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Myke1anyone know why Ubuntu one doesnt like Syncing Truecrypted volumes?07:14
ryeMyke1, hi, looking up what is Truecrypt...07:16
jon_hi i'm a new ubuntu one user.  i was able to set it all up quite nicely on my laptop.  but i am having problems with my desktop.  one is that i do not see any way to add my desktop computer to my account. another is that when i start up ubuntu one on my desktop computer, the icon shows it as disconnected and when i click on 'go to web' nothing happens.  i'd appreciate any help08:11
jon_i'm running karma 9.1008:12
ryejon_, what ubuntu versions you are running on desktop and laptop?08:24
diverse_izzuehi all. on lucid i have nautilus crash when i enable synching for a folder. i'm using the nightly ppa08:58
ryediverse_izzue, do you have apport info?09:00
diverse_izzuerye, no, apport didn't pop up09:05
ryediverse_izzue, could you please check whether you have a crash report in /var/crash for nautilus ?09:05
ryediverse_izzue, when you enable syncing for a folder... hmmm09:06
diverse_izzuerye, i don't have anything relevant in that folder09:06
diverse_izzuerye, just tried a third time, now it doesn't crash anymore...09:06
ryediverse_izzue, something is broken in that plugin... and i blame shared structure - bug #498019...09:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 498019 in ubuntuone-client "Nautilus crashes when "Share on Ubuntu One" is clicked" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49801909:07
diverse_izzuerye, thanks. good it's a known bug09:08
ryediverse_izzue, well, it is known but it happens at random times.09:08
diverse_izzuerye, those are fun bugs!09:09
jon_the one that came installed with karma 0.1009:33
jon_sorry that should be 9.1009:37
ryejon_, what browser are you using on your desktop?09:45
jon_rye, thanks for responding.  i'm trying out epiphany, but i also tried to open ubuntu one with firefox.  no luck either way09:50
zygahello, is it normal that several tiny files (<1KB) cannot be synced for more than one day?10:08
zygathey are stuck in the upload queue10:09
duanedesignhello zyga10:14
zygaI even upgraded to the paid plan10:14
zygasilly me I guess :-/10:14
zygaI'm checking various bugs10:14
duanedesigndefinetly several small files takes longer than it should10:14
duanedesignits an issue they are working on resolving10:15
zygaduanedesign: the problem is that I see _no_ activity10:15
zygathey are stuck there for several hours/days (depending on file)10:15
duanedesignzyga: could you try to run the command:  u1sdtool -s10:15
zygaI've been running it all the time to see what happens10:16
zygaI also run --waiting-content10:16
zygaprocessing queues, working on both, with network with user, no errors, online connected10:16
zygaon both hosts10:16
zygaas a side note, u1 should _REALLY_ detect LAN setups and special case10:16
zygabut let's not digress10:17
duanedesignand the last line queues10:17
zygaduanedesign: while we're at it - is there any way to see contacts synced?10:18
duanedesignif your contacts are synced you should see them in the webui10:20
zygaduanedesign: I can see them in the webui10:21
ryejon_, ok, what is the output of apt-cache policy ubuntuone-client ?10:21
ryeduanedesign, morning!10:21
zygaduanedesign: but not on any of my hosts - the contacts came from my phone10:21
zygabeuno: ping?10:21
* zyga read the topic just now10:21
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duanedesignzyga: ahh. i cant wait to get my phone fixed so i can try the phone sync.10:23
zygaduanedesign: do you know of any command-line tool that can monitor non-file stuff being synced? (contacts/notes)10:23
duanedesignzyga: there is a tool to interact with the couchdb stuff.  http://people.ubuntu.com/~duanedesign/U1/ubuntuone.couchdb.query.py10:24
zygammm, let me check it out10:24
duanedesignzyga: you can see your couchdb stuff locally with:   xdg-open file:///home/YOURUSERNAME/.local/share/desktop-couch/couchdb.html10:26
duanedesignchanging USERNSME ;)10:26
zygaright ;-)10:26
duanedesignunless that just happens to be your username.10:26
* duanedesign is waiting for that to happen one day10:27
zygaduanedesign: should have used ~ instead ;-)10:27
zygaanyway, the contacts are there10:27
zygathat's good10:27
zygabut evolution is not showing that in the ubuntu one section10:27
roguel6hi guys! good morning! i would like to ask you about some problems i am having with evolution-couchdb10:27
zygaokay, I take that back10:28
zyganow contacts _are_ shown10:28
zygabut they were not shown ever before... strange10:28
duanedesignzyga: usually if they are not shown desktopcouch might not be started10:29
duanedesignzyga: there is a file that can help in troubleshooting that ~/.cache/desktop-couch/log/desktop-couch-replication.log10:30
zygaduanedesign: how to start it manually?10:30
zygaduanedesign: on my netbook it's still not shown and an error message shows up (invalid url yada yada)10:30
duanedesignzyga: dbus-send --session --dest=org.desktopcouch.CouchDB --print-reply --type=method_call / org.desktopcouch.CouchDB.getPort10:30
zygaduanedesign: I'm using gnome-shell on that host so usuall stuff might not start up10:30
duanedesignroguel6: hello10:31
duanedesignzyga: how are you liking gnome shell10:32
zygaduanedesign: okay, it's awake (either all the time or got awake by dbus service activation)10:32
zygaduanedesign: but evolution still claims: "Error loading address book. This address b ook cannot be opened ... Detailed error message: Address Book does not exist"10:33
zygaduanedesign: gnome-shell feels unfinished, indicator applet is not supported so I loose lots of functionality10:33
roguel6duanedesign, hello! i found myself with this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/evolution-couchdb/+bug/562564 do you know if there are any known solution?10:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 562564 in evolution-couchdb "Evolution address book has quit unexpectedly" [High,Confirmed]10:34
zygadeadguys: and searching for programs only works once, then it never works again until you logout and back again10:34
didrocksoupss, sorry :) duanedesign: I've got also an issue with my u1 account. Can't synced anymore and u1sdtool is hanging in -s/can't launch the daemon10:34
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duanedesignroguel6: seeing if i can replicate that locally10:37
roguel6duanedesign, thank you! i have just built it from the source10:38
zygaI found two bugs in evolution contact handling10:40
zyga1) evolution wrongly claims that there is a duplicate user when the middle name is the only difference10:40
zyga2) the UI that informs you about it has a part saying "[custom widget creation failed]"10:41
duanedesigndidrocks: i have not heard of that before...10:42
duanedesigndidrocks: are you trying to run it as root?10:42
didrocksduanedesign: no, just as my current user. it's really weird as even with another box that I just regitered, I got no more sync10:43
* rye is ready to battle10:44
duanedesignroguel6: i cant seem to replicate that locally.10:44
duanedesignrye: roguel6 has bug 56256410:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 562564 in evolution-couchdb "Evolution address book has quit unexpectedly" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56256410:44
ryezyga, 2 - bug 30290610:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 302906 in evolution "Evolution Duplicate Contact Detected Widget Failure" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30290610:45
ryeroguel6, could you please try quitting evolution with evolution --force-shutdown then start evolution-data-server in the terminal. and then run evolution.10:46
didrocksok, got it synced on my other computer with usd1tool -c manually executed. Checking on the two others now10:47
roguel6rye, ok, thanks10:47
duanedesigndidrocks: what is the exact error message you get10:47
duanedesigndidrocks: on the one that can't launch daemon10:47
ryeroguel6, there were multiple issues with gnome keyring.. http://jameswestby.net/weblog/tech/14-caution-python-multiprocessing-and-glib-dont-mix.html10:48
didrocksduanedesign: u1sdtool -s just hangs, as well as u1sdtool -c. If I try to launch ubuntuone-syncdaemon: http://paste.ubuntu.com/420938/10:48
ryedidrocks, apt-cache policy ubuntuone-client ?10:49
zygarye: seems that's it10:49
didrocksrye: 1.2.0-0ubuntu1 is installed10:49
ryedidrocks, i smell a bug...10:49
ryedidrocks, you are now running lucid, right?10:50
ryedidrocks, from what version have you updated your installation?10:50
didrocksrye: so do I :) I tried to remove the associated computer and see if login again will solve it, but it doesn't asked anymore to associate the computer10:50
didrocksrye: I'm on lucid since alpha210:50
ryedidrocks, were you able to use ubuntuone when you updated to alpha2 ?10:51
didrocksrye: yes, even if I didn't use it too much, the last time was after alpha3 and it was working10:51
ryedidrocks, and then it stopped working with TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'volume_id' ?10:51
didrocksrye: right10:52
didrocksrye: well, now there is two issues. As I tried to remove my computers to see if it can remove some bad answer from the server side, it doesn't ask me to add them anymore10:53
duanedesignrye: looks like the function(line 1383) its failing on is an attempt to fix shared metadata10:54
ryeduanedesign, right, i am just wondering how I can trigger isinstance10:54
duanedesigndidrocks: so you need to re authorize your computer with Ubuntu One?10:55
didrocksduanedesign: exactly. But apparently logout and then triggers the manage account in ubuntuone-preferences isn't enough10:56
duanedesigndidrocks: ok can you see if you have Ubuntu One Token in  Open Applications->Accessories->Passwords and Encryption Keys10:56
didrocksduanedesign: yeah, I still have it. Shall I delete it?10:57
ryedidrocks, well, your syncdaemon does not start properly now, that's why it does not ask for auth10:57
didrocksrye: oh ok. So not a second bug hopefully :)10:58
* duanedesign needs to step out for 30 minutes. AFK and a BRB :)10:59
roguel6rye,  when i try to add a contact in evolution i get this error: ./evolution-data-server-2.28: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/evolution-data-server-1.2/extensions/libebookbackendcouchdb.so: undefined symbol: e_book_backend_cache_clean11:04
ryeroguel6, o_O11:04
ryeroguel6, and it crashes/11:04
roguel6yes, evolution-data-server finishes. evolution does not make anything, no window appears, no error appears11:05
ryeroguel6, you said that you compiled it from sources, what were the sources?11:07
ryeand what was recompiled?11:07
roguel6rye, from here: https://code.launchpad.net/evolution-couchdb with bzr branch lp:evolution-couchdb11:09
ryeroguel6, could you please revert to evolution-couchdb package in lucid, that would at least make us at one page :)11:10
ryebut i will check the sources :)11:10
jon_rye, apt-cache policy?11:10
ryejon_, run this in terminal -  apt-cache policy ubuntuone-client11:11
roguel6rye, yes, thank you!11:11
jon_rye,  Installed: 1.0.3-0ubuntu1   Candidate: 1.0.3-0ubuntu1   Version table:  *** 1.0.3-0ubuntu1 0         500 http://debian.nctu.edu.tw karmic-updates/main Packages         100 /var/lib/dpkg/status      1.0.2-0ubuntu1 0         500 http://debian.nctu.edu.tw karmic/main Packages11:13
ryejon_, ok, to summarize - you can't add the computer to ubuntuone, right?11:14
jon_rye, right11:15
jon_rye, also can't 'go to web' from ubuntu one desktop computer icon11:16
ryejon_, does the browser open when you run this in the terminal - xdg-open https://one.ubuntu.com11:17
roguel6rye, its working now! thank you for all11:17
ryeroguel6, huh?11:18
ryerodrigo_, roguel6 just build the sources for evolution-couchdb and found that " when i try to add a contact in evolution i get this error: ./evolution-data-server-2.28: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/evolution-data-server-1.2/extensions/libebookbackendcouchdb.so: undefined symbol: e_book_backend_cache_clean"11:19
roguel6rye, i have just built it from the package in lucid and it works now11:20
ryeroguel6, ah, ok, but that does not fix the issue with the sources, i am preparing the vm for testing... will be ready in 10 minutes or so11:20
jon_rye, no, i get Error: No running window found.11:21
roguel6rye, ok, i will be here if you need some more information about my problem11:21
ryefacundobatista, verterok, <didrocks> found an issue with metadata upgrade - http://paste.ubuntu.com/420938/11:22
ryejon_, could you please check what is set in System / Preferences / Preferred Applications for Web Browser?11:23
jon_rye, i just changed that to epiphany and now when i type xdg-open etc. in the terminal ubuntu home page opens11:27
jon_rye, and 'go to web' works now too11:28
jon_rye, so far so good.  you are a great help!11:28
jon_rye, the icon still shows ubuntu one as being disconnected11:29
ryejon_, could you please try 'connect' option item?11:30
jon_rye, nothing happens11:31
ryejon_, ok, could you please quit ubuntuone-client-applet and then run ubuntuone from menu again11:34
didrocksrye: ok, can't debug that myself (I confirmed that u1 is working fine on my two other computers). Will idle there and hl me when needed :)11:35
ryedidrocks, you have are a very valuable case with syncdaemon. The fast solution is to remove metadata and restart syncdaemon, but i am sure that if that happens at your machine, then that will happen somewhere else... after the release.11:37
ryedidrocks, but I will need to wait until chicharra team arrives (chicharra - syncdaemon codename :) )11:38
didrocksrye: no pb. I can keep it this way as I still use my others computers for u1 :) the metadata you are talking about are in .local/share/ubuntuone/*, right?11:39
didrocks(I still think that in this case u1sdtool should timeout and say "help help" ;))11:40
jon_rye, everthing's fine now.  thanks so much!11:42
ryejon_, and what was the browser setting?11:43
jon_rye, i had to change it to epiphany and all was fine11:43
ryedidrocks, u1sdtool sends dbus call, then it drops the response (if it arrives) and waits for syncdaemon signal. Forever...11:43
ryejon_, yes, i understood that you changed it _to_ epiphany, but what was there in the first place?11:44
didrocksrye: I think, we should add a timeout there. I'll have a look during UDS if I find time there :)11:44
ryedidrocks, this decision is a workaround for slow startup which is due to the way metadata loading is implemented... it does not start dbus listener until it is completely initialized. and that can take minutes to complete - bug 43661211:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 436612 in ubuntuone-client "Need to profile metadata loading to see if it's too slow" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43661211:45
didrocksrye: oh, really? minutes? At least, we fixed recently some stuff on desktopcouch side to have it start earlier, but ok, I understand so :)11:46
jon_rye, the fault, of course, was mine.  i had at some point been trying out different browsers and had it set to seamonkey11:46
ryejon_, you had seamonkey set up and it was not installed, right?11:53
jon_rye, it was installed and was working11:54
ryejon_, hmm11:54
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duanedesignrye: i noticed there was another usesr in here yesterday with trouble adding a computer on lucid. I have not come across any bug reports yet.11:57
jon_rye, i know it would be useful to know just what the problem had been, but i must admit i'm just pretty happy it is ok now11:57
ryeduanedesign, something blocks ububuntuone-login, something but cannot reproduce... for now11:57
ryejon_, installing seaminkey :)11:58
rodrigo_rye, , he's using trunk, which is unstable, but yeah, fixing that undefined symbol12:03
ryerodrigo_, thanks!12:03
ryeconfirming bug with seamonkey... well, it is bug in seamonkey<-> gnome interaction12:05
ryein case it is set to open in new window12:05
ryegood to know12:05
rodrigo_roguel6, if you want to use source code, please use the released tarballs, or the gnome-2-30 branch of evo-couchdb in gnome's git12:14
rodrigo_roguel6, unless you want to help in development, then using trunk is ok12:14
roguel6rodrigo_, , hi , i am the guy who wrote you an email yesterday to help in the development of evolution-couchdb tasks12:17
rodrigo_roguel6, ah, good, then use trunk!12:17
rodrigo_roguel6, in git, _I already fixed the missing symbol problem12:18
rodrigo_roguel6, welcome!12:18
roguel6rodrigo_, ok, i have just downloadet the code from git, thank you!12:18
rodrigo_roguel6, ok, I see you are ok with english, if not, go to #gnome-hispano on irc.gnome.org12:19
rodrigo_roguel6, btw, who is your teacher?12:19
roguel6rodrigo_, andrew frank from TU Wien12:20
rodrigo_roguel6, ah, I thought you were at Carlos III university12:21
roguel6rodrigo_, yes i am studying there but at the present i am in erasmus :)12:21
rodrigo_ah, ok12:21
rodrigo_roguel6, right, I see you mentioned it on your mail, sorry :)12:23
* rodrigo_ reads too many mails :)12:23
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rodrigo_roguel6, so, did you get ok with the tasks backend code in evo-data-server?12:25
ryeubuntuone-login can hang due to... desktopcouch, gnome-keyring, grrr12:32
roguel6rodrigo_, sorry i had a call. i have just downloaded the code and i havent seen it yet. i will tell you in a while. thank you for the interest :)12:42
rodrigo_roguel6, ok :)12:43
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diverse_izzuerye, it looks like i'm in the infinited getpublicfiles loop again, wasn't that supposed to no longer happen when using nightlies?13:41
ryediverse_izzue, bug #568774 :(13:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 568774 in ubuntuone-client "GetPublicFiles fails with No JSON object could be decoded and enters infinite loop" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56877413:51
ryei will finish couchdb checks and will see what's so invalid in that response13:52
diverse_izzuerye, thanks13:52
debaserhi, can someone help me with a problem with evolution contact sync please?14:07
debasercan someone *try* to help me with the problem?14:14
ryedebaser, you should have said "honk" :)14:16
ryedebaser, what release are you running, and what problem you are experiencing?14:16
debasersorry, it's not about my phone...14:16
debaserok, here you go: basically it's this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/evolution-couchdb/+bug/54067514:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 540675 in evolution-couchdb "Cannot copy contacts from Personal addressbook to CouchDB addressbook" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:16
debaseri made a backup of my ubuntuone cantacts and then deleted them from evolution. now i'm unable to copy the contacts from my backup into u1, receiving an "other error"14:17
ryedebaser, so you removed the contacts from couch and then tried to them again, right?14:17
ryedebaser, ok, let me check whether my assumption about the solution is right. I will get back to you in 5 minutes14:18
debasergreat, thanks14:18
ryedebaser, what is the backup format of your file?14:29
debaserit's vcf, but i'm also unable to create or copy new contacts from within evolution14:29
ryerodrigo_, when evolution copies the contact from dc it carries the revision number as well.14:30
ryedebaser, ok14:30
ryedebaser, could you please perform the following transformation on the backup file: grep -v X-COUCHDB-REVISION input_file.vcf > output.vcf14:31
debaserrye: ok, done14:32
debasernow import it?14:32
ryedebaser, yes, please14:32
debaserrye: worked perfectly fine, thanks a lot14:34
ryedebaser, ok, adding bug #540675 as a favorite..14:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 540675 in evolution-couchdb "Cannot copy contacts from Personal addressbook to CouchDB addressbook" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54067514:34
debaserare the instructions you gave me generally applicable for this bug?14:35
debaserrye: should i post them as a comment?14:36
ryedebaser, i am adding the comment about X-COUCHDB-REVISION now14:37
debaserrye: ok. thanks again for helping me14:38
ryedebaser, thanks for bringing this issue up, i thought about various reasons until examined the VCF14:38
rodrigo_rye, yeah, known bug, not sure how to fix it in the best way, since the vcard that gets copied from u1 to other addressbooks has the X-COUCHDB-REVISION, so, when copying it back, it uses that revision to update the doc, and gives a conflict14:45
ryerodrigo_, yup, i updated the bug report with this info... is there anything... erm... like hey, when contact is imported, then remove that X-COUCHDB-REVISION completely...14:46
ryehowever that... grr, not a solution, need more thinkings14:46
rodrigo_rye, the backend does not know if it's being imported or just updated14:47
PaulGitIs a paid subscription now required for the phone sync?  My clients cannot log in today :(15:50
ryePaulGit, do you see something like in bug #561490 ? - http://launchpadlibrarian.net/43920146/Ubuntu%20One%20%3A%20Phones_1271078216838.png15:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561490 in ubuntuone-servers "Phone sync does not work - "Free plan has expired" in logs but no webui indication" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56149015:54
ryeif yes, then we need to poke beuno to trigger clock reset for us, first users of syncml in ubuntuone :)15:55
PaulGitrye: Yes, I do!15:55
ryebeeeuuuno! beuno!15:55
beunorye, PaulGit, hi!15:56
beunovds1!  hi15:56
PaulGitbeuno: Hi15:56
beunovds1, can you put together a query that resets everyone's 30 day trial to zero?15:56
ryebeuno, will -7 do? :)15:57
vds1beuno: sure15:57
* beuno is great at not doing any work15:58
vds1rye: not sure we can make it -7 but we can reset it again15:59
ryevds1, i am ok with resetting :)16:05
ryevds1, putting a note to ask for reset on 29th16:05
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beunoPaulGit, you're account should be reset now18:20
PaulGitbeuno: Thanks, I will give it a try shortly.18:21
ryebeuno, mine?18:54
beunorye, as well18:55
ryesweet :)18:55
beuno1069 users reset18:55
ryebeuno, but that web ui confirmation needs to be fixed...18:55
beunorye, what is that?18:56
ryebug #56149018:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 561490 in ubuntuone-servers "Phone sync does not work - "Free plan has expired" in logs but no webui indication" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56149018:56
ryebeuno, ^18:56
beunorye, ah, right18:57
beunowe need to fix that up18:57
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ryebeuno, one more, the files tab does not look selected when you are on /files/ uri20:39
beunorye, I fixed that yesterday20:40
beunoah, maybe the cowbot was overwritten20:40
beunoedge has it right20:40
beunoso on Tue it will be fixed20:40
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candtalanHi all. I have just seen the new ubuntu one web ui for files. I like it. However it has revealed that I have some entries for files or folders which do not now exist. they were part of some tests months ago, I had some problems then. these entries are marked as 'uploading' and are all greyed out. how do I get rid of these ghost entries?21:59
beunocandtalan, hi, I saw your reply21:59
beunomaybe Chipaca or jdobrien can tell us more about that22:00
Chipacacandtalan: we need to run some cleanup on our database22:02
Chipacathey are 'stale uploads'22:02
Chipacathose no longer happen AFAIK22:02
Chipacabut they used to22:02
Chipacacandtalan: bad news for you, until we do the cleanup, is that AFAIK you can't upload files with those names until the ghosts die22:03
candtalanok I am in a testing situation anyway. but how will the ghost entries get to die though?22:07
candtalanare you going to create a special cleanup process?22:09
candtalando you need my involvement to identify the ghost stale uploads, or will they be obvious to you in the database?22:11
Chipacacandtalan: no, no involvement needed22:12
Chipacacandtalan: they are obvious, because nobody has been uploading files since last year22:13
Chipaca(and we know what date the upload started)22:13
candtalanok thanks. more power to your elbow. :-)22:14
candtalanthanks. 'bye22:16
issyl0rename u1574appserver93 fb_190-225-213-178_-_http---webchat-freenode-net22:22
u1574appserver93it worked22:22
Chipacaissyl0: qué?22:26
issyl0Chipaca: no se22:27
* issyl0 didn't do that.22:27
* issyl0 is puzzled now.22:29
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