
Amto_resAdri2000: ping00:00
debfxScottK: could you please try this kcm-touchpad debdiff: http://paste.ubuntu.com/421345/00:30
debfxit should disable the kcm instead of crashing00:30
JontheEchidnaif that works, you're mine and every non-admin kubuntu user's hero :)00:31
JontheEchidnaHmm, we need to get Ark to use org.kubuntu.restrictedInstall to install unrar for maverick...00:32
debfxit doesn't actually fix the problem though00:32
JontheEchidnawell, better than crashing it for everybody ;)00:33
JontheEchidnathat's what I'm most worried about, since even visiting the keyboard and mouse module crashes the whole of System Settings00:33
JontheEchidnabut, I think that there's no question that it needs replaced for 10.0400:37
JontheEchidnaer, 10.1000:38
debfxsynaptiks even has a bug tracker, that's certainly an improvement00:43
=== JontheEchidna changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu <3 Channel | Test ISO images! | 10.04 LTS RC released! | Entering Ultimate Release Freeze | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | milestoned bugs marked as kubuntu http://tinyurl.com/yjybcx9
=== JontheEchidna changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu <3 Channel | Test ISO images! | 10.04 LTS RC released! | Entering Ultimate Release Freeze | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | All RC blockers fixed or deferred. Good job guys!
* txwikinger has a feature request for konq or re-konq or whatever will be the KDE browser01:10
ScottKdebfx: I have to release work to do first.  I02:39
ScottKI'll see if I can get to it tonight02:39
ScottKdebfx: Looking into it now.  In the future, please use pastebins that don't require logins.04:47
msvAre testers still needed for upgrading Kubuntu from Karmic to Lucid?04:51
ScottKYes, although at this point it's probably better to wait until Monday when we're officially testing the final stuff.04:59
msvCool.  I have a launchpad account and am setting up a QA account.  I have a dual boot gutsy/karmic laptop05:00
ScottKdebfx: No crash with the non-admin user (was just inactive) and still works with admin user, so I'd call it a win.05:00
msvso I would be upgrading just the karmic partition.05:00
ScottKRight, but I'm not the best person to ask for details.  I'm about to go pass out.05:01
msvOkay, I'll try again Monday.  Thanks =)05:01
apacheloggermaco: plasmacon is written in the py... ;)06:33
debfxScottK: does paste.ubuntu.com require to be logged in? :o06:47
jussiScottK: they reversed the paste.ubuntu.com login thing a month or 2 ago...07:47
apacheloggerlets hope rc1 doesnt fail me08:26
apacheloggerotherwise Ill switch to gentoo08:26
apacheloggerthey have such nice people here08:26
apacheloggerand explained me that compiling up to KDE will only take me like one weekend08:26
valoriepretty much ALL of a weekend08:27
valorieand then open office.....08:27
apacheloggervalorie: except that I use unbloated software and hence would compile ko instead of ooo :P08:45
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Sputapachelogger: pfff, on a modern machine, installing Gentoo including KDE shouldn't take more than half a day11:02
Sputand we do have a binary package for openoffice, valorie :P11:02
Sput(if you don't feel like waiting 4 hours on that)11:03
=== michaelk is now known as Guest54249
JontheEchidnabug 53491512:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 534915 in kpackagekit "Czech translations in Ukrainian kpackagekit translation" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53491512:54
JontheEchidnathis is ridiculous12:54
JontheEchidnatechnically an upstream bug, though12:55
JontheEchidnabut still, it pisses me off :(12:56
MamarokJontheEchidna: Ctech translations can cause very strange things sometimes...13:00
JontheEchidnaMamarok: it's a matter of upstream handing us a busted tarball, the launchpad people using their magic powers to fix things, and then everything breaking again the next upload :(13:01
Mamarokdid that fix get pushed upstream and talked about with tsdgeos?13:02
Mamarokelse it will not get fixed by sheer magic upstream I would say13:03
JontheEchidnaMamarok: it was fixed in kpackagekit 0.6.0, but that depends on an API/10n-unstable version of packagekit13:03
MamarokJontheEchidna: still, please talk to tsdgeos, he is coordinating the translations, he can help with that13:04
Mamarokjust be very nice with him, he totally lacks any sort of humor13:04
JontheEchidnaunfortunately it's a bit too late for kubuntu... the best we could probably do is delete the Czech translation and replace them with the uk ones again, so that it'll get fixed with the first post-release translations update13:05
JontheEchidnalangpack deadline was 2 days ago :(13:07
Mamarokright, then deleting it is probably better13:14
Mamarokbut please talk to tsdgeos upstream nonetheless, else it ends up again as a "bad Kubuntu" issue13:16
JontheEchidnaMamarok: would you happen to know if this is official, or just some guy packaging playround stuff? http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Phonon-MPlayer-Backend?content=12371413:39
JontheEchidnaI'm tending towards somebody throwing tarballs of playground crap on kde-apps13:40
Mamaroknot official AFAIK, that backend is not maintained since ages13:40
MamarokJontheEchidna: but please ask sandsmark for confirmation in #phonon13:40
Mamarokand since it is in playground anyway...13:41
MamarokI have never seen somebody use that backend13:41
JontheEchidnawell, you may soon, seeing as he's providing i386 binaries13:42
Mamarokit was promised ages ago, but that would be the very first changes I see in a long time13:42
JontheEchidnasvn hasn't been touched in 8 months13:42
Mamarokwell, it is stupid, because we are working hard on the vlc-backend, we better work on on really good backend instead of 4 crappy ones13:43
* persia cheers on Colin Guthrie on his work in phonon backends13:50
JontheEchidna^He also did the PulseAudio integration work for Phonon in general.13:51
apacheloggertallking about that13:51
JontheEchidnaToo bad Phonon 4.4 was such a mess release-wise. (No blame to the phonon folk)13:51
apacheloggeris ours still busted!13:51
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: reports say, yes.13:52
apacheloggercomputer says no13:52
JontheEchidnaoh, neat!13:52
apacheloggeranyone got psql questions13:52
apacheloggerI have a psql dude walking around13:52
JontheEchidnayou were brave enough to install PA?13:52
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: dunno, I never know if I got PA13:53
apacheloggerthen at some point I reinstall and all works again13:53
JontheEchidnaI think I might try it in 4.5, to test out the fancy new kmix0r13:54
* apachelogger goes looking for krake13:54
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
Quintasanmy head @_@13:54
ScottKjussi: Not if you try to download the file.14:07
* ScottK has PA installed due to this machine coming with Ubuntu and so far has found it to work.14:09
ScottKRiddell: I just uploaded debfx's kcm-touchpad fixes.  Over to you to decide if you want them in for the release or not.15:24
* Riddell takes a keek15:25
debfxI don't think the bug is specific to non-admin users15:36
debfxlogout and login again is enough to trigger it15:36
ScottKThat's just how I could recreate it reliably15:36
debfxwhen I do that some synaptic properties are invalid and the desktop effects are disabled15:37
debfxnot sure if that's somehow related15:38
ScottKdebfx: For me this is the type of change that I don't think fully resolves the problem, but I have no doubt makes things better.15:48
Riddellit solves the problem for me15:50
Riddellso I'll let it in15:50
Riddellthanks debfx15:50
=== bulldog is now known as bulldog98
Riddellshtylman: how's that MBR ubiquity issue coming along?15:54
shtylmanRiddell: I committed the fix yesterday15:55
shtylmanRiddell: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-installer/ubiquity/trunk/revision/411115:55
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shadeslayerdo i need to specify quilt in the build dep,if ive switched to 3.0 packaging?16:38
ScottK(fsvo of no - there are circumstances where it may be required, but usually not and I don't recall the details)16:39
shadeslayerScottK: then why do i get a lintian error? W: rekonq source: quilt-series-but-no-build-dep16:39
shadeslayeri have a patch in debian/patches/16:40
ScottKshadeslayer: First, it's a warning and not an error.  Second, the version of lintian you16:40
ScottKare using may not know about the v3 stuff16:40
shadeslayerScottK: im on lucid...16:40
shadeslayerah nvm16:41
shadeslayersorted :)16:41
daskreechnixternal: ping16:53
shtylmansebas: do you guys still use KD executor for gui testing? have you ever tried frologic squish? I would like to use one of those tools to possibly do some automated testing of the installer... do they do any sort of discount for open source customers?17:00
neversfeldebulldog98: any news on amarok beta for karmic?17:19
bulldog98neversfelde: I haven’t found someone for testing yet17:24
neversfeldebulldog98: try to ask in #kubuntu(-de)17:25
yuriyhiya folks17:29
ScottKHello yuriy17:30
yuriyleaving to Amsterdam today :D17:32
Riddellyuriy: what's happening in Amsterdam?18:22
JontheEchidnalooks like I'm sharing a flight to UDS with a kernel dude.18:24
JontheEchidnaOoh, looks like dantti has a flight booked for UDS too :)18:24
JontheEchidnalooks like there'll be plenty of 11:05 arrivals to share a taxi with18:24
yuriyRiddell: vacation. visiting a friend who's studying there18:25
JontheEchidnaI have to leave UDS midway through friday. Oh wellz18:26
yuriyjust thought i'd mention it cause i figure there is a good number of KDE folks in the NL18:27
nigelbabunixternal: thank you (re: linkedin)18:56
ryanakcaofirk: I've asked the sysadmins to please push our RT along, I'm heading out, I'll be back tomorrow night.19:04
ofirkryanakca: good!19:04
ofirkryanakca: contact me when you are back19:04
ryanakcaofirk: will do19:04
lex79Riddell: can soprano 2.4.3 go into lucid-updates ?19:15
ScottKlex79: Is it just that bugfix?19:16
lex79ScottK: it seems so19:16
ScottKThen it probably qualifies19:16
lex79the package is here https://launchpad.net/~alessandro-ghersi/+archive/staging/+packages19:16
ScottKlex79: What it will most need is a bug that describes the problem and gives a proper test case for testers to verify the fix.19:17
lex79ah right19:18
daskreech!info basket lucid19:43
ubottubasket (source: basket): a multi-purpose note-taking application for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0~beta1-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 3334 kB, installed size 6612 kB19:43
QuintasanRiddell: hmm, can I get a branch like ~kubuntu-members/gluon/ubuntu instead of +junk? :O19:53
lex79ScottK: Trug said the crash he mentioned in the news/changelog is triggered by experimental code from telepathy-kde project20:19
lex79So I think we don't need the new release :)20:19
ScottKlex79: Probably not worth an SRU then.20:19
JontheEchidnalex79, ScottK: funny you should mention soprano bugs... kde bug 15521:08
ubottuError: KDE bug 155 could not be found21:08
JontheEchidnakde bug 23528021:08
ubottuKDE bug 235280 in general "nepomukservicestub crashed with SIGSEGV [Soprano::Error::ErrorCache::clearError(), Soprano::Error::ErrorCache::setError(), Soprano::Client::ClientModel::addStatement()]" [Crash,New] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23528021:08
JontheEchidnabug 56611621:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 566116 in kdebase-runtime "nepomukservicestub crashed with SIGSEGV in QHashData::detach_helper2()" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56611621:08
lex79oh, good !21:09
lex79but strange, trueg said it's a fix just for a bug with telepathy21:09
JontheEchidnahuh, weird21:10
QuintasanJontheEchidna: do you know how to register ~kubuntu-members/gluon branch?21:10
lex79Quintasan: you should create a project in launchpad first21:11
lex79gluon project21:11
lex79and then create a branch21:11
ScottKSounds like SRU material after all then.21:12
ScottKJontheEchidna: As I told lex79, we'll need an Ubuntu bug with a good test case to demonstrate the problem and that it's fixed.21:12
JontheEchidnaah, then that doesn't quite meet the requirements21:13
lex79I think the problem is found the test since it happens randomly with dolphin21:13
ScottKJontheEchidna: If it's not perfectly reproducable it might still be OK.21:14
JontheEchidnathe user thinks that the bug is him not being able to install anything, so we aren't going to get much from him...21:14
ScottKJontheEchidna: Get jjesse to try it.  He can crash anything.21:16
JontheEchidnaScottK: is bug 569129 a bug? To me it looks like it'21:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 569129 in kdebase-workspace "System and utilities icons are smaller than the rest of the displayed icons." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56912921:23
JontheEchidnas starting a second row of icons21:23
JontheEchidnawhich are smaller21:24
neversfeldethere is a karmic package of amarok 2.3.1 beta in the backports beta ppa21:24
neversfeldethanks to bulldog98 for packaging it21:25
ScottKJontheEchidna: Not a bug.  See the comments21:26
JontheEchidnak, thanks21:26
=== bulldog is now known as bulldog98
=== bulldog is now known as bulldog98
QuintasanRiddell: uploading alpha release of gluon23:13
RiddellQuintasan: where to?23:22
RiddellQuintasan: you can make a branch like ~kubuntu-members/gluon/ubuntu by firstly registering a project called gluon in launchpad23:22
Riddellthen just push it, assuming you're a member of ~kubuntu-members23:23
Riddellbzr push lp:~kubuntu-members/gluon/ubuntu23:23
QuintasanRiddell: I did that23:23
QuintasanRiddell: to backports, the previous version was lying there so I figured I would upload it there too23:24
Quintasanthough now that you mention it, it should go to Beta Backports rather.23:24
Riddellif it's a beta yes it should23:25
Quintasanokay, reuploading23:26
Quintasangood night everyone23:28
Riddellhttp://www.kubuntu.org/node/143 "Amarok, KOffice, KDevelop Beta Packages Updates"23:50

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