
pleia2Peacimowen: sound issues are always pretty tricky, have you tried searching ubuntuforums.org ?00:00
pleia2Peacimowen: also, maybe pastebin output of aplay -l00:01
PeacimowenI've been googling for a while.00:01
Peacimowenpleia2: Thing is, I used to have sound, but after I had to reset the computer yesterday, both sound and display (x.org) broke somehow. I fixed X by re-installing the nVidia drivers as bts had suggsted, but sound doesn't look so simple to fix.00:15
PeacimowenSo, plenty of things tell me the sound card is there, but everything that tries to access it tells me it isn't.00:27
Peacimowenoh, sound DOES work as root. Interesting.00:34
pleia2Peacimowen: maybe check mixer levels? (sometimes when I reboot sound comes back muted)00:34
Peacimowenand there ya have it.. restarting fixed it, somehow.00:39
jst_Does anyone know if Exaile will be the default media player in 10.04?00:52
jst_(My vote is for Parole or VLC) :)00:52
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mohadilahow to install bluetooth in xubuntu..02:22
mohadilamy computer cannot detect it02:23
wyclifhi all04:15
Balsaqwelcome wyclif04:16
wyclifit's kind of dead in here04:18
Balsaqthat means xubuntu is performing flawlessly04:18
wyclifBalsaq: hahaha too true04:19
wyclifactually I found out that if you install xubuntu and ask a generic ubuntu question in the #ubuntu channel, they sometimes ask users to come over here04:20
Balsaqyes i have seen quite a few ubuntites here04:20
Balsaqwelcome C00LARR0w04:21
C00LARR0wBalsaq: thanks04:22
wyclifhere's a question: I had a straight up ubuntu karmic install on this IBM t40 laptop I'm using now. Then I tried installing xubuntu Karmic on it because I wanted to go lighter, but now I can't boot from the HDD and I'm now working off the live CD04:22
wycliftechnically, the only difference between those distros is the stuff unique to xubuntu; the were both Karmic, but ubuntu "just worked" whereas xubuntu broke things.04:23
Balsaqdid you want both or only xubuntu04:24
wyclifi like the idea of xubuntu, but I'd really really like to have a working system :D04:24
wyclifjust xubuntu04:24
Balsaqhmmm standby.04:24
wycliffortunately I backed up everything and have my /home directory backed up online04:25
Balsaqdoes it still boot ubuntu from hd?04:31
wyclifno, I wiped the hd by installing xubuntu04:36
wyclifI'm sad, because xfce looks pretty sweet.04:37
wyclifI also am liking Thunar04:38
Balsaqwhat ext is it in04:41
wyclifthat's the default04:45
Balsaqi think 3 or 4 is fine...04:46
Balsaqwhich version?04:46
Balsaqoh i see karmic04:48
Balsaqso 4 is it04:48
wyclifyeah, Karmic, using ext404:48
Balsaqwhat is bios set to boot from?04:49
wyclifwell, I reset the BIOS to boot from the CD when I installed04:49
Balsaqso you say now xubuntu is on the HD04:50
Balsaqand is the only OS04:50
wyclifyes, the install was successful, I just can't boot the system04:50
wyclifyes that's correct04:50
Balsaqwhen it wont boot...do you by chance end up on ablack screen with nothing but a lil whit box blinking in the top left of the screen?04:51
wyclifI get dumped into the grub menu04:51
Balsaqso grub needs repaired i guess04:51
wyclifwhen I try to boot in recovery mode, I can't do that either, I get an error, then when I press Enter I'm put back at the grub menu again04:52
wyclifI can't boot with any of the options the default grub menu gives me04:52
wyclifwhen I choose either normal boot or recovery boot, I get a "device not found" error.... then Enter and back to the menu again04:53
wyclifthere's also a string there, as in "device 0348102384214eqwripewrqw not found...."04:54
wyclifgonna step out for a smoke, brb thanks04:56
Qaslabits just me...06:46
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wyclifok back...system still not booting though07:14
Sysi10.04 is rc now or soon, it could be worth a try07:16
Sysibut i shouldn't recommend it07:16
wyclifhi all08:31
=== Guest2336 is now known as Cheese
solotimhi, group , can I remove xubuntu-desktop after installed icewm?14:55
knomesolotim, xubuntu-desktop is just a meta package, it won't remove any software14:59
solotimknome: thank you. If I am not going to use xfce utilities any more, which packages I can remove safely?15:00
knomethere's no clear answer to that15:00
knomeyou can get some idea from the list of packages the xubuntu-desktop meta package "depends" on15:01
solotimthank you15:07
knomeno problem15:09
Sysiknome: don't you remember that bot knows everything? :)16:01
aberhowis there a way to have xfce4-terminal launch a command? like i can do "xterm ntop" and it'll open an xterm with ntop running in it.18:10
Sysiyou can make such in panel and desktop18:11
Sysior xfce4-terminal -x command18:11
Sachse_SiechtumHello Sysi  :-)18:11
aberhowthanks Sysi18:14
charlie-tcaaberhow: use 'byobu' which allows screen to run in the terminal. Also, checkmark in the launcher, 'Run in terminal'18:14
aberhowsomeone needs to update the man page for xfce4-terminal18:14
Sachse_SiechtumHello charlie-tca  :-)18:31
charlie-tcaHello, Sachse_Siechtum18:32
Sachse_Siechtumcharlie-tca, whats up?18:32
charlie-tcalucid RC!18:32
charlie-tcaaberhow: that would be a bug report to xfce - http://bugzilla.xfce.org18:33
Sachse_Siechtumlucid rc1 ...no beta?18:33
Sysido we now have thunar working correctly with removable drives?18:34
charlie-tcaBeta 1 and Beta 2 been done18:34
charlie-tcaSysi: as far as I know18:34
Sachse_Siechtumis there a live cd image for lucid?18:35
Sysiso i haven't installed updates to netbook18:35
Sachse_Siechtum"This is a testing build designed for developers and is not suggested for anyone looking for a stable system."18:36
charlie-tcaThat is the daily. The RC will be in http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases18:36
charlie-tca(although they will be the same today18:36
charlie-tcaThe daily is always a testing build. the RC though should be stable. It is the last step before the final release next week18:37
charlie-tcaWe do not expect anything to break now18:38
Sachse_Siechtumwell I gonna wait til the final comes out...because in that time I will have my new usb stick which I gonna need to secure my music18:38
* Sachse_Siechtum gives charlie-tca a piece of his birthday cake...a swedish apple pie18:38
charlie-tcaWow! Thank you very much18:39
* charlie-tca has coffee with the birthday cake18:40
Sachse_Siechtumsweet :-)18:40
Sachse_Siechtummy judo teacher who is also a backery master gave me the cake today..18:40
Sachse_Siechtumits a huge cake18:40
charlie-tcaVery nice18:41
Sachse_Siechtumyeah :-)18:43
Sachse_Siechtum(THE CAKE IS A LIE!) *g*18:43
* charlie-tca thinks that will be filed under 'not so nice'18:44
Sachse_Siechtumits an insider...people who played "Portal" will know *g*18:45
Sysimany are saying that ubuntu is stable maybe two weeks after release..19:26
Sachse_SiechtumSysi, I heard that one before :-)19:32
Sachse_Siechtum( I love Compiz Fusion!)19:33
Sysixfce's copositing ♥19:33
moetunesin the settings manager is an option for window manager tweaks which lets you set up compositing Sachse_Siechtum19:41
moetunesit's not the cube but transparent unfocused windows, menus etc19:42
Sachse_SiechtumI see19:43
Sachse_Siechtummoetunes, I dont use the cube :-)19:50
moetunesI like the transparent unfocused windows - doesn't use much resources here either19:51
Sysii have resourses to be used..19:51
Sachse_SiechtumI like the animations...makes Xfce look much smoother :-)19:52
Sachse_Siechtumand I like the transparencies....19:52
Sysii can't get nice workspace switches with compiz19:52
Sachse_SiechtumI just use one workspace19:53
Sysiit didn't wotk with xfwm, or i fail19:53
Sachse_Siechtumafaik you can configure switching workspaces to death in compiz...19:54
Sachse_Siechtumwith mousekeys or keyboard...19:54
Sachse_Siechtum(oh noes...my piece of cake just fell over)19:55
Sysiit could work with xfmw in a way i want19:55
Sysii'll try again some day19:55
Sysicompiz window swithes are cool19:55
Sachse_SiechtumI have keyboard strokes for 3 different ones :-)19:56
Sysii had too19:56
Sachse_Siechtumalt+tab , super+tab and ctrl+tab19:56
Sysibut i got headache with workspace-switch19:56
Sysi22 inches turning around..19:57
Sysiexpecially with 219:57
Sysibad networking at school20:17
Sachse_Siechtumafk reading about new hardware standards (planning on building a new computer)20:23
noqturnal1Would anyone happen to know why when im logging into xubuntu 9.10 it kicks me back to the login screen22:37
guest20What flash player do you recommend installing?22:37
noqturnal1taking 3 tries sometimes to log in22:37
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