
nhandlerakgraner: Can we toss the 200th issue meeting on the fridge ?01:13
akgranerAs in an article or just on the Calendar01:19
akgranerI need to move it to the 6th  - completely overlooked 29th as release day01:20
akgranernhandler,  - I added it to the Calendar - but need to change the date - see above reason^^01:21
akgranerThe first meeting we can hold in -news, but the details on specific content will need to be discusses in ##johnc4510 - as we don't want to give away all the surprise content to everyone before the date01:22
akgranerand I was hoping we could have monthly -news meetings as well but wanted to get through UDS 1st01:24
nhandlerakgraner: On the calendar01:36
nhandlerWere you able to change the date? Or do you need me to?01:36
akgraneryep it's on there you can change it if you want I am in the middle of something else right this sec01:36
nhandlerakgraner: Moved01:46
akgranernhandler, awesome - Thank you!!01:50

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