
=== ubott2 is now known as ubottu
DdordaI want to make my ubuntu into a media center, any preferred media center? Im not sure what's the best10:21
bazhangDdorda, try in #ubuntu please10:23
Ddordabazhang: you're right. sorry10:23
topylinobody knows what's "the best" anyway :)10:55
erUSULTina Turner knows. "You are simply the Best" i allways thought the song refers to me XXDD10:57
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.11:07
vishDdorda: ^  :D11:08
Ddordavish: cool stuff you've got there :D11:15
IdleOneDdorda: Not claiming this is the best way but http://www.mythbuntu.org/13:52
DdordaIdleOne: thanksv :)14:29
IdleOneDdorda: there is also MediaTomb in the repos you can take a look at14:30
IdleOneand you are welcome14:30
DdordaIdleOne: Ill have a look. thanks again :)14:34
IdleOnesure thing14:34
=== radoe_ is now known as radoe
sheatsHi!   I have a little project I've been working on: http://ircanswers.com/  I have been logging content in #ubuntu for a month or so http://ircanswers.com/ubuntu/ but just realized today that I need to get permission to do so first.21:12
sheatsWho can I contact to ask permission?21:13
IdleOnesheats: the IRC council21:19
IdleOneUbuntu IRC council that is21:19
sheatsIdleOne: how do I contact them?21:19
IdleOnemailing list, looking for a link gimme a minute21:21
IdleOnehttps://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Ubuntu-irc I believe is correct21:23
marienzsheats: hi there21:26
sheatsthanks IdleOne21:26
sheatsmarienz: are you the one who emailed me?21:26
marienzsheats: if you've reconfigured your bot to only join channels you've got permission for I'll unban it network-wide.21:27
marienzyes, that was me21:27
sheatsyup, it's done21:27
sheatssorry about that -- like i said, i didn't realize it was a policy21:27
marienzsheats: done, thanks for cooperating :)21:27
IdleOnesheats: Still need to get permission from IRCC21:28
sheatsyup, will do21:28
sheatsIdleOne: do you know if there are any conditions or reasons they may allow or reject?21:29
IdleOnesheats: I won't presume to speak for them21:29
sheatsIdleOne: ok, np21:29
IdleOneI know that they are aware of the situation21:29
IdleOnenow it is between you and them :)21:30
marienzsheats: see also http://blog.freenode.net/2007/12/more-blogging-about-logging/ , this is a bit deja-vu-like for some of us21:30
marienzsheats: and http://blog.freenode.net/2007/12/blogging-about-logging/ preceding it21:30
sheatsah, ok -- thanks21:31
IdleOnecatchy title for a blog post21:32
IdleOnerhymes and I like that21:32
sheatsguess I should have done a little more research on the idea :)21:35
IdleOnesheats: I think the issue is more what is going to be done with the content and is Ubuntu ok with that.21:36
erUSULgood now i can have fun looking for myself in irseek21:37
IdleOnealso having a logbot in the channel not knowing about it21:37
sheatsyup, it makes sense21:38
sheatsone thing i've done and will do a better job at is masking the nicknames21:38
sheatsmy only goal is to get good content out there so when i search for a question that has already been answered i'll find it21:38
sheatslike stackoverflow.com21:38
marienzsheats: if I were you I'd try to offer services back to the channels you index, like a way to conveniently link to certain answers from irc21:40
marienzsheats: many channels already run a factoid bot to cover frequently answered questions, this would be similar.21:40
erUSULmarienz: sheats if irseek were allowed i do not see why yours wouldn't ...21:41
m4virseek is allowed?21:41
nhandlerm4v: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam/IRSeekDiscussion21:42
sheatsmarienz: yes, for sure -- i had thought of that and think that's a great idea21:42
erUSULback in the day it was allowed21:42
* erUSUL was already around here that "back in the day" ;)21:43
nhandlerIdleOne: FYI, the IRC Council ML is irc-council@   (https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/irc-council)21:47
IdleOnenhandler: thanks21:47
IdleOnesheats: read what nhandler just said21:47
sheatsIdleOne: thanks21:48
trinikronohey can you guys check out for me #ubuntu-tt i made it and wanted to make sure everything is okay with it, i cant change the topic.23:17

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