
chrisccoulsonasac - there?01:47
micahgfta: xul193 fixed if you want to push again05:13
BUGabundo_remoteTGIF \m/09:11
* cwillu_at_work grumbles09:16
ddecatorthat's not a happy panda09:17
cwillu_at_workooo, I still have pizza09:18
ddecator...can i have some?09:19
cwillu_at_workmy boss is going to arrive in 4 hours, say good morning, do a double take, and wear a look of wondering amusement that I'm still wearing the same clothes as the last 2 times he said goodmorning09:19
* cwillu_at_work orders a suit from amazon with free overnight delivery09:20
ddecatoryou've been at work for two days straight?09:20
cwillu_at_workkinda sorta;  I've been home for 5 minutes in the last 72 hours09:20
ddecator...the pizza is all yours09:21
cwillu_at_workyes, yes it is09:21
* cwillu_at_work starts playing video games: image is compiling09:21
cwillu_at_workpizza is all done :(09:26
ddecatorthat went quick o.o09:26
ddecatoranyway, 3:30am, i shouldn't still be up, sleep time...good luck cwillu_at_work09:27
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
chrisccoulsonhey asac - did you intend to change the version number and set the distroseries from UNRELEASED to lucid with http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-3.6.head/revision/586 ?10:40
gnomefreakanyone here yet?11:08
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
gnomefreakBUGabundo_remote: do you know how to pin a package in Lucid? what i tried doesnt work11:26
gnomefreaksomething i am doing is wrong11:31
BUGabundo_remotenever had much luck with it11:36
BUGabundo_remoteI can't even downgrade packages :S11:36
gnomefreakah ok11:38
* gnomefreak will ask in +1 when i get back 11:38
gnomefreaki guess songbird is still FTBFS11:49
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
cwillu_at_workgnomefreak, there's a few different ways of pinning packages, it what makes life fun12:26
gnomefreakcwillu_at_work: i have tried everything that i could think of. but i have one more test12:27
cwillu_at_workhonestly, the best way is probably for somebody to make a nice tool to create meta-packages which depend on specific versions;  then the rest of the tools can be leveraged (i.e., dependency handling, package removal, etc)12:27
cwillu_at_workapt-get install pin-aptitude-3.2.3 or some such12:28
gnomefreakcwillu_at_work: http://paste.ubuntu.com/420984/ this is my  /etc/apt/preferences.d/ubuntu-mozilla-daily-pin-40012:29
cwillu_at_workya, those pins are worthless12:29
gnomefreakthat fails. even if i put on separate lines12:29
cwillu_at_workwhat are you trying to do exactly?12:29
gnomefreakpin firefox to ubuntu version since daily one is broken12:30
gnomefreaki used everything since just firefox-* didnt work12:30
cwillu_at_workwhat do you use to install/upgrade usually?12:30
gnomefreakcwillu_at_work: apt. i also used synaptic to hold the packages back didnt work either12:31
cwillu_at_workya, they've got separate mechanisms, each and every one12:31
cwillu_at_workgive me one sec12:31
gnomefreakcwillu_at_work: ok12:31
gnomefreakthat is unless micah or asac fixed the hanging/slow ..ect12:32
cwillu_at_workthere's a tool that lets you 'fake' out a package for dependency purposes, I wanted to check if it can specify dependencies12:33
gnomefreakcwillu_at_work: thanks, also i would love if it is easy to reverse the pin but lets try one thing at a time12:35
cwillu_at_workthat's actually what I'm going for :)12:35
gnomefreakill be back in a few minutes12:36
gnomefreakok im thinking if it works i will update the wiki again12:42
cwillu_at_workjust testing something, one sec12:42
gnomefreakcwillu_at_work: take your time12:42
cwillu_at_workno, it's a matter of life and death12:43
cwillu_at_workokay, you can abuse checkinstall:  "sudo checkinstall bash", and then enter a depends as so:  firefox (= version) (or <, >, <=, >=)12:44
cwillu_at_workin fact, make that sudo checkinstall true12:44
cwillu_at_workit'll install the package (name it appropriately), which will then hold that package to the required version12:44
cwillu_at_workyou can supply multiple dependencies12:44
cwillu_at_workfirefox isn't the package you want to depend on I don't think, but the technique works12:45
cwillu_at_workand then you can simply allow the update manager or aptitude or whichever to remove that package when you want to remove the pin12:45
cwillu_at_workgnomefreak, ^12:45
gnomefreakcwillu_at_work: you mean that i have to add firefox (=$ubuntuversion)12:45
cwillu_at_workin option 1012:45
cwillu_at_workooo, you can supply that from the command line actually12:46
cwillu_at_workcheckinstall ---requires=...12:46
gnomefreaklast i remember checkinstall to install packages that you built12:46
cwillu_at_workyep, but it's a generic tool12:46
cwillu_at_workif you don't supply a command, it automatically runs "make install", but it can run any command instead12:47
cwillu_at_workI'm telling it to use /bin/true (which doesn't do anything), to make an empty package that just depends on firefox12:47
gnomefreakok so the text i would use is sudo checkinstall (firefox-*)  that will hold all firefox packages?12:47
cwillu_at_worksudo checkinstall --requires "firefox-... (= version...)" true12:48
gnomefreakcwillu_at_work: firefox no longer has a version in our pakcages12:48
cwillu_at_workadd a -y if you just want to take defaults for the options12:48
cwillu_at_workgnomefreak, yes, that's why I said you need to choose the right packages to depend on :p12:49
cwillu_at_workI'd expect that you can just depend on firefox-3.x, the rest of the packages will follow along12:49
cwillu_at_workmight need xulrunner too, not sure12:49
cwillu_at_workbut you shouldn't need to pin -gnome-support12:49
gnomefreakcwillu_at_work: not really since i want the 3.7 updates12:49
cwillu_at_work... you know what I mean12:50
cwillu_at_workyou could also conflict with a specific version12:50
cwillu_at_workalthough I don't think checkinstall exposes that12:51
cwillu_at_workthe --review-control option might let you add one though12:51
gnomefreakthe ... should be replaced with the version numbers?12:51
cwillu_at_work>>>  --requires "firefox (=3.5.8+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.10.1)" <<< is the test that I did, for reference12:52
gnomefreakah so all i have to do with that command is change the version to the one im using 3.6.4.......12:54
cwillu_at_workand the package name12:54
cwillu_at_workat some point I might write an actual tool for this purpose;  I'm not sure why people ever got on to this 101 ways to pin a package when the dependency resolution already does what you want most of the time12:56
gnomefreakyea package name is firefox (i shouldnt need to do this for each package -gnome-support -* xul*12:56
gnomefreaki would think it would be a simple script but instead of package name use $PACKAGE and ofcourse $VERSION but i havent looked at scripts in years. im not sure if that is possible12:58
cwillu_at_workit's harder to make a simple tool than a complex tool13:01
cwillu_at_workthe idea being to handle the common cases, and figure out what the Right Thing to do actually is13:01
cwillu_at_workof course, a point and clicky would be nice too :)13:01
gnomefreaki dont recall alot of python but i would think stay away from java. i dont think bash script will do a UI or at least easy13:03
cwillu_at_workI'd probably write a commandline bash script first, and then either rewrite it in python or c13:04
gnomefreaki never did get the hang of C and that was the first lang. i tried13:05
gnomefreakit took me ~6 months to get as far as to name the script and figure out what i wanted it to do, but i still havent touched it since its likely not to be that easy but its not important enough to me to work on it every day13:09
cwillu_at_workmy parents got me a c tutor when I was 9 :p13:26
BUGabundo_remotedoes this mean13:26
BUGabundo_remote /home/bugabundo/Desktop/desktop_20100423-1_amd64.deb13:26
BUGabundo_remotewill install ALL my current packages??13:26
BUGabundo_remotecwillu ^^^^13:26
cwillu_at_workI don't know, what is that?13:26
cwillu_at_workis it huge?13:26
BUGabundo_remote-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 602 2010-04-23 13:26 /home/bugabundo/Desktop/desktop_20100423-1_amd64.deb13:27
BUGabundo_remote======================== Installation successful ==========================13:27
BUGabundo_remotecp: cannot stat `//var/tmp/tmp.l42D3u3yM0/newfiles.tmp': No such file or directory13:27
BUGabundo_remotegrep: /var/tmp/tmp.l42D3u3yM0/newfile: No such file or directory13:27
cwillu_at_workI think I'm missing some context here :)13:27
BUGabundo_remoteI run $ sudo checkinstall true13:27
BUGabundo_remoteit made that13:27
cwillu_at_workokay, you made an utterly empty package :p13:28
cwillu_at_workit doesn't depend on anything, it doesn't provide anything, it doesn't contain anythiing13:28
* cwillu_at_work pokes BUGabundo_remote in the friday13:32
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
micahghi chrisccoulson_14:57
chrisccoulson_hey micahg, how are you?15:05
micahgchrisccoulson_: k, I was wondering if you have any idea about bug 56132315:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561323 in thunderbird "Thunderbird exits immediately without error message " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56132315:05
chrisccoulson_micahg - that was reported before the breakage with the profiles wasn't it?15:06
micahgchrisccoulson_: yeah, I think so, also the shell output doesn't match the profile issue15:06
micahgmaybe I should ask anyways about the profiles15:07
chrisccoulson_yeah, the shell output doesn't really help much. perhaps host a build with --enable-debug in a PPA and ask the reporter to try that?15:07
chrisccoulson_sometimes the output is quite useful then15:07
chrisccoulson_(well, it is with FF, i haven't tried it with TB before)15:08
chrisccoulson_i suspect that the original reporter and the most recent comments are different issues15:09
chrisccoulson_(with the recent comment being the profile issue)15:09
micahgasac: is there going to be another ubufox upload, are we going to hack a fix for the translate menu or wait until we can move to unversioned tranlation templates in LP?15:15
micahgchrisccoulson_: my only guess is an old extension, so that's what I posted15:18
micahgchrisccoulson_: also, apparently for Mediatomb, the config file is based on JS being enabled15:27
chrisccoulson_micahg - yeah, i saw that too15:28
micahgchrisccoulson_: do you have time for the conkeror update?15:57
chrisccoulson_micahg - yeah, i can do that15:57
micahgchrisccoulson_: is there something besides the rules file that affects the path that'16:04
micahgs used in it?16:04
ccheneychrisccoulson_: did you have a chance to look at the gtkentry class yet?17:00
chrisccoulson_i started looking at it a little while ago. i can make it crash anyway ;)17:01
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
ccheneychrisccoulson_: heh ok :)17:13
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
micahghooray! Seamonkey 2 seems to be working...I'll push to test PPA18:50
micahgchrisccoulson: I'm guessing I should import the seamonkey 1 changelog into seamonkey 2, rihgt?18:55
micahgnikolam: SM2 package should build in my PPA in about an hour, once it's built, I'll send out a call for testing19:07
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yeah, that makes sense19:10
micahgchrisccoulson: k, I'll clean it up Sat night, will you be around Sun UTC afternoon?19:11
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yeah, i'll be hovering around occasionally19:11
chrisccoulsonthe frequency depends on how nice the weather is ;)19:11
micahgchrisccoulson: k, ScottK said to get it in as soon as possible, so I'll just ping whoever when it's ready :)19:12
micahgchrisccoulson: I'm also going to send out a call for testing when it builds in my PPA (in the bug, ML, identi.ca), sound good?19:12
chrisccoulsonyeah, sounds good19:13
micahgchrisccoulson: now is it sufficient to get them to test the working version I got not necessarily the version from bzr?  (I haven't merged teh changes back into the branch yet)19:13
chrisccoulsonit should be sufficient as long as there are no real packaging or code differences19:14
micahgchrisccoulson: there shouldn't be unless I miss something when I merge it back in, I'll compare the diffs to make sure though19:14
micahggnomefreak: SM2 building in my PPA19:27
gnomefreakmicahg: thanks.19:28
micahggnomefreak: I'll tell you which PPA after it builds :)19:28
gnomefreakmicahg: thats good19:28
gnomefreakmicahg: you didnt happen to fix the slow hanging or whatever you call it with the daily?19:29
micahggnomefreak: 3.7?19:29
gnomefreakmicahg: no well that has the same issue IIRC 3.6 is the one i know for sure. ill test 3.7 now19:29
micahggnomefreak: 3.7 I'll fix this weekend19:30
micahgit's missing plugin-container for the new OOPP19:30
micahggnomefreak: AFAIK, 3.6 is fine, I need something more specific to track down an issue19:30
gnomefreakmicahg: im not sure how that would cause the browser to be slow19:30
micahggnomefreak: addon incompatability?19:30
gnomefreaklool 3.7 doesnt start19:30
gnomefreakmicahg: maybe. ill test and let you know19:31
micahggnomefreak: check for weird errors on Error Console on 3.619:31
micahgchrisccoulson: what's happening with lightning in lucid?19:32
chrisccoulsonmicahg - good question, you started a ML discussion some time ago didn't you?19:32
micahgchrisccoulson: idr19:32
micahgchrisccoulson: oh yeah, an off list discussion19:32
chrisccoulsoni think you did, but i don't remember what was discussed now19:32
micahgchrisccoulson: so, I think we were just going to package lightning the extension in Lucid and maybe push sundbird to a PPA19:33
chrisccoulsonok, sounds good. i'm not familiar with how it's packaged at the moment though, isn't it all from the same source package?19:34
micahgchrisccoulson: neither am I, ATM, I think it is the same source19:34
chrisccoulsonso, it might be difficult to split it then19:35
* micahg is not sure how to handle it19:35
gnomefreakit is19:35
chrisccoulsonand the plan is that lightning will be merged in to tb 3.1?19:35
micahgchrisccoulson: well, we can just not build sunbird, I don't think we'll get an FFe to change source name at this point19:35
micahgchrisccoulson: idk, haven't been keeping up on that19:35
* gnomefreak hopes to hell not but upstream has been thinking of doing that 19:35
* micahg wishes __Tsk__ was around19:36
gnomefreakmicahg: you are building SM2 the right way? with all the binaries?19:36
chrisccoulsonmicahg - ok, so not building sunbird could be a possibility. tbh, i'd need to look at it though to see what the most workable solution would be19:36
micahggnomefreak: yes19:36
gnomefreakmicahg: thanks19:36
micahggnomefreak: I used the branch that asac worked on a while ago19:36
gnomefreak2.0 branch?19:37
micahggnomefreak: yep19:37
gnomefreakthat was my baby19:37
micahggnomefreak: I moved mozclient configs in source and updated the patches for SM219:37
gnomefreaki stopped when it was grabbing 2.1 source19:37
gnomefreakmicahg: thanks19:37
micahggnomefreak: it behaves like FF/TB for building19:38
nikolammicahg, ok. recieved19:38
micahggnomefreak: for Maverick I want to clean up the packages and improve documentation so others can easily jump in19:39
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: micahg lightning-sunbird is fairly simple to build, very little issues that i have found19:39
gnomefreakmicahg: is that 2.1?19:40
micahggnomefreak: is what 2.1?19:40
chrisccoulsongnomefreak, are you volunteering to update it there? ;)19:40
micahggnomefreak: I meant for all team packages19:40
micahgmaverick is the next Ubuntu release :)19:40
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: i dont have time, i wish i did19:40
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: i stopped becuase it was grbbing 0.9 no matter what i tried, than personal life has been well long19:41
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: if you meant by same source (upstream?) atm it grabs the latest stable release for both and we build the source19:42
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: feel free to use our branch it is in good shape last i looked19:42
micahgchrisccoulson: I'll do it if I can get some help next week with hardy/Jaunty porting :)19:43
gnomefreakfor 3.6?19:43
micahggnomefreak: no, xul insecure rdepends19:43
chrisccoulsonmicahg - ok, feel free. hardy porting is going to be quite high priority next week :)19:43
chrisccoulsoni need to start getting involved with that too19:43
micahggnomefreak: will you be around Sunday for questions with lightning packaging?19:44
gnomefreakmicahg: yeah i can be19:44
gnomefreaki have to work on paper work so i can be here for a while19:44
micahgchrisccoulson: Once I finish hardy, I figure jaunty should be easy since we have the hardy(192), karmic (191), and lucid(192) patches19:44
* gnomefreak be back in a few19:45
micahggnomefreak: k, I'll probably be working on it in the afternoon CDT19:45
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yeah, jaunty should be easier, and i think hardy is higher priority anyway (as it's supported for longer)19:45
gnomefreakisnt htat like +40019:45
micahgchrisccoulson: yep, makes sense19:45
micahggnomefreak: CDT is UTC -519:46
gnomefreakthats only 1 hour different from me19:46
micahggnomefreak: yep19:47
gnomefreakfairly sure the following isnt causing it, i havent looked it up yet though edge.launchpad.net : potentially vulnerable to CVE-2009-355519:48
ubottuThe TLS protocol, and the SSL protocol 3.0 and possibly earlier, as used in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0, mod_ssl in the Apache HTTP Server 2.2.14 and earlier, OpenSSL before 0.9.8l, GnuTLS 2.8.5 and earlier, Mozilla Network Security Services (NSS) 3.12.4 and earlier, multiple Cisco products, and other products, does not properly associate renegotiation handshakes with an existing connection, which allows man-in-the-middl19:48
gnomefreakha bot does CVE19:48
gnomefreak3.6 works normal it seems19:50
micahggnomefreak: great news :)19:50
gnomefreakok 3.7 is broken now and yes good chance it is OOPP related19:54
* gnomefreak be back in a few19:54
* gnomefreak working on getting that yellow damn bar off tb3 found it was caused by the extension bugmail20:03
chrisccoulsongnomefreak - whats your issue (i just saw you quoted that CVE there)20:10
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: i found that in error console when checking what was causing my issue but issue is fixed20:11
micahgchrisccoulson: xul based apps now warn about that CVE if it's encountered20:11
chrisccoulsonah, ok, i didn't realise that20:11
gnomefreakbeen >1 month IIRC20:11
micahgchrisccoulson: now it seems to show up for edge20:11
gnomefreakhes not here :(20:12
gnomefreakare we waiting on the xul porting before pushing 3.6 to <Lucid?20:27
micahggnomefreak: well, the plan is to push out with the when the next 3.5.x release is made to push 3.6 + rdepends to Hardy and Jaunty20:28
micahggnomefreak: karmic has a little more time20:28
* micahg hopes 1.9.2 is supported through Apr 2011 :)20:30
gnomefreakwe are not providing support for kazehakaze in any version of Ubuntu right?20:37
gnomefreakwe == Ubuntu20:37
micahggnomefreak: < lucid20:38
gnomefreaki thought we dropped it from archives due to upstream support20:39
micahggnomefreak: it's last resort to stop supporting something from a stable release20:39
micahggnomefreak: yeah, but we still have to support it till Apr 201120:39
gnomefreakbugs can be lost by than ;)20:40
mconnormicahg: that's probably okay-ish20:40
mconnorit'll be close to that, at least20:40
micahggnomefreak: actually, more so don't want to support kazekhase than lack of upstream I think20:40
micahgmconnor: k, was just a hope, we'll make it work either way20:41
mconnormicahg: pretty sure 6 months will still be the case20:42
micahgmconnor: well, I figured that support might be extended as it's the last version to support OS X 10.4 (yes I read most of that thread and I still don't know why)20:43
mconnor(really? I can sum up in a couple sentences...)20:44
micahgmconnor: I meant I don't know why I bothered reading it, I know why you dropped support :)20:44
mconnoroh, haha20:44
mconnorit's an interesting topic, sort of20:45
mconnorI mean, it's ideology vs. other ideology vs. pragmatism20:45
micahgmconnor: yeah, it was interesting20:47
gnomefreakshit micahg are we wanting to remove SAunbird-0.9 from Lucid?20:48
micahggnomefreak: I think so20:48
gnomefreakwe need to do it than. only ~ 1week until we no longer can20:49
micahggnomefreak: yes20:49
gnomefreakmicahg: thanks20:51
micahggnomefreak: are sunbird-locales only for sunbird or for lightning too?20:51
* gnomefreak would have to look to be sure20:52
micahggnomefreak: k, it's too late to change the source package, so I figured we just wouldn't build sunbird20:53
micahgand we change the locales package to depend on lightning insteam20:53
micahggnomefreak: SM2 done: https://launchpad.net/~micahg/+archive/mozilla-test20:54
gnomefreaksounds good to me. archive admins are likely no tto like having sunbird cruft in a package we are not using to build20:54
gnomefreakmicahg: thanks20:54
gnomefreakthats not good :(21:00
gnomefreakmicahg: the package you built doesnt update from joes package ( although i really didnt expect it to but maybe it should?)21:01
gnomefreak2.0.3+nobinonly-0ubuntu2-joe1~lucid should in theroy update to 2.0.421:02
micahggnomefreak: no, it shouldn't his is seamonkey221:03
gnomefreakoh thats it21:03
gnomefreakthat would explain why the diff was 1.*21:03
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGabundo_diner
* micahg orders a burger from BUGabundo_diner21:10
gnomefreakmicahg: i had asked this about SM2 but it looks like latest tb3 update is having this issue. where it asks you for password before it opens. see bug 567480 (not sure why 2)21:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 567480 in thunderbird "Double simultaneous password request" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56748021:13
gnomefreaki was told mozilla did it for SM2 i never saw it in tb21:13
micahggnomefreak: I meant to confirm it21:13
micahggnomefreak: SM2 and TB3 have the same mail backend21:13
gnomefreaki saw it in the browser21:14
gnomefreakso maybe it is a bit different21:14
micahggnomefreak: I think it's a xul191 thing, needs research in bmo21:14
=== BUGabundo_diner is now known as BUGabundo
BUGabundomicahg: rare or medium ?21:31
micahgBUGabundo: medium21:31
BUGabundoone comes right up21:32
gnomefreakmedium-rare please :) be back smoke21:32
BUGabundognomefreak: this is a SMOKE FREE dinner21:36
gnomefreakluckily its not here ;)21:38
gnomefreakmy sister is going to yell at me next time i call her or when she calls me after getting my email21:38
gnomefreakwe never got apport hooks for all mozilla packages nor any PPA packages right?21:39
micahggnomefreak: another possible maverick project21:40
gnomefreakmicahg: i thought that was Lucid project but Maverick works for me21:40
gnomefreakmicahg: i marked the tb3 bug (password) confirmed for you i hope that is what you meant21:41
gnomefreakif not :P21:41
micahggnomefreak: yep21:41
micahggnomefreak: I missed the blueprint then21:41
BUGabundomicahg: served http://acidcow.com/pics/20100423/acid_picdump_138.jpg21:42
gnomefreaki saw a bug on it not blueprint but i cant find bug either now21:42
gnomefreaki made a facebook account to use for 2 people not 2 that i have told about it yet. but the 2 people that have asked to follow/whatever its called have asked 1 my sisters ex, i havent spoke to in ~5years and the other hit my sisters car with a snow plow on the front of his truck, i have not even made a comment on it how the hell are they finding me21:45
ccheneymaybe they are seeing you pop up in the 'you might know' section21:50
gnomefreaki wish i would have known that :( ok i guess i tell them to go and *****. thanks chrisccoulson21:51
gnomefreakok looks like im done for the day. everything else can wait until sunday-> fri. next week.21:53
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
* micahg is wondering why BUGabundo gave cookies in place of a burger22:18
BUGabundohere is a replacement with extra *sauce*22:19

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