
CaesarHey Keybuk so what is the expected behaviour when an Upstart job gets removed?00:41
Caesari.e. unlinked00:41
Keybukis the job still running?01:58
markl_should rc-sysinit.conf start on startup?05:26
markl_mine says start on filesystem and net-device-up IFACE=lo05:27
markl_i'll bet this is why i'm not getting a runlevel, the filesystem part is "failing"05:28
sadmacmarkl_: fix the filesystem part05:28
markl_what if i use mount -a instead of mountall --daemon?  05:31
markl_mountall seems to be failing badly05:31
sadmacmarkl_: you should debug mountall. Keybuk and ion are probably the only two people in the world qualified to speak on it.05:35
Keybukchange the exec line in /etc/init/mountall.conf to have --debug05:41
Keybukwhat error message do you see on the splash screen?05:41
Keybukit should let you skip the failing filesystems or drop to a shell05:41
Keybuksadmac: slangasek knows the code as well ;)05:51
markl_well it's a little more complicated than that; i'm making an openvz template.  which means no console at all; i really need to get upstart to write its debug info to a file05:51
Keybukupgrade your kernel05:51
Keybuk10.04 LTS needs 2.6.32 minimum05:51
Keybukmountall isn't the only thing that will fail with an earlier version, it's just the first thing that you hit05:51
Keybukmountall, upstart, udev, ureadahead, libdrm, X, plymouth, etc.  all depend on features not found in older kernels05:52
markl_ah fun05:54
Keybuk(and yes, I know OpenVZ is a huge pile of messy patches and there's no newer kernel version for it - I consider this an OpenVZ problem - and not the only problem with OpenVZ either)05:54
markl_what are some of the others, just out of curiosity?05:56
Keybukthe fact the kernel has several well known security vulnerabilities?05:56
Keybukthe fact it doesn't provide a POSIX userland?05:57
markl_do you have info on the current vulnerabilities?  they typically keep up with the red hat kernels05:59
markl_not a whole lot on google about it06:01
markl_except hypervm, lots about that06:03
sadmacmarkl_: why not kvm or linux containers then?06:06
markl_maybe some day, openvz is just too cool and mature.06:09
markl_i like the efficiency, and lxc is just not usable yet06:09
markl_it does suck that the vz kernel patch is so massive that linus would never accept it06:09
markl_isn't kvm like xen?  where you have to boot up a whole new kernel?06:10
sadmacmarkl_: yes. what's the problem?06:10
markl_xen-like systems are good when you don't care about efficiency06:13
markl_but if you need a console, or to mix different operating systems, then it is necessary06:13
sadmacmarkl_: that's a strong statement06:13
sadmacmarkl_: I can tell you that 5% overhead is usually expected on the RHEL virt stack06:15
markl_plus a ton of wasted memory06:16
sadmacnot for long06:16
sadmacthe page de-duplication stuff should fix that06:16
markl_yeah, i use it when i need to bring up a windows machine, it is cool for that06:18
sadmacwhat do you need all these containers for then?06:19
markl_i keep each service on its own vm; test environments, different build enviroments for different clients06:20
markl_i can still use different distros at least06:20
markl_and it's great for bringing up a new vm quickly, since installing is just a tar command (or snapshot if you use a san)06:21
sadmacthat applies to most virt technologies06:22
sadmac(well, not a tar command, but san snapshotting or copying the image file)06:23
markl_give it a try next time you are bored and looking for a toy to play with06:23
markl_one guy in the channel had like 1000 vm's going on his machine 06:24
markl_hosting companies have been using it most over the past years06:24
markl_anyway, a real upstart question; should i be able to put "echo" in the script/end script section of one of the .conf files?06:24
markl_e.g. instead of mountall06:25
markl_e.g. echo "foo" > /tmp/foo06:25
markl_ok that seems to work.  plymouth starts up but that is the only service06:27
sadmacmarkl_: from what Keybuk just said I doubt this will ever work, or that it will make your life easier once it does.06:36
sadmacmarkl_: unless you want to forward port it might be time to look for an older OS or a different container system06:37
markl_this is a fun way to at least get familiar with upstart.  how does "emits" work?  it looks like many of these scripts seem to do an exec06:40
sadmacmarkl_: emits means a job may emit other events by way of its scripts. I think its used to prevent some odd races but in general its just nice to let upstart know.06:42
Keybukemits doesn't do anything06:43
Keybukit's just documentation06:43
Keybukthere so you can run perl over /etc/init and make dotty06:43
sadmacKeybuk: ah. didn't it prevent some sort of potential hang at one point?06:43
Keybukmarkl_: I have the OpenVZ guys some hints for getting an "ubuntu lite" booted on it over 6 months ago06:46
markl_they are way too into rhel/centos unfortunately06:46
KeybukRHEL 6 uses Upstart06:47
Keybukand tbh, it's not Upstart that's the issue here06:47
Keybukit's De-HALificiation06:47
Keybukthe kernel feature that let us remove HAL was only added in recent releases06:47
Keybukso any distro without HAL is going to hit the exact same error you hit06:47
Keybuk(iirc. mountall fails because of an assertion error opening a "udev" netlink socket?)06:47
markl_well the question i have is that rc-sysinit is waiting for "filesystem"06:48
markl_does that mean that whatever mountall.conf execs has to return a 0 code?06:48
markl_so that the "emits filesystem" happens06:48
Keybukno, whatever mountall.conf execs has to communicate with Upstart via D-Bus and ask for a "filesystem" event to be emitted06:48
Keybukignore the "emits" lines06:48
Keybuk(upstart does)06:49
Keybukthey mean as much as the "author" and "description" lines ;)06:49
markl_ah ok gotcha06:49
Keybukusually replacing mountall.conf with something like06:49
Keybuk  initctl emit virtual-fielsystems06:49
Keybuk  initctl emit loacl-filesystems06:49
Keybuk  initctl emit remote-filesystems06:49
Keybuk  initctl emit all-swaps06:49
Keybuk  initctl emit all-filesystem06:49
Keybukend script06:49
Keybukdoes most of the job06:49
markl_ok looks like i need to read up on initctl, ty!!06:49
Keybuk(but with better spelling)06:49
Keybukbut you also need to obviously mount things06:49
Keybukmount -a will probably work inside a vz, since you don't have to wait for the hardware06:50
markl_yeah i just need /proc06:50
Keybukthough bear in mind you need everything from /lib/init/fstab as well06:50
markl_ok cool, good to know06:51
Keybukthat should at least get you up to getty ;-)06:52
markl_does anything read /lib/init/fstab or is it there for documentation?06:52
markl_heh :)06:52
markl_i think i could do what i need now if i ifup the network and start ssh by hand.  but that would be taking the easy way out :)06:53
markl_hmm, when i try to execute mount it bombs out of the mountall.conf06:57
markl_is there a restriction on what commands i can run in there?06:57
markl_ah, i see!  if you execute a command that doesn't return a 0, upstart will stop executing your script07:08
markl_hmm well /proc is already mounted before mountall is even called07:17
markl_so i'll just make a mountall_vz.conf that does what you suggested up there.07:17
markl_i am not a fan of PFM07:17
markl_how important are "expect daemon" and "task"07:20
markl_and does "initctl emit" require a dbus process?  it looks like 10.04 doesn't install any sort of dbus07:31
markl_hmm: # initctl emit virtual-filesystems07:47
markl_initctl: Event failed07:47
markl_ok on that note, bed time07:54
markl_does initctl without --system require the lo interface to be up?15:42
markl_also, what does it mean if initctl freezes when doing something like: initctl emit filesystem15:42
markl_ok i'm starting to dig into the source to figure out "initctl: Event failed".  Does this mean that the init process sent back a response?  How can I get details on why it failed?18:30
=== rberger_ is now known as rberger
sadmacmarkl_: it means that the event was supposed to make some job start, and that job failed to start'18:34
markl_ah ok so it is not just delivering the event notification, it actually gets a result back.  cool19:01
markl_ok how does the init process know what to do with an event named "filesystem" ?19:10
markl_does it just run all of the confs that are set to start on filesystem?19:11
markl_Keybuk/sadmac: good morning, long time no chat!19:26
markl_what time zone are you guys in?19:26
Keybukmarkl_: I'm in US/Pacific at the moment; normally UK though19:27
markl_cool, i live in utah, not too far away19:27
markl_no ocean in between, at least19:27
markl_it is interesting that your election is getting so much coverage over here19:28
jMCgA couple of months ago I talked with @developer about upstart and Linux Capabilities. Now I run into pam_cap -- since doing a quick and dirty hack with su/sudo wouldn't do it: http://dpaste.com/186954/ -- I was wondering how the plan to implement caps in upstart looks exactly, since this pam_caps seems like an easy way around...19:38
Keybukthere isn't a plan19:39
Keybukthat isn't to say there couldn't be a plan19:39
sadmacKeybuk: in frisco again?19:42
Keybuksadmac: I'm in SF yes19:43
sadmacKeybuk: you seem to get over there an awful lot19:43
Keybukpart of the job19:47
ionkeybuk: Do you know whether you’ll get more time for Upstart in the next cycle?19:49
Keybukion: I can't see how I could possibly get any *more* time for Upstart in the next cycle19:53
Keybuksince I've arranged to be 100% working on Upstart for it19:53
* sadmac can't get the caffene into his head any faster19:54
sadmacI don't remember the last time I was awake19:55
sadmacKeybuk: what's in SF that Canonical keeps sending you to go see?19:55
Keybuksadmac: this visit was the Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit19:56
Keybukthat was last week19:56
Keybukthen there was a volcano19:56
Keybukso now I'm not going home until the 29th April19:56
sadmacKeybuk: not into ash?19:56
KeybukI avoid cloud wherever possible ;)19:57
sadmacKeybuk: I'm going be in SF in late June I think.19:58
sadmacKeybuk: perhaps you'll find a reason to be there as well. There MAY be auto racing, and I MAY be dressed as The Stig. No promises.19:58
jMCgThere, I added a rant on lunchpad... Or dinnerpad..mmm...20:15
Keybuka rant on twitter is usually equally effective20:33
Keybukas is shouting into the wind on a rainy winter's night20:33
Keybuk(I don't think anyone reads answers.lp.net :p)20:34
KeybukjMCg: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/upstart/+filebug20:38
markl_if i want to register an event "foo" in /etc/init, do i just add a "start on foo" line?23:37
markl_appears to work this time, ok cool23:37
markl_ok what is the point of plymouth, just to show a fancy graphical screen on bootup?23:51

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