
doko_slangasek: please consider llvm/clang before the final. basically disabling --with-oprofile00:10
keesScottK: okay, a refresh of the selinux refpolicy thanks to TreSys (and additional fixes for the upstart bits) have been uploaded in "refpolicy-ubuntu" and "selinux".  tests out well with vastly reduced warnings in selinux mode.  regression potential is low, since it doesn't actually work very well without this upload.  ;)01:40
keesScottK: LP: #568744 for reference01:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568744 in selinux "Lucid SELinux Policy Update" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56874401:42
ScottKkees: Accepted.01:51
keesScottK: okay, thanks.  I'm still working on refpolicy-ubuntu; LP surprise-rejected it.  not sure why01:52
ScottKBecause it can ....01:52
keesit's a src-format-3 package, so I assume I did something wrong.  though local builds are fine.01:53
lamontyou have got to be kidding.  is oo.o going to finish ?  only time will tell.05:54
lamontbut that 4 hour timeout idea?  not a win05:55
lamontgiven that the dpkg-deb run started _8_ hours of output-free-lzma HELL ago05:56
lamontslangasek: what if we didn't lzma oo.o?06:08
lamontbuildd   27090 10.5 58.4 381060 279672 ?       D    Apr22  52:55      |                           \_ lzma -9c06:09
lamontonly need another 102MB of ram or so06:09
lamontso wait. 8 hours runtime, 53 minutes of CPU...  my brain hurts now06:10
slangaseklamont: valid on armel since it's not on ISOs... can't do it for i386/amd6406:10
lamont163MB of swap used06:10
lamontif we're doing another upload and we want it to finish before release, we probably want to turn of lzma for armel06:11
lamontas in -ubuntu4, which is already pending06:11
lamontanyway, faceplanting with some decorum before I do it without.06:11
ttxGood morning07:25
pittiGood morning07:28
pittiurgh, OO.o armel build still not finished, but looking good now07:29
pitti(purging chroot)07:29
pittiwas a good time to wake up :)07:29
pittiyay, it finished!07:32
pittiasac, ogra ^07:32
ajmitchmorning pitti :)07:36
slangasekScottK, pitti: I'm not comfortable with that nautilus-share change, no; changing the default sharing ACL to allow the owner remote write access is not a clear bugfix, another option is changing the *description* of the option to say "remote users" instead of "other users"07:36
pittihi ajmitch07:37
* ajmitch obviously needs a faster computer & better cooling07:41
ograpitti, yeah, 36h+ fpr OO.o on armel07:42
pittihowever, it seems that someone rejected the latest OO.o from the queue again, so I can't accept it07:42
pittiwaiting for mvo, I guess07:42
ograwith 10.10 we'll get faster buildds (i think)07:42
* ajmitch has a perl upload to put in the queue (don't hurt me)07:42
ograpitti, i think it timed out from the queue07:42
pittithe queue doesn't time out07:43
ograoh, k07:43
ograi thought i heard scott say something like that07:43
slangasekScottK: I think sparc being behind will influence what I'm willing to accept or not, but shouldn't be a blocker outright07:44
pittiah, mvo mailed about it07:46
slangaseklool: apt-listchanges isn't used by default on Ubuntu; rejecting, you can always clean up the noise in SRU if you think that's necessary and still benefit most users07:49
pittislangasek: quick heads up: the xorg-server glx rollback got tremendous testing feedback on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Testing/GEMLeak, so I'd really like to see this in final; but the current  upload fixes another bug which I'm not sure about, so I didn't accept it yet; I pinged bryce and will discuss first07:51
* pitti plays langpack accept whack-a-mole07:55
pittiI hope I got them early enough for queuebot to not freak out07:56
ograi cant nominate a bug for lucid anymore08:01
ograis that on purpose or did my LP account break ?08:01
pitticertainly not on purpose08:01
ograwell, clicking the nominate link doesnt list lucid08:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 568736 in netbook-meta "Having Evolution installed along with Desktop-Email is pointlessly redundant" [High,Triaged]08:02
ograi'm blind, persia already nominated it08:02
* ogra clicks approve08:02
ajmitchyay, package almost finished building08:03
ajmitchfix from debian for bug 568670 uploaded to the queue08:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568670 in perl "upgrade to lucid breaks completely when safe-rm is installed" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56867008:11
fabrice_spHi. Is this sync acceptable? (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gorm.app/+bug/568619) It fixes a FTBFS and make 2 packages installables08:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 568619 in gorm.app "FFe: Sync gorm.app 1.2.10-1 (universe) from Debian sid (main)" [Wishlist,New]08:18
pittiargh, sorry; I was too late in this round08:21
ajmitchpitti: your accept whack-a-mole wasn't quite quick enough08:21
pittiok, I cleaned up components-mismatches now; AFAICS, the only real thing left is mod-wsgi08:22
pittioh, and gnugo/kigo08:23
pittithanks ajmitch08:31
slangasekpitti: GEMLeak - did lool follow through on his CPU usage regression?  I agree it seems we should take that for final, anyway08:37
slangasekpitti: OOo was rejected per mvo's mail08:37
pittislangasek: yes, it was determined to be unrelated to the update08:37
slangasekpitti: ok, good08:37
* slangasek grunts sourly at the need for a perl upload09:06
slangasekmy first reaction reading that bug wasn't "we should accept perl", it was "we should remove safe-rm from the archive"...09:07
ajmitchslangasek: sorry09:07
ajmitchbut from what I read, removing safe-rm wouldn't have fixed it09:07
slangasekOTOH, do people actually install safe-rm?09:08
ajmitchit was the safe-rm debian maintainer who filed the bug & poked me about it09:08
ograslangasek, bug 563618 has a branch linked now for review09:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563618 in util-linux "Ignoring a broken clock results in infinite reboots; not ignoring results in fsck failure; no solution to this problem" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56361809:13
slangasekogra: ack09:13
loolpitti: FTR, couldn't reproduce the Xorg CPU consumption since; perhaps it was just bad timing that these two things happened the same day09:16
ograslangasek, and on a sidenote, omap netbook installs fine now (beyond a bug that it doesnt properly reboot at the end sitting at plymouth but the board has a reset button :) )09:16
slangasekogra: ok, great :)09:16
ograoh, geeez !09:16
ograit *does* reboot if i remove the SD09:17
ograhow could i know it actually *means* what it writes on the screen09:17
slangasekanyone know offhand why kdebase-workspace-bin is uninstallable on sparc?09:18
* slangasek is failing to perceive the dependency order on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing-ports/lucid_probs.html09:19
asacpitti: nice09:45
asacslangasek: you consider seed change intrusive/risky?09:46
slangasekasac: post-RC, for a low-priority bug? Yes.09:46
slangasekespecially when you're *un*seeding things09:46
slangasekbecause that may uncover bugs caused by missing dependencies09:46
asacslangasek: yeah. was an oversight before. too bad.09:47
asacevolution-indicator might have given us a few more M  more ram ;) ... but ok.09:47
slangasekyep, would've been nice, but not the week before release09:49
keesScottK: got another universe one for you... rng-tools in TPM mode wasn't starting at system boot, making that mode rather non-functional.  this upload fixes it.09:50
ttxslangasek: given the buildd situation, am I right in assuming we should postpone everything that can be done as SRU to lucid-updates, to make room for things that /need/ to happen pre-release ?10:08
ttx(except universe fixes that may run after candidate generation ?)10:08
slangasekttx: "buildd situation" - are you referring to something other than the queue of langpacks?10:08
ttxno, the queue of langpack :)10:09
slangasekttx: but yes, everything that can be done as SRU should be pushed to lucid-proposed instead10:09
pittittx: langpacks are quick, and don't block other builds (they have a low build scoree)10:09
pitti(just FTR)10:09
slangasekpitti: OTOH, we absolutely have to get the langpacks built before Monday :)10:09
ttxpitti: right, but they still need to complete ;)10:09
pittiright, was just saying that they don't completely block the lucid final queue at this point10:10
* pitti eyes the ubiquity upload in the queue10:10
pittioh, and we got another i386 buildd, nice!10:10
slangasekpitti: was it you that accepted openoffice.org-hyphenation for bug #568514, btw?10:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568514 in openoffice.org-hyphenation "package openoffice.org-hyphenation-de 1:3.2.0-2ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/myspell/dicts/hyph_de_CH.dic', which is also in package openoffice.org-hyphenation ..." [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56851410:10
pittislangasek: no, I didn't touch it10:11
pittiI saw it in the queue yesterday night, but this morning both oo.o and -hyphenation were gone10:11
slangasekwhoever did, overlooked another part to the bug10:11
slangasekI'll upload the fix shortly; no sense waiting for ccheney to be awake again10:12
ttxslangasek: ok, FTR, at this point we (server) don't have anything ready that would *need* to go in before release.10:13
ttxemphasis being on /ready/, as we certainly have some annoying bugs.10:13
slangasekttx: the cloud-init bugs, or other stuff?10:14
ttxslangasek: i'm updtaing the status page, just a sec10:14
ttxslangasek: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ReleaseStatus10:15
ttxsee "under investigation"10:15
ttxAt that point I don't see how any of those might make release, except maybe the olcAccess (openldap) one10:15
ttxthe others we either don't have a solution yet for, or they are good SRU candidates10:16
ttxwill sync with team on all those before the meeting today10:16
ttx(we are having a meeting today, right ?)10:16
ttxanother candidate would be bug 533029 -- if any of you have time to review chuck's latest proposal. Though it sounds like very late to change that now.10:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 533029 in autofs5 "[FFE] autofs5-ldap doesn't work immediately after bootup" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53302910:17
slangasekusr/share/hunspell/de_DE.aff                                text/hunspell-de-de,universe/text/myspell-de-de,universe/text/hunspell-de-de-frami,text/myspell-de-de-oldspell10:21
slangasekttx: yes, meeting today10:22
evthanks for the quick approval on ubiqutiy10:23
slangasekseb128: hi!  which part of this openoffice.org-dictionaries change was the rationale for the post-freeze upload?  Just the French changes, right?10:27
seb128slangasek, hey, yes10:27
seb128slangasek, I pinged you about that saying if you wanted the debian update or if I should just fix the french .install10:28
slangasekseb128: ok; then I'm reverting the rest, because it's caused a buttload of file conflicts that we don't have time to sort out10:28
seb128slangasek, but I didn't read your reply if you replied10:28
seb128urg, sorry about that10:28
slangasekwell, someone accepted it and it's broken :)10:28
seb128file conflict between what and what?10:29
seb128just curious10:29
slangasekand ccheney compounded the damage by uploading openoffice.org-hyphenation, dropping some of the conflicting files without setting Replaces/Conflicts - so I get to revert two packages, sigh10:29
cjwatsonagh, why do people try to optimise away setting the correct fields10:29
seb128slangasek, the changes I cared about are to use the right names in openoffice.org-thesaurus-fr*10:29
cjwatsonit never saves time in the long run10:29
seb128slangasek, ie th_fr to thes_fr10:30
slangasek$ for pkg in myspell-th hunspell-de-at-frami openoffice.org-hyphenation-de myspell-it myspell-en-gb hunspell-de-ch-frami myspell-en-us openoffice.org-thesaurus-fr hunspell-de-de-frami; do zgrep $pkg /home/lp_archive/ubuntu/dists/lucid/Contents-i386.gz |grep , ; done | awk '{ print $2 }' | sort -u10:30
slangasekseb128: ^^ those are the conflicts in lucid with the packages whose install files were touched in this upload, according to Contents10:31
slangasekcjwatson: if by "correct fields" you mean "Conflicts/Replaces", I don't think optimization was the problem :)10:31
seb128slangasek, hum ok, again sorry about that I sort of trusted debian on the change and I didn't notice the issue there since I don't have -de installed10:32
slangasekthough it's possible those packages already have conflicts with one another; lessee10:32
slangasekok, the remaining file conflicts are actually all declared10:35
slangasekthe only problem conflicts were the ones between openoffice.org-hyphenation-de and openoffice.org-hyphenation, which were fixed before the last Contents generation10:36
slangasekso the easiest way out is forward10:36
slangasekseb128: the actual bug for this is bug #56851410:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568514 in openoffice.org-hyphenation "package openoffice.org-hyphenation-de 1:3.2.0-2ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/myspell/dicts/hyph_de_CH.dic', which is also in package openoffice.org-hyphenation ..." [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56851410:36
slangasekseb128: so the reason the Debian maintainer didn't handle it is openoffice.org-hyphenation is Ubuntu-only10:38
seb128oh, makes sense now10:38
seb128slangasek, sorry again about those10:42
pittislangasek: ok for me to sync the new tzdata 2010i into lucid?10:43
slangasek'sok, we'll get it fixed :)10:43
* pitti thought that the DST change crazy period was over, but apparently not so10:43
slangasekpitti: yes, go ahead10:43
pitti(three DST rule changes, no structural differences)10:44
seb128pitti, can we sync shotwell too?10:44
pittiseb128: no idea, haven't looked at it; is there a bug/changelog/etc.?10:44
seb128pitti, http://packages.qa.debian.org/s/shotwell/news/20100420T220717Z.html10:44
seb128pitti, basically nmu to build with vala 0.810:44
seb128which we have in lucid10:45
pittito fix FTBFS?10:45
pittiyes, that seems fine10:45
seb128pitti, can you do it if you are doing syncs? thanks10:45
pittiseb128: yep, doing10:45
slangasekpitti, cjwatson: base-files, openoffice.org-dictionaries uploaded; please review10:56
pittibase-files looks fine, accepted11:07
pittislangasek: oh heck, I need to update postgresql-common for this ^11:07
slangasekfor base-files?11:08
pittiah, no11:08
pittiit checks lsb_release -rs11:08
pittiwhich is still 10.04, not "LTS"11:08
slangasekright, things checking that field is exactly why I didn't put LTS in it :-)11:09
cjwatsonreview> you lot are too fast for me11:12
cjwatsonlooks like somebody rejected landscape-client last night, but it's in the queue again.  What's the background on that?11:19
slangasekwasn't me11:24
cjwatsonjames_w: checksecurity: in the past, we've had the odd bug due to it being impossible to set I/O priorities in weird corner cases such as some virtualisation containers and the like.  Would it make sense to add the -t option, by way of being conservative?  That would require a dependency on util-linux (>= 2.15~rc1-1)11:25
pittilangscape> me neither11:25
pitticjwatson: hm, it says it's in the queue for 20 hours?11:26
pitti i. e. doesn't look like "rejected"?11:26
cjwatson16:04 -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New package: landscape-client (main) [1.5.0-0ubuntu0.10.04.0 →]11:27
cjwatson22:48 -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Removed package: landscape-client11:27
cjwatson22:52 -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New package: landscape-client (main) [1.5.0-0ubuntu0.10.04.0 →]11:27
cjwatsonwhich looks like "somebody discussed some flaw with the uploader, then rejected so that they could reupload"11:27
cjwatsonso presumably only whoever had that discussion can effectively review it11:28
slangasekI don't see anything in rejected, I think that was just bot flapping11:28
* cjwatson once again wishes for better logging11:28
cjwatsonoh, I suppose it could be11:28
cjwatsonit's odd for it to explicitly say "Removed" unless it really is, that's all11:28
cjwatsonrepeated "New" is a different matter11:29
slangasekstgraber, highvoltage: how are we on final edubuntu-artwork?11:38
cjwatsonI haven't done the CD stuff yet, but I have the material from highvoltage11:41
slangasekAIUI we also still need an upload of the package11:42
* ScottK notes OOo built on armel and congradulates lamont on the power of his special magic.11:52
james_wcjwatson: if you think that's smart then I can make the change11:53
cjwatsonif you could, yes please11:53
cjwatsonjust want to play safe at this point11:53
lamontScottK: somewhere between 8.5 and 9.5 hours into dpkg-deb, we got to pkgstriptranslations and output resumed.11:57
slangasekScottK, cjwatson, pitti: wrt OOo, I think lamont is right that we should fix the package to not use lzma on armel before accepting a new one; the tradeoff of lzma just doesn't make sense on armel, so long as we don't include it on release images11:58
slangasekI don't think a bug has been opened for this yet, though11:59
lamontslangasek: thank you.11:59
lamontand no, I didn't file a bug11:59
james_w^ rejected12:00
ScottKslangasek: IIRC it's still on KNR armel, but that image isn't size constrained so no lzma is fine.12:00
cjwatsonslangasek: yeah, I agree12:10
pittislangasek: OO.o> ack12:17
* pitti reviewes partman-*12:18
slangasekcjwatson: bug #530027 still not deferred, does that mean it needs fixing before release?12:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 530027 in ubiquity "nested progress bars don't work outside debconffilter" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53002712:22
slangasekScottK, Riddell: is anyone working on bug #551456?12:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 551456 in kcm-touchpad "systemsettings crashes when clicking "Keyboard & Mouse"" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55145612:29
slangasek(if not, should probably be deferred to SRU now)12:30
Riddellslangasek: not that I know of, I'll ping Jonathan Thomas to check12:32
Riddellslangasek: did you reject the kdeplasma-addons upload this week?12:32
slangasekRiddell: yes12:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 566127 in kdeplasma-addons "Picture of the day does not work" [Undecided,Fix committed]12:33
Riddelloh aye12:33
lamontslangasek: and I'm assuming someone else is doing the oo.o mod for armel12:34
slangaseklamont: sure?12:34
slangasekI think it's "whoever gets to it"12:34
lamontas in I'm not preparing an upload12:34
slangaseklamont: it's diff.gz only, really lightweight ;)12:35
lamontfor oo.o, yeah.  my dayjob tasks are interferring with my dev stuff12:37
slangasek^^ that one's mine, if someone could review12:38
* cjwatson looks12:38
slangasekcjwatson: you already fixed the other half of that bug, so if you don't like it, don't hesitate to reject12:39
cjwatsonno, I'm fine with it, I see many more risks than benefits in applying it on upgrade12:40
slangasekok, thanks12:41
cjwatsonerr, wait!12:41
cjwatsonshouldn't that be --no-start?12:41
cjwatsonsorry, only spotted this after accept12:41
cjwatsonpossibly -r as well, I forget the exact semantics12:42
cjwatsonbut surely we *do* want to modify the postinst/postrm/prerm scripts12:42
cjwatsonto call update-rc.d12:42
slangasekah, quite12:44
slangaseksorry, will fix12:44
ubottuUbuntu bug 568940 in openoffice.org "drop lzma from armel for lucid" [Undecided,New]12:57
lamontand targeted to 10.0412:57
doko_lamont: can't this wait until the first update?13:00
slangasekdoko_: dropping lzma?  not if we want the *pending* update to build on armel in a sane amount of time13:01
doko_ahh, wasn't aware of *another* update13:01
mvoanother ooo update?!?13:02
mvothen please, please merge my changes in as well13:02
doko_slangasek: do you do that, or should I?13:02
slangasekmvo: weren't we waiting for *you* to send us one? :)13:02
doko_mvo: even better, take over! =)13:03
mvoand I am waiting on my machine to finish building it, even debuild -b -nc takes ages13:03
slangasekmvo: the "pending update" I meant was the one with your changes - we should get the lzma change added on to that13:03
mvois it just "use_lzma_compress=n" ?13:04
mvoin debian/rules ?13:04
doko_I'll look13:04
mvothanks doko_13:04
mvoso my plan is/was to upload to my ppa first (build etc ~4h), run a battery of upgrade tests against it and then upload to the main archive13:05
pittimvo: but on armel only13:05
mvothe upgrade stuff is automatic and relatively fast, I just need to review the logs13:05
pittiwe certainly want to keep lzma for i386/amd6413:05
mvoaha, ok13:06
slangasekRiddell: there's an unanswered question for you from ev on bug #56724313:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 567243 in ubiquity "error during OEM setup in French" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56724313:06
ograslangasek, arm enhanced the hack on bug 563618 (branch with tested changes linked)13:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563618 in util-linux "Ignoring a broken clock results in infinite reboots; not ignoring results in fsck failure; no solution to this problem" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56361813:06
cjwatsonslangasek: I still don't get this - -r alone only prevents the prerm running init.d stop13:06
ogra(yes, i know i'm annoying, sorry for that)13:06
cjwatsonlooks like we want --no-start (which includes -r, looking at dh_installinit)13:07
cjwatsonwith -r, the init script will still be run on postinst configure13:07
slangasekcjwatson: mm, yes13:07
slangasekcjwatson: reject, I'll reupload13:07
slangasekcjwatson: thanks for the scrutiny; I clearly don't have dh_installinit internalized as well as intended13:10
Riddellslangasek, ev: bug 567243 answered13:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 567243 in ubiquity "error during OEM setup in French" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56724313:10
slangasekogra: I'm afraid I'm going to have to take off again for a couple of hours; I'll be back for the release meeting, and will review the branch afterwards13:14
pittislangasek: so, it seems that all the vpnc faff on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt is really just due to KDE failing to build on sparc13:14
pittiso I'm inclined to just ignore those13:14
pittiauctex is also just a glitch AFAICS13:14
ograslangasek, ok, thanks13:15
slangasekpitti: I tried to give KDE a kick start on sparc, but I can't figure out why kdebase-workspace-bin is uninstallable there13:15
pittiright, same FTBFS reason like plasma-widget-networkmanagement13:15
slangasekpitti: and faure gives an unfriendly error instead of useful debugging output :/13:16
slangasekcjwatson: ^^ take 313:18
cjwatsonpitti: last I checked, auctex was ultimately a result of emacs23 failing to build on ia6413:20
ograScottK, do you have any beagleboard users in the kubuntu community ? if you have an armel build that was rolled after 22nd there might be value in knowing if kubuntu-netbook omap works ... (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/Beagle)13:20
pitticjwatson: aah, thanks13:20
pitticjwatson: given that c-m considers ports, it's in a surprisingly good shape :)13:21
Riddellogra: not that I know of, our main testers are ncommander and gruemaster's son13:26
ograah, k13:26
cjwatsonslangasek: ok, accepted now, thanks13:50
highvoltageslangasek: we received the new artwork yesterday \o/13:50
highvoltageslangasek: I made the changes and uploaded the new package13:50
highvoltagecjwatson: did you get my link yesterday with the new boot logos?13:51
pittiScottK: TBH, clamav has so many changes that I don't have the guts to accept it; was that discussed before with someone else?13:55
ScottKpitti: slangasek was scared too.  All I can say is that this is based off the first revision the Debain maintainer was willing to upload to Volatile for Lenny users.13:56
ScottKI know there are a number of sub-par things in the current debconf handling and I think it's unlikely this will be worse.13:56
ScottKBased on the testing done with the Debian people and what I've reviewed  of the changes I think the risk of regression is low, but not non-existent.13:57
pittiScottK: ok; since it doesn't seem realistic to verify correctness by eyeballing the debdiff, this should rather be tested extensively then13:58
ScottKpitti: Yes.  I think it has been tested fairly extensively in Debian already.13:58
ScottKThe two DDs most active on their clamav team beat in it pretty hard and stared at it for several days before uploading.13:59
ScottKThat's why it's coming so late.13:59
pittiok, thanks13:59
mvonew OOo is uploaded, but please do not accept it just yet, I want to test the build from the PPA in a real upgrade secenario (I did test a local upgrade, but only ooo, not the full thing)14:01
mvoand let me know if you see anything odd in the diff (I looked at it and it looks fine, but more eyes will not hurt :)14:01
cjwatsonhighvoltage: I did, thanks, will process it today14:07
highvoltagecjwatson: and thank you!14:20
pitti^ weirdest patch to remove scroll bars EVAR14:41
pitti(discussing in #u-desktop right now)14:41
ttxpitti: moin uploaded. I triplechecked by installing that package that following the existing instructions in Debian readme are sufficient to make it work.14:48
ttxso it works and is consistent with existing documentation.14:48
cjwatsonhighvoltage: committed and deployed; should be on the next CD14:53
highvoltagecjwatson: great! I'll test it with the next build15:01
stgraberslangasek: are we back to daily build until Tuesday or do we have to ask for a respin every time we want one ?15:03
ograstgraber, manual15:05
stgraberogra: ok, thanks15:05
stgraberogra: how's ARM going btw ?15:05
ograstgraber, see planet :)15:06
lamontslangasek: any reason to not retry oo.o on sparc?15:12
lamontother than  the "newer one coming" reason?15:12
lamontand I wonder how many more glib2.0-caused failures we have out there15:13
highvoltageoh right we probably want a respin of edubuntu when the artwork package hits the archive :)15:14
stgraberogra: how's ARM going btw ?15:24
ograstgraber, see planet :)15:24
pittislangasek: for the record, alternates have tons of space, I'll add back some langpacks (there are none except -en right now)16:00
ScottKvlc is an interesting one as there are security fixes in there and I'm not confident at all we'll get them any other way than to accept the entire mess.16:26
slangaseklamont: OOo on sparc> new one's coming, and there's other stuff in the build queue on sparc?16:32
slangasekpitti: alternates> doh! thanks16:32
lamontslangasek: right.16:32
lamontIOW, no.16:32
lamontslangasek: I expect that there are other glib2.0-induced failures that we should throw back in for sparc16:33
lamontbut nfc which ones16:33
lamontand my level of caring is completely academic16:33
bdrungScottK: one security fix and 6 bug fixes16:34
stgraberslangasek: Can you trigger a rebuild of Edubuntu once 0.1.0-69 is in the archive ?16:35
stgraberedubuntu-artwork 0.1.0-69 that's16:35
slangasekstgraber: trigger set16:35
slangasekpitti: ok, I don't actually find the discussion of the extra xorg patch in my scrollback that I thought was there17:33
slangasekpitti: but the patch itself looks straightforward and important - did you have specific concerns with it?17:37
seb128slangasek, he was concerned about the other change in the upload I think17:38
seb128slangasek, he said there was 2 changes, the glx issue one + another one he was not sure if that was an intended change or an error17:38
seb128slangasek, the confusion was about the 0ubuntu6 entry17:52
seb128slangasek, it's not in the .changes and pitti was not sure it was meant to be in the upload or an error17:52
seb128slangasek, bryce confirmed it's targetted to lucid17:52
seb128slangasek, so feel free to accept the upload if you want17:53
seb128slangasek, when have time to review it ;-)17:53
slangasekseb128: great, thanks18:00
slangasekstgraber: got a build failure on edubuntu, probably due to langpacks18:26
mvoslangasek: the dapper->hardy->lucid with OOo from the PPA upgrade tests is successful, registering works, upgrade does no longer explodes. the karmic->lucid is still running though18:28
slangasekmvo: ok - you want me to wait for that test too before accepting18:29
slangasekstgraber: sure enough, there's the mail - langpacks18:29
mvoslangasek: it should be finishing in ~30 min or so, so I would say yes18:30
mvoslangasek: unless you think its too urgent to wait18:30
mvook, i let you know when its there18:31
stgraberdoh, which one is broken this time ?18:35
stgraberslangasek: can't see the build failure on people.c.c/~ubuntu-archive and didn't receive a build fail mail, do you have a link to that ?18:36
slangasekstgraber: nope, sorry - the logs will be synced soon18:43
slangasekstgraber: it's not something you can fix anyway, the langpacks just need to finish building :)18:43
slangaseki.e., the build failure is simply due to mid-langpack-build skew, not a source bug that needs fixed18:45
stgraberslangasek: ok18:51
slangaseklooks like langpacks are progressing at about 50/hr, so roughly 7 more hours to completion19:00
ScottKslangasek: Does that mean it's OK to accept some Universe stuff now (since 7 hours isn't so long) or would you rather I waited?19:01
slangasekdoko, mvo: fwiw, it would've been more idiomatic to change the value of USE_LZMA_COMPRESS based on the architecture; especially since the DPKG_DEPENDS value is also redundant when we don't use lzma19:02
slangasekScottK: will those universe packages land ahead of the langpacks in the queue?19:02
ScottKslangasek: They will.19:02
slangasekScottK: would be nice if the langpack build didn't stretch out too much longer, if it goes too late I won't be able to get stgraber his edubuntu respin until I land in London19:03
ScottKOK.  I'll wait.19:03
slangasekScottK: ok, thanks19:03
slangasekmvo: are we there yet? :)19:10
ScottKslangasek: Currently on Kubuntu dial up networking is broken due to a permissions issue.  It's an easy fix and it's in kdenetworking so it's not a multi-hour build.  Since no network could interfere with the ability to get update, can this go in or SRU?19:12
slangasekScottK: yes, let's take it19:13
ScottKOK.  Thanks.19:13
mvoslangasek: the log looks good, components show as registered, upgrade almost finished, all looks well19:28
mvoslangasek: I think we have a winner!19:28
mvoslangasek: ok, OOo runs fine, still has evo as a datasource and the binfilters, logs look fine. I tested both hardy->lucid and karmic->lucid19:37
mvoslangasek: both work now when they before failed19:37
slangasekmvo: ok, accepted19:40
slangasekmvo: thanks for taking care of this!19:40
ScottKslangasek: kdenetwork was the dial up networking fix I mentioned.  I reviewed and accepted, so it's done.19:42
slangasekScottK: ok, cool19:45
mvoslangasek: thank you! I'm happy that this is resolved now19:54
* mvo sends the updated diff to debian19:54
slangasekso now everything upgrades perfectly, right? :-)19:54
mvoeverything that I tested …19:55
slangasekwant to test mysql server?19:55
mvoI think matthias pointed me to a new bug about it the other day19:56
mvoslangasek: I commited (and will test) a update-manager quirk, I don't think I will manage to debug the root cause tonight, but the quirk will ensure that it works when using u-m20:02
slangasekmvo: ah; what's the bug?20:03
mvoslangasek: I don't know yet, I think its something with the cluster package and the dependencies20:06
slangasekright, unsurprising - is there a bug number or log, though?20:06
mvooh, yes20:06
mvoits bug #56860620:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568606 in update-manager "mysql-server removed when upgrading from 8.04 to 10.04" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56860620:06
slangasek(I'm poking about this because mysql upgrade path is already in the release notes)20:06
mvoand the logs are good20:06
slangasekgreat, thansk20:06
mvoits trivial to add a quirks handler in u-m for it, I doubt it happens for all people, I don't see it in the server-tasks upgade profile (that is a server install with all tasks installed)20:07
mvoI test the quirks thing now (more out of paranoia, its just a config file entry) and if its fine I will upload a new u-m with it20:08
mvowill take ~45min or so20:08
* mvo can reproduce the bug20:20
mvoslangasek: uploaded new version, fixes this bug and a upgrade failure with gobuntu (pretty trivial and obvious)20:31
ScottKKubuntu powerpc images finally got a thumbs up for at least Live CD testing.21:05
ScottK(the RC ones)21:05
ScottKslangasek: FYI Bug #565294.  I don't think there's any imminent release team action required, but it bears watching.21:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565294 in rosetta "Plural translations are broken for Lithuanian language" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56529421:35
ScottKThe only possible pre-release solution would be to remove language-pack-kde-lt  and upload the KDE language pack to Universe where it won't get stripped.21:38
ScottKI'm ~sure we don't want to do that.21:39
cjwatsoncould somebody review hw-detect?  I'd like to upload a more-or-less-final debian-installer tonight, and hw-detect is in the initrd21:54
ScottK^^^ was a rejection, fyi.  It will be back.22:04
cjwatson(review of partman-iscsi wouldn't hurt either but less urgent)22:20
slangasekcjwatson: grabbing22:22
slangasekcjwatson: no bug ref in the changelog - why is backup support significant here?22:24
pittislangasek: ok, so xorg sorted out? great22:31
slangasekpitti: yeppers22:31
pittislangasek, cjwatson: so I think we can consider http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt as "empty and done" now, right?22:32
pittiunless someone is eager to untangle the KDE mess on sparc22:32
slangasekit resisted me; as a last resort I was going to untangle it with a binary removal22:33
ScottKNo objections here to binary removal on sparc here.22:34
slangasekogra: ok, patch for bug #563618 reviewed and my lunch is staying down, so I guess it's ok for upload22:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563618 in util-linux "Ignoring a broken clock results in infinite reboots; not ignoring results in fsck failure; no solution to this problem" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56361822:55
slangasekcjwatson: partman-iscsi accepted - still looking for clarification on hw-detect before accepting23:03
slangasekoh, har23:06
slangasekW: initramfs-tools: script-not-executable ./usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/panic/keymap23:06
slangasekno wonder that wasn't working for me23:06
slangasekScottK, cjwatson: ^^ initramfs-tools needs an upload anyway for 563618, mind if I fix the perms on that script in the process?23:08
* ScottK defers to cjwatson.23:08
slangasekcjwatson: and btw, same bug exists in console-setup's panic script :/23:08
bdrungwill vlc be accepted?23:09
ScottKbdrung: We aren't doing any Universe accepts until after the language pack run is done.23:10
ScottKIt hasn't been reviewed yet, AFAIK.23:10
cjwatsonslangasek: ok, the reason I added backup support there was while investigating the various iscsi UI bugs ara reported, and realising that backup behaviour was inconsistent - it depended on whether you'd seen an error message yet or not.  (furthermore, the lack of backup support on the hw-detect path was getting in my way when testing)23:11
cjwatsonit's probably borderline, I won't fret too badly if you say no, it was just a "god, this UI actually kind of sucks"23:12
cjwatsonslangasek: perms OK by me - want me to upload console-setup to fix its perms too?23:13
cjwatson(that's strictly an error path so I don't see how fixing it in initramfs-tools while you're there could cause a problem)23:14
slangasekcjwatson: ok, hw-detect in; uploading initramfs-tools now; console-setup> actually, I dunno, if console-setup's code is broken could that cause a regression in users' ability to break into the initramfs for recovery?23:15
* slangasek looks at what the script does23:15
cjwatsonif it hung, I guess it could23:16
slangaseklooks safe enough23:16
slangasekis it likely to hang?23:17
slangasekthere seems to be some duplication between keymap and console_setup, huh23:17
cjwatsonI shouldn't think so23:17
cjwatsonit's basically the same code as in initramfs-top23:17
cjwatsonin fact23:17
cjwatson        sed -e "/^OPTION=/d" \23:17
cjwatson                < debian/console-setup.initramfs-top \23:17
cjwatson                > debian/console-setup/usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/panic/console_setup23:17
cjwatsonso if it breaks, then an initramfs with the framebuffer option would break in the same way23:18
slangasekyeah, one difference I see is that top runs before plymouth, panic runs after23:18
cjwatsonkeymap looks like a superseded strict subset of console_setup23:19
slangasekwith a different path to the keymap23:19
cjwatsonwhich doesn't exist in my initramfs23:19
* slangasek nods23:20
cjwatsonI think the kbd_mode call is all it actually does in practice23:20
cjwatsonbut probably best resist cleaning it up right now23:20
slangasekok, so I'll not bother fixing those perms on initramfs-tools upload, since it wouldn't actually help23:20
slangasekand console-setup... if you want to prep it, I'll put it through its paces before accepting, since I know my system's a good test case23:21
cjwatsonyou want a binary?23:22
slangaseknah, can grab from the queue23:22
slangasek(if that's ok)23:22
cjwatsonor you could just 'chmod +x /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/panic/console_setup'23:22
cjwatsonand update-initramfs -u23:22
cjwatsonsince that's all I'm going to do23:23
slangasekcjwatson: should the last change mentioned in the partman-iscsi changelog have fixed bug #568312? (no bugref)23:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568312 in partman-iscsi "Installer fails to find a target when using authentication" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56831223:24
cjwatsonI'm not sure23:25
cjwatsonit fixed one problem I encountered while attacking that bug23:25
cjwatsonbut I ran into problems described in a comment on that bug, which I'm not sure are representative of real-world situations since it's ages since I had this set up properly23:25
stgraberslangasek: we just found a small issue in edubuntu-artwork with our plymouth theme, so another upload of that one is to be expected in the next hour or so to fix it (changing font color on the cryptsetup prompt so it's readable).23:25
cjwatsonI decided that I wasn't making any more progress and would be best off drawing a line for now23:26
slangasekstgraber: ok23:26
slangasekinitramfs-tools uploaded23:27
cjwatsonconsole-setup on its way23:27
ScottKslangasek: I'm heading out for a while.  Once the language packs are sufficiently drained, I think mythtv and xchat would be priorities for Universe.  Both looked sensible to me, but more review never hurts.23:38
slangasekScottK: sounds good23:39
ScottKquickly is ~32K lines of almost all po/pot file changes.23:42
ScottKvlc would be a priority too.  I wonder if anyone told kees he'd volunteered to review it.23:44
* kees knows, but is slow23:48

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