
mhall119highvoltage: I've picked up your meme04:03
mhall119and so has someone else it seems04:29
alkisgGood morning07:02
HedgeMagehi, alkisg07:38
bencrisfordhighvoltage: http://jonathancarter.co.za/2010/04/24/then-and-now-meme/ loving the desktop :D14:06
bencrisfordI mean the lucid btw ;)14:18
bencrisfordalthough I do love old linux distros14:19
highvoltagemhall119: heh, yeah saw your post :)14:26
highvoltagebencrisford: yeah I actually tried to install RH6 in a VM but it's so old it doesn't even want to boot up in virtualbox anymore14:27
bencrisfordhighvoltage: :o14:27
highvoltagebencrisford: got it running in qemu but X couldn't start so I just googled an old screenshot14:27
bencrisfordhighvoltage: cool, I haven't been using linux for that long :( so I don't really have anything to show14:28
bencrisfordapart from Minix, I haven't used anything unix-based older than ubuntu intrepid14:28
bencrisfordive experimented and learned alot since then though ;)14:32
bencrisfordactually, I think I started on edgy, but it wasn't on my main computer, I was just experimenting, I wasn't a "full" user until intrepid14:34
bencrisfordbrb, rebooting into edubuntu14:37
=== bencrisford is now known as bencrisford-edu
bencrisfordwow, wireless working on an old xubuntu install on a computer thats older than me16:02
=== bencrisford is now known as ben-xubuntu
=== ben-xubuntu is now known as bcrisford-xfce
mhall119what are you, 10?16:45
bencrisfordmhall119: lol no :P, v.old computer16:48
bencrisfordprobably isnt older than me16:48
bencrisfordjust a figure of speech ;)16:48
mhall119I got Xubuntu running on a P2, 400MHz once16:48
mhall119probably from the late 90's16:49
bencrisfordwhat make?16:50
bencrisfordhell, according to the dell website its no-where near as old as me :(16:52
bencrisfordbut 9 years, and xubuntu karmic, I think thats quite impressive16:52
bencrisford11 years*16:52
bencrisfordthats like expecting Call of duty MW2 to run on a dreamcast16:53
mhall119bencrisford: it was an HP or Compaq16:57
bencrisfordmhall119: oh ok, because thats basically the specs of mine17:02
bencrisfordmines a Dell GX1-something17:02
mhall119wow, old17:02
bencrisfordfirst released 1999 according to dell's website17:02
mhall119really though, as long as it's got enough RAM, it'll likely run17:02
mhall119just sloooooow17:03
bencrisfordit runs quick compared to my17:03
bencrisfordcompared to my laptop that runs edubuntu lucid17:03
bencrisfordbut thats about the same spec and REALLY messed up17:03
bencrisfordthe core temperature got to 80 degrees one time, I got a warning and it just shut down17:04
bencrisfordsince then its just been mentally slow17:04
mhall119I assume you're talking Celsius17:12
bcrisford-xfcemhall119: yeah17:22
* bcrisford-xfce just deleted a partition (but the wrong one)17:23
bcrisford-xfcenow I cannot boot on my main laptop17:23
bcrisford-xfcenevermind, i'm tar-ing my docs from a live-cd17:24
bcrisford-xfceill burn them to a dvd or two and start again17:24
bcrisford-xfceI need to upgrade anyway, I haven't done for a week or so17:24
bcrisford-xfcemight go to edubuntu full time...  dunno yet17:24
bcrisford-xfceI do this several times daily on other computers, been a while since i've had to for my beloved lappy :(17:27
Traveler9can i find edubuntu with wubu18:50
Traveler9or wubi18:50
Traveler9to install inside windows18:50

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