
lifestreamCould someone recommend a program, besides GIMP and Pinta, that is good for... digital painting?03:40
lifestreamPhotoshop is expensive:P03:40
lifestream(and sadly doesn't work with wacom, on linux, if I use layers :P)03:40
lifestreamBasically use paintbrush and smudge a lot, and need layers, preferably doesn't use Mono *gag*03:43
ScottLlifestream, krita is good for digital painting i believe03:58
lifestreamKrita ? :P Hmm...:-) I'll try03:59
lifestreamI also just found Alchemy, MyPaint04:00
ScottLkrita is a KDE application, so it will bring in a lot of KDE libraries, which may mean something to you if you are running gnome, maybe not04:02
lifestreamUsing openbox04:02
lifestreamBut have VLC installed, so a bunch of libraries might already be installed04:03
lifestreamAlso found Artweaver :P Didn't know there were so many choices04:05
lifestreamOops, no Artweaver is windows.  Gee so many new choices *tries them*04:07
rlameirogood morning08:44
rlameirohello AutoStatic08:54
AutoStaticgood morning rlameiro08:54
MobiusJediI love gmusicbrowser!12:07
rlameiroMobiusJedi: it apears a nice app13:19
KransacHi everyone19:18
KransacI've just installed ubuntu studio for the first time yipiii!19:18
_pg_does anyone know the upgrade path for 9.10 x64 studio to Lucid? will there be problems with the RT kernel? I hear lucid doesnt have rt kernel.19:18
holstein_pg_: i suggest trying the generic kernel19:19
_pg_holstein: how do I do that?19:19
holsteiniv e heard the latency is great19:19
holsteinyou can always add the RT on later if necessary19:20
_pg_holstein: let me back up. why do I even want an rt kernel?19:20
holstein_pg_: low-latency19:20
_pg_holstein: is that only used in audio?19:20
holsteinif your not doing audio recording19:20
_pg_holstein: or just quicker all around?19:20
holsteinyou probably wont need it19:20
holsteinnah, not quicker19:20
tucemiux_pg_, youll probably be able to upgrade the usual way or burn the ISO and get a fresh install19:20
_pg_holstein: where do I choose what kernel? at login?19:21
holsteindifferent priorities19:21
holstein_pg_: in lucid, the grub menu is hidden19:21
holsteincheck out19:21
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub219:21
holsteinyou can probaly just press escape19:21
holsteinand get to the grub menu19:21
KransacI have an Edirol FA-66 audio card. Do you know how I can see if it's recognized by the system?19:21
furenkudoes anybody now what's gonna happen with the rt kernel in lucid?19:21
furenkusince it's not being supported in ubuntu19:22
holsteinBUT upgrading should be find _pg_ , and you should get the generic kernel AFAIK19:22
_pg_holstein: thanks! will try19:22
holsteinfurenku: the word is RT is not default19:22
holsteinbut in the repos19:22
holsteinfurenku: you should try the generic one though first19:22
furenkuholstein: thanx, but i already did, and i'm getting quite a lot of xruns19:23
holsteinfurenku: OH19:23
furenkueven with a high latency, that's why. but i'm not being able to boot into a newly installed rt kernel19:23
holsteinwell, try the RT one19:23
holsteindid you install it?19:23
furenkuholstein, i'm trying to try it lol i'm however too blind to understand how to boot into it19:24
holsteincheck out19:24
furenkuholstein, i mean, i understand grub219:24
furenkubut any changes i make in /default/grub seem to no avail19:24
holsteinyou dont see the menu when you boot?19:24
furenkunot at all19:24
furenkudo you know how to enable that?19:25
holsteintry pushing escape19:25
furenkuthat'd be great help19:25
holsteinwhen you think you should see it19:25
holsteinnow that i think about it19:25
holsteini have the same issue on my EEE19:25
furenkudo you know any other way of enabling it other than that?19:25
holsteinin lucid19:25
holsteini did what i thought would un-hide it19:25
holsteinand it didnt19:25
holsteinand the escape trick works for me19:25
holsteinafter that, i forgot it was an issue19:26
holsteinfurenku: we should look for a bug on launchpad19:26
furenkuok i'll retry it now, i'll come back and let you know what happened19:26
furenkuholstein, thats a good idea19:26
holsteini had a couple of nasty bugs, and i just forgot about that one19:27
holsteinBIAB guys...19:28
furenkuwhat's biab btw?19:28
furenku_pg_ so, just gonna try rebooting into rt kernel, i found a tool called startupmanager that seems to help choose which kernel to boot to in grub2, i'll let ya know19:30
_pg_furenku: please do19:30
_pg_furenku: preciate it19:30
furenku_pg_: i'm now running 10.04 lucid with -rt kernel, firewire audio seems to be running ok (i'll let it playing for some minutes and see what happens -- till now no XRuns).19:54
holsteinfurenku: W00t19:54
holsteingood news19:54
furenkuholstein, yes.19:54
furenkuholstein, to be able to boot into -rt kernel , you have to modify /etc/default/grub to have the following in the first line: GRUB_DEFAULT="Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.31-10-rt"19:56
furenkuchanging the GRUB_DEFAULT to a number strangely did not work at all19:56
_pg_furenku: awesome blossom. Im tackling that a different day, but will come back here when I inevitably run into issues! ;-]19:56
furenkuoh! forgot to say. first you have to apt-get install linux-rt19:56
_pg_furenku: but if im not using audio production, just upgrading normally I can use the defaiut kernel with no modifying correct?19:57
furenkuoh, if you're not interested in the rt kernel then there's no problems at all19:57
holstein_pg_ is upgrading from karmic19:57
holsteinrunning the RT kernel right now19:57
holsteinBUT i think you'll get the default lucid set-up19:58
_pg_furenku: someone led me to believe that RT>not RT like x64>x32 for just raw speed19:58
_pg_*slams face into computer*19:58
_pg_that was a nightmare19:58
holstein_pg_: that upgrade will take quite a while19:58
_pg_holstein: ok what is the syntax?19:58
_pg_holstein: sudo apt-get upgrade ubuntu-studio-desktop-x64 or something19:59
helocan I install ubunstu on a thumb drive from the dvd?19:59
holsteini use sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:00
_pg_helo: yezzir. ubuntu startup disk creator20:00
_pg_holstein: all one loine?20:00
holsteinbut i think you can run update-manager -d or something like that20:00
* holstein looks20:01
heloi have no dvd drive, so i will try to install it through virtualbox...20:02
holsteinhelo: ive had issues with that20:02
helowell, no blank dvd ;)20:02
helooh... hmmm20:02
holsteinusing unetbootin to create a bootable ubuntustudio install USB stick20:03
holsteinany iso with the alternate text installer20:03
holsteinseems to fail when locating the image20:03
holsteini have a USB DVD drive, so i havent been motivated to find a work around20:03
holsteinyeh _pg_ , update-manager -d20:04
holsteinthat will lauch the normal update manager20:04
holsteinand show a distribution upgrade available20:05
holsteinhelo: you can install from a normal lucid live CD20:05
holsteinand add the ubuntustudio meta-packages20:05
heloahhhh, perfect... thanks :)20:05
helowill that set up jackd, qjackctl, and amsynth?20:06
holsteinhelo: it will install them20:06
holstein'set-up' is a matter of opinion ;)20:06
holsteindepends on your gear really20:07
holsteinhelo: you dont need all the ubuntustudio packages really20:07
heloheh... i've been using jackd without -rt with passable results for practicing (just a usb 88-key midi controller that i'm learning on), but occasionally i get some clicks and pops20:07
holsteinyou can just install jack and whatever else you need20:08
heloon an intel atom20:08
holsteinhelo: COOL20:08
helothe main thing i'd like to try is a -rt kernel20:08
holsteinis that a generic kernel in karmic?20:08
heloactually it's debian sid, but yes: just the generic kernel20:08
holsteinyou can probaly just sudo apt-get install linux-rt20:09
heloit would be great if i could get my netbook to run well... my midi controller is usb powered, so it is a relatively portable setup20:10
tucemiuxhelo, did you install ubuntustudio on your netbook already?20:26
helotucemiux: nope, only debian sid20:38
heloi'm going to try my thumb drive with ubuntu beta2 with linux-rt20:39
helothat should give similar results20:39
tucemiuxhelo, try netbook remix, goo luck!20:40
atokWhats with Ubuntu Studio Karmic login screen ?21:38
atokwhy its so ugly ?21:38
atokhow can i install login screen from Hardy ?21:38

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