
godbykIf you look at the screenshots/en/03-window-buttons.png image, are those buttons in the correct order?02:13
godbyk(I've lost track of what the final appearance should be!)02:13
humphreybcfinal should be close, minimize, maximize02:18
godbykbug 56186802:29
manualbotLaunchpad bug 561868 in ubuntu-manual "wrong text" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56186802:29
godbykAha! I'm not insane!02:33
godbyk(Though I may have my branches all messed up; it's hard to say.)02:33
godbykCould someone check their lucid-1e branch and see what this text says: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-manual/ubuntu-manual/lucid-1e/revision/76602:34
godbykI'm back now.02:58
godbykHey, humphreybc02:58
godbykhumphreybc: can you check your lucid-1e branch and see what the around-desktop.tex file says: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-manual/ubuntu-manual/lucid-1e/revision/76602:58
humphreybcsure, in a sec03:08
godbykI'm snagging a fresh copy of the lucid-e1 branch.03:08
godbykI think for the second edition and maverick it might almost be best to create totally new branches and actually copy over what we want.03:09
godbykthat way there isn't this huge history filled with garbage (like the websites and other non-manual stuff)03:09
humphreybcthat's probably a good idea03:09
humphreybcI'm looking at the around-desktop file03:24
humphreybcwhat do you need to know?03:25
godbykthe order of the window control buttons in the text.03:25
humphreybc"The close, minimize, and maximize buttons are on the top-left corner of windows."03:26
humphreybcthat's highlighted in green03:26
godbykwhat's 'bzr info' say?03:30
humphreybcoh wait03:33
humphreybcI'm checking what it says in my local branch?03:33
humphreybcshould I pull?03:33
godbykyes and yes.03:37
godbykI'm trying to figure out why my local branch has old text that I fixed eons ago.03:37
humphreybcokay, it may take ages to pull03:38
humphreybci'm just waiting for the rain to die away so i can go grocery shopping and get some food... didn't go yesterday03:38
humphreybcwow, bzr is going fast for a change03:39
godbykreally?  mine was super-slow03:40
humphreybcthey're wrong in my branch03:44
humphreybcrev 80103:44
manualbothttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/revision/801 | http://bazaar.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual -r 80103:44
humphreybcrain's stopped, off to the supermarket03:45
godbykany idea where it disappeared to?03:46
godbyk'kay. see ya03:46
humphreybcshouldn't the branch be lucid-e2?03:46
godbykI fixed it in e1 a couple weeks ago03:46
godbyknow I'm worried the translators may be translating the wrong string or something.03:47
humphreybcweird. So lucid-e1 is the branch for the 2nd edition?03:47
godbyktoo many branches and stuff. I'm all confused these days.03:47
godbykno, no.03:47
humphreybccoz ubuntu-manual is the branch for the current release03:47
godbyklucid-e1 should be the branch for the first edition.03:47
godbyklucid-e2 is the second edition03:47
godbykmaverick is 10.1003:47
humphreybcand what's ubuntu-manual?03:47
godbykfrak if I know.03:47
godbykit used to be set to lucid-e1, but I think someone changed it recently, maybe.03:48
godbykI don't really know.03:48
godbykbzr frightens and confuses me!03:48
humphreybcme too!03:48
humphreybcyou'll work it out03:48
godbykI'm hoping someone else works it out for me. :-)03:48
godbykI don't want to have to figure out what's gone missing.03:48
godbykI'm tired.03:48
humphreybcwhinge whinge :P03:48
godbykI'm just trying to make it look pretty before it gets shipped off.03:49
humphreybcwatch out or thorwil will come in here and accuse you of being an 8 year old03:49
* godbyk stomps his feet.03:52
humphreybcbollocks it's started raining again03:54
humphreybcwhy can no one make decent google chrome themes?03:54
godbykgood question03:55
humphreybcSTOP CRASHING03:55
* humphreybc continues adding work items03:57
godbykstop making more work! :)04:02
godbykhumphreybc: who's our bzr expert?04:08
humphreybcyou? dutchie?04:08
humphreybcwhat feedback do we want from the 1st edition?04:09
godbyknot me. :)04:09
godbykI'm trying to track down where the changes I made (about the window controls) went.04:10
humphreybcask in #bzr04:11
godbykI think it may be more of a launchpad thing.04:14
humphreybcask in #launchpad then :)04:15
godbykso when I run 'bzr branch lp:lucid-e1' it pulls from ubuntu-manual/main.  but that change was made in ubuntu-manual/lucid-1e.04:16
godbykI don't know what that means. :-/04:16
humphreybcdo you think i've covered all the blueprints?04:18
godbykkarma whore! :)04:21
humphreybcnah but seriously, I need to make sure i've got everything so I can assign people and lay down the work items early, then everyone knows what's happening04:21
humphreybcim giving thorwil some work, think he'll mind?04:32
godbykDepends on how busy he is and if it's under his purview.04:34
godbykbrb.. need snackage04:35
humphreybcyou're american. what do twinkies taste like?04:35
godbykI'm back.04:50
godbykWow. I haven't had a Twinkie in ages!04:50
godbykWell the cake bit is quite spongy. Kind of like angel food cake, but a lot more processed.04:50
godbykI'm not sure how to describe the taste. I haven't had one in years.04:51
* humphreybc is finding loads of work to make into blueprints04:59
humphreybcthis is cool05:03
humphreybcshows us how much work we have to do :P05:03
humphreybcgodbyk, where was that pad that I created yesterday, it had the stuff we were going to put on the back cover05:08
godbykhumphreybc: http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/CCWkwXmebw05:09
humphreybcthankee :)05:09
* humphreybc might get that 50,000 karma in the next few days haha05:13
humphreybcgodbyk, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/+spec/back-cover-lucid05:13
godbykblueprints are way overrated, karma-wise.05:14
humphreybci know05:14
humphreybcwe should be using whiteboards on blueprints more often now, instead of etherpad05:14
humphreybcthen we won't lose all the pads05:14
humphreybcor at least link to an etherpad in the whiteboard05:15
godbykbut the real-time collaboration is nice on the pads05:16
humphreybcoh wtf05:17
humphreybc106,000 karma05:17
godbykno, 1 million+ karma05:18
* hemanth on fedora as no network on lucid after upgrade :( 05:19
godbykThe vast majority of it is earned for Soyuz -- whatever that is.05:19
humphreybcsecret Canonical moon base?05:20
humphreybcah ha05:21
humphreybcshould I assign dutchie to the custom bug reporting form?05:23
godbykeither him or me, I s'pose.05:24
humphreybci stuck him05:24
humphreybche's only got 2 blueprints05:24
godbykwe should have a bug reporting form online by the time we've released the manual.05:26
humphreybcgodbyk, did you read jono's review quote?06:40
godbykwhere's it at?06:43
humphreybcit's on the pad or whiteboard for the back cover06:43
ubuntujenkinsmorning all10:27
godbykthough it's closer to bedtime, for me. :)10:29
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi
semioticrobotic'morning all12:19
ubuntujenkinshello semioticrobotic12:19
semioticrobotichow are things, ubuntujenkins?12:22
ubuntujenkinsgood thanks semioticrobotic, you?12:23
ubuntujenkinsI have to run got to catch a bus bye all. sorry semioticrobotic o/12:24
thorwilgodbyk: is titlepage_letter_en.pdf in use?12:54
ubuntujenkinshelllo all16:39
hemanthubuntujenkins, hi :)17:28
ubuntujenkinshello hemanth17:29
hemanthwas reading the mail in the ml17:30
ubuntujenkinssure, any thoughts?17:31
thorwilgodbyk: i messed up the generate-title-pages process somehow, while getting rid of a white fill in the pointer CoC cirlce and pointer are one shape, now)18:47
ubuntujenkinshemanth, have you got time to go through your gui design thoughts?19:13
hemanthubuntujenkins,need to look in detail today didn't get much time :(19:14
ubuntujenkinsok hemanth, if you don't mind poping it in an e-mail that would be good.19:15
hemanthubuntujenkins, sure19:15
ubuntujenkinshello dutchie19:19
* hemanth left handed hehe good night all 19:23
vishthorwil: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1325768/facebook.png    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1325768/twitter.png  for the website20:50
thorwilvish: good work20:51
vishhmm , now where is daker ..20:52
thorwilvish: email him, he seems to like graphics for the website as attachments20:53
vishheh , i dont know his id ;)20:54
ChrisWoollardRE: line 48220:59
ChrisWoollardIt says that Yohoo is the default search engine20:59
ChrisWoollardwasn't it changed back to Google?20:59
vishgodbyk: ^^21:02
dutchieoh bloody hell21:02
vishah dutchie's here ;)21:02
dutchieworth a freeze exception imo21:02
dutchieshould probably wait for someone else to check though21:02
ChrisWoollardIt is a pain21:03
dutchieyeah :(21:03
ChrisWoollardAnyway, i will log it as a bug21:14
ChrisWoollardOk, it is logged. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/+bug/56918721:19
manualbotLaunchpad bug 569187 in ubuntu-manual "yahoo mentioned instead of Google Search" [Critical,New]21:19
dutchiegreat, thanks21:19
godbykhey, dutchie.. you still around?22:29
godbykOr anyone who knows anything about bzr/launchpad?22:29
godbykthe google/yahoo text has been modified, but apparently in the wrong branch.22:30
godbykI could use some help trying to sort it all out.22:30
godbykthat's one of the fixes I put in eons ago.22:31
godbyknote that it's in ubuntu-manual/lucid-1e instead of ubuntu-manual/main.22:31
godbykhow do we fix all that?22:31
* godbyk is frightened and confused!22:32
* dutchie investigates22:32
* godbyk feels better now that dutchie's on the case!22:33
* dutchie wonders why22:33
dutchiesomething quite odd is going on in the branch and series22:36
ChrisWoollardWhat's that then?22:37
godbykbut I'm fairly clueless about it all.22:37
ChrisWoollardHave you checked the flux capacitor or the dilithium crystals ;)22:38
dutchieI reckon we need to merge lucid-1e into main22:38
godbykSee, I thought lucid-1e was main (or vice versa).22:40
godbykwhen I run 'bzr branch lp:ubuntu-manual/lucid-1e' it pulls /main22:40
dutchieI think I will delete the lucid-1e branch after merging22:40
dutchieto prevent such confusion22:41
godbykafter (careful) merging, we'll need to update the pot file, too.22:41
dutchieoh bloody hell22:41
dutchie305 conflicts encountered.22:41
* godbyk anticipates much harassment from translators.22:41
dutchiestuff doing that22:42
godbykthe only things we really need to merge are the .tex files.22:42
godbykthe rest of it we don't care about22:42
ChrisWoollardSo what impact does it have on translations?22:43
godbykWell, the reason we need to merge is because I've updated some strings in the lucid-1e branch and those need merged into main.22:45
godbyk(Strings like the default search engine (from Yahoo to Google), window control buttons position and order, etc.)22:45
dutchiethis would not be a problem if godbyk was working on the right branch22:46
godbykI was! I was using lucid-1e.  It's the rest of the works using main that's the problem. ;-)22:46
godbykI'm not even sure how I got those files into the /lucid-1e area since I can't figure out how to download from there.22:47
godbyk(When I pull lp:ubuntu-manual/lucid-1e, it's pulling /main)22:47
dutchieITYM lp:ubuntu-manual/lucid-e122:47
dutchiethis is the source of the confusion22:47
godbyker, whatever. that was a stupid typo on my part way back when I was forced to set up the branches. :)22:48
godbykI think the branch was 1e and the series was e1 or vice versa.22:48
godbykthey didn't align, in any case.22:48
godbykthey really should be named lucid-1e and lucid-2e, if there's any simple way to correct that at this point.22:49
dutchiedoubt it22:49
dutchieI think godbyk should stick to the latex22:51
godbykI'm also thinking that for e2 and maverick, it might be good to start with fresh branches (i.e., without bringing in the history and cruft of e1).  That way the branches can be a lot smaller.22:51
* godbyk agrees wholeheartedly!22:51
godbyk(blame humphreybc.. he's the one who forced me to set those things up -- despite much protesting on my part!)  :-)22:52
dutchiegodbyk: which commits do you want from the doomed lucid-1e branch?22:52
godbykOh, boy.  Lemme look.22:52
godbykdutchie: I think it's just r766 and r765 (from http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-manual/ubuntu-manual/lucid-1e/changes/767?start_revid=767)22:54
dutchiedoing it22:54
godbykthen you can hold my hand and tell me what I should be checking out/branching/pulling. :)22:55
dutchiegodbyk: right, pull lp:ubuntu-manual/lucid-e1 (which points to lp:~ubuntu-manual/ubuntu-manual/main) and check that all the fixes you want are there23:00
godbykI just discovered 'bzr viz' yesterday and it's awesome.23:01
godbykpulling. it's taking a while.23:03
dutchiegood old lp/bzr up to its usual performance23:03
godbykdutchie: yeah, I think that looks good now.23:08
godbykSo I suppose next we'll need to update the pot file in that branch.23:09
dutchieI'm going to delete the branch first23:10
dutchie(if you're sure we've got all we need from it)23:10
godbykcan I nab a copy of that branch first just in case?23:10
godbyk(Though those are the only commits I saw in there since the branch was created)23:10
godbykokay, I'm pulling the branch from ~ubuntu-manual/ubuntu-manual/lucid-1e right now.23:12
godbyk(this could take a while!)23:12
godbykin the meantime, what do you think about culling all the cruft and establishing brand new branches for lucid-e2 and maverick?23:13
godbyk(so we're not pulling 150+ MB)23:13
dutchiemaverick, maybe, lucid-e2, maybe not23:14
godbykI know there have been some commits to lucid-e2 already.  but surely maverick is still untouched, yes?23:15
dutchiedoesn't look to like it23:16
godbykbecause even though I deleted some files, you still have to pull the full history of those files, I think.23:18
godbykdutchie: okay, you can kill that branch now.23:19
godbykI've made a copy of it on my computer called: ~/bzr/lucid-1e-die-die-die.23:19
godbyknow we need to update the translations.23:19
dutchiecould you do it?23:20
godbykif you could do it in such a way that I don't receive hate mail from disgruntled Romanian translators, I'd be much obliged.23:20
dutchieah, nm23:20
godbykI could try, if you give me the command again.  It didn't work for me last time, though. (It only updated the po files, not the pot file.)23:20
dutchieno worries, I'll do it23:21
godbykI'm assuming it requires some magic that I don't possess. :)23:21
ChrisWoollardgodbyk: rofl23:23
dutchiedoesn't want to work for me now :(23:24
godbyk\o/  it's not just me!23:25
dutchiegodbyk: can you try po4a --no-translations -v -MUTF-8 --package-version=`bzr revno` --copyright-holder="The Ubuntu Manual Team" --package-name=ubuntu-manual po4a.conf?23:38
godbykit's currently updating the .po files and complaining about some spurious \r's.23:39
godbykand that's all it did.23:39
godbykit didn't touch the pot file23:40
* dutchie takes a radical step and deletes the pot file23:41
dutchiethat didn't work :(23:42
godbykshould we use po4a-gettextize?23:43
* godbyk is reading the man pages23:43
dutchieshouldn't have to23:43
dutchiedo you want to ask in #po4a on oftc, seeing as I definitely should go to bed?23:43
godbykI can try.  Where's oftc?23:44
godbykah, found it.23:44
godbykxchat had it in its list already23:44
godbyknot sure if anyone's awake in that channel, but we'll see.23:46
dutchieI'll leave it in your hands then23:46
godbykoh, yeah, brilliant idea. <smirk>23:46
dutchiejust try not to change the po files23:46
dutchieif they don't change, we don't lose anything23:46
godbykRight. I can always revert the po files before I commit something.23:47
godbykI think mucking up the pot file is more dangerous, though. :)23:47

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