna: do you know does tasque use sqlite databases16:31
bachi rye16:31
ryebac, quick question - are all your songs appear in ubuntuone web ui under Purchased from Ubuntu One User Designated Folder?16:32
sradhakrishnaduanedesign: shall check that.16:32
bacrye: they are in album subdirectories under 'Purchased...'16:33
sradhakrishnaduanedesign: if it does, any suggestions how i could get it to use Ubuntu One?16:33
duanedesignsradhakrishna: I think the database is at ~/.config/tasque/sqlitebackend.db16:36
ryebac, ok, could you please pastebin the output of u1sdtool --status, u1sdtool --waiting-meta and u1sdtool --waiting content to http://paste.ubuntu.com16:37
duanedesignsradhakrishna: you could drop that file in your Ubuntu One folder.16:40
bacrye: the output of --status is at http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/420491/16:42
bacthe two waiting commands generated no output16:42
ryebac, ok, it means that syncdaemon is pretty sure that there is nothing else on the server that needs downloading. Could you please trigger a restart of syncdaemon (u1sdtool --quit; u1sdtool --connect)16:46
bacrye: done.  still dancing16:47
ryebac, OAuth dance?16:48
bacrye: yes. now doing server rescan16:49
ryebac, let's wait until it gets back to queue processing and settles with IDLE16:53
bacrye: we're there now16:53
ryenessita1, bac has some music files in web ui, but these files do not get downloaded even after complete restart.16:55
ryenessita1, should i poke you or others?16:56
bacnessita1 to the rescue...16:57
ryebac, ok, will do broadcast - facundobatista, verterok, nessita1 - bac has some music files in web ui, but these files do not get downloaded even after complete syncdaemon restart. What to do?16:57
verterokrye, bac: hi!16:58
bachi verterok16:59
verterokbac: could you run: u1sdtool --list-folders and pastebin it16:59
verterokbac: ok, you'r subscribed to the music store UDF, that's gooood :)17:03
verterokbac: please pastebin: grep MARK ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log | tail17:04
verterokbac: only a few files are missing, right?17:06
bac10 or so17:07
bacno, 20-3017:07
nessita1rye: yes, please broadcast :-) (I'm running a bit right now)17:08
verterokbac: do you have the parent dirs locally? just the files are missing?17:08
nessita1bac: hey there! I need to run now, but you're on excellent hands17:09
bacthanks nessita117:09
bacverterok:  if i go to places -> Ubuntu One i don't see anything17:09
bacverterok:  however some do show up in rhythmbox17:10
verterokbac: the music is stored in a user defined folder, that the music store creates17:10
bacwhere is that?17:10
verterokbac: /home/bac/.ubuntuone/Purchased from Ubuntu One17:10
bacverterok:  one album has six songs in it out of about 10-1117:11
bacverterok:  the other album does not exist at all17:11
bacverterok:  and that corresponds to what i see in rhythmbox17:11
verterokbac: ok, let's try to force the client refresh the root dir17:12
bacverterok:  ok.  how?17:14
verterokbac: u1sdtool --refresh=<full path to dir>17:14
bacverterok:  u1sdtool --refresh=/home/bac/.ubuntuone/Purchased\ from\ Ubuntu\ One/17:15
bacor up one?17:15
verterokbac: no, that's ok. that dir is the root of the UDF17:17
verterokbac: now, is there something in output of: u1sdtool --waiting-content ?17:17
verterokbac: or --waiting-metadata17:18
verterokbac: ok, so it's still running :/17:18
verterokbac: the servers are bit slow17:18
verterokbac: still running?17:24
ryeverterok, but isn't it supposed to notice some changes of the server-side when server rescan is performed?17:25
verterokrye: yes17:27
verterokrye: just trying to find out what might be wrong17:27
bacverterok: it is not still running17:29
bacit looks like 4 or 5 songs synced from the original album17:30
bacthe other album has nothing17:30
verterokbac: do you have the folder of the other album?17:30
verterokbac: weird, and you can see that in the webui.. :(17:33
verterokbac: could you b/gzip the entire logs folder and send it to me? maybe upload it to chinstrap? :)17:36
verterokbac: I'ld like to see what's going on after the server rescan and why the songs aren't downloaded17:37
bacverterok:  http://people.canonical.com/~bac/syncdaemon.log.gz17:39
verterokbac: thanks!17:44
topylisooooo... will we sync calendars in addition to contacts soon? :)17:54
bacverterok: i have to step away for a bit but will be glad to do more testing later18:21
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verterok_bac: hi, after taking a look at the logs, I can't find out much without the logs in debug mode18:25
verterok_bac: could you set the logs in debug mode?18:26
melhi, i cant get ubuntu one to work on lucid beta... it never asked me to confirm my machine as in this: https://media.one.ubuntu.com/media/2624/img/install/show_confirm.png18:26
verterok_bac: create a file ~/.config/ubuntuone/logging.conf with this content: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/420542/18:26
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melhow can i trigger it?18:27
verterokmel: first in a terminal run: u1sdtool -q18:28
melmel@lucid:~$ u1sdtool -q ubuntuone-syncdaemon stopped.18:29
verterokmel: then go to System -> Preferences -> Ubuntu One18:30
verterokmel: and click on the Services tab, and check that the File Synchronization checkbox is enabled18:31
* mel enables it18:32
verterokmel: did you get a firefox window or a new tab?18:33
verterokbac: if you enable debug logs, after creating the logging.conf file, please run: u1sdtool -q; u1sdtool --start; u1sdtool --connect18:33
verterokmel: ok, please go to the Devices tab18:34
verterokmel: do you have anything there?18:34
melit just says: <LOCAL MACHINE>18:35
melit has always said that though... nothing has changed yet18:35
verterokmel: do you see a "Connect" button?18:36
verterokmel: please click it18:36
melnothing is happening... (the button greyed out)18:37
verterokmel: do you have a firefox running?18:37
melim using it to chat to u18:37
verterokmel: chekc if you have a new tab18:37
verterokmel: oh, ok :)18:37
verterokmel: so, nothing happens. let's try one more thing before start looking at the logs :)18:38
melok :)18:38
verterokmel: I assume you have a remove button18:38
verterokmel: please click it18:38
meli have a restart button18:39
verterokmel: no remove one?18:39
melin "Ubuntu One Preferences"?18:39
verterokmel: next to the <LOCAL MAHCINE>18:39
melno, there is definately no button there18:40
verterokmel: ok, time to take a look to the logs18:40
verterokmel: please pastebin the contents of ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log to pastebin.ubuntu.com18:41
verterokmel: please, also paste the contents of ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/oauth-login.log in another pastebin18:42
verterokmel1_: welcome back :)18:48
* mel has back wi-fi18:49
verterokmel: ok, try this in a terminal: 'u1sdtool --connect' and check if a firefox tab/windows is opened18:53
meldefinately no new tabs or windows18:56
verterokk, mel please pastebin the syncdaemon.log again, and also the oauth-login.log :)18:56
verterokthis should give us more info about what's going on18:56
verterokcreate a file ~/.config/ubuntuone/logging.conf with this content: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/420542/19:00
verterokmel: while I take a look to the logs, please ^19:00
verterokmel: as the logs aren't in DEBUG level :(19:00
ryemel, could you please check whether you have Ubuntuone token for https://ubuntuone.com in seahorse (Applications/ Accessories/Passwords and ENcryption keys) ?19:00
verterokrye: thanks! :D19:00
verterokI missed that bit19:01
melrye, a new tab just appeared!!!!19:09
ryemel, hmmmmmm duanedesign - one more user that had to kill ubuntuone-login first... hmmm19:10
melit is the image i first posted in my original question :)19:10
melso i wasnt the first, eh?19:11
melbtw desktopcouch-service just crashed (i think it has been crashing previously... something was anyway)19:12
gustave_medoes anyone know if you can use ubuntuone  WITHOUT Network Manager?19:13
ryemel, hmmm... desktopcouch..19:13
ryegustave_me, if you don't have NetworkManager, then yes, it will work. If you have it running but network set up was made bypassing nm then ubuntuone will refuse to connect19:14
ryemel, so right after you killed ubuntuone-login desktopcouch has crashed - is that correct?19:14
gustave_merye, I removed NM and then set it manually in interfaces.  Will that not work then?19:14
ryegustave_me, yes19:15
melno probably after i confirmed my coputer19:15
ryemel, hmmm19:15
melalthough its hard to say for sure19:15
ryemel, you are running lucid, right?19:15
meldo u want me to re-kill? :)19:15
gustave_merye, rats.  The reason I did that was on reboot, I could not SSH to it until a user logged in and network manager brought up the interface.  What would be the best way to fix this?19:16
ryegustave_me, NetworkManager can set system-wide connections, in that case it will be brought during the boot stage19:16
dobeygustave_me: remove networkmanager if you don't want to use it19:16
dobeyor configure it to init the network at boot :)19:16
melty verterok + rye everything is working19:17
gustave_merye, right, but I do want to use ubuntuone auto sync.  Should I install NM again?  Or do I need to?  Thanks for the help BTW.19:17
ryesomething is broken with ubuntuone-login <-> ( syncdaemon | desktopcouch )19:17
gustave_merye, or am I misunderstanding?19:19
ryegustave_me, if your computer is connected at all times via the wire, then you might not need network manager. In case ubuntuone does not detect that networkmanager is running, it decides to connect anyway19:21
gustave_meoh, ok19:21
melbtw, how to i prevent the desktop enviroment from starting up at boot time on lucid??  I wish to boot into "ubuntu server" and ssh forward my connection of "gnome-session"19:21
gustave_merye, I am not getting files sync'd.  I thought that may be the first step19:22
meli used to do: sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove19:23
melbut that nolonger is enough on lucid19:23
ryemel, add "text" to grub commandline19:36
ryemel, see /etc/init/gdm.conf19:36
melk ty19:36
ryemel, checking this...19:37
ryemel, yup, boots into text mode. wow. Thank you for the question :)19:37
melrye, where is my grub commandline?19:39
mel /proc/cmdline ?19:41
ryemel, edit /etc/default/grub then update-grub19:44
ryewill there be any additional upload for ubuntuone in lucid before the release?20:00
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NielsEhow does a desktopcouch view looks like that only retrieves non-deleted documents?20:06
ryeNielsE, if they were removed in UbuntuOne-way, then you will need to check application_annotations["UbuntuOne"]["deleted"]20:28
NielsErye: yeah, but I don't know how such view would look like20:30
NielsEI tried:     if (!doc.application_annotations["Ubuntu One"]["deleted"]) {20:32
NielsEbut it returns the deleted item but I don't know why20:33
NielsEI would guess it returns the non-deleted items, but it's the other way around20:33
ryeNielsE, "Ubuntu One": { "private_application_annotations": { "deleted": true }, so it will be doc.application_annotations["Ubuntu One"]["private_application_annotations"]["deleted"]20:37
ryeNielsE, sorry about giving out unconfirmed strings20:37
diverse_izzuehi all. my ubuntuone has spent all afternoon synching a 30MB folder. it's progressing, but extremely slowly. what could be the problem?20:40
beunodiverse_izzue, our servers are overloaded at the moment20:41
beunowe're working hard to add more servers20:41
diverse_izzuebeuno, ok thanks for the info. is the reason simply the approaching release?20:42
beunodiverse_izzue, yes, we've had an amazing increase in usage and users20:42
diverse_izzuebeuno, that's a good thing i guess. congrats!20:43
beunodiverse_izzue, thanks, and apologies for the bumpy ride20:45
beunowe hope to have the new servers in place soon20:45
mxpxpodI set up evolution to sync to ubuntuone, copied my contacts, deleted them all, and now I can't copy them back in again... is this a known issue?20:59
mxpxpodit's like the records are still in the couchdb database21:04
mxpxpodand if I run EDS from the command line, it tells me there are conflicts when I try to copy a contact over to the ubuntuone address book21:08
dobeyhi mxpxpod21:25
dobeymxpxpod: i have no idea why you are getting that behavior :)21:26
dobeymxpxpod: and i guess rodrigo is gone for the day, since it's 21:30 for him21:26
mxpxpodI just checked in the database and the records don't seem to be deleted21:29
dobeyrye: if you're still alive, since it's like 2 am for you or something, help mxpxpod please :)21:36
ryemxpxpod, just joined conversation, after nvidia drivers installation... which is now broken for me... what's broken for you today?21:36
mxpxpodrye: I deleted my contacts from my evolution ubuntuone address book, and when I copy them back into it from my local address book, EDS tells me there are conflicts on the command line21:37
ryemxpxpod, hmmm21:37
ryemxpxpod, i know how to fix that, but you will need to make sure you don't have any required info in ubuntuone addressbook21:38
ryemxpxpod, the proble... btw, this is a great candidate for a bug report21:38
mxpxpodrye: what do you mean?21:38
ryemxpxpod, let me add this to TODO, just a moment21:38
ryemxpxpod, you say you removed all contacts from evolution, right?21:39
mxpxpodrye: in the ubuntuone address book in evolution, yes21:40
ryemxpxpod, when you remove something from couchdb, it is not actually removed, it is marked as deleted. the same happens on the server.21:40
mxpxpodrye: hmmm...21:40
ryemxpxpod, ok, so, first you need to shutdown evolution completely - evolution --force-shutdown21:40
mxpxpodrye: done21:41
ryemxpxpod, then you need to remove contacts couchdb database from local machine and server.21:41
mxpxpodhow do I remove it from the server?21:41
bacverterok: just got your message.  will do.21:41
ryemxpxpod, for server-side database, there is a script - http://people.canonical.com/~roman.yepishev/ubuntuone-scripts/ubuntuone-couchdb-query - download that script, please21:41
mxpxpodok, downloaded21:42
ryemxpxpod, in order to remove it from the server, run ./ubuntuone-couchdb-query --http-method=DELETE contacts but make sure that you remove local couchdb version as well.21:42
ryemxpxpod, the shortcut to local couchdb is http://people.canonical.com/~roman.yepishev/ubuntuone-scripts/desktopcouch-futon.py script (or follow the html link that is somewhere in couchdb dirs)21:42
ryemxpxpod, so now you should have futon (couchdb web ui) opened and you have ubuntuone-couchdb-query script21:43
mxpxpodrye: yeah, I'm in the couchdb web client (futon) already21:43
ryemxpxpod, ok, remove contacts database locally and then run "./ubuntuone-couchdb-query --http-method=DELETE contacts"21:43
mxpxpodok, done and done21:44
bacverterok: logging turned on21:44
mxpxpodrye: now what?21:45
verterokbac: k21:51
verterokbac: did you executed the --connect ?21:52
mxpxpodis there a way to get the pictures you have stored on your contacts in evo to upload to U1?22:13
beunomxpxpod, not at the moment, but it's in the roadmap for around July I think22:14
mxpxpodI noticed the desktopcouch contacts spec doesn't have an entry for pictures22:15
mxpxpodnot sure if this is a U1 question, but is there a way to limit the number of messages gwibber stores in desktopcouch?22:19
beunomxpxpod, I think you can't without fiddling with code22:20
mxpxpodbeuno: ok, thanks22:22
ryemxpxpod, sorry about that - got pulled away from keyboard. Ok, now that you don't have any contacts on the server and locally you can start launch evolution and see whether you can copy contacts22:51
ryexorg reboot again22:52
mxpxpodrye: thanks, it worked22:53

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