
persiaAny core-dev's about?  bug #568736 would benefit from being approved for lucid, and milestoned.00:56
ubot4Launchpad bug 568736 in netbook-meta (Ubuntu) "Having Evolution installed along with Desktop-Email is pointlessly redundant (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56873600:56
cwillu_at_workpersia, this is an arm specific bug? :p01:45
persiaYes, because desktop-webmail is only installed for armel by default.01:45
persiaOne could safely argue that it makes sense for it to be default on all architectures, but that's a different discussion.01:46
DanaGweird... neither networkmanager nor wicd will connect with my rtl8187.06:03
persiaThat's unexpected.06:03
DanaGX11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.06:10
DanaGTrying to run ssh-with-X.06:10
persiaHrm.  It generally works for me if I ssh out of my X session into somewhere else, with the appropriate .ssh/config bits to pass X, and then run an X app.06:11
persiaDunno if that's precisely how you're doing it.06:11
DanaGI have forwardx11 and forwardx11trusted in .ssh/config06:13
DanaG(capitalized properly there.)06:13
persiaOught do it, really.06:17
DanaGhmm, it's not working for me.  Weird.06:19
DanaGoh, "no space left on device"06:22
DanaGNo wonder.06:22
DanaGWould've been nice if ssh had told me that.06:22
persiaHeh.  That explains it.06:23
DanaGNeed bigger SD card -- 2 gigs is tiny.06:25
persiaWe recommend 4G of available storage for a running system.06:25
persia(or more).06:25
persiaIt can (barely) fit in 2G, but one usually runs into issues.06:26
DanaGhmm, what read and write speeds is the beagle itself capable of?06:30
DanaGFor example, why bother with a "class-10" card if it can't do class 10 speeds?... =þ06:31
DanaGweird... blueman won't let me use the pulseaudio plugin.06:39
DanaGValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '21-63-gd3efa-dirty'06:40
persiaFile a bug.06:41
persiaThat *should* just work.06:41
persia(and not working is a clear port failure)06:41
ubot4Launchpad bug 535446 in blueman (Ubuntu) "[lucid] Blueman Pulseaudio plugin cannot be loaded (affects: 4) (heat: 24)" [Undecided,Confirmed]06:43
persiaDoes the patch work for you?06:44
persiaNifty.  Looks like I can upload that.  Tell me the patch works, and I'll put it in lucid.06:45
DanaGI just edited the file manually, rather than patching it.06:54
DanaGThe patch seems to be for something different.06:55
DanaGNow I just need to remember which audio port was line-out on the beagle.06:55
DanaGI'm getting no audio on either port.06:57
persiaBut your traceback matches the one in that bug?06:58
DanaGYes, the invalid literal for int()06:59
persiaOh, xax200's traceback?06:59
persiaI think the patch is for mmbossoni's traceback06:59
persiaNo, I'm confused07:00
* persia reads the bug again07:00
DanaGLooks like the bug partly got highjacked?07:01
persiaBy the original reporter, which makes it complicated.07:02
persia"I noticed another problem" is the key phrase one never wants to see in a bug report.07:02
persiaxax200 seems to recommend small changes to lines 115 and 218 (comments 3&4).  Does that work for you?07:03
DanaGI just changed the first one mentioned.07:03
persiaRight, which is a bit different than the patch in comment #5, which seems to be a different bug.07:05
DanaGhmm, is there any way to get blueman to run without an X server?  Or a dummy X server?07:07
persiaMind you, it might be tricky to press the buttons that way :)07:09
DanaGOr I suppose I could run a real X server with just a blueman-applet.07:10
DanaGargh, too dang many mixer controls...07:12
DanaGnow is it headset, or earpiece?07:12
DanaGah, maybe I do need that other bit of "int" change.07:20
DanaGargh, pavucontrol over ssh controls the client's pulseaudio, not the server's.07:31
persiaheh.  pavucontrol is too smart :)07:32
DanaGDag-blast it, I need this PPA in armel:07:33
persiaapt-get source, sbuild -d lucid source.dsc07:34
persiaIf that doesn't just work: `mk-sbuild lucid` should get you a nice clean buildd chroot.07:34
persiaAnd since we never managed to fix the command-not-found bug, install ubuntu-dev-tools to get mk-sbuild.07:34
DanaGgreat, I'm tight on space as it is..07:37
persiaWell, you could build with qemu.07:37
persiaDo you have a lucid x86 system available?07:37
persia(or can you make one)07:37
DanaGI do have lucid (amd64, rather).07:40
DanaGIt's easier just to go out and get a bigger SD card.07:40
persiaIF you like.07:40
persiaInstalling ubuntu-dev-tools, sbuild, and qemu-extras-static on your amd64 machine lets you run `mk-sbuid --arch=armel lucid` which generates an emulated lucid chroot for building stuff.07:41
persiaYou can then run `sbuild -d lucid-armel foo.dsc` to generate lucid armel binaries on your host.07:41
persiaI've had a couple issues with some mono packages, but most stuff seems to just work.07:41
DanaGoooh, I got bluez to segfault.07:50
DanaGwhat's a really, really tiny window manager (just needs to be able to change focus and move windows)?07:51
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=== tmk2 is now known as tkmedia
DanaGoh guawd, bluetooth audio streamed to the beagleboard works hilariously poorly.08:12
DanaGPicture taking an audio stream, chopping it into tiny bits, then chipmunkifying and looping those bits.08:12
DanaGChanging the resampler to speex-fixed-0 seems to have worked.08:12
persiaOh my.08:13
DanaGInteresting... changing it to speex-fixed-0 worked so well, in fact, that it works better than when I try to do the same between two x86 systems.08:14
DanaGOn those, I get an assertion failure, and pulseaudio aborts.08:14
persiafile a bug :)08:14
DanaGCan't do it with apport. =þ08:14
persiaWhy not?08:15
DanaGUpstream ticket, by the way: http://www.mail-archive.com/pulseaudio-tickets@mail.0pointer.de/msg02912.html08:17
DanaGApport "does not support" reporting assertion failures.08:18
DanaGoh yeah, better than speex-fixed-0 is src-linear08:25
persiaYou'll find it eventually :)08:26
DanaGOkay, linear is the only usable one.08:32
DanaGwell, that, and fixed-0.08:32
ubot4Launchpad bug 358831 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[ARM] Pulse Audio eating up to much CPU" [High,Invalid]08:33
persiaAre you running a distro kernel?  If so, please file a new bug.08:36
DanaGinteresting... speex-float-1 works.08:36
DanaGSurprisingly well.08:36
persiaThat old bug got marked invalid because someone filed with with random vendor HW and random vendor kernel, and it's not clear if the issue can be replicated in Ubuntu.08:36
DanaGYeah, I figured as such.08:36
DanaGWow, float-1 works really well.08:37
DanaG55% CPU usage, though.08:37
DanaGAnd granted, bluetooth is an extreme use case. =þ08:37
persiaThat needs a bug.  Might or might not get a fix, but if it's replicable on known HW/kernel there's a chance that someone can work on it.08:37
DanaGNetwork streaming with pulseaudio native works really well with the default resampler.08:37
persiaNot really.  Lots of folk have made noises about running Ubuntu on an N900 or similar, where bluetooth is a common function.08:38
cwillu_at_workthose resamplers would benefits from being rewritten for neon if they aren't already08:38
persiacwillu_at_work: Feeling bored today?  Want to dig in?08:38
cwillu_at_workpersia, I've been at work for 20 hours today :p08:38
persiaThat would be "no" then :)08:39
cwillu_at_workon the other hand, my sd cards _almost_ boot on c3, c4 beagles and overos :p08:39
persiaWhat bit doesn't work?08:39
cwillu_at_workthe bit where it boots :p08:39
* persia thought the standard images just worked on C3/C408:39
cwillu_at_workI'm not using standard images08:40
persiaOh, what are you changing?08:40
* persia is wondering how much of the standard-image-build-stuff can be leveraged08:40
cwillu_at_workthe overo is the source of my grief, and it looks like I fried something on the serial level shifter08:40
DanaGpersia: my use case is not streaming from ARM to a headset... but the other way around...08:40
DanaGstreaming from one computer to the beagle over BT.08:40
cwillu_at_workI've got a hacked up rootstock, so it's basically just a standard deboostrap + extra scripts08:40
persiaDanaG: Do you expect that pulse performance differs based on the direction of the stream?08:41
cwillu_at_workI can see the uboot prompts, but it sends garbage constantly, so I can't get _past_ the uboot while serial is plugged in08:41
DanaGI'm not sure... my only regular non-PC headset device is my FreePulse headset... and the power button on it has failed.08:42
persiaAnd you can't see what you're doing when serial isn't attached.  Yeah.  That makes it hard.08:42
cwillu_at_workand I only have two sd card readers, and they're both tied up writing out btrfs images at ~50kb/s08:42
cwillu_at_workDanaG, already saved my ass a couple times; I really really hate sd cards, and I really really hate driving four hours to replace one08:43
cwillu_at_workchecksumming + metadata mirroring ftw!08:43
DanaGHmm, how stable is the on-disk format for btrfs?08:43
cwillu_at_workpretty much completely08:43
DanaGCan you convert from ext4 with extents?08:43
cwillu_at_workthe occasional forward transition, but they're not mucking with it08:44
cwillu_at_workthere's still a bunch of corner cases you have to be aware of though08:44
DanaGFor now, I've been using ext4 with data=journal, since I value data integrity and the ability to recover from just plain unplugging... over the lifespan of SD cards.  At least, that's true of this 2-gig card.08:44
cwillu_at_worki.e., determining how much free space is non-trivial, and it behaves fairly badly if you run out08:45
cwillu_at_worksee, journalling doesn't get along with sd cards08:45
DanaGHmm, I may stick with ext4 for now... though a good point: I should make a DD image, if nothing else, of the card.08:45
cwillu_at_workand let me assure you that fsck does more harm than good if the journal goes kabloiee08:46
DanaGSo am I better off with no journal?08:47
cwillu_at_workyou're better off with a keen understanding of how filesystems work and how crappy sd cards handle corner cases :)08:47
cwillu_at_workbut yes, no journal is preferable08:48
cwillu_at_workAt least, unless you're sure that your particular card behaves reasonably well regarding wear levelling (although they're all crappy, these aren't ssd drives) and power loss08:48
DanaGAh.  Hmm, then I need to find what tune2fs option to set...08:49
cwillu_at_workspecifically, most/many/some cards handle things _really_ badly if they lose power while they were writing; it's not the clean case that a journal handles, you can lose data that you weren't even writing to08:49
cwillu_at_workhence my current love of btrfs:  it can tell you if things are corrupted and exactly how corrupted they are08:50
DanaGLogin incorrect.08:53
DanaGGive root password for maintenance08:53
DanaG(or type Control-D to continue):08:53
DanaGI press ANYTHING ... even ctrl-d, it loops back to there.08:53
persiaHow did you get there?08:53
ogradid you have an fsck ?08:53
persiaYeah, you have to have a password.08:53
DanaGI think I did have one.08:53
cwillu_at_workyou guys haven't fixed that yet?08:54
ogracwillu_at_work, release managers are hard to convince sometimes :)08:54
DanaGI'd been trying to get the udisks-over-ssh working... but it kept giving "stdin: is not a tty"08:54
persiacwillu_at_work: Fixed which?08:54
ograstill working on it08:54
ograpersia, bug 56361808:54
ubot4Launchpad bug 563618 in util-linux (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 3 other projects) "Ignoring a broken clock results in infinite reboots; not ignoring results in fsck failure; no solution to this problem (affects: 1) (heat: 14)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56361808:54
persiaOh, that one.  Yeah.08:54
cwillu_at_workpersia, the arm images having the root account locked rather than simply a deleted password like the rest of ubuntu's archs08:54
cwillu_at_workpasswd -d root08:54
ogra(it doesnt always result in reboots)08:54
ogracwillu_at_work, they dont08:54
cwillu_at_workDanaG, passwd -d root the next time you're in to make it work right :p08:55
DanaGThanks.  I'm just doing fsck on my host, for now. =þ08:55
ogracwillu_at_work, dont mix up "arm images" with rootstock built rootfses08:55
persiacwillu_at_work: I have disabled password on amd64/powerpc.  Are you sure?08:55
cwillu_at_workogra, my bad;08:55
cwillu_at_workhence my hacked up rootstock :p08:55
ogracwillu_at_work, and you still havent filed a bug :)08:55
persiaTake care with that: there's no guarantee that rootstock generates a policy-compliant install.08:56
* ogra will happily pull that into an SRU08:56
cwillu_at_workpretty sure I did actually :p08:56
ograhttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/project-rootstock/+bugs https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rootstock ... neither has it08:57
DanaGHP actually uses Debian on some Marvell thingy.08:57
* cwillu_at_work checks his bug list08:57
persiaDoesn't surprise me much.  HP used to ship a live Debian CD as their rescue environment back when I did server farm management.08:58
ubot4Launchpad bug 566238 in linux-ti-omap (Ubuntu) "wlan0 "Interface doesn't support scanning." -- CONFIG_CFG80211_WEXT is not set (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]09:05
persiaIt's a new metric the LP guys added to help identify which bugs are interesting.  So far, I haven't seen it provide interesting information, but I understand they are tuning the algorithm.09:19
loolIt's the number of times the page is loaded09:22
loolIt's a very often used metric amongst web developers09:22
loolThe number of heats of a page gives a good idea of its popularity09:22
persiaIt's more complex than that.  It takes into account *who* loads it, etc.09:23
persiaAnd who files it, what status it is, etc.09:23
persia(or else someone gave me wrong information)09:24
loolpersia: I was kidding actually  :)09:25
loolhit versus heat09:25
loolI did fail at making it sound like a joke it seems!09:25
persiaBut it's one of those rare jokes that's funny *after* it's explained :)09:25
persia(but I'm in end-of-day mode, and so a bit humour impaired just now)09:26
* ogra_beagle waves from a successful netbook install 09:29
ogra_beagleonly the clock issue left09:29
ogra_beagleand htop shows a moderate 174M being used09:30
ogra_beagle(only xchat, one terminal and desktop up though)09:30
cwillu_at_workwhich clock issue?09:31
* cwillu_at_work strongly recommends buying the lithium battery for the beagle09:31
ogracwillu_at_work, bug 56361809:32
ubot4Launchpad bug 563618 in util-linux (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 3 other projects) "Ignoring a broken clock results in infinite reboots; not ignoring results in fsck failure; no solution to this problem (affects: 1) (heat: 14)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56361809:32
cwillu_at_workogra, keep your computer plugged into the network :)09:32
ogracwillu_at_work, by default the board comes without, i want the images to work on a default config ... fsck needs fixing and will get fixed but that wont happen for lucid09:33
cwillu_at_workor do what I do (on the boards that don't yet have lithium batteries):09:33
ogranetwork wont help09:33
cwillu_at_workuse a filesystem that doesn't have a working fsck :)09:33
ogranetwork isnt up when fsck is run09:33
ogranah, we will fix it properly09:34
ografor now it has to be a workaround though09:34
ograbut i'm still waiting for release manager approval09:34
ograted tso already agreed on fixing it right in fsck09:35
* ogra thinks he earned some breakfast before setting up the installation wikipages 09:36
amitkogra_cmpc: what address in the nand do you write the boot.scr, kernel, initrd to? (sd install)10:00
* cwillu_at_work jumps10:13
cwillu_at_workfirst image finished umounting!10:13
cwillu_at_worknow if only I knew which reader was sdh and which was sdd so I don't panic the kernel removing the wrong one :p10:14
ograamitk, ??10:31
ograamitk, i write to mtdblock devices10:32
ograno special addressing10:32
amitkogra: if i wanted to change the boot.scr, how would I do that?10:32
ograafter install ?10:32
amitkto get rid of the POS splash and get back serial console10:33
ograsudo fw_printenv and fw_setenv10:33
amitkogra: ah, nice10:33
ograsudo fw_setenv bootargs "your boot args"10:33
ograsimilar to redboot-cmdline10:33
amitknice integration! perhaps too simple :)10:34
ograasac, welcome to the "league of old farts" and ******** H A P P Y   B I R T H D A Y ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! *********10:41
DanaG1 /dev/disk/by-id is useful.10:41
DanaG1or /dev/disk/by-path10:41
NCommandereggonlea: you around?10:43
dmartogra: hi there10:47
dmartJust saw your comment in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/util-linux/+bug/56361810:48
ubot4Launchpad bug 563618 in util-linux (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 5 other projects) "Ignoring a broken clock results in infinite reboots; not ignoring results in fsck failure; no solution to this problem (affects: 1) (heat: 14)" [High,Triaged]10:48
ograits still not approved :/10:48
dmartHow would I set up a branch with the extra code to test?10:48
ograand the longer it takes the less likely it will be we'll get it in10:48
ograbranch from my branch, edit the script file i added, copy hook and script in place on your board, run update initramfs and try it10:49
ogra(and indeed make sure the clock is wrong and mount time of the disk is in the future :) )10:50
dmartEr, what's a branch?  Are we talking bzr or launchpad here, or something else?10:50
ograi linked a bzr branch to the bug10:50
dmartUnfortunately, I don't really know how to use bzr yet...10:51
dmartMy suggestions were "nice to have"— we could skip those if it's a problem.10:51
ograhttps://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ogra/initramfs-tools/initramfs-tools-fixrtc says at the top what to do10:51
ograbzr branch lp:~ogra/initramfs-tools/initramfs-tools-fixrtc10:51
ogracd into the newly created dir ... cd to scripts/local-premount ... edit fixrtc10:52
ograif the change is good: bzr commit -m 'your commit message'; bzr push lp:~dmart/initramfs-tools/initramfs-tools-fixrtc and add the branch to the bug10:53
dmartDoes the bzr push create a new branch owned by me?10:54
persiaIf you push to that location, yes.10:54
persiaIF you push to an existing branch (to which you have write permission), no.10:54
dmartso lp:~dmart/initramfs-tools/initramfs-tools-fixrtc gets made if it doesn't exist yet?10:54
ograthe hook needs to go into /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks and the script into /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-premount before calling update-initramfs -u (make sure both are executable)10:54
dmartok... I will have a go10:55
ograoh, indeed ~dmart needs to be your LP id10:56
* ogra just noticed its not dmart :)10:56
dmartI should maybe change it sometime, but yeah.  I can probably work that one out :)10:57
persiaNo need to change it: just make sure your nick is registered on LP, and folks can find you from launchpad.net/people10:57
persiaAlso, once you start publishing branches and having a PPA, changing the name is hard.10:58
dmartogra: is scripts/local-premount/fixrtc sourced or exec'd ?11:07
ogra(thats why it has a shebang)11:07
dmart(doesn't always follow)11:07
dmartIs it worth quitting the script if we didn't find root= ?11:08
dmart(though it's unlikely)11:08
ograif we dont find root= we have bigger probs11:08
dmarttrue - probably not worth it yet11:09
dmartogra: Do we have e2fsck.conf in the initramfs?11:14
ograand it wouldnt help anyway11:14
dmartJust wondered if we could default to the fixrtc behaviour if the broken rtc option is set.11:15
dmartBut this is a hack anyway...11:15
dmartso it doesn't matter too much11:15
ograright, you would need to create an e2fsck.conf and set the parameter etc11:15
ograwell, its the right fix once we have an actual option in fsck11:16
ograif thats there in maverick i'll make the installer create an e2fsck.conf11:16
ograbut with the existing option not working its moot11:16
dmartCan the e2fsck.conf be grabbed from /etc when making the initramfs?  That way whatever the admin configures would be used11:17
ograi think thats happening already11:17
ograif not i'll make sure it happens in maverick11:17
ograin any case the option needs to be fixed first11:18
ograwe'll have to wait for upstream to fix that11:18
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dmartWhat happens if this script terminates with non-zero exit status?11:23
persiaMake it not do that.  Use ||true if necessary.11:23
dmartI want to use set -e, since if dumpe2fs fails or something else goes wrong, we may accidentally set the clock to junk...11:24
persiaI believe it dumps when it fails.11:24
persiaIs it possible to do sanity checking and set the clock to the epoch if we can't get useful data?11:25
ogradepends what you mean by epoch :)11:25
dmartWhat kind of sanity-check do you suggest?11:25
ograthe beagle epoch is 01-01-2000 ... i'm not sure if you could even set the clock to an earlier date11:26
persiadmart: e.g. make sure the date is set to something between 1970 and 2038.11:26
ogradont put so much effort into that hack11:26
ograand dont make it to big11:26
* persia doesn't want set -e + the hack to make systems unbootable11:27
dmartdate --set will barf if the supplied textual date won't fit in time_t11:27
ograpersia, they are unbootable already11:27
dmartso we just give up (which may be the best thing)11:27
dmartWe shouldn't make any otherwise bootable cases unbootable11:28
ograand if you want to not use the fix, just drop fixrtc from the cmdline11:28
persiaFine.  I don't like it because it's not elegant, but I agree it makes sense to do it right later.11:28
ograright, the hack is temporary anyway11:28
dmartThis is a bodge in advence of the real fix (which is to make e2fsck less picky about the clock)11:28
ograand upstream is aware and agreed to fix it already11:28
dmartThe other way to work round the issues is mount -o remount,rw / ; mount -o remount,ro /11:28
dmart(but this is obviously not a great idea if the root fs might be damaged)11:29
ograi think that will slow down your boot significantly11:29
persiaNot "less picky", but rather "handle the case where the clock has been reset"11:29
ograi was already hitting a race with setting the date to the proper time and needed to add a minute if you mount and remount you will likely have to add sleeps11:30
ograor at least wait until mount is done11:30
dmartiiuc, ext[2-4] fs filesystem integrity does not depend on the integrity of the clock.  I think e2fsck has some clock-based heuristics for sorting out filesystem errors, but that's only an issue if the filesystem is actually broken11:30
ograright, the prob is that fsck doesnt handle the case properly11:31
dmartdmart: but we should let upstream have the final say, of course11:31
* dmart is talking to himself now...11:31
ogradpkg-buildpackage: host architecture armel11:39
ogra /usr/bin/fakeroot debian/rules clean11:39
ogradebian/rules:39: *** atlas doesn't build on arm, not terminating on the buildd.  Stop.11:39
ogradpkg-buildpackage: error: /usr/bin/fakeroot debian/rules clean gave error exit status 211:39
* ogra shakes his head11:39
ograi wonder if the packager every heard of the Yrchitecture field :P11:39
dmartogra: can you take a look at http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/420963/11:40
ogradmart, looks fine, tested already ?11:42
dmartI have tested "by diff" -- replacing $(cat /proc/cmdline) with $(echo) and prefixing the date and hwclock commands with echo to check that they are run at the right times and with the expected arguments11:42
dmartis that enough?11:42
dmartotherwise, how to I set up the initramfs?11:43
ograwell, i'd like to hear that a boot succeeds with different root= cmdline options on a system that exposes the issue11:43
ogra<ogra> the hook needs to go into /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks and the script into /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-premount before calling update-initramfs -u (make sure both are executable)11:43
dmartOK, I'll try it11:44
ogra(and you need to set fixrtc on the cmdline indeed)11:44
dmartthanks, I probably would have forgotten ;)11:44
dmartblaargh, guess what?11:52
dmart(forgot fixrtc)11:53
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dmartogra: hi there12:22
ograworks ?12:22
dmartI think it mostly works12:22
ogramostly ?12:22
dmartBut dumpe2fs and its libraries appear to be missing from the initramfs12:22
ogradid you copy the hook in place before running update-initramfs -u ?12:22
ograneeds to go to /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks and needs to be executable12:23
dmartAh, hold on a minute --- what is "the hook"?12:23
dmartah, oops12:25
* ogra kicks the wiki12:25
dmartright, updating the initramfs again...12:26
dmartah, better12:28
dmartWell, we still have the issue that if the clock is only intermittently corrupted across boot, we always break it (by resetting it based on the last mount time)12:30
dmartBut since this is only for broken systems anyway, that's probably OK12:30
dmartThe clock should never be seen to go backwards12:30
dmartAnd ntp should patch things up12:30
ograand you wont need it at all if you never pull the power plug :)12:32
ograok, if it works fine, please note that on the bug and point to your branch (and link the branch to the bug (top right there is an option))12:33
dmartWhen bzr committing, how to I get the committer name and email right?12:37
dmartI'm working on a dev board, so those are garbage12:37
dmart...or will launchpad patch it up?12:37
persiabzr launchpad-login will help12:39
persiabzr whoami will do the rest of it12:39
persiaLP won't get it right based on your ssh keys, for complex reasons (you might be pushing someone else's commits, etc.)12:39
dmartok, done12:53
* dmart 's ignorance has decreased12:54
dmartthanks for the pointers12:54
persiaThat's why we're here.  Thanks for helping work on the bug.12:59
dmartI'll know for next time... lp+bzr is still rather a mystery for me ;)  Are there any good docs floating aroung?13:01
dmartogra: done (in case you didn't see)13:01
ograi did13:01
* persia digs some up13:02
ograthanks a lot !13:02
persiadmart: https://help.launchpad.net/Code isn't a bad place to start.13:02
dmartcool, thanks13:03
ografinished :)13:08
ograanyone who wants, feel free to improve/enhance13:08
persiaYou know we have a Qt/plasma variant as well, right?13:09
persiaHas anyone installed that?  Does it work OK on the Beagle?13:09
ograno idea13:10
ograi dont think we build it13:10
rcn-eequick, glance it looks good ogra...13:10
ograoh, we do build it13:10
ograyeah, just saw that13:10
ograno idea, i wont have the time13:10
* persia tries to find out if it passed RC testing13:11
ograi'll put info that it exists in the blog post i'll write soon13:11
ograprobably someone in the community wants to test it13:11
ogra(if the KDE ubiquity doesnt OOM anyway that is :) )13:12
persiaYeah, didn't get into the RC testing, so there's no record if anyone tried it.13:12
persiaThat's my thought.13:12
ograomap didnt get into the RC testing at all13:12
persiaI know it works for dove/imx51 (it passed RC testing)13:12
persiaBut those have more RAM.13:12
ograits fully voluntary even for release for 10.0413:13
persiaI didn't think it was even schedued for formal release, but just that we'd have cdimages.13:13
persiaAnyway, I don't have a Beagle, so I can't know.  Anyone with a Beagle up for seeing if that image boots?13:14
ogragiven there is no EFL launcher for kubuntu-netbook i really doubt it will work13:14
ograqt-ubiquity will probably run though13:14
persiaplasma-netbook is designed to be lightweight though.13:15
ogranot as light as efl though13:15
ograand even that is close to the edge on beagle13:15
* persia refuses to argue about toolkits13:15
ograheh, that wasnt my intention :)13:16
suihkulokkixaw3d xaw3d!13:16
ograyeah !13:16
ograthats a 3d toolkit that works everywhere at least !13:16
persiaIsn't Beagle specs similar to n810?13:17
ograpersia, well, kubuntu is still at 20.1 that wont work anyway13:17
suihkulokkibeagle is more powerful than n81013:17
ograit needs a build from 2213:17
ograelse the flash-kernel fixes are missing13:17
persiaAre image builders still on manual?  They should probably get turned on for the weekend.13:18
ograi think they might stay on manual13:18
ograask steve13:19
NCommanderlool: why'd you upload kexec-tools to ~canonical-arm-dev/marvell-dove-public?13:23
loolNCommander: for testing13:23
loolNCommander: Because I needed public armel builds before pushing to the arcihve13:24
loolNCommander: can be dropped now13:24
NCommanderlool: fair enough. I just didn't expect to see it there13:24
loolNCommander: I checked with other people before doing it -- note that it affected dove too13:24
NCommanderlool: not a problem, was just curious13:24
ogralool, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/Beagle13:25
ografeel free to test :)13:25
ograyeah, i need to add an english screenie once i have an english install :)13:26
ograwill do that before final :)13:26
loolShould be Software-Zentrum!13:26
ograLOL !13:26
loologra: You want the bootloaders links I guess13:27
ograi havent written that yet13:27
ograyou mean how to install uboot to nand etc, right ?13:27
ograor put MLO on your fat13:28
ograi'll do that over the weekend, for now i wanted to have the general pages ready13:28
ograsince i want to blog it to get some attention13:28
loologra: I mean links to working bootloaders13:28
loologra: how to flash them etc.13:28
loologra: because people might be stuck if they don't load boot.scr13:28
ograhavent got that yet13:28
ograits all on the elinux wiki and i assume beagle users know that13:29
ograthey will survive over the weekend :)13:29
ograor come here and complain ;)13:29
rcn-eelool, boot.scr's are pretty much the default on the beagle elinux land .. ;)13:29
loologra: netbook install points at server image13:30
lool"Get the lucid-server-armel+omap.img image"13:30
ograrcn-ee, but you could have changed your uboot setup (which is why i have the "how to load a boot.scr from serial prompt" part in all the installation pages)13:30
ograthanks :)13:31
ograluckily the link was ok13:31
rcn-eeyeap..  as long as you go over how to flash u-boot and change things, that'll cover those issues...13:31
ograi still have a week to shake out all the docs13:31
loologra: Ideally, but together a SD card image with just x-loader + u-boot and a default config which just flashes the board13:31
loolSo that people basically boot with it, and it flashes their NAND as appropriate13:32
ograthats just a start, i'm sure questions will come up that show wheer we need additional documentation13:32
rcn-eelool, like https://code.launchpad.net/~beagleboard-kernel/+junk/omap-flasher ;)13:32
ograrcn-ee, i'll link that on the flasher page :)13:32
loologra: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/BeagleEditBootscr is awful13:33
rcn-eeoh great... i got tired of doing the commands my self.. so i scripted it..13:33
loologra: can't we just ship boot.script in the image?13:33
ogralool, what dont you like about it ?13:33
loolthe dd13:33
ogralool, i wont change debian-cd anymore now13:33
rcn-eeyeah the dd is different.. i never thought about doing that.. but it works...13:33
ograwe can ship it in 10.++13:33
ogralool, there is a lot of awful stuff about that image that needs to improve13:34
ograits a first hit13:34
ogracreated in a week13:34
ogradont expect shiny :)13:34
persiaRather, expect shiny, because that's interface, and shared, but don't peer under the sleek shiny cover too much.13:35
rcn-eeIt look's fine and will work for most people...  the others always do what they want anyways..13:35
ograrcn-ee, there are a lot of things i could have done better and i know lool will die if he looks into details :)13:36
ograbut there is always 10.++13:36
ograwhich will fix that13:36
rcn-eelaughs, i just hope he doesn't look into my Netinstall hack..  Probally cringe and never look at any of patches.. ;)13:36
rcn-eeand we'll have the XM for 10.10 ;)14:04
persiaDon't get too excited: that just means we have that much more work to do to create a boot script that can somehow boot on more platforms.14:05
rcn-eewell my script, currently boots Bx, Cx and my proto Xm.. ;)  if only the kenrel didn't bomb on the xm... I'm hoping enough kernel bits for the Xm hit mainline that omap can share the ubuntu kernel..14:07
persiaWell, there's currently a special omap kernel in Ubuntu, but yeah, extra points for getting into the "normal" ports kernels.14:07
rcn-eejust for reference, the XM uses a new omap3 similar core, DM3730 but the kernel bits are in a ti staging repo...14:09
loolrcn-ee: public?14:09
rcn-eeyeap.. as i dig for the link...14:10
loolrcn-ee: it's good14:10
looljust knowing it's public is enough14:10
rcn-ee*okay heads to work, but will be back, i enjoy half fridays.. ;)14:11
* ogra had some issues to get the utf-8 right on lool's name :)14:22
loolrcn-ee: Do you know what comes with the digikey beagleboard?  cant figure whether it has power adapter14:52
ograndec, http://ograblog.wordpress.com/2010/04/23/unleash-the-beagles/15:04
=== jmcgee|gone is now known as jmcgee
gduartehello ogra15:30
ogragduarte, hey15:30
gduarte:D ogra, do you know where i can download (if exist) a pre-compiled qemu-arm image to use directly with qemu15:31
gduarteI'm trying for 3 days without success15:31
ogranope, but if you follow the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RootfsFromScratch page you can create one15:32
gduarteI've tried it, no success15:32
ograwhat was the issue ?15:32
gduarteI'm trying it right now http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/arm/qemu/README15:32
ograoh, thats ancient15:33
gduartebut don't know if it is the same thing15:33
ogradont use that15:33
* ogra needs to clean up his homedir15:33
ograwhat did not work with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RootfsFromScratch ?15:33
gduartemy problem is when I try to log in into my emulated system15:33
gduartei type my login, but it's no recognized15:34
gduarteand followed by filesystem issues15:34
ograwhat is your host system ?15:34
gduarteUbuntu 9.10 amd6415:34
ograhmm, ok15:35
ograyou can install qemu-arm-static there and chroot into your image to fix it up15:35
gduarteok :D I'll be able to compile my programs there?15:35
ograyes, but it is as slow as a VM15:36
gduarteno problem ;) thank you ogra15:36
ograafter you installed qemu-arm-static, loop mount the image and cp the qemu-arm-static binary into <mountpoint>/usr/bin/15:37
ograthen you can just chroot15:37
gduarteok ok,  I'll do it15:37
persiaGrueMaster: Did you get a chance to test kubuntu-netbook on imx51/dove?15:40
GrueMasterI'm just now loading it on imx51.  Already hit a few minor issues.15:41
asacogra: plars: GrueMaster: persia: NCommander: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid15:44
asacdyfet: ^15:44
persiaOK.  freeflying and Riddell were wondering if it got tested in #kubuntu-devel, and I misread "netboot" as "netbook" on the kubuntu page before, so had the wrong information :(15:44
asacmaybe check out if i missed something in the summary that you want to have there15:44
gduarteian_brasil : are a ARM developer from Brasil?15:44
gduarte**are you15:44
NCommanderasac: looks good.15:44
persiafpc moved to SRU :(15:44
ian_brasilwell i am from Brasil :)15:44
NCommanderpersia: sorry, I didn't get to that >.<;15:44
ian_brasilwell strictly speaking I am not Brazilian but i live in Brazil15:45
asacpersia: thats a really old bug. no progress. if we had a fix today we can resurrect it for final maybe15:45
persiaNCommander: No worries.  THe issue is that it only doesn't work for the folks that are able to bootstrap.  Works for the folks that wanted it to happen :)15:45
ian_brasilah, he left15:45
persiaasac: It's an old bug because doko decided to hijack the powerpc bootstrap bug to bootstrap armel.15:45
persia(not that I'm complaining, because it made powerpc get bootstrapped, but ... )15:46
ograasac, looks all good to me15:46
persiaasac: You might want to beg again for bug #538736 if you don't like the current answer15:46
ubot4Launchpad bug 538736 in vm "Filename encoding for external viewer inconsistent (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53873615:46
persiabug #56873615:47
ubot4Launchpad bug 568736 in netbook-meta (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "Having Evolution installed along with Desktop-Email is pointlessly redundant (affects: 1) (heat: 12)" [High,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56873615:47
ograasac, slangasek promised to review bug 563618 right after the meeting, we should make sure to tickle him so he doesnt forget again :)15:47
ubot4Launchpad bug 563618 in util-linux (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 5 other projects) "Ignoring a broken clock results in infinite reboots; not ignoring results in fsck failure; no solution to this problem (affects: 1) (heat: 14)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56361815:47
asacogra: its on the list15:51
asacogra: e.g. on the list of still final targetted bugs15:51
ograyeah, saw that15:52
cwillu_at_workrcn-ee, poke poek16:07
cwillu_at_workquestion for ya :)16:07
cwillu_at_workwhich of your kernels is that patch in?16:08
gduarteogra: sorry for annoying you again16:14
gduarteI'm having this problem16:14
gduarteI: Creating temporary Image16:15
gduarteI: Mounting temporary Image16:15
gduarteI: Running first stage16:15
gduartesudo: unable to cache gid, already exists16:15
gduarteI: First stage install done16:15
gduarte/usr/bin/rootstock: 572: cannot create /tmp/tmp.x3pBJdpxDE/tmpmount/etc/fstab: Directory nonexistent16:15
gduartein another machine16:15
ogracan you pastebin the logfile somewhere ?16:15
ograit should have cerated one on exit and tell you where that lives16:15
ograand the version of rootstock to use as well as the complete command you call to run it would also help16:17
gduarteit's not creating a log file16:17
ogras/to use/you use/16:17
gduartesudo rootstock --fqdn ubuntu-arm-dev --login ubuntu --password ubuntu --imagesize 2G --seed xubuntu-desktop16:18
gduartethis is the command16:18
ograthat should be fine16:18
ogracould it be that your disk is full ?16:19
gduarteyes, but isn't working16:19
gduarteno, i'ts not full16:19
cwillu_at_workgduarte, do you have a million loop mounts showing up if you type "mount"?16:19
ograright, that was my next question16:19
gduarteI'll check16:19
gduarteno, no loop devices mounted16:20
ograand its directly going from "I: Running first stage" to "I: First stage install done" just with that one line inbetween ?16:21
gduarteI'ill past at pastbin16:23
ogragduarte, so how did you install rootstock16:30
gduartesudo apt-get install rootstock16:30
ograhmm, weird16:30
gduartethis way16:30
ograis debootstrap installed ?16:32
ograi dont get why it doesnt seem to run it at all16:33
gduarteye, it's installed, is downloaded together with rootstock when run apt-get16:33
ograbut it isnt executed at all16:33
ograthast very weird16:34
ograqemu-kvm is installed as well ?16:35
gduarteyes, it's also installed together with rootstock16:35
ograright, and qemu-img seems to run fine since it shows I: Mounting temporary Image16:36
ograbut your first stage does definately not run16:37
ogra(which is debootstrap)16:37
gduarteI really need it, because I need to compile and package to ARM16:37
ogramight be an amd64 issue in karmic16:37
gduarteit's my exam to be hired to canonical :(16:38
ogratry the following: "sudo debootsrap --arch=i386 lucid $HOME/lucid-i386" that will give you a lucid i386 environment16:39
ograchroot into that and you shopuld be able to install rootstock and run it under i38616:40
gduarteit's retrieving packages16:41
gduartewould be nice if would exist a default image to everybody download and modify16:42
ograwe might provide something like that in maverick16:43
ograthough the tools got a lot better in lucid already16:43
ograi know there were qemu related issues in karmic16:43
ograon amd6416:43
orbarronhey all... I was thinking about registering a blueprint for a Mobile Ubuntu user interface (mo-buntu). The main idea would be creating a better mobile experience for "phone like" devices. Does anyone know if something like this is in the works for lucid? -- any feedback?16:44
ograorbarron, there is some QT based work ian_brasil works on iirc (not sure how much phone based that is)16:45
ogramight be somewhere between netbook and phone rather16:45
ograbeyond that i dont know whats planned for UDS16:45
ian_brasilwe will integrate ophono16:46
ian_brasilso it will be phone based16:46
ian_brasilobarron..look at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/mobile-liquid16:47
orbarronahh thanks...16:47
ian_brasilorbarron: there are likely to be some discussions at UDS about this - how to sanely break down kdelibs mainly if you are interested16:49
loolian_brasil: ofono :)16:51
* ogra read that typo somewhere today already16:51
loolyep, asac16:51
asacian_brasil: cool. can we have a call on your ofono experiences etc.?16:53
asacnot today. but next week?16:54
asacor we can chat, but my hands are getting lamer every day i continue to do that ;)16:54
ograasac, thats the raising age :)16:54
ogra(i wished you a happy b-day this morning in case you havent seen it)16:55
asacogra: i saw ... i tried to ignore it for obvious reasons. thanks for spreading it to the world ;)16:55
asacbut its over soon enough ;)16:56
ian_brasilasac: let me ping some people then16:56
asacand /me will get off now for a bit anyway16:56
asacian_brasil: cool. lets talk on monday?16:56
ograyeah, enjoy your evening16:56
asac(i am mostly out)16:56
ograand stay away from the kbd !16:56
asaci will i will16:56
asacogra: remember to submit your blueprints against ubuntu-arm ;)16:56
ograif i could rememebr the blueprints i had done it already ... i need to look them up16:57
ian_brasilasac: cool16:57
ograbut i'm waiting for slangasek anyway16:57
gduarteogra: I got it!!!!!17:07
gduarteit's basic, no gcc, no X,  some few FS issues but works17:08
gduarteI can make it avaliable to others?17:08
ograyou can do what you like with it :)17:08
gduartei know17:09
gduartebut, to other that do not want to download and buid it, get a pre-compiled image17:09
gduartewe could make it avaliable at that page17:09
ograsure, if you have space to host it you can make it available17:10
gduarteI'll improve that, install gcc and some other dev stuff and make it avaliable if i could17:14
ogra*great even17:14
gduartethank you for helping me!!!!17:16
ograwelcome, if you have other issues, dont hesitate to ask here (even if i'm not around there are surely people who can help)17:17
gduartesurely ;)17:18
gduartethank you again!17:19
samuel_Sayaghi, I need to add FireWire support to the Ubuntu-ARM linux kernel. do i must recompile the whole kernel for that ?17:52
tractorNo doubt this has been asked before so apologies in advance. I am looking at the arm9 and wondering if Ubuntu is available for it.18:02
tractorAnybody there?18:17
tractorExcellent, thanks. Let me check that.18:23
Meizirkkiwth is wrong with my clipboard -.-18:24
tractorI only know it is an arm9 processor, I don't have any further details than that unfortunately18:24
MeizirkkiI meant https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM18:24
tractorOh, I see, thanks for the correction18:24
MeizirkkiLucid probably doesn't work on arm9 machines18:25
Meizirkkihmm, not Karmic either is seems18:25
samuel_SayagI have error while loading shared libraries libraw1394.so.8: cannot open shared object file problem ... though all my lib files are linked correctly18:26
samuel_Sayagany ideals?18:26
samuel_Sayagshould I link them to usr/include ?18:29
tractorThanks Meizirkki, just looking through it now.18:34
=== XorA is now known as XorA|gone
rcn-eecwillu_at_work, pong.... rev 57 would be anything ++++19:22
cwillu_at_workand in the karmic kernels as well?19:23
cwillu_at_work[    1.412597] omapfb omapfb: no displays19:23
cwillu_at_work[    1.416442] omapfb omapfb: failed to setup omapfb19:23
cwillu_at_work[    1.421203] omapfb: probe of omapfb failed with error -2219:23
rcn-eeyeah, exactly...  one user said it worked on their overo... looks like it's broken...19:24
cwillu_at_workdoes it have an associated config item?  I'd like to prove to myself that it's actually included19:25
rcn-eeit relies on a combined defconfig, so the same defconfig as the beagle..19:26
rcn-eecwillu_at_work, i'd actually test the lasted in the 2.6.32 series, as i had to tweak that patch in rev 6519:28
rcn-eewhich would be
rcn-eein that diff, look for: diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-overo.c b/arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-overo.c is the dss2 patch19:31
rcn-eebasicly pulled from sakoman's overo tree19:31
cwillu_at_workI see a penguin19:42
cwillu_at_workshould I see that change in http://rcn-ee.net/deb/karmic/v2.6.33.2-d8/patch-*.diff, for example?19:48
rcn-eeNope, two different patchsets... 2.6.33 is still only in my 2.6-dev tree, (that's what the 'd' is)  I've been stress testing it on my gcc test farm, I'm thinking of moving to stable after esc...19:55
cwillu_at_workah, that's my problem then19:56
cwillu_at_workI'm on 2.6.33 as btrfs is significant more stable there19:56
cwillu_at_workso now that I know what to beg for19:57
* cwillu_at_work begs for a 2.6.33 with the overo dss2 patches :p19:57
cwillu_at_workI could just build it myself, but where's the fun in that?19:57
rcn-eeactually it's rcn-ee, get your ass in gear and move 2.6.33 to stable. ;)19:57
cwillu_at_workrcn-ee, indeed, and while you're at it, start getting 2.6.34 ready too :p\20:17
rcn-eehehe.. actually it's in pretty good shape... (other then dss2 on overo..) ;)20:18
cwillu_at_workyep, I've been on .33 for a long'ish while now20:19
rcn-eei know.. i moved my x86's to 2.6.34-rc's as 2.6.33 just fells too old.. ;)20:19
cwillu_at_workjust got some old overo boards back that I want to get running more up-to-date images, and boom, no video :p20:19
cwillu_at_workI'm anxiously waiting 2.6.35, as there's a bunch of btrfs stability stuff that should be landing there20:20
EvaLuaTeI have a mobile phone with a ARM processor. Is there any way I can find out if it supports ubuntu?21:03
rcn-eeEvaLuaTe, maybe... which phone?21:03
EvaLuaTercn-ee: it's an LG GT500. It's originale OS sucks, so I'm just looking to see if there's an alternative :p21:04
samuel_Sayagcan I compile the ubuntu arm kernel on the beagleboard ?21:06
rcn-eesamuel_Sayag, yes i do it all the time... with alll modules 5 hours.. ;)21:06
samuel_Sayagokay ... can you plase help me :) rcn-ee21:07
samuel_SayagI'm looking for the right kernel to download21:07
rcn-eedefine: right?  are you looking for a specific feature? or just something that works?21:08
samuel_Sayagdue the fact that the offical http://www.kernel.org/ doesnot get compiled :(21:08
samuel_SayagI just need a kernel with firewire support21:08
samuel_Sayagto do it I need to compile a preprepared kernel for the arm ( i guess )21:09
rcn-ee2.6.32 works just fine if you build omap3_beagleboard_defconfig..21:09
rcn-eedss2 support needs patches...21:09
samuel_Sayagokay ... how do i begin ? how can i find the first foot grip in all this ?21:10
rcn-eebtw... how are you adding firewire to the beagle?21:10
samuel_Sayagthank you very much by the way rcn-ee21:10
samuel_SayagI don't, I have a wird cemra interface that need it21:11
samuel_Sayagthe cemra name is FireFly MV by PG21:12
samuel_Sayagvery nice pice of hardware21:12
rcn-eeinteresting... well the problem, the beagle only has usb2.0, that's why i ask...  but to build something that just works, take a look at: https://code.launchpad.net/~beagleboard-kernel/+junk/2.6-stable  it's my stable branch with scripts to build a stable workign kernel..21:12
samuel_SayagI been there :) (BTW) I didn't find how to add this flags    1.21:13
samuel_Sayag      OHCI-1394 support21:13
samuel_Sayag   2.21:13
samuel_Sayag      OHCI-1394 Video Support21:13
samuel_Sayag   3.21:13
samuel_Sayag      OHCI-1394 DVI/O Support21:13
samuel_Sayag   4.21:13
samuel_Sayag      RAW IEEE1394 I/O Support21:13
rcn-eethey require hardware firewire... the beagle doesn't have it, so it never shows up on the menuconfig..21:14
samuel_SayagSo I'm just lost :(21:15
EvaLuaTercn-ee: so, do you have any idea if my device might support ubuntu? :) I've read that it sports a 93 Mhz ARM processor with 128MB or RAM memory btw...21:15
rcn-eeEvaLuaTe, i've been searching for it.. I think it's an armv5 core which woudl mean jaunty only...  it's kinda too slow, you might not like the experience..21:16
alextisseranthi all21:17
EvaLuaTeohh. Seeing as the 'reflash' with the original firmware isn't a pain in the ass though, I might think about trying it out. Is it hard to install?21:17
alextisserantI'm trying to get an arm ubuntu image working thanks to the rootstock script21:18
rcn-eeEvaLuaTe, it's not so much as reflash the rom with an ubuntu install, you need a Kernel for your device, the blob for your phone interface and tehn the rootfs...21:18
alextisserantit works well with default settings, but I can't get the --seed option to work correctly21:18
rcn-eealextisserant, what are you sending to '--seed'21:19
alextisserant(with lucid dist)21:19
alextisseranta file with a list of packages21:19
alextisserantat first I had a bunch of them, but now I'm just trying with mousepad21:19
EvaLuaTercn-ee: so, if there isn't a kernel for my device, i'd have to compile one myself, right? also, I've no idea what a blob is :p21:19
alextisserantthen I do --seed `cat packages | tr '\n' ','21:20
alextisserantso actually the script is just "stuck" while "Unpacking ttf-dejavu-core"21:20
alextisserantwhen I had my long list of additional packages, it was actually stuck on Unpacking libc6-dev21:21
rcn-eeEvaLuaTe, exactly, and a lot of these 3rd party phones it's almost impossible to find...21:21
alextisserantmy CPU is still working, but after a whole night of unpacking, I guess this is not totally normal :-)21:21
rcn-eealextisserant, lucid?21:22
alextisserantso the script does not die, but it just seems to loop on this unpacking...21:22
rcn-eewelcome to bug 5663921:22
ubot4Launchpad bug 56639 in acpi-support (Ubuntu) "Thinkpad R40 Fn-F7 should switch active display in software" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5663921:22
rcn-eecrap, bug 56663921:22
ubot4Launchpad bug 566639 in apt-setup (Ubuntu) "omap install ends up with security.ubuntu.com urls in sources.list after install (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56663921:22
rcn-eeI give up: this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qemu-kvm/+bug/53273321:22
ubot4Launchpad bug 532733 in qemu-kvm (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 2 other projects) "apt/dpkg in qemu-system-arm hangs if a big task is installed (affects: 4) (dups: 1) (heat: 34)" [High,Incomplete]21:22
EvaLuaTercn-ee: ohh, ok then. You know any other nice OS for such a mobile device that might be easier to install/try?21:23
alextisserantrcn-ee: did anyone try with other versions of qemu?21:29
rcn-eeI've tried Debian Squeeze & Sid's...21:30
rcn-eeDustin and Loci are the ubuntu qemu guys..21:31
rcn-eeIt's one of those disapointing things...  If you have a beagle, the best method to build an SD card is the NetInstall..  I'm planning to make that work for the overo and igepv2, but after ESC...21:32
alextisserant yes, but I'm trying to get a ready-to-use final image for the Touch Book21:35
alextisserantat least I can indeed do a netinst and pack the image afterwards21:35
samuel_Sayagokay, I see my camera under the lsusb :)21:37
rcn-eealextisserant, that's exactly what i'm planning for my x11 images on rcn-ee.net for the beagle.. build native, copy...21:37
alextisserantjust need more time :)21:38
samuel_SayagBut still when I'm trying to take a photo I get "err libdc1394: Failed to initialize libdc1394" odd...21:38
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