
nigelbabuvish: friday for desktop team hits only in the afternoon :)02:05
=== keffie_jayx_ is now known as keffie_jayx
dholbachgood morning08:11
keffie_jayxhey guys10:58
keffie_jayxI had a look at some of the bugs with patches and some of the stuff there is Really old.10:58
persiaHey keffie_jayx10:58
persiaBut *really old* doesn't always mean *doesn't work*10:59
persiaWe still need to check if it's a bug, if the patch fixes it, etc.10:59
persiaMany of them probably end up as patch-needswork, but ...10:59
keffie_jayxI wanted tocheck first, I though I saw some people sayin, "hey this is too old go a ceck if it still happens in X release"11:00
persiaThat's just laziness.11:00
persiaLots of stuff doesn't get fixed for years.11:00
persiaThat said, old patches may well not apply, but if they do, and they fix the bug, upstream wants to know.11:01
keffie_jayxgot it11:02
keffie_jayxthere is also package upgrade request... ignore those?11:07
keffie_jayxore remove the patch tag?11:07
keffie_jayxexample https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/meld/+bug/41736911:07
ubot3Malone bug 417369 in meld "update meld to 1.3.1 " [Unknown,Fix released]11:07
* persia looks11:10
persiakeffie_jayx: I'd mark that patch-accepted-debian and then let it sit for a couple weeks.11:12
keffie_jayxin this one there is no upstream patch to send because it was precisely an upgrade from their pacckage11:14
keffie_jayxcoming from upstream11:14
persiaRIght, so no need for patch-submitted-upstream or patch-submitted-debian because it's already there.11:14
persiapatch-accepted-upstream is meaningless, because it's a new version.  patch-accepted-debian is useful because it gets the right tag for us to push through during maverick merges.11:15
* persia is expecting those of us who can upload to push through the patch-accepted-debian stuff in a hurry at the start of the maverick cycle, just to close them.11:16
keffie_jayxwelll do count on little ants like me, I am still scavaning the 2000~ bugs11:17
ubot3Malone bug 433545 in at "at command ignores savings time when given UTC time" [Unknown,Confirmed]11:38
keffie_jayxI am not sure debian acceped it11:38
keffie_jayxthe bug is filed and confirmed there11:38
keffie_jayxthe patch was submitted11:38
keffie_jayxI already got patch-forwarded-debian11:42
keffie_jayxbut should I check to see if the patch is in the new version?11:42
keffie_jayxthe patch still applies btw11:42
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi
nigelbabugrrr! Why is linux package patches getting into review queue again :/15:57
nigelbabuhyperair: what are you doing on Monday?16:34
nigelbabuwill be able to spare a few hours?16:34
hyperairnigelbabu: exams.16:34
nigelbabuoh.  ah.16:34
hyperairhours no, minutes yes, as long as it's under 15 ;-)16:34
nigelbabuhyperair: basically just review a patch or 2 and flesh out ease of use of review guide16:35
nigelbabubdmurray: did I mess up the patch subscription script?  It seems to be subscribing 'linux' pacakge now16:37
bdmurraynigelbabu: do you have an example?16:41
nigelbabubug 32558116:41
ubot3Malone bug 325581 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev "kensington pocket mouse model #72237 USB 0d62:1000 not working under 8.10" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32558116:41
nigelbabuah, grr16:42
nigelbabuits that multiple packages on same bug issue16:43
bdmurraynigelbabu: yep16:43
bdmurrayI think that's the right thing to do16:43
nigelbabuit is, I wishe there was a way to hide one of the tasks16:43
bdmurrayor associate the patch with a package? ;-)16:44
nigelbabuprobably smething like the new sponsorship list looks like.16:45
nigelbabuIt should make things easier for review.16:45
nigelbabudholbach: what language the sponsorship list written in?16:47
hyperairnigelbabu: i don't think i can make time for that, sorry.16:48
nigelbabuhyperair: no problem :)16:48
dholbachnigelbabu: python: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-sponsoring16:48
nigelbabudholbach: thank you.  I'm thinking of something similar for review.  lemme see what I can come up with :)16:48
dholbachROCK :)16:49
nigelbabudholbach: I can get something done by June.  the code looks easy enough to hack for us :)16:51
dholbachso we'll improve slowly but steadily16:52
dholbachI look forward to Monday16:52
nigelbabume too.  I'll try to take a day off work to be around te whole day :)16:52
nigelbabudholbach: doubt.17:23
nigelbabuwht does your commit come in blue and mine in black?17:24
dholbachmaybe to show that's where it was branched17:54
dholbachbut I need to rush off now17:54
dholbachhave a great day17:54
dholbachsee you!17:54
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel

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