
dewmanhas anyone had any problems with 10.04 and grub with the new mythbuntu rc?14:44
dewmanthe new 10.04 seems a little sluggish.....15:52
dewmanmythbuntu 10.04 that is.15:52
mranddewman: Compared to what?   You might try a different theme.  I think the expectation is that 0.23 is more responsive than 0.22.16:02
dewmanmrand, just overall response seems a little sluggish...I am using the stock blue theme...16:06
dewmanmrand, I was running .23 on 9.10 10.04 just seems to take longer to boot and really takes a lot longer to open to the main menu of myth16:08
dewmanthat was a upgrade and not a fresh install. I suppose I could export my db and try a reload and see if that is any better.16:11
mranddewman: in theory, upgrade vs. fresh shouldn't matter.16:12
spydmobile_I have a mythbuntu 9.10  backend/frontend and several other frontend clients. I am now ready to replace my agining backend. is it as simple as installing another backend, letting it adopt the jobs and shutting down the old one?, they all save recordingsa to a NAS.16:42
=== spydmobile_ is now known as spydmobile_AFK
tgm4883spydmobile_AFK, I'd probably just backup the database, install the new machine and then restore the database on there (of course you will need to mount the storage in the same location)  Check out http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Database_Backup_and_Restore as it has some really good info you will need17:37
Zinn[www.mythtv.org] Database Backup and Restore - MythTV17:37
spydmobile_AFKtgm4883: ty!17:39
spydmobile_AFKZinn: Thanks!17:39
ZinnHi spydmobile_AFK, something I can help you with today?  I am a bot, use !help to see what I can do.17:39
spydmobile_AFKlol - Im trying to chat with a bot lol17:39
=== spydmobile_AFK is now known as spyd_installing
Zinn!help For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].17:52
spyd_installingdoes anyone know what mythbuntu sets the root user password to in mysql when it installs it?20:24
spyd_installingfor anyone else who wants to know this, mythbuntu sets the root mysql password to the same as the new mythbuntu user password....20:26
SirColinHi Everyone22:43
SirColini have this error with mythbuntu  /usr/lib/libconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 25622:43
SirColinis anyone able to help me remove some x86 libs from a 64 bit system22:44
mrandSirColin: Google turns this up:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1061084   You might check your /tmp permissions22:53
Zinn[ubuntuforums.org] [gnome] /usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with error status 256 - Ubuntu Forums22:53
SirColinhmm that might make sense thank i will have a look22:54
SirColinshould /tmp be chmod 777 ?22:56
mrandI believe the 1777 quoted in the forum is probably correct22:58
SirColinok well chmod 777 worked i will now change it to 177723:02
mrandSirColin: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sticky_bit23:03
SirColinyes thanks i do need to read that23:03
SirColinthanks for your help mrand your have save my bacon23:09
mrandYou're welcome!23:09
SirColini spent all night last night getting alsa to play nice with my 5.1 audio and hadn't wrote up my notes yet so you have saved my a lot of time thanks.23:10
NLAKSHMIHi, I am running mythtv on ubuntu23:16
NLAKSHMII was wondering if anyone has tried to capture23:17
NLAKSHMIsliverlight (moonlight on linux) streams23:17
NLAKSHMIand store them as avi/mpg/mp4 on mythtv23:17

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