
thumperchx: stacking is done based on the development focus branch of the project00:00
chxah! good00:00
thumperchx: also why do it this way?00:00
chxthumper: what would be a better way?00:01
thumperI have trunk branched locally00:01
thumperwhen I create a new branch I branch it locally in my shared repo00:02
thumperand pushing it to lp is as simple as "bzr push"00:02
thumperas I have the public locations specified in ~/.bazaar/locations.conf00:02
thumperthis branch is then stacked and fast to push00:02
luke-jrpushing a branch initially takes forever regardless of lp-to-lp or local-to-lp in my experience :(00:02
thumperluke-jr: not always00:02
thumperluke-jr: I can push a new launchpad branch to lp very quickly00:03
thumperfrom NZ even00:03
luke-jralso, you get free backup by branching lp-to-lp and working with a checkout :)00:03
thumperas long as it is stacked00:03
thumperluke-jr: I get free backup by pushing as needed00:03
rockstarluke-jr, then you don't get the distributed part of DVCS...00:03
persiaa pathological case for stack-on-trunk is for new branches that add bugfixes to earlier releases, where there's vast divergence from trunk, but not so much divergence from a known non-trunk branch.00:03
luke-jrrockstar: you can always unbind if you need to later :)00:03
thumperpersia: true00:04
* persia has encountered this several times00:04
thumperpersia: you can specify --stacked-on if you really care00:04
mwhudson--stacked-on doesn't really work too well00:04
mwhudson(i'm fixing that!)00:04
luke-jrmore important to me IMO is the ugliness of the overview page :P00:05
thumperluke-jr: which overview page?00:05
luke-jrthe download list especially00:05
persiaPlus, I never remember that I can do something fancy until I'm already incredibly annoyed at how long it takes to push.00:05
luke-jrnot that "Series and milestones" gives any meaningful representation of releases00:06
merbithas anyone noticed "MemoryError" in ubuntu package branches? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/lucid/sun-java6/lucid00:06
rockstarpersia, what formats are your branches?  It never takes much to push for me.00:06
persiarockstar: Whatever they were in LP.  I'm spoiled by ftp being incredibly fast, so impatient with any more intelligent protocol.00:07
luke-jrthe whole point of a custom protocol is always the speed :p00:07
thumpermerbit: where are you getting MemoryError?00:08
merbitthumper: on that link, it has a triangle error and shows MemoryError00:09
merbitI'll take a screenshot00:09
persialuke-jr: bzr+ssh is faster for some purposes.  I have a somewhat different set of constraints, so that computation takes more time than wire transfer.  This isn't generally the case.00:09
thumpermerbit: I see it00:09
merbitah ok :)00:09
merbitthumper: I was wondering if that's normal, since lucid isn't stable yet00:10
thumpermerbit: no, I think it is the java6 package in particular00:11
merbitok thank you00:11
merbitoh right.. sun-java6 has been moved to partner repo00:12
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nnewtonhi all, I'm having some issues with login...mainly that I'm getting the "Oops" error on login02:14
nnewtonwondering if there is a contact email to..email..or if I should file a bug (which maybe hard considering I can't login)02:14
doctormoHey rockstar, how's development going?02:34
* rockstar looks up02:34
rockstardoctormo, is there context here that I'm unaware of, or are you just asking in general?02:34
doctormorockstar: Asking in general, have you never had someone care about your well being without context?02:35
rockstardoctormo, not anyone that isn't my wife, no.  :)02:35
rockstar(that includes my manager, thumper)02:35
thumperdoctormo: you may be interested to know that we will be trying some build package from branch on dogfood RSN02:36
rockstardoctormo, things are going well.02:36
rockstarYESSIR!  Last few branches should be landing shortly.02:36
* thumper is hurt02:36
thumperI ask how things are going02:36
* rockstar kids02:36
* thumper has kids02:36
doctormothumper: Interesting, are there some good API changes?02:36
thumperabentley: is working on the api02:37
rockstardoctormo, you should hear the cursing right now...02:37
thumperthere are challenges02:37
doctormoBrilliant, did we get the addition of SSH key management yet?02:37
thumperdoctormo: additions rather than changes I hope02:37
rockstardoctormo, as far as I know, that's registry's thing.02:37
rockstarAbuse sinzui02:37
thumperdoctormo: ask sinzui02:37
thumperask with a stick02:37
doctormothumper: For some reason you remind me of a fluffy bunny, I think I'm in bambi's forest.02:38
thumperdoctormo: I have that picture on some things02:39
doctormoI was noticing a consistancy problem before, who's the fella that deals with UI?02:39
thumperdoctormo: check https://launchpad.net/~thumper02:39
thumperdoctormo: lots of people do02:39
thumperdoctormo: hence the consistancy problem02:39
mwhudsonhence the awesome consistency02:39
* rockstar lulz02:39
thumperdoctormo: which exact problem?02:39
thumperdoctormo: we are sprinting right now, hence the collective answers02:40
rockstar(also, it's Friday, and our brains are mush)02:40
doctormoI don't supose there is a web devel / design position going spare? ;-D02:41
thumperdoctormo: two actually02:41
thumperdoctormo: kinda02:41
thumperdoctormo: there is a web developer for launchpad registry, and I'm after someone as a general dev02:42
sinzuidoctormo, sshkeys were exposed by several people over one week02:42
thumperhi sinzui02:43
rockstarSee? sinzui responds to abuse.02:43
thumperrockstar: I think he responds more nicely to asking02:43
sinzuiI usually respond in kind02:43
* sinzui is writing a lot of abuse into the already insane CSS file02:43
doctormothumper: Interesting, well I have both design and developer xp. Level 15 python wizard, Level 20 perl ninja.02:44
thumpersinzui: want to come to NZ?02:44
doctormoI don't suppose there'll be many people at UDS from lp?02:44
thumpersinzui: ACLs could be a good reason02:44
thumperdoctormo: there should be quite a few02:44
thumperdoctormo: mwhudson, abentley, all of soyuz02:45
sinzuidoctormo, one or two people form each team. I think that means about 802:45
mwhudsoni won't be launchpad by then officially02:45
thumperdoctormo: here is my position - http://webapps.ubuntu.com/employment/canonical_LP-SEC/02:46
thumperdoctormo: where do you live?02:46
doctormoBoston, MA, USA02:49
thumperah, been there02:49
thumperone of the few places in the USA I've been to02:49
doctormoOK back to that problem, took me a min to get a screenshot: http://imagebin.ca/view/GpIJMg6E.html02:49
thumperthe ui problem?02:49
rockstardoctormo, bugs team's problem.  :)02:50
doctormoThe text and the icons do different things for each of them, some popup selectors, some are links02:50
doctormoworst is the Target to milestone which is the oposite of the affects02:50
sinzuidoctormo, you missed my greatest grievance in the bug widget. If you assign the milestone the link and js-action reverse.02:51
thumperdoctormo: file a bug :)02:51
thumperupload the pic as an attachment :)02:51
doctormoAye will do02:52
doctormothumper: I don't suppose you'd make me a quote for the ground control website on what you think of it as a project?03:29
thumperdoctormo: perhaps you should ask someone that uses gnome :)03:30
* thumper uses kubuntu03:30
doctormoAlthough you don't have to be a gnome user to understand the workflow, I'll ask er, persia, you know ground control right?03:30
persiaI've heard of it, yes.03:31
doctormothumper: Some dolphin devs wanted to know how easy it'd be to make into a kde thing.03:31
thumperdoctormo: that'd be interesting03:31
persiadoctormo: You're using pygtk, right?03:31
thumperdoctormo: it ground control abstracted enough to split out the gui work so there could be a pyqt version?03:32
persiaIf you've abstracted the core as is advised by the docs, adding a python-qt frontend ought be a couple days effort.03:32
thumperpersia: snap03:32
persiaMind you, "ought be" is almost never true, because invariably one discovers refactoring opportunities whilst doing so, but still.03:33
persiathumper: You're a KDE guy: maybe you want to toss up a quick framework?03:33
thumperpersia: no... I'm a KDE user03:33
doctormoIt's fairly abstracted, especially bzr / launchpadlib intergration, but the gui stuff is interesting, it's got 10 UIs etc.03:33
persiathumper: Ah.03:33
thumperpersia: and my spare time is taken up with another project right now03:34
thumperpersia: I'm writing yet another wiki03:34
persiaOr I should ask: which feature drove you to this extreme?03:34
doctormoIt's a shame there isn't a way to get glade ui files working with pyqt03:34
persiaYou'd have to use Qt Designer to achieve the rough equivalence.  I suspect you'd do best to have someone else work on that, and collaborate on the abstraction.03:35
thumperpersia: I want it bzr backed, and modular enough to be integrated with launchpad03:37
doctormothumper: You want the wiki to be backed by bzr/lp?03:39
thumperdoctormo: I want the wiki to be backed by a bzr branch03:39
thumperdoctormo: and have it able to be integrated with LP03:40
thumperdoctormo: so you should be able to go "bzr branch lp:project/wiki" to get the wiki for the project03:40
doctormoIf it means you can start doing propper custom tables03:40
doctormoThe problem with the wiki is far too many people are using it like a database.03:40
persiathumper: That's a good set of reasons to write a new one :)03:41
thumperit is still really early03:41
persiadoctormo: How do folks use the wiki like a database?03:41
thumperI'm working on it in the evenings03:41
thumperI'm hoping for an initial release soon03:41
thumpersoon meaning within a month or two03:41
luke-jrjust drop the pygtk and switch to pyqt only03:42
persiathumper: That's hugely exciting.03:42
thumperpersia: I think so03:42
persialuke-jr: dropping isn't best for GNOME folk, but maybe you could help make it work well for KDE folk?03:42
luke-jrGNOME folk are fictional :)03:43
persiaground-control upstream are GNOME folk: consider the power of introducing them to the beauty of pyqt code as a means of advocacy :)03:43
luke-jrwhat's ground control anyhow?03:44
doctormopersia: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-M/Attendees <- tell me that isn't being used as a giant database table03:44
persiadoctormo: I consider that wiki abuse, especially since LP *already* exposes a bundle of that information.03:45
doctormoluke-jr: Demonstration http://blip.tv/file/314162903:45
doctormopersia: The problem is that it isn't exposing enough and a lot of what goes on is custom tables.03:45
doctormopersia: It'd be nice to have a wiki-db03:45
persiaThe right answer is to add travel details input to the LP sprints interface.03:45
doctormoIt is, that sort of thing should be formal and nailed down, but there is plenty of other instances of tables which are experimental and use once.03:46
luke-jrmy daughter says ground control is about an air balloon03:46
thumperpersia: patches accepted :) (well - reviewed anyway)03:47
persiathumper: I'm the wrong person to ask for patches :)  My preferred language is make, and nearly all the time I have for development is spent fixing stuff that gets in the way of what else I do.03:49
doctormopersia: Make as a language is liek alien abductions, there are many stories about it but I'm critical that it exists at all.03:50
persiadoctormo: http://people.ubuntu.com/~persia/ubisim is a quick hack script, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~persia/+junk/moblin-analysis/annotate/head:/Makefile is a more powerful tool.03:51
spivdoctormo: something a bit like freebase.com?03:52
doctormoHoly smokes, it's like someone coding Quake 3 in DOS Batch03:52
doctormoluke-jr: Did the video make sense?03:53
luke-jrI had no sound from it04:05
luke-jrlooked like a GNOME addon for LP04:05
persiaIt's definitely a tool for manipulating LP from the desktop.  That it's GNOME is a bug :)04:07
mwhudsonpersia: real programs just talk native x11 protocol stuff over a socket?04:09
luke-jrreal programs are Qt04:11
persiamwhudson: No, real programs are sufficiently abstracted that they can be trivially made to work with arbitrary desktop environments and have a sufficiently diverse development community that this just works.04:12
mwhudsonpersia: i think by that criteria no real programs exist04:13
luke-jractually, in all seriousness, real programs are UI-less and have UI implementations independent from the purpose04:13
thumperreal programs only have command line interfaces04:13
thumperand aren't used by real people04:14
thumperonly geeks04:14
persiamwhudson: ubiquity is a nice example of a real program by those criteria, just to pick one.04:17
persialuke-jr: Well, are architected in a way that enables that, yes.04:17
persiathumper: No.  A CLI is a UI.04:17
spmreal programs don't even have cmd line interfaces and are handled by batch scheduling systems :-P04:17
luke-jron another note, all this abstraction makes things bloated04:18
luke-jrWindows NT ran with 16 MB RAM04:18
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doctormopersia: It'll probably make you happy to hear that ground control is also cli, so you get a choice between cli and gnome :-D04:19
persiaspm: A batch scheduling system is an interface: if it *only* works with batch scheduling systems, that's a bug.04:20
luke-jrdoctormo: isn't that self-contradicting?04:20
persiadoctormo: That's a good step towards solving the bugs :)04:20
luke-jrI thought ground control was supposed to be a UI for bzr/lp04:20
doctormoluke-jr: Do you think I'd test it by quiting and reloading nautilus several million times?04:20
thumperyou can fix any problem by adding another level of indirection04:21
persiaWell, except insufficient computing resources :)04:22
doctormothumper: It's the magic trick: Look over there, *alakzam!*04:22
thumperpersia: if the indirection is to another machine, that can work too :)04:22
doctormohttp://divajutta.com/doctormo/gcweb/ <- thoughts on the icon/logo?04:23
luke-jrhehe, deploy VNC clients :p04:23
persiadistributed resources are still resources :)04:23
doctormoluke-jr: Just incase you ever get the urge to develop a Dolphin plugin for groundcontrol, now you know how it works.04:23
persiadoctormo: Looks like a cyclops: consider a rocketship with 4 windows so that two show.04:24
luke-jrdoctormo: I don't like Dolphin04:24
luke-jrI do all my file management from a CLI04:24
doctormopersia: With two visible it looks like a squid04:25
doctormoluke-jr: Well, you may have friends who you want to help you out with some copy editing for a branch, and then they'll _have_ to use gnome ;-P04:25
luke-jrdoctormo: I doubt I'll ever trust someone who can't use a CLI with my code04:26
doctormoActually it sort of looks like the rocket is wearing a bra... odd04:26
doctormoluke-jr: The key phraise was "copy editing", i.e. they're helping you with docs, design, something non-code.04:27
luke-jrlet me rephrase:04:27
luke-jrsomeone who can't use a CLI should be banned from computers04:27
persiaLet's not ban anyone.  Instead, let's enable them to use and learn.04:30
luke-jrby taking away the GUIs04:30
doctormopersia: I've updated the icon, added a little more perspective04:30
doctormoluke-jr: No wonder there are so many tools that stink, did you design "find" ?04:31
persiadoctormo: I like that better.04:31
luke-jrdoctormo: no, sorry04:31
luke-jrI do concur find has a terrible interface tho04:32
luke-jrother than simple stuff, I almost always need the man page04:32
doctormoluke-jr: There are examples of sorry deisgn in CLI, and I know some developers who like the CLI because they believe that design isn't required at all.04:32
doctormoOr worse, they only do API because they think it needs no design.04:32
luke-jrhttp://forums3.armagetronad.net/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=20185 <-- lol04:32
persiadesign is critical to all interfaces.  The set of criteria that make an interface good varies hugely on the interface type though, so being good at "interface design" is in fact guaranteed to be false.04:33
bernieI've uploaded a package to my ppa with dput. the upload was successful, but I don't see it in the web page.05:30
bernieI waited 10 minutes... when should I start to get worried?05:31
persiaCheck your mail: you should have an ACCEPT or REJECT message.05:33
persiaIf you don't, check to make sure your .changes file was signed by a key that is registered with your account on launchpad.05:33
berniepersia: oh, right.05:34
berniepersia: the package was rejected indeed05:34
bernieUnable to find distroseries: unstable05:34
persiaRight.  You need to specify an Ubuntu target for a PPA.05:34
bernieI guess I have to fix my changelog?05:35
* lamont has a stupid question...05:51
lamontI have a no-tree branch on my machine, want to pull a branch from launchpad and have it use the local no-tree branch for everything it can, rather than pulling everything from launchpad...05:52
lamonthow painful is that?05:52
spivlamont: pretty easy.05:53
lamonttrying the branch the local and merge the lp branch, since ultimately that's my goal anyway05:53
spivYep, that works fine.05:53
lamontoh, and long time no chat.  howdy05:54
spivIf you had a shared repo for that branch, then you could just "bzr branch lp:whatever" into that repo and get the same benefit.05:54
spivHowdy :)05:54
spivlamont: here, have a gratuitous happy baby photo: http://gallery.puzzling.org/v/parenting/vincent/month2/IMG_7702+_Developed+in+UFRaw_.jpg.html05:55
lamontmost cute05:56
lamontI think I have a shared repo.  at least if I didn't screw it up when I built it05:57
lamontit would have helped if I hadn't deleted my local copy of the branch tree as "done" earlier...05:57
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spivYou can also do "bzr checkout ." to make a tree in a no-tree branch, btw.06:06
lamontok.  anyway, face -> pillow.  g'night06:07
allquixoticHi -- is there any way to allow a Launchpad Team to have read-only access to some (but not all) private branches associated with a commercial project? For instance: our dev team has read/write access to all our private branches, but we want to give a QA team the ability to check out and build the source, without making it *open* source, and without allowing them write access.09:24
mwhudsonallquixotic: subscribe them to the branches you want them to access09:27
allquixoticmwhudson: And that will give them read-only access?09:28
allquixoticOnly the maintainer of the project can write, I suppose?09:28
mwhudsonallquixotic: the owner of the branch can write09:29
mwhudsonallquixotic: subscribers have read only access09:29
allquixoticGood to know. Thank you!09:29
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mrooshello. is this the right place to ask help about launchpad login problem?13:51
mroosI try to reset my forgotten password but it tells me my account is disabled, an I'm stuck13:51
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BlackZmroos: what's your LP ID?13:56
mroosmroos@linux.ee is the email I'm trying to use13:58
mroosand looks like I have used or tried to use it before13:58
BlackZmroos: https://launchpad.net/~mroos/+claim14:00
mroosthanks, it works!14:04
pmatulisis there a sandbox where i can create a test bug?14:12
maxbpmatulis: staging.launchpad.net14:15
pmatulismaxb: thanks14:16
pmatulismaxb: "Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server."  Reloading doesn't help.  :(14:19
maxblosa ping: staging is broken right now? please advise?14:21
mthaddonmaxb: it isn't a service we advertise with any SLA - but as it happens there's an update in progress which is why it's down14:22
maxbmthaddon: Is there any way people can tell whether its down for routine updates vs. just being broken?14:23
mthaddonmaxb: not currently - we're working on improving that14:23
maxbBecause so long as it's linked from lpnet's frontpage, there's something of an implicit SLA of "we'll tell you when we break it" :-)14:24
* mthaddon wasn't aware it was linked from the front page 14:25
maxbIt's the first item under "Get Started"14:25
=== flacoste changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: flacoste | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
mthaddonmaxb: hmm, am I missing something - I see the text, but no link14:27
maxbmthaddon: "What's this"14:27
mthaddonmaxb: nm, I see it once you click on "what's this" - thx for letting me know about that14:27
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paultag_Is there any page that outlines the launchpadlib API? I have found the LP API docs, and some basic launchpadlib walkthroughs, but I can't find documentation on how to get members of a given team. Any ideas, hackers?18:34
james_wpaultag_: there's no page I know of that is a guide to the overall API18:36
james_wit's pretty much look at the API and guess what you need to do right now18:36
blueyedwhat's with OOPS-1574D2190 ?18:37
paultag_james_w, Humm. OK. Are contributions welcome for documentation?18:37
james_wpaultag_: yes!18:37
paultag_james_w, OK. I might get to that this weekend. Just wanted to make sure it was not already done. Thanks :)18:37
beunoblueyed, a timeout18:38
blueyedbeuno: I see.. but another bug I've reported did not timeout.. should I just retry (just doing so)? - but like forever?18:39
blueyednow OOPS-1574L232218:39
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blueyednow it's through.18:40
beunoblueyed, right, so the server must of been under heavy load when reporting that bug, or the dupe search18:40
keffie_jayxhey guys, I have a quick question. I founded a team for a proyect and used one of my emails a contact18:41
keffie_jayxI changed the contact email, but my other email is still associated with the team :S18:42
dazwinHey folks. I just uploaded a customized version of Vala (GNOME's self-hosting compiler) to my PPA. The build failed because valac could not be found. Any ideas how I get around this cyclical dependency?19:11
flacostedazwin: good question19:11
flacostedazwin: is valac in universe or main?19:12
dazwinLet me check - I'm currently using a version from the vala teams own PPA, so not sure19:13
dazwinIf it helps, the build log is here: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/45116757/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-i386.vala_0.8.0-0ubuntu1ppa1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz19:15
flacostedazwin: hmm, it should have fullfilled the build dependencies from main19:24
flacostelet me look at the log19:24
flacostedazwin: it's a problem in your packaging probably19:26
flacostedazwin: valac isn't in the list of dependencies19:27
dazwinExcept it seems to work Ok for the vala team ;)19:27
dazwinYeah, but then does it make sense for a package to Build-Depends on itself?19:27
flacostedazwin: but a self-hosting compiler never relies on a previous version of itself to be available19:27
dazwinExcept vala does!19:28
flacostedazwin: that would not be self-hosting19:28
flacostedazwin: that package build as is on the Ubuntu archive?19:28
dazwinAccording to their hacking page, the normal process is to build with a previous version, then rebuild using the latest compiler. The syntax is pretty stable now, so it seems this doesn't cause too many problems.19:29
flacostedazwin: then it should build-depends on itself19:29
flacostedazwin: i suggest you ask the vala ubuntu maintainer for help19:29
dazwinYep, all I've done is apt-get source from main, add my source code patch, dch, and dput19:30
dazwinOk, thanks - will do19:30
flacostesorry to not being able to help more, but it's a little outside my dpkg-fu19:30
flacostedazwin: it's weird also that the autoconf doesn't complain from the go that valac isn't available19:31
flacosteif it's a dependency for building, they should check for it19:31
dazwinI saw that - maybe a configure.ac problem19:31
flacostenot sure19:31
flacostethe fact that the directory is called bootstrap19:31
flacosteand that a bunch of code is compiled19:32
flacosteusing CC19:32
flacosteseems to hint that a valac used for bootstraping is being compiled19:32
dazwinIt's there: AC_PATH_PROG(VALAC, valac, valac) - maybe I should try this without having a previous valac installed19:32
flacosteand that the second pass should use that valac interpreter19:32
flacostedazwin: i see checking for valac... valac19:33
flacostein the log19:33
flacostethat's weird19:33
flacosteso it must have foud it19:34
flacostedazwin: i'd suggest trying to build without your patch19:34
flacostedazwin: just to make sure19:34
dazwinShould I be bumping the version number, despite the build failing? (my dput just got rejected)19:55
flacostedazwin: probably20:14
dazwinThanks flacoste - even though it probably shouldn't need to be bumped, it actually helps to identify the upload as I'm still getting messages about build failures on other platforms.20:16
rephormatGreetings everyone.20:58
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=== Edwin-lunch is now known as EdwinGrubbs
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
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