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* sistpoty gives up on abiword00:44
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ScottKFYI, language packs are done, so we're accepting Universe packages again.03:04
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WhyuAskum all06:06
alkisgHi, I'm using python distutils and I want to produce two binary packages from the same source package. How can I do that in setup.py? Call setup() with different parameters depending on which package is being built?09:21
POXman dh_install09:22
POX(dh or cdbs will instal to debian/tmp, then just use debian/package.install files to select which file goes where)09:23
alkisgPOX, I had the package made with debian/*.install files, but then I was told that I was supposed to move those to setup.py09:25
alkisgSo I deleted the .install files09:26
alkisgHow can I register python modules if I use debian/*.install files?09:27
POXwill both binary packages contain Python modules?09:28
POXI'd tell setup.py to install to package_a and then move few files to package_b in debian/rules09:29
POXthere are many possibilities, just use the one which requeres less typing ;)09:30
POX(I doubt your setup.py hardcodes installation paths)09:30
alkisgI'm not sure I got what you mean. Are you proposing that I'd install package_b without using setup.py, i.e. manually registering the python modules?09:30
alkisgCan I have 2 different calls to setup() in setup.py, based on which package is being built?09:31
POX./setup.py -root debian/package_a; mv debian/package_a/foo/bar debian/package_b/foo09:31
POXand debian/package_b/foo in debian/package_b.dirs09:32
POXs,debian/package_b/foo,foo actually09:32
POX(only in .dirs file)09:33
alkisgAh. Thanks, I got what you mean, but I need to experiment on that as I've never done something like this before (my debian/rules is just %: dh $@).09:33
POXyou can have two setup.py calls as well, just make sure they install different files09:33
alkisgThat sounds a little easier to me. Thanks a lot! :)09:34
POXonce you'll have it ready, join #debian-python09:34
geserdon't forget to mention that the #debian-python channel is on OFTC09:35
alkisgThat will probably take years - it's not secure enough to be generaly released yet :)09:35
alkisgIt's just for certain schools following a specific tutorial on how to setup ubuntu on their labs...09:36
alkisgI hope in 1-2 years it'll be mature enough to try to get it into the archives09:36
alkisgHmmm setup.py is called for both packages by default, right? How can I find out which binary package it was called to build? I don't see anything useful on the environment: http://paste.ubuntu.com/421555/09:43
POXif you're upstream, then the easiest option would be to add something like --only-module-a and --only-module-b in setup.py and then use setup.py --root=debian/package_a --only-module-a and setup.py --root=debian/package_b --only-module-b09:46
POXhow to invoke it? depends what you use (dh, cdbs, pure debhelper)09:46
POX+pure Makefile :)09:47
alkisgdebhelper... let me look if it passes the name of the binary package as a command line argument to setup.py...09:48
POXin dh, you can do that in override_dh_auto_install:09:49
alkisgnah... it just calls ['setup.py', 'install', '--force', '--root=/home/alkisg/Documents/Linux/ppa/sch-scripts/debian/tmp', '--no-compile', '-O0', '--install-layout=deb']09:50
POXsee above09:50
alkisgGot it, thanks09:51
POXit's a little bit more complicated if you're installing Python extensions (.so files)09:52
alkisgNo it's just python/shell, no extensions09:54
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ari-tczewI've requested bzr merge, but I need to update my branch. What I need to do if I want to got bzr merge with my next revision?10:58
geserjust update your branch, the merge proposal gets updated and the sponsor usually merges your latest revision12:19
benstehi - how can I get reading access to a bug report whihch i'm not allowed to read ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.5/+bug/50585712:44
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Ubuntu: list index out of range (https://launchpad.net/bugs/505857)12:44
benstewhat the hell s going on with this bug report ?12:44
joaopintoit's private ?12:45
benstedon't know12:46
bensteit's the successor of a bug reporting FF crashing with segfault on startup12:46
persiaMost crash bugs are private by default.12:46
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Ubuntu: list index out of range (https://launchpad.net/bugs/505857)12:46
benste+ looks like ubottu is not working too :-912:47
persia*especially* browser bugs often stay private for a while, as they may expose things that users consider private (e.g. cookies, authentication tokens, etc.)12:47
benstepersia: and who does have access to private bugs - only package maintainers ?12:47
persiaNo, the bot just can't read the bug any more than you can.12:47
persiaOnly subscribers.12:48
persiaFor crash bugs, there's a team that gets automatically subscribed.12:48
benstesry - posted the wrong url - this one should be the old https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.5/+bug/50518612:48
hyperairi remember managing to see private bugs for ubuntu12:48
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Ubuntu: list index out of range (https://launchpad.net/bugs/505857)12:48
persiaI've just checked the bug in question, but there is a note asking it to stay private, so I shan't open or expose it.12:48
bensteah - as it is a duplicate it's linking to the new one right ?12:48
benstepersia: thanks for checking12:48
persiabenste: No useful information in the bug yet: just automatic data and waiting for analysis.12:49
bensteI'll try  sudo apt-get purge firefox && sudo apt-get install firefox12:49
persiabenste: In future, I'll suggest that you might get faster information about bug management from #ubuntu-bugs, and you might want to check with #ubuntu-mozillateam about mozilla packages (like firefox).12:49
benste:-) thx - just remebered motu :-)12:50
persiabenste: The private bug includes the text "Creating a new profile does not solve the issue."12:50
bensteyip that's what I've tested to12:50
benstepersia: if you'll have time to care a bout it you may want to participate to my discussion on #ubuntu12:51
persiaGiven that purge/reinstall doesn't even do that (as it doesn't change anything in your home directory), I very much doubt that will help at all, but you might want to check with someone who knows better (see references above)12:51
benstei#ll do12:51
* persia doesn't really, sorry12:51
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porthoseRelease Team: Are bug fix uploads for universe packages still being accepted?  I have a fix for bug #558697 (minor change to preinst and postinst) would it be ok to upload this fix?13:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 558697 in ampache "package ampache 3.5.4-1ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55869713:57
* persia isn't on the release team, but knows the answer.13:58
porthosepersia, thx :)13:58
persiaporthose: I believe the criteria for bugfixes is rapidly approaching "stuff that would qualify for SRU".13:58
persiaAnd if the change is potentially invasive, or may need more time to verify the fix is correct, the release team might say "Please publish as SRU".13:59
persiaBut *every* upload is being reviewed now, so be sure to get your bugs filed, and describe them clearly, etc.13:59
* carstenh just realised that the name of the next enterprise editition will start with Q ;)14:10
persiaNot necessarily.14:12
persiaThere was no "A" or "C", for example.  No promises other letters won't be skipped along the way.14:12
persiaAlso, prior to Breezy, the letters weren't used in order, so no promises that each name is in order.14:13
persiaAnd lastly, the letter "H" has been used twice, so no promises other letters won't be used multiple times.14:13
carstenhwell, the reason seems to be that nobody thought of alphabetically sorting the release names before dapper14:15
ScottKgeser wins the FTBFS fixing award for the day.14:38
ScottKThanks geser (all accepted)14:38
ScottKporthose: persia is correct.  Please get stuff uploaded.14:39
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porthoseScottK, uploaded14:52
ScottKIf it was ampache, I'm looking at it now.14:52
ScottKporthose: Looking at the diff, the second hunk of change in the postinst and the postrm change look like they are white space only changes.  Is that right?14:57
porthoseScottK, yes14:58
ScottKOK.  As a rule, it's nice to avoid those as it complicates the reviewers work.14:58
ScottKporthose: accepted.15:02
porthoseScottK, thx15:02
ScottKIf there are any emacs users around: Could you have a look at anjsp?  It currently fails to build, but that's easy enough to fix.  The question is does it work?  It's old enough that it uses the delightfully quaint debhelper compat of 3.  It wasn't in Debian and looks like one of those ancient packages grabbed from some random source in the early mists of Ubuntu's history.15:08
geserScottK: syncs are still accepted? (sync a package from Debian unstable to build with the default postgresql)15:26
ScottKgeser: Yes.15:26
persiaNeeds someone to actually process the syncs and removals though.  Maybe we'll get lucky Monday.15:28
persia(because Tuesday verges on too late)15:28
ScottKpersia: We discussed it the last release team meeting and I have commitments for availability tomorrow and Monday.15:29
ScottKpersia: Now the driver for stopping uploads is mirror sync and that only needs ~24 hours before release, so we can keep going longer.15:29
ScottK(security-in-soyuz was very helpful in this regard)15:30
persiaOh, that's an improvement on last time I was paying close attention as the release hardened.  Nice!15:32
persia(and it makes me feel a bit better about falling asleep before finishing the stuff I'm doing increasingly more slowly tonight)15:32
geserScottK: a next batch of fixes for gtk related FTBFS will appear soon in the queue15:33
ScottKgeser: Great.  Those are easy enough to review ....15:33
Rhondapersia: I have a fix for the "missing icon" wesnoth bug in my git.15:37
ScottKpersia: Perhaps ^^^ could be combined with the -3 from Debian and uploaded as a merge.15:38
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RhondaScottK: Yes, would make much sense, I fear I won't upload to Debian just because of that yet again.15:53
Rhonda1.8.1 might come out soon and I want to give people a bit time to test it in Debian.15:53
ScottKIf you can find a MOTU to upload it, I can review it for the release team.15:53
Rhondapersia said he wanted to give it a try. :)15:58
Rhonda… and someone else, IIRC.15:58
RhondaAh, slytherin also thought about giving -3 a try.15:58
RhondaThe changes in git for -4 can be reviewed just through the diff, I highly doubt that those require an extra build to test them. :)15:59
ScottKpersia also said something about going to sleep, so perhaps he'll do it 'tomorrow'15:59
RhondaThat was two days ago, but that's not meant as a preassure or complaint statement, just trying to point out what I perceived.15:59
ScottKI didn't get to getting a set of package syncs together yesterday like I had hoped.  It's on my list again for today.16:00
RhondaAm a bit short on time right now, am at the LinuxTage event over here in austria and rather should care for the booth. ;)16:01
ScottKI think there's more than enough in the backscroll now for persia when he wakes up.16:01
Rhondae65b3e0a is the commit for the desktop file in wesnoth.git on git.debian.org16:03
RhondaBut I'm confident that persia will find that. :)16:03
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ScottKIf someone is looking for something productive to do, gnome-gmail-notifier is currently totally broken and there's a new upstream release that will fix that.16:30
dutchieScottK: I'll have a punt at it16:33
imbrandondutchie: lemme know if you get stuck on anything , i'll give ya a hand16:34
imbrandonmoins all16:34
imbrandonScottK: not gonna be in/arround KC next weekend are ya ? heheh j/k16:36
ScottKimbrandon: Nope.  I'll be flying over on Friday.  I'm in CA for work all next week.16:37
imbrandonScottK: ahh cool16:37
imbrandonbrb gotta go make sure my pot of caffeine is on16:37
imbrandonScottK: but yea, was just getting a keysigning / release party thing going for the 30th, dident figure ya'd be in the area but ya never know ;)16:40
ScottKFYI, there are release team members available for reviews and no Universe packages waiting ....16:42
imbrandoncool give me about ~10 min to resetup pidgin ( reinstalled lucid on this laptop last night ) and i'll get some crackin16:44
dutchieis there a better solution to make debuild find the .orig.tar.bz2 file than bunzip2'ing it and just gzipping it again? the debuild man page doesn't seem that helpful16:58
macodutchie: long way round is how i always do it16:58
geserdutchie: v1 or v3 source package?16:59
dutchiedon't know16:59
dutchieit says version=3 in debian/watch17:00
geserdoes debian/source/format exist? if yes => v3, else v117:00
dutchiev1 then17:00
geserand only v3 allows .orig.tar.bz217:00
ari-tczewgeser: does v2 exist?17:01
ScottKIt does but it should not be used17:01
ScottKIt we never really deployed17:01
geseronly on paper, see "man dpkg-source"17:01
POXgeser: what about "1.0" in debian/source/format? ;-P17:03
ScottKPOX: I think it's dangerous and should be avoided17:03
POXwhat is dangerous?17:04
geserPOX: you are right, I hope that's not common17:04
* POX was reffering to "does debian/source/format exist? if yes => v3, else v1"17:04
ScottKPOX: The mistaken belief that the absence of debian/source/format can mean anything other than it should be a v1 format.17:04
POXdid I say something about that?17:05
ScottKPOX: But your point about having to inspect the contents of the file to determine the version is correct.17:05
ScottKPOX: No, I misread your initial comment.17:06
ScottKajmitch: You are listed as a bug contact for krb5-auth-dialog.  I'm hoping that means you have some interest in the package.  The current one we have needs a newer heimdal that is in Lucid.  I was wondering if you could have a look at it and see what we need to do (I suspect revert to an earlier version of the package).17:22
imbrandonScottK: we got a list of universe with patches i can lookat/test ?17:28
ScottKimbrandon: My recommendation would be work on http://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu_ftbfs.cgi17:28
ScottKgeser hit a large stack of the GTK deprecation issues already17:29
dutchiechecking the build-deps for gnome-gmail-notifier, the configure.ac has "GNOME_KEYRING_REQUIRED=0.4.2", which is nothing like the libgnome-keyring-dev package version17:40
dutchiewhat version should I put in the Build-Depends line?17:48
imbrandondutchie: looks like an upstream bug/typo18:00
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imbrandonerr maybe not18:01
dutchiemaybe not?18:06
imbrandonwell it does look like a typo, but thats whats listed on the webpage too as a depends18:06
imbrandonand the current control dosent mention the keyring ....18:07
imbrandonhum hum hum18:07
imbrandon( but has the same requirement )18:07
ScottKYokoZar: I think a new wine1.2 upload that conflicts/replaces wine << 1.1.42-0ubuntu4 and a new upload of wine 1:1.0.1-0ubuntu12 would DTRT and leave current wine1.2 users with wine1.2, but allow the wine package to upload.  What do you think?18:07
imbrandondoes one of the other build depends pull in keyring ?18:08
imbrandonScottK: ewww epoch mess ?18:09
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dutchieI just pulled out the dependency and got that intltool is too old18:11
dutchieconfigure: error: Your intltool is too old.  You need intltool 0.35.0 or later.18:11
Laneywhat's the problem?18:14
Laneyit'll be a >= dependency18:14
dutchiethere wasn't a dependency at all, that was the problem :)18:14
imbrandondutchie: lemme grab the source and have a closer look, give me a few and i'll get back to ya18:14
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Laneywas it being pulled in by something else?18:14
dutchiedidn't seem sot18:14
Laneymust have been18:14
dutchieI've added an explicit dep now18:15
LaneySelecting previously deselected package libgnome-keyring-dev.18:15
LaneyUnpacking libgnome-keyring-dev (from .../libgnome-keyring-dev_2.27.90-0ubuntu1_i386.deb) ...18:15
dutchieNo package 'gnome-keyring-1' found18:18
dutchiebut it's supper now, back in a bit18:18
Laneylibgnome-keyring-dev installs /usr/lib/pkgconfig/gnome-keyring-1.pc18:21
imbrandondutchie: i would send a patch upstream too that mentions the configure.ac keyring requirement should be like 2.30.0 ( or something close to that )18:24
imbrandonbecause it is now 0.4.2 witch is very wrong18:25
LaneyI don't see why that is wrong18:25
imbrandongnome keyring hasent been at version 0.4.2 in YEARS well before gnome-gmail-notifier ever existied, if it was ever at 0.4.2 ( it corrosoponds with the gnome version does it not )18:26
LaneyI don't see why you should second guess upstream's compatibility assessment without evidence that it's not right18:27
Laney(there was indeed a version 0.4.2 in the past)18:28
imbrandonLaney: because doing upstream developemt myself i know that things can easily slip through the cracks like this, and it seems very out of place, it wont hurt to send a note to them, i'm not saying i'm 100% right, i'm saying verify it18:28
Laneymaybe you should try to build it against 0.4.2 and see what breaks18:29
imbrandonLaney: maybe i should , but an email is just as easy , why the hostility ?18:30
LaneyI don't think I'm being hostile :(18:30
Laneybut you seem to have decided that this is probably wrong when there is every chance that it's not18:30
imbrandonokies, i took the conversation wrong then, no worries, anyhow was just a sugestion18:30
imbrandonno i decided it warented a further look, nothing more18:31
imbrandonit *seemed* wrong ;)18:31
imbrandonbut alas , lets get on with some real work, no need to drag this out more, we're both clear now ;)18:32
lfaraoneRight now GroundControl isn't working due to a change in the LP API. Upstream worked around this by embedding a WebKit frame to handle authentication in a way that won't break in the future. Upstream changelog is at http://sprunge.us/TFSS , would a FFe be sane at this point? (since we're looking at "package does not work at all")18:35
imbrandonlfaraone: can the change be cherry picked ?18:37
lfaraoneimbrandon: maybe. let me see.18:37
imbrandonif its easy/sane to cherry pick it, i would say thats the way to go, but if not a FFe could be warented IMHO ( but i'm not in a position to make that call )18:38
dutchieI'm sure it said that libgnome-keyring-dev was uninstallable earlier18:40
lfaraoneimbrandon: mk. if we don't currently use a patch system, can we patch the source directly?18:41
ScottKlfaraone: Since it's a new package, there's no risk of regression, so if upstream would prefer to go with the new release, I'm fine with that.18:42
ScottKlfaraone: So please file FFe and get doctormo to ask for it in the bug.18:43
lfaraoneScottK: awesome, thanks. (it was on my request that he put out 1.6 so we wouldn't have to pick from bzr)18:43
lfaraoneScottK: should I amend the existing "lp is broken by everything!" bug, or author a new one?18:43
ScottKlfaraone: Existing bug is fine.18:44
imbrandonahh did not realize it was a new-to-lucid package18:47
imbrandoni'm 0-2 today it seems :)18:48
dutchieooh, it's built18:49
dutchieseems to run too18:53
dutchieimbrandon: where should I upload it to?18:53
imbrandonthe new version ? is there an open bug?18:59
dutchienot afaik19:00
dutchieall I know is what ScottK said19:00
imbrandonopen a bug with all the FFe info if there is not one ( ScottK mentioned that it fixed current problems so there might be one open already ) then attach the debdif between whats in the repo now and yours19:01
imbrandonthen give me the bug number and i'll check it / sponsor if neeeded19:01
ScottKimbrandon and dutchie: Actually for a new upstream we wan't the diff.gz in the bug.  The sponsor should fetch the tarball themselves19:02
lfaraoneIs anybody familiar with update-notifier's syntax? I'm trying to use a command of "Command: nautilus --quit & nohup nautilus -n &" and it's not working.19:02
imbrandonScottK: i was going to ;)19:02
dutchiebug 52118519:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 521185 in gnome-gmail-notifier "gnome-gmail-notifier: Depends: libsoup2.2-8 (>= 2.2.98) but it is not installable" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52118519:02
dutchiethat look right?19:03
imbrandonthat looks like a start, it will need to have the FFe stuff added19:03
dutchieshould I do that?19:07
lfaraonedutchie: yes.19:08
DktrKranzimbrandon: did you get to upload apt-mirror then?19:11
imbrandonDktrKranz: no its still fubared in dak, i'm just going to do a few more fixes and release a new upstream version19:19
imbrandonthat will fix most everything19:19
imbrandonthe important fixes i uploaded to ubuntu as -0ubuntu1 so we'll be golden19:19
DktrKranzbtw, old files are still in unchecked, I wonder what the heck happened19:25
lfaraoneimbrandon: could you please upload the SRU detailed in bug 301190 ?19:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 301190 in etoys "etoys does not launch" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30119019:25
lfaraone(if you have a chance)19:25
imbrandonlfaraone: sure, i'll look in just a moment19:26
lfaraoneimbrandon: awesome, thanks.19:26
imbrandonwow its broken all the way back to intrepid ? heh19:28
lfaraoneScottK: by the way, are you a DD? If so, I'd greatly appreciate it if you could sponsor http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/g/groundcontrol/groundcontrol_1.6-1.dsc so I can sync it rather than introducing an Ubuntu delta.19:28
lfaraoneimbrandon: unloved stepchild of debian-edu and Ubuntu's sugarteam :)19:28
ScottKlfaraone: I'm not19:28
lfaraoneimbrandon:  I don't think it was in hardy, btw. So we've never shipped a working etoys, it looks like.19:29
DktrKranzlfaraone: if you need one, I am19:29
lfaraoneDktrKranz: much appreciated, see the above dsc.19:30
lfaraoneDktrKranz: (DMUA is set in that upload, feel free to unset it if you don't feel comfortable having it that way)19:30
DktrKranzlfaraone: I'll leave that out for the moment, thanks for the hint19:32
DktrKranzlfaraone: should I run debian/rules get-orig-source to fetch upstream tarball, or just uscan?19:36
lfaraoneDktrKranz: uscan.19:39
DktrKranzlfaraone: uploading19:47
lfaraoneDktrKranz: thanks.19:47
DktrKranzit will be accepted in ~13 minutes19:48
imbrandonScottK: when uploading to proposed i dont have to include a orig.tar.gz correct ?20:07
imbrandonassuming same upstream ver etc20:08
ScottKimbrandon: That's correct.20:08
ScottKOther than using up more bandwidth, it doesn't actually hurt.20:08
ScottKUnlike in Debian, Soyuz won't reject for that20:09
imbrandonyea, its a huge orig.at.gz and i have to upload it ~3 times, so i would rather not if not needed20:09
imbrandonlol yea i figutred that out the hard way on DAK20:09
* DktrKranz hides20:09
ScottKBTW, if you get the gmail notifier thing sorted, go ahead and upload.  Don't wait for the FFe.20:10
imbrandoni'm just waiting on dutchie to tell me its redy to check it20:10
* ScottK nods20:10
ScottKNo pressure dutchie.20:11
imbrandonwow i cant type today ( well most dayss, but its bad today )20:11
imbrandondutchie: :)20:11
dutchieI'm going to be honest and say that I don't really have much of a clue what I'm doing20:11
dutchieI've got https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess up20:11
dutchiedo I need to open a new bug?20:11
imbrandondutchie: no worries, just ask, umm basicly at this point you need to ....20:12
imbrandonopen the bug you linked earlier20:12
imbrandondo a testbuild localy20:12
imbrandonthen attach your diff.gz to the bug20:12
imbrandon*looking at what info is there or not, one sec*20:13
* ScottK loves these verbose debian/changelog entries: " * Redo packaging."20:13
imbrandonactualy i dont have the bug open anymore, just make sure that the bug has that info and i'll fill in the rest and let you know what i did for future ref20:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 521185 in gnome-gmail-notifier "gnome-gmail-notifier: Depends: libsoup2.2-8 (>= 2.2.98) but it is not installable" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:14
dutchieso I'ev attached the diff.gz20:14
imbrandonk, that should be good enough for me to look at, if the bug is lacking more info i'll add it when i check the diff20:15
imbrandoni started this sru upload so give me about ~10 min to re-open it20:15
imbrandonlfaraone: sru uploaded20:26
imbrandonmake sure to watch the bugs for it etc20:26
lfaraoneimbrandon: of course. thanks.20:26
ajmitchScottK: I'll take a look at krb5-auth-dialog again, I'd noticed that it was wanting a newer heimdal20:29
ScottKajmitch: Thank you.20:29
ajmitchiirc it was dragged in with the autosync back in february20:31
ScottKSounds right.20:31
ajmitchit may be possible to keep the current version & build against MIT krb5, I'll upload it in a few hours if that's the case20:33
* ajmitch has to head out for a bit this morning 20:33
imbrandonfsck !!20:59
imbrandonScottK: can you reject that gnome-gmail-notifier upload please20:59
ajmitchimbrandon: you did an oops?21:02
dutchieanything to do with me?21:02
* ajmitch heads out, will upload later21:03
imbrandondutchie: no i included the wrong orig with the upload21:04
imbrandonajmitch: yes :(21:05
imbrandonScottK: if you would lemme know when thats rejected and i'll re-upload the correct way21:06
ScottKimbrandon: Done21:11
imbrandonScottK: ty21:14
imbrandonScottK / dutchie : ok correct files uploaded21:16
* imbrandon lunches21:16
lfaraoneScottK: FFe requested for bug 527978.21:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 527978 in groundcontrol "Please sync groundcontrol 1.6-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main). [Launchpad now using openid breaks login]" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52797821:22
ScottKlfaraone: Please put the usual FFe stuff in there including the testing you've done with it.21:24
lfaraoneScottK: never mind, looks like upstream has come across a moderately-important bug with login. (not blocker, from what I can tell)21:31
ScottKlfaraone: OK.  Once you're ready update the bug and upload.  No need to wait for the FFe to upload.21:31
lfaraoneScottK: well, I'm not a MOTU, or I would :)21:32
ScottKupload/get it uploaded21:33
=== bulldog is now known as bulldog98
Quartzlucas: can you make a patch in order to have rubyripper functional has it should be (like on ubuntu 9.04 and 9.10)22:20
QuartzWhen it compare the wav extraction from a same track, it hangs; normalyy it should need only one second. Sometimes it takes 10minutes.22:22
QuartzImagine when a CD has 30 tracks :(22:22
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=== Quartz is now known as Guest76568
YokoZarScottK: the other option is what we have in my PPA.23:50

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