
RAOFMy mail's still downloading (see above discussion about internet caps) so I might not be entirely up to date, but yes.  Roll-back post RC.00:00
RAOFC'mon internode.  Process that “Please give me more bandwidth” payment…01:03
TheMusoIt takes up to 90 minutes to do it afaik.01:11
RAOFTheMuso: Yeah.01:13
TheMusoRAOF: you should have speed again... :p01:38
brycehpitti, glx revert xserver package is uploaded for your review01:38
brycehpitti, I have a few other severe xserver bug fixes, but I decided not to include them in this upload so we could focus on getting this one in asap01:39
brycehpitti, for the others, I'm still waiting on a few test results but the fixes look worth including as SRUs at least01:39
brycehpitti, if you'd like me to include the fixes together with this upload, let me know and I'll rejigger them in01:40
bryceh(the other two bugs are 539772 and 553647)01:40
jjardonHello! Can everyone add new blueprints for maverick?02:57
RAOFI'm off to collect the keys to our new home! (and have lunch ;)).03:43
TheMusoRAOF: have fun.03:58
pittiGood morning07:26
RAOFGood morning!07:27
pittibryceh, RAOF: ah, I was going to start a discussion about rolling back vs. RAOF's patch now, but seems you guys beat me to it :) my gut feeling is that we should upload the rollback to final and RAOF's real fix to -proposed; WDYT?07:27
pittibryceh: two bugs> hm, there's zero margin for error now, so I'd rather have them in the first SRU upload (which will be pretty early, I figure?)07:30
RAOFI think that's the right idea; the rollback is safer and we want to be really sure about the fix, because if it's incomplete it'll mean X crashes.07:30
pittiRAOF: oh, new home?07:30
RAOFpitti: Yah!07:30
pittiRAOF: agreed, thanks07:30
pittinew release, new house, that fits!07:30
pittibryceh: I added a lucid task to 55364707:31
RAOFOur first very own house.  It'll be awesome.07:32
pittibryceh: your X upload also included bug 519049; how sure are you about this?07:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 519049 in xorg-server ""xauth generate" with large timeout triggers assertion" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51904907:35
didrocksgood morning07:49
pittihey didrocks07:50
didrocksGuten Morgen pitti, how are you?07:50
pittididrocks: tres bien, merci! et toi?07:52
didrockspitti: very good French. Sorry that I can't do the same in German ;) I'm fine, thanks!07:52
seb128hey hey there08:51
pittibonjour Monsieur Bacher!08:52
seb128pitti, guten tag!08:54
didrockssalut seb12808:55
seb128lut didrocks ;-)08:55
seb128didrocks, bonne soirée ?08:55
didrocksseb128: ça va, c'était sympa merci! :)08:56
* seb128 has slept well and ready for a good work day08:56
didrocksseb128: et toi?08:56
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didrocksubuntuone synchronize nothing here… u1sdtool hangs too. Let's hop logout/login will fix this…10:12
didrocks(having the same thing on my netbook isn't a very good sign)10:13
huatsHello everyone11:01
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vishseb128: hi.. could we get an update for Humanity , it seems broken for kde users Bug #566996 , the symlinks are causing a problem there12:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 566996 in humanity-icon-theme "Humanity in KDE does not display volume icons." [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56699612:16
vishSRU update rather ;)12:16
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qensehyperair, seb128: Thank you for the fix for Indicator Application. It has finally landed today!13:02
seb128qense, np, thanks the people who did the work I just uploaded ;-)13:03
pitticcheney: wrt. https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-openoffice, there's a WI for "check status of OpenOffice.org translations:13:05
pitticcheney: is that still actually relevant?13:05
pittididrocks: is the remaining task on https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-quickly still relevant?13:10
pittididrocks: also, would you mind having a look at https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-quickly-templates and either dropping the WIs there or moving them to a maverick spec?13:11
milanbvwhat's the way to get a bugfix release uploaded, now that we're in freeze? waiting for a SRU after Lucid is out?13:14
milanbv(that's for system-tools-backends 2.10.0, fixing a few crashers and bad bugs)13:14
pittichrisccoulson_, asac: bug 443147 is marked for final, is that still realistic? or should we move to SRU?13:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 443147 in firefox "Firefox on ARM inappropriately adds scroll bars to many frames and images" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44314713:20
chrisccoulson_pitti - there is a workaround already in bzr, but i wasn't planning to do another upload before the 3.6.4 release in May (the lucid branch is already tracking the 3.6.4 update)13:22
chrisccoulson_i don't know if asac wants to upload that before final though13:22
pittichrisccoulson_: ok, let's wait for him to answer then; thanks!13:22
didrockspitti: sorry, was eating :) All my WI are finished. I'll put rick's ones to DROP13:23
pittididrocks: were were also some from Shane?13:24
didrockspitti: right, updating the status for him too13:25
didrocksDROPPED is valid, right?13:25
=== pedro__ is now known as pedro_
pittididrocks: thanks; yes, DROPPED is the new preferred status name for "dropped, not moved"13:34
didrocksok, thanks :)13:35
pittiRiddell: would you mind updating https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus for Kubuntu? Thanks!13:36
Riddellpitti: will do13:38
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asacchrisccoulson_: i asked you to upload a cherry-pick13:42
asacjust wasnt sure something else should be there13:43
asacplease go ahead13:43
chrisccoulson_asac - ok, i can do that. the only issue is though that the lucid branch is already updated to 3.6.413:43
asacchrisccoulson_: right thtas why cherry-pick13:44
asacbranch last upload13:44
asaccherry pick my commit13:44
asacmerge that branch into the .head again13:44
chrisccoulson_asac - ok, i will do that this afternoon. did you see my other question in #ubuntu-mozillateam earlier? i have a fix for the hardy dailies to push, and wasn't sure if i have to start a new version number in the changelog now (i assume that the answer is yes)13:51
asacchrisccoulson_: where would you commit that to?13:56
asacto .head? or do we have stable branches?13:56
chrisccoulson_asac - to .head for now. the only stable branch for 3.6 currently is lucid13:57
chrisccoulson_(and that would fix the dailies wouldn't it?)13:57
asacchrisccoulson_: yes. the top most commit is stil UNRELEASED? then just commit there13:59
asacchrisccoulson_: just dont include it in the cherry pick release for the armel issue13:59
asacchrisccoulson_: i think we should get the armel fix up asap ... btw. otherwise slangasek will be really unhappy13:59
chrisccoulson_asac - that was the issue. the last commit changed it from UNRELEASED to lucid, and i wasn't sure if that was intentional or not (and if i need to start a new version number to push my commit)14:00
asacchrisccoulson_: i did that?14:01
chrisccoulson_asac - you did ;)14:01
asacthats a bug ... just flip back to UNRELEASED on next commit ;)14:01
asaci didnt do a release commit i hope ;)14:02
chrisccoulson_asac - i was thinking about that, then i remembered what you said about the dailies breaking ;)14:02
asacno thats fine14:02
chrisccoulson_so i wasn't sure if i'd break them14:02
asacjust UNRELEASED ... all should be ok14:02
chrisccoulson_ok, i'll flip it back to UNRELEASED then14:02
kenvandinepitti, can you think of anything in a gnome session that might be preventing my laptop from suspending?14:06
kenvandinei can suspend from gdm, and from logged into kde14:06
kenvandinebut not logged into gnome14:06
pittidoes it lock screen?14:06
kenvandineand tested with a new user and with a reinstall14:06
kenvandinelock screen works..14:06
kenvandinethe symptom is this14:06
pittignome-session has a concept of "inhibiting suspend", yes14:07
kenvandineit turns on the blinking sleep light14:07
pittichrisccoulson_: ^ I think you know much more about thsi14:07
kenvandineand everything appears to go to sleep14:07
kenvandinebut the display goes black but doesn't really turn off14:07
kenvandineand it never goes to a full sleep14:07
pittikenvandine: do you get any error in /var/log/pm-suspend.log?14:07
kenvandinethe pm-suspend.log makes it look like sleep completed14:07
chrisccoulson_hmmm, if something is inhibiting suspend, then gnome-session will show a dialog14:07
kenvandinea while back apw spent hours on this thing trying to figure it out14:07
chrisccoulson_(and indicator-session bypasses the gnome-session mechanism anyway)14:08
kenvandinebut at the time we didn't realize suspend worked outside of gnome14:08
pittikenvandine: does "sudo pm-suspend" within a gnome terminal work?14:08
kenvandinesame thing14:08
kenvandineit is very strange14:08
pittiah, then it's not gnome14:08
pittikenvandine: try something like14:08
kenvandinei read some stuff that made it sound like network-manager might not be able to release the interfaces14:08
pittisudo PM_DEBUG=true pm-suspend 2>&1 | tee /tmp/out14:09
kenvandinebut i removed the modules and all14:09
* kenvandine thinks it is really weird that it works in kde and gdm14:09
kenvandinedamn /tmp cleaning :)14:14
* kenvandine tries again14:14
popeykenvandine: good work on making gwibber less crashy14:16
nigelbabudidrocks: reminding you about bug 111939 now that we're post RC14:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 111939 in metacity "Not possible to alt-tab during a drag-and-drop operation" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11193914:17
didrocksnigelbabu: yeah, I read it again yesterday and think we should wait for maverick. Compiz is the main wm in any case and there is the same issue14:17
nigelbabudidrocks: sure, no problem.14:18
didrocksnigelbabu: thanks for the notice :)14:18
nigelbabuIn the meantime, I'll try to get it into metacity trunk14:18
didrocksnigelbabu: yeah, that would be awesome :)14:19
kenvandinepitti, chrisccoulson_: ^^14:19
kenvandineone thing to note, running pm-suspend myself the screen never clears, i can still see everything14:20
pittikenvandine: that's expected14:21
kenvandinebut suspend from the session menu does clear the screen14:21
pittihm, that looks weird14:21
pitti(way too short, and it doesn't do any action)14:21
kenvandinethere is much more in /var/log/pm-suspend.log14:22
pittiah, right14:22
* kenvandine pastes14:22
pittiplease put that somewhere14:22
pittithe >& logging probably stopped at the exec14:22
chrisccoulson_asac - ok, firefox is uploaded now14:25
kenvandinethere might be more than one suspend in there14:26
kenvandinethis behavior started in karmic right before the sprint in dublin14:27
kenvandineso been quite a while :)14:27
kenvandinewe had chalked it up to bios or hardware...14:27
kenvandinebut now that i know it works outside of gnome... i am determined to get suspend working again!14:28
kenvandinegood morning rickspencer314:30
rickspencer3hi kenvandine14:30
pittihey rickspencer314:32
rickspencer3hi pitti14:32
kenvandinepitti, this sure is verbose... but i am not seeing anything that looks like it failed14:33
didrockshey rickspencer314:35
pittiasac, chrisccoulson_: that's the weirdest bug I've ever seen -- different optimize flags cause *scroll bars* to appear??14:35
seb128hello rickspencer314:35
rickspencer3hi seb12814:36
didrocksrickspencer3: not on #quickly? ;) just to tell you that I'm planning to release Quickly 0.4.1. No last-minute thing to put into the trunk for you?14:36
rickspencer3hi didrocks, I just joined14:37
rickspencer3I don't have as many channels autojoin on my netbook14:37
didrocksI would thought #quickly was #1 for you (kidding) ;)14:37
chrisccoulson_pitti - yeah, that is pretty weird indeed14:38
pittichrisccoulson_: this makes me a bit nervous about breaking other stuff, though14:38
pittiI mean ffox has never been tested with a global -O2 on any platform, has it?14:39
chrisccoulson_pitti - i think asac has tested that though (i haven't, as i don't have the hardware available)14:39
chrisccoulson_it's also only -O2 on armel14:39
pittiright, it's a no-op on !armel, but I'm still worried :)14:40
rickspencer3pitti, did I get the rolled back glx when I did a dist-upgrade last night?14:45
pittirickspencer3: it's not accepted yet; the currently pending upload has an extra bug fix which I'm not sure about; I pinged bryceh about it14:45
rickspencer3I thought bryceh said he was going to do a clean upload of just the rollback14:46
rickspencer3oh well14:46
ograpitti, we often see such issues in armel ... different optimization often exposes toolchain issues14:48
kenvandinepitti, chrisccoulson_: any ideas from that log?14:56
pittikenvandine: (will have a look later on)14:57
kenvandinelooks to me like everything worked, at least from the log14:57
kenvandinepitti, ok14:57
pittikenvandine: yes, it goes all the way to echo mem > /sys/power/state14:58
pittikenvandine: if you do echo mem | sudo tee /sys/power/state, does it suspend?14:59
pittithat's the bare-metal suspend command, straight to the kernel14:59
kenvandinei'll try... i assume it does since it works from kde and gdm14:59
pittikenvandine: you can do sudo dmesg -c, then that command, and afterwards check with dmesg if there's any error from the kernel14:59
pittikenvandine: well, it's apparently what pm-suspend tries as well15:00
didrocksjames_w: I'll need some help with a bzr merge if you're around15:01
asacchrisccoulson_: pitti: i had a test build with that change in a native ppa15:01
asacit was based on ffox 3.6.4 prerelease though ... so we cant just copy it15:02
asacchrisccoulson_: pitti: if it feels better we can prepare the release in native ppa and copy over once everything is built ;)15:02
asacthat would reduce the risk of bustage due to build failures etc.15:02
pittiasac: no, that's fine (accepted)15:02
james_wdidrocks: mais oui15:02
asacpitti: thanks.15:02
pittiasac: I was just concerned about -O2 breaking ffox on armel15:02
didrocksjames_w: :) so, I'm trying to merge lp:~quickly/quickly/quickly-po in lp:quickly15:03
james_wdidrocks: the former is a rosetta export branch?15:03
didrocksjames_w: exactly, and the previous export branch didn't have a data/templates/ubuntu-application/help/po (creating in lp:quickly), and so, created itself the directory15:04
didrocksjames_w: which results in data/templates/ubuntu-application and data/templates/ubuntu-application.moved directory15:04
james_wdouble erk15:04
james_wor not15:04
james_wwhat did you change in lp:quickly?15:05
james_wdid that add data/templates/ubuntu-application, is that unversioned in your local copy, or has it been there since before lp:~quickly/quickly/quickly-po branched?15:05
didrocksjames_w: I've added a po template for tutorials, hence the directory creation15:05
didrocksjames_w: data/templates/ubuntu-application should have been there even before the creation of the export branch, let me check15:06
james_wah, ok, so you added it after branching?15:06
didrocksjames_w: no, but it was data/templates/ubuntu-project which moved to data/templates/ubuntu-application15:06
didrocks(with bzr mv)15:06
james_wah, ok15:07
didrocksjames_w: but as LP po export added it manually…15:07
james_wthat's a legitimate conflict then15:07
didrocksit created it in the export branch15:07
didrocksI'm not surprised by the conflict, but how to resolve it properly :)15:07
didrocksI was thinking doing that:15:07
james_wright :-)15:07
didrocksbzr mv data/templates/ubuntu-application/help/po/* data/templates/ubuntu-application.moved/help/po15:08
didrocksthen, rm -rf data/templates/ubuntu-application15:08
didrocksand mv data/templates/ubuntu-application.moved data/templates/ubuntu-application15:08
didrocksbut then, bzr st told me that I removed all commands in ubuntu-application and that I've unknown file corresponding to every files in ubuntu-application15:08
james_wright, after bzr mkdir -p data/templates/ubuntu-application.moved/help/po15:08
didrocksso, I guess, I have ubuntu-application with the id of the export po branch (the one created recently) :)15:09
james_wtry bzr mv --after data/templates/ubuntu-application.moved data/templates/ubuntu-application15:09
didrocksoh, --after?15:09
james_w"I've already moved it on disk, just mark it as moved in bzr st"15:09
didrocksok, let me try that :)15:09
didrocksjames_w: you rock! ;)15:12
kenvandinepitti, that doesn't work either... apparently this is some sign that i should switch to kde :-D15:12
james_wdidrocks: sweet15:12
pittikenvandine: what does dmesg say?15:12
didrocksjames_w: thanks a lot :)15:12
kenvandineit logs nothing on the way down15:12
james_wdidrocks: np15:12
kenvandineit immediate stops15:13
kenvandinepitti, there must be some device or something that is keeping it from going down... something that is tweaked by logging into gnome15:13
kenvandinei tried switching to metacity, etc15:13
kenvandineturned off bluetooth and all15:13
pittisudo stop network-manager, too?15:14
pittikenvandine: sudo killall udisks-daemon upowerd ?15:14
kenvandinedidn't do that15:14
* kenvandine tries15:14
kenvandinepitti, nope, that didn't help15:30
kenvandinevery puzzling...15:30
jcastrokenvandine: hey I can consistently crash the xchat m-i plugin15:30
kenvandinejcastro, steps to repro?15:30
jcastrowhen someone messages you, click on the envelope and then on their name15:30
kenvandinecan't repro it reliably15:30
jcastrothen xchat disappears15:30
jcastroqense: you said you were seeing this too?15:31
kenvandineit has happened to me a couple times15:31
kenvandinebut very rare15:31
kenvandinejcastro, file a bug please15:31
qensejcastro: please ping me and I can test it!15:31
jcastrokenvandine: file a bug on which component?15:32
kenvandinejcastro, highlight me again15:32
jcastrokenvandine: hi2u15:33
kenvandineok, worked... i hadn't tested since i reinstalled lucid last night15:33
kenvandineget the bug filed and i will look at the crash report15:33
qenseI have stopped using the XChat indicator because it used to crash, but I haven't tested it a long time.15:33
qenseXChat GNOME, to be precise.15:33
kenvandineqense, that is what i am using too15:34
hyperairirssi ftw15:34
kenvandinejcastro, you using xchat or xchat-gnome?15:34
kenvandinesame here15:34
hyperairirssi + messaging indicator would be really cool15:34
hyperairdoes the messaging indicator have perl bindings?15:34
jcastrohyperair: I know dude, especially if we could pipe it through ssh so I can run my screen remote ...15:34
qenseMessaging indicator integration for irssi in byobu!15:34
jcastroqense: YES15:34
hyperairjcastro: absolutely!15:34
qenseThat would be fun: porting the whole indicator-* stack to screen...15:35
ccheneypitti: i think david wants to talk about that in the session, i didn't add it myself15:35
ccheneypitti: oh nm i see lucid, no thats not relevant for lucid15:35
jcastrokenvandine: apport didn't fire off or anything, is there anything I should look for for the report?15:35
rickspencer3kenvandine, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xchat-gnome/+bug/56506115:35
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Ubuntu: list index out of range (https://launchpad.net/bugs/565061)15:35
qensejcastro: Apport was disabled by a recent update, did you renable it?15:36
rickspencer3kenvandine, dang it. my crash report was private15:36
rickspencer3fixed now15:36
qensefailed retrace15:36
rickspencer3jcastro, does that look like your xchat crash?15:36
jcastroit does15:36
* kenvandine wonders why that didn't show up in the "me" folder in evo... damn procmailrc ... 15:37
rickspencer3anyway, may as well reuse that report rather than create a new one15:37
kenvandinerickspencer3, can you repro that reliably too?15:37
rickspencer3kenvandine, no15:37
jcastrokenvandine: it doesn't happen every time15:37
rickspencer3it's just intermitten enough that I keep using it15:37
jcastrokenvandine: ok so I should turn on apport and if it happens again put it in this report?15:38
kenvandinejcastro, it is probably the same as what rickspencer3 reported15:38
jcastroyeah I am just wondering if more info is better. apport is a black box to me.15:38
kenvandinejcastro, perhaps15:39
rickspencer3pitti, fyi, for release meeting, edubuntu logo was done and sent a while ago, not sure when exactly15:47
* rickspencer3 saw it as an open action on the email15:47
pittirickspencer3: right, it's already in the upload queue15:47
pittithanks for the heads-up15:48
seb128pitti, the meeting is at 17h local right?15:48
pittiseb128: right15:48
pittiseb128: oh, do you want to be the desktop representative today? :-)15:48
* seb128 grabs the laptop and will seat outside in the sun a bit to read email and join the meeting15:48
seb128pitti, I didn't prepare but I will watch15:48
pitti(our plate is pretty clean, should be easy for us)15:48
pittiseb128: that's fine; I updated the ReleaseStatus page15:49
pittiseb128, rickspencer3: I have to leave after the meeting; in case bryceh wakes up later, would you mind discussing his current upload with him? there's an extra bug fix which I'm not sure about, thus I didn't accept it yet15:51
pittiso if he's 100% confident in this, it's fine to accept15:51
rickspencer3pitti, will do15:51
pittibut it might not have been intended, since the upload encompasses two changelog records15:51
seb128pitti, ok15:51
rickspencer3I'm a bit concerned as well, as he said he wanted to do quite the opposite (have a clean upload for glx issue)15:51
pittiI'm invited at my parent's for dinner, since I'll be away for the next 3 weeks15:51
rickspencer3"concerned" might be a tad strong15:52
seb128pitti, enjoy15:52
pittirickspencer3: right, which made me consider that it was an accident15:52
rickspencer3pitti, you need a netbook to take with you to dinner15:52
seb128pitti, I'm in my parents' garden right now with the laptop, splendid weather15:52
rickspencer3just put it next to your plate15:52
pittirickspencer3: it's already stowed away in my luggage :)15:52
rickspencer3with headphones and  mic it will be like your parents aren't even there, perfect15:52
* pitti has the mobile with him, of course :)15:52
kenvandinepitti, just confirmed... the exact same suspend problem on my wife's laptop15:54
kenvandinebut my netbook suspends fine15:54
vishseb128: hmm , i may have missed your reply earlier [had to reboot].. when would be a right time to request the Humanity update for [KDE problem] ?15:54
kenvandineher hardware is completely different15:54
kenvandineintel white box laptop15:55
seb128vish, next cycle?15:55
pittikenvandine: curious15:55
kenvandinei have a thinkpad15:55
kenvandinedifferent video and network15:55
pittikenvandine: is that a regression from the glx rollback?15:55
seb128vish, I'm not the one to talk to to get an exception now15:55
seb128vish, try talking to pitti or slangasek15:55
kenvandinethis has been a problem for me since early in the karmic cycle, even after several reinstalls15:55
pittivish: "request"?15:55
vishah , ok.. :)15:55
kenvandinefor her suspend was fine until i installed lucid15:55
seb128kenvandine, did it work if you turn off the social from the start cracks?15:56
kenvandineand actually... it is a regression for her in lucid15:56
vishpitti:  Bug #56699615:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 566996 in humanity-icon-theme "Humanity in KDE does not display volume icons." [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56699615:56
kenvandineat first it did suspend, but wouldn't resume15:56
seb128just trying to figure what you might set up and other people not15:56
kenvandinenvidia bug15:56
kenvandinebut since that was fixed, it doesn't suspend completely just like mine15:56
vishpitti: the volume icon is not displayed in KDE :s , it was a hack i had done so that the icon isnt blurry in gtk widgets , ut it turns out to be a problem in kubuntu15:56
kenvandineseb128, it doesn't work for a new user... which doesn't have gwibber running15:56
pittivish: if it's an 100% risk free and small fix, please get it uploaded for lucid, we are revieing the queue very often15:57
pittivish: if not, -> SRU15:57
seb128vish, did you fix it in a way which doesn't create the gtk issue again15:57
vishyup , no problems now15:57
kenvandineseb128, did you read back to where suspend works in gdm and in kde?15:57
vishneither for kde or gtk15:57
kenvandinebut not from a logged in gnome session15:58
kenvandineseb128, any guesses?15:58
seb128kenvandine, yes I read that and no, no guess, I would try starting a failsafe GNOME and try there15:58
kenvandinei did15:58
kenvandinefails too15:58
seb128or turn off everything in the session and add things back15:58
kenvandinei did that too15:59
seb128did you try to start a non gnome session15:59
kenvandineunchecked everything in the startup15:59
seb128and start gnome-panel etc there?15:59
kenvandineno... let me try that15:59
vishpitti: the fix is small and uploaded and ready in lp:~ubuntu-art-pkg/humanity/release15:59
* kenvandine tries with something lighter than kde15:59
vishpitti: i need to subscribe the release team or the Main sponsors to the bug?16:05
pittivish: sponsors primarily16:05
vishneat thanks..16:06
maxbI need help figuring out where to search for or report a vaguely desktoppish bug: On Lucid, the tickmarks in on/off context menu items appear white-on-light-grey, and so pretty much invisible.16:14
kenvandineseb128, i can suspend from a full  gnome-session if i start it without gdm16:16
kenvandineit seems to be related to logging in via gdm16:16
kenvandineperhaps consolekit?16:16
pittithat wouldn't stop the kernel from suspending with echo mem>, though16:18
kenvandineor something related to disk access16:18
kenvandineso starting with startx, i can't access usb sticks, dvd, etc16:18
pittikenvandine: if you log into an xterm session, does it work then?16:18
pittikenvandine: oh, then you can't access /dev/drm either16:19
kenvandinewith gdm16:19
pittiso it might be device permissions indeed16:19
kenvandinei have no /dev/drm16:19
pitti/dev/dri/card0, sorry16:19
kenvandinelet me login to an xterm session with gdm16:20
kenvandinepitti, suspend did work logged in from gdm with an xterm session16:22
pittikenvandine: try xterm session, then run compiz, and try again?16:24
kenvandinesuspend did work with compiz running in my gnome-session started with startx16:24
kenvandinestill try?16:24
pittihm; well, sure16:25
pittiif for nothing else, you'll need it to sensibly start more terminals and apps :)16:25
kenvandinepitti, this is fun... suspend works fine if i login from gdm with the xterm session and run gnome-session16:28
kenvandinebut it doesn't work if i login with a gnome session from gdm...16:29
kenvandinevery strange16:29
Nafaimorning everyone16:30
kenvandinegood morning Nafai16:30
kenvandinepitti, confirmed the same thing does work on my wife's laptop too... very weird16:33
Sarvatt** (gnome-settings-daemon:1658): WARNING **: /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon-2.0/libmedia-keys.so: undefined symbol: notify_notification_show17:01
Sarvatt^ wasn't that fixed a few months ago? seems it crept back in17:01
seb128Sarvatt, ldd -r it?17:01
seb128oh right, I get it there too17:01
seb128Sarvatt, do you notice any bug due to it?17:02
chrisccoulson_when did that start?17:03
Sarvattjust the media keys plugin not being loaded going by xsession-errors, I dont use it17:03
seb128chrisccoulson_, not sure, g-s-d didn't change for a while17:04
Sarvattseb128chrisccoulson, you add LIBNOTIFY_LDFLAGS use10:0917:05
Sarvattseb128and configure.ac uses _LIB10:0917:05
Sarvattseb128and not _LDFLAGS10:0917:05
Sarvatt(irc log from 2010-01-2917:05
chrisccoulson_i thought i'd fixed that already17:05
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
chrisccoulson_oh, i see17:07
chrisccoulson_it misses LIBNOTIFY_LIBS entirely17:07
didrocksbabel-fr is getting crazy in lucid…17:07
Sarvatti only noticed because I was trying to track down why indicator-applet is failing to start and indicator-applet-session is showing double icons some boots, don17:07
Sarvattdon't know how long the error has been around17:08
chrisccoulson_seb128 - are we ok to upload a fix for this now, or should we do a SRU?17:12
pittichrisccoulson_: since when was it broken?17:13
pittiit would essentially mean to re-enable a feature, right?17:13
seb128chrisccoulson_, I think it should be ok for upload now17:13
pitti(the actual patch is probably quite small)17:13
pittiyes, please upload it now and test thoroughly17:13
seb128what does it break?17:13
seb128I still get sound key bubbles etc17:13
chrisccoulson_pitti - it must have been broken for a while now (probably since the last update. i remember we had some difficulty with the patch then)17:13
pittiit probably breaks the entire media keys plugin?17:13
chrisccoulson_seb128 - yeah, it WFM too, but in Sarvatt's case it's not working at all17:14
pittilike launching a web browser, etc/17:14
chrisccoulson_pitti - yeah, if the symbols aren't resolved then the whole plugin fails to load (which breaks volume keys etc)17:14
seb128it's weird I get the ldd -r errors too17:15
seb128but volume keys are working17:15
pittiis that in .xsession-errors?17:15
chrisccoulson_me too17:15
pittigrep symbol /home/martin/.xsession-errors -> nothing17:15
seb128same here17:15
seb128but ldd -r on the .so -> errors17:15
chrisccoulson_yeah, same here. it's definately not linking with libnotify17:16
chrisccoulson_but, that's an easy fix17:16
pittildd /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon-2.0/libmedia-keys.so |grep noti -> empty, yes17:16
seb128if you can get it uploaded today please do17:16
seb128pitti, -r17:16
seb128ldd -r17:16
seb128I misread what you said17:16
pittiundefined symbol: gnome_settings_plugin_get_type(/usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon-2.0/libmedia-keys.so)17:16
pittiseb128: (I get the missing notify bits, too)17:17
chrisccoulson_do we need to report a bug for it?17:18
seb128pitti, anyway don't delay your weekend on this17:18
chrisccoulson_(i'm just building it now to test)17:18
seb128chrisccoulson_, don't bother I would say if you get a fix upload17:18
seb128and ping slangasek about it17:18
pittiok, so I'm off for some 3 hours for dinner at my parent's17:20
pittiwhen I'm back, I'll have another look at IRC and the queue17:20
chrisccoulson_have fun pitti :)17:20
seb128pitti, enjoy17:21
pittichrisccoulson_: thanks for working on this issue17:21
* pitti hugs you all17:21
pittiseb128: see, that's the TB job: tell everyone what to do, have them work on Friday nights, and yourself are slacking off17:21
* pitti feels guilty17:21
* seb128 hugs pitti17:21
desrtwhere are my getties?17:22
pittis/TB/TL/, I mean17:22
* chrisccoulson_ hugs pitti17:22
seb128pitti, don't worry they don't listen to you :p17:22
desrtplease don't tell me they're gone in order to make bootup faster...17:22
chrisccoulson_Sarvatt, OOI, do you have the xrandr plugin loaded in g-s-d?17:23
chrisccoulson_that's the other plugin that links with libnotify, which is why it's working for me and seb12817:24
chrisccoulson_(because libnotify is already in memory)17:24
chrisccoulson_i suspect if i turn off that plugin that media-keys will fail too17:24
Sarvattah hah thats why I see it then, yeah it's disabled17:26
chrisccoulson_Sarvatt - ok, that makes sense now :)17:27
chrisccoulson_seb128 - ok, fix pushed to bzr now. would you mind sponsoring? :)17:35
seb128chrisccoulson_, I can do that!17:36
chrisccoulson_seb128 - thanks17:36
brycehpitti, you had a question about the xserver upload?17:36
rickspencer3bryceh, pitti is out atm17:37
seb128bryceh, he said there is another change in there17:37
seb128bryceh, out of the glx one17:37
seb128bryceh, he was not sure if that was wanted17:37
brycehthe only other change is that it drops a duplicate patch17:37
brycehwhich is fine17:37
seb128ok, I guess that's the one he was not sure about17:37
seb128can you clarify that with slangasek?17:37
kenvandinepitti, seb128: so i found the suspend problem... it fails to suspend if you have an SD card mounted :)17:38
chrisccoulson_hmmm, i wish xchat would pick up the theme again after reloading g-s-d17:38
kenvandineI have had this SD card in this laptop since I bought it17:38
seb128kenvandine, weird bug17:38
kenvandinevery weird... and a pain to narrow down :)17:39
kenvandineseb128, ideas what that should be filed against?17:39
kenvandinei assume the kernel17:39
seb128bryceh, pitti said the changelog has 2 new entries in this upload17:39
seb128bryceh, that's about what I know about his concern though17:40
seb128he was not sure the previous one was an intended change too17:40
brycehseb128, I'll doublecheck17:40
seb128kenvandine, not really no, you can try there17:40
kenvandinenow i am annoyed to think that i haven't been able to suspend for 8 months because I had this silly SD card in my laptop :)17:41
brycehseb128, I only see one changelog entry for the 23rd, and then the previous is from the 15th17:41
seb128bryceh, check with slangasek I would say, I assume they have some queue diff, maybe that got the debdiff buggy for some reason17:41
seb128chrisccoulson, seems you dropped a tap to click change too?17:43
brycehseb128, looks like he's not around17:44
seb128chrisccoulson, oh, it was commented in the serie and you dropped the change too now, ok17:45
seb128confusing debdiff17:45
chrisccoulsonseb128 - oh, perhaps the branch was slightly out of sync with the archive?17:46
kenvandinevery old bug, bug 29535417:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 295354 in linux "sdhci: suspend problems with mounted partition" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29535417:46
chrisccoulsoni didn't intentionally make any other changes17:46
seb128chrisccoulson, ok, uploaded17:46
chrisccoulsonseb128 - thanks17:46
seb128bryceh, ok, so you uploaded xorg-server ubuntu717:49
seb128lucid current has ubuntu517:49
seb128bryceh, was the ubuntu6 change on purpose in that upload too?17:49
seb128it's not there http://launchpadlibrarian.net/45056000/xorg-server_1.7.6-2ubuntu7_source.changes17:49
seb128bryceh, ie you have 2 revisions but listed one in the .changes only, forgot to -vubuntu5 on build?17:50
brycehmm, did that one just not get uploaded maybe?17:50
seb128bryceh, https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server17:50
seb128bryceh, it was not no17:50
seb128so pitti wanted to double check what was going on17:50
seb128ie is it intended to go in lucid17:50
brycehseb128, so want me to exclude that and redo the packaging?17:50
seb128or a revision leftover17:50
seb128rather confirm that you want that one in lucid17:51
seb128and that it was not a revision uploaded by error17:51
seb128ie that you based your recent change on the right one17:51
seb128and not on a local testversion with a revision not meant to go in lucid17:51
brycehI can exclude it if it is causing confusion, but it's a valid fix for a serious issue that should be in ubuntu17:51
brycehwell, serious for people who have the issue17:52
seb128ok thanks17:52
seb128bryceh, thanks, I clarified with slangasek, or rather let him a message to read about it, that it was a wanted change and can be accepted when he wants17:53
Sarvattbryceh: I wouldn't include the xauth commit for now, it's not something affecting a large number of users and did you notice it's undergoing heavy revision to meet upstream's standards? http://lists.x.org/archives/xorg-devel/2010-April/006992.html17:56
brycehSarvatt, yes I know it's being worked on upstream17:57
milanbvchrisccoulson: sorry for raising this again, but what should we do to for the system-tools-backends 2.10.0?17:57
milanbvwait for a SRU?17:57
milanbvdo you want me to package it?17:57
chrisccoulsonmilanbv - is there a bug for it?17:59
chrisccoulson(i don't  really have time to work on that atm)17:59
milanbvchrisccoulson: yeah, there are a few bugs18:01
milanbvdo you mean a bug "Update stb to 2.10.0"?18:01
milanbvno, but I can create it18:01
milanbvdisregarding crowded agenda issues, what would be the best procedure?18:02
brycehSarvatt, I've uploaded an xserver with that xauth change xcluded for the archive admins to choose from.  I think it's fine but no skin off my nose if it's left out.18:07
ccheneyseb128: are we skipping the dictionary transition intentionally? aiui enchant is still using the old locations from a year ago?18:07
brycehSarvatt, it can be sru'd later when the patch is finalized18:07
seb128ccheney, no it's just that nobody has been watching what debian was doing18:14
seb128ccheney, I noticed some days ago when talking to the debian maintainer about the openoffice.org-dictionnaries change I did and sent back there18:15
seb128ccheney, it seems late to change enchant now so that will be next cycle18:15
seb128would have been nice if you could have watched those dictionnaries changes in debian earlier18:16
seb128so we could have adapted for lucid18:16
seb128the debian maintainer said it had been announced on debian list and in openoffice changes for a while18:16
Sarvattbryceh: yeah we have that major EXA fix to SRU too18:18
Sarvattwhere people using noscript in firefox with compositing enabled is crashing the server18:18
* bryceh nods18:19
brycehSarvatt, yeah I asked pitti if I should include that in this upload but didn't hear from him so just left it out18:19
brycehit looks like something which would be fine to roll out as an sru, since it doesn't prevent install or boot18:20
brycehSarvatt, if you spot any other xserver patches let me know, I'm building a todo list18:20
Sarvattbryceh: there is another important one that could use a round through -proposed testing because it is a pretty significant change, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/55364718:22
ubottuUbuntu bug 553647 in xorg-server "xserver crash (repeatable, triggered by drawing circle/ellipse e.g. in xfig)" [High,Triaged]18:22
brycehSarvatt, heh yep that's the other one on my todo list ;-)18:23
bryceh#539772 and #55364718:23
brycehthere might be one or two more that are nearly ready18:24
ccheneyseb128: yea it was done in karmic release cycle for Debian but was too late for karmic, i got all the dictionaries updated for lucid a while back except for the bug you updated for, i'm not sure what all applications need changes but thought those would have filtered in semi-automatically18:36
ccheneythe Debian guy (rene) plans to drop the compat symlinks in the near future, probably early in maverick cycle18:37
seb128he was unhappy that we didn't sync the enchant change18:38
ccheneyi guess the enchant change must have been late for it not to have been in testing18:38
seb128it's in testing but we have ubuntu changes to enchant18:39
ccheneyi can't get to the packages.qa.d.o page to check18:39
ccheneyoh ok18:39
seb128and we don't review changes to merge every week in the second half of the cycle18:39
seb128anyway dinner time18:39
ccheneyyea, so thats why i mentioned it must have been late, i think the initial changes for dictionaries were before lucid so it was either stuck or not done until later for enchant18:40
ccheneyok ttyl :)18:40
* ccheney will do another openoffice.org-dictionaries update to add the remaining compat symlinks needed until dictionary transition is complete for Ubuntu18:40
* desrt adds another process to slow down the GNOME login process18:45
NafaiQuestion.  bratsche came up with a patch for gtk that fixed the gnome bluetooth bug as reported.  But, in the process, I discovered another bug (the Visible menu item isn't showing up).  Should I file a new one for that and work on that and have bratsche's gtk changes be the fix for the original one?20:33
rickspencer3Nafai I would suggest logging a new bug20:38
rickspencer3then attach bratche's patch to the original bug, and your patch to the new one20:38
Nafaik, that's what I think20:38
rickspencer3thanks man20:38
rickspencer3Nafai could you please make sure the bug comments are up to date on the BT one?20:39
Nafaisure thing, I'll do that and then open the new bug20:39
bratscheNafai: So that gtk patch definitely helped/fixed the issue?20:50
Nafaibratsche: yes, indeed20:51
Nafaiyes, much thanks20:54
bratscheSo I need to work that into a gtk patch that's upstreamable then.20:55
bratscheI'll have to do that on Monday though, I'm leaving for a symphony rehearsal in about an hour.20:56
Nafaiyeah, should I just comment that it works and re-assign the bug to you?20:56
bratscheAdd a gtk+ component to the bug in launchpad and assign that to me.  If there's no more work to do on it then I guess close the gnome-bluetooth part of the bug.20:56
Nafai(new to launchpad), so "also affects project" and add gt+?20:57
bratscheAlso affects distribution20:58
bratscheThen I think it's gtk+ or gtk+2.0 or something like that.20:58
bratsche"Also affects project" is intended for upstream projects listed in Launchpad, which gtk+ isn't.  "Also affects distribution" lets you file a bug against Ubuntu's gtk+ package.20:59
Nafaiah, I was thinking distribution as in "lucid"20:59
Nafaimakes sense21:00
seb128bratsche, Nafai: no please don't do that21:02
NafaiLooks like dbarth already re-classified it as gtk+21:02
seb128bratsche, Nafai: reassigning the bug rather than adding an another task, having a second task means you keep spamming the first one subscribers21:02
seb128Nafai, right, I told him to do so21:02
seb128Nafai, you can let the bug in this state, I will do a SRU upload after lucid with some other changes21:03
seb128I will probably wait for bratsche to come with an upstream approved change though21:03
seb128would be nice to fix the scrolling in the same upload21:03
Nafaicomment that it is fixed and leave as-is?21:04
Nafais/fixed/fixed with the gtk change21:04
seb128next part is up to bratsche to get a chance upstream21:04
seb128then I will backport to lucid21:04
seb128thank you for your work on this!21:04
Nafaiok, thanks for helping me learn the process :)21:05
bratscheMe too. :)21:08
kenvandinerickspencer3, the xchat-indicator bug is weird... sometimes it is getting added to the hash table a second time, i think21:45
kenvandinebut it checks to see if it is there before adding it... very strange21:45
kenvandinei have reproduced it though, and got some debugging code in21:46
kenvandinewill try to fix it over the weekend21:46
rickspencer3thanks kenvandine21:47
rickspencer3this is a plugin in universe, right?21:47
kenvandinei gotta head out to take my son to t-ball practice now, bbiab21:48
rickspencer3bye kenvandine21:48
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, let me know if you want any help with that ;)21:49
chrisccoulsonthat one is annoying ;)21:49
* didrocks waves goodnight and enjoy your week-end21:54
bratscheLater didrocks!21:54
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
kklimonda /quit maintenance22:29
pittikenvandine: SD card mounted? that's .. awesome; some USB port doesn't suspend then?22:33
pittibryceh: seems all sorted out now? the other bug fix was intended?22:34
brycehpitti, yes it was intended22:38
brycehI'd assumed it was already uploaded (I'd already committed it to git as released), but I have no .upload file so have no proof I uploaded it22:39
pittibryceh: ok, thanks; just wanted to ensure it was intended, and not an "oops" :)22:40
brycehpitti, well good catch22:41
* pitti waves goodbye then, have a good weekend everyone!22:42
Nafaibye pitti!22:44
cjsshaw, everybody.  everybody, sshaw.22:53
sshawis this the right channel to get some help with packages a desktop package on ubuntu22:55
cjsshaw: it's EOD on friday ;)22:58
sshawnot for me :)22:59
NafaiHey sshaw22:59
sshawNafai: hi22:59
sshawhow goes it?22:59
NafaiHi from a bit north of you :)22:59
sshawI'm not sure how far north?22:59
sshawI knew you were in utah, but that's about it22:59
NafaiPleasant Grove22:59
sshawoh, so not too far north22:59
sshawwhat are you doing again for canonical?23:00
Nafaidesktop software engineer23:00
sshawah very cool23:00
Nafaiworking with these guys.  a little development, a little packaging, a lot of fun :)23:00
sshawwhat aspect of the desktop?23:00
* sshaw is still trying to learn ubuntu packaging23:00
Nafairight now, une (ubuntu netbook edition) and programmer oriented tools23:01
sshawI imagine that the programmer oriented tools would be pretty cool23:01
Nafaiyeah, it will be fun, haven't really started that, since I just started at the beginning of the month23:02
Nafaiwill get into it for the next dev cycle23:02
sshawmaybe you can help me out with my problem then23:03
sshawit has to do with gnome and packaging if you are up for it23:03
NafaiI'm pretty new to some of it, for sure the person to help you would be seb128, but I imagine he's gone/asleep, he's in France.  He's our gnome packager dude23:05
NafaiWhat's up though?23:05
sshawah cool23:06
sshawI'm getting an error when trying to run debuild with a package that has schema stuff in it23:06
sshawI added a Build-Depends for libgconf2-dev, but it still fails23:07
Nafaicould you pastebin the error?23:07
Nafaisounds like an autoconf thingy23:09
* Nafai looks at something23:09
sshawI'm thinking its a build dependency issue.  I was getting the same thing on fedora until I added gconf2-devel23:10
sshawmaybe macros provided by that package?23:11
Nafailet me look at a similar package here23:11
Nafaicould you pastebin your debian/control file?23:11
sshawI added libgconf-dev, but no such luck23:11
sshawyeah, one sec23:11
Nafaiso I'm still new to this so I'm trying to figure it out23:18
sshawthat makes 2 of us :)23:19
Nafaicould you pastebin for me the contents of the gconf2-devel package?23:19
Nafai(in fedora)23:19
sshawprobably not :(23:19
cjrpm -ql ?23:19
sshawI don't have a fedora install handy23:19
sshawfor some reason its GConf2-devel on fedora23:20
sshawthis is on openSUSE http://paste2.org/p/79032323:20
* cj asked a fedora-using friend for the list23:20
* sshaw is too lazy to pull up his vm of fedora :)23:20
sshawthe case still applies to openSUSE though, so that should work as well23:21
* cj would need to build a fedora vm from scratch23:21
Nafaiok, looking23:22
Nafaiso that autoconf macro is indeed in libgconf2-dev (in /usr/share/aclocal/gconf-2.m4)23:28
Nafaiand if this worked for fedora without making any source changes, I'm a bit confused23:28
Nafaiactually, are you just building this on a local Ubuntu system?23:29
Nafaido you have that package installed?23:29
sshawI might need to do an autoreconf23:29
NafaiIs the directory clean before you try to build?23:29
Nafaiprobably, actually23:29
sshawnot sure how to do that in ubuntu though23:29
Nafai(Just learning about autoconf foo)23:29
sshawI imagine in the rules file?23:30
Nafaithe autoreconf?23:30
sshawNafai: john jolly gave a presentation on it called the dark arts of autotools23:30
cjto clean the package, run 'fakeroot debian/rules clean'23:30
Nafaisshaw: Was it at UTOS a couple years ago?23:30
* cj is an autotools hero (or so it's said)23:30
NafaiI may have actually been at that presentation, I just haven't used it since then :)23:30
sshawNafai: yeah23:30
sshawI think so at least23:31
NafaiNovell dude, right?23:31
sshawcj: then you are my hero :)23:31
cjoh, good.  you know where to find me ;)23:31
cjhave you run pbuilder-satisfydepends?23:32
* cj reads backlog23:32
cj22:25 <wakko666> the reference points you want are:23:32
cj22:25 <wakko666> http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=104323:32
cj22:25 <wakko666> http://cvs.fedoraproject.org/viewvc/rpms/GConf2/23:32
cj22:26 <wakko666> koji has the complete file list for each build23:32
cj22:26 <wakko666> fedora cvs has the spec files and patches for each release23:32
cj22:26 <wakko666> for koji:  click a build, then click the "info" link on the package.23:32
cj22:27 <wakko666> are you going to be at LinuxFest this weekend?23:32
cjoh... last for me ;)23:32
sshawthat's where I stole their packages from... actually easier to just grab the .src.rpm file tbh23:33
sshawhave to run.  I have computational theory studying calling my name23:37
cjwhat's the current problem?23:37
sshawcj: perhaps on monday :)23:38
cjokay.  later, then.23:38

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