
xrandrim trying to use the nvidia driver i downloaded via kpackagekit... when i ran nvidia-xconfig as root it wrote an xorg.conf. I tried putting it in /etc/X11/xorg.conf and restarted KDM. It will not restart. I'm  using Kubuntu 10.0400:08
caprea_KDm wont restart?00:10
caprea_xrandr, I have had success with using 'envyng'00:11
xrandrwhat is envyng?00:11
caprea_from manual pageS:00:12
caprea_EnvyNG  is  an application written in Python which will00:12
caprea_       download the latest ATI or NVIDIA driver or the  Legacy  driver00:12
caprea_       (for  older  cards)  (according to the model of your card) from00:12
caprea_       ATI or Nvidia's website and set it up for you  handling  depen‐00:12
FloodBotK1caprea_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:12
caprea_       dencies  (compilers,  OpenGL, etc.) which are required in order00:12
caprea_I did apt-get for envyng (I think its in KPackageKit too)00:15
caprea_and can be run from cammand line00:15
xrandrok, thank you00:16
xrandrlemme try that00:16
PeterDrophi all00:17
PeterDropsomebody can help a newvie with kubuntu and sound, its not working00:18
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PeterDropnobody? ::::(00:20
xrandrcaprea_: i cannot get envy. Using kpackagekit and searching for it, it does not show up00:22
caprea_let me check mine00:23
caprea_it shows up as 'envyng'00:24
caprea_but another thing worth trying to get it is 'sudo apt-get install envyng'00:25
xrandri did00:25
xrandrcant find it00:25
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=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
HazamonzoAs soon as i tried to build a custom ship00:39
xrandrcaprea_: still no go00:42
caprea_if you download the latest driver form nvidia it should modify the x11 conf directly00:43
xrandrgotta get out of X00:48
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PeterDropiam in the right place to make a question?00:55
PeterDropor is another channel?00:55
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xrandrcaprea_: i got it, thanks :)01:16
caprea_what did you do?01:16
xrandrused my old xorg.conf file after i instralled the latest drivers from nvidia's site01:16
xrandrpurrin like a kittn ;D01:17
wrr_kate led the crashment of the plasma-desktop01:28
Typos_Kingok, good to know :)01:28
wrr_you too?01:29
Typos_Kingno :)01:29
wrr_and I tried upgrade ubuntu 9.10 to 10.04,but failed,now I could only  operater int the shell01:31
Typos_Kingthe advise will be, do a full install :)01:32
wrr_I know,but  it's late now?What should I do?01:34
iconmefistowrr_: you're not the only one. #ubuntu+1 is the lucid 10.04 support channel01:34
wrr_Should I reinstall the system?01:36
iconmefistowrr_: you can try to get it working. like I said, your problem is not uncommon in lucid at this stage01:36
wrr_thank you,maybe I could do it after the beta comes out01:38
iconmefistowrr_: beta was out, now it's RC01:40
iconmefistowrr_: make sure you've got the latest packages installed: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade01:41
wrr_really?Let me try it01:42
caprea_How can I replace a default package with the latest? For example the Kopete I have is version 0.80 but I want version 0.9001:43
iconmefisto!info kopete01:44
ubottukopete (source: kdenetwork): instant messenger for KDE 4. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.3.2-0ubuntu4 (karmic), package size 5075 kB, installed size 17812 kB01:44
Typos_Kingcaprea_:     remove the old one, and then install the new one, I think you can also do an 'upgrade' on it too01:45
caprea_An apt upgrade?01:45
caprea_And will that cause conflicts with KPackageKit ?01:46
iconmefistocaprea_: lucid will be released in a week. it has kopete version 1.0.001:47
Typos_King... no from what I can tell :|01:47
caprea_oh, well I can wait a week, thanks01:47
Typos_Kingit seems it only does all or none01:47
Typos_Kingcaprea_:     just remove it with-> sudo apt-get remove kopete;  and then install the new one01:47
iconmefistocaprea_: actually kopete 1.0.0 comes with kde4.4, which you could install now in karmic. see the link in !topic01:49
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic01:49
wrr_ubuntu upgrade error:couldn't configure 'util-linux'01:52
wrr_please help01:52
iconmefistowrr_: that happens after you did the apt-get dist-upgrade ?01:53
iconmefistoany errors when you did apt-get update?01:54
iconmefistook try this first: sudo apt-get install -f01:54
iconmefistowrr_: might be a good idea to join #ubuntu+1 (the lucid support channel)01:55
=== tek is now known as Guest4991
Guest4991new kubuntu user here? why cant I su in terminal? doesnt take my password but works for everything else01:56
Typos_King!sudo | Guest499101:57
ubottuGuest4991: sudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)01:57
Typos_KingGuest4991:     in debian-based distributions, su is not enabled, and thus you need to use 'sudo' :), is done as a precautionary rule01:58
caprea_I think I've done "sudo su" on ubuntu01:58
Typos_Kingif you must 'su', you can always do -> sudo su;   howeve is rather discouraged :)01:58
Guest4991so whats the sudo command to elevate that terminals priv01:59
caprea_sudo is the command01:59
Typos_Kingcaprea_:   yeah, so have I, I like su too, but I can do without, I guess I understand their concern01:59
Guest4991im a new linux user and not understanding01:59
Guest4991typing just sudo shows its usage .. how do i actually elevate01:59
Typos_Kingyou're new and you want to use a feature you dunno?  I don't get that02:00
caprea_okay a normal user might type "mkdir temp"02:00
iconmefistoGuest4991: sudo <command>02:00
caprea_if you dont have write permission, you might, instead, to "sudo mkdir temp"02:00
Guest4991i come from suse and found I had to su all the time for things, just curious of the equiv and how it differs ..02:01
caprea_and 'mkdir' means "make directory" so if you didnt have persmission to make a directory then adding sudo tot he front would give persmission02:01
Guest4991i see02:01
caprea_you can try "sudo su" if you must02:01
Typos_KingGuest4991:    so have I, I'd run suse10, so02:01
iconmefistoor sudo -s02:01
Guest4991that clears it up caprea .. i didnt understand suda was a prefix to other commands, i thought i needed to elevate with sudo before my command02:01
Typos_Kingsuse has both by the way, 'su' and 'sudo' as well, in ubuntu is just only 'sudo' for the sake of avoiding some folks messing up accidentally02:02
Guest4991yast drove me away from suse, just to install klibido and pypar2 was a headache, enough of that02:02
Typos_KingI get along with yast just fine :|02:02
caprea_This might clear things up, Guest: http://xkcd.com/149/02:02
iconmefistocaprea_: make me a sandwich?02:03
Guest4991i couldnt just install klibido like i can in ubuntu with apt-get or kpackagekit02:03
Guest4991it wouldnt even handle dependencies, was nasty02:03
Guest4991on suse that is^02:03
Guest4991problems can be seen here, http://forums.opensuse.org/get-help-here/applications/437570-installing-klibido-other-app-installation-frustrations.html02:04
wrr_I can enter the X,but the mouse and keybord are not usable02:06
OxDeadC0dehow can I make *buntu automatically run fsck on an unclean shutdown like it used to?02:07
iconmefistoOxDeadC0de: it still does, doesn't it?02:22
OxDeadC0denot a full scan like it used to02:23
iconmefistoOxDeadC0de: well you can force it to do a fsck on next boot: sudo touch /forcefsck02:24
OxDeadC0deI know that. I just want the old behavior back (Even with that 15 minute bootup problem)02:24
* iconmefisto shrugs02:25
caprea_whast the command to determine current version of ubuntu im using?02:46
seawolfcaprea_ lsb_release -a02:48
caprea_thats hard to remmeber02:50
karmic_koalai have a problem to conect to internet via wifi02:52
karmic_koalaim using wicd02:52
karmic_koalaabut if i put a static ip i can connect perfectly02:52
karmic_koalai think its must be a problem with the interfaces02:53
tito_help with cdrom every time when I put a disk in despair from my places any help???02:54
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Guest30284can anyone tell me what codec i need for kaffiene to play .mkv files03:04
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Guest30284yay i leave suse for stupid problems, and get stupid problems in kubuntu .. cant win03:06
Guest30284video playback looks horrid in kubuntu .. ive installed many codecs .. and still cant get .mkv's to work in anything but vlc .. and they look HORRID compared to my windows box in same res next to me03:07
karmic_koalano body can helpme?03:07
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:07
* CrazyDoode begins to spin slowly in a counter clockwise manner while engulfed in a barely visible shimmering cloud. 03:09
Guest30284i have those restricted codecs.. still no mkv playback03:10
CrazyDoodeno playback at all or (lousy) playback?03:10
Guest30284none in kaffiene .. just vlc and it looks horrible03:11
CrazyDoodetry mplayer..03:11
Guest30284i had kaffiene playing very crisp in suse, cant get it to work here03:11
Guest30284shoudnt have to .. i know kaffiene works03:11
Guest30284mplayer looks like vlc anyways .. crap03:11
CrazyDoodeok.. i guess you know better.. cya!03:11
Guest30284well thats clear as day .. works there, doesnt work here03:11
Guest30284should work here03:11
* genii spins in a fourth-dimensional manner casting a three dimensional shimmering cloud of coffee03:12
fbxxklAnyone know why I might be having trouble connecting to MSN through empathy?\03:48
fbxxklI got DC03:49
fbxxkloops anyway perhaps a place I can go for support?03:49
okuriinugood night03:59
okuriinuplease can someone help with a graphics cadrd03:59
okuriinugraphics tablet sorry03:59
iconmefisto!ask | okuriinu04:00
ubottuokuriinu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:00
okuriinuok i will04:00
okuriinuhow to configure the tablet is a di pen from acteck model ap-8000?04:02
iconmefistookuriinu: found this: http://camrto.blogspot.com/2009/09/acteck-dipen-ap-8000-on-ubuntu-linux.html04:06
okuriinuthanks i try it04:08
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xrandrin /etc/fstab, do you have to use a UUID to specify a drive, or can I still use a device name?04:24
iconmefistoxrandr: like /dev/sda1 ? that should still work04:35
xrandryea that's what i was lookin for :)04:35
xrandrthank you04:36
iconmefistoxrandr: I may be wrong though. possibly uuid is needed for / or /home partitions for upstart to work at boot?04:37
xrandrnah im using it for /media/disk204:37
iconmefistoxrandr: well in that case, I can tell you it works for me04:39
iconmefistoxrandr: worked in karmic, and now I've upgraded to lucid, still the same04:40
xrandrok, next question. I'm using Firefox (latest version) with the latest version of flash player. I get no sound from streaming flash movies...  ideas?04:50
iconmefistoxrandr: do you have pulseaudio installed?04:56
xrandrim guessing it's a requirement?04:57
iconmefistono, not in kubuntu. without it is easier04:57
xrandrother sound works fine04:58
iconmefistospeaker-test -c2 -twav  <-- does that make any sound04:58
iconmefistoany errors on that command?05:01
xrandryeah quite a bit05:01
xrandrPlayback open error: -2,No such file or directory05:01
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:03
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash05:03
xrandriconmefisto: but amarok works fine. the "Test" button in the multimedia settings from Computer Settings works fine too05:06
iconmefisto!info phonon-backend-mplayer05:08
ubottuPackage phonon-backend-mplayer does not exist in karmic05:08
iconmefisto!info phonon-backend-gstreamer05:09
ubottuphonon-backend-gstreamer (source: phonon): Phonon GStreamer 0.10.x backend. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.3.1-4ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 68 kB, installed size 296 kB05:09
iconmefistoxrandr: installing phonon-backend-gstreamer might be a quick fix. after installing it, you will have gstreamer as well as the default xine backend in systemsettings>multimedia05:10
iconmefistoxrandr: if you do want to try that, move the gstreamer backend above xine backend, see if that works for speaker-test or flash sound05:12
xrandrthat didn't work05:14
xrandrit's a REALLY old external soundblaster card05:14
iconmefistoxrandr: I doubt it will work, but you can try installing flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound05:15
iconmefistoxrandr: after installing, restart firefox and test05:16
iconmefistobut if it doesn't work, probably should remove that package. I had no sound problems in flash, but installing that stopped flash sound working05:17
iconmefistoit's mainly for enabling flash sound thru pulseaudio (which you don't have)05:18
xrandrwell i installed the flash plugin from adobe05:19
xrandrwas that not a good idea?05:19
iconmefistofrom the website?05:20
iconmefistoshould be ok. the only difference is you won't get automatic upgrades with apt05:21
iconmefisto!info flashplugin-installer05:22
ubottuflashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 19 kB, installed size 184 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)05:22
weecoladobe have a apt repositiory download05:22
weecolfind that from the same location and it will update automatically05:23
iconmefistokubuntu-restricted-extras installs it too (along with other things, sun java, mp3 support, ms fonts, etc)05:24
xrandrah ok05:24
wrr_why not write in chinese05:27
iconmefistowrong channel wrr_05:29
iconmefistoenglish in this channel05:29
iconmefistois that actually chinese, or you just playing?05:30
ubottuDas Schweizer Team finden sie unter #ubuntu-ch, deutschsprachigen Support bekommen sie aber in #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de. Aus regionalen Gründen ist im Schweizer Channel nur Englisch erlaubt. Geben sie einfach /join #ubuntu-at ein! Danke für ihr Verständnis.05:31
iconmefistono that's not it :)05:31
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk05:31
iconmefistopractice there wrr_ :)05:31
wrr_thank you05:31
wrr_hello,i'm back05:40
xrandras am i05:40
wrr_upgrade game over05:40
wrr_how to write xorg.conf05:42
genii!hi | BiggFREE05:42
ubottuBiggFREE: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!05:43
BiggFREEI am just reading for now.  Thanks05:43
rajmahendrai am using ubuntu 9.10 can i install new KED 4.4 ?05:43
wrr_apt-get install kubuntu-desktop05:43
rajmahendraafter installing kde.. i can uninstall gnome right ?05:44
moetunesrajmahendra: yep05:45
rajmahendrathank you.05:45
iconmefistorajmahendra: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde05:46
rajmahendrathank you05:47
pantherI need help06:40
pathakhey how do i get a proxy in bash?06:48
pathaki added export http_proxy to my bashrc but it still doesnt work06:49
iconmefistopathak: your question is not kde-related. maybe try asking in #ubuntu since it's so quiet in here right now06:58
karmic_koalasomebody can help me?07:04
iconmefistokarmic_koala: ask and see07:05
karmic_koalamy problem is that if i dont put a static ip on etc/networking/interfaces i canot conect via wifi07:06
karmic_koalaim using wicd on ubuntu karmic koala 9.1007:06
karmic_koalano body can help?07:07
iconmefistopretty quiet right now07:09
iconmefistokarmic_koala: ubuntu or kubuntu?07:09
CPrgmSwR2Hi, I am pretty upset with kubuntu right now. First with kubuntu 9.04 I lost sound, now with kubuntu 10.04 I have lost wireless networking07:23
CPrgmSwR2Is there a reason why the hardware support is degrading as I am upgrade through the various distro releases?07:23
iconmefistoCPrgmSwR2: unlucky, I think. for me, hardware support is improving07:25
CPrgmSwR2iconmefisto: naturally you would think that should be the case07:27
iconmefistoCPrgmSwR2: and still no sound in 10.04?07:28
CPrgmSwR2I had sound in the 8.10 release I beleive07:28
CPrgmSwR2its been a long long time07:28
iconmefistoCPrgmSwR2: I've never had sound working on this laptop, until lucid, I can now get sound with headphones, but from the mic jack! I guess that's an improvement :)07:29
CPrgmSwR2I do have sound from the head phone jack actually, it just doesn't come out of the laptop speakers, which does me no good07:30
CPrgmSwR2I like to have the sound of instance messages and other notifications07:30
CPrgmSwR2kde4 is really awsome07:31
CPrgmSwR2Just hardware support sucks07:31
CPrgmSwR2iconmefisto: I guess what I need to do is order a dell linux system07:32
iconmefistoCPrgmSwR2: have you asked about it in #ubuntu+1 (lucid support channel)07:37
michapis anyone there? I neeeeeeeed some help!07:46
_scottlmichap: just ask your qustion, anybody that can help will do so :)07:51
michapthnx. I installed yesterday Kubuntu 9.10 on the desktop my university just gave me for my research and I have no sound!07:52
michap(on the preinstalled windows there was sound)07:52
michapi tryed that: sudo alsa force-reload07:53
michapand had that pop up window:07:53
michapkde detected that one or more internal sound drivers were removed07:53
michapDo you want KDE to permamently forget about these devises?07:53
michapThis is the list of devises KDE thinks can be removed:07:53
michapcapture: HDA Intel (AD198x Analog)07:53
michapOutput: HDA Intel (AD198x Analog)07:53
FloodBotK1michap: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:54
michapthnx and sorry for that! first time user of irc :-)07:54
=== saint_ is now known as Guest31358
_scottldo you know what soundcard you have? Do those devices reappear on reboot?07:59
_scottlcan you install the 10.04 RC or wait a couple of days for the release? :)08:00
michapI also deleted the file:08:02
michapwhich i thought was the problem when I looked that post:08:02
michap(I may did it the wrong way because I just droped it to the recycle bin)08:02
FloodBotK1michap: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:02
michapI suppose is the soundcard is that the pop up told me but I could what till the end of the month for the LTS release if it will fix my problem08:04
mimail_hi i want to konw how to open my romote login08:20
_scottlmicap: I would try 10.04. There has been a lot of work done on KDE sound handling.08:26
michap_scottl: thnks for the attention. I'll wait for 6 days and hope to get my prob fixed!08:37
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vivek_hii can anyone here tel me of a good dock for KDE and how to install it :-)09:15
Koliavivek_: a dock?09:18
Koliausing a panel will do it no?09:19
vivek_Kolia: Yes a dock... no I am planning to replace the panel with a dock09:19
Koliavivek_: ok, what is the difference between a dock and a resized panel?09:20
vivek_Kolia:there is a lot of difference .. i guess it can be better understood if you just increase the size of the dock to the size of the panel09:21
=== ubuntu is now known as Ahmed\
Ahmed\Why i get an error when update finishes (GPG error: http://archive.canonical.com karmic Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>)09:59
vivek_hii can anyone here tel me of a good dock for KDE and how to install it :-)10:01
moetunesvivek_: superkaramba has some docks - all I did was use google to find that out...10:03
ubottusuperkaramba is an application that gives you interactive eye-candy on your desktop. To get themes for it, head over to http://kde-look.org10:04
vivek_moetunes:but is superkaramba not deprecated10:04
moetunesvivek_: I wouldn't know10:04
vivek_moetunes:do we not have something like cairo dock or gnome do10:05
moetunesvivek_: it is not something I've looked into10:05
vivek_moetunes:it is deprecated .. a little google told me that10:05
vivek_moetunes:thanks a ton.. sorry for the trouble10:06
moetunesvivek_: http://everydaylht.com/essential-linux-apps-2/desktop/cairo-dock/10:07
=== saint_ is now known as Guest32900
TheAncientGoatvivek_: Erm, a panel with widgets?10:11
moetuneswith docks the icons resize on mouseover is the appeal I think10:12
TheAncientGoatSTasks and Fancytasks have that functionality10:13
coteyranyone here willing to help get my multimedia keys working in the lucid beta. they used to work, but now there not even emitting events and I am not sure where to look11:13
moetunessomeone in #ubuntu+1 might know if noone here does coteyr11:14
alexis_hi! im trying to install kubnutu 10.04rc by a usbkey, with a desktop iso. Live demo work fine; but when i try to install, check disk befor partitionning stop at 47% evry time..11:20
alexis_its on a asus ul30a laptop; maybe others partition (ntfs with win 7) are encrypted; maybe its the cause of my prob (? )11:21
moetuneswhat is it trying to do at 47% alexis_ ?11:24
alexis_analyse hard drive and partition11:25
alexis_from 1% to 47% its quick (and the ard disk led, is blinking), but after that: nothing happens11:28
alexis_right.. it pass over 47% with another usbkey :D11:36
alexis_tx moetunes11:36
moetunesalexis_: all ok ?11:37
alexis_i follow installation, we'll see11:37
iconmefistoalexis_: are you creating all new partitions on this install?11:38
iconmefistoalexis_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/partman-base/+bug/55838211:41
iconmefistoalthough it says "fix released"11:42
moetunesit sounds like the first usb was not  in the best condition11:43
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=== mike is now known as Guest87150
Hugo_Could somebody help me?12:54
noaXessis there a simple way to remove the whole kde desktop?.. so i have just a running box with no X and no X apps?12:55
Hugo_I have no idea, sorry12:55
Hugo_Do you know how I can install and uninstall stuff on Kubuntu 9.10?12:56
Hugo_Because mine didn't come with Adept?12:56
Hugo_Or Synaptic12:56
noaXessHugo_: normal .deb files over: sudo dpkg -i pacakge.deb12:56
noaXessHugo_: apps from the kubuntu repos over: sudo apt-get install package-name12:56
AlexZionHugo_: just try to install synaptic .... sudo apt-get install synaptic12:56
AlexZionHugo_: or even kpackagemanager12:57
noaXesskpackagekit :)12:57
Hugo_Well, I tried kpackagekit and searched for something12:57
Hugo_And it didn't work?12:57
AlexZionyeah , I did a mistake , sorry .. :)12:58
Hugo_But I think that I'm installing adept now..?12:58
Hugo_sudo apt-get install adept?12:58
Hugo_I have adept now.12:58
AlexZionHugo_: I think synaptic is the better way to manage your packages12:59
Hugo_So do i :D12:59
Hugo_Installing synaptic now12:59
Hugo_Will it have the ubuntu repositries12:59
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
Hugo_Does anyone know how I can update kubuntu?13:05
Hugo_Because there's no update manager.....13:05
Hugo_And another thing, does anyone know how to get flash working on Kubuntu...?13:06
moetunessudo apt-get update Hugo_13:06
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash13:06
Hugo_Another thing....13:08
Hugo_It said to search for flashplugin-installer13:08
Hugo_I did that in Adept Package Manager13:08
Hugo_And it found that it was already installed?13:08
Hugo_So shouldn't Youtube work already?13:08
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
moetuneserr I don't do youtube here13:11
ubottuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/13:12
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
Hugo_Thanks :)13:13
Hugo_I think I know why though13:14
Hugo_I was using Konqueror13:14
TheAncientGoatHugo_: What version of kubuntu are you running?13:14
Hugo_And it should work on Mozilla?13:14
Hugo_Earlier I got the GNU Grub 1.97beta thing?13:14
TheAncientGoatOk, then you should be using kpack, and not adept..13:14
Hugo_And I couldn't run Kubuntu13:14
Hugo_I had to uninstall kubuntu13:14
Hugo_format my hard drive13:14
Hugo_And re-install13:14
Hugo_Now there is a way to fix the GNU Grub 1.97beta in terminal right?13:15
TheAncientGoatHow did you "get" the new grub version?13:16
Hugo_I don't know..?13:16
Hugo_I just installed13:16
Hugo_Then I shutdown13:16
FloodBotK1Hugo_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:16
Hugo_And restarted later13:16
TheAncientGoatInstalled from the livecd?13:16
Hugo_Yes I installed inside Windows from the Live CD that i had burnt.13:16
TheAncientGoatOk, but what was wrong with grub?13:17
TheAncientGoatIt should let you chose between booting windows or kubuntu13:17
TheAncientGoat(also, if you want to install kubuntu only, installing it inside windows is a bad idea)13:17
Hugo_The windows boot loader comes up, Windows XP Professional and Kubuntu13:18
Hugo_I know.13:18
Hugo_And then I chose Kubuntu, and instead of coming up with the Linux.generic-9.10 thing it just came up with GNU GRUB 1.97beta13:18
Hugo_And I don't know the codes for the fix..13:18
TheAncientGoatDoes it say GRUB and nothing else?13:19
Hugo_Minimal bash something something..?13:19
TheAncientGoatAh.. The instalation must have botched then. But I guess you managed to install it from the live-cd?13:19
Hugo_Again, into Windows13:20
Hugo_After re-formatting13:20
TheAncientGoatAnd it works now?13:20
Hugo_Well, I haven't restarted yet13:21
Hugo_But it happened to me a while ago on Ubuntu 9.1013:21
TheAncientGoatWait, you re-formatted your entire pc, or did you have a seperate partition for kubuntu?13:21
Hugo_And I used some codes to fix it13:21
Hugo_I have a C and D drive.13:21
Hugo_I installed Kubuntu onto my D Drive, using Wubi, then I couldn't uninstall, permission denied or something so I reformatted.13:22
TheAncientGoatOk, then why don't you install kubuntu on the D drive instead of installing it inside windows?13:22
Hugo_Because my friend told me that Windows didn't like running along side Kubuntu when it was in it's own partition13:23
Hugo_And this is the second time today that I have installed kubuntu...13:24
TheAncientGoatInstalling it through wubi on its own partition causes problems13:25
TheAncientGoatInstalling it normally on its own partition is fine13:25
TheAncientGoatI've never had any problems with that, its pretty much the main way people do it13:26
Hugo_Ok well, before I fixed it by going into terminal..13:26
Hugo_And entering in some codes...?13:26
Hugo_Do you know them>/13:26
TheAncientGoatNope. Its most probably something to fix the path for linux image, because you installed it on a seperate partition13:27
TheAncientGoatBut anywa13:27
TheAncientGoatDon't install 9.10 now13:27
TheAncientGoatThe next version of kubuntu is comming out next weekend13:27
TheAncientGoatAnd it has lots of improvements and stuff13:27
TheAncientGoat9.10 has been problematic, but 10.04 is a LTS (supposedly stable) release, so it should give people less problems13:28
TheAncientGoatHow are you running kubuntu at this moment though? Livecd?13:29
TheAncientGoatHugo_: ^13:30
Hugo_thru windows13:30
TheAncientGoatAh, VM?13:30
TheAncientGoatSo it installed successfully?13:31
fbxxklHi, anyone here know a little bit about vbox?13:32
Hugo_but i got the gnu grub thing b413:32
Hugo_Any ideaas?13:34
TheAncientGoatHugo_: I don't understand the problem though?13:34
Hugo_Before when i installed Kubuntu, it installed successfully.13:35
Hugo_I booted up13:35
Hugo_And started runnning some cool effects and then it stuffed up because of too many effects.13:35
Hugo_I held the off key13:35
Hugo_Restarted, and it went into the GNU GRUB thing.13:35
Hugo_And said13:35
TheAncientGoatI know the problem there13:35
Hugo_How do I fix it?13:36
Hugo_Do i just update?13:36
Hugo_Because I'm doing that through terminal now13:36
TheAncientGoatWhen you install from wubi, and you shut down improperly, you first need to boot back into windows and let it do the diskcheck thing13:36
TheAncientGoatAnd then restart, and you should be able to boot back in13:36
Hugo_So shutdown13:36
Hugo_Then reboot into Windows13:37
TheAncientGoatThats one of the downsides of installing through wubi13:37
TheAncientGoatHugo_: And then restart, and boot into kubuntu13:37
Hugo_So, when I shutdown i go to windows13:37
TheAncientGoatAnd it should do a diskcheck while starting up13:38
TheAncientGoatHugo_: I'm not 100% sure this will work in 9.10, but that's always fixed it for me in 8.0413:38
Hugo_do you know how to make kubuntu panel more transparent?13:39
TheAncientGoatHugo_: I've done it, but I can't remember where XD13:42
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moetuneshi Hugo__13:59
Hugo__how do i make panel transparent14:00
moetunesHugo__: tried the right click menu?14:00
Hugo__@moetunes do you know how to make the panel transparent?14:13
Hugo__moetunes: do you know how to make the panel transparent?14:13
Shaan7Anybody knows why there is no Partition Editor in Kubuntu Lucid Lynx LiveCD ?14:14
Hugo__What alpha?14:15
moetunesHugo__: afaik right click and select configure panel - not using kde on this comp atm14:15
Hugo__Mine just says configure settings...14:15
Hugo__So panel options14:16
Shaan7Hugo__: in kubuntu or ubuntu ?14:16
Hugo__then panel settings.14:16
Hugo__How do I do it?14:16
Hugo__Do you know?14:16
Shaan7Hugo__: in KDE transparency is decided by the theme ..14:16
Hugo__Ok then :(14:17
Shaan7Hugo__: IIRC, the default Air theme is translucent .....14:17
Hugo__I'm using oxygen or something?14:17
Shaan7Hugo__: which version of kubuntu are you using?14:18
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Shaan7Hugo__: ok, then look for a theme called "air", thats having transparent panels ..14:18
Shaan7also make sure "Desktop Effects" is enabled in System Settings ...14:18
Hugo__There was a way to edit everything before..14:18
Hugo__I can't remember how I did it..14:19
Hugo__It was in System Settings14:19
slckb0yhi :) how to know wish version of kubuntu i have installed actually ?14:22
TheDogslckb0y: at a prompt, type lsb_release -a14:38
jeponghello... anyone having problem with kopete?14:38
* TheDog wishes everyone a very happy St. George's day :-)14:38
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Tm_TBluesKaj: indeedio15:18
BluesKajhi Tm_T , how's it going ?15:20
Tm_Twatching the quiet day here15:20
BluesKajyeah, it's been very quiet here lately15:22
nenadsuperzmajQuiet is a bit of an understatement :) It's sure to be buzzing in a few days tho :)15:31
crystuferI'd appreciate greatly if anyone would take a look at the error messages I get when I boot. Nothing major I think. Just kde acting up. http://paste.ubuntu.com/421070/15:46
geniicrystufer: You upgraded a kde3 system to kde4?15:48
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crystufergenii: I don't know. I just installed koalla and let it do upgrades.15:48
crystufergenii: You know, the bug fix popup. Just basically that.15:51
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crystuferI'll be right back. I'm gonna reboot and write down every word of it.15:57
crystufergenii: Yeah, I got it right. Config file not writable.16:02
geniicrystufer: Probably good to do something like: sudo chown -R username:username /home/username/.kde       (substitute actual login name for "username" ...)16:05
crystufergenii: Just the second username though?16:08
geniicrystufer: If you login as for instance George  then: sudo chown -R George:George /home/George/.kde16:09
crystuferoh, okay.16:09
crystufergenii: Thanks for that. I'll go try it.16:10
crystufergenii: No love. Maybe same command but for system:system?16:14
geniicrystufer: No, don't do that :) Will make it unusable for "George"16:14
crystufergenii: Cuz it's pre login.16:14
crystuferoh, that's bad.16:14
geniicrystufer: Is "George" the first default username which was made or a subsequent user which was added?16:17
crystufergenii: First and only.16:18
genii!es | mino16:34
ubottumino: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:34
minook. gracias.16:35
thefishanyone got dual monitors with fglrx working? its very strange with my laptop (second monitor position can be top or bottom, works fine, but right and left dont work)16:49
thefish^ no changes to xorg, just in the system settings > display16:50
docxi want to ask someone for this: i have upgraded ubuntu from 9.10 to 10.04. and i'm noticing that new boot splash approach using plymouth showing me in about 15 seconds after grub exit and shows only for few (1-5) seconds and then i get login screen.. is it bug or it is normal behavior?16:57
geniidocx: Normal. Please direct further questions to channel #ubuntu+1 for 10.0416:58
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street_dvdDoes Kubuntu use PulseAudio?17:26
BluesKajstreet_dvd, yes17:27
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szatmarisegitség kellene18:32
reagleBRKLNI'm testing out the Kubuntu Lucid RC, my fonts are now a little bigger, I notice this sometimes happens when moving to a new release. Is this a xorg dpi thing or something?18:37
PicireagleBRKLN: please use #ubuntu+1 for Lucid questions :)18:38
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reagleBRKLNPici: thanks18:40
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krezkeyhello all. Can anyone tell me why kubuntu 9.10 eats up all my memory.and how can I recover it without rebooting19:00
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xrandrso, switching from ALSA to OSS, recommended or not?19:08
Mamarokxrandr: I would say no, unless you have serious reasons to do so19:09
jimmy51_i've got a free ipod touch.  is it easy to transfer content between it and my kubuntu 9.10 machine?19:10
James147jimmy51_: think amarok can do it, but not sure how good it is at it19:11
jimmy51_James147: hmm... i don't even see it in amarok19:13
James147jimmy51_: it should show up as a local collection19:14
James147jimmy51_: what version of amarok?19:14
James147jimmy51_: does the device manager see it?19:15
jimmy51_James147: amarok 2.2.019:16
Mamarokjimmy51_: check out this link: http://wp.me/pKriD-919:16
Mamarokjimmy51_: and get a newer Amarok, 2.2.0 is very old19:16
jimmy51_Mamarok: hmm... i thought kubuntu would update it as needed (when i confirm updates)19:17
Mamarokjimmy51_: not newer versions, see here: http://kubuntu.org/news/amarok-2.3.019:18
James147jimmy51_: 2.2.0 isnt "very" old... latest is 2.3.x and you need to enable the backports to update to it19:18
MamarokJames147: I can assure you it *is* old, from our POV, we are preparing 2.3.1 right now19:19
Mamarokalso there have been at least 3 version since19:19
jimmy51_will kubuntu add the newer to the repos?  i don't like to go too far off the reservation when it comes to packages19:20
jimmy51_*the newer version19:21
James147jimmy51_: no, i dont think they will upgrade major versions unless you enable the backports19:21
Mamarokjimmy51_: well, it is in the PPA backports repositories, but since Kubuntu is not a rolling distribution it will not end up in the regular updates19:21
Mamarokbut Kubuntu 10.04 will ship Amarok 2.3.019:22
James147jimmy51_: the backports will also upgrade you to kde 4.4.x19:22
MamarokJames147: it's backports PPA, the regular backports repositories don't have it, only KDE 4.3.5 IIRC19:22
James147Mamarok: whats what I meant ^^ :p19:23
Mamarokwell, it's important to make the difference IMHO, since those are not repositories, but the private package archives of the Kubuntu team. The only way to get newer versions than just bugfixes19:24
jimmy51_ok, it says ipod touch must use gtkpod19:25
jimmy51_i've downloaded that.. .... one step says "mount your ipod"19:25
macoipod touch should work in lucid19:25
jimmy51_i'm now sitting on it.... what next ? :)19:25
maconot all the libraries are packaged in karmic to make it go, and the ones that are are quite old versions19:25
Mamarokmaco: he is not in Lucid, that wuld be in #ubuntu+1 :)19:25
jimmy51_seriously though.... how do i mount an ipod ?19:25
macoMamarok: i know. im saying i doubt itll work in karmic because teh libraries simply arent there19:26
Mamarokjimmy51_: plug it in I guess? gtkpod should see it, also Amarok 2.3.0 shows it in the Collection Browser, don't know for 2.2.019:26
macounless the how-to he's following includes compiling current source from version-control19:26
Mamarokmaco: it should have worked with 2.2.2 for sure19:26
jimmy51_Mamarok: it doesn't show in any of them19:27
jimmy51_i have a VM running Win7 with passthrough, and it sees it, but the linux host doesn't seem to19:27
Mamarokjimmy51_: then I don't know, sorry. I can't even test, I don't have an iPod19:27
macoMamarok: without usbmuxd?19:27
Mamarokmight be gtkpod related, no idea if there are not other files you need for that19:27
jimmy51_Mamarok: thanks for trying.  i'm not an apple fan.  my creative zen just works..... this thing is annoying.19:28
macousbmuxd is required in order to use an ipod touch, and its not packaged in karmic at all19:28
jimmy51_maco: do you use an ipod touch in kubuntu 9.10?19:28
macojimmy51_: my brother tried to get his working in ubuntu 9.10. i packaged usbmuxd for him and put it in a ppa, but the other librarires involved that are packaged in 9.10 are too old of versions for it to work19:29
macosorry, i didnt do the packaging, i yanked it from debian and put it in a ppa19:29
jimmy51_so.... it sounds like i can A)  grab various libraries from source, compile, install, possibly mess things up19:30
jimmy51_or B) wait until 10.04 comes out and it should work out of the box?19:30
macothats only 6 days away19:30
jimmy51_and i can do a lot of damage in 6 days :)19:30
stephen_Someone has experienced updating 8.04 => 10.04rc ?19:32
macostephen_: technically not supported as 8.04 was not an lts for kubuntu...19:33
jimmy51_ok, thanks all.  i'll just wait for 10.04.  this silly thing has been on my desk for over a year, 6 more days won't hurt.19:33
macojimmy51_: my brother's been waiting since christmas to use his19:33
macooh which reminds me, he had a question about it...19:34
stephen_maco, So isn't possible make this update without problems...19:34
macostephen_: it might work, but theres not been excessive work put into that particular upgrade path19:35
James147stephen_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LucidUpgrades <- should help19:35
stephen_thanks marco and james14719:35
James147maco: kubuntu 8.04 was the lts release...19:35
macoJames147: no it wasnt. 6.06 was the last kubuntu lts19:36
maco8.04 was lts for ubuntu, not kubuntu19:36
James147maco: and 8.04 check the link19:36
James147maco: they have different?19:36
stephen_i think 8.04 was lts...19:36
macobecause kde 4.0 came out right when 8.04 came out19:36
litropyHi, all. I need to switch from KDE to GNOME for a bit. How do I do so?19:36
maco3.5 wasnt going to be supported long enough and 4.0 wasnt good enough, so kubuntu wasn't LTS19:36
macolitropy: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop19:37
litropynote: there's no "session" option @ the login screen19:37
TheAncientGoatlitropy: Why do you want to do that though, if I may ask?19:37
macois that with kdm or gdm?19:37
TheAncientGoatCool to see all the identi.ca peeps on here19:37
litropyIn GNOME, I could just go to "login screen" and choose my session manager. I already have GNOME19:38
litropyjust looking for where to do it in KDE19:38
stephen_james thanks for the link!19:38
macolitropy: you can switch to using gdm as the login screen.  i dont think kdm supports it19:38
stephen_you're right! 8.04 isn't LTS19:38
macoto do that: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm19:39
macothen just pick gdm as default19:39
litropysee the strange thing is, i did that, yet it still loads up kde19:39
litropyLike I said, I could just go into my system settings in GNOME and within "login screen" I could toggle between GNOME and KDE. But in KDE's settings, there's no place to do that19:41
litropyAnd I know I did it before in KDE. So I'm a bit confused19:41
macolitropy: if you make gdm the default, doesnt gdm have a button to pick your default?19:42
macoi dont think kdm in kde4 has a button to choose from the login screen though19:42
litropyI mean, you're saying after sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm and selecting gdm, I can just log out and log back into GNOME19:42
litropybut it doesn't happen.19:43
macolitropy: no im not. im saying when you select gdm, then when you logout youll see a gdm login screen instead of a kdm one (actually this might require a reboot...).  gdm has a button on it to pick gnome or kde. kdm does not.19:47
James147maco: I thourght kdm also had an option to choose sessions...19:49
macoi dont think so....but i dont want to logout right now to look either :P19:49
macoi think in kde3 it did but it hasnt been put back in kde4 yet19:49
James147maco: going to install gnome on my netbook and check :)19:49
litropyguys, this is so strange. I swear two days ago I switched from KDE to GNOME within 15 seconds using a dropdown. But now I can't find it.19:54
James147litropy: just installing gnome to try it19:55
lucianohello, anyone can help me?19:55
James147!help | luciano19:55
ubottuluciano: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:55
macooh oh found it!19:56
litropyit's actually the other way around. I installed kubuntu-netbook to compare ubuntu-netbook.19:56
lucianoi installed kubuntu here and dont have sound19:56
macolitropy: there *is* a button its just not obvious at all19:56
litropysweet maco! where?19:57
macolitropy: er...wait dang im on lucid so i only know what the button looks like on lucid...but on here it's a blue square with a white arrow pointing down19:57
macoon the kdm screen19:57
lucianowhat can i do?19:57
litropyI'm on lucid maco19:57
litropywhere though?19:57
macook well see under the password box theres a blue square with a white down arrow? thats the dropdown19:57
macothere's a red square next to it with a power icon19:57
litropyk, gonna try19:57
James147!sound | luciano19:58
ubottuluciano: If you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:58
lucianook, thx19:59
xrandrimma reboot. brb20:03
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:10
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xrandrok, i have a really dumb question. On the soundcard, it has the colors Pink, Green, and Blue. Since it's not labeled, which is USUALLY the mic input?20:22
txwikingerxrandr: pink/red20:24
xrandrthank you20:24
xrandrwas way too lazy to google that :D20:25
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francisbhow do i boot from a floppy disk, I do not want to mess up my master boot record21:01
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Sanjuanitowho c21:10
geniiSanjuanito: If you mean: Who can see what I type here?   then everyone21:12
SanjuanitoYea, thanks21:17
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litropyhi, all. no matter what I choose using sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm, I'm still presented with what looks like a gnome login panel, which doesn't have the option to switch session managers, and I'm stuck in KDE. All I want to do is switch my session manager to gnome. In gnome, this is easy. you just go to the login screen prefpane under system and choose from a dropdown containing all the...22:27
litropy...installed session managers. I cannot find something like that in kde. Please help me switch from kde to gnome and thank you in advance.22:27
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ArkoldThosheya people :)22:53
gaetanoare you speack italian?22:53
ArkoldThosI got a little problem with a just installed Kubutu - I can't get nvidia-settings to detect both monitors22:54
ArkoldThosgaetano, nope :/22:54
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jhamboshould I be able to browse an .iso file in dolphin or is there some other program I should use?23:19
Aison`just tried to upgrade to version 10, but it fails. I get the message: E:Couldn't configure predepend openoffice.org-core-filter-binfilter23:37
xclis anyone here23:43
xclwhois AdmiralNDP23:44
visitor2000j ai un probleme j arrive pas a aller sur facebook23:52
visitor2000il me demande si je veux enregistrer la page23:52

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