
mantienahi all08:01
mantienamaybe someone knows if today will be new daily build at cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/ ?08:02
mantienamaybe someone knows if today will be new daily build at cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/ ?08:57
=== bulldog is now known as bulldog98
diwicHi folks, I'19:03
diwicI'm trying to boot a live CD of Lucid RC on my old laptop and it does not boot.19:03
IdleOnediwic: you have BIOS set to boot from cd first19:04
diwicIt stops right after the splash screen. It freezes (with nothing but hard boot working) after having shown the splash for a while19:05
diwicI tried without "quiet splash" to see if that gave me any clue, but it froze up as well with a black screen.19:06
IdleOnetry apci=off19:06
IdleOneor is it apci=off19:06
IdleOneerr acpi19:07
diwicacpi or apic or both?19:07
diwicDumb question, but I press F6 to select it. Is it then enabled although it does not show up on the kernel command line?19:08
IdleOneboth might as well or try one at a time19:08
diwicHmm...the last thing I see is "Setting sensors limits [OK]", then garbage screen for a split second, then blank screen and num lock does not work.19:11
diwicGPU lockup?19:11
IdleOneDon't know try asking in #ubuntu+1 for more support19:11
diwicok, thanks19:11
rscheidemanhello world19:45
=== bulldog is now known as bulldog98
=== bulldog is now known as bulldog98

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