
merbitcan someone check out bug #568707 ? It looks like debian/rules is missing a sed command to replace "@java_launcher@" in file debian/JB-java.desktop.in00:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568707 in sun-java6 "Cannot open .jar with right-click > open with "sun java 6 runtime"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56870700:23
persiaDoes it work with OpenJDK?00:24
merbitpersia: yes :)00:24
persiaAh, it does!00:24
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nessitahello everyone. I build a .deb for a project of mine (https://lp:launchpad/pycasa), and I uploaded the package to revu, but it complains "This package could not be extracted; there's no browsable directory for it on REVU." Would you know what steps I should take in this case? (the tar.gz can be opened with no problem, and the .deb installs just fine)00:29
persianessita: Your next step is to relax.  REVU doesn't have a new enough dpkg to unpack your package.00:30
nessitapersia: wow00:30
loolWould someone be able to help me sync over libhildonhelp from sid?00:30
loolto fix a FTBFS in Ubuntu00:31
persialool: A straight sync?00:31
loolI didn't manage to fill in the sycn request00:31
loolpersia: yeah00:31
nessitapersia: ok then, thanks!00:31
persialool: Just file a sync request, no?00:32
persiaOr do you need a test-build/etc. ?00:32
merbitjames_w: Are you in charge to update the ubuntu package branches? Could you update sun-java6? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/lucid/sun-java6/lucid shows it's going to be updated, but never is! https://code.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/sun-java6 says it's 20 weeks old00:32
james_wmerbit: I'm one of the people that can do that, yes00:33
james_whowever, it's not a 2 minute job, sorry00:33
james_wI've just realised that we don't import partner, and I'm not sure that we should00:33
james_wand the branch is never updated with the state from when it wasn't in partner due to MemoryError apparently00:34
* james_w files some bugs00:34
merbitthat was my next message, i kind of realized that :)00:34
loolpersia: I didn't manage to00:34
merbitthanks :)00:34
loolpersia: requestsync doesn't want to take it00:34
loolneither with --lp nor without00:34
persiaThen just file a bug with the right title, the expanation why the ubuntu diff can be dropped, the explanation why it needs to happen pre-release, and a changelog diff.00:35
ajmitchlool: LP is a little slow on picking up that there's a new version in debian00:35
persiaSubscribe the archive-admins.00:36
james_wmerbit: bugs 568740 and 56874100:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568740 in launchpad-code "lp:ubuntu/sun-java6 isn't scanned apparently due to MemoryError" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56874000:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568741 in udd "Partner isn't imported" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56874100:38
merbitjames_w: thanks!00:38
* lool filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libhildonhelp/+bug/56874200:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 568742 in libhildonhelp "Please sync libhildonhelp 2.0.5-4 (universe) from debian (unstable)" [Undecided,New]00:39
* ajmitch should have filed a bug about the lp records of debian packages not updating properly00:46
* ajmitch will let the LP people deal with that now00:51
persiaInteresting.  sun-java6 isn't in Ubuntu anymore.00:58
* persia gives up on bug #56870700:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568707 in sun-java6 "Cannot open .jar with right-click > open with "sun java 6 runtime"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56870700:58
ajmitchoh it's finally been removed?00:59
persiamerbit: My recommendation would be to switch JVMs :)00:59
persiaApparently so.  I've been ignoring it for a good while now, but it's gone so I can be explicit about ignoring it :)00:59
* ajmitch hates getting nearly unintelligible telemarketing calls at work01:00
StevenKpersia: It moved from multiverse to partner01:00
persiaStevenK: But rmadison doesn't show partner :)01:01
StevenKThat can be fixed01:01
StevenKI'd rather not, but don't tempt me :-)01:01
persiaPersonally, I consider it a feature.01:01
ajmitchbut he wants to be able to ignore it :)01:01
persiaStevenK: That said, I'd be delighted if you knew how to make rmadison show ports.01:02
* persia currently has to fiddle with running madison-lite twice01:02
ajmitchStevenK: you're 'familiar' with gina & soyuz, right? :)01:03
persiaWhat does gina do?01:04
ajmitchfrom what I was told, keeps track of source packages in debian01:04
ajmitchthough that's probably a rather wrong description01:04
ajmitchA script that generates Launchpad database entries for tables related to01:05
ajmitchpackages; bases itself on Katie data and Debian package/release tag files.01:05
ajmitchfrom the README file in the LP source01:05
StevenKajmitch: What about it?01:07
ajmitchStevenK: reocrds of uploads to sid aren't showing up on LP, I can't tell if it's intentional (probably not)01:07
ajmitchit makes requestsync unhappy, I filed bug 56874501:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568745 in soyuz "Debian unstable record of gpt missing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56874501:08
StevenKpersia: Right, to make the madison-lite mirror on people.c.c support ports requires crimes against humanity that I'm not willing to commit01:09
persiaStevenK: OK.  Thanks for looking into it.01:09
* persia may have to set up a local madison.cgi01:09
ajmitchcrimes against humanity sounds like a good description of some of this soyuz stuff01:10
StevenKmadison.cgi is trivial, if you have a cache seeded with ports stuff01:10
persiaajmitch: The key part of the phrase is "I'm not willing to commit"01:10
persiaI'd have to fake it, by setting up something to merge the ./dists/ trees01:11
StevenKajmitch: But looking at https://edge.launchpad.net/debian/+source/gpt doesn't show unstable at all?01:11
persiaMight it be a side effect of the "let's sync from testing" adjustment?01:12
ajmitchStevenK: correct01:12
StevenKpersia: I was thinking that01:12
ajmitchI'd have thought it'd have been more of a problem before now01:13
ajmitchthought I haven't exactly been doing a lot of syncs01:13
persiaSince that gets readjusted in a couple weeks, I'm not sure how critical fixing it now might be.01:13
StevenKI can't see unstable on https://edge.launchpad.net/debian/+source/glibc either01:14
ajmitchI'm doing it wrong - there are records for sid on there01:15
ajmitchbut they're not updated for gpt01:15
ajmitchhttps://edge.launchpad.net/debian/+source/gpt/1.0.4-1 says it's uploaded to sid, but 1.0.4-3 was uploaded a week ago01:16
ajmitchI think I'll go & get lunch instead :)01:19
imbrandonStevenK / persia is it something that could be setup on ubuntuwire ?01:20
StevenKNo, it has LP internals all through it01:21
persiaimbrandon: We could do something entirely different that pulled every upload from Debian and extracted the changelogs, and made a DB, etc., but that's just a lot of effort when it's working around a simple bugfix.01:22
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ajmitchpersia: you may as well use UDD for that, if it were needed01:41
persiaajmitch: Indeed.01:41
ScottKYokoZar: wine accepted.01:53
YokoZarScottK: Great.  now onto the next one...01:53
YokoZarScottK: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/wine/1.0.1-0ubuntu1102:27
YokoZarScottK: failed to upload?02:27
YokoZardo I need to bump the version?02:27
ajmitchYokoZar: it's not liking the version02:30
YokoZarajmitch: it probably got confused by the rejected upload having the same version then02:31
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ScottKYokoZar: No.  Not that.02:51
ScottKYokoZar: What was the wine version when it was provided by the wine1.2 package and what is it now?02:51
YokoZarScottK: ugh, yeah that was 1.1.42-something02:52
ScottKSo you need a higher version.02:52
ajmitchthiss was the WARNING in that upload log02:53
ScottKSince your package doesn't derive from Debian at all, I don't think an epoch would be a problem.02:53
YokoZarScottK: If I make this Wine > 1.1.42, users of wine1.2 will be downgraded to it and that's not supposed to happen02:54
ajmitchbut it neeeds to be higher than what's in the archive currently for it to exist02:54
ScottKYokoZar: Did wine1.2 provide wine or was it an actual package?02:55
YokoZarScottK: it was a dummy package02:55
YokoZarSo new wine needs to be > original Wine and < current wine1.2 package02:55
ScottKAre the actual wine and wine1.2 packcages co-installable?02:56
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YokoZarScottK: no they're not, I'm worried about making dpkg spew out one of those refusal to upgrade things03:40
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ScottKYokoZar: Yeah, I agree.03:43
ScottKI'm not sure what the right answer is.03:44
persiaYokoZar: Whilst you're fiddling with wine, would you be up for adding an entry to P-a-s?03:44
YokoZarpersia: No, as I explained earlier the package has parts that are usable on all arches (the font), and there is an ARM port underway03:46
YokoZarpersia: In its current state it doesn't try to build on the other arches anyway as it lists them specifically in the control file03:46
persiaAn ARM port!  For WinCE?03:46
persiaYeah, it's because it doesn't build, but wastes build scheduler time and buildd time not building that I wanted to see the P-a-s entries.03:46
YokoZarpersia: For winelib apps at first, but in the future Windows Mobile compatibility is reasonable as it's very similar to win3203:46
YokoZarpersia: why would the builder try to build on an arch that has no binary targets?03:47
persiaYokoZar: Because the semantics of .dsc files aren't rich enough to properly identify which architectures should be used for building, which is why we have P-a-s.03:48
YokoZarpersia: do the architecture=all packages become available on P-A-S prohibited targets?03:49
persiaAbsolutely.  Those are arch:all, so only get build on i386, and may be installed anywhere.03:49
persiaP-a-s is only how we tell the buildds not to bother even trying a source on an arch.03:49
persiaSo if a source has a combination of Architecture fields in debian/control that means it should never be tried on some architecture (e.g. wine on sparc), it makes sense to P-a-s it.03:50
YokoZarpersia: Will P-A-S affect ppas?03:53
persiaNo idea, but since PPAs don't build any interesting architectures anyway, I doubt it matters.03:53
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YokoZarpersia: My thinking was if ARM port gets somewhere and I put Wine ARM port on a PPA I don't want to deal with worrying about P-A-S issues for a stable release04:34
persiaPPAs don't support ARM anyway.04:34
ScottKIf someone could investigate a sync request for zabbix, that looks likely to be fruituf.05:19
ScottKSync or merge, whichever.05:20
ScottKIn the meantime, I think I will sleep05:21
persiaGood night.05:21
persiahttp://www.zabbix.com/documentation/1.8/manual/about/what_s_new_1.8.2 looks like a massive volume of feature additions to me.05:22
persiaAnyone actually use zabbix?05:22
persiaReading the docs, I don't think I can test a new version effectively.05:24
ajmitchScottK: your opinion on bug 568670? I just got warned of it by a DD05:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568670 in perl "upgrade to lucid breaks completely when safe-rm is installed" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56867005:24
ScottKIs it better to risk a possble broken new version or release with a known security issue?05:24
ScottKGood night.05:24
persiaajmitch: Can't that be cherrypicked trivially and safely?05:26
ajmitchit'd just be adding the conflicts, I think05:26
ajmitchrather than grabbing that revision of perl05:27
persiaThat's what it looks like to me.  Pulling newer software seems risky, but not upgrading seems bad.05:27
persiacherrypicking can probably skip both options.05:27
ajmitchat least ubuntu-release is subscribed now, hopefully slangasek will see it soon :)05:27
persiaI'd suggest attaching a cherrypick debdiff for consideration.  I believe the release team operates best when there's something to review.05:28
persiaI'm certain they respond more effectively when something is milestone-targeted.05:29
ajmitchI'll create a quick debdiff & nominate it then05:29
ajmitchwhatever is needed to avoid messy upgrades05:30
persiaCan't you just milestone it?  I thought you were core-dev05:30
ajmitchI can, UI still says nominate for release05:30
* ajmitch looks for the right milestone button05:31
ScottKajmitch: I'm just trying to get that bug to load in my browser05:33
ScottKajmitch: I'd just milestone it and upload the proposed package.  It's a lot easier for the release team to review in the queue and accept/reject than it is to do the additional round trip if it's decided an upload is wanted.05:35
ScottKI've got the LP foo covered05:36
ajmitchI'll make up a package now then05:37
ajmitchmay take awhile to test-build, so don't stay up waiting for it :)05:39
ScottKI am enjoying the irony of safe-rm breaking upgrade.05:39
ScottKI won't.05:39
ScottKGood night again.05:39
dholbachgood morning08:11
ajmitchmorning dholbach08:11
dholbachhola ajmitch08:11
ajmitchhow are you?08:12
dholbachajmitch: very slowly waking up, but alright :)08:13
* ajmitch is forever doomed if this upload gets accepted - I'll have the TIL curse for perl for maverick08:14
* dholbach hugs ajmitch08:15
persiaajmitch: You always wanted to be a perl hacker, right?08:15
ajmitchpersia: yeah, and cyanide is tasty & wholesome, right?08:15
persiaOf course.  The only cure for oxygen addiction.08:15
ajmitchat least I wasn't the last person to touch php08:16
ajmitchso how's universe looking for release this time round?08:17
persiaDepending on architecture, I get 310/107/100/163 from `apt-cache unmet -i | grep ^Package | wc -l`08:22
ajmitchit could be worse08:22
ajmitchthough it'd be nice to see them at 008:22
persiaubuntuwire ftbfs has 28 packages FTBFS on i386 (never mind other arches), and there's more at the UDD link.08:22
persiaRCBugs is depressingly full.08:23
Rhondapersia, ScottK: I finally got around to upload wesnoth-1.8 1:1.8-3 to unstable, including a change to have installing the wesnoth-1.8-server package make it _not_ start automatically, closing a LP bug. :)08:23
ajmitchit'll be SRU season soon08:23
persiaRhonda: File a sync request.08:23
persia(and share the bug number of the sync)08:23
persiaajmitch: My worry is that everyone will be focused enough on maverick, that these will never be fixed.08:24
ajmitchpersia: that's usually the case08:24
ajmitchI should probably sit down with the rc bugs list & try & get a few more fixes in, or scrub the bug as unimportant08:24
* persia has done a few hit&miss scans, and expects to spend some real time with it over the weekend.08:25
ajmitchit's not entirely accurate either08:25
ajmitchyeah, I went & added a few comments, I need to follow up on getting the fix in08:25
ajmitchnot sure when we'll be told to stop uploading to let the buildds be free08:26
Rhondapersia: I will, just give me a moment to settle. ;)08:26
RhondaThought I'd drop a notice prior to that.08:26
persiaI think we're good up until the usual deadlines: Xubuntu and UbuntuStudio stuff can always rescore, all the architectues are mostly caught up, and main gets 1000 extra points anyway.08:27
persiaRhonda: No huge rush :)08:27
fabrice_spI asked that on ubuntu-release, but not sure it was the right channel: Hi. Is this sync acceptable? (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gorm.app/+bug/568619) It fixes a FTBFS and make 2 packages installables08:30
ubottuUbuntu bug 568619 in gorm.app "FFe: Sync gorm.app 1.2.10-1 (universe) from Debian sid (main)" [Wishlist,New]08:30
* ajmitch finds 2 to knock off the rcbugs list08:31
persiafabrice_sp: Am I reading that right that the only "feature additions" are the button style popups and the support for standalone views?08:32
* persia would imagine it to be OK, but suspects it needs release-team ACK08:32
ajmitchugh, xemacs21 needs a merge08:35
fabrice_sppersia, that's also my point (mainly bug fixing, but some 'new' features)08:37
slytherinAre bug fixes still allowed for packages in universe?09:27
slytherinahh, forgot to check topic.09:28
persiaWe have about 50,000 bugs to fix in the next week.09:28
slytherinha ha ha09:56
Rhondapersia, ScottK: LP bug #568871 is the sync request. Thanks in advance. :)09:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568871 in wesnoth-1.8 "Please sync wesnoth-1.8 1:1.8-3 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56887109:57
slytherinWow, I just checked yesterday and wesnoth 1.8 was not in unstable. :-)10:02
slytherinRhonda: Any idea why is this a new package 'wesnoth1.8'?10:07
the-dudefabrice_sp: ping10:07
fabrice_spthe-dude, pong10:08
Rhondaslytherin: wesnoth 1.8 was in unstable yesterday and for a bit longer, too. It was just build-broken. And of course I have an idea about that because I did the change. ;)10:08
slytherinRhonda: Ok. Then tell me. Why the source/binary package rename.10:09
Rhondaslytherin: The reason is to be able to install 1.6 and 1.8 side-by-side and not have to remove the one on upgrade and with that lose the posibility to finish a started campaign.10:09
RhondaThere were some people complain about that with last releases.10:10
slytherinRhonda: Funny, I never faced such a problem.10:10
RhondaOn upgrade from 1.2 to 1.4, and then again from 1.4 to 1.6.  I wanted to avoid that for 1.810:10
slytherinMay it was specific to some campaigns. As I said, in my case the partial campaign always got converted properly.10:11
persiaRhonda: testbuild (powerpc) started10:13
persiaRhonda: Do you know if anyone ran it in Ubuntu yet?10:13
RhondaActually don't know that, sorry no.10:13
Rhondaslytherin: No, it was for all campaign. And 1.6 even started to use its own dotdir so it wasn't even technicly possible anymore to load a savegame from 1.410:14
RhondaMaybe you didn't had any unfinished campaigns from the old releases when you did the upgrades.10:14
persiaslytherin: Since this needs runtime testing, and you're obviously a player, do you want to gram bug #568871?10:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568871 in wesnoth-1.8 "Please sync wesnoth-1.8 1:1.8-3 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56887110:15
slytherinpersia: I have not updated to lucid. If the dependencies are not very tight I can try.10:18
the-dudefabrice_sp: what can I do to get a new version of grsync in to ubuntu? I see you uploaded the last version10:20
persiaslytherin: OK.  If you fail, let me know, and I'll play it tomorrow (I'll likely fall asleep first tonight).10:21
slytherinpersia: Where do I find packages?10:21
slytherinthe-dude: At this point new version is very much out of question (unless in very exceptional cases).10:22
persiaslytherin: unstable10:22
persiaslytherin: You'll have to build them10:22
the-dudefabrice_sp: it would solve a lot of open bugs, isn't that a good reason :)10:22
the-dudeI could prepare a NMU if needed10:23
slytherinpersia: That is problematic then. My machine freezes almost every time I try to build anything. :-( I thought I could pick packages from your test build.10:23
fabrice_spthe-dude, the actual version in ubuntu is the debian one, so you can fill a sync request, explaining why a FFe should be granted10:24
persiathe-dude: We have no maintainers in Ubuntu.  THere's no such thing as NMU.  debdiffs may be sponsored.10:24
persiaslytherin: I'm building powerpc/lucid.  I can pass you those.10:24
persia(or build something else)10:24
slytherinpersia: powerpc is fine. I can test parallel install with 1.6 on karmic.10:24
the-dudefabrice_sp: its there https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grsync/+bug/55628010:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 556280 in grsync "New version grsync Debian testing/unstable" [Undecided,New]10:25
fabrice_spthe-dude, you should follow the FFe process10:26
the-dudeI can create a debdiff as well if someone wants to sponsor it10:26
fabrice_spno need of debdiff, if the debian package works10:26
the-dudethe debian package works, but it doesn't close LP bugs10:28
fabrice_spthat's why you hae to explain why it is so important to have it in lucid ;-)10:29
the-dudefabrice_sp: I already added comments to the open bugs10:29
slytherinfabrice_sp: I think he meant the debian changelog does not have (LP: #xxxxxx) comments.10:30
the-dudeslytherin: yes thanks :)10:30
the-dudeIm maintainer of the Debian grsync package10:31
fabrice_spthe-dude, subscribe ubuntu-release to get their ack10:31
the-dudefabrice_sp: ask them if it is ok to sync ?10:32
fabrice_spand you can add the bugs that this release would fix10:32
ubottuthe-dude: Feature Freeze Exception. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess for the freeze exception process.10:33
fabrice_spthat explain the kind of info you need to add to your sync request before subscribing ubutnu-release10:34
AnAntHello, is there a way to only download a delta instead of the whole .deb files on upgrades ?10:36
slytherinAnAnt: Have you ever heard of debdelta?10:37
AnAntslytherin: maybe10:37
AnAntslytherin: ok, I just read about it, but seems that it needs to be supported on server side too10:38
slytherinAnAnt: Yes. But there isn't much trouble in setting the server side.10:39
AnAntslytherin: except that I am not the server side :)10:39
slytherinAnAnt: You may try requesting the server/repo admin.10:40
slytherinpersia: Are you currently approving universe packages from queue?10:41
persiaslytherin: I'm not a member of the release team.10:42
* persia is in fact not a member of *any* special teams that appove anything *except* regarding membership in teams.10:42
sorenIt's funny really. You can go and make other people core-dev, but you'r not one yourself.10:43
slytherinhmm. ScottK, can you please approve pidgin-sipe whenever you get time.10:45
persiasoren: I believe it to be that my wisdom is respected, but that I don't have frequent enough desire to upload to anything for which I'd need core-dev to be in the group.10:50
sorenpersia: Probably something like that. It's just a bit odd.10:52
persiaI guess.  I end up with 3-4 uploads to main a cycle, and have since Breezy (excepting edgy and karmic, when I wasn't active).  I don't really anticipate this will change.10:53
persiaPlus, I expect components to go away soon enough, so that the entire "main"/"universe" thing will go away.10:54
imbrandoni've been expecting them to go away for a while, dont see it happening though for 3 or 4 more cycles11:05
slytherinDoes anyone know why such an error would be seen only on sparc buildd - gnome-icon-theme: Depends: libgtk2.0-bin but it is not going to be installed11:06
imbrandonis libgtk2.0-bin built ?11:06
imbrandon( for sparc )11:06
persiaslytherin: there's a script on the buildd that kills any attempt to build libgtk on sparc because it was killing the buildds.11:07
persiaslytherin: In other news, the lucid sparc kernel isn't known to boot for anyone.11:08
slytherinOh. I will then stop worrying about why evolution isn't building on sparc. :-)11:08
imbrandoni dont have any sparc hardware anymore sadly11:08
persiaReally needs a couple people with sparcs to pay attention, and it can work again.  There's only about 6-7 core bugs that make it mostly useless.11:08
imbrandonpersia: what happened to fabionone or w/e his irc nick was11:09
slytherinpersia: By the way, there are sparc packages here - https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+2.0 So I am really not sure why this error is seen during evolution build.11:10
persiaimbrandon: He's around here and there.  Last I heard, he didn't have a fix.11:10
persiaslytherin: Quite possibly due to archive skew (different versions)11:11
persiaslytherin: Or maybe I'm out of date.  Would have to test on a sparc, and our virtual sparcs are currently broken for another reason.11:11
slytherinpersia: 'different versions' does not seem to be a problem. Anyway, it's not like I care too much for sparc.11:17
persiaIf we get a couple people to fix the core issues, the rest of us will happily chase the miscellaneous stuff.11:18
ScottKslytherin: I didn't see  pidgin-sipe in the queue.11:53
slytherinScottK: Someone else approved it already.11:54
slytherinScottK: I thought it was you. :-)11:54
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ScottKNope.  I was sleeping.11:55
fabrice_spScottK, would you mind having a look at bug 568619 and see if it requires a FFe?11:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568619 in gorm.app "FFe: Sync gorm.app 1.2.10-1 (universe) from Debian sid (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56861911:59
ScottKfabrice_sp: Perhaps later today.  Currently I need to sleep.12:01
imbrandonScottK: wakeup just for an IRC fix ;)12:02
ScottKNo, woke up to get the first wave of kids off to school.12:02
persiaslytherin: Rhonda: This is going to take a whle: it *finally* started ./configure12:28
Rhondapersia: Well, build with -b wouldn't build the source (again) and spare you a lot of time. :)12:29
persiaRhonda: I didn't rebuild the source: I just fed it to sbuild for binary-only build.12:29
* persia doesn't have a very super-powerful powerpc12:30
imbrandonconsumer powerfull powerpc hardware is becomming increasingly harder to find12:37
* imbrandon wouldent mind picking up something arround 2ghz at somepoint12:37
persiaDoesn't help that I have a new rule that all my servers must be smaller than 200mmx200mmx100mm12:38
slytherinpersia: Is your machine slower than G4 1.3 GHz with 1.2 GB RAM?12:40
persiaMore CPU, less RAM.12:40
persiaBut < 10% more CPU12:40
persiaBut it's nearly done, and I'm doing arch-all on a different machine (2x2.5GHz/4G)12:41
imbrandoni have a video file, i know its a video file because my portable media player will play the file as video, it became a video file by a piece of windows software that converted my mpg-2 file to this format, so i'm lookin at it trying to figure out what it is so i can use something like ffmpeg to create more of them, but linux "file" only knows it as :data :(12:44
imbrandonideas ?12:44
persiaRhonda: I'm getting lots of dpkg-gencontrol: warning: unused substitution variable ${wesnoth:Max-Version} messages.  Dunno if that's intended, or matters.12:44
slytherinimbrandon: Try something like this - gst-launch-0.10 -t playbin uri=file:///path/to/file12:47
slytherinimbrandon: that -t should print out metadata.12:47
slytherinif it can actually identify it.12:47
imbrandonhum i get exactly 2 lines of output, and nothing else seems to be happening ( but it hasent given me a prompt back either )12:52
imbrandonSetting pipeline to PAUSED ...12:52
imbrandonPipeline is PREROLLING ...12:52
slytherinimbrandon: Is the video playing in a window?12:53
imbrandonnope, no windows opened up12:53
slytherinhmm, looks like it is not able to identify the type. Do you have all the gstreamer plugins packages installed?12:54
imbrandonyea as far as i know, and ubuntu-restricted-extras plus w32codecs and vlc12:54
imbrandonand a slew of other "media" stuffr12:54
slytherinhmm, any chance you can post the video anywhere.12:55
imbrandonsure, give me just a sec12:55
Rhondapersia: http://bugs.debian.org/557133 :)12:56
persiaRhonda: Aha!12:56
LaibschCan somebody please sync pastebinit from Debian unstable and fix bug 566933?12:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 566933 in pastebinit "please sync pastebinit from Debian unstable" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56693312:56
Rhondapersia: I take it that you are building it on karmic, not on lucid then? ;)12:56
persiaI'm building on lucid.12:57
RhondaHmm. Maybe the bug needs to get reopened. I really have to check my own build logs.12:57
imbrandonslytherin: http://storage.brandonholtsclaw.com/misc/Hilary_Duff_-_Beat_of_My_Heart.mtv12:57
persiaLaibsch: Why?  I didn't see any additional changes in Debian that were worth changing.12:58
Rhondapersia: Anyway, that's the bug you found and it is well known to me. :)12:58
persiaIf it's known, and didn't compromise my build, I'm happy.12:58
slytherinimbrandon: It will take a while to download. Will let you know when I am done with analysis.12:58
RhondaSo expected behavior and no influence, yes.12:58
slytherinimbrandon: At least half hour12:58
imbrandonslytherin: great , and thanks12:58
imbrandonslytherin: no worries, i'm just starting my day, i'll be arround for the next ~8 hours minimum12:59
Laibschpersia: that's exactly the point.  To have no Ubuntu delta going into the lucid release.13:02
persiaLaibsch: Not worth making a fuss about: there are more critical uses of archive-admin time right now, and the bug in LP that keeps the rest of us from processing syncs is getting closer to closed, but isn't there yet.13:03
Laibschif nothing else it makes things easier for me.  And me being the maintainer of the package, that means, I'd be much more inclined and responsive to backport fixes once lucid is released.13:03
persiaLaibsch: So, I ACK'd it, and put it in the right place to get synced, but I don't consider it release-critical.13:04
carstenhimbrandon: i did not read this link, but googling for the first string in the video ... http://mympxplayer.org/solved-mtv-aliavi-converter-on-linux-vt12615.html13:04
Laibschpersia: I never said it was RC13:04
Laibschbut then again, I don't think we now fix only RC bugs13:04
persiaLaibsch: We're in final-freeze.  If it's not RC, it's not likely to happen.13:04
Laibschif that rule existed, that would be stupid IMNSHO13:05
Laibscha fix is a fix13:05
imbrandoncarstenh: i think i looked at that , but it said to use wine, but let me try make sure13:05
persiaLaibsch: There are 7 people who can process syncs.  They are all focused on RC issues.  Is this bug important enough to distract them?  It's in the queue, so if they have a spare moment, they'll do it.13:05
carstenhimbrandon: maybe the strings ALIAVI RIFF and WAVEfmt could help slytherin to find a solution faster13:06
imbrandoncarstenh: yea i seen that, it says use wine ( i would rather not if i can help it )13:06
persiaThat there are so few people who can do it is a bug, but that's a different issue.13:06
imbrandoncarstenh: btw, thanks :)13:09
slytherinimbrandon: Just FYI ... 'file -i filename' is better use of the command.13:25
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slytherinimbrandon: Sorry, can't help much. Here is the output from gst-launch - http://paste.ubuntu.com/421019/13:44
persiaFile copy is the worst part: data+music >> 200MB13:45
imbrandonslytherin: ok thanks a ton for looking, i'll keep poking, i'm gonna beat this thing if it kills me13:45
slytherinpersia: Don't copy music. It is not hard dependency.13:45
* slytherin will be back in half hour.13:46
* persia may have published binaries by then13:46
nigelbabu.ws 2613:50
ScottKfabrice_sp: For libmetadata-extractor-java, would you please just cherrypick the changes needed to fix the FTBFS and upload rather than sync all the changes.14:13
ScottK(sync is good for Maverick)14:14
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persiaslytherin: http://people.ubuntu.com/~persia/wesnoth-1.8/14:20
slytherinpersia: Thanks. I am updating some CD images. After that I will download the packages.14:35
persiaHeh, OK.  Dunno if you want the debug packages or the music, but just in case :)14:35
slytherinpersia: Nope. Just core + data + campaigns.14:38
persiaslytherin: If it works, please ACK the sync rather than telling me, to save time :)14:39
slytherinpersia: But I am not part of release team. :-)14:39
slytherinI will add comment on bug.14:39
persiaslytherin: and subscribe the archive-admins.14:39
persiaIt's just two cherrypicks from upstream.14:40
persia(upstream bugs 15716 15865)14:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 15716 in iso-scan "iso-scan: new changes from Debian require merging" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1571614:41
persiaSo since it's bugfix-only, no release-team ACK required (although the archive-admins may not prioritse it)14:41
slytherinMy bad. Actually I was assuming it to be a new upstream version (with appropriate FFE data available).14:42
persiaNo, just fixes.  Otherwise I wouldn't waste time on it this close to release :)14:43
fabrice_spScottK, ok (about cherrypicking the fix for libmetadata-extractor-java)14:47
ScottKfabrice_sp: Thanks.14:47
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mok0ls -Fart15:56
mok0My mouse is focus confused15:57
hyperairfocus confused?15:57
mok0Uhm yes it was focused Pidgin and not terminator15:58
hyperairmok0: i thought that was intentional15:59
hyperairi mean -Fart sounds like an awesome flag combination ;-)15:59
mok0hyperair: Indeed :-)15:59
persiaIt'S both memorable and useful16:00
mok0hyperair: it could be the start of a great meme16:00
hyperairmok0: submit it to the xkcd author, maybe he'll think of something =p16:00
mok0hyperair: heh, can you do that?16:00
hyperairmok0: i don't know =\16:01
mok0hyperair: but... but.. but... he so KNOWN!16:01
hyperairmok0: to me, you're a celebrity too =p16:02
mok0hyperair: what are you trying to achieve :-)16:02
* hyperair whistles and walks away16:02
* hyperair makes a tomboy note: flattery does not work on mok0 ;-)16:06
ScottKStuff like this is why I always minimize my IRC window before typing passwords now.16:06
mok0Tomboy eh? I'm a Zim man myself16:06
mok0ScottK, I did that once16:07
mok0My best password, too16:07
ScottKFortunately mine wasn't.  It was just my Skype password.16:08
ScottK(emphasis on was)16:08
mok0ScottK, ah yes, low grade ones16:08
mok0Well, people should run john the ripper on their /etc/password files once in a while. It's an enlightening experience16:09
hyperairmok0: me too. i dumped it out on #ck on oftc >_>16:10
hyperairthankfully, since firefox keeps track ofm y passwords, i just had to do a search and change passwords on all the sites that used it.16:11
hyperair(it would be awesome if chromium could do the same)16:11
mok0hyperair: keep track of passwords? It can16:11
hyperairmok0: searching, no.16:11
hyperairmok0: anyway isn't john the ripper supposed to operate on /etc/shadow?16:12
mok0hyperair: can't remember16:13
mok0hyperair: I think it operates on whatever you give it16:13
hyperairheh i see16:13
* hyperair tries16:13
mok0But tbh I can't remember given it's been more that a few days since I ran it last16:13
mok0About the length of my memory span16:14
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micahgbdrung: how did you upload vlc-1ubuntu1 without it hitting Debian first?16:51
bdrungmicahg: vlc -1 is just waiting for a sponsor16:52
bdrungmicahg: git makes it possible ;)16:52
micahgbdrung: k, thanks, one less package for me to worry about this weekend :)16:53
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ScottKFYI, keep uploading stuff, but we need to hold off accepting Universe packages until after the current language pack export gets built down.17:14
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mdeslaurScottK: can I upload xchat to fix a FTBFS?18:47
ScottKmdeslaur: Definitely.18:48
mdeslaurScottK: cool18:48
micahgScottK: is Sunday ok for Seamonkey upload?18:51
ScottKmicahg: Assuming it meets the criteria for an update this late in the cycle and it's not on any ISO, yes.18:52
micahgScottK: you approved teh FFe18:52
ScottKmicahg: Sooner the better.18:52
micahgScottK: will try for early Sunday then18:53
didrocksScottK: can you accept the new quickly version, please? (not sure I have to bother you each time ;))19:28
ScottKdidrocks: We're waiting for the language pack export to finish before accepting more Universe packages.  That's another ~7 hours.19:29
ScottKNo need to ping every time19:29
didrocksScottK: ok, make sense. And thanks for the info, I'll avoid to ping you everytime so ;)19:30
didrocksI'm never sure in freeze period about what's the process, everything uploaded to universe is still accepted until final?19:31
ScottKIt'll be reviewed.19:33
sistpotyhey ajmitch19:59
* ajmitch needs to compile stuff, it's cold this morning19:59
ScottKExcellent.  We need more fixed.20:09
* sistpoty bangs his head against abiword20:10
ivoksScottK: thanks ;)20:16
imbrandonmoins ajmitch20:31
mcascan someone give me a hint how i can make a selection like in the postfix package and depending on this selection change the pre-depends of the package?22:17
sistpotymcas: what do you want to achieve?22:18
sistpoty(ooo upgrade path is fixed, should hit mirrors in several hours, if that's what you're trying to achieve)22:19
mcasthere is a bug in bacula-server... this package needs mysql-server but the mysql-server gets started after bacula wants to create the db...22:20
mcasbut it is possible that you want to use another mysql-server so i would like to build a selection like "localhost, remote server" and if the user selects localhost the mysql-server has to be started before bacula wants to connect22:21
sistpotymcas: that should be best fixed within dbconfig-common, I guess22:23
sistpoty(I think there's also a bug report mentioning this)22:24
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sistpotybug #563039 fwiw22:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563039 in dbconfig-common "package bacula-director-mysql 5.0.1-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56303922:29
psusiisn't there a bzr command to export a tarball?22:40
* psusi facepalms... I swear bzr exort was the first thing I tried.... must have mistyped it22:44
persiasistpoty: I don't have any of the leftover files from openal-soft currently.  The ABI change was just new symbols added: no drops: it *ought* work with existing clients (and worked with torcs).  The test case failed.  I can regenerate, but with other things, this will probably be 12-18 hours at least.23:01
persiaErr, the test case failed with the in-archive stuff, and succeeded with the update, rather.23:01
sistpotypersia: I'd like to take a glimpse at it to see the amount of changed symbols (and I'd still like to see the full debdiff, we need a package ready to go out *now*)...23:02
sistpotypersia: however my gut feeling is that we'll need to defer it to sru past release23:02
sistpotypersia: oh, and thanks for your input, any good input for FFe's is always appreciated :)23:04
persiasistpoty: Isn't it tricky to do in SRU?23:04
* persia is not yet awake enough to remember why, but remembers YokoZar mentioning some issues in the comments.23:05
sistpotypersia: cherry-picked fixes shouldn't be tricky to SRU? and I guess updating ia32-libs from the fixes should also be trivial23:05
persiaOK, if you're comfortable.  ia32-libs is ugly enough I don't really like the idea of SRUing it, but that's a release/sru team decision :)23:06
sistpotypersia: well, I'm not -sru, but I think if fixes are cherry-picked (instead of a huge diff), -sru won't object much ;)23:07
persiaI think cherrypicking would be painful: there's heaps of changes.23:08
sistpotypersia: a heap of changes also makes it imho a bad idea to bring in now for lucid :(23:09
sistpotyapt-cache rdepends libopenal1 | wc -l => 4523:10
persiaYeah :/23:11
persiaIt's bad either way.23:11
persiaMy reasoning for pre-release is mostly: 1) upstream seems to care, and it makes them happy and 2) saves users downloading ia32-libs twice.23:12
* ScottK thinks if cherry picking were going to happen we'd have an SRU for Karmic already23:12
* persia suspects that's the case23:12
ScottKsistpoty: I'd suggest we need to make a decision about leaving it like it is or updating.  I don't think a hypothetical cherrypick is a realistic expectation.23:13
sistpotyScottK: I'm not comfortable to give an ack for any library with rdepends where I didn't see a symbol diff, a proposed debdiff, and a diff of headers (which I usually take from rebuilding the package myself) at this point23:15
ScottKOK.  That sounds like a lot less work that a cherrypick later.23:15
crimsunsistpoty: if you're still following abiword, there are at least two commits that need to be applied; the xmlparsercleanup and gobject init ones23:17
persiasistpoty: Fair.  I'll try to produce those later.23:17
* persia wishes YokoZar was about23:17
sistpotycrimsun: yes, still looking at it23:17
sistpotycrimsun: thanks for the info23:18
crimsunthe former is known to cause Bad Things (pulseaudio is almost always blamed, but it ain't PA's fault but the app that abuses xmlParserCleanup() )23:18
crimsunI started looking at abiword last night, but I ran out of disk space23:18
* sistpoty only managed to do two rebuilds so far :/23:19
sistpotyoh, abisource is back online, finally :)23:20
sistpotycrimsun: any pointers about the xmlpasercleanup patch? can't find xmlParserCleanup in the source or the debdiff23:45

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