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geniiHm. My battery indicator applet remains at 84% forever01:53
genii( well, until it actually dies really )01:54
persiagenii: Is this a change from previous behaviour?  I have a laptop that does something similar (79%) because of a hardware bug.01:57
geniipersia: It worked perfectly until I did the daily dist-upgrade today01:58
persiaOh, good.  A fixable bug.01:58
geniipersia: You have bug number to add to for the 79% one?01:59
persiaNo.  I didn't file a bug, because the HW is broken.  Not a software issue.01:59
geniiAh, OK02:00
geniipersia: Acer? Just curious02:00
persiaSharp PC-Z1: first production run.  It's fixed in the new model in the shops, but I'm cheap.02:01
geniiOK, thanks02:01
=== JontheEchidna changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu <3 Channel | Test ISO images! | 10.04 LTS RC released!, Finally frozen | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | milestoned bugs marked as kubuntu http://tinyurl.com/yjybcx9 Only 3 left to fix!
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pathakapachelogger: ping06:25
pathakapachelogger: hey this is shadeslayer06:26
jussiScottK: when you wake up, I just wanted to check how the backports are going?08:23
apacheloggerThe default audio player in the KDE Software Compilation, JuK, has been improved to simplify its use, with the ability to disable cross-fading and support for MP4 and ASF files (as long as the system has this support in Taglib). Michael Pyne and Jeff Mitchell implemented these improvements, taking advantage of some Kubuntu patches.09:37
apacheloggerah, I did those Kubuntu patches ^^09:38
* apachelogger is almost proud now09:38
Riddellapachelogger for juk maintainer!10:44
apacheloggernow that might be a bit much10:59
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debfxRiddell: if it's too late to fix bug #564433 it should be a SRU11:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564433 in kdebase-workspace "[Lucid] New bug: Plasma crash at KDE logout" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56443311:28
Riddelldebfx: is there a fix?11:31
Riddellah, yes, let's see if we can get that in11:32
ghostcubewow notify area goes away :)11:39
ghostcubeehlo peoples11:39
apacheloggerghostcube: hai11:46
apacheloggerghostcube: where is it going to?11:46
ghostcubeinto the orbit :D11:47
ghostcubehi apachelogger :)11:47
ghostcubei think this isnt the best way to go ...11:48
ghostcubebut iam not someone have to decide anything heh11:49
ScottKRiddell: Are you dealing with pitti's ping re kigo recommends?11:51
apacheloggerway too long to read11:51
apacheloggerdid anyone else notice that lucid fills up the swap for no reason whatsoever?11:51
Tm_Tapachelogger: xorg issue11:52
Tm_Tye, leak11:52
Tm_Tbraaargh I don't get this, why gold linker has so many failures here...11:53
ghostcubeapachelogger: in short systray should go away11:54
* Tm_T goes back to þe olde ld11:54
ghostcubeno more task icons11:54
ghostcubeone menu inside there are all icons categorized11:54
ghostcubeand ubuntu want to push it out to the wild, no other distro so far11:54
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RiddellScottK: yes11:55
ScottKGreat.  I'll continue to ignore it then.11:55
* ScottK naps some more.11:55
apacheloggerso my system memleaks because they had to patch a bug that only affected silly clutter to begin with11:57
apacheloggerghostcube: honestly, from the things the post links to this is really just hiding things away in menus12:00
apacheloggerand if so they only change the visual representation12:01
ghostcubeyeah ... i dont get it really seems the only effect would be a not existing systray area12:01
ghostcubebut in general it would be the same12:01
apachelogger"Many programs should not have an item in the panel at all. Where a notification area icon was being used mainly as a substitute for minimizing, the window should just minimize instead. We will be working on ways for long-running applications to be less obtrusive when their windows are minimized."12:03
apacheloggerthat however makes entirely sense12:03
apacheloggerlike say amarok, there is no point in having amarok in the tray other than preventing it from taking up loads of space if simply minimied12:04
apacheloggeragateau: I dont know what happened, but kopete doesnt load a context menu anymore and amarok doesnt show anything below the seperator (e.g. quit)12:06
apacheloggeragateau: I also noticed that dbusmenu likes ot loose the stuff in amarok's context menu below the seperator a lot12:06
apacheloggerlike when the system is quite busy (say closing kontact and qt creator at the same time) it also doesnt load those items12:07
apacheloggerright now I cant get them back though :(12:07
apacheloggerseems amarok doesnt even react to left click12:08
apacheloggerkopete neither12:08
apacheloggersystem is broken beyond repair12:08
apacheloggerI shouldnt click anywhere because it gets worse every time12:09
ghostcubeapachelogger: many tray icons are for the wastebox :D12:10
ghostcubeeven the handling like right click left cclick middle click is a damn hazle12:11
ghostcubeif they all would work with leftk klick like the autor said it would be an easier way12:11
ghostcubeso every icon does what it wants12:11
persiaicons that do whatever they want are better implemented as independent applets/widgets, rather than jamming them into some arbitrary tray.12:15
ghostcubeyep thats true12:15
apacheloggerghostcube: I really only now 2 kinds, those that have an associated window and those that do not12:19
apacheloggerformer would be quassel, latter knetworkmanager12:20
apacheloggerformer triggers window showing hiding on left click, latter mostly draws a menu (mostly the context menu)12:20
apacheloggermiddle click is undefined anyway12:21
apacheloggeralso I doubt a lot of users do middle clicking anyway12:21
persiaMany folks don't know that middle-clicking does anything.12:21
persiaMany laptop users *can't* middle-click (except by emulation)12:22
RiddellJontheEchidna: is anything happening with bug 551456 ?12:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 551456 in kcm-touchpad "systemsettings crashes when clicking "Keyboard & Mouse"" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55145612:32
ghostcubeapachelogger: yeah but if you have for example qjackctl as try icon for jackd it has an gui for left click and an menu on right click :)12:40
apacheloggerghostcube: and I did not mention that?12:41
ghostcubeoh i should read all you type o.O12:41
apacheloggerclearly a form of the first kind ... UI & context menu12:41
apacheloggerand technically for the latter kind UI & context is also true, just that the latter kind does not have a window but limits it's UI to a menu type of thing12:42
agateauapachelogger: sorry was away12:45
agateauapachelogger: was your machine under heavy load when it happened?12:45
apacheloggeragateau: yep12:49
apacheloggerI am not sure if the lack of reaction was related to dbus menu though, maybe X just exploded12:50
agateauapachelogger: :)12:50
apacheloggerthe issue where amarok doesn't load all the entries is however reproducable every once in a while12:50
apacheloggerin general dbusmenu exposes the usual oddness when under heavy load12:51
agateauapachelogger: lots of kde menus are created on the fly,12:51
apacheloggere.g. it also happens at times that the menu flickrs or that the menu is misplaced as seen in the bug earlier12:51
agateauapachelogger: to avoid locking the whole plasma ui, dbusmenu has quite short timeouts12:51
agateauapachelogger: which may be a problem under heavy load12:51
agateauapachelogger: but I am not sure what's worse: showing an incomplete menu, or waiting for a long time for the full menu to be ready12:52
apacheloggerformer IMHO12:52
apacheloggerif the menu is under heavy load12:52
apacheloggerit will be perceived at sluggish12:53
apacheloggerso waiting for the menu to appear might seem more reasonable12:53
apacheloggeran incomplete menu is more likely to be perceived as bug IMHO12:53
apacheloggereven on heavy load12:54
agateauapachelogger: yes, you are right I think12:54
JontheEchidnaRiddell: I've not been able to figure that one out :(12:57
JontheEchidnaRiddell, debfx: Adding a m_brightnessOSD(0) to the Battery class initializer seems to fix the issue for me, though12:58
JontheEchidna(for the plasma-desktop crash)12:58
JontheEchidnadebfx: ah, I see you already discovered that and attatched a patch to the patch :)13:00
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davmor2Hey guys just wanted to say congratulations this release of kubuntu seems to be a hell of a lot more polished, complete, functional etc etc etc13:03
debfxJontheEchidna: yeah sorry, should have pinged you13:03
debfxpatching patches is really confusing ;)13:03
JontheEchidnadebfx: actually I figured this out yesterday. I should have pinged you. ;) (Though I didn't catch the other variable not being initialized)13:03
JontheEchidnaas long as it all works out in the end... :)13:04
Riddellthanks davmor213:04
Riddelldavmor2: how's wubi installs doing?13:04
lex79the new brand for kickoff is not present in the RC, there is still the old one with kde logo13:05
davmor2they all work one minor niggle with help me boot this cd but I'm not sure how many people will use that particular feature13:05
JontheEchidnaRiddell: I am quite concerned about the kcm-touchpad crash, but I can't figure out a fix.13:07
JontheEchidnaI really would like for us to be able to keep kcm-touchpad in the default install, but if necessary I suppose it may have to go if we can't find a fix13:08
JontheEchidnaFor maverick we may want to look in to using this KCM: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/synaptiks?content=11427013:09
JontheEchidnaIt appears to be more functional. (And more importantly, maintained)13:09
Tm_Twasn't there new one in KDE 4.5? or was it that synaptiks just renamed, cannot remember13:10
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JontheEchidnadunno, not heard anything abou that13:11
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JontheEchidnaseems to be in playground now, though: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/utils/synaptiks/13:14
Tm_TKOffice 2.2rc1 tagged, yay13:28
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freeflyingRiddell: no RC img of kubuntu-netbook for arm?15:13
persiaThere wasn't?  It passed RC testing: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all15:15
Riddellpersia: I think the arm images there are actually ubuntu ones15:17
RiddellI don't know if kubuntu-netbook got tested15:18
persiaOh.  I keep misreading "netboot" as "netbook" :(15:18
* persia goes to hunt someone with HW15:18
persiaETIMEOFDAY :(15:19
persiaBut no worries: if there are people testing, I'll make sure they sort out the ISO tracker for maverick.15:19
persiafreeflying: There's images on cdimage that you can use, containing the same software as the RC.  There's a known bug for armel+omap, but the other subarches ought work.15:20
Riddellfreeflying: if you are able to test http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-netbook/ports/daily-live/20100420.1/ then I can ask for it to be published15:21
Riddelldpm: do we have current output for the KDE vs Lucid language packs report?15:24
freeflyingpersia: Riddell I see, thanks, going to download, hope cna finish testing by the end of tomorrow :)15:24
dpmRiddell, the last one I generated was the one I sent you, but I can update it. It might take a while, though, and would be best done for the final language packs being generated today. Let me come back to you later on.15:25
Riddellhi Adri200015:26
Adri2000I'm looking for the images to modify in order to customize the boot screen, kdm screen, session loading screen, and such. is it written in some place? or could some kind person help me? :p15:27
dpmRiddell, apachelogger, ScottK, I forgot to e-mail kubuntu-devel about the language pack deadline yesterday as I told Harald I'd do. Does a heads-up ping work for you, or do you still want me to send the e-mail although it's a day late? This is just about a reminder about the translations deadline having finished and the final language packs being generated (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LanguagePackTranslationDeadline)15:28
Riddellnixternal: what's happening with docs upload?15:29
Riddelldpm: do you know why harald wanted the mailing list told?15:29
ScottKRiddell: He's bitching and moaning and saying he can't upload it until Sunday.15:29
* ScottK was about to ask the same question.15:30
RiddellScottK: hum, that doesn't leave much room for error15:30
freeflyingpersia: so far, I don't have a omap's board :)15:30
RiddellAdri2000: it's in various places, kubuntu-default-settings for plymouth screen, kdebase-workspace for KDM and ksplash15:30
ScottKRiddell: I tried to point that out to him, but didn't get very far.15:34
Tm_Twhere is packagekit-qt upstream? I mean some source download possibility?15:36
JontheEchidnait's distributed with the rest of packagekit15:37
JontheEchidnain the libs/ directory of the packagekit source tarball15:38
Tm_Tah, thanks15:38
Tm_Twasn't clear to me15:38
Riddellapachelogger: you might be interested in this Plasma Desktop Scripting tutorial from aaron I'm scheduling http://www.doodle.com/im3gn9b9uu8acr6515:38
Adri2000Riddell: ok, thanks!15:38
dpmRiddell, not sure, he just asked me to15:42
lex79apachelogger: bug 56896515:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568965 in kubuntu-default-settings "Kickoff is not branded with new Kubuntu logo" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56896515:46
Riddelllex79: not a bug15:48
lex79no? why?15:48
lex79I thought we changed the icon in kickoff15:49
JontheEchidnathat was the branding strip inside kickoff15:50
JontheEchidnanot the kickoff icon itself15:50
JontheEchidnathat was to support people who were optionally using the old-named icon15:52
Riddellthere is an option there but by default sticking to KDE artwork is the thing to do, KDE's intention is that distros use the kickoff branding bit15:53
seawolfhi,I point out that,plasma-deskstop crash when  ktorrent is active and turn off the computer16:01
Riddellseawolf: we fixed a plasma crash on logout a few hours ago, bug 56443316:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 564433 in kdebase-workspace "[Lucid] New bug: Plasma crash at KDE logout" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56443316:03
seawolfok,thank Riddell16:04
apacheloggerlex79: I tend to agree, just that for now we decided to stick with the KDE icon16:07
apacheloggerthe bug is a duplicate of another bug though16:08
apacheloggerand that other bug is either fix released due to the icon being present or wontfix since we dont want to change the icon, at least not at this point16:08
apacheloggerRiddell: so I can nail aaron with questions about the numerous short comings? ;)16:09
Riddellapachelogger: exactly :)16:09
* apachelogger is wondering what times he gets displayed16:10
lex79ok thanks apachelogger I hope we'll change the icon in Maverick :P16:10
ScottKRiddell: I've got one of these new Dell laptops where the screen switching key is updated for Win7.  Is there something we can do to make the key useful in Kubuntu?  Like fire up krandrtray or something?16:10
apacheloggerRiddell: mon 14 utc is the first slot, right?16:11
RiddellScottK: screen switching key?16:12
Riddellapachelogger: yes16:12
Riddellapachelogger: is that not clear?16:12
apacheloggerRiddell: the UI doesnt say whats the time is against16:12
apacheloggerwhich is a PITA in a cross-timezone scheduling16:12
seawolflex79 hi,I should tell you something,query ?16:12
lex79seawolf: kk16:13
lex79Riddell: in which channel? plasma?16:14
ScottKRiddell: http://mjg59.livejournal.com/121851.html16:14
Riddelllex79: haven't decided yet16:15
RiddellScottK: that post seems to suggest there's no easy way to fix it16:18
Riddellof course debfx is the king of the random laptop keys :)16:18
ScottKRiddell: Yeah, he said KDE didn't currently make use of it.16:18
ScottKSo there's at least no conflict.16:19
ScottKAs it is, it just types a 'p'.16:19
Riddellso just needs khotkeys set to run kcmshell4 display ?16:20
ScottKI'm guessing, but I really don't know.16:22
* ScottK tries16:22
* ScottK concludes he doesn't get how to set it iup16:25
debfxScottK: amarok registers meta+p as toggle main window :/17:33
ScottKAh.  Well that's going to be a problem.17:33
* Riddell updates kdevelop in beta PPA17:35
Riddellooh new koffice up, /me grabs that17:37
apacheloggerwho's up for a round of uno later on?17:41
Tm_Tapachelogger: sorry, I'm too busy watching when snow is raining and when not17:42
apacheloggerdefenitely latter here :(17:43
apachelogger  void Text::setText(std::string text)17:43
apachelogger  {17:43
apachelogger    text_ = text;17:43
apachelogger  }17:43
apacheloggerI just typedef std::string to text ^^17:43
apacheloggers/just/should just17:44
apacheloggerlooks way better without that disturbing std::string17:44
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debfxapachelogger: you could add "using std::string;"17:56
apacheloggerI could17:56
apacheloggerbut that wouldn't help17:56
apacheloggerit still would be a string amonst text17:56
apacheloggeror among?17:56
apacheloggersomething like that ;)17:56
debfxah I see Text is a wrapper around std::string17:58
apacheloggerdebfx: not really18:02
apacheloggerText is part of namespace SVG, representing the SVG text shape :)18:02
apacheloggerdebfx: I was refering to the beauty of the pasted function, in only working with text of some sort18:03
debfxScottK: we could easily add a khotkeys group that binds the display key and meta+p to show the display settings module18:04
debfxthough I'm not sure what happens with a conflicting global shortcut18:04
ScottKI think it would be really useful18:05
apacheloggerdebfx: whoever comes first gets it, unless the conflict is with something outside18:05
apacheloggerin this case 2 actions will happen18:05
apacheloggers/something outside/anything that does not use KDE's shortcut magic18:06
ScottKWell I think due to MS's Win 7 changes meta+p is going to be for video switching and it would be prudent for other apps to not use it.18:07
nixternalRiddell: sunday18:11
nixternalfor docs upload18:12
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* ScottK just discovered task bar thumbnails. Very nice.18:54
macodebfx: display key? whats that?18:55
ScottKmaco: http://mjg59.livejournal.com/121851.html18:56
debfxmaco: XF86Display, which is emitted when pressing some laptop function key18:58
macoahhhhh the key that doesnt work on my laptop that i was at one point trying to figure out how to fix18:58
macoi backburnered it when i learned to use xrandr18:58
debfxwell it probably works but just isn't bound to any action18:59
macoit doesnt emit anything18:59
macothe kernel has no idea that fn+f8 does anything at all18:59
macokde 4.4 helpfully pops up a box offering to let me configure screens *with a GUI* when i plug an external in. i always click "ignore" though because i trust my knowledge of xrandr more than i trust GUIs :P19:00
ScottKp <--- That's what mine emits19:00
debfxmime shows amarok ^^19:00
* debfx has filed a bug about that19:01
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macoamarok opens when you plug in a screen??19:01
macoor when you hit the fn thingy?19:02
debfxwhen I hit the fn key19:02
Guest26117Hi , when I click the kppp -> create new account , it crashes . does it a known bug?19:02
macoso all you need to do is get a bit of electrical tape the size of the top of your key, and draw a music note in white-out on it, and then TA-DA! it's a music key, not a display key19:03
debfxwhen I plug in a screen nothing happens. maybe because it's a VGA port?19:03
macoVGA's all i've got19:03
macolucid detects when i plug in a screen. takes a second or two19:04
apacheloggerGuest26117: define crashes please19:04
Guest26117apachelogger: it shows a blank dialog box and does nothing19:05
* apachelogger is wondering why his kppp is chowned to root:dip actually19:05
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apacheloggerGuest26117: are you on karmic?19:05
Guest26117apachelogger: I'm on lucid + latest upgrades19:06
apacheloggerthat is strange because it does not start here :P19:06
Guest26117apachelogger: it starts only by root19:06
* apachelogger ignores the family friendlyness and shouts FUCK19:07
* Tm_T looks angry at son19:08
apacheloggerScottK, Riddell: kppp is the broken out of the box19:08
apacheloggercan we pushy pushy update for that before final?19:08
apacheloggerGuest26117: the thing is that you mustn't start it as root19:09
apacheloggerGuest26117: sudo chown root:dialout /usr/bin/kppp19:09
apacheloggerthat should make it startable without root for the time being19:10
ScottKapachelogger: How invasive is the fix?19:10
* maco raises an eyebrow at apachelogger19:10
Guest26117apachelogger: thanks , i'll do it19:10
apacheloggerScottK: chown root:dialout /usr/bin/kppp19:10
apacheloggerapparently I forgot to change debian's dip to dialout in the kdenetwork rules19:11
apacheloggerdip is no default group on ubuntu though19:11
apacheloggerso kppp will not even start by default19:11
ScottKI asked the RM if we can get it in.19:12
Guest26117apachelogger: now it says : Configuration file "/home/raman/.kde/share/config/kppprc" not writable.19:12
Guest26117Please contact your system administrator.19:12
apacheloggerdont start gui apps with sudo19:13
apacheloggerGuest26117: chown -Rv $USER:$USER ~/.kde19:13
Guest26117apachelogger: I started it by kick-off menu19:13
ScottKapachelogger: You have release manager approval to fix it.19:13
apacheloggerGuest26117: kickoff menu does not start it with sudo, does it?19:13
ScottKapachelogger: Please upload as soon as you have it working.19:13
apacheloggerScottK: thanks19:14
macoGuest26117: you started it with sudo one time before, right?19:14
Guest26117apachelogger: no , it doesn't19:14
macoGuest26117: that changed the permissions on the files in your ~/.kde19:14
Guest26117maco: yes , I did19:14
apacheloggerpoint in case :P19:14
macoapachelogger: you got that a bit backwards...19:14
apacheloggermaco: yeah, or maybe it is just like I always say weird when I am talking about wired ;)19:16
Tm_Tapachelogger: you are weird, that's for sure19:16
apacheloggerTm_T: hungry19:20
Guest26117I have another problem on lucid :19:20
Guest26117If I manually suspend to RAM it works perfectly , but if I do it by closing the lid , after opening it , it takes several minutes to show the password dialog box19:21
apacheloggerGuest26117: does kppp work now?19:22
Guest26117apachelogger: thanks , it works perfectly19:22
ScottKGuest26117: There's a known X server memory leak.  A fix is coming before release.19:22
ScottKThat would explain that19:22
Guest26117ScottK: interesting19:22
CIA-6[kdenetwork] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100423182354-2w2esfw4z9ihd3jo * debian/ (changelog rules) Actually change the debian/rules file as promised in ubuntu2 (LP: #278408)19:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 278408 in kdenetwork "KPPP blank/unresponsive "Create New Account" dialog" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27840819:23
apacheloggerScottK: uploaded19:24
apacheloggerGuest26117: cool, thanks19:24
macoScottK: ooooh really???19:24
macoScottK: could this X server memory leak explain why i often have all 4GB of memory in use after a couple days running?19:24
Tm_TScottK: current daily powerpc image going to testrun19:25
Guest26117And my last problem in lucid is this : https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23474919:26
ubottuKDE bug 234749 in widget-battery "battery monitor shows the AC adapter is plugged in at startup , but it's not" [Normal,Unconfirmed]19:26
ScottKmaco: Could.19:27
ScottKTm_T: Great.19:28
* ScottK doesn't have a good answer for that last one19:28
seawolfkttsd don't work ,I feel spd-say hello, but I hear no sound19:31
JontheEchidnadoes anybody know if the nvidia prop. drivers could do grayscale well for plymouth?19:35
Guest26117My OOWriter sometimes does not show the icons (such as zoom , page view , ... ) at status bar , does yours do it?19:38
ScottKapachelogger: Accepted.  Thanks.19:41
ScottKGuest26117: The kppp fix has been accepted for Lucid and is in the queue for building.19:41
macoGuest26117: known bug19:41
Guest26117ScottK: great , thanks19:42
Guest26117maco: thanks for informing19:42
ScottKJust keep this in mind the next time you hear someone whining about non-responsive developers.19:42
Guest26117ScottK: ;)19:42
ScottKWhere is the control knob for panel transparency?19:43
macoi thought that was theme set?19:43
ScottKBTW, we lost the "are you sure you want to remove the panel" warning patch somewhere along the way.19:43
ScottKMaybe that's why I can't figure out how to change it.19:44
macoi think you're thinking of gnome19:45
macoit has a way to set the panel's transparency separate from everything else19:45
* maco has read the source code of that19:45
Guest26117The here atmosphere is awsome , I'm a c++ programmer and I know a little about qt , is there any way that I can help ? Is any help needed?19:45
macoGuest26117: fix last minute bugs before release?19:46
Guest26117What can I do?19:46
ScottKmaco: At this point most things will go into post-release updates.  The reason the kppp fix got in was broken dial up networking could interefere with one's ability to get updates.19:47
JontheEchidnabug 551456 could use some attention from a C++ whiz19:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 551456 in kcm-touchpad "systemsettings crashes when clicking "Keyboard & Mouse"" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55145619:47
ScottKJontheEchidna: Good point.19:48
apacheloggerScottK: should be done upstream anyway ... re warning patch19:48
macodidnt crash for me...19:48
ScottKapachelogger: Agreed.19:48
apacheloggerI am sure usptream finds a way to turn it into an approach that breaks within 2 releases time :P19:48
ScottKapachelogger: I wasn't complaining, just informing19:48
* apachelogger spent like 5 hours today writing mails about design stuff for a c++ exercise -.-19:49
JontheEchidnafrom what I can see, the crash is happening in Touchpad::get_parameter() in touchpad.cpp, and the crash happens when the function is not able to grab the parameter due to permissions19:50
JontheEchidnaoh, hey. that's a void class. Why is it returning anything at all?19:51
JontheEchidnabecause it's a pointer to a void function?19:52
JontheEchidnaew, this is some trippy code19:52
ScottKGuest26117: ^^^19:52
JontheEchidnasort've requires a laptop to debug, though19:53
Guest26117I tried the touchpad settings , it works without any issue for me19:55
JontheEchidnawhen a user is not in the admin group, it crashes on startup :(19:56
JontheEchidnaso if you created a second user and tried to open up the module -> fail19:56
=== ramanK is now known as Guest45281
Guest45281I created a new user and clicked the touchpad setting but it works correctly for me20:03
Guest45281but another problem occured ! when I clicked the switch user , and then the new session , it showed a black screen in died!!!20:04
JontheEchidnahmm, interesting20:04
JontheEchidnaon both counts ;)20:05
Guest45281I'll try it again20:06
JontheEchidnawow, syaptiks is pretty spiffy. It even has documentation20:07
apacheloggerdocs ftw!20:07
JontheEchidnaI may definitely have to advocate synaptiks over kcm-touchpad for next cycle20:08
ScottKJontheEchidna and Guest45281: I have another clue for you: The touchpad crash isn't just if the user doesn't have admin rights, it needs to be no user with admin rights is logged in.20:08
* ScottK got the black screen thing too20:08
verbalshadowif we are voting on stuff, i say shaman over kpackagekit, i hate kpackage kit20:09
JontheEchidnashaman doesn't have a usable dpkg backend20:10
verbalshadowit useless for anything other than the very basics20:10
JontheEchidnanor is its UI anywhere close to being usable20:10
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: that doesnt matter!20:10
ScottKJontheEchidna: I think kpackagekit and shaman tie on usablility20:10
apacheloggerchakra uses it!20:10
apacheloggerchakra is cool and awesome20:10
apacheloggerthy must advocate the shaman I say20:10
Tm_Thow shaman is supposed to work, btw?20:11
Tm_TI fail with it20:11
ScottKBTW, I think I am finally motivated to learn enough GUI programming to get sensible update/restart notifications back.20:11
ScottKThat may be the only thing I do the next cycle.20:11
apacheloggerScottK: well, now that the design team removes the notification area... :P20:11
Guest45281shaman is too buggy , it killed my chakra just by a normal upgrade20:11
ScottKapachelogger: Fortunately we are Ubuntu, not Kubuntu20:11
apacheloggeralso I read they have intrusive popups of the update window20:11
ScottKStrike that, reverse it.20:12
apacheloggerlike have the window itself popup20:12
ScottKapachelogger: Yes.  They believe the solution is to hide updates from the user.20:12
apacheloggerimagine how annoying that would be :D20:12
apacheloggerScottK: that is not what the blog post about systray-be-gone said20:12
ScottKIt did.20:12
apacheloggerthe 25% I actually read that is ^^20:12
ScottKWell it didn't20:13
JontheEchidnaoh my, xorg is recognizing my laptop's touchpad as a wheel mouse now :/20:13
ScottKOn their mail list they said they want to announce updates less often20:13
JontheEchidnano touchpad config for me :(20:13
* apachelogger installs stuff for linuxtage tomorrow20:13
apacheloggerScottK: that makes sense depending on how often they want20:14
apacheloggerthere is no point in telling the user 3 times a day that a random update appeared20:15
apacheloggerfor security maybe20:15
apacheloggerbut sure not for regular updates20:15
ScottKapachelogger: I think that if your update notification is so disruptive you need to consider not letting people know about updates you are solving the wrong problem.20:15
* JontheEchidna notes that packagekit doesn't listen to the apt update-frequency setting at all20:15
apacheloggerwell, it is contributing to business of the system20:15
* apachelogger is all for zen desktops TBH20:16
apacheloggerthen again I am also using flux at times20:16
apacheloggerNightrose: any clues on that weird naming scheme that implies linuxtag is always longer than one day and linuxtage are one day?20:17
apacheloggera study colleage turned that into a running gag the other day20:17
Nightroseno idea20:17
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
apacheloggerNightrose: "gehst du zu den linuxtag?" ^^20:18
apacheloggerNightrose: when is that anyway?20:18
apacheloggerkubotu: google linuxtag berlin20:19
kubotuResults for linuxtag berlin: 1. LinuxTag 2010: http://www.linuxtag.org/ | 2. LinuxTag 2010: http://www.linuxtag.org/2010/en.html | 3. Linux Tag - Berlin | Spread Firefox: http://www.spreadfirefox.com/node/377520:19
Nightroseapachelogger: nope - got akademy and community leadership summit coming up in july already20:19
Nightroseso no linuxtag for me20:19
* apachelogger seems to remember that he cant go there for some reason20:19
apacheloggerNightrose: you are too busy :(20:20
Nightrosei am indeed20:20
apacheloggertoo much work and no time for apachelogger makes Harald sad :(20:20
Nightrosebut so looking forward to a trip to finland and the us20:20
Tm_TFinland... should make a trip there, yes20:20
Tm_Toh wait20:21
apacheloggerthe dictator is keynoting at linuxtag20:21
apacheloggerTm_T: time for your meds20:21
apacheloggeroh cool bill hilf is also keynoting20:22
apacheloggerI probably should consult my calendar again20:22
ScottKTm_T: How's powerpc?20:23
Tm_TScottK: still burning20:24
ScottKTm_T: They have pills for that now.20:25
Tm_Tlovely <320:25
ScottKTime to try the new xorg.20:29
ScottKNew laptop has ssd, so that didn't take long.20:31
Tm_Tmy iPaq uses sdram as mass storage memory of some sort20:32
Tm_TScottK: rebootinh to live20:38
debfxit looks like kcm-touchpad doesn't really do error checking20:45
debfxTouchpad::get_parameter() does some checks and returns NULL on error but the result is dereferenced anyway20:45
JontheEchidnaI really don't understand how a void function could return anything at all20:47
JontheEchidnaand still compile20:47
macoi thought void functions could return anything they wanted without it being an error20:47
macowhile if you dont return on a non-void *then* its an error20:48
macovoid ends up acting like wildcard20:48
macoyoure supposed to assume it returns nothign when you call it20:48
maco(i think one of my professors mentioned this recently and surprised me)20:48
Tm_Tmaco: void also doesn't care if you don't return a thing20:50
Tm_Tit's, err, void20:50
macoright, wildcard20:50
maco* can match 0-infinity characters in a regex20:50
JontheEchidnadoesn't sound too safe to return from a void function, at any rate20:50
macothe calling function shouldnt assume anything at all about what's returned because it *could* be anything20:51
JontheEchidnalol: http://learnfrommyfail.com/2010/02/05/fail-story-lfmf-isa/20:52
macouh yeah agree with "omg who throws away chocolate?" and "chunky stuff goes in trash if you lack disposal"20:54
debfxJontheEchidna: get_parameter returns void*20:54
macowait void pointer not just void?20:54
JontheEchidnaso I was right when I said it returned a pointer to a function?20:55
JontheEchidnareturning null in that situation would not be good20:55
debfxare you talking about get_parameter()?20:55
debfxit doesn't return a function pointer20:56
JontheEchidnathen does it returns a pointer to a wildcard value of whatever it wants? (e.g. the return value of another function?)20:58
macois it at least always the *same* function's return value?20:59
macoif not: OH MY20:59
debfxof course not ^^20:59
JontheEchidnait looks to me like it's either returning dp_get_parameter or NULL21:00
JontheEchidnaNULL In the case where display && device is not true21:00
JontheEchidnadp_get_parameter(display, device, name); otherwise21:01
debfxreally good coding style: (int)*(char*)Touchpad::get_parameter(...)21:01
JontheEchidnakill it with fire!21:03
JontheEchidna(it's the only way to be sure)21:03
ScottKWho's idea was this kcm?21:04
* JontheEchidna flees21:04
JontheEchidnaSynaptiks appears to have a much cleaner codebase. (And in fact, looks to be better all around in terms of functionality, UI, docs and such)21:05
JontheEchidnathe kcm-touchpad author also seems to have disappeared...21:05
JontheEchidnaI really must flee now though, time to go home. ;)21:06
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
debfxhow can I reproduce the crash? starting it as non-admin user doesn't work for me21:08
ScottKdebfx: Did you switch user and leave an admin user logged in?21:09
ScottKYou need to log the admin user out21:09
debfxno, I logged in as non-admin directly after booting21:10
JontheEchidnahmm, not leaving until 5 today. ok21:10
ScottKIt appears OOo does violence on read only sections of word documents in Lucid.  Does anyone have a document with such sections that could go in a bug report?  The only ones i have aren't distributable.21:10
ScottKDid we ever get any good data on where we are on the translations suck-o-meter for this release?21:19
macoScottK: do they have to be made by MS Word or can OOo make a read only bit save as .doc and then fubar it when re-opened?21:20
ScottKmaco: Dunno.  The only ones I have were originally made in word21:21
JontheEchidnaMost languages should be fairly ok compared to upstream, as far as we know21:22
JontheEchidnaLithuanian is screwed, though: bug 56529421:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565294 in rosetta "Plural translations are broken for Lithuanian language" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56529421:22
JontheEchidna(this is something that wouldn't be a problem if we didn't use rosetta, for the record)21:24
JontheEchidnaBut without multilingual people telling us the quality of changed translations in LP versus upstream, there's no way to know how good they are21:24
JontheEchidnainstead we'll either only get the reports after final release, or they'll just chalk it up to "kubuntu sucks" and never report :/21:25
* maco wishes she was more fluenter at being multilingual21:26
JontheEchidnaon the plus side, we have more langpacks on the cds than we have had in a long while21:33
debfxdoes kcm-touchpad print anything on stderr before crashing?21:36
JontheEchidnaI've never been able to reproduce, as xorg doesn't detect my touchpad as a touchpad, and doesn't load the synaptics driver for it :(21:37
ScottKI can reproduce it if you need information.21:39
debfxScottK: could you give me the console output and a stacktrace (with kcm-touchpad-dbgsym installed)21:46
ScottKWhat's the sources.list line for the dbgsym repo?21:47
debfxdeb http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/ lucid main restricted universe multiverse21:48
* ScottK bets the package install goes better after he adds that21:49
ScottKWhat's the command to run kcm-touchpad from konsole?21:58
Tm_Tkcmshell4 --list tells the items21:58
Tm_Tthen kcmshell4 <item>21:59
ScottKJust starting systemsettings seemed to do it.22:00
ScottKAnd crash ....22:00
RiddellScottK: dpm said he'd run the comparison tool after the language packs get built today22:01
ScottKOK.  Sounds good22:01
ScottKdebfx: Traceback: http://paste.ubuntu.com/421278/22:02
ScottKdebfx: Konsole output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/421279/22:03
macoi got my brother to upgrade to lucid a few days ago :)22:04
macomaybe i'll corrupt him into a beta tester next time round instead of an RC tester....22:04
ScottKRiddell: Was this tool run earlier in the cycle too?22:05
RiddellScottK: yes although I only saw output for one language22:05
ScottKIt would have been nice to have some trend information.22:11
debfxScottK: thanks22:11
ScottKYou're welcome.22:11
debfxScottK: does "synclient -l | grep VertEdgeScroll" output a format mismatch?22:20
ScottKdebfx: I can't switch users right at the moment.  I'll check shortly.22:20
ScottKdebfx: Yes22:33
ScottKdebfx: http://paste.ubuntu.com/421297/22:33
ScottKdebfx: Do you need anything else before I switch users?22:33
debfxScottK: don't think so22:34
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
ScottKOK.  Great.22:34
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
apacheloggerkubotu: order coffee for Nightrose22:53
* kubotu slides coffee with milk down the bar to Nightrose.22:53
Nightrosevery much needed22:53
Nightrosei'm drowning in paper proposals22:53
Nightroseand need to put them all in a spreadsheet22:53
apacheloggerNightrose: the KDE community is in need of a web 2.0 application to explore the full potential of proposal evaluation22:54
Nightrosevery much so22:55
apacheloggercan't be that difficult really, have a stict UI that commits a proposal to a database, then have a simple query page for the database22:55
apacheloggerthat also makes processing a lot easier, if the submission UI is strict enough to enforce some sort of structure onto the submssion22:56
Nightroseemail is quite the mess22:56
Nightroseespecially if a lot of people don't know what an abstract should look like22:57
* apachelogger notes that one could also do Qt apps that submit xml files to ftp, then have another app fetch that ^^22:59
Riddellwe tried to use whozzname for akademy when we had it in scotland22:59
apacheloggersince no one wants to use the php22:59
Riddellto submit papers22:59
Riddellbut the server was broken on the day and nobody has trusted it since22:59
* apachelogger notes that this is why xml + ftp might be better ^^23:00
apacheloggerNightrose: going to froscon?23:01
Nightroseapachelogger: if workwork sends me yes23:01
Nightrosei've suggested it would be a good idea to do so today ;-)23:01
apacheloggerhehe :D23:02
* apachelogger is thinking about proposing a talk23:02
apacheloggeras usual I dont know about what though ^^23:02
apacheloggeralso I have no clue when the cfp ends23:02
Riddellapachelogger: one hour to go (in my timezone) submit quick!23:03
apacheloggerRiddell: not akademy, Nightrose is already under so much load :)23:04
apachelogger+ I think we already established that I cannot attend akademy for some reason23:04
Nightroseapachelogger: one more can't break me...23:04
ScottKapachelogger: ftp is never better.23:05
apachelogger3-10th July is about exam time23:05
apacheloggerScottK: ftp never ever breaks the servers23:05
apacheloggerwell, I never saw that happen though23:06
ScottKftp is so 1992.23:06
apacheloggerit regularly happens that some db (and by that I mean the devil of relational databases) takes down a serve23:06
ScottKftps, sftp, or scp at least please.23:06
apacheloggerpoint being?23:06
ScottKPoint being don't use ftp.23:07
apacheloggersftp is ftp tunneled through a ssh channel, isnt it?23:07
apacheloggerit's not like you would submist most stuff via ssl either ;)23:07
ScottKThey key point being the through the tunnel.23:07
apacheloggerespecially not if the devial of relational databases is backing the web UI23:07
ScottKFriends don't let their friends use FTP.23:07
apacheloggerwell, so be it some other old protocol23:08
apacheloggerwe could also 777 on some http server ;)23:08
apacheloggeror send by mail after all23:08
apacheloggerthough kmail is not as dynamic in viewing the data as a custom UI would be23:09
* apachelogger notes that krake disappeared and didnt tell apachelogger when to be where ^^23:09
apacheloggernixternal: http://blog.nixternal.com/2010.03.23/desktop-help-summit-2010-pictures-available/ havent seen that one before23:29
maconixternal: i showed that pic to one of my old profs and he goes "yes, kde IS the best. do you use kde yet?" and i pointed to kickoff and said "what does that look like?" and he goes "you DO! when did you switch?"23:42
macoand then he complained that there's no plasmoid in the panel to use as a konsole like in kde3. i found one called plasmacon but oh goodness does it fail horribly inside the panel23:55

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