
nthykierHey, What are the options for getting LP: #249295 closed ? There is a functional patch that clean applies (been applied in Debian).12:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 249295 in java-common "incorrect path to jinfo file when doing "update-java-alternatives -list"" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24929512:04
nthykierThe fixed version in Debian is 0.36 as I recall (but it does not list this bug)12:05
persiaIs there a cherrypick-able fix?12:12
persiaWhy so there is :)12:13
nthykierthe diff is a "." :P12:13
persianthykier: So, it needs someone to prepare a debdiff, and then it needs sponsoring.12:14
persiaDepending on the timing and mood of the release managers and availability of sponsors, it may or may not happen prerelease.12:14
persiaIf it ends up not happening in time, it needs a revised debdiff (target lucid-proposed rather than lucid), and review by the updates team.12:15
persiaOh, and if you prefer bzr branches to debdiffs, that works too.12:16
nthykiernah, java-common is on an SVN :P12:16
persiaIf you're up for fixing it, I'm happy to guide on process.  If you want me to hit it, I can wrap the patch, but I've a list, so probably can't get to it until tomorrow, including testing/building/etc.12:16
nthykierpersia: feel free to take it, I will just triage a few java-common bugs and then throw myself at the mercy of building eclipse 3.612:18
persiaAnyone who wants some upload credits for mostly process work: see the bug above.12:19
persianthykier: If nothing happens to it when my shortlist is clear, I'll get it to the next step in the process.12:19
nthykierpersia: Thanks12:21
persianthykier: Thanks for highlighting it.  Good luck with 3.6 :)12:21
nthykierThanks, I will need it12:21
jim_772where do I have to put "mysql-connector-java.jar" so that my application will find it? right now its in /usr/share/java. I have tried setting explicitly using  "java -cp ..." but that didn't work.16:47
nthykierjim_772: if you use -jar, then -cp will be ignored16:47
jim_772ok, so I will just add multiple things on the jar line16:48
nthykierjim_772: If you use -jar, you have two options - one replace -jar with -cp (that is, add the jar to -cp argument) and invoke the main class manually. Requires you know the name of the main class16:49
nthykierjim_772: Alternatively you can copy/symlink the mysql-connector-java.jar to a place that the jar file you invoke checks (e.g. via its Class-Path in its Manifest)16:50
nthykiereither way usually involves reading the manifest of the jar file you invoke16:50
jim_772ok Thanks, I will check the manifest. I don't think I was setting anything there.16:51
Phurlno suitable method `main' in class -- ugh22:25

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