
=== Ivan747 is now known as Troll
=== Troll is now known as Guest47087
=== Guest47087 is now known as Ivan747
Ratokhello i got a weird problem, MythTV-Setup states when i try to close it "Error: Failed to set channel to Bitte Send"11:24
Ratokafter closing it, i get the following error in the log when trying to open livetv (which closes instantly) TVRec(1) Error: Failed to set channel to "Bitte Send". Reverting to kState_None11:24
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi
Ratokhello again, i got a question concerning dvb-C and mythtv15:03
tgm4883!ask | Ratok16:10
ZinnRatok: Please don't ask if anyone is around or if it is alright to ask a question.  Many people check back periodically and may answer your question when they see it.  IRC is not normally an instant fix so check back often for an answer.16:10
brif8how does one get the 0.23 version of  mythtv?17:02
tgm4883brif8, what version of mythbuntu are you using?17:03
brif8running Ubuntu 9.1017:06
Davieybrif8: Lucid comes out soon.. if you wanted to test it - that would be great!17:11
brif8what do I set sources.list to17:13
brif8or how do update to lucid, I'm mainly trying to get mythtv to work have been battling for three weeks solid and no real success little bits here and there but not much17:16
brif8okay upgrading to 10.0417:29
mrandbrif8: in general, 0.23 contains quite a few bug fixes, but until you try it, we won't know if it addresses your specific problem.17:33
brif8mrand: I'm trying to get US analog cable scanning working as was told in mythtv-users that 0.22 (my current version) does not support it but that 0.23 does.  I tried to get this all working initially with a HVR-1800 and had no joy at all. Best I could do was get tvtime picture and NO audio. So I bought a HVR-950Q tvtime works great and has audio, but I want to record, I can get the few digital channels but not the ones I want to watch17:38
brif8which are all on the analog cable anyway.   so hopefully it will work for me.......17:38
Ratok_MichaelI get the error message after TV Setup "TV Card 1 will start with channel "Please Choose ..." Continue or solve problem", but I dont know where to set the default channel17:58
mrandRatok_Michael: I believe there may be a way to set "starting channel" in the MythTV setup program under source->input connection18:15
mrandbrif8: if there aren't that many channels, you might be able to enter the info manually rather than scanning.  Another alternative is to install 9.04 with 0.21, do the scan there, and then upgrade.  But please do try 10.0418:16
brif8mrand: I'll keep that in mind, right now I'm in the process of upgrading to 10.04 thanks18:26
dewmano the heck with it. I will upgrade to....Why not.... =)18:39
dewmanand to make matters even more intresting I will even upgrade with ssh -x18:45
brif8first impressions 10.04 color scheme is cool finished the upgrade to 10.04. Running Scanning on Myth 0.23 and It's not getting any channels :(19:55
dorgan1what mythbuntu user has the cron jobs like mythfilldatabase?19:57
tgm4883dorgan1, AFAIK, mythfilldatabase isn't a cron job20:02
tgm4883it's run by the backend20:02
dorgan1why not it should be otherwise the program listings dont get updated20:02
dorgan1ok the backend is not running it20:02
dorgan1how do i fix that20:03
tgm4883dorgan1, in the frontend there is a setting to activate it20:03
tgm4883I don't have a frontend in front of me, but I think it's in general setup20:03
dorgan1i will take a look tonight when I get home...can I run mythfront end via xforwarding?20:03
tgm4883dorgan1, do you have a frontend on another machine?20:04
dorgan1yeah its a front/back end box.....but at home...i only have ssh access to it right now...and figured if i can run frontend via ssh forwarding then i would update the setting20:04
tgm4883yea you should be able to do that20:05
tgm4883it would be pretty slow though20:05
dorgan1hmmm doesnt seem to want to display i just get debugging20:05
dorgan1hmmm yeah running really slow just showing the background image right now and no buttons20:06
tgm4883yea still loading then20:06
dorgan1hmm can i adjust that setting via mythweb?20:06
tgm4883well it is just a db setting, but it's more than just "enable"20:07
tgm4883dorgan1, if you need to run it now for some reason, you can run it from the command line with some options  http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Mythfilldatabase20:13
Zinn[www.mythtv.org] Mythfilldatabase - MythTV20:13
dorgan1yeah i know how to run it from the command line20:13
dorgan1i found it in settings and enabled it20:13

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