
erUSULPeterDrop: is a laptop ?00:00
PeterDropi lost one day working day trying to fix00:00
PeterDropno, desktop00:00
erUSUL!intelhda | PeterDrop00:00
ubottuPeterDrop: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto00:00
PeterDropi will try, txs00:00
[crt]Alright. Well as I have been trying to figure out why 2 user's I installed Ubuntu Karmic for (2.6.31-20 when wireless problems were occuring), it appears that updating to 2.6.32-generic had a significant impact on the wireless problems experienced earlier for both Ubuntu users. Both Ubuntu machines use the ath9k driver for Atheros wireless chips and the current connectivity is at 100% with so far, for the first few minutes, no drops in the signal. So if anyone els00:01
rafaelsoaresbrerUSUL, didn't known that site00:01
linxehninjai: no, on X it will use it. there is also xemacs if you want more buttons and toolbars, amongs other versions. tbh, you shouldnt be afraid of the command line though, especially if you are editing hex / programming00:01
PeterDropfirst line00:02
PeterDropfirst error: cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec00:02
PeterDropcat: /proc/asound/card0/codec#*: No existe el fichero ó directorio00:02
ninjailinxeh: I'm VERY fond of the command line.. my only issue is that if I want to select a bunch of hex that's 30 terminal windows long... i cant drag to highlight it all :P00:02
BenUrbandepends how big your windows are :P00:02
erUSUL!es | PeterDrop00:02
ubottuPeterDrop: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:03
BenUrbanheh, that's handy00:03
PeterDropFile not found or directory :P00:03
erUSULPeterDrop: ls /dev/snd/*00:03
linxehninjai: a decent editor (emacs, vi etc) lets you set mark points for selection00:04
linxehninjai: thus you eliminate the need for dragging00:04
PeterDrop/dev/snd/seq  /dev/snd/timer00:04
BenUrbanthose are not hex editors, though...00:04
erUSULPeterDrop: sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel00:04
linxehBenUrban: emacs at least has hex editing modes00:05
linxehBenUrban: I dont use vim enough to know if it does, but I would expect so00:05
PeterDropFATAL: Error inserting snd_hda_intel (/lib/modules/2.6.31-20-generic/updates/alsa/pci/hda/snd-hda-intel.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)00:05
ActionParsnip!find hex00:05
ninjailinxeh: I use vi in the command line... i guess I'll have to look at markers.  Problem is that vi itself can't view hex.  hexer has vi-like controls, but as opposed to GUI hex editors you can't select the text only, or the hex code only, you select them both...00:05
ubottuFound: libconvert-binhex-perl, fetchexc, ghex, ghextris, hex (and 13 others)00:05
Mene-MeneUbuntu 9.10 is taking especially long to boot just prior to the login screen, how can I troubleshoot htis?00:05
ActionParsnip!info ghex00:05
ubottughex (source: ghex): GNOME Hex editor for files. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.24.0-1 (karmic), package size 919 kB, installed size 2856 kB00:05
linxehninjai: http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Improved_hex_editing00:05
greezmunkeyActionParsnip: That beats !best :)00:05
jfb_h2oneed a suggestion, don't know where to start... I want to collect an image from a webcam that's online every hour. However, there's no 'current' image, such that I could use cron and a url to the image, it's a flash player... any ideas what I need to do (apologies for the long post!)00:06
erUSULPeterDrop: dmesg | tail00:06
erUSUL!paste | PeterDrop00:06
ubottuPeterDrop: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:06
ActionParsnipgreezmunkey: best is noly a model00:06
PeterDroperUSUL http://pastebin.org/17148900:07
ninjailinxeh: thanks!!00:08
erUSULPeterDrop: you installed/compiled alsa modules ?00:08
greezmunkey!find best00:08
ubottuFound: ocaml-native-compilers, libestools1.2, libestools1.2-dev, libestraier-dev, libestraier-java (and 2 others)00:08
dima-linuxshit, i messed up my firefox :( aptitude remove firefox doesn't help :(00:08
PeterDroperUSUL i think yes, trying to "fix it"00:08
erUSULPeterDrop: :/00:08
PeterDroperUSUL :S00:09
dima-linuxit appears always "Firefox is already running, but is not responding" can someone help?00:09
BenUrbandima-linux: probably a file in /var/run00:10
HowardtheDuckis ubuntu studio 10.049 coming out00:10
erUSULdima-linux: pkill -9 firefox-bin00:10
dima-linuxit can't be running, i just rebooted00:10
PeterDroperUSUL  30 minutes ago, i test lucid, and showme the sound card, but no sound, if i intall that version u are able to helpme? please00:11
PirateHow do I make conky delay on startup?00:11
dima-linuxhow can i remove firefox?00:11
jfb_h2owill install UNE over desktop remove desktop?00:11
erUSULPeterDrop: maybe; but not today. i'm leaving. too late here00:11
PeterDroperUSUL ok np sr, txs for ur time :)00:12
erUSULPeterDrop: no problem00:12
Piratesudo apt-get remove firefox might work?00:12
KaransacHi everyone00:12
crimsunPeterDrop: does "pulseaudio -k" work around it?00:12
PeterDropletme see00:13
ActionParsnipdima-linux: sudo apt-get --purge remove firefox*; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove00:13
PirateHow do I delay a command which autostarts00:13
duffydackdoes firefox take up that much space?   just use something else.00:13
fernandoke tal?00:13
=== fernando is now known as Guest59482
ActionParsnipPirate: make a script with a sleep command, then the command to run00:13
PeterDroperUSUL , pulse audio, not instaled00:13
ActionParsnipduffydack: not much but it is rubbish ;)00:13
wavexi want to install/extract Yenka, but that is a package-file, how i can use it? (http://www.yenka.com/en/Downloads/)00:14
PeterDroperUSUL , y try to install but.. error, broken paquages or something :S00:14
jfb_h2oanyone know how to install fuse for sshfs?00:14
KaransacIs something I can configure so that when I drag and drop files a menu opens asking if I want to copy paste or link (instead of having ALT pressed)?00:14
duffydackActionParsnip, when chrome does what I tell it to and has the extensions I`ll use it. till then, FF is fine..00:14
Piratesleep 10 && sudo firestarter works in terminal but not in auto start00:14
dima-linuxActionParsnip, removed :)00:14
K350Uh, usleep is not in the repo?:-o00:14
ActionParsnipduffydack: arora here too, good times00:14
Piratesleep 10 && gksu firestarter00:15
ActionParsnipduffydack: there are loads of browsers for linux, not just firefox and chromium00:15
DaedchonI use Google Chrome00:16
duffydackit seems like it will never be fixed but, ugly fonts in chrome compared to FF and it ignores whatever you set..   I dont mind FF, it does me fine..00:16
sam_hey i know on windows u can use "netstat -n" to show current connections to your pc? how can i do this on linux plz00:16
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K350sleep is there allright  but nto usleep..weird00:16
krm(GNU) sleep(1) can take fractional arguments00:16
duffydackI cant personally time in my head a few milliseconds loading a page...so I dont care.00:17
Sia-Guest96172, is a unix command stolen by windows is the same in linux :D00:17
erUSULGuest96172: netstat works in linux00:17
ishelI have a problem, my ubuntu distribution doesn't recognize any PCI device my motherboard has00:17
ishelexcept the PCI-e ones00:17
juancahi. Please, apparently I can't go to the domain 'grooveshark.com' (I don't know if other are blocked too)... I know It's working because I've just visit that site in my Windows partition00:18
ishelin windows (as I am in dual boot) everything works00:18
Guest96172!"omg it send pm00:18
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:18
sebsebsebduffydack: I used to recommend two other browsers instad of Firefox,   and no not Chrome/Chromeium.   not so sure about recommending those two now.  so that basically leaves Konqueror and Opera as alternatives.  I am not that likely to recommend chromium to people00:18
ishellspci lists all my PCI-e devices but none of the PCI ones (it's a sound card and a wireless network card)00:18
sebsebsebduffydack: uh I wasn't clear when I said not so sure about recommending those two now, I meant the two browsers I didn't mention the name of00:19
duffydacksebsebseb,  its ok.. I have no beef with FF..00:19
ActionParsnipishel: try: sudo lshw -C network; sudo lshw -C sound00:19
sebsebsebduffydack: oh yeah there's arora (I think that's the right name)  that seemed alright00:19
jfb_h2osshfs hanging on 10.04 any ideas?00:19
gverigIs there a good GUI newsreader with SSL support for Ubuntu??00:19
jfb_h2ofresh install00:19
sebsebsebduffydack:  and I will only recommend  an alternative to Firefox with good reason, so not that often at all :)00:19
ishelit brefly says PCI (sysfs)00:20
ishelbut then returns with no error code00:20
duffydackgverig, binary?00:20
ishelor information00:20
dima-linuxwtf, i still get message "firefox is already running, but is not responding" after reinstalling firefox and reboot.... what should i do??00:20
ActionParsnipishel: give it time00:20
Tophuoh man I love chomium I use chome in windows and it's so fast and in ubuntu it's super smooth00:20
isheldima-linux sudo killall firefox ><00:20
gverigduffydack: o_O is that a name or are you asking whether I need a binary or the reader? Or are the news binary?00:21
ishelActionParsnip: it has returned already00:21
dima-linuxishel... i just rebooted there is no way its running....00:21
ActionParsnipTophu: i use it too, the daily build is niiiice00:21
BenUrbandima-linux: i still think there's a leftover file in /var/run...00:21
juancahi. Please, apparently I can't go to the domain 'grooveshark.com' (I don't know if other are blocked too)... I know It's working because I've just visit that site in my Windows partition00:21
sebsebsebduffydack: Opera is closed source, but a good browser as well00:21
Tophuprobably needs flash installed00:21
frostbiteHi #ubuntu I was installing the latest version of ubuntu onto a 500gb external HD from my iMac intel and I ran into some problems.  I went through all nessicary steps and partitioned it 150gbs ext4 journeled, 8gbs swap space, and 342gbs free. Installation was fine and at the end it said restart. so I ejected and hit enter. while it was rebooting I held down option to choose the linux drive. Only it didnt find it. Or any drive. 00:21
frostbiteinterna; drive wont boot. The data still there and I can open it but It wont boot and the partions where made to the external but linux was never installed00:21
Tophuoopps you aren't my work chat00:21
FloodBot2frostbite: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:21
dima-linuxBenUrban and what can i do with it?00:21
ActionParsnipishel: then you have no sound or network device detected. I suggest you reboot and then run: dmesg | less00:21
BenUrbanremove it00:21
BenUrbanif u find the right one00:21
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ishelyes, that's the problem...I've rebooted many many times and my hw is fine as it's recognized by windows just fine00:22
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ishelno idea what the heck is going on00:22
=== quoth is now known as audumla
juancaHow can I see if a domain is blocked, because I can not navigate in Ubuntu but I just did in Windows00:23
dima-linuxhow can i find the one to remove?00:23
elshakahow can i see things?00:23
K350juanca: traceroute?00:23
dima-linuxwhere is firefox in var/run ??00:23
juancaK350: what's that? I'm sorry00:24
frostbitefloodbot2: sorry but can anyone help? please i am desperate at this point ask benurban lol00:24
=== canthus13 is now known as dammit
BenUrbanyou're talking to a bot00:24
=== dammit is now known as canthus13
ishelany ideas?00:24
d4rkmt7ranyone here use motion?00:24
d4rkmt7rtrying to set it up, but keep having webcam failure00:24
K350juanca: You can trace the packages from your computer to the end destination and see if it's blocked there or earlier00:25
BenUrbandima-linux: i'm not sure...i'm not running linux, just helping my friend, lol00:25
juancaK350: How can I do that?00:25
K350juanca: sudo apt-get install -y traceroute00:25
K350juanca: traceroute domain.org00:25
dima-linuxand i can't even google it, because it doesn't work...00:25
K350juanca: in the terminal00:25
juancaK530: yes, that I know. It's done00:27
=== Karansac is now known as Gnomensac
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juancabut I'm getting a GPG error v  :(00:27
K350juanca: when?00:28
K350juanca: during installation?00:28
juancaK350: after it00:28
K350juanca: what dist do you've?00:28
juancaK350: Karmic00:29
lukushi .. would anyone here say it's worth trying lucid yet?00:29
acovrighow do I 'install' a ethernet cartd?00:30
K350juanca: kubuntu? I've no idea..check your settings for add/remove programs00:30
ActionParsnip!lucid | lukus00:30
ubottulukus: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule00:30
lukusI understand that ActionParsnip00:30
juancaK350: ubuntu00:30
K350Anyone knows why there's no usleep with ubuntu/kubuntu?00:30
ActionParsniplukus: good :D00:30
lukusActionParsnip, didn't realise about the channel .. thx00:30
juancaK350: Don't worry about that, please help me with the blocked domain problem please00:30
=== fipu is now known as fipu|Away
K350juanca: same a sme. Check settings in add/remove programs00:31
Partitionerhi all00:31
Partitioneri downloaded wubi00:31
Partitionerthe windows installer00:31
K350juanca: what's is the problem?00:31
Partitionerbut when i run it after a first crash now it is not showing up anymore00:31
juancaK350: apparently I can't go to the domain 'grooveshark.com' (I don't know if other are blocked too)... I know It's working because I've just visit that site in my Windows partition00:32
Partitionerany idea or alternative ?00:32
Tophu@partitioner you can probably go to add/remvoe programs and unisntall the linux wubi installed then reinstall it again00:32
ConcreteRoseWhat does data interception means?00:32
PartitionerTophu i ll try that00:32
SnaresConcreteRose: Packet sniffing? :P00:32
greezmunkeyjuanca: in a terminal type nslookup grooveshark.com, and see what you get back00:33
K350juanca: solution of such problems is to run traceroute and have a look00:33
SnaresConcreteRose: Catching a datastream that isn't yours :P00:33
jhamboIs it possible to set up a metafeed with akregator?  i.e. make a 'feed' that has all articles in several other feeds that match some keywords?00:33
ConcreteRosewhy isnt it?00:33
* K350 Demands usleep on (k)ubuntu!00:33
wildbathi~ anyone know if there is a software to convert BIG5 encoding file to UTF8?00:34
ConcreteRoseI am behind a packard bell computer.00:34
acovrighow do I 'install' a ethernet cartd?00:34
juancagreezmunkey: ** server can't find grooveshark.com: NXDOMAIN00:34
Tophugrooveshark works fine for me in ubuntu 10.04 chromium00:34
coachjis there a way to get ubuntu to reconigize an MSC device?00:34
Typos_Kingjhambo:   not sure I followed that00:34
greezmunkeyjuanca: try nslookup google.com00:34
ConcreteRoseI accidentally removed a *.bin file of the maxtor external had drive, what do i do now? Anyone an idea?00:34
juancagreezmunkey: google works, let me test that00:35
juancagreezmunkey: I get names and addresses...00:36
greezmunkeyjuanca: try to ping (that's grooveshark.com)00:36
jhamboTypos_King: every day I search my feeds for several keywords (the same keywords each day).  It would be nice to automate that process so that I had a feed with only the articles that contain one of those keywords...00:36
Typos_Kingjhambo:   you mean, you don't use the filter in akregator?00:36
ConcreteRosethe truth is out there00:37
jorge_hi everyone, im having problems connecting to a PPTP VPN server, it works in windows, but it doesnt on ubuntu 9.10, I check syslog says: modem hangup..any clues?00:37
=== fipu|Away is now known as fipu
Typos_Kingcoachj:   pardon my ignorance, what's an 'msc' device? :{00:37
ConcreteRoseOh, that00:38
FloodBot2rosscompwiz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:38
juancagreezmunkey: I think it worked, I get: 16 packets transmitted, 16 received...00:39
greezmunkeyjuanca: are you getting your Internet from a university, business, or what?00:39
somenoonedownloaded ubuntu, installed it (kind of a weak password)... 3 days later it says "networking disabled", reinstalled... same thing 3 days later00:39
ConcreteRosewhat is a code?00:39
jhamboTypos_King: I do but that means i have to type in like 10 filter searches each time I'm using akregator.  It would be nice to automate this process so I don't have to type in all 10 searches each time I want to find out "what's new"...00:39
sweatshopkinghey dudes00:39
ConcreteRosei know a code00:39
Snaresrosscompwiz: You like ban hammers? :D00:39
juancagreezmunkey: In my office00:39
sweatshopkinghey i am having an issue trying to insmod a rt2870sta.ko file for my wireless card wusb-600n card. when i try to do it, it says insmod: cant read 'rt2870sta.ko' : no such file or directory. i am trying to follow these instructions: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111151800:39
SnaresBecause one is about to come crashing down upon your face.00:39
FloodBot2rosscompwiz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:39
knoppies!hi | rosscompwiz00:39
ubotturosscompwiz: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!00:39
coachjTypos_King: my sansa can be set to MSC ot MTP00:39
greezmunkeyjuanca: maybe they don't what you to listen to music over their connection!00:39
ConcreteRoseCrash what?00:40
greezmunkeyjuanca: try putting in your browser, see what happens00:40
ConcreteRoseCrash a face?00:40
robwcaI am a new to use linux, i have some question.00:40
knoppiesrobwca, fire away.00:41
juancagreezmunkey: As I said, I've just navigate there in my Windows partition... and I own this office... and have no blocking policy00:41
knoppiesrobwca, and welcome aboard.00:41
ConcreteRoseOh my internet is crashing00:41
sweatshopkinganyone have any ideas about my network card?00:41
greezmunkeyjuanca: try putting in your browser, see what happens00:41
BenUrbanwhat special steps are needed to install ubuntu on a mac?00:41
juancagreezmunkey: didn't work00:41
Typos_Kingcoachj:   MTP means, using microsoft crap and drivers, usually they're added with Windows Media Player 10 and up, MSC means, usb-storage device, so, it should, if you have it set so in the mp3 player, I know the sansa defaults to automatic, but you can set MSC manually too00:41
ConcreteRoseI thought I saw a person who i knew00:41
BenUrbanespecially on a usb hd...00:42
ConcreteRoseis this ubuntu?00:42
coachjOk Ubunto will "see" a MTP device PCLOs will see the MSC device00:42
Typos_Kingjhambo:   ... I see mmmmm00:42
ConcreteRoseI havent seen anything like ubuntu.... on internet.00:42
sweatshopkingnobody knows how to fix my issue?00:42
ConcreteRosefix issue?00:43
* antix issues fix00:43
sweatshopkinghey i am having an issue trying to insmod a rt2870sta.ko file for my wireless card wusb-600n card. when i try to do it, it says insmod: cant read 'rt2870sta.ko' : no such file or directory. i am trying to follow these instructions: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111151800:43
juancagreezmunkey: correction: It did work in Chromium, but not in Namoroka (by the way, is Namoroka = Firefox???)00:43
rosscompwizdoes anyone know how to get windows games on ubuntu?00:43
jhamboTypos_King: there was/is this yahoo pipes thing that lets you set up meta feeds but the problem is that most of the feeds I'm reading are behind pay walls00:43
antixrosscompwiz: crossover games00:43
knoppiesrosscompwiz, have a look at wine, and cygwin, but no promises.00:43
ConcreteRoseI have also an issue, which is solved.00:43
sweatshopkinganyone know about network cards?00:43
antixrosscompwiz: but really nothing works great.00:43
sweatshopkingi am trying to insmod a file00:43
Typos_King!ask | sweatshipking00:44
ubottusweatshipking: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:44
ConcreteRoseOh i see00:44
greezmunkeyjuanca: I don't know that answer...chromium works???00:44
sweatshopkingi did00:44
sweatshopkinga bunch00:44
coachjso Ubuntu will not detect an MSC device.00:44
robwca1. when i turn on the computer I wait a long time, and after system display"miss modules (cat/proc/modules ls/dev). what it mean?00:44
ConcreteRoseOh the internet....00:44
quesoCould someone direct me to where I can get help on how to play a last.fm stream with cmus?00:44
nickethi all, i'm a former SuSE user. And very happy with Ubuntu. There's only one problem...00:44
ConcreteRoseYou can play a fast stream of sound on www.cia.gov00:44
Typos_Kingjhambo:   just checked in akregator, doesn't have such :|00:44
somenooneis there like a smaller ubuntu channel, or can I pm someone.. seems pretty difficult to get help here00:45
Droopsta915how can i find out what kernel im using?00:45
ConcreteRosethe whitehouse security, is wonderful, they have obama going up and down there00:45
hellyeahuname -r00:45
coachjsomeone: just be patient,l wait 10 minutes re post00:45
hellyeahobama dobama kobama00:45
nicketWhen i'm in a fullscreen rdesktop session. I cant switch workspaces (ctrl+alt+left). Suse allows me to use the windows AND linux keybindings in a fullscreen rdesktop session. Anybody have a solution?00:45
somenooneok coachj00:45
Typos_KingDroopsta915:    uname -r as hellyeah pointed out00:45
sweatshopkingI have followed these steps   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1111518 up until the insmod part. once i try that, it says no file or directory and fails. anyone know how to fix this? i am trying to get my wireless card to work00:45
rosscompwizis it possible to get crossover free?00:45
juancagreezmunkey: no it doesn't, it seemed to, but it says "unrecognized host" and "go to www.grooveshark.com"... I follow the link and the same problem, no page00:45
somenoonemy internet kept going out with ubuntu.. which is weird since when I ran the "demo-version" from the cd, it was working fine00:46
Droopsta915typos_king: thanks00:46
greezmunkeyjuanca: are you running squid by any chance?00:46
coachjsomenoone" help here is better then most other distros00:46
ConcreteRoseIm a natural brain00:46
CommunistYoshiHello comrades00:46
juancagreezmunkey: I don't know what's that00:46
sweatshopkingconcrete, do you know the answer to my issue brain?00:46
juancagreezmunkey: how can I know00:46
ConcreteRoseI dont answer unnatural question, I can solve the assent of problems which I am capable of.00:46
Typos_Kingcoachj:   anyhow, if you manually set the mp3 player to MSC mode, it'll load as usb-storage device, and you can mount it and poke it00:47
sweatshopking? what does that mean? i just need help with insmod. i should that would be a pretty straight forward thing00:47
greezmunkeyjuanca: you whould know, I assume - because you would have had ot have installed it on purpose!00:47
juancagreezmunkey: then no00:47
Typos_Kingcoachj:   there may be also MTP drivers for accessing mtp devices in *nix too00:47
CommunistYoshiwhat's the hardware and software configuration for building a linux media centre?00:47
ConcreteRoseOh yeah, I remember something00:47
ConcreteRoselinux is used by engineers, who are actually programmers of the masses.00:48
greezmunkeyjuanca: Apparantly there are lots of issues with Namoroka, look here for just a few:http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=141570200:48
ConcreteRosethey call them programmers.00:48
dvheumenhi, I would like to fsck my root partition, but it's constantly in use, even when I boot into recovery mode. How should I fsck root? Because I know that there are errors that should be corrected?00:48
CommunistYoshigreezmunkey: that's why I stopped using Furefix00:48
CommunistYoshidarned keyboard00:48
coachjTypos_King ubuntu will not see it if set to MSC it does see it if set to MTP00:48
ConcreteRoseLinux is an operating system which is not further develop in the public arena, on purpose.00:49
rwwdvheumen: boot from a LiveCD, make sure it doesn't automount, issue fsck -c00:49
rwwdvheumen: alternatively (if you feel like doing it the hard way), boot into recovery mode, remount read only, fsck -c00:49
wildbathi~ anyone know if there is a software to convert BIG5/GB/JS/etc encoded text file to UTF8?00:49
d4rkmt7rwhat's up w/ new crunchbang, anyone testing it?00:49
Typos_Kingcoachj:      you mean, it doesn't show under 'lsusb' if you set it to 'msc' mode?    msc afaik is just plain usb-storage device00:50
juancagreezmunkey: How about Chromium? there's no good ol' Firefox for Ubuntu?? ..but grooveshark is now working in Chromium... it seems it was Xmarks, an extension00:50
dvheumenrww, I actually thought about that, but couldn't manage it, there were already more apps started (according to fuser -vm /)00:50
rwwd4rkmt7r: crunchbang is offtopic for this channel; try #crunchbang00:50
CommunistYoshijuanca: I persoally use SeaMonkey00:50
CommunistYoshiit's Firefox without the suck00:50
coachjTypos_King correct00:50
CommunistYoshichrome runs like crap on all my PCs00:50
leagrisdvheumen, alternative mount / -o remount,ro  then fsck _then reboot_00:51
coachjTypos_PCLOS does but Ubuntu does not00:51
coachjTypos_Kingsame machine00:51
Typos_Kingdvheumen:     boot with your live-cd/usb and issue ->    sudo e2fsck -c /dev/sda1;     assuming your installation is at sda1 otherwise, change accordingly :)00:51
rwwdvheumen: mount -o remount,ro / should work despite apps being started alreadt00:51
rwwalways has for me, anyway00:51
xsachahey guys i have a really weird problem. my net is very inconsistent. example: im downloading a file off firefox and an update in synaptic. the firefox d/l will be going fine (200KB/s) and then suddenly the synaptic update goes to 0KB/s for 5 seconds and then recovers. then later on the synaptic d/l is fine and the firefox d/l goes to 0KB/s and then cancels itself (corrupt file)00:51
greezmunkeyjuanca: that thread I linked you to documents uninstalling Namoroka, you can install a "stable" version of FF after that.00:51
imanchey guys - is there a decent mysql data transfer package in ubuntu or linux?00:51
xsachathe same thing happens when im playing a game, the game will be playing fine but i cant browse any websites.. then later the websites start working and then the game loses connection. any ideas?00:52
djbeenieanyone using 10.4 yet?00:52
CommunistYoshiI really hated TB300:52
dvheumenrww, in that case I'm gonna try again. Because it constantly whines about / being in use, but it would *really* be handy to be able to just remount ro and scan00:52
sweatshopkingi still have mine00:52
CommunistYoshiit's sucky00:52
dvheumentnx, I'm gonna give it another try00:52
rwwdjbeenie: Lucid/10.04 discussion and support is in #ubuntu+100:52
nalhilalI'm running Ubuntu 9.10 off my pendrive with a persistent 4GB casper-rw image, disk space keeps dropping (wtaching df -h) even when I uninstall applications! I've followed the RecoverLostDiskSpace document but still no use.00:52
coachjdjbeenie: yes00:53
CommunistYoshiapt-get remove firefox00:53
CommunistYoshiI really just can't stand firefox00:54
greezmunkeyWe get that CommunistYoshi :)00:54
Typos_Kingcoachj:      .... that's odd.... I had exactly the opposite with the same device, a sansa 2gb in win32, it didn't have any MTP (proprietary) drivers and it wouldn't load unless it was set to MSC00:54
rwwCommunistYoshi: If you don't have an Ubuntu support question, please consider moving your monologue to #ubuntu-offtopic00:54
CommunistYoshiYou see, with this many people, I don't think a lot of people can here you well00:54
CommunistYoshiI do have a support question though00:54
CommunistYoshiit was asked then ignored00:54
greezmunkeyCommunistYoshi: ask away00:55
CommunistYoshibasically: best combo of software and hardware for ubuntu media centre00:55
CommunistYoshiand the best software selection for a weak Pentium 300:55
greezmunkeyCommunistYoshi: I'd go with the default load, then customize it from there based upon your needs.00:55
CommunistYoshiwhat would you recommend for a media centre though>00:56
CommunistYoshiXBMC, Moovida, or something else00:56
coachjTypos_King yep this is a Sansa clip 2gb PCLOS see MSC Ubuntu sees MTP nither will see the other00:56
greezmunkeyCommunistYoshi: a faster processor to start with...00:56
CommunistYoshithe Pentium 3 isn't running the media centre00:56
CommunistYoshirather some new system that'd I'd build and want a decent hardware selection00:57
CommunistYoshithe Pentium3 can handle old 98 games well, but can barely handle google00:57
greezmunkeyCommunistYoshi: maybe look in #hardware?00:57
nalhilalWhat can I do to know which application is eating up my disk space? It grows every time I uninstall an application, I can see it through watch df -h00:58
coachjCommunistYoshi: I have a 1.1 gz AMD with 528 Mgs ram running Ubuntu 10.400:58
BenUrbancoachj: he's gone...00:58
Typos_Kingcoachj:      that's... not sure if that's how's meant to work, but yeah, I got the same gig, files transferred in MTP mode showed in MSC mode viewing, and files transferred in MSC mode, wouldn't show in MTP mode viewing, so the solution was to use 1 mode and stick with it for all the file transfers, cuz MTP wouldn't see any MSC trasnfers00:58
greezmunkeyMaybe he went to #hardware....00:59
kacperjest tu kto ?00:59
coachjTypos_KIng yep having that issue as well00:59
rww!pl | kacper01:00
ubottukacper: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.01:00
Typos_Kingcoachj:      well..... sooo, stick with mtp I gather if ubuntu is seeing it, as far as making it work in msc..... I can't say why it wouldn't, since it's just a plain usb-storage device01:00
kacperok :D01:00
bluelagunaWhat's the landscape-sysinfo process?  One of my machines has randomly started spawning it out of control01:01
bluelagunaI had to reboot the machine01:01
Mene-MeneUbuntu 9.10 is taking especially long to boot just prior to the login screen, how can I troubleshoot this?01:01
Typos_Kingcoachj:      you can check around for MTP drivers for pclinux too, and that'd do for the pclinux issue, I'd think Ubuntu already has drivers for MTP support, thus it sees it, I should point out that the MTP stuff is non-standard MS crap, and in winxp and below, unless you have media player10 or up installed, or manually add the drivers, it won't see any mtp devices either01:02
greezmunkeyMene-Mene: I would start with dmesg, you can paste it here: http://paste.ubuntu.com01:04
hipitihopis there a way I can edit a file on a remote machine using gedit on local machine ?01:05
greezmunkeyMene-Mene: After that maybe /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:05
* hipitihop thinks maybe the wrong channel to ask01:05
rwwhipitihop: how do you have access to the remote machine? SSH? FTP? something else?01:05
ConcreteRoseThe walls can talk01:05
PeterDrophi, somebody can helpme to fix sound card problem in ubuntu? no sound :(01:06
BenUrbanhipitihop: try mounting it as ssh01:06
hipitihoprww, it is a machine on my network which I administer .. so anything I want, yes ssh etc01:06
heoaWhich CLI-browser has WGET in drobdown menu?01:06
ConcreteRosego to the ubuntu website01:06
xixorYo.  how do I tell which hard drive (sda or sdb) that grub has been installed on?  I looked at /etc/default/grub, and in /boot/grub/  Can't figure it out, anyone know?01:06
Mene-Menegreezmunkey, I don't have enough room in my terminal for all of dmesg.01:06
ConcreteRoseif there is no god, do you know what is out there?01:06
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivelent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit01:06
hipitihopBenUrban, yes I do that, but that only gives me user access and the files I want to edit need sudo01:07
greezmunkeyMene-Mene: see that pastebinit, you can use that as well01:07
BenUrbanhipitihop: what files do you need to edit?01:07
Typos_Kingxixor:     what do you mean?  and why do you need it?01:07
wildbathi~ anyone know if there is a software to convert text files codepages and encodings?01:07
rwwhipitihop: ah. If you need sudo, my idea won't help either. nvm :(01:07
ConcreteRoseOpen your files in the computer and copy them to a hard disk, and than look at what happened.01:07
xixorTypos_King: Well, I just installed a new hard drive and installed linux on it (sdb).  I want to make sure that the grub boot loader is installed onto the hard drive containing windows (sda), so that the linux drive can be removed without making the system unbootable01:08
hipitihopBenUrban, various config files fo services running on the machine e.g. I run asterisk so need to edit /etc/asterisk.extensions.conf01:08
BenUrbanhipitihop: sounds to me like you'd need to ssh as root for that...01:08
BenUrbanhipitihop: or use nano or somesuch01:08
sweatshopkingi am still having the same issue....01:09
=== Paraselene__ is now known as Paraselene_
hipitihopBenUrban, yes I have used nano till now, but for editing asterisk dialplans it is a pita ... might just install gedit on that machine and run that across the ssh session01:09
ubuntui have a problem01:10
sweatshopkingi bet01:10
BenUrbanhipitihop: you'd have the same problem...01:10
ubuntusomebody help ?01:10
sweatshopkingi have been trying for an hour01:10
BenUrban(i think)01:10
sweatshopkingnobody seems to want to01:10
WindPowerhipitihop: Can't you use sshfs to mount it as root on the remote machine (but as your current user on your local machine)?01:10
Typos_Kingxixor:     if when you startup you machine, what you get is a Grub menu with ubuntu and win32 choices, then is installed to the 1st HD in the machine, in this case that will mean 'sda', if you  want it installed to 'sdb', you will need to do a -> sudo grub-install /dev/sdb;   IIRC01:10
WindPowersshfs root@remote-machine:path/to/mount /local/path01:10
BenUrbansweatshopking: ask the question again?01:10
sweatshopkingi am having an issue trying to insmod a rt2870sta.ko file for my wireless card wusb-600n card. when i try to do it, it says insmod: cant read 'rt2870sta.ko' : no such file or directory. i am trying to follow these instructions: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111151801:11
=== ubuntu is now known as STPIERE
sweatshopkingthank you benurban01:11
hipitihopBenUrban, why so, once I ssh user@myremote -X sudo gedit /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf would that not work ?01:11
Typos_Kingxixor:     in short, the boot loader that loads when the machines powers on, is the one at the 1st HD in that machine01:11
greezmunkeysweatshopking: is it a v1 or v2?01:11
BenUrbanhipitihop: not sure...more likely gksu or whatever the kids use these days, instead of sudo01:12
Zarpa_Magnoliausaba ubuntu 9.10 y me fallaba por el raton (uso un portatil), ahora me baje el linkat ...¿? alguién me puede decir algo?01:12
PeterDropsound problem, alsa is instaled, the sound card its show, but no sound, any ideas. Fresh 10.4 instalation. HD Nvidia card, txs01:12
greezmunkeysweatshopking: did you make the driver from the download package?01:12
sweatshopkingi think so...?01:12
xangua!es > Zarpa_Magnolia01:12
ubottuZarpa_Magnolia, please see my private message01:12
PeterDrop!es Zarpa_Magnolia01:12
sweatshopkingi followed the steps, and it made a file in the etc/Wireless/ folder01:13
sweatshopkinga .dat01:13
rwwubottu: caps | STPIERE01:13
ubottuSTPIERE: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.01:13
sweatshopkingbut how would i know if i "made" the driver?01:13
=== horndog__ is now known as horndog
somenooneI installed ubuntu, and after a couple of days I had some serious internet connection problems (wired)01:14
STPIEREfull screen works only with 1280 x 102401:14
greezmunkeysweatshopking: I have the same device, let me look through what I have, brb01:14
wookienzhi, stupid question. If i am trying to mount one nix directory but onto another nix box do i need any sharing enabled, ue samba or is it native?01:14
STPIEREdoes somebody have a solution ?01:14
sweatshopkingthat would be awesome!01:14
somenoonethis happened twice01:14
sweatshopkingis there like a script you could send me?01:14
sweatshopkingthose instructions seem to fail for me01:14
Typos_Kingsomenoone:    define 'serious'01:15
hipitihopwookienz, depends usually people use nfs for that01:15
greezmunkeysweatshopking: It's not that bad, like I said, let me look through what I have, brb01:15
ActionParsnipSTPIERE: what video card?01:15
sweatshopkingthanks man01:15
somenooneumm it kept turning off01:15
somenooneand saying "networking disabled"01:15
ne7workubuntu or slackware for servers?01:15
wookienzso it is not a crime to install samba and use that between nix boxes?01:15
greezmunkeysweatshopking: I need to verify which file is loaded by my system, brb01:15
ActionParsnipSTPIERE: nice nick btw01:15
rwwne7work: You're in #ubuntu, we're obviously going to say Ubuntu ;P01:15
STPIEREActionParsnip:ati radeon inboard01:16
ActionParsnipwookienz: not at all, it allows easier integration of other OSes later01:16
BuenGenioanyone can explain the difference between ices and icecast?01:16
ActionParsnipSTPIERE: what is the output of: lspci | grep -i vga01:16
ne7workWhat is the difference between ubuntu and slackware01:16
ne7workI'm ubuntu user ?01:16
wookienzubunutu holds the samba daemon in /etc/init.d/samba ?01:16
xangua!ot > ne7work01:16
ne7workI never try slackware?01:16
ubottune7work, please see my private message01:16
leagrisne7work, really depend on your requirements and you/admin abilities. But dist choice off topic here sorry.01:16
STPIEREActionparsnip: 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Device 971001:17
Typos_Kingne7work:  then why consider slackware over... fedora, or redhat, or SuSE, or centOS or else? hehe01:17
ActionParsnipSTPIERE: you can set the res you want using xrandr01:17
sweatshopkingslackware is bare bones.01:17
sweatshopkingif you want that, go for it01:17
Typos_Kingwell.. bash is bare bones too01:17
STPIEREActionParsnip : i'll try. thanks man!01:17
Typos_Kingyou can barebone many distributions really01:18
sweatshopkingyes, but slackware starts pretty bare01:18
okwhatnowanyone know about syslinux01:18
rwwubottu: anyone | okwhatnow01:18
ubottuokwhatnow: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:18
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:18
xanguaor you could leave offtopic01:18
ActionParsnipne7work: or puppy, damnsmall or even xpud01:18
Typos_Kingsweatshopking:     he didn't specify he wanted barebones though01:18
sweatshopkingno, i was just saying that was the major selling point of slackware01:19
sweatshopkingnot that it was better01:19
sweatshopkingit's all good01:19
sweatshopkingi dont use it cause im a total noob01:19
nalhilalI have ubuntu 9.10 running off my pendrive with a casper-rw image, after an aptitude safe-upgrade something keeps eating my disk space, how can I find out which application is doing that?01:19
Typos_Kingne7work:   'better' or 'best' is as always, a relative term :).... so.... what works for John doesn't have to work for Jane, and so on, doesn't mean is bad, doesn't mean is good either01:20
w-cdmahello, I've just posted in a thread on the forums (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9165266#post9165266)  but I'm really itching to get an answer and solve this damned conundrum!  Basically i installed ubuntu and was dual booting between ubuntu 9.10 and windows 7.  This was working fine until I updated the grub in synaptics, since then I can't boot into win7 because it doesn't appear in my grub menu.  HELP!!!!  Normally I'm pretty01:20
w-cdma good and can find the answer in the forums but this one has me perplexed!01:20
okwhatnowthis tutoral is rong for linux now what http://syslinux.zytor.com/wiki/index.php/HowTos01:21
w-cdmado you have any tips of threads I can read to fix this?01:21
Typos_King!pt | adao01:21
ubottuadao: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.01:21
greezmunkeysweatshopking: yikes, it's been a while since I looked at all of that :) How far did you get with the instructions?01:21
Typos_Kingbrah-:  abort!  =P01:21
=== somenoone is now known as WXZ
nalhilalw-cdma: try this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=140473101:23
Typos_Kingw-cdma:     is grub still in the startup menu?   I mean, when you boot do you get a Grub menu?01:23
w-cdmayeah I still get grub01:24
w-cdmai can't mount sda2 anymore01:24
Typos_Kingw-cdma:     do drop to a console and do a -> sudo update-grub;01:24
w-cdmaI've done update grub01:24
w-cdmabut it doesn't show01:24
w-cdmaI'm sorry I don't know what that means01:25
Typos_Kingw-cdma:     what if you mount win7 partition before issuing it?01:25
ActionParsnipw-cdma: read the grub2 documentation, it will show how to add the enties into the grub config01:25
w-cdmaI can't mount sda201:25
irongany gui tool to resize images?01:25
colorlessprismirong, gparted01:25
Typos_Kingw-cdma:     sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda2 /mnt;01:25
bastid_raZorirong: images as in pictures?01:26
Typos_King /mnt or /media/WHATEVER01:26
colorlessprismirong, well any of the *parteds01:26
sweatshopking__hey man, sorry i accidently refreshed, then it went to that dumb proxyt hing, when i'm not using a proxy01:26
karmichi all any body help my   need to go  fedora server01:26
sweatshopking__i finsihed step f01:26
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras01:26
greezmunkeynalhilal: you get an answer yet?01:27
sweatshopking__greez, i got to step 501:27
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: there you are!01:27
sweatshopking__sorry i hit refresh01:28
nalhilalgreezmunkey: no answer so far, I don't know what do do about it01:28
Roastedwhat theme engine does 10.04's ambiance theme use?01:28
xangua!lucid > Roasted01:29
ubottuRoasted, please see my private message01:29
xanguaRoasted: uses murrine01:29
irongbastid_raZor, yes pics01:29
JabberWalkieok, so does ubuntu use the .xinitrc file at all? I cant find it...nor is there any /usr/lib/X11/xinit directory like in the man page..whats going on?01:29
sweatshopking__am i still here?01:30
sweatshopking__i guess so.../01:30
sweatshopking__did you have any luck greezmunkey?01:30
Roastedxangua, is that something thats like... in debian's repos? I want to add ambiance to my debian box, but it comes up with boxey buttons, etc01:30
mattwj2002hey guys01:31
mattwj2002quick question01:31
wildbathi, any sugguestion on GUI text editor that can edit 100+ MB file?01:31
Chigginshey, i need a bit of help installing Java for Ubuntu, without an internet connection to the linux box.01:32
mattwj2002I want to buy the Logitech  Webcam Pro 9000 does anyone know if it works without drivers in ubuntu 9.10?01:32
frostbitei installed linux on an external from my mac and now it wont boot01:32
bastid_raZor!hardware | mattwj2002 look here01:32
ubottumattwj2002 look here: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection01:32
mattwj2002http://linux-uvc.berlios.de/ <- here it has a check mark01:32
greezmunkeynalhilal: unfortunately there is no magic bullet for you that I can find. You can use the "Application/Accessories/Disk Usage Analizer" to scan the drive/filesystem. You would have to run this several times until you were able to detect a change in usage that you can't otherwise account for.01:32
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: working! I'm still dissecting how I installed, because there were differances from the instructions, bear with me please01:33
STPIEREneed help.cant get into full screen mode . just small desktop window in the middle of monitor01:34
sweatshopking__let me know, when ever you're able01:34
mattwj2002bastid_raZor if works for Linux UVC does it automatically work for ubuntu?01:34
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: I do know that I copied rt2870.bin to /var/modules - but there was more to it...looking01:34
sweatshopking__ok, i dont think i have a file rt2870.bin01:35
STPIEREdoes someone knows hoe to get desktio into full screen mode ?01:35
nalhilalgreezmunkey: I am sort of doing that using du but I can't seem to capture a before and after by uninstalling an application, it eats it up the space too fast01:35
ActionParsnipSTPIERE: sounds like your screen isnt stretching the image01:36
imanchow the hell do i disable the touch pad on my lapo?  I have perused two articles - and followed instructions, but neither has worked01:36
STPIEREwhat can i do ?01:36
imancdoes anyone know what I need to do to disable touchpad on ubuntu 10 beta?01:37
ActionParsnipSTPIERE: what res does your monitor expect?01:37
STPIERE1280 x 1024 works fine01:37
ActionParsnip!lucid | imanc01:37
ubottuimanc: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule01:37
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: what directory were you in when you tried to modprobe the .ko file?01:37
PyroFXhello #ubuntu01:37
STPIEREbut all resolutions below that i get inly shrunked dekstop in the middle01:37
imanchey ActionParsnip thanks!01:37
ActionParsnipSTPIERE: ok then see if xrandr will let you select that, if not then use /etc/X11/xorg.conf file  yuo will find examples online01:37
sweatshopking__the directory i created for the extracted file i downloaded onto my desktop. it would have been ~/Desktop/WUSB600N/os/linux01:38
STPIEREwith xrandr i cen select, but i get shrunked window again01:38
bastid_raZormattwj2002: normally, yes.01:38
mattwj2002okay cool01:39
mattwj2002bye all!01:39
imanchey - in ubuntu 9, is the notification (in osx i'ts called growl) clickable in the top right?  I.e. does clicking it direct you to the app, e.g. msn?01:39
ConcreteRosewhere your going?01:39
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: ok, still checking heh - I did the install on autopilot so I have to remind myself!01:39
ActionParsnipSTPIERE: then make the icons bigger maybe, or set a larger pixel size01:39
kyubutsuimanc: no01:39
STPIEREhow do i set larger pixel size ?01:40
imanckyubutsu no not clickable?01:40
ConcreteRoseLooks like the night has fallen again01:40
PyroFXI am new to Ubuntu (and to IRC for the most part) and was wondering if somebody could help me with a problem01:40
kyubutsuimanc: no, as in they wont bring up the program ...01:40
imancConcreteRose - coding and isolation just gets better during the night01:40
kyubutsuthey are applets for the program01:41
imanckyubutsu ah, OK. I am comparing with osx and this happens automatically01:41
PyroFXI installed Ubuntu to dual boot, but upon restart, I never get to a dual boot screen01:41
ConcreteRoseWhere are the dinosaurus stuff?01:41
DaedchonIs there a "progam files" directory or something like it?  or is it something I would make myself01:41
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: in a terminal type: locate rt2870sta.ko - hit enter, and send the result to http://paste.ubuntu.com01:42
ConcreteRosebrains + brains = ?01:43
sweatshopking__i cant send it, cause i cant get that pc on the internet01:43
sweatshopking__i'm on another computer, i only have wireless01:43
sweatshopking__but i'll try and see what it says!01:43
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: you could always create a bridged connection from one pc to the other!01:44
sweatshopking__greez it says: /lib/modules/2.6.32-21-generic/kernel/drivers/staging/rt2870sta.ko01:44
sweatshopking__i dotn konw how to bridge, as i dont have any straight through network cables01:45
DaedchonIs there a "progam files" directory or something like it?  or is it something I would make myself01:45
sweatshopking__daedchon there isnt, ther eis home which holds kinda everything01:46
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: ok, in step 5, what exact command did you run?01:46
DaedchonGreat thanks01:46
ChigginsHey, how can I install Java without using apt-get01:46
Typos_KingDaedchon:    yes and no, each app makes their own, anything close to 'program files' will be /usr/share  there abouts :)01:46
Satan911Hi. Currently in the process of installing Ubuntu on a disk partition (been using Live CD for a while). The installation went good but when I boot my computer and start Ubuntu, there's obviously a problem with X as the graphics aren't working at all and my screen is flashing really fast. I can't login or do anything.. So I booted back in Windows and tried to delete the partition hoping to try a fresh install again. However, after01:47
Satan911deleting the partition, I couldn't boot back into windows because it seems the GNU Grub boot loader won't work if Ubuntu isn't installed. So I had to boot back into the Live CD and reinstall Ubuntu (still not working) just to get the Grub loader to boot and to get on Windows again. 1) How can I completely remove the partition and have windows to boot normally again 2) I searched the forum for the flashing problem but didn't find a01:47
Satan911nything helpful (few people are having the same problem but no solution were posted).01:47
FloodBot2Satan911: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:47
sweatshopking__i navigated to the WUSB600N/os/linux folder then ran ""sudo insmod rt2870sta.ko"01:47
kyubutsuDaedchon: user program files are usually in your /home directory, including most of your configuration files for YOUR user programs ..01:47
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: try this: sudo /sbin/insmod rt2870sta.ko - see what happens01:48
JabberWalkiehow do I start a second X session, but have it start with a custom display size, background, or whatever01:49
sweatshopking__insmod: can't read 'rt2870sta.ko' : No such file or directory01:49
norbi905Hello, I just installed Ubuntu minimal.  Got PekWM window manager running with basic networking and irssi.  I need to install nvidia drivers.  Is that something I can get from the repos?  apt-get install nvidia?  apt-cache search brings up a few different ones, not sure which is correct.01:49
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: try this: sudo /sbin/insmod ./rt2870sta.ko - see what happens 2nd try!01:49
sweatshopking__same error01:50
Satan911My question again..01:50
basixhey, does anybody know a good daemon to mount a webdav directory? All the ones I tried until now make editing files a real pain. Editors just hang until file operations get completed on the remote machine.01:50
kyubutsuDaedchon: other system programs are in the file system folder, i wouldnt recommend fiddling with those directly.. use your package manager or ubuntu software center to add/remove programs safely01:50
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: type: ls -la - is the file where you are now?01:51
greezmunkeysweat that command must be run from the directory where the file exists!01:52
sweatshopking__right, but i cant get to where the file is!01:52
sweatshopking__it says the folder locate tells me it is in doesnt exist!01:52
Alcormaybe a . file01:53
ubergamerlaptop wont connect to router when it did few days ago please help01:53
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: heh, {directory where you gunzipped}/os/linux/rt2870sta.ko01:53
sweatshopking__it isnt there01:53
sweatshopking__it isnt in the downloaded pack01:54
sweatshopking__i thought i had to make it01:54
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: in a term: locate rt2870sta.ko - then cd to the result...01:55
nalhilalSatan911: I'm not sure about the video flashing problem, but to get windows to work you need to fix the MBR (master boot record) which removes grub and allows you to boot directly into Windows. You can start the command prompt in windows and type "fdisk /mbr", or start the Windows installation disk and go into recovery and type fixmbr01:55
ConcreteRoseHere is the truth01:55
norbi905How can I find out the version of Ubuntu that i'm using through bash?01:56
Satan911Ok thanks nalhilal. I'll try that and maybe try 10.04 after.01:56
bastid_raZornorbi905: lsb_release -a01:56
sweatshopking__it didnt give an error message when i ran it this time...01:56
nalhilalSatan911 good luck01:56
ConcreteRoseif a file is deleted in a disk, and its not in garbage of linux, where is it than?01:56
norbi905bastid_raZor: Thank you01:56
Satan911Uhmm fdisk is not a recognized command. I'll google..01:57
ubergamer laptop wont connect to router when it did few days01:57
IdleOneConcreteRose: it's deleted01:57
kyubutsunorbi905: you can use system>system monitor program to see that info too01:57
sweatshopking__however it says my card should be working, but i dont see any networks....01:57
ConcreteRoseWhat is deleted? The file?01:57
IdleOneConcreteRose: yes01:57
ConcreteRoseOh ok, so how does it come back?01:58
norbi905kyubutsu: Thanks, however i'm on a basic minimal install using irssi.01:58
kyubutsuirssi ftw!01:58
IdleOneConcreteRose: you create a new empty file and add the info you deleted into the empty file01:58
ConcreteRosewhich info?01:58
IdleOneConcreteRose: stop trolling please01:59
norbi905I need to install nvidia drivers. apt-cache search nvidia turn up with a few of them.  How or which one should I go for? As apt-get install nvidia will most likely not work01:59
ConcreteRosewhat is trolling?01:59
IdleOne!troll > ConcreteRose01:59
ubottuConcreteRose, please see my private message01:59
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: in that directory: ls -la :what is the date on the file?01:59
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: does that match when you made it (more or less)?01:59
greezmun1eysweatshopking__: you there?01:59
ConcreteRoseis normal behavior trolling?01:59
greezmun1eythat was wierd01:59
norbi905I'm assuming nvidia-glx-new is the one i'm looking for02:00
=== greezmun1ey is now known as greezmunkey
sweatshopking__i'm here02:00
sweatshopking__it is 2010-04-16 10:0202:00
kyubutsuConcreteRose: it is highly discouraged to 'troll'02:00
sweatshopking__i made it like an hour ago02:00
sweatshopking__actually i dont think i did make it, i didnt do anything as far as i know that would have made it. just eh instructions on that page02:00
norbi905Hmm, maybe not :(02:00
ConcreteRosetroll is actually a word that is not referring to your behavior, but only the effect upon your reponse of mine behavior02:00
kyubutsuConcreteRose: indeed.. now stop doing it02:01
ConcreteRoseoh you mean stop deleting things?02:01
IdleOneConcreteRose: please stop behaving in a manner that will cause me to feel you are being a troll and in turn force me to have to remove you :)02:01
ConcreteRoseok great!!02:02
nalhilalI'm considering uninstalling gvfs, is that going to cause problems? I need the disk space! :/ (aufs on a 4GB casper-rw image)02:02
ubergamer laptop wont connect to router when it did few days ago please help02:02
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: I think maybe you should start over. You will have to delete the file structure that was made when you tar -xvzf'd the source - I had to do the same thing at least once.02:02
ChadVMHello everyone.  Is anyone here familiar with Vino and x11VNC in Ubuntu 9.10?02:02
ConcreteRoseKick Ass!02:02
kyubutsuConcreteRose: formulate your questions is the most .. concrete manner possible to avoid this type of situations02:02
sweatshopking__how do i start over?02:02
ConcreteRoseoh really02:02
ConcreteRosewhere in robot world?02:02
norbi905What does "Transitional package for nvidia-glx-185" mean?  Is this the binary driver?02:03
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: no no, delete the directory that was created when you did step 102:03
ryan_i have a ppc question and no one is ever in the ppc or ports rooms02:03
ryan_can someone possibly help02:03
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: then repeat step 1, and follow the instructions *closely*02:03
ConcreteRoseAll robots wake up, god is gone.02:03
kyubutsudont ask to ask a questions.. formulate your questions clearly and wait for someone to answer02:04
brah-thanks for sharing...02:04
ryan_I have an Imac g3 with ati128, upgraded to 9.10 and have 8bit video res.  Suggestions to correct.02:05
ubergamerhow can i attach my laptop to connect to my router when it did few days ago now it just says no network connection please help02:06
greezmunkeyubergamer: Ethernet?02:06
ChadVMLinux newbie here.  I am using a windows PC to connect to Ubuntu 9.10.  I have an nVidia card so I cannot use Vino.  I've done apt-get install x11vnc.  I cannot figure out how to have Ubuntu use it for the VNC server instead of Vino.02:07
kyubutsuubergamer: sometimes you can just reboot and the connection will be restablished.. of course, this is not a practical nor standard solution02:08
ubergameri tried that and nothing02:08
greezmunkeyubergamer: Are you using Network Manager?02:08
ubergameryes i deleted old and tried it again and nothing02:08
ubergamershows the router but wont connect just says no network connection02:09
greezmunkeyubergamer: Right click the Network Manager widget, is enable networking, and enable wireless checked?02:09
greezmunkeyubergamer: what have you done (networking-wise) with your PC since it last was able to connect?02:11
=== brad[werk] is now known as bradbook
brandon__#ubuntu1 /join02:11
ubergamernetworking nothing02:11
sweatshopking__greez, when i follow them, and complete step 6, it says :error inserting, -1 file exists02:11
ubergamerbattery died blew up and replaced it and that was it02:11
kyubutsuubergamer: you use a passphrase on your connection?02:11
ubergamerthat is when it happen when i replaced the battery02:12
ubergameryes i do02:12
greezmunkeyubergamer: open a terminal and type: iwconfig - what do yo see? Paste to http://paste.ubuntu.com02:12
ubergamerstand by02:12
chinopomhola como estan02:13
ubergamerhard to paste cuz no wireless on laptop when im on desktop now02:13
ubergamerbut says no wireless extensions02:13
kyubutsugreezmunkey: you think he might need to double check whether he has the right encryption method specified for his network?02:14
xanguahi chinopom, looking for ubuntu support¿02:14
greezmunkeyubergamer: does it show *any* wireless device at all?02:15
kyubutsualso, ubergamer , is there a physical ON button to turn on your wifi card?02:15
ubergamerieee 802.11abg mode: managed02:16
* Flare-Laptop is a Ubuntu Developer02:16
stryk3rhey, how come flash is very laggy in 1080p resolution for youtube? anybody have an idea to why?02:16
greezmunkeykyubutsu: I think he is at least going to have a restart in his immediate future...02:16
DJ-rbhey anyone have experience with TeamSpeak 3 on Ubuntu02:16
Flare-Laptopwell sorta lol02:16
ubergameraccess point is not accosiated02:16
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: that's  not a good error...02:16
sweatshopking__well, it did move over i think before, but it never seemed to initialize the device02:16
greezmunkeyubergamer: that's good, at least it's there02:16
ubergamerya fosure02:17
ubergamernow what02:17
DavidJHeinrichcan xorg do HDMI video output fine with ATI cards, or is that problematic?02:17
sweatshopking__the device works correctly in win 7 though02:17
madrugaHey guys, my pidgin is consuming a lot of memory of system, someone is have a similar problem ?02:17
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: in a terminal: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart (you are using another pc right now right?)02:18
xanguamadruga: maybe too much accounts or plugins¿02:18
DJ-rbI am having issues with TeamSpeak 3...I can hear people speaking in my channel02:18
DJ-rball they hear is white noise02:18
kyubutsugreezmunkey: you addressed the wrong person , i think..02:18
greezmunkeyubergamer: in your NM widget, right click, edit connections, check what you have under wireless.02:18
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greezmunkeykyubutsu: no I didn't!02:19
ubergamershows my router name02:19
madrugaxangua, I think not, just use a plugin and an account02:19
kyubutsuah, thought only ubergamer was the one with network issues02:19
kyubutsucarry on02:19
sweatshopking__i am using another pc02:19
* CrazyDoode restricts caffine use.02:19
infidwhat does ubuntu use instead of xmms?02:19
madrugaxangua, I run pidgin, and it consumes 600 mb memory Oo02:19
=== Guest5089 is now known as Flare-Laptop
greezmunkeykyubutsu: it's a never ending flow of non-networking, seems like! :)02:20
infidmadruga: ubuntu has empathy for you02:20
sweatshopking__reconfiguring network [ OK ]02:20
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: in a term, iwconfig, what do you see?02:20
madrugainfid, haha i think not too02:20
greezmunkeyubergamer: edit that connection, is the connect automatically box checked?02:21
sweatshopking__lo no wireless extensions eth0 no wireless extensions02:21
madrugais really strange02:21
ubergameryes it is02:21
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: if the driver was loaded you should have a device called ra(n) usually ra002:21
energYCan I get yahoo messenger with sound on ubuntu?02:22
sweatshopking__maybe i should reboot and try insmoding again?02:22
energYwith webcam?02:22
kyubutsusweatshopking__: having no wlan entry in there explains part of the problem .. almost looks like your wifi card is not set up02:22
greezmunkeyubergamer: uncheck that for now, then in a terminal type: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart02:22
sweatshopking__that's the thing, i'm tring to set it up02:22
madrugaII just use pidgin encrypte02:22
greezmunkeyubergamer: wait a bit, then right click the NM widget - see if your SSID shows up or not.02:22
kyubutsusweatshopking__: yes, normally the system would do that for the user .. interesting02:23
kwilsonIn 9.10, I've suddenly run into a problem with sudo. Prefixing commands with sudo still works fine but I'm unable to use any of sudo's command line arguments, such as -v, -k, etc. When I try, I get the message "env: -v: No such file or directory"02:23
sweatshopking__it is a wusb600n02:23
sweatshopking__i'm using this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111151802:23
kwilsonThis is actually a problem on two systems, both began recently02:23
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: I get that, so something else is going on. Did you edit the make files as directed in the instructions?02:23
sweatshopking__i ran the make command02:23
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: did you edit the files?02:24
xanguaenergY: try gyache02:24
sweatshopking__i dont see where it says to edit until later02:24
greezmunkeyseems to me I said...02:24
Tophucan anyone help me figure out why this script will rotate my display 180 but not the touch/mouse/pen input? http://paste.ubuntu.com/421326/02:24
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: then repeat step 1, and follow the instructions *closely*02:24
ubergamerstand by02:24
sweatshopking__first it says it should be working now02:24
sweatshopking__i did a bunch of times02:24
ubergamerreconfiguring network interfaces      ok02:25
sweatshopking__i can run them all successfully, but the device doesnt seem to initialize02:25
greezmunkeyubergamer: wait a bit, and then left click the widget, do you see your ssid?02:25
ubergameri always saw my ssid there i just can not connect to it02:26
kyubutsuubergamer: by ssid he means your network name02:26
ubergamerstill no network connection02:27
greezmunkeyubergamer: select your ssid in the list, see what happens - it should ask you for your passphrase02:27
ubergameri tried to connect and didnt ask me for the passphrase02:27
ubergamerbut no network connection after it tried to establish a connection02:27
hatake_kakashiubergamer, probably there's a profile created for that ssid, using network manager? check under wireless section02:28
bsmith093how does mplayer store the file its playing02:28
ubergamerlet me check02:28
bsmith093i just deleted some dvd iso files and i forgot i had one of them paused in mplayer when i unpaused it it didn't crash or anything it just seems really wierd02:29
greezmunkeyubergamer: open a new terminal and type: tail -f /var/log/syslog {press enter} - that will let you see what's going on as it tries to connect. You will have to go through the connect sequence again.02:29
tgm4883Is there a way to check if apt has been updated with a repo's package list?02:30
hatake_kakashibsmith093, I think its probably stored in the buffer, so a portion of it would reside in the memory02:30
bsmith093 well that makes sense02:30
kyubutsubsmith093: the file might have been temporarily stored in memory [ram] if it wasnt too big02:30
sweatshopking__i guess we dont know02:30
hatake_kakashitgm4883, not that I know of but you can always issue `sudo aptitude update'02:30
hatake_kakashisweatshopking__, what was the issue? I'm trying to read through my buffer02:31
ubergameralot of device state change reason 0 3  and disconnect event - remove keys02:31
kyubutsubsmith093: that means there is no recovering that particular file, in your case .. once you closed the player, it was gone02:31
tgm4883hatake_kakashi, not in this instance. I'm working on a program and trying to query for that info. If I can get it, I don't always have to display the warning to the user02:31
sweatshopking__i am trying to setup my WUSB600N wireless usb card, and failing. it will insmod, but it doesnt initialize02:31
ubergamermarking connection invalid02:32
bsmith093i havent closed the player yet and i still have the original dvds so thats fine02:32
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: steps two and three involve opening the files indicated in each step, and then modifying certain entries *before* running make02:32
energYxangua: Cant find it02:32
hatake_kakashitgm4883, humm I think the db file residing in /var/cache/apt might help you, if you check the mtime on it02:32
hatake_kakashisweatshopking__, pastebin (not paste) your dmesg output02:32
sweatshopking__Step 2 - Extract WUSB600N.tar to a folder  Step 3 - Open a terminal and navigate to the newly created WUSB600N folder02:33
sweatshopking__are you looking at the same page greez?02:33
DaedchonWhen I try to compile into usr/share, it tells me unable to open cache file for save and gives a system error:permission denied02:33
hatake_kakashisweatshopking__, no I don't know which page you're referring to02:33
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: no! Im looking at the instructions in the tarball! That would help you a lot!02:33
hatake_kakashiDaedchon, you need to be root to write into that directory02:33
xanguaenergY: you need to add the PPA says the page https://launchpad.net/~loell/+archive/ppa http://gyachi.sourceforge.net/02:33
sweatshopking__i didnt know there were any there!02:33
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: README.STA !!!02:33
ubergamerdisconnect event - remove keys02:34
DaedchonSoo how does a newbie like me do that?02:34
sweatshopking__now i have another problem, i rebooted, and wehn i move a window or open a menu the screen flashes black for a second02:34
hatake_kakashiubergamer, pastebin (not paste) your dmesg output02:34
xanguaDaedchon: what do you want to compile¿02:34
ubergamergimme address02:35
kyubutsu!pastebin > ubergamer02:35
ubottuubergamer, please see my private message02:35
kyubutsujust in case..02:35
xanguaDaedchon: quassel is in teh repositories02:35
DaedchonProbably is02:35
greezmunkeyubergamer: that usually means that you are not authenticating with the AP. hatake_kakashi suggested that an existing profile, under wireless connections, could be interfering...02:35
Daedchonbut I would actually like to learn how to do stuff manually02:35
sweatshopking__ok i fixed the issue02:36
sweatshopking__with the screen02:36
sweatshopking__had to change refresh rate02:36
kyubutsugreezmunkey: even though your logic is sound, i think its a hardware issue02:36
xanguayou can compile it in your home directory02:36
ubergamerubottu how i send private im02:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:36
greezmunkeykyubutsu: regarding?02:36
bastid_raZorDaedchon: you need to run the command with sudo which gives you root permissions02:36
hatake_kakashi!compiling > Daedchon02:36
ubottuDaedchon, please see my private message02:36
=== Nijverheid is now known as Guest60442
Daedchonxangua: same error02:36
kyubutsuthe usb wifi02:36
ubergamerso if its interfering how i fix it02:37
ubergamerif it is02:37
greezmunkeykyubutsu: the makefile has an entry that needs to be set: In Makefile set the "MODE = STA" in Makefile and chose the TARGET to Linux by set "TARGET = LINUX"02:37
greezmunkeykyubutsu: :)02:37
hatake_kakashiubergamer, you remove the existing profile, so that when you select the ssid, it should prompt you for the passphrase/password/etc02:37
kyubutsufair enough, greezmunkey02:38
greezmunkeykyubutsu: I thought sweatshopking__ was following the readme file all this time!02:38
ubergameri did and it asked but still cant connect says no ;network connection after few sec.02:38
Tophucan anyone help me figure out why this script will rotate my display 180 but not the touch/mouse/pen input? http://paste.ubuntu.com/421326/02:38
sweatshopking__i didnt02:39
energYI cant get it to download02:39
hatake_kakashiubergamer, is this wireless card pci based or usb based?02:39
sweatshopking__i have no idea how to do any of that stuf02:39
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: you'll be cool now!~02:39
sweatshopking__i dont know02:39
sweatshopking__it is saying set mode and x.x.x.x. i dont know what to enter there!02:39
tgm4883hatake_kakashi, you pointed me in the right direction. You can find out what repos apt knows about in /var/lib/apt/lists/02:39
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: open the files indicated in a text editor. I'll take a look at mine...02:40
ubergamerimma try some stuff if not ill be back via eth0 on laptop thanks02:40
hatake_kakashitgm4883, cool, good to know :)02:40
kyubutsui've used usb wifi dongles without issues before.. meh..  :-/02:41
sweatshopking__whats xvzf?02:41
hatake_kakashikyubutsu, not all usb wifi dongles are supported, some may need users to configure it right for them02:41
kyubutsui've even swaped the same usb adaptor from puter to another and still connect with no issues..02:42
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: what exactly did you download, what was the filename?02:42
sweatshopking__i got the file from: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111151802:42
hatake_kakashisweatshopking__, switches, x for extract v for verbose, z for dealing with gzipped packages, f for dealing with directories/files, man tar02:42
sweatshopking__it has a link02:42
sweatshopking__for the file i got02:43
hatake_kakashikyubutsu, running the same OS, same version, etc?02:43
PeterDrop_hi all, somedy interesed in helpe with a sound card problem, i have no sound :(02:43
kyubutsusystem recognized the hardware automagically and all .. no problem .. ubergamers case seem to be one of those ..02:44
=== PeterDrop_ is now known as PeterDrop
stryk3rhow can I make a network bridge with ubuntu?02:44
hatake_kakashikyubutsu, I find that a little hard to believe, you probably may have previously set that usb dongle up and may have forgotten or the computer with the working device is either newer or older than the problematic one02:45
kyubutsulet me remind you i havent had a problem .. was just commenting..02:46
hatake_kakashikyubutsu, in ubergamer's case, he had a profile (most likely) setup, which was why it wasn't prompting him passphrase. As he deleted the profile it started prompting for passphrase but still has auth fails, which could indicate driver issue02:46
sweatshopking__the pack i downloaded says "I've downloaded and modified the driver source for your convenience."02:46
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: yikes, who knows where that file came from. It claims to be a "modified" driver source. You should always be wary of those!02:46
sweatshopking__do you have a better one?02:46
mikeliss_Is postfix the default email server for ubuntu server?02:47
kyubutsuindeed, hatake_kakashi , mysterious issue that one02:47
stryk3ranybody know how I can bridge a network through ubuntu? is firestarter any good for it?02:47
heoaIn trying to press enter in "$ cpan", I get ^M. ie some problem with Terminal?02:47
sweatshopking__or know where i can get one? the thing is I dont know how to modify the driver, so i was glad when i saw that lol02:47
eagle5i cant upgrade to 10.04, update manager not detecting releases, i tried the switch still no hope02:48
hatake_kakashikyubutsu, not really, he left without giving out the required information, possibly the wifi chipset he's got is one of those new ones where the driver support maybe is primitive02:48
hatake_kakashi!lucid | eagle502:48
ubottueagle5: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule02:48
kyubutsualso possible , hatake_kakashi02:48
ChadVMhow do i stop Vino from running?02:48
Daedchonhatake_kakashi: I read that, but it still doesn't help02:48
eagle5yes lucid it is.>02:49
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: I'll see if I can locate the source I used. I think I deleted the tarball...02:49
pranay_09i am unable to get into graphical mode in my system , there is some error shown in the linux partition during boot up and when the system is trying to self repair it at start up , it stop at 35% and goes into a maintenace shell02:50
hatake_kakashiDaedchon, have you also tried using sudo as per what other helpers have suggested?02:50
* kyubutsu coughs a tarball up02:50
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: I didn't! It's a half a meg, I can probably email it.02:50
pranay_09also i am unable to access the fstab as root02:50
ninjai__is there a way I can basically kill off my x server settings from a windows partition so i can reconfigure it from linux?02:51
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: ok02:51
hatake_kakashininjai, there's no xorg.conf in ubuntu by default now02:51
gogeta1hatake_kakashi: you can still use xbox.conf to set manul settings02:51
kyubutsueither way, the answer would still be no, ninjai__02:52
ninjai__hatake_kakashi: great.  Well I know this isn't exactly the right channel for this, but I'm using 10.04... perhaps there was a way of fixing this in a previous version of ubuntu.  I boot up and screen is black... after updating.02:52
hatake_kakashigogeta1, correct or you can still generate a config file for it as well02:52
Daedchonhatake_kakashi: Not sure how to "use" sudo.02:52
antibodyhi I need to test several modprobe snd-hda-intel model =X02:52
kyubutsuninjai__: try recovery mode02:52
antibodyI have to change alsa-base.conf02:53
bastid_raZorninjai__: you are correct. please join #ubuntu+102:53
hatake_kakashininjai, and there's no support in #ubuntu+1 or you haven't bothered trying?02:53
antibodyI have to kill pulseaudio02:53
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: on it's way...02:53
gogeta1ninjai__: thats normal thers no splash02:53
antibodyor sudo alsa reload will do it for me?02:53
ninjai__kyubutsu: I honestly have no idea what recovery mode is supposed to do.  Any time i've had a problem where I've needed some kind of recovery mode is doesn't work.  I still get hte black wscreen02:53
hatake_kakashiDaedchon, for installing built packages, instead of say make install you do sudo make install02:53
ninjai__gogeta1: but it stays black.  forever.02:53
bastid_raZor!checkinstall | hatake_kakashi  Daedchon02:53
ubottuhatake_kakashi  Daedchon: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!02:53
DaedchonOk thank you02:53
hatake_kakashibastid_raZor, already aware of that but thanks02:54
ninjai__Ah, I have an idea! can I make ubuntu boot with command output? Like old school linux way?02:54
kyubutsuthere are a few useful tools to help you fix your system when you select to boot up using recovery mode02:54
kyubutsuninjai__: ^^02:54
ninjai__kyubutsu: recovery wont boot02:55
kyubutsuyours is a single boot system, ninjai__ ?02:55
riftersince the last update to chromium, whenever I quit and then restart chromium ubuntu logs me out.  pulseaudio starts eating 100% cpu, so I kill it (pulseaudio -k) but then chromium has to be restarted for flash to have sound again.  I quit and it is fine, but when I start it again ubuntu logs me out02:56
kyubutsuthe recovery mode is listed along with all other bootable operating systems once grub comes up..02:56
sweatshopking__got it, just extracting02:56
xanguarifter: using the daily build PPA¿02:56
rifterwhen I log in again I can start chromium fine with no effects, but if I quit it and restart it ubuntu logs me out again02:56
xanguarifter: try the beta PPA02:57
rifterxangua, I don't think so but let me check02:57
rifterxangua, ok02:57
ninjai__kyubutsu: no it boots win7 (which im on) and ubuntu02:58
david-w-awayhey guys how do I make sudo accounts02:59
stryk3rcan anyone help me figure out how to setup a bridge connection from my laptop wrielessly to this desktop i have?02:59
rifterxangua, it just seems weird to me that starting an application would log me out02:59
sweatshopking__ok greez, i have it, now what do i do with it? how do i do the first thing?02:59
hatake_kakashidavid-w-away, you don't, you edit the sudoers file with visudo02:59
bastid_raZordavid-w-away: add them to the admin group and they can use sudo ... sudo adduser newusername admin02:59
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: heh, did you extract it to a folder?03:00
sweatshopking__i did03:00
greezmunkeygo into the directory, and open README.STA03:01
sweatshopking__got that03:01
bastid_raZorhatake_kakashi: i disagree with your method of adding a user to be able to use sudo.03:01
sweatshopking__#1 i dont know what to do with it03:02
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: do you see the instructions I was referring to?03:02
sweatshopking__it says x.x.x.x.tgz03:02
sweatshopking__i just am not sure how to use them03:02
greezmunkeyok, it's cool03:02
sweatshopking__thanks man03:02
sweatshopking__you've been really fantastic. I really appreciate it03:02
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: np, in that directory, do you have like five other directories?03:03
hatake_kakashibastid_raZor, well there's always many other ways to go about, such as putting the user in a group whereby in the sudoers file grants them access03:03
sweatshopking__common, include, os,sta,tools03:03
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: ok, in the *current* directory, do you see a file called makefile?03:04
adantehi guys, i am trying to mount /dev/sdd1 /mnt/tmp, it says '/dev/sdd1 already mounted or /mnt/tmp busy' - neither of these is true03:04
sweatshopking__i opened it in gedit03:04
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: make a copy of it called makefile.orig03:04
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: slow down there chainsaw03:05
hatake_kakashiadante, there's likely possibility that /dev/sdd1 maybe the rootfs (/)03:05
IdleOne!enter | sweatshopking__03:05
ubottusweatshopking__: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:05
sweatshopking__sorry dude's03:05
maple1let's get drunk and stoned03:05
hatake_kakashi!offtopic | maple103:05
ubottumaple1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:05
IdleOne!coc > maple103:05
ubottumaple1, please see my private message03:05
petreI'm running VirtualBox 3.1.6 on Jaunty, with a Win XP guest.  When I plug in a USB flash drive, VB sees it and I'm able to make it available to the VM, but Windows never sees it.03:06
Daedchonhatake_kakashi: Thank you, that worked03:06
DaedchonAll I needed was a little push ;P03:06
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: you made the copy?03:06
petreI did the same with a Centos 5.3 vm and it does see it, so it appears to be just XP that has the problem.03:07
petreAny suggestions as to why XP doesn't see it?03:07
CortezTheKillerpetre,  what filesystem is the flash drive?03:07
petreIt's formatted vfat.03:07
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: ok open the original file in your text editor, and *closely* follow the instructions. If you have questions along the way, ask them.03:07
sweatshopking__how do i do step 1?03:08
petreI've got a Karmic machine at work also running VB and it works fine there.03:08
CortezTheKillerthen i'll be no help lol :) just figured i would get the basics out of the way03:08
ubuntuhey guys03:08
=== ubuntu is now known as someDude
bastid_raZorpetre: virtualbox from the repo's has usb issues. the only way to get the usb to work is to install the version offered from virtualbox website03:08
petreCortezTheKiller, thanks for asking; I'd take a simple bone-headed mistake on my part.03:08
petrebastid_raZor, that's what I've got, Sun's version.03:09
someDudei am running lucid rc right now, though i dont think this issue is exclusive to that. somehow as the result of an update my grub menu had all kernel choices removed from it - i.e. only memtest remains03:09
petreAnd my Centos VM sees the usb drive just fine03:09
sweatshopking__how do i "$tar -xvzf DPB_RT2870_Linux_STA_x.x.x.x.tgz"03:09
sweatshopking__what does that even mean?03:09
bastid_raZorpetre: then i do not know. have you tried #vbox ?03:09
someDudei am running from a liveusb right now. i dont need to reinstall grub2, i just need it to check for installed kernels again, anyone know how to make it do that03:09
IdleOnesomeDude: Please /join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.03:09
petrebastid_raZor, no I haven't.  Good idea, I'll check there.  Thanks.03:10
IdleOnesomeDude: sudo update-grub03:10
bastid_raZorpetre: good luck03:10
diegoliedoHello, does anyone why gparted crashes on start when it is a 4096 byte sector drive? is there a solution?03:10
someOtherDudeIdleOne, /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).03:11
IdleOnesomeOtherDude: Please /join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion. they will be better able to help03:12
someOtherDudeIdleOne, will do03:12
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: I lost my connection or something :(03:15
greezmunkeynet split?03:15
sweatshopking__sorry, i wasnt sure how to even do the first thing03:16
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: where are you now?03:16
tingOoHI room03:16
tingOorouting issue..03:16
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: did you open up makefile?03:16
sweatshopking__i dont know how to do the first part03:17
tingOoi can't ping to 120 network.. check out above pastebin03:17
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: in the makefile look for a heading named MODE, do you see it?03:17
sweatshopking__what about the -xvzf part?03:17
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: you already did that part, you are on step two!03:18
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: at the top of the file, see ...MODE03:18
tingOoany body can troubleshoot routing issue03:19
sweatshopking__i see that03:19
sweatshopking__and i did the target03:19
sweatshopking__on teh linux kernel source, i didnt know if i should change the kernel version number03:20
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: looking...03:20
sweatshopking__there's like 15 or so Linux_SRC03:20
xsjwhen I upgrade 9.10 to 10.04,I can not get into Terminal?03:20
rifterxangua, hmm how do I find out where I am getting a package from03:21
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: you can ignore that part.03:21
bastid_raZorxsj: join #ubuntu+1 for 10.04 issues/discussion03:21
bastid_raZorrifter: apt-cache policy packagename03:22
rifterbastid_raZor, thanks03:22
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: save the file03:22
^b0ss^hey all ...tyring to install the thunderbird 3 install03:22
xsjwho can understand me?03:22
^b0ss^what is the command from the termianl to udate ..and replace the existing one03:22
bastid_raZorxsj: join #ubuntu+1 for 10.04 issues/discussion03:22
Picixsj : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.03:22
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: cd to os/linux03:23
sweatshopking__how do i know the GCC and the LD?03:23
kulop`wahabwhat a great channel we got here03:23
insertgirlany guys here pm me03:23
^b0ss^running ubuntu wanting to upgrade to thunder bbird 303:23
insertgirlim new here03:23
Piciinsertgirl: If you have a question, just ask here.03:24
^b0ss^please help ..just about to leave ..for the day03:24
xsjPici mean I can not ask something about ubuntu 10.04?03:24
^b0ss^wanted to get it installed03:24
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: that has to do with your compiler, we'll hope you have one installed! You should!03:24
insertgirlany guys want to chat me?03:24
insertgirlpm me03:24
Picixsj: Not here, you need to jon #ubuntu+103:24
insertgirlgirl here03:24
Piciinsertgirl: This is the Ubuntu support channel, not a dating service.03:24
sweatshopking__and a compiler would be.....03:24
xsjbut i can not see it in the net list?03:25
Picixsj: Just type: /join #ubuntu+103:25
xsjthank you03:25
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: you can look that up later! you want to set it up for network manager next03:25
sweatshopking__lol ok!03:25
xsj /join #ubuntu+103:26
tingOohi room03:26
tingOowhat is issue in above route table ?03:26
Picixsj: without the space in front03:26
zmjb1? trying to use ubuntu for first time. booted from cd and can not get wireless networks to show03:26
insertgirlguys pm me03:26
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: I'll paste the changes I made...03:26
zmjb1aany one can help03:26
diegoliedoHi, where should I go to get help with gparted and a 4096 byte drive?03:26
Piciinsertgirl: Please stop.  This isn't a chat channel, this is for Ubuntu support only/.03:26
^b0ss^whats the install command for thunderbird 3 ..on ubuntu terminal03:27
IdleOneinsertgirl: you have been asked once nicely not to do that.03:27
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: 1)HAS_WPA_SUPPLICANT=y, 2)HAS_NATIVE_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT=y03:27
zmjb1I have 4 computers using windows, and work fine, can not get ubuntu to connect03:27
CortezTheKillerthat was weird @insertgirl probably a troll03:28
zmjb1tried both 9.01 and 8.103:28
ahosshello all !03:28
tingOozmjb1: ubuntu is not joining windows network ?03:28
=== mezquitale is now known as tucemiux__
zmjb1AT ALL03:29
zmjb1not just windows03:29
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: checking something, brb03:29
IdleOne!wifi > zmjb103:29
tornado407wicd worked for me03:29
ubottuzmjb1, please see my private message03:29
CortezTheKillerzmjb1, have you tried manually adding the essid? or is it  a hardware issue?03:30
ahossanyone can help me to get my usb headset working ?03:30
zmjb1well, I tried ssid, but not essid03:31
zmjb1what is the diff03:31
^b0ss^is thunderbird 3 still in beta03:32
zmjb1CortezTheKiller: not hardware03:32
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: ok, save the file03:32
zmjb1brand new machine03:32
sweatshopking__now i run sudo make in the directory correcT?03:32
CortezTheKilleri suggest trying wicd too i have had better luck with wicd at times03:33
zmjb1IdleOne: YES, wifi03:33
IdleOnezmjb1: look at the link ubottu sent you in priv msg03:33
IdleOnezmjb1: might be something useful that can help you03:33
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: no, cd  to the first level directory of the files you extracted...cd ../../03:33
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: type pwd, what does it say?03:34
^b0ss^want help installing thunderbird 303:35
^b0ss^can anyone help thanks03:35
greezmunkey^b0ss^: have you googled around to see if you can find a howto?03:36
alpicola^b0ss^: I've got TB3 working on my system.  What do you need?03:36
^b0ss^just a auto install command03:36
^b0ss^or something03:36
^b0ss^i got in a taz03:36
^b0ss^i think03:37
Pici!enter | ^b0ss^03:37
ubottu^b0ss^: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:37
^b0ss^so i got thunderbird in a folder taz ..just want to install it03:37
^b0ss^whats the command thanks03:37
alpicola^b0ss^: It's not in the official repos, but there's a PPA that'll let you apt-get install thunderbird-3.0.03:37
CortezTheKillernice didnt realize thunderbird was up to 3 lol03:38
sweatshopkinghey i'm back03:38
sweatshopkingmy brower crashed03:38
sweatshopkingthe pwd lists the address for the directory03:38
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: sorry for your brower03:38
alpicola^b0ss^: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa  <-- I'd just add the PPA referenced here to your sources.list and install it using apt-get.03:39
petreFigured out my USB problem: XP had no USB driver installed for some odd reason.03:39
sweatshopkingso do you want me to make the files now?03:39
greezmunkeysweatshopking__: which one, it's kind of important :)03:39
greezmunkeysweatshopking: which directory are you in?03:40
sweatshopkingi renamed it to "a" on my desktop cause it was crazy long so im in "~/Desktop/a03:40
greezmunkeysweatshopking: ok, good...run this: patch -i os/linux/sta_ioctl.c.patch os/linux/sta_ioctl.c03:41
sweatshopkingi dont need the internet do i?03:41
greezmunkeysweatshopking: nobody *needs* the Internet.03:42
greezmunkeysweatshopking: no03:42
sweatshopkingwhen i sudo'ed it i still got permission denied03:43
tingOowhere permission denied is showing ?03:44
tingOowhere are all ??.. i have tiny issue hope any one will know its solution03:45
kbpsorry, forgot the /03:45
tingOoi can't ping to IP (.120, .121) from outside.. some kind of route issue03:45
randumbis the four-in-a-row game winnable?03:45
Buhmillionrandumb, yes it is03:45
randomusr_nie name03:46
energYAny clients that suppor webcam in yahoo messenger for ubuntu 64?03:46
randomusr_nice even*03:46
adalal1hey, can fglrx switch monitors on the fly?03:46
randomusr_energY, I believe that empathy does03:46
adalal1energY: gyachi03:46
randomusr_ooh good call03:46
energYempathy has no webcam support!03:47
adalal1gyachi does03:47
energYadalal1: Where can I download the .deb? the respitories doesn't work03:47
greezmunkeysweatshopking: you can try to run the make, sudo make, without that, but it will probably error out, you really should be able to run that...03:47
adalal1thye don't?03:47
adalal1energY: i think you'd need to compile it then03:48
energYadalal1: I cant find the source03:48
sweatshopkingmake seems to go fine03:49
adalal1energY: gyachi.sourceforge.net/download.shtml03:49
sweatshopkingit finishes with no errors....03:49
energYIgn http://ppa.launchpad.net karmic/main Packages03:49
energYFeil http://ppa.launchpad.net karmic/main Packages 404  Not Found03:49
energYW: Klarte ikke å skaffe http://ppa.launchpad.net/user/ppa-name/ubuntu/dists/karmic/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  404  Not Found03:49
sweatshopkingi'm going back up... it says error 203:49
randomusr_Is there a channel for MySQL questions? According to MySQL.org there is not an official irc channel03:49
RegressLessWould someone please tell me what to type to identify my audio hardware. Ubuntu 10.0403:50
yosharioIs ubuntu new safe to Download???????,?????03:50
hatake_kakashi!lucid > RegressLess03:50
ubottuRegressLess, please see my private message03:50
Buhmillioncan somebody tell me a good irc server to talk on recreationally?03:50
elshakaBuhmillion, freenode? ^^03:51
yosharioBuhmillion: Ubuntu-offtopic03:51
Buhmillionwhat channels on freenode?03:51
RegressLesshatake_kakashi: ok, thanks03:51
yosharioAo can anyone answer my inquiry03:52
sebsebsebBuhmillion: you can do a /list to get a list of channels,  and there are loads of them  (plus I think some won't even be on the /list )03:52
greezmunkeyyoshario: http://www.ubuntu.com it's all good.03:53
LucidGuyCan anyone explain to me why when copying a file (via rsync) to a USB flash drive I start off at speeds around 50MB/s and then it slows down to around 5MB/s, averaging 8MB/s.  Ubuntu Karmic03:53
yoshariogreezmunkey: so its /all/ safe ?03:54
greezmunkeyyoshario: haven't heard otherwise, I've had no problems.03:55
yosharioThx :)03:55
Buhmillionyea, new ubuntu is safe, running it now, and getting ready to deploy to my server03:55
xixorLucidGuy: You know, I've seen behavior like that with a lot of usb drives, even on windows03:55
yosharioSo can I upgrade if I install w/ wubi?03:55
bryanrbuhmillion: new ubuntu? did someone do an early release?03:55
sweatshopkingthere is an RC out03:56
sweatshopkingcame out today03:56
IdleOnePlease /join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.03:56
Buhmillionthe RC came out, got it quick, they fixed alot of the bugs from the betas03:56
bryanrwhat i want to know is if this new release is just as good as the 29th of this month release03:56
LucidGuywonder if it has anything to do with it being a large 16GB fat32LBA partition.03:56
sweatshopkingwell greez, i do appreciate your help. looks like i'm just f'ed03:56
Buhmillionbryan, it probably what they're going to release, its an RC03:56
notjoei have a dual head video card with two monitors attached to it. i am running 9.10 with all the latest updates. I also have the ati drivers installed. I cannot get my view sonic monitor to hit 1080p. It supports it03:56
sweatshopkingthis is a clean install, i dont know why the issues, i just installed and then came on.. very strange03:57
notjoeanyone have any idea what i can do to get the monitor in a higher resolution?03:57
Buhmillionjoe, what error does it give?03:57
notjoeit doesnt give me any error, it just doesnt give me the option to set it. the highest resolution the display monitor shows me is 144003:58
=== kulop`wahab_ is now known as kulop`wahab
Buhmillionare you sure you03:58
Buhmillionaren't already on 1080p?03:58
isolat3dsh33pnotjoe, do you have graphics driver installed?03:58
Buhmillionand what card is it?03:59
notjoein display m anager, the reported resolution for this monitor is 1440x90003:59
notjoeati hd 345003:59
notjoei've installed the restricted drivers03:59
Buhmillion3450 will not do more than 1400x900 man03:59
notjoeits worked in the past but i did a fresh install03:59
notjoeBuhmillion, sure it will, it has previously03:59
isolat3dsh33pnotjoe, what does `lspci | grep VGA` gives you?04:00
notjoe01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Mobility Radeon HD 345004:00
sweatshopkingGREEZ are you around? would you mind if i emailed you the error log i get later one?04:00
sweatshopkingwhen i try to make?04:00
isolat3dsh33pnotjoe, you have no problem with visual effects right?04:00
sweatshopkingthe vast majority says ".... error: 'struct task_struct' has no member named 'fsuid'04:01
notjoenope, i dont believe so. i havent turned them up from the default install though04:01
notjoei could always copy my home directory from the previous install and hope that the settings get transfered over04:02
notjoebut i figured i'd ask first04:02
=== hardran3 is now known as hardran3_
=== hardran3_ is now known as hardran3
isolat3dsh33pI don't think I can really help. Haha.04:02
notjoewhat happened before is that the monitors were mirrored. once i unmirrored them i was able to adjust the resolution on the 1080p monitor to 1920x108004:03
Buhmillionanybody running lucid RC?04:03
notjoeBuhmillion, i tried it but had issues with my USB BT keyboard/mouse04:03
xangua!lucid > Buhmillion04:03
ubottuBuhmillion, please see my private message04:03
greezmunkeysweatshopking: sorry about that, real life called...sure go ahead.04:04
notjoeit wanted me to grant the keyboard and mouse access, which i did, and selected the "Always grand access" toggle too04:04
sweatshopkingthank you sir04:04
notjoebut it didnt work04:04
sebsebseb!lucid | Buhmillion04:04
sweatshopkingyou have been awesome04:04
ubottuBuhmillion: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule04:04
notjoekept prompting me to grant access04:04
yosharioIs fedora better or nothig to get excited about04:04
notjoeand the mouse/keyboard were never allowed to be used04:04
tucemiux__notjoe, did you file a bug report?04:05
Buhmillionlol RC = release candidate = something they might release = not that buggy, well at least not for me04:05
notjoenope, not yet. too busy installing karmic ;)04:05
greezmunkeysweatshopking: aim to please, I learn as I do, thank you for being patient. A rare commodity here sometimes.04:05
yosharioHi -704:05
MinusSevenVersion 10.04 cancelled, next version 10.1004:05
tingOoany one know route command ?04:05
sweatshopkinglol, that would be insane, you're giving me free assistance, how could i be anything but?04:06
sebsebsebyoshario: Fedora, Mandriva,  PC Linux OS, SimpleyMephis, and loads of other distro's are also good.  http://www.distrowatch.com  oh and you're question, and so my reply as well,  is a bit off topic for this channel really04:06
tucemiux__Buhmillion, it actually works, they just have to straight out the kinks here and there, that's all ==but=== you have to file a bug report if something doesnt work, otherwise all the bugs will creep into the release04:06
yosharioIs fedora better I want ur opinions guys04:06
MinusSevenbetter for what?04:06
sebsebsebyoshario: uhmm it's an Ubuntu channel, surely most people here are going to say Ubuntu is better?04:06
necroforesti don't like RPMs04:06
sweatshopkingwell my friend, i'll email that off to you, i had better get to bed it is after 12...04:06
sweatshopkingwife might kill me04:06
greezmunkeyOT I know, but is there a consise list of 10.04 bugs available?04:07
sweatshopkingi'll have to catch up with you later :) thank you again sir.04:07
xanguayoshario: what answer do you expect from the #ubuntu channel :S, leave the !ot please04:07
sebsebsebyoshario: however Fedora or some other distro may be better for you than Ubuntu, try some, and use what you like04:07
tucemiux__sweatshopking, youre always free to add to my netbook contributions04:07
yosharioSorry  for sounding like a troll, im using iPod >_>04:07
tucemiux__!hello| abhijain04:07
ubottuabhijain: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!04:07
sweatshopkingwhat does that mean tucemiux?04:07
abhijainis ubuntu 10.4 is avaialble for download??04:07
sebsebsebgreezmunkey: no, but when the release comes out, there will be a release notes page, mentioning issuse you should know about really04:07
MinusSevenVersion 10.04 cancelled, next version 10.1004:07
hatake_kakashi!lucid > abhijain04:07
sebsebsebadante: not the final, but the release candidate yes04:07
ubottuabhijain, please see my private message04:07
rwwabhijain: No, it hasn't been released yet. For more information about development versions, ask in #ubuntu+104:08
MinusSevennot cancelled04:08
MinusSevenwhats the word04:08
MinusSevennot out yet04:08
FloodBot2MinusSeven: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:08
MinusSevenclose enough04:08
xanguaMinusSeven: .......04:08
greezmunkeysebsebseb: cool, thanks. I think I'll hold off for another six months!04:08
tucemiux__sweatshopking, that you can always feel free to add a financial contribution to my netbook fund, meaning the monetary fund that will allow me to buy a netbook04:08
sebsebsebgreezmunkey: uhmm04:09
tingOoHI room.. check out this pastebin.. find out error in it04:09
tingOo http://pastebin.org/17188304:09
sebsebsebgreezmunkey: if you do that 10.10 will be out04:09
abhijainrww: but i read some1 tweet he gonna try 10.4beta 2day04:09
notjoeok, lets see if this copy of my home dir worked!04:09
MinusSevenmy english good not very04:09
greezmunkeysebsebseb: yup :)04:09
ActionParsnipyo yo yo04:09
hatake_kakashiabhijain, talk about lucid in #ubuntu+1 not here04:09
sebsebsebgreezmunkey: altough I am curious etc why your saying that,  we can talk about this in #ubuntu+1 or you can pm me,  you're choice04:09
rwwabhijain: yes, because there are development releases out. Again, for more information #ubuntu+104:09
notjoeit did not!04:10
kyubutsu10.04 @ #UBUNTU+1 ftw!!04:10
greezmunkeysebsebseb: It's simple - I still have a ways to go, I was away from *nix for years. I got this one running pretty well, and I'm in no hurry!04:11
sebsebsebgreezmunkey: depends on features really,  if people should go 10.04 when released or stay with an earlier version for now04:11
greezmunkeysebsebseb: exactly.04:12
icerootsebsebseb: you forgot the important sentence "never touch a running system"04:14
sebsebsebiceroot: uh what?04:14
icerootsebsebseb: if an earlier version is running fine there is no need for an upgrade :)04:15
magaioHow can I add extra configure flags when building my own deb package? I only have one line in my rules file: dh  $@04:16
stryk3rcan someone help me bridge my xbox360 through my laptop to have access to internet? I don't know how to do this in Linux.04:16
notjoei got it working04:16
notjoeand the only thing i did was change the "Virtual 3360 1080"04:16
notjoethen it gave me the 1920x1080 resolution option04:17
icerootmagaio: you can write in the rules-file what you want, its just a sh-script. also you can create a dummy-file with dh_make which is creating a deb-strcutur with many comments in the rules-file04:17
ActionParsnip!ics | stryk3r04:17
ubottustryk3r: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php04:17
sebsebsebiceroot: yes there is when it's no longer supported04:18
icerootstryk3r: enable ip-forwarding in ubuntu and set ubuntu as gateway for the xbox04:18
sebsebsebiceroot: no more security updates04:18
icerootsebsebseb: in some month/years, yes04:18
sebsebsebiceroot: 18 months of support for the non LTS releases, and for LTS  3 years for desktop and 5 for server04:18
icerootsebsebseb: 8.04 until 201104:18
icerootsebsebseb: the problem is most people are upgrading at the first day of release04:19
IdleOneiceroot: LTS server admins will wait for a year before upgrading04:20
ActionParsnipiceroot: put !slow on your clipboard ;)04:20
IdleOnethe good ones will04:20
icerootIdleOne: and the very good ones will use lenny as server and ubuntu as desktop (i know its getting offtopic or maybe starting a flamewar)04:21
stryk3rthanks guys04:22
IdleOneiceroot: more offtopic yeah :/04:22
franciscohi room is it ok to ask questions here about java for 10.0404:23
icerootfrancisco: #ubuntu+104:23
ubottuThe Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.  Also, try changing !mirrors04:24
icerootActionParsnip: yes, that is another reason04:24
IdleOneActionParsnip: you reminded me to turn on Transmission :)04:25
PeterDrophi, i lost my mysql dbs, but i have the wamp directory, can i recover databases from there?04:25
icerootPeterDrop: wamp? that is windows04:26
mr-richfinally ...04:26
PeterDropyes, now i have ubuntu04:26
ActionParsnipIdleOne: glad to know i have a function04:26
icerootPeterDrop: you have the windows-files and want to put it on a lamp-installation?04:26
PeterDropthat wy i lost my dbs, i forgot backup them, but i have the wamp directory04:26
IdleOneActionParsnip: don't under estimate your usefulness :)04:26
vishuamarok not playing music :(04:27
PeterDropiceroot, no, just i need to recover the database04:27
ActionParsnipIdleOne: i'm just a dude04:27
icerootPeterDrop: start windows, put it there start mysql, make a dump and import it into mysql-server04:27
PeterDropwindows no exists anymore04:27
icerootPeterDrop: also you can try to copy them into /var/lib/mysql/04:28
icerootPeterDrop: the db-files only04:28
vishuwhy amarok not working guys here is the result of04:28
vishuamarok <sound file>04:28
PeterDropiceroot, i will try that, txs04:28
icerootPeterDrop: and do backups with mysqldump and not with files04:28
PeterDropiceroot, yes i will dont forget that now xD04:29
zmanninghey all04:30
rephormatBonjour!! Can anyone tell me how to view the version of a package to be installed via apt-get?04:30
zmanningtrying to use vnc and its stuck at "sending client init", any idea what im doing wrong?04:30
icerootrephormat: apt-cache policy packagename04:30
PeterDropiceroot, i have another problem with that, actually i need to put that database files, in a hosting .. :S04:30
rephormaticeroot, You are the man!!04:31
vishuhey someone help me out04:31
icerootrephormat: its showing what is installed, from what repo and the other versions from other repos04:31
ChadVManyone here familiar w/ xinetd and/or vnc+ssh?04:31
PeterDropiceroot, i think i have to mount a local server for put the files there and then make a backup04:31
icerootChadVM: try to find it out with a real question04:31
ubuntuhello  i need some help.... i was upgrading my system to 10.04 but my electrics service fail on the installation process, then  the system is damaged... im not able to boot normally04:31
icerootPeterDrop: of course, dont to that on production-system!04:31
icerootubuntu: #ubuntu+104:32
rephormaticeroot, its not working.04:32
iceroot!doesntwork | rephormat04:32
ubotturephormat: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.04:32
rephormaticeroot, its my fault I know..04:32
rephormatubottu, it hasn't paid the elec bill in two MONTHS!!04:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:32
vishuQDir::exists: Empty or null file name04:33
icerootrephormat: also you can use apt-cache show packagename04:33
PeterDropiceroot, i think is not wamp in ubuntu xD so ... can u apointme in some direction in order to get a functional local hosting?04:33
emmathe user count seems low to me04:33
ubuntuim trying to backup my home folder to install a fresh copy of ubuntu but it says that i not have permissions... i tryed to change the permissons using chmod 777 -R   but i cant copy nothing04:33
icerootPeterDrop: sudo apt-get install mysql-server04:33
litropyWhen I term: gdmsetup, i get a bunch of errors related to "The name org.gnome.DisplayManager was not provided by any .service files" and it will not allow me to Unlock so I can choose my session manager.04:33
rephormaticeroot, THANKS!04:33
icerootPeterDrop: then put your db files in /var/lib/mysql/04:34
remshello room04:34
icerootubuntu: never!!! use chmod -R 77704:34
_pg_PeterDrop: xamp i think04:34
ubuntuwhy not04:35
PeterDropmysql-server is intalling.. iam gonna give to try to that04:35
remsdoes an body here use ubuntu 10.04 yet04:35
vishuQDir::exists: Empty or null file name04:35
PeterDropanyway i dont like xamp xD04:35
_pg_rems: i little04:35
icerootrems: #ubuntu+104:35
_pg_PeterDrop: than get a server04:35
icerootubuntu: because 777 is breaking security04:35
_pg_PeterDrop: those are your options04:35
ubuntui just want to copy my home folder to a secondary HDD  that is all04:35
icerootubuntu: and may stop programs from working04:36
scuniziPeterDrop: are you wanting to install an apache/mysql/php server on your desktop?04:36
PeterDrop_pg_ mysql server is installing right now04:36
icerootubuntu: rsync -av destination target04:36
PeterDropscunizi yes04:36
bigtom21485if anyone knows how to keep my sound card from turning itself down, please tell me...and i check alsamixer and its not affecting that either...04:36
icerootubuntu: or cp -r destination target   or scp -r destination user@target-server:/path/to/target04:36
vishuQDir::exists: Empty or null file name04:37
scuniziPeterDrop: in terminal.. type.. sudo tasksel .. when the menu comes up choose LAMP.. and then you're done.04:37
ubuntui tried rsync -av s d    before but still showing me a permission warning04:37
_pg_PeterDrop: or that lol04:37
icerootPeterDrop: if you want a fully lamp, please dont use xamp or other sugestions here, just use  sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-server phpmyadmin04:37
scuniziiceroot: sudo tasksel then lamp does the same thing04:38
ubuntuwhat is the problem of use chmod 777 -R04:38
icerootubuntu: on what file it is showing that? also post ls -l for that file04:38
icerootubuntu: again, 777 is breaking security04:38
PeterDroptasksel ->LAMP is running :S04:38
sbsothe install have sequencee04:38
_pg_iceroot: why is that better than xampp?04:38
ubuntuthat mean?  lose data?04:39
icerootubuntu: your ssh-priv-key is readable WORLDWIDE for example04:39
PeterDropIt works!04:39
iceroot_pg_: because xampp is a distribution04:39
ChadVMI have xinetd, x11vnc, and have an x11vnc service config file in the /etc/xinetd.d folder (http://pastebin.org/172156).  When running VNC over SSH (windows to linux) i get a unexpected disconnect error and my deamon.log shows this error: setuid failed: Operation not permitted (errno = 1).  What is going wrong?04:39
PeterDroplamp is installed i think04:39
ubuntuok i got it  but dont worry about that04:39
_pg_iceroot: could you elaborate04:39
josephnexushello everyone04:39
randomusr_wow, just setting up a mysql user for the first time and changing the password is messed up04:39
sbsoif you just for test, could think the wanp.04:39
xangua!hi | josephnexus04:39
ubottujosephnexus: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!04:39
scuniziPeterDrop: open a browser and type http://localhost and see what you get04:40
PeterDropIt works!04:40
iceroot_pg_: security updates for example if there is a critical apache-error which is fixed you have to wait until the xampp-project is fixing it in there xamppp04:40
josephnexusI'm testing out lucid and my webcam worked fine with skype in 9.10 but it doesn't appear to be detected in 10.04, any ideas at all?04:40
scuniziPeterDrop: html files go in /var/www04:40
icerootjosephnexus: #ubuntu+104:40
josephnexusthanks iceroot04:40
PeterDropok i will try04:40
PeterDroptxs mans04:41
iceroot_pg_: also xampp is using a different config then the real packages04:41
ubuntuim trying do make a copy of home folder to another HDD, i did this procedure 2 month ago using CHMOD 777 -R  and next copiying the files to another HDD...... but this time  for some reason i can not do that04:41
randomusr_!lucid > josephnexus04:41
ubottujosephnexus, please see my private message04:41
iceroot_pg_: there is no reason for using xampp on linux04:41
sbsomaybe the sport is used.04:41
icerootubuntu: i told you already to give infos about the error and ls -l of that file04:41
PeterDropwhat i just instaled04:42
PeterDroplamp = xamp?04:42
icerootPeterDrop: lamp is a meta-package, xamp is a distribution04:42
randomusr_ubuntu, send the output of ls -l to pastebin04:42
ubuntuexist a way to login using my old user and pass  from a live CD_04:42
PeterDropwhat is better i dont wanna have problems later04:43
PeterDropwhat is the best option04:43
randomusr_ubuntu, have you re-installed?04:43
icerootPeterDrop: as i told already  sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-server  and if you want, also phpmyadmin04:43
zmanninganyone know how to add allowed host to remove desktop???04:43
zmanningallowed hosts*04:43
_pg_iceroot: what packages need to be installed to get the same functionality as xampp?04:43
PeterDropbut.. i have already instaled lamp, grgrgr04:43
ubuntunot yet04:43
_pg_just those mentioned already?04:43
sbsowhy don't have get the network driver by ubuntu8.04 when installing today.04:44
randomusr_PeterDrop, what's the issue?04:44
iceroot_pg_: sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-server phpmyadmin  and i guess postfix or exim04:44
PeterDropno issue yet04:44
iceroot_pg_: on windows there is also a mail-server and a ftp-server04:44
randomusr_PeterDrop, what are you trying to accomplish?04:44
scuniziPeterDrop: don't worry.. everything iceroot mention except phpmyadmin has been installed with lamp.. just sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin to get that package.. no difference04:44
iceroot_pg_: so why installing xamp if you dont want a mail-server or ftp-server?04:45
PeterDroprandomusr, a local hosting04:45
WXZI installed ubuntu twice, and both time the internet wouldn't connect04:45
PeterDropscunizi i have the hosting and pphmyadmin running04:45
WXZrunning the demo version, it would work great04:45
randomusr_PeterDrop; is something missing from that?04:45
icerootWXZ: what version are you running?04:45
WXZ9.10 (on windows right now)04:45
scuniziPeterDrop: I know..04:45
icerootWXZ: output of ifconfig to pastebin please04:46
_pg_iceroot: i only use for php testing stuff- testing joomla sites locally04:46
PeterDropi can work from here txs :D04:46
iceroot_pg_: yes but you dont want xamp04:46
WXZI installed xp iceroot, and now I can't see ubuntu in the dual boot screen04:46
_pg_iceroot: just cause you said this new wa is better ;-)04:46
PeterDropanyway .. can somebody helpme with sound car issue? xD04:46
WXZalthough the system partition + swap are still there04:46
WXZif I was still using ubuntu... I wouldn't be able to be on here :s04:47
iceroot!grub2 | WXZ04:47
ubottuWXZ: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub204:47
randomusr_anyone else get the feeling there are a lot of trouble makers here?04:47
icerootrandomusr_: no04:47
randomusr_iceroot, ok04:47
WXZok iceroot, I understand this04:48
WXZbut why would it suddenly switch after 3 days04:48
WXZfor no reason at all04:48
icerootWXZ: ?04:48
WXZare you implying the bootmanager wouldn't run network manager?04:48
ubuntuok this is the output when i try rsync -av   http://pastebin.org/17217404:48
icerootWXZ: can you post the exact problem on one line? first you said something about internet, then you said you cant select ubuntu at grub04:48
WXZno, I don't have ubuntu on my computer right now at all04:49
WXZI installed xp, and it SOMEHOW erased my ubuntu04:49
WXZbut when I did have ubuntu (I installed it twice) after about 3 days... my connection would go out04:49
icerootubuntu: what are you doing?04:49
ubuntuim trying to copy the home folder to another HDD04:50
WXZI'd be using ubuntu right now, if it weren't for that problem04:50
scuniziWXZ: maybe.. depending on how you did it, it may have reformatted the entire drive.. so now you can reinstall ubuntu and you'll have both.. always better to install xp first then ubuntu04:50
icerootubuntu: you have mounted the home of another person/pc, correctly?04:50
zmanning hey guys im trying to remote desktop into my work machine and i know theres a dialog box asking to accept my connection.  how can i accept from here?04:50
WXZok scunizi, I'll do that04:51
icerootzmanning: you cant04:51
ubuntui guess so04:51
WXZok, 3rd times the charm... if my net goes out again04:51
WXZI'm coming back here I guess04:51
IdleOnezmanning: impossible, ask someone at the office to click yes for you04:51
ubuntui did this same process 2 month ago with no problems04:51
zmanningiceroot, IdleOne im sshed in right now, i can add my ip to a hosts file somewhere?04:51
zmanningi cant*04:52
icerootubuntu: ah ok, the problem is not that you cant read the destination, the problem is you cant write to the target04:52
ubuntui guess so to04:52
PeterDropi cant do anythink in /var/www , i need something else?04:52
ubuntui reformat that stuff 2 times04:52
IdleOnezmanning: I have never done that before but I guess there is a config file you can edit to auto accept04:52
icerootubuntu: so why the hell have you used chmod -R 777 on the destination if you cant write to the target?04:52
scuniziPeterDrop: nope.. write your html and move it to /var/www04:53
shane2peruok I can't get the terminology correct, I want to make a dvd with like 4 or 5 videos on it, I know it can be done, and the quality will be less, how do I do it?04:53
ubuntubecause i need to change permission to read... but now apparently i cant write on the destination for some reason04:53
icerootubuntu: is the target mounted as rw?04:53
PeterDropscunizi i have a folder, i want to move to var/www, but no permisions or somethink04:54
Fudge install grub to my hard disk sda from a live cd. i have a /boot sda1 and then rest of fs  / on sda2 and in grub it cant find /boot/grub/stage104:54
ubuntui dont know my friend04:54
iceroot!who | ubuntu04:54
ubottuubuntu: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)04:54
zmanningIdleOne, do you know where that might be? my google foo has not been strong enough04:54
IdleOnezmanning: depends on the app accepting the connection is I assume04:54
ubuntumy real nickname is enav04:54
icerootubuntu: ls -l /media/WD_120/enav04:55
zmanningIdleOne, its just the built in karmic remote desktop viewer.  im assuming thats vnc?04:55
scuniziPeterDrop: gksudo nautilus in terminal to get a root file manager.. move the folder or the file inside it to /var/www and then close that instance of nautilus.. you should make use of it often.04:55
ubuntuwhat are you doing04:56
ubottuUbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org04:56
icerootubuntu: telling you to show me  the output of that command04:56
ubuntulet me change my nickename before the bot kick me out04:56
IdleOnezmanning: in that case the config file on the destination should be in same location as the one you are connecting from04:56
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icerootPeterDrop: have a loog at mod_userdir so you dont have to fight with /var/www and root:root04:57
ubuntuthe output is           total 404:57
ubuntudrw-rw-rwx 2 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 2010-04-23 17:19 enav04:57
scuniziiceroot: PeterDrop or just make youself a member of www-data group..04:57
icerootubuntu: and you are using that command as user "ubuntu"? the rsync-command04:57
PeterDropiceroot o well , chisese for me :S04:57
ubuntuon a live cd04:58
zmanningIdleOne, yeah i just dont know where that one would be on either end04:58
Fudgecan someoen please help with basic issue to install grub to hard disk04:58
ubuntuim using a live cd my system is dead04:58
IdleOne!vnz > zmanning this might help04:58
IdleOne!vnc > zmanning this might help04:58
ubottuzmanning, please see my private message04:58
icerootubuntu: output of whoami04:58
scunizi!grub2 | Fudge04:58
ubottuFudge: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub204:58
ubuntuoutput>  ubuntu04:58
icerootubuntu: output of mount  please to pastebin04:59
iceroot!paste | ubuntu04:59
ubottuubuntu: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:59
PeterDropYou don't have permission to access /boomers/ on this server <-- i dont have permision on my own server lol,04:59
ubuntuis just 1 line  the output is ---->     ubuntu04:59
nishanthmy ubuntu uses the entire disk space... does anyone know how to free up some space for installing windows?05:00
icerootubuntu: the output of mount is not ubuntu05:00
icerootnishanth: sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get clean05:00
icerootnishanth: or do you mean to create another partition?05:00
xanguanishanth: edit the particion with gparted live cd; you will need to restore grub after installing windows05:01
PeterDropiam getting crazy!!!05:01
PeterDroptxs all05:01
freezwayA while ago, ( a long while ago) i installed bleeding edge drivers for my GMA 4500X, now I have a nvidia gts 250 and I want to revert the changes back. The problem is, when i try to "Force Version" in synaptic, it want me to do things like remove Xorg... Im pretty sure that isn't good.05:01
eyeofodinwhat's the difference between ath5k and 9k in terms of performance?05:02
icerootubuntu: touch /media/WD_120/enav/foo   is that working in the live-cd?05:02
ubuntuim running on live cd05:03
icerootubuntu: reread my question please05:03
ubuntui dont understand sorry05:04
icerootubuntu: run the touch-command05:04
itrightcould anyone tell me please how i can make my bottom panal show only application icons and not a short text as well?05:04
freezwayitright: what is yuor problem05:05
xanguaitright: install 'talika' applet; you can find a deb in http://gnome-look.org/05:06
IdleOnefreezway: he would like to see only the icon in the bottom panel without the text next to it05:06
freezwayoh.... idk then.05:06
Coded1itright, are you talking about where the programs are listed?05:07
lzcarBuenas noches!05:07
federicohow can I update my bios from Ubuntu?05:07
federicoesto es en inglés lzcar05:08
Coded1federico, depends on the machine, i think dell and ibm you can do it05:08
scunizifederico: if there's no good reason to update it don't try.. having the latest doesn't make it better05:08
freezwayi dont THINK you can... depends on your mobo05:08
federicothe thing is that i'm having a problem with thr ram in my ububtu 64 bits05:08
scunizifederico: in what way05:09
federicoit only recognizes 3.2 gb of my 4gb05:09
federicoI can't find the problem05:09
scunizifederico: you sure you installed the 64 bit version?05:09
itrighthow do you start using talika once you have installed it?05:10
federicoyes, I also tried recently fedora 64bits live cd05:10
federicoand still the same problem05:10
IdleOnefederico: 5% is reserved so it is normal05:10
scunizifederico: might be overhead05:10
federicoin wich way?05:11
Fudgelost officially05:11
=== droid3 is now known as gartral|p
scunizifederico: as IdleOne said.. some memory is reserved..05:11
memehey guys05:11
lzcarhay ayuda en español?05:11
scunizi!es | lzcar05:12
ubottulzcar: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.05:12
lzcargracias :)05:12
memecould someone help me with a programming problem ih having?05:12
scunizimeme: programming? this is ubuntu tech assistance05:12
parkiememe: i can try help05:12
memeokay. here htey pastebin: http://pastebin.org/17223205:13
Fudgeok after reading the grub2 page im still lost05:13
federicoscunizi: how do I check if the ram is overhead?05:13
memei can't even get it to enter the main?? It's a hw problem i've pretty much figured it out but it wont even enter the main05:13
Fudgemy isntall is from another drive i dd'd /boot which was sda1 and / which was sda2 and put them back onto same partitioons on another drive but grub isnt installed05:13
scunizifederico: by overhead i ment reserved05:14
parkiememe: joing #tlug, i am just going hrough your code now05:14
federicobut that's what I'm tring to find out05:14
federicoit's a lot of ram05:14
rolsworthhow do i disable asking for my password when monitor turns back on?05:15
federicois there a way to check how much ram is reserved?05:15
historolsworth: under the power settings05:16
histofederico: no ram is reserved05:16
bryanrhow can I be sure that these extra social features of 10.04 aren't a distraction or a waste of resources/power? I don't see how this tight affiliation with hyped up social sites is worth being built in.05:16
rolsworthi checked power settings i do not see an option05:16
historolsworth: system > preferences > power management preferences I believe05:16
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule05:16
historolsworth: or under the screensaver screen let me check05:16
federicoi'm confussed05:17
itrighthow do you start using talika once you have installed it?05:17
historolsworth: yes screen saver options lock screen is what you want ot disable.05:17
hiexpoman talika05:17
histoitright: what is talika05:17
itrighthisto, http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Talika+applet?content=11826705:18
hiexposlow tonight05:18
federicoIf it's not reserved, where are my 0.8 missing ram?05:18
histoitright: checking it out hold up05:18
techhelper1!lucid > techhelper105:19
ubottutechhelper1, please see my private message05:19
hiexpomaybe they went out an the hogs ate em05:19
histoitright: you know compiz can show window previews right?05:19
itrighthisto, what?05:19
histoitright: but either way to run talika i assume it would have a shortcut or you can start it from a terminal or alt+f2 run box05:19
histoitright: compiz has the ability to show window previews05:20
histoitright: no need for talika I can mouse over the task bar and see a window preview.05:20
itrighthisto, this is just a theme, not compiz05:20
hiexpohisto, type in terminal man talika05:20
itrighthisto, im using this so i have more room on my panal05:20
histoitright: It says something about switching between open windows using icons05:20
IdleOnehisto: what he originally wanted to do is have the bottom panel only show the icon of running apps without text05:20
histoitright: This is a gnome panel applet that lets you switch between open windows using icons.05:21
histoitright: IdleOne ahh I see its a dock app.  K.  itright try hitting alt+f2 and typing in talika05:21
itrighttried that05:21
hiexpoIdleOne,  - how it goes mate ?05:22
histoitright: open a terminal and see what happens05:22
IdleOnehiexpo: good thank you.05:22
itrighthisto, I tried that.05:22
histoitright: apps > accessories > terminal05:22
histoitright: do you get any output05:22
itrightit says the command doesnt exist05:22
histoitright: how did you install it?05:22
itrightthe .deb package05:22
histoitright: perhaps it has some other name then for the launcher whats the name of the deb?05:23
Teknicalfederico: how much ram do you have and what arch? x86 or 64?05:23
histoitright: or open a terminal and start typing tal<tab>  see what comes up or you can locate talika05:23
itrighthisto, uhhh05:24
itrighthisto, this is kind of random05:24
scuniziitright: not really05:24
ConcreteRoseadl what a paddle or something?05:25
freezwaycan i re-post my question05:25
itrighthisto that does nothing05:25
ConcreteRose@freemail or something?05:25
histoitright: I have no idea what the bin could be that installed. You might have to ask the person that made the deb. Or hunt around in your applications menu05:25
ConcreteRosecracked in the same logics05:26
freezwayA while ago, ( a long while ago) i installed bleeding edge drivers for my GMA 4500X, now I have a nvidia gts 250 and I want to revert the changes back. The problem is, when i try to "Force Version" in synaptic, it want me to do things like remove Xorg... Im pretty sure that isn't good.05:26
k0alamy computer freezes automatically05:26
k0alacan anyone help to fix this05:26
lzcarmy webcam not connect on emesene and amsn05:27
histofreezway: what do you mean by bleeding edge drivers? ones from nvidia?05:27
k0alalzcar, maybe its  ms compatible only05:27
freezwayno from the open source community05:27
nyanseikI have a problem with sound05:27
freezwaythey were the intel drivers05:28
k0alai fear the freezing is primarily coz of the os05:28
histofreezway: well remove those and install whatever ones you want.05:28
k0alais anyone here?05:28
freezwaywhen i try to remove it wants to remove xorg05:28
histok0ala: try disabling acpi see if that helps05:28
nyanseikcan any one tell me how to fix it please05:28
k0alahisto, earlier i thought it was because of the heating/ but the core temp is fairly good to - 53C05:29
histofreezway: is there a reason you want to switch to an older driver?05:29
histok0ala: usually random lockups are power related05:29
litropyOkay, so after reboot, it auto-logged into either straight GNOME or Ubuntu Netbook Edition. It looks like GNOME because the windows are behaving like GNOME (I have titlebars, whereas UNR's titlebar goes straight into the panel. However, netbook-launcher did load up. Still have KDE cursor. I was able to Unlock gdmsetup, which was set to KDE. I chose Ubuntu Netbook Edition and rebooted. Still...05:29
litropy...logged into what I think is straight GNOME, yet evidently netbook-launcher is set as a starup app.05:29
k0alahisto this happens frequently but yes randomly05:29
lzcarthe person i try to connect using windows, the problem will?05:30
freezwayhistro: b/c i dont need the bleeding edge driver for harware i no longer own05:30
histok0ala: yeah try adding acpi=off to the boot options in grub05:30
IdleOneitright: right click on the bottom panel and add to panel05:30
k0alaok let me try that05:30
histok0ala: edit /etc/default/grub and add acpi=off after quiet splash05:30
k0alawhere do i find the grub ile to edit?05:30
histok0ala: what version of ubuntu are you using?05:31
histok0ala: yeah gksu gedit /etc/default/grub05:31
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histok0ala: add it to the GRBU_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"   to "quiet splash acpi=off"05:31
histok0ala: then reboot05:32
k0aladone. rebotting05:32
lzcarmy webcam not connect on emesene and amsn05:33
lzcarthe person i try to connect using windows, the problem will?05:33
itrightIdleOne, it's not there05:33
histolzcar: try using cheese to see if you cam works05:34
IdleOneitright: I just installed it.05:34
IdleOneitright: but it does not do exactly what i think you want05:34
chickpeahello good folks, I am having issues with bacula, specifically, I am running jaunty and need bacula5.0.1 which resides in the lucid repos, what's the easiest way for me to upgrade this package?05:35
lzcarhisto if it works05:35
IdleOneitright: if I understand you well, you want to be able to start an application and not see the text in the tab it puts on the bottom panel correct?05:35
itrightIdleOne, what is it under "add to panal"?05:35
itrightIdleOne, yes that's right05:35
chickpeasorry, most of my post got cut last time05:35
IdleOneitright: I am not sure how to do that but I think something like Docky does it05:36
chickpeaneed to upgrade bacula, running jaunty, bacula 5.0.1 is in lucid repos, want to install just that package from lucid repos05:36
itrightIdleOne, i want to have only one panal, i don't think docky does that05:36
k0alahisto, did that05:36
bryanrmost ubuntu programs are developed with which language?05:36
k0alacan you tell me what exactly it will do05:36
chickpeaNOT a linux noob, but not accustomed to debian-basde systesm05:36
IdleOneitright: sorry I can't help more then that05:37
itrightIdleOne, where is talika?05:37
k0alabryanr, i guess Qt05:37
SwedeMikebryanr: english is the most common language for computer velopment.05:37
SwedeMikebryanr: oh... C is the most common one.05:37
IdleOnechickpea: not usualy a good idea to mix repos but packages.ubuntu.com will let you download the one package and list depends05:37
k0alaQt for gui programming05:37
scunizichickpea: you can't intermittantly switch repos.. jaunty is EOL or almost EOL.. time to upgrade05:38
k0alakde is based on Qt05:38
nyanseikcan any one tell me please how to fix the sound in ubuntu05:38
chickpeaIdleOne, great!  so I can just grab the .deb from there?05:38
k0alai was reading about it05:38
bryanrso should i give up on gtk+?05:38
bryanris qt much better than it?05:38
k0alagtk+ is another05:38
chickpeascunizi, well, it's actually on a sheevaplug, so not sure if I can really upgrade as space is limited05:38
IdleOnechickpea: yes. but you will be on your own pretty much for debugging if you have issues05:38
k0alai donno it totally depends on youtr choice05:38
chickpeaIdleOne, that's not an issue.  I run gentoo-based distro and have been using linux (gentoo/sabayon) for years05:39
bryanranother question: what are good beginner apps to make?05:39
SwedeMikeI don't think htg+ will go away anytime soon. (gtk, typo)05:39
scunizichickpea: cool.. do you have a seperate /home partition?05:39
IdleOnechickpea: then go for it :)05:39
SwedeMikebryanr: whatever problem you need to solve.05:39
chickpeascunizi, no it's all on one big partition, but I do have an attached usb drive (1T) which I can download all the packages to for staging05:40
chickpeaI added an alias in /etc/zsh/zshrc for apt-get -o dir::cache=/my/usbdrive05:40
k0alahisto, what does acpi=off do? i find an option to enable/disbale acpi in the bios too05:40
k0alahisto, currently its enabled05:41
lzcarhisto ¿?05:41
chickpeaThanks for the quick hit and run support there IdleOne and scunizi05:41
scunizichickpea: save /home and if you can netboot the sheeva or plug in an external cdrom you should be able to simply reinstall then replace the files you saved from home.05:41
histok0ala: disables acpi fromt he kernel05:41
histok0ala: if that seems to fix it maybe there is an issue with you bios and the current kernel05:41
chickpeascunizi, acutally /home is irrelevant as there are no user accounts set up05:41
chickpeajust root05:42
k0alahisto, i too fear that as it wsant ther ein 9.0405:42
k0alawhen it was released05:42
scunizichickpea: then simply reinstall .. but I'd wait for the official release of 10.04 .. then you'll be set for 3 yrs or so.. unlike jaunty's 18 mths.05:42
chickpeascunizi, I can probably just flash a new image on05:42
scunizichickpea: server on 10.04 is good for 5 yrs05:43
IdleOneerr I just deleted my bottom panel :/05:43
chickpeascunizi, well that's more of a long term project, for now I just want to be able to run bacula and backup my clients05:43
k0alawhy do they make new release versions?05:43
chickpeak0ala, so that you have roadmarkers05:43
hiexpoIdleOne,  - oops restore it05:43
bsmith093fnome menu applications places ad system all dissappeared05:43
IdleOnehiexpo: yeah trying to add a new panel is not working05:44
gabe_I'm sorry if I'm being rude by interrupting. I don't know how this works. But could anybody answer a question I have please?05:44
chickpealinux is a "rolling release" system, without releases you would never be able to reinstall a "last stable build"05:44
k0alachickpea, whynot update the same version?05:44
brianbeersUbuntu launches, I can log in as one user but when I log in my main account the screen goes black and won't display anything. Any ideas...?05:44
IdleOnegabe_: feel free to ask and someone will answer if they know :)05:44
hiexpoIdleOne,  - u gomer lol05:44
IdleOnegabe_: welcome05:44
gabe_Thank you.05:44
k0alalike i have to install a new version every 4th and 10th month05:44
L-----Dhi guys, i trying to build a NAS based on ubuntu server, I wonder if there is some pre-build pack out there already05:45
chickpeak0ala, you misunderstand entirely the idea of "versions"05:45
k0alachickpea, can u provide some insights?05:45
hiexpoIdleOne,  - i did a goodone last night to i deleted my interface05:45
chickpeak0ala, almost always new versions, i.e., karmic, are not really that different from older versions, i.e. jaunty05:45
IdleOnek0ala: you don't have to upgrade05:46
chickpeathey just roll up an iso with the most recent stable packages05:46
k0alachickpea, precisley, why do that  have different support terms then?05:46
gabe_I was running 9.04 but my system got corrupted. So I have to start from scratch. I managed to recover my home directory. So now I have that on an external drive. I have reinstalled Ubuntu on my computer now. I want to make my home directory from my external drive into the home directory for my user on my computer. Is there any way I can do this?05:46
scunizichickpea: that's not always so with debian and ubuntu.. there are underlying changes to the system other than package versions..05:47
chickpeabecause, linux applications are somewhat chaotic as they are upgraded and improved constantly, not like windows, therefore every once in a while you need a reference version05:47
chickpeascunizi, yes, I realize that is true, but by and large they are the same05:47
chickpeasure sometimes, new features will be added or a troublesome package will be remove (I'm looking at you pulseaudio)05:48
k0alachickpea, why they are then released with a new name?05:48
IdleOnehiexpo: !panels was useful :)05:48
sp0spodoes ubuntu have an undelete, in console mode?05:48
chickpeak0ala, so you can tell them apart, rather than just version 10.2 comes after 10.105:49
hiexpoIdleOne,  - kool !panels05:49
chickpeak0ala, think of versions like a trail of breadcrumbs05:49
IdleOnehiexpo: have to reset everything I had in them but got my bottom one back05:49
chickpeasometimes you need to go back in time (like after a system crash) and need to reinstall to the last stable system you had05:50
hiexpoIdleOne,  - lucky05:50
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LinuxGuy2009Is there a known way to download like all of the *buntu ISO CD images, like Ubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Kubuntu, etc, and put them onto a DVD+-R and choose which live environment to boot?05:50
k0alachickpea, that is refereed to by the kernel version aint it?05:50
chickpeaso, somewhat arbitrarily the devs create releases, which are kind of like mile markers, just telling you where in the line of releases we are talking about05:50
k0alaits listed out in the grub05:50
k0alawhynot refer it with a number?05:51
hiexpoLinuxGuy2009,  - oh please05:51
chickpeak0ala, you need a lot of remedial linux reading, we are clogging the channel with chatter that is not really related to support05:51
IdleOnek0ala: discussion of the Ubuntu naming scheme is offtopic so please move to #ubuntu-offtopic. thank you05:51
LinuxGuy2009hiexpo: Oh please meaning what?05:51
hiexpoLinuxGuy2009, one distro one cd05:52
LinuxGuy2009hiexpo: In other words you dont have a clue. Thanks anyways.05:52
IdleOneLinuxGuy2009: if you figure it out. let me know I would like something like that05:52
LinuxGuy2009They do that with DVDs that come with some books.05:52
LinuxGuy2009IdleOne: Ok Ill keep looking and let you know. hehe05:53
k0alachickpea, IdleOne thanks05:53
hiexpoLinuxGuy2009,  no its impossiable to do that05:53
ccherrettI installed eeebuntu on my eeepc and am at the login prompt and cannot get in with the password specified05:53
ccherrettI even blanked the password in /etc/shadow05:53
LinuxGuy2009hiexpo: No there are Linux books with DVDs that have multiple distros on one disk. Its possible.05:53
ccherrettany ideas what it wants?05:53
ccherrettI am very green to ubuntu, always been running gentoo05:54
jihedamineHi, is there a way to change color depth without creating a xorg.conf file ?05:54
hiexpoLinuxGuy2009, show how to boot lie that i wanna see05:54
IdleOneLinuxGuy2009: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=62811005:54
abahkaiyisahi've install via 'apt-get install' where is the downloaded deb packages ?05:54
gabe_I was running 9.04 but my system got corrupted. So I have to start from scratch. I managed to recover my home directory. So now I have that on an external drive. I have reinstalled Ubuntu on my computer now. I want to make my home directory from my external drive into the home directory for my user on my computer. Is there any way I can do this?05:55
LinuxGuy2009IdleOne: hmmm05:56
IdleOneLinuxGuy2009: not perfect solution but a step I know05:56
LinuxGuy2009IdleOne: Yeah thats cool05:56
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IdleOneLinuxGuy2009: might be an idea you want to add to http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/05:58
lzcarhelp :(05:58
Unregisteredhey anyone here know shit about xbox 360 hacking?05:58
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:58
IdleOne!language | Unregistered05:58
ubottuUnregistered: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:58
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Trizzohow do you go about burning 360 games?05:59
tucemiuxanyone knows how to fix the bug where wireless has higher priority over wired lan?  Basically if I boot up my machine and I have a wire connected then I want to use the wire --not wireless-- wireless is a bit slower and sometimes doesnt work @ home05:59
IdleOneTrizzo: we don't support that. this is #ubuntu05:59
Dr_WillisTrizzo:  i imagine theres forums and web sites that discuss that. :) answer = special hardare/modchips i imagine05:59
Trizzoaight cheers anyway05:59
chickpeahey what apt-get option shows me if a package is installed or not?06:00
IdleOnechickpea: apt-cache policy06:00
hiexpoDr_Willis,  - how it goes?06:00
chickpeaIdleOne, thanks06:00
Dr_Willishiexpo:  at my age.. im happy if it goes. :)06:00
gabe_How can I use the "Migration Assistance" that I've read Ubuntu has?06:00
abahkaiyisahthe package successfully installed06:00
hiexpoDr_Willis,  - lmao06:01
IdleOne!separatehome > gabe_06:01
ubottugabe_, please see my private message06:01
chickpeaIdleOne, so I take it that I need to download the source tarball from packages.ubuntu.com and build it right?06:01
tucemiuxDr_Willis,  if anyone knows the answer **maybe** it's you but it works just fine on windows06:01
IdleOnechickpea: no the .deb06:01
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents06:01
chickpeaIdleOne, can't find the deb maybe I'm dumb or blind?06:01
Dr_Willisgabe_:  normally its used/ran at  system install. personally ive never seen the tool do veyr much. other then copy over your documents directory and wallpaper. it may do more.06:01
IdleOnechickpea: link?06:01
tucemiux!ot| hiexpo06:02
ubottuhiexpo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:02
abahkaiyisahif i install vlc using 'apt-get install vlc' then where is the vlc downloaded deb packages store?.06:02
hiexpotucemiux,  - whatot?06:02
tucemiuxanyone knows how to fix the bug where wireless has higher priority over wired lan?  Basically if I boot up my machine and I have a wire connected then I want to use the wire --not wireless-- wireless is a bit slower and sometimes doesnt work @ home06:02
DoesitMatterYOhowdy room06:03
tucemiux!hello | DoesitMatterYO06:03
ubottuDoesitMatterYO: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!06:03
Dr_Willisabahkaiyisah:  the apt system downloads stuff to /var/cache/apt I belive.06:03
DoesitMatterYOthere's a bunch of people in here :-D06:04
tucemiux!ot| DoesitMatterYO06:04
ubottuDoesitMatterYO: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:04
IdleOnechickpea: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/all/bacula/download06:04
DoesitMatterYOi guess all of you running ubuntu06:04
Dr_WillisDoesitMatterYO:  actually its a slow day.  - Do you habe a Ubuntu Support question?06:04
gabe_Dr_Willis: Would you mind speaking to me in a private chat. I would like to ask more about migration assistance if you don't mind.06:04
chickpeaIdleOne, sweet thanks for doing my homework for me, sorry to be a pain06:04
IdleOnechickpea: the link is at the bottom of the page you linked me06:04
DoesitMatterYOim just here to chat06:04
IdleOnechickpea: np06:04
Dr_Willisgabe_:  i rarely use the tool except at install. and i rarely seen it actually do anything worth mentioning the few times ive tried it.06:05
IdleOnechickpea: you will probably end up with depends issues but the depends are listed on that page06:05
DoesitMatterYOim using xchat for ubuntu. I am trying to get it through SSH buch it seems slow :-(06:05
supestartotal noob question: but does anyone know of a good online resource that explains the directory structures06:05
Dr_Willisgabe_:  all ive seen it do is copy your 'documents' directory to the ysers /home/documents and set the wallpaper the same.06:05
gabe_Dr_Willis: I have a home directory on an external hard drive and I want to import it. Do you know of any way I can do this?06:06
DoesitMatterYO<<<Been with linux for 3 years06:06
tucemiuxsupestar, www.google.com and #ubuntu in freenode.net06:06
DoesitMatterYOnot a  noob06:06
chickpeaIdleOne, I used to use portage (gentoo package manager) I know from dependency hell ;)06:06
IdleOnechickpea: ok06:06
Dr_Willisgabe_:  depends on what you mean by import. You could just copy the documents and other files  to your users home dir.06:06
chickpeaI'll just muddle through06:06
abahkaiyisahthanks . i've got the answer .   the downloaded packages strored here ' /var/cache/apt/archives/'06:06
DoesitMatterYOJust stick with ubnutu chickpea06:06
chickpeaDoesitMatterYO, sorry, I've been using gentoo for 5 years06:07
gabe_Dr_Willis: I tried doing that but I can't figure out how do delete all the files that were originally in my home directory.06:07
chickpeaDoesitMatterYO, never used ubuntu before or any debian-based distro06:07
DoesitMatterYOgentoo is a clone of ubuntu06:07
Dr_Willisgabe_:  what 'all the files' ?06:07
chickpeaDoesitMatterYO, LOL06:07
IdleOnechickpea: here is a useful path to know also /var/cache/apt/archives06:07
YosharioI don't think ubuntu is working properly06:07
DoesitMatterYOthat's why i love ubuntu06:07
chickpeaIdleOne, yeah, I actually keep my cache in a custom director on the usbdrive06:08
DoesitMatterYOespecially netbook06:08
tucemiux!ask| Yoshario06:08
ubottuYoshario: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:08
abahkaiyisahIdleOne: chickpea:  thanks06:08
YosharioIt has do to with the upgrading process.06:08
DoesitMatterYOi just ate a hogen dog ice cream bar06:08
chickpeaDoesitMatterYO, actually gentoo was based off of debian loh those many years ago06:08
IdleOneDoesitMatterYO: Do you have a support question? if you feel like chatting #ubuntu-offtopic please06:08
gabe_Dr_Willis: Well, there are many files in my home directory on my computer. The standard ones like Videos and Desktop. And then lots of hidden ones too. I was hoping to delete them all and then to copy the contents of the home directory on my hard drive to the home directory on my computer.06:08
tucemiux!troll | DoesitMatterYO06:08
ubottuDoesitMatterYO: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel06:08
YosharioIt keeps saying "Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz/2.6.32-21-generic/06:08
YosharioDoes anyone know how to solve it?06:09
DoesitMatterYOubottu im not trolling :)06:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:09
Dr_Willisgabe_:   the home directory of a  dirrernet 'linux' install to your other new  Home on a new install you mean?06:09
Yoshario*ahem* so...06:09
Marovenhi all06:09
DoesitMatterYOa intelligent bot :)06:09
lzcarmy webcam not connect on emesene and amsn06:10
IdleOneDr_Willis: he has a backup of his home on an external drive and would like ubuntu to use that as his default home06:10
IdleOneI don't know how to do that06:10
gabe_Dr_Willis: Yes, what IdleOne said is correct.06:10
YosharioDoes anyone know how to fix this?06:10
DoesitMatterYOruby is a  good language 4 ubuntu06:10
DoesitMatterYOProgramming language to learn06:10
IdleOneDoesitMatterYO: Please stay on topic.06:11
DoesitMatterYOi am06:11
Dr_Willisgabe_:   You will need to make sure the files are all owned by your user. then copy them over., or copy them over as root. then fix the ownership/permissions06:11
DoesitMatterYOruby and ubuntu06:11
tucemiuxDoesitMatterYO,  this is basically a support channel, if you need help with ubuntu youre in the right place, for random chatter meaning posting the lines where that you have posted so far, that would go to #ubuntu-offtopic, if anyone has to repeat the same thing it will be considered trolling06:11
Dr_Willisgabe_:  your user should be able to delete anything in your current home also.06:11
DoesitMatterYO<<<<not a noob i can answer some peoples ??06:11
IdleOneyou are not. I have an ubuntu tattoo and when I wear a tshirt people can see it. me mentioning ubuntu did not make that statement on topic for this channel06:11
IdleOneDoesitMatterYO: please stick to support06:12
gabe_Dr_Willis: I think I know how to copy them but I want to first clear everything out of my current default home directory. And I don't know how to do that.06:12
YosharioWhere else do I get help06:12
supestarhow can i mount an iso file in ubuntu 9.10?06:12
YosharioBecause I don't want Ubuntu to crash and die or anything06:12
Dr_Willisgabe_:  make a dir.. use file manager, drag/drop them all to the new dir..  that way you dont lose anything you may want.06:12
Yoshariothen I need to go with...FEDORA dun dun dun06:12
Dr_Willisgabe_:  same as you would move/delete any otehr files with the file manager.06:12
DoesitMatterYOsuperstar google is your best frined type in bootable ISO06:13
gabe_Dr_Willis: Thanks so much. Let me try that. If I have any troubles I'll come back.06:13
supestarwill do, ta06:13
gabe_Dr_Willis: I really appreciate your help.06:13
Dr_Willisgabe_:  so you havent even tried anything then actually?06:13
tucemiuxYoshario, basically it's here and the forums, if no one is able to help you here right now you can try another time and day06:13
gabe_Dr_Willis: No, I dried rm but it wouldn't let me do that.06:13
Dr_Willisgabe_:  ive had issues in the past with using home  'settings' from other distros on different dirs06:13
IdleOnegabe_: rm, delets06:14
nelliepsuperstar:on my install of karmic it just opens iso files and for playing dvd's vlc player opens iso and plays the vid06:14
gabe_Dr_Willis: Both home directories were ubuntu06:14
Dr_Willisgabe_:  you dident use rm properly then.  -  I find it easier to just reconfigure things.. and copy over whatever actual data/docs i need.06:14
Dr_Willisgabe_:   double check the ownership and permissions on the files you are copying over also.06:14
gabe_Dr_Willis: Yes, using rm I meant to delete everything.06:14
DoesitMatterYOso anyone knows when those google OS netbooks comeing out based on UBUNTU06:15
gabe_Dr_Willis: I did it as root.06:15
Dr_Willisgabe_:    you dont need tobe root to delete stuff in your own home dir. You may want toc check out a few bash tutorials in the near future.06:15
tucemiuxDoesitMatterYO,  try #hardware06:15
Dr_Willisgabe_:  at least you shouldent need tobe root. :) it depends on the file permissions./ownership06:15
gabe_Dr_Willis: It gave me an error saying that I can't delete files in my home directory06:16
Dr_Willisgabe_:  perhaps give the exact errors? if its about .gvfs  thats igbnoreable.. thats a special dir.06:16
gabe_Dr_Willis: let me do it again and I will give you a print out of the terminal. One sec.06:16
IdleOne!paste | gabe_06:17
ubottugabe_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:17
DoesitMatterYOWho ever kicked me out is a fucking CONTROL FREAK trigger happy fuk tart tucemiu06:18
Dr_Willis!ot | DoesitMatterYO06:18
gabe_Dr_Willis: http://paste.ubuntu.com/421476/06:18
ubottuDoesitMatterYO: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:18
Dr_Willisgabe_:  you are not using rm properly06:19
gabe_Dr_Willis: I understand that I need to use rmdir but I don't want to delete the directory, just the contents of it06:19
Dr_Willisgabe_:  you can do it with 'rm'  and not need rmdir.  if its your OWN USERS home dir.. you should be able to use the normal gnome file manager and just selecxt/delete things as needed.06:20
itrightcould anyone tell me please how i can make my bottom panal show only application icons and not a short text as well?06:20
Dr_Willisgabe_:  Theres no need to be doiing this as root if the user can do it06:20
Dr_Willisgabe_:  most of those dirs are empty anyway on a new users home. So why are you even worried about it?06:20
gabe_Dr_Willis: I tried that first but about a minute later the files popped back in, one by one.06:20
tucemiuxoh wow so now im a trigger happy control freak O_o06:20
Dr_Willisgabe_:  You mean the empty dirs? or what files exactly?06:21
itright!ot | tucemiux06:21
ubottutucemiux: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:21
Dr_Willistucemiux:  but the guy wasent a noob! he had 200+ years of experience in linux!06:21
itrightcan someone help?06:21
gabe_Dr_Willis: The empty dirs and the files. I wan to clear it out so that when I copy the files from my external drive there aren't two of each directory and file.06:21
itrightI know it's possible I've done it once.06:22
Dr_Willisgabe_:  there wont be 2.. one will overwrite the others.06:22
IdleOnegabe_: if they are named the same they will be over written06:22
Dr_Willisgabe_:  i would just copy the files over and see what happens.06:22
tucemiuxDr_Willis, I can smell a troll when I see one, just wondering why he called me a control freak but most importantly how did he know im trigger happy O_o06:22
Dr_Willisgabe_:  you are making a trivial thing way too hard.06:22
gabe_Dr_Willis: Thank you very much. I will try that. I really appreciate it and I really appreciate your patience with me.06:23
itrightok im going to go to the forums. see ya later06:24
tucemiuxanyone knows how to fix the bug where wireless has higher priority over wired lan?  Basically if I boot up my machine and I have a wire connected then I want to use the wire --not wireless-- wireless is a bit slower and sometimes doesnt work @ home06:24
gabe_Dr_Willis: How can I copy the contents of the home directory on my external drive without copying the directory itself?06:24
itrighttucemiux, yeah06:24
Dr_Willisgabe_:   if the dir names are the same.. it dosent matter.06:24
Dr_Willisgabe_:  open up the dir.. drag/drop the files to the other dir if you wanted..06:24
peepsalotis there a way to configure parameters for screensavers in gnome?06:25
itrighttucemiux, you need to unselect "connect automatically" under network connections06:25
tucemiuxitright, is it possible?  it's very **annoying**.  Before I had an old router I would use sudo ifdown, sudo ifup -- but now I have a new router, I still have to do that and worst yet, I have to disable wireless first06:25
gabe_Dr_Willis: That seems to be working. Thank you.06:25
mordocaiIs there a generally best and most user friendly DVD ripper/encoder? Also, best format to encode into?06:25
IdleOnegabe_: you could do a ctrl+a to select them all then ctrl+c to copy and then in the destination folder do ctrl+v to paste06:25
itrightyou right click the connection then click properties06:25
tucemiuxitright, do i use network manager?06:25
gabe_IdleOne: Yep, that's what I did. For some reason I was thinking that I had to do it in terminal.06:26
IdleOnegabe_: yeah but why when you have such a nice GUI to do it with :)06:26
Dr_Willisgabe_:  if the files permissions/ownership are wrong. You Might have to do somthing in the terminal06:26
tucemiuxitright, i just went into wireless mode, im going to log off now while I can06:26
gabe_Dr_Willis: Could I just log in as root and do it in the GUI?06:27
Dr_Willisgabe_:  what is it with this root obeseeion? If you are a user.. altering your own files... You shouldent need to.06:27
IdleOnegabe_: if you do it as root then the files will be owned by root and your user won't have access06:27
infidwhat does ubuntu use instead of xmms?06:27
Dr_Willisgabe_:  IF the permissions are wrong, then you will want to learn to use the termional and fix them with the proper 'sudo chmod -R XXXXX' command06:28
IdleOnegabe_: forget root! root is not all it is cracked up to be06:28
Dr_Willisgabe_:  you NEVER want to start the GUI as root. that can really goof things up06:28
gabe_Dr_WIllis: But you just said that if the file's permission/ownership was wrong I would have to do it in the terminal. I assumed that meant I would have to do it as root.06:28
Dr_Willisgabe_:  you dident even need to be root to delete the files you were trying int he term06:28
tucemiuxitright, ok it did something really funky, im going to have to **reboot** just to make sure it worked, i deleted one profile, i actually had two in network manager06:28
Dr_Willisgabe_:  i said 'IF' they are wrong. You need to check first.06:28
Dr_Willisgabe_:  and fixing them is not that hard.06:29
itrighttucemiux, my instructions did something funky?06:29
IdleOnegabe_: step one: copy all the files you need/want over06:29
mordocaiDr_Willis: Definitely agreed, though very occasionally i'll recommend using nautilus as root.06:29
gabe_Dr_Willis: It's 93.4 GB so if it's a problem I won't know until tomorrow.06:29
Dr_Willismordocai:  ive seen running nautilus as root.. really goof up things in the past.06:29
GPRShow top install emerald theme manager in debian lenny from repositories06:29
Dr_WillisGPRS:  see #debian06:29
IdleOnegabe_: do a little to test if you are worried06:29
tucemiuxitright, i think i went trigger happy, lost my net wired connection, came back to life in wireless06:29
ninjai__can someone help me... how do i troubleshoot this problem: I now boot up and my screen is black... it just stops loading.06:30
Dr_WillisGPRS:   'apt-get install whatever' after you add the proper repos.   :)06:30
tucemiuxitright, let me reboot, thanks for your help!!!06:30
gabe_IdleOne: I'm not worried, I'm trying it now. It will take several hours so if I have any problems I'll come back and ask for more help tomorrow.06:30
chickpeaIdleOne, roadblock, my arch doesn't exist in lucid repos (armel)06:30
IdleOnegabe_: :)06:30
Dr_Willisgabe_:  while it coppies - read up on the terminal and chown/chmod - start here perhaps -> http://gd.tuwien.ac.at/linuxcommand.org/lts0070.html06:30
IdleOnechickpea: now you got me. build from source I guess?06:31
gabe_Dr_Willis: Thank you very much. I'll take a look at that.06:31
chickpeaIdleOne, only thing left to do06:31
chickpeaat least gcc is already installed on my box06:31
ninjai__how do i fix this?06:31
ninjai__(II) Loading extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER06:31
ninjai__(EE) FBDEV(0): EGA/VGA planes are not yet supported by the fbdev driver06:31
ninjai__(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.06:31
ninjai__(II) Loading extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER06:31
ninjai__(EE) FBDEV(0): EGA/VGA planes are not yet supported by the fbdev driver06:31
FloodBot2ninjai__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:31
itrighthow do I get rid of this damn second panal and just have one with icons like windows 8 ?06:31
IdleOneitright: right click on it and delete panel06:32
itrightIdleOne, that doesnt solve the problem, running applications still take massive space up on the remaining panal06:33
IdleOneitright: you could right click on the application tab and send it to another desktop06:33
IdleOneitright: freeing up space on your main desktop06:34
IdleOnedesktop panel that is06:34
gabe_Dr_Willis: Thanks so much. That article is very helpful and I think that if I have any problems tomorrow, it will tell me what I need.06:34
itrightIdleOne, that is kind of painful though06:34
IdleOneitright: yeah but I don't know of a way to do what you are asking06:34
hardran3itright, try avant-window-navigator. It can be made to look very windows7ish06:35
tucemiuxitright, im using ubuntu , im not on a mac06:35
itrighttucemiux, I never said anything concerning macs06:36
SandGorgonanyone installed a 2.6.34 kernel ?06:36
itrighthardran3, thanks06:36
ramindiaiam having issue with "nForce2_smbus 0000:00:03.2: Error probing SMB2"06:37
k0alawhat do i add to the grub to detect a windows drive separate?06:37
ramindiait always show the same problem. and my wireless and network going slow after some time06:37
tucemiuxwhen i boot up my machine wireless is always the default even tough im connected via wire, wireless doesnt work, i have to release the ip and renew it, how can I make it so that the wired is the default if my machine is wired?06:38
tucemiuxk0ala, just update grub06:38
LinuxGuy2009IdleOne: http://www.byui.edu/Societies/Linux/Archive/creating_a_linux_multi-boot_dvd_LWellman.pdf06:38
tucemiuxk0ala, it should find it, if it doesnt find it then you will have to add a line in 40_custom -- whicch is very rare nowaays06:38
IdleOneLinuxGuy2009: :)06:39
IdleOneLinuxGuy2009: awesome, this will be a fun little project now :)06:41
k0alatucemiux, thanks its helped and is detected now06:42
tucemiuxk0ala, no problem06:42
LinuxGuy2009IdleOne: Yeah Im gonna try it out right now with 9.04 and 10.04 ISO images. Hope this works. If it does yeah its gonna be a fun project. Ill wind up doing a YouTube video tutorial too. :)06:42
tucemiuxLinuxGuy2009,  youre going to create a LIVE multi boot DVD?06:43
LinuxGuy2009tucemiux: Yep with all buntu flavors all on one DVD.06:44
tucemiuxLinuxGuy2009,  if you are able to include ubuntu studio you will be my hero ***not easy*** , it has never been done06:44
tucemiuxas far as I know06:44
IdleOneLinuxGuy2009: keep me updated. would be nice to have this figured before the 29th so we can hand out MultiBoot DVD's at the release party06:45
LinuxGuy2009tucemiux: hahaha06:45
LinuxGuy2009IdleOne: Heck yeah06:45
rigelso if i install the RC, i will get upgrade/update notification via apt still, right? or will i need to reinstall in a week?06:45
tucemiuxIdleOne, where's the release party going to be at? O_o06:45
IdleOnetucemiux: all over the world06:46
rigelive never installed a pre release before, so pardon my ignorance06:46
tucemiuxthere's never a release party in new york city, it's never important enough O_o06:46
^b0ss^_Question: what software will convert a .dat file to a .avi files for ubuntu 9.10 ? thanks.06:46
IdleOnetucemiux: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties06:46
rigel.dat is not a particularly definitive extension06:47
tucemiuxrigel, if you install the release candidate, all you have to do to upgrade to the official version is a simple upgrade using apt06:47
rigeltucemiux: neat06:47
rigeli might do this tonight06:47
rigelim tired of this fscking fedora crap06:47
frankie_meets and greets fellow ubunters06:47
Dr_Willis^b0ss^_:  see if vlc/mplayer can play it.  mencoder/ffmpeg can proberly convert them to somthing better. but ive never done so.06:47
tucemiuxIdleOne, thank you for reminding me there is no release party in new york city06:48
Dr_Willistucemiux:  none that you got an invite to at least. :)06:48
Dr_Willistucemiux:  so start your own!06:48
frankie_hello i like ubuntu06:49
IdleOnetucemiux: add yourself to the page. doesn't have to be huge or in a public place and invite people. :)06:49
tucemiux!hello| frankie_06:49
DanDareubuntu like you so06:49
ubottufrankie_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!06:49
mordocairigel: what do you know! i'm switching my desktop to debian from fedora tonight! (noticed you said you were tired of fedora :P)06:49
frankie_you should use ubuntu mordocai06:50
DanDareI created a program launche on the desktop, i want to move it to the "Applications" menu, where are the directory located ?06:50
tucemiuxIdleOne, good idea and I have all 5 days to organize it, too bad it falls on a thursday when I have a night class06:50
mordocaifrankie_: Nah, i don't like some of the changes they've been doing.06:50
mordocaifrankie_: I'm switching to mint probably soon on this box(my laptop)06:50
rigelmordocai: i have ubuntu on my laptop, but when i bought a new desktop i decided hey, i want to mess with something new06:51
frankie_mordocai : why do you not like new changes in particular? i am new to ubuntu is there something wrong ?06:51
rigelbut fedora is a PITA for multimedia, and you have to deal with SELinux or turn it off06:51
rigelits generally a pain06:51
apctrhi all ...plz tell me how to reinstall grub2 from the ubuntu 9.10 live cd06:52
coalsorelol every question ppl have is always to do with grub06:52
^b0ss^_Questions: does daemon tools support ubuntu ? or another good program that install a virtual rom ? thanks.06:52
mordocaifrakie_: Not really. They are just taking away a few of the detailed options to make it easier for new users, and i want my options back lol. And Canonical seems to be ignoring community input06:52
yonderinghello, is there a lucid or netbook remix channel I can inquire in?06:53
coalsore^b0ss^: ive heard of ppl using wine with it maybe?06:53
DanDareyeah, when all people get used to grub they change for the all different grub2 :p06:53
^b0ss^_i dont like wine that much06:53
coalsoreppl are having a lot of probs it seems like06:53
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub206:53
frankie_mordocai : i understand . i have tried linux mint, fedora, ubuntu and few others and linuxmint and ubuntu were my favorite i think you enjoy linuxmint06:53
^b0ss^_wine  is very very unstable...06:53
Dr_Willis^b0ss^_:   it depends on exactly what you are installing where.06:53
Dr_Willis^b0ss^_:   it also depends on the game.06:54
DanDarewine is good if used with moderation06:54
coalsoresome apps run great in wine06:54
apctrDr_Willis: didn't get u??06:54
^b0ss^_i installed fulltiltpoker for my dad ....and the yes and no buttons ya cant see ...and things like that06:54
Dr_Willisapctr:  read the grub2 wiki page. it detailes how to do iut06:54
^b0ss^_so yea it runs the program fine but its very buggy or something06:55
^b0ss^_Question: so can anyone recommand a virtual rom program for ubuntu? thanks06:55
coalsoreyeah some apps dont run right in wine.  some need tweaks.  it depends on the app06:55
histohey how do I output pandora to my mic input?06:56
tucemiux virtual rom? as in virtual box?06:56
coalsorehe wants to run a cd-image like it's a real cd06:57
^b0ss^_no as in virtual rom.06:57
tucemiuxhisto,  first make sure your mic is activated under in sound preferences06:57
Dr_Willis^b0ss^_:  you need to be a bit more clear in what you are doing exactly.06:57
IdleOnetucemiux: offtopic but not all the release parties are on the 29th.06:57
frankie_can the government watch me on thee linux ?????06:57
histotucemiux: yeah it is06:57
yonderingyou want to mount an iso file like a drive?06:57
apctrDr_Willis: hi and one another query how to change spash image in 9.10??06:57
Dr_Willisapctr:  No idea. I tend to disable splash.06:57
coalsorefrankie_:  yes NSA has planted backdoors into linux06:57
histotucemiux: I want the music i'm playing to be my mic input06:57
yondering^b0ss^, you want to mount an iso file like a drive?06:57
^b0ss^_Question i would like to install a program for ubuntu 9.10 to run a virtual rom EG> daemon tools.06:57
^b0ss^_yes m806:58
apctrhow can i change the splash image in 9.10??06:58
histoyondering: ^b0ss^_ you can double click an iso to mount it06:58
frankie_coldsore : thank you i knew i t06:58
histo!splash | apctr06:58
ubottuapctr: To change the Gnome splash screen, use gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.06:58
Dr_Willis^b0ss^_:  if the game has disk based copy protection that wine has issues with. Ive often had to use no-cd-cracks for games in wine.06:58
^b0ss^_its a cue. bin m806:58
tucemiuxhisto, if pandora's not working then go the easy way using audacity, if you want pro use ardour, if you want more help try #opensourcemusicians06:58
^b0ss^_its not a game06:58
Dr_Willis^b0ss^_:   then what is it?06:58
coalsorelol frankie_06:59
^b0ss^_its a VCD movie.. that is in a cue bin fomat06:59
Dr_Willis^b0ss^_:  its possible to mount bin/cue to a directory in linux with the fuse tools  i recall.06:59
sobczykhi, I've got a printer shared through windows, I can print test page without problems on linux, but when I want to try print some pdf document it asks me to authenticate to print, is it linux or windows password?06:59
coalsorefrankie_: actually you can be pretty safe in linux because you can compile it yourself and know the source code yourself.06:59
Dr_Willis^b0ss^_:  then you can use vlc or whatever to play the 'directory' there its mounted to. OR you can convert the cue/bin to iso and play with vlc06:59
auhello everybody :) I have my usb modem plugged in the usb port of my ubuntu box, about to get it running with wvdial however I've ran into the problem of what the device is in /dev/something. How can I find out?06:59
yonderingwhat he said :)06:59
frankie_coalsore :  interesting i hoep i safe.. from the government07:00
^b0ss^_i know this ......but i would like to load things on a virtual rom in the future ....please guys ...just answer the question for me07:00
coalsorefrankie_:  you can have good control over your machine, but the network is another matter07:00
rigelau: wow, a modem07:00
^b0ss^_Question i would like to install a program for ubuntu 9.10 to run a virtual rom EG> daemon tools07:00
frankie_coalsore : i love linux i dnot want the government to shut it down07:00
Dr_Willis^b0ss^_:  the 'fuseiso' tool (or was it isofuse) tool lets you mount a varity of optical drive images. In a similer way07:00
Dr_Willis^b0ss^_:  so thats the best answer.07:00
^b0ss^_thanks m807:00
fillayyHello, is anyone able to help me get Mobile Broadband on my pc?07:01
Dr_Willis^b0ss^_:    thats not 'running a rom' its 'mounting a image' :)07:01
coalsorefrankie_: it's unlikely they would, if you mean the u.s. government07:01
=== Lord_Of_Syntax is now known as Nonpython
fillayyHello, is anyone able to help me get Mobile Broadband on my pc?07:01
aurigel: yes, it's a wireless one07:01
NonpythonIs there a way to get the remote of a HP dv6408nr laptop to work in *buntus?07:02
geekphreakhey all07:02
Nonpython(Not a tard)07:02
Dr_WillisNonpython:  Ive had my hp's little mini remote work to some degree with the lirc tools07:03
frankie_coalsore :  i am doing nothing illegal but i have a right to priacy and i dont like micro$oft and $teve job$07:03
geekphreakDr_Willis:  moo OR muuu !!07:03
Nonpythonkk, where is there a tut on lirc?07:03
Dr_WillisNonpython:  check the lirc homepage.07:04
Dr_WillisNonpython:  and the ubuntu forums07:04
geekphreakDr_Willis: you ok buddy?07:04
geekphreakfrankie neither do i07:05
histoIs there a way to output my speakers to my mic07:05
apctrhow to check the service names to start services in ubuntu 9.10?07:05
Dr_Willishisto:  you want loud feedback noises?07:05
geekphreakapctr: hello , can you open terminal for me?07:06
coalsoreyou can put your mic next to your speakers07:06
histoDr_Willis: I just want to output the music out of my mic07:06
histoDr_Willis: on a chat site07:06
histoDr_Willis: the music i'm hearing as my mic input07:06
histoDr_Willis: loopback type feature07:06
apctrgeekphreak: yes..i open the terminal07:06
geekphreakapctr:  now type sudo apt-get install rcconf07:07
histoNonpython: what?07:07
frankie_i have a question, i have ubuntu ready to install but noticed a new version is out soon ??? should i wait for the new version before committing to ubuntu07:07
geekphreakNonpython:  please dont type in caps ty07:07
Dr_Willishisto:  you mean you want to 'route' the sound your pc is playing to the 'input' of the chat program.07:07
histofrankie_: you can upgrade when it comes out07:07
histoDr_Willis: yes07:07
apctrgeekphreak: sorry buddy i'm using rhel now.07:07
geekphreakapctr:  lol and you are in ubuntu help room :d07:07
geekphreakapctr:  in rhel you can use chkconfig command though do a man chkconfig :p07:08
geekphreakapctr:  or just type ntsysv :p07:08
Dr_Willisubuntu hsa the 'service' command that can give a lot of info07:08
geekphreakDr_Willis: he is on rhel07:08
Dr_Willisgeekphreak:  rh has a service command also.07:08
Dr_Willisi belivbe :)07:08
Dr_Willisso he can go read some rh manuals i guess07:09
histoDr_Willis: is there a way to do that?07:09
geekphreakDr_Willis:  it does, but on rhel i like ntsysv command ,  kinda of like rcconf in ubuntu, does great job :)07:09
frankie_is upgrading easy? will it be just downloading the upgrade and installing to ubuntu 10?07:09
geekphreakfrankie_:  imo i like clean installs, much less hassel that way :)07:10
Dr_Willishisto:   No idea.   I dont use IM progams. and i rarely mess with sound. But at least now youy have a clear question.07:10
frankie_thank you geekpheak i like clean installs too07:10
apctrgeekphreak: it says command not found for ntsysv07:10
histoHow do I play the output of my speakers to my microphone input?07:10
histoDr_Willis: is that better?07:10
geekphreakapctr:  it should be there man ,07:10
geekphreakapctr: how about chkconfig ?07:11
apctrgeekphreak: manual entry for chkconfig is available.07:11
geekphreakapctr: look for rhel channel for rest command list07:11
Dr_Willishisto:  its not really a mic input if you are doing it internally.   The jackd service might let you do somt fancy tweaking also.07:11
apctrgeekphreak: and manual for ntsysv is also available07:11
Dr_Willishisto:  check the im app - it might have some input options also. if you set it to pcm or somnthing it might allredy  be able to do it.07:12
geekphreakapctr:  i know that command is there , you prob. dont have permisson , anyways like i said this room is not for rhel sorry07:12
histoDr_Willis: Nah it doesn't first place I checked07:12
apctrgeekphreak: My prob is in ubuntu not in rhel..07:13
=== serge111122321 is now known as serge11
geekphreakapctr:  well then ask, you said you are on rhel , make up your mind ,07:14
apctrgeekphreak: how to check service name in 9.10?07:15
geekphreakapctr:  i had told you the answer for it07:15
apctrgeekphreak: and that particular service is running or not?07:15
geekphreakapctr:  you can use rcconf for that purpose, you will need to instll it07:15
nilsmai need help finding a terminal command: i currently have a usb-cardreader connected to my box but not installed - how do i list its model/name so that i can google how to install it further? :)07:16
gauravany java programmers here?07:16
Dr_Willisnilsma:  you mean a USB-Multi-card-reader device?07:16
gauravi need to know how to run linux command or binaries from a java program07:17
nilsmayes, exactly07:17
frankie_will ubuntu ever come with flash and other helpful stuff preinstalled?07:17
nilsmaDr_Willis: yes exactly07:17
Dr_Willisnilsma:  every one of those ive ever seen.. pretty much was plug in and it works..07:17
coalsorefrankie_: probably not.  they have their reasons07:17
geekphreaknilsma: try sudo lsusb07:17
ramindianvclock not working , it says i have latest board.. i have XFX 9300 nvidia07:17
coalsorefrankie_: other distros do it tho07:17
ramindiaany help07:17
Dr_Willisnilsma:  plug a card into it and check 'dmesg' output at the end. t see if a card is seen07:17
nilsmaDr_Willis: dmesg in terminal gives an awful lot of info, any way of narrowing it down?07:18
Dr_Willisnilsma:  plug a card into it and check 'dmesg' output at the end. <<<<< at the end..07:19
Dr_Willisnilsma:  its a log file.. new events are at the end07:19
nilsmaoh :)07:19
Dr_Willisnilsma:  or 'tail -f /var/log/messages' and plug in a gizmo and watch the output07:20
geekphreakor dmesg | grep usb :d07:20
Dr_WillisOne neat trick i got in KDE is desktop widgits that show log files in windows. :)07:21
nilsmaDr_Willis: it says usb disconnect, then new usb found, and finally config #1 chosen (i disconnected it and connected it again), but no modelname or anything like that07:21
geekphreakDr_Willis: wow really07:21
rumpsySolarisBoy: hey man :)07:21
geekphreaknilsma:  is it connected?07:22
Dr_Willisnilsma:  hae some patience.. it should eventually show some  'device sd##' type info thats the device of the card you plugged in.07:22
rumpsyGryllida: hey :)07:22
Gryllidarumpsy, hi07:22
Dr_Willisnilsma:  Ive never had to do anything special to get USB card readers working properly befor. Now Laptop INTERNAL readers.. thats another story07:22
Dr_Willisnilsma:  you do have a sd card or somthing in the device?07:22
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule07:22
* geekphreak hates when people dont reply07:22
rumpsygeekphreak: so, what's your prob07:23
nilsmaDr_Willis: yes i have one "inserted" :p07:23
ravenkhanmyself Adnan from INDIA07:23
* RPG-Master is away: I'm busy07:23
rumpsyGryllida: This channel, you know you can do real contribution07:23
ravenkhanam i at right place of ubuntu help?07:24
Gryllidarumpsy, i'm not ubuntu user at all don't know what i can do, never seen a terminal07:24
=== bbalajirao is now known as hey_boy
rumpsyravenkhan: so, park your question07:24
geekphreakravenkhan:  try asking mate07:24
Dr_Willistopic says 'Official Ubuntu Support Channel' - so yes. ravenkhan07:24
nilsmaDr_Willis: i incidentally came over a command that listed it (along with many other peripherals) but i just cant remember which/how :)07:24
ravenkhanok greekphreak07:24
Dr_Willisnilsma:  lsusb, or lspci perhaps07:24
ravenkhandude tell me how can i first get my permanent NICK registered07:25
rumpsyGryllida: i know people are addicted towards terminal, that includes me too07:25
Dr_Willis!register | ravenkhan07:25
ubotturavenkhan: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode07:25
geekphreak!register | ravenkhan07:25
ravenkhani am using this thing first time07:25
hey_boyIs it possible to change the icon (the Ubuntu logo) of the main menu in Ubuntu 9.10? How?07:25
geekphreakDr_Willis:  you are fast lol07:25
rumpsyravenkhan: what client you are in ?07:25
Dr_Willishey_boy:  yes its possible. 'ubuntu-tweak' tool lets you easially cahnge it.. but witn some THEMES  your changes can get ignored.07:26
nilsmaDr_Willis: lsusb did the trick, thanks mate :)07:26
hey_boyDr_Willis: thanks, Iwill try it07:26
ravenkhanI am using PIDGIN07:26
ActionParsnipYo yo yo07:26
roarkI am using 10 04 and when I keep my laptop in standby mode(by just closing it)... sometimes when I open it.... it just doesnt respond ... there will be colorful backgrounds....07:26
ActionParsnip!lucid | roark07:27
ubotturoark: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule07:27
geekphreakroark:  #ubuntu+1 please07:27
ActionParsnipRoark: please read the message at the top of the channels in future ;)07:27
Dravekxso I'm installing joomla which requires FTP. what's the best FTP with ubuntu server?07:27
ActionParsnip!best | dravekx07:28
ubottudravekx: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.07:28
ubottuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP07:28
nilsma!register | nilsma07:28
ubottunilsma, please see my private message07:28
geekphreakDravekx: thats just for extra security, you can skip it , but if you do want ftp server, you can try vsftpd07:28
coalsoresome programs do suck though07:28
ravenkhangreekpreak : could u tell tell me where i need to write that commands for registering nick?07:28
ActionParsnipCoalsore: only to some users07:28
Dravekxgeekphreak, oh ok. I dont want it if i dont have too.07:29
geekphreakDravekx:  it just an extra security layer mate07:29
ActionParsnipRavenkahn: on the screen you got when you first connected to freenode is advisable07:29
rumpsyravenkhan: in your  client07:29
ActionParsnipRavenkahn: but as rumpsy says, anywhere will do07:29
ravenkhanin the window name frigg?07:30
geekphreakravenkhan:  in nickserv window07:30
ActionParsnipRavenkhan: sounds good to me, frigg doesn't judge07:30
rumpsyravenkhan: for example "/msg nickserv <command>" . . . . .07:31
ravenkhancan anybody give me the command how to register nick for permanent & where to write that at what place07:32
Dr_Willis!register | ravenkhan07:32
ubotturavenkhan: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode07:32
ravenkhani didnt get rumpsy sorry07:32
Dr_Willisravenkhan:   it depends on the irc client for the last part.. and i dont use that one..  so cant help.07:33
ActionParsnipRavenkhan: for help ask in #freenode07:33
Dr_Willisravenkhan:   check the url given for directons on regitering a nick,07:33
ravenkhanu suggest me willis which client i should use07:33
Dr_Willisravenkhan:  I use wee chat.. try out any of the dozen+ irc clients out there.07:33
geekphreakDr_Willis: is it gui based?07:34
=== Votan|off is now known as Votan
Dr_Willisgeekphreak:  its text based.. just how i like it.07:34
Dr_Willis!info weechat07:34
ubottuweechat (source: weechat): Fast, light and extensible IRC client. In component universe, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 1 kB, installed size 56 kB07:34
ActionParsnip!irc | ravenkhan07:34
ubotturavenkhan: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines07:34
geekphreakDr_Willis:  oh ok kol like irssi, will check it out07:34
Dr_Willisgeekphreak:  get the latest version - the one in the repo is sadly outdated.07:35
ActionParsnipRavenkhan: pidgin can do it just fine though07:35
Dr_Willisgeekphreak:  it has features not in irssi :)07:35
geekphreakok mate07:35
=== nilsma is now known as nilsma231
=== nilsma231 is now known as nilsma
=== bbalajirao is now known as hey_boy
geekphreakDr_Willis: there site not opening here for some reason07:38
Dr_Willisgeekphreak:  Not my fault.  :)07:38
geekphreaki know :p07:38
AkiraaaWould USB wireless modems (3G/HDSPA) work with linux? There is a special application needed to interface with it in windows.07:38
ActionParsnip!3g | akiraaa07:39
Dr_Willisgeekphreak:  10.04 has a updated weechat at least. :)  there may be ppas for it also07:39
ActionParsnipAkiraaa: depends on the chip inside07:39
=== Yum is now known as Yum|---
ravenkhanok thanks i got my nick registered07:40
AkiraaaActionParsnip: they are devices the likes of which European telcos provide (Vodafone in my case)07:40
geekphreakravenkhan:  congrats07:40
ActionParsnipAkiraaa: have the device attatched and attempt to use it, if its no good run: lsusb ,websearch for the 8 character hex id for the line which looks like it may be the device07:40
ActionParsnipAkiraaa: I know what they are dude07:41
bryanrI am developing a simple text game. However the console is printing this "sh: cls: not found07:41
AkiraaaActionParsnip: I'd like to build a small server with redundant internet connections. It already has 2 wired NICs, was wondering if adding a USB wireless dongle would work (in case the wired links went down)07:41
ravenkhani am using ubuntu under windows07:42
ActionParsnipAkiraaa: can't see why not07:42
coalsoreravenkhan: how r u doin that07:42
ravenkhancan any1 please tell me how can i make backup so that if anything goes wrong i can restore my system07:42
matche_01someone uses remastersys ? please i just want to ask if it is works for ubuntu 10 ...07:42
killaz_bryanr un what language u do ur game ?07:43
ActionParsnipMatche_01: you already asked in #ubuntu+1. Please don't post in both07:43
ActionParsnipMatche_01: lucid is offtopic here07:43
bryanrkillaz_ c++07:43
mopperwhiteI feel boring07:43
ravenkhancan any1 please tell me how can i make backup so that if anything goes wrong i can restore my system07:43
bryanrit looks like my input is what triggers it07:44
isolat3dsh33pis there anyway to run i386 apps on amd64 architecture?07:44
Losha!backup | ravenkhan07:44
killaz_bryanr sry cant help u i know only a few on c07:44
ubotturavenkhan: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning07:44
mopperwhiteThere is something wrong with my Kubuntu.07:44
ActionParsnipIsolat3dsh33p: ia32-libs07:44
=== dgtlchlk is now known as dgtl|screen
mopperwhiteI can't turn of it.07:45
ActionParsnipIsolat3dsh33p: you will need to put 32bit libs in /usr/lib32 so that the app can run07:45
mopperwhiteI can't turn off it.07:45
ActionParsnipMopperwhite: sudo shutdown -h now07:45
bryanrthe only way around the problem seems to be adding a space before inputing the movement key(s)07:45
isolat3dsh33pActionParsnip, it's already installed but the app still can't work. I'm trying to install GuitarPro6 for linux.07:46
moetunes!cn > coalsore07:46
ubottucoalsore, please see my private message07:46
bryanrnope i was wrong07:46
coalsoreah cool07:46
ActionParsnipIsolat3dsh33p: what errors do you get when you run it?07:46
bryanrwell looks like I won't be developing a text based game for ubuntu07:47
mopperwhiteI can't find the button  what turn off my Kubuntu07:47
solotimHi, gourp, I have 2 linux machine, how to mount fron one to another?07:47
Dr_Willissolotim:  you doing a lot of transfers or just a few?07:47
solotimDr_Willis: a lot07:47
Dr_Willissolotim:  sshfs is easy to get some quick transfers done.  NFS for more permenet setups07:48
coalsoremopperwhite 我是美国人,nine?07:48
Dr_Willissolotim:  you may want to check out NFS then.07:48
coalsoreoh no.  i think my ime has learned07:48
=== DaZ^ is now known as DaZ
frankie_are there any good desktop widget programs besides desklets?07:48
moetunessolotim: +1 for nfs07:48
solotimDr_Willis: I'v already installed samba, I can accesss windows box, but can samba be used for accessing linux machine?07:49
Dr_Willisfrankie_:  google has their own widgets , opera can do widgits also.07:49
mopperwhiteThere is not anyone in Ubuntu-cn,so I come here.07:49
Dr_Willissolotim:  yes it can. NFS will be a bit faster.. but harder to setup07:49
killaz_hey i would like to know what is in linux party lunch date (what they do ?)07:49
solotimDr_Willis: thanks, I prefer easy one,07:49
Dr_Willissolotim:  install samba on the boxs - enable some shares.. transfer stuff. I always edit the smb.conf and enable the users 'home' shares.07:49
Dr_Willissolotim:  samba can be harder in ways07:50
frankie_dr_willis: i mean desktop widgets ?07:50
solotimDr_Willis: no, samba is relatively easy07:50
Dr_Willisfrankie_:  google widgits and opersa run on the desktop yes..  BUt i rarely use them.07:50
Dr_Willissolotim:  it CAN BE.. or it can be a pain.07:50
Dr_Willissolotim:  ive seen many a samba issue in here. :)07:50
moetunesnfs involves two files07:51
solotimDr_Willis: oh, I'm newbie regarding this07:51
mopperwhiteAll my Windows program can't work on Wine except iTunes.07:51
Dr_Willismoetunes:  yep. and its faster then samba for file trasnfers.. but im not sure how much faster.07:51
Dr_Willissshfs is the slowest I would imageine.. but real easy to get going 'on the fly'07:51
frankie_one last question.. is it possibnle for my zune mp3 player to work on linux ? im not very hopeful07:51
solotimDr_Willis: do you mean I should install samba on both machine?07:52
moetunesfrankie_: it should mount ok07:52
Dr_Willissolotim:  yes basically.07:52
solotimDr_Willis: OK, so if I'm not going to use samba, what is my next try then?07:53
Dr_Willissolotim:  i always set up the users 'home' shares feature in samba on new installs. So i can get to any users home, from any machine on my lan07:53
Dr_Willissolotim:  'nfs' or 'sshfs'07:53
Dr_Willissolotim:  you transfering 100+GB files? or snything special?07:53
isolat3dsh33pActionParsnip, ./GuitarPro: error while loading shared libraries: libportaudio.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory07:53
solotimDr_Willis: I want to transfer about 15G daqa to remote machine07:54
Dr_Willissolotim:  one time transfer? or is this going to be a daily thing?07:54
rumpsy!scp | solotim07:54
ubottusolotim: SCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/07:54
geekphreakhello all07:54
Dr_Willissolotim:  nfs will keep the proper linux permissions/ownership also i recall.. samba can be quirky with that.07:54
solotimDr_Willis: well not daily thing, but I sometimes07:54
xsacha_so im guessing xserver 1.8 is new and fglrx doesnt support it... so is 10.04 launching without fglrx?07:54
wildbathi~ anyone know if there is a software to convert text files codepages and encodings and any suggestion on GUI text editor that can edit 100+ MB file?07:54
geekphreakDr_Willis: looks nice, thanks07:54
Dr_Willissolotim:  NFS is worth learning about time time..07:55
brianherman7.95 aint bad for a vps right?07:55
moetunesI use netcat for transfers - nfs for mounting vids from the server etc07:55
frankie_hello geekphreak07:55
Dr_Willisgeekphreak:  you got weechat going? :)07:55
geekphreakDr_Willis:  yep i am on it07:55
Dr_Willisgeekphreak:   version 0.3.0?07:55
solotimDr_Willis: nfs and sshfs, which is easier to config?  I still install that in both machine?07:55
geekphreakDr_Willis: the one in repo , site was not opening :(07:55
Dr_Willissolotim:  you dont really configure sshfs. you 'start' it  :)07:55
Dr_Willissolotim:  sshfs uses ssh on both machines. nfs has its own wiki page. not too hard to setup. but its for perment type shares normally07:56
geekphreakwildbat: 100mb?07:56
Dr_Willissolotim:  sshfs can make a 'share' on the fly07:56
Dr_Willis!nfs | solotim07:56
ubottusolotim: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.07:56
geekphreakwildbat:  did you try gedit ?07:56
solotimDr_Willis: thank you very much.07:57
Dr_Willisgeekphreak:  well when ya get 0.3.+ going check the site and the docs.. and the scripts. Noteably the 'weeget' script - it lets you isntall other scripts - like a package manager tool07:57
solotimrumpsy: scp is good, but i want to mount07:57
Dr_Willissolotim:  sshfs is basically scp with a mountpoint07:57
geekphreakDr_Willis:  i did get the script, but will read on it, it has some learning curve :)07:57
Dr_Willissolotim:  that will be the slowest to transfer files however.07:57
solotimrumpsy: without mount, how can I know the actual path of remote machine?07:57
Juulhow do i force an application to use a specific version of a library? i've compiled another version of an already installed application (ffmpeg) and i want it to use its own versions of its libraries, but it's using the ones in /usr/lib07:58
Dr_Willisgeekphreak:  yea a lot has changed from  the older version to 0.3.0 however. :)07:58
wildbatgeekphreak, a sql dump07:58
abhilash1how to find hidden text in images like .jpg? any tools available?07:58
=== Yum|--- is now known as Yum|----aWay
* Yum|----aWay is Away, Reason: ( Durmindo ) | Since: ( Saturday, April 24, 2010. 03:33:54 ) Xlack v2.107:58
Ken8521 man, lot of openoffice and java updates in this upgrade07:58
xsacha_now that ive done that big upgrade and have xserver 1.8.. is there a way to go back to xserver 1.7 so i can use fglrx?07:58
wildbatgeekphreak, eedit prtt much freeze on huge file07:59
Ken8521brb, gotta restart...07:59
geekphreakwildbat:  ok so prob. .sql file gedit wont parse it?07:59
roothi with a wired network can i see the interface ?07:59
abhilash1any help?07:59
killaz_abhil try steghide07:59
geekphreakwildbat: yep its a huge amount of data to rpocess07:59
=== root is now known as Guest11280
wildbatgeekphreak, that's y i need a better one ;p07:59
* meme slaps parkie around a bit with a large trout08:00
abhilash1killaz_: i'll try and be back08:00
geekphreakwildbat: look for aptana studio , i like it a lot , bit heavu but good tool, worth checking out08:00
memeyou guys see they got android working on the iphone?08:00
ActionParsnipYo yo yo08:00
xsacha_grr i waited ages to use fglrx on ubuntu. then i had it.. then some stupid upgrade takes it from me!!!08:00
ActionParsnip!ot | meme08:00
ubottumeme: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:00
wildbatgeekphreak, kk ~ let me grep it08:01
Guest11280i need help08:01
moetunesGuest11280: ifconfig in terminal08:01
xsacha_meme: what's the point. the iphone is weak compared to most android devices on the market. and more expensive. the only thing people could want in buying one is the iphone OS08:01
Guest11280ok thanx ill check that<08:01
geekphreakwildbat:  it aint in repos, you will have to go to site :)08:01
solotimDr_Willis: sorry, I didn't get your point, which is "slowest"?08:01
Dr_Willisfastest to slowest -->         NFS -> samba -> SSH    (i would say)08:02
Dr_Willisif you are doing 15+GB a day.. i would check out NFS.08:02
moetunesxsacha_: you prob got a new kernel - you need to redo fglrx for each kernel08:02
Guest11280how can i know my wired network is compatible ?08:02
xsacha_moetunes: i did this. that doesnt seem to be the problem. it says i have Xorg version 7.1 and fglrx wants 7.5108:03
ActionParsnipGuest11280: run: sudo lshw -C network08:03
moetunesxsacha_: o...08:03
Guest11280ok thatnx08:03
wildbatgeekphreak, np thnx ~08:03
xsacha_moetunes: i even did disactive/active in Hardware drivers so it automatically does process again. AFAIK, fglrx just doesnt work in 10.04 rc08:03
ActionParsnipGuest11280: use the product line in websearches08:03
geekphreakwildbat: no worries mate08:03
ActionParsnip!lucid | xsacha_08:03
ubottuxsacha_: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule08:03
moetunesxsacha_: tried asking in the lucid channel? - #ubuntu+108:04
xsacha_oh i thought i was there, sorry08:04
ActionParsnipGuest11280: or you can just try it and see, use livecd or liveusb to test08:04
Guest11280if he show the network is it compatible ?08:04
ActionParsnipGuest11280: it will show regardless08:05
isolat3dsh33pwhere can I get libportaudio2 for i386? I'm on 64bit architecture.08:05
ActionParsnipGuest11280: if it has a driver loaded for it then it should work08:05
ActionParsnipIsolat3dsh33p: http://packages.ubuntu.com08:06
Guest11280ok thanx08:06
moetunesisolat3dsh33p: tried   apt-cache search  libportaudio208:06
ActionParsnipMoetunes: s/he is on a 64bit OS and needs the 32bit version of the lib08:07
moetunesActionParsnip: didn't think that would matter with a search...08:07
ravenkhan1i wanted to know if i join IRC using pidgin then how to open a window where i should write commands?08:08
ActionParsnipMoetunes: true but the install would install 64bit08:08
solotimDr_Willis: sorry, I lost connect just know. Where can I get those chat log I missed?08:08
ActionParsnipRavenkhan1: do it in #freenode08:08
nmvictorConfigure: error: C++ preprocessor fails sanity check, what am i supposed to do?08:09
abhilash1killaz_: how to convert jpg image to stego file?08:09
moetunesActionParsnip: you could be right there - never bothered with 64bit here :]08:09
abhilash1how to convert jpg image to stego file?08:09
ActionParsnipAbhilash1: imagemagick or mogrify may be able to08:09
killaz_abhi look steghide hak5 its an episode where they show how to use it08:10
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/08:10
solotimthank you08:10
killaz_whta ur trying to do is steganography08:10
Guest11280I airmon-ng and it does not appear it is not compatible?08:10
ActionParsnipGuest11280: depends on the chip from what I recall, never bothered with it to be honest08:11
abhilash1ActionParsnip: is imagemagick a tool? i din't get it08:12
Guest11280ok thanx anyway08:12
ActionParsnipAbhilash1: its a veritable swiss army knife of graphical awesomeness08:12
abhilash1ActionParsnip: yes i got it, i'm trying08:13
geekphreakActionParsnip: hehe nice way of putting it08:13
=== dani is now known as littledani
nmvictorHi guys, please help.I am trying to install something and it fails with this ;;;;;  Configure: error: C++ preprocessor fails sanity check, what am i supposed to do?08:14
ActionParsnipNmvictor: sudo apt-get install build-essential08:14
moetunesnmvictor: have you installed build-essential ?08:14
Guest11280sorry i forget to say im using virtualbox08:15
nmvictorActionParsnip: moetunes i doubt, gonna do it right away08:15
ActionParsnipGuest11280: I don't think you can use airmon or aircrack on virtualised hardware08:15
ravenkhan1please tell me ihow can i use backup program to create one so that anuthing goes wrong i can get back to earlier normal point08:16
Guest11280oh ok maybe with an addapter08:16
geekphreakravenkhan1:  you can use clonezilla or partimage , bth god aplication for that08:16
maryjhow to insta ll filezilla in ubuntu08:16
geekphreakmaryj: sudo apt-get install filezilla08:17
toniiapt-get install filezilla08:17
ActionParsnipGuest11280: you will need a native installation08:17
ravenkhan1how to use n install clonezilla?08:17
Guest11280oh ok thanx08:18
maryjwhere i can get deb file of filezilla08:18
nmvictorwhats Lucid promising to offer?08:18
bryanrhelp! how to defeat godzilla?08:18
geekphreakravenkhan1:  you can partimage by typing sudo aptget install partimage, for clonezilla you can get it iso from tehre site , google :d08:18
maryj where i can get deb file of filezilla08:18
geekphreaknmvictor:  #lucid+108:18
moetunesbryanr: you need to be japanese :]08:18
bryanri afraid. ;)08:19
nmvictorgeekphreak: is that the channel i should be in?08:19
geekphreaknmvictor:  yeps that lucid support channel08:19
ActionParsnipMaryj: its on the repo, you can install it from software centre08:19
nmvictorgeekphreak: I dint need support, just a brief description of what to expect, thanks anyway08:20
geekphreaknp :p08:20
maryjActionParsnip :  but i want its deb file i have to install it at a place where no internet access is there08:21
geekphreakmaryj:  when you install it by apt-get , it places a deb file in /var/cache/apt/archive , you can get it from there08:21
Dr_Willismaryj:  it may have other dependencies also. Check the aptoncd tool  if you want to move things over..08:21
moetunesmaryj: tried looking in getdeb?08:21
Dr_WillisWhats the point of a file downloader tool on a pc  with no internet access?08:22
Dr_WillisOr did i miss somthing/08:22
geekphreakDr_Willis: no idea08:22
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline08:22
geekphreakDr_Willis: can i pm you to test this client :)08:22
Dr_Willisgeekphreak:  sure.08:23
Dr_Willisnot like thats much of a test. :)08:23
nmvictorI can play 3gp files but with no sound, in totem, a 'Package Search' dialog opens trying to install Adaptive MultiRate decoder or somthing,which is not found, any thing I could do?08:23
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brianhermanhow do i create the locate database08:23
Dr_Willisnmvictor:  try vlc, or mplayer. Ive played 3gp befor.   AMR is a codec If i recall.08:23
moetunesbrianherman: sudo updatedb08:24
brianhermanmoetunes: thanks a bunch08:24
moetunesnp :]08:24
ravenkhan1how can i join #freenode? in XCHAT?08:24
moetunesravenkhan1: /j #freenode08:25
bryanrgo to your network list08:25
lallakeyboard and mouse doesnt work after somtime on my sytem..how do i resolve it?08:25
Dr_Willisirc basics -> /join #whatever  or /j #whatever08:25
moetuneslalla: using usb versions for both?08:26
gnuyenis there a way to make it so that all files created in a folder are owned by a particular group and chmoded with the same permissions as the owner?08:26
brianhermanrecursive chmod?08:26
nmvictorDr_Willis: I installed mplayer but Im using SMPlayer which depends on it, but it still dint work.Im told their is a way one could rebuild a gstreamer-x-xxx package to support AMR decode in karmic, otherwise its support iS PROMISED IN LUCID.[source :Internet]08:27
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brianhermannmvictor: Do you have 5 days free?08:27
Dr_Willisnmvictor:  that may explain why it works here. :)08:27
nmvictorbrianherman: yea, Im gonna wait08:27
Dr_Willisnmvictor:  vlc might be able to do it untill then.08:28
lallamoetunes:i'm using ps2 for both08:28
moetuneslalla: if there are no errors relating to it in the Xorg.0.log in /var/log it prob is h/ware afaik08:28
gnuyenbrianherman, yeah, but i want it to stay that way for new files08:28
brianhermangnuyen: what do you want to stay that way?08:30
brianhermangnuyen: Broken AMR?08:30
gnuyenbrianherman, i want all new files created in that directory to have that group08:30
gnuyenas well as write permissions08:30
bryanrwhich openGL does ubuntu have? and can is it ready for including in code projects already?08:31
lallamoetunes:how do i check in dat file?08:31
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LinuxGuy2009IdleOne: Can I PM you I have super good news!?08:32
gregorserror while loading shared libraries: libdarktable.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory08:34
gregorsI have installed deb first08:34
gregorsand then i tried to install from git08:35
gregorsand then this happend08:35
gregorsdo you know how to solve this problem ?08:35
Dr_WillisInstall the library via gig or from deb.08:36
geekphreakbe right back08:36
Dr_Willis!find libdarktable08:36
ubottuPackage/file libdarktable does not exist in karmic08:37
winterweaverI'm using a ssh connection to a specific server regularly. Is there any way to save the password for this server locally, so I dont have to type it in when I start every ssh session?08:37
LinuxGuy2009For anyone else that was interested in making a multi distro boot DVD that I asked about earlier. I just put Jaunty and Lucid on a DVD and it boots both from a single DVD on Vbox. This can be used to put all buntu flavors and even any linux distros on a multiboot DVD. So here you go...08:37
gregorsubottu, I know it doasn't exist08:37
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:37
Dr_Williswinterweaver:  use the ssh-keygen and ssh-copy-id commands to make/copy a key to the remote server08:37
QdataHi guys08:37
Dr_Williswinterweaver:  thats oneeasy way i do it08:37
Qdatais anyone here?08:37
winterweaverDr_Willis: thx will read the man pages now :)08:38
Dr_WillisQdata:  1000+ people here08:38
Dr_Williswinterweaver:  im not even sure where i learned about those from08:38
Qdatai am new here08:38
Dr_Williswinterweaver:  its about that simple. run 'ssh-keygen' , then run ssh-copy-id REMOTEBOX     and it handles it all08:38
winterweaverDr_Willis: aswome... thank you :008:39
winterweaver:) *08:39
Dr_Williswinterweaver:  its possible if the box's change ips that ssh may flag a warning/error however.08:39
gregorsdamn a simple sudo ldconfig resolved my problem :)08:40
Qdatabye bye now08:40
gregorsnow I think I'm smart LOL08:41
Dr_Willisgregors:  heh.  I seem to recall a lot of 'sudo make install' scripts that automatically do that.. but that may be reasons not to08:41
nmvictorwhich package installs fox 1.6?08:42
Oerfirefox 1.6 ?08:42
Fivewaysanyone using an 8800gt by chance?08:43
gregorsDr_Willis, yeah i know ...funny thing they don't use ldconfig08:43
Fivewaysi cant install updated nvidia drivers without X hating me08:43
nmvictorOer: think it has something to do with C++, because its an error from ./configure script. apt-cach search fox give me quit alot.08:44
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ravenkhanplease tell me where i can find my backup program installed?08:44
ravenkhanthe program name is something plateimage08:45
meowbuntuamazing it should not be posable but it is. i installed ubuntu to this hdd on one computer then took out hdd and tested it on another computer and it works. try that with windowzzy08:45
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Fivewaysmeowbuntu: ive done that w/ windows before :)08:45
moetunesravenkhan: more then likely it is in /usr/bin08:45
Fivewaysnone of the other hardware matched though and it was kinda wonky :) lol08:45
meowbuntuFiveways, never has it worked with windows it always gives blus screen of death when done.08:46
meowbuntuand i'v dont it heaps08:46
FlameyEvery time i tried to transplant an hdd and boot windows, all I got was a frozen pc.08:46
nmvictorjust for the record,should be libfox-1.6-0-dev08:46
meowbuntuFlamey, yea it cant be done with windozzy its to do with computer specific drivers that windozzy yses  drivers08:47
jc-dentonHI all08:47
moetunesFlamey: there is ##windows for those issues08:47
meowbuntuubuntu is great08:47
jc-dentonI did a reverse ssh tunnel to a server of mine running ubuntu (ssh -R)08:47
ravenkhanwhere can i find partimage program installed in my system?08:47
Fivewaysmoetunes: he was just responding to something else08:47
meowbuntunow i need to test ubuntu mini08:47
Flameymeowbuntu: but ubuntu > windoze.08:47
Flameymeowbuntu: next week i get Lucid.08:48
jc-dentonnow the connection is dead, I guess it probably killed by a firewall because it was idle08:48
FivewaysFlamey: i like ubuntu but...08:48
Fivewaysim having problems right now that are super annoying :)08:48
meowbuntuyes ubuntu is greater in some ways08:48
jc-dentonI read that ssh logs forwarding by default08:48
jc-dentonI just cant find it in the logs08:48
meowbuntuFlamey, lucid is not official yet08:48
jc-dentonI checked auth.log08:48
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ravenkhanwhere can i find partimage program installed in my system?08:48
Flameymeowbuntu, but it's due on the 29th.08:48
Dr_Willisisent partimage a cli tool>?08:48
meowbunturavenkhan, open terminal and run it from there08:49
Fivewaysanyone successfully running updated nvidia drivers in 9.10?08:49
Dr_Willis!find partimage08:49
ubottuFound: partimage, partimage-doc, partimage-server08:49
meowbunturavenkhan, reboot to, look in menu.08:49
shawnboySomeone know quick, easy way to scan Windows system for viruses using a Live CD?08:50
lallakeyboard and mouse doesnt work after somtime on my sytem..how do i resolve it?08:50
kcazeDo we have to install lucid from a cd or can we just upgrade directly from karmic?08:50
ravenkhanyeah i rebooted08:50
Dr_Willisshawnboy:  theres live cd's out designed to do that. Check the distrowatch web site.08:50
moetunesravenkhan: in terminal type   part   and hit the tab button twice08:50
ravenkhanmeowubuntu i rebotted08:50
Fivewaysif i delete my xorg.conf will x just start w/ a default one next time?08:50
Dr_Willisshawnboy:  theres also  (by avg i think) a live cd on their site to do that.08:50
shawnboyhmm. ok. cool. thanks.08:50
ravenkhanyeah i hit i got the list08:51
Dr_Willisshawnboy:  it may of been some other av company with the live cd.. but i saw one just a few weeks ago08:51
ravenkhanadnan@ubuntu:~$ part08:51
ravenkhanparted     partimage  partprobe  partx08:51
Dr_Willisshawnboy:  if you are going to be through.. may as well scann with as many AV tools as you can find. :)08:51
moetunesravenkhan: then in terminal do   which partimage08:51
ravenkhanits saying not logged in as root08:52
ravenkhanhow can i login as a root?08:52
Dr_Willisshawnboy:  ive heard of some people runnijng various AV tools and getting false positives on some very critical system files in Ubuntu.08:52
Dr_Willisravenkhan:  sudo command08:52
moetunesravenkhan: sudo -s08:52
nmvictorwill installing libopencore-amrnb0 solve my problem with sound on .3gp files?08:52
jc-dentondoes ssh log when a connection breaks08:52
ravenkhan& what is the meaning of command su - ?08:53
ravenkhan"su -"08:53
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)08:53
Dr_WillisYou normally dont want to use 'su -' in ubuntu  use sudo.08:53
Dr_Willissu - ==> shortcut for 'su root' i belive08:54
nmvictorNow which package install libcclc?08:54
ravenkhanbut when i give password of my root08:54
Dr_Willis!find libcclc08:54
ubottuPackage/file libcclc does not exist in karmic08:54
ravenkhanit says authentification failure?08:54
Dr_Willisravenkhan:  there is no default root password..  sudo want your users password.08:54
moetunesravenkhan: the sudo password is your login password08:55
Dr_Willisravenkhan:  so thats one reasin you dont use 'su -' in ubuntu normally08:55
e3a12now which package install  adobe flash08:55
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash08:56
e3a12now which package install  adobe flash  for ubuntu 9.10 64 bit08:56
e3a12now which package install  adobe flash  for ubuntu 9.10 64 bit08:56
jc-dentondid anyboay read my question08:56
ravenkhancan anybody help me in using partimage???08:57
ravenkhanwhat happened jc-ednton?08:57
moetunesjc-denton: there's no log here for ssh08:57
jc-dentonthere is08:57
jc-dentonauth.log logs logins08:57
brianhermanravenkan: What is the nature of your emergency?08:57
e3a12indian -nagin08:58
moetunesjc-denton: there's no log here for ssh - on my comp08:58
jc-dentonbut I want to see where the connection breaks08:58
ravenkhanits urgent08:58
Dr_WillisYou can enable verbose logging for ssh and other services in their configs normally08:58
greggomanowhen ubuntu mounts a samba share using the "connect to server" dialog under places, WHERE does it mount the folders? Or are they mounted locally at all? I'm trying to edit my remote music collection using easytag and easytag only "sees" local folders afaikt08:58
jc-dentonsshd can log (and does by default) all connections it forwards.08:58
jc-dentonI didn't change anything on the settings08:58
Dr_Willisgreggomano:  check the .gvfs dir08:58
jc-dentonthis leaves me with two questions08:58
jc-dentonwhere can I find the logs?08:58
greggomanoDr_Willis - ok08:59
jc-dentonauth.logs keeps the logins, but doesn't say anything about tunnels08:59
jc-dentonand what if the tunnel breaks because of some reason08:59
gnuyenif i do chmod g+s on a directory, does that force all files in that directory to inherit the group?08:59
moetunesis +s an option?09:00
gnuyenyeah it's the sticky bit09:00
ravenkhananybody answering me?09:01
moetunesgnuyen: chmod -R for recursive09:01
gnuyenmoetunes, won't that do files too? i don't think i want the files to be sticky09:02
moetunesgnuyen: yep - that's what recursive is09:03
ravenkhani wanted to know what should i backup so that in future anything goes wrong i can restore system back to earlier point?09:04
moetunesgnuyen: so without the -R it should just chmod the directory09:04
ravenkhani wanted to know what should i backup so that in future anything goes wrong i can restore system back to earlier point?09:05
colesoarhi guys09:05
nsadminravenkhan: everything09:05
colesoarintergalactic human baby09:06
Dr_WillisI just backup my home and a few configs.. so i can eaially reinstll if needed09:06
Dr_Willisand clone my packages listing09:06
littledanignuyen that's not the sticky bit, thats the set gid bit09:06
littledanisticky bit is T09:06
ravenkhanplease tell me in details09:06
nsadminbut notice he did say... anything...09:06
nsadminravenkhan: everything09:06
dcmeeseWhat's the best way to watch an AVI in Ubuntu 9.10? Its a really slow computer09:07
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ravenkhaneverything i dont think so09:07
gnuyenlittledani, oh thanks09:07
nsadminyour entire storage, partition by partition09:07
Dr_Willisdcmeese:  it depends more on th CODEC the avi is using.09:07
nsadminthen you won't get what you asked for09:07
gnuyenbasically i want everyone in the www-data group to be able to write to /var/www09:07
Dr_Willisdcmeese:  and how slow is slow.. and what res/codec is the avi?09:07
gnuyenincluding over the new files people make there09:07
ravenkhani just want to restore system settings09:07
ravenkhannot the data which is there in drives09:07
dcmeeseDr_Willis: Lemme check.09:07
moetunesdcmeese: mplayer is your best bet - I used to use vlc but the newer version uses so much more cpu09:07
GaduAnyone know how I can set Ubuntu to never automatically adjust my screen brightness09:08
meowbuntuok anyone know much about ubuntu mini09:08
littledaniyou can set s bit for user and for group and it helps to run something as another user or group.09:08
nsadminmeowbuntu: do you?09:08
Dr_Willisravenkhan:  system configs are in /etc/ for the most part.09:08
Gaduusing Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.1009:08
meowbuntui am thinking of testing it on my computer as ubuntu runs a bit slow for me with hangups09:08
meowbuntu^ nsadmin,09:08
meowbuntulags etc09:09
nsadminare you swapping?09:09
meowbuntui know ubuntu mini is designed for netbooks mainly09:09
Dr_Willisravenkhan:  if you dont ant to do a full 'everything' backup' then figure out what you do want to backup. then use any of the backup tools that work how you want. Theres no one 'best' answer09:09
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning09:10
meowbuntubut on my p4 ubuntu is not so good09:10
meowbuntunsadmin, i might do if it runs better09:10
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nsadminno I mean are you using any swap09:10
meowbuntunsadmin, i know puppy runs great better than ubuntu but it dies not have splix printer drivers adn i cant use my printer09:10
nsadmincool... so are you using any swap?09:11
meowbuntunsadmin, no swap never is used in my experance it just takes up space on hdd09:11
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meowbuntubut i have it there incase09:11
nsadminyou're sure that for example you're not in swap now?09:11
dcmeeseGuys, ubuntu 9.10 will probably support most macbookpro drivers, right?09:12
nmvictorhow do I upgrade download and  install update via the terminals?09:12
meowbuntunsadmin, as i said swap is 0 never used in my eperance09:12
meowbuntusystem monitor is always 0 swap09:12
Gadunmvictor: do you mean install updates from terminal or upgrade ubuntu version in terminal?09:13
nsadminhmm... I'm not sure a smaller ubuntu would help... how many server daemons do you run?09:13
nsadminwhat's your load average right now?09:13
meowbuntuay what are they09:13
meowbuntudeamons i just conect to internet09:14
nsadminthings like sshd, httpd09:14
meowbuntuload average of cpu, ram etc09:14
nsadminmeowbuntu, run uptime09:14
meowbuntuwhat are they sshd ...... ???09:14
GaduI know screen brightness doesn't seem all that important a problem, but when I'm reading on screen for a short bit and go to scroll down or move the mouse the brightness immediately adjusts on it's own09:15
meowbuntu 20:15:06 up 33 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.03, 0.06, 0.0909:15
nsadminsshd is the program that listens on port 22 and lets others ssh login to your machine remotely09:15
nsadminyour computer is doing very little right now09:15
meowbuntuno i dont do that09:15
GaduI don't want Ubuntu to decide what brightness I want, I'll choose for myself thanks09:15
Gaduany thoughts?09:16
meowbuntuyes i dont have a webbrowser running just xchat09:16
meowbuntuhold on09:16
nsadminI'm not sure a smaller ubuntu will help you... you're not swapping and your cpu is more than 99% idle at the moment09:16
nmvictorGadu: install updates09:17
meowbuntunsadmin, if i run say a few woindoes like facebook, gmail etc tehn 70-95% cpu is used09:17
Gadunmvictor: sudo aptitude safe-upgrade09:18
meowbuntuon average just for forefox or even chromeium09:18
meowbuntunsadmin, thats because i am not doing much on computer09:18
nsadminok, so you should look at your uptime (for load avg) and free (for seeing how much free ram and if you're swappng)09:18
nsadminwhen it's under load09:18
moetunesmeowbuntu: the cpu usage might be X - when it's that high use   top   in terminal to see09:19
meowbuntuif i started doing things like i said running firefox having several windows open etc then it does09:19
nsadminlooking at it now will get low usage numbers09:19
nmvictorGadu: thanks09:19
meowbuntui run top lots09:19
Gadunmvictor: np mate09:19
meowbuntumoetunes, i do use top lots09:19
nsadminin my experience top takes up a bit of cpu itself09:19
moetunesnsadmin: I agree09:20
Gadueverywhere I find online says to uncheck "Dim display when idle" to fix my problem but it's already unchecked09:20
ceptis there a way to invert your window's colors without installing compiz?09:20
meowbuntuoverall for general use pupy linux is the best i used09:20
nsadminsometimes when I run top, guess what's mostly on top....09:20
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nsadminwhy are you telling us that? :)09:21
Gaducept: permanently or temporarily?09:21
ceptGadu, temporarily09:21
ceptmeowbuntu, puppy is a pain09:21
Gadunot to the best of my knowledge09:21
meowbuntunsadmin, atm cpu is running between 90 - 100 % in total09:21
nsadminpuppy tends to go to bathroom a lot09:21
ceptGadu, thanks09:22
moetunespuppy is very limited in the apps available09:22
meowbuntucept, y is puppy a pain it works great for me and its easy to use09:23
meowbuntunsadmin, no puppy tends to run just great09:23
ceptmeowbuntu, because of dependency hell and lack of packages09:23
nsadminI think you're really here to talk about puppys!09:23
Dr_WillisIll stick with TinyCore Linux over Puppy These days.09:24
meowbuntumoetunes, have you looked into puppy lately 431 has lots of apps, quirky puppy has heaps too. dpup uses daboan apps but does not run all. upup uses ubuntu apps but does not run all. pupy is greeat09:24
linucksgood ol' shingledecker09:24
meowbuntucept, well i dont have a problem with puppy09:24
meowbuntuits mnore stable on my computer than puppy09:25
meowbuntui do like ubuntu lots its still a great os09:25
moetunesmeowbuntu: it didn't have nfs so i gave it the flick09:25
meowbuntunfs are you sure09:25
meowbuntumoes, when did you last use pupy09:25
nsadminnfs server or client or both?09:25
meowbuntu^ moetunes09:25
nmvictorafter installing mysql-doc, How do I access it?09:26
zonylDoes anyone know of a way to save a copy of a web page (like wget) and save the stylesheets / js inlined into a single html file?09:26
Dr_Willisnmvictor:  it may have some doc files in /usr/share/docs now09:26
meowbuntunmvictor, type it in terminal09:26
moetunesmarch last year meowbuntu  - i'm happy with the os i have now09:26
linucksI am enjoying ubuntu 10.04 rc09:26
geekphreakzonyl: inlined , i dont think so, you will be able to get external style.css :d09:27
meowbuntuwell you may find pupy has improved since then09:27
meowbuntu^ moetunes09:27
meowbuntumoes, pupy can install as frugal so you can test it without messing up ubuntu09:27
moetunesmeowbuntu: thnx for the info but i'm not interedted09:27
Fivewaysis there a way that i can do sort of a "repair install"?09:28
meowbuntumoetunes, i am trying to figure out if ubuntu mini runs better than ubuntu itself. that is all09:28
nmvictorDr_Willis: meowbuntu Is ther an emacs exteanstion to access such a doc in just a set of key bindings?09:28
Altraghey I'm having issues running a .bin file. I'm new to linux so this isn't second nature quite yet09:28
meowbuntuFiveways, what for09:28
zonylgeekphreak: Yah.  Unfortunately I was trying to reduce a very complex page down to a single html file for ease of use.  I though there may be a clever wget / httrack syntax or firefox plugin that could do this somehow.09:28
dcmeeseI need an MPEG-1 MP3 decoder for ubuntu 9.1009:29
Dr_Willisnmvictor:  i just point firefox to the docs dir. and bookmark it.09:29
Fivewaysmeowbuntu: because the nvidia drivers are mucking things up09:29
geekphreakAltrag: open terminal then sudo chmod +x file.bin  then sudo ./file.bin09:29
moetunesmeowbuntu: turn off unused daemons in ubuntu is my first priority09:29
dotnettedwhere's the root trash folder in 9.109:29
Fivewaysive done some things suggested in the forums09:29
meowbuntudcmeese, get the restricted-extras package09:29
Fivewaysstill not working though09:29
geekphreakzonyl:  not that i know off sorry09:29
Altragthank you phreak.09:29
meowbuntuFiveways, uninstall the drivers then09:30
GaduFiveways: I like to chroot into my system from a livecd and uninstall the offending package (in your case nvidia drivers) just be careful lol09:30
meowbuntumoetunes, how can i do that09:30
geekphreakzonyl: cant you do it  manually , if it just 1 file?09:30
Fivewaysive gotten rid of em09:30
GaduFireways: what's still broken?09:30
dotnettednvm found it: /root/.local/share/Trash/files09:30
nmvictorDr_Willis: so i guess id have to point emacs-w3m to the docs directory and bookmark it, wish their was some extension to access and even search through the doc, like with javadoc-help in emacs.09:30
Fivewaysthats not much of a solution for me though09:30
meowbuntuFiveways, can you get into your os09:31
moetunesmeowbuntu: the services are what I call daemons - there's a menu entry for it09:31
Fivewaysyeah, only terminal tho09:31
zonylgeekphreak: There are like 40+ external css / js files.  Ill do it manually now, just wondering from an academic standpoint if there was a better way.09:31
meowbuntumoetunes, what is that09:31
GaduFiveways: did you try deleting or using a backed up copy of your xorg.conf?09:31
nsadminthings like... sshd httpd09:31
dcmeesemeowbuntu: Where do I get it?09:31
geekphreakzonyl: good luck09:32
GaduFiveways: what happened when you deleted it?09:32
Fivewaysideally what i'd like to do is find a way that i could use ubuntu AND updated drivers09:32
meowbuntudcmeese, try using symaptic09:32
GaduFiveways: what card do you have (brand included please)09:32
moetunesmeowbuntu: services like bluetooth etc that you might not use09:32
nsadminmeowbuntu, how much ram do you have?09:33
zonylI had a good laugh a couple of day ago installing 9.10 on a laptop given to me.  I stuck the CD in the drive, booted, and the install screen appeared like normal.  I selected 'install' and the display would go back and reboot.  After about 2 hours of messing with ACPI / NOAPIC / etc I finally figured out that there was no hard drive in the machine!! :)09:33
Fivewaysgadu: theyre just pny 7900GS'09:34
dcmeesemeowbuntu: Its ubuntu-restricted-extras (DLing now)09:34
GaduFiveways: hmm, should have worked just fine with the latest drivers. did you install the latest nvidia driver from "Hardware Drivers" on a fully updated Ubuntu 9.10 installation?09:35
zonylnot exactly sure why ubuntu was crashing on install though because of no hard drive.. Just figured it was a thinkpad compatibility issue.09:35
Fivewaysi downloaded it from the nvidia site09:35
GaduFiveways: I highly recommend the ones in "Hardware Drivers" under "Administration"09:36
meowbuntuFiveways, that was your forst mistake09:36
meowbuntuforst = first09:36
zonylFiveways: Have you tried 'envyng' ?  Is that still recommended for folks to use?09:37
Fivewaysi saw someone mention it in the forums09:37
ubottuEnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia or ATi drivers, it can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" (for Gtk/Gnome) or "envyng-qt" (for Qt/KDE). It is NOT a supported method to install video drivers; please only use it if standard methods fail and at your own risk - See also !BinaryDriver09:37
Gaduenvy is only recommend if the driver from hardware drivers doesn't work as well as the drivers directly from the site09:37
zonylFiveways: That program has saved me LOTS of time on machines09:37
meowbuntuFiveways, you need to run "hardware drivers" it will detect and install the drivers needed for most nvida drivers.09:38
mickai'v a problem with installing flash under ubuntu 10.04 . Is there someone who would like to help me please ?09:38
Fivewayswhen i first installed it i got some popup telling me there were new drivers09:38
Fivewaysand when i followed that it broke too09:38
meowbuntuFiveways, system>administration>hardwaew Drivers09:38
=== Guest55992 is now known as Nijverheid
Fivewaysive never had any problems with ubuntu in the past09:38
micka conflicting packages - not installing flashplugin-installer09:38
mickaErrors were encountered while processing:09:38
micka /var/cache/apt/archives/flashplugin-installer_10.0.45.2ubuntu1_amd64.deb09:38
mickaE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)09:38
FloodBot2micka: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:39
meowbuntuFiveways, try that09:39
Gadumeowbuntu: a little late on that one09:39
meowbuntumicka, dont spam please use pastebin09:39
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:39
mickahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/421553/ :)09:39
Fivewaysits a shame when going to the company's site and downloading their drivers for your specific hardware is considered a mistake -_-09:39
GaduFiveways: it's not a mistake if the ones in "Hardware Drivers" didn't work either09:40
meowbuntuFiveways, its ok for windozzy os09:40
Fivewaysyou know, it'd save you some time if you just typed windows09:40
AltragCan anyone recommend a decent book about linux so I can get my feet? I'm already well versed in other operating systems so it doesn't matter if it's relatively technical09:40
GaduFiveways: I've only had the problem you describe with EVGA cards09:40
meowbuntufor linux its not always good s each linux os is different. usually they only have general linux drivers09:40
geekphreakAltrag: google's your best friend09:41
mickaneeds help on http://paste.ubuntu.com/421553/ please :(09:41
meowbuntuAltrag, google09:41
meowbuntu!ask | micka09:41
ubottumicka: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:41
colesoaranyone know mIRC scripting?09:42
zonylAltrag: Are you well versed in *nix operating systems or just Mac/Windows?  You'll generally find two types of books that cater to one or the other type of reader.09:42
colesoarnobody is answering in #mirc09:42
colesoarhi liminal09:42
Fivewayscolesoar: look in the mirc help file09:42
liminalim having problems.. and need support09:42
Fivewaysbest point of reference09:42
colesoari read the halp file too09:42
liminalI think its related to my graphic card drivers, but im not sure.09:42
liminaldifferent applications keep crashing.09:42
liminalubuntu software center09:43
AltragI know MSDOS better than my own wang and I'm very skilled with all MS apps. This UNIX kernel thing is new though09:43
meowbuntuliminal, what is your card09:43
liminalfirefox is a little more stable now i turned off my flash plugin09:43
Gaduliminal: which flash plugin are you using?09:44
meowbuntuAltrag, consult google as your first point of call. how new are you to linux09:44
ravenkhanhow can i backup ubuntu from safe mode terminal?09:44
zonylAltrag: Then you probably just look for your standard beginner Ubuntu / linux books.   I came from the DecUNIX world myself originally so it wasnt as big of a leap from MSDOS.09:44
Gaduravenkhan: I recommend using a live cd to backup09:45
=== Guest30339 is now known as JohnH85
AltragMeowbuntu, I'm day two, closest I get to a UNIX kernel was Win NT and it's tangled ball of snakes09:45
geekphreakAltrag:  good site to check http://linuxcommand.org/09:45
meowbuntuAltrag, can i pm you09:45
GaduI fixed my screen brightness issue on my own btw, if anyone wants the solution09:45
liminalVGA compatible controller [0300]: ATI Technologies Inc RV630 [Radeon HD 2600XT] [1002:9588]09:45
liminalim not using any flash plugin anymore,09:45
liminalfirefox doesnt crash anymore, but chrome still does09:46
ravenkhanGadu : HOW?09:46
meowbuntuGadu, easy use screen settings on the srceen the buttone there09:46
liminaland chrome doesnt even have flash09:46
meowbuntuAltrag, ??????09:46
Gadumeowbuntu: my screen brightness was unwantingly adjusting my brightness automatically even with "Dim display when idle" was unchecked09:46
meowbuntuAltrag, pm = privet message09:46
zoidfarbHey, what's the best way to do a dist-upgrade when you have limited HDD space available? Is it possible to download the packages onto an external drive?09:47
Gaduliminal: were you using the flash plugin from firefox addons or from ubuntu-restricted-extras?09:47
geekphreakcya folks, have a good one09:47
ravenkhananyboddy tell me how to restore ubuntu from safe mode?09:47
* meowbuntu Altrag, must be slow at typing 09:48
Gaduravenkhan: in a live cd you can mount your drive and either archive what you want to backup or move it onto another device (most of the time just your home folder)09:48
=== mariusz is now known as manio
FloodBot2liminal: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:50
liminalthe whole ubuntu os09:51
liminalI had to restart09:51
red2kicliminal: Please don't :(, use :), don't use :( as punctuation.09:51
liminalI was using the shockwave official flash plugin, but im not using it now.09:51
moetunesliminal: don't use the enter button for punctuation mate09:51
K-Yohello, do you guys know if avast for linux searches for windows viruses as well as linux ones?09:51
liminalI dont think the plugin is making me crash, I think its calling up my graphic card drivers which is forcing the crash09:52
liminalI think its graphic card related, because I was using the ATI priority driver but I couldn't activate it09:52
jbrouhardliminal, nee dmore information, like what you are trying to do09:52
liminalthen when I reinstalled the driver my screen was dead, so I had to uninstall it completely09:53
moetunesliminal: there's a hidden file called .xsession-errors - that will give a clue09:53
liminalhidden where?09:53
moetunesliminal: in your home folder - ctrl+h in nautilus to show it09:54
liminalokay im looking at it09:55
liminalit contains errors, but no times so how do i know if its related09:55
blodhaving an issue with my dlink dwl-g122 usb: http://pastebin.com/jRUvaJcJ09:57
blodwhere "Fel" = error09:57
liminalwhere can i see the logs of the cause of my last crash09:58
liminalor the last crash in chrome09:58
liminalor firefox09:58
jmaryliminal, you should install the debug version of ffox.09:59
liminalwhat flash plugin should i use in firefox?09:59
jmaryare u using a64 bit version ?10:00
liminalnope 3210:00
jmaryif yes find the flash 64 bit version.10:00
icewatermananyone familiar with a raid1 setup?10:02
icewatermani have already created the raid, but its number of blocks seems smaller than the number of blocks in the physical device. the rest is used to store metadata, isnt it?10:03
moetunes!raid | icewaterman this might have a clue10:04
ubottuicewaterman this might have a clue: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto10:04
icewatermanthe "physical" blockdevice has 673838361 sectors, while the md device has only 67383827210:04
nibblerin ubuntu, working with OOorg, how can i make an expression return zero (or anything specified) instead of "#'N/A", so like a "if(defined(<expression))"?10:04
liminalim installing the flashplugininstaller from synaptic10:04
=== genti is now known as gent
blue-frognibbler, what formula?10:05
bazhangnibbler, you may also wish to ask in #openoffice.org10:05
Alyscomany tutorial on how to create a prefix in the wine??10:05
red2kicQuestion: How can I reinstall Ubuntu using existing encrypted+lvm home parition?10:05
Dr_WillisAlyscom:  clarify what you mean.10:06
=== gent is now known as genti
nibblerblue-frog, LOOKUP(B2,Tables.D3:D12,Tables.E3:E12) in this case - sometimes the lookupvalue is just not existant, but i use it in a sum, so if its not existant i dont want to add anything....10:06
nilsmaahum, how do i investigate if i have java (jre?) installed? :p10:06
nibblerbazhang, ok, was looking for that, but with wrong names ;) thanks10:06
blue-frognibbler, an IF nested should do. see oof channel10:06
Alyscomsorry my english10:07
AlyscomI am Brazilian :-/10:07
nibblerblue-frog, tried that, but thanks, and i'll hope for responses in ooorg chan10:07
red2kicnilsma: Try "aptitude search jre" -- Look for packages with 'i' --> installed10:07
bazhangAlyscom, for wine apps try #winehq for help in portuguese there is also #ubuntu-br10:07
liminalokay chrome just crashed again10:08
Entelinanyone here use the nvidia driver? I just updated ubuntu and now its busted :(   the nvidia kernel module is loaded, however GLX doesnt work, any idea?10:08
moetunesAlyscom: there's an ubuntu brazil channel if that helps10:08
liminali got the log from xsession errors10:08
cjdevlinis there any program that runs natively under linux (free, open source, or proprietary) that will allow me to create a pdf form?10:08
liminalI can't put it in paste bin, because chrome and firefox crash10:08
Alyscomwanted to know how to create new wine prefix10:08
hunahpucjdevlin: I suppose you can make it in openoffice.org and save as pdf10:08
cjdevlini read this thread from the forums, but it doesn't seem promising: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=742934&highlight=create+pdf+form&page=710:08
nilsmared2kic: thanks :)10:08
liminalcan I PM someone the log output10:09
liminalits only a few lines10:09
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moetunesAlyscom: tried in #winehq ?10:09
hunahpuliminal: all your browsers crash? have you tried epiphany-browser?10:09
bazhangliminal, pastebin it10:09
liminalhunahpu everything crashes10:09
liminali have window X errors10:10
liminalbazhang pastebin requires a browser doesnt it?10:10
nibblerblue-frog,  =IF(LOOKUP(B2,Tables.D3:D12,Tables.E3:E12),1,0) does neither return 1 nor 0 :( (lookup fails, i get #N/A)10:10
AlyscomI will try ;-)10:10
moetunes!pt > Alyscom10:10
ubottuAlyscom, please see my private message10:10
nilsmawhats the difference from aptitude and apt-get? :p10:10
bazhangliminal, you have a console? then install pastebinit10:10
bazhangnilsma, not much10:10
moetunesAlyscom: might be of help in the future10:10
man8Entelin> maybe you have to confirurar / etc/X11/xorg.conf10:10
nibblernilsma, aptitude is the successor, should be better, but sometimes apt-get is still doing better.....10:11
nilsmaoki thanks both :)10:11
bazhangnibbler, that's not correct10:11
hunahpuliminal: you can also use elinks or links (command line browsers)10:11
nibblerbazhang, so how is it then, enlighten me please ,-)10:11
luboszhow do i tell gstreamer to use alsa?10:11
luboszcause i disabled pulse and its too dump to get that10:11
luboszvlc works10:11
cjdevlinhunahpu: i don't think ooo supports what i am trying to do. i want to create a pdf form that a user can type their information in to and then be able to submit electronically.10:12
hunahpuliminal: you said everything crashes; do you mean web browsers only? no GUI at all?10:12
Entelinman8 xorg.conf is configured correctly10:12
liminalweb browsers, ubuntu softrware center, sometimes the whole OS10:12
man8Entelin> which is nvidia?10:12
bazhangliminal, how much ram, what other system specs10:12
hunahpucjdevlin: a PDF file can do that? I didn't know that, can you link me to one that does it?10:12
geekyogiIs it possible to make my current install of ubuntu with packages be installled on another system...... as it-is without any changes in settings.. or anything else??10:12
Entelinwhat do you mean?10:12
liminal4gig DDR310:13
liminal3000mhz AMD AM310:13
bazhanggeekyogi, clone you mean?10:13
liminalits a new system10:13
luboszDDR3 is an essentail information liminal10:13
geekyogibazhang yeah..10:13
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate10:13
bazhanggeekyogi, you may also wish to check aptoncd10:14
man8Entelin>  $ lspci |grep VGA10:14
geekyogibazhang it doesnt make copy of the settings10:14
cjdevlinhunahpu: www.isp.state.il.us/docs/6-181.pdf10:14
Entelin01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G92 [GeForce 8800 GT] (rev a2)10:14
liminali installed pastebin with apt-get but i still dont see it10:14
bazhanggeekyogi, saves re-downloading the packages10:14
julius_hi guys new to linux. Cant find a video converter that will work, used winff and it does nothing10:14
bazhangjulius_, convert what to what10:14
cjdevlinthat one doesn't submit electronically, but it has editable fields10:14
luboszjulius_: try mencoder, or pitivi10:14
geekyogibazhang i need something tat makes a total replica10:14
liminalalthough it complains about a segmentation fault10:14
Entelinmight try an older driver10:14
moetunesjulius_: try ffmpeg mate10:15
geekyogibazhang without need of any setttings requied.10:15
julius_flv to m4v10:15
bazhanggeekyogi, clonezilla or dd ?10:15
bazhangjulius_, handbrake10:15
luboszjulius_: mkvtools10:15
geekyogibazhang will try that.. :)10:15
geekyogibazhang thanx..10:15
cjdevlini am pretty sure the pdf viewer in ubuntu will let you type on it, but not show what you had done. pdffiller.com may make sense of it.10:15
luboszjulius_: you just want to remux it or reencode?10:15
julius_can get those from synaptic?10:15
luboszjulius_: all of them10:15
bazhangjulius_, there is a PPA of handbrake btw10:15
julius_oh its for my blackberry, not sure10:16
bazhangjulius_, not handbrake unless you add the PPA repos10:16
bazhangjulius_, ubuntu ppa handbrake  are the search terms10:16
liminalwhere is my log of my chrome crash10:16
moetuneshandbrake has reduced the type of files it can create10:17
man8Entelin>  http://translate.google.es/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=es&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ubuntu-es.org%2Findex.php%3Fq%3Dnode%2F73011&sl=es&tl=en10:17
bazhangflv to m4v works for certain though10:17
luboszmencoder ftw10:17
julius_ok, not familiar with all of the linux talk10:17
hunahpucjdevlin: Yes I can fill it but there is no way the file itself (the one I just got at least) can send the data, seems like you have upload it or mail it; I'll try to find something about it though, thanks for the link10:17
bazhangjulius_, open a browser, go to your favorite search engine, enter the terms ubuntu ppa handbrake and follow the instructions on the page10:18
moetuneslubosz: tried to read the mencoder man page? - it is huge10:18
=== DaZ is now known as ania12lat
cjdevlini am building an app that would save and send the file with the edits behind the scenes.10:18
luboszmoetunes: yeah, search helps10:18
julius_got it thx10:18
bazhangjulius_, what version of ubuntu10:18
cjdevlinyou can save the files with the information typed. then it's just a matter of putting it on a server (and i am going to add database meta tags).10:19
bazhangthere is definitely a PPA for karmic, use it myself julius_10:19
liminalis there a problem with DDR3 and ubuntu?10:19
luboszmoetunes: but its a huge man page. if would love to see a gui with all those features10:19
julius_Just located it. Thanks10:19
Entelinman8: i am going to try older drivers10:20
moetuneslubosz: I would think it wise if they split the man page into diff topics...10:20
hunahpuliminal: no, there is not a problem with ddr3 and Ubuntu10:20
man8good Entelin10:20
bjshello all10:21
man8hi bjs10:21
liminalxchat just crashed :(10:21
liminalWindow manager warning: Received a _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE message for 0x3a0002c (New Tab - ); these messages lack timestamps and therefore suck.10:21
liminalI agree10:21
bjsI'm having huge problems networking via samba with a vista machine10:21
julius_got it installed, get to the point where you convert, then it crashes10:22
cjdevlinok, one more question - is there any program available that will allow me to take streaming video (/dev/video0), add a timestamp and some other text, and save it as a file?10:22
cjdevlini have tried ffmpeg and it does not support that.10:22
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liminalso basicly, my problem is this.. i have random applications, randomly crashing.. so I assume its related to my graphic card driver10:22
moetunescjdevlin: vlc might do that10:22
Entelinyeah going back to the last version worked,  the current drivers must be broken10:22
hunahpuliminal: I read your pastebin, doesn't seem to be your graphic card's driver but your X server10:23
liminalsorry, I thought xserver was a graphic card driver10:23
liminalwhats the difference?10:23
Entelinx11 is the gui10:23
Entelinwell lowlevel gui controls anway10:23
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log
liminalI think I removed my ATI driver and installed xserver10:24
hunahpuliminal: no, Xserver is what generates the graphics, the driver works at a lower level it's what links your hardware with your OS10:24
DdordaIm looking for a edia center, any preferred one?10:24
EntelinX interfaces with video drivers written for it to provide low level drawing capabilities as well as windowing and other features that higher level gui's such as gnome use to build their stuff10:25
hunahpuliminal: xserver installs by default, without it you have no Graphical User Interface (GUI)10:25
cjdevlinmoetunes: the features page, under a/v filters has a 'logo overlay' option, but it seems that only can handle a static image. i would like to be able to do a timestamp. and i tried #vlc, but there was no one available at the time i tried to get more answers.10:25
Entelininput control as well10:25
=== Nijverheid is now known as Guest80359
liminalwhen I scanned hardware drivers it showed the ATI priority driver, but it wasnt activated10:25
bjscould someone help me out with networking problems? it will probably consume a fair bit of time10:25
liminalwhen I tried to activate it, it crashed.10:25
liminalso I reinstalled the whole thing, but then I did get any video output from the card10:25
hunahpu!someone | bjs10:26
ubottubjs: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:26
liminalso I completely removed it,10:26
liminalnow I when i scan hardware drivers I get nothing back10:26
liminalbut I do get a video output10:26
bazhangDdorda, could you clarify a bit? something like mediatomb? xbmc? or other10:26
Ddordabazhang: that's what Im asking, does anyone can recommend for any good one? Ive never tested these10:27
red2kicDdorda: XBMC will be a good place to start.10:27
bazhangDdorda, xbmc is xboxmediacentre, /msg ubottu info mediatomb for info on the other one I mentioned10:27
bjsok... I'm trying to access samba shares on my vista machine from my ubu machine, It fails to retreive share list. Ping shows that names are resolving incorrectly... all names resolve to one of 2 addresses that are not on my network, I can even resolve random characters to one of those 2 addresses10:28
Ddordathanks you both, Ill take a it. thanks10:28
cjdevlinwhy not mythbuntu for Ddorda?10:28
liminalwhat hardware drivers for my graphic card should I have loaded10:28
bazhangDdorda, unless you mean something like mythbuntu, ie dvr capable media centre10:28
hunahpuDdorda: XBMC (clearly) is the most popular one, Mythbuntu is another popular one along with LinuxMC, although I prefer to use specific-task applications (mplayer, rhythmbox, eog, etc...)10:28
tumenjargaljoin #symfony10:29
hunahpubjs: can you reach them by IP?10:29
DdordaI will try xbmc than. if I won't like it Ill try mythubuntu10:29
liminalwhen I get my graphic card working, im going to get myth10:29
bjsnope "Connect to server" using the IP fails as well10:30
liminaldp i need a hardware driver for my ati card10:30
ravenkhancan anyone tell me how can i achieve screen resolution of 1024x768 or more10:30
liminalor will xserver do enough?10:30
hunahpuliminal: understand, xserver and a driver are different elements10:31
hunahpuliminal: for what I saw in your pastebin, xserver is the one that's failing, not your video card's driver10:31
liminalokay, but if i dont have a driver loaded, how can i see what im s4eeing now10:31
bjshanahpu: nope "Connect to server" using the IP fails as well10:31
killaz-Qc-opps  sry10:31
hunahpuliminal: because you do have a driver loaded10:31
navidhi there! i cannot print my office document on A5 what shd i do?10:32
liminalhow come when i scan for hardware drivers nothing comes back?10:32
liminalwhat version of xserver should i install?10:32
=== PhilippeD_ is now known as PhilippeD
liminalfrom the command line, as i can't get symantic up10:32
hunahpuliminal: because there is no proprietary driver for your vcard, you're using the open source/free one; you're probably using either a old ati card or a very new ati card10:32
liminalits not that old, not that new10:33
liminalabout a year10:33
ravenkhancan anyone tell me how can i achieve screen resolution of 1024x768 or more10:33
KasperWWWWWWWWWWWhen I type my the cpu info command in terminal it shows the cpu as if it was 800 mhz, even though I know its 2ghz. Is this something I should care about?10:34
hunahpuliminal: if you want to use proprietary driver go to ati's site and look for it; but I really think your problem is caused by a faulty xserver; are you by any chance using Lucid (10.04)?10:34
liminalnope im using 9.10 3210:34
navidhi there! i cannot print my office document on A5 what shd i do?10:34
liminali got the driver from ati website10:35
liminalinstalled it, but it killed my video output completely10:35
hunahpuliminal: is a fresh install or it used to work fine before?10:35
liminalso had to remove it10:35
=== Guest80359 is now known as Nijverheid
moetunesKasperWWWWWWWWWW: browse to /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq and check what it is running at10:35
liminali think reinstalling xserver is good idea10:35
liminalwhich one should i get?10:36
moetunes!who | liminal10:36
ubottuliminal: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)10:36
hunahpuliminal: fixing your problem can be difficult for not experienced users, you may try reinstalling as you don't have many stuff configured/saved as it is a fresh install; reinstalling xserver is not as trivial as reinstalling a regular application10:37
liminalreinstalling the whole thing?10:37
ravenkhananybody listening me?10:37
hunahpuliminal: you may try reinstalling that driver (from the ati's website) but I wouldn't be very optimistic10:37
liminalhunahpu: seems pointless as you say, I havent configured it much, ill just end up back where i started10:38
hunahpu!patience | ravenkhan10:38
navidi set the preference to A5 but it doesn't print it on A510:38
ubotturavenkhan: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.10:38
erUSUL!fixres | ravenkhan10:38
ubotturavenkhan: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution10:38
harjothow would i convert png icons to svg?10:38
FDxymis there a chinese here10:39
moetunesharjot: you need inkscape for that afaik10:39
moetunes!cn | FDxym10:39
ubottuFDxym: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk10:39
harjotmoetunes: ok thanks10:39
KasperWWWWWWWWWWOk, ill do that moetunes10:39
victor__HI! Does anyone could help me putting a page web as my screensaver? please10:40
killaz-Qc-lol anywone saw the richard stallman blog lol the dont use facebook ! ?10:40
vargadanishello everyone! I am looking for an alternative to Rhythmobox for Gnome desktop10:40
poltervargadanis, banshee10:41
moesHarjot....I use gimp to convert png to svg10:41
vargadaniskinda like vlc for playing videos but something more featurefull is what I am looking for, killaz-Qc-10:41
killaz-Qc-ok lol10:41
vargadanispolter, that looks good :)10:41
=== antonio_ is now known as baraka
victor__noone knows how to use a web page as screensaver?10:41
moetunesman8: do you need !cn?10:42
harjotmoes: i will try thanks10:42
vargadanisthanks folks :)10:42
vargadanissee ya around10:42
moetunesvictor__: it might be something most don't do - tried google?10:42
barakahi, i want to get the uuid of my disk with "blkid /dev/sda1", but it print nothing10:42
moetunesvictor__: or ask again in a bit10:43
victor__i tried google and found a firefox that has not been updated since 200610:43
victor__of course incompatible with ff3.610:43
victor__firefox plugin*10:43
victor__it seems so easy to make, that i can't believe this doesn't exist...10:44
mickahi i need help !10:44
poltervictor__, there probably is a way to automatically capture renderings of webpages and then set the screensave to pick of those images, but it's not a very common request10:45
mickai've encounter a huge problem when i tried to install flash10:45
ravenkhancan anybody tell me how can i achieve screen resolution of 1024x768 or more?10:45
ravenkhancan anybody tell me how can i achieve screen resolution of 1024x768 or more?10:45
sumaxI'm trying to fix my XP installation via Ubuntu, does anybody know of an NTFS chkdsk utility?10:45
morrowynhi, im setting up a mail server, but can someone point me to a good dovecot/postfix/mysql how to, there seems little information on this topic10:45
victor__ok ty polter, I will keep looking ;)10:45
moetunesravenkhan: you need to read the Xorg log to find out why you don't have that option10:46
erUSULsumax: the one aviable for linex is very basic; ntfsfix from the ntfsprogs package10:46
ravenkhani didnt get u moetunes10:46
nilsmaravenkhan: if you are trying to find where to change display/resolution then i think its in System > Preferences > Display10:47
moetunesravenkhan: /var/log/Xorg.0.log   will tell why you don't get that option10:47
ravenkhanwhat option u telling me ? moetunes10:48
ravenkhanno nilsma i know that10:48
moetunesravenkhan: to read the log10:48
CQif I have a device in /etc/crypttab with noauto, how do I open it manually? does it still want all the info that's in /etc/crypttab in a sudo cryptsetup luksOpen command, or am I missing something?10:48
sumaxerUSUL: I can't find that in the app centre :/10:48
ravenkhani have only 2 options there10:49
erUSULsumax: use synaptic10:49
erUSUL!info synaptic10:49
ubottusynaptic (source: synaptic): Graphical package manager. In component main, is optional. Version 0.62.7ubuntu6 (karmic), package size 796 kB, installed size 6156 kB10:49
erUSUL!info ntfsprogs10:49
ubottuntfsprogs (source: linux-ntfs): tools for doing neat things in NTFS partitions from Linux. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.0-1ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 280 kB, installed size 728 kB10:49
ravenkhanboth below to the 1024x76810:49
erUSULmorrowyn: how to forge has some good how tos about that kind of setups10:51
erUSULmorrowyn: also #ubuntu-server10:52
harjothow would i batch convert using inkscape?10:53
linxehmorrowyn: the ubuntu server guide is good10:53
moetunesharjot: man convert should give a clue10:54
linxehharjot: I think you'll have to run inkscape from the command line10:54
linxehmoetunes: convert is imagemagick, not inkscape10:54
linxehharjot: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=820965 try this10:54
linxeh (Depends what you want to convert of course, but it gives the principles)10:55
harjotok thanks10:56
harjotif i wanted to convert a whole folder?10:56
linxehharjot: yeah, it shows how you can do that with a loop10:56
linxeh for file in *.svg do; inkscape --blah $file; done10:56
harjotok thanks10:57
linxehharjot: what do you want to convert to what ?10:57
ravenkhan01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 771/671 PCIE VGA Display Adapter (rev 10)10:57
moetuneskonstantine: you just ask your question in here :]10:58
harjotlinxeh: png to svg10:58
harjotlinxeh: ive got vector compatibke files10:58
Dr_Willispng to svg is like a weird conversion t do..10:58
Dr_WillisYou Mean SVG (vector) to png (bitmapp) ?10:58
harjotbut ive got an icon pack that doesnt work, cause it has a scalable folder with pngs and no svgs10:58
harjotso i want png to svg10:59
harjotbitmap to vecotr10:59
linxehharjot: http://inkscape.modevia.com/inkscape-man.html#options10:59
linxehnot sure it does quite what you want though I guess - you can do this ok manually with the gui though ?10:59
ravenkhancan anyone help me?11:00
harjotlinxeh: i think it works11:00
ravenkhanto achieve screen resolution of 1024x76811:00
moetunesravenkhan: you need to at least tell the video card...11:01
Dr_Willisravenkhan:  check the forums for your exact video card?   (you did mention it was some SiS  earlier)11:01
Dr_WillisIve never used a SIS or S3 brand cards. I know to avoide them11:01
ravenkhan01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 771/671 PCIE VGA Display Adapter (rev 10)11:02
moetunessis has poor support11:02
Dr_WillisSilicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 771/671 PCIE VGA11:02
Dr_WillisSiS is very poor in many ways.11:02
ravenkhantell me about that11:02
linxehharjot: hmm; you might not be able to script it all with inkscape I guess. how many do you need to convert ?11:02
harjota folder11:02
linxehyeah but that could be 10 icons or it could be a million11:03
harjotlike you said before, wont something similar to this work? for file in *.svg do; inkscape --blah $file; done11:03
harjotabout 50-100 icons11:03
harjotlinxeh: not over 30011:03
linxehyeah but it doesnt look like the inkscape command line has an export svg option11:03
Dr_Willisravenkhan:  i know very little about those cards. Other then to suggest checking the forums11:03
harjotlinxeh: really?11:04
Dr_Willisravenkhan:  its possible 10.04 release may have some updates for it11:04
messi92if i copy the all the "/" directory to a dvd, and after ubuntu will break down, i will copy them on a ext filesystem from (this backup) dvd, the ubuntu will work or not ? (i have to backup all my systemlike that itis possible ? )11:04
ravenkhani checked in 10/04 also11:04
harjotlinxeh: no it doesnt support it11:05
linxehharjot: apparently inkscape uses potrace to do the tracing, which has commandline and gui tools11:05
ravenkhanDr_willis i tried on ubuntu 10.04 also11:05
linxehharjot: http://potrace.sourceforge.net/11:05
moetunesravenkhan: try googlrr.com/linux   and your your card and xorg.conf11:05
uLinuxhi all11:05
harjotlinxeh: ok11:06
linxehharjot: potrace is in the repos, along with a potrace-gui package - give those a go :)11:06
harjotlinxeh: any idea on this?  http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-337820.html11:06
erUSULmessi92: no; it will not work all permissions and special atributes would be wrong11:06
linxehharjot: yeah I read that - there is no -export-svg option11:06
erUSULmessi92: you have to use tar or cpio or some partition clonning software11:06
=== voRieLLo is now known as voRia
ravenkhanu saying to check me google.com?11:07
harjotlinxeh: can i use theGdkPixbuf thing does that wwork?11:07
linxehharjot: I think your best bet is to install potrace, and then do somehting like     for file in *.png; do potrace --svg $file; done11:07
Dr_Willisalways a good idea to check google.11:07
moetunes!pm > ravenkhan11:07
ubotturavenkhan, please see my private message11:07
linxehharjot: thats just used for reading a raster image into memory; inkscape then calls potrace to trace the image into a scaleable file, and then exports it to svg or eps or whatever11:08
harjotlinxeh: ok i will try thanks11:08
mickaneeds help on conflicting packages - not installing flashplugin-installer11:08
ravenkhanDr_willis u asked me check forums?11:08
ravenkhanwhat kind of forums can u give me link?11:09
Dr_Willisravenkhan:  i suggested its proberly going to have  better answers11:09
ubottuThe Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums.11:09
Dr_WillisThe ubuntu forums.11:09
messi92erUSUL: are there backup softwares for Ubuntu ? (the remastersys does not wok for latest versions of ubuntu, i can not find simple software like remastersys . and i have to backup all my system as soon as i can).11:09
ravenkhanyeah tell me if you know some link of forums11:09
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning11:09
Dr_WillisThe bot just gave the url to the forums ravenkhan  -11:09
erUSULmessi92: like norton ghost ? sure clonezilla and partimage come to mind. there is g4u (ghost for unix)11:10
messi92erUSUL: are tehy easy to use. (i am not a good linux user :( im waiting for 6 week to backup my system ... )11:10
harjotlinxeh: i get t saying that png is not an input file type, you must use pnn pnm etc...11:11
harjotlinxeh: png is invalid apparently11:11
linxehharjot: ooh ok11:11
linxehmeh :)11:11
harjotshould i rename or something11:11
molchuvkahello folks. My microphone is not working under ubuntu 9.04. I also have a partition with 9.10, how do I diagnoze mic work there on 9.10?11:11
erUSULmessi92: they use curses (console drawed) interfaces. not the most pretty but should be quite easy11:11
messi92erUSUL: i will try them. thank you!11:12
Dr_Willisharjot:  pnn and pnm are different image formats.. you dont just rename a png to be pnm11:12
harjotok lol11:13
harjoti was being lazy11:13
harjotshould i batch convert to pnn or something?11:13
Dr_Willisages ago the use of pnn and pnm was common11:13
linxehharjot: wait :)11:13
harjotfrom gimp??11:13
molchuvkai am a developer, I'd like to either implement or port driver to support my mic under 9.0411:13
polterrenaming img to iso works so I can understand trying it11:13
Dr_Willisthere would be gif2pnm     then pnm2Whatever tools11:13
Dr_Willispolter:  some times it works.. :)11:13
TyanColtehowdy everybody, gots me a question11:13
ubottugimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.11:13
polterTyanColte, hello, go ahead and ask11:14
harjotive got a batch process plugin for gimp11:14
harjoti think i will just convert11:14
molchuvkahow do i diagnoze that microphone is working under ubuntu 9.10? now googling this.11:14
linxehharjot:      for file in *.png; basefile=`basename $file .png`.bmp; do convert $file $bmpfile; potrace --svg $bmpfile; done11:15
linxehharjot: try that11:15
ravenkhanSIS card any body screen resolution problem?11:15
linxehharjot: it will convert to a bmp first (which potrace supports) then do the tracing, I hope11:15
harjotlinxeh: bash: syntax error near unexpected token `basefile=`basename $file .png`.bmp'11:15
harjotwhat needs correcting?11:16
linxehi missed out do11:16
linxehharjot:      for file in *.png; do basefile=`basename $file .png`.bmp; convert $file $bmpfile; potrace --svg $bmpfile; done11:16
TyanColteok, here's the situation, I've got compiz desktop enhancments enabled and i have desktop cube enabled with skydome, also i have transparent cube enabled to be about 40% transparent when the desktop is not being rotated so i can see the other desktops, but when it's like this the desktop icons become transparent also, i think it has something to do with nautilus drawing the desktop independantly and compiz is making the entire desktop t11:16
TyanColteransparent, is there any way i can make the desktop background transparent with compiz and not the icons?11:16
ravenkhanDr_willis can u tell me under whcih category i should look out11:17
ravenkhan General Help Desktop Environments Community Announcements & News Apple Users Installation & Upgrades Multimedia & Video x86 64-bit Users Hardware & Laptops Ubuntu Studio Dell Ubuntu Support Security Discussions Networking & Wireless System76 Support Server Platforms Ubuntu One Ubuntu Moblin Remix 11:17
linxehargh I suck harjot11:17
TyanColtesorry for the long message11:17
linxehharjot:      for file in *.png; do bmpfile=`basename $file .png`.bmp; convert $file $bmpfile; potrace --svg $bmpfile; done11:17
Dr_Willisravenkhan:  use the serach feature and enter the name of your video card.11:17
harjotlinxeh: invalid bmp file11:18
Dr_Willisravenkhan:  theres proberly dozens of threads on SiS brand cards.11:18
polterTyanColte, wow, that a mighty good question :)11:18
TyanColtepolter: isn't it? lol11:18
ravenkhanwhere please tell me11:18
bazhangTyanColte, have you tried in #compiz yet11:19
barakasudo blkid11:19
TyanColtei didn't know there was a #compiz11:19
Dr_Willisravenkhan:  near the top of the forum web site there should be a 'search' button or field.11:19
linxehharjot: what if you change the .bmp in that line to .pbm ?11:19
TyanColtei'd've been there asking if that were the case LOL11:20
linxehharjot: if not, I'll install the two packages and get it working11:20
harjotlinxeh: its sorta hanging on the line meanig it might be doing something?11:21
linxehharjot: yeah, it should just hang there while it processes everything11:21
harjotlinxeh: its doing it11:21
linxehyou might have to play with the options on potrace though I guess11:22
sumaxGood day, it is me again. My windows XP installation has fcked up itself once more and now I want to install ubuntu. However, I have a 6gb RAR file I want to backup before, it doesnt fit on my usb unfortunately11:22
sumaxIs there a quick way of opening RARs on a ubuntu live CD or can I split the file11:22
linxehsumax: you can use split to break it into smaller chunks11:22
linxehsumax: you can install unrar on the live CD if you need to yeah11:22
sumaxokay thanks11:23
ouyessorry how to write a msg to a person privately?11:23
linxehif it was me I would split the file and back it up somewhere, then rejoin it11:23
harjotlinxeh: all pbms are blackand white11:23
linxehand check it works first :p11:23
poltersumax, you could also just create a partition and move the file11:23
vltouyes: /msg recipient your message here11:23
harjotlinxeh: is there anywya for colour/11:24
linxehharjot: try .ppm11:24
sumaxAargh. That is the third time now my XP has destroyed its own registrz now.11:24
Dr_Willisravenkhan:  11 pages of forum threads on that card at ---> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=95896711:24
Dr_Willisravenkhan:  oh my bad.. 38 pages...11:25
linxehsumax: I've been using XP on machine since its release, and I've never had that problem (and I hammer it pretty hard; you must have installed something nasty or done something wrong)11:25
harjotlinxeh: ok11:25
linxehharjot: sorry, I dont use these image formats often and cant remember which is whcih - I think ppm is colour, pbm is mono maybe11:25
sumaxlinxeh: I've been using XP since 2001 too11:25
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents11:26
ravenkhanthanks for the link11:26
ravenkhani will check there11:26
Dr_Willisravenkhan:  all i did to find it wa google for -> 'sis 771/671 ubuntu' - You sould proberly serch a little more or read them and pay attenton to what verison they are using. SOme of the posts are 2+ yrs old11:27
harjotlinxeh: yeah ppm is colour11:27
linxehharjot: is it working ?11:28
Dr_Willisravenkhan:  if using 10.04 -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9061747.11:28
brianherman`harjot: you might want to use gimp11:28
znxtchCan anyone help me with installing the 'Mira' theme for Gnome?11:29
rafalswitam mam problem z ubuntu11:29
harjotlinxeh: ppm is colour11:29
luca__MI serve windows 7 .iso11:29
rafalsnic mi ni działa11:29
* znxtch is using Ubuntu Karmic11:29
harjotbut im not sure about conversion again11:29
bazhang!pl | rafals11:29
ubotturafals: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.11:29
red2kicznxtch: Drop it in ~/.themes11:29
egaliahey peops!11:30
harjotlinxeh: it seems to be black and white the svgs are11:30
molchuvkahow do i test the mic under 9.04?11:30
TyanColteok, no matter how many times i try to install grub2 it will not let me any ides?11:31
andragreetings Ubuntu support channel :)11:31
belusWhere can I report a bugg and how could I check if this bugg has been reported earlier?11:31
egaliawas travelling and surfing around trying to find the final artwork for lucid lynx, cos we'll have a release party at april 29th. could you give me an advice please?11:31
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots11:31
andraI have a question about a games which is designed to run  natively in linux called Torcs. My question is about that game, and it's controls. Can someone point me in the correct direction  in the event I have strayed too far off topic11:32
linxehharjot: I've just had a read - it seems that inkscape does colour quantisation, exports each colour, traces it, then combines the images11:32
belusDr_Willis,  It's the indicator-applet....I have empathy installed and a person just messaged me...and instead of one line in the indicator applet i get 6 of the same person.11:32
Dr_Willisandra:  games homepage, and docs, and proberly forums also.11:32
harjotlinxeh: how do i do that?11:32
linxehhttp://potrace.sourceforge.net/faq.html - question "How an I work around the lack of color support"11:32
harjotim reading thanks11:33
andraI can only get "all or nothing" steering. I have a different profile on the system and I get really nice smooth controlling with the same exact joystick11:33
daivergood day!11:33
daivercould anybody help me?11:33
vlt!ask | daiver11:33
ubottudaiver: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:33
andrahello daiver ,11:33
belusdaiver,  Ask:)11:33
daiverI am beginner in using linux. I've installed ubuntu 9.0411:33
andrawhats going on daiver?11:33
daiverI've got RIVA TNT211:34
egaliaI would like to print some handouts for our lucid lynx party. do you know where I'll find the final artwork for lucid lynx?11:34
daiverAnd there is problem while installing drivers for it.11:34
daiverSo I tried upgrade m11:34
daiverSo I tried upgrade Ubuntu to 9.1011:34
linxehharjot: bottom line, it doesnt look particularly simple. you would be able to do it with imagemagick convert to do the quantising for you, then you could probably extract the color information from the .ppm file (it's just text basically) and then use convert again with that colour information as a mask, generate a bunch of svgs, and use some tool to combine the individual svgs I guess11:34
andraif anyone is a Torcs race car simulator player I would really appreciate a PM11:35
daiverI downloaded NVIDIA-Linux-x86-71.86.13-pkg1 - official drivers from nvidia site11:35
daiverwhile installing I've got these error: If you are using a Linux 2.4 kernel, please make sureyou either have configured kernel sources matching yourkernel or the correct set of kernel headers installedon your system.11:35
Dr_Willisegalia:  as far as i know the final artwork should  be as it is now.  Not sure what you are really looking for,11:35
sumaxWhere can I find unrar? Doesn't appear in the software centre11:36
Quan-Time_umm.. most any archive manager can handle rar sumax11:36
daiverthis is log file from installation:nvidia-installer log file '/var/log/nvidia-installer.log'11:36
daivercreation time: Sat Apr 24 13:09:41 201011:36
daiveroption status:11:36
daiver  license pre-accepted    : false11:36
daiver  update                  : false11:36
FloodBot2daiver: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:36
daiver  force update            : false11:36
harjotlinxeh: that would take some time11:36
Dr_Willissumax:  use synaptic, or the command line tools to install it.11:37
harjotlinxeh: i have too many for that lol11:37
Dr_Willissumax:  software center is only a select list i belive11:37
andrawhile installing an ubuntu instance behind an windows xp instance a few days ago, I realized that the linux default partition size was apparently set to something like 5 given enough to download the basic tools which a o11:37
linxehharjot: well you could script all of what I said11:37
Dr_Willis!info unrar11:37
ubottuunrar (source: unrar-nonfree): Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.9.3-1 (karmic), package size 100 kB, installed size 248 kB11:37
egaliaDr_Willis: thx - on ubuntu.com there are no infos about artwork collected. there is only a list of contributions11:37
Quan-Time_sumax: i use "file roller"11:37
andrawould it be impractical to re size the partiions and  move them  via gparted?11:37
Dr_Willisfileroller needs the unrar (or rar) packages installed to work with rar archives11:37
mickaneeds help on conflicting packages - not installing flashplugin-installer11:37
mickaneeds help on conflicting packages - not installing flashplugin-installer11:37
harjotlinxeh: are you experienced with icon packs? like how they work and stuff?11:37
mickaplz !11:37
andrawould it be more sensible to simply reinstall ubuntu  given that its basically a fresh instance anyway11:37
FloodBot2micka: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:37
linxehharjot: I've seen a couple of them yeah11:38
Dr_Willismicka:  and what packages are conflicting?11:38
harjotok my problem is this icon pack doesnt work11:38
andraand if i do so  would there be an option to make the installation partition  larger than 5 gigabytes? i seem to remember a slide bar11:38
mickaDr_Willis,  =>  conflicting packages - not installing flashplugin-installer11:38
* brianherman waves good morning to everyone in chicago11:38
andrathis obviously assumes there is un used space inside the  current NTFS partition which the  original windows instance resides on11:39
harjotlinxeh: it doesnt work because there is only an scalable folder and no svgs and only pngs11:39
alterego_whats up peopleeee11:39
Dr_Willismicka:  perhaps pastebin the whole erro/commands you are using - and give the url to the channel so everyone can see it.11:39
andraalterego_,  wassup esse11:39
djbeeniegood morning everyone11:39
linxehharjot: can you not go back to the vendor ?11:39
alterego_im noob hehe11:39
linxehharjot: maybe we should take this offline ?11:39
mickaDr_Willis,  => http://paste.ubuntu.com/421596/11:39
andraalterego_,  you got to start somewhere11:39
harjotlinxeh: hes not gonna reply11:40
alterego_yeah thnx11:40
Dr_Willismicka:  so looking at the error messages -->11:40
Dr_Willisadobe-flashplugin conflicts with flashplugin-installer11:40
andraheck alterego_  I would be happy just getting "smooth steering" accomplished on  BOTH usernames instances of Torcs racecar simulator11:40
sumaxunrar doesn't appear in Synaptic11:40
belusWhere can I change the login screen layout from?11:40
Dr_Willismicka:  seems you have it installed allready.. you could ry removing         adobe-flashplugin    I guess.11:40
Dr_Willis!info unrar11:41
ubottuunrar (source: unrar-nonfree): Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.9.3-1 (karmic), package size 100 kB, installed size 248 kB11:41
andrabelus,  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1147811:41
andrathis should provide you with the information  you are seeking11:41
Dr_Willissumax:  the package name  is 'unrar-nonfree'  - if you have the multiverse repo enabled.11:41
Dr_Willissumax:  'sudo apt-get install unrar-nonfree'11:41
mickaDr_Willis, http://paste.ubuntu.com/421597/11:41
belusandra,  Thank you very much11:42
sumaxDr_Willis: I'm doing this from a livecd, no rights11:42
andrabelus,  you are most welcome my friend11:42
Dr_Willissumax:  you can install packages on a live cd.. they go to the ram.11:42
mickaDr_Willis, i don't have adobe-flashplugin (_(11:42
Dr_Willismicka:  no idea - not sure how you got it all goofed up.  I install ubuntu-restricted-extras and that grabs it for me normally11:43
Dr_Willismicka:  perhaps pthers may be able to help11:43
sumaxDr_Willis: sudo apt-get install unrar-nonfree11:43
=== vlt is now known as fbi
sumaxDr_Willis: E: Couldn't find package unrar-nonfree11:43
polterit's not unrar-nonfree11:43
Dr_Willissumax:  check the repos.. and update the package listing11:43
polterjust "unrar"11:43
Dr_Willis!info unrar11:43
ubottuunrar (source: unrar-nonfree): Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.9.3-1 (karmic), package size 100 kB, installed size 248 kB11:43
Dr_Willisit says source unrar-nonfree  .. or am i missreading that11:43
Dr_Willis!info mc11:44
ubottumc (source: mc): midnight commander - a powerful file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:4.6.2-2ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 2102 kB, installed size 6292 kB11:44
sumaxpolter: E: Package unrar has no installation candidate11:44
alterego_algun español ;)11:44
Dr_WillisI always thought 'source' was teh actual package name11:44
Rahimi upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10 last night and all seem to go well :) but i get this error regarding a packahe named "crossplatformui": E: crossplatformui: subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 111:44
poltersumax have you done a "sudo apt-get update"?11:44
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polterbecause it is in there11:44
hhlp!es | alterego_11:45
ubottualterego_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.11:45
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mickaDr_Willis, i used that sudo dpkg --purge --force-remove-reinstreq adobe-flashplugin    and now it's working11:45
sumaxAh forget it, could someone just tell me how to exactly use split so I can just put my backup on two usbs?11:45
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sumaxe.g.: split a file into exactly two parts11:46
CQsumax: man split, or google split ? :)11:46
sumaxCQ: okay, thanks ^11:46
Dr_Willis7 - 10 split?11:46
Rahimand see this error from terminal http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/7mNtpDR511:46
mickaDr_Willis, do you know where i can find the last version of flash because it's seems that mine is a little bit old : adobe-flashplugin_10.0.45.2.orig.tar.gz11:47
poltersumax, well if you have 7zip you could just right-click the file and choose compress, choose 7z as format and then choose to split into multiple files11:47
polterthat's another possibility, but that compresses too11:47
mickawhere i can find the last version of flash ?11:48
poltermicka, adobe.com/products/flashplayer ?11:48
Dr_Willismicka:  let the package manager handle flash and the updates. dont try to install the latest from adobe.11:48
Dr_Willismicka:  you are just asking to break things worse. :)11:48
ouyeshi all , i asked a question in ##c how to count the total lines of a source code , one gave me a command cat `find ./ -type f` | wc, i see the manpage of cat , but i can not find the info about option find11:48
penthiefHow do I switch to xine?11:48
poltermicka, http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/11:49
mickaDr_Willis, deezer tell me that my version is not the last one and it needs the last one (_(11:49
napsyHello. Is there a package in the repos that install javadoc api documentation?11:49
mickapolter, i'm on ubuntu 10.04 :p11:49
Dr_Willisouyes:  find is its  own command.. note the use of the ` ` marks.11:49
sumaxYou know what? I'll just format over that crappy NTFS file system and install ubuntu, see you in 20 minutes :)11:49
Dr_Willisouyes:  its not a cat option. Its a stand alone command11:49
sumaxShould I stick with 9.10 or use lucid?11:49
poltermicka, yeah it should work still though, Adobe Flash is a binary blob and won't mess with your dependencies11:49
Dr_Willissumax:  flip a coin. :)11:50
CQnapsy: apt-cache  search javadoc11:50
Dr_Willissumax:   rc is out now.. final is in a few more days.11:50
Rahimhow can i manually remove a deb package which i have installed by dpkg -i command? because synaptic gives me an error11:50
CQsumax: stick with 9.10, less X bugs... give it a month or three, then switch...11:50
polterRahim, what's the package?11:50
sumaxOkay, see you then11:50
napsyCQ: dit exactly that and didn't found anything interesting11:51
Rahimpolter: its a usb modem dialer package from my isp11:51
Dr_WillisRahim:  theres many options (which i rarely ever need) such as -->  --purge --force-remove-reinstreq11:51
ouyesDr_Willis,  you mean find command is the point here11:51
CQnapsy: libbytecode-java-doc - Documentation for the API of the Java bytecode library11:51
mickapolter, yes but i'm on 64bit :p11:51
mickapolter, yes but i'm on 64bit :p   so it's not that simple11:51
poltermicka, well, there is a beta of Flash for 64bit Linux11:51
dr4ghey guys i downloaded "zsnes" emulator and trying to download roms, but i keep getting "checksum error" or "bad rom" when i try to load the .bin files11:51
RahimDr_Willis: this is the error from Synaptic E: crossplatformui: subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 111:51
dr4gCan someone advise ?11:51
FloodBot2dr4g: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:51
Dr_Willisouyes:  bash basics.. somthing like    wc `ls`       is counting the lines  the ls cmmand printed out.11:51
Dr_WillisRahim:  means very little to me.   sorry11:52
mickapolter, would you like to tell me where ? :p11:52
poltermicka, I'm looking for it11:52
Rahimand do look at this http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/7mNtpDR511:52
Dr_Willisouyes:  the ` is also replaceable by $() to make it more clear what commands are getting ran11:52
mickapolter, thx a lot11:52
andrabelus,  did you accomplish what you were wanting?11:52
ouyesDr_Willis, what a shame, i have been running ubuntu since 8.04 but i do not know some bash basics11:52
cridoh guys this 10.04 is amazing.11:53
Dr_Willisouyes:  time to spend an hr learnngs ome bash then11:53
belusandra,  Yes:)11:53
poltermicka, http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10_64bit.html11:53
polterit's a tar-file though so it's manual installation or nothing11:53
ouyesDr_Willis, how to start? with the help on the left top?11:54
andraguys I am currently operating ubuntu on a Gateway M-275 tablet pc with one gig of ram and an integrated 64 MB GPU,   other than some sound issues  I have to admit this little tablet pc really hums away in  linux11:54
muzhganmhello all, can you tell me what can be a good open source project for a university??11:54
CQouyes: google for bash tutorial and examples...11:54
Dr_Willisouyes:  google for 'bash tutorials' or 'bash training'  or check the 100000+ other sites mentioned at delicious.com under the bash tags :)11:54
andrabelus,  glad to hear it11:54
CQmuzhganm: the linux kernel is a great open source project for universities11:55
poltermuzhganm, can you be a bit more specific? what are you looking for?11:55
belusandra,  Thanks andra, hmm I got to learn a lot...:D11:55
morrowynandra good to hear, you might want to check out xcfe as a window manager instead of gnome, to make it more lightweight11:55
muzhganmin networking field , but open source11:55
morrowyn( or look at xubuntu, if you plan a reinstall)11:56
andrabeing a tablet p.c. with a  stylus based input system, I was very pleased to  witness for myself just  ho"tablet" functionality has come  in linux. But does anyone know of any tablet "add-on" features I  might be able to implement?11:56
andramorrowyn,  thats precisely what I was  hoping for11:56
mickapolter, ./libflashplayer.so11:56
mickaSegmentation fault11:56
ouyesDr_Willis, yes google( banned in my place) thanks11:56
morrowynhmmm, i always had problem with my wacom and linux11:56
mickapolter, thx anyway11:56
muzhganmpolter, in networking area11:56
morrowynbut that was like at least 5 years ago11:56
poltermicka, you need to replace your old flashplayer with the new one11:56
andramorrowyn,  and would I still be able to run  pretty much  all of the same programs which I can  run  now? I am assuming the  lighter weight interface would allcate more system resources to the more important  system process etc...11:57
Dr_Willismicka:   .so is liek a .lib file in windows. you dont run it11:57
poltermuzhganm, networking.. hmm, nagios?11:57
Dr_Willismicka:  is flash working now? if so - i would leave it a lone.11:57
mickaDr_Willis,  i see thx11:57
morrowynyeah, xfce is just a window manager, see it as a shell hosting all your applications when it comes to gui stuff11:57
muzhganmpolter, a bit advanced than nagios11:57
andraI get a sneaking feeling that my lack of understanding of the  linux system is causeing me to waste alot of system resources on  things which I really  do not  need,  but that's all  part of re learning  I suppose11:57
muzhganmit has been already done by someone else11:58
poltermicka, adobe hasn't made it easy for us to get 64bit flash yet so something like http://www.ubuntugeek.com/adobe-flash-player-10-for-64-bit-linux-released-and-ubuntu-installation-instructions.html would probably do the trick11:58
daivercan anybody help me with installing RIVA TNT2 drivers?11:58
morrowynso photoshop, firefox will still run, they just get a different title bar11:58
mickaDr_Willis,  ys it's working and i will listen you ;)11:58
geek1dHey guys need help with my sound.. suddenly all the application sound is very very low!11:58
morrowyndaiver, use the nv drivers11:58
zongo_histo, I am using skype on my Ubuntu box and more and more I am getting spamed. Anyone has tried another alternative yet ?11:58
daivermorrowyn, sure I am11:58
CQmuzhganm: check out nmap11:58
andramicka,   have you attempted Crossover Pro,  VMware , or any of the other emulation layers to run  your  new flash?11:58
mickapolter, Dr_Willis it's work now11:59
morrowyni dont think nvidia supports tnt2 in their binary drivers11:59
mickathans everyone11:59
poltermicka, awesome!11:59
andramicka,  VMware is  how i was forced to  get a magic jack  to run properly11:59
daivermordocai,  but I've got these error while installation log from intallation is : http://paste.ubuntu.com/421594/11:59
wildbathi~ anyone know if there is a software to convert text files codepages and encodings? and any suggestion on GUI text editor that can edit 100+ MB file?11:59
mickai don't think that i need it, because it's running well o/11:59
andrawildbat,  what kind of code?11:59
cridhey guys I downloaded skype static from skype.com11:59
mickathanks everybody11:59
CQwildbat: vim can do large files as far as I know12:00
daivermy 'Hardware drivers' list is empty12:00
cridstarting it says: /skype: No such file or directory12:00
poltermorrowyn, actually it seems this driver supports TNT2 http://www.nvidia.co.uk/object/linux_display_ia32_71.86.13_uk.html12:00
crid./skype i mean12:00
mickai like so much this community ^^12:00
morrowyncrid:  use   ./skype12:00
daiverhe says no propriate drivers found in system12:00
andramicka,  you can say that again12:00
cridmorrowyn, yes I did12:00
wildbatandra, likes big5 JS etc...12:00
morrowynmake sure, you are in the skype directory, type: pwd12:00
daiverdon't know what to do..12:00
mickai like so much this community ^^12:00
cridI am12:00
CQwildbat: encoding look at iconv12:00
morrowynthat will tell you what your current dir is12:00
morrowynmicka, we lub you too, lick12:01
cridyes I know, been using linux 8 years... :D12:01
daiverso nobody will help?12:01
mickawell have a good day everyone !12:01
mickasee u12:01
morrowyndo a find/which on skype12:01
andradaiver,  whats up?12:01
cridhmm argh I hate skype but I need it12:01
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morrowyncould be that skype perms are not set to +x12:01
cridquess I could try to install ia-libs3212:01
sumax(Still here because making some backups) I'm a programmer but still relatively new to linux, you will help me out when I got ubuntu installed, won't you? ;D12:01
daiverandra, problem while installind RIVA TNT 2 drivers12:01
cridor whatever12:01
geek1dcan anybody help please; Sound just suddenly changed to very low!12:02
wildbatCQ, tried iconv but i got some errors on it >.<12:02
daiverandra, I've downloaded NVIDIA-Linux-x86-71.86.13-pkg1 pakage12:02
polterdaiver, what driver are you trying? where did you get it?12:02
andradaiver, could you paste the contents of dmesg to pastebin?12:02
cridmorrowyn, I did chmod +x already12:02
Migi32hey everyone, is it possible without much trouble to make 10.04 look exactly like 9.10 looks now?12:02
cridthis is weird12:02
andradaiver,  also paste the contents of lspci to pastebin12:02
daiverpolter, riva tnt 2, NVIDIA-Linux-x86-71.86.13-pkg112:02
morrowyndaiver, just use the nv drivers that comes with xorg12:02
morrowynsee if that works12:02
ravenkhanhey please tell me how can i make a live usb of ubuntu 10.0412:02
daivermorrowyn, there no drivers for my card - rva tnt 212:03
andrathere is a wiki for that raven12:03
polterdaiver, it's been a while since I installed an nvidia driver manually, but I remember shutting down the graphical user interface and running the installation from console12:03
melmhow i can add gpg key without using the terminal12:03
andradaiver, could you please  get with me when you have pasted those  outputs?12:03
CQravenkhan: don't bother, just use http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/12:03
morrowyndaiver, yes they are, in your xorg.conf  you need to specify that,   nv is the std default one, the nvidia is the binary from nvidia themself12:03
ravenkhanandra where?12:03
Migi32hey everyone, is it possible without much trouble to make 10.04 look exactly like 9.10 looks now?12:03
andradaiver,  I think we can get accellertation at least for you12:04
andraravenkhan,  to pastebin12:04
daiverpolter, yes, it is, but I've got these http://paste.ubuntu.com/421594/12:04
ouyesMigi32, why you want that ?12:04
andraravenkhan,  pastebin is a paste  service  which allows  us to share large outputs without being rude and flooding the  chan12:04
ravenkhanCQ can u tell me using usb startup disk which is already installed by default12:05
Migi32ouyes, because I have taste12:05
Migi3210.04's purple looks awful12:05
andradaiver,  okay i am examining12:05
morrowynpaste contents of :  /var/log/nvidia-installer.log12:05
daiverandra, daiver@daiver:~$ lspci | grep -i nvidia12:05
daiver01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV5M64 [RIVA TNT2 Model 64/Model 64 Pro] (rev 11)12:05
ravenkhanandra i am not getting u12:05
ravenkhanwhat u aying12:05
morrowyncould be that you get a compile error on the nvidia module12:05
morrowyndid you : apt-get install build-essentials12:06
andradaiver,  could you please now paste the contents of glxinfo  to pastebin12:06
morrowynand installed the apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)12:06
auskatomorrow i will have to update a lot of pictures (100 or perhaps 200)  to blogspot, facebook and picasa. There is any possibility to make it easy, making the computer do it alone or only a part of that work perhaps?12:06
andraas well as the framecount from the glxgears command12:06
daivermorrowyn, http://paste.ubuntu.com/421606/12:07
andraravenkhan,  my apologies if I am consistently being unclear,  I am relatively new to IRC,  I do appreciate  your kindness12:07
andraand your help ^_^12:07
ravenkhanno problem dear12:07
andradaiver thanks12:07
Sachse_SiechtumHello I'm looking at this page right now (http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/xubuntu/all )12:08
Sachse_SiechtumWhat does netboot mean?12:08
ravenkhanthis is my itself 1st day on IRC12:08
ravenkhani am too new12:08
CQSachse_Siechtum: netboot is usually a small image that installs teh rest of the needed files for the system from teh network12:08
andradaiver, could you type      glxinfo at the terminal and paste the output  please to pastebin?12:09
andrai think you pasted part of a xorg.conf file12:09
Sachse_SiechtumCQ, so its different from a normal install iso?12:10
Sachse_Siechtumoh wait..12:10
polterdaiver, morrowyn nvidia binary driver need kernel-headers?12:10
Sachse_SiechtumI see desktop install...argh so many bugs...12:10
polterI seem to remember something about that12:10
morrowynthats what his log mentions on the error12:11
daiverandra, http://paste.ubuntu.com/421609/12:11
djbeeniehas anyone used vmware workstation and virtual box in Ubuntu?  can anyone recommend performance wise which is better?12:11
poltermorrowyn, oh ok, chat scrolled past a bit too fast12:11
morrowynline 5412:11
morrowynbut line 79 menstions: Please see the file12:11
morrowyn       '/var/log/nvidia-installer.log'   and i asked if he could paste that12:11
CQdjbeenie: I've only used virtualbox and never looked back... works great for me. Probably depends on the application you're running12:11
mrwesdjbeenie, the VB Box from the web site is pretty good12:12
morrowynbecasue that one will tell him why the installation failed, prolly a compile error due to missing kernel-headers and what not12:12
poltermorrowyn, yeah that was always my problem12:12
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auskai have a problem tomorrow for X reasons, I have to upload 150 or 200 photos to facebook and picassa, there is any possibility to automated that work?12:14
polterauska, use Google Picasa to upload to Picasaweb?12:14
mrwesauska, doesn't Picasa have an auto sync feature?12:15
quiritiusi need to run in gnome shortcuts the command: gconftool-2 --set --type=list --list-type=string /path_to_key ["`echo -e "text1\text2,text3\ttext4"`"] but it wont work. any help?12:15
mrwespolter, right12:15
polterauska, and F-Spot can export to a lot of different sites12:16
poltertry that12:16
auskaoqs, thanks i will take a look ;)12:17
djbeenieCQ, mrwes, I am currently using vmware workstation, thinking of trying out VB to see if any performance increase12:17
morrowynman i miss the days of build-world on freebsd12:17
polterdjbeenie, I've heard from people who do a lot more virtualization than me that VMware still is faster, but Virtualbox seem to make great progress for every release so I'ts probably a good idea to check it out12:18
linxehI use vmware at the moment because it is almost impossible to buy virtualbox12:20
S_AHi! How can I obtain digitally signed GMT date and time in my Ubuntu system ? NTP does not give RSA signed12:20
linxehS_A: ntpdate -k ?12:21
polterlinxeh, ? why would you want to buy virtualbox?12:21
linxehpolter: to use it for anything other than personal use with USB support12:22
linxehor with rdp support12:22
polterlinxeh, oh I didn't think of that12:22
polterI guess it's up to Oracle now12:23
appi_uppihi where should i discuss about feedparser12:24
linxehat least oracle like selling you stuff I guess, more than sun seemed to12:24
kristof78Is there someone who can help me with a big Ubuntu server and Raid problem?12:25
polterappi_uppi, that's python right? in that case try #python12:25
kristof78I have a Ubuntu server12:25
kristof78with 160 GB  disk as /12:25
appi_uppipolter, i tried but dint work12:25
kristof78I have 3 X 2TB disks to create a RAID512:25
SwedeMikekristof78: please write longer lines, it's muh much easier to read.12:26
kristof78but only the first disk is found by Ubuntu12:26
polterappi_uppi, what do you mean? you can't join #python?12:26
erUSULhow did you created the array ?12:26
erUSULkristof78: ^12:26
aprilharehey. i want to rename a bunch of files named donkey<number>.old to donkey<number>.new - can anyone show me a bash command that'll do it? i stumble around with something this simple (spoilt by amigaos/windows shell simplicity)12:26
kristof78This is because of the 2 TB limit and it could be solved by using GTP, but how12:26
appi_uppipolter, Well I could not find any solution there12:27
polteraprilhare, "rm donkey*.old"12:27
aprilharepolter, get stuffed.12:27
kristof78I didn't create the array yet because not all 3 disks can be found12:27
polteraprilhare, excuse me?12:27
erUSULaprilhare: prename 's/\.old/\.new/'  donkey*.old12:27
aprilharepolter, you're excused. don't do it again.12:27
polteraprilhare, what did I do?12:27
erUSULaprilhare: if number is a single digit or two you can use ? or ?? instead of the broader *12:28
munzkristof78, where are u not seeing them? in system>admin>disk util? can u see all 3 in the bios?12:28
SwedeMikepolter: you recommended him to delete the files, that's being an ass.12:28
liminalive installed a hardware driver for my graphic card, which ubuntu detects12:28
polterwhoa, sorry12:28
polterI completely just read it wrong12:28
munzare u doing sw raid or hardware?12:28
liminalbut when I try to activate the driver it either hangs or gives me an error message12:28
aprilhareerUSUL, that didn't work12:28
erUSULaprilhare: make a test with a copy of some files so you are sure it does the right thing12:28
kristof78i did sudo fdisk -l12:29
polteraprilhare, really sorry, I misread12:29
kristof78didn't check the bios yet12:29
aprilhareeryn_1983, that's what i tried12:29
aprilharepolter, np12:29
kristof78but normally they should be there12:29
polterI'll have to go stand in a corner in shame now :)12:29
aprilhareerUSUL even12:29
SwedeMikekristof78: if the drives aren't seen by the OS then it's nothing to do with any 2tb limit or gtp, sounds more like a controller issue.12:29
liminalSorry, the Jockey backend crashed. Please file a bug at12:29
kristof78I've read that you can break the 2 TB limit by using GTP UID12:29
erUSULaprilhare: it worked here12:29
aprilharehang on fixed12:30
liminalIm getting this error when i try to activate my graphic card hardware driver12:30
liminalany ideas?12:30
aprilharemy test files were slightly different named :)12:30
munzcheck ur bios and make sure they are there first, is this hardware raid or software?12:30
kristof78SwedeMike how do you mean a controller problem, how do I check that?12:30
kristof78Software RAID12:31
erUSULaprilhare: mkdir tmp/ && touch  tmp/donkey{0..99}.old && ls tmp/* && prename 's/\.old/\.new/'  donkey*.old && ls tmp/*12:31
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SwedeMikekristof78: if the drives aren't detected at boot then you need to fault find that fact, sounds like a controller issue.12:31
erUSULkristof78: if it is bios RAID you have to use dmraid12:31
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto12:31
SwedeMikeerUSUL: with dmraid the drives are still detected at boot afaik12:32
aprilhareerUSUL, thanks but it's done - why the /tmp/ stuff anyways?12:32
liminalSorry, the Jockey backend crashed. Please file a bug at12:32
kristof78oke, thanks for the tips guys!! I'll check it again and try and try until this works because I really need this for my homeserver12:32
liminalon activating a hardware driver seems odd12:33
red2kicaprilhare: Testing purposes, I suppose.12:33
erUSULaprilhare: it was just a test to show you that it really works12:33
aprilhareoh i already tested it :)12:33
aprilharecreated test directory12:33
aprilharewith test files i generated12:33
erUSULaprilhare: i created a folder tmp/ full of files named lioke yoursa and renamed them12:33
aprilharetis done anyways. thankyou :)12:33
erUSULaprilhare: 100 files to be exact12:33
aprilhareerUSUL, a little bit excessive? :)12:34
aprilharei tested with five files12:34
erUSULkristof78: if it is a linux only machine i recommend you to not use BIOS raid but use linux software raid12:34
aprilhareat any rate, must continue. bbl12:34
geek1dcan anybody help me fix my sound issue please! Sound is very low on ubuntu 9.1012:36
poltergeek1d, have you checked sound settings? are all the levels turned up?12:36
geek1dpolter, yes12:36
mahisastratell me how to compress video in ubuntu12:36
mahisastrai have .avi format videos12:37
Dr_Willismahisastra:  you mean to .zip or somthing? or do you mean 'reencode' ?12:37
erUSULmahisastra: use one of the many programs aviable to do that12:37
Dr_Willis!info reconstructor12:37
ubottuPackage reconstructor does not exist in karmic12:37
mahisastrai want to reduce its size12:37
mahisastramax size reduction12:37
geek1dany other suggestions ?12:37
erUSULmahisastra: avidemux; winff; arista; handbrake; etc12:37
T_T<mahisastra> i want to reduce its size, my gf says that alot12:37
mahisastrausing zip how much size will be reduced12:38
SwedeMikemahisastra: look into a script called "tablet-encode"12:38
Dr_WillisT_T:  shes refering to her credit card debt.12:38
Fudgeguys i have a restricted codec script that failed due to machine locking up. now i get errors installing packages. dpkg-reconfigure -a was suggested but is there another way?12:38
T_Texactly Dr_Willis12:38
erUSULmahisastra: on a video hardly anything. you have to reencode in a better format and/or reduce resolution12:38
SwedeMikemahisastra: http://mediautils.garage.maemo.org/tablet-encode.html12:39
bjsI want to connect to my samba shares but I get "Failed to retreive shares list from server" server is vista ultimate, client is ubu 10.04B2 but doesn't work in 9.10 either12:39
mahisastrafor samba u need  share the drive in windows vista12:40
mahisastragive read/write permission12:40
meowbuntuhi what do i need to do to make an iso from a cd i'm on dialup12:40
bjsmahisastra: done and done12:40
mahisastrathen type the address of windows system in ubuntu sys12:40
mahisastrayour share is in admin share12:41
benstehi, my FF crashed today - trying to restart it end up with segfault which is similar to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.5/+bug/505186 - as this bug is discussed in another report - probably private bug report I can't get the information needed to get FF working again - pls help me12:41
mahisastraadmin acc in windows12:41
killaz-Qc-is it legal to sell an application written in python ?12:41
mahisastrago sell12:41
meowbuntubenste, run firefox in safe mode12:41
CQkillaz-Qc-: sure, why not? depends if you wrote it, and if not, what license it's under12:41
bjsmahisastra: my share is public12:42
benstemeowbuntu: didn't help - even chooising another profile didn't help12:42
mahisastrapublic share is defaul shared12:42
killaz-Qc-ok but it mean we cant use default function and stuff ?12:42
killaz-Qc-in  the source code12:42
bjsmahisastra: I've tried it as private too12:42
meowbuntubenste, reinstall. it will not loose any of you saved addons etc adn it will fix your os12:42
haavarosGnome-terminal doesn't recognize e-mail-adresses with an underscore. Is there some way to fix that?12:42
CQkillaz-Qc-: you can use all the standard python functions... if you use other libraries, look at their license. But youshoudl ask in a legal forum, not here...12:43
meowbuntuhi what do i need to do to make an iso from a cd12:43
benstemeowbuntu: via apt-get remove firefox --purge ?12:43
bensteis there no other way ?12:43
mahisastracopy it  as image in ubuntu12:43
CQmeowbuntu: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&fkt=&fsdt=&q=ubuntu+make+iso+from+cd&btnG=Google+Search&aq=f&oq=&sourceid=Mozilla-search12:43
killaz-Qc-ok and do u know any legal forum ?12:43
meowbuntubenste, i never said remove it listen. just install it again dont purge.12:44
bjsmahisastra: I can connect fine to my win2008 server, just not the vista one12:44
mahisastraallow password protected access in your network management12:44
mahisastrain windows12:44
=== varun is now known as varuntaliyan
benstemeowbuntu: apt-get reinstall ?12:45
mahisastrain ubuntu it will ask for password12:45
bjsmahisastra - tried that12:45
=== varuntaliyan is now known as varun
mahisastrathen it shoula work12:45
mahisastratry it12:45
CQkillaz-Qc-: not on IRC... check the python mailing lists12:45
meowbuntubenste, sudo apt-get remove firefox && sudo apt-get install firefox12:45
killaz-Qc-k thx12:45
mahisastrai have done using these setting s12:45
meowbuntubenste, that may work12:45
mahisastraits working fine in all versions of windows12:46
meowbuntu^ yea reinstall may12:46
bjsmahisastra: ok, will try it again12:46
mahisastraeven in windows 712:46
benstemeowbuntu: didn't solve the issue - still ending with segfault12:46
meowbuntumahisastra, what is not working for you on ubuntu12:46
mahisastrai want to reduce the size of video file12:47
meowbuntubenste, so you tryed that -> sudo apt-get remove firefox && sudo apt-get install firefox12:47
mahisastrain .avi format12:47
mahisastraatleast 2/312:47
erUSULmahisastra:  you have to reencode in a better format and/or reduce resolution12:47
meowbuntubenste, ok then do this sudo apt-get purge firefox && sudo apt-get install firefox12:47
mahisastra300 mb to 200 mb12:47
meowbuntuhi what do i need to do to make an iso from a cd12:48
mahisastrahow can i make a ssh connection?12:48
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.12:48
erUSULmeowbuntu: sudo cat /dev/sr0 > file.iso12:48
ubottumahisastra: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)12:49
SandGorgonmeowbuntu, take look at "dd" command12:49
SandGorgonmeowbuntu, it shud be as simple as "dd if=/dev/dvd of=/home/user/1.iso".. but just check12:49
benstemeowbuntu: still crahsing after purge remove12:50
yoyonedmeowbuntu: don't use dd.  use cdrecord from teh comandline12:50
bjsmahisastra: still no luck12:50
meowbuntuEruditeHermit, SandGorgon, yoyoned, i want to take a cd of ubuntu and make an iso from it12:50
SandGorgonmeowbuntu, true.. that is what the "dd" command is for.12:51
CQmeowbuntu: stop asking and google it. The google link I posted to you has teh first result with good instructions. Go read and do it.12:51
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yoyonedmeowbuntu: you wnat to take a running system and make a live cd, or you want to make a cd backup12:51
meowbuntubenste, purge firefox then restart computer then reinstall then restart computer then test12:51
=== ovov78 is now known as ovov
znxtchCould someone please tell me how to install Beryl.  I want to use an emerald theme.12:52
ubottuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz12:52
benstemeowbuntu: kinda long procedure but i'llhave to try12:52
meowbuntuyoyoned, you are way off its ok CQ helped me out12:52
erUSULznxtch: emeral works on top of compiz but it is also obsolete12:52
erUSUL!emerald | znxtch12:53
ubottuznxtch: emerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.12:53
meowbuntubenste, or you can just install google Chrome or chromium browsers12:53
steventradoes anyone know of a way to run ata over ethernet using the livecd?12:53
benstemeowbuntu: looks like after sudo apt-get remove firefox --purge12:53
benste ff is still installed12:53
znxtchI wanted to use that Mira v2 theme.12:53
benste- chromium is not an option even if it's fast12:53
benstemeowbuntu: will reboot now12:53
meowbuntuben just sudo apt-get purge firefox will work the same12:53
bjsI give up12:54
meowbuntubjs, take a break from your computer and try again later12:54
bjsmeowbuntu: been trying on ad off for a week now12:54
red2kicznxtch: You can still use most of it. It does not have to be 100% same. :>12:55
znxtchI don't know how.  I'm dumb.12:55
Dr_Williswe need a theme randomizer tool that takes random parts from all these themes :)  and mixxesd them all up! yea.. thats it.12:55
Dr_Willisand ranzomize it all every 5 min12:55
Migi32umm... no12:55
CQbjs: ask on #samba ?12:56
red2kicDr_Willis: I'd hate to get big fonts / high contract / bold "ugly" colors. :(12:56
bjsCQ: thanks, will do :)12:56
benstemeowbuntu: looks like after purging it's still isntalled but running with all old settings12:57
benstepossibly firefox package is a metapackage - isn't it ?12:57
meowbuntubjs add what12:57
benstemeowbuntu: kinda strange that it's working after 2nd restart without reinstalling12:57
benstethx for your help12:57
meowbuntubenste, sudo apt-get purge firefox12:57
znxtchHow do I change titlebar fonts?12:58
bjsmeowbuntu: I typed ad instead of and - was a typo12:59
meowbuntui cant understand this http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion <- its talking about cd images when i just want to make an iso of a cd.13:00
meowbuntui think there is an app like brasero that can do that13:00
dabaRmeowbuntu: sorry, there is nothing there like that.13:01
dabaRmeowbuntu, I was just checking, my mistake.13:01
meowbuntuxfburn maby13:01
meowbuntudabaR, there is in windows but i dont have windows13:02
dabaRmeowbuntu, I mean, there is nothing like that on that page I made ubotu link to.13:02
CQmeowbuntu: all those extensions are CD images ... .iso is only the most standard.13:02
dabaRmeowbuntu, I believe someone already told you how to burn.13:02
LlywelynHello, I have some issues with my CD USB key... Can someone help me?13:02
meowbuntuanyone know an application like brasero adn xfburn that allows me to make an .iso from a cd13:03
CQmeowbuntu: what#s teh problem with dd if=/dev/cdrom of=cd.iso  ??13:03
f3rlandhello there! i'm trying to create a deb package that add an icon in Applications menu. I created a file in usr/share/menu/<packagename> without success. any idea?13:03
overmindCQ: k3b?13:03
dabaRLlywelyn: Sure, state more about the error.13:03
dabaR!ask | Llywelyn13:04
ubottuLlywelyn: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:04
CQovermind: dd was the first google result, so that's what I recommended ;)13:04
meowbuntudabaR, i dont want to burn listen man i want to take a ubuntu cd and make a working .iso image of it13:04
meowbuntuanyone know an application like brasero adn xfburn that allows me to make an .iso from a cd13:04
LlywelynOkay. When I insert my device, it isn't recognized13:04
dabaRmeowbuntu, that's what I meant, heh.13:04
CQmeowbuntu: dd if=/dev/cdrom of=cd.iso DOES EXACTLY THAT.13:04
LlywelynNothing happens... :(13:05
CQmeowbuntu: you may need to change the name of your CD device, but that should work13:05
CQmeowbuntu: else do what overmind said : install and use k3b13:05
dabaRLlywelyn: your USB key does not get recognized?13:06
geek1darrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr This is driving me insane!13:06
LlywelyndabaR no it doesn't, nothing happens :(13:06
meowbuntuok CQ i was confused thanks for clarifying13:06
meowbuntui dont like kde apps13:07
meowbuntu^ CQ13:07
micmicmeowbuntu, use gnome apps instead13:07
meowbuntuCQ how can i find my cd device13:07
CQmeowbuntu: http://alecthegeek.wordpress.com/2007/01/19/how-to-create-an-iso-file-image-in-gnome/ has more ideas13:08
dabaRmeowbuntu, do you have an image of the CD on the desktop?13:08
dabaRCQ: I found the same kinda deal.13:09
vito_you italian ???13:09
dabaRCQ: looks neat to be able to right click, and then rip.13:09
dabaRvito_: There might be an italian Ubuntu channel13:09
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:09
meowbuntudabaR, i hve a tutoral that says that. i am doing it now13:10
VhozardAnyone knows a FAST screencast-capture program, that works with compiz?13:10
ubottuSome programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.13:11
VhozardYeah, and which one works fast?13:11
dabaRI don't know.13:11
ogenI want to over-limit write a cd by 30 Megs. Is it better if I use a slower write speed? How do I get to that control? Ubuntu 9.1013:12
mylistohey all13:12
Vhozardogen Use overburn13:13
SzymonHi. I have problem. I need to edit grub configuration with live cd, I'm mounting /dev/sda1 to directory, chroot to it, edit grub.cfg, and then running grub-mkconfig... and this is problem /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?). /dev/ is mounted (in chrooted env), but there is no /dev/sda1. What i'm doing wrong?13:14
Vhozardogen Slower write speed is usefull sometimes13:14
red2kicSzymon: If nobody know, try #grub13:14
^mNotIntelligenthi all13:15
stuart_hello, is there anything that will allow me to take a screen shot OF a terminal?13:15
CQ!screencast | stuart13:16
ubottustuart: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.13:16
red2kicstuart_: "scrot -sb" -- Click on the terminal window.13:16
stuart_just to comfirm that is not under an X-Window situation, ie if I am using a server...13:17
CQstuart_: may need to use screenthen, not sure if that'll do it though13:17
red2kicstuart_: I don't know. Some kind of external recorder? :|13:17
mxhuse a camera ,haha..13:17
stuart_thankyou, mxh.13:17
CQstuart_: look at http://jmcpherson.org/screen.html13:18
squiddyanyone using lucid ? is the USB works with vbox ?13:18
red2kicsquiddy: #ubuntu+113:19
red2kicsquiddy: I'm sure there will be a solution in a few days/a week after Lucid came out.13:19
squiddyred2kic: what does it mean ? #ubuntu+1 ?13:20
red2kicsquiddy: Click on it.13:20
wise_crypt!lucid | squiddy13:20
squiddyred2kic: ok got it. thanks13:20
ubottusquiddy: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule13:20
CQsquiddy: join that channel13:20
stuart_So it looks like a screen job. Okies.13:20
ChadVMAudio Problem - Ubuntu 9.10:  I do not have audio on one of my accounts. If I log into a different account I have audio.  aplay -l on non-working-audio account aplay: http://pastebin.org/173132 -l on working-audio acccount: http://pastebin.org/173141. Line6USB is a guitar plug in/usb device that all of my audio goes through.13:22
ogenI am in ubuntu - I can choose overburn but ??? how do I get to a place where I can limit the write speed. I guess this is Brasero, CD / DVD Creator.  ALSO I want to burn as iso file to a disk and it asks me questions I dont understand. "Do I want to create a dissk from the contents of the image or with the image inside."  I want it bootable. what do I do? (Vhozard or any)13:22
ogenoh so tired.13:23
Vhozardwhat do you want to burn actually ogen?13:23
CQChadVM: look in /etc/groups and check if both are in the audio group13:24
wise_cryptChadVM, : chek your user group wheter or not it is in audio group13:24
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ChadVMok, will do that now.13:24
ogenVhozard, windows pro13:24
wise_cryptCQ: lol13:24
ogenVhozard, I opened Brasero by itself and figured out the iso burning13:25
jibican somebody help please?13:25
ogenVhozard, but the slow burning.13:25
wise_crypt!help | jibi13:25
ubottujibi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:25
ogenjibi you have to jump in and ask your question fully.13:25
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Vhozardogen wait a sec13:25
ogenVhozard, ok13:26
syanideogen: to limit the burn speed, right click on an iso file, open with brasero and click properties next to burner. There you can limit the burn speed. Is that what you wanted?13:26
Vhozardyoure on a live cd?13:26
Vhozardthats possible too :)13:26
ChadVMMy audio group says - audio:x:29:pulse ; my pulse says audio:x:29:pulse; my pulse-access says audio:x:29:pulse;  I am fairly new to linux, do I just add my username to the end of the pulse and pulse-access lines?13:28
ChadVMminus the semi-colons13:28
jibiI have a folder with many txt files in it, and those files i suppose are encrypted, because they have strange characters in them. I have another file named question without extension that I try to open, but it doesnt open. I have another hint txt file that says DES-EDE. Obviously its DES-EDE encryption. I tried to change the extension of question to zip or rar, and when i try to open the file with one of these extensions, its says file damaged. What do I have t13:28
jibio do to open this file plz?13:28
wise_cryptChadVM: what do you use kde or gnome or ... ?13:29
dionisoshello !13:30
jibianyone to help me please?13:30
jibiI have a folder with many txt files in it, and those files i suppose are encrypted, because they have strange characters in them. I have another file named question without extension that I try to open, but it doesnt open. I have another hint txt file that says DES-EDE. Obviously its DES-EDE encryption. I tried to change the extension of question to zip or rar, and when i try to open the file with one of these extensions, its says file damaged. What do I have t13:31
jibio do to open this file plz?13:31
wise_cryptChadVM: use user manager13:31
ogensyanide, let me see if that works - this one is a movie not an iso. it is in .avi form. It's a data disk I want to burn, right?13:31
edgar000@jibi: change the extension to ".doc"  so Word will try to open it and offers some conversions.13:31
ChadVMok, i've not used this before.  is there a command i can man <command>?13:31
Vhozardogen .avi yes data disk13:31
jibiedgard thank you13:32
syanideogen: yes, data disk.13:32
lalalolhow do i navigate to the cd i put in my computer?13:32
ogen(took 7.5 mins to burn windows, sure hope it works. TimeWarner wont help me on a problem if I am using Ubuntu)13:32
syanidelalalol: it should appear on your desktop13:32
syanideonce you put it in13:32
edgar000@jibi  but it does it only when you have made the "file associations" so that WinWord or Openoffice will open DOC-files.13:33
lalalolsyanide, it doesnt13:33
jibiok ok i will check that:) Thank you13:33
ChadVMI think i've got it.  thanks for your help crypt/everyone13:33
lalalolsyanide, any other thoughts?13:34
syanidelalalol, i'll be with you in a second13:34
edgar000you also may try to change the extension to .odf  in order to have it opended by Writer.13:34
seisatsugot a problem13:34
jibihow do you make the files associations??13:34
lalalolok syanide13:35
seisatsuEven though I used "&" and my process is in the background of bash13:35
seisatsuIt doesn't show up in jobs13:35
seisatsuI need to nohup it13:35
edgar000@jibi  in Ubuntu?13:35
jibino windows13:35
seisatsuIs there any way to nohup something that isn't a job?13:35
seisatsu I ran the process in the background under another bash shell13:36
jibiohhh ok ok13:36
syanidelalalol: try typing this in console: lshw -C disk13:36
jibifile association means right click open with?13:36
ogensyanide, that's not quite right and I am too tired to go further. I'll ask again. Thank you for your time.13:36
lalalolsyanide, you sure that wont burn anything on it right?13:37
syanidenope I just did it13:37
syanideit just checks if its capable of burning13:37
edgar000@jibi  I even do not know the exact German place to change it in German it is called something like System control. I do not kno tha name in a US Windows.13:38
lalalolsyanide, i got some info13:38
lalalolwhat now?13:38
lalaloli got info from my HDD and from the CD i put in, but i cant seem to find if its empty or not13:39
FlynsarmyAre intel graphics still really bad on karmic or have hte issues been fixed?13:39
edgar000@JIbi but often you need not to change it because its standard or default13:39
lalalolsyanide, ill pm it13:39
mylistoso I have a question about sound that I believe is part an ubuntu issue and part a virtualbox issue13:39
edgar000some software when newly installed asks you what file types should be associated with the program (and that is tyicaly anything it can open)  if you do nit pay attention with one click anything will be opend in furtur with thhis Prog13:41
^mNotIntelligentanyone using gtalk on ubuntu... actually i wanted to use the feature of gtalk voice call.... using pidgin the voice quality is not good annd sometime it doesnot work ....13:41
mylistonever mind fixed it :D13:41
=== Jack|Ping is now known as Jack1
barberanWhy does not the VMware works with proper screen resolution on my toshiba p300 laptop? In other words, the Ubuntu 10.04 runs under VMware with 640*480, and I can not change it in any way I've tried.13:44
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joaopinto!lucid | barberan13:44
ubottubarberan: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule13:44
kopaswdupashi all, where can i find crunchbang channel?13:45
FlynsarmyAre intel graphics still really bad on karmic or have hte issues been fixed?13:45
wise_crypt!info ccrypt13:46
ubottuccrypt (source: ccrypt): secure encryption and decryption of files and streams. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7-11 (karmic), package size 69 kB, installed size 252 kB13:46
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)13:47
AhoxHi, does anyone know about a good program to reencode videos from anything to divx?13:47
Ahoxsomething like super for windows would be nice13:47
Ahoxor an easy to use cli tool13:47
aaa__i am running 10.04 and installed the daily drm-next kernel from the kernel ppa, and now the system wont work13:49
aaa__and i cant remove it with apt-get, cuz it refuses to open/lock the file13:49
Ahoxaaa__,  try #ubuntu+113:49
wise_crypt!lucid > aaa__13:49
ubottuaaa__, please see my private message13:49
mozirI'm using compiz and there is an annoying lag when I maximize windows from the taskbar. Is this a bugß13:50
Ahoxmozir, do you have compiz enabled?13:50
mozirYes, with ccsm13:50
Ahoxif so it could well be that your opengl is software rendered13:51
mozirI have already enabled the drivers for my ATI card13:51
ravenkhanplease tell me how can i make a fedora live usb13:51
mozirAnd everything else doesn't lag either13:51
Ahoxmozir,  can you run glxinfo|grep renderer13:51
mozirAhox, sure13:52
greggomanoI ssh into my media server and use mc to organize my files - how can i get mc to remember my remote preferences? (options -> save setup isn't working)13:52
mozirAhox: OpenGL renderer string: ATI Radeon HD 387013:52
llutzgreggomano: check owner/group of remote  ~/.mc/*13:53
wise_crypt!topic | ravenkhan13:53
ubotturavenkhan: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic13:53
Ahoxmozir,  this looks good. In this case I am sorry, I don't really have any other ideas...13:53
mozirAhox: Thanks for your help :) Ubuntu is great by the way13:53
greggomanollutz: there is no ~/.mc13:54
soreaumozir: It's an fglrx bug. Supposedly it will be fixed in later versions of their driver. The good news is that the radeon driver has 3D support for your card in lucid so you wont have to install any driver13:54
mozirAlthough I have another "problem": I'm used to Windows XP with Visual Studio for C++ development. I have never written a makefile and would be glad if I wouldn't need too. How can I get started with C++ on Ubuntu? Any IDE or easy compiler available?13:54
red2kicgreggomano: "sudo updatedb && locate mc" might give you something.13:54
soreau! ide | mozir13:55
ubottumozir: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator13:55
greggomanored2kic: ok i'll try that13:55
llutzgreggomano: ls -lad ~/.mc13:55
Ahoxmozir,  try kdevelop, it belongs to kde, however it is a really nice ide13:55
mozirsereau: Thanks for both13:55
mozirAhox: I'll do that right now, thanks13:56
T_Tok you can join now  /server
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mozirIs there some 3D game with good graphics out there for Ubuntu? I'd like to test my graphics card and the drivers - Can't really find something over the Software Center unfortunately13:59
Ahoxmozir, there is this nice oss racing game13:59
bilalakhtarmozir: Try tremulour13:59
bilalakhtarmozir: sorry tremulous13:59
bilalakhtar!info tremulous | mozir14:00
ubottumozir: tremulous (source: tremulous): Aliens vs Humans, team based FPS game with elements of an RTS. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.0-4.1build1 (karmic), package size 659 kB, installed size 1540 kB14:00
Oertype 3d in synaptic and you find a lot of games14:00
bilalakhtarmozir: and there is supertuxkart14:00
mozirBecause so many people talk about it: What is the difference between the Software Center in the App menu and synaptic?14:00
bilalakhtar!info supertuxkart | mozir14:00
ubottumozir: supertuxkart (source: supertuxkart): kart racing game. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.2+dfsg1-1 (karmic), package size 560 kB, installed size 1480 kB14:01
ravenkhanubottu  what did u say?14:01
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:01
mozirThanks for your recommendations, I'll try them out right now14:01
overmindmozir: In synaptic you can install libraries and dependences. It has too more options14:01
ravenkhanfedora group?14:01
ravenkhancan anybody tell me?14:01
mozirovermind: Ah okay14:01
llutzravenkhan: /msg alis list *fedora*14:02
bilalakhtarmozir: The software center was added very recently. Synaptic has been there since a long time. software center offers only a few programs, while synaptic is much more advanced14:02
overmindravenkhan: /join #fedora maybe? :)14:02
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ravenkhanravenkhan: /msg alis list *fedora*14:05
ravenkhan /join #fedora14:05
Oer!hi | florian14:06
ubottuflorian: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:06
lalalolanyone using cairo-dock?14:06
coz_good day all14:07
t\zzhi all i have a big problem: after my machine lost the power connection and rebooted i lost an important file (the file is still there, but 0 bytes in it). ubuntu didn't do a fsck at reboot. how can i tell ubuntu to force a fs check and do so at reboot?14:07
Gokul*update-manager -d* does NOT show an option to upgrade to 10.04 RC14:07
llutzt\zz: sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo reboot14:08
t\zzllutz:  i did exactly what you write, but it didn't do anything but a normal reboot!14:08
JorkHello. How can I setup mplayer to play me h62 and bluray files?14:09
llutzt\zz: restore the file from backup then and file a bug-report14:09
Mono_kanallaHI, I need to operate mi wireless. Mi PC is a compaq presario cq60. some solution?14:09
t\zzllutz:  as there's no backup this isn't possible14:09
IdleOneGokul: Please /join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.14:09
llutzt\zz: i refuse to ask, why you don't backup you data if it is "important" :)14:10
Mono_kanallaalguien puede ayudarme a habilitar mi wifi? El piloto de la wireless no se enciende14:10
t\zzllutz:  as its not my computer and not my data i can't answer the question. i' m the supporter only14:11
OerJork  this page might help >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/BluRayAndHDDVD14:11
llutzt\zz: boot a live-cd and fsck from there14:11
t\zzllutz:  nice idea, will try14:11
Jorkthnx Oer14:12
llutzt\zz: but you still should consider to file a bug-report, /forcefsck should work (even if they strip out -f/-F from shutdown)14:12
t\zzllutz:  already found a bugreport to that issue, and many forum entrys about14:13
wise_cryptMono_kanalla: es?14:13
smithhi how do i set it so my system dosent go into hibernation when i close my laptop??14:13
overmindMono_kanalla: Entra en #ubuntu-es, aquí solo hablamos en inglés :)14:13
wise_crypt!es | Mono_kanalla14:13
ubottuMono_kanalla: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:13
Mono_kanallaok, gracias overmind14:14
llutzdesktop effects and other stupid stuff seems to be more important as a stable system today :(14:14
IdleOnellutz: everything that shines is gold14:14
ikaruga1234Can someone post a copy of their /etc/acpi/powerbtn.sh   script???14:15
llutzIdleOne: golden painted sh..t14:15
kopkarmic I want to associate sounds w/ desktop events ie; window min/max and file operation start/stop . any easy way to do this ?14:15
ikaruga1234My powerbutton isn't working and the acpi/powerbtn.sh script is corrupted14:15
wise_cryptkop: kde or gnome ?14:16
IdleOneikaruga1234: give me a minute14:16
ikaruga1234wise_crypt: both14:16
kopwise_crypt, gnome 9.1014:16
ikaruga1234IdleOne: thanx14:16
Oerikaruga1234, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/Mg92TMXt14:16
Oeroh sorry IdleOne14:17
ikaruga1234Oer: thanx14:17
IdleOneikaruga1234: http://paste.ubuntu.com/421668/14:17
IdleOneOer: :) np you were quicker14:17
wise_cryptkop: hmm i only use kde sorry14:17
ikaruga1234IdleOne: thanx as well14:17
OerIldeOne there are some diff between yours and mine ..14:17
kopwise_crypt, np , found that ... it used to be easy . I have access to a desktop that deserves a few custom sounds . He really ows me and needs a few "danger Wil Robinson" snd bytes14:19
IdleOneOer: yes there are14:19
ikaruga1234oer IdleOne, yeah looking at them now14:19
wise_cryptkop: :)14:19
felonis there a program like convertxtodvd for ubuntu without using wine.14:19
Oeri'm on ubuntu 64 bit, no laptop, but do have power buttons @ keyboard14:19
IdleOneOer: I'm on 32 bit 10.04. that might be a difference in files perhaps?14:20
ikaruga1234IdleOne: oer: which script is more recent? They seem to be doing the same thing but Oer's is more elegant...14:21
Oeri guess it looks like a change in 10.0414:21
Oerikaruga1234, are you on 9.10 ?14:21
IdleOneikaruga1234: I think mine would be the most recent as I am using 10.0414:21
IdleOnebut you may want to use Oer's if you are on 9.1014:21
kopikaruga1234, http://paste.ubuntu.com/421672/14:22
kopwise_crypt, so let the left coast wake up and try again ?14:22
ikaruga1234thanx all14:22
IdleOneikaruga1234: I would go with Oer and kop versions14:22
Oerkop, you run 32 or 64 bit ?14:23
IdleOneOer: I don't think that makes a difference.14:23
ikaruga1234IdleOne: dcop is going out of date.14:23
enzioscrew xchat and it's stupid ulist14:24
kopHostname: kop-desktop - OS: Linux 2.6.31-21-generic/x86_64 - Distro: Ubuntu 9.10 - CPU: 2 x Pentium Dual-Core (3516.313 MHz) - Processes: 240 - Uptime: 3d 4h 45m - Users: 3 - Load Average: 0.32 - Memory Usage: 2275.93MB/5984.66MB (38.03%) - Disk Usage: 544.89GB/1202.55GB (45.31%)14:24
ikaruga1234idleone: i'll try both and see if they work14:24
Oerah oke, 64 bit, like me14:24
koper yeah ,sry about the scriptage paste there14:25
Oernp kop, and now .. we wait :-)14:25
zongo_just wanted to have your opinion on voip. What you guys are using under ubuntu as sip phone and your experience about it14:25
kopI'm like slow and stufid mostly14:25
zongo_I have used skype and ekiga14:26
kopzongo_, software phone ? pfffft ATA and bypass all the bs ....14:26
Oerzongo_ skype is no Sip14:26
zongo_correct Oer: kop ATA ?14:27
kopekiga never worked for me14:27
zongo_me neither14:27
kopanalog telephone adapter14:27
zongo_what about twinkle ?14:27
kopzongo_, thanx , now I have to go ...14:28
guest12573My ubuntu during boot, hangs at "activating swapfile swap" as the last message...what's the cause of this problem?????14:28
sirius-n900anyone know how to shrink and existing preinstalled suse linux enterprise desktop 11 installation so i can install ubuntu onto the freed space?14:28
parkielive cd with gpart14:29
parkiejust google gparted live14:29
soreauguest12573: Do you have a swap partition?14:29
kopsirius-n900, gparted-live14:29
sirius-n900why cant i do this in the installer?14:29
Oersirius-n900, ubuntu can handle ext3/4 to decrease14:30
kopsirius-n900, because the installer is a little less intuitive and somwhat scary for the uninitiated14:30
sirius-n900i tried but in advance mode i just cant downsize a partition...14:30
sirius-n900hmm k14:30
kopsirius-n900, just try the live gparted d and don't get pissed if the graghics are flakey just work till it works14:31
IdleOnesirius-n900: you need to use gparted and resize you partition and then create a new partition with the freed space14:31
AnxiousNuthow can i change the remote desktop setting through command line14:32
MadAGu is there any way to disable hdmi audio?14:32
sirius-n900hmmm k14:32
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IdleOnesirius-n900: remember that none of the changes are final until you click apply. so you can change/edit until final conformation14:32
* kop found that on some ATI cards the gparted live cd needs safe mode or more tweaks to run :)14:32
* sirius-n900 runs off to download gparted14:33
alabdGood day all , someone entered my system remotely (hacked) how to check what has he done , or what files did he copy in file system or  .... ?14:33
kopIdleOne, come on now we all speak typo  :)14:33
IdleOnekop: it's typonese14:33
IdleOne:P corrected your coreect spelling to a made up typo14:34
kopcatastrophic perverter ?14:34
joshdreamlandThis box has all of six screensavers. Is there any way I can install more?14:35
joshdreamlandSays gnome-screensaver is at latest version.14:35
wise_cryptalabd:drwxrwxrwx 3 alabd alabd   4096 2010-04-24 19:06 ./usr/share14:35
joshdreamlandAlso installed xscreensaver14:35
guest12573soreau: no..14:35
kopkarmic I want to associate sounds w/ desktop events ie; window min/max and file operation start/stop . any easy way to do this ?14:36
alabdwise_crypt, no /usr/share is not 77714:36
traficbuenos  dia amigos14:36
traficquien tiene  un tutorial para instalar icecast14:37
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alabde.g how to check which files have been copied to file system ?14:38
wise_crypt!es | trafic14:38
IdleOnekop: alt-F2 > gconf-editor that might do what you want14:38
ubottutrafic: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:38
joshdreamlandtrafic: cual es el problemo con "sudo apt-get install icecast"?14:38
joshdreamlandoh, that works, too14:38
IdleOnejoshdreamland: you can also join him in -es if you can help :)14:39
joshdreamlandwell, I'm just not certain if he's tried apt-getting it or not14:39
joshdreamlandIf he has, I've never really installed icecast, so I can't really help14:39
IdleOnejoshdreamland: ah ok14:40
joshdreamlandbut I do see it is available (at least from 9.10) as a package14:40
IdleOneit is14:40
kopIdleOne, I see som rtfm here ;)14:40
joshdreamlandthere we go, found all the old screensavers14:40
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randomusrHow can I create my own personal man pages for my reference?14:41
XypherOrionas long as you keep them in your man cave ;)14:41
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avutonThere is an errant program running on my computer, I cannot tell what it is but I see it as a little line across my screen. Isn't there an X program so I can identify it?14:41
randomusrI thought there was a way to do this from the command line14:41
randomusravuton, man top14:42
avutonrandomusr: it's not using any extra cpu%, I'm looking for something I can aim at it and tell me what the hell it is14:42
randomusravuton, ps maybe?14:43
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randomusravuton, ps -aux14:43
YosharioDoes anyone know a simple paint program for ubuntu like MS PAint?14:44
randomusrYoshario, GIMP14:44
wise_cryptYoshario: xpaint14:45
acbalingitisn't gimp good enough14:45
YosharioNo it needs to be simple14:45
Yoshariolike MS Paint14:45
wise_cryptYoshario: xpaint14:45
DravekxGIMP > xpaint14:45
Yoshariogpaint doesn't have undo14:45
bramming9xi dont find gimp simple. its pretty hard to get to know if you're just looking for basic functionality. Yoshario, i would recommend KolourPaint or xpaint14:45
wise_cryptYoshario: kpaint14:45
randomusrsimple software for simple folk14:45
K-Yohey guys, are you familiar with avast AV under linux?14:45
acbalingiti see...14:45
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus14:46
jayveeHowdy. I'm trying to run "do-release-upgrade -d" from Karmic to Lucid. However, whenever I run it, GPG fails to authenticate the downloaded upgrader tarball. gpg: BAD signature from "Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>"14:46
jayveeauthenticate 'lucid.tar.gz' against 'lucid.tar.gz.gpg'14:46
jayveeexception from gpg: GnuPG exited non-zero, with code 114:46
K-Yowise_crypt, I know that, thanks, I'm scanning a windows partition... but it seems avast got lost in an infinite loop...14:46
wise_crypt!lucid | jayvee14:46
ubottujayvee: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule14:46
K-Yoprobably taking a symbolic link for a folder, and going round and round14:47
jayveewise_crypt: so lucid is a forbidden topic in here?14:47
randomusrK-Yo, clam av14:47
sorin7486hey can anybody help me out with knockd ? ... I installed it on an OpenVZ server and I can't seem to be able to make it work14:47
panjiwho want join business with ,e14:47
wise_cryptjayvee: j #ubuntu+114:47
Oerjayvee lucid+1 is specialized in lucid rc problems14:48
mazda01trying to get my dual display to switch my main screen to be on the tv not on the monitor so that i can then get rid of the monitor. i have tried to set the tv as absolute and the monitor to the rightof but it just wont do it14:48
randomusrHow can I create custom man pages?14:48
tux_hello to all14:48
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dn5how r u14:49
Oersorin7486, OpenVZ server is not an ubuntu server ?14:49
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iuytrehi there14:54
iuytreanyone here ?14:54
iuytrewell i got this error when i try to log as sudo14:55
K-Yorandomusr, will clamAV scan for windows viruses aswell?14:55
Szuntihow can i use the header of an init file to make the rc*.d links?14:55
randomusrK-Yo, probably not, it's only for mail systems, sorry14:55
K-Yorandomusr, no problem ;-) thanks for trying =)14:55
randomusrhas anyone heard if MySQL is going closed source?14:56
iuytreantoto  is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.14:56
iuytrewell i got this error when i try to log as sudo14:56
iuytreantoto  is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.14:56
iuytrewhat i have to do ?14:56
randomusrum yea14:57
randomusrthis isn't exactly fedora14:57
K-Yoiuytre, probably here: http://www.google.fr/search?ie=UTF-8&q=is+not+in+the+sudoers+file.++This+incident+will+be+reported.14:57
randomusris the log in procedure for sqlite the same as MySQL?14:58
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Ge5ihow can i extract a parted rar ???14:59
Ge5itogether in one file ???14:59
soreauGe5i: You have to start with the first file and have the other files in the same directory14:59
soreauGe5i: ie. just extract the first file and it will find the rest15:00
K-YoGe5i, works with any of the files actually15:00
lightbrickoWhen mounting my secondary HDD, I get "mount: /dev/sda1 already mounted or /mnt/SamsungPartition busy". However, strangely it works after some minutes. How can I fix this?15:00
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=== Roller is now known as stomper
Ge5isoreau , K-Yo so i just have to unrar x rarfile.rar15:00
K-YoGe5i, never tried with CLI, try it! it whould work15:01
Ge5isoreau , k-yo and then do the same for the other files but i just have to extract those at the same directory15:01
K-YoGe5i, no need, just do it once, for one file15:01
technikfreakhello together is it possible to control ubuntu via voice?15:01
Ge5ik-yo , sureau thanks15:02
ardianHI I'm instsalling ubuntu  what should i do for the swap partition Primary or Logical Type ?15:02
technikfreakswap is logical15:02
technikfreakbecuase there is no boot record15:03
ardianaha thanks technikfreak15:03
Gokulhow do i undo blacklisting the "ubuntu-desktop" ?? when i tried to upgrade to lynx, i got this error... none in the ubuntu+1 channel responnded... does anyone here know ?15:03
antibodyHi I need to restart /reload alsa modules but I can't stop pulseaudio15:05
antibodyI do pulseaudio -k15:05
antibodybut a new one always comes up15:05
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP315:05
stomperBefore I ask a question I've got to say thanks - ubuntu is the one to finally convince me to ditch winxp...15:06
mazda01trying to adjust overscan of tvout from mx440 card in lucid and the nvidia settings gui crashes. anyone know how to manually adjust in xorg?15:06
VCoolioantibody: try something like 'sudo service pulse stop', use tab to autocmplete pulse to something existing15:07
Gokulhow do i undo blacklisting the "ubuntu-desktop" ?? when i tried to upgrade to lynx, i got this error... none in the ubuntu+1 channel responnded... does anyone here know ?15:07
wise_crypt!lucid | mazda0115:07
ubottumazda01: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule15:07
antibodyvCoolie tnx..but isn't pulseaudio user owned?15:07
antibodyservice pulseaudio stop15:08
antibody * PulseAudio configured for per-user sessions15:08
antibodytried this before15:08
antibodyby /etc/init.d15:08
happyfrogHere's a word of warning for anyone wanting to backup their stuff before upgrading to Lucid - I used KBackup to create a tarball of my data, but the large .vdi files from VirtualBox seemed to generate a corrupted file. I had to install foremost and hope like hell I got something back. Managed to get the photos, but a lot of stuff was lost.15:09
dima-linuxhello, is there other flashplayer for firefox except adobe media player in ubuntu?15:09
=== Moonwalker is now known as Destine
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash15:10
iuytrewell i got this error when i try to log as sudo15:10
iuytreantoto  is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.15:11
iuytrei can't understand15:11
wise_crypt!sudo | iuytre15:11
ubottuiuytre: sudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)15:11
Noobtubehi guys, i just deleted one of my windows partitions (vista) and still have w7 installed but my grub seems to have broken; "Error 11: Unrecognized device string15:14
Noobtubewhen trying to pick apon grub startup15:14
QuartzHello. Who uses rubyripper on ubuntu 10.04?15:15
dima-linuxso there is only adobe flashplayer for firefox?15:15
IdleOneQuartz: Please /join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.15:15
IdleOnedima-linux: what do you want to do?15:16
dima-linuxi want to run flash on firefox15:17
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash15:18
IdleOnedima-linux: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer15:18
dima-linuxbut some flash applications don't run correctly with last adobe macromedia player15:18
ubottuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/15:18
OmegaPhil1Quick question: GNOME bugzilla - anyone know how to reopen a Resolved Incomplete bug? https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=59296415:19
dima-linuxthanks, i'll try gnash15:19
OmegaPhil1I'm guessing a dont have enough access for this, but the bloke mentioned reopening it when he closed it15:19
OmegaPhil1This is my first time using BugZilla :/15:20
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OerOmegaPhil1, the original poster didn't reply with logs, so i suggest if this bug is bothering you too, open a new bugreport, and mention this one15:22
OmegaPhil1I have added my comments + file at the bottom15:23
OmegaPhil1With RT at least that would have reopened it..15:23
ravenkhanplease help me SIS graphics driver15:23
randomusrdoes anyone here use SQLite? If so, how does one create a user and return columns or rows of data?15:23
OmegaPhil1Oer: OK, I'll wait a few days to see if anything happens then open a dupe15:23
Niteshadegot a problem15:24
yoyonedrandomusr: i've used it whith python.  I didn't need to create users15:24
OerOmegaPhil1, ok good idea15:24
airtonixi just realised its been five years since developers of firestarter promised to include making UDP policies  via the gui... still nothing yet.15:24
Niteshadewhen i try to log in to my account, the computer crashes.  (I think it's how i configured gnome on that account, because when i log into root it works fine)15:25
Niteshadeit's probably something with how i got the panels15:25
h00kNiteshade: You...shouldn't be loggign into root15:25
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo15:25
Niteshadei'm not in root now15:25
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »15:25
randomusryoyoned, is it a self contained Database similar to the MSDE?15:26
Niteshadewell i figured out how to make a root password15:26
Niteshadeall i did was sudo bash15:26
Niteshadethen passwd15:26
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:26
Niteshadeit's a fairly simple hack15:26
airtonixNiteshade, also : just because you can install an OS with the admin password as "" doesn't mean you should.15:26
randomusrNiteshade, are you trying to enable the root user?15:26
Niteshadealready did, but now i can't get rid of sudo.15:27
NiteshadeI mean, if i can sudo to root, then anybody that can get inside can too15:27
* airtonix facepalms15:27
Niteshadeso, they only have to get my password to root my laptop15:27
soreauNiteshade: Running as root is a bad idea from the start. This is why ubuntu does not opt the user to set the root password in the first place15:28
randomusrNiteshade, not exactly, but have fun with that15:28
ravenkhanhey please help me out15:28
Niteshadeanyways, i still need to be able to reconfigure my user account from another account so i can run my account15:28
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:29
Niteshadebut i don't know how to do that without being in my account15:29
monraHello... I was wondering what package should I install in order to be able to see manuals of library functions. For example "man realloc"?15:29
randomusrNiteshade, do what?15:29
BluesKajhowdy folks15:29
VCoolioNiteshade: sudo -u <user-to-fix> gconf-editor ??15:29
airtonixBluesKaj, greetings loyal minion.15:29
stompercan I ask a wine sorta question? Why is /dev/cdrom linked to /dev/sr0?15:29
stomperI think I hosed up some dosdevices links15:30
randomusroh boy15:30
BluesKajhi airtonix15:30
Niteshadei configured gnome to have tabs where it apparently doesen't like them so it locks up when i log in (a tab over top of a tab, one set to autohide)15:30
airtonixstomper, i've seen this before, i think maybe some win related app links it because some quirky windows apps try to look for cdrom there15:30
Ziderstomper: because cdrom sounds more logical than sr0? :)15:30
Niteshadei have to ctrl-alt-f1, then log in, and then go "shutdown now" and try again15:30
genocldedoes ubuntu automatically find drivers for your video card and etc?15:30
stomperheh, maybe Zider!15:31
Niteshadeit did15:31
Niteshadegot fglrx working fine15:31
airtonixstomper, wine related* >> what wine related apps do you have installed ?15:31
enthdegreeOh, hey. Where am I supposed to log my programs messages? Just make a folder in /var/log/15:31
Niteshadelook, if it was something deeper then this account i'm chatting from wouldn't work either15:31
airtonixenthdegree, generally, yes.15:31
Ziderstomper: and it's not wine that does that, it's the system15:31
stomperairtonix: trying to get a win game to run under wine, and needs to see cdrom.  so, checked dosdevices and noted links there15:31
stompereven made an iso of the cd and mounted it as cdrom in winecfg.... no dice.15:32
airtonixstomper, ah right, did you use winecfg and click autodetect ?15:32
=== fipu_ is now known as fipu
Niteshadeso, how do i move and delete panels and icons in another account when not in that account?15:32
usserstomper: that most likely wont work, you need a no-cd crack for the game to run properly15:32
airtonixstomper, from my experience windows apps run through the wine translator can only see unix devices if wine creates win mappings.15:33
usserstomper: what game is that anyway?15:33
stomperairtonix: yep..  but I think in my attempt at fixing it I messed up the links.. so I was trying to figure out to make sure d: was linked to the device and d:: to the mnt point.15:33
wise_crypt!resetpanels | Niteshade15:33
ubottuNiteshade: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »15:33
stomperRollcage stage 2!!! (only the most awesome racing game EVER!) ...... IMHO of course15:33
airtonixstomper, i assume you've already scoured the wine hq page for the game ?15:34
stomperthe thing is, it installed off the cdrom15:34
stomperand launches and works except I cant play the single player, says I need cd15:34
airtonixstomper, game setup.exe != game.exe15:34
stomperyeah, tell me about it!15:34
XypherOrionstomper, is there a config file in the game dirs that defines where its looking for the CD?15:34
Asmobhello Nvidia saysr stoped working in some wierd way. that i need restart x server but i dont now how... the drive15:34
stomperhmmm.... cd cracks make me nervous (tojans all day long)15:35
airtonixstomper, i recommend reading the winehq page for the game... someone else surely has come across the problem by now15:35
stompererr trojans15:35
stomperyeah I checked wine hq and still have some things I can try.15:35
dima-linuxhm, somehow gnash is just trash, nothing works15:35
usserdima-linux: haha15:35
stompergood ides xypher I'll check15:35
dima-linuxeven youtube doesn't work15:35
usserdima-linux: yep15:35
stomperidea I meant15:36
dima-linuxso better i stay with adobe player than nothing :)15:36
* airtonix laments that firestarter still does not allow for UDP policies.15:36
wise_cryptdima-linux: haha its still in beta15:36
Niteshadeso, do you have to be logged in to that account to reset panels?15:37
dima-linuxnot alfa?15:37
genocldewhat is the one addon to nautilus that has the bar so you can just type in where you want to go15:37
dima-linuxi read, that's still alfa15:37
genocldei know that normal nautilus doesn't have that15:37
Niteshadeor will it do that everywhere?15:37
ZykoticK9genoclde, are you using Lucid?15:37
ZykoticK9genoclde, press the / key15:38
VCoolioNiteshade: you'll need to be that user, or try sudo -u thatuser command15:38
genocldeno i mean, what is it called?15:38
dima-linuxhow can i pm a user in this window?15:38
genocldeoh wow15:38
guntbert!pm | dima-linux15:38
ubottudima-linux: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.15:38
genocldenever knew that nautilus defaultly had that15:38
dima-linuxthx | guntbert15:39
wise_crypt!hi | nixi15:39
ubottunixi: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!15:39
PersiI am experiencing something odd with the ath9k driver, the wifi link drops and takes a very long time to reconnect when using high bandwidth, specially if the signal is weak where I am, any ideas on what could be causing this?15:40
Asmobhow i can run x server?15:40
nixijorobate es bromaaa15:40
nixiola q tal15:40
dima-linux!pm nixi hi15:40
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:40
nixii am spanish15:40
ZykoticK9!es | nixi15:40
ubottunixi: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:40
Asmobmy graphics settings is broken i dont now how to fix them.15:41
rocket16Hello friends. Notification area failed to start once, and I accidentally deleted it, :( What is the way to get it back? I tried Adding it again to Panel, but nothing happens.15:42
airtonixrocket16, first try restarting gnome-panel then check if its there.15:42
Asmobairtonix, do you now how to restart X server?15:43
uLinuxHi. I want to transfers files from XP to Ubuntu over the network. How do I setup the connection?15:43
wise_crypt!samba | uLinux15:44
ubottuuLinux: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.15:44
airtonixAsmob, generally i do it this way : 1) get to a terminal 2) type : sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart15:44
nixihello cabroncios15:44
wise_crypt!es | nixi15:44
ubottunixi: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:44
rocket16airtonix: Thanks friend. I meant my problem wrongly, :( I just meant the Indicator applet. I added it successfully, and used the "pkill gnome-panel" command. Still, thanks, :)15:44
uLinuxwise_crypt  so i install samba...15:45
uLinuxnixi hello15:45
nixihello i am spanish15:45
airtonixrocket16, its ok, gnome-panel sometimes bugs out and wont correctly show new panel-applets.. so killing it first before adding a panel-applet is something i do as a habit15:45
wise_cryptuLinux: pleas read https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html15:45
xangua!es > nixi15:46
ubottunixi, please see my private message15:46
airtonixuLinux, if you simply try to share a folder nautilus will install it for you.15:46
uLinuxi have to configure the ips15:46
uLinuxover the network15:46
Oerlaptop switching from NET to Battery is falling to sleep, what /var/log can i search for this ACPI problem ?15:46
uLinuxor samba will do it15:46
airtonixuLinux, ie, right click the Pictures folder in your home folder and select sharing.15:46
uLinuxairtonix i want to acess xp15:47
akymdjcome si usa??15:47
airtonixuLinux, samba doesn't configure IP addresses. you need to first confirm you can at least ping the windows machine via ip address15:47
amikropHello. I use audacious. I have a mix that is split into some MP3s, and the related playlist (.M3U). How can I make it so there is no gap between the songs, and they can be listened to, as a whole mix?15:47
uLinuxairtonix  i want to acess a shared folder in XP and then copy the files to ubuntu15:47
airtonixuLinux, did you read what i just typed ?15:48
wise_cryptuLinux: please read the link ubottu gave u15:48
Asmobairtonix, not working..15:48
airtonixAsmob, then you have deeper issues and vague descriptions won't get you any further with me.15:48
haavarosHi guys! I'm gonna assemble a PC for my 60 y.o. neighbour. They've got some experience with Windows from work. Do you think Ubuntu Lucid would work for such utter noobs?15:48
akymdjoohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh qualcuno conosce l'italiano??15:48
wise_crypt!lucid | haavaros15:49
ubottuhaavaros: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule15:49
ZykoticK9!it | akymdj15:49
ubottuakymdj: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:49
uLinuxbut i dont to share a folder from ubuntu15:49
uLinuxdont want15:49
XypherOrionYou're going to put prerelease linux software on a 60 year old man's PC with little PC knowledge?15:49
haavaroswise_crypt: jeez. Ubuntu, then15:49
XypherOrionI suppose if you want to give the man an aniurism15:49
airtonixuLinux, 1. right click the desktop 2. create a folder (call it test) 3. right click this new folder, 4. select sharing. 5. follow onscreen prompts15:50
Asmobhow i can fix graphics settings15:50
haavarosXypherOrion: Anyway, just Ubuntu ... by the time I've put together a comp, Ludic is released15:50
slide23_How do I install sun java in lucid? It doesn't appear to be available in the universe anymore15:50
airtonixslide23_, wrong channel.15:50
BluesKajXypherOrion, I'm in my 60s running lucid without any headaches :)15:50
XypherOrioncompy only takes a few days to build, even with shipping ;)15:50
ZykoticK9slide23_, add the partner repo -- #ubuntu+1 for Lucid support15:50
haavarosUBUNTU THEN15:51
=== fabi is now known as champy8
uLinuxairtonix i dont want to share a folder on ubuntu15:51
uLinuxbut ok15:51
isaac_Getting a lot of Lucid questions today........15:51
wise_cryptisaac_: lol15:51
haavarosDo you think Ubuntu is as noob-friendly as Win 7? For a complete noob, is Ubuntu as simple to use as Windows?15:51
=== cricket is now known as Guest28333
haavarosI myself think so, but that's from my perspective15:51
airtonixuLinux, its easiest way to get things going. after you have stuff isntalled logout and back in again. then let me know when you have the file browser open again.15:51
isaac_haavaros, I haven't tried Win7 yet (I don't pay for stuff I don't need... probably get Win7 when I get a new computer) but Ubuntu latest is dead easy even for me.15:52
uLinuxairtonix  ok so i share a folder on ubuntu just to create a connection with xp15:52
wise_crypthaavaros: my 5 years old daughter use ubuntu > gcompris i think they will manage it15:52
isaac_If I can use it for what I want to do, anyone can.  I installed everything and got it running as I want with no command lines at all.15:52
airtonixuLinux, no this simply intiates the installation of samba related software.15:52
uLinuxyes but i can install samba without it15:52
airtonixuLinux, if you want more complicated instructions you should be reading that page which was linked to you a while ago.15:53
airtonix!samba | uLinux15:53
ubottuuLinux: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.15:53
uLinuxi got the links..15:53
haavarosthanks for your advice ppl.15:53
wise_crypthaavaros: np15:54
airtonixuLinux, if you know the ip address of the windows machine (ie : ) you can enter this into the address bar of nautilus : smb://
airtonixGigolo is another neat app for managing network shares15:55
wise_crypt!info Gigolo15:55
ubottuPackage Gigolo does not exist in karmic15:55
wise_crypt!info gigolo15:56
ubottugigolo (source: gigolo): frontend to manage connections to remote filesystems using GIO/GVfs. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.2-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 103 kB, installed size 512 kB15:56
airtonix it makes network share mounting in openbox nice via gui15:56
wise_cryptairtonix: what a name for an app15:56
airtonixgigolo 1315:56
wise_cryptairtonix:  :}15:57
justinubuntunice to meet everybody15:58
wise_crypt!hi | justinubuntu15:58
ubottujustinubuntu: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!15:58
=== LeMoNiCe is now known as h32Lg
Pirate_Hunteranyone can suggest a decent and light distributed file system other than mogilefs and glusterfs?16:02
gernblanstenwhen someone SSHs to my computer, what is the file that is desplay to them after/at login?16:02
=== Freakazoid is now known as SiCuTDeUx
skizoragerhi all, i just installed kubuntu 9.10 including new driver, but network manager cannot see my wifi card, it's an emachine laptop, lspci provide me it's an BCM4312 driver, i downloader these driver, used ndisgtk to charge the .inf file, but he claim he cannot locate the hardware, what can i do ?16:03
cookie_hi all16:03
JoshuaLgernblansten, /etc/motd16:03
uLinuxit didnt work of course16:03
uLinuxwhere are you16:04
cookie_does anyone have an idea how to restore the wifi on an acer aoa150 zg5?  madwifi didn't work for me16:05
wise_crypt!ndiswrapper | skizorager16:05
ubottuskizorager: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:05
uLinuxsamba | uLinux16:05
cookie_does anyone have an idea how to restore the wifi on an acer aoa150 zg5?  madwifi didn't work for me16:06
bezaohi, i searched google about 'how to start ubuntu in 'text mode'' but i did not find something usefull, anyone knows if its possible to do that?16:06
skizoragery i follow ndiswrapper who provide me to use ndisgtk who doesn't recognize my hardware, that's my issue ^^16:06
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:06
Vigobezao: What version?16:06
bezaoVigo 9.10 desktop16:07
skizoragerok rtfm, thanks wise_crypt16:07
trevori deleted the volume indicator off my panel and i cant find it in the applet menu, how do i get it backl16:07
wise_cryptskizorager: no problem16:07
Vigobezao: It might be Esc, but let me check the documents16:07
Pirate_Hunteranyone can suggest a decent and light distributed file system other than mogilefs and glusterfs?16:08
bezaoVigo i mean, it loads the 'login screen' in graphs, but i dont want that, i want like slax live cd, start asking for root or other user password, then if i want i can use 'startx' and load graphs16:08
xanguatrevor gnome-volume-control-applet16:08
Vigobezao: Yes, I understand16:09
cookie_does anyone have an idea how to restore the wifi on an acer aoa150 zg5?  madwifi didn't work for me.  ubuntu unr was working fine. but now it doesnt recognize the hw. please help.16:09
mxhedit the inittab file16:09
bezaohehe okay then Vigo i'll wait if you can find something for me (:16:09
dabaRskizorager: I have the same chipset, and I did not have to do ndiswrapper16:10
mxhchange the init level16:10
cookie_does anyone have an idea how to restore the wifi on an acer aoa150 zg5?  madwifi didn't work for me.  ubuntu unr was working fine. but now it doesnt recognize the hw. please help.16:10
Vigobezao: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto that is a start16:10
dabaRskizorager: is it a new installation?16:10
dabaRcookie_: what's ubuntu unr?16:10
dabaRthat does not make sense :)16:11
bezaoty Vigo i'll read it16:11
Vigobezao: My pleasure, I hope that helps.16:11
skizorageryes fresh install 1hour ago, and network manager have tab "wifi" in grey, iwconfig advise me he cannot found wifi adapter and i did update with lan connexion dabaR16:11
mistrai just got chromium on my usb and i need to turn it back because it sucks i think and the loader i used made it in to 2 driver folders so i font know how to reformat it so if anyone has a program or tutorial for that would be greatly appreciated.16:11
mistrap.s. its u3 and im running Ubuntu16:11
FloodBot2mistra: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:11
dabaRskizorager: You say you connected with a cable to try to get a restricted driver installed?16:12
=== max is now known as Guest75126
skizoragerdabaR: no i used cable to do update of kubuntu, to check of driver available with update and search on google :p16:13
Haeng_UnI am new16:13
* Haeng_Un is very new16:13
wise_cryptskizorager: lshw -C network16:13
Haeng_Unhi everyone16:14
* Haeng_Un is very new here16:14
Vigobazeo: Also this one:> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions16:14
wise_crypt!hi | Haeng_Un16:14
ubottuHaeng_Un: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:14
Haeng_Unhi wise_crypt16:14
ncfi1013_i need some help16:14
Haeng_Unhi ubottu16:14
skizoragerhe can see the bcm4312 802.11b/g adapter wise_crypt16:14
helenhello, i had lm-sensors and sensors-applet installed. when I changed from an asus motherboard to a gigabyte with a new proccessor and ddr3 memmory, sensors-applet didn't recognise my cpu - neither did sensors from the console... I've reinstalled everything and run sensors-update several times but with no luck :/16:15
* Haeng_Un needs friends16:15
ncfi1013_i am still running karmic16:15
wise_cryptskizorager: better read the link buddy16:15
erUSULhelen: which new processor ?16:15
IdleOnencfi1013_: what do you need help with?16:15
Haeng_Unmy modem doesnt works in vista 64 bit16:15
Haeng_Undial up modem16:15
ncfi1013_i am having problems with ipod syncing16:16
IdleOneHaeng_Un: ##windows for help with windows16:16
* Haeng_Un is a boy from Nepal, Age 19, Single, Male16:16
skizoragerthe link buddy is the tuto to configure wifi wise_crypt ?16:16
wise_cryptskizorager: ya16:16
skizoragerok i will wise_crypt, if doesn't work i come back ^^16:17
IdleOneHaeng_Un: this is #ubuntu a ubuntu support channel. Not a dating service16:17
ncfi1013_what would happen if i deleted the itunes database lock in the files on the ipod?16:17
wise_cryptskizorager: ok16:17
bezaoVigo the docs says something in '/boot/grub/menu.lst' but i dont have it in my ubutu :s16:17
helenerUSUL, I have bought a pentium dual core e6500 2,93ghz16:17
bezaoVigo i open it do edit and it says 'new file'16:17
Haeng_Unabout computer16:18
helenerUSUL, I have the same processor on an other computer and everything just works fine16:18
IdleOne!ipod > ncfi1013_16:18
ubottuncfi1013_, please see my private message16:18
erUSULhelen: if it weas the same processor dunno what may be wrong ... sorry16:18
xanguaHaeng_Un: we have already told you this is #ubuntu support16:18
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log
VCooliobezao: using karmic with grub2? then you'll need /etc/grub/default16:18
Vigobezao: You should use an Editor, there are many, Vim,Gedit, Nano and so on,16:18
Haeng_Unabout computer16:18
IdleOneHaeng_Un: if you are having problems with Windows polease type /join ##windows16:19
bezaoVigo i did nano /boot/grub/menu.lst and it show to me 'new file'16:19
uLinuxproblem solved but I add to add an IP adress manually.16:19
IdleOne!grub2 > bezao16:19
ubottubezao, please see my private message16:19
greezmunkeyhelen: which ubuntu are you running?16:19
Haeng_UnMy dial up modem works in Windows vista 32 bit and Xp but not in Windows vista 64 bit and Windows 716:19
helengreezmunkey, ubuntu 9.1016:19
* Haeng_Un says My dial up modem works in Windows vista 32 bit and Xp but not in Windows vista 64 bit and Windows 716:19
wise_cryptuLinux: congratulation16:20
IdleOneHaeng_Un: last time! ##windows for windows support16:20
uLinuxwise_crypt  lol16:20
SlartHaeng_Un: this channel is the official support channel for the Ubuntu operating system (it's a  Linux distribution). If you have a problem using ubuntu just describe your problem16:20
bezaoi'll see thans VCoolio, IdleOne16:20
uLinuxbut i installed samba and something else before16:20
uLinuxlike you said16:20
ubotturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!16:20
wise_cryptkick Haeng_Un16:20
uLinux139 445 ports16:20
SlartHaeng_Un: Ubuntu isn't Windows.. we don't help people with windows in here.. type  /join ##windows   to get to a channel that will help you with your windows problem16:20
greezmunkeyhelen: have you worked through this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=278016:21
Haeng_Unokey thanks Slart16:21
=== matthew is now known as Guest66115
SlartHaeng_Un: you're welcome16:21
uLinuxwise_crypt  so i cant acess windows on lan without samba?16:22
helengreezmunkey, no... is this for 9.10?16:22
bezaoVCoolio nothing there16:22
wise_cryptuLinux: for now yes16:23
IdleOnebezao: look at the link ubottu sent you16:23
uLinuxk tks for the help cya16:23
bezaoIdleOne i saw, but i installed 9.10, i did not upgraded16:23
wise_cryptuLinux: no problem16:23
greezmunkeyhelen: It worked for me.16:23
IdleOnebezao: 9.10 uses grub2 that link has info16:23
bezaoIdleOne hm, er i just saw the part of 'installing' sorry i'll check it all16:24
IdleOnebezao: :) no problem16:25
Vigobezao: Also here: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/karmic/en/man1/textmode.1.html <that explains about saving and entering Text mode16:25
greezmunkeyhelen: you could try running: sudo sensors-detect - it will scan your system for supported chipsets.16:25
helengreezmunkey, i've tried that 3 times now16:26
helengreezmunkey, no luck16:26
bezaoVigo i'll check thanks amte16:26
greezmunkeyhelen: what does it tell you?16:26
Vigobezao: You are quite welcome. and IdleOnes input was also spot on.16:27
technikfreakhello i have a umts card with a limited contignent is there existing a small "counter" for couting my used bandwith?16:27
=== jeipur is now known as jaypur
researcher1where is support for Lynx?16:29
greezmunkeyresearcher1: #ubuntu+116:31
Adnan_89help me in getting screen resolution more than 800x600 in ubuntu 9.116:31
Adnan_89SIS is the card16:31
wizzo50What would cause my windows in facebook to move to the side where I can't select anything from the right side of the box screen?16:32
Vigotechnikfreak: Server?16:32
Buhmillionhey guise16:33
Buhmillioni just hacked some guys facebook16:33
helengreezmunkey, i've tried to follow the forum guide that you showed me but the script returns /dev/i2c-016:33
helenmknod: «/dev/i2c-0»: File exists16:33
greezmunkeytechnikfreak: there is a small app called bmon that you can use for that16:33
Adnan_89please help16:33
Buhmillionhttp://www.facebook.com/profile.php?i=7142798244 is the guy i hacked, what should i do to account?16:33
ncfi1013_ will rockbox work on an ipod nano 4th gen 8gb? does anybody know that has this specific model?16:34
iPacbuhmillion, give him back16:34
Buhmillionrockbox will work, i've done it16:34
delacAdnan_89: what about: system->preferences->display?16:34
bezaoso IdleOne & Vigo basic i have to uncomment "GRUB_TERMINAL=console" and do "update-grub" and "shutdown -r -t 0 restart" and i'll have ubuntu opening on text mode?16:34
Buhmillioni haven't changed password16:34
wizzo50help: What would cause my windows in facebook to move to the side where I can't select anything from the right side of the box screen?16:34
Buhmillionor done anything16:34
Slart!ot | Buhmillion16:34
ubottuBuhmillion: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:34
greezmunkeyhelen, ok, but back to that last question...when you run sensors-detect, what is the output? Do you know how to paste to http://paste.ubuntu.com ?16:34
OerBuhmillion, no hacking in this chanel please16:34
iPachack banks not facebook16:35
=== Commie_Cary is now known as Lenin_Cat
Adnan_89delac : i did there16:35
Adnan_89but no option like more than 800x60016:35
rhcp1253will there be any difference between the rc and the final relese16:35
olivier__bonjour, hello16:35
Vigotechnikfreak: Lynx site: http://lynx.isc.org/lynx2.8.7/lynx2-8-7/lynx_help/lynx_help_main.html16:35
OPPressedso I updated ubuntu and now the grub2 window doesnt show up when im booting, it just goes straight to ubuntu16:35
Slartrhcp1253: not if you do your updates16:35
wizzo50Buhmillion, Did you hack mine?16:35
Buhmillionrhcp, probably not16:35
OPPressedI tried running update-grub216:35
OPPressedand everything seemed to work ok16:36
delacAdnan_89: then it is a harder problem16:36
Adnan_89please help me out16:36
Adnan_89SIS graphics card i have16:36
OerOPPressed, that is oke, if you want to enter grub, hold left SHIFT on boot16:36
Adnan_8901:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 771/671 PCIE VGA Display Adapter (rev 10)16:36
delacAdnan_89: i suppose the sis should be able to go higher than 800x600?16:36
OPPressedok i will try that.. but why cant I find the config files/menu files for grub216:37
=== Reckon_ is now known as Reckon
wizzo50What would cause my windows in facebook to move to the side where I can't select anything from the right side of the box screen?16:37
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub216:37
greezmunkeyVigo: was technikfreak talking about the text based browser???16:37
delacdelac: or is it some old model?16:37
Adnan_89can u help me out?16:37
OPPressedoh that worked16:37
iPacwizzo50 copy the site in here16:37
OPPressedthanks for the url16:37
Adnan_89please how to proceed tell me: delac16:37
Vigogreezmunkey: Yes16:37
OerOPPressed, have fun :-)16:37
iPacwhere your facebook links16:37
Reckonhola a tod@s | Hello everybody16:37
rhcp1253last time i installed beta 2 on my macbook 5,1, major kernel problems. Will they persist on the rc?16:38
greezmunkeyVigo: I thought he was talking Lucid Lynx!16:38
delacdelac: oh, and i suppose your display also supports more than 800x600?16:38
Adnan_89then help me16:38
delacAdnan_89: oh, and i suppose your display also supports more than 800x600?16:38
Vigogreezmunkey: I dunno, looked like help Q on a browser, I could be wrong, I have been before, I will be again, such is life.16:39
olivier__Adnan are you looj=king the xorg.conf16:39
Adnan_89delac help me then16:39
delacAdnan_89: i mean, do you know for sure that it does?16:39
akahigeafter working without problems for years, the screensaver power management setting to turn off my monitor has quit working. (on Karmic 64). thoughts?16:39
greezmunkeyVigo: I didn't think anyone used that, but i suppose it could be useful on a server...16:40
Adnan_89i dont know delac16:40
technikfreaksorry i talked about16:40
Adnan_89i hve recently moved to ubuntu16:40
technikfreaka bandwith meter or a tool that count the MB16:40
Vigogreezmunkey: I love it, no ads, or junk, is great for PPL and researching data.16:40
Adnan_89olivier please help me16:41
smithhow do i make it so when i close my screen my laptop dosen't hibernate16:41
olivier__open the xorg.conf and look in monitor' section16:41
greezmunkeyVigo: good point :)16:41
delacAdnan_89: what kind of monitor do you have?16:42
Adnan_89there is no xorg.conf in my system16:42
olivier__what sys16:42
Vigotechnikfreak: Bandwidth meter, or something like it: > http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man8/ipband.8.html16:42
delacAdnan_89: as there shouldn't be16:42
greezmunkeytechnikfreak: I mentioned bmon, will that not wirk for you. It is text based.16:42
delacAdnan_89: there is no xorg.conf in newer ubuntus anymore16:42
olivier__version ?16:42
greezmunkey!find bandwidth monitor16:43
ubottumonitor is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, intrepid, intrepid-backports, jaunty, jaunty-backports, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, partner, stable, testing, unstable16:43
Adnan_89delac : under display option i came across MONITOR UNKNOWN16:43
olivier__you can create one i think16:43
wizzo50Anyone know why my box screen moves to the side on facebook when I load a game and then can't select anything from right side?16:43
Adnan_89if u help me out then surely16:44
delacAdnan_89: ok, are you using laptop or desktop?16:44
delacadok, how many inches?16:44
technikfreakgreezmunkey, i will test it htanlks16:44
fdsaanyone know how i can find the url-handler commands from gnome?16:44
delacAdnan_89: how many inches the screen?16:44
Adnan_89sorry i didnt know exactly16:45
Adnan_89can i get to know somehoe?16:45
smithhow do i make it so when i close my screen my laptop dosen't hibernate16:45
delacAdnan_89: use ruler :)16:45
sd32diagonal measurement16:45
djbeeniesmith, go into screensaver16:45
Adnan_89haha please tell me something bro16:45
Adnan_89how to increase resolution16:45
wizzo50help:  Anyone know why my box screen moves to the side on facebook when I load a game and then can't select anything from right side?16:46
IdleOne!fixres | Adnan_8916:46
ubottuAdnan_89: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution16:46
djbeeniesmith, then power management > when laptop lid is closed, change to blank screen16:46
wise_crypt!offtopic > wise_crypt16:46
ubottuwise_crypt, please see my private message16:46
djbeeniesmith, yw :)16:47
technikfreakgreezmunkey, does bmon shows only the actual bandwioth not as a counter?16:47
guntbert!askthebot > wise_crypt16:47
ubottuwise_crypt, please see my private message16:47
wizzo50help:  Anyone know why my box screen moves to the side on facebook when I load a game and then can't select anything from right side?16:47
Adnan_89delac : ?16:47
Adnan_89olivier_ : ?16:47
delacAdnan_89: well i found one launchpad bug for this card: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-sis/+bug/33214016:48
olivier__solution for 3d with a radeon 9200 on 8.04 ?16:48
=== tgalal is now known as tghazali
delacAdnan_89: there seems to be somekind of workaround in the comments16:48
greezmunkeytechnikfreak: check out a screen shot, Here I selected my interface and hit "d": http://imagebin.org/9418116:48
wizzo50help anyone?16:48
wizzo50help:  Anyone know why my box screen moves to the side on facebook when I load a game and then can't select anything from right side?16:48
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.16:48
Dravekxwhat should the ownership:group be for directories for users who have web hosting in their home directories? www-data:www-data or user:user ????16:49
magaioCould someone give some casual advice on backing up an ecryptfs homefolder? The /home mount is on a separate hard drive. Should I backup the decrypted mount or the cryptfs folder? Also -- rdiff-backup?16:49
olivier__radeon 9200 se and 3d on hardy, someone knows ?16:50
skizoragerwise_crypt: i tryed but doesn't work, command iwconfig return no wireless extention, ndiswrapper -l give me correct bcmwl5 driver installer16:51
wizzo50anyone smart with facebook16:51
poseyubtuntu 10.04 is awesome! thanks guys!16:52
poseyjust did a fresh install16:52
poningruwizzo50, what do you mean your box screen moves to the left?16:52
Droopsta915i know theres a learn to type trainer in the terminal, anyone know what its called?16:53
greezmunkeytechnikfreak: did you check out the screen shot?16:53
Dravekxposey... sometimes it is.16:53
Dravekxanyone good with permissions?16:54
=== tghazali is now known as tgalal
=== genti is now known as gent
magaioDroopsta915: tipptrainer? tuxtype?16:54
frawfrawdoes anyone know if theres an easy way to tell if a package has had an ABI break?16:54
greezmunkeytechnikfreak: It does both realtime, and cumulative...16:55
RickZillaIs there an app in the repo for extracting audio from flv files?16:55
poseyDravekx what issues have you had?16:55
poningruwizzo50, lets keep it in channel16:55
poningruwizzo50, can you make sure your updates are correct16:55
frawfrawRickZilla: probably gstreamer16:55
VCoolioRickZilla: probably vlc too16:56
skizoragerhi all, i have an issue with an bcm4312 wifi card, someone can help me ?16:56
RickZillafrawfraw and VCoolio, thanks I'll check those out16:56
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:56
asina12hi...is there a command that can list all the apps that I have installed that is not part of the default configuration?16:57
poningruwizzo50, dude lets keep it in the channel16:57
Droopsta915magaio: no, I remember it was called something like typeit or some thing in those lines. It trains you on typing and you do it in the terminal16:57
Dravekxposey, I've given all my users web access so they can host web pages and not sure whether to put permissions at www-data:www-data or user:user?16:57
skizorageri cannot see my wifi card in network manager, it is a bcm4312 chipset16:57
poningruwizzo50, I dont have facebook or flash16:57
poningruwizzo50, I would recommend updating your flash through synaptic16:57
poningruwizzo50, instead of messaging me directly type it out in #ubuntu16:58
Adnan_89how can i copy xorg.conf in /etc/x11/ in sudo mode?16:58
wignyou can do "sudo nautilus" and copy in graphic mode16:59
poseyDravekx no idea dude LOL16:59
VCoolioRickZilla: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=110102216:59
andrew__Hey, so I'm looking for something to give me a list of all artists in my mp3 collection, delimited how I want, any suggestions?16:59
andrew__I'd prefer not to have to write scripts for this :p16:59
Adnan_89how can i copy xorg.conf in /etc/x11/ in sudo mode?17:00
delacAdnan_89: do you allready have a xorg.conf?17:00
greezmunkeywign: you shouldn't advise ppl sudo {any graphical program} use gksu nautilus instead.17:00
xangua!gksu > wing17:00
Adnan_89no i dont have17:00
delacAdnan_89: you need to create one then17:01
Adnan_89i came across to a link which said to create one17:01
djbeeniethought xorg.conf is no longer needed in ubuntu17:01
delacdjbeenie: in this case it wil be needed17:01
poningruwizzo50, because someone else may have a similar problem and may get help because of us talking in channel17:01
Adnan_89downloaded from that link now need to paster in folder with root privileges17:01
wizzo50greezmunkey, help:  Anyone know why my box screen moves to the side on facebook when I load a game and then can't select anything from right side?17:01
delacAdnan_89: allthough i dont know how to do that...17:01
alexblighHow do I build a kernel with initrd? I believe I am following the instructions. "fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version=-abcd kernel-image kernel-headers" builds one which dpkg -c shows to be without an initrd. I have copied /usr/share/kernel-package/examples/*/initramfs into /etc/kernel but no difference.17:02
Adnan_89you know how to create?17:02
alexbligh(sorry, on lucid)17:02
xanguawizzo50: sorry no facebook, try another browser maybe¿17:02
Adnan_89delac : u know how to create?17:02
delacAdnan_89: http://www.osguides.net/operation-systems/217-how-to-create-xorgconf-in-ubuntu-910.html17:03
greezmunkeywizzo50: sorry, sounds like maybe your browser. Try Chrome, or Chromium see if that helps.17:03
greezmunkeyxangua: :) you beat me to it!17:03
delacAdnan_89: and then do the required changes to that file17:03
delacAdnan_89: you can edit the xorg.conf by: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:04
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greezmunkeyAdnan_89: make a backup copy of the file first!!17:05
Adnan_89which file?17:05
Adnan_89greezmunkey : which file?17:05
lbcxorg.conf, before you edit it17:05
=== gent is now known as genti
sander-pcHey guys17:06
sander-pcHow are you all.17:06
delacAdnan_89: so do what that links says, then do the: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:07
Adnan_89ok thanks all17:07
Adnan_89i am trying17:07
disk1of5hey all, dumb question.. if i install the 10.04 rc if i do updates after 10.04 is released will i technically be running 10.04 or will i have to re-install ?17:07
delacAdnan_89: good luck :)17:07
sander-pcI crashed my win7 by making a trojan that destroys and wont run the win7 i accsidently pressed it.. lol17:08
VCooliodisk1of5: just update, also #ubuntu+117:08
xanguadisk1of5: ye, no; for more lucid help try #ubuntu+117:08
Dravekxok, I was just told that my server is setup wrong. can someone help?17:08
wizzo50I found it. It was my zoom out17:08
greezmunkeywizzo50: so it was your browser?17:08
greezmunkeyDravekx: what server?17:09
wizzo50greezmunkey, Thks17:09
wise_crypt!help | Dravekx17:09
ubottuDravekx: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:09
frawfrawdo i need to log into ubuntu to access the pc via ssh?  or can I just plug the pc into the network and turn it on?17:09
Dravekxgreezmunkey, ubuntu server with LAMP17:09
greezmunkeyDravekx: what's is wrong with it?17:10
frawfrawi mean log in on the host...17:10
anilhi geena17:10
wise_cryptDravekx: /j #ubuntu-server17:11
Benwahi, does anybody know if is it possible to recover the partion table of a hfs+ raid5? with testdisk for example...17:11
Dravekxgreezmunkey, I have my users setup so they can host websites from their home directories. So, I installed joomla in mine, but when joomla creates a file on the ubuntu server, ubuntu changes the permissions so I can't access the file. then I hafta login via SSH, change the permissions via root, and go back again.17:11
sander-pcPossible to ask illegal here?17:11
sander-pcPossible to ask illegal here?17:11
xanguasander-pc: no17:11
sander-pcim kinda mad cause i ruined my win7 by creating a virus and i pressed it :S17:12
greezmunkeyDravekx: best I can suggest is this link: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/step-by-step-ubuntu-9-10-karmic-lamp-server-setup.html17:12
IdleOnesander-pc: asking or discussing it is not acceptable17:13
wise_cryptDravekx: /j #ubuntu-server17:13
Dravekxwise_crypt, yeah... I posted there.17:13
Dravekxthanks guys17:13
TakhiarelLong live Fedora.17:14
IdleOneTakhiarel: #fedora17:14
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic17:15
bezaoso IdleOne basic i have to uncomment "GRUB_TERMINAL=console" and do "update-grub" and "shutdown -r -t 0 restart" and i'll have ubuntu opening on text mode?17:15
IdleOnebezao: I don't know. is that what the wiki says?17:16
Spacemanwhats the difference between the desktop version and alternate?17:16
maple1come in mike hunt17:16
bezaoIdleOne the wiki says that line should do that, i have uncommented it, and make the update-grub and i restart, but i got the ubuntu screen login again :(17:16
IdleOne!alternate > Spaceman17:17
ubottuSpaceman, please see my private message17:17
nesteaalrght guys, this really probably isn't the place to ask but no one else seems to know: I'm trying to create a ssh tunnel to my linux box's router but I cant seem to get it to work. I've used three guides with no luck.17:17
nesteahttp://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-tunnel-traffic-with-ssh/ http://oldsite.precedence.co.uk/nc/putty.html and http://www.ehow.com/how_2036605_create-ssh-putty.html17:18
nesteaany ideas?=\17:18
greezmunkeynestea: type this in a terminal: ps -aef | grep sshd - what do you get back?17:19
nesteaially logged at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/17:20
nestea11:12.12 #ubuntu http://www.ubuntu.com17:20
BluesKajnestea, why to the linux box's router?17:20
nestea11:12.24 ·· quit: dharyp (~dharyp@ (Quit: Leaving)17:20
nestea11:12.25 (IdleOne) !alternate > Spaceman17:20
FloodBot2nestea: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:20
nesteaially logged at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/17:20
nestea11:12.25 (ubottu) Spaceman, please see my private message17:20
Vigobezao: It is usually Esc, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub217:20
greezmunkeynestea: you shoud see something like this: root 1025 1  0 08:11 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/sshd17:21
dn5i prefer more slitaz, then ubuntu17:21
bezaoVigo but that way i need to esc everytime? i want to make it forever17:21
=== ganja_ is now known as ganja
Droopsta915I found it, lol. gtypist is a good typing program.17:22
* nestea sighs17:22
magicianlordIt's cool that RC 10.04 is out17:22
magicianlordWhat are Canonical's business intentions for Ubuntu?17:23
greezmunkeynestea: you shoud see something like this: root 1025 1  0 08:11 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/sshd17:23
felonwhats good encoding software for ubuntu ... ex: avi, mp4 bla bla17:23
IdleOnemagicianlord: see www.ubuntu.com17:23
nestearoot 4850 1 0 Apr08 ? 00:00:01 /usr/sbin/sshd17:23
nesteafew othersw17:23
BluesKajnestea, i repeat, why to the linux box's router?17:23
dn5what is linux without internet? the CPU without cooler :D17:23
greezmunkeynestea: next from a terminal on your ubox: ssh localhost17:23
magicianlorddn5: tru17:23
nesteacause there is something i need to add and its on the otherside of the city17:23
nesteai figured instead of wasting gas for something like that17:24
Ziderdn5: umm, no less than any other os without internet17:24
nesteai could try to tunnel17:24
greezmunkeynestea: ! oops!17:24
jfb_h2ois it okay a set-selections file from dpkg on a 9.10 machine after installing 10.04?17:25
guntbert!ot | dn5 , magicianlord17:25
ubottudn5 , magicianlord: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:25
bezaowhat 'grub-pc only' means?17:26
dasenhas anyone been able to play eve online with wine?17:27
IdleOne!wine > dasen17:27
ubottudasen, please see my private message17:27
magicianlordthanks, ubottu17:27
swebubuntu have `ia64` version for intel 64 architecture ?17:27
swebnot amd64 ?17:28
Down1jajust installed 9.10/10.04...ati graphics screen ratio is way too wide.  trying to shrink the size of appearance of the desktop but cannot figure out how.  any help?17:28
sd32how do you get ubuntu to use dual monitors?17:29
greezmunkeysweb: you can find it here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/karmic/release/17:29
erUSULsd32: graphic card ?17:29
LcawteHow easy is it to make a remote desktop server on 'buntu17:30
sd32erUSUL, not sure, let me check17:30
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois17:31
swebgreezmunkey, there is just cd ... dvd ver ?17:31
greezmunkeyLcawte: what is it that you need to do?17:31
xenderok thx17:31
greezmunkeysweb: it's an iso, you'll have to md5sum it and burn it.17:31
Down1jasome of you were disconnected i will ask again....17:31
Lcawtegreezmunkey: basicly, get my comptuter so I can leave it on during the day when I'm out, then use say, Window's Remote Desktop program to connect to it..17:32
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »17:32
Down1jaI just installed 9.10 and the screen ratio for my desktop is huge and goes off the screen not seeing applications, super key in top right.   how can I shrink the ratio of my screen?17:33
ronnie_vd_cmy wireless manager ask each time for the wireless key when i login with my Yubikey. When i login with my normal password i can connect without password. I think the keyring is not unlocked with the Yubikey. I need to know which package is responsible for this bug, so i can report it at launchpad. Im using 10.04 btw, didn't test it on 9.1017:33
ThellIs there an official comparison matrix for Ubuntu vs Ubuntu Server?17:33
delacDown1ja: are you using the restricted driver or open?17:33
greezmunkeyLcawte: you will have better luck using vnc17:33
* Lcawte googles17:33
chalcedonycan a keyboard cause my computer to run slower, how can i tell how 'slow' it is? (it woke up really slowly, i killed opera, but it's still not right) the only change i made was because the cat got milk into my ibm model m keyboard last night and i found another one in storage.17:34
Down1jai tried using both cannot get the propietary one to work17:34
chalcedonyi'm running ubuntu 9.0417:34
delacDown1ja: oh, what card?17:34
sd32erUSUL,Intel GMA 4500 Dynamic Video Memory Technology 5.0, its in a dell optiplex 76017:34
Down1jahd radeon 4600 series17:34
magicianlorddoes anyone know how to make wired and wireless interfaces load in the proper order so that wicd works and detects networks alls the time, instead of randomly workign and having to be rebooted17:35
=== ganja_ is now known as ganja
erUSULsd32: system>preferences>display does not give you the options to clone or enlarge your display; i.e. does not detect the two monitors ?17:35
guntbertronnie_vd_c: thats no bug - at least nothing going to be "fixed" soon --- you either have to provide the password to gnome-keyring every time or (not recommended) to set the password of gnome-keyring as empty17:35
delacDown1ja: i have 4670 and its working well17:35
delacDown1ja: allthough i'm still on jaunty... :)17:35
greezmunkeymagicianlord: wicd is buggy that way, why not use network manager?17:36
ronnie_vd_cguntbert, i expected indeed to get the gnome keyring unlock screen. But it asks for the wireless key itself. Looks strange behavior to me17:36
Down1jawhat drivers have you used to get it working well?  I have found one in the past but i am reinstalling all new packages17:36
magicianlordis there a point to getting a high end graphic card on linux? the drivers dont work properly and game support is very ilmited17:36
trijntjeIf I want maximum compression, should I use .7z, .tar.7z or something else?17:36
sd32erUSUL, no, it doesnt detect the two monitors17:36
magicianlordgreezmunkey: i could, but i like the interface more and its quicker17:36
erUSULsd32: is a laptop? maybe you have to press some key combo to enable the external ouput ?17:37
delacDown1ja: i'm using the restricted drivers from Hardware Drivers17:37
magicianlorderUSUL: yes, the functino key and another17:37
Down1jamagicianlord  try using virtualbox and running windows through it17:37
smithi am get major lagg17:37
delacDown1ja: they worked nicely out of box17:37
smithlike 13-30s17:38
Down1jaand that was with Jaunty?17:38
delacDown1ja: yes17:38
=== sixtila is now known as Guest20780
smithi resets after 30s17:38
guntbertronnie_vd_c: thats strange indeed -- I can confirm that on karmic the wireless auth completely runs through gnome-keyring - so you might want to talk about it in #ubuntu+117:38
smithwifi sux17:38
sd32erUSUL, tower system, the dual displays work in win 7 professional, just not seen by ubuntu oh well no biggie, work system anyway17:39
magicianlordok Down17:39
sartanhello -- a few months ago I swapped my speakers with changing /etc/pulse/defaults.pa -- I (silly me) didn't make a backup of this file.  How can I restore it to whatever the package that provided the audio subsystem used in the first place?17:39
lalalolany SVG-pro here?17:39
Down1jaI am looking for one thing in particular.  i have to do apt-gfconfig or something like that and it installs the exact thing I need17:39
ronnie_vd_cguntbert: ill ask it there. thx17:39
Down1jafor an ati card17:40
smithman my lagg is awful17:40
smith22.6s lagg17:40
delacDown1ja: and i have tested lucid live-cd once. there were no restricted drivers back then available, but radeon drivers worked out of box with 3d enabled17:40
greezmunkeysmith: locate a server close to you and reconnect.17:40
smithok how about middle east region17:41
smithenglish speaking17:41
Down1jalucid is9.04?17:41
magicianlordits 10.0417:41
delacDown1ja: 10.417:41
smithis their a list of severs by region?17:41
wise_cryptsartan: lsb_release -a17:41
gccsterguys has anybody ever tried to configure postfix+courier+squirelmail with multiple domains?17:41
fox-mhi all17:41
sartanwise_crypt, i'm running 9.10 karmic.17:42
greezmunkeysmith: you can google for that, look for freenode servers17:42
Vigosartan: Have you tried a restore?17:42
greezmunkeysmith: a lot of universities run them.17:42
Vigosartan: Or what wise_crypt stated...17:42
=== your is now known as look
wise_cryptsombody with 9.10 please pastebin your /etc/pulse/defaults.pa so sartan can copy it17:43
smithlol i was trying to look at hubble pictures17:43
Down1jaanyone want my kids?17:43
sartanThank you for asking on my behalf :)17:43
smiththe bandwith is hating that17:43
fox-mcan somebody tell why it shows black screen with text before showing splash on restart...is there a way to get rid of???17:43
Down1jadriving me CRAZY17:43
wise_cryptsomebody* with 9.10 please pastebin your /etc/pulse/defaults.pa so sartan can copy it17:43
lalalolwhat is an ubuntu update procedure like? i mean from 9.10 to 10.0417:44
guntbert!upgrade | lalalol17:44
ubottulalalol: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading17:44
lalalolthx guntbert17:44
smithno linux in asia17:44
guntbert!lol | smith17:44
ubottusmith: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.17:44
un214How do I convince X to listen on TCP/IP again?17:44
guntbertlalalol: :)17:44
Down1jadelac: which file have you used to install your OS? in particular which .iso ...?17:44
bezaoi give up :(17:45
delacDown1ja: i'm using 32bit ubuntu desktop17:45
magicianlordWhat order should i specify to load netwrok interfaces in rc.conf in order for my wifi to always load in wicd? out of these: lo, eth0 (wired), and eth1 (wifi)17:45
delacDown1ja: 9.417:45
delacDown1ja: jaunty17:46
Down1jathanks a bunch17:46
lalalolWOW! i basically have to click upgrade and it'll install 10.04, awesome17:47
lalalolwhat will happen to my wallpapers for example?17:47
lalalolwill the new ones just get added with the ones i already have?17:47
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wise_crypt!lucid | lalalol17:48
ubottulalalol: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule17:48
lalalolthx wise_crypt17:48
greezmunkeysartan: look here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/421768/17:48
sartanthanks so much greezmunkey I really appreciate this17:49
greezmunkeysartan: never used it, so it should be default - no guarantees though!17:49
tic^wise_crypt: /etc/pulse/defaults.pa --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/421767/17:49
DefaultTo0Hi there17:49
DefaultTo0Is this the right place to ask about issues with 10.04?17:49
erUSUL!lucid | DefaultTo017:50
ubottuDefaultTo0: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule17:50
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djzhanHello Everyone17:50
greezmunkeywise_crypt: mine was called default.pa (9.10) it should be the same I would guess17:50
wise_crypttic^: thanks greezmunkey: thanks; sartan: your choise17:51
djzhanWhen I install grub into U disk, I meet a problem.17:51
sartanthey look like the same file17:51
greezmunkeysartan: cool, I have no sound on this system, so it should be rick stock17:51
sartanyup :) I must have changed more than just this... I've got some homework to do! :D17:52
jfb_h2oafter a fresh install of 10.04 can I use a file from dpkg --set-selections > installed  to install everything? The old system was 9.1017:52
IdleOnejfb_h2o: yes17:52
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IdleOnejfb_h2o: that file list the package names not versions, so dpkg will look for the the names and download the file from the repos in sources.list17:53
un214anybody else have a system rather hosed by do-release-upgrade?17:53
jfb_h2oIdleOne, ah. perfect! Thanks... and I also heard I should run --clear-selections first? Or better not to?17:53
IdleOnejfb_h2o: I don't know about that.17:54
jfb_h2oIdleOne, maybe there's some 10.04 stuff that's default I'd want to keep...17:54
IdleOnejfb_h2o: ask in #ubuntu+117:54
wise_crypt!lucid | jfb_h2o17:54
ubottujfb_h2o: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule17:54
Seahorsei just downloaded ubuntu with wubi and i am getting some weird errors17:54
azertyhi there17:54
Seahorseit said something about some disk failing17:55
raven_rsync - smb:// as source not possible - solution?17:55
azertyi can't to sudo user on my pc it says xuser is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.17:55
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archer_i'm having trouble finding a driver, or don't know if it exists for ubuntu17:55
wise_crypt!sudo | azerty17:55
ubottuazerty: sudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)17:55
Seahorseand if i try to download anything with the software center, it says it is not available17:55
un214as if that's going to help azerty17:56
greezmunkeyazerty: now you're in trouble - your computer is going to rat you out ;)17:57
un214azerty, is this your only user?17:57
Seahorsei just downloaded ubuntu with wubi and i am getting some weird errors. it said something about some disk failing. Also, if i try to download anything with the software center, it says it is not available17:58
azertyi can't understand where is the problem ?17:58
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wise_cryptazerty: please answer un214 question its important17:59
azertywhat ? greezmunkey  ?17:59
azertywhat was his question ?17:59
CommunistYoshiSeahorse>i just downloaded ubuntu with wubi and i am getting some weird errors. it said something about some disk failing. Also, if i try to download anything with the software center, it says it is not available17:59
azertyas i said before i just create one user yes17:59
wise_cryptazerty, is this your only user?17:59
azertyyes one user yes17:59
un2141. reboot into recovery mode, root shell, start networking (usually dhclient eth0), apt-get install irc, irc -s irc.freenode.net -u azerty18:00
greezmunkeyazerty: You can check in System/Administration/Users and Groups - is your user in the admin group?18:00
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greezmunkeyazerty: That is if it will accept your password...18:01
bryanrThis may seem unbelievable but deep down beneath the earth's crust there are wars between people and ancient species. we use ubuntu to plan our strategic suicide bombings. I once was a kamikaze ninja. My missions are well documented on the ubuntu computers underground. Typically I was ordered to penetrate defenses with my awesome powers and then self-destruct at the core of the enemy base.18:01
un214it won't18:01
CommunistYoshiexcuse me, someone here needs help18:01
CommunistYoshiand it's not me18:01
bryanrmy hands still shake..18:01
bryanryou have no idea what it like to kill yourself and rely on your soul to be recaptured in the proper net during re-incarnation18:02
sartanwise_crypt greezmunkey vivid tic^ -- Thanks everyone; what I ended up doign was downloading the pulseaudio dpkg from an ubuntu mirror and open it up with an archive manager, extract the relevant config files to /tmp, and replace them.  Everything is perfect now18:02
CommunistYoshiMy friend Seahorse needs help18:02
bryanrbut thanks to ubuntu i still live18:02
sartani must have changed more than just default.pa so while your pastebins were correct, the rest of my system was not :)18:02
guntbert!ot | bryanr18:02
ubottubryanr: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:02
azertyif i do visudo18:02
azertyi got this18:02
azertyvisudo: /etc/sudoers: Permission denied18:02
greezmunkeysartan: excellent, you used your intuition!18:02
=== Guest39599 is now known as look
un214of course you would18:03
d4rkn3sshi @ all, i have a problem with my flash, can anybody help me?18:03
azertyi don't know what to do ?18:03
wise_cryptazerty: please read http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo18:03
LjLazerty: tried "sudo visudo"? also, why are you trying to edit sudoers?18:03
azertymy ubuntu pc is an hosted one18:03
Nefariousoy, is it possible to have a multi-monitor setup, but instead of just extending the screen, you have one monitor with the first workspace and the second one with the second workspace?18:03
un214because he locked himself out18:03
sartanTo be honest; my professional experience sits with rpm and such, and I'm still not completely familiar with the debian way of doing things. with redhat I'd do the same thing, but I'd end up using yum18:04
azertyi can't only access via terminal18:04
sartanAnyway that's just my ego speaking :)18:04
guntbert!who | un21418:04
ubottuun214: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:04
LjLazerty: oh in that case you may want to reboot with the option "init=/bin/sh" (or recovery mode, but i'm not familiar with that) and run visudo from there.18:04
un214LjL: he can't18:04
sartanI'm afraid It's a bit too spammy for me to idle here; cheers and thanks for the help18:04
DragzardWhen I try to syc my Tomboy notes with Ubuntu One, it fails.  Can I have some help with this or this the wrong place for that question.18:04
wise_cryptazerty: please read http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo18:05
d4rkn3ss@ all: can anyone help me with adobe flash in firefox? i try to set up the flashplayer from labs.adobe.com18:05
un214azerty: you're going to have to call your hosting provider for hands and eyes support18:05
DragzardTry use Ubuntu Tweak and download it from that list.18:05
greezmunkeyazerty: if it is hosted, then your system administrator may have revoked your sudo priviledge.18:05
azertyok thank u18:06
d4rkn3ssdragzard, did u answer to me?18:06
azertyno i m sure i have full access on it18:06
perlsyntaxhas anyone got a Option Wireless ICON 322 to work on 9.10?18:06
un214azerty: going to have to call your hosting provider and get them to fix this. this requries console access18:06
azertyok thanks un21418:06
Nefariousoy, is it possible to have a multi-monitor setup, but instead of just extending the screen, you have one monitor with the first workspace and the second one with the second workspace?18:06
=== your is now known as look
un214I'd recommend setting up so you can ssh in as root with a private key (not password)18:07
kopkarmic I want to associate sounds w/ desktop events ie; window min/max and file operation start/stop . any easy way to do this ?18:07
peturiHi, please help! My load average has gone up over 16, "top" does not show anything eating up the cpu... this happens occationally and the only fix i know of is to reboot my machine. Any ideas????18:09
ombraanyone have this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/27079818:09
CommunistYoshipeturi: it's likely a process running under root18:09
peturiCommunistYoshi: I ran top as root18:10
koptop will not show kernel processes18:10
Nefariouswhy does it lock up when i tell it to turn on my other monitor?  (rght after "change the virtual resolution" dialog.)18:10
peturiOhh, it's gone now down to 0.87 .. i hate this :S18:10
un214never: sudo nice --19 sh -c 'while : ; do ; : ; done'18:11
Seahorsehi. i just downloaded ubuntu with wubi and i am getting some weird errors. it said something about some disk failing. Also, if i try to download anything with the software center, it says it is not available. Any idea what the problem may be? I also have windows 7 on this computer.18:11
un214hope you have two cpus18:11
IdleOneun214: what does that command do?18:12
un214burn cpu at maximum priority18:12
IdleOneun214: so it is dangerous? why bother posting it here18:12
andrilhello all18:12
macman_ can you recover a deleted item in nautilus ? i put it to the trash and empied it18:13
frawfrawis there anything better than an SONAME to use to check binary compatibility between packages?18:13
peturiIdleOne: That command can be used to stresstest cpu cores...18:13
NefariousIdleOne: Well, "burn" and "cpu" don't sound like two words that mix18:13
Nefariousso i would assume so18:13
un214nacman_: well you could run strings on /dev/sda118:13
trevormy volume control applet is gone from the menu and my bar, what is the command to start it via console18:13
Random832frawfraw: no - you're generally supposed to expect that the person who set up the SONAME did their job18:13
macman_un214: ?18:13
un214macamn_ the file is gone after being removed from the trash, but if it was human readable strings will get it back as the blocks themselves weren't actually erased18:14
Random832when making a modification to a library it's generally not hard to predict whether it would cause a break in binary compatibility (at least in C)18:14
frawfrawRandom832: if I know the knew package and the old package, is there an easy way to test the two for binary compatibility?18:14
macman_un214: have you done this before ?18:14
macman_un214: just wondering18:15
un214macman_ yes, on a 20mb disk18:15
Random832frawfraw: if you have the source code you could examine all the diffs18:15
frawfrawRandom832:  yeek...  that would be hard to script...18:15
Random832failing that, examine diffs of all the headers18:15
ThellIs there an comparison matrix for releases? ie - desktop vs server vs jeOS etc... ?18:16
Random832well the point is it's a call that has to be made by a human18:16
un214diffs of the headers should do it18:16
macman_un214: strings /dev/sda6 |grep Filename ?18:16
Random832un214: unless there's linker scripts involved18:16
un214macman_ that won't work you have to pipe it through less and find your file by its contents18:16
un214it may not all be in one place on the disk either18:16
frawfrawRandom832: but essentially, if I have a program that links against the old package, then I should theoretically notice an abi break if the link to the new package fails?18:17
Random832un214: what problem is macman_ trying to solve?18:17
macman_strings /dev/sda5 |less |grep The_Back-18:17
lalalolcan brasero burn the 10.04 iso?18:17
un214random832: he deleted a file and wants it back18:17
greezmunkeymacman_: there is also etx3grep out there that my be able to help.18:17
IdleOnelalalol: yes, Please /join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.18:17
macman_i deleted a movie and need the source back18:17
greezmunkeymacman_: ext3grep, sorry18:17
wise_crypttrevor: kmix i assume you use kde18:17
Random832frawfraw: that depends on what kind of break it is - a link fail will only happen if they've removed symbols - not if they've changed the semantics of undocumented functions used from macros, or if they've changed the arguments of some function18:18
Random832un214: ok - first step is of course to STOP USING the filesystem it was on18:18
macman_greezmunkey: and you have tried this right ?18:18
Nefariousi would assume that you might be able to use forensics programs to regain trace amounts of the file from it's magnetic residue...18:18
trevorwise_crypt, i use gnome, it is the panel applet, it has disappeared from the panel and the add to panel menu18:18
Random832macman_: did you stop using the filesystem?18:19
frawfrawRandom832:  for what Im doing, im more interested in whether or not my program will fail to load when theres an abi break...  not if someone has changed the semantic meaning of an API18:19
lalalolthx IdleOne18:19
frawfrawRandom832: does that make it easier?18:19
un214it will fail to load only if a symbol was removed18:19
Random832there is an e2undel program - or debugfs - it helps to know the exact filename (or the directory the file was in)18:19
Random832knowing the inode number is even better18:20
Random832frawfraw: what are you doing exactly?18:20
macman_Random832: what do you mean stop using filesystem18:20
Nefariouswell, unless you emptied out your recycle bin (by default, on your lower panel) you might be able to just retrieve it from there18:20
Random832and the point is, if they've changed the args a function takes, then it'll in all likelyhood crash the first time you call the function18:20
Random832macman_: as in unmount it or mount it as readonly18:20
Random832reboot from the livecd if you have to18:20
macman_i would have to reboot with a live disc Random83218:20
macman_ok i will brb18:21
Random832then do that - every second anything can write to the filesystem is another chance your deleted file may be overwritten18:21
ccherrettI booted the first time with my nextwork cable installed and I get a connection. I then booted without it and then with it again and ubuntu has lost eth018:21
Nefariouseh, what's the problem anyway?18:21
ccherrettany ideas?18:21
frawfrawRandom832:  Im a project manager in a big project... and our integrators have a big problem with knowing what is going on in this system... so I was trying to work on a "cheat sheet" that more or less emulates "apt-cache dotty" but then highlights links where there are ABI breakages18:22
greezmunkeymacman_: No, I only delete files I have no use for. Is your HDD formatted ext3 or ext4?18:22
greezmunkeyccherrett: is it still in this state?18:23
Nefarioussorry, what's an abi breakage?18:23
Random832frawfraw: well, you could simply look at all symbols exported from the library, and see if there were any in the old version missing from the new version18:23
Random832that wouldn't tell you if they've changed the arguments a function takes, or changed between a function and a variable, or changed the type of a variable18:24
frawfrawRandom832:  that sounds pretty easy...  how can I look at the symbols?18:24
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Random832frawfraw: objdump -T18:24
frawfrawRandom832: then if I diff the two shared objects, there should be no differences?18:25
wise_crypttrevor: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-tip-howto-recover-gnome-panel.html18:25
Random832no, because the printout includes things that are okay to have changes too18:25
ccherrettgreezmunkey: yes18:25
Random832you want ot make sure all names from the old version are present in the new version18:25
greezmunkeyccherrett: in a terminal: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart18:26
ccherrettgreezmunkey: no such device when trying ifup etho18:26
ccherrettgreezmunkey: I did that18:26
frawfrawRandom832: sounds like scripting would be pretty difficult that way :/18:26
Random832and if any of the _sizes_ are different then that's somewhere you may want to look further by examining the source18:26
greezmunkeyccherrett: ok, are you using network manager?18:26
ccherrettgreezmunkey: no18:26
ccherrettgreezmunkey: well possibly18:26
ccherrettgreezmunkey: I am a gentoo guy lost in gui land right now :)18:27
greezmunkeyccherrett: heh, what does ifconfig show you, no eth0 there?18:27
ccherrettgreezmunkey: it is not there18:27
ccherrettgreezmunkey: it does not show with ifconfig -a18:28
greezmunkeyccherrett: wow. All you did was disconnect then reconnect an ethernet cable?18:28
ccherrettgreezmunkey: yeah18:28
un214bad driver?18:28
ccherrettgreezmunkey: well used the laptop without the connection18:28
un214or maybe you loosened the card18:28
greezmunkeyccherrett: you could try: sudo modprobe forcedeth0 - see what happens18:30
greezmunkeyccherrett: sounds like the kernel module may have unloaded18:31
nsadminit's probably forcedeth18:31
greezmunkeynsadmin: I think that is correct, see that ccherrett ?18:31
ccherrettyeah just rebooting18:31
ccherrettnsadmin: yeah that is what I do when I can't see anything but gui :)18:32
greezmunkeynsadmin: I havent used eth0 on the box for a long time, was using wireless. I have a wireless/eth converter in my garage lab now.18:32
nsadminso you moved your mouse, and it said "for your OS to understand this change you must reboot"18:32
ccherrettnsadmin: yeah crazy thing18:33
magicianlordwhen is ubuntu coming out18:35
nsadminit's out now!18:35
AlienDKit has been for many years18:35
AlienDKUbuntu 10.04 LTS will be out in 5 days18:35
nsadminthere's lotsa ubuntu cds and everything!18:35
AlienDKso what nsadmin?18:36
greezmunkeyI had to double check...yes, it is Ubuntu - whew!18:36
greezmunkeylater ppl18:36
magicianlordi just wanted to know when its out18:37
magicianlordso i can dl it in 5 minutes over my fiberoptic connection18:37
nsadminif you dl it then, you'll be competing with a lot of others who will want it... what you can do if you want is upgrade to it now or anytime before it's released18:39
nsadminthen upgrade what little is the difference when it is released18:39
Dr_Willisor use torrents :)18:39
IdleOnensadmin: or use torrent :)18:39
* IdleOne hugs Dr_Willis 18:39
* Dr_Willis giggles like a schoolgirl18:39
Dr_Willisubuntu torrents are the only time my internet connecetion seems to get maxxed out :)18:40
* rocket16 is happy to see IdleOne hugging Dr_Willis18:41
tanthanahi everyone18:41
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:41
PeterDrophi all18:42
PeterDroperUSUL sr, are u there?18:42
wildc4rdevenin' all18:43
magicianlordwutup money18:43
tanthanaI am in trouble with the proxy settings, it doesn't work when I want to update18:44
nsadminwhen you say "it doesn't work" exactly what do you mean? what does it do or not do?18:44
Adnan_89delac : are you there?18:45
delacAdnan_89: yeps18:45
tanthanaupdate manager doesn't work18:45
nsadminwhat are the exact texts of messages you get18:45
Adnan_89hii buddy18:45
delacAdnan_89: you have that xorg.conf now?18:45
Adnan_89i just wanted to say you thanks a lot18:45
delacAdnan_89: i gues it worked?18:46
tanthanahmm... I don't remember right now actually :(18:46
AnxiousNuti was working on inkscape and suddenly the pc turned off, is there a way to retrieve my work, i didnt save it, please help18:46
tanthanaI mean the message18:46
Adnan_89delac : after so many days of searching i finally today got screen resolution 1280x80018:46
edthixanyone can help me with Kernel-panic ? not syncing : VFS : Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0, 0) on Karmic?18:47
Adnan_89thanks dude...18:47
PeterDropmy sound is not working, no alert or notifications seem be good, but no sound, any ideas?18:47
Adnan_89the link u gave worked ....18:47
delacAdnan_89: good to hear it finally works :)18:47
nsadmincan you get it to give you a message again? are there logs the proxy makes that have interesting info when you try to connect?18:47
Adnan_89is it your this permanent nick?18:48
nsadmindo you control the proxy itself?18:48
daiverGood day!18:48
Adnan_89delac : is this ur permanent nick ?18:48
delacAdnan_89: well i use it usually. but havent registered it18:49
daiverMy Code::Blocks has disbled debugger - options start, stop, etc are disabled - any ides why?18:49
Adnan_89ok... i added u in my list....18:49
Adnan_89delac : get 1 permanent bro...18:49
tanthanayes the proxy works well, I can connect to the net but I can not download any plugins or updates18:50
delacAdnan_89: yes, maybe i should18:50
nsadmincan you get it to feed you the message again?18:50
tanthanaI am going to try to get the messages again and tell you ok18:50
Quietstormhello everyone18:50
tanthanajust in a few seconds18:51
nsadmindo you control the proxy? can you watch its logs while you try things?18:52
znhHello. I have a question regarding netbook remix. Is this the right place or is there a better one?18:55
JabberWalkiecan ubuntu use ext4?18:55
IdleOneznh: ask18:55
IdleOneJabberWalkie: yes18:55
nsadminif the kernel can18:55
JabberWalkiensadmin: oh yeah, I guess :)18:55
znhwell I'd like to have a launcher at the favorites location which starts firefox with a specified URL.. how would one do that?18:56
nsadminfilesystems and devices are generally supported by the kernel...18:56
JabberWalkieext3 is still the default though?18:56
nsadmindefault where?18:56
wise_crypt!webgui > wise_crypt18:56
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IdleOneJabberWalkie: 9.10 defaults to ext4 I believe18:57
dcmeeseznh: #firefox may have your answer18:57
znhwell no. if I just now how to create a launcher. It's not specific for Firefox18:57
tanthanansadmin: it says, an error occured18:58
tanthanafailed to fetch http://gb.archive....blah blah18:58
tanthanacouldn't connect to proxy.pau.edu.tr:3128 connection timed out18:58
nsadminso you can browse web pages?18:58
tanthanathat's all18:58
Adnan_89can anybody tell me how can i activate "Extra effect" option under "Appearance Preference"18:58
tanthanayes I can browse18:59
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines18:59
littlebeartanthana: just go to littlebearz.com/proxy/ and use mine :P18:59
Adnan_89can anybody tell me how can i activate "Extra effect" option under "Appearance Preference"18:59
nsadminis proxy.pau.edu.tr your machine?18:59
random_i keep getting "/bin/sh^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory" when i try to execute a shell script on a new ubuntu 9.10 install, any ideas why/19:00
Adnan_89can anybody tell me how can i activate "Extra effect" option under "Appearance Preference" in ubuntu 9.1019:00
dcmeeseznh: The fact you'd be opening a specific URL sounds like it might be firefox specific. You might try asking them.19:00
overmindAdnan_89: install "compizconfig-settings-manager"19:00
Adnan_89overmind : yesi have that19:01
guntbertrandom_: you probably edited the script on a windows machine?19:01
overmindAdnan_89: Then enable efects clicking on them19:01
PeterDropovermind and then how u "call" the efect?19:02
random_guntbert, i didn't edit any of the scripts,19:02
guntbertrandom_: where do the scripts come from?19:02
random_guntbert, i open them in gedit, and see nothing wrong, id otn see the "^M" on the error19:02
nsadmintanthana, talk to the proxy admin and find out why the proxy can't contact the site you want19:02
overmindPeterDrop: There are few tabs in efect's "windows", you can see there shortcuts19:03
Random832random_: open it in vim, :set ff=unix19:03
Random832and save19:03
random_Random832, will try19:03
=== JimmyJ|zz is now known as JimmyJ
nsadminmeanwhile try a different mirror19:04
delacAdnan_89: sorry to tell you, but your card propably dont support 3d effects: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-sis/+bug/4462719:04
aatifhI have just upgraded my machine from ubuntu 9.10 to ubuntu 10.419:05
PeterDropovermind in Efects there only checkboxes, no shortcuts, grrr19:05
Adnan_89delac : ok i am seeing link19:05
aatifhI am getting this error while running django server ImportError: No module named postgresql_psycopg2.base19:05
overmindPeterDrop: But in advanced efects manager?19:06
mirak_is it possible to put grub inside a lvm partition ?19:06
smthi, i just fixed my acpi problem by integrating custom dsdt tables, does anyone know if that has to be done for every new kernel?19:06
linuxismyherohow do i get invited into hardware?19:07
Eric^-If i got a computer from 04, will the new ubuntu server edition work on it?19:07
Eric^-32 bit then i guess.19:07
PeterDropovermind iam in options conpizconfig manager19:07
str0ngaatifh, have you installed psycopg2?19:07
guntbertRandom832: thx for the hint about set ff= in vim -- never seen that before19:07
smtshure eric, if its got enough memory19:08
=== petr_ is now known as Guest20756
aatifhstr0ng, yes i did19:08
str0ngaatifh, was it on your python path?19:08
Eric^-smt: How much is needed?19:09
random_Random832, Fixed :P thanks.19:09
Random832no problem19:09
random_Another quick question, how would you change a folders permission + every file in the folder?19:11
MrKeunerhello, is it possible to reset printing settings everytime I open a pdf document?19:11
MrKeunercurrentlt it keeps the last settings19:11
MrKeunersuch as printing double copy,e tc.19:12
str0ngrandom_, do it with -R option19:12
guntbertrandom_: very careful !!! what and where do you want to change?19:12
random_str0ng, thanks, i kept forgeting the dam parameters19:12
str0ngrandom_, np.19:13
random_guntbert, i'm not touching the linux system, im just cahngeing files i downloaded on my user to root owned.19:13
kopstr0ng, -r "recursive"19:14
kopstr0ng, man chmod19:14
guntbertrandom_: ok ok :-)   but there remains a question: how did that happen in the first place ?  :)19:14
str0ngkop, hmmm.. it's "-R" (capital)19:15
kop<--- happens :)19:15
chancesmithis there anyone that could help me with DSL on a IBM TP T3019:15
random_guntbert, not to sure what your refering to.19:15
kopone handed , food19:15
TarantulafudgeCan't seem to access ubuntu-offtopic19:15
str0ngkop, that was his intention, to chmod the folder recursively :)19:15
smtEric^-: this is specified on ubuntu.com19:15
guntbertrandom_: not that its really my business - but how did you get a bunch of root owned files in a user's directory?19:16
neodemihi, ive just installed ubuntu 8.10, and im have a strange issue with network manager telling me  networking is disabled19:16
neodemiit cant be disabled as im online now19:17
IdleOneTarantulafudge: you identified?19:17
random_guntbert, other way around, i dl'ed files, and switching them to root owned :P it's a server. (for a MMORPG)19:17
nsadminchancesmith no one will know without some specifics19:17
racquadhi guys, I'm new with mod_rewrite and I'm having trouble to set a simple rewrite. I want mydomain.com/p/123 to be transformed into mydomain.com/index.php?module=permalink&id=12319:17
racquadany help/19:17
TarantulafudgeIdleOne, originally no, but I am now and it doesn't seem to make a difference19:17
IdleOneTarantulafudge: any messages?19:17
TarantulafudgeIdleOne, nope doesn't even say if I'm banned for some reason19:18
Tarantulafudgethough I'm just using the applet19:18
guntbertrandom_: ah - yes that makes much more sense - so I won't keep you further :-))19:18
IdleOneTarantulafudge: join #ubuntu-ops to see if we can figure it out19:18
gebUKhi all, I am running ubuntu on a machine with a wifi device, but the network manager is neither picking up wireless networks nor connecting to the ones I have added manually, is there something nice in ubuntu that picks up wifi networks and lets you connect fast?19:19
Byan_gebUK: has the device worked at all under ubuntu?19:20
smtlook for wireless-tools in synaptic gebUK19:20
nsadmingebUK: ever had this problem before on your ubuntu on this mahcine?19:20
daedelothVery weird xserver issue: when I move to a screen left of the "main screen" (so, screen 0, where the login box appears), my mouse starts acting very weird.19:20
gebUK@Byan_ I have no idea, when i go to "hardware drivers" it does not show any problem19:21
gebUKso i guess it is picking up the device correctly19:21
gebUKnsadmin, I was looking at wicd19:21
gebUKbut this conflicts with the standard network manager19:22
Byan_gebUK: lol, that doesn't really mean anything..19:22
Byan_gebUK: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo19:22
Byan_what card do you have?19:23
nsadmingebUK: have you ever successfully used this wireless device under this install of ubuntu on this machine?19:23
neodemiis there a way to stop and restart network manager?19:23
imancany ideas how i can find the ip of a wireless network card?19:23
geogiswhat a great channel-1514 for now-19:23
imanci type ifconfig, but can't decipher which IP it is19:23
geekphreakh all19:23
geekphreakimanc: iwconfig19:23
imancgeekphreak you rock!  thanks!19:23
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M4rotkuneodemi:  in the terminal, "killall nm-applet"  and then restart it by using the command "nm-applet" probably via alt+f219:24
Byan_M4rotku: err.. shouldn't he just use init.d19:24
Byan_I think there is a NetworkManager script there19:25
geekphreakimanc:  are you trying to get internal or external ip ?19:25
M4rotkuByan_ that does sound better, i was just aiming for the manager itself.  that's how i start the network manager.19:25
imancjust internal - i am trying to move some mysql databases from osx to ubuntu19:25
imancin actual fact, I need to get the IPs for osx - but it doesn't have iwconfig19:25
Byan_ifconfig should list the IP..19:26
geekphreakimanc:  you can use something like phpmyadmin, makes job easier19:26
wiesshund3Hey guys, does current ubuntu still install on the non intel macs?19:26
nsadminyou could have static internal IPs and a dns running somewhere in the internal net19:26
Byan_wiesshund3: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPC19:27
neodemiM4rotku, that haaas got the icon back for it19:27
imancnsadmin - yeh that could be useful. My laptops do move about a bit tho19:27
wiesshund3thankyou neodemi19:27
neodemiany idea why it doesnt show any network connections though? i know im connected by the wireless on this machine19:28
Guest20780at what time is lucid being released tomorrow?19:28
Dr_WillisGuest20780:  its the 29th.. and at no set time.19:28
Oersame time usual19:28
geekphreakDr_Willis:  howdy19:29
* Guest20780 cant wait for lucid !!!19:29
geekphreakhowdy oer19:29
Dr_WillisGuest20780:  then get the RC and instgall it now if you want.19:29
Oerhi geekphreak19:29
Dr_Willismoo geekphreak19:29
nsadminavoid the rush and the bandwidth competition... upgrade before the release19:29
nsadminin so doing you'll be nice to the mirrors19:29
geekphreakwell moo back too you bud Dr_Willis :)19:29
* geekphreak is on lucid and loving it :d19:30
Byan_neodemi: thats weird,.. no idea, does it list the wireless interface? you could try ifconfig -a19:30
smthmm my notebook doesnt show connection info on wireless in nm-applet too19:30
neodemiByan_, ifconfig shows the wireless as wlan019:31
geekphreaksmt:  can you try something for me?19:31
Guest20780I am planning to run ubuntu on a touch screen laptop - any chance of the availability of the necessary drivers? (HP TouchSmart tm2)19:31
geekphreaksmt:  when you right click network-manager applet at top , can you choose connection information?19:31
smtdont have my nb here, geek19:31
geekphreakoh ok19:32
Guest20780any idea if lucid will support touch interface?19:32
smtbut, the answer is, the wireless device doesnt even show up in network manager applet  (nb=notebook)19:32
nsadminnot a boo, k?19:33
PiciGuest20780 : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.19:33
geekphreaksmt hope you did not install something like wicd?19:33
geekphreakok good19:33
smtit worked out of the box, but never showed up in nm-applet, but that doesnt matter to me19:34
geekphreakhey pici :)19:34
PiciGuest20780: hi19:34
Picier geekphreak hi :)19:34
Guest20780hi pici19:34
=== ganja_ is now known as ganja
Andy-at-homeguys, why would i get this error "/hdls# ./hldsupdatetool.bin19:35
Andy-at-homebash: ./hldsupdatetool.bin: No such file or directory"? wrong shell?19:35
bookmanDo USB DVD R/W drives work with Ubuntu?19:35
geekphreakAndy-at-home: did you chmod it?19:35
guntbert!caps | ACKT1C19:36
linxehACKT1C: your caps lock key is on19:36
ubottuACKT1C: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.19:36
Andy-at-homeyeah mate, chmod +x hldsupdatetool.bin19:36
bookmanAny special drivers required or specific brands to shop for?19:36
ACKT1Ccan we switch to coca cola19:36
guntbert!ot | ACKT1C19:37
ubottuACKT1C: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:37
ACKT1Ci think it's thicker than pepsi19:37
ACKT1Cok then, why does ubuntu imply only certain backgrounds19:37
ACKT1Cis it version dependant or something19:37
guntbertACKT1C:  Do you have an ubuntu support question?19:37
wise_cryptACKT1C: joint us #ubuntu-offtopic19:37
geekphreakAndy-at-home: type pwd, , is path ok?19:38
Andy-at-homepath is /home/hdls19:38
ACKT1Cguntbert: is ubuntu background version dependant...19:39
geekphreakAndy-at-home: mostly if you download a file , it goes to Downloads folder, look there19:39
guntbertACKT1C: I don't see how this is a support question19:40
ACKT1Cguntbert: define support19:40
geekphreakalthough if chmod worked, that should work too ummm19:40
ACKT1Cexcuse me, set support19:40
Andy-at-homeim missing something, been away from linux for too long19:40
Andy-at-homecd home19:41
geekphreaki see you are logged in as root19:41
Andy-at-homecreating a user didnt work either19:41
geekphreakadduser name?19:41
gebUK@Byan_ the wifi card is recognised but the network gui is not picking it up19:42
Guest20780is it possible to upgrade to lucid from karma?19:42
nsadminfirst bring karma completely uptodate, then upgrade19:43
Andy-at-homeeh, useradd l4d119:43
geekphreakAndy-at-home: both work :p19:43
Andy-at-homeah =D19:43
gamewarelaptop wont connect to wireless and it did few days ago please help19:43
silnerI was told if you type update -d into an ALT F2 prompt it will take you through the updates and then the dist-upgrade nsadmin - is that true?19:44
gebUKhi my wifi card is recognised but the network gui is not picking it up even if the card is coming up in iwconfig19:45
Andy-at-homewheres the download folder? im sure i had it in the correct location anyway but worth checking19:45
nsadmindunno specifically. you're advised to read the release notes19:45
geekphreakAndy-at-home: normaly $HOME/Downloads19:45
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Andy-at-homedont have it19:46
Andy-at-homedoesnt matter19:46
linuxismyhero2if someone can tell me how to register my name that'd be great :-)19:46
geekphreakare yo logged to root gui or just shell Andy-at-home?19:46
gamewarehow can i connect laptop to internet wont connect to wireless and it did few days ago please help19:46
nsadminusually you would make sure karma is completely uptodate, then switch your sources, then upgrade dpkg, apt-get, aptitude, then try upgrading the kernel and reboot19:46
geekphreak!register | linuxismyhero219:46
ubottulinuxismyhero2: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode19:46
nsadminthen do a safe upgrade followed by a dist upgrade19:46
silnerThanks for Debian help the other day btw nsadmin - all working properly there now - pretty sure it was you :)19:46
Andy-at-homejust the shell19:47
ounedhi. Does someone know howto fake a sound into teamspeak / skype?19:47
nsadmincool :)19:47
Andy-at-homefor my VPS on ubuntu 9.0419:47
h00kouned: that isn't really an ubuntu specific question19:47
geekphreakAndy-at-home:  see place at top ?? , choose places then downloads19:47
nsadminisn't really? or really isn't?19:47
Oerouned keep the mic in front of the speaker :-D19:48
ounedOer yeah thats what im doing since months19:48
imanchow do I set up an sftp server in ubuntu? Apparently it's easier to setup ftp/sftp than samba19:48
nsadminthat's a recipe for hardware and ear damage...19:48
gamewarehow can i connect laptop to internet wont connect to wireless and it did few days ago please help19:49
geekphreakimanc: vsftpd is the one i prefer :)19:49
linxehimanc: samba is pretty easy to set up with ubuntu19:49
linxehimanc: vsftpd does sftp ?19:49
Andy-at-homei can see the hldsupdatetool.bin in the home/hlds folder but it refuses to run19:49
imancsudo apt-get install vsftpd19:49
geekphreaklinxeh: yes :)19:49
linxehit doesnt do sftp19:49
nsadminimanc: you want the ssh server (and please don't do authenticated ftp)19:49
linxehit does ftps19:49
imancnsadmin - authenticated ftp?19:50
linxehsftp != ftp/ssl19:50
imancyes - i know that.  FTP over SSL doesn't seem as good19:50
gamewarehow can i connect laptop to internet wont connect to wireless and it did few days ago please help19:50
nsadminusing passwords/users with ftp. bad juju.19:50
geekphreaklinxeh: i though it did !!19:51
dariuszkiedy bedzie najnowsza wersja ubuntu?19:51
dariuszmam ta 9.1019:51
linxehgeekphreak: it does ftp over ssl19:51
zertui can't access as sudo user on my pc19:51
zertuis not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.19:51
zertuwhat i have to do pzl ?19:52
linxehgeekphreak: or did you mean sftp you thought was ftp over ssh?19:52
linxehzertu: then you need to use a user that is in the sudoers file19:52
geekphreaklinxeh: i actually though it did both, i knew i set it up once19:52
linxehzertu: usually the user you created when you installed ubuntu19:52
linux_is_my_heroim having trouble registering my name19:53
zertuwhat i have to do exactly ?19:53
zertusomeone say to do19:53
Andy-at-homewhen i use the command 'su l4d1' the shell changes to sh-3.2$, is that normal?19:53
h00klinux_is_my_hero: you can get help in #freenode for registration19:53
h00k!register | linxeh19:53
ubottulinxeh: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode19:53
zertui don't know where to do this ?19:53
h00klinux_is_my_hero: ^19:53
h00klinxeh: sorry for the hilight19:53
geekphreakAndy-at-home:  is l4d1 username?19:54
imanccool vsftpd is running - how do I create users / perms19:54
linxehzertu: log in as the user you used when you created ubuntu19:54
Andy-at-homethink so19:54
guntbertzertu: please read http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo19:54
fbc-mxI have to add a drive to fstab. FDISK tells me its a type 83. So how do I tell if I need to specify it as a EXT3 or EXT4 in fstab?19:54
JabberWalkiehow can I get temperature data? (assuming I Have sensors) is there a good program for it?19:54
geekphreakAndy-at-home: it just changed the shell to that user, its ok19:54
guntbertlinxeh: ah - step 1  - of course19:55
linxehimanc: without sounding harsh, there is oodles of documentation for vsftpd if you google19:55
linxehimanc: imo you are better off with sftp, but hey19:55
JabberWalkieI am worried by the fact that my power supply fan is not spinning, although it may just not be very hot...so dosn't need it19:55
Andy-at-homewhen i ls the file is clearly there but when I ./hldsupdatetool.bin it says No such file or directory19:55
czerwony511jest tu jakiś Polak?19:55
zertuthank guntbert19:56
geekphreakimanc:  man vsftpd.conf19:56
guntbertJabberWalkie: there is an applet and there is gkrellm19:56
zertubut how to create a new user and add to admin ?19:56
geekphreakAndy-at-home:  are you in that folder?19:56
guntbertzertu: are you the only user on your system?19:56
linxeh!ubuntu-pl | czerwony51119:56
h00k!pl | czerwony51119:56
ubottuczerwony511: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.19:56
linxehheh my bad :)19:57
Andy-at-homedont i have to be if ls lists the files in the folder?19:57
JabberWalkieguntbert: what is the applet?19:57
geekphreakAndy-at-home: huh ?19:57
linxehAndy-at-home: what did you type when you did ls ?19:57
greglJabberWalkie,  You really shouldn't worry about how hot your PC gets,You should shut it down and replace the fan..19:57
Andy-at-homeroot@host:/home/hdls# ls19:58
IMoMI am unable to calibrate my touchscreen, can someone please assist..19:58
JabberWalkiegregl: sometimes fans don't run because they dont need too....19:58
LucidGuyTrying to cp a 8.1GB file to a usb flash drive and I receive a file too large error.  The flash drive is one large 16GB NTFS file system.  Any suggestions?19:58
linxehAndy-at-home: ok, you are likely missing something that the tool needs19:58
guntbertJabberWalkie: seems there is none - I misremembered :-(  but with gkrellm you can monitor "everything"19:58
greglJabberWalkie, I had a power supply fan fail and it burnt out the motherboard and HD's..19:59
Andy-at-homecan i install left 4 dead server through one of the auto package thingys?19:59
JabberWalkiegregl: how does that work?19:59
linxehAndy-at-home: http://forums.srcds.com/viewtopic/1063619:59
greglJabberWalkie,  how does what work?19:59
JabberWalkiegregl: i mean, the process....20:00
PwalpubienYa til des francais ?20:00
linxehAndy-at-home: that might not be right though20:00
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois20:00
greglJabberWalkie, It's really OT here..20:00
Pwalpubiencan we speak about hack ?20:00
taomasteranyone having an issue with the new iso image 10.4-rc20:00
JabberWalkiegregl: fair enough20:01
gebUK__my damn ubuntu has recognised the wifi card but the network manager wont see it, has anyone got a solution to this problem to get wifi working?20:01
guntbertPwalpubien: not here please20:01
h00kPwalpubien: please see the !topic of the channel20:01
h00kgebUK__: please watch your language and keep it family friendly20:01
imanclinxeh, geekphreak yes, I m on google!  linxeh - vsftpd != sftp??20:01
guntberttaomaster: ask in #ubuntu+1 please20:01
Andy-at-homethanks linxeh, looks promising, at least i know its not me going mental20:01
linxehimanc: no, it is ftp, and ftp over ssl20:01
linxehimanc: sftp uses sshd20:01
Adnan_89if i upgrade to ubuntu 10.04 from 9.1 then can i return back to previous cinfiguration?20:01
gebUK__h00k, is damn a bad word?20:01
zertuwhat this line tell  Defaults !lecture,tty_tickets,!fqdn which is on /etc/sudoers file?20:02
IdleOneAdnan_89: ubuntu does not support rolebacks20:02
Andy-at-homelinxeh, thanks mate, that fixed it20:02
h00kgebUK__: It is not family-friendly.20:02
linxehAndy-at-home: ok cool :D20:02
Adnan_89ok means cant get back to 9.120:02
IdleOnegebUK: it leads to other bad words so yes20:02
imanclinxeh - want sftp.  I have just set up a linode server that i'll be hosting a load of websites on, and so I wanted to get to grips with configuring these services on my laptop first.  So .... am I looking to download sftpd or something?20:03
linxehimanc: install openssh-server, I think thats all you need20:03
wise_crypt!sudo > zertu20:03
ubottuzertu, please see my private message20:03
linxehimanc: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34747820:03
IdleOneAdnan_89: if you have a !separatehome then you can just do a fresh install of 9.10 if you need/want to20:03
h00kTadys: this isn't the place to spam20:03
imanclinxeh - thanks.  Apologies for my stupid questions - I am still a linux newb :)20:03
gebUK__IdleOne, h00k thats your opinion, it is neither a bad word nor any lead to crime or such20:04
gebUK__i guess if you can help20:04
gebUK__you can tell me what to do about the wifi20:04
IdleOnegebUK: it is also the rules of this channel so please respect the rules. Thanks20:04
linxehimanc: http://www.codeguru.com/csharp/.net/net_general/internet/article.php/c14329 - pros/cons of both sftp and ftps20:04
IdleOne!wifi | gebUK20:04
ubottugebUK: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:04
Adnan_89idleone : separate home?20:04
IdleOne!separatehome > Adnan_8920:04
ubottuAdnan_89, please see my private message20:04
Adnan_89what that means bro?20:05
gebUK__ubottu, this document says that if the card is recognised in iwconfig20:05
IdleOneAdnan_89: read the link ubottu sent you20:05
gebUK__then it should come up in network-manager20:05
gebUK__and it is not20:05
thieusoaiwhat's the dpkg command to show the files  in a deb file ?20:05
litropyHi, peeps: 1) does Evolution Tasks support sub-tasks? 2) The task list in the Time and Date panel widget is organized alphabetically. Is there a way to sort by the order in the actual task list?20:05
IdleOnegebUK: some people use wicd and have better support20:05
Theowningthieusoai: I think its "dpkg --contents file.deb20:06
linxehimanc: iirc all you have to do is give the users an account on your system, and then change their shell to an sftp only one20:06
gebUK__but then i need to remove network-manager, IdleOne do you use wicd?20:06
IdleOnegebUK: I have and it worked well20:06
gebUK__ok i ll try that20:06
IdleOnegebUK: sure thing20:07
thieusoaiTheowning, thanks that works fine20:07
geekphreakIdleOne:  question if you install wicd, dies it uninstall nm?20:07
TheowningHmm, I really messed up my boot and dont really know where to go from here. Using grub2 was working fine until I uninstalled splashy and now it's pulling errors all the time about Invalid numbers and other stuff.20:08
IdleOnegeekphreak: I don't think it does20:08
thieusoaiI compile my own kernel following the Ubuntu Kernel Compile document  (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile)  ... the cmd is something like20:08
thieusoaifakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version=-some-string-here kernel-image kernel-headers20:08
thieusoai<thieusoai> this creates 2 deb files   (image & header)  ,    problem is that it doesn't seem to create any initrd file20:08
thieusoaidid I miss any thing ?20:08
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wise_crypt!pastebin | thieusoai20:08
ubottuthieusoai: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:08
IdleOneguntbert: may I message you?20:10
kakihi all20:11
guntbertIdleOne: of course20:11
kakii have probleme with deposities keys20:11
kakiW: Erreur GPG : http://ppa.launchpad.net karmic Release: Les signatures suivantes n'ont pas pu être vérifiées car la clé publique n'est pas disponible : NO_PUBKEY 6E871C4A881574DE20:11
ubottuGetting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys <key> && gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »20:13
kakithanks ubottu20:13
judgenhmm i get this error when i try to play Postal2 Can't find file for package 'WinDrv' after the splash screen.. and the game quits. Any ideas is wellcome.20:13
wise_cryptjudgen: do you use wine?20:14
litropyHi, peeps: 1) does Evolution Tasks support sub-tasks? 2) The task list in the Time and Date panel widget is organized alphabetically. Is there a way to sort by the order in the actual task list?20:14
erUSULjudgen: #winehq20:14
erUSUL!appdb > judgen20:15
ubottujudgen, please see my private message20:15
rodoxhi everyone20:15
wise_crypt!patience | litropy20:16
ubottulitropy: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.20:16
lalalolhow can i see what driver i need for my wifi to work? im currently on wifi, but ill do a fresh 10.04 install and it prob wont find my wifi card again20:16
litropywise_crypt: ubottu needs an entry for !User Attention Variance Over Time20:17
judgenerUSUL: Its isn't running wine. Its native.20:17
ubottuIt's a weekend. Often on weekends the paid developers and a lot of the community may not be around to answer your question. Please be patient, wait longer than you normally would or try again during the working week.20:17
erUSULlalalol: lshw -C Network | grep driver | grep wireless20:18
MrKeunerhello, is it possible to reset printing settings everytime I open a pdf document?20:19
judgenIt's based on the unreal engine, and completley native.20:19
gebUKwicd is not making a difference20:19
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.20:19
lalalolerUSUL, it displays nothing20:20
=== hak5 is now known as chelegordo
BobXFettHello all.  I'm having a bit of a problem getting a USB wireless adapter to work in Ubuntu.  I've read through a number of threads and guides about the specific adapter I have and I've hit a dead end.  No articles/threads I can find seem to resolve the problem for me.  Might anyone be able to help?20:20
famille comment on peut utiliser des logiciel de windows on ubuntu20:21
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois20:21
h00k!fr | famille20:21
ubottufamille: please see above20:21
erUSULlalalol: plain « sudo lshw -C Network » ?20:22
lalalolerUSUL, i got some output now20:22
erUSULlalalol: look for the stanza belonging to tyour wireless card and read the configuration line20:23
erUSULlalalol: in there there should be information on the driver it uses ?20:23
lalalolerUSUL, i cant find "stanza"20:23
famillecan I see the methode of using the program of windawos to ubuntu20:24
h00kfamille: you can join #ubuntu-fr for support in your native language20:24
erUSULlalalol: stanza == section20:24
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lalalolerUSUL, network controller, ethernet interface, wireless interface, which should i choose?20:25
arand!wine | famille if this what you are looking for:20:25
ubottufamille if this what you are looking for:: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu20:25
wise_crypt!virtualizers > wise_crypt20:26
ubottuwise_crypt, please see my private message20:26
h00k!msgthebot > wise_crypt20:27
TuxTaminglucid lynx20:27
h00kTuxTaming: Lucid discussion is in #ubuntu+120:27
gebUKis anyone got any idea why i can see the wlan card using iwconfig and with ipconfig is see only eth0 and lo20:28
wise_crypt!wifi > gebUK20:30
ubottugebUK, please see my private message20:30
IdleOnegebUK: ifconfig20:31
lalalolhow can i know what wireless driver im using? ill need to know it when i do a fresh 10.04 install20:31
IdleOnelalalol: did 9.10 detect it auto?20:31
TheowningHmm, I really messed up my boot and dont really know where to go from here. Using grub2 was working fine until I uninstalled splashy and now it's pulling errors all the time saying "return: 24: Illegal number:".20:31
lalalolIdleOne, im actually using kubuntu 9.10, but no it didnt detect it automatically20:32
IdleOnelalalol: then the same method you used to get it working should still apply. test with a live cd20:32
gebUKIdleOne ? sorry i didnt get your message20:33
magicianlorddoes anyone like kde and why?20:33
lalalolIdleOne, that's the problem, i cant remember20:33
gebUKwise_crypt, i am currently looking at the documentation20:33
BobXFettI'm trying to get a wireless USB adapter (dlink wua-2340) to work in ubuntu.  The documentation I've found online indicates that there's no native Linux driver, so I must use ndiswrapper and install the Windows driver.  I've followed the instructions on how to do that.  When I perform "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper" I don't get an error message (other than it warning that non .conf files will be deprecated in future), but the USB dr20:33
BobXFett[   15.266221] ndiswrapper version 1.55 loaded (smp=yes, preempt=no)20:33
BobXFett[   15.792428] ndiswrapper (import:242): unknown symbol: ntoskrnl.exe:'KeNumberProcessors'20:33
BobXFett[   15.792494] ndiswrapper (load_sys_files:206): couldn't prepare driver 'neta5agu'20:33
BobXFett[   15.793122] ndiswrapper (load_wrap_driver:108): couldn't load driver neta5agu; check system log for messages from 'loadndisdriver'20:33
BobXFett[   15.793231] usbcore: registered new interface driver ndiswrapper20:33
FloodBot2BobXFett: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:33
lalalolmagicianlord, i loathe kde and i use it20:33
h00k!pastebin | BobXFett20:34
BobXFettWoops, sorry.20:34
ubottuBobXFett: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:34
IdleOne!polls | magicianlord20:34
ubottumagicianlord: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:34
BobXFettDidn't realize that would happen, apologies.20:34
magicianlordi cant stand kde20:34
lalalolme neither magicianlord20:35
magicianlordits like a nonfunctional versino of mac os with all the bloat20:35
wise_cryptgebUK: happy reading20:35
magicianlordi use openbox20:35
lalalolIdleOne, got any other ideas?20:35
IdleOnelalalol: lspci | grep Ethernet20:35
h00kmagicianlord: do you have any questions for support needs?20:35
lalalolthx IdleOne20:35
IdleOnethen search for solutions20:35
=== hexdump__ is now known as binary0011
h00kmagicianlord: discussion such as that are better suited for #ubuntu-offtopic20:36
lalalolIdleOne, i get this 1 line: "03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4401-B0 100Base-TX (rev 02)"20:36
gebUKwise_crypt, well the problem is that what i am readying does not correspond to what i have on the shell20:38
gebUKso i have no idea on what to do next20:38
zleapreadying oh reading20:38
erUSULlalalol: wireless; you asked about your wirelless interface; don't you ?20:38
IdleOnelalalol: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1335911 might help20:39
lalalolerUSUL, can you paste the command again please, i've been trying other stuff >.<20:39
IdleOnelalalol: oh you asked about wifi? sorry20:39
erUSULlalalol:  « sudo lshw -C Network »20:40
lalalolthx IdleOne and erUSUL20:40
erUSULlalalol: "lspci -v" shows the module used too20:40
lalalolerUSUL, let's pm20:41
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:41
=== hak5 is now known as look
BobXFettIs there a channel that focuses on wireless support for Ubuntu?  I can't seem to find what I need.20:41
=== davey is now known as Guest26719
h00kBobXFett: this would be the place20:42
h00kBobXFett: also, the forums20:42
BobXFettOk, thanks.20:42
real_atehey guys... is there anything i can do to figure out what is going on with my lucid upgrade if i don't even get as far as a command prompt20:42
real_ateeven in recovery mode20:43
IdleOnereal_ate: Please /join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.20:43
real_ateIdleOne: thanks20:43
wise_cryptgebUK: any progress ?20:43
gebUKwise_crypt, not much20:44
gebUKi can see the card as recognised20:45
gebUKbut wicd cannot see it20:45
gebUKfrom iwconfig i see the card20:45
gebUKbut from ipconfig i cannot controll it (for instance i cannot bring the device up or down)20:45
Inde147I am trying to put Ubuntu Server on a Cd-Rom on my mac and use it to install it on an old PC20:46
wise_cryptgebUK:  ubuntu has recognised the wifi card < how do you know di you lshw -C network; but the network manager wont see it > have you ifconfig/iwconfig20:46
gebUKbecause if i try sudo ipconfig wlan0 down or up20:46
Inde147When I download it to the CD-ROM, should I use mount?20:46
Inde147Or not?20:46
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.20:46
dcmeeseInde147: Did you burn it onto the cd?20:46
wise_cryptgebUK: ipconfig is in win32 in linux its ifconfig20:47
Inde147Thank you...20:47
IdleOneInde147: what you want isto burn the iso bootable20:47
Inde147dcmeese: Yes, but not mounted20:47
Inde147IdleOne: Yes20:47
Inde147IdleOne: is there a special download for that?20:47
dcmeeseInde147: Did you check the md5sum?20:47
Inde147dcmeese: No, I have no idea what that means :(20:48
IdleOneInde147: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto20:48
gebUKwise_crypt, i meant ifconfig20:48
gebUKso if i try sudo ifconfig wlan0 up, it does not work, it says no such file or directory20:48
Inde147IdleOne: thank you!20:49
IdleOneInde147: is it ppc? if so then you need to find a ubuntu-ppc iso20:49
Inde147IdleOne: No, it isn't20:49
Inde147I'm going to sign out and try this using the help pages, thank you20:49
mozirI'm trying to get started with GCC, but it keeps saying that my input file doesn't exist. Where do I have to put it so I can just access it via "gcc myfile.cpp"?20:50
wise_cryptIdleOne: correct me if I'm wrong, sudo modprobe forcedwlan0 < is this right ?20:51
IdleOne wise_crypt no clue20:51
IdleOneerUSUL: would probably know :) ^^20:51
real_ateIdleOne: don't supose i could just ask here about my lucid upgrade?20:52
h00kreal_ate: #ubuntu+1 for lucid20:52
erUSULwise_crypt: i do not know of any module for that name ...20:52
IdleOnereal_ate: lucid is still not released so the appropriate place is #ubuntu+120:52
real_atewell i tried20:52
mozirSorry, disconnected. Does somebody know what I'm doing wrong with GCC?20:52
dcmeese!lucid | real_ate20:52
ubottureal_ate: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule20:52
real_atei just want to know if there is anything i can do to debug a kernal that doesn't get to a comand prompt20:53
real_ateits a generic question20:53
yoyonedmozir: how  did you instal gcc.20:53
moetunesmozir: you need to cd to the dir the file is in or give the full pathh20:53
real_atebut i do get your point about lucid20:53
mozirmoetunes: I tried it with giving the whole path too20:53
moziryoyoned: apt-get with buildessentials20:53
mozirOkay... I tried it with putting sudo in front of the command and it worked.20:54
yoyonedgcc /path/to/file.c should work.  pastebin the error20:54
magicianlordsumo, you mean20:54
=== Meow is now known as Guest73643
mozirmagicianlord: If you say so20:54
* real_ate is not feeling helped :( 20:54
mozirSeems like you always have to put sudo in front of every command just so20:54
wise_crypterUSUL: so should i assume it does not exist ?20:55
sebsebsebreal_ate: just joined, what's your issue?20:55
mozirWorks better then huh?20:55
RxDxdo you guys think that 64bits is mature enough or keep 32bits is better?20:55
guntbertmozir: don't do that!  only use sudo/gksudo if you *must*20:55
real_atesebsebseb: just upgraded to lucid and have a kernal thats not getting to a command prompt ( i know ubuntu+1  but i'm just asking if there is anything one can do to debug a kernal without a prompt )20:56
erUSULwise_crypt: no; what wifi chip do you have ?20:56
mozirguntbert: Not even g++/gcc works without sudo20:56
racecar56RxDx: i installed ubuntu 10.04 i686 by mistake in the past, so i just cloned it and installed amd64 version alongside20:56
sebsebsebracecar56: 64bit version of Ubuntu should work well20:56
sebsebsebuh that was meant to be sent to RxDx20:56
racecar56sebsebseb: k20:56
guntbertmozir: then you did something *very* wrong with your system20:56
yoyonedmozir: gcc should work as a regular user.  do you have write access where the new files will be built20:56
wise_crypterUSUL: i'm trying to help gebUK here20:57
mozirguntbert: Just installed.20:57
racecar56is it possible to upgrade ubuntu 10.04 beta 2 to rc?20:57
racecar56it's not working for me20:57
sebsebseb!lucid | racecar5620:57
ubotturacecar56: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule20:57
RxDxsebsebseb, there r some programs that isnt supported for 64bit =\20:57
racecar56it doesn't allow me to20:57
erUSULwise_crypt: ok20:57
moziryoyoned: It always wants to build in /home20:57
sebsebsebRxDx: such as?20:57
andrilwhat's good for cloning Ubuntu20:57
racecar56sebsebseb: i'm on 10.04 beta 2 and i want to upgrade to rc20:57
sebsebseb!cloneing | andril20:57
guntbertmozir: please be serious - I installed scores of systems - such a case never occured to me20:57
IdleOne!cloning | andril20:57
ubottuandril: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate20:57
mozirmozir: Yet I'm getting the "No such file" error without sudo, even when running on Desktop20:57
wise_cryptgebUK: what wifi chip do you have ?20:57
erUSULwise_crypt: popular wifi chips in laptops are broadcom ( b43 module ) and atheros ath5k or ath9k modules20:57
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yoyonedmozir: please pastbin the output of trying to run gcc as a non-root user20:58
sebsebsebracecar56: i'll answer you in +120:58
wise_crypterUSUL: should it be auto-detected ?20:58
erUSULwise_crypt: for atheros System>Admin>Hardware drivers should work21:00
erUSULwise_crypt: for broadcom you have to « sudo aptitude install b43-fwcutter » why connected to internet via wired21:00
moziryoyoned: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/Kgry0XPk21:00
PeterDroperUSUL u have a minute?21:00
An_Ony_Moosewhy does my connection always get lost when I download torrents?21:00
erUSULPeterDrop: yes21:00
PeterDroperUSUL txs, remember yesterday .. my problem sound ..21:01
An_Ony_MooseI'm trying to download the RC and am constantly losing my network connection if I don't cap the speed21:01
wise_cryptgebUK: are you reading what erUSUL stated?21:01
racecar56An_Ony_Moose: if it's because it's making everything else slow, maybe try putting a download speed limit on the torrent21:01
erUSULPeterDrop: yes21:01
PeterDroperUSUL can u helpme now, i installed the 10.4 version, and the card is detected now21:02
An_Ony_Mooseracecar56, it's not making anything else slow. It just drops the connection after ~15 seconds when I'm not limiting the speed.21:02
PeterDroperUSUL , all seem to be good i think ... but no sound :(21:02
wise_crypt!alsa > PeterDrop21:02
ubottuPeterDrop, please see my private message21:02
erUSULPeterDrop: you checked with alsamixer that no channel is muted ?21:02
PeterDropall the chanels are in 00 and at top ( red squares)21:03
yoyonedmozir: is abc.exe a C sourcecode?21:03
An_Ony_Mooseit drops the connection after some time at any speed higher than  50kbps21:04
moziryoyoned: It is the output file, sorry, biased by 10 years of Windows - That's why I still write the exe for binary files21:04
mozirHow do you set the cwd in the terminal again?21:04
An_Ony_Moosemozir, cd <newfolder>21:04
yoyonedmozir: I missread you paste21:04
erUSULPeterDrop: ant the volume control (right click) is that muted ?21:05
guntbertmozir: please pastebin the output of ls -la /home/myacc/Desktop21:05
CrazyWoodsare there someone using longene?21:05
mozirAn_Ony_Moose: Strange, I got confused by the terminal writing 'myacc@myacc-desktop$', thought the CWD already was /Desktop21:05
PeterDroperUSUL is not muted21:05
erUSULPeterDrop: and none of your apps work ?21:06
An_Ony_Moosemozir, myacc-desktop would be the machine name21:06
wise_cryptPeterDrop: check your speaker jack see it well connected21:06
PeterDroperUSUL no sound at all21:06
mozirAn_Ony_Moose: Ah, okay.21:06
erUSULPeterDrop: do you have mplayer installed ?21:07
neitcholooking for app to compress an .ogg video?21:07
PeterDroperUSUL i dont know21:07
PeterDropi hae another reproductor21:07
erUSULinstall mplayer21:08
mozirOkay, I got gcc working now. The handling of the current working directory in the terminal confuses me, though21:09
guntbertmozir: good - but still it worries me that you seem to "need sudo for everything"  - is that so or was it exaggerated a bit?21:10
JayXhow to i find an windows alternative program for Ubuntu'?>?21:10
JayX i mean a windows app... but the alternative to it so i can use it on Ubuntu21:10
ubottuA comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant - Try also joining #ubuntu-bots and asking BestBot21:10
mozirguntbert: I'm new and got confused by something in the terminal making me think the cwd is /Desktop21:11
mozirguntbert: But gcc tried to run in /home, which I don't have the rights for21:11
visorgwibber doesnt show any tweets even when properly configured on Lucid beta 2 though I just updated all packages yesterday so I guess I have RC already installed, anybody has had the same problem?21:11
PeterDroperUSUL ok mplayer is installed21:11
mozirguntbert: So I just tried sudo and it logically worked21:11
erUSULPeterDrop: now try « mplayer -ao pulse someaudiofile »21:11
h00kvisor: Lucid discussion takes placein #ubuntu+121:11
visorh00k: sorry didnt read the topic, thanks21:12
c3lwhat was the command to list harddrives and their size?21:12
sebsebsebJayX: http://www.osalt.com http://www.linuxeq.com and get the programs from,  the Software Centre or Synaptic or using sudo apt-get command ideally.  so yeah I mean the  Ubuntu repo's21:12
JayXerUSUL,  how do i get pidign to install from terminal on ubuntu 9,.10?21:12
h00kc3l: df -h21:12
erUSULJayX: sudo aptitude install pidgin21:12
sebsebsebJayX: most programs you will want to use for Destop Linux distros will be in the Ubuntu repo's,  and if not install from offical website/source21:13
guntbertmozir: oh, ok - yes thats the "solution" - but please keep in mind that it is mainly the reduced rights for a normal user, that makes linux less prone to viruses and such things21:13
c3lh00k, hm ty21:13
PeterDropits works!21:13
UltimateMacUser1Hey all.  I've got Ubuntu 10.04 running on my Power Mac MDD G4, and i can't get both outputs on my nvidia GForce4 Ti AGP graphics card to work.  Is there any way to set it up so i can use both my displays?21:13
mozirOkay: I have compiled my hello world (hw) C++ program, now located in '/home/myacc/Desktop/'. 'pwd' in the terminal outputs '/home/myacc/Desktop/'. I enter 'hw'. Output: 'hw: command not found'. I enter '/home/myacc/Desktop/hw'. Output: My programming showing 'Hello World!21:13
guntbertmozir: so needing sudo should always be sort of an alarm signal: "possible danger ahead"21:14
mozirguntbert: I know, and it indeed was a bit exaggerated21:14
JayXerUSUL,  i tried  "sudo apt-get install pidgin" and i get a responce from terminalk >> "dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem."21:14
mozirBut why do I still need the absolute path for running my binary in the terminal, even if my CWD already is there?21:14
PeterDroperUSUL its work, i dont know why ..  but i cant hear from the "front pc" ( sry about my poor english)21:14
erUSULJayX: so do as instructed ... « sudo dpkg --configure -a »21:15
PeterDroperUSUL i need to configure something else?21:15
Buhmillionhey guys, i think i found a facebook exploit21:15
erUSULPeterDrop: ya te dije ayer que si prefieres español vayas a #ubuntu-es21:15
guntbertmozir: next security thing: normally the "current directory" is not in the search path for executable programs so you would type ./hw  in the directory21:15
h00kBuhmillion: This really isn't the place for that.21:16
erUSULPeterDrop: now that we know that pulse works. just configure all your apps to use pulse and not alsa21:16
erUSUL!es | PeterDrop21:16
ubottuPeterDrop: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:16
Buhmilliongood, cuz i was about to troll21:16
PeterDroperUSUL ok ok, i dont like es, just a smartass people21:16
Buhmillionbout oh well21:16
exigraffmozir: it needs a path somehow, unless it's in one of the locations given in $PATH (run `echo $PATH` to see these)21:16
erUSULPeterDrop: :/21:16
PeterDroperUSUl sry its true21:16
erUSULPeterDrop: you are confusing us with #debian-es21:16
PeterDroperUSUL maybe21:16
PeterDroperUSUL anyway very txs for ur help erUSUL21:17
erUSULPeterDrop: no problem21:17
PeterDroperUSUL abot the front panel ..21:17
mozirNext thing: I'd just like to add /home/myacc/Desktop to the search path - for simplicity - can I accomplish that via the terminal?21:18
JayXerUSUL,  how can i see what i installed today on my system.. i messsed up my Ubuntu.. is there a "restore" feature?21:18
smikSamba is very slow, any other alternative to share with a Windows machine?21:18
erUSULno restore feature sorry; you can see an historic of installed packages in synaptic21:18
erUSULJayX: ^21:18
erUSULJayX: in file>historic/log21:19
gebUKerUSUL, i tried the command , sudo aptitude install b43-fwcutter , for my broadcom device but it did not make a difference ... what am I supposed to do after installing this21:21
erUSULgebUK: either reboot or « sudo modprobe -r b43 && sudo modprobe b43 »21:21
Buhmillionwell i have a question, how do i setup a file server on ubuntu server edition? what do i use, i want to use authentication, something like samba, or maybe a web interface. any help?21:21
JayXhow do i get to "file>historic/log" if i may ask?// i dont see it in /root21:21
lenswipehey guys21:22
erUSULJayX: in the synaptic gui. go to the menu File in that menu choose historic21:22
lenswipeusers on my server have read access to /var/www21:22
lenswipewould it be ok to chmod /var/www recursively to 750?21:22
bodomHi there, apt-get -u dist-upgrade wants to install a LOT of new packages, is there a way to see from where they are depended?21:22
racecar56lenswipe: i don't see why not21:22
guntbertmozir: edit .profile in your home directory, it contains settings for PATH, you can use the last 3 lines as example21:22
Buhmillionbut i want them to upload and download21:22
lenswiperacecar56, wait, whats the default?21:22
racecar56lenswipe: should be fine21:22
mozirguntbert: Thanks a lot21:22
lenswiperacecar56, is the default 775?21:23
racecar56lenswipe: ls -l /var|grep www21:23
guntbertmozir: have fun with ubuntu :)21:23
bodomlenswipe: what user is running your web server?21:23
lenswipebodom, www-data21:23
lenswipeits apache2 on ubuntu21:23
bodomlenswipe: so I suppose www-data should have read-access21:23
lenswipebodom, www-data owns the files doesnt he?21:23
FloodBot2lenswipe: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:23
Buhmillionits a she21:23
mmrhello there21:23
lenswipedoesnt www-data own the files? therefore would have read write execute perms?21:24
bodomlenswipe: so, you can chmod21:24
lenswipebodom, ?21:24
IMoMhow do I stop X from using HAL?21:24
Inde147I'm using the program Burn to burn my ISO21:24
mewshiHi, what can I do to be more involved in the community?21:24
bodomlenswipe: if www-data is the owner, you can chmod 75021:25
Inde147Should I use 'Copy' or 'Data'?21:25
bodomlenswipe: maybe 500 is better21:25
xanguamewshi: contact your local ubuntu comunity perphaps21:25
lenswipebodom, no, 770 i think21:25
lenswipebodom, its so that i can write to /var/www on the server using netbeans over SFTP21:25
Buhmillionlenswipe, give root a pssword with "sudo passwd" and then from there edit the files. then, to delete the root password, use "sudo passwd -d"21:25
lenswipeBuhmillion, see above21:25
mewshiThere's not a local ubuntu community :(21:26
guntbert!noroot | Buhmillion21:26
ubottuBuhmillion: We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.21:26
racecar56Buhmillion: nice passwd trick (passwd -d), i should read manpages more ;)21:26
Inde147For my ISO, do I use 'Data' or 'Copy'?21:26
Inde147*ISO burn21:26
racecar56Inde147: data sounds better, what program is this21:26
Buhmillionit sets a hash that no string can match, so no passwd21:26
guntbertBuhmillion: sudo -i is much cleaner and easier21:27
Inde147racecar56: It is 'Burn'21:27
lenswipewhat should php scripts be chmodded to?21:27
lenswipe644 is it?21:27
Buhmillionguntbert, yes, i imagine thats true21:27
racecar56lenswipe: i think that's normal21:27
Inde147racecar56: Thanks. I'll try it21:27
Inde147racecar56: as data21:27
racecar56Inde147: yw21:27
Buhmillionexecutable and readable by others, and you're fine21:27
Inde147racecar56:  if it doesnt work, I'll switch it up :)21:28
guntbertBuhmillion: :-)  so please don't recommend setting a root password in the future21:28
lenswipebodom, if i chmod to 755 i get permission denied21:28
bodomlenswipe: using wich user?21:29
lenswipei just chowned it all to www-data21:29
MamboKinghello all21:29
racecar56lenswipe: i like server configs where /var/www is owned by a www group so anyone who is in it can modify it's content21:30
MamboKingI'm trying to get more that 8 /dev/loop devices, i'm running ubuntu 9.10 which has dm-mapper already built into the kernel instead of loaded with modprobe21:30
gebUKerUSUL, thank you very much for your suggestion21:30
gebUKi did a reboot and now i can see the wifi devices on wicd21:30
gebUK i ll try to connect now21:31
erUSULgebUK: no problem21:31
MamboKingI've come accross a fix for this by adding /etc/modprobe.d/local and in there adding options loop max_loop=255 but i'm not loading the module with modprobe so I'm wondering how to change it21:31
kane77hey, I'm looking for timer that can be used to do the (10+2)*5 procrastination hack.. is there anything?21:31
lalalolwhy does everyone advise to use Wicd instead of the normal network manager???21:31
Spalishttp://www.freeps3.tv/?i=47470 hi check this out21:31
erUSULMamboKing: boot option21:31
mewshiwhat else can I do to contribute?21:32
Buhmillionreport bugs, translate if possible21:32
MamboKingerUSUL: thanks! googleing it right now21:33
mmrhow do you guys backup your servers? plain old tar? amanda? any other software?21:33
funkyHatmmr: rsync21:33
erUSUL!boot | MamboKing21:33
ubottuMamboKing: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto21:33
ussertar, rsync21:33
infidhow come open office's word processor shows some http://mysite.com as a hyperlink and some as just a mispelled word?21:33
ussermmr: nothing beats rsync21:33
erUSULMamboKing: is max_loop=number ( 1- 255 )21:33
marienzusser: I kind of like rdiff-backup21:34
mozir!rm -rf | mozir21:34
MamboKingerUSUL: thanks I found an article describing exactly what I need!21:34
mmryou rsync the whole fs?21:34
Buhmillionmmr, bacula21:34
mozirIs someone here capable of grep fu?21:34
MamboKingyeah /dev/loop has a hard coded max of 1-25521:34
smikSamba is very slow, any other alternative to share with a Windows machine?21:35
exigraffmozir: probably, just ask21:35
erUSUL!ask | mozir21:35
ubottumozir: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:35
MamboKingsmik: aoe(ata over ethernet) www.winaoe.org21:35
mmrBuhmillion: why should i use bacula instead of rsync?21:35
MamboKingjust create a blank dd image and then use vblade to serve it up21:35
smikMamboKing: must be via Wi-fi. Wireless21:35
mozirexigraff: Just wanted to know21:35
Buhmillionno real reason, use which ever21:35
MamboKingit will appear as a local drive21:35
racecar56be careful in rsync because sometimes it can automatically delete what's on the destination that isn't on the source21:36
MamboKingand function as one, the throughput will depend on your bandwidth21:36
racecar56that's happened to me21:36
lalalolwhy does everyone advise WICD???21:37
mmrhm, rsync seems more like something i would use for replicating servers data to achieve fault tolerance, right?21:37
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racecar56i used rsync for backups21:39
mozirWhat is the Linux/Ubuntu/GCC equivalent of the functions "system" and "exit"?21:39
icerootmozir: system and exit21:40
ussermozir: system and exit :)21:40
mmrare there a 'de facto' set of scripts that uses rsync for backup or everybody writes some in-house?21:40
erUSULmozir: exit exist in posix/linux; system i dunno what it does21:40
IdleOnemmr: grsync21:40
erUSULmmr: rsnapshot and rdiff-backup were already mentioned here21:40
mozirThen what do I have to include, because: "main.cpp:78: error: ‘exit’ was not declared in this scope"21:40
mmrerUSUL: thank you!21:41
mmrIdleOne: ty!21:41
lalalol!answer | lalalol21:41
maeliosare u bot?21:41
lalalol!wicd | lalalol21:41
maeliosvoice me <321:41
Out_Coldmaelios: the only useful bot in here is ubottu21:41
ubottuRetrieve information on a package: !info <package>21:41
erUSULmozir: so is C++ no C21:41
IdleOnemaelios: no voices in here. we are a choir21:41
IdleOne!msgthebot > lalalol21:42
ubottulalalol, please see my private message21:42
arandlalalol: use /msg ubottu !factoid instead21:42
mozirerUSUL: I ment g++, sorry21:42
maeliosG++ is only for the real elite21:42
lnostdalhi, how do i remove pulseaudio from lucid?21:42
lalalolIdleOne, you might know this one, why does everyone advise WICD?21:42
Out_Coldlalalol: because it's an alternative to nm21:42
sebsebseblnostdal: not easilly, and   not without effecting sound controls, that's how21:42
erUSUL!lucid  | maelios21:42
ubottumaelios: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule21:42
IdleOnelalalol: it works for a lot of people. If you dont have problems with nm-manager then don't go fixing what aint broke21:43
lnostdalsebsebseb, yeah, the sound controls don't work with pa anyhow; i gotta use alsamixer from the CLI21:43
lalalolOut_Cold, and why is it the best or better than nm?21:43
lnostdalsebsebseb, or well, they work ..  but most controls are missing21:43
lalalolIdleOne, im already using wicd :D21:43
IdleOnelalalol: ok then :)21:43
Out_Coldlalalol: depends on your needs and preferences.. I like it because it's intuative, cli ready and very informative21:44
lalalolIdleOne, but i wonder why it is better than nm or even the best?21:44
liminalI just reinstalled my graphic card driver, and now my wifi has stoped working21:44
liminalim confused as hell21:44
lalalolOut_Cold, yeah, i like the info it gives, are there any others that give even more info?21:44
liminalcan someone help me troubleshoot?21:44
maeliosi like my linux in a window inside my windows 7 kk21:44
IdleOnemaelios: do you have a ubuntu support question?21:45
arandmaelios: Use a virtual machine21:45
sebsebseblnostdal: There are tutorals on the web how to remove pulse audio in Ubuntu.  Plus I know of at least one distro, since I also use it, as well as Ubuntu sometimes these days, where can just disable pulse audio in it's control centre, and done, nice and simple.21:45
Out_Coldlalalol: i'm only familiar with nm and wicd. I'm sure there are others but those 2 stand out the most.21:45
lalalolok Out_Cold, can i pm you 1 thing?21:45
maeliosi want to submit some of my work21:45
wise_crypt!ot | maelios21:45
ubottumaelios: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:45
lnostdalsebsebseb, ok, which distro? .. i really need proper sound ..21:45
lnostdalbeen at this since 2008 -- tired of it21:46
IdleOnemaelios: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate21:46
infidhow come open office's word processor shows some http://mysite.com as a hyperlink and some as just a mispelled word?21:46
icerootinfid: because http:// is missing?21:46
IdleOneinfid: /j #openoffice.org21:46
liminalcan somone help me get my wifi working21:47
liminalim using 9.1021:47
liminaland its just stopped21:47
brianhermanwhats the problem21:47
liminali just reinstalled a hardware driver for my graphic card21:47
liminalrestarted the os21:47
Inde147Hey guys, I'm now trying to boot a 1998 comp from a ubuntu CD21:47
liminaland now i dont get any wifi21:47
Inde147Do I have to do something in BIOS?21:48
wise_crypterUSUL: lots of wifi problem today21:48
Inde147Like, start from CDROM?21:48
infidIdleOne: thanks was wonderin what the channel name was21:48
Inde147or start from E?21:48
Inde147Or do I go into MDOS21:48
Inde147And go to E21:48
Inde147And type21:49
sebsebseblnostdal: well apparantly it's ok to mention other distros in here with good enough reason and it's Mandriva.  PM for some more info if you want, since off topic really,  However this is in reply to your question21:49
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lnostdalsebsebseb, ok, thanks21:49
erUSULwise_crypt: allways :) sound; screen resolution and  wifi.21:49
sebsebseblnostdal: on the subject of distros though, I suggest trying a few, and using what works well for you21:49
Out_ColdInde147: you should set your computer to boot from cd. then follow the installation instructions.. you should not go into DOS or Windows21:49
wise_crypterUSUL:  :)21:49
OerInde147, bios should be set on: boot from cd21:50
Inde147oer: thank you!21:50
kmilo_I just install an ubuntu but doesnt boot just go to a shell that says initramfs21:50
=== root is now known as Purpley
wise_crypterUSUL:  not to mention grub21:50
DavidJHeinrichhi all, does anyone here know about EyeFinity support in Linux Catalyst ATI drivers? Why is it required for 3-monitor setups?21:50
micwi tried to setup a simple apache virtual host config. on other distros that worked fine: NameVirtualHost *:80 ... <VirtualHost *:80> ...21:51
DavidJHeinrich: i.e., from an article, says, "Once Eyefinity is supported under Linux, it will be possible to drive three displays  simultaneously from either of these graphics cards, but for now, only two connectors  can be used at a time."...why is this?21:51
liminali need to trouble shoot my wifi card21:51
PurpleyHey if im root by default does anyone know how i can run a program with the root privelages?21:51
h00k!sudo | Purpley21:51
ubottuPurpley: sudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)21:51
micwi always get an error: VirtualHost *:80 -- mixing * ports and non-* ports with a NameVirtualHost address is not supported, proceeding with undefined results21:51
liminali think the hardware reinstall messed withe rugb21:51
IdleOnePurpley: not a good idea21:51
Q_ContinuumIs it possible to make a single installer that does x86 and x86-64 off one boot device without much difficulty?21:51
Purpleyh00k im aware of sudo im in su on backtrack and its by default21:51
wise_cryptmicw: j #ubuntu-server21:51
PurpleyI need to ask a question but im banned from backtrack because im running xchat as root21:51
IdleOneQ_Continuum: http://prshah.blogspot.com/2009/10/how-to-create-ubuntu-all-in-one-dvd.html21:52
h00kPurpley: you might want to check backtrack's help and support, it isn't an official derivative.21:52
micwwise_crypt, thx21:52
Purpleyh00k, Im quite aware of that but the command for what i need should be the same21:52
sebsebsebPurpley: backtrack is for security professionals21:52
Out_ColdPurpley: you just exit xchat, change your names to something other than root..21:52
IdleOnePurpley: that is because it is a BAD idea21:52
wise_cryptmicw: no problem21:52
Out_ColdPurpley: in xchat..21:52
sebsebsebPurpley: if that's not you,  you shoudn't really be using it21:52
felonhow to go about installing urban terror for ubuntu21:52
h00kPurpley: 1) it's a bad idea 2) this isn't an official derivative and we do not support it21:52
erUSULfelon: just download it; and uncompress it somewhere in your home21:53
Q_ContinuumIdleOne, exactly what I was looking for, thanks!  (I'll make the ISO then use the USB Startup Disk Creator to put it on a USB stick)21:53
erUSULfelon: give exec permissions to the executable and double click on it21:53
erUSULfelon: for extra points create a launcher :)21:53
Purpleyh00k, Did i not say I understand that im merely asking a question, assuming I was on ubuntu 9.10 what would you run in su to not give it elevated permissions?21:53
tar-I'm trying to watch a movie, but 10 minutes into the movie the sound disappears (using vlc), attempts to open file again still produces no sound - any ideas?21:53
IdleOneQ_Continuum: there is an issue with that grub4dos is old now. I don't know what you should use instead.21:54
felondownload from where21:54
braxHow would I get the source code for a game?21:54
erUSULfelon: Urban terror homepage21:54
braxIt's open source and in the ubuntu software center.21:54
erUSULfelon: google knows it21:54
guntbertPurpley: thats a non issue here - please ask in the proper support channel21:54
ScrapheadIs it possible to run an already installed win7 in VirtualBox? Or does it have to be in an image format?21:54
erUSULbrax: its homepage?21:54
braxerUSUL: Thanks.21:55
erUSULScraphead: #vbox21:55
Purpleysigh, never mind then21:55
globyoolahrTAR I've had nnothing BUT souund trouble with ubuntu21:55
liminalhow do i restart my network card?21:55
liminalwifi card21:55
=== shazbotmcnasty is now known as ShazbotMcNasty
jricslimaolá! qual o comando para ver se o sistema não está corrompido?21:56
xangua!pt > jricslima21:56
ubottujricslima, please see my private message21:56
jricslimaI am not speak english21:56
candywhich distro is good for offensive security?21:57
maco!br | jricslima21:57
ubottujricslima: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.21:57
=== globyoolahr is now known as globeeyoolahr
jricslimafoi mal21:57
candyjricslima, which language?21:57
Out_Coldcandy: nubuntu or backtrack are both derivitives of ubuntu21:57
wise_crypt!topic | candy21:57
ubottucandy: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic21:57
candyOut_Cold, how different  backtrack is from ubuntu?21:58
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:58
macocandy: enough that we dont support it in here21:58
liminalcan someone support me with my wifi8 issue21:58
liminali think it just needs a swift kick21:59
Out_Coldliminal: start with iwconfig and pastebin the output21:59
candymaco, u mean its quite different?21:59
binspace_hello, I'm running 10.04. On 9.04 I could change the positions of the windows using the keypad (upper left, upper, upper right, etc). I cannot find the option in compiz on 10.04. Has it gone away?21:59
h00kcandy: it's a derivative that isn't supported, and is quite different.21:59
wise_cryptliminal: try sudo shutdown -r now21:59
xangua!lucid > binspace_22:00
ubottubinspace_, please see my private message22:00
ibuclawcandy, this is a basic support channel for the main Ubuntu releases. Unofficial deriatives are not supported here22:00
macocandy: they ahve their own irc channel22:00
=== globeeyoolahr is now known as globular
candyibuclaw, okei22:00
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ibuclaw!hi > boun22:02
liminalit wants a time for shutdown22:02
ubottuboun, please see my private message22:02
=== globular is now known as globbee
liminaliwconfig didn't show anything out of the ordianbry22:02
liminalordinary, apart from the card isnt seeing any wifi22:02
Out_Coldliminal: sudo shutdown now22:02
ibuclawliminal, restart network card?22:02
Out_Coldor sudo shutdown -h -t now22:03
Out_Coldor sudo shutdown -h -t 022:03
Inde147Alright, if so could walk me through this it would be AWESOME.22:03
ibuclawliminal, I'd use:  sudo service networking restart22:03
whomeesudo telinit 022:03
liminalbut it could without any problem before i reinstalled my grpahiuc card drivers22:03
wise_cryptliminal: sudo reboot22:03
Inde147I have a CDROM in drive E of my computer, which currently runs Win9822:03
liminaland played in the grub22:03
Inde147The Win98 is glitchy as a ll hell22:03
globbeehold down the power button till it stops22:03
Inde147So I'm trying to install Ubuntu off a CDROM22:03
Inde147I told it to boot from  CDROM in Bios, which did not work22:04
ibuclawInde147, drive E ? :s22:04
Inde147ibuclaw: Allegedly22:04
Inde147ibuclaw: what should it be? :(22:04
Out_Coldgood bye cruel world............22:05
Out_Coldhaha j/k22:05
ibuclawInde147, oh, you are talking about Windows drives ... confused me for a moment. :)22:05
openboxuserhow do you access the trash in u-light?22:05
xanguaInde147: how much ram does it has¿22:05
Inde147ibuclaw: yea, sorry22:05
guntbertopenboxuser: what is u-light?22:05
Inde147xangua: I don't know, how can I find out? :(22:05
openboxuserits a openbox version of ubuntu22:05
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:06
Inde147xangua: I can boot in windows if you need me to, it *might* work22:06
xanguawell it's yours Inde147...22:06
ibuclawInde147, how did you burn the CD?22:06
Inde147I used my mac22:06
Inde147Used the program Burn22:06
Inde147Put it in Data22:06
Inde147burned it using Joliet style22:06
IdleOneInde147: hold down the C key with the cd in the drive and reboot22:06
ibuclawInde147, so if you open the CD for reading, do you see a bunch of files ?22:07
liminaljust restarted the box again22:07
liminalnow its working22:07
liminalwerid werid werid22:07
ibuclawliminal, you mean weird. :)22:07
IdleOnewerid indeed22:07
guntbert!enter | Inde14722:07
ubottuInde147: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:07
wise_cryptliminal: say thank you22:07
hasenjhi, I upgraded to lucid beta 222:07
hasenjand now I can't run postgres 8.322:07
IdleOnehasen Please /join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.22:07
freezwayjs: "i wonder..."22:07
Andy-at-homeanyone in here run a non steam game server?22:07
Inde147ubottu: Sorry!22:07
hasenjIdleOne: ok22:08
liminalthank you for what?22:08
IdleOne!ot | Andy-at-home22:08
ubottuAndy-at-home: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:08
liminalmy system is more fecked than ever22:08
Inde147IdleOne: I tried it, didn't do anything differently:(22:08
IdleOneInde147: you selected Burn ISO image when burning?22:08
Inde147ibuclaw: I havn't opened it for running, should I try in Windows? I've been trying to boot from it.22:08
globbeethose little tips help ubottu , thx, I'm new here22:09
Inde147IdleOne: There wasn't an option, so I assumed it did, maybe not?22:09
wise_crypt!language | liminal22:09
ubottuliminal: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:09
IdleOneInde147: maybe not22:09
ibuclawInde147, I'd check the contents of the CD first22:09
raflhi there. i've wrote a couple of patches for the linux kernel to fix the issues #418282 and #512192 and put them in the elantech_fw41 branch at git://github.com/rafl/linux-2.6.git - however, i don't particularly feel like creating a launchpad account to comment on the issue and getting others to test it. it'd be appreciated if one of you guys, who presumably already have an account, would add that repo url to the tickets.22:09
Inde147ibuclaw: Alright....22:09
ibuclawInde147, just name a few files/folders that you see22:10
Inde147ibuclaw: The file is called "ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso. It does not open. Does that mean I did it wrong?22:11
ibuclawInde147, that is on the CD?22:11
h00kInde147: you'll need to burn that image to a CD22:11
guntbertrafl: thats not really on topic here - and anyway.... an ubuntu developper without a LP account -- ??22:11
hdonhi all. where is the source code repository for this project? https://launchpad.net/game22:11
ibuclawInde147, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto22:11
Inde147h00k: I'm looking at it from the cd22:11
raflguntbert: oh, i'm sorry. is there another place i should be asking this?22:11
ibuclawInde147, then as far as I can tell, you did it wrong. =)22:11
Inde147ibuclaw: tried it, I'm on a school computer and DiskUtility is locked22:12
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Inde147So I run Brun22:12
h00kInde147: that means that you didn't burn the CD properly, then :(22:12
raflguntbert: also, i'm not an ubuntu developer. just fixed that kernel issue for me and LP was the only place where i've seen other people with similar issues discussing it22:12
kane77hey, I'm looking for timer that can be used to do the (10+2)*5 procrastination hack.. is there anything?22:12
Inde147h00k: alright, thanks for the info, I'll try again :(22:12
guntbertrafl: create an account and submit the patch yourself22:12
=== zac is now known as Guest58633
jzacshhello, anyone know a linux version of this page? (i tried changing permissions to 755 and deleting files -- no luck)   http://kb.mozillazine.org/Could_not_initialize_the_browser_security_component22:12
h00kInde147: message ubottu !iso and there are nice instructions there22:12
erUSULrafl: #ubuntu-devel ?22:12
Inde147h00k: I have no idea how to do that- Is that an irc thing? :(22:13
h00k!iso > Inde14722:13
ubottuInde147, please see my private message22:13
h00kInde147: there you are22:13
Inde147ubottu: oh, I see now, sorry22:13
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:13
zertuhow to install kde on ubuntu ?22:13
raflerUSUL: ta22:14
sebsebsebzertu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop22:14
xanguazertu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop22:14
ibuclawh00k, that info is useful for burning in Linux iirc.22:14
IdleOneibuclaw: there are also links to windows tools iirc22:14
ibuclawI usually refer people to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto22:14
zertui don't  have kubuntu22:14
LinuxGuy2009I need to find out what file on the live cd contains the lines like "file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper iso-scan/filename=/iso/jaunty.iso quiet splash --" that the live session, and install only, menu selections use for booting. I need to be able to read them for a project I am working on for the community.22:14
zertuon my ubuntu ?22:14
zertuhow to install kde on ubuntu karmic 9.10 ?22:15
xangua(16:14:07) xangua: zertu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop22:15
=== fipu|Away is now known as fipu
IdleOnezertu: like the way you were told up there22:15
rodoxI have ubuntu 9.04 and need upgrade to 9.10 with cd image from ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso. It's possible or I need download the "alternate"22:15
Spilakhi my brother22:15
IdleOne!upgrade | rodox22:16
wise_crypt!info kde-desktop22:16
ubotturodox: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading22:16
ubottuPackage kde-desktop does not exist in karmic22:16
guntbertrodox: CD only upgrades require the alternate CD22:16
ibuclawLinuxGuy2009, isolinux.cfg22:16
wise_crypt!info kubuntu-desktop22:16
ubottukubuntu-desktop (source: kubuntu-meta): Kubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.154 (karmic), package size 23 kB, installed size 52 kB22:16
IdleOnewise_crypt: msg the bot22:17
=== Aaron5367|detach is now known as Aaron5367
ibuclawLinuxGuy2009, have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomizationFromScratch22:17
wise_cryptIdleOne: sory22:17
c3lis it possible to install linux completely over a network? so that I dont have to use any physical installation medium, other than the server im getting the files from22:17
LinuxGuy2009ibuclaw: http://pastebin.org/17402422:17
ibuclawLinuxGuy2009, invaluable information if you are making a remix22:17
h00k!pxe | c3l22:17
LinuxGuy2009ibuclaw: Opened it with gedit and it doesnt have that line22:17
LinuxGuy2009ibuclaw: ok ill check that out22:17
Inde147h00k: Alright, this time I mounted the ISO22:17
h00k!netinstall | c3l22:18
ubottuc3l: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate22:18
c3lh00k, ty =)22:18
zertuwell i run sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop22:18
ibuclawLinuxGuy2009, having a look at that pastebin: include menu.cfg <-- have a look at that file22:18
zertunow it ask to choose between kdm or xdm ?22:18
zertuwhich on e i have to choose ?22:18
LinuxGuy2009ibuclaw: ok22:18
=== islington_ is now known as islington
rodoxguntbert: Don't I can make a local repository and download from the net?22:19
zertuwhat is the difference ?22:19
zertubetween kdm and xdm ?22:19
wise_crypt!who | IdleOne22:19
IdleOnezertu: one will start kubuntu and the other xubuntu22:19
ubottuIdleOne: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:19
IdleOnewise_crypt: :P I know22:19
rodoxIdleOne: I burn wrong image... and now?22:20
guntbertrodox: that is possible too (look for apt-mirror) but we are talking about a *lot* of space here22:20
xanguaIdleOne: no, it won't > one will start kubuntu and the other xubuntu22:20
IdleOnerodox: download and burn correct image22:20
IdleOnexangua: ?22:20
zertuwhichone is good ?22:20
zertuxubuntu or kubuntu ?22:21
wise_cryptall: bye all need some sleep now !!22:21
IdleOnezertu: hold on a  minute please22:21
IdleOnexangua: what did you mean?22:21
rodoxIdleOne: my boss don't like this...22:21
adacis it possible to execute a script when a certain usb stick/hd is mounted?22:22
linxehadac: I dont see why not, but without a bit of research I cant say how22:23
betapiis it possible to put a windows xp cd onto a usb from ubuntu?22:23
IdleOnezertu: you want to select kdm22:23
xanguabetapi: ¿¿22:24
guntbertbetapi: and boot from that? not as far as I know22:24
IdleOnexangua: please explain your comment ?22:24
Oeradac yes http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=90452222:24
zertutell me how much disk capacity it takes ?22:24
zertuon the disk to install kde ?22:25
adacOer, linxeh k thx!22:25
linxehbetapi: you can iirc, but it isnt point and click22:25
xanguaIdleOne: you said xdm will start xfce and kde will start kde; it doesn't matter what he chosses, he can select what desktop session start from any22:25
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linxehbetapi: http://articles.techrepublic.com.com/5100-22_11-5928902.html covers what is involved, but you'll have to figure out the commands yourself22:25
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IdleOnexangua: so I was not wrong but wasn't right either22:26
zertutell me how much disk capacity it takes to install kde ?22:26
U-b-u-n-t-uI installed/upgraded to the new 10.04 as an ungrade and it stalls on the ubuntu load screen I assume there was a grub error suggestions?22:26
linxehbetapi: you'll have to modify it to run the installer though etc22:26
linxehbetapi: http://www.downloadsquad.com/2009/08/27/make-a-bootable-usb-installer-for-windows-xp-vista-7-with-wint/ etc too22:27
Inde147Alright, I have a viable ISO file, mounted, and I can see files!22:27
betapiright.  probably just easier to buy an external cd drive22:27
ibuclawInde147, try booting it then =)22:27
zertuanyone here ?22:27
xangua!lucid > U-b-u-n-t-u22:27
ubottuU-b-u-n-t-u, please see my private message22:27
zertutell me how much disk capacity it takes to install kde ?22:27
IdleOne!info kubuntu-desktop > zertu22:27
bastid_raZorzertu: about 400MB or so..22:28
zertumy disk is full22:28
zertuhow to remove package22:28
linux_is_my_herosomeone remind me again where the list of games is on the ubuntu site please :-)22:28
zertuif i run this22:28
zertu~$ sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.22:28
IdleOne!games > linux_is_my_hero22:28
ubottulinux_is_my_hero, please see my private message22:28
zertuwhat to do ?22:28
IdleOnezertu: sudo dpkg --configure -a22:28
ibuclawIdleOne, no, I think you were just plain wrong IMO... The DM is just a graphical frontend for a login. It is capable of loading any sort of session (from openbox and xmonad to gnome and kde).22:29
linux_is_my_heroIdleOne: thanks! ;-)22:29
Switch10zertu: sudo apt-get purge <package>22:29
Teknical!games > Teknical22:29
ubottuTeknical, please see my private message22:29
IdleOneibuclaw: ok. thank you for the clarification :)22:29
Inde147I have only 160 mb RAM- what version of Linux should I get?22:29
xanguaInde147: xubuntu mayde¿¿ lubuntu is still beta22:29
zertunothing work22:30
Switch10Inde147: xubuntu or lubuntu22:30
Inde147xangua: thank you22:30
zertuE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.22:30
zertudpkg: failed to write status record about `amarok-utils' to `/var/lib/dpkg/status': No space left on device22:30
ibuclawIdleOne, also, I suggest you have a look at xdm before you suggest it, it is very baroque. (and ugly). Hence Xubuntu uses GDM.22:30
limenI have a problem with playing a DVD-movie. The movie is a Frinds DVD. I've installed all possible codecs but aren't able to play the DVD. It's stuffed with *.exe crap wich expect is the root to the problem. Anyone got any ideas?22:30
linux_is_my_heroInde147: what kind of computer do you have?22:30
gebUKfinally on wifi22:30
zertufor 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' dpkg: failed to write status record about `amarok-utils' to `/var/lib/dpkg/status': No space left on device22:31
IdleOneibuclaw: I suggested kdm as it was one of the choices presented to me22:31
zertuwhat i have to do ?22:31
Inde147linux_is_my_hero: CyrixInstead22:31
ibuclawIdleOne, two better light alternatives are LXDM (not quite finished) and SLiM (not very good PAM support) - but each have their own issues (as noted).22:31
linux_is_my_heroInde147: do you have any slots for more dimms?22:31
Inde147linux_is_my_hero: I... don't know?22:31
Inde147linux_is_my_hero: link to an info page please?22:32
linux_is_my_heroInde147: i can find out for you, hold on22:32
Lumee1i'm trying to do: "nc -l -p 6666 -u" on lucid and it doesn't work, I think netcast is broken. Can anybody check if this command works on karmic?22:33
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ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule22:33
zertufor 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' dpkg: failed to write status record about `amarok-utils' to `/var/lib/dpkg/status': No space left on device22:33
zertufor 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' dpkg: failed to write status record about `amarok-utils' to `/var/lib/dpkg/status': No space left on device22:33
FloodBot2zertu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:33
IdleOne!language > mentok22:34
ubottumentok, please see my private message22:34
h00kLumee1: -l isn't a valid flag for netcat. Check your syntax22:34
mentokmy apologies.22:34
=== PyroFX1 is now known as pyrofx
Lumee1h00k: -l is for listen, create a server22:34
h00kLumee1: oh, there it is.22:34
zertuthere is no pv22:34
=== pyrofx is now known as PyroFX
ibuclawzertu, "No space left on device" that be your answer22:37
bastid_raZorzertu: just a guess by you may need to delete all the packages you downloaded -- /var/cache/apt/archives/ -- then run the command to let apt-get know it has space but nothing to install.22:38
zertuyes my question is how to install kde22:38
U-b-u-n-t-uanyone know what this could mean unit: uread-other main process (597) terminted with status 422:38
bastid_raZorzertu: if you don't have the available space then you either do a fresh install of kubuntu or you don't.22:39
liminalI think im having problems with my xserver22:39
ibuclawliminal, what can you see?22:39
bastid_raZorU-b-u-n-t-u: for 10.04/lucid discussion/support you should /join #ubuntu+122:39
DaijoubuIs there anyone who uploads HD movies on Youtube? I can't get any movie to be accepted on youtube when using libx264 codec :(22:39
linux_is_my_heroInde147: sorry to inform u that even the ubuntu netbook remix requires 512mb of ram22:39
liminali see applications crashing all over the place.22:39
zertui got two partition22:39
liminalfor no real reason22:39
cjay554Daijoubu, is ur video under 10 mins? i use openshot to convert to HD youtube22:40
zertufirst one is where i got the system installation22:40
Inde147linux_is_my_hero: I'm downloading Lunbutu22:40
U-b-u-n-t-ubastid_raZor, I assume this could be a question for ANY dist22:40
zertui want to install kde  on the 2 partition which is free22:40
ibuclawliminal, try running one of the applications from a terminal22:40
zertuhow to do ?22:40
bastid_raZorU-b-u-n-t-u: but you're on 10.04 which means that is where you should be asking.22:40
linux_is_my_heroi just looked at ubuntu netbook remix and i like the gui better than gnome so im considering trying it...:-)22:40
edbianI'm looking for a screensaver that is more functional.  I'd like one that shows the current weather, the time, a calendar, maybe a world map.  Is there one out there?22:40
Daijoubucjay554 i'm using exactly the same program and i'm testing with very short video and youtube fails to conver it :( is it ok to PM you ?22:40
ibuclawliminal, also, open your Home directory, and press Ctrl+H . Then look for a .xsession-errors file22:40
U-b-u-n-t-ubastid_raZor, if the question applies to any dist then its not a 10.04 specific question22:40
shashikehey guys!!!!22:41
Inde147linux_is_my_hero: Lubuntu claims to be able to run on 128 mb RAM22:41
zertui want to install kde  on the 2 partition which is free22:41
zertuhow to do ?22:41
imanchey shashike!!!!!\22:41
PyroFXhey everybody22:41
h00kDaijoubu: perhaps check youtube's agreements on what they accept for codecs22:41
IdleOnezertu: burn a cd and install to that partition22:41
bastid_raZorzertu: burn a kubuntu install disk and install.. but you'll need room to download the install cd as well.22:41
shashikei know ubuntu 10.04 is just around the corner.. i was just wandering what to install 32bit vs 64 bit?? i have a 64bit system btw22:41
zertui want to do like this22:42
zertuapt-get install kde22:42
IdleOnezertu: you can't22:42
cjay554Daijoubu, go ahead pm me22:42
ibuclawzertu, you ask for too much.22:42
Daijoubuh00k they recommend h264 codec with mp3 audio and that's exactly what i'm doing with mp4 file :/22:42
zertuapt-get install kde on the path22:42
zertuis that possible ?22:42
IdleOneno it isn't22:42
ibuclawzertu, yes and no ...22:42
=== yukiseaside is now known as yukisealive
zertulol ibuclaw here the only to do is to ask22:42
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liminalhere is my xessions errors22:42
zertuyou told me to do not to ask ?22:43
limen_I can't play a DVD (Friends) in Ubuntu (10.04). I've downloaded all possible codecs but nothing helps. The errorcode from Totem is "Kunde inte öppna platsen; du kanske inte har rättighet att öppna filen." - In english = "Could not open location. You may have insufficent rights to open the file" (sorry for my crappy english :) )22:43
liminalseems to show its not a happy bunny22:43
h00kDaijoubu: We really aren't able to help with Youtube problems, you're probably going to have to contact them22:43
zertuibuclaw: uc22:43
=== kaiestse is now known as skjackeytse
xangua!lucid > limen_22:43
ubottulimen_, please see my private message22:43
=== skjackeytse is now known as skjackey_tse
exigraffDaijoubu: though you can run ffmpeg -i vid.mp4 to verify that you're actually encoding properly22:43
ibuclawzertu, yes, but you don't strike me as someone who is familiar with chroot and installing a system from ground up using a debootstrap ... so no.22:43
=== skjackey_tse is now known as firejackey
IdleOneibuclaw: :) thank you22:43
Daijoubuh00k, i know but after 5 days of trying to make things work spamming here is my only option sorry :)22:43
zertuyes i can do22:43
Daijoubuexigraff, i need to edit my clips and thats impossible with command line :(22:44
ibuclawzertu, *who is NOT familiar with chroot or debootstrap22:44
shashike32 bit vs 64bit?? what do you guys recommend?22:44
zertugive me just some key for that22:44
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zertusure i can to do22:44
=== sjackey_tse is now known as firejacky
zaxonspoxshashike acording to RAM nad CPU(64bit)22:44
exigraffDaijoubu: not the point. running that will tell you exactly what the file consists of - this is just to verify that the end-product is encoded properly.22:44
IdleOneDaijoubu: take a look at OpenShot22:44
=== firejacky is now known as yukiseaside
zaxonspoxIdleOne OpenShot Video Editor?22:45
IdleOnezaxonspox: yes, as for his codec issue that I don't know22:45
zertucome on22:45
shashikei have a 64bit processor and 4GB ram..  should i install 64 bit on it???22:45
liminalibuclaw does the xsessions-errors file reveal anything?22:45
linxehelse you wont be using all of your ram22:45
zaxonspoxshashike, yes, 6422:46
linxeh(unless you use PAE or something and suffer the performance hit)22:46
zertunot shashike22:46
zertunot necessary you can install both22:46
DaijoubuIdleOne I'm using OpenShot :(22:46
shashikebut i heard horror stories about 64bit, about flash not working and all that..  will that be fixed in ubuntu 10.04??22:46
zaxonspoxIdleOne OSVE has ability like MS Paint22:46
limen_I can't play a DVD (Friends) in Ubuntu (10.04). I've downloaded all possible codecs but nothing helps. The errorcode from Totem is "Kunde inte öppna platsen; du kanske inte har rättighet att öppna filen." - In english = "Could not open location. You may have insufficent rights to open the file" (sorry for my crappy english :) )22:47
zaxonspoxshashike, yest, it is true, but, do you want to have all 4GB of RAM, or less?22:47
IdleOnezaxonspox: then join the project and help make it better22:47
ibuclawliminal, nothing too much out of the ordinary worth noting there. What application keeps on crashing ?22:48
Daijoubuexigraff well cjay554 is telling me that everything works for him and he's using Ubuntu 9.10  and i'm using Lucid RC, is it possible that the libs for Lucid are bad or something? Should i ask in Lucid channel ?22:48
shashikebut i get all 4Gb ram on 32bit too22:48
zaxonspoxIdleOne i was wondering about that, but i said no. I did only a description of program and his ability as a colleg work for HCI22:48
littledanishashike is not that bad, some issues with flash yes, but in general it works pretty well.22:48
TheowningHmm, I really messed up my boot and dont really know where to go from here. Using grub2 was working fine until I uninstalled splashy and now it's pulling errors all the time saying "return: 24: Illegal number:". Could the lack of splashy be causing this?22:49
Jordan_Ulimen_: How are you trying to open the DVD in totem?22:49
ibuclawzertu, would probably take me more than an hour to walk through procedure, but I figured it out with this as a guidance https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/hppa/linux-upgrade.html22:49
exigraffDaijoubu: if you like. have you tried #openshot?22:49
shashikehave u guys used ubuntu 10.04 yet??22:49
littledaninot yet22:49
Daijoubuexigraff, yep waiting for 5h now and no one sayd anything22:49
liminalibuclaw all of them22:49
IdleOneshashike: Please /join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.22:49
ibuclawzertu, there are a few extra things you may need to do - and a few steps you will need to do differently.22:49
liminalsometimes the whole OS22:50
ibuclawzertu, IMO - it is much simpler just to install from LiveCD22:50
ibuclawliminal, is this predicable, or random crashes?22:50
zertui can't access to my server physically22:50
ibuclawliminal, can you name one that crashes the most frequent?22:50
zertuthat's why i say that one i can't do22:50
liminalubuntu software server22:51
FloodBot2liminal: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:51
limen_Jordan_U, how many ways are there ? Ive tried "open" and selected the .vob-file. Ive tried "play disc"22:51
jahnkeanaterhow do i update to ubuntu 9.1022:52
ibuclawliminal, ok then can you open a terminal then ( Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal ) and type in:  firefox22:52
Jordan_U!upgrade | jahnkeanater22:52
ubottujahnkeanater: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading22:52
jahnkeanaterok thanks22:52
exigraffDaijoubu: keep waiting, 5hrs isn't long. also see the support options at http://openshotvideo.com/22:53
ibuclawliminal, pressing enter will launch firefox. Then wait for it to crash, and then copy + paste any output in the terminal to a pastebin.22:53
jahnkeanaterlol oops can i get that url again :)22:53
IdleOnejahnkeanater: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes22:54
lucidaHi, How can I know the type of my touchpad?22:54
IdleOnejahnkeanater: and http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading22:54
Jordan_Ulimen_: Can you play other DVD's? can you copy one of the files from the dvd to your hard drive without any errors?22:54
brodieis it possible to rebind menu hotkeys in gtk apps?22:55
jahnkeanatermy update manager doesn't say there is a new distribution22:56
=== zac_ is now known as Purpley
liminalim trying to install the flash player plugin for firefox with an APT - but it doesnt work, it asks me for an application to install it with22:57
limen_Jordan_U, Tried to copy the .vob-file and recieved an error: "Fel vid splice av fil: In/ut-fel". Hard to translate to english but something like: "error during splice of file: in/out-error"22:57
liminalwhat am i doing wrong?22:57
xanguajahnkeanater: what version are you using¿22:57
xangualiminal: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras ; will install flash, codecs, fonts, etc22:57
xanguajahnkeanater: and to what version do you want to upgrade¿22:58
xanguafor lucid you will hace to wait one more week jahnkeanater22:58
Jordan_Ulimen_: Ok, I think you're running into a new form of copy protection I encounterd recently, (or you just have a scratched disk). Can you pastebin the output of "dmesg"?22:58
jahnkeanaterthen it will show up in the update manager22:58
Scuniziwhen I run "route" in cli I get a 2 line result.. the first is "Destination" and shows the mask of w/ flag of "u" .. The second is "Destination = default, gateway, Genmask of, flags= UG" ... is this normal or should there only be one line with my gateway address?22:58
xanguajahnkeanater: yes22:58
dark-masteralguin save como puedo instalar programas k el synaptic no reconoce los programas22:58
liminalwhenever I try to install anything using apt-get I fet the following output back22:59
liminalSegmentation faulty tree... 0%22:59
liminalis this correct?22:59
dark-masteralguin save como puedo instalar programas k el synaptic no reconoce los programas22:59
dark-masteralguin save como puedo instalar programas k el synaptic no reconoce los programas22:59
Scuniziliminal: try sudo apt-get update .. then try installing again.22:59
xangua!es > dark-master22:59
ubottudark-master, please see my private message22:59
Scunizi!es | dark-master22:59
ubottudark-master: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:59
dark-mastervale ubottu23:00
Crshmandoes anyone know what the name of the package that provides command hints? When I type in a command that doesn't exist the console spits back some recommendations23:01
=== derp is now known as Cream
Jordan_UCrshman: command-not-found23:02
CrshmanJordan_U: thanks!23:02
Jordan_UCrshman: You're welcome.23:02
NLAKSHMIhi folks, I am tyring to capture moon light stream to a file23:04
NLAKSHMIany idea how to capture23:04
NLAKSHMImoonlight stream so I can put that inside of23:05
NLAKSHMIthe MythTV23:05
NLAKSHMIanyone using moonlight ?23:05
NLAKSHMIaka mono23:05
nmhisto, i just wanted to know how to get my laptop connected to my wifi network, can someone help23:06
Oeri never succeed in capturing moonlight silverlight streams NLAKSHMI23:06
NLAKSHMIhisto. can u give more info23:06
limen_Jordan_U, http://paste.ubuntu.com/421892/ :)23:06
nmsure, its a sony vaio laptop, my wifi network has been set up23:07
nmwell, lemme tell ya what i did so far23:07
xanguanm: he means the wifi card, not the pc brand23:07
verb3kNLAKSHMI, you can do high-quality screencast of the stream23:07
nmits atheros23:07
liminalxangua I installed the restricted extras, firefox is still staying I need flash?23:08
NLAKSHMInot very high quality23:08
NLAKSHMIbut its resonable23:08
Jordan_Ulimen_: There is currently no Free tool specifically designed to thwart this copy protection. But, and I found no other source on the internet that suggests this and was amazed that it actually worked when I tried it, gnu ddrescue can get past it by using techneques for reading from damaged media.23:08
xangualiminal: did you restarted firefox¿23:08
verb3kNLAKSHMI, with audio too  http://verb3k.wordpress.com/2010/01/26/how-to-do-proper-screencasts-on-linux/23:08
xanguanm: check if drivers are aviable in system> administracion> hardware drives23:08
xangualiminal: using 64 bits OS¿23:09
liminalhell no23:09
liminal32 bit causes me problem enough23:09
nm"no proprietary drivers are in use on this system"23:09
linux_is_my_herohow do i get invited to #hardware?23:10
NLAKSHMIverb3k, I am trying to capture stream to store23:11
xangualinux_is_my_hero: you need to be registered i believe23:11
NLAKSHMInot do my own screen cast23:11
xangualiminal: then what's the problem with flash¿23:11
Jordan_Ulimen_: It takes a very long time, but to get an iso that works run "sudo ddrescue /dev/cdrom Videos/friends.iso friends_ddrescue.log"23:11
xanguanm: are there aviable drivers¿23:11
liminalxamgia its not there23:11
harjothow do i create an adhooc network in 8.04?23:12
liminalwhen I go to a site that needs it, it asks me to install it23:12
nmxangua, it says no proprietary drivers are in use on this system23:12
IMoMhow do I swap the X movement on mu touchscreen?  the forums don't help muxh23:12
xangualiminal: maybe you installed another plugin: gnash, swfdec ¿¿23:12
liminalnothing is showing23:12
liminalive heard the latest dev release of chrome supports flash23:14
zaxonspoxliminal did you installed Flash from apt or from adobe website?23:14
liminalnot sure how to install it though23:14
nmi guess i'll bb another day...really gotta sleep now23:14
liminalzaxonspox no - i tried, but apt installation didnt work23:14
bastid_raZorharjot: http://tinyurl.com/33dzeol23:14
nmthx for the help23:14
bastid_raZorharjot: and also check http://tinyurl.com/5kgx6l23:14
harjotbastid_raZor: ok23:15
zaxonspoxliminal download Flash tar.gz package from adobe website, unpack it, then type in terminal sudo mv libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins23:15
IMoMdoes no one use a touchscreen?23:15
Typos_KingIMoM:   not I :{23:16
harjotbastid_raZor: im trying to 'create' an adhoc network, im actually on kubuntu23:16
linux_is_my_heroIMoM: I have a tablet pc23:16
linux_is_my_heroIMoM: and i would ove to make it work as a tablet but right now its just a really fast laptop23:16
IMoMhave you had the problem of X ot Y reversed?23:17
bastid_raZorharjot: the command line commands are the same for kubuntu as for ubuntu23:17
Typos_Kingliminal:  http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/productinfo/instructions/#section-323:17
linux_is_my_heroIMoM: I havent screwed with the tablet functionality yet, sorry :-(23:17
limen_Jordan_U, could I use the dd_rescue from synaptic?23:17
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liminalwhy doesnt the apt installation work23:18
harjotbastid_raZor: ok im trying the firestarter one23:18
liminalI have ubuntu 9.1023:18
liminalit should be compatible23:18
Jordan_Ulimen_: Install the "gddrescue" package, it's better than dd_rescue.23:18
liminalsorry API23:18
Typos_Kingharjot:   IIRC knetworkmanager has that in its setting when setting up a network, it has a dropdown list and Ad-hoc is in the choices23:19
liminalno sorry APT23:19
Jordan_Ulimen_: dd_rescue won't help at all in this instance.23:19
zaxonspoxliminal did you tried version tar.gz from adobe website23:19
liminalwhy does it ask me to choose an application23:19
harjotTypos_King: im on hardy 8.0423:19
harjotTypos_King: so it doesnt23:19
chancesmithhey guys need some help with a wifi card23:20
Scunizinmblookup -M23:20
Typos_Kingharjot:   maybe you're not looking at all :{, I've seen it, I believe in 7.1 as well23:20
MindSparkhi, I need to install java on 9.0423:20
Typos_Kingliminal:    <zaxonspox> liminal download Flash tar.gz package from adobe website, unpack it, then type in terminal sudo mv libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins23:20
MindSparksome instructions say I have to install sun-java6-bin, but the apt doesn't seem to find that package23:21
harjotTypos_King: ive looked in knetworkwmanger23:21
liminali dont think I have a problem just wish flash.23:21
harjotTypos_King: ther is no create option23:21
liminali mean if i installed the restricted extras.. why isnt it showing already?23:22
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Typos_Kingharjot:   ... look where?   is not as conspicous IIRC, is not like an option right on the right-click menu, you have to 'make a new connection or network' and from there do a manual setup, tell what type, and somewhere in the choices it has it, I don't use knetworkmanager, though I'm on kubuntu too :P23:22
harjotTypos_King: IIRC is another network manager?23:23
Typos_Kingharjot:   IIRC if I recall correctly ^_^23:23
limen_Jordan_U, thx - the dd_rescue didn't help at all :) trying the gddrescue as we speak - sure making alot of noise - but no errors yet :) deeply appreciate your help!23:25
wertwertgfhjreris there another way to see the cpu load besides top and htop?23:25
liminalzaxonspox ive done the tarball extract23:25
Brimstonesliminal: What version of Ubuntu ate you using ?23:25
liminalseems to now be working23:25
liminalwhich is great thanks23:25
liminalbut im still worried i have other issues23:25
liminal9.10 32bit23:25
zaxonspoxliminal what issues? with what?23:26
Typos_Kingwertwertgfhjrer:     there are several apps to show such.... many GUI ones too like 'gkrellm' -> http://www.mindlandgraphics.com/big/GkrellmSS.jpg23:27
LinuxGuy2009IdleOne: Sent you a message in offtopic.23:27
Typos_Kingwertwertgfhjrer:     it's in the repos, so :)23:27
Brimstonesliminal: Any other issues we may help with today/night =?23:27
Fivewaysliminal: you got your graphics card problem resolved?23:28
Fivewaysor whatever ewas going on23:28
liminalyes and no23:29
Brimstonesthe Cube must be the first cubicle anyone liked for a long time :P23:29
liminalive got a marathon to take part in tomorrow23:29
liminali guess it will have to wait23:29
Macerhm. has anybody here used simple-scan?23:30
Typos_Kingliminal:    FYI, chrome/opera also uses/checks ->  /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins for plugins to load, so, that'll work with your chrome version too23:30
Maceri need something for ubuntu that can scan documents into pdfs23:30
Maceris that possible?23:30
zaxonspoxliminal, marathon? running?23:30
Fivewaysliminal: i had a problem too, haha...i just reinstalled23:30
BrimstonesMacer: ps2pdf ?23:30
Fivewayshave a feeling its gonna happen again23:30
MacerBrimstones: but what would i use to scan it?23:30
BrimstonesMacer: xsane or so23:30
Macerxsane scans documents into pages?23:31
liminalno running.. just disrupting23:31
pmcclellandgod it annoys me how ubuntu keeps messing with random stuff from one release to the next23:31
Maceri was hoping to use something that can scan pages23:31
liminalokay sleep23:31
pmcclellandlike php being disabled in userdir by default23:31
BrimstonesMacer: A pdf will be split into pages automatically i think, otherwise therell be some cmd to the ps* cmd's to adjust for that.23:32
pmcclellandwhen it worked fine in the last release23:32
Typos_KingMacer:  xsane, kooka23:32
Typos_Kingyes, is a scan app23:32
Macerhave to add a repo for it?23:33
Typos_Kingnot sure if it does to pdf, but that's a minor issue once the doc is scanned23:33
Typos_KingMacer:  xsane, kooka are both old apps, newer versions will be in the repos, kooka is kde's default scan app23:33
BrimstonesMacer: xscanimage, scanimage (xsane)23:33
Jordan_Ulimen_: Funny, when I was trying to find information about getting past ARccOS protection on linux my google-foo failed me. I just tried ddrescue to see what would happen and was surprised when it actually made a working iso. But now I see that I am of course not the first person to find that ddrescue gets passed it, as there are many posts online about it. So it's very likely that it will work for your disk as well :)23:33
jm2macer: look at the ocr  programs for scanning text23:34
Macerah.. i'm running kubuntu23:34
Macermaybe it's there already23:34
BrimstonesMacer: you want to automate the scanning to pdf right ?23:34
BrimstonesMacer: k*something is a gui23:34
MacerBrimstones: yeah. i know. ;)23:35
SilverguyHello, I'm having some issues with my graphics driver on Ubuntu 10.04, I don't seem to be able to anti-alias23:35
MacerBrimstones: if i could yes23:35
Macerbut i'm not seeing kooka in kubuntu's repos23:35
Macerlet me see if i can find it and have to add a repo23:36
wertwertgfhjreris 10.04 out?23:36
zaxonspoxwertwertgfhjrer only RC123:36
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Silverguynot right now, however the BETA is the only thing that runs on my comp23:36
Silverguy9.10 throws a fit on install23:36
BrimstonesMacer: I investigated these things alot a year ago or so. I was costructing a program for talking to the USB C-PEN but it required Firmware that i dont think was distributable :( ... Hand scanner pen.23:37
BrimstonesMacer: I wanted to use it with gocr and those things23:37
Macerwell. i'm reading their site now23:37
Macermaybe i can figure something out in a little bit23:37
Macerbut i just don't want to have to install windows on the box simply for scanning docs23:38
SilverguyI'm using an ATI Radeon Mobility HD 4560 card23:38
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BrimstonesOk, ill be on... wathing a western with some Jack D though :P23:38
limen_Jordan_U, thats strange - I tried the dd_rescue and it spits out alot of "failed blocks"- Does the iso work anyway?23:38
SilverguyIt has anti-aliasing in Windows but I can't get it with the driver from Hardware drivers or the open source one23:38
Typos_KingMacer:  ... odd, I don't see it in the repos either :{23:39
MacerTypos_King: heh23:39
Maceryeah.. that is odd23:39
Jordan_UBrimstones: Broadcom wireless cards have the same problem, distros get past it by using a script that downloads the windows driver directly from broadcom's site and extracts the firmware from it.23:39
Brimstoneslimen_: Change HD if its going down.23:39
Macermaybe they don't have a kde 4.x ver of it23:39
Jordan_UBrimstones: See b43-fwcutter and its postinst.23:39
Typos_KingMacer:  that means another app does it in kde423:40
Jordan_Ulimen_: dd_rescue or ddrescue?23:40
BrimstonesJordan_U: Yeah, but its not how id like it. I could call them and demand the source though :)23:40
MacerThe latest release of Kooka is 0.44 for KDE 3.2.x: Download the source archive (tar.bz2, about 1.2MB)23:40
Macerlibkscan sources are included23:40
Macerkde 3.2.x :)23:40
Macerlet me ask in #kde23:41
Fivewaysi should try kde one day23:41
Typos_KingMacer:  http://kooka.kde.org/news/23:41
BrimstonesJordan_U: Ill get back to fixing that later, but i need more data to make it work.23:41
Jordan_UBrimstones: Just don't let it keep you from releasing a valuable piece of software :)23:41
ownerI'm new on here is there a program like fab decryter for linux ?23:41
wertwertgfhjreris the cpu load saved anywhere in a file?23:41
mewshihow do I keep my screen from going blank when the computer is idle?23:41
BrimstonesJordan_U: Naah, i like to release my software23:41
Typos_Kingowner:  to rip/encode dvds?23:42
Fivewayssame thing23:42
wertwertgfhjrermewshi, go to power management23:42
mewshiI already looked there23:42
Typos_Kingmewshi:   turn off    ... standby after so many minutes23:42
MacerTypos_King: that was from 200723:42
ownerwell to burn them to be able to play on a dvd player23:42
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Macerso i guess no scanning software for kde anymore? :)23:42
Typos_KingMacer:  it seems that Gimp can do scanning as well, so23:43
ogenPlease help me find out how to limit the burn speed in brasero.23:43
ldiamondI have setup raid 1 disks on my ICH10R, working properly on Windows7. However, on Ubuntu, the disks are not picked up as being Raid (according to dmraid). Can anyone give me a hand with that?23:43
smthi, anybody with knowledge about DSDT Tables?23:43
wertwertgfhjrermewshi, go to terminal and type gnome-power-preferences. the rest is self explaining23:43
jm2mecer: cscan2pdf ?23:43
MacerTypos_King: yeah but document scanning?23:44
Maceri doubt gimp would do the document thing :)23:44
Typos_Kingowner:    to burn them you just need a burning app, dvdfab decrypter only rips AFAIK23:44
Fivewaysyesterday, i installed the newest nvidia drivers from the site and couldnt boot to gui...followed some howtos from the forums, still didnt work23:44
BrimstonesMacer: I use GTK+ to code for both KDE and GNOME. Its just a programming language.23:44
Fivewayssomeone else told me to try installing them from the hardware drivers menu in ubuntu23:44
Fivewaysnow i get a flickering prompt...any idea what i should try next?23:44
MacerBrimstones: but i doubt that gimp would scan documents23:44
ownerwhat is AFAIK?23:44
mewshilet me rephrase the question:  I want to prevent the screen from locking after so many minutes.  How do I do this?23:45
Typos_KingMacer:  the libkscan is included, is just a matter to have a client-app call it, I gather something like digiKam and Gimp call it for scanning, thus23:45
Maceri mean it CAN .. but the documents would be images for each page.. that requires too much manual work to scan a document23:45
[JFET]owner: AFAIK = as far as i know23:45
BrimstonesMacer: It does, but uses xsane for it i think.23:45
limen_Jordan_U, is there a difference?23:45
Macerso does that mean that xsane does it on its own? :)23:45
[JFET]guys, how/where can i file an ubuntu-related openldap bug?23:45
jm2mewshi - system - preferences  - screensaver  (choose minutes to lock screen)23:46
Jordan_Ulimen_: Yes, the two are in fact almost completely unrelated except by name :)23:46
Macerlet me install it and i'll take a look at xsane23:46
Typos_Kingowner:   as far as I know, AFAIK :)23:46
Typos_King[JFET]:   I'd assume there's an openldap channel23:47
ownerok thanks that makes sense. I have a burner & but it won't let mecopy any store bought23:47
[JFET]Typos_King: I think this is about /etc/init.d script parametering23:47
[JFET] /etc/defaults/slapd to be precise23:48
Macerthat looks like it might be what i need... let me hook my other kubuntu box back up and try it out23:48
ogenI'd appreciate some help. I've looked thru all the menus myself. Please help me find out how to limit the burn speed in brasero. If there is a way?23:48
[JFET]still openldap?23:48
Maceri have a ton of bills i need to scan and shred and don't have a win box anymore other than my aspire1 netbook23:48
Macerand the only reason i kept windows on it was to make sure i could scan still :)23:48
Typos_King[JFET]:   can't say... all you can do here is ask :)23:49
limen_Jordan_U, ohh :) Downloaded the package ddrescue wich have this descriptition http://paste.ubuntu.com/421908/23:49
ogenmewshi I didnt see your initial question but I've been getting locking too.23:49
Jordan_Ulimen_: Install the package "gddrescue"23:49
barbarellaogen:when you are going to burn, click on properties, there you can change the speed23:49
ownerI know on a windows program you used to have to use decrypter then use shrink but since decrypter was bought out they say you have to buy it23:49
ogenbarbarella, click on properties where, of what, at which point in the process?23:49
ogenbarbarella, let me find a disc so I get go further.23:50
[JFET]okay. so if I specify multiple interfaces where slapd would listen (-h ldap://alpha.fqdn.tld ldap://localhost/ ldapi:/// as ubunut suggests) it won't recognise olcServerID cocnfigs and multimaster replication will be broken23:50
barbarellaogen:did you insert de cd or dvd?23:50
BrimstonesMacer: I use Gestetner printer/scanners to make PDF's of whole book-style-things and then email them to someone in one swoop! :=) / Granted you need one of those first23:51
limen_Jordan_U, I have - and is now running "sudo ddrescue /dev/cdrom Video/friends.iso friends_ddrescue.log"23:51
* Fiveways sighs23:51
ogenbarbarella, I did one last night regular speed. I am only doing cd's now. I have no disk in. Will need to get it now.. in box below here.23:51
barbarella[JFET]:netstat would say23:51
Fivewaysanyone using hardware acceleration on an nvidia card?23:51
BrimstonesFiveways: Its impolite to sigh out loud.23:51
[JFET]you were right, it is openldap side error. openldap expects its configuration like this23:52
Mr_Crowleyhow can i make ubuntu start only on console mode23:52
FivewaysBrimstones: what if its a sigh of relief? :)23:52
barbarellaogen:then go for properties and change the speed23:52
ogenbarbarella, have disk in, just aminute to decide what to burn.23:52
BrimstonesFiveways: Plus it brings you down to say it. Its better to say "Yeehaw!!!" :)23:52
ogenbarbarella, properties of What?23:52
Mr_Crowleywhat file is that ?23:52
Typos_KingMr_Crowley:    use the 'recovery mode' entry from grub :)23:52
FivewaysBrimstones: ive been having the same problem for 2 days now23:52
limen_Jordan_U, http://paste.ubuntu.com/421912/ (Ilove pastebin :) )23:52
BrimstonesFiveways: You on lucid ?23:52
Fivewaysno, im on karmic23:53
barbarellaogen:why don't you try gnomebaker23:53
Fivewaysevery time i try to install these nvidia drivers (even the ones recommended in the hardware drivers) i have issues23:53
BrimstonesFiveways: A problem with the latest updates ? Cant run OpenGL apps on my lucid23:53
alketIs there anyway to keep evolution open after close (in notification tray)23:54
Jordan_Ulimen_: The problem, if I understand it correctly, is that the DVD has been made so that some blocks have an incorrect crc, which makes it seem to the OS like the read has failed because the crc of the date doesn't match the crc stored on the DVD.23:55
BrimstonesFiveways: It keeps telling me that nvidia96 blah blah activated something. Removing it and then adding it again (act/deactivate) doesnt help.23:55
barbarellaalket:alltray maybe?23:56
Jordan_Ulimen_: Normally the OS skips the entire block when it encounters this, and this is what ddrescue will do on its first pass.23:56
Fivewaysi guess i just wont be using hardware acceleration23:56
BrimstonesMy girlfriend wants to play Plants VS Zombies but that wont run good wo OpenGL / Accel.23:56
Fivewaysthis is why i stopped using osx on my other pc23:56
alketbarbarella: No, Im in lucid, when I close empathy or gwiiber it stays open but not evolution23:56
BrimstonesFiveways: It would be nice if those nvidias/atis would release their source (One fits both im sure)23:57
tomatoes7when is lucid netbook remix being released?23:57
Fivewayseverything was working except graphics acceleration23:57
ogenbarbarella, Now I have bracero open - a blank disk in and - the files to burn chosen. I'm ready for instructions. (smile. thanks.)23:57
zleaptomatoes7, i guess april 29th,  you could download the beta 223:57
popoI just installed a new theme with theme installer. It's not in preferences > appearance. Where the heck is it?23:57
barbarellaalket:then try apt-get install mail-notification23:57
wertwertgfhjrerMr_Crowley, sudo nano /etc/default/grub and change GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="" to text, then update-grub and restart23:58
alketbarbarella: Is it for evolution ?23:58
limen_Jordan_U, Doesn't really know what crc is but a quick google tells me it's some kind of cecksum. So the author of the DVD have invented a copy-protection based on giving bad checksums?23:58
barbarellaalket:mail default23:58
ogenbarbarella, are you telling me that it cannot be done in Bracero?23:59
BrimstonesFiveways: I bet its a US or English product, duplicated and sent to Taiwan and Japan for further enhancements/worsifications and duplications. And they in turn could be told to never ever be allowed to release the sources that are initially the same code.23:59
timClicksis there an apt-remove-respository command?23:59
ogenbarbarella, are you telling me that it cannot be done in Bracero?  (when you suggest gnomebaker - which I never heard of, assume it is another burning program. )23:59

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