
dholbachgood morning08:11
xdatapczajkowski: ping08:33
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi
xdatapdholbach: ping13:12
dholbachxdatap: pong13:13
xdatapdholbach: I haven't received yet the answer about UDS sponsorship. Do you think is it normal? lot of ppl received it already13:14
dholbachxdatap: best talk to jcastro13:15
dholbachhe should know everything13:15
xdatapdholbach: thanks13:15
dholbachno worries13:15
xdatapczajkowski: ping15:05
jussiHrm, I think etherpad could be a really useful tool for ngo's - especially ones that tend to spread themselves all over the globe...18:59
jussiperhaps its something we could include?18:59

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