
tsingianyone here got a delta 1010?00:28
rlameiroi just have an Edirol00:29
tsingiI'm having trouble getting it set up.00:30
tsingiAs in, I don't even know where to start.00:30
rlameirowell, it should be supported00:31
rlameirodid you tried with jack?00:31
tsingiI did run Jack, and envy24control.00:31
rlameirowell, check the settings at the envy24control00:32
tsingiI see it, I have a midi keyboard connected, but I don't get any feedback.00:32
rlameiroi readed that on #opensourcemusician that you could setup soemthings00:32
tsingiI'll take a look there.00:32
rlameirowell, my FA101 dont have problems, but the delta1010 its well supported on linux00:33
rlameirotsingi: are you using ubuntustudio?00:33
tsingiI have that instaled, yes.00:33
rlameirowell, if you can stick around the channel00:34
tsingiI can certainly leave it open.00:34
rlameironever now you can help someone :D00:34
rlameiroor have someone that has a delta and helpyou straight00:34
tsingiThat's what I was hoping to find00:34
rlameirotsingi: you know, normally the channel users arent always looking at it00:36
rlameiroif you stick around you usually get some answers00:36
tsingiyeah, that's standard00:36
tsingiI will be patient00:36
rlameironormally takes more time to have support from comercial companies :D00:37
rlameiroif you want you can also hang around #opensourcemusicians00:37
tsingiWell, Linux is all I have, so that's not an option for me.00:37
rlameiroiits a linus music podcast00:37
rlameirogreat people there00:37
tsingihehe, works better with the 's' on the end, thanks rlameiro00:39
rlameirotsingi: oops00:40
holsteintsingi: pipemanmusic over in #opensourcemusicans has a delta1010lt00:40
rlameiroyeah holstein, he is going home right now00:40
holsteinyeah, hes not in right now00:40
rlameirohe should log in later00:40
tsingihe's not there right now, I will watch for him00:40
holsteinBUT i know he likes it00:40
rlameiroand that works very well :D00:41
lifestreamDoes anyone know what this problem could be? I am editing a xfc GIMP image RBG mode. When I ctrl click, instead of selecting the color i just clicked on, it selects... black. Then, I try to paint, and it's black. No matter which color I try to ctrl click to pick, it is always black03:45
holsteinlifestream: hey03:45
holsteinare you sure its black?03:45
holsteinand not just dark hues?03:45
lifestreamHmmm...  always 00000003:46
holsteinthat sucks03:46
lifestreamAparently the problem is that I was trying to select the color from the wrong layer @_@03:46
holsteini guess that could be a GIMP bug03:46
holsteinthat'll do it03:47
* holstein is an audio guy :)03:47
lifestreamI'm used to photoshop, it picks the visible color, no need to change layers03:47
holsteinhave you checked out http://www.rawtherapee.com/03:48
holsteini havent ;)03:48
holsteinbut ive heard good things03:48
holsteinlike CMYK03:48
holsteinthats the review source for me03:49
lifestreamNo I hadn't heard of it :O  *looks around the site*03:50
holsteini think the guy said adobe lightroom-like03:50
lifestreamLooks like it's mostly automated photo enhancing tool03:50
lifestreamBut it looks good.03:50
lifestreamI'm looking for painting program though ^.^03:51
lifestreamBut that does look like a really nice photo editor :O03:51
holsteinyeah, the GIMP just need to get CMYK going on03:51
holsteinlifestream: you like inkscape?03:52
holsteinthe tutorials are nice in inkscape03:52
holsteinits still a little over my head though03:52
holsteini just dont do much with graphics03:53
lifestreamholstein,  I just do digital painting, I don't touch vector :P   Like oil painting, but digital  :p03:53
lifestreamI love vector images though :-) Just better at painting myself03:54
tsingilifestream: I love vector images too, I'm one of the authors of SVG04:00
* lifestream bows deeply to SVG god04:00
tsingi:) Thanks04:00
lifestreamAbsolutely love it when I see svg in Wikipedia, also use a few SVG wallpapers, it works really well04:01
holsteinw00t tsingi04:01
tsingiever play with InkScape?04:01
tsingiIt's nice to see it used in WikiPedia, they have lots of good SVG there.04:02
lifestreamMe? I have, but I am not good at creating SVG art.  My primary concern is taking my pencil drawn art, scanning to computer, then painting it digitally, because I cannot afford real painting tools :P04:02
tsingiI pretty much use it for engineering purposes.  I do life drawing, but I use paper too.04:05
lifestreamOh yes, and I'm too clumsy, so I can easily ruin hours of work in just one second :P04:06
lifestreamDigital gives me backups ! :P04:06
lifestreamSo do you use inkscape for that?04:06
tsingino, I generate it.04:07
tsingilifestream: take a look at this, something fun my daughter sent me, not SVG: http://mrdoob.com/projects/harmony/#chrome04:07
holsteintsingi: w0w04:07
lifestreamWhat programming?04:08
tsingiProfessionally, I write air traffic control software on Linux.04:08
tsingiI use SVG for sisplay tech.04:08
lifestreamis there supposed to be a picture there? must be missing fireofx plugin04:09
tsingino, you have to draw it.04:09
tsingiit's a sketch pad app, lots of neat features.04:09
lifestreamohj really? *picks up wacom stylus* :D04:09
tsingiI have a wacom too04:10
* holstein just got one04:10
lifestreamLOL I just attempted to use the stylus to draw on the laptop trackpad:P04:10
holsteinif i cant figure out what to do with it, im going to give it to someone who can :)04:10
tsingiI can't really use it either, hehe.04:10
tsingiI bought my daughter one, she uses it.04:10
holsteini plugged it into lucid04:11
holsteinto see if it was supported04:11
holsteinseemed like it was04:11
lifestreamholstein,  you have a cool daughter :)04:11
tsingiwacom is supported in linux, but not that well I think.  She uses Mac/Windows mostly.04:11
holsteinnah, thats tsingi 's daughter04:11
tsingiright, and she is cool.04:11
lifestreamxD wrong name. was too busy drawing circles on that web page :P04:12
tsingiit'll save your image and bring it back next time you visit.04:13
holsteinthats awesome04:13
holsteini gotta save that04:13
holsteinits acting a little funny in chromium04:13
holsteini want to mess with it in FF sometime04:13
lifestreamGimp drives me nuts. Going to need a straight jacket.04:15
tsingiprice is right04:16
holsteinits almost like it could be split up04:16
holsteininto a few different apps04:16
lifestreamI have Photoshop, but the waccom does not work with the layers, in linux04:16
holsteinthat integrate well with each other04:16
tsingiphotoshop does rock, bit it costs a fortune.04:16
lifestreamThankgod for student discount :P Got it when I could04:17
holsteinthat would be helpbul04:17
holsteini run it on the EEE sometimes04:17
holsteinits a mess04:17
lifestreamWhat, photoshop/04:18
tsingiI think I'm done working on setting up this card, someone influenced me to buy beer, and now I don't feel like thinking.04:18
tsingibed time anyway.04:18
holsteinlifestream: hehe, nah.. the GIMP04:18
holsteinGN tsingi04:18
tsingiI have no problems using the gimp, but my requirements are low.04:19
lifestreamgood ngiht tsingi :)04:19
lifestreamHmm this poses a problem.04:22
lifestreamOh nvm :) gimp can save to psd. yayers04:22
Blank__assuming my copy of ubuntu studio 10.04 b2 isn't corrupted like i suspect, are there any nasties in the beta i should know about?06:13
lifestreamAnyone have wacom working in photoshop under wine?06:27
* adorabelle wonders when is the official 10.04 release06:53
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi
heloi was trying to use amsynth with jack-rack, by attaching jack-rack into my audio output, and running amsynth into jack-rack, and then my midi controller into amsynth... but i didn't get any sound with the few effects i tried14:13
AutoStaticScreenshot of your Connections window of QjackCtl?14:20
AutoStaticOr maybe the output of jack_lsp ?14:21
AutoStaticIn your case jack_lsp -c14:21
helonot at home now... so that should work?14:24
heloi can plug amsynth into audio-out instead of into jack-rack, and i get output14:25
helobut plugging amsynth into jack-rack into audio-out is silent14:25
helois there a passthrough (no-effect) jack-rack effect?14:26
helois that the result if i have no effects loaded?14:26
AutoStaticNo, jack_lsp only lists the available jack ports and the -c option shows any connections14:27
AutoStaticAnd JACK-Rack without effects should let your sound through unaltered14:28
* AutoStatic test out if that's correct14:29
AutoStaticYeah, JACK Rack should pass through your sound unaltered when no effects are inserted14:34
AutoStaticI'm now running a VLC instance through JACK Rack14:35
AutoStaticAnd with or without effects, works well14:38
helohmmm... ok, must be something else. thanks :)14:43
AutoStaticok :)14:46
lifestreamAnyone here have photoshop and wacom tablet working in photoshop? (i wont ask for help, just want to know your wine and photoshop version, if the wacom works)15:47
AutoStaticI have a Wacom tablet15:49
AutoStaticBut no Photoshop15:49
AutoStaticSo sorry, can't help you15:49
lifestreamYeah, the wacom works very well in linux, it's wine that's driving me nuts  :P15:50
lifestreamWhen I use photoshop, then use the stylus to draw, I can see that it was used, because history shows  'brush' was used.15:50
lifestreamBut nothing actually draws on the canvas p15:51
_pg_lifestream: what version ps are you using16:53
lifestream_pg_,  I'm using  ps CS (1)16:53
_pg_lifestream: wow! lol16:53
lifestreamyoure seriously suggesting i pay to upgrade everytime there is a new ps,  but they dont work in linux? thatd be masochist, woudlnt  it16:54
lifestream_pg_,  do you have wacom working with another version?16:58
lifestreami definitely  would not mind  upgrading, if it works with wacom in wine17:04
_pg_lifestream: no, I havent yet taken the leap of trying to get ps cs4 working. been too busy.17:12
_pg_lifestream: i wasnt saying you have to upgrade Im just wowing because that is old.17:12
_pg_lifestream: ive only used cs2 and later17:13
lifestreamI just use it for painting, not some snazy 3d stuff, so the newer features are irrelevant to me, thats all :)17:13
_pg_lifestream: I would like to use GIMP-but I havent had time to learn so i just look aimlessly and dont know how to do anything17:15
lifestreamgimp drives me nuts.17:15
lifestreamcant paint on transparent area17:15
lifestreamgotta switch layers if using eye dropper.17:16
lifestreamthe 'scale'   bar  is either too small or too big :P17:16
lifestreamso I keep making mistakes, and thats using gimp for many years17:16
_pg_lifestream: ever use inkscape?17:23
_pg_id like to be fluent there as well17:23
lifestreaminkscape is for vectors17:23
holsteinyou guys know about the tutorials in inkscape?17:30
_pg_holstein: no17:31
_pg_lifestream: yeah, as an alternative to Ai17:31
lifestream_pg_,  i use raster not vector (vector would be useless)17:32
holstein_pg_: i think you get to them from the help menu17:34
holsteini'll have to install it in lucid here and make sure17:34
holstein_pg_: the tutorials are right in the help menu17:40
holsteini did the first few a while back17:40
helois it possible to run multiple instances of amsynth, triggered by the same midi controller?17:40
holsteinvery helpful for me17:40
holsteinhelo: i have not tried AMsynth17:41
holsteinbut i have done that with many others17:41
holsteinthey should just stack up in JACK17:41
holsteinlike AMsynth_01 AMsynth_0217:42
holsteinsomething like that17:42
holsteinAND you can route the controller to whatever you want17:42
heloholstein: what do you use to create sound from midi in?17:43
holsteinhelo: i dont really have a 'regular'17:44
heloamsynth is just the first one i tried that worked without trouble17:44
holsteini dont do a lot of MIDI17:44
holsteinalmost exclusively analog17:44
holsteinacoustic instruments17:44
heloqsynth requires me to find some soundfonts, which are all distributed online in some compressed format without linux support17:44
holsteinBUT when i do, i try different synths17:44
holsteinhelo: i found some soundfonts17:45
holsteini forget where17:45
_pg_holstein: cool thanks for that17:45
holsteinthey were free in some sense of the word17:45
holsteinhelo: did you try http://soundfonts.homemusician.net/collections_soundfonts/hollywood_gm.html18:22
helonot yet, thanks :)19:53

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